#oh also there was cross dressing and groom stealing instead of bride stealing
odanurr87 · 3 years
My thoughts on... Hotel del Luna
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From left to right: Pyo Ji-hoon as Ji Hyun-joong; Yeo Jin-goo as Gu Chan-sung; Lee Ji-eun (IU) as Jang Man-wol; Bae Hae-seon as Choi Seo-hee; and Shin Jung-keun as Kim Sun-bi.
Released in 2019, Hotel del Luna was my introduction to the works of the Hong sisters as well as actors Yeo Jin-goo and Lee Ji-eun (IU), and what an introduction it was! The first episode of the show was excellent, giving us a hint of Man-wol’s tragic past that left me wanting to know more, then moving forwards in time to reenact that scene from Beauty and the Beast where Belle’s father is caught trying to steal a rose from Beast’s garden to give to Belle, and finally reaching present day as Man-wol tries to recruit Chan-sung and introduces him, and us, to this world of gods, ghosts, and souls with lingering grudges, that reminded me of the wondrous world of Harry Potter. Everything clicked for me in this episode, from the beautiful cinematography and music to the strong performances, particularly IU’s as Man-wol who knocked it out of the park and, incidentally, has a most impressive wardrobe and an uncanny ability to look amazing in every single one of her outfits. This was a highly promising start for my next modern fantasy show after Goblin and I couldn’t wait for the next episode. But what is this show about and why should you watch it?
Plot synopsis
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21 years ago, Gu Chang-sung’s father cut a deal with the beautiful and mysterious owner of Hotel del Luna, Jang Man-wol, so that she would save his life in exchange for his son. Regretting the deal afterwards, the father left the country with his son hoping to spare him his fate. Believing himself to be safe, Gu Chan-sung has returned to work as assistant manager in one of Korea’s top hotels but Jang Man-wol is intent on collecting on the old debt by having him work in her hotel instead. However, Hotel del Luna is not your typical establishment, as Gu Chan-sung soon finds out, providing a service for souls who need healing or have grudges left to settle before moving on. While initially afraid of the prospect of becoming assistant manager at a hotel that serves ghosts, Gu Chan-sung finds himself intrigued by the challenge and curious about the story of the beautiful owner who runs it.
A magical atmosphere
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Stepping into the world of Hotel del Luna feels like taking the train at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters and attending Hogwarts. In fact, our intrepid hero, Gu Chan-sung, also receives a magical letter welcoming him as Hotel del Luna’s new manager, and while there’s nothing magical about the subway that takes him there Jang Man-wol does use a little magic to ensure their first encounter goes undisturbed. The hotel itself reminded me of Hogwarts, not because it is filled with ghosts and can only be found by them (and the very much alive and fearful human manager), but because of the feeling of perpetual wonder knowing that behind every door lies a new magical mystery waiting to be discovered, be it a room only people who are alive can enter but not exit, the sky lounge, a swimming pool that is actually a beach in some undetermined plane of existence, or a beautiful garden with a magical tree that holds one of the hotel’s biggest secrets. Of course, one should not forget CEO Jang Man-wol (if one wishes to live) who, while certainly a very different character from Albus Dumbledore in terms of personality, always knows more than she’s letting on and is usually in control of any situation, even if the outcome isn’t always the one she anticipates. There is also the wonderful supporting cast in the form of the different incarnations of the deity Ma Go-sin (played by Seo Yi-sook, who looks like she’s having a blast playing the different sides of the goddess), a reserved but diligent Grim Reaper (played by Kang Hong-suk), and the welcoming staff of the hotel, represented by the trio of Kim Sum-bi (the bartender), Choi Seo-hee (the room manager), and Ji Hyun-joong (the hotel receptionist).
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In the same way we cannot divorce Harry Potter from its music, given its distinct signature by that legend that is John Williams, I cannot forego mentioning Hotel del Luna’s mysterious, magical, and ethereal, instrumental soundtrack. Let me take you on a brief musical tour, shall I? Let’s start by taking subway line 4 and going to Hotel del Luna. The receptionist seems to be asleep so why don’t we let ourselves in? Wow, looks like the hotel’s throwing a party, apparently they’re welcoming human guests for the first time in years and the staff is particularly excited about it. That explains how we managed to get in (remember, this is not really a hotel for living, breathing, people). I can see that the bartender is busy receiving food orders and members of the staff are decorating the hall with real flowers. Hey, where’s that kid sneaking off to? Let’s follow him. Oh, that’s the Samdocheon Tunnel, which marks the boundary between this life and the afterlife. The Grim Reaper and the manager are there to bid farewell to one of the hotel’s guests. Apparently, there’s a bridge beyond the tunnel that takes 49 days to cross! I’m not eager to cross it just yet so let’s return to the hotel. Wait, why is there water everywhere? Looks like a water god managed to get past the receptionist (not that difficult when he’s asleep) and the CEO isn’t very happy about it. Yup, she definitely doesn’t look happy. We’d better make our exit before she figures out we shouldn’t be here.
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To complement this excellent instrumental soundtrack, my favourite among all the kdramas I’ve watched to date, there’s an amazing selection of songs by artists like Red Velvet, TAEYEON, Heize, Punch, Chung Ha, and Paul Kim, among many others. IU herself sings an absolutely beautiful song that plays in one of the most highly-anticipated scenes of the show but which, sadly, has not been released. However, just as important as having a great soundtrack is using it well. If you’ve read my reviews of Angel’s Last Mission: Love or Strong Woman Do-Bong Soon, you should have an idea of how much I value using the right music at the right time to convey or accentuate the proper emotions during dramatic, comedic, or romantic scenes. Correct music usage can lead to your soundtrack being memorable, whereas incorrect music usage will surely render it forgettable. Fortunately for us, Hotel del Luna knows precisely when to use its music and how. It knows when levity is called for and when it’s not, when to highlight the wondrous side of magic and when to show its darker side, when to use Heize’s “Can You See My Heart” or Punch’s “Done For Me.” I believe it was John Williams, when talking about the music of the original Star Wars trilogy, who said that he wanted the score to tell the story of what was going on in the screen. I believe Hotel del Luna’s score achieves this feat.
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Another aspect that contributes to the magical atmosphere of the show is, without a doubt, its incredible cinematography (from camera angles, through its beautiful use of lighting and colours) which, combined with its excellent score, can create scenes that are best defined as poetry in motion. I particularly liked how it favoured studio sets for shooting many of its scenes, giving the sensation that we’re watching a superb play that encourages us to send our imagination into overdrive. Even some of the more noticeable VFX work, like the city view from the hotel’s sky lounge plays into the notion that one cannot always tell what’s real and what’s fake in Hotel del Luna, as Man-wol warns Chan-sung that the view from the sky lounge is not from this world, but the fall will kill him just the same (Man-wol being Man-wol). Because I’m not knowledgeable enough to explain the show’s cinematography in technical terms, I’ll leave you with a trailer that captures some aspects of it and, luckily, also showcases Jang Man-wol’s incredible selection of dresses.
A part of a greater whole
In my review of Bring it on, Ghost I mentioned the show followed a certain formula that is often poorly executed in Western shows. There is a main story-arc that encompasses the whole of the show and there are side stories where our protagonists confront the “ghost of the week.” One of the strengths of Bring it on, Ghost lied in how these side stories would sometimes tie into the main story or would be used to expand on a character’s backstory so that they rarely came across as filler. Hotel del Luna executes the same formula with a lot more thought and care, often laying out the groundwork for events later down the episode, what is expected, or even later down the show, what is a bit more impressive. The Hong sisters remain true to their initially-stated intention throughout the show and reinforce this with the aid of these side stories, preparing both Gu Chan-sung and us for the inevitable dénouement of the show. Let me try to illustrate my point by way of an example. I don’t want to give more for fear of completely spoiling the show for you.
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Episode 5 tells the story of a ghost bride whose parents want to give a soul wedding so she will be able to peacefully pass into the afterlife. Unfortunately, the chosen partner for this soul wedding ends up being Gu Chan-sung’s best friend, Sanchez, so while Man-wol goes shopping as Audrey Hepburn with the parents’ black card (our girl has very expensive tastes), Gu Chan-sung tries to figure out a way to spare his terrified friend. After some twists and turns, what is often the case with this show as the truth is not always what it seems, it is revealed that it is actually the groom’s parents who want to marry off the bride so she’ll let go of their son, who’s in a coma. For those who’ve watched Bring it on, Ghost, the parallels with the ghost side story from Episode 10 are fairly evident, as the ghost bride needs to find the strength to let go of the person she loves and she ultimately does so in one of the most beautifully composed scenes of the show. This is one of those “poetry in motion” scenes I was talking about. As the groom runs away in shock and fear, the bride gathers the courage to cut the red string of fate tying them together, under the intent gazes of Gu Chan-sung, dressed as the groom, and Jan Man-wol, dressed as a bride (in red).
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You need a stronger will to let go than to hold on.
This scene is a portent of events yet to come, when the day finally arrives where Chan-sung and Man-wol will also have to part ways. Indeed, several episodes later, the room manager will remind Gu Chan-sung of the words Goddess Ma Go-sin then told the ghost bride, “You need a stronger will to let go than to hold on.” The bride’s selfless act of letting go of the person she loves, breaking free from her earthly tether of her own volition, can be seen as a challenge to Man-wol, whose hatred for the man who betrayed her has been her sole drive for the past 1,300 years but also a curse that has bounded her to the hotel and prevented her from dying. Could she, like the bride, unburden herself by letting go of her hatred? Is it possible for someone with such a long and deep resentment to simply let go? This is a recurring question throughout the show and one that puts her at odds with her increasing desire to protect Gu Chan-sung, as she fears her actions, born of her hatred for the people who wronged her, might end up harming the man she loves.
Side stories such as this one often give us further insight into Man-wol, whether it be a glimpse of her past or challenging her beliefs, making her question herself and her actions, however briefly.
A fairy tale romance
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Man-wol is a tsundere character, both a Beauty and a Beast, who has been nursing a thousand-year-old grudge against the people who betrayed her and consequently filters every human interaction through a lens of cold cynicism, expecting the worst from people. Chan-sung on the other hand, is a proper gentleman, a type of character we don’t often see in kdramas and a natural consequence of his training as a hotel manager. He’s friendly, cultured, well-mannered, kind, clever, and someone who's very much in control of his emotions most of the time. The evolution of the relationship between these two characters is the centrepiece of Hotel del Luna, a breath of fresh air in a landscape that often feels the need to use love triangles, or other polygons, as a shortcut to properly fleshing out the relationship between two characters. While there are elements of a love triangle present, such as expressions of jealousy for the sake of comedy, Hotel del Luna chooses to forego this trope and commit fully to the main characters’ fairy tale-like romance.
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When you tell her you’ve been dreaming about her.
Another trope the Hong sisters mostly dispense with is that of misunderstandings, which are kept to a bare minimum, as Man-wol and Chan-sung are very open with each other regarding their thoughts and feelings, although Man-wol is, understandably, less transparent about her feelings in the beginning. It was incredibly refreshing to witness two characters that could guess each other’s thoughts and were willing to have an open and honest conversation about it rather than to hold back for the sake of drama. Of course, this did become somewhat frustrating for Man-wol (and fun for us) when Chan-sung started gaining more confidence, feeling at ease with Man-wol, and rebuking her selfish or materialistic actions. Their playful banter and bickering throughout the show is, to my mind, a clear indication that they’re comfortable with each other, as strong a sign of the chemistry in their relationship as half a dozen kisses, if not a better one, what is a good thing because those are few and far between. On the other hand, it makes those moments much more valuable and meaningful. The love between Man-wol and Chan-sung comes across in the gestures they make, in their facial expressions, in the words spoken and left unsaid. When Man-wol tries to comfort Chan-sung but doesn’t know how (Video), when she confesses she wants him to stay with her till the end and they share an intimate hug (Video), when Chan-sung breaks down and cries at the thought of not being able to see Man-wol ever again (Video), when the two have a conversation on the balcony under the moonlight (Video)... These are a precious few examples of the beauty, strength, and depth of feeling, of their relationship.
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When the adult catches you in a lie.
While Man-wol is not the same ruthless person she was at the beginning of the show as she is at the end, she still retains some elements or traits of her personality throughout the show (there’s still a little tsun in her dere), as it should be. In one episode Chan-sung is remarking upon how much nicer she has become and she replies, “Gu Chan-sung, you’ve made leaves and flowers grow and have changed me a lot. But you won’t be able to change my core personality. Don’t even expect that.” Even as she says this you can see her looking a little uneasy about something, a little girl about to be caught in a lie by the adult who’s trying to keep her out of trouble. It is thanks to Gu Chan-sung’s patient and enduring love, that protected her from the worst aspects of her own self, that Man-wol is able to let go of her anger, both literally and metaphorically. But Man-wol also deserves praise, as she reciprocates Chan-sung’s love and equally tries to protect him from the dangers of this new world he has entered but most of all from herself, to the point she is willing to renounce her revenge and extinguish her existence to ensure she can never harm the man she loves.
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It should be evident by now that I absolutely love this show and it is, without a doubt, my favourite out of all I’ve watched thus far, including Goblin. This is not to say the show is without flaws. Its almost single-minded focus on the story of Man-wol and Chan-sung has some collateral damage, most notably in the form of a character’s loved one, an event used as a means to highlight the pain experienced by those left behind, anticipating the day when our main protagonists will be forced to part ways. In another case, a poignant encounter for Chan-sung is not properly fleshed out, perhaps intentionally so but it seems like a wasted opportunity. Additionally, the introduction and development of the secondary villain’s arc (Man-wol is both the love interest and the main antagonist) felt a little weak, but is still a functional plot device that leads to some of the show’s best scenes. Finally, there is also the way the Hong sisters handled the riddle of Chan-sung’s dreams, which I may address in a separate post because it has too many spoilers.
If you’re a fan of fantasy dramas like Goblin, there’s simply no reason for me not to recommend this show and, hopefully, I’ve given you a few to persuade you as to why this is such a standout drama and, to my mind, the Hong sisters’ best work to date. It’s even on r/KDRAMA’s banner as one of those must-watch shows. If you do decide to watch it, I advise you to pace yourself so you don’t have to say goodbye to Hotel del Luna’s wonderful family too soon.
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lihikainanea · 4 years
Ok, but what about tiger and billy boy both being drunk as hell and can’t keep their paws off of one another? 🤟🏻
This is like...mmmm, this is the good shit.
So like, look--we’ve had tiger drunk as a skunk at his front door, ready to get freaky. We’ve had drunk Bill, handsy as fuck but genuinely confused and thinking maybe he dreamed up their whole dynamic.
But the two of these idiots, drunk together? Oh my god, the mayhem.
I was on a bit of a wedding kick with these two last summer, only because I had so fucking many to attend (groan) and I kind of low key think this would happen there?
Listen, I will never ever get this image of Bill disco-dancing to September by Earth Wind and Fire out of my mind, while tiger spins around him. I think this is a good base to build off of, because so much can happen here.
Listen, the wedding is late. At least the reception is, because receptions are always late. But Good Dude Bill, he plans ahead because he always has to plan ahead when he has a tiger to take care of, so she’s had a snack and both of them are a little tipsy from his secret flask as they wait for the bride and groom to make their big entrance.
They do, tiger claps for the exact amount of time that is deemed socially respectable, and then she beelines for the bar with Bill hot on her tails. Situations like this--awwwww wait, my heart--they make the big boy nervous. There are so many phones, so many phone cameras, so many social media accounts, god he almost started to hyperventilate the night before just thinking about it all, and how he might appear on someone’s photo or video somewhere and god he hates that shit. Without him knowing, tiger very quietly texted all of their friends and asked them to PLEASE pay special attention and make sure he was not in any of their posts--or else. And tiger’s “or else”? People are very, VERY scared of tiger’s or else.
But it’s a small wedding, close friends only. So tiger bolts it to the bar and Bill arrives just in time to hear it’s a cash bar because their friends suck, and he also arrives just in time to clamp a hand over tiger’s mouth and effectively stop the long string of cuss words that was just on the verge of exploding out.
“You can just open a tab,” Bill tells the bartender, “For me and my delicate flower here.”
Tiger bites him, and Bill grunts.
“No can do,” the bartender says, “I don’t have the computer for it.”
Tiger is literally growling so Bill just takes out his wallet, hands the guy his credit card.
“No problem,” he says with a casual smile, “So can you just go ahead and hold on to this for the night then? Just swipe it every time you see either one of us.”
“That I can do,” the bartender says kindly.
Tiger finally pulls his hand away from her mouth.
“I don’t need you, moneybags, to buy my drinks all night,” she snaps. Bill doesn’t miss a beat.
“And we’ll start off with three martinis, please. Two dirty, one with a twist,” Bill says, but there’s a pleading tone to his voice and the bartender nods in sympathy. Tiger is about to snap again but the bartender shook up the quickest martinis Bill has ever seen and placed them on the bar. Bill promptly slid the two dirty ones tiger’s way, while he held up his one with a twist.
“Cheers kid,” he says. Tiger just deadass looks him in the eyes as she downs a whole one in a single gulp, taking the second one with a huff and stalking off to their table.
She uh, no doubt loosens up a bit over the course of the night--good food, good liquor, her Big Dude being so sweet and looking out for her--that’ll do it. Tiger devours her main dish and Bill knows that when she eats that fast, it’s because she’s still hungry at the end. He not only pushes all the best stuff on his plate to the edge near her so that she can steal it, but on his way to the washroom he slips the waiter a few dollars dollars billz and asks him to bring out another plate. Tiger is elated when a second dish is dropped in front of her, and she polishes off that one just as quickly. She squeezes his thigh softly under the table, looking at him all drunken and lovesick, and thanks him quietly. Bill, knowing she’s happy and fed and feeling good--man, caretaker GOOD DUDE BILL is over the moon.
They dance. They drink (more). The midnight sweet table comes out, and tiger is the first one in line and ready to throw elbows about it. They drink (a lot more). They dance together, a lot more. Man, these two are just completely in their own little world for the entire night, and the both of them just couldn’t be happier. They slow dance, because I’M A SOFF BEAN. Bill holds one of her hands in his, her other one is near his shoulder (because he’s Big Dude) and his other one is wrapped around her waist, her cheek on his chest, both of them giggling and laughing and murmuring to each other and all of their friends are oblivious because that’s just what these two do. Boinking or not, that’s just how they are.
But look, 3AM rolls around and these two? They are sloppy drunk. Tiger’s feet hurt, so Bill gives her a piggy back as they say goodbye to everyone and wait for their cab. She’s still on his back, damn near snoring, when it pulls up. They giggle the whole way, tiger makes some off hand comment that maybe she could go for another snack and Bill is promptly throwing more money at the driver, asking him to go through the nearest McDonald’s drive through. The cab drops them off at Bill’s place and tiger’s feet are still hurting so she limps, but Bill swoops in and scoops her up bridal style, their McDonald’s loot of 6 quarter pounders, 5 fries, 3 apple pies and a Diet Coke in his other hand as he lifts her up and she just keeps laying big sloppy kisses on his face.
And god it’s so giggly isn’t it? He sets them up on the bed. Tiger is throwing her dress off the minute she’s in his stairwell, and he brings her a little make up wipe from the stash that he keeps on hand for her. He’s in his boxers a second later, she flings her bra off with such vigour that it almost ends up on his ceiling fan again. There’s no doubt a little impromptu make-out session right there in bed--Bill goes to pull one of his shirts over tiger’s head so she doesn’t get cold, but tiger is total mush and drunk and pulls him down for drunk kisses. It gets out of hand like it always does, Bill laughs into it when he feels tiger start to giggle, and she whines that her cheeseburger is getting cold.
FUCK MY HEART these two idiots they just sit there, cross legged on the bed, devouring their food. They talk about nothing and everything. Tiger gets the giggles at one point over absolutely nothing, which in turn gives Bill the giggles and it’s just this mess of sappy kisses, love-drunk looks, both of them in complete comfort right there half naked, full on drunk, bathed in the moonlight of the early morning.
Tiger wants sex. Tiger always wants sex because god, Bill is just so incredibly perfect. He’s kind. He’s aggravatingly handsome. He takes care of her. He smells incredible. And in the soft moonlight when he smiles that little lopsided grin at her and swipes some ketchup from the corner of her mouth, licks it off her thumb--tiger is done for. She pounces, knocking his fries out of his hand and Bill just goes with it.
But like--he’s drunk. He’s quite drunk.  Tiger can’t stop giggling into his chest and while he has a total love boner for her, his actual biology is just like...dead to the world. He’s embarassed, but tiger’s good-natured laugh could just cure anything in the world for him. She asks for cuddles instead--some belly rubs and pats, because she polished off those fries--and these two drunk idiots just fall asleep completely tangled in each other, every limb around the other, and they wake up that stuck together too.
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sczrhead · 4 years
Feel the Weight
The sound of the wedding march rings through Draco’s ears. He breathes in deep and squeezes Pansy's hand. 
“You okay?” she whispered and squeezed his hand back.
Draco nods and takes one more deep breath. He closes his eyes and focuses on grounding himself. The sound of the doors opening and the guests gasps fill his ears and it seems hearing is the only sense that works anymore. Slowly, still tightly holding Pansy’s hand, Draco opened his eyes and looked at Harry. 
It looked like he put effort into making his curls presentable but they were still a little messy. He looked so cleaned up and he could steal hearts with just one glance. Draco searched his memory trying to think of a time when Harry looked as dashing as he did tonight, on his wedding night. Draco has seen him in dress robes before of course, the Yule Ball, the funerals, oh god all the funerals. 
It’s how the two of them fell into sync with one another. The two men both crushed, unfeeling, needing something to fill the gaping wounds in their chests that the war had left. And so they did. They filled the holes in the other’s chest while curling around each other. Soft kisses on naked bodies. Pale skin sticking to tan. Always in the dark, in a muggle hotel room, in the back of a muggle bar, where no one would recognize either of them. The Savior of the Wizarding World and the Death Eater that lost it all, both finding a way to heal within each other. 
One night, Draco couldn’t remember just how long he had been seeing Harry in secret, they had just finished another magical night and now they were holding each other, cradling their lover as if they could protect each other from the outside world. As if, if they could pull each other as close as possible all that would matter would become that night, and the world would just stop existing. It would stop asking and taking so so much from the two of them. 
Draco leaned down and gave Harry a soft kiss on his forehead. Harry, his green eyes boring into Draco’s, full of love, and adventure, and curiosity. 
“What is it?” Draco whispered. He could read Harry like a book and he stared when he was trying to figure out how to say something. 
“Do you love me?”
Draco stopped breathing. He was so unsure of how to answer that. He knew what the answer was, but is it fair for him to say it?
“Draco,” Harry started, sitting up, and pulling Draco up with him, “Draco, if you tell me you love me right now. If you, if you tell me that I am what you want I’ll leave her. I’ll leave Ginny. The only reason I haven’t is because I don’t know what you want. Do you want to be with me? Or am I just someone to fuck on the side?” Harry stared at Draco. 
A car drove by, headlights shining through the hotel window, lighting up Harry’s wet face, and then Draco’s. Draco kept every thought and feeling off of his own face, he couldn’t give himself away. 
Draco did love Harry. He loved him more than anyone he has ever loved before, and he knew Harry loved him. One of the first few nights they spent together Harry said it. Draco could never say it back. He still couldn’t. Draco knew that he wasn’t what Harry deserved. He deserved someone that he could love openly, in the light. He deserved someone that didn’t need to be hid away. Harry Potter did not deserve to fall in love with Draco Malfoy, and Draco would not let him. 
“No, I don’t love you,” Draco stated, all emotion drained from his voice. He got up from the bed and started pulling on his clothes. “Harry, we shouldn’t do this anymore. It’s not fair to you or Ginny. I have to go.”
Once he finished putting on his clothes Draco crossed the room they rented out. The soft sob coming from his ex lover’s lips almost made him turn around, but he didn't, he didn't even give Harry another glance
That night Draco left Harry’s life as a lover but remained as a distant friend. And that is why he was here today. At the wedding for the man he loved and the woman he deserved. 
Draco turned to look at Ginny, who was coming through the doors in her lovely white gown. It was exactly what you would expect from her. Nothing frilly or too dazzling, but in spite of that it was stunning, and it turned heads. The silhouette fit her body like a glove, the dress fanning out just at her hips. Ginny looked radiant. And Draco, clutching Pansy’s hand tighter and tighter, couldn’t breathe. 
Throughout the whole ceremony Draco stared at Harry. God how he wished he was standing where Ginny was standing, receiving vows that Harry wrote just for him. Draco could almost laugh thinking of how their wedding could have been. Harry would look as charming as he did today, and Draco, well he wouldn't have started the day off on the floor.
Trying to distance himself from the ceremony so he wouldn't break, Draco began to think of the morning’s events.
“Draco?” Pansy called softly, accompanied with a couple knocks on his hotel door.
He couldn't get up from the floor. The night before he drank, and drank, and drank. It wasn't too much more than what he had been drinking lately, but it was enough where he couldn't find the strength to push himself up off the floor.
He heard the door open and he remembered he gave Pansy his spare key in case he didn't get up in time and needed a wake up call. Draco knew he needed one desperately, but not exactly the one he requested from her last night. 
“Oh my god, Draco!” yelled Pansy, and she rushed quickly to his side, “Draco! Are you okay?” She brushed his hair out of his face and attempted to sit him up.
“Yeah, will you help me cut my hair?” Draco mumbled, trying to pull himself together but also starting to fall back down.
“Draco, what? Why do you want to cut your hair? That's the least of your worries right now.”
“Pans, I look like him. I look too much like him and I can't show up to Harry’s wedding looking like Lucius. I want to be me. For him.” Draco said firmly, tears building in his eyes. If he broke down now, he knew Pansy would help him, but that didn't stop him from holding back.
She sighed and brushed a couple strands of Draco’s hair that fell back into his face away, “Okay hun, but first we gotta get you looking better. I think I packed a little bit of Pepper-Up in case I got a little too crazy tonight,” she smiled slightly at Draco, “I think you need it a bit more. Stay here I'll be back.” 
Draco nodded and leaned up against the foot of the bed, he let his head hang between his knees, wishing that he didn't push Harry away. He felt like the weight of all of his decisions were crushing him, and today was going to prove how permanent some decisions can be. Draco was a broken man, and right when healing was in his grasp, he threw it all away.
The sounds of applause and yelling tore Draco from his memories. He looked up and saw Harry and Ginny kissing, sealing the marriage that Draco pushed for. After the applause died down and the last shout of congratulations was heard, some official for their wedding began ushering the guests out to line up and throw the flower seeds on the ground when the bride and groom came out. 
On the way out, Draco risked a look behind his shoulder to see the bridal party beginning to line up in poses for the ceremony pictures and Harry. It took Draco a moment to bring his eyes to him but when he did he was met with green eyes staring just as intently back at him. Draco gave Harry a small smile and a thumbs up as an offering of congratulations. As far as he knew, Draco was completely happy with the choices he made. 
When everyone was outside of the building they were all lined up from the door to the car that the couple was going to take to the reception. Pansy pulled Draco to her side and kept a firm grip on his hand. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and squeezed her hand once more. Draco had no idea how he would've gotten through the ceremony or the rest of the night without Pansy by his side. 
Before they knew it Ginny and Harry we're rushing out the doors, grinning as wide as possible. They looked so happy. For a moment, just a moment, Draco considered telling her and ruining this day for her. He wanted to tell her of all the nights he held Harry when he was supposed to be working late, but he knew that wouldn’t end well for any of the parties involved. So instead he clapped, smiled, and threw the seeds when they ran in front of him, and then watched as they got into their car. The guests then started to leave and head to their cars so they could find their way to the reception. 
When everyone had thinned out and he felt no one would notice Draco turned to Pansy, “I feel sick, Pans,” he said, fighting hard to hold back a mixture of nausea and sadness. 
“I know,” she began nodding, “Come on, we don’t have to stay long. We can just show up for an hour or two and then we can leave. Just, keep your composure Draco. Please don’t go straight for the drinks.” He nodded and Pansy smiled, “I love you, let’s go”
Draco heaved a sigh and followed behind her into her car. 
They had already been there for an hour and a half and Draco was getting more and more exhausted from watching Harry dance around with his new bride and his friends, but he would look over at Pansy, laughing and spinning with anyone and everyone and he decided that they won’t leave until she is ready. Smiling a bit at watching his friend so happy, he turned his gaze back to where he last saw Harry while taking a sip of his drink. When he saw that Harry wasn’t there he looked all over the dance floor for curls bouncing to the beat of the too loud music, but he couldn’t find them anywhere. Draco decided to shrug it off and thought Harry was in the bathroom until he sat down right in front of him. 
One look at his flushed face Draco knew he overdid it a little too much with the alcohol. He chuckled a bit thinking back to Pansy being worried about him getting a little lost in the drinks. 
“Hello Harry, congratulations on your marriage,” Draco said, a little louder than he would have usually due to the noise making it impossible to even have a conversation. 
Harry smiled and reached his hand across the table to grasp Draco’s. Draco took a deep breath in and quickly looked up at Harry. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t want this, all Draco wanted was to hold and be held by Harry, but even right now, it feels wrong. He feels like this should be hidden somewhere, not so open where people could see. 
“Draco,” Harry quickly cut him off, “I know, that this seems like something that is unchanging and permanent, but if you tell me now, or ten, or fifty years in the future that you love me,” he paused and stared into Draco’s eyes, “I will be yours.”
Draco nodded solemnly, “I know Harry, but I can't love you. If you were to be seen with me your reputation would be ruined. I can see the headlines now, and especially if you were to leave Ginny. Harry, I'm sorry, it's just not in the cards for us.”
Harry looked down at their hands and gave Draco’s one more squeeze, “Nice haircut by the way, I've always liked your hair short,” he stood and walked away, back to the dance floor.
Draco put one hand up to his hair and brushed his fingers through it, he decided he was never going to let it get long again. 
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you can ebb and i can flow (and we’ll take it slow)
Single Parents fanfic, Will x Angie. No warnings apply, also on AO3.
Fictober #19, “Yes, I admit it, you were right.” + this ask from @outfieldlove​
After the last of the wedding stragglers left--it was them, of course, just the five of them in the Winebrary reluctant to begin their childless summers--Poppy closed the shop for the night. 
“You wanna go back up and look at the stars some more?”
Angie was comfortably tipsy, leaning on Will a little as they walked to his car. She blamed the party buzz for the extra time it took her to realize she’d left her coat inside. 
How did she leave wearing a chicken hat but forget her coat? One day without Graham and she was already losing her mind.
“Sure,” Will agreed. “Hey, where are you--”
Angie froze a few feet away from his car, then gestured toward Poppy’s business. “I left my coat in there, and now I can’t go get it.”
“Because Poppy and Douglas are still in there, and now they’re in there alone, and it’s probably weird because it was Ron’s wedding but this is like...their first date. I don’t want to interrupt that. I want to stay out of that.”
“Okay, but you also said you want to hang out under the stars. It’s going to be chilly up there, Angie. It’s nighttime.”
“What am I, five? I’ll be fine. Let’s just go.”
“Do I have to remind you that I am an actual weatherman on KZOP?”
“Never,” Angie muttered, while Will continued talking over her. “You never have to remind me. Please stop reminding me.”
“I would be remiss if I did not point out that you’re looking at lows of sixty-two degrees tonight, and it will feel even colder up there because of the wind.”
“It gets cold when the sun goes down. Got it. Come on, Will!”
The drive wasn’t long, and the spot overlooking LA was peaceful, especially without the rustling of Ratso’s drive through bags. Angie gave up looking for a comfortable position on the hood of Will’s car and laid down flat, staring up at the stars. 
It would probably make her dizzy from that angle if she were still tipsy, but instead it was nice. 
Will didn’t waste time like she did, laying half on his side so he could see both the stars and her, as though he were waiting for her to speak.
Which she did, so maybe that wasn’t surprising.
“That was weird, huh?” 
“The wedding.”
“Because it was at a Winebrary, or because they’re taking Rory on the honeymoon?”
“Yeah, both. But no, I meant, it was weird being at their wedding when we barely know them. Weddings are weird enough when you care about the bride or the groom, but Ron’s just...that guy Poppy’s better off without, and I don’t even know his fiance.”
“I guess that was weird.” Will was quiet for a minute. “I thought you were gonna say Douglas and Poppy getting together.”
“Oh, that. Nah, I knew about that. I told you--well, I sort of did.”
“You did not.”
“I did too! You wanted to know who she was dating, and I almost told you about Douglas. But I didn’t, I thought it wasn’t happening.”
“Right, right. I remember.” Will shifted onto his back, his shoulder touching hers.
“It’s not that weird, is it? Them together? I think they’re kind of cute. I want Poppy to be happy.”
“Me too,” he agreed. “They’re just...so different. Y’know? Their politics, their parenting styles, he’s like twice as tall as she is.”
“Well, we all have different politics. And parenting styles. I think it’s good, we bring our own stuff to the table and meet in the middle. It makes us better.”
“Yeah, as a modern village.”
Angie elbowed him for using that word. He’d expected worse.
“But we’re not dating.”
Will’s words lingered in the air before he heard how they sounded and rushed to overcorrect.
“The five of us, I mean! All of us, parents. Not you and me. Our whole...tribe.”
He wasn’t sure how much of a difference there really was between tribe and village, but Angie didn’t say anything about what a nerd he was.
She sat up instead, rubbing her arms. “Your car does not make a warm hangout spot, man, I gotta say.”
“A little.”
“I tried to tell you. You had a perfectly good coat!”
Angie sighed, her reluctant words pulled from deep down. “Yes, I admit it, you were right.”
“Wow. That must have been hard for you.”
“Shut up.”
Will covered his laugh with a cough. “Next time, will you listen to my weather advice?”
“Probably not. Give me your shirt.”
He sat up, torn between startled and offended. “No!”
“You’ve got three layers on, Will, including that flannel, and I am sitting in the dark and windy Los Angeles night, wearing just this one long-sleeved shirt. Are you really going to be so selfish as to leave me shivering here? What happened to chivalry? What happened to friendship?”
“What happened to the jacket you could’ve brought with you?” Will retorted. 
He was already shrugging his coat off. 
Angie flinched in the doorway and responded with a hand gesture that frankly, Will found both rude and unnecessary. But he knew her well enough to know all she meant by it was ‘take it down a notch please.’ 
He patted her on the shoulder as he entered, a silent apology. 
“How’s Graham?”
“Yeah, that sounds about right. It sucks to be sick at his age.”
“It sucks to be sick in general,” Angie countered. “It sucks to be his mom when he’s sick at this age.”
She looked better than she had two days ago when he came by to help with the laundry and some food prep. She was wearing normal clothes today, and managed to brush her hair. 
Despite the D’Amato family’s collective whining--that thought made him smile a little--Will gave them three more days before Graham was back in the carpool. 
“I brought the forms you need to fill out, and I can watch him for a couple hours if you want a break. Get some fresh air, maybe buy your own groceries? Whatever helps.”
Angie took a deep breath, sighed it back out. When she opened her eyes, she narrowed them at Will.
Graham might be on the mend, but she was clearly off her game if it took her this long to notice.
“Will Cooper, what are you wearing?”
He snuck a look down before he answered, hit with the sudden inexplicable worry that maybe he forgot pants. 
Nope, fully dressed from head to toe. 
Angie’s reply held as much patience as she could manage at 8 a.m. on day five of having Graham home sick. It was the same voice she’d directed at Graham when he wanted to make his own breakfast before Will showed up. 
“Yes, but whose clothes?”
Frowning, Will checked more thoroughly this time. Shoes, socks, pants, shirt, flannel. Whose clothes, he scoffed silently. He was wearing them, wasn’t he? He’d sorted the laundry himself. 
“Angie, what are you talking about? I’m wearing my clothes. These are men’s clothes!” 
It had been a rough week for her, he thought, not without sympathy. She was barely sleeping with Graham awake all night. Anybody could have an off day. Why that off day needed to include mocking his wardrobe was beyond him--but this was Angie. That wasn’t exactly unusual for her.
“Close,” she said. “Those are almost men’s clothes. That flannel shirt is mine.”
“I-it’s--” Will sputtered long enough to feel ridiculous, then gave up. It was an easy thing to check. 
Angie bit down on what she was thinking while he pulled off the flannel and reached for the tag.
Will only looked mildly defeated as he handed it over. 
“Okay, so I was wearing a women’s XL. Big deal. I’m very secure in my masculinity.”
“Sure you are. You still stole my shirt.”
“I didn’t steal it! I borrowed it, accidentally. And only because I did your laundry, you know.”
Through the heavy exhaustion of the last week, and the amusement that was brightening her morning, Angie finally cracked a smile. “Yeah, I know. Did I remember to thank you for that?”
“No, you did not.”
“Well, thanks.”
She made a face as she pulled the shirt on over her sick-day outfit. “Jeez, it’s so warm!”
“Nobody said you had to put it on. Wear one of your twenty other flannel shirts.”
Angie frowned. “No. It’s kinda nice once you get used to it.”
There was a beat of silence while Will looked at Angie looking at him, wearing the shirt that he’d been pretty happy thinking was his five minutes ago.
That was happening more this year--the silence, not just Will losing his shirts. 
Angie broke first. 
“Want to stay for breakfast?” 
“Hey, like I said, you’ve got me for two hours. If you want to spend that time making me breakfast instead of enjoying a world free of vomiting, that is your prerogative.”
“Eh, I can go out after breakfast.” She sat down and crossed her arms. “Which I never said I would cook.”
“Fine, I’ll make breakfast. Did Graham eat yet?”
“Not yet. He might be able to handle some toast.”
“Gotcha.” Will started pulling things out of her cupboards. “Toast and...waffles?” 
 Angie hugged her red flannel a little tighter. It was like fresh out of the dryer. Cozy.
“Waffles would be good.”
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miss-tc-nova · 6 years
We Don’t Talk Anymore - Jumin Han x Fem!Reader x Zen Pt 4 (Final)
I almost did this whole story the other way around, being with Zen instead of Jumin, but I liked it this way and decided I would write the other way later IF I felt up to it, but i don’t think it’ll work. Still, I’ve learned that I can’t write anything short to save my life so that’s why there’s too many parts to this. Sorry!
                The weeks with Jumin are rough but the wedding is still on. We’re excellent at hiding our troubles from the public, despite reports begging to know what happened between me and Zen. We manage to downplay the event as a misunderstanding, trying to do as little damage as possible to either side. Zen also plays the same way, going as far as sending a bouquet of flowers as an apology. Publically, I accept them and thanked the actor; privately, my husband watches me throw them away after cutting them to pieces. Part of me is angry at what he’d done to me and my relationship with Jumin and part of me feels horrible about the things I’d done to him. I’m in turmoil over the whole thing.
                “_____, you look beautiful,” Jaehee hums.
                I smile at her. “I hope so. I couldn’t find a single dress I liked, so I had to make this one myself.”
                “You must add this to your portfolio for the business,” she replies.
                “Of course!” I laugh, running my hands through my hair. “How’s Jumin doing?”
                “Surprisingly calm.”
                “That’s good.”
                “Please excuse me. I have to go check on the decorations and the food arrangements.”
                I take her wrist. “Thanks again, Jaehee. This wedding could not have happened with you and your amazing planning skills.”
                She beams at me. “Mr. Han may be my boss, but you are my best friend, _____. Obviously I had to make this wedding perfect.”
                “Thank you.”
                She leaves to finish the final preparations while I finish getting ready for the ceremony. There’s a brief knock.
                “Come in,” I call. I wish I hadn’t because in comes the source of all my pre-marital marital problems. Turning, I glare at him. “What are you doing here?”
                “You invited me,” he replies calmly, closing the door behind him. “At least I assume it was you because I doubt your soon-to-be husband would invite me after what happened at the party.” He had me there. “But wow. You look amazing; just as a bride should.”
                This time, Zen’s clearly sober, whether he wanted to be or not. His eyes are clear and, while he holds a lot of emotion for me, I feel less threatened. Instead, his expression is soft, even offering me a friendly face. Still, he leads the next statement warily.
                “I just came to get some stuff off my chest but not like last time.” He scratches at the back of his head. “Can I...can I ask why you left me? All those years ago.”
                Guilt returns. Until now, I had kept my reasons to myself, assuming it best that Zen blames me for us not working rather than himself or his work. But right now, it feels so right that he should know.
                “I left so you could become a famous actor.”
                “What? _____, I was already on my way to becoming a famous actor when we were dating.” Of course he doesn’t believe me.
                “Actually, you were on your way to becoming a washed up actor. Let’s face it, Zen. When I was around, you couldn’t focus. You lost at least three major opportunities because of me.”
                “Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t get more serious about acting after I left?” I demand of him.
                For a moment, Zen does look me in the eyes, but when he talks again, he looks away. “You’re right. It was the only way to distract myself from what happened. Still, couldn’t we have been friends?”
                “Not then. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have tried getting me back if we kept in touch, and I couldn’t have guaranteed I would say no if you asked. I’m sorry, Zen.”
                Neither of us says a thing or even looks at each other, the tension building. Finally, he heaves a sigh. “I suppose already know the answer but I have to ask.”
                He rips my attention to him simply by taking my hand. The craving is back in his eyes and he’s practically begging, but his voice keeps steady and soft.
                “I still love you, _____. I spent a lot of time imagining our reunion; sweeping you off your feet like a princess like I used to. Kissing you until you give in and I take you to my room and-” He cuts himself short, his grip on my hand loosening. “I love you, _____.  Will you run away with me?”
                My heart stutters. This was the Zen I had fallen in love with, a mix of fiercely passionate and heavenly sweet. Still, we both know the answer.
                “I’m sorry,” I reply without missing a beat. “We met too early for us to have ever worked and I love Jumin, more than I ever loved you.”
                He laughs. “That’s rude.”
                I shrug. “Sorry, but he found me after I destroyed myself for what I did to you. Even though he had no idea how emotions worked, he managed to piece me back together and loved me every step of the way. You were my first love but he’s the love of my life.”
                Zen places a hand behind my head, tilting it forward. To my surprise, his lips graze my forehead. “Then I wish you all the happiness in world.” His words are followed by a tight hug.
                There’s a knock and the door opens. Jaehee pokes her head in. “_____, are you-...Zen? What are you doing here?” Her tense posture puts her on guard of him despite the fact she adores him.
                “I just came to give the bride my best wishes,” he replies.
                Her eyes dart between us. “Very well, but I must ask you to leave and find your seat now. The ceremony is about to start.”
                “Oh. Alright.” Zen looks back at me. He finally seems at peace. “Enjoy the moment. You deserve every bit of it.”
                “Thank you, Zen.”
                Jaehee ushers him out and then takes me towards the entrance to the room the ceremony is being held. When it’s my turn to walk out, the audience stands. Looking across the room, I see Jumin. His shock is highlighted by the blush creeping across his face. I can’t help but smile, hiding a bit behind my bouquet. Every moment with Jumin and every reason I loved him goes through my head. Without a doubt, I know I’ve made the right choice.
                The ceremony rolls along and we stand as Mr. and Mrs. Han. Our friends and family line up to congratulate us. Before the line ends, Zen greets us. I feel Jumin’s grip around my hand tighten.
                “Congratulations, Jumin,” Zen offers, holding his hand out. “You’ve married a wonderful woman.”
                The response is half-snarled, “What are you doing here, Zen?”
                “Jumin, I invited him,” I answer.
                Zen speaks up, “Don’t be too harsh on her, Jumin. I did come with the intention of stealing your beautiful bride away but she turned me down. Twice now.”
                “Zen!” I hiss.
                “What? Doesn’t he deserve to know that you chose him over me?” laughs the man.
                Jumin’s so tense, glaring at Zen as if he might attack the actor at any instant. “I know. I know that she will pick me every time...so that she can protect you.”
                “Jumin, wait-”
                “Mr. Han.” All three of us turn towards the wedding coordinator. She holds out her phone. “I think you need to see this.”
                He takes the device from her to watch whatever she’s offering. “Will you run away with me?”
                “Jaehee!” I barely keep myself from shouting. The woman doesn’t even seem fazed by my shouting or guilty at her spying on me and Zen. I watch Jumin with horror as our conversation is played out before him. I know what I said but I don’t know how he’ll react to me being alone with Zen.
                Once the video is over, Jumin closes the phone and returns it to his assistant before turning to me.
                “The love of your life, hm?” his deep voice rumbles. My gaze drops; I have no response to his scepticism. “Thank god.” I look up at Jumin and I know that all of the tension between us is gone. The kiss is more passionate than the kiss we shared in our ceremony. When we break apart, I look to Jaehee.
                “You were spying on us? Did you not trust me or something?” I accuse, still smiling.
                She shrugs. “I don’t know what I was going to see but it’s always good to have evidence.”
                “Thanks Jaehee,” I giggle.
                “No problem.” Her eyes pass me. “Please excuse me.”
                “Feel better now?” Zen asks the groom.
                “Significantly,” he responds.
                “Good. Now I didn’t bring you a wedding gift but perhaps I can let you in on a little secret,” Zen continues, addressing Jumin. He leans in, whispering into his ear.
                Suddenly, I can feel my heart pounding. A smirk crosses the heir’s lips, Jumin’s darker side creeping at the edges.
                “I see. I will have to test that theory. Thank you, Zen.”
                “No problem. Congrats again.” Zen steps closer to me. “Congratulations _____.”
                I wrap the man in a hug. “Thank you.”
                Zen makes his way through the crowd to mingle among the attendees. Curiosity gets the better of me and I peek up at Jumin who’s still wearing traces of the darkness.
                “What did he say to you?”
                “He told me that you enjoy collars.” I can feel my skin start to burn, especially in my ears. “I think it would be fun if it had a bell.”
                “I will have to make sure to buy one before we leave for our honeymoon.”
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fourtrisheafanfic · 6 years
UNCLOAKED: Chapter 4
Also on Ao3: (X)
Start of story on Tumblr: (X)
Rating: Mature
Chapter Summary: Jon and Daenerys unite as husband and wife…in more ways than one. This chapter is fluff and smut. Enjoy!
CHAPTER 4: The Secret Wedding
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Author’s Note: I had so much fun with the JONERYS VALENTINES prompts that week…and I didn’t think I would make it..but I did!  I posted 7 for 7!  Check out these jonerys works, I love them all. Also, there are so many beautiful works (fics, art, collections of images) that were shared. Just search #jonerysvalentines on Tumblr.
Day 1 - - Feb. 14: Dark!Jon or Dark!Dany (Money Well Spent)
Day 2 - - Feb 15: Fairy tales (The Big Bad Wolf)
Day 3 - - Feb. 16: Oh, No! We’re Forced to Share this Bed!  (One Bed, Two People)
Day 4 - - Feb. 17: Public Sex (Dust of Snow)
Day 5 - - Feb. 18: Pregnant Dany (Insatiable and Pregnant)
Day 6 - - Feb. 19: Forbidden Love (Not Good Enough)
Day 7 - - Feb. 20: FREE CHOICE (Money Can’t Buy Me Love)
CHAPTER 4: The Secret Wedding
Walking quietly through the halls of Winterfell, the small party stops to ensure the change of guards Sansa and Davos orchestrated is still in place. With Sansa at the front of the group she glides with a sense of purpose as she leads Jon and a few members of their wedding party with ease. Jon would think she wasn’t nervous, if he hadn’t noticed that her hands are trembling anxiously.
Sansa is very happy that her brother has found love and is getting married, but she is well aware that the Northerners will not be thrilled about this secret union. Even worse than Jon having bent the knee, will be the assumption that he was foolishly seduced into doing so.
Sansa has spent the last few months listening to the gripes and grumbles of the Northern lords. They have proven themselves to be very fickle when it comes to the leadership of their King and now even more so with the Dragon Queen present. She is concerned how they will perceive this union, especially as it will have been a secret.
As Jon trudges through the halls he begins to question his insistence in marrying at the Weirwood tree. He would be just as married to his queen had the ceremony taken place in the study by Daenerys’s chambers. They probably would have been married already instead of sneaking through the halls of Winterfell.
Deciding to make the secret walk in two waves, to avoid larger problems that would occur at both Jon and Dany being caught together sneaking through Winterfell and towards the Godswood. It would be too much to explain, so they split their party in two. Jon despised the idea of leaving Daenerys behind but in the end was convinced it was necessary. Walking with Jon is Sansa, Davos, Sam, and Missandei. Jon insisted that Arya stay behind and stay by Dany’s side at all times.
Words were not needed as Jon asked his youngest sister to stay with the queen. Her face expressed that she understood, she would kill anyone that tried to harm his bride.
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Standing in front of the Weirwood tree Jon faces Sam, purposely looking away from the direction in which Daenerys will be coming from. Feeling nervous, he wants to concentrate on his friend for a moment. The dawn is approaching, the sun will be rising soon enough. Jon finally smiles, he hopes that the soft glow of the rising sun will smile upon the exchange of their vows.
Sam is anxiously reviewing his notes, he seems more nervous than the groom is. Jon smiles at his closest friend, happy that Sam will be the one to perform the ceremony. Sam frowns suddenly, he seems to be lost in deep thought.
“Sam, are you ready? You seem distracted,” Jon says quietly, hoping that all will go as planned.
Sam smiles broadly, although seeming a little wistful. “I was just thinking of my father, if he could see now... Performing this union I mean.”
Jon stiffens, remembering that Sam had taken the news of the death of his father and brother exceptionally well. But now Jon is second guessing his choice to request Sam marry them. Maybe Jon had asked too much of his closest friend. It was Daenerys, who made the decision during battle to have Drogon enforce her stance of power, which resulted in Sam’s father and brother being burned alive.
“Sam….” Jon begins.
Realization crosses Sam’s face as his eyes widen. “Oh Jon, you misunderstand. I meant what I said earlier, I bare no ill will towards the queen. It is a war, and she offered them a choice. My father made his decision and my brother, who was also a grown man, then choose to follow our father to his death. After you and I spoke, I actually spoke with Tyrion in great detail about what was said and how it happened.”
Sam shrugs his shoulders, the hurt evident in his features. “It was hard to hear that my father, even until the very last moment, wanted Dickon to choose live. I say that because this is the same man that threatened to have me killed in a hunt had I not given up my birthright as he demanded of me…” Sam’s voice trails off. “Well, it is what it is. If anything, I struggle with the ability to feel forgiveness for my father, even in his death.”
Relieved that Sam is not harboring ill will towards Daenerys, Jon can only nod. Having known Sam for many years, and knowing the man he has become now, Jon can see the maturity the years have brought him. Jon remembers the young man Sam was as he shared the story of what type of man his father had been. His father sounded despicable, even until the very end. Old man Tarly’s loyalty to Cersei would have come to a head with Jon’s mission at one point or another.  
“It is hard to make peace, especially when they are gone,” Jon admits softly, his mind straying to his father. Actually, his uncle Ned. Jon has had to put those emotions in the back of his mind as he needed to focus on the living, and the life he desires with his queen.
Jon is still not at peace with the lies that Ned surrounded him with throughout his life. Logically, Jon recognizes the inclination of his uncle to honor Lyanna’s dying wish. But at some point, after Jon had repeatedly asked his father so many times about his own mother, he wishes that his uncle could have at least told him the truth. Even if he had only told Jon, and no one else.
The last time Jon saw Ned Stark was as a young man, leaving his home so that he could join the Night’s Watch. Even then, Ned couldn’t tell Jon the truth about his parentage.
Of course he could have. Ned made the choice not to.
Had I known my true lineage, then I would have known that the Dragon Queen was indeed my aunt from the first moment I saw her. My heart possibly not opening to her the way a man loves a woman.
Instead Daenerys is the woman I will marry, she is meant to be my wife and me her husband.
“Jon, it’s time,” Sansa whispers excitedly and nods her head for Jon to look behind him. Sansa’s words interrupting Jon’s thoughts. Arya is standing beside her, grinning. “Daenerys will be escorted in by Tyrion for the marriage ceremony and everyone else is ready to begin.”
Jon steals a quick glance, all of the people him and Dany wanted to be present are standing and ready to witness their union. Smiling Jon turns to give Sansa and Arya a quick hug each.
“I’m sorry about Bran… I tried,” Sansa begins. “He didn’t look at all surprised this wedding was going to take place. But he insisted that he needed his rest.”
Arya scowls but manages to remain quiet. Not understanding how their younger brother could miss this. How the boy he once was, would be okay with skipping the wedding of Jon to the woman he loves.
“It is okay, I am trying to come to terms with how things work for Bran now. This moment is about my joining together with Daenerys. I am just glad my sisters can be with me right now,” Jon says thankfully. “Having you both here, is really important to me. So thank you.”
Arya and Sansa move to take their place, standing and ready to watch Jon take Daenerys Targaryen as his wife. Jon faces Sam while moving to stand beside his best friend.
It is then that Tyrion and Daenerys appear, walking towards the Weirwood tree, walking towards Jon.
Although Jon has already seen her dress, and he is pleased the stain was indeed barely noticeable, watching his beloved approach sends a thrill throughout Jon’s body. She is here, and she is his. Jon’s heart aches with joy and excitement.
“She is a vision, Jon,” Sam whispers to his friend. “I’m happy for you, brother.”
Jon can’t look away from her, the sun’s gentle glow lighting her beautiful features, the perfect dress and the happiness he sees reflected in her face. She loves him, and everyone can see it.
As Tyrion and Daenerys walk further into the Godswood, her eyes beam with pleasure at seeing her handsome groom. Jon is waiting alongside Sam, while their guests form an aisle.
Sam walks forward. “Who comes before the Old Gods this dawn?”
“Daenerys of House Targaryen comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?” Tyrion says, his eyes shining brightly at the King of the North.
Jon steps forward, standing directly in front of Dany. Their eyes lock, both unable to turn away. She longs to be in his arms, moving even closer as their faces are now only inches apart. Their bodies leaning into the other.
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(Image credit: Original edit made by Tumblr user @jonerystargaryensfan  I made the image a little darker to reflect the early dawn – check out her awesome work, so many jonerys edits)
Tyrion finally clears his throat, signaling for Jon to speak.
“Jon Snow, King of the North. Who gives her?” he asks quietly, still staring into his bride’s beautiful face.
“Tyrion of House Lannister, and Hand to the queen.” With that Tyrion steps back to stand by Jorah, who is stone faced while his eyes are filled with conflicted emotion.
Tyrion knows that the old bear is love with her, and that he loves her enough to want her to be happy and loved. Tyrion also knows that Jon does love their queen, with his entire heart.
“Queen Daenerys, will you take this man?” Sam asks hopefully, almost as he fears she may say no.
Dany smiles at Jon, her eyes suddenly wet with tears. “I take this man,” she says absolutely.
Sam speaks loudly, “You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.”
Jon quickly takes his cloak from around his neck and places it around Daenerys’s petite shoulders.
The couple share a smile before standing side by side to face Sam, Jon nods that they are ready to continue.
Jon puts his left hand out, Dany places her right hand to rest on top of his. Sam readies the cloth that will go around their hands, binding them.
“In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words,” Sam instructs while tying the sash around their hands, tying them together.
Both turning away from their tied-hands to face one another, the couple speaks their vows, simultaneously committing their lives to each other.
Jon: “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am HERS and SHE is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
Daenerys: “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am HIS and HE is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
The small group cheers quietly for the marriage of their King and Queen. Jon leans close to press his lips against his wife’s mouth.
Arya smiles, wiping tears away from her cheek. Her mind wandering to Gendry, they had discussed marriage earlier that day. She loves him, she knows he does. But things have moves so quickly, and she still needs to have that important discussion with Jon. She suspects that Davos may know more than he lets on as well. He has been studying her closely all evening long.
As all gather to congratulate the newly married couple with hugs and handshakes Sansa tries to pull Jon and Daenerys aside while also signaling for everyone’s attention. Tyrion and Sansa exchange a look, both being on the same page.
“Everyone, now that the king and queen have wed, we need to decide on a plan. We should agree what will be said. Let’s regroup to the study, we can…” Sansa gets out before Jon interrupts her by placing his hand on her arm for a moment.
“Sansa is correct, we must plan for our next steps now that the marriage has taken place,” Tyrion interjects strongly.
“Everyone, Daenerys and I have just been married and it is already almost morning. Soon the castle will be up and our faces will be expected to be seen. We would like to have some time to be married before the new day starts,” Jon insists as people chuckle. Daenerys smiles shyly as Jon brings her hand to his lips. “Tomorrow morning, first thing. But for now, I need to be alone with my wife.”
Arya is also anxious to get back to her room where Gendry is waiting for her. “It is very late, I for one am tired and would like to get back to my chambers. Can we please just discuss this tomorrow morning after breakfast?”
Jon smiles at Arya appreciatively, not knowing her ulterior motive for wanting to return to her room. Dany raises her eyebrows at Arya knowingly, causing Arya to blush.
Tyrion, nor Sansa, look pleased but they also know this is one argument they will not win. .
It is settled, the next phase of plotting will wait until after breakfast.
The King and Queen want to make their marriage official.
Opening the door to Daenerys’s chambers Jon takes a moment to scoop his bride into his arms as she giggles wholeheartedly and wraps her arms around his neck. Kissing his jaw and then down his neck slowly, Dany murmurs sweet words of love. Kicking the door shut with his foot Jon walks with purpose to their bed.
Unable to tear his eyes away from his wife’s beautiful face, Jon whispers, “I love you, I almost can’t believe that you are mine. My precious wife.”
Drowning in his eyes, so full of love, Daenerys opens her mouth to speak but only a small sob escapes. She is completely overcome with emotion, finally married to the man she adores. Jon smiles tenderly before pressing his mouth to hers in a reassuring kiss. He plans to show her with actions how cherished she is.
Standing her gently at the side of the bed Jon holds her face in his palms before kissing her, pressing his lips to her. Daenerys groans as she immediately deepens the kiss.  Her tongue seeking entrance that he gladly gives. Clutching at his clothing desperately, she pulls his body closer to hers.
“I love you. Jon Snow, my beloved husband,” she whimpers before kissing him again. Her body is overcome with desire as she longs to feel his naked body pressed against hers. “Make love to your wife, make me yours in the eyes of the gods and your people.”
Jon groans enthusiastically, knowing that they will consummate their marriage in this room shortly. The blood rushing to his eager cock. His temptation is to take her quickly, to make her cry out his name as he makes love to her.
Jon turns her wife around to face away from him, his strong arms wrapped around her for a moment. Holding her close he kisses her neck, feeling her tremble in his arms. Slowly his hands move across her body, touching and caressing her as he feels her under his fingertips. His hands slowly loosening her gown as the cool air hits her breasts, just a little more until he can slide the dress down her lithe frame to the floor.
Grunting with satisfaction, Jon sees the exquisitely embroidered small clothes that his wife is wearing under her dress this time. Earlier Dany had managed to pull it down while he was distracted. Dany wiggles in his arms in order to turn and face him. A satisfied grin as she sees the dark desire in his eyes. Reaching slowly between them her hand touches his stomach before gliding lower, until she can feel his hardness from over his pants. He is already very aroused, he wants her as badly as she wants him.
They need each other.
With eyes locked, Jon’s throat hitches as his wife pleasures him over his clothing, teasing him slowly. Closing his eyes he welcomes the delight that rolls over his body as he resumes touching her body. His hands are loving and determined to make her feel loved. Cupping her breasts in his palms he enjoys the fine fabric that still lies between them. Rolling her nipples between his fingers before teasing them with a small pinch, Jon relishes in her loud gasp. Feeling her teats pucker Jon leans down to take one in his mouth, in between kisses he lowers Dany’s small clothes off and down her shoulders.
Dany loosens his breaches to push them down his hips while wrapping her hand around his cock. She gives him slow and gentle pumps, enjoying the way he hardens in her hands even more.  
“We need to get these off,” Jon says while stripping his bride completely naked. “I need to feel you…all of you.”
“Same for you, dearest husband,” Dany giggles as her hands frantically pull at his remaining clothing. Jon groans as he helps her to rip the remaining articles off his body.
Finally both naked, mutually taking in the sight of the other, their arousal growing as they know the other is anxious to have them.
Jon guides Daenerys to lie on their bed, climbing gently next to her. Kissing slowly, hands continue to roam smoothly over each other’s body.  Jon’s eyes widen as he sees numerous bite marks on her beautiful skin, marks he had made during previous heightened moments of pleasure between them. Tracing the marks tenderly Jon’s eyes meet Dany’s as she realizes what he is doing.
“I need you so much, I lose myself when I am with you. When I am inside of you. Especially for those special moments when you and I become one. I don’t know where I end or you begin,” Jon says hoarsely. The desire to take her quickly is bearing down on him.
Dany moans at his words, her hand slipping to stroke his hard cock. She parts her legs, wantonly, beckoning her husband.
“Dany…” Jon says painfully, she has no idea the lengths of his desire, how much he wants her, needs her even.
“Please, as your wife��I need to feel you close to me. We can go slowly the next time…but for now, I want you to claim me,” Dany begs. “Make me yours. Take me.”
Jon grunts while rolling over to settle between Dany’s legs, moving her knee up so that she is completely open to him. Gripping his cock and running the head of his penis up and down her wet folds, then circling her bundle of nerves causing Dany to gasp loudly.
Holding each other tightly Jon pushes into his wife and grunts as they become one. Laying still for a moment Jon kisses Dany as she wraps her arms around him.
“I love you, I am so happy we are married. No matter what happens, we will have this moment,” Dany whimpers, the feeling of her husband on top of her overwhelming her with feelings of passion and adoration.
Jon groans as he kisses her passionately, his hips slowly working in firm steady thrusts as he begins making love to his wife.
Dany gasps as his cock slides in and out, his hand then sliding between them to gently caress her clit.
“Come for me baby. I want to feel you tighten around me,” he whispers in her ear as she cries out for him. Jon kisses her gaping mouth again as he slowly strums on her bundle of nerves.
Dany groans wildly, her body bucking to move against Jon desperately. Her orgasm is powerful as she cries out his name. Begging him to keep going, “Please don’t stop. Don’t stop! Jon! Jon…yes, my love…yes!”
Jon closes his eyes, her sweet pussy clenching around him as she comes loudly. He holds still while she comes down from her high.
Calming herself, Dany buries her face in his neck…kissing his warm skin softly.
Jon resumes gently making love to her, slowly as she holds him. Dany closes her eyes, her flesh still feeling sensitive as she enjoys the feeling of him making slow love to her.
As Jon nears his climax his thrusts become more frantic, pushing up on his arms as his hips jerk against her. Moving her knee to her shoulder Jon takes her quickly and hard. Dany watches appreciatively as he takes what he needs. Dany’s hands move to hold his amazing butt, urging him to take her hard.
A loud groan as Jon pushes in deep as he finally comes, his seed releasing. His eyes closed tightly as his body shudders against her. Feeling his ass clench, Dany moans with delight as she squeezes him.
Knowing his seed is releasing into her barren body, Dany feels a pang of guilt. Her eyes suddenly glistening with tears, blinking rapidly she desperately tries to push away her guilt and despair. But it was too late, Jon saw the sadness in her eyes.
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Eyes then closed, Dany leans up to kiss him, she doesn’t want to ruin this moment. It being their first time together as husband and wife. Jon kisses her back slowly, lowering his weight on to her cautiously as they hold each other closely. His cock softening and still inside of her.
Leaning his forehead against her before asking, “Dany…did I hurt you? Can you tell me what happened just then?”
“It’s not important my love, just hold me and never let me go,” she whispers, hopeful he will leave it alone.
“I prefer you tell me the truth, what is going on in your mind? You are my wife, you can tell me anything,” he presses, knowing that she is upset about something.
Dany opens her mouth to repeat that nothing is wrong, or to deflect…except the truth comes tumbling out instead.
“It just hurts my heart, that I will never give you a child. I just know you would have been an amazing father,” Dany whispers sadly, her eyes filling with tears. “I would love nothing more than to carry your baby, to make you a father.”
Jon wipes away a tear that fell down her cheek. Kissing her cheek softly after. “I promise you, Daenerys…I am the happiest I have ever been and you are enough.”
Dany feels a drop in her belly, the guilt eating away at her. “You say that now. But maybe if you had married another...when her belly was swelling with your child...I would’ve been nothing but a distant memory!”
Jon sees the genuine hurt in her eyes, she looks so sad. How can he explain to her? He wants her more than any child.
“Dany… You are everything to me,” Jon says firmly. “I would rather have a life with you by my side then a house full of a dozen children. It hurts me that you doubt me.”
Dany finally smiles, because she believes him. Relieved to see her calm demeanor, Jon smiles back before dipping his head to kiss and suck at the soft flesh of her breasts. Dany closes her eyes and enjoys the love he is showering on her. Moments later she can feel him hardening while still inside of her.
Releasing her nipple with a loud slobbery kiss, Jon suddenly pops his head up, a wicked smile on his face. “Besides, I can now be a father to your dragons…if they will let me!”
Daenerys laughs loudly before her mouth falls open in ecstasy as Jon begins moving slowly, soft hard thrusts as he is fully aroused again.
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Jon kisses her passionately while taking her, pushing into her body so he is fully sheathed by her loving body. Before leaning in for another kiss Dany nips at his lip while meeting his thrusts with her eager hips, “As long as you don’t call them beasts again!”
Jon smiles against her lips, making a mental note not to piss off his wife or their dragons again.
At the moment he concentrates on making love to his beautiful wife as she moans and withers against him.
He plans to show her what a beast he can be.
++o++ Chapter End ++o++
Next chapter here: CH 5
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thatlongspringnight · 7 years
Wedding Dresses
The pairing needs more love. Oichi needs more love. <3
Oh my gosh. Y’all this came to me this morning and I have loved writing every single word.
This is for @han-pan because she sent me a request for Oichi/Katsuie, kabedon. Its there, I promise, just a bit farther down.
This IS a modern AU/ college AU- ish fic. 
Oda Oichi is sixteen the first, and last, time she truly falls in love. No, that isn’t right. She is sixteen when she realizes that the emotion she feels for the man she is looking at is love.
He’s older, and perhaps that only adds to it. Oichi’s father is dead, and she has always been frank about it, about the scars it left her. Still, she’s known him since she was a child, he’s known her since she was born.
But Katsuie is an honorable man, something that will plague her for years, so he only brushes off her young flirtations, convincing himself that it is just harmless banter.
Oichi doesn’t cry when Nobu reads about her feelings in her diary, when he mocks her for them. She only takes the book and brings it squarely across his face, the sound echoing through the room.
She only cries later, when she realizes that the man she loves must not love her back.
She starts sketching around the same time, clothes, bags, and mostly dresses, wedding dresses, and she dreams of a day she’ll get to wear one.
There is only one man she can picture at the end of that aisle.
Nobu is the first one to get married. No one is really surprised, Oichi muses to herself, twirling her hair between her fingers.
She’s twenty-two when her older brother ties the knot with that pretty girl he never seems to shut up about. Oichi is a bride’s maid, surprisingly enough this is first time she’s ever been one, it will not be the last.
Oichi helps to design and create the wedding dress, she is already working for the seamstress they hired as an intern and it is only fair that she gets the chance to add her touch, to make it a true Oda wedding gown. It turns out simple and classic. It's clean like the bride and when her future sister-in-law tries it on Oichi decides that she really does like the girl just fine.
The wedding is in early autumn and Oichi brings her boyfriend with her as her date. She relishes Yukimura’s warmth in the cool air of evening, even as she passes him off to her best friend, who for one reason or another couldn’t bring the man she wanted.
At the reception, Oichi kisses the bride, hugs the groom, and later on she fondly remembers demanding Katsuie dance with her, it's her first true admission of love, although he doesn’t realize it at the time. When he holds her, she feels something that just isn’t there between her and the man she brought.
She feels guilty watching Yukimura sit at the table, knocking back drinks with her friend, who is trying her damndest to keep a smile on her face.
But not guilty enough to stop.
Nobuoki gets married next. Oichi is twenty-three hopes to heaven that yearly family weddings aren’t becoming a trend for the Oda clan. This time she doesn’t bring a date, she doesn’t have one to bring, and her mother laments the fact all night.
Oichi goes deaf to her words, eyes locked on the older man sitting with Nobu. He is laughing and joking, but when he feels her eyes on him he looks up. He looks away.
Katsuie isn’t married.
Maybe she won’t get married either.
When she is twenty-four Mitsuhide gets married. It is a quiet and traditional affair. By this point she is designing and creating wedding dresses as more than just a hobby. She’s also started a fine collection of bridesmaids dresses.
She catches the bouquet of wisteria and almost drops it from shock, so she hands it off quickly to Inuchiyo’s fiancee, who raises her eyebrow and takes it with a soft smile.
She gets a feeling that the girl understands, and somehow it is more upsetting than comforting.
Twenty-four also sees one more engagement, one more marriage. The most important one, her best friend’s.
A shock to no one but her. After all, the girl had been dating professor Kirigakure for a little over two years. But the idea that they would get married had never truly crossed Oichi’s mind until she was asked to be maid-of-honor.
To Oichi that relationship had always seemed temporary, a flight of fancy even, on the part of both parties.
Her friend’s joyful, painfully happy smile suggested otherwise.
Oichi painstakingly designs that wedding dress, and adds wedding planner to her list of skills. She cries at the bachelorette party, her arms wrapped tight around the girl she had grown up with, feeling a loss that she had never felt before.
She also holds the bride-to-be’s hair back as she vomits the morning of the wedding, she glances at her, idly slips something into the girl’s purse. They can worry about it after the wedding.
Its an early spring wedding, and the bride is holding a bouquet of pastel pink peonies, a crown of blush tinted flowers decorating her hair.
She is radiant, Oichi thinks, absolutely beautiful. She looks like a fairy queen, an earth goddess.
The colors are pale pink and mint.
“It matches the dango.” Oichi remembers whispering to Yukimura, the best man, as they walked down to take their places.
The wedding is beautiful,and when Saizo kisses his bride, Oichi looks away, taking in the garden landscape, the cherry blossoms heavy on the branches of the trees above them.
It fits the two of them so well.
Oichi hugs her best friend and decides she needs a change.
She hangs around just long enough to be named godmother of both her foolish brother’s and her best friend’s respective children.
Oichi enters a competition and wins; snatching her first chance to leave she can. The internship abroad stealing her away to Europe for her twenty-sixth year.
It is a year filled with wedding dresses but no weddings.
Oichi is at peace with it.
She learns and develops her passions, her talents, her skills and twenty-six easily fades into twenty-seven, drifts into twenty-eight before she realizes that she is ready to go home. That she wants to go home.
Her welcome back party is jovial, but she remains focused. She’s come here for a reason. Yukimura’s gotten married, she regrets not being at home to go, to pass him on to his beautiful bride.
At the end of the night, though, Yukimura is gone just like the rest of them.
All but a handsome man, beginning to gray at the temples, who stands in her hallway, willing himself to leave.
She doesn’t let him.
Oichi has always known what she’s wanted, always known what he wanted. So he really shouldn’t have had that look on his face when she cornered him in the hallway, pressing him against the wall, her arms on either side of his face.
He’s aged, she notes, crows-feet where there were none. But his eyes shine with youthful surprise and a blush is on his cheeks.
When she kisses him, he kisses back and for Oichi all the pieces of the puzzle fall together.
Unfortunately he’s honorable.
Honorable enough to hold her back, to go so far as to ASK Nobu if he can date her.
Ask her brother. She still can’t believe it.
When he is told no, she shakes her head, unsurprised. Nobu doesn’t talk to either of them for two weeks.
It hurts Katsuie more than her. Still, it doesn’t stop either of them from meeting, doesn’t stop her from pressing her body against his, from reveling in his attention, his kindness, his love.
And he loves her.
She loves him, more now than then, when she was sixteen and naive.
Nobu comes around, eventually, giving his blessing, however grudgingly. Oichi knows her mother played a role, and her sister-in-law, finding the time around her two squirming children to chastise her idiot husband.
Two years later it is her turn.
They’ve taken it slow, learned more about each other. Neither of them keeps the other on a pedestal anymore. He is quick to chide her when she is hotheaded, she is quick to drag him into her schemes, to help him live.
She doesn’t design her own dress, opting to wear her mother’s instead. They get married in the dead of winter, snow falling on the ground. She holds her flowers, and almost makes her bridesmaids and her her matron-of-honor (her best friend, still, grinning with joy) wear the bridesmaid dresses that she wore.
But she has learned to be merciful with time.
And when she walks down the aisle, the man that she always wanted, always knew would be waiting for her, is smiling at the end.
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