#oh ben. yup there it is 😂
belladonnaprice · 4 months
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the-library-alcove · 1 year
Oh so you're one of the pieces of shit reporting me? I figured it was the maga fuckwits or terfs I argue with. But its a fellow jew? Who sells out women for dudes in dresses under the guise of progressivism? 🤡. You know you could just say "don't follow me" rather then being a whiny, cunty baby trying to decide what social media my bisexual socialist jew self gets to use to state opinions backed up with sources that you don't like. I'm honestly amazed that for a blog with library in the name you have such pisspoor reading comprehension and the mindset of a baby 😂
You call yourself a "fellow Jew"--but your response to a post where I was talking about my experience being harassed and traumatized by a Christian missionary was to mock and belittle me, and that's how you treat All your fellow Jews. You're as much a "fellow Jew" as Ben Shapiro or Stephen Miller--i.e. an embarrassment to the family. You don't get to pull the "Fellow Jew" card when you treat Jews and our identity like toilet paper.
And your transphobia, racism, and other bigotries that you proudly display--including your appalling lack of kindness and empathy to school shooting victims--well, you call yourself a socialist, but ideologically you're much closer to one of the Proud Boys.
But as for why I reported you?
Because you won't take a hint. I have as much interest in interacting with you as I have of catching COVID, but no matter how many times I block you, you keep coming back. So there comes a point where I and others have to block you and report you for refusing to accept the message of "go away!"
You're in community-imposed Cherem because you're a Shonde Fir De Goyim, and nobody wants to interact with you outside of your fellow right-wingers.
As for those final insults, I'm honestly just taking them as admissions, like how every accusation from your fellow transphobes turns out to be a confession.
Oh, and reported.
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"Mindset of a baby" eh? Yup, projection, as I called it.
And I did say "don't follow me" multiple times. The fact that he's on his, what, 12th blog?, shows that he wouldn't respect it.
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jessjad · 7 months
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Chapter 3
Summary: After a Halloweenparty Y/N actually didn't want to got to, her life seems to be turned around. The reason is a very stubborn Supe that seems to have her in his visier. Is it just a coincidance or more?
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 2016
Warnings: maybe slow burn?, some language (it's a given at this point)
A/N: And here we are again. Yup, I think we'll have a little slow burn in the beginning too. But it won't stay that long, I can promise you. 🤭 Also, I'm not gonna tell you that I changed directions for this story again. No, I don't. 😌 My brain is just not braining anymore with these two. 😂 Like always, all mistakes are mine.
My Masterlist Series Masterlist
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"This is ridiculous! I bought it here last week, it's already broken and now I want a refund!"
In this very split second, Y/N had to take a deep breath to calm herself down. Why was she still doing this job anyway? Oh, yeah, because she needed the money.
"Ma'am, like I said, I need a receipt. I can't find this product in our system and just to be sure that everything is done correctly, I..."
"Can I talk to a manager?"
The woman seemed to have enough of this and was trying to be her best Karen at this point. But what she didn't know, was that Y/N had also enough of this.
After everything that happen while she had a break off work, she didn't feel herself anymore. Soldier Boy really went up with her into the aparment. Eventhough she did her best to not show it, it made her feel really uncomfortable. The tall man with the broad shoulders took up so much space, she was not used to that anymore. His neutral look on his face while he was taking in her home did not help. Not that it was important to her if he liked it or not.
Y/N had needed a drink after that day and the supe helped himself to one too. He also took out a small plastic bag with some white pills in it, but that was where she had to draw the line. He obviously did not like that at all, but she told him, that this was her apartment. Again, that didn't make it better and so they compromised to joints.
"If you would live in your own apartment and not here with me during this whole... charade you could take so many drugs you want." Y/N tried to lure him, with no success.
"Yeah, I would. But my... house... is not here in New York. And it's fucking clear that I'm not gonna move into the damn Vought Tower. This is doing just fine." a smirk deep on his face, knowing just very well what he was saying.
The rest of the evening was a mere blur. Mallory would be contacting her again in the next couple of days. She would get a second phone to only communicate with Mallory if needed and to get every further details in the next time. Soldier Boy would giving her the payment they agreed on, with the apparent thought in mind, that she could not continue her job at a certain point in this story. At first that scared her a little. But now, it sounded heavenly.
"I'm the manager here. And this is not the way our policy works. I'm sorry."
"Are you serious?" the woman asked in anger.
"You can call our customer service, if you want to. They will find another possibility to refund you."
"You're unbeliveable! I will NOT be treated like this! I'm a paying customer of this store!"
Y/N wanted to turn around to call for a co-worker to help, which made the woman only more furious. She was about to reach over the counter to grasp Y/N's hair or shoulder, but she didn't get far."
"I would think twice about that." a deep voice rumbled over their heads.
With surpries Y/N turned her head and looked right into the green eyes of her looming shadow. He was holding the wrist of "Karen" infront of her who too looked with incredulously up to the man next to her. Was it already time? She thought she still had another couple of days.
"Hello, darlin'." Soldier Boy drooled in his best manners and Y/N needed a second to comprehent.
"Hi! What... what are you doing here?"
Her co-workers appered and the customers in the store started to murmer. In the corner of her eyes she heared people asking if the man was really Soldier Boy. Others were slowly pulling out their phones, taking pictures or even making a video. Now she knew they had to be quick. Soldier Boy's face signalizing the same thing.
"I'm picking you up. Ready to go?"
"Yeah! Yeah, we... can go." she turned to the young woman next to her. "Stacey, can you take over? This... this is getting serious."
Stacey just nodded, already seeing what was happening in the store. "Don't worry. I'll cover for you. You only had one hour left anyway."
"Thank you. I will call tomorow."
Y/N grabed her purse and jacket and went around the counter. The supe let go of "Karen's" wrist who was still fuming and still not believing what was happening. With an heavy arm over her shoulder her now knew boyfriend escorted her out of the store.
"I think it would be better..." he whispered into her ear. "...if you start calling me Ben now."
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"... today around one o'clock. There are multiple sidings of Soldier Boy. Some pictures online went up for speculation until videos of him appeared. He was walking out of a store with a unknown woman by his side..."
The news of Soldier Boy being back went viral within minutes. The mayhem that followed was something Y/N would've not expected. She knew it would be crazy, but not that kind of crazy. People online started to argue with eachother if the pictures and videos were fake or not and the more Y/N stared at the screen, seeing herself on the side of the supe, she also tried to not believe it.
"Smile a little. There's no fucking going back now anyway." Ben chimed in.
"You think?"
To that, Ben just huffed. But he was right. This was it, now the world knew, that he was back. And that Y/N was a part of it. She had to sit down. The anxiety that started to creep up her spine was new. How would people react when they saw her on the street? How much would her life change? How big would the dangers be that surely laid ahead of her? Y/N couldn't imagine at the moment.
Her phone started to ring and the sudden sound startled her. Ben looked annoyed but didn't say anything, focusing back on her tv. When Y/N saw who the caller was she would've wished she could put it off. But she knew it was better to face it now than later.
"Hello Mum."
"Y/N? Are you ok?" The panic in her voice evident.
"Yes, Mum. I'm fine." Y/N tried to calm her down.
"Are you sure? I... I just saw the news and there were you. With this supe."
"Yeah, I know. I've seen it too."
"This... this is not real, right?"
Hearing the voice of her mother so full of worry and disbelieve she wished it would not be real. That all of this was just a cruel joke. But it was not. And she was sure it would break her mother's heart again.
"Daughter? Tell me that this is NOT real!"
"Mum, I..." she tried.
"No! I cannot believe this! Y/N... how could you?" The tears in her voice unmistakable.
"It's not that easy, Mum. I tried to stay out of it, but I didn't succeed, I quess." Y/N looked down on the floor, feeling really bad about all of this.
"Y/N, you should know better! After what happend to Jenny, this..." her voice broke completly and Y/N felt the tears build in her eyes too.
"I know, Mum. I have not forgotten about it. And I wish... I would have thought about this twice... but it all went so fast. I swear I never wanted this in the first place!"
The silence that followed was so loud and rang in Y/N's ears, that for a moment she thought her Mum had hung up on her. But a deep sigh proofed her wrong.
"Is it something serious?" Her small voice full of emotions.
What was she supposed to answer now? The truth was not an option. It would only put her into more danger, than she probably already was in. But Y/N could not be to loose about the situation, since it was going to be something long term. She drew a glanze over her shoulder to the man sitting on her couch.
"Honestly? I don't know, Mum. But it feels like it."
And that wasn't even a lie. It was surreal, yeah, but it also felt serious. In more than one way. Because from now on Ben would be living here with her.
"I know, that I have no right to tell you what to do or how to live your life, but under these circumstances... Y/N, please. Be careful and take care of you! And whatever happens, you can come home to us. You know that, right?"
"I know, Mum. Thank you."
Hanging up was so hard to do. Giving up her last sliver of hope for her normal life felt so final. With a deep sigh she went over to the couch and sat down. On the screen infront of her were still pictures shown of her and Ben and the uneasiness did not leave her.
"Who's Jenny?" Ben asked all of a sudden.
"What?" Y/N returned with furrowed brows. "Were you listening in on me?"
Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Comes with the territory."
That upset her. "Okay, let's make one thing clear. I don't want you to eavesdrop on me!"
"Don't pee your fucking pantys. I can't do anything about it."
"But you could at least try! Don't make this any more difficult as it already is!"
"I liked you better, when you didn't talked to me..." Ben grumbled to himself.
"Oh, I'm so sorry that you don't like me anymore. Guess what? I don't care!"
And with that Y/N got up and stormed into her bedroom.
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With dread in her eyes, Ashley Barrett watched the screen in the Vought Headquartes. Seeing Soldier Boy flashing his smile to the woman by his side was not good. She could already feel her stress level rise with each second that passed by.
"Oh well. What do we have here."
Ashley's eyes widened in shock and slowly she turned around.
"Is that really him? Soldier Boy?" Homelander asked and Ashley, could only nod.
"Did I not tell you to report everything to me, Ashley?"
"Yes! Yes, you did. But I just saw it too. I did not had the time to..."
"It's okay!" Homlander interrupted and focused on the screens infront of him. "So, he really made it out..."
With a stoic face, the blonde supe crossed his arms behind his back and went over to the window. This was definitly not what he expected or even wanted to happen. His "somehow" father, the man he had looked up to before he new the full truth, was not someone he wanted to see ever again.
But since he didn't find his body outside the Vought Tower after their fight, he had a feeling that this was not the last time he'd seen him. The question was, what he'll be doing now. Because one thing was for sure. They still had a score to settle. And this time, he would not be the one to loose.
"We need to find him." He said to himself, but Ashley felt like she needed to answer to that.
"We can observe him. With this woman he had on his side, it will probably be pretty easy to find him."
She started to scramble through her purse to find her phone and unlocked her Computer. She didn't had it in her to look up to Homelander, who had turned around, and tried to look busy. But he made his way over to her, stopping behind the woman and laying a hand on her neck.
He leaned forward and whispered. "Then you better make this your top priority right know before someone else finds him first. Or else..." he applyed a little pressure but not so much that it really hurt. "... we have to talk again."
And with that he left the room and Ashley had to fight the urge of pulling her hair again.
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A/N: What do you think the world is going to do next with these news? Let me know! 🤭
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@lyarr24 @leigh70 @k-slla @deadlydivergentgirl
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 4 months
watching them to get ready and my god my❤️(him saying what a barb and “Penelope” “I am a woman”still gives me the kinda buzz and serotonin nothing ever could)told my co worker she only needs to watch this to be ready for polin szn since nothing more interesting happens otherwise expect the Edwina cute Ben scene!
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I knew polin was that ship but I didn’t knew it was that good and Colin Bridgerton the man you are? you will always be so mf loved by me! The heart you have for eveyone always considered what you have been trough losing ur father, Marina breaking your heart yet been so forgiving and understanding and wanting more for her then just be content, being there for pen and her family because they have no male figure protecting them, him always seeing himself so low bc wdym “ if Penelope can see me that way maybe I can too”how dare you?You beautiful perfect man I love him so much
How can he not see himself as the best perfect boy he is? When Marina Pen eveyone in rom sees him as that? I know we won’t get this explored in s3 but I need him to explore this insecurity he has and why ofc we know why but we need to see it! the way he’s always so soft delicate whenever he speaks to people but even more so to people he cares for andk way more with pen how they talk about dreams and ambitions wanting more in life no one in the whole show has ever talked that much about their aspirations in whole 2 szn like they do I love them I love him guys y’all don’t understand how much!
the way he talks to pen like an equal in world where men are thought they aren’t it’s so insane to me how pen polin fans could ever want this man to beg or grovel when all he has ever done is show how much he cares and adores pen and values hee words and takes them to heart and all y’all can say about him is how dare he ignore her or flirt with others or he should grovel bc he didn’t see pen before are U kidding me I wish character literacy was thought to bton fandom bc he really is the only complex male character in the whole show actually  
besides George in whole universe actually they only have complex female characters obvi bc its written by woman but Colin being the only male character with layers upon layers he’s what they call an onion character the more you peel the more layers u get just brilliant character the fact he left saying he wanted to get to know himself better and he comes back with this cool guy attitude he’s always been charming but the shy funny type and now he’s giving this fake confidence and he literally tells pen you can learn because he himself thought himself that
Bc of all the pain and suffering he’s been through and him swearing off love making him this new but colder kinda type bc he’s closed himself off oh the writing of his character is just phenomenal for a show that has horrible inconsistent lazy bad writing with so much plotholes and with no understanding of their female relationship the sure put all their energy into making Colin this complex amazing character oh how I would di* just to see more of that in s4 since s3 is about C opening up his❤️for love but all the other stuff is just lying dormant in him for now waiting to burst out soon
Honestly if I went trough what Colin did and I loved somone who didn’t love me back and they broke my already chattered heart into more tiny pieces oh the kinda horrible as*whole I would’ve been sleeping and just looking down on people woman bc one broke my heart and yet hee not because he’s most like Edmund and he’s still to good for this world oh I’m actually gonna k1ll myself because I can’t handle this he’s to good my best boy! I actually would jump off my window if I didn’t have plans in 8 hours and again in a month! Ik just gonna cry about my love for him to I wake up tomorrow for polin season yup that’s it!
Are we sure Colin is a Bridgerton 😂 I’m joking because he’s to good to be one of them but then I remember his dad is amazing and his mom is the kindest most beautiful queen hyacinth is great Fran seems great Gregory Ben seems also great it’s really just the oldest daughter and oldest son And Eloise but she’s just more of annoying self centered bc of her bubble bra* with unchecked entitlement and privilege behavior bc of her other siblings being amazing and parents being world greatest parents whole family is with Daphne Anthony being exception so far!
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 6, Episode 14: Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Oh, Dean...
Yeah, no kidding
Nice lab tables
Okay, that's freaky
So, something's possessing mannequins?
Poor guy
Definitely possession of some kind
Rip that guy
You okay, Sam?
Ooh, donuts!
I'm sure
That's concerning
Oh boy
Probably not
Stop pushing, Dean
Monty Python!
That's the idea
You're not the picture of health
Yeah, suspicious
Dean 😂
Oh, that's gonna throw them off
Mm, I'd take that
Whew, that thing's lighting up
Well great
Read it, dude
That's just sad
Uh oh
More mannequins
That's kind of freaky
Okay, so the person died with a slice to the forehead
Wow, that's loud
Molesting 💀
I could see it
Yeah, that is interesting
Seamstress. Dress form?
Sucker's bet
Take the freaking call, Dean
Uh oh
Oh, Ben...
Dude, come on
Yeah, that wasn't the best argument
That's a lead
Poor girl
It's not impossible
He's suspicious
I'm sure
Jonny. That's who the other guy called out for
He thinks it's coming for him. He's definitely involved
Don't be annoying
Uh oh
Dean clocked it right away
That's not helpful
Sorry, Ben
Oh, Lisa
He has the worst timing
That's a good question
Who's that?
Where's the mannequin?
Ah, there it is
Sam's being mean
What. Did they do
Oh, poor girl
That's so sad
It's a mannequin
I wanna slap them
At least he has some sense
Steve's a liar
Alright, time to go
Sorry, Ben
Asdfghjkl Dean
Oh, Ben
It's not that simple
Absolutely not
Oh, Ben, kiddo...
Give him a hug challenge
Oh, Dean
Maybe. Maybe not
Sorry, Ben
Oh, that'll hit
Is he?
Oh, Dean...
Okay, that's just weird
Okay then
A different ghost?
That's not good
The ghost is hitching a ride
Holy crap
That's not so simple
Hey, Dean
That's a bad plan
No, hoodoo
Baby, no...
Holy crap
Right in the kidney, I'll bet
Is she okay?
So, the answer is no 😭
Oh, Dean...
0 notes
holdmytesseract · 2 years
Almost too Late
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Request: "okay, i've got a humourous one for you;
#48: “Where the hell have you been?”
#64: “Here he/she is.”
so, maybe Tom almost misses the birth of his child, and Reader gives him absolutely chaos for it? 😂
love you, babe. 💗" - Requested by my wonderful friend @youlightmeupfinn from this prompt list! :)
Summary: You went into labour with Baby No. 2. This wouldn't be a big problem, if your husband Tom wasn't somewhere in Atlanta, on a boys night out - and you just can't reach him. Is Tom going to miss the birth of his second child?
Warnings: Pregnancy, labour, quite a few swear words and a lot of fluff!
Word Count: 2,3k
a/n: I am back, yay! :) Sorry guys, life had been utterly busy in the last few weeks... This request waited a looong time in my inbox to be written and now I finally made it to sit down and write this. Surprise, @youlightmeupfinn ! 🧡 This takes place in the same universe like this fic does, so I guess this one is kinda a part two? Anyway, I hope you like this one shot as much as I do! 🧡 All mistakes are my own!
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Voicemail. Again. I hung up, groaning and cursing under my breath. "Oh, you are fucking kidding me now... Why isn't he picking up?!" I hissed, on the verge of throwing my mobile against the wall of our bedroom. I tried to reach my dear husband for hours. Tom just wanted to have a - what did they call it? A 'Marvel Mens Night Out'? Yeah, something along that. He wanted to have a night out with a few of his mates. Ben, Chris H., Chris E., Sebastian and Tom. Of course, I didn't say Tom shouldn't go. I was more than okay with it, since we were in Atlanta, Georgia for the last three months anyway. Why? Tom needed to fly to Atlanta to film the first season of 'Loki' - and me and Mia just went with him, since it was the city I came from. My parents still lived here, so we kind of combined work and holiday. After reassuring Tom a thousand times that I was going to be fine without him, he left. What I didn't think of, unfortunately, was the possibility of me, going into labour. Yup... Five years of marriage and an almost three-year-old toddler later, Tom and I were expecting baby #2. Mia was going to be a big sister - like, right now.
Once again, I tried to call Tom, but like before, I only reached his voicemail. "Where the fuck is he?!" I groaned, dropped my mobile on the bed and steadied myself against the wall, breathing through another contraction. I gave Tom a last try, before I decided to call Ben. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up." I mumbled to myself. Sure, I could've called my parents, but they were in bed now, with Mia hopefully sleeping deeply next room. Ben's mobile rang and rang. I was already on the verge of hanging up, but then I heard my man's best friend's voice urging to my ear. "Y/N?" "Ben! Finally! Where is Tom?! I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up." "Uh... He just left for the bathroom, I think." Ben sounded slightly tipsy - which caused me to roll my eyes. Not now, guys, not now, I thought. "Okay and where are you boys?" I could hear the others laugh and talk rather loudly in the background. "In a bar in, uh, Columbus." I frowned. "In a bar in Columbus? Columbus?? Why the fuck there?!" I only now realised that I spoke way louder than I intended to... "Is everythin' alright, Y/N? You seem a bit... tense?" That was the point when I lost my nerves. I had absolutely no time for this. Not after trying to reach them for hours! I gritted my teeth, feeling how the anger build up inside me. "Oh, I don't know, Benedict. Maybe it's because I AM IN FUCKING LABOUR SINCE HOURS AND MY HUSBAND IS UNATTAINABLE!" And suddenly there was deadly silence at the other end of the line. "You're what?" Said Ben in a small voice, almost rueful. "You heard me, Benedict." Another beat of silence passed, before I suddenly heard loud shuffling. "Boys, Y/N's in labour, we need to get Tom somehow back to Atlanta! As fast as possible!" And then everybody talked at once. 'Tom! Get Tom!' was the only sentence I understood and it came from Hemsworth. Apart from that, was everything that happened on the other line a blur, until... "Tom asks how you are feeling." Ben's voice reached me once again. "He asks how I feel? Really? I am in labour! How does he think I feel?!" Again, was the other side of the line deadly silent. "We'll be right there, I promise!" "I'll hope so! If not, I am going to cut off his balls. Tell that Thomas!" With those words, I hung up, squeezed my eyes shut as another contraction rolled over me. Somehow, this time felt even worse than last time... At least I could try to relax a bit, now that I knew that Tom was on his way. After taking deep breaths, breathing through the contraction, I called an ambulance. They came immediately, of course and took me to the hospital. I was very glad that this was not the first time for me. To have the experience and to know the procedure and what maybe could happen, helped me ease my mind a lot. Especially since Tom wasn't by my side - yet.
Thirty minutes later, I was brought to a room, had changed into the familiar hospital gown, got hooked to an CTG and was checked by the doctors. "Alright, Mrs. Hiddleston..." The friendly female doctor in the white clothes smiled at me. "Everything appears to be like it should be. You and the baby are perfectly fine - according to the circumstances." She adjusted her glasses and scribbled something onto the clipboard she held. "But you are not yet ready to deliver your baby. We have to wait a bit longer. Although, I guess not that much longer, 'cause your labour is progressing very fast." The doctor gave me another small smile. "Until then, I am afraid we have to wait and see." With these words and a last smile, she left the room, leaving only a super friendly midwife - Mary - behind. "We are going to check on you and the baby regularly. But you already know that." Mary said, winking at me. "Yeah... I am very glad to be a lot more experienced now than I was last time with my daughter. Makes me feel calmer. Despite the fact that Tom isn't here..." Mary's eyes softened. "I was already thinking... Where did you leave your husband?" I sighed. "I allowed him to go out with some of his friends, told him I was fine, but well... Baby's got different plans." Mary laughed. "Let's hope he's going to make it in time then. Call me if you need something, yes?" I nodded, offered her a smile. Then I was left alone and I absolutely hated it. To spend the time I had to wait for my body to prepare itself for the birth alone was absolute torture. I missed Tom and I wanted nothing more than to have him by my side.
It was a curse and a blessing, that labour progressed so fast. Two hours later, I found myself surrounded by nurses, doctors and Mary, of course, ready to bring mine and Tom's second child into this world. I wasn't afraid of this, no. Maybe nervous, yes, but what I definitely was, was in pain and angry. Angry at my sweet husband who didn't sit by my side, holding my hand and just being there for me. No, instead sat Mary by my bedside - what wasn't bad, god no... Bless her for bearing with me. But it just wasn't Tom... "Okay Y/N, if you feel the urge to push, give into your body!" I nodded quickly, sweat already dotted all over my forehead from the previous contractions. While you were about to bring a new life into this world, stormed a man with long, pitch black hair through the main doors of the hospital, on the other side of the big building. Tom...
The father-to-be ran down the halls of the 'Emory University Hospital Midtown' like a madman, bumping into several staff members on his way. "Sorry, I am so sorry!" Tom said what felt like thousand times in five minutes. Unfortunately was the hospital quite big and Tom struggled to even find the maternity ward. So, he had no other choice than to stop his frantic search and ask a nurse. "I'm sorry, can... can you help me?" Tom, who was still out of breath, approached a nurse with short chopped blonde hair and tattoos up and down his arms. The man looked up at Tom, offering him a polite smile. "Of course, Sir. What's the matter?" "I-I am looking for the maternity ward." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "My... My wife is in labour." The nurse nodded and immediately gestured for Tom to follow him. "Follow me, Sir. I'll get you there. It's not far from here." The two men crossed another few hallways, before they finally reached the destination. "There we are." "Thank you so much." Tom smiled kindly at the other male, who gave him a nod and a smile himself in return. "No problem." Tom didn't lose another second and jogged down the ward, on search for someone who could help him along. After all, he hadn't a single clue where Y/N was...
After he had rounded the second corner, he stumbled over a woman who appeared to be a doctor. "I'm sorry?" He addressed the female, who turned to face him immediately. "I'm Tom Hiddleston and I am looking for my wife, Y/N." The corners of the woman's mouth lifted into a smile. "Ahh, so you are the missing dad?" Tom scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "Well… I suppose that I am, yes." "Well, come on then." Tom followed the doctor hastily down the sheer endless, white hallway. "D-Do you know by any chance how my wife is doing?" Dr. Miller -  the woman's name, how Tom was able to read on her nameplate, nodded. "She is doing fine. Labour progressed very fast." At those words, Tom felt his heart sink. Progressed? Did that mean...? Dr. Miller seemed to read from his expression what he was thinking. "Don't worry. You didn't miss the birth of your baby - yet." This took a load off Tom's mind and he breathed out relieved. "This way." They turned another corner and came to a halt in front of a closed door. "There we are." After Tom quickly slipped into a scrub, he was granted access to his wife. Barely after the door swung open, was the first thing he heard a heart-breaking scream, coming no doubt from Y/N. It caused Tom's mind to spin, his guilty conscience immediately spoke up. This was his wife, being in pain, bringing his baby into this world - and he hadn't been there for her. "Mrs. Hiddleston, I found the missing dad." A voice suddenly cut through the room, causing my head to turn to the left. I didn't even notice that somebody had entered the room. Well, I was quite a bit too busy to pay attention to who entered or left the room. My eyes met the female doctor I had shortly seen earlier and- "Tom!" I cried out his name, unbelievably happy and relieved to see him. As his name left my lips, he immediately jumped into action, rushing to my side. "Darling!" Mary quickly stood up from the chair and made way for Tom. He sat down on the chair, hands instantly reaching for my hand. He wanted to say something, but the next contraction I had threw a wrench in the works. I squeezed the living hell out of Tom's hand and shut my eyes. "I need you to push, Y/N." Said the nurse, who sat at the bottom of the bed. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" This contraction was by far the worst I had yet. And it sparked something inside me, brought the anger on my husband back to life. After I had breathed through the contraction, I unleashed hell on Tom. I turned my head towards him, staring at him. If looks could kill... Tom swallowed visibly, well aware of what was to come. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "Darling, I-I am so s-sorry, I-" He stuttered, trying to explain. "Shut the fuck up, Thomas! I suffered here for over two hours, plus almost five at home alone, to give birth to your child and Mr. Hiddleston just decided to not pick up his phone when I called him!" Tom swallowed once again, his mind reeling. I could tell that he was picking his next words very carefully now. "I know, my love and I am really, honestly very sorry. My phone ran out of battery-" Wrong words. "That is no excuse, Thomas!" The man beside me flinched every time I used his full name. "I know, Y/N. I should've told you. I-" "And why Columbus?! Why did you and the boys needed to go to fucking Columbus to drink a stupid beer?!" Tom sighed and hung his head. "I can't apologise enough, darling. I deserve all your wrath. I hate that I wasn't able to be by your side, but now I am here and I won't go anywhere. You are doing so wonderfully in bringing our second wonder into this world. I can't be prouder of you, my love." By now, I had tears in my eyes. This time not from the pain. His words had pulled at my heartstrings. Why did that man always find the right words and was so utterly charming? This wasn't fair. I wanted to be mad at him... "Ugh, you fucking sweet-talker. I wanted to be mad at you, but now I can't." I said, pouting. Tom's expression shifted immediately and he snorted out a laugh. "Oh darling, I love you." I shook my head and rolled my eyes, but smiled.
The rest of the birth went rather smooth. Unlike with Mia, I didn't have an epidural. I wanted to do this all natural this time. With Tom by my side, everything was easier anyway. And so, Tom and I were able to welcome another baby girl into the world, only an hour later.
"Here she is." Mary announced, smiling and placed the tiny girl, who was wrapped up in a thick pink blanket on my chest. As soon as my skin came into contact with my new-born baby, the tears started to fall freely. "Hello, my sweet girl..." I whispered, unable to tear my gaze away from her. I felt how Tom pressed a kiss on my forehead, before his bigger hand joined mine, wrapped around the little girl in my arms. Time seemed to stop. This was a moment just between Tom and me. "Welcome to this big, wondrous world, Lily." Tom said with tears glistening in his eyes.
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silverhallow · 3 years
Hello. I would say long time follower here, but that would be a lie. Been following you for a while now, and while I do not have Bennedict and Sophie as my favorite couple, I really do understand where your love of the two of them come from. Recently re-read "An offer from a gentleman" and it was so good. At least when you get passed the abuse Sophie suffers from. That is just too much Hurt for my liking.
But the book has THE best ending of all 8 books. I mean: go Violet and go Posy.
Now what I want to ask you: what is your favorite moment between these two? And do you think, that the show will change the jail scene? Because I sorta hope they will bring Daphne with them, just to use her status as a duchess.
Take care and write more fanfiction 😂
My favourite moment between Ben and Sophie… oh god…
I have a special fondness for the moment that Sophie throws the candle stump at Benedict.
It sums them up perfectly…
The way he needles her and pokes at her and brings the fun out in Sophie and they’re just two idiots together.
It’s the first glimpse into them when they’re being them… not what society expects of them. It’s just them.
It’s perfect and beautiful and just the best introduction.
As for the jail scene. It will change I’ve made my peace with it…
But I do not want Daphne there. If another female Bridgerton is there… I want it to be Kate. But Kate as a friend not as a Viscountess.
Daphne being there kind of renders most of it pointless as she would outrank Araminta as a Duchess… I like that the magistrate whilst recognising Araminta outranks them… is terrified because of how popular the Bridgerton’s are..:
I want Kate throwing hands to protect her. We see their friendship in WHWW and I want Kate being there with Violet and Benedict.
I still want to see Sophie punching Araminta cause that is just as BAMF move and I want Kate and Violet looking at each other like “yup. She’s one of us”
I do hope it doesn’t change too much as the Essence of that scene is one of my favourites!
I am so pleased you like my writing, though if Angst isn’t your thing, maybe avoid a few of my modern Benophie stories as they’re worse than the books 😂
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akane171 · 2 years
I'm not changing the subject and I AM writing a Karamel fic right now (A One-Shot), it's just been a really busy time lately, so I haven't gotten around to writing more than a few sentences🙈😖
I don't believe that 0🧐🤨 And hey, I AM writing!😖🙈 
Yup, the song definitely has one ugly crying over Karamel, doesn't it?🙈😭
Yess, staying healthy of the web💃🏻💃🏻
That would be the dream (we will probably never get)😭😍🙈 I'm even totally fine with a story focusing on relationships if it's friendship or family-ship instead of romantic ones🙈🙈 (BROTPs are the BEST😍🙈)
Yess, he's just brilliant and Ohhhhhhh, Westworld😭😭 "Dad, I'm all the way down now. I can see the bottom. Don't you wanna see what I see?" 😭😭😭😭😭
While I agree that a story shouldn't go on longer than it calls for, yours does seem to wanna be longer😉 Best just follow the muses' judgement😉😉😂😂
 Yo, don't stress it😂 And haha, well, if you need a nap, you need a nap💃🏻🤷🏻‍♀️ Siesta time for you 😉💃🏻
Ohhh, Yup, definitely sounds like the kind of video fans would make with Poets of the Fall's Songs😅🙈
Haha, true🤷🏻‍♀️😂
...Meeeeehh... But becoming "Skynet" sounds like much more fun😖
A CaptainSwan and Karamel crossover😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 That'd be SO awesome😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Evil!Regina was a cool villain, I admit😁 I liked her semi-reformed "I'll RELuCTANTLY work with you but only cause I don't wanna die or let Henry die" version a lot, too😂 Anti-heroes are fun (Probably the reason I loved Hook from the get-go, too, tho he is kinda a special case)😁 
Well, CaptainSwan's daughter was named "Hope" (which funnily enough was fanon long before the show did it). And hey, Kara's all about hope (Paragon of Hope and so), so another thing fitting to both CS and Karamel😂 
Ohhhhhh, 1. OMG, THAT SONG IS SO LIT!😍😍😍😍💃🏻💃🏻 2. That would be so epic😍😍 We need a Pirate AU inspired by that song already!😱😱 3. Lol, strangely enough the song also made me think of Davy Jones/Calypso, Will/Elizabeth and Killian/Emma 🙈
Btw, I don't know ANYTHING about Bridgerton but YouTube recommended me a scene of Anthony and Kate that made me think SO much of EarlyS2!Karamel 😂😂 It's them arguing and frustrated and Anthony asking if he has done sth to her(Kate) or why the heck she dislikes him so much to which she replies he vexes her😂 And there's another where he calls her the bane of his existence and object of all his desire😂😂 Like, their arguing and reluctant feelings made me think of Karamel's arguments soooo much😂😂 (Not sure if the link works but here: https://youtube.com/shorts/LyJj3g8NTEw?feature=share) 
Anyway, stay safe and happy rest-weekend!😁
Yay! Progress is still progress!
That's your problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i will believe when I read it :)))
Yep, thanks =='
That's why I like war stories. Only dudes, usually no romances, just brotops and a lot of deaths....
I think Ben has a kink for playing tragic characters...
My muse is a bitch, don't bring her into it ==' No but seriously, as i mentioned once, my English doesn't allow me write how I wish, so it's betetr to make things simple. And shorter.
Did you hear Poet's newest song?
....mhm... skynet... and she claims she and Lw don't murder kangaroos. MHM
Hmm, but what? Canon crossover? Or throwing them into high school or college and watch the mess? Any ideas? :P
As i said, I enjoyed her untill I had enough? She reminds me a little of, cringes, Lobotomizer, especially the same "i did horrible things but weirdly I'm cultivating the victim complex, uwu". But for sure she was much, much much more complexed that Lobotomizer and was not shy of admittting how horrible she was.
Oh, that's sweet! Hope and Maya, being the best pals then? :D
oh... bridgertons... let's say I read two first books (because people recommended it soooo boldly) and i was... absolutely... not.... impressed. It was so... incredibly... dumb? And like, the author tried to make it oh so modern but still in regency era, but ended with all male characters being machos with fragile egos assholes and all were unhealthy possesive? But I haven't watched the show but yeah, the lines are cool :D
Thanks! Hope your weekedn was nice too :D
Oh, the songs!
"Starlight" by Starset - well, the title already fits them xD reminds me a little of the last Nightwish album,w hat is a good thing and I added it on my spotify ^^ will check them more!
Aww, MELISSA <33333
The Greatest Showman"? I didn;t see that coming xD But I like the songs form that.
"Style" by Taylor Swift - thanks to you YT is giong to recommend me her songs,huh ==' not my style, I'm afraid, and no karamel images generating by my brain while listening. But probably that would change after 5th listening what IM NOT GOING TO DO!
"Let light overcome the darkness" by Our Last Night - I was wodnering for a sec who was singing, a man or a woman xD Overcome the darkness should be official karamel theme xD
"For you" by Liam Payne and Rita Ora - wanna laugh? This is the first time I listened to a song made by any of them xD Fits Mon-El more than Kara, I think? With that "I wsn't looking for loveb untill i met you". Still, nice
"I'd come for you" - they have weird vids, i swear xD but awwww anyway.
Trying not to love you - lol, is that you Kara? xD
"Enchanted"- you are killing me :') anyway, soulmates, right???
"Carry You" - .... Kara at the beginning of s3, I guess? =='
And the rest I think I already covered!
-Broken by Seether and Amy Lee :))) SUFFER
-Snuff by Slipknot (So if you love me let me go, And run away before I know, My heart is just too dark to care, I can't destroy what isn? t there)
-My Theraphy by Kamelot
-How did you love by Shinedown
-Wicked Game by Stone Sour ACCOUSTIC AND LIVE
-Orion Light by Bare Infinity (Look to the sky for the winters comet Lighting the path bright for you to see Hold the memory of her smile For love will set you free)
-Ain't no Sunshine by Bill Withers :))))
-Take my breath away by Berlin so you won't accuse me of too much angst :P
Stay safe *hugs*
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
hi dream! ::) yup, i’ve been here since don’t you love me! it seems like so long ago! i’ve been there for like the last half of that and followed ever since! you are the reason for a lot of my obsessions (like vikings, because i literally braided my hair in complicated hairstyles every night as i waited to fall asleep) it’s been lovely!
let’s dive into chapter 5!
i know i said that i hated the mom in the first chapter. i still do, but at least her and i agree on something : carter’s is rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things
‘you know how i feel when i’m caught in the crossfire’ 👀 well well well, i think i’ve seen this line before (btw, caught in the fire was so good! peaches is literally my favourite character of yours, and that’s coming from a queenie stan)
billy knowing something is wrong by just a single word says enough about this jewel of a man. he deserves nothing but love
the mermaid code actually made me cry the first time i read it. having this kind of ‘nothing matters if your security is on the line’ even if you’ve grown apart or aren’t talking just because you care and have cared for so long about this person that you can put everything aside for them. wow, simply wow
‘you first, crime later’ DARLING, he’s so cute. i know i’m saying that about a literal criminal. idc. it’s still adorable.
the dialog about the bank robert omg, they have the best bickering couple vibes ever, which, let’s be honest, is one of the best vibes a couple can have
skittles being in awe of shirtless russo is probably how we all felt when seeing ben barnes half naked which can either be *drooling emoji*, *heart eyes emoji* or *dead emoji*
‘i can handle it.’ ‘i’m not sure i can.’ i’m crying. absolutely bawling my eyes out. they’re so precious.
skittles dodging questions about the wedding my talking about home decor is very sitcom-y and it’s the best
the polaroid picture. this chapter is making me emotional. i love it.
FRANK!!! MY DARLING!!! oh how i’ve missed you. him and karen together would literally be such a power couple. wasted opportunity right here on marvel’s part.
frank and skittles being like ‘RED FLAG’ about krista and the fact that she was literally his psychiatrist is very very good. take notes, russo.
‘so you might wanna get your man back’ THAT’S MY BOY! frank castle, professional hitman and wingman.
oh lord, i love these characters so much, i love your writing so much, and i love this story so much! love ya!
you are the reason for a lot of my obsessions (like vikings, because i literally braided my hair in complicated hairstyles every night as i waited to fall asleep) I
Omg loveeee you're so sweet?! 😱❤❤
Caught in the Fire was so much fun and I think that's literally the longest series I've written so far 😂 Shocked me really 😂
Mermaid codeeee! I loved the mermaid code ❤ I think it's the biggest proof that Skittles and Billy are in each other's lives for good and how that won't change ❤
Wait, it's adorable? 😂 In a dysfunctional way yes 😂
Skittles has no problem with ignoring Billy's questions when she just doesn't want to answer them 😂
I ship Karen and Frank so muuuch, they're amazing together! ❤
frank castle, professional hitman and wingman I JUST- 😂
Omg and I love your comments so much and ILY! ❤❤❤
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Q. I am NOT a hostile party! The fact alone I need you alive & well if I ever wanna see the end of PiaD is prove enough of this! (And you're fun🙈) And the flippig tables has been in self-defense against your own table flips! (I still don't get it...What do either of us gain from my posioning?😅 And yess, now we're free of guilt💃🏻 IT WAS A JUST BABY, ITS CONTRACTS DON'T COUNT!) Q. ...If I promise NOT to yell, will you say what's supposedly gonna cause screaming?🤨 NO IT'S NOT&NO×25!
(Lol, yeah, I'm getting that feeling too😂🤣) TtQ. Thanks for the compliment😉 About S&B: Yup, Same, wasted potential is just SO sad..😩 And haha, yeah, I think Ben making his character a fan-favourite might be enough to change his character's ultimate fate and they did already change up his past a bit 🤔 I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed🙈 And yess, yay for you! (Meh, I wouldn't include myself) Oh, haha, well, then fingers crossed you'll forget it?😅 &Yup, it definitely is on brand..
Q. I would like to direct you to the existence of the movie Misery and rest my case. (Thanks? XD) I also did that under duress, you can't use it against me.
(...I've forgotten what this poison thing is all about... Yay, innocent and never proven guilty ever again! YES THEY DO, THE CAPACITY TO WRITE ON ITS OWN IS A SIGN IT'S CAPABLE OF AGREEING TO STUFF LIKE THIS!)
Q. You can promise all you want, I know it'll happen. >_> YES IT IS AND YES X30! (Do you want to call a truce before we reach the gazillion level again or keep going until then? XD)
TtQ. You're welcome? XD
About S&B: There's precedence (I've heard shows like Gossip Girl changed pairings drastically because of things like actor chemistry) so you might have a decent shot at it. When is the next season going to be out and have they said how many there are going to be? (Hey, as long as you've written at least one you count too! Don't sell yourself short!)
Thanks... There's only like a tiny part of the movie that's actually good and it mostly has to do with Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore having fun with their roles but it's not worth the rest of that snoozefest...
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metamorphorestworld · 3 years
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This is life😘😘😘😘
Urip iku gawenanne Sing Gawe Urip dikeki bumi dikongkon jogo segala macam😚😚😚 tapi menungso serakah duwik maneh teko tanah pcr mobil dibanggakno akhire pancet "pada akhirnya diuruk lemah"tak iye😂😂😂😂 aku khan bnr pada akhirnya apapun yg kau bangun musnah rumah cafe istana remek sing awet mek *omah 2x1* makane aku emben bangun makam golek tanah gawe makam😚😚😚😚 iku the real masa depan Lak pasti iku wis inves duwik akeh akhire hotel ambruk gara2 longsor sungguh jancuki🤣🤣🤣 ngunu ae inves iku menuju masa depan akhirat oleh pahala maneh nulung wong ngunu 😚😚😚😚
Ben liwat pujon longsor trus khan ancene gunung ojok gawe omah kontur tanah ga cocok takono cakrud😂😂😂 ngunu iku belajar pada ahlinya cek ga nangis kelangan omah pindaho gununge cek cukul subur pindaho cek banyu iku sesuai aliran omahe ditabrak banyu mobile kenyut nangis halah lagu lama, iku kreditan durung lunas nangis maneh🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 penak urip iku lek manut tatanane Sing Kuoso dataran tinggi resapan air dibeton tulung2 masio bth duwik demi tmp wisata suwe2 ilang jatimpark tmnan iku kontur tanah gawe nandur ga dibeton ok, aku ket biyen lek nang batu rodok2 wedi soale eruh dw ben liwat pujon longsor haduh ngeri😧😧😧 mending sengkaling kene ae cedek sik2 iso nyangsang masio longsor😚😚😚
Pastilah akan kembali dgn puzzle blog yg kutulis sblmnya tp ini kondisi terkini kota batu tonggoku dw rek, engko reporter pasti kembali ok gaes, babu sik dadi perawat sik gaes😚😚😚 1001 profesi iso aku 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hallo gaes tulisanne favoritku iki🤣🤣🤣🤣 yup season terakhir aku lali durung mangan awan gaes terlalu bahagia oleh blouse salur iku trus eling koq koyok luwe😆😆😆 ok kita akhiri ini dulu ya, ada brp td 400jiwa rumah rata dgn tanah, yo yokpo kudu piye aku yo? Banyu iku butuh liwat😚😚😚 efeke mati wis ndek Tlogomas chu kon adus ga rinio mabar ndek kene🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ok focus ya, karena apa ya nandur beton olehe banjir bandang wis eruh dataran tinggi gaes ditanduri tanaman ok fix ditanduri beton bangunan cafe instagramable preketek iku longsor banjir wis menanti 😌😌😌😌 koq hobimen menyiksa tempat berpijakmu sendiri demi opo duwik cuan😌😌😌😌 duwik tok ndek ndasmu koq banjir pray2 hairspray haa🤣🤣🤣
Sebagai manusia itu harusnya adil harusnya bijaksana karena tercipta sbg khalifah di muka bumi, sebagai pemakmur bumi wakil Tuhan bukan malah merusak😚😚😚 makanya malaikat sempat protes saat Nabi Adam akan tercipta kelak keturunannya akan menyebabkan kerusakan di muka bumi Ya Tuhan, tapi Tuhan ngotot dan terciptalah milyaran anak Adam tp ada juga yang menjaga bumi dgn baik🍃🍂🍁🌵🌴 bencana alam adl bagian dari alam, cara alam menegur umat manusia cara Tuhan mengingatkan hanya padaNya lah segalanya kembali, kita butiran Dia Maha Besar, bijaksanalah saat hidup di bumiNya cmn numpang nunut maka berbuat baiklah pada sesama pada alam pada banyak hal agar kita hidup jg sehat selaras seimbang dgn setiap ciptaan Tuhan🍃🍃🍃🍃 tidak rakus merusak dan seenaknya sendiri 🤢🤢🤢
Ok sekian dan terimakasih sampe jumpa di blog2ku berikutnya 😚😚😚 oh ya secuil intermezzo ke Caroline aja ya kuy esoklah ya, c u muuaacchhh💋💋💋💋 now hari Jumat, 5 November 2021🍃🌴🌵🍁🍂
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