#og cobras my beloved
aarons-corner · 1 year
Ok here’s something that is not talked about enough. Jimmy from Karate Kid 1984 is not as sweet and innocent as we think. Sure he’s quiet and sure he’s adorable and sure he’s pretty but hes not sweet and innocent.
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LOOK AT THE SHIT EATING GRIN HE HAS ON HIS FACE WHEN DUTCH IS HARASSING DANIEL. HE WAS ENJOYING THAT. He was also so hyped during the beach fight and then was so bummed when it ended like this was his face.
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WHY IS HE SO UPSET THAT JOHNNY STOPPED BEATING DANIEL??? He was so happy when Johnny was beating Daniel’s ass into the sand. And after the fight all the other cobras were like congratulating Johnny and Jimmy is just like ☹️
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Also Tony O’Dell fact sheet because I love him
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skyf0ckz · 6 months
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landslided · 10 months
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karate kid + shitpost pt 2 (part 1)
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wolfgangevenstar · 1 year
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did this one for the @ckreversebang prompt ‘blossom’ :)
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terrence-silver · 1 month
Would Terry ever actually, genuinely, train beloved in his karate ways? I feel like you've written something like this before, but I feel like Terry would do anything but actually teach. Maybe a little sparring that quickly ends up without clothes😏, maybe somehow beloved gets put to sleep in a headlock or other similar holds. Is this because he doesn't want beloved tainted by strike first, strike hard, no mercy? He clearly wouldn't want beloved becoming better than him, either.
I don't know why I always lean towards 'no' being my answer to this question, but after all these years, it's still a no, as in, I don't think Terry Silver would actually teach beloved martial arts.
Not really, anyway.
Play around a bit, utilizing play-fighting as sexual foreplay and teasing the notion of teaching something without actually teaching, yes, sure, but genuinely doing it? I don't see that part quite as vividly.
Perhaps for the simple reason that if you pass unto someone the type of (fairly admirable) skillset he possesses, well, they're no longer dependent on you. They can go out there, fend for themselves, be fearless in going anywhere they want, mingle with anyone they please because hey, they so happen to know fifty ways how to disable anyone anytime and might even go toe to toe with Terry himself if push came to shove, and realistically, a control freak wouldn't relish that. The control freak wants to win. There's no subduing a beloved who knows martial arts. No locking them up. No clipping their wings. Can't exactly muscle someone like that easily. A person who can effectively beat up people? Climb over walls? Develop an amazing stamina? Tolerance to pain? All because Terry taught them how personally!? C'mon now. He wants to be the stronger party of the two. Large and in charge. The party that is relied on. He wants to be the one who is swooned over once he effectively does what he did to Mike Barnes in front of Daniel Larusso and chases off and intimidates 'the bad guy' because he's oh so strong and --- aren't you enamored? If he doesn't teach beloved, the mystique and allure of him this dark, looming figure that can potentially manhandle and break beloved is perpetuated and it remains untouched and that's exactly how Terry likes it even when he playfully pretends he's 'beaten' because he momentarily wants beloved on top. It's cute, it's hot, it's tantalizing, it's a game of cat and mouse and it's foreplay, and really no more than that.
But, I digress.
I think that Terry himself views Cobra Kai in its truest form as an extension of something he (and John) survived in Vietnam and that everything that came after that (even with the OG Cobras) was a divergence of that and I don't think he believes the figurative reader can learn martial arts from him the way he knows it because the way he fights is tied to his time in the war and war time trauma cannot possibly be transferred without it being lived. The way he teaches and has learned martial arts involves a world of pain, suffering, broken knuckles, bleeding fists and general agony. It's a brotherhood. It is a lifestyle. Sure, Cobra Kai might've gone commercial since the time of Vietnam and Terry's perfectly fine with that too and the profit and fame / infamy it brings, but teaching beloved themselves? Actually teaching them? Why? Do they intend to fight someone? No need, when he can fight for them and laugh throughout all of it.
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sourcoded · 2 months
Hey, Do have anyone in particular you ship Kenshi with? I would love to know if anything of the MK characters would work well with romantically with him in your opinion.
In my opinion, I started to become really obsessed with the idea of the OG timeline Kenshi and Kuai Liang being boyfriends.
I DO!! but as for mk1 specifically it's... crack ship territory so I'm a liiiiiittle shy about it tbh ...but hear me out 😭!
so me and my beloved friend @tymbalzine have been shipping and exploring kenshi / Shang tsung SUPER hard for a long while now 🙈... entirely based on its au fic cobra defanged! ( Which you totally should go read and support btw ) ...now you gotta be like 9 rings of hell equivalent of discord conversations deep to fully understand all of what we got going on soooo it's kinda hard to explain everything all in 1 ask lol but trust the dynamic and layers between these 2 go CRAZY ...it's surprisingly a rather tender n sweet ( but pretty toxic depending on how you flesh them both out..) ship and its currently most of what my brain has being gnawing on like a chew toy for a few months now!!!!!! so i'm probably a little to excited rn to share this sdjflksjdlfks!!!!
BUT ANYWAYS again this is just au shit + a lot of personal headcanon and the both of us just flexing our writing skills tbh and love for these characters ...and practically locking them in a room together (permanently) just to see what happens :P a petri-dish if you will.. if you'd like to know more details hmu !!!
as for other ships for past timelines kenshi/suchin is my main for alt timeline!!! and others (jaxshi / kenzo ) ^_^ and for OG KENMAC!!! such a good underrated ship fr...and YESSS i've also considered kuai and kenshi as well !! but only for new timeline tho. id love to further hear your take on them anon if you'd like to share :)!!!
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thecranekick · 8 months
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og cobras my beloveds <3
character bingo!
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mauvecardigans · 3 years
watching the s2 deleted scenes and holy shit
anoush! og cobras!!!
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
I’m working on chapter 3 of a sharp kiss to the throat atm and I love that it’s like half 80s erotic thriller, half buddy comedy between Johnny and Bobby.
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mimsyaf · 3 years
Our CK fandom, season 4, and love
At some point I’ll collect my thoughts enough to write about Season 4 more thoroughly. I haven’t even watched it all yet, am up to episode 7. To me Season 4 feels slight, and off-kilter, and slapdash, and loving, with some great moments, and some really bafflingly wrongheaded choices.
It doesn’t feel wrongheaded in a slick, soulless Marvel way, it actually feels deeply personal to the 3 main writers. I just happen to disagree with them about some… stuff. Daniel. Most of Daniel’s arc. And other stuff too. And also they tried to cram waaaay much too much in. Someone wrote that it feels hollow, and I agree.
Then there are some wondrous surprises, like just how great Terry Silver is in every moment, Tory’s storyline so far, and the fact that I have come to be very interested in Robby as a character, and care about him deeply.
But I’m not really writing about Season 4 here. I do have major problems with it (that will be very fun to write about! both critically and in terms of fic-it fics!) but I also feel the love the writers have for the characters (even if I really disagree with them on characterization!) and for the fandom, including the queer parts of fandom. It means a lot to me, that affection, those nods to us. YMMV and that’s totally fine.
The main thing I wanted to write about was YOU. My beloved fandom. Our little corner of fandom, the one that treats even KK3 as a sacred text, mines it for nuance and meaning!! This Tumblr Speakers Corner where we get on soapboxes and yell about toxic versus restorative masculinity (and occasionally Ralph Macchio’s delicate wrists and Billy Zabka’s amazing CENSORED).
I don’t need Season 4 to be that good. Because I know YOU will spin old straw into gold for me. You’ll pull out nuanced moments in beautifully colored gifsets. You’ll write fic or meta that will have me staring at my phone with my mouth open, tears springing up in my eyes, awestruck. Or giggling wildly to myself. You’ll draw the artwork that will set me to dreaming.
In season 4 they wrote a scene for Laura Lawrence that was so generic, unexamined, and shallow that I wanted to yell at my tv. Meanwhile, YOU’VE given me words about Laura that have changed forever how I view motherhood. One of you wrote words for Laura to say to Johnny upon him coming out to her that went far towards healing my mother’s rejection of my queerness. Your fic did that.
Everything about Sid has always struck me as either a misguided inside joke or inwardly directed antisemitism. And then one of you wrote an exploration of him as a character, his Jewishness, his relationship to Johnny, the country club, LA society, that was more thoughtful and thought-provoking and surprising and moving than most short stories I’ve read in the New Yorker.
Through this slog of year 2 of the pandemic, you’ve spun the most incredible castles in the air, made me think about girlhood, about queerness, about being trans or NB, bodies in sports, bodies in violence, fathers- teachers- wounds-, MEN (sooooo much about men), love between men (all kinds of love between men), martial arts, kink as a way of processing trauma, kink as an awesome fun thing to do, cars, the US’s shameful history of imperialism and oppression of Asian populations at home and abroad, Coor’s Banquet, soldiers, road trips, class in America (where we pretend it doesn’t exist), how Bobby Brown Can Get It, terminal illness, cultural appropriation, chokeholds, neurodiversity, ghosts, Elderly Homicidal Veterans Should Kiss, binary brothers, OG Cobras, stigmas around homelessness, and expired orange juice.
You took some mostly good, somewhat flawed. source material, and you’ve transformed it into a dreamscape. And I love you for it. My eyes are closing on their own right now, so I don’t have time to say that you for sharing this ride on the CK rollercoaster.
Man I hope this makes any sense at all.
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emletish-fish · 2 years
It's me again with another couple question, if you don't mind!!!!! I just wanted to ask - do you think Daniel should've had a scene with the OG Cobras? Like obviously Johnny was his chief tormentor, but the others were involved too, and while 2x06 was obviously focused onthe OG Cobras and it wouldn't have made sense to bring Daniel into it then, do you think that he ought to have met up with Jimmy and Bobby in any later episodes? Or does it actually fit into the narrative, that the others moved on with their lives and don't want to keeping going over the past? I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I love any scenes with the OG Cobras, especially Bobby. (Oh Bobby Brown, my beloved). But I think any scene with Daniel and Bobby and Jimmy would probably play similar to Daniel meeting Mike Barnes again.
I can see both Jimmy and Bobby quickly offering a sincere apology, but like Mike, they hadn't sought Daniel out earlier because it's a let-sleeping-dogs-lie situation. Both Bobby and Jimmy have completely moved on from Cobra Kai and moved on with their lives. They've both worked through their karate trauma in a way that Johnny hasn't. (which is why they haven't been sucked back into the drama).
Mike also pointed out that he'd been wanting to apologise for years, but refrained in case it was traumatic for Daniel to revisit it. I can see that playing a role in Bobby and Jimmy not seeking Daniel out as well. But if they run into him, I can see a quickly offered apology.
Unless the OG Cobras are going to be used for another part of the story, it would be too much of a rehash of the mike barnes meeting to bring them back just to apologise to Daniel.
And I would also wonder how much Daniel needs it. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice and affirming for him. But he also has no resentment or lingering bad feelings towards them, and he's never mentioned them or had a flashback to them. If there is no narrative need on Daniel's end, (and one hasn't been set up so far), then it's unlikely that the show will visit it.
I think an apology from Johnny would be so much more meaningful, but they have also come a long way and have quite a strong friendship without one so...
Dutch is still in prison, so I don't see how he and Daniel would interact. Also without seeing him in CK, it's hard to gauge what dutch's feelings would be. (Though arguably he was the worst affected by Kreese's philosophy if he's doing 10-20 for repeated assault).
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itsworn · 7 years
1995 SN95 Cobra and Project Car Life: Never.Give.Up.
Life has a way of sapping the once-unrelenting passion gearheads have for our project cars. One day we wake up and realize that weeks have become years and the small setback we intended to fix the following weekend silently sidelined the build for several seasons.
Thankfully, despite all odds, the tale of this 1995 Cobra doesn’t end how you might think. Mel Josafat not only managed to keep his beloved Cobra through the ups and downs of life, but he eventually built the car of his dreams thanks to levels of dedication seldom seen. Each month he stashed $50-$100 into his dream car fund, and 15 years later he built the Cobra before you. How’s that for dedication?
Most people’s project-car story goes a little like this. When we are young and don’t have two nickels to rub together, we sink every last penny into our cars, even if it means eating cheaply until the next meager paycheck. But with age comes more money and more responsibility. There it is, the wretched R-word. Responsibility has a knack of diverting time and money into anything but a project car, no matter how special it might be.
Most would not know that a corner-killing suspension and chassis combo lurks under this clean Cobra thanks to a Max Grip Box from Maximum Motorsports.
The disconnect happens sometime between the days when we spent countless hours daydreaming beneath that poster of our dream car as a kid and the time when we assumed all those adult responsibilities. We eventually abandon our dream builds after realizing the two nickels we finally can rub together are already spent on responsibilities long before they land in the checking account.
But as we mentioned, this is not a story of shattered project car dreams or failure. Instead, this is a tale of steadfast dedication and sweet, sweet victory. To those wavering with their projects, let this be motivation to remain strong!
The slammed stance, negative front camber only looks better when you notice the Saleen front bumper and T1 rear wing atop the GT rear hood—simple, clean, and mean.
Josafat says, “When the SN95 Cobras first hit showrooms while I was in college I immediately fell in love with the sleek bodylines and the proven pushrod motor. I knew I’d do whatever it took to get one after graduation.”
True to his word, in 1996, after landing his first real job outside college, he went looking for his own Cobra. “After realizing that the then-new ’97 Cobras were out of my price range, I went looking for a used ’94/’95 Cobra with low mileage.”
Simple bolt-ons are all it takes to have fun on a road course. Thanks to a BBK CAI and shorty headers, a Bassani X-pipe, and Flowmaster mufflers, this Cobra has plenty of poke on the straights.
It took several weeks, but eventually he found a pristine, low-mileage, one-owner 1995 Cobra. It was love at first sight. “It was pristine, white, and owned by an older lady who only put 6,000 miles on it.”
Thankfully, he had a small pile of money saved up. He immediately add H&R springs and Flowmaster two-chamber mufflers to make it his own. He says, “It’s all I could afford at the time, but the mufflers and springs gave it my own style—I was just happy to finally own a Cobra.”
He daydreamed of building his Cobra into a drag car, then a show car, and eventually into a road-racer after seeing the Saleen SR in 1997. “I still vividly remember seeing the SR for the first time. My jaw dropped. It was so clean and so aggressive with the chameleon paint, the five-spoke wheels, and that wing and front bumper. It was perfect.”
With the image of the Saleen SR indelibly burned into his mind, Josafat decided that his dream build was, in fact, a road-race ready SN95 Cobra with five-spoke wheels, a Saleen front bumper and wing, and full Maximum Motorsports suspension. The only problem was, he was broke. But that didn’t matter in his case because in the absence of money he had diehard commitment.
“I have never had deep pockets, but thankfully I was able to add a few mods in the first year before I could not afford to do anything for over a decade,” he explains.
Few rollers look better on an SN95 than these 18×9.5 front and 18×11 rear Simmons FRs wrapped in Sumitomo rubber and hiding a Brembo front big brake kit with two-piece rotors.
He diligently saved money every month, and in the first year he managed to have a custom set of 18-inch Simmons five-spoke, three-piece wheels imported into the U.S. via Group-A Autotrend. If you ask us, there’s no better wheel for his combo. Perfection!
“I never lost sight of my dream,” says Josafat, “but the responsibilities [There’s that R-word again! —Ed.] of life and the expense of the parts I wanted meant I would not add many parts for over 15 years.”
While he would not mod his beloved Cobra for a long time, in the ensuing 15 years his Cobra served him well as a daily driver for over 140,000 miles and through several moves, all without garages, and it continued to mature with him through a marriage and the birth of his sons.
“For years I daily drove the car and it sat outside, but I always took care of it, keeping it clean and covered every night,” Josafat says. “There were some months it was really hard to put that money in the bank, when times were rough and I sold a lot of things to stay afloat. The thought of selling the car entered my mind, but only for a minute. Thankfully, my wife was always supportive of the car.”
And so month after month, Josafat added small amounts of money to a savings account that slowly grew as the years and miles wore on. “I had my eye on a Maximum Motorsports Max Grip Box for years, and after I got married in 2010 my wife told me that I’d better finish the car before the kids came. Thankfully, she helped me fulfill my goals for the car.”
With the support of his wife and his monthly contribution of no more than $100, he depleted his savings account and threw the books at it with a complete makeover thanks to a Maximum Motorsports Max Grip Box installed by Matt Medeiros of Performance Technic. As you know, a Max Grip Box will turn any Mustang into a complete corner killer thanks to an entire suspension overhaul with a tubular K-member and A-arms, coilovers, caster-camber plates, a torque arm, a Panhard bar, lower control arms, an upgraded steering shaft, chassis bracing, and much more.
Josafat  says, “The Max Grip Box was a complete game changer. It literally took the car from fun to absolutely insane in the canyons and on track.”
The newfound grip and handling prowess drove him to attend several track days, where the car was much better than he was. “I spun out several times at Thunder Hill during my first track day. The car was great, but I needed some work.”
It had taken him nearly two decades to get the car to this point, but with the greenlight before his children were born, he spent the next six months hitting it with serious upgrades.
“Since I was bitten by the track bug, I decided to add some safety, braking, and chassis and engine upgrades to finish it off,” Josafat tells us. The safety upgrades came in the form of a Maximum Motorsports roll bar, a Cobra driver’s seat with RCI harnesses, and a Sparco steering wheel with an NRG quick-release hub.
When he wanted more speed on the straights, he added a BBK Performance CAI and shorty headers, along with a Bassani X-pipe. Energy Suspension engine mounts keep the motor secured, while a Fluidyne radiator keeps it cool. Ford Performance 3.73 gears also help performance, and a Torsen differential with a T/A girdle and Moser 31-spline axles help put the power down.
Speaking of traction, a performance alignment from Roger Kraus Racing with more negative camber and max caster, along with Maximum Motorsports full-length subframe connectors, added to the Cobra’s handling prowess. Of course, we cannot forget the Brembo big brake kit with two-piece front rotors.
While the OG Simmons wheels make us drool, they would not be anything without the rest of the package, completed thanks to a Saleen front bumper and T1 wing mounted atop a GT trunk lid, which was actually sourced from a local Pick n’ Pull.
We often talk about a cohesiveness that makes certain cars stand out, and truthfully, it’s hard to define it because there is no one path to greatness. For Josafat, his road to Mustang greatness wasn’t lined with deep pockets and a mile-long mod list. Instead, while his car’s cohesiveness is striking, what’s most compelling is the blood, sweat, and tears this car oozes—it doesn’t take long to see this car has heart. Every mile it has rolled, ever nick or blemish it has amassed, is another story to tell and another memory to recall.
“I love this car,” says Josafat, as if there could be any doubt. “It’s been around forever, and it’s part of so many stories. It’s like a tattoo, I remember every story and moment with it—the sacrifice and determination it took to keep it all these years taught me a lot about sticking to something.”
The post 1995 SN95 Cobra and Project Car Life: Never.Give.Up. appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/1995-sn95-cobra-project-car-life-never-give/ via IFTTT
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