socialogsi · 2 years
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gildengirl · 6 months
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“Run. It's what people have been telling me to do all year, and now I think it's time I really listen. ... Please don't look for me. Please don't worry. And most of all, please don't think of this as me running away, but of me running toward. Toward answers. Toward hope. Toward wherever I have to go to finish my father's mission and stop this thing, once and for all. ... I'll be back. And when I am, I promise I'll have answers.”
- Ally Carter, Only the Good Spy Young
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cammie-morgan-goode · 10 months
In OSOT, when cam comes back, zach says it's different, and he seem a bit distance quite a while, with him & bex always together. Do you think he's also mad at cam that's why? Or something else?
Oh my poor Zachy boy…
Zach’s mad. He’s furious with Cam. He’s pissed at her.
But not for the reasons we think.
Zach is the one who gave Cammie the idea of running away. He said so in OGSY. He told Cam that they should run. That they would keep each other safe. And Cam told him no. Cammie told him that that was not an option.
And what does she do? She leaves without him and she runs.
Zach doesn’t know where she is. She didn’t leave a note for anyone, she didn’t say goodbye, she’s just gone.
Zach has nobody. He can’t go home. He can’t go to his mom. He can’t go back to school. He doesn’t know if Cammie is even alive until they find her in Switzerland. And during that time he has Bex. And Bex is the only constant in his life that summer. She is the only one keeping his feet on the ground and keeping him from doing something stupid. Because if he can’t find Cammie, what does he have left? Joe’s in a coma for goodness sake.
And then to make matters worse, Cam comes back and she’s different. She can’t remember anything from that summer. He doesn’t even want to think about what she could’ve endured. He doesn’t want to process that. Between the sessions with Dr. Steve, the weapons incident, the memory loss, the fact that the Circle is still out there…
He tried to find Cam and he failed.
Things are different between them and while Cam is trying to process that and her missing summer, Zach is trying to process the fact that anything could have happened to Cammie and there was nothing he could do to stop that.
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Is it too much to ask for a fic on zach's pov when he foubd macey instead of cammie? TwT
Anon, I love you. I love all of you, but this ask in particular got me so excited lol. I love this scene. It's absolutely not too much to ask.
I went back and reread, for anyone curious, we're looking at OGSY Chapter 23.
Cammie had once tried to make a joke to Zach about some guy hitting 'like a girl'. To which Zach had replied 'not the girls I know'. It was true. He spent one semester with the Gallagher Girls and that was enough to know those girls could hit and make it count. Even after being on the receiving end of hits from Cammie, Bex, and even Liz, nothing prepared him for Macey.
Because of course Macey McHenry couldn't just hit him with her fists. Of course it had to be much worse.
There was no mistaking her face. The wig and the jacket and the sheer fact that he wanted it to be Cammie were enough when she had her back to him. But now he felt himself reeling backwards as if she had slapped him.
"Macey?" he heard himself ask, even though he already knew it to be true. The girls had played him. "Where's Cammie?"
"You look disappointed to see me," Macey replied, coyly. Zach didn't miss how she didn't answer the question. "Don't you like my jacket?"
Zach felt his anger flare up then. He couldn't tell what it was about Macey wearing his jacket rather than Cammie that turned his shocked expression into a glare, but it happened. Call it possessiveness or toxic masculinity or whatever, he didn't care. "Where is she?" he demanded. He recovered from his steps backwards earlier and closed some of that distance between them.
"At school, watching from a live video feed," Macey said. "She's safe." she added. As if that would make everything better. Maybe it should have. But it didn't.
"The jammers at the school won't allow that, Macey," he said, shaking his head. Macey was a great liar, but the girls often forgot that Zach knew too much. At least enough to warrant a little bit of a better effort for him. "Now where is she? I know she's around here somewhere." He started turning, trying to see if he could find her. She wouldn't leave her roommates to do this on their own. Sure, Macey was the only one out at the moment, but where there was one Gallagher Girl there were always others.
As if to prove his point another voice answered him. "She's safe where she is, Zach." Bex said, emerging to join them. "And we're going to keep it that way."
Zach fought the urge to roll his eyes. At some point these girls really decided they were the law. That they were the only people who cared about Cammie. "I need to talk to her."
"So talk," Macey said, nonchalantly. "We've got comms. She can hear you."
"I need to see her," Zach amended. He spoke very much in the tone of a person who would not settle for less than what he wanted. He hoped they were at least being honest that Cammie could hear him. That she might hear the desperation in his voice and let that fuel her own curiosity (that he knew she had) and come out of wherever she was hiding from.
"You stay where you are!" Bex exclaimed, into her earpiece.
It worked. Zach would have smiled, if he anticipated he and Cammie having a happy reunion.
"She's lucky to have you," he told Bex and Macey after a moment. As annoying as they were when trying to protect Cammie from him, it was a bit of a relief knowing the lengths they would go to. "She needs you."
Instead of acknowledging what he'd said, Macey turned to him again. "What are you doing here, Zach?" she asked, a last ditch effort to get something out of this plan before Cammie did whatever she was planning.
"It's complicated," Zach said. He was certain Cammie was going to join them any moment. All he had to do was stall.
"So un-complicate it."
He'd never been so relieved and elated to hear her voice. He spun to face her immediately. She was there. Real and in front of him and alive. Based on the distance between them she was hesitant and unsure, but that didn't matter to him. She was sure enough to be there.
"You're with him," Cammie said. It took that for Zach to realize he hadn't said anything upon her arrival, just stood there, taking her in.
"Technically, he's on an errand halfway around the world right now," he joked. It didn't land though. He could see Cammie's thoughts racing a mile a minute. He moved away from her friends and towards her, testing to see if she would bolt. She didn't, but Zach wasn't certain she'd caught the movement.
"Liz and Macey told me that just because you go to Blackthorne doesn't mean-," her voice caught and Zach felt it tug his heart right along with it. He closed more of the space between them, not thinking about her words or anything else except the heartbroken look on her face as she said, "But you really are with him."
"Gallagher girl," he tried. "Listen to me."
"So, what happened, Zach? Did the Circle recruit you, too?"
Zach fought the urge to flinch. The clock was ticking and time was running out on how much longer he could keep the truth from her. There were only a few steps between them now. Cammie hadn't moved back, but Zach could no longer bring himself to cross them. "Not exactly," he whispered, not able to look at her as he said it. It wasn't even a full admission and still the words burned in his throat.
Cammie studied him for a moment, he could feel her eyes on him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her flinch. He hated the idea that he could potentially cause such a reaction from her. She swallowed, hard. "What are you doing here, Zach?" she tried again.
"He asked me to get a message to you."
"So send me a message!" she exclaimed. "What was so important that I had to risk my friends' safety to sneak out here? Huh? What was so-,"
"I had to see you," Zach cut her off. Her questions were valid, more valid than his reasoning. Much less selfish, too. But it was the truth. He had to make her see it, to understand it. He closed last remaining space between them. Removing his hands from his pockets, he held her hands in his. Hers were cold as he looked into her eyes. "I had to know that you were okay," he went on. He was searching her face for any sign of his sincerity getting through to her. Any sign that it was enough to earn some of her trust back. "I had to see you and touch you and know."
She didn't say anything, just studied him. His hand moved away from hers, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. The tips of his fingers trailed away from her ear, down her jaw, and lingered on her face a moment. "In London...after DC..." he wasn't quite sure what he was saying at that point. There was too much to be said and no way to do it.
"I'm fine," Cammie spoke at last. She tried taking a step back from him despite Zach still holding both of her hands in one of his. "CAT scans and X-Rays were normal. No lasting damage."
Zach felt his anger rise again. But it was different this time. He wasn't mad at Cammie or anyone else. Rather, he couldn't believe that's what she thought he was worried about. That in this moment that was what he meant. That those words would erase his concerns.
"Really?" he asked. The words were soft and gentle, in direct opposition to how he felt internally. His hand came back up to her face, this time cupping her cheek. He felt her shiver slightly as her cold skin adjusted to the warmth of his hand. "Cause I'm not."
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averagejoesolomon · 3 months
Okay, not really an ask (this is about to be SO long, I'm so sorry)... but I thought I'd say that, as I suspected, Full Circle has made my GG reread even harder. In the best way possible. There are just so many moments that have even more depth to them after reading this fic.
In DJGC it was seeing the Circle start to come after Cammie after seeing Matt start to go after the Circle, and how he never wanted it to get to that point (or even imagined it would). Also I feel like Macey's character development was somehow touched by how you've written the Cameron sister's background, especially with regards to Abby, her and Macey's connection has another layer to it now. And after rereading Full Circle and seeing Matt's unwavering loyalty to Joe and the lengths that he's gone to protect him, seeing the intelligence world turn on Joe in OGSY was just heartbreaking to say the least because it's everything Matt was trying to spare him from. And THE JOURNAL!! I'm not even gonna touch on that. And in OSOT...... yeah, I'm actually still recovering from that. Haven't reread UWS yet, but I'm assuming that will also wreck me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for making this series an even more interesting read. The sad moments are even sadder but it's fun in every way and it's made me love these books even more. I really didn't think that was possible. Anyways, I just enjoy reading Full Circle so much and appreciate all the work you've put into it!!
P.S. I also noticed that your blog is down and with it the "Will Full Circle update tonight?" button. So I was wondering if I could ask when the next update will be? Again, love this fic!
This is SUCH a compliment and the highest praise a fic writer can get—thank you, thank you, thank you. That is always the goal with what I write. I view fic as such a powerful too for adding depth to stories and taking more time to explore the human experience than one might find in a traditionally published book. It is seriously such a privilege to do exactly that for the GG series.
You've touched on so many points from the original series that I think about when writing Full Circle, and it's so fulfilling to know that they hit like I hope they do. Macey and Abby definitely have a deeper bond when you give Abby an heiress background (and, btw, so do Rachel and Macey—because it's Rachel who lets her in). Matt and Joe are the driving force being the whole story and it does hurt to see what's left of them in the original series. And the journal is the thing that made me want to write this story all those years ago.
Ultimately, I write Full Circle because I can't help myself. This story was going to come out of me one day, one way or another. But I am so so so happy that it happened now, when I could share it with others who are also amped about adding depth to this beloved series. Thank you, seriously, thank you for sharing this one with me.
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goriaucom · 1 year
Trimedya Tak Melupakan Jasa Mantan Menpora Amali
PHNOM PENH - Ternyata Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Gulat Seluruh Indonesia (PB OGSI), Trimedya Panjaitan tidak pernah melupakan jasa-jasa orang yang mendukung Timnas Gulat Indonesia sehingga mampu meembuat kejutan di SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. http://dlvr.it/Sp21X8
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ogsytocin · 1 year
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ganesh8fbi · 2 years
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socialogsi · 2 years
The electric cell sampler is a sampling process which simply takes a sample straight out of the process pipeline stream and subjects it to various quality checks. The sample must be reproducible repeatedly when obtaining small samples. It is essential to choose sampler carefully because it determines the overall quality of the product.
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gildengirl · 4 months
Sorry for being condescending, I did it because I know more than you.
Edward Townsend, probably
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cammie-morgan-goode · 9 months
Why did townsend just let Joe go?
Hi friend!
I'm assuming you're talking about the London bridge scene in OGSY, right?
Either way I personally think that Townsend just had a flight or freeze moment. I think he hesitated. I think he's just so sure that Joe is the bad guy but I think he hesitated because of the time and place and the amount of people that were present. I think he just always hesitates when it comes to Joe Solomon.
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Home Oxygen Generators Market 2022 Industry Size, Business Growth, Demand, and Forecast to 2027
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averagejoesolomon · 3 years
Just a quick question: Do you think Joe and Townsend knew each other before the GG series? Since Joe was Abby's friend and Townsend was Abby's love interest at the time?
I don't actually know what the romantic timeline is on AbbyxTownsend! I like to think that they didn't know one another, except in a professional capacity, and that they were so utterly opposite in how they did everything that they never considered love (until, of course, they did). I think there's a really good story to be told about how Townsend is always right on Joe's tail, but never really sees him. I can't speak for canon, of course, but I love the idea that Joe only knows Townsend by reputation and that Townsend only knows Joe by the people he's killed. When they finally cross paths in OGSY, it's definitely an already existing relationship, but not one that either of them knows about.
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ruthyjane1 · 5 years
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bookwormobsessed · 3 years
Ok, remember when Macey is like to Zach in OGSY we’re leaving her with you so you better not make us regret that about Cammie before going to the tombs.
Well what if after the graduation Macey pulled Zach aside and is like hey we are leaving Cammie with you so you better not make us regret that.
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Ruby Slippers - A Zach x Cammie Playlist
Happy Not Knowing - Carly Rae Jepsen // It’s just like my broken heart is my alibi // “‘Tina,’ I said slowly as I leaned over the table and practically whispered the words, ‘I officially relinquish my claim to Zach.’” (CMH ch. 13)
Temperamental Love - Bridget Mendler & Devontée // All the lows shake my bones every time you leave / But I can’t escape the thought of you, boy // “I just looked at Zach, trying to shake the feeling that I hadn’t really seen him in months. ‘Why do I feel like I can’t trust you anymore?’” (DJGC ch. 23)
Ins and Outs - Sofia Carson // No, I won’t bring the gavel down on you // “‘There are things I can’t tell you, Gallagher Girl.’ ‘Can’t?’ I asked. ‘Or won’t?’” (DJGC ch. 26)
The Knife - Maggie Rogers // Oh, the knife of insight brought me to my knees / Broke me down and taught me how to see // “‘She’s your mother,’ I stated plainly. It wasn’t a question-- it was a data point, and Zach was slowly, somehow, making sense.” (OGSY ch. 40)
Run Away - Sky-Pony // Why can’t we just leave them here? / Got nothing to lose and less to fear // “‘You’re right-- no one’s safe with us around. Listen to me, Cammie, we could do this. We’ve been training our whole lives to do this.’” (OGSY ch. 45)
The Story of Us - Taylor Swift // I was losing my mind when I saw you here / But you held your pride like you should’ve held me // “It was all I could do not to turn and watch him walk away, to pretend like I didn’t care-- that whatever rift there was between us didn’t hurt.” (OSOT ch. 9)
Shadows - Sabrina Carpenter // I don’t mind your shadows / ‘Cause they look like a lot like mine // “I heard my voice trail off, my thoughts centering on the single thing I really had to know. ‘Are you afraid of me, Zach?’ ‘No.’” (OSOT ch. 17)
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy // I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision / But only for you // “‘I’m a good person to know, Zachary. You should have figured that out by now.’ ‘Oh... I have.’” (UWS ch. 21)
Surrender - MALINDA // But that was then, and this is now / And we made it through the woods somehow / Fighting to keep what we won / And just surrender // “Then Zach took my hand and together we ran into the passageway.” (UWS ch. 38)
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