digitalmore · 1 year
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Nach dem Kill Turnier ist vor dem Kill Turnier
Eins gleich vorweg – an so einem Turnier muss ich unbedingt wieder teilnehmen. Diese Art der Schüsse macht einfach Lust auf mehr, mehr, mehr …
Ach ja, das Gerücht in Eisenbach regnet es immer beim Kill Turnier,  habe ich auch widerlegt. Ich war jetzt beim Turnier dabei und da herrschte nur Sonnenschein. Macht also 100% Sonnenschein bei allen Kill Turnieren, an denen ich teilgenommen habe.
Viele Vorbereitungen im Hintergrund
Zusammen mit Christoph Unger und Guido Haar bin ich am Donnerstag in Eisenbach angereist. Guido, Alin Andreica und ich haben dann unter der Regie von Henry Bodnik noch am gleichen Tag mit dem Aufstellen der einzelnen Stationen begonnen. Während wir im Wald werkelten, hat Chris die Anmeldung in der Schießhalle eingerichtet und sich um die organisatorischen Dinge gekümmert.
Für mich war schon das Stellen der einzelnen Stationen eine interessante Erfahrung. Hier ging es nicht darum, durch Weite die Schwierigkeit der Treffer zu erhöhen, sondern bei jedem Schuß herauszubekommen, wie der Pfeil ungehindert das Kill treffen kann und welche Schußposition man dafür einnehmen muss. Dieser Umstand macht dieses Turnier mehr als interessant und lohnenswert. Es ist eindeutig eine andere Art von 3D-Turnier, was aber so was von Laune macht… Ich kann es einfach nur jedem Schützen empfehlen, der mal etwas anderes erleben will.
Nach dem Stellen der Ziele hat Henry nochmal die Schüsse ausprobiert und auch gezeigt, dass alles machbar ist.
Anstrengend war’s, aber gut
Aufstellen der ersten Hälfte für das Turnier am Samstag.
Aufstellen der zweiten Hälfte des Turniers
Henry probiert die einzelnen Stationen aus
Wegführung wird ausgeschildert und markiert
Turnier – Doppelhunter
Umstellen der Stationen für Sonntag
Turnier – Hunterrunde
Abbau der Stationen
Über 60 Kilometer Wegstrecke kamen so an diesen 4 Tagen auf dem Parcours zustande.
Das Turnier
Wie oben geschrieben, ist die Herausforderung herauszufinden, wie man den Schuß durchführen kann. Normales aufrechtes Stehen war eigentlich bei keiner Station möglich. Breitbeinig, halber Spagat, knien, liegen, etc. war eher angesagt. Die Ziele standen niemals über 30 Meter und trotzdem waren die Schüsse alles andere als leicht. Eigentlich kam man zu jeder Station und fand entweder erstaunte oder verblüffte Schützen in seltsamen Schussstellungen vor. Wow, ooohh, neeeeiiiin, und weitere Laute klangen an diesen Tagen recht oft durch den Wald. Die ca. 130 Schützen hatten aber sichtlich ihren Spaß.
Es war für mich auf jeden Fall ein außergewöhnliches Turnier, bei welchem ich sicher nicht das letzte Mal teilgenommen habe.
Auch die Gesamtsieger wurden außergewöhnlich ermittelt. Die besten Schützen der einzelnen Bogengruppen mussten  Zwei gegen Zwei erst in einem Rennen und dann einem Wettschießen (wer trifft den Ballon zuerst) gegeneinander antreten. Im KO-Verfahren wurden dann die ersten drei Plätze ermittelt. Die Gewinner konnten sich über 1000, 500 und 300€ freuen.
Wie geschrieben, ich habe vier anstrengende, aber sehr erlebnisreiche Tage mit viel Spaß und netten Leute in Eisenbach verbracht. Wiederholung folgt.
Vielen Dank an Guido für das Bereitstellen von Fotos.
Meine Eindrücke zum 10. Bearpaw Kill Turnier in Eisenbach Nach dem Kill Turnier ist vor dem Kill Turnier Eins gleich vorweg - an so einem Turnier muss ich unbedingt wieder teilnehmen.
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jules85 · 7 years
Olicity Appreciation Week
Day four: Favourite touch/es
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lucky-draws · 2 years
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a kaz and also some very high quality images from the margins of my notebook
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geocachingfranken · 7 years
Die Geocaching.com Richtlinien wurden überarbeitet
Die Geocaching.com Richtlinien wurden überarbeitet
Überarbeitung der Richtlinien und  Layoutänderungen Geocaching HQ hat seine Richtlinien überarbeitet und neu veröffentlicht. Dadurch sollen diese leichter verständlich und lesbar werden. Durch ein verändertes Layout, klarer formulierten Texten, sowie eine Reduzierung der Worte um 15%, soll dies erreicht werden. Zusatzinfos sind jetzt im Hilfe-Center zu finden. Zusätzlich wurde die Navigation auf…
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omgwesteven-blog · 5 years
About UVLed
For subdivision applications that extend from LEDs - UV LEDs that produce UV light have a wide range of applications, and there are huge opportunities for market volume!
From the application of the most grounded gas, the UV light used in the printing field is almost fully covered, and the covered application will be further deepened, that is, the UV mercury lamp and the UV metal halide lamp are gradually replaced by the UV LED, just around the corner.
The ultraviolet light in the sunlight in nature is the most effective and cheap source for air, water, surface purification, sterilization and bacteriostasis. It is one of the “thick gifts” that nature has given to human existence.
Through technical means, the correct use of ultraviolet light (light), the rational use of ultraviolet light (light), the function of ultraviolet light (light) to the extreme, become human well-being. Source OFweek Semiconductor Lighting Network
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Journal Article Review Assignment
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PSYC101 Journal Article Review Assignment  -  Part 2 Article Analysis, Connection, and Reflection Due: 11:55pm ETSunday at the end ofWeek 6of the 8-week course term You may work on this assignment ahead of its deadline but may not submit it prior to Week 6.  Points Possible:  140 OVERVIEW: For Part I of this two-part assignment you identified and summarized elements of a published scholarly article selected from the classroom Resources Folder.  For Part 2, which is due by the end of Week 6, you will analyze, connect, and reflect on aspects of your selected article.  Note that the words “succinct” and “thorough” repeat regularly in the instructions below.  They will serve as reminders that this is a formal assignment and sentence fragments, bulleted lists, conversational or other types of casual language cannot be used. In completing Part 2 you will: --Describe a research method alternative to the one used by your selected article’s author(s) to study the same phenomena -- Evaluate the potential impact on the “real world” of your selected article’s research; -- Apply three concepts from required textbook readings; -- Identify an aspect of the article’s topic focus about which you would like to know more In composing your work use complete and clearly articulated sentences in one or more paragraphs, as assigned below, a minimum of 250 words each and citing sources in the body of your writing and in a References list attached to the end of it.  Proofread your work carefully as proper spelling, grammar and writing structure are required.  All answers must be your original words or paraphrases of material in your selected article or the course textbook.  No other sources may be used.  Copying from published material is a violation of the University policy on academic integrity and will void all points for this assignment with no option for revision and submission. **You may work on this assignment ahead of its deadline but may not submit it prior to Week 6 of the 8-week course term. Begin your Part 2 work here. Enter your name and student ID here: ___________________ Then respond to the following succinctly and thoroughly in the spaces below NOTE:  You must complete your work in this document, save and attach it to the assignment tab; while you may want to do so as a back-up, content pasted into the assignment page Student Comments space cannot be accepted as a substitute for an on-time attachment submission and cannot be graded.  Inserting your answers here will change the number of document pages and the location of particular items at the top, middle or bottom of pages.    While you may not remove or reorder items or change font size or other elements of this document and need to place your responses directly under each item, page number increases or an item moving from the top, middle or bottom of a page as a result of you entering your responses is to be expected and is not of concern. ====================================================================================   ANALYSIS – 30 points possible (15 points each) The authors of the article you have selected for this assignment used a particular research design, group of participants, and set of study methods to investigate a research question (sometimes referred to in scholarly articles as the “hypothesis tested”).  As you know from early assigned readings in the course textbook, research questions can be investigated using a variety of methods. 1. Write a succinct and thorough paragraph in the space below either justifying or challenging the use of your selected article’s research methods used to examine its research question.  NOTE:  You must base your writing on the course textbook information about which research methods are best suited for which types of studies, not on personal opinion or preference, and choose just one position here.  A paragraph that both justifies and challenges the use of an article’s research methods or that states why one position cannot be chosen cannot not be assigned points.  Include in the body of your writing appropriately placed and formatted source citations for both the article and the course textbook. 2. Write a succinct and thorough paragraph in the space below describing a research method other than the one noted in your selected article that the article author(s) could have used to conduct the same study and explain why it would be suitable as an alternative method.   NOTE: The alternative research method you select must be suited for the article’s study so you will want to review the assigned course readings on the various types of methods.  Include in the body of your writing appropriately placed and formatted source citations for both the article and the course textbook.   CONNECTION – 50 points possible (25 points each) 1. In the space below, write a succinct and thorough paragraph (250 words minimum) describing three concepts, theories or principles from the course textbook that can be related the focus of your selected article.  NOTE:  Research methods and statistical analyses have already been addressed earlier in this assignment and cannot be used as textbook concepts here.  Include in the body of your writing appropriately placed and formatted source citations for both the article and the course textbook. 2. One of the most interesting aspects of the field of psychology is the application of its concepts, theories, and principles to everyday life.   In the space below, write a succinct and thorough paragraph (250 words minimum) describing at least 3 different ways that the research conducted by your selected article’s author(s) can impact the “real world”.  Include in the body of your writing appropriately placed and formatted source citations for the article and the course textbook (if you use the latter in the construction of this paragraph).  Read the full article
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acemywriter · 3 years
Strategic management
I want two different answers Assignment No 2: Case study ▪ Submission Date by students: Before the end ofWeek- 11th ▪ Weight:5 Marks ▪ Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre ▪ Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations. (Lo2) 2. Explain the contribution of functional,…
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digitalmore · 1 year
ขอมลจากงาน SNEC เผยผผลตทวโลกเกาะตดเทรนดโมดล 600W โดยม ทรนา โซลาร เปนผนำโมดล n-type กำลงการผลตไฟฟาสง
รายงานข่าวโดย OFweek ในการประชุมและนิทรรศการว่าด้วยการผลิตไฟฟ้าพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์และพลังงานอัจฉริยะนานาชาติ (International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference and Exhibition หรือ… อ่านเพิ่ม from BangkokStyle.online https://ift.tt/tRMsfOS
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Zusammenschnitt von 6 Schüssen. [su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/w1khORKXrzA” width=”800″]  
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redinktattoostudio · 4 years
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Weekly Specials by International Artist Tony- . Remember this is from today till end ofweek only.  Book your appointment today‼️ . Book your appointment with Tony directly on our website https://redinktattoostudioappointments.as.me/ ‼️ . If you have any questions please call us at 212.600.0993 or 📧[email protected]. . Thank you, . The RedInk Tattoo Family— . RedInk Tattoo Studio.💉 315 West 54th Street. New York, New York 10019. . ☎️ 212.600.0993 . 📩 [email protected] 👁www.redinktattoostudio.com 🧧Instagram: @redinktattoostudio76 👁Facebook: @studioredink 🧧Twitter: @studioredink 👁Tumblr: Redinktattoostudio 🧧Pinterest: Redinkttoostudio 👁Youtube: redink tattoo studio 🧧Vimeo: Redink Tattoo Studio 👁Google: RedinkTattooStudio.ink. . . . . . . . . . #ink #art #artist #drawing #sketch #illustration #artwork #photography #love #instaart #draw #photooftheday #design #sketchbook #painting #artoftheday #creative #beautiful #artistsoninstagram #fashion #tattoo #inked #arte #artsy #picoftheday #tattoos #digitalart #pencil #illustrator #doodle via @hashtagexpert . . (at Redink Tattoo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQmb_Ypi77/?igshid=10cc1k7mi9pyd
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geocachingfranken · 7 years
Meinungsumfrage Auswertung - Ran ans Werk
Meinungsumfrage Auswertung – Ran ans Werk
Erster Überblick der Meinungsumfrage Vielen Dank für deine Beteiligung. Durch deine Mithilfe kann ich mir einen ersten Überblick verschaffen, wohin auf der Webseite Geocaching-Franken.de  die weitere Reise geht. Ein grober Einblick in Ergebnisse Ich möchte auch dir einen kurzen Überblick geben, was bei der Befragung herausgekommen ist. Ich gehe jetzt nicht in die Details, oder quäle dich mit…
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taoyuanleduv · 4 years
The epidemic will keep the demand for UV-C LED disinfection applications strong until 2022
According to the Electronic Times, the new crown epidemic has stimulated global demand for UV-C LED disinfection applications, and this demand is expected to continue until 2022. Before the epidemic, due to high cost and low power conversion, the application of UV-C LEDs in disinfection was far less than that of UV mercury lamps. The UV-C LED disinfection application has the advantages of low power consumption, long service life, no mercury, and small size.According to sources, there are many LED manufacturers in the first half of 2020, the revenue of UV-C LED chips/equipment has increased by more than 300% year-on-year, and some manufacturers have even increased by 700-800%. It is reported that the prices of 275nm UV-C LED chips and modules have increased by 50% and 20% year-on-year respectively in the first half of 2020, but as competition intensifies, prices are expected to fall in the second half of 2020.Source: OFweek Semiconductor Lighting Network
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U盤20年專利到期 朗科科技何去何從
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from U盤20年專利到期 朗科科技何去何從 via KKNEWS
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Ein neuer Parcours in nicht allzu weiter Entfernung? Klar, dass wir am Eröffnungstag voller Vorfreude mal vorbei geschaut haben. Der Feldbogenparcours im Zeller Forst liegt in einem wunderschönen Laubwald, der gerade jetzt zur Herbstzeit wunderschön aussieht.
Gut 6 Kilometer Wegstrecke, 33 Stationen und öfters sogar Tiergruppen erwarten dich bei einen Besuch. Auf ca 20 ha und mit über 50 Zielen ist hier Einiges geboten. Viele variantenreiche Schüsse, mal bergauf, mal bergab in wechselnden Entfernungen, lassen einem die Runde bestimmt nicht langweilig werden. Vor allem die artenreiche Tierauswahl, mit teilweise wirklich seltenen Zielen, hat uns wirklich beeindruckt.
Bei diesem Parcours wurde viel Wert auf die Sicherheit gelegt. Keiner der Schüsse kreuzte Wege. Alle Ziele und die Umgebung im Hintergrund waren gut einsehbar. Wenn dies nicht der Fall war, wurden Backstopps aufgestellt.
Gelbe und blaue Abschusspflöcke stehen bei den einzelnen Stationen zur Auswahl. Der Parcours ist als anspruchsvoll zu werten. Wie oben schon erwähnt sind die Schüsse sehr variantenreich, auch in der Weite. Durch den Laubwald bedingt, ist ein Fehlschuss bei vielen Zielen nicht unbedingt günstig für die nachfolgende Pfeilsuche. Hier aber viel mit Backstops zu arbeiten, würde das Bild der schön gestellten Tiere doch stark beeinflussen. An diesem Tag hatte ich einen Pfeilverlust, aber da hätte auch der beste Backstopp nichts daran geändert.
Schön war es für uns am Ende unserer Parcoursrunde auf die netten Besitzer zu treffen. Hier nochmals schöne Grüße.
Auch ein Einschießplatz ist vorhanden. Die Parcoursgebühr kann direkt am aufgestellten Bauwagen entrichtet werden. Auch stehen hier Sitzmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Im eigentlichem Parcours hat man ungefähr auf der Hälfte der Strecke die Möglichkeit seine mitgebrachte Verpflegung zu verköstigen, denn auch dort stehen Sitzbänke und ein Tisch bereit.
Die Wegführung war gut ausgeschildert. Mittels Wegpfeilen und Bändern wird man sicher zum nächsten Ziel geleitet.
Compoundschützen und Armbrustschützen dürfen leider nicht dort schießen.
Uns hat der Bogenparcours wirklich mächtig Spaß gemacht. Die bisher von uns selten gesehenen Tiere sind wirklich ein Highlight. Dazu kommt die schöne Landschaft und Wegstrecke. Hier wird man uns sicher sehr oft antreffen. Daumen hoch.
Ganzwöchig, bzw. bis zur Dämmerung.
Gebühr 3D Bogenparcours
Die Tageskarte kostet:
Erwachsene (ab 18) – 10€
Jugendliche (12 bis einschließlich 17, nur in Begleitung von Erwachsenen) – 7€
Kinder (unter 12, nur in Begleitung von Erwachsenen) – 4€
Gruppen ab 6 Personen (Je Schütze) – 8€
Eltern mit eigenen Kindern – 23€
Außerdem kann man noch weitere Leistungen wie Bogenverleih, Jahreskarte, etc. nutzen. Hier bitte auf der Webseite informieren.
Webseite / Links
Feldbogenparcours Zeller Forst – Facebook
Adresse / Anfahrt
49°57’24.6″N 10°34’57.2″E oder 49.956819 N 10.582549 E
Parcours und Parkplätze (Waldspielplatz) sind ausgeschildert.
3D Feldbogenparcours Zeller Forst Infos Ein neuer Parcours in nicht allzu weiter Entfernung? Klar, dass wir am Eröffnungstag voller Vorfreude mal vorbei geschaut haben.
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morganbelarus · 8 years
Trump Promises New Immigration Action, Obamacare Replacement
Addressing an adoring crowd of supporters in Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday, President Donald Trump promised new action to restrict immigration next week, and a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act soon after that.
Ive ordered the construction of a great border wall, which will start very shortly. And Ive taken dramatic action to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country, Trump said at the rally in a hangar at the Orlando-Melbourne International Airport, drawing some of the loudest cheers of his speech.
Trump acknowledged, however, that a federal appeals court had halted his earlier attempt to ban refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the country. After criticizing the ruling by the panel of three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, he announced his intention to proceed with alternative plans.
We will do something nextweek. Ithink youll be impressed, Trump said. Lets see what happens. Heres the bottom line: Weve got to keep our countrysafe.
It was not clear if Trump meant that his administration will try to challenge the 9th Circuits ruling at the Supreme Court, or if hell instead issue a modified executive order that might avoid some of the legal challenges of the directive he issued late last month.
Trump went on to cite alleged instances of refugee-perpetrated crimes and terrorism in Europe as evidence that the U.S.should adopt a more restrictive refugee policy.
Naming a host of different European countries and cities, Trump suggested that there had been a terror attack in Sweden the previous night.
You look at whats happening in Germany, you look at whats happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden, he said. They took in large numbers. Theyre having problems like they never thought possible.
Many observers promptly pointed out that no such attack had occurred in the Scandinavian nation.
He also repeated his false claim that the United States has already let in thousands of people who there was no way to vet.
In fact, refugees undergo the most rigorous vetting process of any immigrants admitted to the United States, often waiting upwards of two years to be cleared for entry.
Trumps now-haltedtravel banfroze the admission of all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely barred refugees from Syria.
But Trump reiterated his plan to create so-called safe zones to protect civilians in Syria, a controversial proposal that he cut from an earlier draft of his travel ban.
Were gonna have the Gulf States pay for those safe zones. They have nothing but money, Trump said Saturday.
The president also claimed that he would unveil a proposal for replacing the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, in two weeks.
We are going tobe submitting, in a couple ofweeks, a great health care planthats going to take the placeof the disaster known as Obamacare, Trump said, prompting applause. It will be repealed and replaced.
Trumps professed timetable echoes comments he and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made at separate press conferences on Thursday, when they claimed the White House and Congress would be rolling out their replacement plan some time next month.
On Saturday, Trump did not provide much additional detail about what the plan will entail, other than to say, Our planwill be much better health careat a much lower cost.
Most experts believe there is virtually no way to maintain levels of insurance coverage, reduce costs and ensure quality of care without some combination of the regulations, subsidies and individual insurance mandate that form the nucleus of the ACA.
Congressional Republicans initially planned to repeal the landmark health care law when they took office in January and replace it later at a time to be determined. Angry constituents have since accosted dozens of Republican members of Congress at town hall meetings, demanding to know how they would replace the law.
In response to public uproar and Trumps own admonitions, they have slowed down their efforts to deliberate over how best to execute the laws repeal.
Kevin Lamarque / Reuters
President Donald Trump stands next to Gene Huber, a supporter he invited onstage at a rally in Melbourne, Florida, on Feb. 18, 2017.
Trumps boisterous gathering in Florida comes on the heels of a similar rally on Friday at a Boeing factory in North Charleston, South Carolina.
Holding campaign-style rallies is an unusual, if not unprecedented, move for a sitting president let alone one rounding out the first month of his presidency.
But Trump, who has at times been visibly frustrated with his administrations early stumbles and the coverage of the White House press corps, was evidently in his element among his throngs of supporters. First lady Melania Trump made her first public appearance since the inauguration to introduce him and recite the Lords Prayer.
Trump then launched into his typical campaign themes, castigating the media, lavishing praise on his supporters and running through his ordinary talking points about bringing jobs back to the country and eliminating the crime he claims is plaguing Americas cities.
At one point, Trump harkened back to the theatrics that made him such a skilled campaigner. Spotting Gene Huber, a supporter he had seen interviewed on television, Trump invited him on stage with him.
I saw this man on television justnow you, Trump said, pointing to Huber in the audience.He said, I love Trump. Let Trump do what he has to do. Thats my guy right there.
Let him up, let him up Im not worried about him. Im only worried hes gonna give me a kiss, he said, apparently addressing the Secret Service.
Huber, clad in a black Trump t-shirt,made his way through the barriers and onto the stage, clearly overcome by emotion. Trump hugged him and asked him to address the crowd from the podium.
Mr. President, thank you sir. We the people, our movement is the reason why our president of the United States is standing here in front of us today, Huber said. When President Trump, during the election, promised all these things that he was gonna do for us I knew that he was gonna do this for us.
A star is born. A star is born, Trump declared when he was done as the crowd chanted U-S-A!
Although the crowd of Trump supporters inside the hangar was thousands-strong, there was also a sizable contingent of protesters across the street.
I felt compelled to come, even though I was a little frightened because this is not always an easy thing, Elizabeth Faiella, who was protesting, told CNN. But I dont want the world to think that this gentleman represents how we feel about immigrants, about our environment, about our justice system.
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Trump Promises New Immigration Action, Obamacare Replacement was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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