#official kabuterimon
izzyizumi · 10 months
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{DIGIMON T.C.G.} ~ TyrantKabuterimon (With cameos of Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon!)
(Preview from here!)
The "King of Bugs" which governs all Insect Digimon. Its stronghold, the "Under Forest", exists deep underneath the darkest forest, and it is said that it only moves at night. It is able to manipulate every Insect Digimon at will, so it almost never fights in person. Due to the high density Chrome Digizoid which compose its shell, it is thought to be impossible for ordinary Digimon to even scratch it. The red-hot explosion {attack} which it emits from its entire body (Shine of Bee) is impossible to defend against, and instantly reduces all of its opponents to ash. Also, its "Bee Cyclone" summons all of its insect followers, to construct an impenetrable wall of bugs.
-Digimon Reference Book
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
{D I G I M O N} A n d r o m o n {in 45 Sec.'s}
"{It} was saved{/rescued} by Koushiro and Kabuterimon"
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0 notes
digitalsideblog · 7 months
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Digimon Con GIF Countdown - 3 Days Remain!
Digimon Adventure (1999) - Episode 5: "Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker"
Digimon Con will be streamed live on March 9th, 2024 at 7:00PM EST on the Digimon Official Youtube Channel
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swisssadge · 6 months
Partners for the Digimon Frontier Digidestined
In Episode 47, the Digidestined land on the Yellow Moon, courtesy to an attack from the freed Lucemon. There they meet the Baby Digimon and Digimon Eggs they had previously encountered, which had been under Swanmon's protection. And each of the Digidestined picks up a newly hatched Digimon, holding them in their arms. One day, I had the idea of making a list. Based on the Digimon they each picked up, what would each Digidestined's partner be if they had partners instead of Spirits?
I went according to what each Digimon would evolve in according to Wikimon, which contains all kinda official evolutions throughout all the different media (be it Pendulums, games, or whatever). At the same time, I tried to stick to each kid's theme where possible, like electricity for JP and wind for Zoe. Only ones that were impossible were Takuya and Tommy, since none of the Digimon they picked up had anything with ice or fire in their evolution trees.
Also, the Digivices would be the D3 from Adventure 02, cause I like the idea that these partners would also be able to Armor Digivolve - into armor Digimon we didn't see in anime yet as well (or at least not with the 02 kid's Digimon. We got Sagittarimon appearing shortly twice, but I'd loved to see Veemon actually evolve with the Digimental of Hope in an anime).
So, have fun, and if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to let me know with a comment. ;) Enjoy the list!
Digivice color: Dark blue
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Chibomon - Demiveemon - Veemon - Veedramon - Aero-Veedramon - UlforceVeedramon
It would have been quite tempting to put the evolution line of Davis's Veemon. However, Paildramon and Imperialdramon are Jogress Evolutions, and we don't know what Exveemon would evolve into without Stingmon. Luckily, we have a very cool alternative option in the line of Tai's (probably) Veemon from the V-Tamer manga. So I went with that. Speaking of Tai - it's interesting that they gave him Chibomon and not Botamon/Koromon. The Agumon line would have kept the fire theme. But honestly... I would love to see the Veedramon line in anime one day. Or why not animate V-Tamer?
Digivice color: Light blue
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Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Angemon - MagnaAngemon - Goddramon
What can I say, with him getting a Tokomon...? Of course I had to pick the Angemon line. I only switched up the Mega level, picking Goddramon instead of Seraphimon. For... multiple, sometimes obvious reasons.
Digivice color: Dark purple
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Poyomon - Tokomon - Tukaimon - BlackGatomon - LadyDevimon - Mastemon
Oooff... my favourite Frontier kid, and he was the hardest to do. I wanted to keep a dark aestetic, since he does have the Spirits of Darkness. And I wanted to do like a dark counterpart to Koji. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of dark colored angel or angel-like Digimon that aren't evil. I think there are even none of those. That's why I was reluctant to pick LadyDevimon, since she usually is an antagonist when she appears in the anime. Isn't the only good LadyDevimon the one from Cyber Sleuth? But I think this is the list I feel most content with from all the option that I checked out. And Mastemon is pretty cool-looking. n.n I also could have gone with a cat aestetic, since, well, AncientSphinxmon, Löwemon and KaiserLeomon, but that worked out pretty badly as well.
Digivice color: Pink
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Poromon - Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Sylphimon - Valkyriemon
Thank god they gave her Poromon. This made her list pretty easy. I mean, as holder of the Spirit of Winds, what better for her than a bird Digimon? Unfortunately we don't have a proper Ultra Level for Aquilamon, so I had to pick the Jogress Evolution Sylphimon. But I am not sad; it visually fits quite well with Aquilamon, and is also a perfect segway into Valkyriemon.
Digivice color: Dark yellow
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Motimon - Tentomon - Kabuterimon - Alturkabuterimon Blue - Herakleskabuterimon
Another veery easy pick. Tentomon line. Elektric bug. Need I say more? I only switched Izzy's red Alturkabuterimon its blue variant to pay tribute to the blue in Beetlemon's color pallet.
Digivice color: Light yellow
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Upamon - Armadillomon - Ankylomon - Shakkoumon - SlashAngemon
No ice for Tommy-boy here. However, I think he'd be very cute with Armadillomon, especially if it were anything like Cody's Armadillmon from 02. Here, I too had to pick the Jogress Evolution Shakkoumon for Ultra Level. But with SlashAngemon as Mega, I don't mind, since Shakkoumon serves as a good segway from earth to steel (and angel).
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pocket-of-summer · 1 year
Chapter 5 - Author's Notes
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It took half a year to complete this chapter 😂 But thanks everyone as always for your patience! Coincidentally, the date when I posted the first chapter 5 post was the date I started my new job...which is exhaustingggg I'm not sure how I even lasted 6 months so far, and it seems it'll only get tougher from here. Corporate grind for the 🤑... It's been hard for me to juggle my limited energy and time with this project, and even do other hobbies, but we're this far! I don't want to give it up even if the updates are slow and the quality isn't as perfect.
And we finally see the face of the person from the very first panel of the story...I wonder who she is??? (Ok I am so bad at any kind of story or mystery writing but this is my bad attempt at suspenseful foreshadowing😂)
▶Go to: - Continue to Chapter 6
Tsunozemimon appeared in this chapter, which is the last of the main characters' Adult levels! It took me a little while to settle on his design but I personally really like how it turned out in the end.
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This was the initial design I had for Tsunozemimon. I guess the general shape is there but the feel is pretty different; I was basing it off Kabuterimon, the OG Adult-level insect Digimon, so the design looked a bit more...wrinkly(???) like the initial style of Digimon.
I do find the old wrinkly art style of Digimon iconic (newer designs tend to be more smoothed out), but I guess looking through my other Pocket of Summer Digimon designs, they look more in line with the newer smoother style (also with how newer Digimon designs have stronger resemblance within the same evolution line) so I wanted to smoothen Tsunozemimon out a bit too lol. It was fun to think about how to design him though! "Zemi" is Japanese for "cicada", but "Tsunozemi" is Japanese for "treehopper"/"thorn bug" which was a fun idea for an evolution.
Also, the enemy Digimon for this chapter is the official Digimon Tobiumon! At the time of writing it hasn't gotten to star in any anime/manga entry yet, so it was fun to get to draw it in action (and I had to wing the design of its Suckerfish Darts a bit).
Lastly, as a side note, I've received comments about the evolution sequences that the Tamers inspiration was cool 🥹 Thank you!! (If anyone hasn't seen them yet, check out the Digimon Tamers evolution sequences! I can't quite capture the same coolness in still drawings but I very much wanted to emulate the "skin texture on wireframe base" idea.)
Speaking of wireframes, the Digimon get their wireframes exposed when they are hurt badly in this story. I can't remember atm if other Digimon series did this? But maybe I just wanted to give myself excuses to draw more wireframes because they look cool lol.
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Shellmon (chapter 2)
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Tylomon (chapter 3)
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Cephalomon (chapter 4)
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WaruSeadramon (chapter 4)
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Pangorumon (chapter 5)
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Murexmon (chapter 5)
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Tobiumon (chapter 5)
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holyhikari · 4 years
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YELLS IN RAINBOW DIGICODE! everything is so pretty in the reboot I don’t even mind the evolution sequences anymore.
I wasn’t able to watch episode 5 and 6 until yesterday, and I’m sO HYPED for the 2020 adventure timeline now! I loved how they introduced us to some of the lore of this universe and a prophecy (the pastel rainbow + greek architecture imagery of the temple had me shaking) right away, and it’s interesting that in this incarnation our dear mons apparently have memories of a mysterious past and a war they fought in. I don’t think it’s connected to the pre-reboot timeline or kizuna or anything, fortunately. I want to see this becoming its own thing. 
Valdurmon is our big rainbow bird and so far they’ve been fulfilling the role of Gennai explaining stuff. Aldurmon is majestic. I love them. Where’s Gennai. I also love Gennai.
also UHMMMMMM there were six eggs.
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Seraphimon and Ophanimon did appear, though. They were alongside Cherubimon (!!!!!) and some other powerful mons I couldn’t make out (MEICOOMON?!!?)
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so I think we only see six eggs because the six mons of the older kids were ‘regular’ mons who fought Devimon/Apocalymon/all the evil incarnate in the old days, and Hikari’s Tailmon and Takeru’s Patamon are the reincarnations of two of the sacred mons; namely, two of the Three Archangels. So I wonder if we’ll also meet a Lopmon? Like in Frontier. But obviously there were more than three (again: MEICOOMON?!!?), so. I have no idea —  perhaps by “Sacred Digimon,” Valdurmon meant the Three Archangels + those new ones. What kind of insane powers will Takeru and Hikari have now? Much doubt, much excitement. 
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(I apologize if someone already put it like this, I haven’t gotten around to read many reviews.)
We have the little bat thingies acting like Devimon’s rings. (Edit: I meant gears, not rings. I just turned Devimon into Ken.) We have Ogremon fully operating on pissed off & existencial crisis mode, not a Leomon in sight. But I have faith. Devimon’s abs are much more defined now, and I am a pervert apparently. Sue me, he’s hot.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Mimi’s episode has been my favorite so far!!!!!!!!! Her characterization is spot on! They managed to balance out her being a little brat and extremely sweet so well. I was worried they’d go too deep too fast into the spoiled princess archetype and have her come off as way more insensitive than she is, poor kid. And GRANDPA? WE'VE BEEN BLESSED WITH MORE TACHIKAWAS?!  ;;also, Taichi and Sora immediately recognized the kindness inside her. Taichi played along with her kingdom and even called her queen, I love my boy. Then Mimi called her new supportive friends servants #72 and #73. God tier group dynamic right here.
I am living for the glitchy aesthetic of this anime. Seriously. Sometimes at the corner of the screen you can see the Digital World glitching a bit and it’s honestly so satisfying. I am pleased. 
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Palmon’s data almost vanishing out of existence was less pleasant to watch, but it was pretty nonetheless. So it’s fine.
It’s amazing how Mimi and Palmon already saw I love you to each other — and don’t you think I didn’t see Sora blushing at the open display of affection. This had me intrigued. So far Sora has been lovely, and don’t get me wrong — she is baby —, but I’m missing my emotionally constipated girl who couldn’t stand Piyomon doting on her when they met, lmao. Hopefully, we’ll get a closer look at their relationship soon. As for Koushiro, it was so cute his little moment with Kabuterimon. “Oh I think I came to this world to meet you. [heart emoji]” “Sorry could you repeat that Koushiro-han.” “REPEAT WHAT?”  
Next time (tomorrow!) THAT BOI IS JYOU KIDO! Personally, I think Jyou and Gomamon’s dynamic is the more unique of the group — you gotta get the teasing and the banter right! —, and my favorite, so it’s the one I’m anticipating the most (alongside Hikari and Tailmon’s, because that’s just who I am, fundamentally, as a person.) Since Yamato already debuted and Gabumon evolved pre-canon, I’m assuming we’ll see him again right after Jyou, but instead of a shinka episode we’ll probably get some backstory? [eyes emoji]
Now that I’m too attached, I’m officially moving on from calling the reboot Digimon Adventure Psi. I’ll be using Digimon Adventure 2020 (and #da: spoilers) from now on. Thank you for coming to my DigiTalk. 
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Alright, so, Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 12: Castle in the Sky Laputa!
I mean, I, Guardromon...
... Bicentennialmon?
well, any of the three works :P
Right off the bat, I’ll say this ep gets a ‘meh’ from me, BUT I did love its aesthetic. I’m a big fan of robot stories, especially the Asimov variety. Scrap heap robots are my absolute favs. And I did like the Ghibli vibe going on too. The episode was pretty, and the robot characters were cool... it just wasn’t very fun. At the very least, I was expecting team Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi to be a bit more fun than Yamato/Sora/Jou, but I guess this ain’t 1999 anymore ;)
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^The most amusing bit was finding out Koushirou’s laptop can fold like this... which, okay, shouldn’t surprise me, it just looks frigging weird...
koushirou: hush old lady, your first laptop was grayscale only and had Windows 3.1 installed.
Actual content relevant to the episode below...!
We had a promising start when last week’s episode ended on a cliffhanger... or a cliffdropper, I guess, because Mimi’s not hanging onto anything. She’s fallen down and landed on Palmon. Digimon can sure take a beating.
Palmon reaches to see if she can hoist them back up, but...
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... it’s too high! Oh well, no choice but to travel on foot. Good thing Mimi landed on Palmon!
Meanwhile, above, Taichi and Koushirou turn to his computer for help. Unfortunately they have some technical difficulties.
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Koushirou: Noooo, not the swirling of doom!! My immortal nemesis...
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Even Taichi understands that buffering spells death. He’s a 21st century kid, so he’s a little more savvy about computers than 99 Taichi, whose trusty recourse in these situations was "treat the machine like a Bop-It.”
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Mimi discovers they are in a Digimon scrap heap. ;_; Good heavens. Apparently robot Digimon are unlike organic (??) Digimon same as robots are different from humans, so the way they die is not quite the same either.
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Mimi feels sorry for these trashed creatures. She’s no cold-hearted corporate goon who looks at these guys and just sees dollars. She notices the heart!
She also just wiped that rusty Guardromon’s helmet with her bare hand...
Mimi: Where’s Sora-san when I need a towel!!
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Andromon makes his 2020 debut! And he’s just as much the pawn of evil as ever!
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Boxing Cactus Go-go-go!!
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Togemon gets her prickly hiney owned, but the Guardromon suddenly reanimates and protects her instead. His big strategy is “drop something heavy on Andromon and run away.” It’s super effective.
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Who wants to translate the digicode, because I’m not gonna. Ten bucks says it’s something like “target human child exterminate” yadda yadda
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When Koushirou’s computer fails, we must rely on our physical skills. Their big plan is “climb down the bottomless pit after Mimi.” There are a few things wrong with this picture:
1) Even if they know how deep the hole is, IT’S STILL QUITE A FALL. Make one wrong move and you’ll be useless to Mimi T_T And these idiots make plenty of wrong moves.
2) If there were handholds like these, why couldn’t Palmon have just grabbed them with her vines and carried Mimi up? Instead she was like, “Nah, can’t reach the top, let’s walk in a random direction and hope things work out!”
3) The Guardromon is taking Mimi to an elevator. Meaning there is a working elevator, meaning there is a way down that would significantly decrease their chances of DYING on the way. Koushirou’s computer can’t figure that out? Also I was expecting some hijinks there... like, they finally make it down only for Mimi to say “Why didn’t you just take the elevator like I did? Boys are weird.”
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In his defense, Koushirou’s method of descent is worlds better than Taichi’s.
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Hate to say I told you so...
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Guardromon takes Mimi to some suspicious water which she uses to nurse Palmon... with a towel
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Guardromon presents Sheeta Mimi with a flower to convey that he likes killing pretty delicate things :) run Mimi
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The Laputa vibe... it is vibing.
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We cut away to Yamato/Sora/Jou for thirty seconds just to point how much Better they’re doing than Taichi’s group. They’ve even realized how that basket was, who needs to put in all that work when we can all fit comfortably on a log! Sora and Yamato flirt. Jou’s going to be sick.
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Taichi and Koushirou encounter some broken Solarmon who are being controlled by Soundbirdmon, so I guess it’s official now that we can’t believe any Digimon is truly evil if Soundbirdmon is around. Koushirou goes to help Mimi while Taichi stays behind to fend off these gears. Uh, is it just me or does this team seem very quick to split up.
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I like the way Guardrmon cradles Mimi so all we can see is her shocked expression.
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Guardromon tries his tried and true method of shooting down something heavy to crush Andromon...
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... but Andromon’s like “hah! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!” and knocks it away. Not very effective...
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Guardromon’s guarded his last mon... he starts to go... offline I guess...
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In sweeps Kabuterimon to the rescue. In 99 Adventure, he’d have something witty to say, or at least a pun. 2020 Kabuterimon mostly likes to make weird noises. I understand why Agumon and Gabumon’s VA’s were calling him a “weirder uncle than ever” at Digifes...
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Obligatory Best Boy cap
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Hell Approacheth
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Wow!!! Taichi finally got knocked off Greymon! He must have forgot to put on his suction cup shoes today!
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So this entire episode, I was wondering what was to stop MetalGreymon from happening and stealing the show from Lillymon. I expected “Agumon just evolved recently and doesn’t have the juice to do it again so soon!” or some such. Nothing more than that. But, nah, we don’t even get that... MetalGreymon happens and he just... can’t... beat Andromon? For some reason? I’m going with “Because he’s Andromon.” Afterward, this very heavy structure falls down and MetalGreymon has lift it a la Atlas to keep Taichi from getting squished, so he can’t continue to beat on Andromon.
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... Of course, Togemon gets stuck holding this thing up too... so there’s that...
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The reason, of course, is so Guardromon can make one last action surge, grabbing Andromon’s leg, which works, randomly. At least for a moment.
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Mimi spends most of this episode being Shocked.
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Guardromon takes one final, grainy look at Mimi as he prepares for sweet death. The digicode says “Sheeta.” (kidding like I’d bother to translate it lol)
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Andromon RUDELY stomps on his head. Like HELLO Andromon can you not see the dude is having a moment here? Show some respect!
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Mimi sheds a Single Emo Tear
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Which causes “Your sorrow made me evolve!” Lillymon. She immediately flies out to attack Andromon, leaving MetalGreymon alone holding the heavy metal structure, which promptly crushes him and our heroes. Game Over!
just kidding, the structure just vanishes I guess :/ It’s not very clear...
High kick attack!
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It’s not very effective...
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Lillymon does seem to have an ability that MetalGreymon doesn’t which cinches her victory over Andromon... her rain of petals interfere with his ability to lock on to a target. Too much organic matter everywhere I guess.
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Lillymon covers Andromon in plants rendering him immobile...
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... *cough*
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Poor Mimi’s had a hard day of watching robots die.
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Her affinity for marking graves returns as she leaves the flower Guardromon gave her on his corpse(?).
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Taichi looks only sadly as Koushirou explains that Andromon and Guardromon were totes besties, until Soundbirdmon started mindcontrolling everyone. Gee that seems like something that could have been an interesting plot point had it been mentioned y’know earlier.
In sum... yeah, this ep just isn’t fun. There’s no friend moments, no getting to know each other, everything takes a backseat to this robot-protect-girl storyline. I really did like Guardromon, but the episode takes itself way too seriously in my opinion.
That aside... I was happy that Mimi’s episode didn’t involve stinky ugly Digimon falling in love and stalking her so she can passionately reject them. I can live without both of those things.
Mimi having the ability to project feelings onto supposedly nonfeeling things is a very Mimi-like character trait for her and one that I really truly love. It’ll definitely come in handy in the digital world where all is never how it seems. On the other hand, though, it’s not like it’s a trait we didn’t have already... it just belonged mainly to Hikari :P So... yeah.
Next week we’re going to get Garudamon, in a way that looks like it will pale compared to our first meeting with Garudamon in 99 Adventure, BUT that’s okay... because we’ve got plenty of time for the Big Important things to happen, both on a plot level and on a character development level. I am a little wtf??? about everyone getting not one but two evolutions within the same adventure - assuming the kids are going to go home at some point and finally put Tokyo out of its misery. I’d expected this show would be more like 02 with the kids jumping in and out, but tbh I’m not gonna be sad if they just stay in the digital world indefinitely. Also, it’s not like Taichi didn’t get both an evolution and a jogress the first time he came to the digital plane, so obviously things are just working differently in this show!
But as it’ll be a Sora episode, I just hope it’s an improvement on the last Sora episode. There’s plenty of potential following the mini tiff between her and Yamato last week, so i hope we see some follow up to that. Maybe a couple Sorato moments. We didn’t get anything for Taishiro this week :( But since it looks like probably next week the groups are still separated, perhaps the week after we’ll get MegaKabuterimon and see more interaction between Taichi and Koushirou then. *shrug* A girl can dream!
Anyway this ep gets 5.5/10 from me!
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Adult-level Digimon Popularity Poll Results
The official Digimon website held a poll for “Adult Digimon You Want to Fight Alongside”, and we got the results today:
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(Tie) Galgomon
(Tie) Meicoomon
This time around the list is much more anime-dominated, compared to the Child-level list. We see 6 out of 8 partner digimon from Adventure (plus Wizarmon and Meicoomon), all 3 partner digimon from Tamers, 2 partner digimon from Adventure 02 and, most surprisingly, 2 partner digimon from Savers/Next (finally, some recognition in these polls). Besides those, we have the eternal fan-favorite V-dramon coming in to remind Bandai that V-Tamer was great, Dorugamon doing the same for X-Evolution, some general franchise digimon that appear everywhere (Tyranomon, Leomon, Seadramon) and, most surprising of all, Sangloupmon. No explanation whatsoever can be found for that other than people liking its design and lore, and they should, because both are seriously great:
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My choice for this poll, Reppamon, didn’t make it in, but considering Sangloupmon and 2 Savers digimon did, I’m overall satisfied here. A poll for Perfect-level digimon is currently ongoing, so you can head over to the Digimon website and support your favorite. I voted for Andromon. What’s yours?
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analyzingadventure · 4 years
I’ve been so busy with work I haven’t had the time to watch Digimon but tonight I will say “fuck it” and catch up with the 3 episodes that’re available to me ;_;
Episodes 14, 15 and 16, let’s gooo!
Oooooh they added sound-effects to the opening! Kinda wish they could pull a full JoJo/DIO 4th Wall Break but that may be a bit much lmao
While the recap happens, Bandai announced they’re giving official levels and attributes to all the Xros Wars Digimon! Exciting, ain’t it? (Also scary, please don’t make Jokermon an Ultimate like he’s in New Century ;_;)
Ikkakumon... I love you... Fluffy baby...
Koushirou’s new VA is starting to grow on me... He still has big Baby Energy but he’s starting to grow on me a lot
Awwwwe, Koushirou, baby... His tablet’s being funky
Oh I’m loving the battle animations, this sparks joy
OH SHIT IT’S OOKUWAMON! Fortunately y’all have plot-armor and the huge blast didn’t hurt y’all lol
Kids these days, unable to solve problems without relying on their smart devices... Tch tch /s
Oh I wish I had been faster, would’ve loved to screenshot Kabuterimon carrying Koushirou because... Kabuterimon’s hand shielding Koushirou... It was so sweet and loving and warmed my heart a lot... ;_;
I really do take some comfort in the characters looking just a little off-model in this episode, it just makes me feel weirdly nostalgic lmao
I swear to god if the tablet turns on magically and Koushirou somehow solves the issue with the tablet instead of realizing his Brain is Very Very Big and he can do it even without the tablet--- like please, I want this episode to have a good moral, that’s all I’m asking (Yes the tablet makes shit WAY easier but like. Like I can draw great digitally but it’s not like I become completely unable to draw if you take away my drawing tablet)
Kabuterimon carefully giving Koushirou his tablet with his giant hands... Oh... I love the “Big Scary Motherfucking Monster loves and cares for a Tiny Human” trope and Kabuterimon has a ton of that energy in this episode, BLESS
This was a good episode, it’s not done yet but this was a good episode, I’m really happy rn. That was just lots of serotonin right there
Not gonna watch the episode preview because I can just jump right into the next episode
Man these episodes throw enemies at the kids fast lmao
“They were cute so I wanted to ride one” LMAO MIMI
Mammon’s just sliding down the mountain, lmao
Sorry I have very little commentary right now I’m just enjoying this goofiness for what it is
Ooooo mysterious windy cavern :oc
“Can’t you slide faster” I’m pretty sure you can’t control your sliding speed, it’s up to like gravity my dude
Ikkakumon... Fluffy...
I just realized, I wonder if it’s cold in there, like it is a wintery mountain and the kids aren’t wearing much... I mean it is a digital world, it doesn’t mean it has to be cold or warm in certain places, you could make a snowy mountain be hot as hell or something, y’know, ‘cause you can code stuff like that
Wow Ikkakumon can jump in like, water lmao
The kids have been missing for like three days now then? I wonder if that’s gonna be like relevant at all
Gomamon is baby
NEXT EPISODE! I’ve seen Eyesmon because the Digimon Twitter shared art of him so like I know what to expect here kinda sorta
Ah, they’re evoking episode 21, just a little bit with the cinematography. I love it
The power-outtag is done? Hmmmmmm.... Either the kids travelled in time, this isn’t the real human world (an illusion) or... IDK
“Avocado Cheeseburger” Mimi, thanks
No one is reacting to the Digimon..? Really? That’s suspicious... Or just unfortunate writing. I hope it’s not the latter
This episode has great atmosphere, this is spoopy and I love it
The kids died and they’re now stuck in limbo, how scawy
I joke but seriously I could so easily imagine an indie horror game that is literally just this episode but with that “you were dead and stuck in limbo” twist
This shit is creepy oh god I love it
HIKARI!! BABY! MIIKO!! THEY HAVE THEIR KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!! Also yay Mama Yagami BUT THE KITTY!!!!!!
EYESMON! What a delightfully creepy bastard, bless
Ohhh this is giving me so much serotonin, this speaks to my inner child so wonderfully, god, thanks Toei
Whaaaaat’s thaaaa- OH IT’S OROCHIMON! :O
Good episode again, v fun! IDK what else to say except thank you Toei for the fanservice and for making a creepy episode!
Next episode preview!
Oh yeah it’s Orochimon! That’s gonna be fun!
I enjoyed these episodes a lot! Here’s to hoping I’ll have the time to watch the next episodes right when they become available to me because with the “Everyone gets Perfect Levels” arc coming to a close I’d love to see where Psi is going next
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Which Evolution Sequence In The Digimon Reboot Is The Best So Far?
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  One thing I've adored about the 2020 Digimon Adventure: reboot is that Toei Animation is going all-out with the evolution sequences. They're really beautiful and they sorta take you on a step-by-step tour of what it's like for these 2-foot-tall monster pals to transform into 2-story war machines. But with this extended process comes a few weird details. And of course, by weird, I mean "I did not expect that, but it's still very, very cool." 
  So I'm gonna look at the ones we've seen so far and highlight the parts that stick out as particularly excellent, no matter how many episodes they show up in.
  Agumon - Greymon
  So, in the first episode, Agumon fights Argomon mid-transformation, which gives me "cocoon opened before the butterfly metamorphosis is done" vibes. It looks neat, with Agumon shining like bright lava and also seemingly growing taller than any Agumon ever should.
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    Luckily, in the episodes after, the enemy Digimon at least pause their assault for a second while Agumon evolves. But in these later scenes, the thing that always sticks out to me is how much it looks like it hurts when Greymon's horns pop out. They appear to just kinda tear out of his skull, which makes me wish someone would publish a book about Digimon anatomy. 
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    Argomon turns into more powerful versions of Argomon, and they have similarly unearthly forms and always manage to be menacing. The more I think about it, the more I'm super happy with the way Digimon Adventure: opened. 
  The Birth of Omnimon
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    Omnimon being born from this huge digital egg was definitely one of those "Yes, this reboot WAS a good idea" moments.
  Piyomon - Birdramon
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    Okay, so as of this writing, poor Piyomon has not yet gotten an evolution sequence. But in Episode 5, Birdramon bursts from a cloud of smoke fully transformed after being in her Rookie form seconds earlier, and it was some really great timing.
  Tentomon - Kabuterimon
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    The Tentomon evolution sequence is likely the most unsettling because it's not really a tiny monster becoming bigger monster all of a sudden. Instead, parts of its body grow one at a time. At the start, it's just little, nerdy Tentomon with these long insect arms.
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    And then, a few seconds later, you get a creature that's 90 percent Kabuterimon and all jacked and terrifying ... and it still has Tentomon's little head. He looks like a Digimon bodybuilder, just a little skull nestled in between mountains of deltoid and trapezius muscle. 
  Palmon - Togemon
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    Palmon's evolution sequence is beautiful because she swirls around for a second and then boom! Togemon pops out! It's like how the old saying goes — the real punching cactus warrior was inside us all along. 
  Gomamon - Ikkakumon
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    Here, Gomamon grows a beard and his tusks grow really fast on his way to burly Ikkakumon. But if you pause in the middle, you get awkward ninth grade Gomamon. With his facial hair just coming in, he has real "My mom said this haircut would look good in the school pictures" energy. 
  Gabumon - Garurumon
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    I love the beginning of this one because with Gabumon's fists clenched and his head bowed and his eyes closed, he looks like he's focusing so hard to get awesome and gigantic. And that's a perfect fit for bashful, good guy Gabumon. I think my favorite part, though, is when he gets his full wolf tail. The claws coming out is reminiscent of a lot of werewolf-themed horror movies, so I like the small detail of his tail whipping out, as well. 
  Greymon - MetalGreymon
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    Though this evolution was hinted at in the OP, its power is not diminished here when we see it in full. The metal parts covering the bright Digi-skin are fantastic and when the evolution is complete, MetalGreymon looks absolutely fearsome. 
  Garurumon - WereGarurumon
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    On his way to becoming a goth karate werewolf, Garurumon sprouts arms and just has them as extra appendages for a second. Side note: Watching WereGarurumon basically become the Bruce Lee of the Digital World has officially sold me on WereGarurumon. 
  Togemon - Lilimon
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    It's always interesting when the next level of Digimon evolution is smaller than the one before it, and I love the fact that Lilimon basically sprouts from Togemon's skull. Digimon is basically about these beast warriors that live in a computer, so it's hard to know where the cyberspace ends and the real begins. Thus transformations like this feel bizarre and organic and elegant, and keep things refreshing. 
  Birdramon - Garudamon
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    To me, the most appealing part of this evolution is that Birdramon/Garudamon never stops flying forward, turning its transformation into this supernova fireball. And then, about thirty seconds later, it defeats its Cannonbeemon opponent by decapitating it. And I'm not talking about an "implied" decapitation, nor am I exaggerating what goes on onscreen. Garudamon flies through the thing and its head comes off. 
  Kabuterimon - AtlurKabuterimon
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    If there's one thing this evolution does, it provides a cool contrast between Koshiro's knowledge-driven, geeky (and lovable) personality and the pure muscle of the Kabuterimon line. It's this huge MMA bug that's been befriended by a kid who struggles to find his worth outside of the data that he can analyze on his laptop. And together, they help eachother believe in themselves. Digimon is the best thing ever invented.
  Which Dejimon Adobenchā evolution has been your favorite? Let me know in the comments!
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
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hanadokicon · 8 years
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HanadokiCon is happy to announce our first Guest of Honor, JEFF NIMOY!
Emmy Award winner Jeff Nimoy adapted, voice directed, and served as story editor for the top-rated Fox Kids show Digimon: Digital Monsters (he also voiced many characters, including Tentomon and Kabuterimon, whom he’s reprising in Digimon: TRI). He also adapted and voice directed the theatrically released 20th Century Fox animated feature Digimon: The Movie, and the television sequel, Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon for Disney. He served as executive producer and writer on numerous other Fox Kids shows as well. But the anime community also knows him as the voice for the popular character Wolfwood, from the hit cult series Trigun.
Other anime credits include adapting and/or voice directing several popular Cartoon Network series including Naruto, Bleach, Zatch Bell, and Bo-bobo. Also, the animated series Mega Man for KIDS WB; Digimon Data Squad and Robodz, for Disney XD; and “STITCH!” (the new adventures of Stitch from “Lilo & Stitch”) for DISNEY CHANNEL.
Prior to his anime career Jeff was nominated for three Emmy awards in four years, winning once for his comedic work as a writer/producer/voice director for NFL Films Presents on ESPN and Fox. He also wrote the animated feature Pecola, based on the Cartoon Network series.
Follow Jeff on Twitter, at @jeffnimoy
Official Website: http://jeffnimoyanime.tumblr.com
And click LIKE on Jeff Nimoy's Anime Page on Facebook
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