#ofc you can't help but compare even though these two are separate from each other
lovereturns · 1 year
i have… a lot to say about the miraculous movie but idek if it’s warranted bc it’s not like the show is good anyways JFHFJSKSK
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oh-theatre · 5 years
You Can't Force A Fairytale (Chapter 1)
Chapter title: Into The Unknown
A/n:  aaaaAAAAAA me starting another series?? but ofc!! I'm actually so excited because um yes! Also, this seems so confusing I'm sorry!! I'm trying AAAAAA!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, please please leave me comments!! Also!! Objection! is still going and will still be updated regularly (probs more than this tbh) I just really wanted to get this out 
also if this is confusing i understand, so please tell me and ill try and clear it out!
words: 2064
summary: Virgil is suddenly thrown into this magical world of kingdoms and royalty. Coming from the modern world into this fairytale land isn’t easy but he meets some eccentric people. He has to collect 3 amulets from three princes to return home. The loveable Prince Logan, the radiant Prince Roman, and the passionate Prince Patton. Of course, all fairytale have dark and evil just wafting through… It definitely isn’t what Virgil expected to get up to during his winter break…if it even was winter here
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, eventual demus, eventual remile (These might change but for now im love them)
warnings: bow and arrow, violence, injuries, magic, swearing
Ao3 Link  
“Come on!” Patton squeals as his horse simply races faster. He takes a step stabilizing himself as he takes upon the holster. He looks behind him, steadying his bow as his eyes make contact with one of the king's men. He aims a little lower, firing away instantly grabbing the reins of his horse. He smiles giddy allowing himself to take a right turn into the forest, disappearing in the ember trees ablaze with a fiery passion.
“You're going to get caught one day” Logan chides helping Patton down from his steed, Patton laughs falling comfortably into his arms, his boots landing on the rough terrain. “Pat, it's not funny!”
“No, it’s not” Patton pouts, hardly keeping his giggles under control. “I’m sorry, it's just ah! The excitement!” Patton keeps a hold on Logan’s hand, their gloves keeping them apart. The rustle of leaves alerting them as they reseat themselves upon Nork. “My liege” Patton teases, Logan flicks him gently wrapping his arms around Patton's waist. A shivered tickle runs down Patton, Logan lays his head on the prince’s shoulder.
“Ready” Logan tightens his grip, nervous even though he'd been on the horse a million times, Patton allows his face to dust a light pink.
“Giddyup!” He taps the reins lightly, and off they go. “Try and come after us now...your highness” He mocks sweetly, Logan laughs simply deepening his hold.
“Ow, my head” Virgil groans sitting up, his body feeling heavier than it had. His clutches the ground around him seizing as the grass tickles his fingers carefully. “What the…” He watches the world around him, realizing the snow had disappeared and the roof keeping him safe to play games all day was gone. Panic set in but he allows it to be surface level, don’t let it dig through you...don’t let it.
“Are you alright?” Virgil didn’t mean to jump but the voice had felt embodied. Like if it was in his head of sorts, but alas. Virgil fears what might come should he look up but does so anyway, meeting a curious young boy around his own age. “Oh! I’m sorry! I hadn’t meant to startle you!” His voice was so...posh? His clearly English accent felt so sophisticated, Virgil was embarrassed to speak. His gruff mumbles nothing compared. “I’m Dolion” The boy extends his hand, allowing Virgil to caution his way towards it.
“Virgil” He greets, dusting himself off. Should he have done that? What if this kid was trying to murder him? He takes a breath, reminding himself of what his therapist had told him should he find himself in a dire situation. Being transported millions of ways from home definitely qualified, right? “D-do you know where we are?” He wonders, still taking in his surroundings. Dolion shakes his head, looking just as confused.
“Peculiar” The boy decides, picking up a small flower. The yellow radiated from his hand before exploding shortly after. The boys jumped back, fear upon their faces.
“What the actual hell?” Virgil questions, now much more aware of where his feet were. “What was that?” He murmurs, treading lightly as he joins Dolion, examining the remains.
“I have absolutely no idea” He replies, his hand grazing the grass, more curious than frightened. “Oh...my! Virgil look!” Dolion taps incessantly, Virgil turns ready to condemn him but his eyes fall widening as they lay upon a castle.
“Holy…” Virgil trails off, he must be dreaming. Quickly rubbing his eyes he takes a deep breath. Ok, scenarios. One; he was kidnapped. Two; He’s dreaming. Three; He’s been drugged.  This couldn’t be real? When had his breathing felt short, hold on...focus? “Eyes” He mumbles
“Eyes?” Dolion repeats, Virgil shakes his head, the world becoming less of a blurry image.
“Sorry, I’m good” He lies “Let’s just figure out where the fuck we are” How he was so calm? It had to be the weird aura the floated softly over the land, he felt...at home
I gotta get out of here
Wherever here is
“Mm tired” Patton mumbles, his eyes barely fluttering as Nork continues slowly. Logan nods hopping off of the horse, steadying himself as he leads them over to a sheltered cove. Patton falters awake, sliding off the horse carefully, allowing Logan to snake his arm around his waist. “Thank you Lo” He mutters sweetly, Logan nods keeping him stable.
“Of course, you should get some rest. You’ve been at it for hours” Logan advises, setting Patton down in a bed of leaves, the twigs barely poking the surface of his cloak. Logan goes to his neck, a quick rush as he realizes something is missing. Patton hears his quick shuffles, opening his eyes.
“Logan? What is it?” Patton sits up, his demeanor becomes alert as Logan’s eyes dart frantically around.  
“My amulet, it’s gone” He identifies, Patton jumps up taking a shoulder, allowing comfort to seep through him, knowing full well his next words aren’t going to do so.
“No its not” He mumbles pulling his bow, his arrow pointed down as he examines the terrain. “Logan, move very slowly” He warns, the prince nods. He aims his arrow, allowing it to fly through the air, knocking something out of a tree. “Who’s there?!” He questions
“Patton” Just a distraction. Patton turns quickly, to find Logan isn’t where he left him. He simply watches as two men grab hold of Logan, doing the same to him on his end. His bow clatters to the ground as he struggles.
“Logan!” He cries, fighting against the brute forces that hold him. “Let him go!” He begs, he could care less what happens to him. But Logan had done nothing wrong. Soon the world silences as slow steps crunch upon the forest leaves.
“Hello Patton” The voice, as always, was deep. Not formal enough, but authoritative as it spoke.
“Your majesty” Patton seethes, Logan hates the sound. He knows it’s only reserved for certain people, but even then never should something so awful fall from Patton’s mouth. “Let him go!” He tries once more, the king has to admire his resilience. A swift kick and a graceful twirl and Patton could have these men staring down his bow but that would put Logan in danger.
“You know what you have to do Patton, it's really quite simple” The king smiles, evil drips from his perfectly punctured face.
“I’ll go with you just, please… let him go” He surrenders, his eyes watching Logan, the prince shakes his head. The prince doesn’t need his help but it was easier to go down without a fight. The king snaps and Logan topples to the ground, his knees sink into the dewed grass.
“Your father misses you dearly Prince Logan” The king turns now, facing a recovering Logan.
“I doubt that” He mumbles, the king laughs. A bellowed sound as he snaps once more. “My amulet?” He requests, the king mutters but with a flick of his fingers, a deep blue amulet returns to its rightful place around Logan’s neck.
“Take him home” He instructs, Patton pulls more, tugging as hard as he can. “Now now, don’t make this worse” The king mocks. Patton sighs defeated, his gaze never moving from where Logan is. A quick look is shared between the pair as Logan is promptly stuffed into the back of a carriage, ill find you again. “Now him” The king points, Patton stands shaking off the men. He grumbles as he kicks the floor beneath him, following the king to a separate carriage. He looks around making sure the area is clear as the rest of the people pile in. He waves his hands swiftly, watching as his bow disappears behind a cloud of glistening mist. He smirks triumphant, taking his place next to the king, trying to drown out the sounds of Nork whining for him as they attach him to the carriage.
“Are we there yet?” Virgil moans, Dolion stops turning to him. His head cocks.
“There where?” Dolion questions “I hadn’t realized we had a set destination” Dolion quips, at first Virgil found his naivety charming, adorable even but now? Now it was getting on his nerves. They had no idea where they were, they didn’t even know each other. Virgil had to wonder why he felt so calm, maybe it hadn’t set in. Or maybe he knew truly deeply, he was dreaming. He had to be. He also had to be distracted as he lunges forward tripping over a newly appeared rock.  
“Ow..” He grumbles, sitting up. Dolion catches up to him, kneeling beside him.
“Are you alright?” He asks for what seems like the millionth time. He helps him stand once more. “That’s odd, that wasn’t there before” He turns, Virgil follows his gaze realizing the entire scene had changed. Not even a moment ago they had been traversing through an open field yet somehow...they now seemed intertwined in a dark forest. Looming trees watching their every move. The shadows were already uneasy but the hidden rustles of movement didn’t help.
It also didn’t help that nothing felt real, Virgil almost couldn’t feel his innards. Typically he’d be freaking out, but instead, he felt defiant. As if he should have a sword in his hand, ready to fight his way to victory.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“Oh, you’re not from around here, are you?” Virgil was going to need people to stop doing that. He jerks his body towards the source, feeling Dolion mimic his movement. It took a moment to adjust as the light settled and the mist cleared. A bright pink cloud disappeared as a figure descended gracefully landing upon a clearing. Talk about sensory overload, Virgil blinks. The figure was dressed from head to toe in a mixture of pink and brown. His clothes flying around him, as he himself simply was. Glasses sat atop his nose, drooping ever so often, little crinkles as he smiles through their conversation.  “Oh! I’m sorry! I hadn’t meant to startle you!”
“I’m not..startled” Virgil pouts, crossing his arms against his chest.
“I’m Emile” He greets moving forwards, Dolion marvels as he doesn’t walk but...hovers. He whisks his wand and finally plants himself on the ground. He waves it once more, Virgil watches as the glitter follows him, dancing around him before disappearing leaving his head clear.
“What are you? Some kind of fairy godmother?” Virgil mocks, Emile laughs a sickeningly sweet sound.
“More like a fairy godfather!” He exclaims delighted, Virgil’s frown stays. “I’m here to help you!” He smiles, Virgil wonders how long it’s going to take until he gets sick of that. Nobodies’ teeth should be that white.
“I just wanna go home” Virgil begs, feeling now how desperate he is. His entire body exhausted as it trails behind him. His eyes plead softly as they meet Emiles. The fairy figure pouts sadly, his glasses drooping “Can you help us?” Emile hesitates but nods
“Of course i -“ Another poof as a darker cloud surrounds the forest, another figure appears. His hair falls into his face covering his eyes, a grey streak lining it. He wears an extravagant outfit mixed with black and greens, a mischievous smile. Around his neck lay a simple necklace with a name engraved; Remus
“And then Emile the fairy godfather said ‘No fuck you’” Remus narrates lazily, Emile groans but slowly his eyes grow wide. Virgil jumps right into Dolion, the boy keeping him steady. “Yeah hi,” Remus waves, Dolion waves back, an intrigued smile spreads.
“Prince Remus! What are you doing here?” Emile inquires, Remus turns to the fairy figure cocking his head.
“It's not prince anymore” He hardens, something raw about it. “And Im...not entirely sure. I was hoping you could help me” Remus says honestly, Emile nods waving his wand hoping something should occur.
“I don't...I don't understand” Emile dims, his gaze falling towards the floor.
“And so, a newly discouraged Emile and two confused travelers would embark on their journey” Remus recites, quickly covering his mouth. “I...I don't know where that came from” He admits. Virgil sighs, comfortably allowing his head to fall upon Dolion's shoulder. The other boy not sure why, but he doesn't mind the gesture.
“And now the show begins” He mutters as the group ready themselves, for the unknown.
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