#off sarees new model
digitalmarketblooms · 2 years
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All any types sarees are avaibale by contect me mobile no. 9636903596
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visionthefox · 8 months
small sams rant (I swear this one is dumb- but I need to let it out) SPOILERS I TALK ABOUT THE NEW EP. (specially Solar x Moon) RESUME : Im bothered over a simple one off scene that may not mean anything in the long run and can actually be debunked at any time -but my ass feels like complaining today..
I dont know how to feel about it. no I dont care for Jack, the use of new models is bound to happend, and the lore is mid- is to be expected no- what bothers me is the first SECONDS of it.. when Jack list the Celestial Family- he added Solar .. and.. that is bothersome for me ppl didnt used to have an issue shipping Solar and Moon., sure maybe it was just a crack ship or too small to be noticed, yet as time passed it was clear the two had created a bond.. now.. this bond could be seen as anyhing we wished for.. until Earth had to "ruin it" in a way- pushing (?) Solar into accepting to be call something related to family- as one can see in the ep Lunar is in huge trouble in VRCHAT- (but amma be honest? I know of this clip by this vid , since I avoid anything with Earth on it,but that clip is important) He is not really so eager to do- sure maybe is just Solar being Solar (also- I view that as pushy- you can tell me is not- but this is how I see it- Im the problem) but you may think! someone who pretty much had lost his whole family as he was force to leave them -and now is living under someone else place- would be at least happy to be accepted as family, if not just show gratitude -he can express happiness! he can laugh.-he for sure can say "oh.. well.. thanks you" and move on but what does he say? "you dont have to actually use a family tree for this- im just " and she cut him off - sure her intention may be good but she is so pushy about it .. he comes to actually say he may feel like a cousin and soon enough doesnt like the sound of that.. well he said "that does not roll of the tounge" and I googled what does it mean, so is not like he is not comfortable but also.. is not like He is %100 up to that tittle.. ALL OF THIS TO SAY - I feel like due to the "drama"? issue, with the ship and Earth now saying he is "part of the family" -whoever is on control of the channel had to take a decision.. and this may be it.. (no I dont think the VA sare in control. they are just VAsthey do a job) Solar can be classified as "family" - yet.. family can mean different things- from where Im from- we call say "you are like family to me" as a way to say "I feel close to you" but actually view the person as a good Friend- but the thing is, the show may want to just set Solar as family- and so avoid any if not all mention to a ship (and I know the term is often used for romantic, but I did see ppl like them to be both ace who just like each other) and I feel.. bad.. I feel like by doing this they ruin the fun of actually having a windows open for the joy of "what if" scenarios.. is not like ppl cant just make and AU like when ppl did to be able to ship Sun and Eclipse, just a silly AU to let loose- (silly hero and tamed villain type of thing) but yea.. idk.. Solar as actually a friend felt more right than him being "family"- dude is not one to actually ask ppl to do much bonding- nor he seems to actually be interested on these familiar things (the Christmas was more as a wholesome thing- in my eyes- (but also I didnt see if fully-again, I dont watch anyting with Earth on it)) but yea.. idk- is not even a big deal. but Im in love with their dymanics as besties.. (or lovers~)
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IPKKND SS: There’s More To Her #9
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An overconfident Khushi had correctly assumed that Arnav Singh Raizada would be absolutely helpless when it came to finding a location for Akash and Payal’s first date. And Devi Maiya always sided with her favorite devotee, until that devotee gloated in the ego she accused the atheist for.
It was funny that the atheist had no idea how often Devi Maiya sided with him.
Hence, the final, accident free date location was Akash’s office with a variety of snacks that a closed office canteen could offer. Pre packaged brownies, coffee from a coffee maker, tea in a to-go cup and some favourless, tasteless digestive biscuits from Arnav Singh Raizada’s personal stash of snacks along with two bottles of mineral water - of course.
Khushi, though, had worked her magic into Akash’s office. White rose petals scattered on the dark table, all lights were switched off except the fairy light trees and a lone office desk lamp.
Although the effect never reached its recipients as Akash and Payal took their sweet time gazing at each other. Despite her upbringing, Payal let her eyes wander over the well fitted chocolate suit and white shirt on Akash. He was taller and more muscular than she thought. White really was Akash’s color.
Akash was not indifferent to female gaze. While his brother benefitted from the don’t-you-fucking-stare-at-me face, Akash’s politeness and Raizada-ness left him to awkward thank yous and exit strategies from press meetings.
But this was Payal, and all he could feel was dhak dhak.
Khushi, oblivious to her nauseated partner of third wheeling the love birds, played with the fairy lights and begrudgingly accepted that Arnav had otherwise done splendid work.
But before Arnav could recover from his nausea at the puppy eyes Akash and Payal exchanged, he balked at the outfit Akash held for Khushi.
Red saree
“Yeh?” Akash snapped out of his trance at Khushi’s question.
“Oh, yes Khushi ji, isn’t it wonderful that I found this in the wardrobe? Although it is last season,” Akash mused.
Arnav stood rooted to his spot, memories assailing his heart and mind without a drop of mercy.
“Nevermind, I thought you’ll be comfortable in this because you modeled-”
“Modeled?” Payal frowned.
“Haan, that’s why Khushi came home late-” Akash stopped, belatedly realizing Payal had absolutely no knowledge of the disastrous calendar photoshoot that took place on her birthday. Payal shot a look at her younger sister, waiting for an explanation that was overdue.
“Woh, Jiji… I was responsible for looking after Liza-”
“That snooty model?” Payal scrunched her nose in disgust. Khushi nodded,
“Yeah wohi, so I was responsible for her fur coat. I had to hold it still until the shoot was done but somehow it got spoiled so as punishment I had to model in place of her.” Khushi concluded. Payal frowned, Khushi usually told stories that had no head or tails and this one simply took the cake.
Of course there was one man responsible for this.
Arnav Singh Raizada
That man had the grace to look away.
“I appreciate what you have done for me and your brother Arnav-ji, but you’re telling me that a fashion house does not have a single cupboard-” Payal began but Arnav and Khushi sneezed at once, shivering in their wet, unchanged clothes.
“As I was saying-”
“Jiji, there’s no need for this. You and Akash-ji enjoy your date. And if I change my outfit any later then I’ll catch a cold and you don’t want that right!” Khushi grabbed Payal’s arm, begging her to let go of the matter. At the end of the day despite the horrible memories of the day at the office, what mattered more to Khushi was her sister’s office. After months she needed no revival of the challenging days, nor any apologies.
Payal sighed and tapped her hand with reassurance. Khushi smiled and hugged her sister gently, careful her wet clothes didn’t ruin Payal’s new ones, patted Akash’s back and whispered ‘good luck’ before skipping out of the office. Arnav waited until Khushi was out of sight.
“Payall, I know how it seems….” Arnav started. Payal closed her eyes and willed patience.
“I crossed multiple lines-” Arnav said.
“The one to whom  you owe any apology or explanation isn’t in this room Mr. Raizada.” Payal snapped, “and the explanations provided out of questioning instead of conscience have no value in my eyes.” Payal concluded. Arnav’s jaws tightened. For once he wished Payal yelled or debated, it gave him ground to fight.
But one rarely could if they were confronted with righteous anger and dignity. Arnav looked at Akash who chose to remain silent. For many times Arnav counted on Akash’s silence, be it keeping things private or taking reprieve that at least one member of his family wouldn’t harp on him about marriage.
But now, seeing Akash’s silence when he too knew what the events were, left Arnav all alone to face Payal’s anger. Arnav finally realized why Akash rarely involved himself in others’ battles.
It forced accountability.
Payal waited for Arnav to come up with a reason regardless. If he’d launch into long paragraphs, her remaining respect for him would touch the grounds. Because ever since the day her sister came home unconscious in his arms, Payal stopped giving any heed to Arnav Singh Raizada.
It was his love for his family and the lengths he went to get her and Akash together that made him an average man.
So when Arnav said no further and headed for the door, Payal stopped him.
“A final word, if you don’t mind.” Arnav stood still, giving her his attention “I don’t ever want you to respect my sister because there might be a relationship between the two families one day. I don’t want you to think anymore that she’s behind money because it has been proven that every assumption you’ve ever had of her was wrong.”
“When you do respect her, let it be for the fact that a 20  years old middle class woman with a third of your education, wealth and experience has been providing for a family of five which involves three aged people and a sister with a broken marriage.” Payal said, tears betraying the potent love for her sister.
Arnav briefly nodded and left the room.
“You know right, your broken marriage doesn’t define you.” Akash began, giving Payal a glass of water. Payal softly smiled, not having the energy in her tonight to explain it to him that it is how the society defined her.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve started this on a better note.” Payal said after a moment.
“Payal ji, never apologize for doing the right thing. A part of me loves you because of who you are and how fiercely you love your sister.” Akash pulled a seat for her held her smaller hands in his.
“Then what does the other part of you love me for?” Payal added, her reddened cheeks and soft smile mirrored on Akash’s face.
He leaned in as her eyes closed at their proximity, “For how beautiful you are.”
Payal’s eyes flashed open and her nose brushed against his. She removed her hands and played with the hem of her saree, “Really?”
“No, it’s actually the way you scold Bhai.” Payal stared at his blatant response and broke into a laugh as he chuckled at his statement.
– – –
Arnav sat in the cafe in a fresh suit, Payal’s words playing in his mind in a loop. He closed his eyes and sighed. She was right. Every single assumption he had of Khushi Kumari Gupta had been proven false. From the moment she fell into his arms at Sheesh Mahal to when he’d accuse her of visiting Shantivan to charge extra money from his family.
Speaking of Khushi, where was she?
A familiar prick of awareness seeped through him. Goosebumps broke on his flesh. His heart pumped in a staccato rhythm.
“Khushi,” He whispered even before he saw her. With a soft turn he watched her in the darkness of his office. Little beads of sequins reflected the dim lights. The gossamer red saree left little to imagination.
Khushi stopped still, feeling the heat of his eyes on her. She clenched her fists and sat on the nearest chair she could find - farthest away from him. She prayed, prayed to calm her racing heart, feel the chill of the air instead, to stop the dastardly pull towards the one man who would push her off the cliff.
She barely looked behind and sighed in relief and disappointment when he looked away.
For how long must she rot in these emotions?
– – –
“Akash ji, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask  you a few questions before we…” go any further. Payal hesitated. Akash was more than the man of her dreams and she wondered if she tested his and Devi Maiyya’s patience by putting every single obstacle instead of accepting the gift of love.
From denial to innumerable questions, was she jinxing her relationship even before it began?
“Please do Payal ji.” Akash smiled, worried at her hesitation. As much as he believed love was at first sight and that he would never regret having Payal in his life, he wondered if he had pushed her into accepting her love. He should’ve waited. True love didn’t come from desperation, it came from patience.
There was still a great distance between them. It was strange. He had thought an ‘I love you’ from both the ends sealed the deal. But now that they lapsed into awkward silence around difficult questions, he wondered if he had ruptured things by hastening it out of fear.
“Akash ji, I do… love you,” Payal confessed, worried at his sudden silence, “but I won’t find any comfort in this love until certain things are clear. Please understand.”
“I absolutely do Payal ji. Please feel free to ask about anything.” Akash reassured her.
“What’s yours and your family’s take on dowry?” For a second Akash was offended at her question. Didn’t she know how much he loved her? How he and his family would never take a cent for such a crime! But looking at her frightened eyes he was ashamed at feeling offended. He had the luxury of never being associated with such folks. She had lived through this.
“The Raizadas have never given nor taken a cent. We did make the mistake of offering a property and farm lands as gifts for one wedding, it is perhaps no surprise things didn’t end up well.” Akash’s mouth soured at the memory of the Maliks. He had never liked that side of the family, even as a child. When he had helped Arnav get back his mother’s property from the Maliks - one Arnav’s uncle had in possession - Akash was glad that his cousin never grew up in that environment.
His Dadi’s friendship and care for Arnav’s Dadi was the only sorepoint between Arnav and Akash. Akash never approved of his brother spending hard earned money behind a member of the family that had only hurt the Raizadas and above all, hurt his dearest cousins. Although his inner emotions couldn’t be revealed to Arnav at a worse time.
“I cannot believe this Papa. Dadi-ji sent Anjali-di to dissuade Bhai from buying Sheesh Mahal!” Akash fumed, clenching his fists to reign in his temper.
“Subhadra Devi-Ji had called Amma. It is the last house her son has.” Mahinder sighed, weary of the fight he had with his own mother, “And Amma said it’s not right for Arnav bitwa to treat ancestral property as a tool for revenge-”
“That property is ours. Phupha-ji got it as dowry. If anything, Bhai and Di deserve to have it back. We’re paying for that woman’s extravagant ashram, it’s enough.” Akash said.
Mahinder shook his head and patted his young son’s shoulder. It was rare to see him so worked up, even for the right reasons, “Akash bitwa, aisa nahi bolte. You know that Amma believes her friend has a good heart after all-”
“I won’t let them misuse Bhai’s newfound fame. I don’t know why Dadi forgets she’s a Malik. That family sucked us dry. I hate it that we have an association with them-” Akash stopped, noticing Arnav on the door, his face ashen.
Arnav said nothing, nearly pretended he heard nothing. He simply lavished Mami with an unlimited access of jewelry from his bank account, Mama was given a significant share from his company, and stopped any of the Raizadas from contributing to Subhadra Malik’s expenses.
Akash knew. That even in a slip of tongue, Arnav took the words to heart and paid the Raizadas ten fold for any kindness they ever showed.
And because Arnav wouldn't accept any apology - for his side of the family was terrible - Akash vowed to stand next to him and never make him feel ‘othered’.
Payal held Akash’s hand, her heart melting at Akash’s sincerity and stories of the extent Arnav went for the family.
“Bhai has quietly become the head of the family. It’s not arrogance, it’s a fact. He looks after everything. And when he has his blessings over this relationship, no one and nothing can come in between because he simply won’t allow it.” Akash reassured her. Payal smiled, finding some hope in the marriage ahead of her.
Perhaps Arnav’s rejection of tradition and Akash’s genuine love was all she needed. To think of it no one apart from his mother scrunch their noses about their class difference. True, at times they were a bit blind in privilege, but that also stemmed from harmlessness.
– – –
Arnav kept looking behind, losing his heart every time he saw the flash of red. He had rarely seen Khushi so quiet. After ten uncomfortably silent minutes, he turned to find her engrossed in some books, highlighting something with a pencil.
It was a mathematics textbook. For children.
Khushi looked up, aware of his questioning gaze and cleared her throat, “Woh… I tutor kids so I’m preparing materials in advance.” Arnav took that as an offer to walk towards her. Khushi tucked back a strand, nervous at their little talk.
“Mathematics?” He asked.
“Yes, I was studying financial management so mathematics had to be my favorite subject. According to Babuji finance is the backbone of any successful venture.” Khushi smiled, recalling her days in college and at the sweet shop. Arnav realized he truly didn’t think about Khushi’s life before they met.
“But I haven’t seen you attend college…” Arnav said, sitting next to her.
“I dropped out.” Khushi said and plastered a big smile on her face, “Anyways according to Babuji real life experiences shape you more than education. So between running a sweet shop in the morning, tutoring kids in the evening and managing orders for Buaji’s chikankari sarees, I’m running quite the enterprise here.” Khushi went back to her book, happy at the way her life shaped. Of course, she’d never want Babuji's ill health, but if she was in Lucknow then she would’ve happily left her college to marry right after Payal did.
It never crossed her mind that there was more to life. There was more to her.
Arnav couldn’t manage to return her smile. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why she couldn’t complete her college. Between the scandal, the loans, resettling to a new city, financial pressure and her father’s health - Khushi’s education would’ve taken the back seat.
And he was responsible for nearly all of it.
“You know, AR is hiring-”
“No.” Khushi said, “I cannot work here.”
“No one refuses Arnav Singh Raizada.” Arnav glared.
“Accha. No, no, no, no.” Khushi stuck her tongue. If only Khushi knew that she was far from annoying, rather quite adorable.
“So what happened to your Babuji’s business… now that you’re running on your own?” Khushi couldn’t believe if Arnav was actually engaging in small talk. It felt new. It felt good. It had been too long since anyone asked her about her life.
“Well they were seized by the loan sharks-” Arnav frowned, “-woh Babuji had given it up for loan for Jiji’s dowry to loan sharks. And then the people refused to return the store back considering Babuji’s fallen goodwill. The scandal-” Khushi grew quiet and Arnav cursed under his breath.
The more he spoke to either of the sisters, the more he learned about the things he wished he didn't.
– – – – – – – –  
“I genuinely loved the dupatta!” Payal gushed over the intricate fabric designing and detail with Akash, enjoying the moment as they bonded over their shared love of textiles. Akash was the finance man, but he was enamored by the beauty of embroidery and the texture of fabrics - except he never had the talent to actually make anything out of it. Although to Arnav that was an asset, Akash would always know if their materials were genuine or if they were being scammed.
“If I knew it was you I would’ve packaged it better!” He confessed. Payal was touched. The fact that Akash was ready to give it a stranger because it would brighten Khushi’s day meant everything. She had seen fate play on someone’s goodness, it was surprising to see someone’s goodness move fate.
“Would you mind if I worked after marriage?” Payal asked.
“Do you want to?” He asked.
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen myself there. I’ve never had ambitious dreams,” Payal admitted. Akash empathized. Ambition was never his asset. On the other hand Khushi and Arnav had heaps of it.
“Payal ji, I might’ve been born with a silver spoon but all I’ve ever wanted is good work and a happy life. Really. And maybe a dog one day.” Akash mused.
“A dog? In a house where there’s a lamb?” Payal chuckled.
“Why, don’t you want one?” Akash asked.
“I’d get another lamb, or maybe a little dove. Khushi loves doves and seeing doves would remind me of her. But… I wouldn’t want them in a cage.” Payal said.
“Bhai’s garden is big enough for a sanctuary for a few birds, but I’m wondering what he would say when they would leave droppings in his pool!” Akash laughed.
“Aur kya kahenge? What the?” Payal growled, imitating Arnav to perfection. Akash clapped at the mimicry and shook his head, “It looks like I’ll have to create a garden for the doves.”
“And I’ll have to teach the dog to be calm - especially around the doves, Lakshmi and future children.” Payal dreamed.
“Children?” Akash asked.
“Kyun, you don’t want any?” She questioned. Akash did look like he’d be an excellent father. Graceful, patient, calm and a listener. If that wasn’t like Babuji, who else was?
“Only if they look like you.” He smiled as Payal turned a pretty red in shyness. Akash brushed a tendril away from her face and stroked her cheek with the back of her fingers.
“Akash-” the lights went off, leaving them in the darkness.
– – – – – – – –
“Hey Devi Maiyya!” Khushi gasped as she couldn’t see anything. Before she could move, Arnav's hand found hers.
“It’s ok Khushi. The generator should kick in soon.” Arnav’s firm voice instantly calmed her nerves. It was alright. He was here. She is not alone. Her nails dug into his skin. Her palms had turned clammy.
To Khushi’s relief Arnav switched on his phone’s flashlight.
“Fuck,” Arnav swore under his breath. His phone battery was at ten percent. Why wasn’t the generator working?
“Khushi, wait here. I’ll go the studio and grab some candles-”
“Nahi, please…” Khushi gripped his hand tighter.
Arnav tugged her along. They made it to the fusebox, a candle in place of the dying flashlight. For a moment Khushi was arrested by his face lighting up by the flame. His expressionless face was scrunched in worry. Arnav realized he was being watched.
“Kya hua? Tum theek ho?” Khushi nodded and looked at the board. Strange, everything looked fine. Even the fuse was intact.
Arnav leaned by her, Khushi stiffened at the proximity. He bent to her eye level, looking at all the switches. She could feel his breathing, the heat his body emanated.
“Oh of course! I completely forgot that we had the electricity maintenance-” Arnav stopped as his nose brushed against hers, their faces close up next to each other. Words died out as her large eyes looked deep into his. His eyes flickered to her lips and her breath hitched.
He gulped as her lips parted. It had been so long since something right had happened. Memories of Diwali and the photoshoot intermingled with his hidden fantasies. Time lost its essence to Khushi. All she could see was him, his eyes and his lips. Desire flowed like blood through her veins. There was so much tension in his face. If she could only brush it away.
Arnav leaned in, without rationale, and Khushi inched up, on instinct. His arm slipped to her waist and her hand rose to his cheek. Arnav closed his eyes at the touch of her fingertips but froze, feeling the metal band of her ring on his cheek.
Khushi’s trance snapped, the diamond of her engagement ring shining brightly in the candlelight. Horror flooded her face. What was she about to do? Arnav sprang back, his breath harsh. What had he just done? The lights came back to life, revealing their darkest desires to each other. Without a word Arnav turned around and rushed out of the room.
– – – – – – – – – –
Akash and Payal exchanged the sweetest glances across the rearview mirror as Arnav drove them all home. A slow romantic ballad played on the radio and Arnav held the steering wheel in a tight grip. Khushi stared out of the window, bothered by her own immorality.
He was Lavanya’s! She was betraying her best friend.
Khushi saw the stars above, twinkling in the clear night and she didn’t have the courage to meet them. She had sinned. For he was anothers.
Who would help her in this crisis? Who could?
Payal reached out and squeezed Khushi’s hands. She had seen Khushi look lost throughout the day. She gestured if everything was alright with her - Khushi only smiled back in response. She didn’t even realize when they stopped near Preeto’s house at an alley where they could be safely dropped off without any nosy neighbors.
Akash led Payal down the SUV, his heart hammering with joy and anticipation. So much was said and so much was left to be said. Payal’s mind urged her to hug before they left, but her sensibilities of society prevented her from doing so.
Khushi realized after a moment that she and Arnav were alone in the car. She immediately tried to remove her seatbelt but fumbled in her nervousness. Arnav walked around, opened the door and removed her seatbelt. His eyes no longer bore warmth. Khushi knew very well what that look meant. She ignored his hand and stepped out of his car.
“Just so you-”
“For the love of God don’t say anything.” Khushi warned him, anger sitting as tears in her eyes. She could not bear another word. Arnav stood still, clenching his jaw. He didn’t know if he intended to give an explanation to her or to himself.
“Akash!” Payal called out to Akash, and the shy lovers met for a hidden hug behind the car. At first there was hesitation, which slowly melted as he leaned awkwardly to match her height.
Khushi pulled the edge of her saree, it was minutes away from ripping. Arnav rolled his eyes and moved to tug it free but she stepped away,
“Stay away,” She hushed, aware of Akash and Payal.
“It would’ve ripped-”
“Then let it rip, aapko kya farak padta hai?” She snapped, pulling off her saree that left a little tear. Arnav growled, he wasn’t an idiot to not realize that this conversation was a painful continuation of the ones left abruptly before.
Yet, his ego stung.
“Don’t get any ideas, you mean nothing-”
“Exactly! You’re Lavanya ji’s, we must never meet again.” Khushi decided, tears of anger flowing down her cheeks. Burned, Arnav got into the car and slammed it shut - shocking Akash and Payal who embarrassedly pulled away, cheeks tinged in red.
Payal mistook Khushi’s urgency as the threat of Buaji questioning the delay and Akash misunderstood Arnav’s urgency as his usual nausea to affection.
Long after Arnav reached Shantivan, he paced throughout his room, a niggling doubt solidifying over time. Ever since he and Khushi were engaged - to different people - Khushi always mentioned his engagement. For someone very chatty, she spoke about anyone and anything except her fiance.  
You’re Lavanya ji’s…
So what about Khushi? Who did she belong to in this world of commitment? Arnav was aware of the arranged setup that seemed to have been exchanged between Khushi and her fiance… but if he could read her well, she just didn’t want to not marry, she despised it.
She despised her fiance.
“Khushi… what the hell are you doing?” He murmured, unaware of the irony.
But it wasn’t lost on Akash who stood by the door, listening to Arnav’s murmur. The discord he long suspected between Arnav and Lavanya was not due to the former’s commitment issues or the latter’s drastic change of opinion of marriage. 
Arnav had tragically fallen in love with the wrong person at the wrong time.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Payal paced in front of the bathroom, her concern growing as Khushi took a late evening shower in cold water.
“Haye re Nandkisore! We barely have water saved and the queen needs to take a bath after a simple outing!” Madhumati complained. She was touched by the exclusive gifts Preeto had given Payal and Khushi - the yellow and red saree looked exquisite! And laughed at the kids' childishness to wear the gifted outfits and come home.
“Buaji, let Khushi ji be.” Shyam sweet talked to Madhumati, both sharing a secret smile over what happened minutes ago. And for all his honeyed words - he couldn’t match Payal’s suspicious eyes.
“Khushi, you look beautiful.” Khushi was startled as Shyam dropped the ji, walking incredibly close to her. Panicked, she looked around to find Buaji smiling and turning around - giving the couple their ‘privacy’. After all, to-be-newlyweds must spend some time together!
Shyam looked around and then grabbed her wrist,
“No one is watching us, don’t worry.” His fingers traced her arm.
“S-Shyam ji, this isn’t right!” Khushi snatched her hand back.
“Why? We’re engaged aren’t we?” He smiled. Khushi balked at the predatory glint in his eyes and started to sweat. A hand moved to her face-
Khushi splashed the water over herself, shaking as the cold seeped into her body. What if Payal hadn’t interrupted him? She scrubbed the soap over her wrist multiple times. The touch… it felt wrong. She muffled her sob, cleaned up and got out of the washroom - giving Payal her best smile.
Payal couldn’t return it. Shyam and Khushi were a couple. Yet what she saw, even in the flicker of a second, frightened her.
It looked anything but romantic.
Madhumati and Garima were deep into a conversation, they saw Khushi and stood up. Fear crawled in Khushi’s stomach. Every single time the two had something to say to Khushi it was the worst.
“Khushi, Lata saw you and Shyam babua together at the patio. Granted you two are marrying but everyone must keep boundaries. Shyam babua is very kind and mature enough to promise not to visit anymore in the evening.” Khushi wanted to protest, minutes ago Madhumati had been the one who left them alone!
“And hence, a decision has been made.” Madhumati spoke, giving little room to anyone else present.
“In three weeks you and Shyam babua will be married.”
- - - 
A/N: Hey there! Thank just in case if you actually remember the story! I’m finally back with an update and I sincerely hope you liked it - just a couple of chapters left for me to wrap this up!
Tagging: @butaneandthebeast @shaonsim @shiyaravi @myloveforstuff @leila1 @lostafpanda@laadgovernorandsankadevi @laad-governess @thenainitaldisaster @maansiloves@chutkiandchotte @honeybellexox @bigfatreader @simplycurlz @thecharlesboyle@sapnokiduniyaisalwaysbetter @zaphbeeblebrox @shehzaadimira @pakki-ya-nahin@mindpdnim @jaanedil @pandora-678 @featheredclover @rae-blogging @goals1024@onadaanparindey @magicfeltmybloop @acroakingbird @blogenana @starzin8s@exosexosekai @noor1025 @ijustchangedmyname@delicatecloudfestivalweasel @sankititaliya @dvk-ok @roqiaposts​ @white-thebeauty​ @childofsquidward​ @maansiloves​ @shehzaadimira​ 
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astrosii · 2 years
I did a panel redraw of Raven from New Teen Titans #32 (1984)
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I’m a big fan of the headcanon of Raven being South Asian, specifically Indian which is really neat considering that George Perez (her original creator and main artist of NTT) said that he based her off of Indian actress and model Persis Khambatta. She’s also sometimes seen wearing a saree when dressed in casual clothing, plus the gem on her forehead is very reminiscent of a Bindi, both being very common things seen worn by Indian women:
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Also I would like to put that I didn’t base my drawing of Raven off of Ms. Khambatta and all they share is their ethnicity since the two don’t actually look alike.
I’m gonna be posting a bunch since I’m trying to transition over to here :D
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theguestblogging · 3 months
Rashmika Mandanna: The Rising Star Heating Up the Screen
Rashmika Mandanna, often dubbed as the "National Crush of India," has captivated millions with her charm, talent, and undeniable screen presence. Her journey from a small-town girl to one of the most sought-after actresses in the Indian film industry is nothing short of inspiring. Among the numerous accolades she has received, the keyword "Rashmika Mandanna Hot" frequently surfaces, highlighting her status as a style icon and a symbol of beauty.
The Early Days
Born on April 5, 1996, in Virajpet, Karnataka, Rashmika Mandanna's foray into the entertainment world began with modeling. Her natural beauty and poise quickly earned her the title of "Clean & Clear Fresh Face of India" in 2014. This initial recognition paved the way for her acting debut in the Kannada film "Kirik Party" in 2016, a movie that not only showcased her acting chops but also her magnetic screen presence.
Rise to Stardom
Rashmika's journey in the film industry has been marked by a series of successful films across multiple languages, including Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. Her performances in movies like "Geetha Govindam," "Dear Comrade," and "Pushpa: The Rise" have solidified her position as a versatile actress capable of delivering powerful performances.
However, it isn't just her acting skills that have garnered attention. Rashmika's ability to effortlessly blend traditional and contemporary styles has made her a fashion icon. Whether she's gracing the red carpet in a stunning saree or making a casual appearance in chic western wear, the keyword "Rashmika Mandanna Hot" aptly captures her versatile and appealing sense of style.
The Fashion Icon
Rashmika Mandanna's fashion choices often set trends. Her Instagram feed, followed by millions, is a testament to her keen fashion sense. From elegant ethnic wear to sizzling hot outfits, Rashmika knows how to make heads turn. Her bold choices and confident demeanor make her a favorite among fashion enthusiasts.
Traditional Elegance
Rashmika's traditional looks, especially in sarees and lehengas, have a massive fan following. Her appearances in these outfits often go viral, with fans and fashion critics alike praising her for bringing a fresh yet classic touch to traditional attire.
Contemporary Glamour
On the other hand, Rashmika's contemporary fashion choices highlight her versatility. Be it a glamorous gown for an awards night or a casual yet trendy outfit for a day out, Rashmika's style is always on point. Her ability to carry off any look with grace and confidence makes her a true fashionista.
Fitness and Beauty
Rashmika Mandanna's appeal goes beyond her fashion sense. Her commitment to fitness and her radiant beauty have also contributed to her "hot" image. Rashmika often shares glimpses of her fitness regime, inspiring her fans to lead a healthy lifestyle. Her glowing skin and flawless makeup further enhance her already stunning looks.
On-Screen Chemistry
One cannot discuss Rashmika Mandanna without mentioning her sizzling on-screen chemistry with her co-stars. Her natural charm and ability to connect with her audience make her performances even more memorable. Whether it's a romantic scene or an intense drama, Rashmika's presence elevates the entire narrative, making her one of the hottest stars in the industry today.
Rashmika's fashion sense is a significant aspect of her "hot" appeal. Whether she's donning traditional Indian attire or modern chic outfits, she never fails to impress. Her Instagram profile, followed by millions, is a testament to her impeccable style.
Traditional Elegance
Rashmika's love for traditional wear is evident in her frequent appearances in stunning sarees and lehengas. Her ability to carry traditional attire with grace and sophistication has made her a fashion icon in the industry. Each of her traditional looks is a blend of classic elegance and contemporary charm, often setting new fashion trends.
Modern Chic
Equally impressive are Rashmika's modern fashion choices. From glamorous red carpet gowns to casual street style, she knows how to make a statement. Her bold and confident fashion sense is not just about wearing trendy clothes but also about expressing her personality through her outfits.
The Fitness Enthusiast
Rashmika's hotness is not just about her looks but also about her dedication to fitness and well-being. She often shares snippets of her workout routines, inspiring her fans to stay fit and healthy. Her commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle reflects in her radiant skin and toned physique, adding to her overall appeal.
On-Screen Magic
Rashmika Mandanna's on-screen presence is nothing short of magical. Her chemistry with co-stars like Vijay Deverakonda in "Geetha Govindam" and "Dear Comrade," and with Allu Arjun in "Pushpa: The Rise," has set screens ablaze. Her ability to portray a wide range of emotions with ease makes her performances memorable and engaging.
Breaking Stereotypes
One of the factors that make Rashmika Mandanna stand out is her willingness to break stereotypes. She has consistently chosen roles that challenge societal norms and showcase strong, independent women. This commitment to meaningful cinema has not only earned her critical acclaim but also a loyal fan base.
A Philanthropic Heart
Beyond her beauty and talent, Rashmika's kind heart and philanthropic efforts add to her allure. She is actively involved in various charitable activities, supporting causes related to education, healthcare, and animal welfare. Her genuine concern for societal issues and her efforts to make a difference reflect her inner beauty.
The Future is Bright
Rashmika Mandanna's journey is a testament to her hard work, talent, and determination. As she continues to take on diverse roles and explore new avenues in the film industry, her star power only grows stronger. With upcoming projects in Bollywood and the South Indian film industry, Rashmika is set to conquer new heights and win over even more hearts.
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blogspud-jobs · 1 year
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Fashion2wear Women's Crepe Straight Cut Round Neck Net Kurti Regular Price :249.00 Offer : Flat 24% Off + Free Delivery & Easy Return Coupon Code: BLOGSPUD Buy Now : : https://blogspud.com/product/fashion2wear-womens-crepe-straight-cut-round-neck-net-kurti-6/?feed_id=54405&_unique_id=64eca9548368a #saree #sareelove #sarees #sareelovers #sareefashion #sareedraping #sareesofinstagram #sareeblouse #sareelover #sareeindia #sareecollection #sareeinspiration #sareeseduction #sareeblogger #sareeshopping #sareesonline #sareeusa #sareeblouseinspiration #sareeshyderabad #sareegram #sareelove😍 #sareeday #sareeblousedesign #sareemumbai #sareelover❤️ #sareeblouses #sariindia #sareebeauty #sareeinsta #sarinah bull; STYLE TIP : Kick your personal style up a notch with this high-fashion kurti From Fashion2wear. This kurti is a great addition to your cool-weather wardrobe and looks great with your favourite pair of heels for a laid-back lunch date look.bull; MATERIAL : Best Quality Crepe Fabric. The fabric is soft smooth and very comfortable. with long-lasting grace.It's affinity to colors lend it a rich appeal, while its cool and comfy nature makes it perfect for year-round wear.bull; SUITABLE FOR: Casual, Party, Regular wear, Christmas, Night out, New Year, and Gifting. Elegant women kurti are suitable for Evening, wedding, office, school, party, club, meetings.bull; IDEAL FOR :- Women's Girls | SALES PACKAGE :- 1 Kurti | SIZE FIT : The model (height 6') is wearing a size M.This Kurti has been designed keeping in mind the latest trends in contemporary casual fashion. The Kurti combines ethnic with the fashion of today and makes you stand out among others when you adorn it. Pair this Kurti with a pair of stylish heels and a matching clutch for a complete casual look for a casual event, a party, or an evening with friends. To get on with the ever-changing fashion priorities of Indian women, we offer new styles and designs every season categorized for spring-summer, monsoon-festive, and winter seasons. This opulent Kurti from Fashion2wear will help you maintain an elegant look all year long. Color: Blue Fabric: Crepe Type: kurtas & kurtis Design Type: Straight Occasion: Casual Sleeve Style: elbow length sleeve Body Type: regular Pack Of: Single Country of Origin: INDIA
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readiprintfashions · 2 years
Exclusive Indian Sarees to Stun the Parties
The classic Kalamkari, contemporary Chikankari, traditional Kanjivaram, traditional Bhagalpuri, contemporary Taant, and contemporary Bomkai Bandhani sarees are only a few types created in India.
A Saree's grace and beauty transcend fashion. The wearer of a 6-yard or 9-yard saree is never labelled. As a cocktail outfit, a saree is perfect. Modern sarees don't require much attention to detail, which is fantastic.
Get yourself a gorgeous saree that's already been made by a well-known designer and is ready to wear. Whether you want a sari with giant tribal motifs, ruffles, floral Resham thread work, or sparkle, you can choose from the wide range of best designs available in the market. Designer sarees enhance the importance of an occasion with their exquisite elegance. We are providing the list of the Latest Saree designs for your forthcoming party dates.
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Brand New High-End Designer Sarees
Thanks to luxurious details like feather-light fabrics and eye-catching decorations, premium designer sarees are worth the investment. Everyone would be in awe of you at the party when you enter the venue wearing a saree instead of a suit or lehenga.
A lady who chooses to wear a saree at a party will forever be remembered as an inspiration for her confidence and poise.
Need An Outfit for A Social Gathering?
Select a shimmering saree. A shimmer saree and sequined bustier make elegant cocktail wear. A tissue saree embroidered with gold lining and a high-necked blouse with heavy lace-bordered sleeves would turn heads at formal events.
These accessories provide women with timeless elegance. The eye-catching outfit features a gold tinsel jersey saree draped expertly and a grey, totally sequined and beaded high-low jacket blouse.
Inspiring New Saree Styles
The sophisticated mix of modern and classic elements and hints of three-dimensional embroidery and decorations make these patterns perfect for formal events like cocktail parties, dinner parties, receptions, and more.
This saree lehenga is ideal for a formal occasion because the strings of genuine pearls adorn the sleeveless blouse modelled after the modern sari. In addition, the feathery top of this white and mauve saree really sets it apart, giving the wearer an air of ethereality.
Here We Have the Completed Designer Saris That Are Ready to Be Worn These sarees merge the extraordinary with the ordinary using recycled plastics, industrial materials, and unique weaving processes. Wear these new, stunning sarees with wings. The Chrysanthemum-inspired saree is one of the amazing creations.
A fantastic array of sculptural, sophisticated evening wear includes a georgette saree. Choose the silver and pink ombre saree on lame with sequin embroidery around the drape and a unique blouse to stun everybody around you.
The Most Popular Sari Styles
Wearing a saree from the region may help you better understand and appreciate the local culture. Designs, especially couture pieces, are more than just aesthetically pleasing; they are truly artistic creations. Constant inquiry and careful craftsmanship are two of the most crucial features.
The pale gold set saree will make you look like you walked straight off the runway. On the contrary, you might opt for a saree with muted pink and peach tones with silver embroidery for a more understated look.
Vintage Sarees
If you respect legacy and refinement, the Mekhla Chador is an Indian Saree with the iconic Assamese touch. A black and gold silk saree can be every partygoer's dream. Every woman needs a silk saree. Dance and socialise in the saree at evening events.
Gorgeous Ruffled Designer Saris
Peplum-embroidered sarees are the most popular. The fully embroidered peplum top with glittering handwork will glow brighter than the night sky in purple. A saree can be dramatic with a tasselled blouse and bold jewellery. Brownie accents the floral pallu.
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Priya Prakash Varrier Decks Up in a Purple Silk Saree for an Event!
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Celebrity Fashion News: Priya Prakash Varrier is a well-known Indian actress, model, and playback singer, she works in Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi films. The actress who made everyone skip a heartbeat with just a wink in her first film Oru Aadar Loce. Her screen presence has added to her success and now the actress is a big name in the film industry. Also, she makes her fans surprise with her stunning looks in the latest trending fashion styles.
The Kalyan Navratri festival includes celebrities from Industries like Mollywood, Tollywood, and Bollywood. The actress Priya Prakash Varrier was also a part of the celebration and was spotted in a purple saree.
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The beautiful silk saree is showcased with floral zari motifs arranged on it in lattice patterns. Moreover, the saree was given a contrasting pink border to add brightness to the outfit. The Pallu and the border also shared similar intricacies like the rest of the saree displaying elaborate temple motifs. To complement the saree, the actress has opted to wear a matching pink color sleeveless blouse that is depicted with very Buttas on it.
Also Visit: Indian miss Universe Winners who Made India Proud
The actress has opted for very simple jewelry as the outfit itself does most of the work. Her choice of accessories included a pair of golden earrings, a traditional stone studded choker, and a ring from the brand Kalyan Jewellers. For the hairstyle, she opted for a simple hairdo in a bun and decorated it with Gajra to attain a traditional look. She had finally rounded off the look with winged eyeliner, shimmery eyeshadow, blushed cheeks, highlighter, and pink lips.
For Latest Tollywood Updates Visit HYD7AM.com
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spakerlon · 2 years
Ram with rambox for sale
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Ram with rambox for sale full#
Inside the cabin, you'll be able to choose from options like a 12-inch Uconnect touchscreen, stitched leather upholstery, and more. RamBox cargo, multifunction tailgate, and more are all ready to make the Ram 1500 easier to use. Ram designed its light-duty, full-size truck with a range of options for both utility and comfort. Plus, available four-wheel drive means you can equip your Ram 1500 for off-road duty as well. Find used Ram 1500 inventory at a TrueCar Certified Dealership near you. Prices for a used Ram 1500 currently range from 6,490 to 184,999, with vehicle mileage ranging from 5 to 341,630. Read RAM 1500 Laramie RamBox DT car reviews and compare RAM 1500 Laramie RamBox DT prices and features at . TrueCar has 15,649 used Ram 1500 models for sale nationwide, including a Ram 1500 Laramie Crew Cab 57' Box 2WD and a Ram 1500 Big Horn Crew Cab 57' Box 4WD. Whether you choose the sturdy 3.6-liter Pentastar V6, the powerful 5.7-liter HEMI V8, or the torquey 3.0-liter EcoDiesel V6, you'll be ready to take on a variety of challenges. Search for new & used RAM 1500 Laramie RamBox DT cars for sale in Australia. A choice between three engine options means you can get the kind of power that you want. For additional storage space outside of the cabin, choose the available RamBox Cargo Management System thats built into the side rails of the truck bed and is. These trucks are built with tough steel ladder frames and solid rear axles for optimal strength. Whether you need a simple work truck, off-road specialist, or towing machine, the 20 is ready to help. This light-duty, full-size truck offers versatility that serves a wide variety of needs and tastes. English: Uniforms of the Los Angeles Rams since the 2020 NFL season.
Ram with rambox for sale full#
Id read both criticism and praise for the system on various forums, and was ready to give them a full trial. Buy Pure Silk Sarees, Soft silk Saree,Bridal Silk Saree,Vipanji Traditional Silk. The Ram 1500 has been a longstanding favorite for truck owners near Keizer. As the owner of a Ram 1500 without RamBox or the in-bed cargo management system, I was eager to try out the 20 Limited with both features.
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dazzlegame · 2 years
Pandal-hopping Outfits That Are Beautiful And Comfortable For Each Day Of Durga Puja
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We were told early on that there is an unspoken rule during Durga Puja: don't wear the same clothing more than once during the 10-day festival! My mother used to sew tiny salwar outfits for my sister and me when we were toddlers using the same length of fabric she had purchased in bulk. Even though we wore the same print and colour together, we never wore the same ensemble twice. For Bengali children, wearing new garments every day and letting them lose their sheen by EOD is a huge part of Pujo. I won't ruin clothes anymore because I am a grown-up (allegedly!) and realize their value. But occasionally, while pandal hopping, I do get amazing street food on them.
Nothing has changed this year. The Durga Puja celebrations are well underway, and a big component of them, pandal hopping, calls for specific consideration of our attire. For those who are unaware, pandal hopping is the practice of Bong families leaving their Barwari pandals to visit other ones throughout the city. In our society, pandal decoration is a highly prized art, and we greatly enjoy it. A family of five will typically visit ten pandals in one night (we stay up till 4 am); therefore, we must have fantastic, flexible clothing available.
Choosing stylish
 clothing for every occasion can be difficult. That's why we're looking to some of our favourite fashion icons for inspiration, favourite models and the fashionable ethnic outfits they have been donning. We want these lovely costumes for our Puja style in addition to the prominent collection of Taant sarees! Style!
Even if it is still peaceful, the first day of Puja is fortunate. It is always enjoyable to see the pre-puja preparations during these early days. Our local communities give their idols the finishing touches, from painting pratima to draping their sarees, and a brief exploration in an easy-to-wear is not too shabby!
Pandals begin revealing Maa's faces on day 2 after finishing the finishing touches. Yellow is a prominent ethnic colour trend this holiday season. We want to adapt it into a sweet sharara and trendy jewellery piece for the night out. They're fantastic for the Garba night at the neighbourhood community centre too!
During puja, most of the nation's cities are noticeably warmer. As a result, we desire a few light and airy outfits in our wardrobe for this puja. A lovely ethnic top and palazzo pair ought to go just fine.
As we previously stated, while being two different celebrations of the same event, Durga Puja and Navaratri are very different from one another. As a result, a gharara decorated in deep emerald tones is ideal for pandal hopping before going out for dandiya night.
Kurta and lehenga combinations are fantastic! These carefree beauties are the ideal way to start the "formal" first day of Puja, when everyone is eager to show off their new looks. We aren't sure what else will get people's attention if a bright pink embroidered number doesn't.
Simple designs of opulent trims and fabrics are a good look for the puja, keeping with the festive themes this season. One of our main trends this season is the fusion of modern, youthful looks with traditional Indian patterns like bandhani and mirror work.
After Saptami aarti, most puja pandals ramp up their celebrations. Our nights since day 7 have not been for sleeping, with anything from folk dance performances to an extended orchestral performance filling the night with their music. As a result, we require attire that is beautiful and lightweight. I'm at a loss for what to wear better than a silk saree!
Ashtami starts off early and is the most significant day of the puja. I recall rushing to get ready in my best clothes and taking a shower at six in the morning, so I could play pushpanjali. Because they are easy to put on and appear opulent, lehenga sarees are what we will be investing in this year. And they will be red, of course!
When it comes to the after-aarti activities, Navami is the time when things heat up! The raucous dhunichi naach and the three-hour long gut-wrenching skits are looked forward to. What can you do to maximize them? Softest embroidery on a lovely sheer saree!
The traditional puja outfit is a red and white saree. Why not make it more entertaining? Thanks to Sabyasachi's creativity, the red and white saree has changed from polka dots to stripes and has become a millennial fantasy.
What attire do you have for the puja? Remember to share your OOTDS!
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highplainsfarm · 2 years
Young, Beginning, Small, Army Veterans And Minority Farmers
Awards will be paid in annual disbursements as much as $10,000, or the remaining loan indebtedness. Any extra funds made to scale back the excellent balance could cause a reduction in the complete quantity of the award. Ineligible loans also embrace non-educational scholar loan consolidations and residential fairness loans used to pay off student loans. • A loan beneath this program may be utilized to present debt solely when required by the lender to finance the enlargement of an eligible project. Lone Star Ag Credit makes use of a quick loan-scoring program that's designed particularly for smaller loans which generally meet the credit score wants of a New Generation buyer. The course of is streamlined, requiring much less paperwork and allowing our workers to make quick decisions on loan approvals underneath $250,000.
In this text, we’ll cowl the professionals and cons of FSA loans , Seller Financing, Commercial Loans , and Farmland Capital, a model new providing from FBN®. AgTexas is implementing a model new inner lending software program system that will enhance our operations to better support our members. For business young farmer loans farmers who need to test a new thought using a subject trial, on-farm demonstration, advertising initiative, or different methods as properly as SARE-funded resources and publications.
Applicants for direct and guaranteed farm loans should be unable to obtain credit elsewhere , and have an appropriate credit history. Direct and assured loan debtors should even be the operator or tenant operator of a farm that isn't larger than a “family farm” after the loan is closed. A household farm is outlined as one by which all the management and a considerable amount of the whole labor is offered by the farm family. All borrowers need to adjust to extremely erodible land and wetland conservation cross-compliance farm invoice requirements. To be eligible for any RFA packages, you must be a Minnesota resident buying Minnesota property.
The application for a direct farm possession loan could be discovered online at Farm Ownership Loans (usda.gov) or contact your native farm service workplace to meet with an agent to debate your specific operation. Again, although these loans are available to all producers, FSA targets a portion of direct farm ownership loan funds particularly for farmers and ranchers. This money is particularly set aside and reserved until April 1 of every 12 months to help farmers and ranchers who meet the requirements of a starting producer. It is critical for all farmers and ranchers to frequently young farmer loans manage monetary, advertising, production, human resource and legal dangers on their operations. There are many options for farmers and ranchers to manage threat, however the focus here is on risk administration applications obtainable via USDA to BFR. Crop, livestock and hay and pasture insurance coverage merchandise are available via private crop insurance coverage brokers or immediately by way of the USDA.
One resource is the NSAS listserv, which is on the market as a resource and on-line learning platform and consists of weekly events and opportunities for farmers. Another useful resource is a database of sources situated on the NSAS web site, which includes previous lectures, workshops, webinars and other resources for farmers excited about sustainable and natural agriculture. For this specific loan, FSA supplies up to 50% of the cost or value of the land being bought. Then, a commercial lender, state program or vendor of the property being bought offers the remaining steadiness of loan funds, with or without an FSA guarantee. The most loan amount is identical because the regular direct farm possession loan ($600,000) however the rate of interest does usually differ. The May 1, 2021 rate of interest for a joint financing ownership loan is 2.500%.
For both FCS as a complete and for YBS debtors, whole loans excellent also grew in 2021. The variety of loans outstanding to young farmers elevated by 2.9%, to starting farmers by four.8% and to small farmers by 1.7%. FCA defines young farmers as 35 years old or younger young farmer loans, starting farmers as those who have been farming 10 years or less, and small farmers as those with gross annual gross sales of lower than $250,000, according to the release.
A farmer, rancher or producer or harvester of aquatic products who has 10 years or much less farming, ranching or aquatic expertise as of the loan transaction date or has not assumed management of an operation for more than five years. We additionally actively support packages, educational activities and particular events that profit YBS farmers. The Beginning Farmer Loan Program by way of Iowa Finance Authority is meant to help new farmers when buying agricultural property, depreciable equipment or tools, breeding livestock or buildings. We perceive most young and beginning farmers don’t have a long monetary observe report.
CFRA workers advises new farmers, including girls, army veterans and Latinos, on methods to gain access to land, financing and the data and skills wanted to make a profitable begin. CFRA additionally works extensively with organizations and individuals on Farm Bill development and use of these packages. CFRA's business program provides recommendation and loans to small businesses in rural Nebraska, similar to value-added agricultural enterprises and Main Street businesses. Young, beginning and small producers are the future of Texas’ proud agricultural industry.
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
I was thinking about the arabian sidequest and how a lot of looks in otome makes at least one reference to middle eastern culture, and then I thought about East Asian, so then I was like, the brothers reactions to MC in a Lengha or saree, bonus if it's their colours as headcanons?
The Obey Me Brothers See MC in a Lehenga / Saree in their Colours
AN: This is a beautiful request!! Please let me know if anything I said is rude or disrespectful - I’ve grown up entirely in Ireland which isn’t a very diverse place. I also haven’t played the sidequest myself yet.
I tried my best to do some research on this though, to put in enough effort and to learn a bit more myself.
I mention alcohol briefly in Mammon’s, as a warning.
Scenario: Its a very special occasion in the Devildom - a party thrown by Diavolo - and MC has decided to wear a lehenga and saree for it, matching the colours of the specific brother. They’re already close but not necessarily a couple.
He comes to your room to collect you ahead of time as this is an occasion you absolutely can’t be late for. When you open the door, the usual, I’m-pissed-off-don’t-talk-to-me look on his face drops for half a second before he regains some rough approximation of it, raising an eyebrow. The colours are perfection, a deep red paired with a lovely velvety black. There are vague patterns he can’t quite make out, but its enchanting to look at.
He keeps you by his side as you two walk out to where he’s already gathered his brothers, and you catch him smirk when one of them makes a comment about how the two of you match - probably Belphie, punctuated with a yawn. He covers it up immediately, tells Belphie to be quiet, that you were all in too much of a hurry for such commentary.
He keeps glancing at you before the event officially starts, something dancing behind his eyes that isn’t usually there. Delight, you realise. He’s beaming and failing to hide it efficiently, and you hear Barbatos make some kind of joke or comment about it as he passes Lucifer his food, and Lucifer can only half frown at him as he shrugs it off.
He invites you to dance with him later, the first out of anyone to make an offer, confident as ever, and he doesn’t hide his smile when the two of you are twirling round the ballroom together. He talks, then, lets you know why he’s so uncharacteristically cheerful - you seem so confident and radiant, the outfit only adding to it. It suits you well, he says, proud gaze fixed on you. Not just the outfit but the confidence, how comfortable and happy you seem. And the colours, too, he notes cheekily.
Lucifer only vaguely asks about the cultural meaning behind it all. He listens intently when you talk about whatever you know of it, even if all you say is ‘Its an outfit we wear in India for more formal occasions’. He’ll go off and look into it more later, not one to directly show much curiosity about human customs, but he does love if you divulge small amounts of information with him that he wasn’t previously aware of, and he’ll remember everything you tell him in future.
His colder demeanor comes back later, but there’s still some new softness to him. When the two of you are alone, he subtly makes a comment about how you should wear whatever makes you most comfortable at any time - except at RAD, where you should continue to wear your uniform, obviously - because... you look much better with a smile. “Next time,” he mumbles, smirking at you and taking one of your hands in his, “you should try not to out-dress every demon in the room.”
He’s... having issues, the second he half beats your door down trying to get you to hurry and come out or Lucifer will have his head, you’re supposed to be leaving in two minutes! You throw open the door and he freezes, before clearing his throat and taking a step back. You look kind of okay, he mumbles. Mammon turns sharply and leads the way towards his brothers, face red.
Mammon is quieter than usual, but defensive. He scowls at his brothers if they make comments he doesn’t like, but if you seem comfortable enough he won’t bark at them about it. He keeps glancing at you and he’s not so subtle about it because he simply doesn’t think to be.
He’s furious when you get to the party and people keep looking at you but also like. They should be? You look amazing? People absolutely should be admiring you but he doesn’t like it, but he does. He’s so torn, and he ends up by your side most of the time.
He settles down eventually after a few drinks, stops bristling and relaxes, and then he has this easy going smile on his face every time he looks at you. You look really good, have you ever considered modelling? This style of clothing isn’t common in the Devildom, and he’s really curious about it underneath his tsundere demeanor. The more he relaxes, the more questions he asks, and he listens with stars in his eyes, head tilted as he watches you intently.
“And did you match the Great Mammon on purpose?” he asks, puppy dog eyes boring into your soul. He still has an air about him, false confidence, happiness and awkwardness swirling together palpably, but he’s more honest than usual. He’s content, and so long as you’ll have him there, he’d like to stay by your side. Please.
[Others under the read more]
He doesn’t come to your room to collect you - its actually the other way about. He’d gotten too absorbed in ‘one last game’, dressed and ready and sitting loosely on the side of his bathtub bed, fully invested in completing this next level. He jolts when you tap on his door and gently click it open, blushes bright red as he stumbles over an apology and sits his controller down, and freezes completely when he finally takes in what you’re wearing.
The orange and blue go marvelously together, like the beach meeting the ocean, and his blush only deepens, his stutter so bad he decides to just clamp his jaw shut and follow you as you both head towards the front hallway.
Scowls at his brothers if they comment about his face or your outfit. Mammon grabs him and ruffles up his hair around his horns and his tail wags angrily as he tries to pull Mammon’s arm off him, to no avail. His tail continues to swish back and forth, the tip of it flicking angrily side to side throughout the whole event.
You’ll have to choose yourself to spend time with him at the party because otherwise he’s off on his own trying to find the quietest corner to hide in. He also doesn’t have the courage to approach you, not when so many eyes are on you. If you do seek him out, he’s flustered about it; shouldn’t you be spending your time, y’know, with literally anyone else right now? You tell him you’d rather be with him right now, and he gives this sad little half smile through his blush, like he doesn’t believe you but its comforting to hear nonetheless.
You two get into a conversation and somewhere in there he lets slip what he thinks about your outfit; it really suits you, and the colours feel like home to him. He pauses, covers his mouth with one hand, stares at you to try and gauge your reaction. You smile back at him, and he relaxes. He’s quieter about it all than a lot of the other brothers, too uncomfortable at the party and around people anyway, but he seems happy enough around you off in the corner, with your calming presence and comforting memories of the ocean to tide him over until you can both go home.
He doesn’t visibly react when you approach the brothers, ready to leave. Maybe slightly raises his eyebrows but just trails along beside you, striking up a conversation about something or other, the latest book he’s read or asking about a book he’s loaned to you, or a comment about the party and some people who will be there.
He’s more openly flirtatious than the other brothers, not one to keep his thoughts to himself. “You look delightful, by the way,” he says with his angelic smile, right before you enter Diavolo’s castle. “Did you intentionally match colours with me, I wonder?”
Its not a question to be answered, not right now at least - Lucifer opens the doors and Diavolo and Barbatos greet you all immediately, Satan walking towards the front of the crowd with a smirk to say his own greetings. He doesn’t bring it up again, not until after dinner and well into the party, when he asks if you’re free for the next dance, one hand held out towards you, inviting you towards the dance floor.
Satan talks then, properly. Says he’s glad that you’re here, that you make this whole thing more bearable than if he was stuck with his brothers. He’s calm, but his eyes betray his amusement. “Everyone has been watching you,” he notes, pretending to be thoughtful. “You really do look lovely in that outfit. Does it have any particular meaning or history behind it?”
He asks the most questions, and is (one of, because Asmo exists) the most forward, open with his comments and not shy with his affections where he can play it off in a flirtatious, almost joking manner. He means everything he says, but does worry you’ll reject him too much to actually expect anything back, and so satisfies himself by satiating his curiosities about the cultural background of the outfit. Like Lucifer, he’s delighted with any information you give him, but definitely presses for more if you’re vague. He’s not trying to be pushy, he just wants to know, and he’ll also go and look it up by himself after the party.
“Oh!! You look amazing, honey!” he squeals, the second you walk out of your room. “And we match too! That means you have to stay with me the whole time, we’ll look like a cute couple! Just try not to steal my thunder, you look almost as good as me in that!”
Compliments, compliments, compliments. He does not stop gushing from the moment he sees you up until one of the brothers says something to distract him - Satan tells him his hair is a little off on one side and he needs to fix it before they get to the castle. They all think you look amazing but they are somewhat tired of hearing Asmo’s voice right now.
He sits directly beside you for the dinner and flirts openly and steadily, unless you seem to be uncomfortable, in which case he does back off a little. Simeon sits across from you two, per Lucifer’s request, so that if Asmo gets to be too much he can strike up a conversation and take the heat off you for a moment.
When the two of you are dancing he’s flirtatious but honest. His affections are somewhat more heartfelt, although still very charged. He asks if you feel more content dressing like this, and encourages you to do it more often. He also asks if you want to spend some time with him later - not like that, he laughs, when you roll your eyes or blush in response. He’d like to play dress up for a bit, try on some outfits, and maybe redesign your school uniform to add some interesting touches if you haven’t already incorporated your own style into it.
He’s the least likely to react out of all the brothers. “You look very sweet, MC,” he says quietly, gentle smile and puppy dog eyes directed straight at you. He loves how the outfit sits on you, loves how you smile back at him. But unlike the other brothers, instead of striking up a conversation he’s content to simply keep an eye on you.
If you try to talk to him, he’ll respond, but he’s not one for words. Belphie joins in and it makes it a lot easier for him, and you can feel just how happy he is, but he’s too focused on the prospect of the big dinner at Diavolo’s party to be possessive or flirty at that moment.
Beel actually doesn’t even notice that the colours are his colours until after the meal when Belphie or Asmo points it out, and then he beams at you and gathers up the courage to invite you to dance with him. He’s enchanted by the way the fabric moves whilst you’re in his arms, and half bumps into Mammon because he’s too distracted to focus properly.
“I... hope you dress like this, more often,” he mumbles at one point, standing off to one side with you as you sip on a drink of something or other, his own cup empty. “You look nice.” He says something else under his breath, and you don’t quite catch it. Something about how he’d like if you dressed like that for him, not his brothers but for him, and for you too, of course.
He smirks when you wake him up in the attic (he’d been having one final nap before you had to go, and was almost hoping he’d be forgotten so that he wouldn’t have to go see Diavolo. With you being the one to come get him, and especially in that beautiful purple lehenga and saree, he’s not so upset anymore.)
He groans still, playfully pulling on your arm. “Just stay here and sleep with me,” he says, smirk twisting into a lopsided grin when you roll your eyes at his phrasing. “Fine, fine, I’ll get up.” He stands with a dramatic sigh and pauses to look at you properly. “It’d be a waste of such a pretty outfit if you stayed here only for me, right?”
Belphie doesn’t acknowledge what he said at all as he grabs your hand and heads off towards the door, dragging you along with him. He doesn’t let go until you’re nearing the front hall, doesn’t particularly mind if his brothers see his fingers intertwined with yours, and won’t pull away if you reach for his hand again. He’s content and relatively quiet if you do, walking hand in hand to Diavolo’s castle behind all of his brothers.
He doesn’t bring up the outfit again until you’re dancing, like some of his other brothers. He jumps between casually flirting and having a normal conversation, mischievous glint in his eyes as he watches your every reaction. He leans his head on your shoulder at one point, mumbles something about being too tired for all this nonsense, and then about how soft the saree is as he smoothes a hand over it gently, fingers coming to rest on your waist. The smirk doesn’t leave his face and he seems content, overall. “I’m glad it was you,” he half-whispers, then, hugging you. He doesn’t clarify what he means, simply smiles and dozes off there at the edge of the ballroom, still gently swaying to the music with his arms around you.
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badedramay · 3 years
Bro first of all come back I miss your Twitter 🥺
Second of all, I can see where you’re coming from in terms of being disappointed with maya and how she handled her and faiza’s business relationship and friendship. That being said, without knowing any details of their personal lives, FS was sort of screwing Maya over, no? Maya was the one who catapulted FS to the pedestal of top tier designers of pakistan, and yes FS would give maya outfits, but when it came time for bigger campaigns, FS would go to names like syra or sajjal or mahira this past year. It seemed like maya was getting “smaller” campaigns, that too well over a year ago, while FS got the big wigs for the larger campaigns. Yes I get that a designer cannot use one model over and over again but even before their rift, I was like, why is faiza not using maya?
Just wanna end with please come back yo
heeeyy! first of all i am: touched that you are missing me on twitter. I ended up reactivating my account but idk if i'll come back to it yet? i have half a mind of livetweeting the finale of PSM just to kick it outta my life forever but honestly i actually enjoy my time away from the bird app. so...let's see.
second! Hmmm...that is an interesting take. I can see why you would say that but I dont think Maya got the "smaller" campaigns. the thing with FS designs is - they are all the same. they are. she has a limited portfolio and she recycles it again and again. the dresses with the Sajal/MK campaigns were similar to what Maya has already worn for FS both in the campaigns she headlined + irl. so like..she didn't serve anything path-breaking in campaigns Maya wasn't a part of.
FS had limited Maya. Before she would go for Nomi Ansari, Elan, MNR etc as her designer of the event. But then FS became her only signature look. No doubt she carries it flawlessly and my previous biasnotwithstanding, Maya just knows how to carry the FS signature silhouettes best. Probably that is why the first batch of Maya Pret designs were so heavily inspired by FS cuz Maya has mastered how to carry that kind of eastern wear. Even Maya Pret doesn't offer anything new, all the designs are careful rip offs of dresses that we have already seen somewhere, somehow before (as much as that purple saree look is stunning that color is sooooooo Elan)
But i digress. IMO the relationship that Maya and FS shared worked for them on a mutually beneficial level, personally and professionally. and if that has ended then some serious shit most definitely happened. you don't just cut off someone that was more family than friends from you life overnight for no reason. I wouldn't blame one party here.
feel free to talk to me here if you miss me too much >.<
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blogspud-jobs · 1 year
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0 notes
vithyahairandmakeup · 5 years
My Decade
My 2010 started with me finishing my one year diploma at London College of Fashion. I was so excited to start my new career with this prestigious qualification at one of the World’s top fashion institutions, but the makeup artist I used to look up to so much then, told me that I would not last long in this field. She broke my heart. And not because I thought I was doomed, but because of how discouraging and mean she was. 
Up until that moment I thought I had to prove something to my family, but then quickly realised that I am leaving one pack of wolves - my family of course - to walk into another - this industry!I swore to myself then, that I would encourage and support any other makeup artist along my journey and not be like her. I would like to believe that I stayed true to that to some extent. Whatever she had told me did place some doubt in my heart. Just as a precaution I thought I better apply somewhere and work part time at least. So I applied at MAC cosmetics, who had actually rejected me. They then gave me a call a few months later and asked if I could cover during their busy christmas period. Once I started at MAC, they kept me on and I worked for them for another 3 years. They even offered me the managerial position, the irony.
During the three years at MAC, I was so unsure and so confused in what direction I wanted to go in. It was a part time position, so it didn’t pay well, and I was desperately trying to freelance on the weekends. I would get a client once every few months, who wouldn’t pay me much. Without a car, without a proper makeup trolley, it was agony carrying my suitcase up and down underground staircases and holding onto it with my dear life during packed train journeys. I can assure you, it was not a pleasant experience at all.I tried being part of short movies, worked with the National Portrait Gallery, the Arcadia group (who own Topshop, Dorothy Perkins etc.), fashion shows for Nintendo, and even a shoot for British Airways. But all were unpaid and definitely got me nowhere except for a few phone pictures to add to my Facebook Page.
I would come home after a long day of standing and lugging my suitcase around, and my parents would look at me with judgemental eyes wondering why a science graduate who landed a very well paid job in a huge marketing company, would give it all up to do makeup on people for minimum wages and be treated like a servant?I honestly never ever regretted my decision. Yes it was tough not making money, and spending all my earnings on building a better makeup kit or on my travel, but it gave me life; it brought me happiness, it made me want to get out of bed, and it definitely distracted me from my anti depressants and suicidal thoughts. Being a makeup artist brought me back to life.
In 2013, I quit MAC and took the brave decision to go self employed. I registered my company officially. My freelance work had picked up, and I wanted to free my weekends from working in retail. I wanted to explore more and try out new things.I still remember I had hit 10K followers on Instagram after joining in 2012 and more and more people started to get to know me around the world. Instagram opened up a lot of doors for me.Having lived in Germany most of my childhood, my parents were ok with me travelling to Europe for bridal jobs because I was able to stay with family. I think I was the first Tamil makeup artist back then who travelled to neighbouring countries for work. That was probably one of the best decisions I had made. Travelling around Europe and doing makeup got me exposed a lot more and people who were not on social media knew of my existence. 
And as per usual I would still collaborate and work for free with anyone who contacted me. I wanted to get out there and try everything new. During exactly one of these collabs, I was asked to come early morning one day, to do makeup on a male model for a music video shoot. When I arrived that Monday morning I nearly fainted at the sight of Simbu, a very famous Tamil Actor. I was getting my station ready when the makeup artist who was hired for the entire movie did end up coming for this music video shoot. I was gutted. I thought I won’t get a chance to work with him and was prepared to pack up and leave. But the organiser was adamant that I stay and help out. I asked the makeup artist if I could do touch up makeup at least for a few scenes, and she kindly let me. The pictures I took of that moment went viral in South India, and that was the first time people in India started following my work on social media or even knew of my existence.It was also the first time a lot of makeup artists noticed me and can I just say they were not happy with this newbie getting to work with celebrities. 
It got worse in 2014 when I was asked to do makeup for another famous Actress, Sneha, for a Wedding Exhibition. To be honest I was very overwhelmed. I did not think I was cut out for the job and kept asking the organisers why not pick some of the more experienced makeup artists. I really was not ready for such a big job. I wasn’t confident.However, the organiser told me that out of all the profiles she had sent Sneha, Sneha herself picked me. That was all I needed. I spoke to Sneha on the phone a week before her arrival, and met her a few days before the show, to discuss the looks and make sure she was happy with everything.Working with her will forever be one of my most cherished moments in my career. She believed in me and trusted me. However a lot of people were absolutely angry at the thought of me doing makeup on someone as famous as her. They could not comprehend that someone as inexperienced, nor established as myself would bag in a job like this. I did understand their disappointment, but was sad that no one seemed to want to support me. 
Later that same year, I was asked if I was interested in being a production assistant for two songs from the movie Nanbenda; it was a Red Giant Production acting Udhayanidi and Nayanthara, line produced by Kavino from MYA Media. Of course I know nothing about production, but did not want to turn down this opportunity, so took 9 days off and decided to help out. The shoot took place all over Great Britain with a huge budget and an experience of a life time. I got to personally work with Nayanthara and saw what happened behind the scenes. I made great friends during that shoot, even had the responsibility of finding a castle and two horses for one scene, but went home having to deal with a divorce. Even though career-wise 2014 was a great year for me, but on a personal level I had to deal with a lot of heart ache. And no, it had nothing to do with my career, it was simply bad timing. 
The following few years just had me on a rollercoaster to be honest. I tried numerous new things; being a TV host, a judge for dance competitions and beauty peagants, modelling, acting in commercials which never made it on TV, makeup for adverts, short films, magazine shoots, editorials, none were paid of course, until I found a new love for teaching.
I started teaching one-to-one tutorials in 2014 and remember I couldn’t even get two students that December. The following year it grew to 10 students, and in 2016 I had back to back students who were willing to pay whatever I quoted. That I when I made the decision of doing a Masterclass after seeing Mario (Kim Kardashian’s Makeup Artist) do these around the US. I had no guidelines nor knew how to start. Masterclasses were unheard of in our community. I was the first.I hired a small gallery space, and rented 20 chairs. I had my cousins and friends help me set up and we bought a Kettle and paper cups to serve tea and coffee for everyone. I thought the day went so well, and absolutely enjoyed the teaching, to get a call at the end of that day from my mum crying down the phone telling me that our house got robbed. Well we quickly found out that nothing was actually stolen, but the house just go trashed. A lot of us that night stayed up thinking someone did not want me to do these classes. My high ended with such a low, and got worse when I woke up to a lot of emails from our students complaining about numerous things in regards to my Masterclass. Today, I have taught 16 classes all over the world now with as many as 80 students, and for renowned makeup brands such as Bobbi Brown and Nars Cosmetics. So don’t ever let anyone or anything stop you from what you love and what you are meant to do.
Anyway, the following years have definitely been the best; from campaign shoots for Pothys, being flown out around the world for Bridal jobs, being a panelist and being a Keynote speaker for American Express, working with South Indian Movie celebrities Amy Jackson, Bharathirajah, the beautiful Sneha again, and Meena, being in charge of Makeup for Anirudh’s Concert in London and Paris, interviewed on mental health and published in Huffington Post, and my YouTube journey with my Saree draping video amassing nearly 6 million views. I know this is not work related but me marrying the most amazing human being in New York almost 3 years ago definitely was a huge benefactor in my career too. Happiness does wonders, I tell you.
Either way, none of it came easy. Yes it was hard work, but no one ever publicly or openly talks about the politics and the drama that happen in the industry behind closed doors. How not only do you have to deal with your nerves when working on a big project but you probably have to pray all day that no one tries to sabotage this opportunity for you; that no one talks to the organiser and pays them off to drop you last minute (has happened to me countless times), and hope that no one talks behind your back and invents rumours about you. The best rumour was that my ex husband left me because I was having a relationship with Simbu apparently. When my Bride told me that, my answer was “I wish”. We had such a laugh that day.
My last 10 years taught me so much. I grew on a professional and personal level. I think maturity and experience has helped me deal with a lot of it, and face a lot of it.I have some amazing friends also who are in the same field as me, and I have never stopped encouraging, teaching, or inspiring others who are entering this industry. I want to be that someone I never had 10 years ago. Jealousy, competitiveness, and hate does nothing but destroy. It ruins, and it causes nothing but pain. Fame can be another culprit too. It’s great to want to grow on social media, but do not lose your morals, values, and principles along the way. Once you lose respect, it is very hard to earn it back.
How does one deal with all of this? I used to wonder why some people were so horrible, but then gave up trying to figure out what their reasons were. I still get hate or have situations were other makeup artists try and make it very difficult for me, but the first step was to block a lot of words and people on social media. Of course we want to be liked, and we want to be a good person and set a good example, but do we really need to prove something to someone who does not know you nor like you? No matter what line of business you are, there is going to be competition. There is going to be people around you who are going to watch you like a hawk and copy every single thing that you do. But let that be a positive thing. Let that challenge you to do better, and be better, and get outside of your comfort zone. Focus on your own path and cut out anything or anyone who stresses you out or causes negativity. It really is as simple as that.Comparing yourself to others is the worst thing you could do to yourself. Insecurities do not get you anywhere. Have the right people around you who feed your soul with positivity and happiness. And definitely stay away from those who like to gossip about others in the industry. Never healthy I tell you. Trust me, I have been there, done that.
My testimony is to help you see the non-glamorous side of my job, but also see how it has never been easy and still isn’t for any of us. In 2007 I tried to take my life. If anyone had told me then, that in 2020 I will be writing a blog about how to deal with negativity, I would have laughed in their face. But here I am today, doing what I love, loving life, and not being the slightest bit deterred by the few who will always try and bring you down. I have an amazing support system of family and friends, and there are hundreds of thousands of you who support me, so surely that has to count for something too. I am so ready to take on the next decade. Are you?
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sciencelings-ocs · 4 years
Andromeda’s Origin Fic
They were hydra…
Andromeda put a hand over her mouth to keep herself from gasping. She was only a wall and an open door away from the discussion taking place. Her parents were just beyond that wall. They were Hydra… They didn’t work for NASA or for some new space department of the government, no. They worked for the secret Nazi organization that had fallen into obscurity so long ago. 
The facility was makeshift and thus not heavily guarded or under heavy surveillance. It was why she wasn’t caught yet. She had just been exploring while she thought her parents were doing something boring. She didn’t plan to find some deeply hidden government secret. She didn’t plan to find anything at all. She just wanted to catch a glance at the newest spacecraft that her parents talked about. 
She didn’t plan on her world crumbling. 
Her parents were the bad guys. Her mother, a tall proud Indian woman, who refused to wear anything other than a full saree and a pound of jewelry, wasn’t an astrophysicist for NASA… no, she was part of a deeply embedded part of the government made up of Nazis. Her father wasn’t the head engineer in charge of the most recent space-traveling equipment, he was a lead Hydra scientist. 
Andromeda couldn’t believe it. Her parents weren’t evil. They were Indian immigrants with genius-level IQs that she just happened not to inherit. They spoke rapid-fire Hindi and their English was spoken with a heavy accent. They argued about music and food and wanted Andromeda to have more of a dating life, they had favorite movies and collected little things from everywhere they went. They weren’t evil. 
She was spiraling. The room was shrinking in on her. That was before the alarms went off. Red lights and screeching sirens filled the concrete halls. 
Andromeda didn’t think, she just ran. She didn’t know where she was going, the only direction she recognized was ‘away from here’. Her heart was beating in her throat so loudly that she could feel it even with the sirens. 
There were too many halls that looked the same, she made so many random turns. She only stopped to avoid a heavily armed squadron of hydra security guards. After an eternity of running and hiding, she got to a room. It wasn’t a research room, it wasn’t filled with computers or partially finished machinery. It was a hanger with a single aircraft in the center. 
It was like a rocket and an airplane fused together, it was like it was straight out of Star Wars. It had massive wings and almost just as massive thrusters on the top. It was white with an insignia of an eagle of the side. 
She heard rapid footsteps behind her. She ran to the only place she thought she’d be safe. Into the aircraft. The room was already a dead end, there was only one exit. The yelling got closer. She could recognize her father’s pleading voice in the chaos. 
She had just enough time to slip into the ship before the men entered the room. The ship was big enough to fit a few dozen people but what really piqued Andromeda’s interest was the cockpit. It was too familiar. But she had never been in an aircraft like this before, she had only piloted a simulator at the Junior NASA camp. 
The simulator. It was modeled after this aircraft. Every detail was the same. Had she been secretly being trained to fly this thing? The only thing different was the guns. It had them. The simulator was just for a fusion spaceship that she thought was completely theoretical. It was meant for exploration, it wouldn’t need guns. But this one did.
Loud pounding on the metal door interrupted her train of thought and reminded her of her pure panic. There was muffled yelling, some from her parents, pleading with her to get out of the spaceship and that it’s okay and that she’ll be safe if she did but there was more yelling that directly contradicted that. 
She wasn’t going to give herself up, she didn’t exactly have a choice. Hydra was so bent on not getting discovered that they wouldn’t hesitate to kill some teenage girl that got in their way. 
So instead of surrendering, she started the spaceship up and sat in the pilot’s seat with the co-pilots seat empty. There was several empty spacesuits in the back, but she wasn’t prepared for an intergalactic flight. She didn’t even know where she’d go. Where would she even get help? From what she heard, Hydra was everywhere. 
She decided to figure that out later. Once she was out of Hydras tentacles. She methodically flipped switches and pressed buttons that she was trained to press. The massive turbines started to spin and she could feel the rumble of the rocket engines. She put on the headset and adjusted the little microphone over her mouth. She pressed the button to open the sky door. She could barely hear the angry screaming from outside. 
She had to take a breath and control her heartbeat before she pulled the lever back to do more than hover a dozen feet in the air. Before she managed to blast off into the sky, a transmission echoed through her display. 
“You can land the plane and surrender yourself or we won’t hesitate to blow you out of the sky.” A calm but grumpy male voice said through the intercom. 
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I don’t exactly believe any of you would be nice to me at this point and I don’t feel comfortable in a world where Hydra is pulling the strings.” Andromeda said, her voice shaking a little as she pulled up a GPS system on a touchscreen monitor. The entire earth was displayed with dozens of glowing points for secret bases and government places to land. 
“There is no place on this earth where you can run from us, you can make this easier and make your sentence much lighter if you give up now.” The voice on the other said sounded frustrated. Andromeda noticed a little button on the side of the screen that seemed to be a little magnifying glass. She pressed it and grinned as instead of zooming in on the planet, the diagram zoomed out. Earth was a tiny speck with a handful of planets named on the screen. One pointed out an entire star system, ‘Skrull Refugee System’. Well, Andromeda is kind of a refugee now… she’s definitely not safe on her own planet. Hopefully, these Skrull guys didn’t mind her joining the party. 
“Well, then it’s a good thing that I’m not planning on landing on this earth.” She set her targeting system to the main planet in the star system. At least she had a chance out there in the stars if she stayed on earth, there was no guarantee she would be able to avoid hydra. 
“You brought this upon yourself.” The voice said gravely as a video message popped up on her main screen. 
“You have one more chance, Ms. Starling.” A burly man said in the center of the screen. “Land the aircraft or consequences will be thrust upon you.” 
“Consequences come for us all. And they’ll come for you guys when the good guys in the government realize that they’re being run by fucking Nazis.” She growled. 
“There’s no more Captain America Ms. Starling. Stop living on fantasies. We already run the world, we just have the mercy to let you live in it. Your parents, however, must pay for your crimes.” The camera panned out to show a dozen armed people around her parents who were now being forced to kneel on the ground with guns to their heads. 
Andromeda’s blood went cold. She didn’t even have time to beg before the shots made her ears ring and her parents collapsed on the floor in a pool of their own blood. The video cut out and she couldn’t move. She had to force herself to activate the thrusters. She was still in shock when she exited the atmosphere minutes letter.
She shook for thousands of miles after she left the earth. She was in shock and had to push herself physically to take the steps that she needed to take to survive in space. She sluggishly put on a spacesuit and tucked her long black braid into the helmet. 
She desperately tried to control her hyperventilating as she now had limited oxygen and wasn’t quite sure of the readiness of her spacecraft. It wasn’t even near fully stocked besides a full fuel tank, likely for test flights. There was no food, the water was at a minimum and had no circulating filtration. The bed didn’t have a pillow or a blanket and Andromeda only had what she came with which was the clothes off of her back and whatever was in the pockets of her silver jacket.
To avoid confronting what had just happened, Andromeda looked at the schematics of the ship, apparently, the engine was powered off of the stolen power from some cube thing called a tesseract that was in the custody of some government agency that Hydra had already infiltrated. 
It was hours later when she completely broke down. Everything collided with her all at once and it felt like it was crushing her. But that could also be contributed to the rapidly decreasing stabilization of the spacecraft. As she plummeted towards her destination, the structural integrity of the ship was decreasing drastically, the pressure and the destabilization of the oxygen made Andromeda’s vision go dark long before impact. Her last thought before it happened was a brief moment of thankfulness that she would die with her own choices and that she might be able to see her parents again. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, she woke up after an indeterminant amount of time. There were hours of barely reaching consciousness for a moment before the darkness overtook her again. There were only moments, images. Laying on the ceiling of the spaceship, covered in blood. Being carried away by green hairless humanoids. Talking in some language unlike anything she had ever heard on earth. A soft bed. Strange lights. Purple fluid being pumped into her bloodstream with a clear tube. Pain… lots of pain, burning pain, electrifying pain, blinding pain.  She just wanted it to be over. 
She fully woke up in what seemed like a medical bed. It was much different than what she had experienced on earth, but it wasn’t that different. Her head ached and her vision was fuzzy. Her body just felt strange and off. She couldn’t figure out why or what was specifically off. 
As her vision cleared, she began to recognize what was going on around her. There was a green, almost reptilian figure working on a hologram of what seemed like an image of Andromeda’s body with glowing purple starting to color her veins and incomprehensible information on the side. There was a machine to her side pumping opaque purple fluid into a clear pipe going into the skin in her arm. 
The room was clean but not excessively complex, there were no windows or curtains, just a gray metal door, and the medical console being manned by the alien figure. It wasn’t like she wasn’t expecting to see aliens but it was still a pretty strange sight. Strange in a fascinating way, Andromeda definitely thought it was super cool to be likely one of the only humans to be in contact with aliens. And the aliens seemed to be nice as she was still alive even after crashlanding into their planet and seemed to be receiving medical attention. 
Suddenly, her situation collapsed back on her like a mountain being dropped from the sky. She wheezed in a breath as tears filled her eyes. The alien (woman?) at the glowing hologram turned around as she noticed Andromeda awake and struggling to breathe. 
“You are safe terran. You do not have to worry.” The Alien woman said calmly, surprisingly enough, in English. 
“I’m sorry, I had nowhere to go…” Andromeda whispered, for some reason, her voice was hoarse and scratchy. 
“You have no reason to apologize. You are not the only one like that here. Now rest. You still have thirty-seven percent of your blood fusion to go. You will feel better when it’s finished.” The alien woman messed with the machinery currently injecting purple liquid into her. She suddenly felt very light-headed and tired. It only took a moment for her to fall back into comfortable darkness. 
The alien woman was right, the next time she woke up, she felt better than she had ever felt. She felt strong and refreshed. She felt new. Her head was lighter, which turned out to be partially because her long hair had been cut to implant what the alien doctor said was a translation chip or something. This wasn’t the only change though. 
It turned out that the purple liquid which was now coursing through Andromeda’s veins changed her in more physical ways. All of her hair on her body turned a bright white and when she looked into the mirror, she saw that her once dark brown eyes turned violet. Her skin tone was even slightly cooler as the color of her blood had completely changed. The little veins in her eyes were shades of purple instead of red or pink. 
The alien woman told her that they had gotten to her after she had lost a lot of blood and they had to adjust their own to be compatible enough to be transfused. Apparently she reacted strangely with the blood formula and it physically changed her in unforeseen ways. This left alien scientists and doctors mystified and incredibly interested. 
The Skrulls, whose enhanced blood was now coursing through Andromeda’s veins, were a shapeshifting race of aliens who were constantly under attack by blue humanoid aliens called the Kree. This was why they had several refuge planets. The system of planets was shared with other survivors of the Kree, including humanoids of all neon colors and even aliens who could pass as human.  
Andromeda was given a makeshift shelter with a handful of other aliens, some feminine, some masculine, some gender non-conforming. Mostly green reptilian Skrulls, but also an androgynous alien with bright pink skin.
It took her a while to get used to her new life, thank goodness aliens were a good distraction from major trauma. Life was simple, everyone worked together to survive. There were hunters who went into the wild planet and brought back strange alien creatures for food, there were farmers who grew crops and saved them up to ration them out every day. There were shelter builders and doctors and cooks and caregivers for children and dozens of other essential jobs that everyone wordlessly participated in. Andromeda tended to drift towards hunting and assisting the medical team. She had several first aid courses under her belt and alien physiology was fascinating to her. 
She was also being considered as a co-pilot for rescue missions. They didn’t have too many people who could fly a ship and who was willing to leave stability to willingly risk their life. Naturally, Andromeda volunteered for the job. Her life was exciting and different but after so many months, it had begun to be monotonous. Every day was the same. The infinite vacuum of space sounded much more fun.
It was during her first rescue mission when she realized how much she had changed. She was stalling in the co-pilots seat, ready to take off at a moment’s notice when an alert pulsed through her high tech monitor. She wasn’t supposed to get out of the ship. She was just a pilot. But if the distress signal was going off, that meant that the crew was captured or needed backup. Andromeda took the emergency gun from under her chair and stood up from her spot after putting the ship on stealth standby. 
She crept off of the ship in her adaptable uniform that was derived from a defector of the Kree Star Force. The suit changed colors to blend into the dry red environment and created a mask around her mouth to breathe the planet’s gasses. She twisted her wrist and the gauntlet of the suit activated a flickering GPS system, pointing out where her teammates were. 
She eventually made it to a small cliff in the orange rock that looked over the situation. Her teammates were surrounded by gunmen of the local oppressive government with a dozen unarmed civilians huddled in the center. There was some far away yelling but she didn’t care to hear it. She just had to think of what she needed to do. Her skin crawled with adrenaline. Or at least that’s what she thought it was. 
No one had noticed her presence. She carefully aimed her gun at the closest bad guy. She had never been great with guns and she was a little far away for comfort but she really couldn’t do much else. Of course, even with the most advanced targeting system she had ever worked with, she missed. At least it caused a bit of chaos. 
The bad guys in bright blue uniforms looked around wildly for her but she had already ducked back behind the rock. The bad guys yelled and one of them called for someone to find the ‘idiot slug-fucker’. Andromeda wasn’t sure about the accuracy of that translation but she didn’t like the sound of it. Her skin crawled even more as a dominant yell echoed through the valley of rock.  
“Show yourself or they’re all going to be shot down!” She froze. She couldn’t just sit there and ruin the mission and be the reason even more people are dying. She stood up from behind the scarlet stone and held her arms up in surrender. For some reason, her skin only crawled more. It was too bad humans weren’t the most interesting beings in the universe, if she had wings like Nidaviliir Demons or durable and able to take out technology like a Remorath but she was only human. The most basic boring creature in the universe. 
But she wasn’t quite human anymore. After she was saved by the Skrulls, she became something else entirely. And it took this long for her to know the true effects of what had happened to her. 
The feeling of her skin crawling went up her spine and stopped in between her shoulder blades. A strange feeling emerged from her back, not painful, not uncomfortable, in fact, it felt right. Behind her, flesh and feathers grew from her back and her spacesuit merged with her new growing limbs. Massive bright white iridescent wings expanded from her back, taller than she was and several times wider. She test flapped them once and was thrust about a foot off of the ground with barely any effort. 
The strangest part was how natural it felt. It was like she was born with the wings that she had only just barely grown herself. 
“Take it down!” the main bad guy screeched. Andromeda automatically shielded her body with her wings. She didn’t know if it would do anything to whatever type of weapons they had but it was a purely instinctual reaction. To her surprise, the energy blasts bounced off of her wings like lasers off of a mirror. 
Once the shooting stopped, she unfurled her wings and thoughtlessly dove off the cliff. She glided low to the ground and took out a handful of guys just by ramming into them. This was when all hell broke loose. Her teammates went after the bad guys who were focused on her and she reflected energy blasts with her wings so that they would avoid the people who were in harm’s way.
It only took a minute for the fight to be over, blue military uniformed bad guys lied motionless on the ground, most of the civilians were safe. There were injuries but the mission was a success. 
“Since when have you been able to do that Starling?” Her Skrull co-pilot exclaimed.
“Since like, uh, three minutes ago?” She shrugged. She didn’t really know how to undo the shapeshifting and her back had taken a hit or two in the fight. The wings felt heavier and more in the way than natural limbs at this point. She wanted them gone but she wasn’t sure how to do that.
“Maybe you should be out here instead of just in the ship!”
“Maybe…” Andromeda considered as they headed back towards the spaceship. 
Everything else went off without a hitch. They left the planet without being attacked again, no one died on the way back to the refugee planet, everything was fine. Andromeda had to have her wings half-open as there was no other way to sit, she still couldn’t figure out how to reverse it and was hoping that she could figure it out. 
After helping the new refugees with their injuries and having a meal or two, she passed out, back and wings up, on her bunk. Surprisingly enough, her wings were gone by morning. 
This was just the beginning of her journey. She wasn’t just a refugee from earth, she wasn’t a science experiment anymore. For the first time in a while, she felt hope that she could be more than what was expected of her.
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