ashesofangst · 6 months
I bring my experience with OfficialBimTrimmer, who is a groomer, manipulator, and genuinely a sick person.
Warning for grooming and manipulation as my experience includes that.
Only reason I’m sharing through GoogleDocs because it’s a lot of images, and it may take a long time to put it all together in a thread.
Please know this isn’t an attempt cancel this individual, just warn others. Do not send harassment anyone’s way, thank you.
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rosesofvengeance · 6 months
Intro Post
our names are unimportant but if feel the need to refer to us call us all rose
before anyone tries to doxx and harass us know one of us is a minor. you’re fucked up for doxxing and harassing someone under 18
this account was made to help lift victim’s stories and hopefully put an end to officialbimtrimmer/kipper/bim.
before you say kipper is not a groomer know grooming is not necessarily pedophilic. look up the definition of grooming if you yourself are too dumb to know that.
if you can’t read in between the lines and see that people have been groomed than you yourself are an idiot. the fact they can’t defend themselves and would rather hide behind friends is very telling in of itself.
any hate harassment or bullying will be deleted immediately.
thank you for reading.
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tuquiito · 6 months
Hello, my name from now, is just not a important thing, i came here to support mostly of all, the victims of bim, also known as Kipper.
First of all, i'm mostly supporting the victims that are part of what kipper did: like sexual harrasment, manipulation and much more ratherly disgusting things that i wouldn't like to mention.
I made this account with the simple task of supporting those who are in the right, and rather not look for any threat or problems since i'm not problematic at all. and i don't want to be.
Even tho, it's pretty funny how an abuser keeps demanding to their own victims to erase their accounts with clear evidence knowing it might fuck up their reputation right now.
But once again, i'm here to talk. Not to make problems.
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burner-874 · 6 months
apologies to those affected.
This is my closing statement . I hope it will bring some piece to those involved, you will not see my face again. Goodnight.
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luminary-rainchii · 5 months
I recently began following the whole thing around officialbimtrimmer after a friend mentioned it to me and i saw on another account that you had broken off from kipper after you thought things through. I don’t if there was anything else that happened as that’s all i heard but i hope you’re doing okay after that.
To be honest, I'm not entirely okay yet. Kipper and I aren't friends anymore, that's true. But, seeing them around in shared circles after everything that's come out, it's something I'm trying to get over.
I've made some mistakes in my responses towards all this over the years, in hiding Kipper away, and ignoring the callouts by Kipper's request. I've also recently mixed up faking with fake claiming, and how to define experiences of grooming. The latter being genuine "oopsies" on my part. I'm mentioning these things because of my personal guilt in it all, and for my behaviour in defending Kipper.
I don't want anything to do with them anymore.
Hope everyone else has been doing okay though, and that their callouts are being heard/read.
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itscapital · 6 months
L the official bim trimmer
And idc if a bunch of there supporters come on me and attack me
Also crazy how dudes going after my mutual 💀just proves how much dudes a coward and cant actually apologize lol and take accountability
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thomothysdoodles · 2 years
me when u post
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jackaycola · 2 years
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Murder Mark aka Markus and Bim Trimmer hanging out!
What will they do?
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fiddlezips · 3 years
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More ArtFight pictures!!!
Nathie-Chan | AnonymousTalia @officialbimtrimmer Zeanie | @maarniee ghostycan
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ashesofangst · 6 months
Organizing a smearing campaign since 2022 against someone you have gripe with is one thing, but leaking their discord is absolutely a breach of privacy. Please stop. You even admitted yourself that you pretented to be their friend and gain their trust when they were at their lowest while they received accusations based on nothing. That's not cool.
This is no smearing campaign, it never was. I’m coming forward as a victim of someone and warning others as I fear others’ safety. Also, their socials were shared to keep others aware if they’re in servers they’re in.
If this who I think it is, then you know I’ve done this when outing another person. You have double standards because it’s a person you think is trustworthy when they’re not. Many I’ve talked to can agree when it comes to that statement.
I did pretend to be their friend, and I have admitted to that, but guess what? I felt bad about it. I felt bad that they trusted me, and I was feeding information to others. Even if they were a sick individual by the time I interacted with them, I felt bad. Whenever they vented, I did not share it with anyone, and I never will. I gave them honest advice I hoped would help them, even if I knew they’d find out this way I lied about actually caring.
If I wanted to completely ruin them, I would’ve done worse. I actually do hope this is a sign for them to actually stop lying to everyone. I hope their life gets better just as I hope my life gets better after saying something. I don’t wish violence upon them, and I never will. They were a victim in their own way when it comes to my deceit.
Also, the allegations weren’t based off of nothing. Dewey shared things with me and Cas both. Cas was in the know as much as I was. I will admit, I wanted to doubt Dewey’s story so bad as I actually enjoyed being friends with Kipper. Speaking of them, I bring other’s stories. Go talk to them if you don’t believe me alone.
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I’m not a coward, I’m leaving anon asks on, by the way.
Kipper, if you see this, I never spied on your socials nor sent anyone after you, and the fact you’re doing it to me as well as others who aren’t involved makes me sick. I thought you’d be better than this by now since you’re 20 years old, but I guess not. That disappointments me greatly as I never sent anyone after you. In fact, I asked people to not harass you. One of my own friends wanted to viciously attack you, and I had to talk them out of it.
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bites you bites you
Rarararar chomp chomp
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rosesofvengeance · 6 months
delete your reblog from my friends’ posts right now,, this is not funny. delete your account too i never did anything wrong.
hi kipper!! I missed you! /s
do you know what else isn’t funny? grooming sexual harassment manipulation faking illnesses and stealing. it’s not funny it never has been.
come talk to me face to face when you actually are feeling brave and not hiding behind an anon box and your friends 🫶
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tuquiito · 6 months
Reporting 2.
I just readed again all what this person did, to get more in details, in fact: i got sick of everything he did.
I still don't get how people go against Ash when there's actual evidence.
We are going without harming or trying to hurt anybody, yet. Kipper seems to be sending people from time to time to attack or involve others in this and even themselves going in anons to say things like "quit your account, this isn't funny."
What isn't funny is that you don't get the enough bravery to actually quit anon to try and talk things out.
We can quit 'fighting' if you just said sorry and admitted what you really did among these years, to minors. To innocents. To people that trusted you.
Now I just know how cruel and sick people in the Internet can really be.
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rosesofvengeance · 6 months
I’m the person who gave the screenshots to the stories lining up. ^^
Honestly Bim needs to take accountability instead of running away and getting their friends to answer for them.
I never opened up about my experience to anyone who wasn’t close, so seeing so many people having a similar experience which lines up really makes me sick that they then went after children (as i was 18 at the time). My support goes out to everyone who was effected, and I hope ppl get their apologies and Bim goes to very much needed therapy for the harm they’ve done. It’s not a case of “they did this 2 years ago”, its more they hasn’t taken accountability, apologised or learned from their actions.
i myself am not a victim in the grooming nor sexual harassment but i am a victim of him stealing stuff. i never knew about that sort of stuff until ash vented to me about it. it makes me so sick to know it went even deeper.
apologies are needed and if going public is the only way to get them then so be it.
kipper if you see this let it be known you need to apologize to everyone even people who didn’t go public. you’re the absolute worst. thank you 🫶
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rosesofvengeance · 6 months
OfficialBimTrimmer and DID
i saw someone say that Kipper didn’t fake having DID but as looking at ash’s updated doc there is proof he has.
he claimed not once not twice not even thrice but multiple times he was diagnosed. no amount of delusions is going to make you say such things.
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keep in mind they recently have stated they do not have DID upon recently getting diagnosed.
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they are faking.
thank you for reading.
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