#poor mr mondrich
belladonnaprice · 4 months
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bitchypuppystarlight · 3 months
A few confessions no one asked for.
I loved seeing Kate & Anthony but I didn’t miss them when they were gone.
I don’t miss Daphne and Simon at all and don’t feel like their presence is needed.
I love the Mondrichs.
I love how much Mr. Finch & Mr. Dankworth adore their wives. It makes my heart smile.
I wholeheartedly approve of Violet getting a story that doesn’t revolve around her children.
More of Lady Violet & Lady Danbury’s friendship.
I appreciate that Bridgerton is trying to become more of an ensemble show even if the execution was poor.
I’m glad that Colin & Penelope didn’t have angry sex. There’s a reason Colin struggled to hold Penelope and kiss her and comfort her while he was angry. He didn’t want to associate anger and hurt feelings with an act of physical love.
I’m even happier that Penelope respected that Colin had a right to go through his own emotional journey and she never tried to force him or gaslight him into forgiving her.
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strangedreamings · 4 months
S3E2 (spoilers abound)
Agatha and Charlotte talking about LW's latest column. Charlotte mentions that Edwina has "made a splendid match abroad." So, does that mean she didn't end up with your (great-)nephew Friedrich? Interesting. The shippers will be disappointed, but that's what AO3 is for. Can this be the final mention of Edwina, please?
Pen, did you have to mention Kate's age? I get the point you're trying to make but bringing it up again seems crass.
So glad Mrs. Varley approves of Pen's makeover. She has presumably known Pen since she was a baby so this is nice to see.
The Mondriches getting a tour of their new house. Alice is lowkey PISSED OFF about this whole thing and their new housekeeper doesn't seem any happier.
Eloise walking with Benedict and Colin. Where are her flowers? I don't know if her modiste is Delacroix or the other one but damn, let her have her florals.
Does Benedict not have his own storyline this season? So far, he's just been a supporting character for his siblings' storylines. If he's supposed to be the Bridgerton lead for S4, he needs to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for himself this season.
Oh God, more secondhand embarrassment watching Pen try to interact with any man besides Colin and Lord Debling. She wasn't nervous at all around Debling last episode, probably because she doesn't see him as a potential suitor (yet). Nervous laughter, the poor thing.
Agatha, Violet, Francesca, and Hyacinth talking about the lords. Well, a music-lover would be a necessity. Is young Hyacinth this interested in the Marriage Mart in the books? I've only read her and Gareth's book once but if I remember correctly, she was not interested in the whole thing, so this seems OOC. I mean, it works, don't get me wrong, but it's not like what I remember her book counterpart to be. Florence is growing up so fast. If they don't get Hyacinth presented next season, she's going to look too old soon to convincingly play a girl still in the schoolroom. Hyacinth is dressing more like a grown-up now -- her hem is lower, etc, so there is some acknowledgement by the show that she is growing up.
No mention at all of the Stirlings so far. I just glanced at the cast list on IMDB and there's a Lord Samadani in 2 episodes this season. Same last initial, so that could be the show's John. As long as her future husband's got a Scottish accent, I don't care what his name is. (I assume Regency Era Scotland is as racially integrated in this universe as RE England.)
I swear, Pen's mother and sisters' hair color changes with each season.
"Do you think babies appear in your womb?" Portia, you're the one who told them two Seasons ago that pregnancy was a contagious disease, are you really that surprised that they're this ignorant about how to get pregnant?
Colin in bed with two women. Those had better be courtesans because if they're two unmarried women of the ton, I'm going to kill him. As long as they're courtesans, I'm actually okay with it -- it was practically expected for young unmarried men of his social status to be sexually experienced before marriage. A horrid double-standard since women of the same class were expected to be virgins, I know, but it was hoped that by sowing their wild oats before marriage, men would be faithful to their wives when they were married. It does look odd that these women didn't even let down their hair before getting into bed. We've seen Simon in S1 with a woman in his bed and Anthony in bed with what was possibly a succession of women but just one at a time in S2, so I believe this is the first time we've seen a threesome on this show. Shonda, here's a hint -- THE MALE LEADS DO NOT NEED TO TOP THE PREVIOUS MALE LEAD'S EXPLOITS. Benedict (or whoever is the male lead in S4) does not need to do something even more outrageous than a threesome, trust me.
"Same time tomorrow?" Has he been doing this DAILY since he got back? Colin, you'd better have this same level of stamina for your wife (and of course, only your wife) once you're married.
Aww, I was hoping for a Polin first meeting flashback, but reminiscing is almost as good. At least that's more or less identical from the scene in the book. Rae, Pen's maid, needs a raise and possibly hazard pay.
"What exactly happened?" Colin, baby, you DO NOT want to know, trust me.
The Mondriches having separate bedrooms will not last. It's a stupid tradition if the couple truly wants to share a bedroom.
Oh, so El's modiste is Delacroix. WHERE ARE HER FLOWERS, GENEVIEVE?! I mean, Francesca is wearing flowers, the two girls should switch dresses.
Pen coming over to Bridgerton House and Colin surprises her with flirtation practice. I have loved his floral waistcoat since I first saw photos of this scene but I had NO IDEA it laces up in the back. Slutty, slutty waist indeed. (This is the first and probably last time I will ever use that phrase.) Speaking of clothes, I hate the tulle tied around Pen's neck. It's out of place however you look at it. The dress itself is lovely, though. I've loved all of her new gowns so far.
And now we have the "kind eyes" scene that Netflix showed us before. One honest compliment from Pen and Colin is THIRSTY, I love it.
Yes, have her hide in the study, where any family member or servant can enter at any moment. Colin, take it from another writer -- if you don't want someone else to read what you write, DON'T LEAVE YOUR OPEN JOURNAL IN A PLACE ANYONE CAN FIND IT. He really is clueless about everything, isn't he?
One emotionally and physically (hands!) intimate moment then they both jump back like they've been shocked. I love these two, they are adorably hopeless.
Eloise sees Pen just as she's leaving. No words between them but all the anguish on their faces. This isn't going to resolve anytime soon, is it?
Glad Alice can find one good thing about her new status. I agree, the jewelry is lovely, but to see it just in the vanity's drawers like that is odd to me.
Finally, El is back in florals. Perhaps there is hope for her yet. This is the dress she's worn in all the promo shorts, so I'm sure this ball is very significant. The damn sheer gloves are back and I'm not crazy about the necklace either -- it looks too modern, but the dress itself is lovely.
"How is she?" You still care, Eloise. Just talk to her. Argue if you need to, but get it all out of your systems, you'll both feel better and you'll be better friends in the end.
"Perhaps the most eligible right now, strangely." God, I love the sibling dynamics on this show -- it's one of the few things the writers are consistently good at. "I love you and I will never hesitate to tease you every chance I get."
Whose bright idea was it to have a ball in semi-darkness? Is this because of the full moon? Yes, back then, full moon nights were very popular nights for parties but that was because PEOPLE COULD FUCKING SEE OUTSIDE ON THEIR WAY TO THE BALL. In the time before streetlights, that was very important. THERE IS NO REASON TO NOT HAVE THIS INDOOR BALL PROPERLY LIT. People can barely make out everyone's faces, let alone their expressions.
Oh, Lady Cowper just criticized Cressida and I'm sure this isn't the first time. Okay, now she has my sympathy.
"I do enjoy a good turn." Eloise, you are a terrible liar, but apparently, no one there, not even YOUR MOTHER, can tell.
"They've taken to hunting in packs." Yeah, Benedict, they kind of have to when you're not chasing any of them. We get it, you're bored, so why did you even come?
Where's that deaf debutante? I want to see more of her.
I'm glad Pen gets along with her brothers-in-law so well. They're nice to her, in spite or perhaps because of the way their wives treat her.
Pen's stars dress and necklace look lovely on her. Too bad it's utterly wasted on Colin.
"... simply pretend they are dead." That explains so damn much about you, Cressida.
"She was at my house today." Eloise, you better guard your tongue, anything you say next can and will be used against Penelope.
"It seems Colin is helping her look for a husband." WHAT DID I JUST FUCKING SAY?! This is Cressida Cowper you're speaking to, the 2nd biggest gossip in London. YOU UTTER MORON!
(Honestly, I'm not sure which sibling is in possession of the Bridgerton braincell this season, but it's not Anthony, Benedict, Colin, or Eloise. I'm reserving judgement on Francesca. Maybe Daphne took it back to Clyvedon with her the last time she visited.)
Hmm, it seems it's Benedict's turn to be the Bridgerton or Basset closest to the Mondriches this season. I like it.
"Inserts himself where?" Philippa, I know you're not the brightest crayon in the box but what the hell? Portia, this is all on you.
"I cannot think of anything at the moment." Cressida Cowper holding her tongue for the first time in her life? The full moon is getting to everybody, apparently.
I like this Lord Remington. He seems nice and he loves to read LW's column, and it's good to see more diversity in the ton. No one so far treats him differently just because he can't walk.
Oh fuck, that news didn't take long to spread. Just shows that the ton doesn't need LW to spread gossip -- these people would have been exactly the same without Pen's column. What LW does is make people aware of gossip outside their social circle. I can only assume these debutantes and mamas actually do see Penelope as a rival now or they wouldn't have cared what she did.
So we've got Colin telling Eloise off but it's not enough. At least El didn't blab Pen's secret to him. And Cressida is innocent, but El's still in the wrong for telling a secret in public since she was, of course, overheard.
Oh Lord, Fran is going to be the Diamond but she's an introvert, this is not going to go well. She knows it too. Agatha, you really did it this time.
I'm glad the Mondriches are taking control of things. Will's right, the current viscounts, etc didn't do anything to earn their titles, only the original title holders did. Every successive title holder is simply riding their ancestor's coattails.
At least Pen changed her clothes before she started writing this column, but the tear running down her face means she's still not in an emotionally good place. Hopefully, she won't regret anything in this one.
Well, looks like her sisters are finally in the baby race. *eyeroll* Who wants to bet both of them have girls first?
Cressida is both garnering my sympathy and has a point! There is hope for her yet! I think if she can just get away from her mother, she'd be nicer (and much better off).
Hey, Portia, maybe if you actually SUPPORTED PENELOPE FOR ONCE, she wouldn't have to resort to extreme means to get a husband.
We've got Colin bribing Rae to give them privacy and Pen asking him for a kiss. This is either going to end really well or really badly, but they've only got less than two minutes to figure out which.
50/50? They both went back for more but then she ran back into the house and he's standing there gaping. So, Colin, did she rock your world? If so, you'd better do something about it. And by that, I definitely DO NOT mean you should tell anyone. Not your buddies, not your brothers, and definitely not El.
We are a quarter of the way through the season and hooboy, the angst is flowing.
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telltalesonline · 4 months
Bridgerton: The 20 Best Characters, Ranked
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Dearest Gentle Reader, what is it about the hit period series Bridgerton that keeps you firmly hooked on like a tight-fitted corset?
Is it the steamy love scenes or the profound romantic declarations? Or perhaps it’s the stunning costumes, grand sets, and classical pop covers that you burn for. Mostly, though, I have a feeling it’s the characters that keep you gripped on this popular TV show.
From the dashing Duke of Hastings to the multi-dimensional Bridgerton siblings, every character is as alluring as the Regency-era setting itself. But in the words of Lord Anthony, who is the “bane of my existence and the object of all my desires?”
With every season — and spin-off — the show goes through a wardrobe change of characters, so it might be best to do a roll call of the most memorable ones.
Scroll down for my ranking of the 20 best Bridgerton characters (including those in Queen Charlotte) — based on their impact, likableness, and overall contribution to the series.
20. Cressida Cowper
Where else would this ill-mannered gossip be, if not at the bottom of the list? Cressida Cowper, my least favorite Bridgerton character, is like that coworker you want to defenestrate, or that neighbor you fantasize about running over. I’m exaggerating, obviously. Although she’s had some character growth and I feel *slightly* sorry for her, I can’t forgive her for picking on poor Penelope, gossiping and competing for suitors. Pretty sure she cries herself to sleep for being match-free.
19. The Featherington Sisters
Whiners and graceless groaners, Prudence and Philippa are no one’s favorites — neither in our hearts or among the ton. They now have different surnames as they both successfully married, making their mama heave a sigh of relief. However, their pitiful, back-breaking journey to this status remains fresh in my mind. On the one hand, you’re happy for them. On the other, you feel sorry for those poor blokes.
18. Mrs. Varley
Now, why would a lowly servant rank higher than high-born ladies? Unlike her fellow trusty servants on this show, Mrs. Varley stands out not just for being the Featheringtons’ loyal housekeeper, but their partner in crime, as well. She could have left when they were insolvent, but she stayed, taking up the family’s duties and plotting with Portia for the good of the household. What other housekeeper would do that? Someone give Mrs. Varley the Servant of the Season Award!
17. Lord and Lady Mondrich
Because they are a T-E-A-M — and possibly the most superior couple on the show. Friends of the Duke of Hastings, and well-acquainted with the Bridgertons, the businessman and his audacious wife are slowly becoming favorites, and for that, they deserve a worthy mention. From rigged fights to opening a manhole, they try to stand firmly on their feet, as they aren’t as endowed as others. But having now gone from working class to high society, these two are clearly moving up in the world of Bridgerton, and I love that for them.
16. Benedict Bridgerton 
What’s a Bridgerton doing on the lowest rungs of the ladder? Benedict is a great guy, but his character isn’t as flourished as his more popular family members. We know he wants to be free to forge his own path, uninfluenced by societal expectations, and he’s also the supportive sibling who’s there when you need him. Remember when he rescued Eloise, the sibling he’s closest with, from a crude description of how babies are made?
15. Genevieve Delacroix
Ah, Benedict’s ex-fling with the fake French accent…The successful businesswoman who styles the ladies of the ton and collaborates with Lady Whistledown. That alliance ended when she realized their tryst wasn’t worth a charred reputation. But throughout the series, she’s proven to be a good person, and bestie to Penelope. Need advice, a place to crash, or want to spread a rumor about someone having an illegitimate child so you don’t have to marry him anymore? Just head over to the modiste!
14. Simon Basset
It goes without a doubt that the Duke of Hastings was one of the best characters in the first season. He was ridiculously good-looking, and his presence always spoke more than he ever did. But I can’t say I *miss* him. Simon hangs low on the ladder, as he allows his hatred for his father to control him by denying Daphne, his wife, the joys of motherhood. In the end, love, frequent shenanigans around the estate, and of course common sense prevail, and Augie Bassett is born.
13. King George
Although not so much a major character on Bridgerton, the spinoff show Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story helped us sympathize with the once-was charming and graceful king. A well-rounded and humanized portrayal of a vulnerable King who is plagued by mental illness, I couldn’t help but feel a certain level of compassion for this character as he navigates the tragic relationship with his wife.
12. Colin Bridgerton
“I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington…” Well, I will never forget those words Mr. Colin Bridgerton!!
But all things (and Season 3) considered, he still gets brownie points for being the perfect gentleman. Indeed, despite being blind to the whole package that is Penelope (except in Season 3, of course), Colin is the ultimate sweetheart. He looks out for Featheringtons before they almost get shanghaied; expresses that he could have married Marina despite the pregnancy; and rescues his best friend Penelope from the many torments of the ton. Colin’s that guy you wanna be friends with, but not too friend-ly with, you get me?
11. Edwina Sharma
Timid and sweet Edwina is bland to say the least. Her agreeable nature makes me yawn and yes, I use her scenes for bathroom breaks. It was when she discovered that Anthony, her husband-to-be, was in love with Kate, her sister, that I felt some fire oozing from her. That fire restored order in both households and mended her relationship with her sister. It also gave her a prince instead of a viscount, so you know, talk about leveling up!
10. Daphne Basset
The incomparable Duchess Daphne Basset. The pretty face that had men swooning and girls admiring. The Bridgerton that chose a Duke over a Prince…and took drastic measures to ensure pregnancy. The things we do for love, right? Of course, she has to be among the top 10 characters! As the first Bridgerton daughter, she discharges her duties of setting a good example for her younger sisters and upholding her family’s prestige splendidly. But in what world did she think she could play around with the handsome Duke and not get…burned?
See the full ranking at Tell Tales Online.
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blonde-toddy · 4 years
Random and Not So Random thoughts while watching Bridgerton: Season 1, Episode 4
Oh they're at court.
Also she's not a commoner. She's the daughter of a Viscount.
Another Daphne brag moment, but homegirl really got the juice. She's bagging mfs over hand holding and dancing.
Violet dgaf. She's hungry now, damn it!
Oh he's buying jewelry already.
Ooooooh the way she imagines the Duke behind her. Honey yes. That scene was hot.
Too bad she came back to reality.
Hyacinth is my spirit animal.
Lady Whistledown ain't ready to write Simon off yet. She's waiting on the Dukes Hail Mary.
Shit. So am I.
I have never seen someone look so depressed in such an exquisite piece of jewelry. It's like the necklace chokes her. Testament to the acting and script for that though. It truly represents a trap.
Awww Simon is wearing that heavy bag out. I would say poor Simon, but he made this damn bed.
I love Alice and Will. They are the kind of wholesome love I need to keep my heart steady watching this damn show. She's his rider and I love it.
Alice roasting Simon over Daphne. Get. Yo. Girl. Mane.
I always cringe when a man tells a woman to smile.
Poor Marina. Portia is determined to find her the oldest mf. She's playing smart though.
Those damn dingbat sisters.
Maybe Penelope does care.
Well at least the least mean sister got a caller. They're awkward/cute.
Eloise girl, I love feathers in hair. Your one dimensional preaching is wearing me out again.
A boxing match date? I'd be down.
The prince legit seems like a nice guy. And Daphne is trying....but she's CLEARLY hung up on Simon.
Oh look Simon's losing focus on his friend because he's too focused on Daphne and the prince.
Ok mf! Take that shit off and roll them sleeves up. It turns me on too sis!
Oh look at the sweet family talk with the prince. Girl he'd give you any and everything you wanted.
But you and the Duke are just ATE TF UP about each other!
Mondrich for the win!!!!
Oh Benny. You've got a new friend. But what kind of friend? Give me more of this.
Well Anthony is smug and pleased as punch. Simons courtship of Daphne has ended. She has her perfect suitor. And Simon is leaving England to go rake and fuckboy about.
Though Simons hard slammed shot when the prince approached says he's anything but happy.
Violet always worries about the wrong shit.
Hyacinth always wants to know the good shit.
Be Hyacinth.
Oh fuck the prince is ready to propose. That shit escalated quickly.
SIMON!!!!!! Now would be a good time for that Hail Mary.
Good job Anthony. Way to realize that the women in your life have agency over THEMSELVES.
Violet always beating around the damn bush.....but she is still 100% #teamduke
Aw Daphne you're gonna break down snitching on yourself.
If it wasn't real with Simon you wouldn't be so ate up about it, and you would be rocking tf out of that necklace from the prince instead of crying.
There's a reason for the black in her outfit. For Daphne, who is normally all pastel blues, that black is her mourning. It's her 'attempting' to put to death her feelings for the Duke. And also I think mourning the loss if the bond they shared. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But this seems like a very deliberate show with it's details.
Danbury ripping Simon open before she sends him off. Big energy.
She knows everything you thick headed mf. Why won't you just listen?! You letting your rank ass daddy live rent free in your soul.
He's so jaded it hurts.
Ayyyye this Trowbridge party looks like the real deal.
Oh gawd. Marina and the old man.
Mr. Finch and the cheese frock. Jesus who wrote this. I love it
Cressida you have been Daphnes biggest hater all season and now you're mad that she's with the prince. He was never gonna marry yo basket headed ass anyway.
Oooooh shit Simon sees the 'intimate painting' and has 2nd thoughts.
Go. Get. Yo. Girl.......Bitch.
Ooooh Benny's at the new homies spot and it's lit!
Naked models, easels, mingling between the classes. Yes indeed.
2nd sons having fun. Hell yes.
Damn Even Sienna at the ball...as a performer of course.
And Anthony looking tongue tied.
Violet....you need to chill. There take another sip.
Portia trying to shade Lady Trowbridges style is comical. Both of y'all bitches gaudy as hell.
Oh shit Phillipa lost her man.
Wtf is wrong with Lord Featherington?
And wtf are you doing Eloise?
Ayyye she just let her have it. You think servants have the time to be Lady Whistledown? I'm dead.
"Get out."
Ok Penelope with your saucy ass.
Well fuck! You just pushed him right to Marina. You played yourself boo.
Oooh the prince is about to shoot the big shot and Daphne keeps running away.
She done spotted Simon. Its over.
Fuck off Cressida.
Rip that mf necklace off girl.
Simon followed her ass outside.
"Miss Bridgerton." Motherfucker, call her Daphne.
"I came to say goodbye." Man. Go to hell.
Daphne serving those barbs. You not ready to keep playing with her.
Damn, Simon. If you're not gonna give her what she wants, get out the way.
Tell his ass sis.....even if you don't believe it yourself.
Really Simon? You stand there quiet as a mf church mouse whiles she's pleading with you to say something.....then you take off after her once she walks away from your shit
I swear.....men.....yall mfs really do shit like this. Speak up! Or...LET. ME. GO.
She's really cracking on his ass and I'm here for it....but wtf us up with his "I forbid you." Who tf are you to me? I'm glad she ain't playing with his ass.
Ooooh he called her Daphne and grabbed her.
Oh honey this is what fulfillment feels like, isn't it?
He's definitely fulFILLing her all the way up!
Oh shit Anthony caught them.
At least he finally landed some decent blows on Simon.
This RAKE ass mf still won't marry her.
Oh Simon.....for once.....Anthony is in the right and you the wrong. You are really about to die over your fucking daddy issues. Boy bye. Again.
Poor Daphne.
Wait, how did Cressida know she was in the garden?
That can't be good.
At least Benny is having a good time.
Dearest Portia, when you go looking for shit, it usually falls in your lap.
Marina keeps carrying on about Colin and Penelope is crushed.....or scheming....or both.
Aww Penelope let her hurt feelings cause a fight with her bestie. Her jealousy is seething.
Daphne still out here having to educate Anthony....though I get the need for the duel. And he still thinks he's running something.
Ooooh this is why they brought up 2nd sons.....Anthony is prepping Benny to take over. Well Benny, at least you had one good night out.
Colin caring for drunk Violet is parenting goals one day.
Oh great, now yall wanna bring Colin into the shit.
Simon raiding Wills spot for booze was so uneccesarily loud.
So Berbrooke alludes to her dishonor and Simon caves his fucking head in. Simon legit dishonors her and he's just like ,"Kay, guess I'll go get shot now." Someone get this man some therapy.
Oh great Anthony is back at Siennas door with more of his bullshit. Girl. Close that door.
No, not after you've let him in and climbed his torso. I guess y'all fuckin again.
He lost all the money and now he's fucked up.
Her face while he cried, is literally the face of every woman sick of a mediocre man's shit.
Oooh now they're all riding off into battle like the fucking idiots they are.
Colin is so pure.
I knew that Cressida shit would come back.
Well at least Anthony was willing to care for Sienna in his death....but damn mf, treat me right while WE'RE here.
Oh the dramatics of drawing a gun.
Nobody is here for Simon's weak ass apologies and I'm okay with that.
Hurry hurry Daphne.
Daphne down....but she's alright.
Call them idiots just like they are.
Simon still being a hoe about this shit. You really about let her be ostracized because you're a fuck boy.
Ultimate fuck boy line...I can't be with you because I love you too much. Fucking hell.
They do obviously love each other though.
Hold up.......you CAN NEVER, or WILL NEVER give her children. Don't play this like you have a reproductive issue.
So your reason for not marrying her is that you "can never" give her children and you know that's what her heart desires.
You playing with fire, Simon.
I wonder how much shit I let slide with his character just because he's portrayed so well by the phenomenal Regé-Jean Page.
No, I do love Simon's damaged ass. He just makes me so mad.
So the duel resumes......or not.
Daphne said, "Fuck them kids, give me my husband." Or something like that.
Well. This us an uncomfortable arrangement even though both of these idiots are in love.
Simon's evasion will most certainly come back to bite him in the ass.
But I'll be here with my popcorn and tissue, rooting for these cool kids to make it!
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belladonnaprice · 4 months
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