#oh I’m so soft for them
Matthew said “take five” but they heard “change lives”
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timethehobo · 3 months
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Quick break doodle but I’ve been playing SS KTJL and honestly game flaws aside, I’m just happy to finally play as the rogues. Loved Boomie years back, still enjoying him now.
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shima-draws · 1 year
My brain: Haha yeah I dunno if I’ll ever get into One Piece I mean it’s so long and such a huge dedication timewise—
Me, already 13 episodes in: Um. Well,
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cuecrynsleep · 2 months
Amangela AU but it’s a rough draft;
Soulmate AU where after you turn a certain age, the day after, you get a soulmate timer. It counts down the days until you meet your soulmate/the days since you met your soulmate.
Amanda has had her soulmate timer for a while. By the time her soulmate timer says “00:19:45” (aka 19 hours, 45 minutes left) it’s daunting if anything. Then that day it’s announced that some of the new hirees will be coming in tomorrow morning. That thought alone is ever so present in Amanda’s mind and she doesn’t want whatever soulmate jargon to effect her work at Smosh, if one of the new hirees did end up being her soulmate.
She does her usual routine of driving to a nearby coffee place before showing up at Smosh. Her mind isn’t on her soulmate timer as she’s more so focused on getting to her first shoot of the day. She passes by the new hirees as they were getting a tour of the Smosh Office, being quickly introduced to the four by Shayne. She doesn’t notice the ever so slightest tingle on her wrist, and continues on with her day.
By the time it’s the end of work, a few people at Smosh decided to end their day at the bar. Tommy points out her soulmate timer that now read “-00:10:19” meaning she met her soulmate roughly ten hours ago. She probably should’ve paid more attention to her soulmate timer. It was just hard to focus on that when she had more daunting things to focus on.
Her mind briefly thought of anyone significant at the coffee place from that morning, as well as the new additions at Smosh. As soon as Angela passes through her head she shakes the thought away. She had just met these people not even a day ago and to already think about one of them in a romantic context felt wrong. It didn’t matter if it was inevitable because of a timer on her wrist, after all she didn’t like living her life as such. All she wanted to do was to live it all naturally. Not forced by some timer on her wrist that made her feel like she had to talk to someone because it was fate.
Angela gets her soulmate timer whilst working at Smosh. The first thing she notices when waking up that day was the new addition of her soulmate timer on her wrist. The ink read so clearly “-1,242:01:10” She honestly saw the number ridiculous at first, given how high it was. The moment she read it she couldn’t help but rub at the ink, as if that’d make the timer change. Whilst getting ready for work she gets an expected call from Chanse, the latter reminding her the day before that she’d get her soulmate mark. She hadn’t always cared about the phenomenon, definitely not as much as others.
“How the hell am I supposed to remember who I met over a thousand days ago?”
“No one expects you to,” Chanse chuckles. “Now you just have to find who has the exact same time as you.”
“Wonderful,” she sarcastically quipped.
“I’ll help you out during work. I’ll just have to subtly look at some people’s wrists.”
“Yeah, that’s assuming they’re from work and they already have their soulmate mark anyway,” she said offhandedly.
If her brain happened to think about Amanda first she wouldn’t mention it. After all, surely there was no way. She didn’t want to start her day with some false hope. Not only for her, but also her soulmate. because in some way having hopes on who her soulmate is felt unfair to them. Even if she didn’t know who it was.
Angela couldn’t tell if Chanse was joking or not. She would get her answer when Chanse gave her a thumbs down after getting a look at the camera man’s wrist. He wasn’t annoying about it and didn’t do it to everyone. If anything he did it three times before the bit would get old. He even did it twice with people who already found their soulmate. He knew Angela wanted to discover her soulmate at her own time, naturally. So, of course, he’d respect that.
She let life pass her by as she went through her mental checklist of the day. After a short shoot for the main Smosh channel she had a meeting with Spencer, Amanda, Courtney, and Trevor about instructions on a game they had to play later today for a Smosh Games shoot. She hadn’t had the time to see Amanda in the morning so it felt only natural to immediately bring her into a hug.
As she pulls apart from the hug, albeit unwillingly she gets a quick glance at Amanda’s wrist. Only did she see the familiar number of days in the thousands, yet the moment she did she felt her heart beating against her chest. Without any warning she grabbed Amanda’s wrist, putting her arm down next to her own. Their soulmate timers next to each other, showing the same number.
Then as if they needed more proof they watched as the 43 minutes turned to 44 minutes. Amanda was her soulmate.
Angela was pulled into a hug, she could feel Amanda’s lips so close to her ear as she whispered in a soft voice. “I’m so glad, you’re my soulmate.”
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haughtwaversblog · 9 days
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“We can have so many more years together.”
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mangozic · 5 months
you are so real for that, I’m right there with you collapsed on the floor in a puddle of tears (also, thank you!!)
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holly-makes-arts · 8 months
I’m having paulkins thoughts let me ramble for a minute
Paul’s love language is physical touch, and Emma is SEVERELY touch-starved. (It doesn’t work as well as you’d think)
I’ll elaborate (this got LONG so I’m putting a cut) but feel free to discuss!!
Against what everyone thinks, Paul is like the CLINGIEST dude ever. During TGWDLM, he’s constantly reaching for not only Emma, but Charlotte and Bill too? He keeps an arm around Charlotte as much as he can while trying to protect her during Show me Your Hands. He also reaches for an infected Bill during Let it Out.
Also the very first thing he does when he reunited with Emma at the end is HUG her! And kiss her hands! And dance with her, always keeping her close (I know that it’s technically him trying to infect her, but it has been established that the zombies retain some sense of individuality and I refuse to believe that’s not Paul’s influence).
Also also, in Black Friday, where they are an established couple, Paul again is constantly holding Emma’s shoulders in support.
Now, Emma is complicated. We know she has issues with relationships, family and romantic ones. She ran off to Guatemala and avoided every single one of her sister’s attempts to connect with her. Even in BF, where she’s actively trying to reconnect with the rest of her family, she has trouble admitting to others (and probably herself) that she’s in a committed, loving relationship with Paul.
This woman has spent all of her life putting up walls between herself and others, do you really think she’s ever let herself genuinely enjoy someone’s company?? Granted, it’s very possible that during her hiking trips she had hook-ups, or even short term relationships, but I don’t think she ever allowed herself something more meaningful.
Not until she came back to Hatchetfield, and met Paul, but most importantly, started to work on herself and her issues.
ALL this to say, I think Emma had some troubles with Paul on the early days of their relationship. He would try to hold her hand, maybe hug her, and she would freak out. Badly. Because she spent her life running away, and now, she’s getting affection she didn’t even know she needed. Paul struggles a bit to understand that it’s not because of something he necessarily did, but once Emma finally manages to explain some of her issues, he understands, and tries to be the most patient he can with her.
Ironically, sex comes easy. At least for Emma (Paul would be an awkward mess the first time (and all the other times FIGHT ME)), but again, it takes some time before Emma really lets herself be vulnerable, and truly soft with him.
Their relationship isn’t by any means perfect, but eventually they figure out each other’s limits. Emma slowly starts to let herself accept Paul’s affections, while he learns when to dial back. They work their way up to hugging, cuddling, and when Emma finally gets the courage to say “I love you” back to Paul, he stars bawling, because he knows what it truly means to her, how how much it means to hear her say it.
Anyway this is all over the place and I kinda lost what I was going at, and I didn’t mean for it to get so long but CLEARLY I have things to say and-
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somnas-writes · 4 months
I feel like the High Fae in acotar should’ve looked a little weirder (limbs too long/too thin, eyes too bright, facial features too sharp/perfect etc).
And the high fae are so convinced that everyone wants them when in reality, nobody really does. When Human Feyre falls in love with Tamlin, all her ‘lesser’ fae friends are like “Girl… for real?”
And when the Archeron sisters are all turned into fae, they retain some intrinsic humanity to their appearance. So they’re just the right balance of Human and High Fae.
Feyre still finds herself getting unsettled looking at the high fae too long. when she talks to other fae, to her, they’re human in a way.
Anyways feyre should’ve been anti-class system and hung out with the other fae groups more. She’s a people person get her out into the community.
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diazheartsbuckley · 2 months
Can we just talk about the whole, “you don’t find it, you make it” And Buck being so fucking sad about it?
Bobby being like, “Athena and I weren’t looking for anything when we found each at our lowest”
Like be so fr right now. You can’t tell me that these moments don’t hold significant value to buddies view of themselves and their lives and their relationship?
They really took two people who were beefing with each other for 1 (one) whole episode and then just built on top of that to the point where Buck literally runs away from his own home to go to Eddie’s because it’s the only place where he feels comfortable and safe after the lightning strike.
And they can communicate with literally just a single look and Eddie’s face with so much love when he looks at Buck, like it might actually give me a cavity because they’re so sweet on each other
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enha-stars · 7 months
bread cheeks
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just 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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unknownarmageddon · 6 months
for the sanscest ships, kist : o?
OUHHH….. OUHH KIST…. weeping wailing kist my beloved
kist is like my third or second favorite ship it’s like the only other killer ship i like other than kross. ouh. kist <3
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Kpop stans reblog this post and tell us in the tags what’s your favorite song(s) by your ult(s) group(s) / soloist(s) 💜
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ninjaaa-go · 1 year
why am I getting so emotional about a little plastic ghost??? morro seriously has such a grip on me it’s insane
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ninawolv3rina · 8 months
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These boys have stolen my heart
And they can steal yours too, read Kit and Basie please
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rigginsstreet · 5 months
Um just realized tumblrs been unfollowing me from people so wtf is that about!
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fingertipsmp3 · 20 days
The good news is I accomplished my mission of buying trousers, the bad news is my knee is SUPER unhappy about it
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