#Jimmy is a menace to society
aarons-corner · 1 year
Ok here’s something that is not talked about enough. Jimmy from Karate Kid 1984 is not as sweet and innocent as we think. Sure he’s quiet and sure he’s adorable and sure he’s pretty but hes not sweet and innocent.
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LOOK AT THE SHIT EATING GRIN HE HAS ON HIS FACE WHEN DUTCH IS HARASSING DANIEL. HE WAS ENJOYING THAT. He was also so hyped during the beach fight and then was so bummed when it ended like this was his face.
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WHY IS HE SO UPSET THAT JOHNNY STOPPED BEATING DANIEL??? He was so happy when Johnny was beating Daniel’s ass into the sand. And after the fight all the other cobras were like congratulating Johnny and Jimmy is just like ☹️
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Also Tony O’Dell fact sheet because I love him
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thesamoanqueen · 5 months
Blackwater XIX
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: well I said a couple of months ago that something was toxic… there’s a lil bit of non-con this time, so if someone of you is not ready, im sorry, is that chap.
A/N: this chapter wasn't very easy to write, but the next ones won't be either, let's wish each other good luck.
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She had hoped to go somewhere else, but with problems piling up day after day doing so wasn't even an option. It was safer to stay south, where their reservation still acted as a natural stop to any external influence coming from across the border, plus Roman was in the area, though again not there with her, having yet another meeting with yet another person for yet another deal.
She hadn't been very happy about it at first, but had to admit at least to herself that maybe it was for the best. In town she had finally found something she could bring to Lisa to thank her and plus they were relatively close home, which meant they would be there before night and she could go to bed to recover a bit.
The stress caused by the situation did not help either her mood or body already affected by hormonal swings of a heat that Y/N prayed to postpone as long as possible. She wasn't sleeping well due to too many thoughts, she was losing her appetite, as well as the desire to go running and that afternoon she had another one of her waves of shivers which was trying to fight with some hot chocolate in an attempt to also replenish a sugars. She had bought Solo a coffee too, but he kept holding it in his hand without drinking, too busy glaring at anyone who dared come closer than necessary, that was not even so close.
- You didn't grow up here, did you? – she asked, interrupting silence between them once again, because they spent a lot of time together, but even if he seemed willing to talk with her, their conversations were never long.
He looked at her a bit confused, putting aside his perpetual serious face for a moment, coffee still in his hand.
- Jimmy said you came here after, like me – she explained, letting out an encouraging smile and he shook his head no.
- I grew up in the area, with my family.
Y/N let out a surprised oh, going back to twirling the straw in silence as they walked towards the suv.
From the stories she had thought he had come from out of state to help Roman, but she probably misunderstood. She hadn't spent much time with Solo's family, she had only seen them once actually and he didn't open up more than necessary, most of the time talking about what there was to do during the day, well she talked, he was more comfortable listening.
- Not with them. They were always together somewhere. – he added unexpectedly, perhaps not to make her uncomfortable with another silence or perhaps not to make her feel so out of place and Y/N smiled gratefully.
Y/N saw him nod slightly, as if satisfying her had satisfied him too.
She had never really thought about it, but there was an age gap between him and those three. Now he was a big boy with muscles and a menacing look, in those years he had probably just been a kid that them didn't want around. She couldn't imagine what it was like, Y/N hadn't had any brother or sister, she had grown up alone, but the half year spent with all of them before the chaos was enough for her to understand. Maybe he couldn't have tolerated them as a kid, always together already as pack leaving him at home and doing their own business, but now he was a man, it was different.
His family is broken.
- I'm sorry, Solo...
Standing next to the black suv, he looked at her, again confused by her reaction.
- We have to do what needs to be done.
- They're your brothers no matter what.
- I swore to the Tribal Chief. They did it too. – he said serious, his tone almost angry.
In packs like theirs, still tied to old laws and traditions, it was normal to have a relationship of deep respect with those at the top. Those were legacies that were now intertwined with a changed society but still subject to natural balances, such as the amendment on property rights between mates and social hierarchies for those who belonged to or were born from groups not commonly seen well. Y/N, with her omega smell, knew a lot about it and had had to deal with it there too in the first few months, but the prospect of an acknowledgment, oath, was new and something she hadn't heard.
She saw Solo open the door to let her in, his face less angry, but still solemn.
- You don't have to – he reassured her, mistaking her silence for concern, dark round eyes stopping too long lower, at the base between her neck and shoulder, where Y/N had tightened her jacket trying to send away the cold shivers – you already have his… smell.
Smell wasn't the word he wanted to say, but what Solo was referring to, she didn't have yet.
Our mark. His mark.
That too was an old legacy, dangerous in her case, but Y/N didn't have time to think too much about it by looking for her phone which in the meantime had notified of a message.
Paul was a smart man. Roman had chosen him as a wise man for that very reason. There was no one in the entire country more capable than him, no one who had his level of experience. He was a lawyer, an advisor, a connoisseur, he had political support, important acquaintances within the packs and outside, plus his family had practically adopted him when he was a boy, so he was not a stranger. The wise man was many things, but honest only when necessary and Roman had never had a problem with that kind of approach in their time together. He tolerated all sorts of expedient for his purpose, he had learned the hard way how much it cost to have feelings, but everything changed if those tricks helped something of which he was not made aware.
Because Roman knew from years and life lessons. Loyalty and trust were something he no longer expected, from anyone and certainly not from someone who had stayed afloat when everyone else drowned. Everyone could be a friend, everyone could be an enemy, his wolf now did no exception and all the whispers, phone calls and messages that kept Paul busy even when they were together were nothing but further proof of a picture that he knew. The wiseman acted driven by the feeling of ground crumbling beneath their feet, frightened by changes that his cousin and those dogs on the border threatened, by the possibility of a future that Roman would not allow as long as he was able to breathe. He loved the wise man, he could forgive him being a coward, pretending not to see, at least until he took a step too far.
- So? – he asked annoyed, almost making the phone fly out of his hand.
- Two weeks. Tomorrow both of you will exchange the sogi – he reported in a heavy voice, his shoulders low, his face frowning as if someone had just stepped on him after the news.
He didn't like the prospect of that fight, first of all because he was risking his head. Roman knew even without having to ask that he would play his cards to make things better and save everything, but for him the two weeks he had dealt were too much time and those plans useless. Fourteen days were the ritual time to provide what was necessary for families, so that both parties were ready for any outcome, but for him were just a useless wait. He wouldn't be the one to lose, he had no alternatives to plan unlike Jey, he just needed to have free way and get his hands on his cousin.
- About the stipulations, I was thinking- he advanced, trying to recover as much as possible.
- There are none.
- My Tribal Chief, if I may, considering what we are facing now, it would be better to leave a few more resources and perhaps-
- There will be no stipulations.
He had complied with stipulations, conditions for weeks, suffered weakness for months, the time for mercy was over. He had left many doors open for his cousins, he had tried everything and Jey however had gone where he shouldn't, disrespecting him to the point of contesting him with the Elders, they had gone too far and now there was only one way to put an end to it. The only acceptable stipulation was unconditional surrender, total humiliation, there was nothing else to talk about. Guts were needed to keep their family in line, his dad had reminded him of this and Roman was not willing to receive other reminders in the future, he was no longer a boy. Whatever happened next, he would handle it the way he handled everything, with a firm grip and without regard, he didn't need those two to do it. He was the alpha, he had control and winning cards to play against everyone.
- How much longer do we have to stay here? – he asked, tired of waiting, staring with annoyance at the watch on his wrist.
They had been in that office longer than he was willing to tolerate and he couldn't stand listening to the wise man calls or him typing messages anymore, he didn't have all day to waste signing a deal with the governor. He had to train, dedicate the next fourteen days focusing on the goal, not sitting bored in a chair waiting for a paper that should have already been ready the second he set foot in that building.
- I'm going to immediately check where Pearce has ended up, my… – the wise man snapped to attention, but he barely managed to turn to go towards the door – tribal… chief.
Roman smelled him before even moving his gaze to the man accompanying Pearce. He had no idea who he was, he didn't remember his face if they had ever met before, but he had a smell that he didn't like. He didn't like the smell of him, he didn't like the way was staring at him, he didn't like the attitude and he sure as hell didn't like that he came around when he had business to do.
We don't like him.
- Reigns.
Pearce greeted, already adjusting glasses on his nose, his expression stressed as always. Roman didn't even look at him, focused on observing the new arrival who was already taking place at the table without having been invited. Pearce had that same attitude in the past, a couple of years ago, until Roman had taken it away from him in his own way and since then had never reappeared. He almost wanted to do the same with that new guy.
- What’s this idea Mr. Pearce?! It was supposed to be a private meeting for private business! Very important business! It's unacceptable! – complained the wise man, standing up against that lack of respect.
- Our new neighbors have informed the governor of activities across the border. It seemed right to him to invite Mr. Aldis as a delegate to clarify before signing anything. He’s in charge of that area now.
That's what he was. Another puppet, another well-dressed small dude convinced to have power or a chance against him, thought he was worth something, that he could stand face to face with Roman, thanks to the talks of those idiots to whom his cousins had left the field free. They were becoming arrogant, stupidly brave, throwing in his face that he had lost his hold in the north and that now there were others there. They hadn't gone too far yet, keeping everything legal, moving with what they could to make their voices heard, their new influence known, but Roman was fine with those games as long as they didn't go beyond the limit. And the limit was his patience running out.
- Since you no longer have jurisdiction there and the upcoming Bloodline activities threaten the entire area, restrictions must be established for the future. Real restrictions Mr. Reigns that I will take care of enforcing and making clear to you. Without it, nothing new will be authorized. – the new dude, Aldis, announced, openly defying his influence, head held high and the wise man behind him jumped.
They wanted to authorize him.
- How dare you- he screamed, but Roman simply raised a finger to silence him, the other hand gripping the chair.
That tanned, smug face of him would have looked perfect smashed onto his table or on the floor, better under his foot.
They wanted to play the big game, gamble when he already had more important business to take care of. It was almost hilarious, almost because that little game would be short-lived. He would let them do it, for a while, until Jey got what he deserved since everything that was happening was his fault. That was what happened if they left their side exposed, if they allowed a pack of strays to smell weakness, it was the price to pay for a crack and the reason Roman would have no more second thoughts.
Elders were right, he had to focus, do what he had to do and what he had been chosen for. He couldn't afford any more weaknesses or they would become ready and able to bite his throat.
- Go ahead – he conceded, collecting himself.
He would get rid of them one by one, blood of his blood or not. Without mercy.
She had sought comfort between now cold sheets smelling of him, curling up her legs for extra warmth, keeping her eyes tighter to ward off thoughts ready to fill her mind, but hadn't made it and her she-wolf had found Roman through the link. She had sensed him immediately, probably because he wasn't shielding anything believing that she was still asleep and Y/N had snuck out to join him in the dim light of his home office.
Mate is not here with us.
He was sitting on the couch with a solitary lamp, his face serious, fingers running through the seeds of his necklace. He was physically there, but his head was somewhere else as happened too often now. In the house he always kept the ulafala in the case, but Y/N didn't need to ask to know why he was there staring at it when he was supposed to be resting by her side, in their bed. Paul had told her as soon as he received the news, keeping to their agreement or perhaps already seeking help and Y/N had finally given a deadline to the anxiety that was weighing on her.
Fourteen days of peace before chaos, before completely crumbling what was left of the family, but in a few hours it would truly become inevitable. Or it was probably already late judging by Roman's face.
- Will you have to wear it? – she asked in a whisper, entering the room almost on tiptoe.
He hadn't told her anything about how the meeting would take place nor had he added anything about the fight, but she couldn't blame him. She had promised to stand by him, to defend him, yet she hadn't reacted well to his drastic change of plans and he didn't seem to really understand why she hadn't accepted it. What had happened was serious, but what could happened next would be even worse. Standing, she watched him keep his gaze fixed on the symbol of sacrifices, of his role and pains without turning to look at her and she too observed it, perhaps expecting a revelation.
Red for power, seeds for the rebirth of the dynasty.
She knew the value and pride behind that object, Roman had told Y/N all the stories about the ulafala, but no matter how hard she tried in her eyes it was only a necklace left weighing him down. It should have given him strength, conveyed his strength, represented the family future and instead he found himself fighting to keep it around his neck, to keep what he had gained after an argument born from unpleasant circumstances and degenerated due to old grudges.
- I earned it, represents me – she heard him reply, because in his mind it was the only thought.
She felt it, she knew it. He felt his efforts, sacrifices threatened and they were, but Y/N still felt like it wasn't Jey or Jimmy who was the real danger. At least not initially, now everything was a danger, even the elders who were supposed to accompany and advise him. Them all had fallen into a trap were building with their own hands and she couldn't resign herself to the sight of that disaster.
He's not just that for us.
- You don't need it – she reminded him, stopping looking at the ulafala to focus on him.
She saw him inspire with frustration, felt annoyance pass through him at the mere idea of continuing that conversation, his eyes far from hers.
- Go back to bed Y/N.
- Come with me then, is not mornin yet – she insisted, refusing to give up.
They had different opinions, different approaches, it had always been like that and perhaps it would never change, but they were on the same side. She didn't want to go back to their room if he wasn't there, didn't want to sleep if he wasn't there, she had been alone for too long to throw away moments, to wait two weeks to pass and then hope to go back to what they had before. She trusted Roman, she had never trusted anyone like him, but it wasn't going to end up with Jey and Y/N was honestly afraid of the aftermath he talked about. The threats were different, without blood ties and were just waiting the right moment to attack him, they wanted to get him out of the way and take everything, not just his role. No one can get rid of a weed without pulling out its roots. It had already happened with her family and now can happen again because he was focused just on what was in front of him. But she couldn't wait for the inevitable, it wasn't in her nature to do what she had to do or what he wanted, she existed to do what he couldn't.
She saw him stay silent, sign he had no intention of moving. So she stood in front of him, slipping the ulafala from his fingers without asking. That move finally forced him to raise his head, trying to understand what was happening, while she carefully placed it back in the case where he kept it and then went back to the couch. She listened him breathe heavily, scratch his dark beard with a grimace, and she sat down on his lap to take up the entire view.
- Ain't doing this talk once more – he stopped her soon, shaking his head.
- Not even if im the one asking? – she tried, seeing him immediately clench his jaw.
- Im doing it for you, for us, all! I told you and you said we were on the same side, now what?!
- I'm not taking anything back. I'm just worried it’s already too much – she confessed, not really knowing how else to explain the feeling in her.
Maybe she was giving in to the hormones, anxiety, or maybe was the fact she hadn't cared about others in years like she did now for him, but it was all happening so fast and whether Roman was ready to admit it or not, he was losing control and not facing things with a right mindset. Those outbursts of anger, the way he turned against everyone, judgments, drastic solutions, he was getting carried away by the desire for revenge and his justice. He kept saying he was doing it for them, for their future and instead seemed like a pretext to rush towards other problems. They didn't need acknowlegment, a border to build anything, they were fine, everything worked when it was just them, together. They had never been happier than in the time spent getting to know each other, digging their bond out of the dust and strengthening it. Life certainly couldn't be made up only of moments like those, dates and runs in the woods, but things could certainly have been different.
- Whatever it takes, doesn't matter, at all – he announced, almost exasperated by having to explain, by having to hear, his gaze so confident and Y/N stared at him for a moment without being able to say anything else.
Whatever it takes, he said.
The prospect of those sacrifices and ease which he said he wanted to face them would torment was heavy, but as she had sadly learned to do growing up, she hid all the worry in the back of her mind.
He didn't listen or maybe he didn't want to.
So Y/N simply moved closer, challenging his growing temper, to seek some warmth and his lips in an uncertain kiss. Saw him look at her almost suspiciously for her reaction, studying before reciprocate the kiss and sliding his hands down her thighs. Close, felt their breaths slowly mix in the silence of the dark house and that warmth she had found too late, growing from the most vulnerable part to her chest begging for comfort.
- You matter to me – she reminded him in a heated murmur, forehead resting on him, swollen lips touching, eyes burning for something that went beyond words.
She didn't really care about anything else. They could have been anywhere, surrounded by anyone or in utter desolation and Y/N would still have searched for those eyes. They were her firm point, he was her person. The thought of it terrified her, but she was done fighting and pretending. Roman was everything for her, she had nothing else anymore and she wanted, hoped... he would understand that for that exact reason they couldn't give in. They had to stay together, as a pack, mates.
She saw his gaze lingering on her lips, rising then to meet her eyes, two brown pools now dark in the dim light of the room. Felt his fingers gripping her hips, digging into soft flesh with possession, domineering and lust, marking her skin to claim and force her where she already was.
- Then you gonna be there with me, as you should – he demanded, resolute and despite fighting with everything her head suggested, Y/N nodded to please him again, letting Roman finally crash his mouth against her, satisfied.
They would find a way, they would find a solution even if it seemed difficult, they could do it together, but in that moment Y/N just needed to feel him close, just for her, far from all the noise and problems that awaited them out. They could give themselves that moment of rest, cherish it and Y/N rocked on him, moaning into his hot mouth as their bodies inexorably warmed up. His tongue was insatiable, ready to devour and intoxicate her with his good taste, thrown into a fight that she didn't even dare win. She preferred to let him have control in those moments, while her fingers made their way through dark soft locks, scratching the back of his strong neck to once again elicit that raw growl that vibrated through his broad chest into her bones. Felt his hands slide deeper, grasping her ass, encouraging Y/N to move her hips, pushing on his boner which was quickly answering to juices already wetting his pants.
She had stopped wearing panties when they went to bed a while ago and now was even grateful. She would bear nothing but the feeling of his hard body against her, pressure building like a blessed torture as he guided her growling for her to ride him shamelessly. Y/N had been trying to slow down and control herself for months now, so as not to give in to the heat of their bond, stay with feet on the ground and mind clear now that everything was falling apart, but it was an inexorable descent faster every time Roman touched her. She clung to him, feeling one of his hands travel up under her shirt to roughly grab one of her breasts, his calloused palm rubbing her sensitive nipple making her squirm. Her body had always been hyper-reactive to his attentions, but now she had fallen into a spiral with no exit. Y/N yearned him like a castaway for salvation and in moments like that the need mixed with something more, something that Y/N had never felt for anyone else and her she-wolf fought to make her whisper.
Tell him. We need him. Our mate. Tell him.
- My pussy wet as fuck hm? You need me, don't you? – he said voice like velvet, breaking their kiss and motioning for her to raise herself just enough to sink easily into her cunt – Ima fill you up good, babygirl… don't worry. Aint going nowhere and you'll be stuck with me.
The heat caused by his intrusion had already forced Y/N to open her mouth without being able to speak back, but the sudden thrust of his hips quickly accelerating to pound her almost made her cry. Hands tightened on his shoulders, eyes narrowing with each thrust and then opening as the wave of heat rose from her belly, sending her entire body into flames. Bouncing on his lap, she felt Roman moving his hand from her breast to give her a sharp slap on her ass, he did it one more time drawing a moan and then move up to her throat, to squeeze it just enough to bring tears to her eyes. Quickening the pace, in the frenzy of their moment, Y/N began to confuse the her own pounding heart with the slick sound of bodies slamming together. Her mind becomes more clouded by the second, ears filled with Roman's growls and threatening promises like dark spells ready to tear her soul and climax away. Confused between pleasure and desperation, she held him to her as he held her by the throat, twitches of her wet center uncontrolled amidst the panting of both of them that grew angrier. Room around flashed, throbbing like folds around his cock, impregnated with smell of their bodies, air charged and heavy, saturated with sweat and lust, with a mix of their smells.
They were racing with no intention of slowing down, as if the only goal was to consume, melt and crumble thanks to the other one. Y/N end came sudden and violent between a sloppy kiss and a particularly insistent push on that soft point on which Roman loved to rage without any mercy, fast, powerful, in a strangled moan that made her bare feet tingle, rising in an electric discharge up her legs to a sweaty body, chest begging and hot face. She closed her eyes, grabbing Roman's arm for her life, throwing her head back and then immediately hiding her face on his shoulder because he wasn't slowing down, he wasn't even giving her a moment to breath and she had already went over her limit. Heat kept growing and shake her, causing Y/N to lose all contact with her surroundings, ears ringing as if she had been underwater, body still crying out for more while Roman pounded furiously. Stunned, she stood abandoned in his arms, letting him have his way as he wanted, until something made her eyes widen, pushing her to gasp.
- R-Ro- she tried, because his hand had somehow left her throat, to grab Y/N by the back of her neck and tilt her head to the side.
He was holding her by her curls, beard scratching her hot neck, tongue ready to lick away sweat from her sweet pulsing weak spot to prepare it.
- Easy, stay still – his breath against her skin, so close, pushed Y/N to stiffen as much as his words – I'll be gentle, ssh…
Roman had never pushed, he had never held her like he was doing at that moment and feeling his teeth on her flesh sharper than usual, Y/N wriggled away.
- Don't - she tried again, feeling him tighten his grip, slowing down his thrusts, another hand moving to her wrist.
Why he was acting like that?
- Don't panic, its me – he reassured her, words heavy, attitude raising for her reaction and she planted her feet, her only free hand tapping on his bare chest.
It was him, Roman? Was it really him that one? Suddenly Y/N wasn't so sure and ignoring her wolf pleas, confused between the sense of discomfort and desire to give in, she pushed again to put some space between them.
- Y/N
- No, not like this! – she wailed and when finally managed to slide away from his legs, Y/N saw him jump up with a growl.
The crash of the coffee table froze her on the couch, eyes wide as she watched him pant in anger with clenched fists, body stiff. Still dirty for their moment, but with her mind completely clear now, she watched him stand there trying to regain control in a heavy silence she hadn't felt between them in a while. Roman rubbed his face, rolling his large shoulders, rocking his head and even though she was shaken, something in Y/N's chest tightened following the imperceptible direction of his gaze across the room, where she had put the ulafala away.
Did he want to mark her to prove a point? To have full control in order to not go through what had happened with his family? It was that?
She moved her eyes to his hand, the one would have grabbed to calm him, to bring him back to there with her, the one she always found on herself for any reason even the stupidest, the one Y/N had learned to want, but a second too long passed and her hesitation was enough for Roman to quickly settle down, deciding to walk out of the room without a word to leave her again.
Uncle Afa was a man bent by age and illness now. When him and his dad stopped traveling around the country, he opened a gym in a recreation center on the eastern outskirts of the city where family had settled. He only trained their people at that time, city folks didn't want to set foot among savages, but his uncle ignored comments like his dad, dedicating himself heart and soul to the pack. Roman remembered going into that place the last time when he was sixteen, probably with the twins, to put on muscles that had grown bigger on their own later and fill his stomach always asking for more. The gym was different now from then, it was larger, it had incorporated buildings next door and it wasn't dusty at all. There was a sign, clean walls full of photos and articles, in the central one there was also him, right at the top.
They had organized the meeting there to have a neutral place, a place that represented everyone, a symbol of the pack values as the Elders demanded. Yet sitting at the head of the table in the gym hall, with the attention of many of his blood just beyond the threshold, Roman kept undaunted watching that perfectly framed photo at the top of the wall. He was there to talk, ready to prove his worth even if it was thanks to him that that picture had a wall to still be on, if that gym existed after his uncle's family had spent almost everything to pay the national healthcare system, if the next generations would have a place to go or eat like he did. He acknowledged his family efforts, but all of them would have been still in that dusty past of mediocrity if Roman had not taken everything into his own hands knowing he was more than what the world saw.
- Don't try, don’t think about it, I wouldn't do it if I was in your place - he heard Jimmy warn, blocking the wise man from trying to come forward to break the silence of their meeting that had already started a few minutes ago without a word.
Roman heard him clear his throat anyway, but payed no attention until Jey, the only one sitting besides him and Y/N, decided to cut it short.
- I don't have any piece of paper with me – he announced, rubbing his hands on his legs.
Roman eyed him silently, slowly tilting his head and Jey shifted in his seat, face so serious as he settled himself better to speak.
He could broaden his shoulders and give himself as much tone as he wanted, but he would never be on his level, he would never be like him and it was evident. That meeting was ridiculous, disrespectful even.
- It's just between us for me. Families have nothing to do with it – he explained, quickly nodding to whoever was outside the door – Same for Solo, he's my brother... and Y/N, she's family too. He disappears with you though and won't set foot in the packland again as long as I'm here. – he concluded, pointing to the wise man who didn't even manage to mutter his disappointment before Roman burst out laughing.
He’s crazy and dumb.
His hoarse laugh echoed throughout the entire empty hall and he didn't bother to hide it or hold back, simply running a hand over his beard to regain control only after a while. With the entire family's eyes on him, he knocked the table with his hand, eyeing his cousin once more.
Jey. The little soldier Jey. Roman had tried to keep him close, to teach him how things worked, because he loved him and still he didn’t get it. Not a single thing. Anything at all.
He persisted with his speeches even a few days before the moment which Roman would have removed him from the family, putting everything on the table to play the good pup. He wanted the title, he wanted to chase him away, but he was willing to vouch for his family anyway, for Solo who had kicked him and even Y/N… as if there was only one scenario out of all the ones imaginable in which Roman would have left her if not as a deadman or it would have allowed him to realize the ideas he had in his dumb head. He still thought the problem was him or the advice the wise man had given him to stay on top, he thought he could keep his hands clean, not involve anyone and he didn't understand that the situation they were in already, was the exact reason for which he would never have survived in Roman’s place.
- You're wasting my time – he said, giving him an annoyed smile.
Jey didn't reply, cashing in without even a nod. He was good at cashing in, Roman acknowledged it, it was his talent, perhaps his only one, but it still wouldn't have been enough against him. He might be determined and willing to fight him one more time, but it would be no use. Roman had no limits and had learned over the years and blows what was needed to kept the role he had.
- Whoever will standing at the end decides, tha’s the deal, the stipulation. There's nothing else to say – he established, tone suddenly deadly heavy.
There was nothing he wasn't willing to do or lose to keep what was his.
He saw Jey nod, imitate him and stand up and in the silence of the room leave the table to join him. Face to face to each other, he stared at his reflection in his cousin's dark eyes, the ulafala still around his neck as it was in the photo of him on the wall and as it always would be. He squeezed Jey forearm and allowed that even if the bond between them no longer existed, their wolves shared a final breath.
Blood of my blood. Brother. Traitor.
When the air left his lungs again to fill them with the stale smell of the center, Roman let go without hesitation, Jey imitating him in a perfect mirror. However, was he who turned his back on his cousin this time to go away first, ignoring the wise man's sad look and those of the rest of the family outside waiting. Y/N who had been on the sidelines the entire time, unexpectedly joined him, her back straight and face betraying nothing as she took her place next to him. Roman didn't comment, there was nothing to say.
Two weeks and he would have control again. Only two weeks before moving on.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @reignsangel444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @spritelucozade @tribalchiefdaily @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318
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stellocchia · 11 months
Alright, first episodes are out, I'm gonna start with some:
Top 3 (In no particular order):
Gonna be placing Scott in Top 3 for purely statistical reasons. The only time he wasn't in the top 3 was when his ally was literally Mr. Gaming, so, like, it takes the Canary Curse to nerf him. Besides, he was one of the 3 people who finished the first session in full health, so that already bodes well for him.
Gem is gonna be my next bet for top 3. I know she's new, but she already made a good alliance, she's clever, she's good at pvp, I genuinely think she's got a good chance to get to the finale. Besides, again, 3/4 times, at least one of Scott's allies made it far. And, while I adore Impulse, he has a tendency to get himself killed by Bdubs...
My last one is BigB. Something is going on with him this season and I'm intrigued, so this is, admittedly, pure wish fulfillment on my part, but, fuck it! My predictions, and I say he finally makes it to the top.
Bottom 3 (In no particular order):
Obvious one out of the way, Mr. Jimmy Solidarity Gaming. 4 times out first does not bode well for him I'm afraid. And, while it would be fun if he did break the curse... I'm not gonna bet on that happening this time, or any time soon. He even finished the first session with the second-lowest amount of hearts...
Joel is my next pick. My guy is so reckless all the time, I'm genuinely only putting him down here for that reason. I'm not confident he won't jump out of the water into a several blocks drop and lose half his hearts again next session because I don't think any amount of mistakes can teach him caution. He is a menace, both to society and himself.
For the last one I was undecided, but ultimately I would say probably Mumbo. He was the second out in the only other season he played in. And, while he fared rather well I'd say in the first session, he can get stuck overthinking things and that's just never good for a life series, is it?
We'll see by the end how many I actually got right!
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creamie-milk · 5 months
New troll oc dropped
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Everyone meet Jimy, it's actually Jimmy but he's too stupid to spell it. (Creative name I know.)
He's a total menace to society, he will destroy your family and friends.
Based off this.
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Thank you to the person on furry amino for sending me this image.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Menaces to Society (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You thought your boys were feral as children......wait until they turn twenty one
Warnings: Perry slander, Tillerson slander, taking a leak on somebody’s truck for revenge, drunken shenanigans etc. 
Tagging: @sebsxphia @lewmagoo @bradleybeachbabe @nobody7102 @creativitybeware​ @rhettabbotts​
The group of boys had all gathered at the Handsome Gambler, crowding around the bar as their favorite music blasted from the jukebox in the corner. After weeks spent on midterms and constant studying, the boys of the Delta Tau Epsilon Fraternity were more than happy to be blowing of steam, among them, Tatum and Tanner Abbott and Colt Tillerson. 
“CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!” the boys chanted as they lifted Tanner up by his legs for the kegstand challenge.
Tanner took in as much as he could, the bar owner timing him as his frat brothers cheered him on. Finally, he swallowed the last little bit before Jimmy Peterson, the bar owner, clocked him in and put his time record up on the chalkboard. 
“You my man,” Tate Dutton said, clapping a hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “Are the fucking kegstand CHAMP!” 
Tanner and the other frat brothers cheered loudly as Bo Andreola, one of the football players, lifted him up onto his broad, husky shoulders. Around 1:30, Jimmy announced it was closing time, only to be cued by the playing of Luke Bryan’s “Time To Take My Drunk Ass Home”, the boys and all the bar patrons singing along like a bunch of screeching seagulls. 
Out of the bar they stumbled, Tatum, Tanner, Colt, Tate and Jake Dutton, Joey Wheeler and a few others heading to the parking lot. “Alright fuckers,” Tatum slurred. “Let’s get us home, I’m drivin.” 
“Uh the fuck you are!” Danny Gonzales told him. “You’re drunker’n I am. I’ll call my brother.” 
Danny luckily had his brother, Antonio, on speed dial. Antonio never really drank and thus had become the designated driver along with three others. Unfortunately for them, Antonio was across town and wouldn’t be able to pick them up for at least a half hour. 
They wandered up and down the streets, looking for a place to wait it out, when they spied two familiar vehicles parked on the curb. “Oh shit,” Tatum muttered after letting out a rather rude burp. 
“Wassup?” Joey asked him. 
“You know who’s trucks those are, right?” 
“Aw shit,” Joey answered when he came to the realization. “That’s Trevor and Perry’s trucks.” 
“What are those fuckin assholes doin in our neck of the woods?” Jake questioned. 
“Probably doin each other in an alley somewhere,” Tate chuckled. 
Tatum and Tanner gave each other a look as soon as an evil little germ of a thought began to bloom in the back of their heads. Even Colt could tell what they were thinking without even saying a word. “You know what we gotta do right?” Tatum said. 
“Better do it now while we’re loaded,” Tanner told him. 
Tatum readily instructed for him, Tanner and Colt to take Trevor’s truck while the others could have at Perry’s. “Alright boys,” Tatum announced. “This one’s for Dad.” 
All at once the boys unzipped their flies and relieved themselves right there on the horrible men’s dirt spattered trucks, laughing the whole entire time. Too bad Jaime’s car hadn’t been nearby. Tate, Jake and Joey would have absolutely loved the thought of taking that one on as well. Bo and Danny held up their phones, taking a video of the drunken frat boys for later. It wasn’t long either before they were taking photos of their little graffitied creation, the words “Fuck you Perry” and “Fuck you Trevor” having been inscribed in the dirt with their own streams while the boys pointed at it and made stupid faces or stupid poses with it. 
The sudden blurt of police sirens and the flash of lights made them all straighten right up. Sheriff Joy hopped out onto the curb and shut the doors to the cruiser, sighing and laughing all at once when she saw the culprits. 
“Oh God, not you idiots again,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“HEY AUNT JOY!!!!!!” Tatum and Tanner greeted loudly and happily. 
“Rhett can you get the door?!” you called from upstairs. 
Rhett groaned and rose from the couch, straightening his reader glasses on his nose before making his way to the door. When he opened it, he was a little less than pleased to find Joy on the porch.
“Hey Rhett,” she greeted. “I just picked up your little miscreants outside the bar and came to drop them off.” 
“Oh God, what’d they do now?” Rhett groaned. 
“Check their phones, I guarantee you there’s photos,” Joy laughed before heading back to the cruiser. 
“Oh damnit,” Rhett muttered. “Darlin, ya’ll better come down here, it happened again!” 
The boys were absolutely silent as Rhett scrolled through Tatum’s phone and his camera roll, his face contorting into confused and wide-eyed expressions every so often. 
“So let me get this straight,” Rhett said, breaking the long, pregnant pause that had come over the kitchen. “You idiots were loaded beyond all human reasoning, were waiting for a ride home and decided to take a leak on a vehicle?” 
Tatum burped again. “Yep.” 
Rhett bit his lip, trying hard not to laugh, looking at you as if you’d break first. “Alright, you jackasses go upstairs and make yourselves cozy, I’ll discuss this with your mother.” 
The boys all stumbled up the stairs, trying their best not to wake Amy and Jeff’s baby who had just fallen asleep in yours and Rhett’s room. “Are they in trouble?” you asked him. 
“I’ll be nice and let’em off the hook this time,” Rhett chuckled. “Tomorrow when they’re all hungover is a completely different story.” 
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madametamma · 2 months
A wonder woman idea crossed my mind. Basically she comes to metropolis to meet it's "warrior" superman and she ends up challenging him to a fight. not out of ill will or anything or likely if Wonder woman ever appeared in my adventures with Superman I can see her as this sort of competitive person. And after the fight she along with Steve Trevor meet and get along with Lois, Jimmy and Kara.
So one of my ideas for a wonder woman cross over is this:
A mind control villain has come to Metropolis, specifically to find and take over Superman and once he has Superman as a slave, his first act of business is to use him to get rid of his most annoying adversary, Wonder woman, a thorn in his side who, thanks to her golden lasso, she can free anyone from mind control.
When WW and her friends make it to the city they try to find Superman to warn him (With Diana keep bringing up that she'd like to fight him when she gets the chance)
"No, I know this comes first, I'm saying AFTERWARDS we throw hands to see who's best."
It proves difficult because Diana is still new to the world of man.
"What do you mean you don't know where Superman lives? You live in the same society, You don't know all of your neighbors?"
"Do you know everyone who lives in your town?"
"Yes! I know the names of every Amazon on my island! Why are you looking at me like I'm the strange one here?!"
They manage to meet Clark looking like a human first. The trio has been tasked by Perry to find this strange woman who's shown up to Metropolis performing incredible feats of strength.
THAT'S when the villain shows up. WW tries to fight him but he takes over Lois, Jimmy and Clark, not knowing one of them is Superman and force them to distract her while he gets away. She frees Lois and Jimmy first. She only manages to free Clark after he does something that gives away he's superman. (Examples could be that Clark is ordered to jump off a building and it shocks WW when he hits the ground without a scratch on him, or he makes Clark attack and he gives away he has Super Strength.)
When everyone is okay, WW and her friends explain everything and the two friend groups agree to join forces to take down the bad guy.
Throughout the story line Clark is dealing with PTSD flashbacks of being controlled that his friends try to help him through. WW, being her heroic self tries to be encouraging too, although she's not great at coming across that way.
"Do not be afraid, Clark. We will rid this city of this menace, and then we can duel at sunrise to see who's the strongest."
She does convince him not to push through, ignore and hide his fears on their mission which has been making him a bit sloppy but to instead take time to embrace and face them properly because WW always believes in being your truest self.
I'd like the finale of the story to be not Superman getting mind controlled again, but instead WW making the sacrifice that leads her to getting taken over and Superman has to fight her, face his fears, use the lasso to free her and stop the villain.
Before leaving Metropolis the two friend groups have a fun night out all together and Clark agrees to her challenge at dawn. He doesn't want to fight, but he convinces her to do another challenge (Arm wrestling, a thumb war, something fun and silly to end the story on.)
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the-plague-dog · 8 months
I have been a little menace scuttling around the Seaview hotel (The ADON fan discord server ran by TheMyzzingLink) with being the one person defending Jimmy as his defence lawyer. Look at my client dawg, I'm gonna do so bad we are both going to jail. Anyways, Here are a lot of doodles that most people have seen first in that server since I drew them mostly as poor Oliver was failing his no-hit extreme runs
Take a wild guess who my favourite is.
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And theres some shitty doodles underneath of me and jimmy so grave cringe beneath the cut
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Ok context on the vasectomy, it randomly struck me when I was trying to sleep one night and I had to ask someone so I asked in the server and the unified agreement is "yes that would work but realistically, I don't think that would occur to Jimmy. He's a little stupid"
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lyraofthestarsss · 1 year
Art prompt: Joel and Jimmy standing next to each other. Joel is wearing a shirt that says “MENACE TO SOCIETY”. Jimmy is wearing a shirt that says “MENACE TO HIMSELF”
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
rating CATG based on how sickly I think they’d be <3
(part two to this post about the main five :)
Craig: 8/10. We’ve all heard this motherfucker speak. This guy’s sinuses are Fucked Up! He has a recurring case of the sniffles and he is not happy about it >:( He rarely gets seriously ill, but even a minor cold is enough to have him moping about with a cartoon rain cloud over his head. He is simply So Over being sick, and can you blame him? His sinus troubles often lead to headaches, or worse, earaches, which sucks major ass. No matter how much of a dickhead he may be, his pitiful appearance when ill is enough to melt even the coldest of hearts.
Clyde: 6/10. Oh my god, is this guy gross when he’s sick :/ You know those little kids who cough as loudly as possible with their eyes bugging out of their head, right into your fucking face? Clyde was that kid, and he never grew out of it. He is just simply so overwhelmed by how shitty he feels, that he feels the need to constantly remind everyone else of it too! Pity is his lifeblood. If he’s lucky, he’ll get a couple tuts and a “Poor thing,” and if he’s even luckier and has a Special Someone then perhaps they’ll agree to stroke his hair whilst he lies, snivelling, with his head in their lap.
Jimmy: 4/10. In contrast to Clyde, the absolute last thing he’s after is pity when he’s ill. He’s out here making crack-ups between coughs and grinning like this whole sickly business is some sort of private joke. People ask him how he’s feeling, and he’s like, never better lol! And they’re like, um?? Lol?? If things get bad, he will quietly ask a close friend or Special Someone for assistance, and whether they might be able to take care of him for a few days. He might secretly feel a little anxious about being a burden on his caretaker(s), but they reassure him that’s never the case, and he’s able to rest easy with them by his side until he recovers—goofing around all the while, of course.
Tolkien: 2/10. Being vitamin C’s number one biggest fan, Tolkien’s immune system is thriving. He rarely gets sick, which of course pisses off those in his life who do, because it’s Just Not Fair! Just because he gets a full nights sleep, eats plenty of fruit and veg, and regularly exercises doesn’t mean he should be able to float through life this easily! How dare he >:( On the occasion that he does fall ill, he will do the sensible thing and rest up until he’s feeling better. In doing so, he will be careful to isolate himself so that he doesn’t spread it around. Sure, he might get a little lonely, but he doesn’t mind too much, and reassures himself it’s the best thing to do right now. However, this gets his friends very worried because Tolkien is sick?? Sick all alone?? By himself?? With no one to help/make things worse?? Oh, that simply will not do! Cue the rest of the gang showing up unannounced at his door, interrupting his tranquillity to “take care of him”. He’s all, ‘Guys, you really shouldn’t be here, I’m contagious,’ but do those fuckers listen to him? Hell no! Which of course leads to the rest of the gang catching his cold, leaving him to deal with the fallout, exasperated. (But perhaps that’s for another post >:)
Tweek: 7/10. This guy never sleeps and lives on a diet of coffee beans which may or may not be laced with meth. You think he has what it takes to fight off a cold? Please. His immune system is in shambles. But because Tweek is already pale, with chapped lips and dark rings under his eyes, it’s hard to tell when he’s come down with something. The true tip off to his poor health is his drowsiness. His typical skittish, light-sleeper status is no more. You could crash symbols next to his ears and he’d just huff and roll over. No longer a nocturnal menace to society, Tweek is out cold by 7pm every night, and does not rouse until 11am the next morning, peppering the rest of the day with naps. During the fleeting moments when he’s awake, he is mumbling about headaches and a dry mouth, and how everything is terrible and life is just a never-ending cycle of suffering and anguish, or something. On the plus side, he will carelessly fall asleep cuddled up to whoever is sitting next to him on the couch, which is pretty cute.
Thanks for reading! I’d love to see your own headcanons & ratings too :)
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maroonmagic · 6 months
just cause my brain is kind of on a roll with our nicktoon men
cw: mentions of nudity (female) cursing (words like tits,ass ect.) timmy being a menace to the reader and society because why the hell not,mention of blood (nose bleed because why not) and danny misusing his ghost powers. all characters are aged up and of age
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so we all know for a fact that Danny,Timmy and Jimmy just are constantly at headquarters,it’s not like they don’t have actual lives outside of nicktoons unite but this is where they feel most comfortable
plus it’s where you constantly were so of course they want to be where you are whenever they can,which is why they were there now,just chillin’ in Jimmy’s lab
they each were preoccupied by one thing or another, for timmy and danny they were currently preoccupied with their game of mortal kombat while jimmy was working on one of the lasers for the ghost catching gear, each in their own little bubbles and worlds
but then the sliding door to the lab opens and there you are,glasses perched on your nose while you stare down at some papers in your hand,you tilt you head some as you enter the room and all their eyes turn to you as they scramble and trip over themselves to rush over to you
“what’s up buttercup? you look confused,oh don’t do that now,you’re gonna give yourself wrinkles”
Danny starts as he runs his thumb in between your furrowed brow while Jimmy leaves the laser on the table on the side of the room where he was working to peak at the papers in your hand
“well see the issue here though is that those coordinates don’t make any sense. see?”
Jimmy and Danny peak down at the papers in your hands as they both hummed slightly,you were right. none of these coordinates matched anywhere in the ghost zone,atleast nowhere they’ve explored before. the two men continued to look over the papers with you as you three tried to iron out what was going on before…
next thing anyone knew,you were engulfed in a green light that quickly disappeared,taking your clothes with it. there was silence for a moment before Timmy started cackling loudly and you screamed before dropping the papers and hauling ass out the room
it seems nobody noticed Timmy slither over to the laser that Jimmy was working on,seeing that opportunity to mess with it since every time he had asked before hand,Jimmy told him no. granted,he didn’t know that if he had pushed that button it was gonna do all that but hey,he wasn’t complaining
Timmy continued to cackle loudly while Danny blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes before glancing over at Timmy clutching his stomach, Danny rolled his eyes and tapped a dumbfounded Jimmy
“You all good Jimbo? Ya got a little blood there”
Danny pointed at Jimmy’s nose before handing him a napkin
“H-how does she- I mean they’re so large a-a-and round and voluptuous! I mean is her back not in constant pain?!”
Jimmy dabbed the blood away from under his nose while Danny nodded some,assuming that the man was ok before making his way over to the culprit himself,still quietly giggling maniacally before wipping his eyes some and looking up from his spot on the floor
“I feel like i don’t even need to ask this of you but,are you ok Tim? You sound fuckin insane over here..”
Danny questioned and Timmy snorted loudly as he sat up
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?! I just got to see her like full frontal nude! Tits,ass and all! Of course I’m fuckin great!”
Timmy continued to snicker softly to himself before clearing his throat some while a cheshire grin sat on his face
“What about you Danny? You all good? I mean you were right there at ground zero,you got to see alll the bits!”
Danny rubbed his eye again slightly before blinking some
“Huh? oh,dude i’ve seen her nude so many times before this. I just wanted to see if you guys were ok,considering it was a laser and all,I’m gonna go check on her in a sec.”
Timmy’s face dropped as he stared at Danny before yelling
“What the fuck do you mean you’ve seen her nude before?!”
Timmy grabbed Danny by the collar and shook him,demanding answers while Danny laughed and pushed him back some
“Dude,her room is right next to mine. Do you understand how easy it is for me to wait till she’s like washing her hair or somethin’ in the shower and just go ghost and phase through her walls and just stay invisible? You’re late”
Danny snorted as he turned and started for the door to go and check on you before stopping and calling over his shoulder
“Seems like I’ve got a leg up on ya Tim,you better catch up”
before leaving out the lab and leaving behind a still dumbfounded Jimmy and a seething Timmy
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empires-updates · 2 years
Worlds Collide!
In this great big crossover, don't forget to check out the other side!
Tango Tek, the unofficial Hat Connoisseur, is a redstoner who uses his powers for evil (read: creating actually playable full games in survival). You may know him from his Double Life series meet-cute and ranch life with Jimmy the toy Sheriff.
Jevin is a builder, semi-frequent speedrunner, a big prankster (especially to cleo), and also a blue slime; that skeleton half is just a Halloween costume, don't worry about it.
Impulse is another redstone guy, although he's also a dwarf (it's Lore, for this season at least) but the rift has taken his beard away. On Hermitcraft this season, he bases together with PearlescentMoon (yes, our Pearl) and GeminiTay (unsure if this Gem is ours). He recently overthrew a king.
Who's the guy who conquered death spends three totems of undying and dies two times anyway while trying to get frogs named after ninja turtles from the Nether to a sewer? 🎵 That's Joe Hills! 🎶 A bit of an unofficial bard himself, you'll find poetry and puns a plenty in his videos.
Keralis, also known as Papa K, is a builder who's filled with innuendoes as far as those big eyes can see.
Grian is an accomplished builder, an avid prankster, and an overall menace to Minecraft society (half from death games and half from starting wars). He was the one to discover and activate the rift that created this whole situation we all find ourselves in.
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cookie-waffle · 3 months
I’m currently attempting to watch every animated Disney movie, as well as some of the classic live-action ones, in order (skipping Song of the South and the WW2 propaganda stuff ofc)
Some quick thoughts on the movies I’ve rewatched so far:
Sleeping Beauty- A classic that was a huge influence on the world of animation. We wouldn’t have a lot of the pop culture we have today if it weren’t for this movie. Not much else to say about it. I do wish that Snow White was not 14, because it makes the Dwarves creepy with that context. But, luckily, it never states that she’s 14 so you can just tell any kid you show the movie to that she’s a grown up.
- Pinocchio- Still very fun. Pinocchio himself is very cute and likable. My only real issue is Stromboli. I THINK he’s supposed to be Romani, and if he is then his portrayal is pretty racist. But I think it will fly over most kids heads. I know it did for me when I was a kid.
- Fantasia: Absolutely fantastic. The quality is so high that I actually didn’t know it was from the 40s till I re-watched it. I will say though, that the parts with the human composers on screen may bore some kids. Of course, the biggest issue is a pretty racist caricature of a black person in the centaur short, but that scene has actually been cut out for years. I’m not a super huge fan of animation studios censoring their racist histories, but the upside is that you can probably show this to your kids without much worry.
-Dumbo- “Baby mine” makes me cry harder as an adult than I did as a kid. It’s a very cute and simple movie, but of course it’s biggest downfall is the racist “black” crows. But at the very least, the stereotypes shown in the crows are so old that modern day kids wouldn’t be able to associate them with black people, so it’s probably still okay to show them the movie.
- Bambi: Still as good as I remember. Watching the little animal kids play around is genuinely adorable. Bambi’s mother dying is still sad. Idk what else I can say tbh. And there’s no racism or weird underage stuff, so it’s perfectly fine to show kids.
- Saludos Amigos- Although there were some outdated depictions of south American people that may be considered offensive, I was expecting much worse. It was still enjoyable and I’d say it’s still probably okay to show to kids. It also debuted José the parrot, who I’ve grown to like a lot.
- The three Caballeros: It was fun. Idk what else to say about it other than I’m glad José got a lot of screen time. And Donald Duck is always funny, so I did laugh. Ngl I kinda ship the caballeros as a polycule now lmao.
- Fun and Fancy free: Aside from The Three Caballeros, this is the only classic Disney movie I did not see as a child. It’s cute. I enjoyed it and liked how Jimmy Cricket was the host. The Bongo short was adorable and I really wish I saw it as a kid (I THINK I saw the Jack and the Beanstalk short as a kid, but maybe I’m just misremembering scenes from House of Mouse.) I found it really interesting to see something that was such a clear product of WW2z Walt Disney was not a perfect man by any means, but this movie shows that he truly wanted to make people happy during a dark time in history. It’s no Lion King, but it’s still an enjoyable movie. I just don’t recommend it if you have a phobia of puppets/marionettes because the second short shows them a lot.
- The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: I absolutely loved this. I remembered some of the Ichabod story from childhood, but completely forgot the Mr. Toad part of the movie, so a lot of it was like watching a new movie. Ichabod was still as good as I remembered, but Mr. Toad was WAY funnier than I remembered. The man is a menace to society and I love him.
-Cinderella: I am shocked at how much I loved this as an adult. It’s probably the most well-aged of all the classic Disney Princess movies. It’s about an abuse survivor finally getting what she wants, and honestly? That simple concept is enough for me to love it. I also greatly appreciate how there’s no old racist stereotypes and that Cinderella herself is an actual adult and not 14-16.
- Alice in Wonderland: Absolutely nothing wrong with this one. It’s Alice in Wonderland, idk what else to say about it. The Mad Hatter is still my favorite character just like he was during my childhood. Only new thing I could say is that, as an adult, I finally realized just how fucked up the oyster story was lol. Overall, I think this is a harmless movie to show kids. It’s also fun to watch while high lol.
- Robin Hood: Ah yes, the movie that planted the furry seed in my head as a child. I think I actually enjoyed this more as an adult. King John is very entertaining. This is honestly one of those underrated Disney Gems. Only real criticism I have is the part when Robin and Little John disguise as stereotypical romani women, but I highly doubt most kids will actually understand what they’re referencing.
- Peter Pan: I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for Peter Pan. And watching the movie as an adult, Captain Hook made me laugh a lot at all his slapstick. I think he’s one of my favorite Disney Villains after rewatching it. But, I do have to address the pink elephant in the room: the racist portrayal of native Americans. Tiger Lilly is the only native character who isn’t designed with super racist overtones. As someone who has a lot of native blood, I have mixed feelings in this movie. I think it would still be okay to show kids this movie to kids if you explained to them that that part of the movie was inaccurate, or just fast forwarded through the racist scenes. It’s certainly NOT the most racist thing that Disney has ever animated, but I can understand why you wouldn’t wan’t to show this to your kids. Other than that, everything else is fantastic and really captures that “Disney magic”
- Lady and the Tramp: This movie is adorable and it WOULD be perfectly fine if it weren’t for the racist siamese cats. However, it’s a similar situation to Dumbo in that the stereotypes are so old that the vast majority of kids will not associate them with the race they’re making fun of (I know I didn’t as a kid)
-Sleeping Beauty: This film’s visuals are absolutely amazing. The animation is fantastic and the design of Maleficent is peak. And I like how Prince Phillip actually has some personality. However, the one GLARING issue with this movie is Araura’s age. Unlike in Sleeping Beauty, they verbally confirm several times that Aurora is 15-16 years old. Personally, I would not want my kids to think that it’s okay to get married at that age. However, when I was a kid, I did not pick up on her age at all. I had always assumed that Aurora was in her early to mid-20s because that’s how old she looks. So, I can’t really say if this is appropriate to show to kids or not. It’s really up to you.
- 101 Dalmations: Simple, but very cute, especially if you’re a dog person. Cruella Devils is a super entertaining villain, and it’s honestly a refreshing change that she isn’t an evil queen or witch, she’s just a massive bitch. I love that. Perfectly fine to show to kids.
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ladylilithprime · 8 months
Knit The Raveled Sleeve
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Injury Recovery, Knitting, References to Faerie Society and the Balance of Debt, Gifts Are Hard Among Faeries
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Convalescence sometimes leads to picking up new hobbies. In fulfilling a recpriocal promise to his cousin, Sam picks up a hobby that leads to comissioning his cousin's help in making a very special gift for his boyfriends.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 10: Care
Read on AO3
THERE ARE OCCASIONALLY times in one's life when the Universe at large conspires to force one to slow down and take a mandatory break, whether one desires such a break or not. These times also tend to happen more frequently, comparatively speaking, when one is prone to measuring one's lifespan in a few dozen centuries rather than merely years. There is also no rhyme or reason to it. For instance, one might attempt to argue that settling in one place with intent to stay there for at least half a dozen decades in order to raise the selkie child one adopted and taking up with a couple of adorable humans counted perfectly well as a break.
And yet, one might still be impaled by an alicorn while protecting your human lovers because the term lover referred only to feelings and a pair of magic-touched technical virgins smelled tasty to the one-horned flesh-eating menaces. One might also then decapitate the alicorn impaling one, break the horn from the decapitated head, and proceed to fight and kill six more alicorns with the horn of the first still shoved through one's right side just below the ribs until the incursion was fully dealt with and the drifting portal closed and sealed. One might also ensure one's lovers were alright (mostly, some shock) and could handle collecting one's adopted son before one consented to being taken to the hospital, where one would be obliged to sit through a lecture from an unhappy dragon who has known one for most of her life and does not wish to see her mostly-immortal friend die before her.
One might be stuck on mandatory bed rest while one heals from the magically-complicated impalement.
Serendderch, second-born half-human son of Muireann, the Cerulean Princess of the Summer Court, known to the Seelie and Unseelie Courts as the Steel Prince, and now going by the name Sam Winchester in the mortal realm, did not like bed rest. He understood the necessity of allowing his body to heal, and even agreed with the need not to push himself too far too quickly and risk setting himself back. This did not mean he was happy about it, especially since he had quickly exhausted the fraction of his personal library that he kept in his apartment and trips to the mainland to visit the public library for more books were limited by his injury to "send either Cas or Jimmy with a list from the online catalogue and hope they're still available".
"You brought this one on yourself, what with trying to run that cafe of yours alone for so long on top of raising your son and only ever taking one day off a year," his mother had scolded him when she had called and he had dared complain about being stuck in a nest on the couch while his son and lovers fussed over him. "Maybe think about actually hiring more staff so you can take a couple days off a month with your boys and go do more of those little family outings. Go on dates, for Summer's sake! And don't worry about your brother, he'll get his head out of his backside eventually, I swear he gets it from your father...."
She must have talked to Sam's cousin in DC shortly thereafter, though, because Cadi sent him a box via portal that contained a full set of wooden knitting needles and far more yarn than should have fit into a box of that size. Cadi included a fairly basic instruction booklet on beginner knitting and a note admonishing him, You didn't break your arm or hand or dislocate your shoulder this time, and you promised after making me learn leatherworking. He sent most of the yarn back after asking Jack, Jimmy, and Cas to touch-test it and finding far too many of the skeins provoked sensory issues. To her credit, Cadi paid attention, and the yarn she packed up and sent to him in the second box was all acceptable blends of alpaca, silk, cotton, and bamboo fiber.
After some back and forth with Cadi - if he was going to give in and do this, he was going to do it right - Sam picked a skein of 100% cotton to practice with. It wasn't as stretchy as the other yarns, which worked in Sam's favor as far as getting the tension on the stitches right, and was easier to unravel whenever he made a mistake than the more wool-like alpaca would have been. And he did end up ripping out his work several times from accidental increases or dropped stitches or miscounting before a knit or a purl switchover. Calming and meditative, my ass, he thought more than once that week, but gradually he got the hang of it and even started to enjoy it some, at least once Jimmy brought him some audiobooks to listen to while he knit and Jimmy, Cas, and Jack took turns cuddling with him. At the end of the first week, when he finally could not take another day stuck sitting at home on the couch no matter how pleasant the company, he had a handful of reasonably serviceable knitted cotton dishrags to use in the cafe.
"Cadi won you over?" Charlie said knowingly when he brought them in.
"I did promise," Sam sighed.
To nobody's surprise, except perhaps Gabriel's when he noticed, Sam kept up the knitting. He appropriated one of the official Lighthouse CommodiTeas tote bags to be his knitting bag and began bringing in various small projects to work on during his breaks which Charlie, Jimmy, and Cas all conspired to ensure he took regularly. This had the effect of drawing in other knitters who came by the cafe, and soon there was a twice-a-week stitch'n'bitch group meeting up to share patterns and project help and trade yarns across their respective stashes. Sam ended up learning a lot of extra tips and tricks from the group, and he paid them back with knitters' circle discounts on meeting days and doing the legwork for organizing a donation drive of knitted baby hats and tiny socks to the maternity ward at the hospital where Meg worked. Other people who saw them knitting and talking came over to see if they offered lessons and were quickly drawn into the group as well.
Sam had a more personal project in the works, however, and it was also a bit more complicated. It involved more private conversations with Cadi and another portal delivery followed by a slower ground-shipping package to DC thanks to the limitations of shipping magical items. His own part of the project was carried out casually in the midst of the knitting circle every third meeting, working with pale blue alpaca and silk yarn as he knit with increases and decreases to match the shapes of the paper pattern Cadi sent him. He played it off as rotating his projects so as not to get bored or forget what he was doing and end up with fifteen projects going and no spare needles. The joke got him plenty of laughs and sheepish looks from the rest of the group.
"I should preface that this is not a holiday or anniversary and there is no expectation of reciprocation," Sam began as his boyfriends eyed the packages. "I did consider waiting until a more traditional gifting holiday, but there are nuances to faerie gift exchanges and equivalencies that makes these unsuitable for such a thing. Therefore, I am choosing to be very human about gifting these to you now."
It still took months, which meant it was well past the alicorn attack and well past Sam being fully healed and completely done with Dean refusing to apologize to the twins for being an ass. With Cas and Jimmy's birthday (and the more personal Separation Day) behind them, it was almost tempting to wait until Yule when an exchange of gifts was to be expected. Practicality won out over patience in the end, the desire to see his mortal boyfriends better protected overriding his faerie instincts regarding balancing debts, and so Sam waited only until the next time Jimmy and Cas came over to spend the evening with him and Jack, biding his time through the after dinner ritual of Jack's bedtime stories which Jimmy and Cas both listened in on, before bringing out the matching packages wrapped in brown paper and placing them on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Jimmy and Cas exchanged one of their speaking looks, the kind not even Sam could parse unless they wanted him to, and then reached for the packages. For his own part, Sam tried not to hold his breath or appear obviously nervous as he watched them. Jimmy tended to start at the middle of the tape and rip, whereas Cas preferred to peel open one end and slide the contents out like the wrapping was a bag, but they both got the packages open about the same time.
The packages contained two nearly identical long jackets made from dark blue dyed leather. There were protective runes nestled among traditional Seelie filigree motifs in navy, cerulean, and sky blue embroidery with silver accents at the lapels and cuffs, and the buttons were hand-carved bone with the same filigree.
"Is this...?" Jimmy started, then faltered, glancing at Cas.
"Alicorn hide," Sam confirmed.
"And the buttons?" Cas asked.
"Carved alicorn bone."
"These embroidery patterns?"
"Traditional Seelie motifs from the Summer Court and runes of protection."
Jimmy unfolded the jacket and opened it, his eyes widening as his fingers brushed over the pale blue knit lining. "This is..."
"That alpaca silk blend you both liked best."
"You knit the lining," Cas stated. "And it's reinforced."
"Canvas interfacing woven with alicorn mane and tail hairs on the crossgrain. I did have most of the materials already," Sam added with a slight shrug.
Jimmy and Cas glanced at each other again with another of those speaking looks. "Jack knows?" Jimmy asked. "He approves?"
"He chose the colors," Sam said, trying not to fidget. He didn't think their reaction was negative, exactly, but there seemed to be a weight to the moment that he hadn't fully intended but couldn't seem to deny as they pinned him with twin piercing looks.
"Marry us." 
"The value of these jackets far exceeds anything we could hope to afford, so you chose to give them to us outside the bounds of expected reciprocal gifting," Cas began when Sam could only stare.
"The motifs are distinctly Seelie in nature and the colors are of your family, which would mark us as under your family's banner to anyone who knows what to look for," Jimmy picked up, his thumb brushing along the embroidery on the lapel of his jacket with a near reverent care.
"And you personally knit the lining, which could be construed as you knitting us sweaters," Cas finished. "By the lore of knitting, we must now either break up with you or marry you. If Jack approves of these gifts, we can assume you do not wish us to break up."
"Please don't," Sam blurted out, his face heating from embarrassment. "But you don't have to... to propose marriage just because... I mean, unless you really want...." To his floundering relief, the twins smiled at him and reached out to take his hands in theirs.
"We would be honored to be a part of your family and have you be a part of ours," Jimmy told him, lifting the hand he held to brush a kiss across Sam's knuckles.
"Mom might take a while to come around," Cas admitted as he lifted Sam's other hand in mirror to Jimmy, "but then, Mom's the reason you can have us both. And we already know your mother likes us."
"So will you?"
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exsaltedd · 2 years
shoutout to Scott “always having the worst day of his life” Smajor for not only falling for the himbo weird little swamp hybrid but also coming to the very very unfortunate realization this now means Lizzie “can and will kill you without a moments hesitation” shadow and joel “menace to society and animus” beans have the right to just show the fuck up at his door now
it definitey doesn't help that joel isn't too fond of scott in the first place, what with the icewings being too strict and formal for his liking, he prefers being totally free of any level of control and getting his talons dirty if he has to, and three moons forbid that any harm comes to jimmy that he didn't do himself.
since lizzie is royalty too she can pass over the great ice cliff without much trouble since all tribes are meant to recognize royalty and permit passage of said royal through their kingdom, enemy or not. killing a queen is how you start a war, and nobody wants to go thru that again
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fruitwanderer · 1 year
Tango is being a menace to society again (saying he'd be interested in playing Stardew Valley with Jimmy)
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A little bit of an observation I've made.
Okay, so erm...This post is gonna be quite chaotic, but even so, a few of my posts already are in my opinion. But bear with me as much as you possibly can.
So...You know this dude, right?
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it's Hugh Neutron--AKA Jimmy Neutron's Father. He seems like the quirky yet lovable duck-obsessed dad that's always giving his son advice, right? right?
But...What if I told you that this man is a fucking psychopath?
Now, I know what you're probably thinking. I may be taking this a bit seriously (which I'm not, I promise! I'm making this for shits and giggles) but allow for me to shed some light on one of Hugh's psychopathic tendencies. Do you remember this episode?:
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This is the episode where Jimmy had invented a small time-remote, Hugh had asked to use it so that he'd be able to go back 2 minutes, but he accidently types in the numbers "2-0-0" , which sends Jimmy, Sheen, and Carl literally 200,000,000 years in the past. Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen then think about creating an invention to go back to their original timeline.
This was also the same episode that this clip is from:
Now, you heard exactly what these people said within this video clip, right? The one that stands out the most would be the woman crying explaining that Hugh allowed for her to experience the miracle of birth over and over again. Now, I did think this was quite funny at first, however, when I got the chance to fully let it sink in, that's when it had hit me... This man really forced this woman in labor with his son's invention, and watched as she gave birth. Not to mention that he kept rewinding time so that the baby would...go back inside her again so that she'd give birth again, like-💀 Not to mention that he had watched and saw everything, and perhaps numerous of people saw everything as well. And if it's something that I've realized that after the woman had explained what Hugh made her go through Sam (which is this dude:)
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Says "Yeah, yeah, birth..." as though he knows what happened, but he doesn't wanna think about it. For all we know, Hugh probably made this poor woman give birth in front of everyone over and over again within Sams' Restaurant which would explain why he says: "He disgusted all my customers!" Because it disgusted him when he had to see this woman forced to give birth numerous of times. I'm guessing that all of the other things Hugh did that everyone else had explained were pretty bad, but forcing the poor woman to give birth was the final straw thus, is why the angry mob carried him all the way back to his house... And now that I'm realizing it...
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WTF HAPPENED TO THIS WOMAN'S BABY?! After Hugh made her experience the miracle of birth over and over again, where tf did the damn baby go afterwards?? Did Hugh accidently send the baby to another timeline or dimension like he accidently did with Jimmy, and his friends??
Here's how I imagine it looking like:
Or perhaps he might've done either of the following:
1. He made it so that the woman would be pregnant with a child she already had years before.
2. Or allowed for her to birth a child she never even got to conceive yet.
The first one is by far the most disturbing in my opinion, for that poor kid/teenager/adult/? are probably gonna be as traumatized as the Mother, for they could have memories of that entire dilemma...This honestly just makes things a lot darker tbh 💀
So, at this very given hour...
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This man is a menace to society. I rest my case.
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