#oh dear this is long lol
vargaslovinghours · 5 months
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And never let you go ♥
Bonus without the overspill lighting:
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#💟#Digital art#Full Art#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#It's that time of year again where I get real sappy about Vargas ♥ Because yes! Once again it is my own personal Vargasversary! 🎊 Yaaaay#Seven years now - I don't know what to do with seven years it feels like a hard to define number haha#Right in the middle between five years and ten years! A while to be certain but hard to define as a Long Time either hmm#Well whatever it doesn't matter <3 The important part is that I still love Vargas and them very much ♥♪#I actually didn't really have any specific plans for this Vargasversary :0 I haven't been drawing them much again#Other things have drawn my focus and attention hehe ♪#So I just kinda set my hand loose - no sketches on paper no defined idea - this is just what my hand/brain came up with in the moment#I'm pleased :) I think it accurately expresses how I feel about them hehe <3#I wrote down what ended up being the text/caption a couple months ago while I was in Big Love in their direction#I don't remember what inspired it anymore other than just - They ♥ Themst ♥ Do love them <3#I've planned my next reread now ♪ Barring anything drastic (like an update lol) I know when I'll be rereading next#I'm looking forward to it! :D As always hehe <3#It's still a bit a ways off which works well for recharging :)#And of course I'll be doing my usual in the meanwhile - this and the main anniversary and my sketchdumps and Requestober haha#The caption is as much me as it is Edgar after all <3#Even quiet and sleeping I still find them as a comfort - a place I find rest and joy in ♥#Inspiring and lovely and wonderful - pretty and tender and dear!#Oh and#Always finding a way to flip up the bottom of the shirt#Hehe <3
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lunarharp · 1 year
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into the deep end - 30k T orufrey fic, focusing on memory trauma, disability, and romance.
the sweet oblivion of the victim, the poisoned freedom of the other.
for one moment - it had felt like two parts returned - the needed reunion of two disparate halves. no more secrets, no more pain.
the moment you get to give back what you never wanted to take. that moment, under the night-blooming flowers, when they had both let out the same single broken sigh of relief.
but they were never whole to begin with, were they?
qifrey swore he wouldn't say 'sorry' to this man any more if he could help it - sorry is cheap now. he didn't want to be in a position ever again where you only have 'sorry' left. so he just looks down into the threads of his blanket, strains his eye until it hurts, feeling his insides - his throat, heart and head - burn with pain. he expects more, but olly says nothing.
olly says nothing.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#sorry i wanted to make a new post for my fic since the first illustration is new.#*stands in the middle of a desolate field in the pouring rain* Please Read My Tale...Blease..Oh god please..*collapses to the ground*#someone asked if there's spoilers in it. Um...yes. Sorry...it's about everything#maybe i should describe it more? it's about qifrey becoming more and more disabled - as i feel is his canon trajectory#and both of them processing the choices that have been made. it was necessary for me to explore this in order to fully understand orufrey#and for them to have the cathartic conclusion-that's why this is important to me for my witch hat fanwork making life. this connects it all#and having dived into qifrey's mind and lived through oru's feelings i was able to get to a place that is possible for them.#the hit/kudos ratio is so pathetic idek what happened. ppl opening it realising its long and saving it for later or just bailing lmfao#idek any more i hate advertising my writing i hate trying to get more ppl to read my long fics it's so hard 🥲#i'm so much prouder of this than my art...i was able to sink deeply into the orufrey feelings i had always wanted to fully explore#so. it's there lol.........i reread the date/kiss segment today after trying to forget about it thinking maybe the fic is just BAD lol#and like.....nope! i like it very much and this is what i was trying to get across. and it's always there to be read by anyone who wants to#and i will always remember the bliss i felt while writing when i was just lost in their world and living as them. dear GOD i love them.#i'm grateful to myself that i put in the work and love to make this so that i can always come back to it. i wanna illustrate scenes properly#but i'm never satisfied with drawing things i've written because i just can't capture the vivid experience in my mind. maybe one day.
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artzybumpkin · 3 months
I know you kinda mentioned how the rest of of the smiley guys react to Al/lan's pregnancy, but do you have anything to expand off of that? Does G/lep get jealous or just unaffected by it? Is Ch/arlie ever awkward about it but trying to be cool? Eee I AM VERY INVESTED 😭😭
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Figured I'd group these two together since they're similar❤️
(This one's a long one, buckle up y'all)
First thing's first.... telling boss man.
Al/lan had no immediate intentions to confess his pregnancy to anyone just yet, since he'd only JUST found out himself. He hadn't even been to see a doctor yet but after having 5 at home tests come up positive(not to mention the constant nausea and the slightest hint of a bump beginning to poke out under his tie)... it was painfully obvious. But after he had to come clean to P/im, he was persistently prompted to at least fill the boss in on his situation.
"I-I dunno, P/im..."
Though he didn't want to admit it, he was extremely nervous. Would this affect his job at all? His position?? What if he's viewed as a nuisance and gets fired for it?? He can't afford to be fired! Not NOW!
"Well... You won't know unless you try. Mr B/oss is uh.... a strange one, to put it frankly, but he's usually pretty understanding. I don't think he'd fire you over this. He's a father himself, after all!"
About that time they heard keys jingling just outside the back entrance. As expected, they heard the boss's voice sing out a gleeful 'Morning, guys' as he came through the door, passing them on his way to his office.
A gentle nudge from P/im suggested he go ahead and bite the bullet. With a dreadful sigh, Al/lan got up from his seat and made his way towards the office himself.
"Eh, Mr B/oss?... Could I speak with you real quick? It's uh... urgent."
"Oh hey Al/lan! Sure, come on in! What's up?"
"So.... something's come up, and-... Well, I don't really know how else to say this but-"
"Hold on, lemme stop you right there. I've seen this enough times to know where this is going."
Al/lan's eyes widened nervously. "You do?"
"Yeup. But If you're putting in your notice, I urge you to reconsider."
"I-...," he paused, losing his train of thought for a second, "What??..."
"PLEASE don't quit, Al/lan!" Mr B/oss clambered onto his desk, hands clasped together, a pleading look on his face. "I know firing Tyler was kinda out of the blue but there were reasons I can't legally discuss! It was a hard blow to all of us! We can't afford to lose you too! Things would be wack around here without you! Unbalanced! It just wouldn't be the same!"
"Who'll keep the finances in check? Who'll keep the paperwork organized and the files alphabetized and the plants watered and the shelves stocked and fridge clean and the... er- um... WHATEVER else you do! Please don't gooooo-!"
"I'm not- Mr B/oss, I'm not quitting!"
"You're... you're not??" he sniffled pitifully.
"NO! I'm trying to tell you I'm...," he hesitated a second before finally steeling himself. No sense in putting it off now, "I think I'm... pregnant...."
"Oh!..," he straightened up immediately, as if he hadn't just been bawling in front of his employee, "Is that all? You had me worried for a sec there, haha!"
Al/lan was completely taken aback. Wait... It was that easy? "You're... okay with this??"
"Yeah man, that's great news! I remember when Jason came around it was the happiest I'd ever been! It's nerve wracking, don't get me wrong, but it's worth it! If it's what you decide you want, that is."
The red critter's eyes darted side to side briefly in thought. "It won't affect my position at all?"
"I don't see why it would. Unless you just NEEDED some time away or something. Whatever you decide, you have my full support, dude!"
"Um... Wow, I- er.... Thank you."
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Meanwhile, back in the breakroom.
Shortly after Al/lan left the room, Gl/ep made his way into the breakroom. P/im smiled and waved frantically to him!
"Good MORNING, Gl/ep! Ready for a brand new work day?"
The small green critter narrowed his eyes suspiciously, making P/im shrink slightly in his seat.
"Wajdhfkrjrurup?... (Why're you acting so skiddish?...)"
"Skiddish? ME?? HA! No no no, I'm not... Th-That's ridiculous!...," he mumbled, his tone growing quieter and quieter with every word.
Sweet fella can't lie for SHIT. And Gl/ep could see right through his attempt as if he were looking through freshly windexed glass. All it took was the unwavering glare to break him.
"Okay, okay.... It's not really MY news to share but... Can you keep a secret, Gl/ep?"
"Æ, (Meh.)" he shrugged.
P/im quickly peered over his shoulder before motioning Gl/ep to come closer. He put his hand up to his ear and whispered. "Al/lan just found out he's expecting!.."
Gl/ep's expression turned from brief confusion to brightened wonderment as he muttered his own version of 'WOW' under his breath
"You're the only one besides me and Mr B/oss that knows right now so try to keep it on the down low, alright?"
"Keep what on the down low??.."
P/im nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of a voice behind him. "Ch/arlie! When did you get here?? You startled me!" he yelped shakily, grasping his chair for dear life.
"I literally just got here, man. You didn't hear me come in? The front doorbell went off and everything," he said as he placed his lunch in the fridge. "So what's all this secrecy nonsense you were babbling about before I walked in?"
"Ah... Well..."
"Sjdidjfjoieuehjkipodepibop! (Al/lan's up the duff!)"
"GL/EP!" he semi scolded, earning another half hearted shrug from the smaller critter.
"'Up the duff?'..," Ch/arlie pondered a second, "I've never heard that phrase in my life, 'up the duff,' what's that even mean, dude?"
P/im shot Gl/ep a slightly stern look before sighing. Guess it's only fair to not keep him in the dark, now that basically everyone else knows. "Al/lan's pregnant, Ch/arlie."
Ch/arlie soaked the information in for a hot minute, momentarily wracking his brain to make sure he'd heard that correctly. "Pregnant, huh?... When'd he find that out?"
"I think last night? He'd taken several tests and they came back positive, so he's pretty sure. He must be at least a month or so along! He's even got a little bump starting to show!" P/im's enthusiasm obviously started to swell again when he reached the end of his statement.
"Ah... Cool."
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Soooo to recap first reactions:
Mr B/oss, super cool about it.
Gl/ep, also happy but kinda neutral.
Ch/arlie, mildly traumatized.
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lucabyte · 5 months
your ocs!!!!! please ramble about them!!!!
i love your art so much
So ! My ocs. I guess I'll do an overall explainer for the overall groups. If you check out my Toyhouse (LINK!) there's a bunch of folders up top that are how I categorise them. It's primarily by universe except for the folders that are just "misc."
So folder 1: Blatant favouritism:
These are silly little guys that don't fit in any specific wider universe, but I really really like. So I'll spotlight the two important ones before i get real in the weeds with my main universe.
In here are notably, my Fursona (self explanatory), Ali and Pittsburgh Cincinnati. There's also Hauntkit and Clearpelt who are warriorcats ocs that *is dragged away by airport security*
... So, Pittsburgh, lovingly sometimes called pissbug, is a weird little Thing who I made as like, an homage to characters like happy bunny and Sweetypuss. She (and her weird dog) exist to stand next to strange and offputting captions. I love her. No further context. She's just silly. and violent.
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Now. Ali.
Ali Alighieri has thoroughly stolen the show, and also ties into the next folder along, Making Your MK.
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With over a hundred extra images compared to second place (Sorry, Tabitha). Ali is my fucked up little scrunkly. My little baby guy. They're a shared character of mine and @samhainian's, and is from their Creature Feature setting (A modern fantasy setting wherein Cryptids and Magic are real but in our modern world.) They are as such, a modern human young adult... Who is also a demon + magic user.
Strange little pansexual altersex genderqueer poetry-nerd that they are... The modern setting also means they are literally just a tumblr user. A fellow countryman, so to speak.
HOWEVER.... Ali's true origin was in *Purrgatorio*, a scrapped visual novel of mine set in the MYMK universe! They were simply retrofitted into CF as the joke with Purrgatorio was that a regular human had mysteriously just shown up in MYMK's pure-furry setting.... And then when we scrapped the project we got all attatched to our little not-so-blank-slate protagonist. But I'll put a pin in Purrgatorio for later.
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Making Your MK.
(Guest of honour: My super unfinished website <3)
Okay so here's the big one. The setting with.... (looks at spreadsheet) 109 characters not including so-called incidentals. At time of writing.
MYMK is home to... Multiple stories. As you would hope when a setting has 100+ characters. I'd wager each story has about 10-20 relevant characters tops but with a big shared universe like this there gets to be overlap between casts!!! Yay !!! 😊😊😊
MYMK is the name of the main story in the setting. Pronounced "Making your Mark", it is centered around Markus Felidae (The purple one) and their family. It's very action-adventure-y. It's also the plot I'm most secretive about the backend of since I WILL!!!!! Turn it into a nice prose story with pictures SOMEDAY!!!!! But for now tee hee hee secrets secrets. Markus' family is strange and ragtag and is keeping something from them... I can't ramble on too long here unless further prompted in asks about specifics but!!! Everyone in the MYMK folder has a fully furbished little profile with a blurb about them. So if you're curious....
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But yeah, I tend to think of the MYMK setting more in terms of its Locations than its Casts, due to the overlapping nature of them all. The Malbranche may be the villains of the main plot, but they're also major players in relation to The Palsgrave who are the antagonists of Moraine, etc etc,
The country everything in MYMK is set in is called New Orphidian, Southern hemisphere little thing, here's a very cartoony map of it.
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Um. Cliffside!
Since it's the best map I have... Here's an exclusive sneak peek of a Zine I'll be getting back to once the fandom brain cools down a bit.... :3c
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Cliffside is situated on a big ol' Cliff.
A tiny hamlet of a place, it used to have reason to exist, and now does not. It's not even a good tourist locale, as the cliff is much too dangerous compared to the nicer tourist spot of Welkin just a little north. Not to mention nearby Moraine's allure as a tax haven with no labour laws place where a bunch of TV and Movies are filmed!
It's where most of MYMK's main cast reside (except the antagonists from the Big City Varmonte), and is as such a location I have a lot of tiny little worldbuilding thoughts about :)
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I won't go into the other locations here just because then this post will SUPER get away from me but... I think most importantly for Cliffside right now...
Is that it's where Purrgatorio is set. Yes, that VN I said got scrapped. It's not dead. It is in fact serving it's original intended purpose as "A (mostly) noncanon exploration of character voice and setting"
It's back and its prose babeyyyyyyy!!! (A BUNCH OF THE EARLY STUFF IS ME BEING SUPER RUSTY ... BE WARNED)
Purrgatorio is currently the most publicly available coherent work I have out of my ocs! It's very low-stakes and serves mostly to bash my toys together and see what character dynamics come out, but you can look if you want to!
(There's also a whole THING on the meta of its Canonicity... It's not canon, but it's also not NOT canon. But if I talk about Metanarrative Timeline Collapse in my normal mundane non-magic setting im gonna sound bonkers ✌)
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Ali's dynamics with the MYMK cast are so goddamn funny to me. Like I literally just handed my OCs some ET shit but ET is a sexually repressed tumblr user with a mood disorder.
But yeah I don't think I can coherently string together much more about MYMK without just actually explaining THE WHOLE PLOT.... Though I will absolutely elaborate on any given character's Whole Deal if i'm prompted. (OH MY GOD I DIDNT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHROME AND TABITHA. WAIT. OKAY THERE'S. OK NO IF I TALKED ABOUT THEM IT'D JUST END UP AN ESSAY ,SORRY..)
So here's some bonafide classic images for the road.
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... And as for the other folders on my toyhouse!
Misc and Fandom are what they sound like. Self explanatory,
Then, Ysden is @samhainian's fantasy setting. It's where our DnD games happen to be set but it's also a general fantasy setting :)
and Monster of the Week... Is currently being revamped! It used to be a modern world setting with hidden magic, now it's going to be more... Adventure Time-y. Fantasy world get iphone. Yknow. It has a lower Age Rating than MYMK's "anything goes", as it started as a Pitch Bible Project in my animation class. They're a little neglected but I still love them :) The revamp is extemely recent and not reflected in any of the art/writing yet but I'm workin on it. It still doesn't have a proper title..... OTL
So yeah!! Uh. This wasn't as comprehensive as I was hoping but it turns out I have way, WAY too many thoughts on my guys. And no idea what to do when im actually asked about them so !!!! This was not a very coherent ramble but it was a ramble !
There's things like essays on Chrome and Tabitha (Link) and also The Queer Gender Identities Of The Whole Cast (Link) hiding around on my toyhouse, and once again, Purrgatorio (Link) serves as my sandbox for playing with how these characters act in situations.
But..... ! I did try to make my toyhouse approachable for the average layman. Every character in the MYMK folder (Link) has a *blurb* of information, rather than a giant wall of text explaining everything about them. I want people to be able to understand their general vibe at a glance rather than be overwhelmed.
In any case ???? Uh. Fun game for everyone: If you know your homestuck classpect, every single MYMK character has a classpect and lunar sway. and a birthday. Try and find your andrew-hussie assigned kin! As a Prospitian Witch of Heart, I share my classpect and lunar sway with Chrome. No I don't know what this means. It worries me honestly he's kind of an asshole.
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pinksilvace · 7 months
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Some eternally unfinished painting practice with a sketch from a few weeks back that accidentally turned into a fabric study
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danganphobia · 5 months
toshiro and laios college au aquarium date uhm . they need to see some creatures .
Fic under the cut. It gets nsfw later, just a heads up.
They've begun dating only recently, so it took Toshiro by surprise when Laios was the one who asked him where he wanted to go for their second date.
Toshiro blanked out for a second. He was used to going out to most places by himself. He was quite comfortable with his own company. To adapt to bringing Laios along on these ventures was going to take some time. But as he thought about it, the local aquarium came to mind because they were on Spring break from classes, and neither of them had any other plans.
Laios even offered to pick him up this time. Toshiro had been to Laios' home on numerous occasions, yet being in his cramped beat-up truck felt more intimate than all the other home visits.
Asking if Toshiro was comfortable, (Toshiro answered yes), Laios cranked open the windows and turned on the stereo, lowering the volume. Toshiro wondered if he did it for his sake, toning down his rambunctious behaviors, that was. Or else, he would've been singing every song that came on the radio at the top of his lungs.
The aquarium was awfully crowded. It was Spring break, after all. Everyone there had the same idea. Laios bought them both tickets, pushing their way through the herds of nautical lovers and all the like.
"What do you wanna see first?" Laios asked, gently grasping Toshiro's hand, making his heart rate speed up. This was something else that threw Toshiro off. Laios would've already dragged them to the first exhibit that caught his eye. He was being extremely attentive today. He was spoiling Toshiro, rather.
And it felt... really nice, to have Laios' attention on him; like he was special.
"Whichever you want," Toshiro said, trying to test the waters. Also, because being put on the spot like this was overwhelming. "I don't mind."
Laios squeezed his hand and said, "what kind of animals you like? I know there's not much bug-stuff here, but..." He laughed, under the dark blue hue of the lights, pink was visible on his cheeks. "I wanna know more about what you like, and why you like it. Helps me know more about you."
Toshiro, speechless, had to kick himself back into reality. Why did he have to be so disgustingly thoughtful? And why did he find that so attractive?
He had to remind himself that just about anything he said would be fascinating to Laios. It didn't matter how simple, or silly. He shouldn't have to think so hard about it.
"Have you heard of Ryujin?" The question escaped Toshiro's lips before he could stop himself. He almost wanted to flee from the sparkle in Laios' eye, because Toshiro was about to enlighten him about something of his own accord, not because Laios forced it out of him.
"I think so! They're dragons that control the ocean, right?" His enthusiasm made Toshiro smile, guiding him to the fish exhibit first.
"Ryujin is a deity, or a dragon god, not multiple. But you were close," he answered, Laios grinning in triumph. "I'll tell you about a story written long ago... there was this princess named Tamatori, a beautiful pearl diver tasked to retrieve a stolen pearl for her son..."
As Toshiro explained, Laios nodded eagerly, listening along. Toshiro wasn't very confident in his storytelling skills, but Laios made it so easy. Tamatorihime's story was just one of the many examples of why sea creatures and the ocean was part of his culture, showing Laios' the fish that swam around behind the glass exhibit. He'd gasp in awe as if he were picturing Toshiro's story vividly, like he was there... and it was quite adorable.
"Did she get the pearl?" Laios asked. He wasn't as interested in the sea creatures because he was engaged in Toshiro's story instead.
"Yes, she did," Toshiro replied, Laios sighed with relief, but Toshiro had to break the sad news to him. "She hid the pearl within her breast. She cut it open to do so, and she bled out."
"What?" Laios gasped. "Did she survive?"
Toshiro shook his head. "But it was an honorable sacrifice she made for her husband and son." His eyes widened when he heard Laios' sniffling, tears in his eyes. "L-Laios?! What's wrong?!"
"I'm sorry, I just-!" Laios sobbed, wiping his eyes. Toshiro blushed at the onlookers, thinking Toshiro did something with bad intentions to make Laios cry. "Poor Tamatori! She was so brave!"
Toshiro laughed exasperatedly, putting his hands on Laios' shoulders. "Please stop crying. I thought this was meant to be motivating."
"It is! I enjoyed this story so much!" Laios exclaimed, with puffy, teary eyes, he hugged Toshiro. "Thank you for sharing this with me."
Toshiro didn't have the heart to tell Laios the folklore Maizuru told him as a child usually ended in tragedy. Tales like this were performed in theaters, sung by monks, and passed down from one generation to another, through war and famine.
That was why they were so significant.
When he looked to his right, they happened to be at the koi pond exhibit, one of Toshiro's favorites.
"Laios," Toshiro said gently, wiping his tears and cupping his cheeks, urging him to look at the pond. "Look."
The pretty sparkle returned to Laios' eyes. "Koi?"
Toshiro nodded. "Yes. Want to come with me and look at them?" He asked with a patient smile.
"Fuck yeah!" Laios' was back to his usual chippy self. He took Laios' hand and led him to the exhibit. It was interactive, so they were able to feed the fish in the open pond.
Toshiro adored the way Laios' eyes lit up seeing the fish swim over to him, cooing at them like newborn babies.
They continued exploring the exhibits, going from smaller animals, and working their way up to the massive ones. Laios seemed to enjoy seeing the whales and sharks. Toshiro was more drawn to cnidaria and chordata, but they both had time to see their favorite sea creatures.
It was Laios' turn to tell Toshiro that some jellyfish were technically immortal because of their ability to reaggregate their cells after decaying, their polyps creating new jellyfish. They both had something to learn from each other, including the fact that Toshiro hadn't seen a single Jaws movie, and Laios wanted to change that immediately.
As a way of thanking Laios, Toshiro bought him a shark plush at the aquarium gift shop.
Laios was about to start crying again, which Toshiro panicked, pleading that he stop or people would think he was a really shitty boyfriend.
He thankfully obliged as they exited the building, content with how their second date went.
"Say," Laios said, "you hungry?"
"A little?" Toshiro answered timidly. His stomach growled, and telling Laios a little was just an understatement. Laios laughed, and Toshiro smacked him in the chest.
"You're so cute!"
"I will take that shark back."
"Don't you dare! Tamatori is mine!"
Toshiro paused, looking down at the plush, then at Laios. "You... you named your shark after Tamatori?"
They got fast food.
It's less than ideal. Where Toshiro came from, being wined and dined was a sign of respect. Fast food was for people who were craving late night junk at an affordable price.
He was bumping shoulders with Laios and sharing chicken nuggets, french fries, milkshakes that Toshiro would've regretted drinking if he didn't bring his lactaid pills. Laios wolfed down two whole burgers. The food was good, and that was dangerous. If Toshiro had too much of this, he was afraid he'd never stop.
"I gotta go to the bathroom," Laios said, standing up.
"Wait, here?" Toshiro asked, baffled. Public bathrooms were either well-kept or a biohazard. That didn't stop Laios. He tapped Toshiro's nose with a snort.
"Yeah, silly. Be right back." He winked, turning his heel and jogging across the room, making a right down the hall. Toshiro sighed, shaking his head as he looked out the window.
He wondered what his father would think, him stuffing himself silly with chicken nuggets with who's practically considered a frat boy and jock combined instead of a wealthy businessman looking to elope and then forget he existed, since to his father, courting and marriage were a means of keeping up appearances and not because either party wanted to genuinely know each other outside of that.
Toshiro was wealthy, heir to his father's company; but he wanted to be invisible to everyone else. He didn't want to be befriended to get in the good graces of the Nakamoto family dynasty. He preferred drinking out of the same milkshake cup as Laios, two separate straws between them like they were high schoolers on a date after school and not grown-ass college students who often played DnD together. He just wanted to be a normal person, with normal hobbies, goals, and dreams.
He wanted to fall in love with somebody that saw him as just Toshiro, without the importance of his family name attached to him.
Laios returned from the bathroom as Toshiro took another sip of their shared milkshake.
"Hey, princess," he grinned, sliding down next to Toshiro and pecking him on the lips. "Did you miss me?"
"I was thinking you fell in." Toshiro joked, something he didn't do often. Still, he made Laios laugh anyway, so he was glad he did it.
"Wait," Laios said as he grabbed a napkin, "you got something..." He used it to wipe off the whipped cream on Toshiro's lips, the two of them giggling at each other. There was maybe one or two people present in the restaurant with them, the employees miserable and ready to clock out any minute now, so neither of them had to worry about eyes on them.
They make sure to clean their table up when they're done. The employees didn't even spare them another glance when Laios' told them goodbye, Toshiro slapped his shoulder, scolding him to not patronize them any further.
Laios responded by wrapping his arms around Toshiro's waist and tugging him close to his chest, his breath warm on Toshiro's lips.
"Good thing they're not around to see me do this," he whispered, capturing Toshiro's lips in a soft and sweet kiss. Toshiro melted into him, sighing contentedly. His lips tasted salty, with traces of the vanilla milkshake they had earlier.
"Mm," Toshiro placed his hand on Laios' chest, reluctant to stop when Laios sucked on his lower lip, teasing his tongue through. It made Toshiro feel dizzy, but they were out in public still. "Laios," he gently pushed him back, their lips parted, and he immediately mourned the warmth. "Not here."
Laios breathed a raspy chuckle that made Toshiro's insides tingle - filling with butterflies.
"Do you wanna - my car?"
Toshiro let all rational thought fly out the window.
Fuck it. Laios Touden was a dork and the opposite of a walking sex god, but Toshiro wanted Laios' tongue down his throat anyway.
"Come with me," he tugged on Laios' arm.
Laios didn't have much of a choice. "Yes sir."
Making out in the backseat of Laios' truck was thrilling. Toshiro got into a couple fights in high school - but he wouldn't classify himself as a delinquent. It was important to follow the rules to stay out of trouble. But sometimes, if provoked, he'd act unwisely.
Sitting in Laios' lap and grinding against him as they kissed in the restaurant parking lot reminded Toshiro an awful lot of those times, the adrenaline rush. But this was way better. Laios removed Toshiro's hair tie, secured around his wrist as he ran his fingers through them, his other hand running along Toshiro's hip to slip under his shirt, roaming his bare skin, heating up at Laios' touch.
To think this was only the second date.
Feeling Laios' lips suck and lick at his jawline, he worked his way down his neck then marked a spot there, sucking hard enough to earn a gasp from Toshiro.
"Laios!" He tugged Laios back by his hair. "I can't have any marks!"
"Oh," Laios appeared entranced, his response distant, looking at Toshiro all dopey-eyed. "Sorry, you smell really good. It's the same cologne from the last time, isn't it?"
Toshiro sighed, smiling a little. "Yes. I wore it because I knew you'd like it."
Laios whined, burying his head in Toshiro's neck as he embraced him. "Man... you're gonna kill me one of these days."
Toshiro petted his hair, consoling him. "I didn't say we could stop."
Laios lifted his head. "Really?"
Toshiro giggled, nodding. He pecked Laios on the lips, once, twice, then again, nibbling on Laios' lip just to rile him up some more. He was feeling quite frisky himself.
"Baby, can you-"
"Can you - can we -? If you want to?"
Toshiro nodded, moving his hips again, as he wanted exactly what Laios wanted.
"Good?" Toshiro asked quietly. Laios moaned, his hands on Toshiro's ass to pull him down, meeting his thrusts.
"Oh, fuck- yeah..."
Toshiro laughed breathily at his reactions, losing himself in the sensations. This should feel indecent, rutting against each other like dogs in heat, but Laios left gentle kisses on his lips, his cheek, eyelids, forehead, his hands squeezing here and there, awash in the waves of pleasure swirling in his gut.
"Laios... ah- Laios, yes. T-There..."
Toshiro whimpered, holding onto Laios. "Say my name again, please."
Laios paused, then he kissed Toshiro's neck, fingers carding through Toshiro's silky hair, worshiping him with his eyes.
"Toshiro," Toshiro moved his hips faster, desperate, a whine in his throat. "Toshiro... Toshiro... You look gorgeous like this... I wish I could fuck you here. I'd make you feel so good."
Before Toshiro knew it, he trembled in Laios' embrace, hips stuttering and climaxing in his stupidly tight jeans.
"Oh baby... I'm close..." Laios wasn't very far behind. He was counting on Toshiro to help him, to tell him what to do.
"Maybe one of these nights," Toshiro whispered in Laios' ear, nails scratching through Laios' scalp, soft blond curls damp under his fingers, "You can take my clothes off, lie me down, touch me all you want. Taste me until I'm wanting more." Laios moaned throatily as Toshiro continued, pushing past his nervousness and letting his arousal do the talking, "Then... you can make love to me. I'm all yours."
"Fuck!" Laios groaned shamelessly loud as Toshiro pressed their foreheads together, he thrusted his hips up one last time as he finally came.
Both panting, they sat there, the windows fogged up from the heat that built up between them.
"Wow!" Laios relaxed against the car seat with a sigh.
Toshiro didn't know how to interpret that reaction, feeling shame again.
"Did you not like it?"
Laios thought he had grown two heads by asking that question. "Are you kidding? That was the hottest thing ever, Toshiro! I always found you sexy as hell, but you surprised me with that one. Biggest load I've blown off in ages."
"Goodness, Laios," Toshiro laughed in relief, his cheeks reddening at his vulgar words. "Could you be any more direct?"
"Look at my pants, babe!" Toshiro shifted back, seeing the large wet patch on Laios' pants, his dick going flaccid again. Meanwhile, Toshiro's own underwear was uncomfortably sticky.
"Oh." He did that. That was all him.
"We absolutely have to do this again," Laios begged, hugging Toshiro again to pull him back. "Please?"
"I'll think about it, just take me home. I feel disgusting," Toshiro politely requested, pushing himself off Laios. Laios gave him back his hair tie, watching Toshiro bring his hair back to tie it up into a high ponytail, mesmerized, like it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. Unfortunately for him, this show was all he was getting.
"Come on." Toshiro urged with a swat on the shoulder, turning so he could climb back into the passenger seat. He didn't expect the light slap he got on the ass as it hovered in Laios' view. He squeaked.
"Did I mention how hot those jeans make your ass look?"
"Drive the car!"
Laios put his hands up, seeing that Toshiro was at his limit with his indecency. He got out the car door and returned to the driver's seat within seconds, strapping up and starting up the car.
"Good date, huh?" He asked, changing the subject happily. Toshiro responded to him with a glare.
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indecisive-dizzy · 4 months
Hi bestie!! :D
If you want to, can you share more about the Phineas and Ferb Welcome Home au?
Definitely!! gah this au is so!! Silly! and wholesome! man I was thinking about sending another ask to you but I forgor :/ curse my adhd brain lol
Anywhoo hmm let's see what I got! ,,,
A lot. I got a Lot haha,,
And we'll start with Families!
Wally and Barnaby, ofc, were adopted by Home when they were younger. He's a single parent who is very supportive of his boys' summer endeavors
Julie lives with her three older siblings! Franny is the only one still in high school. Bea and Jonesy have jobs. Oh her and Frank are still besties! Mostly when Julie goes over to Wally's she's got Frank with her
Frank's got both his parents, his dad is Brazilian and his mom is American. His parents are great (especially his dad, an absolute sweety) no one knows why this kid is such a grump lol. Also Julie is over a lot for sleepovers.
Eddie has a single mom. This kid is such a Mama's boy I can imagine him mentioning her at least once every "episode." She's a great southern mom but can come off as intimidating at times (it's the Mama Bear energy)
Sally has parents but they're irrelevant mostly. She's on her own a lot bc they work pretty much all the time.
Poppy also has parents but they're probably seen once lol. They maybe sheltered her a little too much as a kid and is trying to make up for it by "getting her out there" this summer. Speaking of,,
My brain Exploded when you said Poppy was the kid's babysitter! Her parents def shoved her into it when they were talking to Home about how he needed a sitter.
How I think it goes is Home leaves, leaving Poppy in charge. The gang arrives, and Wally says the iconic "I know what we're going to do today" (order varies) and then Sally shows up. She says hi to Poppy real quick before trying to stop the kids or bust them. Poppy leaves, mentally leaving Sally in charge bc she trusts her to keep the kids safe. So on and so forth!
Ok few more things, how the kids feel about Sally!
Wally is neutral, doesn't understand what she's on about but doesn't mind.
Barnaby thinks her attempts to bust them are hilarious and is constantly poking fun at her.
Frank has beef and sticks his tongue out/blows raspberries at her whenever she tells them to stop doing something.
Julie thinks she's cool and tries to get her to have fun. She's usually the one to drag Sally into their shenanigans where she'll enjoy herself.
Eddie is scared of her. He finds her intimidating and loud and is scared she's gonna get him trouble with his mama.
Overall none of them actively hate her. they're just kids and she's a teen trying to rain on their parade.
Gah ok one more for Howdy
My guy has no "real" trauma. his childhood was fine, he doesn't get along with most his family but that's bc he's a prick. He takes Every Minor Inconvenience and makes it sound tragic like the dramatic worm he is.
He really only gets along with his nephews, Seeya, and his Aunt Toodaloo. Oh and Beeya's the mayor... yeah Howdy doesn't like him but still favors him more over Latter. Toodaloo sends him money that helps fund his schemes, but he's also got investment stocks n such.
His cockiness is his downfall. he's so confident his inventions will work but it always blows up his face (literally). He's incompetent but if he actually took things more seriously then he'd be a genuine threat.
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serenanymph · 1 year
how well would your ocs do against a cockroach tag game
rules: yeah that's it. that's the tag. idk if anyone has done this before but rate your ocs by how well they'd do against a cockroach.
gonna be a lil annoying and tag a biiiiit more people sorry lol. no pressure to join in tho!!! and anyone else who wants to can hop in. @lyssa-ink @reneesbooks @macabremoons @space-writes @squarebracket-trick @scribbling-stardust @toribookworm22 @lorenfinch @sapphos-scientist @e-klair @arctic-oceans @sidhewrites @loopyhoopywrites @hallwriteblr @talesofsorrowandofruin @cream-and-tea
(anyway the rest is under the cut bcuz I have a LOT of characters so I'm gonna go a bit insane. Pulling from Beast as always)
Crys: - doesn't bat an eyelash, kills it easily - merciless, 10/10
Icarus: - a lil startled, will jump if it flies at him, but manages to catch it and set it free outside - 8/10. this boi is too good for this world
Rhyme: - begins by trying to smash it to a pulp - rapidly gets more and more irritated when she keeps on missing - finally lets out a primal scream of rage and fireballs it - 6/10 because she nearly burns down the house
Sol: - lets out an undignified squeak - leaves the room - if it flies at him he's sprinting out of there - 3/10
Dahlia - rolls up a newspaper and whacks it a few times?? like a normal person??? - 9/10
Beatriz: - faints - poor bbg can't handle the terror - 0/10 - alternatively shoots her feathers and skillfully punts it out the window - so overall actually 5/10
Honorary mentions
Iri and Yuan: - incoherent screeching - KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE - both trying to get behind the other - so many feathers embedded in the floor. so many - Iri scales up Yuan's back and stays there on his shoulders like an overgrown squirrel - 0/10
Jorge and Jordan - they catch it - and store it with their dozen other cockroaches used to prank people - 10/10, but I'm docking points for the malicious intent
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starboymp3 · 26 days
does anyone else have that feeling sometimes when youre saying goodbye to someone that you wont see them again lol
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renskiii-10 · 1 month
the overwhelming temptation to just cut my hair on a random Tuesday is ever growing
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
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blade gunnblade !!!!!!!!
via eliza simpson:
There are no words for this true warrior. They kill me. MMM: went in for a post show hug. Me:"ow!" Asia: "oh sorry, that's my bullet necklace." 😳........ 😍
#blade gunnblade#asia kate dillon#kapow-i gogo#eliza simpson of [angel & others in the mysteries] & [the mother line story project] & [saw ak dillon in triptych yes we're jealous]#& [princess cloudberry in kapow-i gogo]#here we also see stephen stout in the 1st pic but going ''!! surely our dear cherished blade gunnblade's back. hair's long though hmm''#only to have that cleared up by the 3rd pic thank god =']#i guess at some point blade gunnblade has blue hair & i do love that for them#i believe they're in part 3 but i have all the less information about that plausible appearance#(and of course still no info on [asia perhaps doubling roles with the longer black haired wig & ultracorp jacket in that one pic?])#one thing that would be fascinating & fun is if part 3 blade has more of part 1 kapow-i's look. the bright blue hair#looks like pink lipstick. Pure Speculation but i know the like [this is reaction to You Know How Media Is] element discussed like#part 1 thinking most [sat. morning cartoons experience; the legend of] part 2 is like when these series get sequels or just some#ep or turning point that upends its own previous established conventions. Darker more Serious / Mature Themes etc#part 3 like well sequel to That which adds yet another layer of the same factor there lol#i'm not really that versed in All This Media directly b/c i'm not that versed in / familiar with much of any media directly but#i am also not completely at sea & also one thing i could think of is like. blade is our revenge vengeance tragic anti antagonist lmao#what if after that they get to lighten up in delightful contrast to the torment & tragedy. turn more optimistic moral support bestie etc#but like i said utter speculation based on ''oh this is a look they have?'' & comments on [comments on material commenting on itself] so#could be anything! or nothing! except that it's Something enough to have been photographed a couple of times. thank god#oh hang on also we can see that that's stephen stout's character in the pic of Wearing A Black Longer Haired Wig & Ultracorp Jacket#who's to say it isn't also: yes that's blade disguised or something. underneath they have this bright blue shorter wig & Blade Outfit lol#i would cheer for that. compelling#(also noting that it didn't preclude a doubling of roles instead but; that figure Is wearing blade's necklace. makes it easy to switch to#Blade Mode backstage; makes it easy to switch to Blade Mode onstage....)#which: noted! bullet necklace! makes sense lmao. sort of#also pic 2 ft. director kristin mccarthy parker fyi. and the typical blade hair length i.e. simply asia's own.#''😳........ 😍'' soooooo true ''MMM:'' standing for ''most memorable moment:'' and also sooooo true as well#blade gunnblade is everything to me. if they died in part 3 i'm blowing this whole building up. they have bright blue hair now
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ashmcgivern · 2 years
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That moment when you realize you've adopted a new son
In the days and weeks following an incident in which a group of celestials put a stop to a catastrophic ritual that could have threatened the Prime Material, Xanthanel was tasked with figuring out the details of what had occurred there. They had been slowly and gently interrogating Zerrias, one of the only survivors of the incident, a tiefling boy who they had rescued the day of after mistaking his aura for that of a true celestial. His family had played key roles in the ritual, before they were slain by Xanthanel themself. The act of performing the rituals themselves traumatized Zerrias, who eventually refused to participate in them. Feeling guilt for being the one who separated Zerrias from his family, Xan took it upon themself to work with the kid to not only pull what information they needed, but make sure he was settled in a safe space before he'd depart permanently.
Xan learned that Zerrias was a bright kid, liked to read, and had a good sense for right and wrong, but was shy and didn't talk much. Pulling information out of him without upsetting him took patience and care, but Xan had the time. He was guarded, and slow to trust, but once Xan proved that they were not a danger the kid was more willing to give up pieces of information in and amongst other conversation and activities. Over a period of time, Zerrias' personality began to shine through, and Xan found himself more and more invested with each trip they made.
Needless to say, there was no permanent departure.
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problemcore · 8 months
i miss this game already
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infizero · 1 year
also his drawings. make me insane. im pretty sure ive made a post about this before a while ago but i just love looking at his silly little drawings it adds so much to his character. even after everything he's been through he's still got some humor and lightheartedness in him. and he's really good at drawing too!! so it's likely something he's been doing since he was a kid
#will always believe in closeted art kid michael who became a bully so he wouldnt get bullied himself <- REAL TO ME!#anyways all his drawings are fun but i still cant get over the little hearts he scribbled in the margins of that one page#theyre just so simple and....... human. i dont know ToT#this guy is literally an undead purple zombie and he's doodling little hearts in a book#it just reminds you that michael IS a Real Guy. like canon fnaf kind of sucks ass when it comes to actually attaching any people or real#human emotion to the events of the games (very much focuses more on What Happened over actual character stuff)#(which is fine but not what i rlly look for in media usually lol.... which is why i love stuff like og fnaf vhs#which is much more character-driven)#but anyways. i think his comments and drawings in the logbook work wonders in making michael feel more real#and less like just unseen protagonist who we know about vaguely#thats why i cling so hard onto little things like his habit of chewing gum. or just him liking to draw in general#usually i dont like when fandoms make One Trait of a character super prominent/their whole personality#but with michael we know SO UNFATHOMABLY LITTLE about his character/personality that these little scraps of info are rlly all we have#in terms of his character beyond The Things That Happened To/Around Him#OH also. his love of that stupid fucking vampire show is SOOOO near and dear to my heart#another thing that makes him so painfully human. yes he is serious protagonist guy who goes thru the most unimaginable shit ever#but at the end of the day. he like many of us enjoys a stupid cartoon that he probably takes way too seriously for what it actually is#his comment about it in the logbook still makes me laugh THIS MF IS PROJECTING ONTO A FICTIONAL CHARACTER IN HIS LITTLE SHOW#HE JUST LIKE ME FR#ANYWAYS holy fucking shit i did NOT mean to go on this long of a rant#i just fucking love michael afton so much im sorry#serena.txt
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elisethetraveller · 10 months
Emotional Baggage
Bold whatever applies to your muse Italicize the things that are verse-dependent or somewhat applies
Repost don’t reblog
been cheated on | been bullied | had your heart broken | broken someone’s heart | told a horrible lie | been betrayed | been framed/set-up | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | cheated | bullied | been publicly humiliated | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | put someone in the hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | been arrested | been homeless | been forced to commit a crime | died and came back to life (kinda) | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | been forced to kill someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | watched a loved one die | failed to save/help a loved one | felt helpless | watched your world die/disappear | had your life’s work stolen/destroyed | gone without food for over three days | gone without sleep for over three days | been tortured/questioned | been shot | been stabbed | been poisoned | been held prisoner | been trapped | been buried alive | been held hostage | held someone hostage | been stuck in a different world/universe/time | been abused by someone who should have loved/appreciated/valued you | had a panic attack | had night terrors | been in a car accident | lost your job | lost a fight | had sex with a stranger | been divorced {separated} | been abandoned | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | been manipulated | felt used | manipulated someone else | had your memories/mind wiped/stolen or tampered with | been taken over by a hostile force | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been forced to smile | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying | been in denial | been denied | faced your demons
Tagged by; @heredis-sanguinis (Thank you! This was a lot of fun)
Tagging; @shimmerbeasts (Silco and Kindred?), @sanguine-salvation , @grandvizier , @zaunrising (Sevika?) , @ferinehuntress & @saviourofzaun
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astrxealis · 1 year
super busy but hi i miss ffxiv i played again today raghh happy 10th anniv the rising event makes me cry i love ffxiv :(( but anyway! bg3 thoughts in tags!
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#meow :3#my approval w shadowheart is so high lol ... she & my tav are a couple. of bestiesss <3#astarion is amazing bcs i got bit the 2nd fucking night of playing and just before that too lae'zel wanted to get in my pants#IT'S AMAZING what the first cutscene i got for long rest was wyll already turning into a devil bcs i had all origin charas alrdy#and then after that ?? astarion bite scene. he didn't even talk abt the stars anymore or whatever he just jumped straight to biting my tav#oh my god and lae'zel wanted to get it on w my tav SOOO badly ... her dialog is so funny i love her#anyway :3 my tav is a slowburn w astarion but they r fr getting there. sometimes rising sometimes going down but it's been rising more#lately and teehee <3 my tav also thinks karlach is the sweetest and ADORES her. you can see him making soft heart eyes at her always.#also got the learning magic moment w gale and god it's so dangerous for me to get gale cutscenes tbh bcs i'm trying not to favorite him here#he has. what. stuff w magic and stars. shut up. i can't handle that rn or i'll fall in love LMFAO <3#wyll ..... i don't use him in my party good gods and he Still remains the character i know the least even tho i know him a lot more now#but i REALLY like him. i would say he's my 3rd fav after karlach who is after astarion but so are shadowheart and gale and lae'zel... so.#i'm. not forgetting anyone right#but yeah basically all of them r my favs <3 and my tav gets along w all of em p well tbh#he's a good nice person but chaotic (he's my bard baby boy <3) so it's REALLY fun playing bg3 w him as my tav ... apollo my dear#i should make an elf oc named emil. give him brown hair. be even more self-indulgent thru making more & more charas.#btw i saw a painting of apollo online today. as in the god. and almost cried (positively) bcs my tav named apollo looked so similar#amazingly w the slightly curly hair blah blah blah and the general colors. apollo just. generally means a lot to me ok. anything w apollo.
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