#oh I forgot the watermark. whatever
archaicden · 4 months
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show lil nico how its done, wolfwood‼️
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vintageskeletons · 2 years
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i got nostalgic about dbh and ultimately rk1k, so here’s a wip i’ll never finish. sorry i’ll go crawl back in my burrow now
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raveartts · 2 years
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♥ The queen of Hearts ♥
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finrinrinfin · 1 year
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A gift for a friend— his OC, Wik (Wikipedia)
The oc belongs to @envecord
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tsukiyukii · 11 months
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…have i seen you before?
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spacemimz · 7 months
What is your process when doing fully rendered art! I've always loved looking at how detailed they are
I can show you with a couple screenshots of a current wip
1. I start out with a super rough sketch. For people it's a basic skeletal sketch of where what body part goes. For background sketches it's just vague shapes in the places where I'd like them to be.
2. Clean up time baby!! That's the stage where my vague shapes turn into full shapes. It's also the stage where I settle on details.
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This is what a clean sketch looks like. Mind you not every detail I sketch is something I do in lineart, some things are just colors
3. Lineart woo-hoo!
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This is what finished lineart looks like for me. What I also do is paint in shadows on my lineart layer for more depth and to give myself visual clarity too
4. Colors. For big pieces like this one right here I already color code the setting, give the whole thing a vibe
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See this? No shading, that's all just coloring. Coding the colors this way minimizes the amount of layers I need to shade plus I tend to work on max. 3 color layers anyway. What I do for big pieces like this is color normally, then adjust the value and all that with a separate layer and merge everything. The minimum layer approach is something I picked up on when I was using ibis paint x on my phone in 2014 I think? Back then I had 3 layers to work with and I made that count and I guess that never left
5. ~shading~✨️ aka my favorite part aka the part where everything comes together. The shading really depends on the vibe and thing I'm drawing. Some shading is complex and some shading is simple. It's definitely the most fun part
6. Detailing. That's what I do afterwards stuff like rim lighting or texturing! Tho texturing is something new im trying. I'm kind of sick of my art looking flat sooo I use a variety of brushes to help with that. Genuinely think it looks good, makes my stuff look more alive
7. Sign it. I cannot stress this enough. SIGN YOUR WORKS!!! WHATEVER IT IS, SIGN IT!! I put my signature in places it's difficult to remove because you never ever know if some bloke wants to steal or not. Protect your creative property and sign it, watermark it. Make sure that people know it's yours and yours only
Wow that got long I'm sorry! But that's basically my process from start to finish, wait I forgot the collapse after I'm done oh well not that important hahaha
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plushii-gutz · 1 year
Never a better time to type a fanfic while in agonizing pain /hj sorry for the long wait, but a special someone wanted to make art for part 3! ^^ can't thank him enough, it's absolutely adorable! He asked to remain anonymous (and also doesnt have tumblr), but provided a watermark! Stinky_Pinky!
The kitchen emptied itself of the many monsters. Apart from two, that is.
Attmoz was wiping down the table of its crumbs and sticky residue, a few visible handprints remaining even after its cleansing. Glaishur was cleaning and organizing the dishes he often forgot to attend to, mumbling to himself about how the water left his fur soggy and uncomfortable.
"Children are the most unhygienic creatures," Attmoz joked, "absolute specimens."
"Yeah, but they're cute, so we gotta' keep 'em," Glaishur shrugged
"Where else would they go, anyway? Other than Hornacle, I don't think they'd get very far."
The land these monsters lived on sat in the middle of a vast, everlasting ocean. The island had a sort of mushroom-like shape, curving in the middle and acting like a slide down to the stretched out base, where bits of grass and soil grew whatever life was able to sprout. Blasoom and Scaratar came to the base of the island often, having grown their own plot of grass and few flowers. They created bits of life, even fruits. Apart from their garden, there was nothing but shifting waters as far as the eye can see.
"Well, they are still young-"
Glaishurs words were cut short by the sudden shaking of the walls. The two fell awkwardly silent, looking to finish the cleaning as it began again. Just as it had every day. Their words were muffled, but were still very audible.
"Don't you think you could put in a bit more effort?"
"For what?"
"Come on, we're the ones in charge. It's our job to keep the rest in one piece. I just.. I feel like I'm doing everything."
"This isn't our responsibility, and it shouldn't be either. I'm not watching over monsters that are a year younger than me."
Furnoss grew louder. They always yelled so loudly.
"You know DAMN well I'm not talking about Glaishur or Attmoz - and you know even further that they aren't 'one year younger' either! There's five kids here who aren't even verbal yet. If it isn't our responsibility, then Whose is it? It's not like we can just let them fend for themselves. They'll manage to get themselves killed in seconds!"
"They'll figure it out eventually. We didn't have anyone to guide us."
"And so we shouldn't let THEM have anyone?"
Attmoz motioned for Glaishur to follow, taking him out of the kitchen and to the hallway.
"I don' think they should hear this," Glaishur spoke, keeping his eyes on the ground.
"Yeah.. hey, you guys wanna go outside?" Attmoz spoke louder to the rest of the little ones, "Maybe play a bit?"
The excitement of the younger monsters overcame the yelling upstairs. Syncopite led the group outside, Attmoz following behind. Glaishur stood awkwardly, listening in on the argument upstairs.
"Do you understand how fucking difficult this is? Of course you don't! You don't even know which room is which, do you? Galvana takes a whole fucking hour to go to sleep! They're literally the element of energy! You probably didn't even pay attention to that, did you? Oh, or how about the 36 meals I have to make a DAY? How picky each of these little brats can be about what they will and won't touch? Is it so much for you to at least watch over them? Obviously, no one else is capable of that!"
"I do what you can't. I keep them in line. You can't do so much as raise your voice at them."
"Because I feel bad!.. I feel.. awful. They gave up so much.. it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be fair to."
"And now we live like this," Loodvigg spoke in a chilling voice, "because of it."
Glaishur felt his throat tighten. He couldn't understand the next few words spoken, whether they were muffled due to the distance or the outside cheerful chatter. He was too scared to ask what they meant - what was "it"? Who gave up what? At the same time, he worried about being more of a burden. He knew how stressed out Furnoss was. He knew how little they already thought of him. Furnoss had enough problems. It'd be best to stay out of any more trouble.
"Hey Frosty, you coming?"
"Yeah, sorry!"
The cold monster let the door close behind him, happily walking out to the welcoming sun. The air felt nice, a comfortable warmth from the sun and a gentle breeze provided by Attmoz himself. This actually sparks and idea.
"Hey 'Moz, wanna make it a little more cool?" Glaishur asked, fidgeting his hands already.
"Eh? Oh heck yeah!"
Attmoz crouched down, only to make a quick jump to the air. A thick, fluffy cloud formed, catching the monster who now laid back with his arms crossed behind his head. The clouds surface caved ever to slightly to the monsters weight, hovering above the ground easily. Glaishur rubbed his hands together, flakes of ice falling between his fingers before being shot up into the sky and into the floating surface Attmoz had made. Snowflakes began to fall, covering the ground below in the chilling powder, and soon more snowing clouds covered most of the surface of the island. Even Hornacle had chipped in, adding a thin layer of water to cover the ground, bringing slippery ice to slide on. The stress previously had been mostly forgotten, now pushed from the many monsters' minds as they played in their own little wonderland.
Plixie, Hornacle, and Glaishur piled up enough snow to build a snow-monster, Glaishur using his own frosty friend to act as the head. The icy ground was being used to slide across the land, Vhamp and Blasoom putting on their own performance while Torrt used Glaishurs drums to add a little more energy with music. Syncopite watched uneasily, worried of any injuries that might come with the little monsters carelessness.
"Ah, they can take a few hits," Scaratar reassured, "It's part of the fun!"
Attmoz had a good look of the area, keeping each kid in check to be sure none strayed too far. A count of heads told him that someone was missing..
A sudden *bzzt!* caused the air monster to jump, turning swiftly on his tail. Galvana giggled, standing on top of their own little fort built specifically just to get Attmoz's attention.
"Oh, you think that's funny? You wanna be silly? Is this silly?"
Attmoz lifted the little monster up from the snowy steps, holding them up in the air and over the cloud. Galvana laughed up a storm, kicking their legs and sending small electric sparks from their hands. They weren't too high off the ground, and Galvana certainly trusted Attmoz enough to not drop them. Even if they were to fall, the freshly fallen snow would soften the fall. Of course, no one fell. Instead, Attmoz settled Galvana on the snow pile next to him. Unfortunately, only the air monster was able to rest within the clouds fluff without falling through.
"You're a lil goober, you know that?"
Galvana could only respond with a whistle, though they were visibly happy. Attmoz chuckled, resting his head and watching the electric monster run off to play with the rest. Sitting back and being able to see everyone happy was refreshing, especially Syncopite and Glaishur. He wished Furnoss would join them, but the idea of having to do so much as look in the fire monsters direction made him feel nervous.
Now wasn't the time to worry. It was the present. And it was just that - a gift.
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Good morning everyone.👋 I just discovered my inbox full of Love this morning. I need to check it more regularly, so my apologies. I will be posting everything shortly but for now here's some ❤️from me to all of you. I appreciate you and and am so thankful that for whatever reason you decided to follow me.
Xoxo, ❤️🌼🦄
#me #forgot my watermark #oh well 🤷‍♀️
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Hey. Lovecorp™'s advertising specialist here.
"Oh boy, I totally forgot about this part, Don't mind me wearing pajamas yeah?"
— Julian
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"Speaking of which, Hey! I'm Julian Delez, I go by Jules, Lian, Del- whatever. I work at Lovecorp™, And I'm part of the marketing department! I'm employee of the month!"
General questions...
When's your birthday? How old are you?
9/29! And I'm 21, Good to know huh?
I personally go by he/him or they them! I'm starting to get comfortable with my own skin now.
Filipino! Born and raised in the Philippines!
Why do you wear glasses?
My vision's been blurry ever since I was a kid, not near sighted or far sighted, I genuinely can't see.
Favorite animal?
Ducks! I used to take care of lots of them back home, and they're easy to take care of!
Favorite Food?
Chocolate! 🍫 I may get a toothache for it, but it's all worth it!
Favorite drink:
Mocha! More chocolate, less coffee. What? I'm not as coffee dependent as you think I might be!
What's LoveCorp™?
LoveCorp™ is a company that's directed to romance! Is your wife mad? We've got you covered with flowers and an apology letter! Basically, an all year running valentines business!
Alright, I'm a mean what I say, say what I mean kind of guy, And that guy also has boundaries:
NSFW! — Wow. Fancy love guy isn't into the not safey for workies. It's tolerated, just don't be incredibly horny about it.
BASIC AND OBVIOUS — don't be rude. Homophobia, racism, sexism or etc.
ASKS — Please be patient when sending in an ask, There could be a chance it hasn't been sent to my inbox or [ADMIN]'s too busy to let me know about your inquiries.
FANDOMS — go crazy. I might know some of y'all.
SWEARS AND SLURS — Don't swear like a sailor, watch your mouth. Slurs? Not tolerated.
ART — I'm breaking the fourth wall, but hey, reposts are appreciated, Credits are VERY essential. You take and repost the art, I'll hide the watermark so that everyone can tell what you did.
LORE — Right, I belong to a universe or something. [ADMIN] told me something called "self-inserts" are fine. Anyway, I'll tell more of myself soon enough.
DM's — Sorry, I don't respond to DM's. Eh. I prefer open and public conversations.
RP — Private roleplays, sorry, what for? No thanks.
GOD MODE — I'm sorry, I'm just your average joe, I don't know why a god would want something from me.
VENTING — Sorry, I'm not comfortable with heavy topics, But I'm ready to be your shoulder to cry on!
BUSINESS DAYS... — I work a 9 to 5 job. Monday to Sunday (Except Tuesday's.) Visit me if you'd like.
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[More rules To Be Acknowledged.]
“See you when I see you!”
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smoldays · 10 months
I see stuff on other time lines about react streamers and youtubers and appropriation of content they react to
I'm not saying time is a circle but I feel like this discourse is a regular occurence.
And while sure we can talk about whether content is transformative, or whether reacting offers more visibility to the original content, I want to rant about one thing that I've seen make a big difference for creators in general: crediting.
Credit the content you react to in a way to make it the easiest to access to people, as much as possible.
ESPECIALLY if that content is from the same platform you're uploading to.
Official yt channel reposting parts of your Twitch stream where you reacted to Yt content? Add links to the vids and/or @s in the description.
Oh no, you or your editor forgot? Add it asap. And pin a comment under your content with it.
Reacting to content from a different platform? Leave all watermarks from the content (Tiktok channel names etc...), maybe name the creator verbally, post the link in your chat if you're streaming.
Or whatever other space you can put it in. Top/pinned comments can also work.
It's not very hard, it's the polite thing to do. Many streamers and youtubers rely on content that isn't theirs, whether it's a video game they play or a video they react to. They can help discover great content, great creators, and even add to said content. And, regardless of whether content is transformative, it's nice to create a habit of sharing the spotlight with those you derive your content from.
(content, much like art, is derivative and fine)
It also adds to your content, in that people will also come to you to get some form of curation.
It's easy. It's nice. It's polite. It's good internet etiquette.
It's fine to forget sometimes, to not always have the links. But generalize healthy habits like that and boom! Smaller creators get boosted, react content gets a better reputation. Maybe publicize this enough and we might undo the terrible internet trends of EVERYONE COPYING ANYTHING TO THE MICROSECOND AD NAUSEAM.
More content. Better content. More creators. Better creators. Please.
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frostbite-the-bat · 3 months
i forgot i own a protogen im looking at my old TH stuff and im like Oh FUCK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i dont agree with closed species (iim aware protogens are "open" but they still have some rules when i last looked. F ive years ago) or any rules dawg if i draw this guy again ill just do whatever with it
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its a bit of a mess, i got them from someone in a trade - i was allowed to pick a few characters and this guy was one of them. i tried tracking the original creator a few times, but i was unable to - even with the watermark. though, my issue back then was not contacting the matching username artist and just checking if their gallery had the same art :sob:
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kyeomblr-remade · 3 years
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tag me!dkstagram
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hotheadedweirdo · 3 years
hello i have made some art for once
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i have decided to give up on perfection completely so here you go some art
i made way too many versions but who cares
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weirdlyfitting · 3 years
So I went back to see my rotbtd edits and found the halloween one. I realized that whenever I post a long story I'll put some illustrations because yeah reading can be exausting and it's a bit hard for me to imagine too many stuff lol, also I think it's just BETTER (this is one of my big reason to love Cytus 2's story lol)
Anyway this one's longer and I got this idea because I was thinking about their similiarities. It's pretty cool that while both Merida & Hiccup's story had a theme of "change" , both Jack & Punz's story had a theme of "identity". Since this one's abt Jack & Rapunzel so mayyybe I'll make Hiccup & Merida too?
And ahhh I forgot my watermark but whateves I'm tired lmao :(
Anyway here ya go :D
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As her feet touch the grass she felt as if freedom has greeted her. This is the first time in 17 years that Rapunzel ever touch it. She has wished, prayed, and hoped to see the "floating lights" by herself and right at this moment she knew that she can do it.
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Rapunzel : I can't believe I did this....
Rapunzel ran as fast as she can to the secret cave that mother used to use as an exit whenever she bought her a present from the outside world.
Her heart beating fast as she's getting closer to the entrance. But suddenly, she slowed her run and stopped right at the entrance. She look back at the tower
Rapunzel : Mother, it'll be okay. I will be okay..
After I see the floating lights everything will be just like what it used to be, Mother..
Her figure slowly dissapear as she walks into the dark entrance
Rapunzel : You can do this, Rapunzel. Come on...*gasp
As she mumbled she found a light source and made her steps faster towards it
Rapunzel : Wait, who-
She stopped with caution, she saw a shadow outside the entrance, could it be the person who'd use her hair?!
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It goes left and right and so on
Rapunzel : Oh no...
???? : How many times has it been? and still no answer...
She decided to sneak in near the leaves to hear what it says
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???? : Just- just why no one-
It's a boy. He's holding his tears as he gets more frustrated.
???? : Why can't anyone just talk to me?! Why can't they see me?! I had tons of questions yet NO ONE EVER ANSWER IT!
He raised his voice as anger controlled him. Rapunzel tried to stay back quitely while Pascal made a gesture that shouted "what should we do?!"
Rapunzel : Stay caution, Pascal. I think that's the guy that mother talked about"
The boy sit in the stone near where Rapunzel are. He let a big sigh.
???? : *sniffs *sobs
He let out a cry. As soon as Rapunzel hears it she decided to go closer.
Rapunzel : Is he...crying?
???? : Please..." *sobs
Rapunzel went closer towards him. Her hand wanted to reach him but too scared. Pascal tried to warn Rapunzel to not go after the boy with his hands.
???? : *sniff Ugh, it's pointless anyway...
Suddenly Rapunzel felt a breeze of wind coming through. As if the wind is alive and move on it's own. The leaves are dancing and the wind...so calming.
Rapunzel : *whisper Woah
???? : Haha, oh wind. At last I had you beside me
The boy sniffs for the last time as he get up and proceed to take his leave.
???? : Ah I wanna see the lanterns tonight. They're really pretty don't you think? At first I have no idea why only once a year it happened but the first time I saw that...
He smiled, all those anger and burden have gone as he remembers the "lanterns".
???? : They're just really beautiful. But then I heard that it's for the missing princess and.. (continue speaking)
Whatever that is, deep down Rapunzel knew that what the boy meant are the floating lights. She saw the boy walked out from where he stood. Should she ask him for a help? or should she continue finding it by herself?Pascal shrugged his head as he disagree.
Rapunzel : Well what choice do I have?
Pascal tried to confront Rapunzel and still insist.
Rapunzel : Don't worry he can be our guide, ok? If he tried to do any harm to me or my hair..he will regret it
She take the frying pan that she brought from the tower and making a serious look. Pascal finally agrees. Rapunzel pull the leaves as she go out from the entrance.
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Rapunzel : H-Hey!
The boy stopped right away as he heard someone called. He's looking at the source and it's a girl. He's so sure she called someone else so he continued his walk. But strange, he thought. What kind of a girl who'd play in the deep forest like this?
Rapunzel : W-wait, Please! I want to see the floating lights!
The boy quickly turn to her, she's just called him, she talked to him, she saw him?!
???? : Y-you can- YOU CAN SEE ME?!
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Rapunzel : Look, I only had 3 days to go see it or I'll never had the chance anymore!
???? : But h-
Rapunzel : You will be my guide to go see it! Those "lanterns" you're talking about.
???? : Woah, woah, woah! You've been inside it from the whole time?!
Rapunzel : Uhh- it doesn't matter I don't have much time, okay! Let's just-
Rapunzel tried to think a way to convince him. While the boy is still in shock because Rapunzel is able see him.
???? : Oh my moon you're even talk to me- wait is that your hair?!
The boy looked so surprised to she Rapunzel's super long hair still goes along through the entrance cave. Suddenly, a frying pan almost landed on the boy's face.
Rapunzel : Move one step closer, and this will be the last time you see me. Ever..
The boy got terrified on the sudden change of Rapunzel.
???? : Yikes, sorry I asked. Looks like it's really precious huh?
Rapunzel : Don't play dumb to me, I knew it. You wanted to cut my hair and sell it, right?!
???? : W-wha- Why would I do that? Look, you're clearly heard my cry behind the leaves right? Do I heard like want to kidnap you and cut your hair?! No one can't even see me so WHY WOULD I??
Rapunzel take back her frying pan and had a deep thought.
Rapunzel : Let's make a deal.
???? : What?
Rapunzel : A deal. I'll tell you my reasons on why I can see you and for you, just like what I said before, take me to see the floating lights! You will be my guide
???? : Okay...deal
Rapunzel : Well then it's settled. Now show me the way mister..
???? : Jack. It's Jack Frost. And don't call me mister I'm basically around your age too..
Rapunzel : O-oh, okay...Jack
Jack : There you go. This way, blondie..
Finally, they both goes through the forest. Searching for the floating lights
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iloveboylove · 7 years
i made a mistake. i showed my grethan video edit to my parents and my dad kinda freaked out it wasn't really surprising, but i just realized that now they can actually find my tumblr blogs and i'm shit scared now so fuck
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
pls i need to know ur queen deltarune opinions
First impression: I was also spoiled about Queen’s existence before I played, but for whatever reason it didn’t set me off nearly as bad a the spamton spoilers. I was just like “oh cool ok the ch2 antag is the spade queen, thats neat! i’ll deal with you later!!” and then i Did
Impression now: ALSO ONE OF THE FUNNIEST CHARACTERS IN THE DAMN GAME god her dialogue is just a absolute hoot. A very Danacore character all around, she’s just got such a fun energy to her, she’s here for a good time and she’s throwing back martinis and she’s got so much love in her heart for these kids. Queen GOOD. Gotta love a sloppy milf who mind controls people.
Favorite moment: “kris get the banana” genuinelly got one of the biggest laughs out of me. the entire scene of kris noelle and queen in the car is just great. “Cool Mixtape” goes so fucking hard.
Idea for a story: something during a moment of downtime, Queen having a “drink” with Swatch and Tasque Manager....I genuinelly think there’s so much fondness there with them and I think all three of em should get a chance to kick back for a bit.
Unpopular opinion: ...yeah ok maybe I Do think she had spamton flung into the acid pool </3 I don’t know if she did it herself or had the Swatchlings did it but I do think she OK’d it and then like....immediately just popped that memory to the back of her computer mind and forgot about it. She probably wasn’t even that worried about what it’d do to him. It’s Just The Swimming Pool Lmao.
Favorite relationship: Like...all of them, I love that Queen has so much fondness for so many of her “subjects”. Her way of expressing love is quirky and not exactly hitting the mark every time, but she’s actively Trying so hard. Her relationship with Noelle especially makes me like ;__; She doesn’t want her to be sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite headcanon: She would smoke a USB drive like a blunt. She loves reposting memes with a gigantic Queen-themed watermark on them. She’s the mom on level 732475345 of Candy Crush.
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