inthewindtunnel · 6 months
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dearorpheus · 8 months
You occupy the intervals of my thoughts and the interstices of my feelings. That is why I never think you nor feel you, or, rather, when I feel your presence, my thoughts are ogival and when I evoke you, my feelings are gothic.
— Fernando Pessoa trans. Margaret Jull Costa, The Book of Disquiet
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fedrrri · 10 months
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guilbertjj · 1 year
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baheuldey · 2 months
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Dans le donjon, 2024, stylo à bille et aquarelle sur papier, 21 × 29,7 cm
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toutplacid · 1 year
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Porte Saint-Denis, Mortagne-au-Perche — trois crayons sur papier gris, carnet nº 137, 25 mai 2023
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if i was incredibly rich i would own this It's utterly fucked that i can't i'm so serious
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yogamatcare · 1 year
5 Unbelievable Facts About the Ogival Yoga Mat That Will Transform Your Practice
Discover the transformative experience of practising yoga on the Ogival Yoga Mat. With its unbeatable stability, optimal comfort, eco-friendly materials, stylish design, impressive durability, and portability, it promises to enhance your yoga journey. Find out why the Ogival Yoga Mat is your ultimate yoga companion. When it comes to yoga, a quality mat can make a world of difference in your…
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arlathen · 2 years
was no one gonna tell me they released an HD remake of katamari damacy on switch. was i just supposed to find out myself by googling???
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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..Vera has her handgun trained rather hard on a point on the ceiling, letting moments pass as the Oberlin slowly registered that she’d merely just woken up. From a nightmare, if any had to guess considering her suddenly volatile reaction.
She feels awful as of late, so it’s certainly not helping matters any to have night terrors.
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10 More Words Related to Medieval Art & Architecture
to include in your poem/story
1. Monstrance: A vessel created to display the consecrated Host, the body of Christ. They were first created in response to the Feast of Corpus Christ established in 1263 that enabled the faithful to see and venerate the consecrated Host on a crescent moon-shaped mount. Monstrances were used in liturgical processions, especially on feast days, and were also placed on the altar.
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2. Ogee Arch or Ogive: An arch with a pointed apex, formed by the intersection of two S curves usually confined to decoration and not used in arcade arches. Ogee arches were used only in the late Gothic period.
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3. Pediment: A triangular space above a window or entrance. Originally, the triangular space was formed by the end of a gable roof and later was used decoratively.
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4. Quatrefoil: An ornamental form which has four lobes or foils. It may resemble a four-petaled flower.
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5. Refectory: Dining room in a monastery.
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Refectory at Mont-Saint-Michael, France
6. Scriptorium: Area in a monastery where books and documents were written, copied, and illuminated.
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7. Trefoil: An ornamental form which has three lobes or foils.
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8. Trumeau Figure: Statue decorating a trumeau (i.e., vertical architectural member between the leaves of a doorway. Trumenus were often highly decorated). Usually this was a human figure, usually a religious personage.
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9. Tympanum (plural, tympana): The semicircular area enclosed by the arch above the lintel of an arched entranceway. This area is often decorated with sculpture in the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
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10. West End: The area of the church opposite the east end. The west end usually functions as the main entrance to the church. When one enters a church from the west end, the left side is the north side, and the right is the south side.
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If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
Words Related to Medieval Art & Architecture (pt. 1)
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qsycomplainsalot · 4 months
For how amazing an improvement rifled muskets were over their smoothbore predecessor, it's even more impressive how little impact they had before being put up against early breechloaders simply because only the British spent enough on the required amount of training for all their troops to take advantage of it. In Crimea the Russians just don't train their troops in marksmanship, the French mostly train specialist troops in it and overall relies more on shock tactics, and the Ottomans and Sardinians presumably were involved. In the American Civil War both sides use mass armies of conscript because the US Army beforehand was like 10k guys with a few marines on top. In the Italian Wars of Unification the French, Italians and Austrians were pretty much matched. In the German Wars of Unification they had the breechloading Dreyse and that kind of shifted things forward past the relevance of rifled muskets as peak technology wherein they could dazzle us any (not that they were obsolete).
We went from round ball shot from smoothbore muskets to ogival bullets that went through two dozen complex different systems and configurations making them ten times more accurate, and in the end it impacted maybe three wars.
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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The Heroon of Trysa: A Lycian Tomb Reappears
The Heroon of Trysa was the tomb of a powerful Lycian dynast surrounded by a precinct wall covered with remarkable mythological friezes. It was discovered in 1841 CE when a Polish-Prussian school teacher and classical philologist, Julius August Schönborn (1801-1857 CE), set out to explore the Teke Peninsula in southwest Turkey. Over 2,000 years earlier, this mountainous region east of Rhodes had been the Kingdom of Lycia. Schönborn recognised the characteristic ogival stone sarcophagi and pillar tombs of the Lycians. What he discovered on 20 December, however, was altogether different, and the subsequent fate of these friezes would embellish an already intriguing archaeological tale.
Homer's Heroes
Considerable mystery surrounds both Trysa and the Lycians. Prompted by the paucity of prehistoric material on the peninsula, archaeologists have suggested the Lycians were nomadic settlers. Pottery excavated in the 1950s CE at the better-known Lycian site of Xanthos suggests they arrived in the area during the 8th century BCE. If correct, this would make their appearance contemporary with Homer, the semi-legendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Indeed, the first literary mention of Lycia is in the Iliad, where Homer writes that "The Lycians were led by Sarpedon with Glaucus, the heroes, Far from Lycia, from the whirling waters of Xanthus" to fight in the Trojan War (Iliad, Book II, line 875). Herodotus later posited that Sarpedon had conducted the Lycians to Turkey (Anatolia) from Crete.
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fedrrri · 7 months
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guilbertjj · 1 year
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        On peut admirer également la magnifique architecture intérieure
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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America’s Mach 3+ fighter, Bill Sweetman investigates
Hush KitFebruary 23, 2017
August 2, 2024
HOLY KEDLOCK by Bill Sweetman
If speed and range are your goals for an interceptor, you can’t beat the Lockheed YF-12. It’s hard to beat as a confusing story either. Technology demonstrator? Stalking horse for something quite different? Opportunistic effort to save a program in trouble? Possibly, all of the above.
North American’s F-108 Rapier Mach 3 interceptor was cancelled in September 1959. The F-108 was only eight months past mock-up review, following an on-again, off-again initial development. But the Rapier’s ASG-18 radar and GAR-9 missile combo, developed by Hughes, had started earlier than the F-108 itself and enjoyed more consistent support, and was not canceled along with the aircraft.
A few months later, in January 1960, the CIA awarded Lockheed a contract to build 12 A-12s. They would be purely photo birds, with a single pilot and one camera bay, and the goal was to operate them out of Area 51, thereby evading the British and German anoraks who had rumbled the U-2.
On May 1, 1960, Frank Powers’ U-2 was shot down near Sverdlovsk. No parades or hot hors d’oeuvres for him. Eisenhower approved a cover story that Khrushchev shot to smaller pieces than the airplane. The furious President banned any further overflights.
This left OXCART without a mission, barely six months into an expensive program, without a mission, and competing for money with the politically favored CORONA. Skunk Works boss Kelly Johnson proposed armed versions of the OXCART to the Air Force. It was risky because Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay was mounting a stalwart defense the XB-70 Valkyrie, but the interceptor version did not threaten the bomber. A contract was issued in October 1960 under which three A-12s would be completed as AF-12 interceptors with the F-108’s Hughes radar and missile system.
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The AF-12, codenamed KEDLOCK, would feature some important differences from the CIA jets. Heavier and carrying more fuel, it would have a second cockpit replacing the camera bay, the massive ASG-18 radar in the nose, and four large weapon bays built into all-metal chines. (On the A-12, the chines were purely there to reduce the radar cross-section and were partly made of plastic material.) The GAR-9 was a 900-pound chonky boi and could carry either a high-explosive or blast-fragmentation warhead, with a range at launch up to 100 nm.
KEDLOCK benefited from the A-12 OXCART, which ran a year earlier and wrestled with the many basic problems of titanium use and propulsion development, and from the early start on ASG-18 and GAR-9. Wind tunnel tests showed that the huge ogival radome loused up the directional stability, so KEDLOCK acquired strakes under each engine nacelle and a large folding ventral fin.
Launching a weapon from a bay at Mach 3.2 was a challenge. Johnson’s deputy, Ben Rich, later said that the initial GAR-9 ejection system resulted in the missile passing between the front and rear cockpits, which would have been bad.
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Flown in August 1963, the interceptor required little further work. Six out of seven missile shots were successful, the final shot from Mach 3.2 and 74,000 feet hitting a low-flying QB-47 drone—the first look-down, shoot-down interception and a trailblazer for the Navy’s AWG-9 and AIM-54 Phoenix programs.
KEDLOCK did a lot of the heavy lifting for the next version of the Blackbird, a reconnaissance-strike aircraft. First called RS-12, the project ran about a year behind KEDLOCK and emerged as the SR-71, with weapon bays converted to accommodate cameras and SIGINT gear.
The AF-12 had one more mission: deception. During 1963, as the pace of testing increased, observers started to notice the fast-moving A-12s and AF-12s, and the usual CIA/USAF tactic of confusing their reports with UFO sightings wore thin. Also, the project was far larger than the U-2 and involved more people and subcontractors, and many people in industry began to connect the dots. Bob Hotz’s staff at Aviation Week went to the Air Force with the news. Hotz would hold the story but not if anyone else got near it.
McNamara decided that the interceptor could be unveiled without compromising the A-12, and his view prevailed over the CIA’s caution. On February 24, 1964, two side-view photos were released of what was falsely described as the Lockheed A-11, and Johnson announced that a number of A-11s were being tested at Edwards Air Force Base. To keep the facts consistent with the President’s statement, two AF-12s were rushed from Area 51 to Edwards and quickly rolled into a hangar, where the heat from their airframes set the sprinklers off.
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Had there been anything for it to shoot down, the YF-12 (as it was retrospectively designated, sometime before August 1964) might have been the ultimate interceptor. But the Soviet intercontinental strike force, even into the 1980s, amounted to a small and dwindling number of early Tu-95s, which Air Defense Command’s F-106s could cope with, and the YF-12s lived out their days as NASA test assets.
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