#oh actually and my sweet 1600 clawdeen
freaky-flawless · 2 years
Randomly thinking about how frustrating it is when sellers online will, for whatever reason, sell dolls without any arms, and claim it's for "parts"
But then I started thinking about how useful that can actually be if you have a really old doll with the elastic joints. You can just buy an armless doll, switch the heads, and attach the old doll's arms, and voila! You have a doll that can stand it's own weight.
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kalunfinch · 1 year
Unorganized doll thoughts as a collector and what I'll seek out outside of a good condition lot.
Abbey Bominable. Not interested in seeking out her g1 doll. I hate tinsel, I hate the gritty feeling of her glitter skin. I love her character so much but no. Not paying g1 prices for sensory ick
Amanita Nightshade, Batsy Claro, Casta Fierce a serve but since I don't have any nostalgic feelings towards her I won't be seeking her out.
CA Cupid. I had her as a kid but between the jacked up resell prices and her atrocious to maintain or restyle hair I'll pass.
Catrine DeMew and Catty Noir. I already have one of these. I don't find the need to have more than one of these characters.
Clawdeen Wolf little dead riding hood. She's the only g1 clawdeen I want but Don't have. I had her as a kid and oh god I would love to have her again. Seems like a lot of kids agreed that the cape was stiff and got in the way of play because sooo many of them are missing that signature cape
Cleo de Nile. Hated her as a kid. These days, I was upset at work and I imagined cleo sticking up for me and it gave me the strength to get through my shift. But.. there's that tinsel (and the fact that she looks WAY too human). So there's limited releases I actually enjoy of Cleo because of this. As fun as her gimmick is it can be very hit or miss for me. Sooo here are my top hits for her. Dead tired! Love this line and I love the cozy looking mummy pajamas. Picture day! Not really nostalgic to me since I didn't discover the picture day line til earlier this year like 11 years after it ran. But yeah definitely a serve. Skull shores cleo! No tinsel and I LOVED her awesome swimsuit coverup. Yeah those are my favorites that I'd actually go out of my way to add to my collection.
Tbh the way g3 Draculaura is SERVING i don't feel the need to seek out her g1 counterparts. But there are a few that come to mind. Dead tired because duh pajamas are always cute. Ghouls rule because DOPE ass wings. But she is kinda expensive and would probably need a reroot because monster high dolls with curly hair Don't stand the test of time and play. Skull shores, not gonna pay big bucks for this, again. But I do love her.
Also the sweet 1600 line sooo cute but alas I still can't stand tinsel
Elissabat. Don't need her I have one albeit without a face but idc because it took me 5 days to ID her because bitch really looks like Draculaura with purple hair.
And frankie... my love my darling. I want their vanity, ghouls rule, schools out, dead tired, and skull shores and threaderella. Legit Frankie is my everything.
Not gonna feed into mega scalpers to get their g1 releases, but I might pay the slight outrageous prices. I don't even care about all the work that their hair is gonna need like rerooting and unglueing. That yellow glue in their white hair... oh frankie blond is not your style
Ghoulia... I get a bit more feral for g1 ghoulia. Others that are already in g3 I don't mind putting aside for their modern releases. But... ghoulia in g3 is... lacking to say the least. Tbh, I love almost every ghoulia. I just can't buy the world sooo these are the ones I prioritize in browsing. Dead tired. I was looking for her yesterday and a memory was unlocked when I saw her popcorn bag full of brains accessory. I LOVED that accessory as a kid. This ghoulia slept in a swiffer box that I made into a dollhouse bed in the room that I had frankie and ghoulia share in the dollhouse. Sooo... Skultimate roller maze ghoulia is also on this list. And damn I hope ghoulia gets a creeproduction. Hate the whole kenkolin thing tho. But hey maybe I could just try to get her nib hoping the glue seepage isn't too bad. Or I could just reroot her. I liked the all red reroot I saw on reddit. Mattel failed forgetting how much red is totally ghoulias color
I already have a honey Swamp but the previous owner removed her face so it'd be nice to have her signature or freak du chic doll just to own her original faceup. Because as fun as trying to paint her face will be I know I won't be able to do it justice
First wave howleen... my genderqueer awakening. Not really but she really was so gender to me back in the day. I wanted her sooo bad. Still do. This is one I'd pay outrageous prices for.
Jinafire Long. I just want one. I had her og as a kid but her aesthetic is so consistent I'd settle for any version of her except fierce rockers or swim class.
Kiyomi... cool but do I really want to get ripped off?
Nefera... her first wave look. I said I hate tinsel but I could make an except if I found a decent price good condition nefera. I adored her as a child. Or... more her bug. Also that headpiece is still the coolest shit for a doll.
Robecca steam. Please i just want her first wave look. She can have missing limbs I can paint them gold and say ghoulia helped her replace broken parts. Please. Bless me with reasonable sellers
Spectra always wanted her still want her first wave look. I know she'll get a g3 doll soon though so maybe that will satiate me.
Operetta I have 3 of her but it'd be nuce to have her original but her hair would probably be a lot of work. Tbh I might just buy her little suitcase thingy because that's what I miss the most about having her original
Twyla. As much as it'd be cool to have a g1 twyla I probably won't seek her out to buy outside of some lot.
And that brings us to neighthan Rot. My favorite boy doll and the last doll I need in the freaky fusion set. Want!
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just watched the first three eps of the new pll series so ima talk about it. spoilers below, like it’s that serious
i never watched pll and basically hated it out of spite when it was airing
which is fine bc this show has nothing to do with the original and honestly shouldnt even be connected to the pll name
it’s really like we can’t have a single new idea without arbitrarily linking it to something old
feels a lot closer to season one of the scream series
the mysterious texts from A absolutely do not mesh with the serial killer walking around in the leatherface mask 
it feels like there’s so many girls. they could’ve cut one girl. the twins and a main four would be plenty 
i hate parents in these shows so muuuuch “why would you put razor blades in a girl’s shoe” “why would you put a dead rat in a girl’s backpack” you really think your daughter did that?? really???
werewolf girl from zombies is here and she’s my fave but also my least fave. the movie buff whose main character trait is naming titles of movies. it’s so basic lol make an actual reference or say a quote from something or something damn
but speaking of werewolves she rolled up to the dance looking like sweet 1600 clawdeen like it all comes full circle
oh also speaking of monster high i swear the two moms girl had monster high characters on her bedroom wall lmao but i couldnt get a good enough look rip but its either them or just wishful thinking
not to victim blame but WHY was tabby drinking wine at that guy’s house??? she knew he was a creep and she was in a bad situation and yet just guzzles down a glass of wine no problem. also what happened to her afterwards?? she just walks out and it cuts to the next day like. guess she’s fine.
the twist is obviously going to be that kelly died and karen is alive. literally no show in the history of television has had twins where one dies and it’s actually who they say it is. there’s always a switcheroo. that’s fucking twin mysteries 101
i know what you did last summer series also
this is probably bad for the rest of the show but my favorite part is the set decoration lmao. like all the houses looked lived in, as opposed to staged for a viewing for potential buyers. that doesn’t get enough credit in shows but it stood out to me for this oneee 
also every house has pretty wallpaper. love wallpaper so much <3 
anyway in conclusion the show obviously isn’t good but it’s something to watch. murder mysteries are kind of always fun to watch no matter the quality. im thinking it wont be as good as the scream series but hoping it’ll be better than the ikwydls series. if it’s worse than that, that’ll be a feat
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Draculaura Diary
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing. 
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High. 
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to. 
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monsterpie · 6 years
mh questionnaire by @cryptoriascollectiblog !!!
I'm on mobile so I can't do a read more sorry
1) Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been collecting Monster High dolls!
call me blue! i got my first doll (gooliope jellington) in late december 2015, but i began really collecting in earnest starting in 2016, so call it about 3 years 
2) How many MH dolls do you have?
very definitely over 200 probably at this point..... most of them are on display, but a few thrifted and boxed dolls are hidden away 
3) Is Monster High your favorite doll line? Why or why not?
that.... is really hard to answer. it’s definitely the doll line i enioy collecting the most, and i can pretty much say ‘yes, it IS my favorite!’ but there’s that little voice at the back of my head that’s saying ‘but you owe your love of dolls to barbie...’
4) Who’s your favorite MH ghoul?
ohhhh man i love howleen. i love her so much she’s so wonderful. 
5) Favorite Manster?
mm..... hoodude? heath? or.... honestly i do have a huge soft spot in my heart for jackson (even tho he is. a lot. and many of the people i’ve seen who are fans of his are. even more. not everybody tho!!! just. a sad majority....)
6) Do you own any dolls of your favorite ghoul and/or manster? How many?
i own a version of every howleen doll (inlcuding the reboot doll), and it was definitely one of the proudest moments in my collecting, finally having one of each. i have also thrifted at least 3 i think? and i have 2+ repaints of her. i have one heath doll (he was my second/third doll), one jackson that was thrifted, and no hoodude since he was an sdcc exclusive :( but i don’t think hes a great looking doll anyway, like i wasnt expecting hard plastic obviously but i was hoping for more than just a stuffed doll ya feel?
7) Do you own any playsets? If so which one(s)? If not, is there a reason?
i own the school playset (my niece gave it to me when she didnt want it anymore), the catacombs playset (still in box bc i dont have room for it lol), the 13 wishes dj set i guess its called?? and 2 of the fdc playsets. also draculaura’s car and bed, both cleo and frankie’s vanities, and the cam design lab, but idk if any of those count lol 
8) Of the original main ghouls (including Ghoulia, Spectra and Abbey) which is your favorite? Got any dolls of them?
ouch, okay, just make me choose then.... uhhhh i cant really rank them? i guess i would put frankie at the top but shes more default for me than anything else honestly. i dont really care for spectra tho so shes at the bottom whoopsie. also if operetta is also included (which it doesnt say she is but.) then i dont really care for her either tbqh anyway, yea i got several dolls of each lol
9) Favorite character with only one doll release?
off the top of my head im thinkin neighthan, but honestly all of the fusions are good and also all single release doll charas are good. OH i really like cupid too tho and also finnegan 
10) Character with too many dolls (in your opinion?)
spectra. idk i just!!! really dont like her i mean she has nice dolls but i can not make myself care about her. 
11) Any character you would’ve liked to see in a doll line that didn’t make it? (i.e. Lagoona in Sweet Screams or Draculaura in Power Ghouls, etc)
ok. i HATE gil. but i think his design was super good in gsr and i would have loved to see him as a doll. 
12) Any ideas you would’ve liked to see in a doll line?
oh worm ive been thinkin on this for YEARS actually, but get this: “Boogie Fever” - a disco inspired doll line. obv has twyla in it. also what if a line where they were in famous movies - frankie and gooliope in ghostbusters, and then other classics like casablanca and breakfast at tiffanys (i actually hate that movie tbqh but it is a classic) etc 
13) Is there a “grail” MH doll for you? If so do you own it?
mmmmmm pretty much all of the sdcc dolls, but i would love to have the home ick heath some day, since that’s the closest to a sig doll they have for him. i dont have him, but i do have one sdcc exclusive doll (the ghostbusters frankie) 
14) Thoughts on the cancelled Ever After High crossover?
neutral. once upon a time i was excited about it, but honestly i could care less now. part of the problem is that i would want the crossover to go a very specifici way, and part of it is that the eah fans are rabid. 
15) Thoughts on the 2016 reboot faces?
i mean. they are cute! super cute! but. they really arent the monster high i fell in love with, you know?
16) Thoughts on the 2016 “Monster Family” line?
weak. bad. the dolls are cute enough but the line is NOTHING. they didnt even make alivia look like her movie counterpart so like, what was the point. 
17) How bout the SDCC exclusives? What was your favorite? Do you own any?
mmm i LOVE all of the sdcc exclusives but i think the deadfast ghoulia, valentine and whisp, and hexacaiah and robecca are all super good. 
18) How about Amazon exclusives?
ADULT DRACULAURA!!!! god i love her so much she really is so fucking gorgeous and i regret every day that i didnt buy her for like $50 when i got the chance. i do have like 2 of the skelita amazon exclusives tho 
19) Favorite Frankie Stein doll?
im gonna assume for all of these favorite doll questions that the sig look is out for the count bc i love the sigs so much lol. aaaanyway, her classroom look is SUPER cute. also sweet screams 
20) Favorite Draculaura doll?
sweet screams, original dead tired (her pigtails!!! so cute!!!), forbitten love/school’s out, roadster playset, i heart shoes, die-ner, art class (any time she has yellow automatically makes it a good doll), sweet screams, draculocker, monster exchange, maul monsteristas, amazon collector, gsr..... she really has so many amazing dolls 
21) Favorite Clawdeen Wolf doll?
dotd, sweet 1600, ghouls rule, 13 wishes, ghoul sports, fierce rockers
22) Favorite Cleo de Nile doll?
skull shore, student disembodied council, byby, gloom and bloom 
23) Favorite Lagoona Blue doll?
DOTD, school’s out, skull shores, 13 wishes, monster exchange
24) Favorite Ghoulia Yelps doll?
dead tired, dotd, deadfast, skull shores, dot dead gorgeous, scaris, scooter playset , sweet screams 
25) Favorite Spectra Vondergeist doll?
ghoul’s night out, maul monsteristas 
26) Favorite Abbey Bombinable doll?
ihf, sweet screams 
27) Favorite Venus McFlytrapp doll?
zombie shake, ihf, gloom and bloom, fierce rockers 
28) Favorite Rochelle Goyle doll?
DANCE CLASS, swim class, ghoul chat, haunted, fdc 
29) Favorite Operetta doll?
dot dead gorgeous, picture day, fca
30) Favorite Toralei Stripe doll?
ghoul sports, freaky field trip, fdc 
31) Favorite Jinafire Long doll?
gloom and bloom, fdc 
32) Favorite Skelita Calaveras doll?
scarnival, collector, 
33) Favorite Howleen Wolf doll?
HER ORIGINAL SIG WITH THE ORANGE AFRO!!!!! all of them are good tho, that one is just the absolute best without a doubt . 
34) Favorite Twyla Bogeyman doll?
fdc, coffin bean, new scaremester 
35) What do you do with your dolls? (Display them, take photos of them, etc)
i display them! occasionally i take pics, and sometimes i move them around, but they’re usually just displayed 
36) Is Monster High the only doll line you collect? Why or why not?
no, but it was the line that got me into collecting in the first place! i collect barbies, eah, dcshg, lalaloopsy, and so many more. basically, if i see a doll i like, i get it (if i have the funds to obviously). honestly i buy/collect anything i like ya know?
37) Do you still collect Monster High dolls? (i.e. scour the internet and/or secondhand stores?)
mmm... kind of? i thrift them when i see them, but i’m more into ooak dolls now tbqh. there are a few still on my list tho that i would love to buy, fuly complete and all that good stuff. 
38) There’s a lot of new Monster doll/toy lines out now: thoughts if any?
no real thoughts, because i cant think of any monster doll lines out rn? i mean, im sure there are some, i just cant think of them right now
39) And finally, what’s your favorite thing about Monster High? Can be past or present!
uhhhhh everywhere??? threir character designs, lore, the fact that in original preboot canon normies and monsters actually know about each other, the lore, the messages it put out about embracing your freaky flaws and all that. monster high is/was just. such a completely amazing and wonderful series. 
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Draculaura
Volume one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine... and three quarters
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing.
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High.
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to.
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