#oh hey Rhys didn't see you there how are you-BY THE WAY
lovemyromance · 5 months
Azriel: what if the cauldron was wrong?
Azriel, after CC3:
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months
Come Back To Me
Author’s Note: Italics are flashbacks! Grumpy x Sunshine! No shenanigans in this one! I'm sorry!
Summary: You had always been the positive one in the IC but one mission can change everything. Set during the war with Hybern!
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: talks of torture, let me know if I need to add any others :)
"Hey, I brought you something to eat." Azriel barely whispered as he entered your room.
You looked his way but said nothing, then turned your head back to what you were looking at. The view of the city from your room was always gorgeous, but now it was just something to for you to stare at while you struggled to get through the days.
Disappointment flooded the shadowsinger when you made no move to grab the food.
It had been months of this. Months of him trying to get you back to how you used to be. It seemed you made no improvement but he still tried.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
"Azzzzzz" You called out in a sing-song voice.
"What now?" He grumbled out.
He was trying to do work, frustrated he couldn't find a solution for Rhysand. And being holed up in the library was not helping his mood.
"You have to try this! I picked it up at the bakery and it is delicious!" You told him with pure excitement, not letting his attitude alter your mood.
You never let anyone get in the way of your mood. Happiness seemed to be easy for you. Glass half full was definitely how you viewed life. Azriel envied that.
Without waiting for a reply from the male, you held up the pastry to his mouth.
"I can feed myself." He spoke and gave you a look.
Instead of replying, you put the pastry in his face again. He rolled his eyes yet took a bite of the treat.
It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. His eyes immediately shut and groaned. That was what you loved, seeing these small moments where he wasn’t worried about saving everyone.
You could see the frustration fade from his face, replaced by awe of how amazing the baked good was.
"You can have the rest! I'll get out of your hair so you can get back to work. Oh! I almost forgot, I also got you this coffee, let me know if you need any help!" You told him as you made your way to the exit.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
The spymaster felt useless. It seemed there was nothing he could do for you... until an idea came to him.
He got to the bakery as fast as possible and bought the same pastry that you had bought him all those years ago. He grabbed himself a coffee and made his way back to you.
After knocking on your door to let you know he was coming in, he walked over to you.
"Guess what I got you!" He said with a smile, "Its one of those pastries that you love so much!"
He held it in front of you and you didn't even look his way.
Suddenly his apetite was gone. He didn't think it was possible for his heart to hurt anymore than it currently did. He kissed the top of your head and let you be.
Without another thought, he went to find Rhys.
"Help her. I don't care what you have to do, help her right now." Az pleaded.
"You know I can't do that. She hasn't asked me to and I don't do that without consent." Rhys told him.
"This is all your fault! You should have stopped her! Forbid her from using herself as a distraction! She is a shell of herself because of you!" Az was now shouting, letting his emotions take over.
"Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I wanted to leave her there?" Rhys shouted right back.
He was hurting from all of this too, everyone in the IC was. They had saved you and yet it seemed everyone was mourning the person you once were.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
He could hear you giggling before he saw you. As he entered his room, he saw you standing with your hands behind your back and a giant grin on your face.
Az eyed you suspiciously and crossed his arms over his chest.
"What're you doing in my room?" He questioned and his voice was rougher than he wanted it to be.
"Do you remember your leathers that ripped during the last mission we were on?" You asked the male.
He nodded his head in response, waiting for you to continue.
"I fixed them!" You said, revealing the repaired leathers that had been behind your back.
"I sewed them up and reinforced the seam!" You told him with such excitement.
His eyes softened slightly and he wanted to reach out and hug you but he couldn't let himself. He wouldn't let himself get too close to you, couldn't handle the pain of another loved one getting hurt.
"Thank you," He spoke bluntly then cleared his throat, "What were you laughing at?"
"A few of your shadows and I were just thinking about how you ripped them. I can't believe your leg slipped and you did the splits!" You let out another giggle.
He tried to fight it but a small smile made it's way to his face at your joy.
"Well, thank you again." He spoke quickly before you noticed his grin.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
He looked down at his clothes as he sat next to you in your room, there were small holes and rips all over them.
Normally you repaired them without him asking. He told you that you didn't have to but you assured him you wanted to. Now, he refused to let anyone else fix his clothes.
"Mor refuses to be seen with me in public." Azriel told you with a small laugh.
"She says I look homeless with all these rips in my clothes. But I don't care, I don't trust anyone else to sew my shirts besides you." He spoke again with a smile.
You still stayed completely still, staring at the city below. You felt hollow. It didn't matter that you were still alive, you were dead as far as you were concerned. There was no way to continue life after everything that had happened.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
It was supposed to be simple, meet with Eris, gather information on Hybern and return to the Night Court. The four of you weren't expecting a trap.
As you entered the old building to meet Eris, you could sense something was off. Your suspicions were confirmed when one wrong step set off a trap. Arrows, ash wood arrows shot out from all directions. Luckily you weren't hit by any. Two hit Rhys, one in his shoulder and one in his wing. One hit Feyre in her leg. And four...four hit Azriel; two in his wings, one in his side and one in his leg.
You ran to Az to help him, seeing he had the worst wounds.
"Hey hey, you're ok. I'm going to get you home and we can heal you up, ok?" You told him, giving him a smile that didn't reach your eyes. You forced your tears away, not willing to let him think you were worried.
He loved that smile. He was dying and yet all he could think about was how much your smile meant to him.
As you were trying to break the arrows so you could pull them out of him, you noticed his face pale. And then you heard it, Hybern's soldiers.
The trap must have alerted them and they would be here any minute.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Rhys had told Az that you drank a few sips of water and ate a tiny bit. As soon as he got the news, he was running to your room. You hadn't responded to anyone at all yet but he seemed to be filled with a new hope.
So, he sat here talking to you and couldn't keep a smile off his face.
"I heard you got some food down, I'm proud of you." He gently offered his words.
He stayed with you for the rest of the day, talking to you about any and everything. He had never spoken so much in his life.
Months passed after that with no more improvements in your condition, it seemed you would never get better. He knew he fell in love with you no matter how hard he tried to stop it, so he fought like hell to hold onto whatever hope he had.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
You dragged Az with all your strength over to Rhys and Feyre. She seemed to be doing ok despite the arrow still sticking out of her thigh. She had pulled the arrows out of Rhys but he was still very hurt.
"Are you ok to winnow?" You asked Rhys.
"I think so, but I won't be able to carry all three of you." He spoke through pained breaths.
"You don't need to. Just get Feyre and Az out of here." You commanded your High Lord.
You knew that if they stayed, you would all be dead. Rhys couldn't carry all of you in his condition, you just hoped he would listen to what you told him to do.
"What? No, how will you get out?" Azriel whispered from the ground.
"I have a plan." You told him.
"You three can't fight, you will die if you stay here. Winnow them out and get Az to a healer." You told Rhys through your mind.
He seemed to be going back and forth in his head, trying to figure out a different way. He gave you a weary look.
"There's no other way. I'll be ok, you have to go now. They're almost here." You added.
The soldiers came running in, ready to attack. You ran right at them, fighting them so they couldn’t get to the other three. You could hear Az screaming to stay as Rhys grabbed him and winnowed out.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
He had been drunk for three days straight at this point. He welcomed the numbness after all the agony he has felt. Once it was night time, he made his way to your room and sat down outside of your door to sleep, just like he did every night in case you needed him.
In the morning, Feyre passed by your door. Az was still asleep and smelled of booze.
She quietly snuck past him and went into your room.
"Hey, I'm not sure what to say or do to help you. But I wanted to let you know how hard Azriel is trying. I mean...you know that but I just want you to realize how much he loves you. How much we all love you. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about what happened, I wish it had been me instead... but you need to know that Azriel is drowning. He is drowning without you. I have never seen him like this and I think we might lose him for good. If you don't have the strength to fight for yourself, please… fight for him." Feyre pleaded with you.
You didn't respond but what she said stuck with you. You had tried everything but it didn't matter, you couldn't find the strength to help yourself. Maybe it would be easier to find strength for the one you love.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
"We just got word. Y/N is alive and we have her location." Rhys spoke quickly.
Azriel shot up from his spot, getting his weapons ready instantly.
As soon as everyone was set, they left to rescue you. After a couple hours, they found you. You were bloody and bruised all over, chained up. Tears welled up in Azriel's eyes but he focused on saving you. He flew you home and you showed Rhys everything.
Rhys saw how you were tortured, starved, and beat every day. He saw how they questioned you about the Night Court and you never gave up anything. You were held captive for three months…he wasn’t sure how you survived.
After they saved you and found out everything you went through, Azriel helped you bathe. You never talked, just nodded or shook your head and you never looked up. He was so grateful you were safe and back with them but he sure did miss your smile.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
It was a beautiful morning, you sat watching the orange and pink sky as the city woke up. There was a knock at the door and Az walked in. He didn’t speak as he set a tray of breakfast foods and coffee down. You didn’t even look over at him but not because you were still checked out. No, this time it was because you couldn’t pull your eyes from the beauty of the sunrise.
You aren’t exactly sure why but you felt something crack inside of you, this was the first time since you were taken that you felt something positive. It was the first time you wanted to live to see these pink and orange hues again.
When Azriel looked over at you he realized there were tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Are you ok?! What’s wrong!?” He panicked, checking everywhere for threats.
“It’s beautiful.” You choked out in between sobs, pointing at the sunrise.
He let out a breath he had been holding in and visibly relaxed. He sat next to you and pulled you close. You leaned into him and he put his arm around you. Neither of you talked, just enjoyed watching the sky come to life in front of you.
He looked down at you after some time had passed and saw the faintest smile on your face. It was barely there but he saw it and that was all that mattered.
“It’s breathtaking.” Azriel stated.
You shook your head in agreement, but what you didn’t know was that he wasn’t talking about the view, he was talking about you.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
“Please please please!” You begged Azriel.
“You woke me up at 4am to watch the sunrise?!” He mumbled with a look of irritation on his face.
“You have to see it! I promise it’ll be worth it!” You continued to beg.
“Fine but I’m not going to be happy about it.” He grunted as he got out of bed, following you to the balcony.
You pulled him down next to you, the pure excitement and adoration you had for something as simple as a sunrise made the spymaster’s heart clench.
The both of you sat and watched the sunrise and you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Isn’t it so beautiful?” You asked him without taking your eyes from the sky.
“It really is.” He responded without taking his eyes from you.
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letsgetbigger · 3 months
My Roommate
Part One
Moving day arrived with the sun shining brightly over the city. I had decided to find a roommate to help pay the mortgage, since my salary at the clothing store wasn't enough. The idea of sharing my space with someone new made me feel both anxious and excited.
Erik arrived early, dressed in a large, comfortable tracksuit. He was a handsome 25-year-old, recently independent, working from home as a programmer. In contrast to my usual work suit and tie, his relaxed style caught my attention immediately.
"Hi, Frank," Erik said with a broad smile, extending his hand.
"Hi, Erik. Let me help you with the boxes," I replied, shaking his hand.
From our first meeting when he came to see the apartment, we got along well. As Erik unpacked his things and arranged them in his new room, I couldn't help but watch him. There was something about his presence that attracted me.
After a few hours of work, we finished settling everything. Erik collapsed onto the sofa, sweating slightly from the effort, and I noticed that his clothes, though large, didn't completely hide a slight roundness in certain areas of his figure. It was then that I understood why he had brought so much food. The fridge, which usually held my fruits and vegetables, was now packed with ready meals, cheese, whole milk, and various sauces. The cabinets were filled with pasta, rice, chips, cookies, and other snacks.
"Wow, you have quite an appetite," I commented, trying to sound casual as I observed his provisions.
Erik laughed. "Yeah, I like to eat."
I couldn't deny it puzzled me, but I decided not to dwell on it and simply accepted that my new roommate had a different lifestyle from mine.
One night, weeks later, I came home after a bad date. I was feeling disappointed and frustrated. To my surprise, I found Erik sitting on the couch with two empty pizza boxes beside him.
"Hey, Frank. How was the date?" he asked with a carefree smile.
"There was no spark," I said, shrugging.
Erik looked at me with interest. "Maybe he wasn't your type," he said, a sympathetic look on his handsome face. "Sometimes it's hard to find someone who we really click with."
I sank into the armchair across from him, feeling a bit better hearing his words. He always had a way of making me feel understood and less alone.
"Maybe you're right," I admitted, letting out a sigh.
As we talked, I noticed something different about Erik. His tracksuit no longer fit as loosely as when he moved in. In fact, his sweatshirt seemed to hide a growing belly. It was clear he was enjoying his food, and his body showed it. He got up and walked to the kitchen. His sweatpants clung to his rounder butt in a way I hadn't seen before. He opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a huge tub of protein powder, which surprised me.
"Have you been to the gym?" I asked, trying to understand why he needed a protein shake after two pizzas.
Erik laughed and shook his head. "No, I don't go to the gym," he said as if the idea amused him.
"Oh. Well, I think it's time for me to go to bed."
"Goodnight, Frank."
Maybe he was right. Maybe the slim guy I went out with wasn't simply my type. I'd always been more attracted to burly men, bears.
One hot night in late spring, I woke up thirsty. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. When I reached the doorway, I stopped in my tracks. The scene before me left me paralyzed. Erik was standing there, illuminated by the light of the open fridge. He was wearing only a pair of briefs that dug into his skin, highlighting his curves and revealing the increasing roundness of his body. His belly slightly spilled over the elastic waistband, and his thighs looked thicker, but what stood out the most was his butt. That round, prominent ass completely filled the underwear, stretching the fabric to its limit. Erik had a box of donuts on the counter and was eating one after another with insatiable voracity using his left hand. His right hand was inside his briefs, moving rhythmically as he masturbated. The pleasure on his face was undeniable. I couldn't help but stand there, silently watching. The sight of Erik pleasuring himself like that, enjoying the food and his own body, was mesmerizing. I felt my erection grow quickly.
I backed away from the doorway carefully, trying not to make any noise, and returned to my room. The image of Erik lingered in my mind: his increasingly plump body, his hands occupied with the donuts and his cock, the expression on his face. I knew something had changed within me and that my attraction to Erik had grown in a way I couldn't ignore.
Part Two
With the arrival of summer, the heat in our apartment became unbearable. Erik started walking around in just his briefs, and every time I saw him, my heart pounded harder. His physique had changed noticeably. His belly had grown larger and stuck out proudly. His butt had become even bigger and rounder. The briefs barely contained his cheeks, and the integrity of the fabric was tested with every move. Erik seemed comfortable with his body. Seeing him so natural and carefree drove me wild.
One afternoon, as we sat on the couch watching TV, I couldn't contain my curiosity. I looked at him intently and asked:
"Erik, are you... gaining weight on purpose?"
Erik remained silent for a moment, then a mischievous smile spread across his face.
"Yes, Frank, I am doing it on purpose."
"Why?" I asked.
"I've always been excited by the idea of gaining weight, feeling my body grow, my belly expanding, and my butt getting bigger. I love seeing how my clothes get tighter," he explained.
My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and at the same time, I felt incredibly aroused. His confession had only intensified my desire.
The next morning, as I headed to the kitchen to have coffee, I noticed the bathroom door was slightly ajar. Through the crack, I could see Erik in the shower. Water cascaded over his naked body, highlighting every curve, every fold of his skin. Watching his hands deliberately move over his fat belly, his chest, and then his enormous buttocks was fascinating. I clung to the door, my erection painfully hard. Unbeknownst to me, a damp spot formed in my briefs, a sign of my extreme arousal. Erik saw me. He didn't say anything, but his smile and the gleam in his eyes said it all. He pulled back the shower curtain and gestured for me to join him. Without thinking twice, I stepped into the bathroom. I quickly dropped my briefs to the floor and approached him. He turned, offering me his back. My eyes were fixed on his round, firm butt, a view I couldn't resist. I began to caress him, and Erik shuddered under my touch. I couldn't wait any longer; my throbbing cock sought its target. I aligned myself with him, and with a slow, deliberate motion, I entered him. The sensation was incredible. A moan escaped my lips. Erik arched back, bracing his hands against the shower wall as I started to move inside him. My hands gripped his love handles, and I increased the pace. The thrusts became stronger, more desperate, and Erik responded to each one with moans of pleasure. I felt his breathing quicken as we neared the climax. Finally, with a muffled cry, I came inside him. Erik shuddered and cried out too, his own orgasm following mine. We stayed like that, connected and panting, as the water continued to fall, washing away the sweat and passion we had shared.
That night, after a long day at work, I couldn't stop thinking about the morning's experience. When I got home, I found Erik relaxing on the sofa. I approached him and sat down beside him.
"Erik, there's something I need to tell you," I began, trying to keep my voice steady. "I love how fat you're getting. Especially your butt. It drives me crazy. And I want to see you get even fatter."
Erik smiled, his rounded face filled with satisfaction. "I like what I'm hearing, Frank."
I stood up and went to the kitchen, where I pulled a two-liter tub of ice cream from the freezer. Returning to the sofa, I placed it in front of Erik, who had already eaten two huge plates of pasta for dinner. His eyes lit up at the sight of the ice cream. I sat beside him and started feeding him. The ice cream melted in his mouth, and his lips moved with delight, swallowing each spoonful. My hand slid over his belly, feeling the fullness and warmth of his flesh under my fingers.
"That's it, Erik," I whispered in his ear, leaning in to kiss his neck. "I want you to eat it all. I want to see you grow."
After what seemed like hours, Erik finished the ice cream. He lay back on the sofa, his breathing heavy, his eyes locked on mine.
"Thank you, Frank," he murmured with gratitude and desire.
"This is just the beginning," I said.
I knelt before him, and ran my hands along his thick thighs. My fingers then played with his nipples while I kissed his belly. Erik panted as my mouth traveled down his body. I nibbled his cock through his briefs, feeling his hardness against my teeth. With a swift motion, I slid the garment down, and freed his erection. My tongue traced its length, savoring every inch before taking it into my mouth. My hands continued exploring, caressing his thighs and balls. Erik moaned and writhed. With a cry of pleasure, he came in my mouth. His hot cum filled my throat.
Part Three
A few months had passed, and Erik was incredibly fat. I woke up one morning to the sight of his enormous, round, jiggly butt resting on the bed next to me. I admired its size, along with the cellulite on his thighs and the stretch marks on his love handles. Still groggy, I moved closer and placed my hands on his buttocks, gently shaking them. The flesh wobbled, semthing that excited me like nothing else in the world. I lowered his new XXL briefs and kissed his cheeks with devotion.
"You've gained so much weight, Erik," I murmured against his skin. "And it turns me on so much seeing you like this."
Erik moaned in response, and my hands became bolder. I squeezed and kneaded his butt, feeling the fat beneath my palms as my tongue explored every inch too.
"I love you like this, so big, so sexy," I whispered.
Erik writhed in pleasure.
"Frank, bring me breakfast in bed," he requested. "I want to start the day well-fed."
I got up quickly, my erection throbbing with anticipation, and headed to the kitchen. I prepared a tray with everything I knew Erik loved: plenty of buttered toast, a cheese omelet, two enormous chocolate-filled croissants, and a giant protein shake made with equal parts of milk and cream.
When I returned to the bedroom, Erik was waiting for me, reclined on the bed with a satisfied smile on his face. I placed the tray in front of him and watched as his eyes lit up at the sight of the food.
"Perfect," Erik said.
I sat beside him. He began to eat with enthusiasm. The way he enjoyed each bite, the joy on his face as he ate, filled my heart with deep satisfaction. I thought about how incredible it was to see his body expand, full of fat, more beautiful each day. And I knew Erik loved it too, every bite, every touch, every look of desire.
When he finished breakfast, I stayed in bed watching him get up and walk to the bathroom. His body had changed so much over the past few months; it was an intoxicating spectacle.
"You're such a fat pig, Erik," I said, sliding my hand over my own body. "Look at all that meat moving. Damn, you're so obese."
Erik stopped and turned to me, his eyes shining with excitement. He loved it when I talked to him like that. I started to jerk off, watching every move of his body.
"You love being this fat, don't you?" I continued, my voice husky.
Erik moaned softly, his hands caressing his bloated belly, fingers tracing the stretch marks that adorned it.
"Yes, Frank. Tell me," he begged with desire. "Tell me how fat I am, how much more you're going to make me gain."
"You're insatiable," I whispered lustfully. "I'm going to keep feeding you. I want you to be the fattest man I've ever seen."
My hands moved more urgently, my eyes fixed on Erik's body.
"You look so sexy stuffed with food," I told him, feeling my own excitement reach its peak. "There's nothing I love more than watching you turn into a satisfied, obese pig."
Erik bit his lip, and I saw his own erection grow beneath his belly.
"Yes, Frank, make me fatter," he replied. "I can't wait to see how many more pounds I'll gain for you."
With those final words, I came, my semen shooting across the room.
Final Part
It was Saturday, and I decided we needed to go to a buffet. Erik was sitting on the couch in his now extremely small XXL briefs, his enormous belly resting on his thighs. I watched him for a moment before saying:
"Today we're going to a buffet, and I want you to wear something tight. I want everyone to see how big you've gotten."
Erik nodded, a spark of excitement in his eyes. He went to his room, and I followed, knowing he would choose the tightest clothes he had. He opted for a shirt that clung to his belly, highlighting every roll, and pants that squeezed his thighs and huge butt. I felt instantly aroused seeing him like that.
We arrived at the buffet, a paradise of greasy, abundant food, and we took our seats.
"I want you to eat non-stop. OK? Do not stop until I tell you to."
Erik nodded, stood up, and headed to the buffet tables. He returned with something for me and a plate full of pizza, fries, and fried chicken for himself. I watched him eat, savoring every bite he took. When he finished, I said:
"Go for more."
Erik got up and fetched another plate. This time he returned with burgers, onion rings, and more fries. The obvious pleasure on his face as he filled his body with more and more greasy food was thrilling.
"You're a fat pig," I whispered when he finished. "Eat more; I want to see you get even bigger."
Erik obeyed without question, rising again to get more food. I watched him walk, his huge, round butt bouncing with every step. He came back with a plate of mac and cheese and ribs. His belly was already peeking out from under his shirt.
"More, Erik. Don't stop," I ordered as he took the last bite.
Once again, he obeyed, getting up with difficulty, his tight clothes highlighting every inch of his fat. He returned with several pieces of cake.
We went home hours later. As soon as we got in, Erik collapsed heavily on the couch. I approached him, my excitement palpable.
"You're pure lard, Erik," I whispered, starting to undress him.
First, I removed his shirt, releasing his broad chest and enlarged nipples. My fingers caressed them, and Erik moaned.
"Look at you, with those huge tits and that round belly. You're such a glutton."
I struggled to remove his pants, the fabric clinging to his thick thighs and butt, which looked like two beach balls. He was left in his briefs, which I slowly pulled down, revealing his erect member, partially buried in his pubic fat.
"I love how huge you've gotten."
My hands roamed his body, groping his soft flesh. I caressed his swollen belly, feeling its warmth and smooth texture. Then I directed a hand to his cock and began to stroke it. Every movement made everything jiggle, especially his nipples, which bounced with each thrust.
"You're so sexy, so obese. Tomorrow we'll go back to the buffet," I murmured, increasing the pace of my movements.
Erik moaned louder and climaxed, his hot semen spurting into my hands. I fed it to him, then kissed him, feeling a deep satisfaction knowing I had helped him become the man he so desired to be.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 10 months
Game over
Part I
Word count: 2600+
Warnings: some hot scenes to come so be ready, nothing obscene tho (I'd love to but can't write "porn"😬); kind of slutty Azriel, swearing
You walked down the hallway towards Cassian's room, your eyes puffed from crying for hours. You prayed to Mother to find him alone. You needed him desperately. Cassian was your best friend, knowing all your secrets, even the one about your feelings for Azriel. He was the only one who volunteered to go with two of you on missions making a wall between you, comforting you after each argument. And now he almost paid with own life for his kindness.
Instead of knocking you eavesdropped behind his door, but except of Cassian's snoring room was silent. Carefully opening the door you peeked in. Cassian was fast asleep, bandaged wings spread on the bed. He was alone. You let out sigh of relief.
Quietly you stalked to his bed and sat on the edge of mattress. Gently caressing his hand you curled to his side. You were afraid to touch him, not wanting to cause him more pain. "I'm so so sorry, Cass," you sobbed. Snoring stopped and he moved slightly.
"Oh, doll, it's you," he groaned, voice hoarse.
"I didn't want to wake you up," you tried to hide your tears.
"Don't worry. I wanted to see you anyway. I'm glad you came."
"How do you feel?"
His big hand landed on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "I'm high from the Madja's medicaments," he chuckled and you did so, too. He always knew how to make you smile. "Are you okay? Rhys was quite angry when he came yesterday."
"Hmm." You still needed to talk about it, but seeing his state you couldn't bring yourself to bother him with your problems.
"Hey, doll, look at me."
"Everything is fine," you lied.
"C'mon, show me your face," he patted on your shoulder. Reluctantly you obeyed. "I can see you cried. What happened? Did he hurt you?"
"Rhys was mad, but he did nothing to me. He just scolded me.."
"And?" his brows raised.
You let out a breath avoiding his gaze. "And closed me in his office together with Azriel," you muttered.
"What?!" Cassian tried to sit up, but pain in his back and wings prevented him from doing so. Grimacing he lay down again. "Is he crazy? Why? I'll give him piece of my mind when I see him next time. What happened after that?"
"Well, he said he won't let us out until we solve our problems," you explained, tears again stinging your eyes.
"You are out so.." Cassian encouraged you to continue.
"Azriel came with an idea how to make him let us go." First tear rolled down your cheek.
Cassian rubbed root of his nose. "What that idiot did to you?" He knew you so well, you didn't have to tell a single word and he knew what's on your mind. Sometimes it was quite scary.
"He came with plan to pretend we are in love and kissed me in front of Rhysand.." you sobbed.
"Doll.." he again rubbed your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head. "I can't.. do that.. It all returned.. and.. I can't.. It hurts.."
Cassian drew you closer, hugging you as much as he could in his state. "I'm so sorry, doll.. But.. You don't have to do it.. If you want I'll talk with him."
"If Rhysand finds out we lied, next time he might also lock us at a cell.."
Cassian's lips pulled into a thin line, but he didn't say anything else, holding you and rubbing on your back while you cried yourself to sleep.
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Azriel was wandering around the House, feeling of discomfort heavy on his chest. He didn't like the way your conversation ended up that morning and he didn't want to accept that his plan was over before he actually could act up to it. He tried to visit Y/N in her bedchamber, but she wasn't there. Everything felt off, so he sent the shadows to look for her. They guided him to Cassian's room, whispering to his ear.
Azriel didn't bother with knocking because as he was informed persons inside were fast asleep. Quiet like a cat he crept in, standing beside the bed. What he saw there made his insides twist with pain and anger.
Cassian laid in the bed with spread wings just like the other day, snoring. And there under his arm curled to his side was Y/N, their scents mixing together. He noticed their smell many times before, but he'd never witnessed it. Jealousy stabbed his heart like poisoned dagger, his teeth gritting in frustration.
Mine. Mine. Mine!
His breath quickened, brows furrowed, anger dripping from him. His fingers entwined around the Truth-teller. Shadowsinger wouldn't let anybody have what belonged to him, what he desired the most.
The shadows emerged in, blinding him and pushing him back to the door.
'Stop. Calm down. You will regret it. Brother. Family.' They hissed.
Azriel took few shuddering breaths. Okay, he wouldn't go so far. But he couldn't leave them like this either. He fixed his expression.
"Love, here you are," he shouted pretending he just came in. Both Cassian and Y/N woke up with a start.
"What the hell," Cassian groaned, pulling Y/N closer. Wide-eyed she looked up at Azriel.
"I was worried. I looked for you everywhere," Azriel continued his performance. He pulled on her arm, tearing her from the embrace, just to hold her close to his chest. She was about to say something, but he wouldn't let her and quickly kiss her on the lips. Azriel gave all his pain and jealousy into the kiss making it rough and needy. And Y/N reacted the same way as in front of Rhysand. Her knees gave out. Satisfied Azriel pulled away. He watched with delight as all kinds of emotions flashed across her face, especially enjoying the blush of her cheeks.
"What are you doing?" Cassian grunted, snapping him out of his observation.
Azriel turned to him. "Love, you haven't told him yet?"
"No need to pretend, Az. I know everything," Cassian rolled his eyes. Azriel turned back to Y/N, searching her face. So she told him? But why? What was between the two of them?
"I want to talk to you," Cassian said.
"Would you leave us alone, dove," Azriel traced her jaw with scarred finger. She inhaled sharply turning to Cassian.
"Don't worry, doll," he grinned at her. Eyeing them she backed out from the room closing the door behind. But she didn't leave. Instead she stayed behind the door listening.
Azriel smirked as Cassian narrowed eyes on him. "What kind of game are you playing?" he asked quietly, aware that Y/N hadn't left.
"Not your business."
"I swear. If you hurt her I'll beat the shit out of you."
Azriel studied his face. "You feel something to her." It wasn't question.
"What if I do? Would you let her be?"
Azriel crossed arms on his chest. "No."
"Do you hate her so much that you want to destroy her?" Azriel winced.
"I'm not planning to destroy her."
"So what do you want from her?" Cassian snapped angrily.
"Not. Your. Business," Azriel growled.
They stared at each other trying to second guess the opponent. Azriel let out a breath after a while. Brother. My brother, he reminded himself.
"I don't want to hurt her, so don't worry," he said way softer than he really felt, turning to leave. "I would really appreciate if you stay away from her," he growled leaving the room. An amused snort sounded from behind as he was closing the door.
Corners of Azriel's mouth turned up in a smile as he looked to the place where Y/N was waiting, right next to the door.
"What did you talk about?" she asked coolly.
He stepped closer cornering her. "About you," he smiled even wider, hazel eyes capturing hers.
"What about me?"
"Hmm," he purred teasingly leaning in so he could feel her breath on his lips. Having her so close soothed his jealousy for good.
She just stood there pinned to the wall under his body, her heart racing. She wouldn't run away before getting answers. Fearless little thing. He liked it and finally he didn't have to hide it. Closing eyes he nuzzled his cheek to hers, drawing a soft moan from her.
"What will you give me if I tell you?" His deep voice sensually whispered to her ear and she shivered in pleasure biting down on her lip, unable to think straight. So hot, so sweet. He wanted to devour her right there on the spot, slowly, enjoying every inch of her. It took all his determination just to stand there, not touching her.
He needed to leave otherwise he would destroy everything. "Try to stay away from Cassian and his room, dove, would you?" he cooed, delivering sweet, light kiss on her lips. Her knees wobbled.
"It would look bad if somebody notice," he said over a shoulder walking down the hall, away from temptation.
After he left, Y/N let out a breath. Without anybody holding her upright she sank to the ground, her heart pounding so hard it threatened to jump from her chest and chase after the cause of this all. Why did he have such effect on her?
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After the encounter in Cassian's room you didn't know what to think anymore. You heard just very little of their conversation and couldn't make anything out of it. Only one thing was clear: Azriel kept pretending to be in love with you without flaw whether somebody watched or no.
He kept touching you at any occasion he had. From feather like touches to passionate hugs, from his lips lightly teasing your skin to deep, needy kisses. Shadowsinger went so far that he was leaving flowers and small presents for you all around the house. It was so confusing.
In front of your friends you couldn't run nor push him away. You struggled every time he appeared close to you. Your heart ached and thrilled at the same time. You had to constantly remind yourself that he faked it. That none of that was real. However your heart didn't listen at all. It hurt so badly. Every day that passed in this manner was a torture and you tried to spend as much time in your room alone as possible.
One morning you woke up with a wing around you, dim light shining through. A strong arm was wrapped around your waist and your back was pressed against male's chest. At first you thought you fell asleep with Cassian. After all it wouldn't be the first time you slept like this.
As your brain started to work again, you stiffened. Last night you fell asleep alone in your room. The body behind you was muscular, but it was rather athletic while Cassian's body was more like a bear. Drops of cold sweat appeared on your forehead and your heart stuttered as realization hit you.
It was Azriel.
You swallowed, your heartbeat was rising with every second you stayed in this position. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to shove him away, but you also longed to stay like this in his arms for the rest of your life. You didn't dare to move.
Azriel behind you didn't move, too, seemingly asleep. However you could feel his heartbeat on your back, speed of it matching your own. And you felt it poking to the back of your thigh. Air became heavy with the smell of arousal.
The wing retracted letting morning light and fresh cold air in.
"'morning," Azriel groaned to your ear, voice still hoarse. Your panties got even wetter.
You forced yourself to retreat to the other side of bed. "What are you doing here?" you tried to sound confident and cool, but your shaky voice betrayed you.
Reclining Azriel smirked obviously satisfied with the way your body reacted to him. Your mouth went dry. He was so... Beautiful? Sexy? No word could adequately describe him.
His dark hair was messy from sleep, smirking full lips slightly parted and eyes.. Those eyes. Soft morning light turned his hazel eyes into liquid gold. Shadowsinger was in your bed looking like a god, toned chest on display. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"You are drooling, dove," he chuckled moving closer. His thumb ran over your lower lip teasingly. He was wearing just an underwear, his arousal still visible.
Instincts you gained over years kicked in, though you were too high. "Cover yourself," you moaned. Damnit.
Azriel leaned closer, his lips only inch from yours. "This is what you do to me. Don't you like it?" Thumb of his other hand caressed your thigh too close to your sex. You gasped, eyes going wide. Azriel's pupils blew out, gaze darkening, his scent changing once again.
You needed to cool down otherwise you could do something you would regret in the future. You tried to stand up, but Azriel stopped you.
"Beautiful," he murmured against your lips, closing the distance between you. The kiss was soft, playful at first, slowly heating up. He pulled you back down to the sheets, lightly crushing you under his body. His scarred hand grabbed your thigh and massaging it he hooked your leg around his hips.
No, your brain shouted while your heart was growing with every touch he provided. This was so wrong. You found the strength and pushed against his chest. Panting Azriel reluctantly obeyed. He gave you a questioning look.
"What's wrong, dove?"
"Stop it," a tear rolled down your cheek, followed by another soon. Tip of his fingers gently wiped it away. He was confused. "Stop it. Stop this pretending. It's too much. I can't-"
"Who said I'm pretending?" he whispered softly, studying your face with unreadable expression.
"You came with this plan to pretend in front of everyone.."
"Game is over, dove. It's actually never started. At least for me it wasn't game," Azriel sat up bringing you with him.
You were too confused. "What do you mean? What is this all about?"
Azriel hesitated. "I heard you," he breathed out, his eyes never leaving yours. His deep voice was so quiet you barely heard him. "That night at Rhys' office. You talked in your sleep. For years I couldn't tell you how I really feel, thinking you hate me. It was easier to hate you back than admit I want you. So I took advantage of the situation Rhysand got us into and decided to show you instead. I guess it wasn't the best way.."
Something in your chest warmed up and grew with every word he spoke. "It wasn't game," you repeated, trying to put your thoughts together. You replayed all events, touches and kisses of the last weeks seeing it in new light. You could literally hear wards around your heart crack. He didn't pretend it. None of that.
You searched his eyes looking for traces of lie just to find out it was truth. Your hand moved on its own accord, resting on his cheek. Azriel leaned into the touch closing his eyes for a moment.
"No pretending?"
"Not even once," he shook his head. All suppressed feelings crashed out like a wave breaking last of the walls you built around your heart. You threw yourself around his neck almost knocking him down to blankets, squeezing him as you cried. Shadowsinger groaning with effort to stay upright, hugging you back.
"Az," you sobbed.
"Yes, angel," Azriel rested his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"You are such idiot," you playfully tugged on his hair.
"I know," he chuckled. "Will you give me a chance to make it up to you?"
You snorted. "It won't be easy."
"I love challenges." With that he started nipping at your neck slowly moving up to the sensitive spot under your ear.
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handsome-jacks-toy · 10 months
"You know Rhysie? I'm so friggin glad you talked me out of that endoskeleton plan."
Jack stands up from his desk, one of two now in the large office, and walks over to Rhys.
"I mean, look at us! I have a new body. You're Co-CEO of Hyperion. And quarterly profits are through the friggin roof baby!"
Rhys chuckles at that. "Yeah Jack, not airlocking half the R&D department every month will do that."
Jack throws his head back and groans. The kid has a point, but it doesn't mean he has to like it.
"Yeah well, I still say the numbskulls had it coming."
"Aaaand that'll do it."
Jack closes the Hatch on Rhys' arm and gives it a pat for good measure. The kid lifts his arm, inspecting it this way and that.
"What, ya don't trust my handywork cupcake?"
Rhys tilts his head at him. "Nah, it's not that. I'm just, kinda surprised you know how to fix it? I know you're more of a programmer than an engineer."
Jack can't help but laugh at that one.
"Did you forget I used to be code living in your cybernetics pumpkin? The first thing I did when I got access to Hyperion systems was learn how to repair you. Couldn't have you breaking down on me."
"Helps that you got the top of the line stuff too. Holographic palm interface. Echoeye with AR overlay. 200 year internal power supply. The works. Must have cost you a pretty penny."
Rhys slips his shirt back on as he nods, "Yeah, it definitely wasn't cheap. Cost my entire yearly bonus. I was eating instant noodles for months." He shudders at the phantom taste of noodle before looking Jack in the eye.
"It was worth it though. Without it I never would have met you."
"Hey cupcake, do you remember the time you first trusted me? When you let me into your subsystems?"
Rhys pauses from reviewing the contract and looks over at him. "Yeah, how could I ever forget? It's still the most terrifying, yet exhilarating, thing I've ever done."
"More terrifying than facing down a hoard of bandits and psychos in a race to the death?"
"Oh for sure. I didn't really have a choice. I could watch my friends die, or trust you. And let's be fair, your reputation preceded you. I mean, when you woke up, the first thing you tried to do was strangle me."
Jack couldn't help but grimace at the reminder. He'd never admit it out loud, but there was a lot he regretted about how he'd treated the kid in the early days.
"So why do you ask anyway?
Jack looked back down at the contract he was writing. "Just thinking about how far we've come, you and I. And this business deal were working on feels like that moment. For me it was pure exhilaration. It was then I knew that we could do anything, and I mean anything, if we worked together. We make an amazing team pumpkin."
Jack looked up to see the fond little smile the kid had. He was directing those at him more and more these days.
Jack clapped his hands together. "Alright, no more sappy shit or I'm gonna get a rash. Back to cracking skulls and writing loopholes."
"We're not cracking any skulls Jack."
"Hey, a man can dream can't he?"
"Wake up Jack. It's time to get up. Today's the big day!"
Jack rolled over and cracked an eye open. Ugh, he'd fallen asleep with the mask on again. Sometimes he wished he hadn't opted for it on his new body, but he just didn't feel like himself without it. The man before the mask was dead and gone, and he wasn't coming back. He was Handsome Jack now.
Rhys snapped him out of his introspection with a small shake to his shoulder. "Jack, come on. You gotta get up. The meeting's in an hour."
Right, the meeting. The most important one of his life. Jack was definitely awake now. As he sat up he realized he could smell greasy goodness wafting in from the kitchen.
Food was one thing he never took for granted anymore. Go for as long as he did without a sense of taste or smell, and you really learn to appreciate the little things.
He padded into the dining room and Rhysie turned and smiled at him.
"I know you were up late working on last minute revisions, so I made you breakfast. I hope bacon and eggs are alright. There's a pot of coffee brewing too."
Jack sat at the table and took it all in. Sometimes he couldn't believe this was his life. He never thought he'd be so domestic again.
"You're a godsend cupcake, you know that? I could just kiss you."
Rhys froze as he was plating the food, before setting it in front of Jack with a smile.
"I'm glad you like it. Now hurry up, we have a busy day"
Jack dug in gleefully. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted.
"Looks like everything's in order. Pleasure doing business with you gentlemen. We'll talk again soon."
Rhysie turned towards him as the holo-call ended, business facade broken. The kid was downright giddy. It was contagious if he was being honest.
"We did it Jack! We really did it! I can't believe it!"
He thought the kid was gonna faint he was so hyped up. Instead he did something Jack never expected. He reached up, grapped his lapels, and pulled him foreward into a kiss.
Jack froze in shock, before melting into it. This was better than anything he'd ever imagined. Rhysie was a surprisingly good kisser. Finally they ran out of breath and pulled away.
"I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that. Now just felt like the right time. We made this deal together Jack. Can you believe it? Hyperion is now the biggest company in the univer-
Jack's eye flew left and right, searching for the source of the noise. He couldn't see anything though, and the mic wasn't picking up anything else. It must have just been more wreckage from Helios setting.
Jack hadn't seen another living soul since the crash. It'd been years, and he didn't want to think about how many more it could be.
That daydream was nice though. He wished it hadn't ended there. But he could always start over again. Wasn't like he had much else to do.
He flexed the arm again, trying to reach the eye, but it was a futile effort. Just like every other time. He couldn't help but look again at the scattered remains around him. The eye had long since rotted and fell to the ground. The bones were all he could really see. Everyday, reminded of his greatest mistake.
"God, I miss you Rhys..."
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isa-beenme · 1 year
Ooooh for the Bingo, fluffy and angsty Forbidden Love with Eris??? 🥰🙏🏻🔥
Never thought I would be so excited to write for Eris oh my
I'm just so excited for this one, it's one of the biggest until now 💢💥✨️
I don't know if it's angsty enough, it probably isn't but I can't do better than that right now sorry 😀
Let me have you guys know that I love the IC and I don't hate them, okay? It's just for the character (although I don't agree with some of their attitudes, but hey criticize any type of politics is kind of my job so meh)
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The Night We Met
Almost one year before
The Hewn City bustled with activity as the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the mountain, the few windows letting the sun pass to the cobblestones of the city carved inside the terrain. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the preparation for the monthly party, you were weaving your way through the crowds, your heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. You were determined to escape the clutches of your overbearing sister and cousin, who were determined to whisk you away to Velaris, the vibrant city where they resided.
You loved your family, every tiny bit of them, but you hated the way they tried to make you hate your birthplace. The Court of Nightmares only had the reputation and, even if some of the stories were true and the cruelty indeed reigned inside of its walls, you firmly believed it was a necessary action to take against the rest of the cruel world outside. Even Rhys had to agree if he so desperately sought the help of his fellow citizens. You were a dreamer that wanted to live between the nightmares.
Breathless and desperate, you found yourself seeking solace in a secluded corner of an elegant garden. One of the few that were built closer to the top of the mountain, a simple spell and glass covered every part of it, making visible the night outside. The beauty of your home could never be replaced by the so-called "Court of Dreams". Tears glistened in your eyes as you let your emotions overwhelm you. It was at this very moment that you encountered a figure you never expected to see in real life – Eris, the prince of the Autumn Court.
Eris was notorious in your family for a past failed engagement with your older sister, Morrigan. The tension between him and your cousin, Rhysand, was palpable. You should be running away by now, knowing that Rhys and his mate, Feyre, prohibited you from participating in the parties Eris was involved in. Yet, as you locked eyes, you noticed a gentleness and concern that shattered your preconceived notions.
- Are you alright? You seem distressed - he inquired, his eyes filled with genuine worry. Eris approached you cautiously, his voice carrying a soothing tone.
- Yes, thank you. I was just trying to run away from my family - You pushed a strain of hair behind your ear, the blond locks always too alike to your sister's hair.
- I might know a little bit about that too, want company? - He asked slowly, not taking any step closer to you. If he had any idea of who you were he didn't show it.
- I might want, yes - You motioned for him to sit at your side in one of the many benches around the garden.
A surge of emotions overwhelmed you as you found yourself pouring your heart out to Eris. You both talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams as the moon rose high in the sky. To say the least, you were amazed by how comfortable you felt in Eris' presence, your connection deepening with every passing moment.
Present days
A year had passed since that fateful encounter in the garden. You and Eris had spent countless hours together, growing closer with each passing day. Your love for each other blossomed, defying the animosity that surrounded you. One evening, you strolled hand in hand through a meadow in the Autumn Court, the same place where you usually met each other to not raise any suspicion in your court. Eris paused and turned to face you, taking in the green dress you were wearing. His eyes held a mixture of adoration and nervousness.
- I cannot bear to be without you any longer, my days are consumed by the thought of you, and my dreams are filled with your presence. I love you during my waking hours and imagine you during my slumber ones. Will you marry me? - He asked, his voice filled with hope. Overwhelmed with joy, you nodded vigorously.
-Yes, Eris! I will marry you - You replied, voice brimming with excitement. You threw yourself into his arms, kissing him with every emotion you held in your body. Happiness overlaps joy as he spins you around, creating that bubble you both always felt when you were together.
The first challenge was Eris' father. Knowing damn well your father would be confused but happier than ever for finally getting the hold of the Autumn he always dreamed about. On the other hand, High Lord Beron was a complete mystery. The grand halls of the Autumn Court's palace were adorned with lavish decorations, befitting the grandeur of the occasion. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Eris, accompanied by you on his right side, made his way towards the throne room where Beron, the High Lord, awaited.
As you approached the entrance, Eris squeezed your hand, offering reassurance and support. You offered the same, your knowledge of his personal life and the terror his father caused him during his childhood made you as nervous for him as you were for yourself. You exchanged a brief, loving glance, drawing strength from your connection before stepping into the throne room.
The room was bathed in warm, golden light, emanating from the ornate chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. At the end of the room, seated upon a magnificent throne adorned with autumnal motifs, sat Beron, his regal presence commanding attention. His eyes, stern and piercing, hardened upon seeing his son and you. He took in your blond hair, noticing all the similarities between you and your sister.
- Eris, my son - Beron called out, his voice echoing through the hall - Approach, both of you.
Eris led you forward, your steps purposeful yet tinged with nervous anticipation. You stood before Beron, your hands still intertwined, a symbol of unwavering commitment to one another. Beron's gaze shifted between Eris and you, his expression thoughtful as he studied your position at his son's side. The silence stretched, creating a palpable tension that seemed to hang in the air.
- Eris, son of mine, it is often that a request for marriage to my sons comes before me. What is uncommon is my son requesting a marriage. Especially you. Speak your intentions - Finally, Beron spoke, his voice steady and resonant. Eris straightened his posture, determination gleaming in his eyes.
- Father, I stand before you today, with the woman I chose to marry. She has brought vision into my life, a feeling to covet that surpasses any kind of feeling I ever sought. I wish to marry her, to join our powers and lives for eternity - You slowly nodded towards him - Also, to join the Autumn and the Night Court in a long-time union. As you wished from the beginning, Father - Beron's gaze shifted to you, his scrutiny weighing upon her.
- And what of you, young lady? Do you share these intentions? How do you offer a partnership to the Night?
- High Lord Beron, I plan to praise and obey your son with all my heart and I desire nothing more than to become his wife. I promise to honor and cherish him, to stand by his side through all challenges that may come - With a steady voice you responded, your eyes locked with Beron's - I am the second daughter of Keir, commander of the Hewn City and General of its army.
- You are Morrigan's sister? - He asked you slowly, seeing Eris let go of your hand to let you give a step closer to the throne, this moment being practiced between you and your mother a thousand times. You just nodded and waited - If she is the Truth Teller, how do they call you in your territory?
- Truth Unleasher, sir - The High Lord smiled, playing with one of the decorations in his seat.
- I believe that no one hid from you the story both of our families share, right? - His eyes hovering all over your figure made you shift uncomfortably in your spot - Do your sister and cousin know you are here?
- Sir, I would let you know that I'm very aware of Eris' past with my family, but I found myself in a hard position once we started talking and realized how good of a match we are since we seek the same objectives of power and wealth - The lies roll down your tongue, in truth, Eris told you the whole story he had with Morrigan and your power told you everything you needed to know about his sincerity. But Beron didn't need to know this part - Although my sister and the High Lord are my family and, right now, my sovereigns, they are not aware of my position, since none of them have I say in my marriage life. This is only a matter for me and my father to talk about. And, obviously, my husband and you, sir, if you grant us your blessing.
Beron leaned back in on his throne, his eyes glimmering with a mix of curiosity and contemplation as you bowed down to him.
- Love, as I have come to learn with those ridiculous rulers of Night, is a powerful force. It can mend what is broken and forge unbreakable bonds, that's what your adorable cousin likes to say, am I wrong? - You shook your head, earning a small hum from him - Eris, you have always been headstrong, and it seems you have found your match in this young woman - He paused, his gaze shifting to you once again - As for you, Truth Unleasher, you has earned the respect of my son, a feat not easily accomplished. Your resolve and devotion are commendable. I can tell you are far more polite and respectful than your failed attempt of a sister, she is definitely the worst wife this world has yet to face - He laughed a little, enjoying even more as you and Eris smiled too. Two (or three) could play this game if he wanted to. A flicker of a smile graced Beron's lips, barely perceptible - I grant my blessing for this union. May your love endure, and may your union bring strength and prosperity to both the Autumn Court and the Nightmare's family.
Relief and joy washed over Eris and you as Beron'sords echoed in the grand hall. You exchanged glances, eyes shining with a gratitude Beron couldn't see.
- Thank you, my High Lord - Eris expressed, his voice filled with a hint of genuine gratitude - Your blessing means the world to us - Beron nodded, a rare hint of warmth in his eyes.
- You may have my blessing, but remember, the path you tread will not be easy, shall you think of hiding it from your family for any longer, young girl - He showed his teeth in a shivering smile, delighting himself in the victory he sought during his whole life - When you both decide to tell Keir about the news, tell him to send me a letter and give a day and time for a family dinner, the first of many.
With those final words of pure command, Beron rose from his throne, signifying the conclusion of the audience. Eris and you bowed deeply and respectfully before the High Lord, hearts filled with hope and determination.
As you left the throne room hand in hand, the weight of Beron's blessing enveloped you, empowering your love and fortifying your resolve. Your happiness was soon put to the test again when you approached your father's study, now seeking his blessing.
In the serene surroundings of a private study within your ancestral home, Keir sat at a polished wooden desk, his expression contemplative. He had received word that his beloved child had found love in the arms of Eris, the prince of the Autumn Court. His mind traveled back and forth with different scenarios of how the fire princeling may have met his second daughter, knowing of the rule prohibiting their encounter.
As the door to the study creaked open, Keir looked up to find his youngest entering, accompanied by Eris. The determination they held between them was evident in the way their eyes sought each other, even in the presence of the commander of the Nightmare Court.
- Father - you spoke before bowing down in respect to your parents, your voice filled with both nervousness and hope - May we speak with you?
Keir regarded his child and her chosen partner, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. He gestured for them to take a seat across from him, indicating that he was willing to hear them out. Eris spoke first, his voice sincere and earnest.
- Keir, I come before you today as a man who holds a deep respect for your daughter. Our paths have become entwined, and I wish to ask for your blessing to marry her - Keir leaned back in his chair, his gaze shifting between Eris and you. His features changed, revealing a complex mixture of emotions.
- Listen here, young prince, I know the history between our families has been tumultuous, my failed attempt to match you with my oldest daughter hunts me until these days. I'm curious how you found yourself in the position of asking for my other daughter's hand - For a second you feared your father could say no - But I also see the potential of getting the accord we wrote many centuries ago finally become reality. You didn't ask for her dote, didn't ask for anything at all. You came here only with the idea of prosperity and respect, and probably her submission to you. I don't have anything against it, I only hope you can keep it going for a better goal in your marriage - He turned his attention to you, your eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding. You were doing this for your family too. Pride washed over him at your sacrifice - And you, my child. Your happiness and well-being were never my foremost concern, but if you believe that Eris is the one who can provide that happiness, I will not stand in your way, especially if it means many gains for our family.
- Father, Eris has shown me a future like no other. He sees me for who I truly am and accepts me without reservation. I have found a feeling that surpasses all boundaries. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life by his side - Your eyes shimmered with unshed tears as you spoke with conviction - I know Mor didn't bring you the results you may have wanted, but I want nothing more than your approval - Keir took a deep breath, his voice laced with both pride and a touch of fear.
- My child, your words resonate deeply within me. It is clear that you have found a match that knows no bounds. I give you my blessing, for I trust your judgment and desire only the best for our courts - A weight seemed to lift from the room as Keir's words sank in. You and Eris exchanged a glance filled with gratitude and joy, your hearts overflowing with unspoken love.
- Thank you, Father - You whispered, voice filled with genuine appreciation. - Your acceptance means the world to us - You repeated the same words Eris had said to his father. Keir nodded, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
- Remember, child, that marriage requires effort and sacrifice from you. Cherish what you have found, and may your union bring you endless gains and fulfillment.
With those final words, Keir rose from his seat, signifying the conclusion of their conversation. You and Eris stood, making your way to the door. As you left the study, hand in hand, you felt a sense of profound happiness. With Keir's support and blessing, your love had gained an added strength, solidifying your commitment and fueling your determination to build a future together.
However, your private conversation had not gone unnoticed. Your sister, Morrigan, and cousin, Rhysand, had overheard the discussion. Consumed by anger and a sense of entitlement, they confronted both you and Eris, determined to sabotage your happiness. Morrigan and Rhysand cornered you and Eris the second you stepped out of the room. Their faces twisted with anger and resentment. Rhysand lashed out, striking Eris with a blow intended to hurt both physically and emotionally.
- How dare you come to my Court again and try to steal one of my cousins again? - Rhys says, trapping Eris against the wall with his dark power, the light flickering around you as the air seems to grow thicker.
- Rhys! Stop, please! - You screamed against deaf ears, your cousin's furious state of mind.
- You couldn't have me and now you went for my sister?! What have you done to her? - Morrigan questions as she pulls you away from both of the males.
- I told you both to stop! - Overcome with fury you tapped into your hidden powers, holding your family members in place as you made your way to Eris, now thrown to the floor as Rhysand released him from his powers. Your voice trembled with righteous anger as you confronted your family - How dare you? My love and life are not yours to control! Eris has shown me kindness and understanding, unlike any of you. I will marry him, and no one will stand in our way! - Morrigan, taken aback by her sister's outburst, tried to reason with you.
- You're making a mistake. Eris cannot be trusted. You must think about your future and your family's reputation - She pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation - You can have a life in Velaris and find a decent male there - You snickered at her words. With tears streaming down your face you looked deep into Morrigan's eyes.
- You have always put your desires above mine, sister. Perhaps it's time you realize that my happiness matters too. Eris loves me, and I love him. That is all that matters - She started to deny it with her head, but you were done with her behavior - When will any of you understand I will never live in Velaris? I love my court and I learned to love Eris' too. Why can't you understand that I am capable of making decisions by myself?
- You just want our family's approval. This marriage is not what you truly want - She pleaded one more time, despair seemed to travel to her as Eris recovered each second.
- You don't even know what I want, you never cared to ask - She denied it many times but you knew the truth. Deep down, your sister always hoped for your outburst to take you away, but it never happened - What if our parent's approval is exactly what I want? Is that so bad?
- You'll be forever trapped in this life - Rhysand said slowly, trying to release himself from your powers - You won't get a chance to dream.
- What if that's my dream? What if everything I ever wanted was a big marriage with someone I love? What if I always dreamed of a house full of kids and me being the perfect lady by my husband's side? Is that so bad? Just because my dreams are different from yours does it mean they are invalid? - You shook your head in disbelief, knowing very well they would never accept this - Maybe one day you guys from the Court of Dreams will finally learn that we can dream from anywhere we want, not just from your pathetic city - In the end, Eris winnowed both of you back to the Autumn Court.
In the aftermath of the confrontation, you and Eris retreated to the safety of his palace, finding solace in each other's arms. Eris gently cradled your face in his hands, his eyes filled with tenderness. Your heart clenched as the hurtful words you said to your sister finally took in, a bit of regret finding your mind.
- You are my strength and my salvation, my true matching flame. We will face this together - You could only find the strength to nod, feeling a light kiss being left in your head as both of you tried to find a way to sleep and rest after the agitation.
Your love story would continue, with kisses that tasted of passion and embraces that melted your souls. In Eris, you had found a partner who loved you unconditionally, supporting you in your journey of self-discovery. In Eris' arms, you had found your true home, a place where your love would flourish, unaffected by the judgment of others. And as you basked in the warmth of your shared affection, you knew that your love story was just beginning.
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timothylawrence · 1 year
Hey wanted to tell you I love seeing Rana on my dash! Can you tell little bit more about Rana? How does she view her relationship with her teammates? Does she have any family? What drew her towards Wyll?
oh stop this is so sweet omg 😭😭😭 Im glad you all like to see her bcus i love to show her off!! she's my little angel and the only tav i've had break past act 1!
I'll put most of this under the cut but I wanna put out a disclaimer that I came up with her background before learning abt anyone elses backstories so if she seems very similar to an origin character i swear its on accident 😭😭!!!!!!
Rana is a tiefling rogue assassin :)! Her backstory is that of a street urchin and after her mother died when she was very young, she spent a lot of time outside of her home. Her father wasn't very good at fathering and oftentimes they didn't even speak with one another despite living together in the same home. At the age of 12, she ends up stealing a little more than something that can be unnoticed and gets arrested. Upon her father hearing out her year-long sentence and hefty bail, he decides it's better to let her rot in prison for her sentence than to spend his little money on bailing her out.
Of course, Rana breaks herself out after 3 weeks and never returns to Baldur's Gate until the fateful day of the Nautiloid! She spends a lot of her time traveling the coast, running through different guilds and vowing to never rely on anyone.
With her backstory out of the way, she has a very interesting relationship with everyone! 😭 So for those who don't know, I played this story with my darling dearest bestie @katagawajr who has her own character Vaeril. To put her in Jordan's words, Vaeril's very much a disney princess-esque, think Anna from Frozen or Rapunzel, or if you're familiar with Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle!! (where as you have Rana who despite being fire coded is very much Elsa-like)
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(and sometimes she teams up in a detective noir episode alongside Private Wyll Ravengard to uncover the mysterious explosive toys of Baldur's Gate.... but thats a side quest) (yes it's chaos).
Moving onto Origins, She's got a very funny raport with Gale. He's an obvious know-it-all but unlike most egotistical men Rana's run into, he has the facts to prove it. For my Blands mutuals, she's got a very Fiona and Rhys type of dynamic where they do get along but you wouldn't believe it from the amount they bicker. Vaeril also romanced Gale in this playthru so she's very much >:( hurt my best friend and ill kill you wizard boy.
Karlach is Rana's best friend. They have very similar backstories and although they didn't know one another as kids, they're very protective of one another. Lae'zel is also one of Rana's closest friends even though she's obviously more reserved, they get along very well on the battlefield and rely on one another. Halsin makes Rana nervous because he's just So Sweet and Asty is pretty much entertaining (they argue abt the best techniques to take people down quietly ofc). Shadowheart and her also get along albeit it's a bit more reserved because of Rana's intrinsic and initial mistrust of familal figures.
haha. onto Wyll. Which is probably the funniest of funniest stories. Originally, Rana was... very put off. On one hand, she's heard of the blade of frontiers and genuinely thinks what he does is great, but on the other hand... Wyll has a heart of gold and it scares her. When they have their talk on the beach in Act One, Rana sees that he's not this 'perfect hero' and that he has doubts just like anyone else- he put on a front just like she did. Keeping people at arms length was just... natural.
So yea, they develop from their as they do in canon and albeit his sweet nature, Rana's incredibly shy abt their relationship and answers virtually no questions unless pestered by Vaeril :). They wear Lover's Caress rings to protect one another, and once they get to Baldur's Gate, Rana is quite... stand offish with Ulder and anyone else who dares to be rude to Wyll.
Ok i'll cut my essay short but THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!I love talking abt her im just . so incredibly shy. but i truly appreciate anyone who made it this far down the ask ily!! 😭😭😭😭
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shallyne · 1 year
Day 6:
The office was a mess. Every bookshelf was empty and all the books were strewn across every other surface in the room, stacked in organized piles. There wasn't a partivular reason why Rhys did this, he just woke up this morning with the urge to reorganize his bookshelves. Now he was only fifty books away from starting to shelf the books again.
"Rhys!" Mor chirped as she breezed into the room, not bothering to knock, and came to an abrupt stop before she crashed into an M pile. "Cauldron, what are you doing?"
"What does it look like?" Rhys countered, putting a book on the E pile. "I'm reorganizing my books."
Sighing, his cousin carefully stepped over piles, stumbling over box with wool and knitting needles, his latest project, and stopped at Rhys's side. "Why? Didn't you like how they were organized before?"
"They were were only organized by height and genre, it was chaos! Now I'm going to order them alphabetically by author and genre. Maybe height if possibe." he explained.
His cousin sighed again, this time more dramatically as she bent down and picked up an old tome and skimmed through it. "That seems like a peculiar task seeing the amount of books you own. Have you read every single one?"
"Of course I have."
A single piece of paper fell out of the tome Mor held. Rhys was about to grab it but Mor was faster, snatching it up. "Oh!" she shrieked, "How adorable! It's one of your poems–"
Rhys swiped the piece if paper out of Mor's hand and she cried out in protest, he tucked it away. "Hey!" she said, "I wanted to read that? By the way, are you still writing?"
"No." Rhys replied.
Mor frowned, "You're in a mood today. It would be more fun to talk with Amren about the meaning of life."
"She'd hate that." Rhys added another book to the U pile beside him.
"Exactly." Mor said, sitting down opposite of Rhys, crosslegged. He looked up from his books, watching her. She wore yellow wide-legged oants, typical for night court fashion, with a white sweater, her brown eyes taking in the room.
"Did you come here for a reason?" Rhys asked.
Mor gnawed on her lower lip, thinking about what to say. It went quiet for a few moments, only dull sound from behind the great wood doors of his office to hear. Then she turned her head to Rhys, speaking, "Feyre asked me if you are fine. She thought you seemed off this morning, I told her I'd talk to you." understanding found Mor's features, "You didn't do this for a few years now, Rhys. What happened?"
"I'm only reorganizing my bookshelf, I'm fine." he replied, but his words were missing the intended bite.
"It's not only the reorganizing, Rhys, I've paid attention, you know?" she pointed to the box with knitting supplies, the clubs 8n the corner and a look to the fishing rod near his desk. "You're trying to distract yourself."
Rhys didn't answer, averting his cousin's gaze as he cintinues to organize his books. Pile A, Pile H, Pile D....
"You can grief, Rhys. It's okay."
He stopped, looking at his hands. His voice was hoarse as he said, "If I let myself grief...I fear that I won't find my way back. I can't afford it to grief, I have a son to take care of now and we are in the middlenof rebuilding Velaris, there's no time."
"There is, Rhys. We will understand, Feyre will understand. Talk to her." Mor smiled softly, "You're not alone, cousin, even though you're hellbent on managing everyrhing on your own."
"I don't know what to say." Rhys admitted. Just thinking about explaining that the anniversary of his mother's amd sister's death neared had him feeling a lump in his throat.
"Talk from your heart." Mor said, "Feyre will understand." She repeated, getting up and extending her hand.
Tentatively, Rhys took it and she helped him up. "Thank you," he said.
"Of course," Mor flipped her head over her shoulder. "But Rhys, one more thing–"
He raised his brow, waiting.
"Why again? Do you have nightmares again?"
Rhys shrugged, walking to the doors of his office. "At this time of year, always." he stepped out, feeling surer about talking to Feyre. It wasn't that he didn't trust hery he trusted Feyre with his life, even feeling ashamed that he couldn't get himself to talk to her but the topic of his mother and sister still left him as raw as it was centuries ago.
Talking to Mor, though, it reminded me how lucky he was with the family he found along the way.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
you are downplaying elriel scenes tho💀💀even the way you're talking about azriel saving elain says everything.
as for tt, how old is azriel again? around 500 yeah?? do you really think that a 500yr old illyrian warrior has never been in a situation where he gave his weapons to comrades? for someone who is oh so holy about context, you're forgetting that rhys mentioned to feyre that az never let anyone TOUCH tt. it's not just a matter of lending tt to someone during battle. it's so important to him that he's not let anyone before even hold the damn thing.
'But your claims that TT and his rescuing Elain equals love and feelings is pretty much disproven considering he was still in love with Mor months later on Solstice. He's not simultaneously in love with Elain.' - could you point me to these claims of mine? I don't recall me saying that🤔unless, it's your age working tricks on you...
elain reminded azriel of his mother as a servant which is why he helped her?😶how long did it take you to reach for THAT take?💀
you people are just so dramatic. you're acting like azriel locked elain away and took all her choices when all he said was that the trove has a darkness that elain shouldn't be exposed to. (to which cassian replied "and nesta should?" showing that he has similar thoughts about nesta). he expressed that he doesn't want her involved in something so dark. did he go to elain and tell her that he forbids her from going? no. and your little examples dont change the fact that rhys and cassian DO have their overprotective moments. rhys literally growled at nesta when she so much as looked at feyre wrong😂
it's actually kinda hilarious that you're sitting there accusing me of 'glorifying' elriel scenes when you're the one swooning over lucien giving elain the space she needs which is the bare minimum a decent person could do.
I also don't see where you got the idea of me trying to influence your opinion from?? it's simply discourse on social media. if you don’t want to interact then turn off your anons. (I can send you tutorials on how to do that, sweetie😘)
Oh my god, another "sweetie" 🤦😭. You really have no shame 😂. And once again trying to insult my age which further proves your immaturity.
I promise you, one day your 40 / 50 year old self look will look back at your actions and be embarrassed.
It's absolutely PATHETIC that I blocked your main account yet you are logging on to a secondary account for the sole purpose of harassing others.
Once again, you misunderstand the true spirit of discourse because snidely sending anons is not it.
You completely miss the point of what I'm saying, a common occurrence for you.
Is it possible Az has lent out weapons to other soldiers? Sure. But have we any proof that Az has ever needed to sit out of battle?
He ALWAYS has TT on him which means if Az is in battle, HE will use TT.
And what reason would Az ever have to let someone touch TT? 😂. "Hey baby, want to touch my dagger?"
Everyone in his circle is a warrior and they have their own weapons.
The only reason TT was available for someone else to use was because Mor begged him to sit out. Az was planning on flying into battle after being severely wounded which strongly suggests he doesn't sit out of battle for anything. Yet the female he loved begged him not to go so he suddenly had no need for TT. And in this storyline, there just happened to be a human recently turned Fae who had no weapon on her person.
I highly doubt there has ever been a scenario where Az was preparing to go into battle, decided to sit out, and had a random female hanging around who needed protection but in that case he refused to give it to her because he was saving that action for the female he'd someday love.
If you want to throw context in my face, I'd like to remind you letting Elain touch TT didn't mean what you think it means since he's never thought of her beyond his sexual fantasies. 🤷. You say I'm downplaying E/riel scenes whereas I'm merely explaining why those scenes all amounted to a whole lot of nothing except Az wanting a mate and using Elain as spank bank material.
Rhys growled at Nesta? THAT is what you're trying to compare to Az saying Elain shouldn't be allowed to do something dangerous? REALLY?! 😂
And Cassian said, "and Nesta should?" only in response to Az basically saying one female shouldn't be allowed to do something dangerous yet the other females don't matter.
He's not saying Nesta shouldn't be allowed to search for the Trove, he's saying no female is more exempt than any other which is basically what Az is suggesting. He's calling out Az for his idiot comment, something Amren also had to do.
And my take on Elain reminding Az of his mother is a REACH?! It's in the text!
Let’s just say it hit a little close to home. At my beat of confusion, he added, There are some scars when it comes to how his mother was treated. Many scars. His mother, who had been a servant—near-slave—when he was born. And afterward. None of us bother to wait for everyone to sit, least of all Cassian. It can strike at odd times.
I'm not sure how many more ways I can say this, in my opinion your interpretation of the text is weak and uninspired. There is no insult you can throw my way, no take on the series that is going to change my mind.
And once AGAIN, you take one sentence of a post and run with it. Lucien has never once demanded Elain make a decision on the bond. That's not all he's done for her but it is a big deal when you consider all the E/riels that claim Lucien harasses her. And the phrasing for that sentence was in regards to that fact and that he has given her space and freedom to deal with her trauma and being made before dealing with the enormity of a mating bond.
I don't know, it seems like a pretty obvious concept to me. Maybe it's just something that comes with old age 😉
You are wasting your time sending messages and this will be the last time I respond to them. My anons are open because some Elucien's and Gwynriels want to share their thoughts without becoming a target for people like you. They are not open for trolls who enjoy starting shit "anonymously" under the guise of wanting to have a "peaceful" debate. You're not fooling anyone.
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howthesleeplesswander · 6 months
“👋 Good; you’re not busy.” And even if the CEO was (which was the more likely scenario for the freakin’ workaholic), he hardly has a choice but to suddenly be distracted, as Timothy’s already halfway across the office in a series of long and eager strides. When he makes it to Rhys, he wastes not a second more: a hand grips that unfairly distracting waist, yanks him forward, and Timmy claims that kiss he’s been craving since . . . well, probably ever since the last time he left Promethea. You know, totally not even slightly pathetic, but what’s a man to do?
// i wasn't kidding with my warning last night 〔´∇`〕
Answered! || @jackdup
((alkdfjskd weeps softly into hands over how cute these two are ;A; 💕))
Except that anyone who knew the Atlas CEO also knew that he was always busy. On this particular day, the last two hours of Rhys' afternoon had been spent on a call with an insufferable requisitions manager who refused to take "no" for an answer no matter how many different ways Rhys shut down his proposal. If he had to listen to one more half-assed argument he was liable to pull his hair out.
Thus the initial swoop of dread in his stomach when the door to his office burst open because ughhh, this clown's rambling would be ten times more excruciating in person. But a glance at the doorway brightened his expression from 'about to commit murder' to a genuine grin for the first time that day. Just seeing Timothy again worked such wonders at easing the weight from his shoulders that, not for the first time, Rhys wondered if he was the biggest sap in the galaxy. (The answer was a pretty solid probably.)
"Oh, hey! I wasn't expecting you! Not that that makes it less great to see you, obviously—lemme just..."
But by the time he hopped up from his chair, Tim had already crossed the vast office, and the intent in his eyes as he closed in short-circuited Rhys' brain. Oh, he knew that look. "Orrr not, ho-kay—" His voice fizzled into a super composed and not at all pathetic sound that he failed to swallow. At least he had the sense to put his line of the call on mute before he was swept into a passionate kiss.
The moment their lips met, it suddenly felt like it had been ages since he'd last had this instead of a few weeks. Equally eager (and fully accepting of his "sappiest bastard in the universe" title at this point), Rhys grasped at Tim's shirt to keep him close and kissed him with a fervor to make up for the time they'd spent apart.
...All while an obnoxious voice squawked from the screen on his desk. If Rhys hadn't cared before, he definitely didn't care now, so...Begrudgingly, one hand relinquished its hold in favor of slapping blindly at the desktop until the call clicked off. "I dunno what I'm more glad for," he murmured amid fleeting snatches of breath, "this, or finally having a reason to hang up on that guy."
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luv-xoxo · 2 years
Sweet melody
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Eris x reader
Words: 1551
Part 1
Sweet Melody Masterlist
SJM Universe Masterlist
“Please please” she pleaded crying and sobbing at the blink of a panic attack rhys looked at his brothers before grabbing her and winnowing them into the safest place of velaries, the tower that was hibbed within the tall trees of the magical forest of velaries. “your are safe here i will ward this place so only the people YOU wish may enter.” but yn didnt reply she just stared blankly at him rhys then proceed “cassian and azriel will be constantly fly around they gonna bring you supplies and anything else you may need if there is something wrong or something you need one of Azriel’s shadows will constantly be with you.” she didn't reply once more but didn't seem to have any problem so he ended his speech “i ' m gonna leave now azriel is around here'' he thought about it for a moment and then he knelt in front of her “hey you are safe here i mean it'' a tear slipped her eyes but she didn't move he sighed and got up to leave.
“Rhys do you really think it’s a good idea?” Feyra asked worriedly, “Well it's not the best idea but it is necessary what can go wrong?”
“ Would you like me to list it alphabetically or?” Azriel said from his spot next to the fireplace “oh come on he is going to be here for maximum an hour even if wants to he can't do much we are going to be with him all the time lets be positive for once” Rhys argued which earned him a few sounds of agreement.
the meeting with eris seemed to be going pretty good despite everyone's doubts they were almost done when Feyra called urgently for her mate “ Eris would you mind exploring the city a bit i ' m afraid there's been a small situation i will be back soon” eris just smirked “sure” “don't make me regret trusting you Eris” , “you shouldnt be trusting anyone” rhys was about to answer but Eris continued “ But i do recall we had a bargain so dont worry i m not gonna set the city on fire you are good for now” “i will keep my eyes on you” rhys said before winnowing away.
Eris started walking along Sidra when a soft humming close to angelic reached his ears, consuming him completely; he didn't even realize he started following it. soon he found himself in the forest walking through a stone tunnel which by the way was well hidden from all those plants, it is so bizarre he thought but he kept waking anyway it was dusk time at the moment which made him wonder how long was he gone from the town and if rhysand with his overgrown bats are looking for him.  When he finally reached the end of the tunnel he was met with an amazing green well taken care of garden with a waterfall that ended on a lake a bit farther down was a tower, weird, the tower was perfectly surrounded by a rounded mountain range in a perfect ring shape. It felt like he entered a magical bubble. It was so much easier to breathe in there like the air was lighter than everywhere else he felt at home he felt peace . After taking in the beauty of this place he finally stepped forward towards the tower. This place was one hudrent present surrounded by wards and various spells to keep curious people outside or something inside he thought but why didn't it affect him. weird. soon enough he reached the tall building , there were no doors so how would he cure his curiosity of what was calling his very being to be there? he decided to round the building one more time thats when he spotted a door almost completely invisible to bare eyes since it was hidden behind rose bushes he reached it and after a bit of struggle the door fall open revealing an almost white stoned staircase. he moved step by step until he was met with yet another door that one thought it was neveracking he was nervous about what he would see on the other side. he finally gain the courage to open it so he twisted the doorknob and stepped in. his nose got filled with the sweet scent of vanilla mixed with coconut. he took in the small yet somewhat cozy space around him it looked empty but not abandoned some was indeed living there this small house was too personalized there were lots of books in the giant shelves fresh ingredients on the table the bed was slightly unmade and a lot of other things around the room suggested that a female owned the place he got the scent of fear so he realized that he probably shouldnt introude he had probably scared whoever lives here he made his way across the room towards the giant windows he turned to his left where another door was as he was standing outside the door the scent of vanilla and coconut got stronger, slowly he opened the door and he came face to face with a frightened girl curled into the farthest corner of the room inside a bathtub her eyes were glossy and he was about to tell her that he wouldn't hurt her when two winged bruts came through the window and the high lord appeared behind him. “ i thought i told you not to cause any trouble” rhysand said but eris couldn't speak he couldn't remove his eyes from her unique pink ones , cassian moved towards the scared female shoving eris towards azriel who grabbed him and flowed him outside they were a few feet from the ground when the shadowsinger dropped the future high lord to the ground Rhysand soon appeared as eris cleared the dust from himself “how the fuck did you find your way here , how you got inside the tower and most importantly how did you passed threw wards made by helion himself” , “i dont know , i dont know and you might be surpised by my next answer i dont fucking know” “noone is able to find this place by foot eris we can hardly find it from the sky and we know its location so how YOU that never set a foot in this city found it by foot” the spymaster questioned him “ i dont know something guided me here i just followed the melody or humming i m not sure could be both a hummig melody or a meloded humming” the heir was clearly confused, Rhysand looked the tower and then eris then he turned to Azriel take him back to the house of the wind. His voice was flat and cold; it was a voice that the ruler of nightmares used. 
Rhys didn't wait for azriel to answer he knew that his brother would obey the order he winnowed inside the small house again “cassian” “she is okey a bit shaked hasn't said anything” “good, go with azriel to the house of the wind Eris is there i will be too soon” with an okay cassian was out the window leaving the pinked eye girl with his high lord “why are scared, you called him here” no answer “it's been two decades stop acting like a child and start speaking god dammit” he yelled not from anger from frustration no answer he walked to her who was still in the bathtub “you have to speak you can't be silent from the rest of your life it won't change anything” she refused to open her mouth rhys reached for her she flinched slightly but aloud him , he picked her up and carried her to her bed “i may have found a way to fix it but in order to do so you have to talk with me but you dont need to do that tonight i m sorry i  yelled you arent acting like a child everyone deals with stuff different, get some rest for now” he kissed her forehead and turned around sighing then he felt her grab his hand and as soon as he turned to face her again she was in his arms tears streaming down her face he couldnt leave he stayed until she was asleep then he winnowed away.
cassian landed on the balconi “she good” “yes, rhys is with her”,”who is she” “non of your buissnes eris” both illyrians said. an hour later rhysand appeard “it was about time you know i have stuff to do back in Autom important stuff” annoynce radieted from eris just then he got a sniff of vanilla and coconut mixed with rhysands scent it made him so angry that flames appeared in his palms but as soon as they appear he made them go away something that didnt go unnoticed by the high lord. “well if you would of stayed were i left you instead of breaking in ,in poor female’s houses and scaring the life out of them then you would of already be gone and we would all be happy but you cant keep your nose out of my buisness so here we are all unhappy with your presence still here” 
“we got a problem” Rhys said once Eris was gone.
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
hey tabby! 🫀anon here, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and with such kindness at that🥹
>>Gosh, I hope you aren’t disappointed by it—just as a heads up it might be a little slow in parts but I hope you enjoy it :)
First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me. I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.
>>(I loved him being cold, and cruel, and kind of flirtatious 🫢😳)
💯 i mean, sameee gurl sameee 👌🏻
honestly, I loved Rhysand's character soo much throughout the 1st book even tho sjm did not exactly make him seem like a "main" character or one who's on the "good" side in it, and I was even prepared for him as a villain of sorts? like, I don't mean Amarantha or Hybern level of villain, but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad? so kinda like an anti hero ig? (sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲) which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻
>>I never hated Tamlin though
oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book, but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope but for some reason everywhere I see, there's only hate for him(mostly) and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike? needless to say, I wouldn't say I hated tamlin either, infact I still enjoy feylin fics a lot even tho I don't get to read very many of them. it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅 honestly I don't think I'd have minded all that much if feylin was infact endgame, I'd just have been a little sad is all lol🥲 because how many otps of mine just didn't happen?(😭the answer is in a good high tens)
>>I mean to be fair, I don’t really watch films or tv shows at all anymore, and until acotar I hadn’t read many books so I think I might have been oblivious to those tropes/cliches
I so completely understand this bit, because personally, I'm exhaustingly clueless about a lot of media that people are usually just raving on and on about and it's not usually because I don't want to watch it, but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end😭 I mean, I watched the 1st iron man movie 16 years after it first came out so🥲and it wasn't for a lack of trying, I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it. honestly it's a miracle I read all the Acotar books to the end lol
>>Thank you so much for writing in!!
Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that. i truly mean it when I say you're one of the kindest individuals I've interacted with online and you inspire me to pass that kindness on as well.
ps: this isn't exactly an ask but I just couldn't NOT reply to your message, so I'm just glad you read it, you really don't have to reply to it, I'm just happy to have sent this message on it's way.
we all love you, Tabby.
‘First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me.’
😭🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank you so much 😭🧡💛
‘I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.’
Oooh gosh, I guess it’s up to you? There’s still a lot of the story left to write—I’d say we’re probably either half or two thirds of the way there in terms of storyline and events that will happen. It’s not going to be over any time soon, basically, which is both exciting and pretty scary 😭
Honestly I think the tension is in the first half, if that makes sense? (Which it probably doesn’t since you don’t know reader’s fate, but 🤷) There’s going to be a ‘half’ chapter which adds in some contexts to reader’s history, but I think after chapter 15, that should be where the tension relaxes a bit? I like to think that in *very* broad terms, chapters 1 through 15 are the ‘hurt’ ones, and 16 onward will be the ‘comfort’ ones? There are still going to be intense moments but she might not have to be on her own anymore (provided she learns to seek help when she needs it)
‘but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad?’
Yes! Like I’m happy with how Feysand turned out, but I would have been fine if Rhys stayed ‘evil’ for a bit longer 🫢 just a few more scenes of him being super scary and Feyre being wary of him 🤭
I feel like even as soon as he first visited her in her cell, there was a suggestion he wasn’t that bad? Especially after we learned only one person bet on her winning? Ignoring how acotar characters would write that off as a whim, from a storytelling standpoint that’s a pretty clear way of singling a character out and making them significant 🤭
‘(sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲)’
Girl if you hadn’t straight up said English isn’t your first language, I would’ve had no idea 😭
‘which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻’
Thank you so much!!! Yes, I have to say there is a certain appeal to writing dark characters, but only if they have a soft spot of some kind for the reader 😭🧡💛
‘oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book,’
I didn’t hate him in the first book or any other after that, BUT, I did definitely get frustrated with him during the High Lords’ meeting 😭 I kind of wish we got his perspective on that, or at least more about his character? Because Feyre dismantling stability within the Spring Court was quite a brash move I think, and one she might have decided against if she wasn’t having to deal with so many other matters as well as sorting through her own emotions? Because she definitely went through a lot 😭
I guess I feel that Tamlin has a lot of anger in general, which can make him impulsive and volatile at times—like when Feyre first realised she could make a shield in his office—and I’d love to see Sarah explore that more!!
‘but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope’
Yes! Exactly!! There’s so much we don’t know about his character and so much potential to spin new stories? Ugh I would love that so much 😭
‘and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike?’
I mean, I think it’s made more complicated because of immersion and how emotionally connected some people feel to characters? I was having a conversation about how we all read the same books but it’s interesting there’s such a vast range of opinions? Like some people really hate Nesta, which I can see why I suppose but I personally love her 🧡💛
I think the problem starts when people get too attached to characters that they’re unable to speak objectively about them? I’m definitely guilty of this too though 😭 one of my friends read acotar and was saying something about Az and how they didn’t like him and I straight up asked them to stop because I knew it would upset me 😭 (they did, which was kind of them ☹️)
‘it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅’
No I get that 🤩
The tension being set up both in the one bed at the inn scene and the Court of Nightmares moment just made the resolution really enjoyable for me! Not so much the smut part, but when Rhys finds her in the cabin and they end up having a heart to heart, and Rhys tells her more about his history? It just made me feel so happy for them so I know what you mean about wanting them to get together!
‘but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end’
I don’t have it to that extent, but I know that on a smaller scale, I like having music or videos playing in the background while I work? Especially while doing more domestic work like the washing up, changing my sheets, generally tidying etc. it makes the process so much easier, and I won’t get bored of the work or feel guilty for relaxing during ‘work hours’ on weekends
‘I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it.’
8 YEARS?? 🫢
Well done for keeping up the determination to actually watch it! 🎉
‘Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that.’
I honestly cannot explain how much I love getting to speak with you. Genuinely, it’s so wonderful being able to interact with other people who like acotar and especially getting to discuss and debate different elements of the story has got to be one of my favourite things about fandom 🫂🧡💛
‘we all love you, Tabby.’
My eyes are prickling for some reason ☹️
Thank you for writing in and taking the time to read through the fics on here ☹️🫂🧡💛
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
out of curiosity:
what is ur least fave manufacturer now
did u enjoy new tales
tell me more abt ur rewrite <- overly complex rewrite haver where katagawa also lives (well. he dies and gets brought back to life. long story) and also the calypsos don't flop. i like seeing other ppls aus and comparing them and such
I have many thoughts bc this is one of my fave franchises, so a big chunk of this is me talking about New Tales (all under the read more so I don't clog ppl's dashes or spoil stuff <3)
I can answer 1 and 2 together - my least favorite manufacturer is Tediore entirely because of New Tales. It used to be Atlas because I personally didn't like the whole concept of all these major multibillionaire world-ending companies slowly turning "good" because they were now ran by Lillith's allies? Rhys in BL3 was very underwhelming, funny to revisit but very underwhelming.
I liked the vibe Atlas had back in the first Tales, when Rhys was shown to end up as a very capable and somewhat ruthless CEO (with a very good outfit that BL3 entirely forgot about......im stiLL MAD ABOUT THAT.......) not just Your Funny Uncle With The Moustache Getting Bullied In Promethea :tm:
And. Like, I really LOVED the idea of the weakest manufacturers making a big fucking comeback, y'know funny silly cheap plastic gun Tediore is now The Ruler Of The Universe, who could've thought! But....... The way they handled it in New Tales was, pretty lame?
First of all, from what I remember at the top of my head, Tediore was founded by a woman - Mrs Tediore, right? And then in New Tales, there's a bunch of dialogue/jokes about how Susan Coldwell broke the glass ceiling and how revolutionary it is for a woman to be CEO but. Again, Mrs Tediore founded Tediore.
And then, in that very same fucking game, there's yet another woman as a CEO that no one bats an eye to (IM NOT GONAN THINK.A BOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF ATHENA BEING THERe. IM JUST NOT). And this also comes from a franchise with a lot of women in very important positions - pointing out how Susan Coldwell is ruthless and important because she's breaking the glass ceiling by being a woman in power when there's many, many, many other female characters doing even cooler shit just....really downplays Susan as a villain. It also puts a weird light onto the already established characters like, Moxxi, who is fully aware of the way people perceive her and uses it against them. Or Lillith who had to step up as the new leader of the Crimson Raiders. Or Maya's journey of finding herself outside a cult that used her. Or Tyreen's entire journey and what led her to have a god complex. As if THEIR struggles and stories aren't that miportant when compared to the vague shit Susan did to become CEO of TEDIORE out of all things lmfao
And putting Susan Coldwell ASIDE of Tediore, they still don't have a leg to stand on, they really just weren't that much of a threat at all. All new characters that were meant to be threatening FROM Tediore just. Died. Gone. Irrelevant. A blink and you miss it.
Something about Borderlands that I really like is that, when one of the major companies or big groups within the setting go through changes like, a new leader or a discovery or something, then it's got big consequences for everyone. It's not just "oh hey i'm the new boss, the previous is dead". You can see it in Atlas' rise to power after figuring out eridian technology and in their subsequential fall that lets other companies get the headstart colonizing other planets. You see it most notably in Jack's own rise to power and then fallout, all the people it affects. His presence AND absence means something to the story.
But Tediore? The entire company becomes so fucking irrelevant the second Susan Coldwell gets the fucking Cosmo and Wanda looking ass gems, they don't affect anything at all. Promethea was shit from the beginning, the process of rebuild was fueled by Atlas and Promethea remained Like That because of Atlas Choosing To Move Headquarters To Space :tm: not because Tediore's sudden arrival.
The moment Jack became CEO, Hyperion as a company affected A DOZEN of characters, with or without his direct intervention - Tediore in New Tales just sits there as a cheap way to bring back manufacturers who haven't done anything relevant to the story so far because all the other ones are too busy being part of the good guys now . They're just a stepping stone for Susan and nothing else and it's very fucking sad?? The real scary villain of New Tales is the introduction of GOD-LIKE SENTIENT GEMS, not a company like we're used to. It makes everything feel disconnected, it makes death and life feel cheap in a franchise that insists on how much every group of protagonists has survived and faced together.
Anu's character revolves around Atlas and her brother. Her entire journey starts because she's fired and her brother needs help. Tediore has nothing to do with any of these things. And entire thing she has about how she'd like to remain peaceful and non-violent? Why not fucking bring PANGOLIN, or ANY of the fucking shield/health companies that exist????
Then there's Octavio, you can argue that he's the most affected by Tediore's involvement because his entire theme is about the community of Promethea, but they do essentially nothing with that aspect of him in the game so it falls flat on its ass. His entire goal is to be popular and have a company, but all it led to was a small consultation company? It's so weak, it only makes him look like the comedic relief and nothing else, which in turn only makes his strained relationship with Anu all the more sad. AND THAT WAS MY FAVORITE PART of this game, the fact that Anu and Octavio's relationship as stranded family was a focus and that you could tackle it, but tackling it through dream sequences with the fucking magical gems is cheap and I seriously can't even remember if there's any actual scenes of these two talking to each other for real, without any dream sequences in the way
And then there's Fran, who does have some of the funniest moments in the entire game and whose design make me really happy. But like the others, she has. no involvement with Tediore, her fucking store got destroyed by MALIWAN.
And then by the end Tediore is just fucking gone ok bye
As for the 3rd question
Ok so I have like. 5 different rewrites/AUs. Because I'm a VERY normal borderlands fan, NO ONE look at me. i refuse to write this in a coheretn way, i have to go to work in 10 minutes and i'm in my pjs
The closest to canon, in which I just adhere to the major beats of the story and try to expand on events that went unnoticed, characters that ended up underdeveloped or straight up ignored / OOC. etc. In this one Katagawa dies, but not before I expand shamelessly on his strained and complex relationship with his family and the company and how blurry the line between those things (yes im thinking about the barcodes) and his abilities as a proper corporate shithead with lots of money, resources and enough genius to STEAL FROM FUCKING ZER0, WHY IS NO ONE SCREAMING SO HARD ABOUT THAT, THIS FUCKER STOLE FROM ZER0 OR BOUGHT SOMEONE WHO COULD DO IT and thought process behind it all. This one also started because I felt horrible at the way Ava was portrayed in BL3, cause the writing is painful but I do love the introduction of a clearly immature Siren to the group of veterans who are supposed to know better and the struggle that comes with accepting change and loss. Also because that Maya kill pissed me off, I love the Calypsos but my god that was so fucking lame for Maya? But this one was written way before New Tales so,,,
The closest to canon V2. in which I take New Tales into consideration. And it pains me. And I never finished it because I'm not strong enough. But trust me when I say I'm making those stupid fucking magical rocks as eldritch and unsettling as possible. If you want to play with life and death so fucking badly you're going to bear with the consequences, you're gonna come back right and wrong as many times as you want and you will never be the same do you FUCKING HEAR ME ANU. I AM SPEAKING DIRECTLY INTO YOUR BRAIN. YOU CAN PLAY WITH DEATH AND LIFE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT TO, BUT I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE THOSE THINGS LOSE ANY MEANING. Anyway Katagawa does die here too! and he comes back wrong! and dies again
The self indulgent one, in which everything I would've loved to happen, just happens. And New Tales doesn't exist! Sasha and Fiona are there doing things! Commandant Steele DOES get lore! Athena does NOT fucking become Hyperion's CEO <3. And I expand a little on how the TPS gang were, in fact, a very dysfunctional found family whose love language was ultraviolence and how Timothy and Claptrap cope with everyone's deaths. And Pickle is there too somewhere, having fun. And Gaige doesn't get forgotten until some DLC, she's part of the B team from day 1 and her alcoholism is addressed. And the sirens sisterhood is developed upon outside of just the ones within the Crimson Raiders, something or another about how sirens are still really alien beings and therefore they have vastly different. opinions, thoughts, feelings, experiences? that are inherent to being a siren because you are, in fact, borrowing the power of all the sirens that came before you. the loss of identity is very cool, i think, especially when its paired with the actual choice to remain as you are out of love for your friends. something something, lillith and maya are actively choosing to keep their respective humanities and nourish it, rather than kill it for power like tyreen mightve done. something about how sirens and eridians are so similar but so different. something about Guardians specifically being misguided in their hatred towards sirens due to the loss of their masters. I do think about the Guardians left behind by the Eridians throughout all the universe a normal amount, thank you
The delusional one, in which Angel also lives and Timothy is there. And he has some sort of dysfunctional weird friendship with Katagawa. I feel like the majority of borderlands fans just, have this specific AU in their heads somewhere - specifically just making Angel alive and having her be around Timothy. Like, it just feels like good catharsis for both of these characters, whether they end up as found family or go their own separate ways. But I'm putting all these three through absolute hell before they can finally move on from their shitty pasts with each other as found family. And Ava is Angel's little sister because they both deserve to have a good familial figure in their life that isn't. A Guy That Reminds Them Of Someone Who Hurt Them In The Past. there's something to be said here about me drawing parallels between Katagawa and Troy but we're not getting into that now. And Katagawa forms an identity outside corporate business and understands that he has no fucking right stepping into his surviving sister's life despite having grown as a person. And Troy gets to betray Tyreen and their unhealthy power dynamic is addressed properly and it culminates into BOTH of them fusing with the fucking Destroyer and they die together, with themes of "I do love you, you're my twin, you're my sibling, we came into this world together and we will leave it together, and i'm sorry i took our friendship for granted".
The one with OCs, in which I use my and my friends' OCs to shamelessly insert them in the narrative and this one is my absolute favorite because BL3 enforced my main plot AND THEN NEW TALES RUINED IT WITH ATHENA AS THE CEO OF HYPERION SO ANYWAY, IM LOOKING AWAY. MY OC AND KATAGAWA HOLD HANDS AND MAIM EACH OTHER, IDC
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I don't think I was around when you met Suede so could you tell me the story please?? What was Brett/the band like???
So I only just got back about a week ago from seeing Suede in the UK - I saw them four times while there in Bexhill, Bristol, Manchester and Leeds.
I brought along an old Coming Up era tour program to get signed so a portion of my interactions were based around that. I talked to all of them briefly for that but my biggest interactions were with Brett and Neil.
Simon was the first one to sign the program and all of them had comments about it except for Brett who will basically just sign anything you put in front of him without much question.
So the reactions to the program are basically this:
(In Bexhill)
Simon: Wow! This is really old!
Brett: (signed and handed it back without saying anything)
(in Bristol)
Me: Hi, Mat! I have something really old for you to sign. Simon's already made a comment on it.
(hands it over)
Mat: Wow, this is old. Am I in this? Where am I? (immediately flips to his page)
Me: There you are!
Mat: Do you have a pen? (borrows a marker off another person queued up out front, signs then hands it back)
Me: Thank you!
He went inside and then a short time later Brett came over to say hello to the small group of us queued up out front
At this point I didn't really say anything because he'd already signed my program so I just wanted to be near him and see what was going on dfghjk and then
Brett: Oh, I like those. (points)
Me: (only just realizing he's talking to me - panics and looks at my hands) What, my bracelets?
Brett: No, your gloves.
Me: Oh, thank you. They're nice and warm.
(pauses because he also has a pair of black leather gloves with him and is also wearing a leather bomber jacket)
Me: Oh hey, we match!
Brett: (pauses, studying me) Oh yeah. There's the gloves and the gloves and the jacket and the jacket. (jokingly- faux hurt) I thought I was the only person in the world who wore black leather gloves.
and because I'm a dumbass the only response I could think of was to play off of that
Me: (Nodding as if I understand his hurt completely) Oh, of course. Naturally.
After the show I was able to get Neil to sign the program and I think he just had another comment about it being old.
I also got a selfie with Brett and I felt so embarrassed and self conscious all I could do was just keep apologizing.
(In Manchester)
I stopped Richard on the way to soundcheck and had him sign the program
Richard: Oh my God, an actual relic!
(Watching him sign in a daze)
Richard: Do you want your name on it?
Me: Hm?
Richard: Do you want your name on it?
Me: Oh, yes!
Richard: What is it?
Me: Rhys
Richard: How do you spell that? R-H-
Me: R-H-Y-S, thank you!
(and finally, in Leeds)
I figured I should have something else for them to sign and I'd swapped CDs with @brettyimages so I brought along the copy of Autofiction she gave me and I guess I forgot to say anything when I handed it to Neil because I was so stunned. BUT
Neil: (flashing an extremely charming smile) is this for me?
Me: (feigning indignance) No, it's mine!
At this point another queue goer came over: Have you heard it?
Me: (thinking this is hilarious) Have you heard it?
Neil: (deadpan as he signs) No.
Me: (also extremely deadpan) Oh, you should. It's really great.
Neil: (hands it back) Of course I've heard it. What, do you think I'm in Westlife?
I was very confused about this because I don't know if he really thought I didn't think he'd listened or what but I thought it was really funny all the same. That Westlife comment fucking killed me. AND HIS SMILE. Being on the receiving end of that legit gave me butterflies.
In all, I'd say my interactions with them were great and they were all very nice 🖤
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Omg wait why are you a book review blog now LOL I love it! What’s your most loathed book that is very popular? (Mine is crescent city)
Anon said- hey MB cancel yourself.
It's Throne of Glass. The whole series. Every single book, even the two I didn't read.
I could talk about my problems with TOG until I die. It is often touted as SJM's best work and I sometime think if I'd started reading when I was like, 14-15, I would have loved Aelin. But I started as an adult, and so I don't love Aelin.
My issues are numerous- the most egregious is that the first three books are not interesting and the fandom knows it. People are CONSTANTLY telling new readers to push through the first three books before it gets good. And I'm tired of this standard of like, suffer to get to well-written content. If you can't write a good FIRST book, your series is bad. Full stop. The first book is where I should have quit, but I knew too much and I wanted to see it all play out.
Aelin is the BEST assassin, teenager or not. We're told this every few pages (along side how beautiful she is gag me SJM), but when we're shown Aelin in action, she has loss after loss after loss. Is she the best? Because I was banging my head against the book like, where is this famed talent of hers? SJM makes EVERYONE the best and then realizes there is no plot if your heroine can best everyone with her eyes closed so she has to lose, but then its like...okay but why did she eat shit here?
Also, I have suffered through so much "Rhys is abusive" rhetoric and that should make Rowan REALLY nervous. I was really excited to meet him since I'd been spoiled and knew he was the main LI. And he is...I mean, again WHAT DO THEY LIKE ABOUT EACH OTHER? Being in the same room DOESNT COUNT. Oh no, the ancient man is sad, I guess that makes it okay to tell a suicidal teenager she should have died. Definitely okay to hit her in the face. And miss me with "they were both bad" because he is an old ass man and she is deeply traumatized. Like oh no, did the teenager say something mean? Grow up. I hated him all through that book, so the shift where shes like, oh hes my mate and now we're in love was just. Okay. Very SJM though so I don't know what I expected.
I never finished the final book and I didn't read Chaols book either. Say what you want about me, but I am a quitter. I was just bored. You know how the series ends. Not to mention the near blatant LOTR plagerism that no one ever brings up but gets emblazoned on t-shirts, as well as like, the inspiration for her plot in a way that feels very obvious.
Like TOG is done, and maybe in its heyday people were with me on this. Let the past stay buried, that's fine. And if people love it, I'm not saying they're wrong for liking it (or liking the main pairing, so much of the art of Rowan makes me question myself). But for me, reading it all at once, it was not it. I don't like it but I WILL be buying the Dominique Wesson dust jackets for my collection so.
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lingerxng · 1 year
"this is a bad idea."
"fuck you, i don't have bad ideas."
mai was chewing on a nail. a disgusting habit that rhys was still trying to break them of, to no avail. ugh. like, it's 2023, did anyone even do that anymore? gross.
they caught his stare and dropped their hand. "you're gonna get caught, and we both know your twink ass won't last a day in jail."
"first of all," rhys said, holding up one finger, "it would be we getting caught. unless you can suddenly turn invisible and didn't feel the need to tell me. second--" he raised another finger-- "i won't go to jail. that's ridiculous."
they scoffed. "rhys, i'm pretty sure this is a felony."
"it's a misdemeanor, i looked it up."
they turned a corner, down a much less populated street. it wasn't the worst part of town, but it certainly wasn't a good part. that was fine by rhys; it meant what he was going to do was less likely to be questioned.
really, it was christian's fault for getting such a nice car in the first place.
rhys approached it easily, calmly, only stopping once he was close enough. mai hung back, looking both ways down the street nervously. "you're seriously going to do this."
"yep." he pulled the leather gloves tighter over his hands, took up the baseball bat he had been carrying, and stepped onto the hood of the car. "he said i was the worst he'd had."
breaking glass was easier than either of them expected.
three hours later, rhys was on the roof of his building, smoking a menthol and staring at the sky. he should be tired; it was almost four am. but he was still wired, every limb filled with a restless energy. destroying christian's car felt good.
but not good enough.
he didn't look up when he heard mai coming up the ladder, or when they laid down next to him. he ignored their pointed cough, too.
"maybe christian normally sleeps with prostitutes."
rhys snorted. "yeah, maybe." he ashed his cigarette into the empty coffee tin at his side.
mai only let the silence stand for a second. "i mean, you didn't think he was The One, right?"
"i don't--"
they cut him off with a wave of their hand. "yeah, you don't believe in it, whatever. still you're taking this really hard, guy."
rhys was quiet. there was still a smouldering anger, deep in his gut-- the man was a bastard and he deserved a wrecked car if not more-- but there was more to it. and they both knew that. this was always how it went with them. they bickered and bitched, but they understood each other better than anyone else had.
"i don't know what i'm doing," he said, voice soft. "why i can't let myself have nice things."
"i've seen your apartment. you have lots of nice things."
he nudged their arm. "nice relationships, then. fuck knows i've tried to ruin ours enough times."
"guess you just need to meet someone else as persistent as me." he could hear the grin in their voice.
rhys scoffed. "yeah, that's likely."
"hey, you never know. lots of people like the unhinged jerk thing."
"no one stable."
they sighed, swinging themself into a sitting position to look at rhys properly. "look. if you wanna keep moping, go right ahead, you... weirdo. but you're the only one who can break this cycle, dude. you are the one who keeps going after these jerks. if you want a nice guy, you have to find a nice guy, and make the effort for him, too. it can't all just be one sided."
"one si--" he pushed onto his elbows, eyes narrowed at mai. "you think i'm not putting in effort?"
"i know you aren't putting in effort! you make a point of telling me how easy this is for you! you tell every guy you bring home that you could grab anyone, and then you go out and prove it! how is that making an effort to keep anyone around!"
rhys sat up properly now. "fuck you, no i don't!"
"bullshit you don't! you flaunt it! you were out with christian and i watched you flirt with someone else!"
"i wanted to see what he'd do! if he was going to--"
"oh, fuck off with your insecurities!"
"i am not insecure!"
"then why did you just go destroy his car for saying you were bad in bed!"
"i--" he groaned, standing and heading to the edge of the roof. he leaned on the wall, staring at the cityscape. stupid mai. stupid mai.
stupid, correct mai.
"i hate you."
"then evict me, coward."
silence fell again. mai wasn't getting up. this fight in particular wasn't exactly new. but every time it happened, he could just feel their conviction.
stupid goddamn asshole mai.
the standoff ended when rhys sighed, shoulders slumping slightly. "look, i know, okay. i know."
"i know you know."
"fuck you."
"rhys." they stood, crossing to him. "this self destructive bullshit has to end, okay? seriously. i'm tired of dealing with it, i can't imagine you like it anymore."
"what exactly do you expect me to do?"
"honestly? probably continue all of this." he could feel their shrug. "but i hope you don't. i hope you just... i dunno, chill for a while. figure out what you want. like, actually want, not just something to fill whatever hole is inside you. i mean, jesus. get a hobby. touch grass."
"mai, we live in the middle of--"
"oh my god it's a metaphor you stupid asshole."
he sighed, drumming his fingers on the concrete lip of the wall. they were right. of course they were right. "...you'll stay?"
"no one else would put up with your ungrateful ass."
"fuck you."
"fuck you, too." they leaned on the wall next to him, letting their shoulders bump. "you'll figure it out. so help me god, i will make you do it myself."
"christ, i don't doubt that."
they nudged him again. "hey, what about that guy from the shop?"
"be more specific."
"ex choir boy. kevin? kris?"
he frowned. "what about him?"
"he's stable."
he scoffed. "right, and three seconds away from evangelizing me."
mai rolled their eyes. "he's not in there for the smudge sticks, rhys."
"mmm." he sighed, crossing his arms and letting his chin meet where they touched. "....do you want to stay up a little while longer?"
"for you? sure." they hopped onto the wall, kicking their heels agains the brick. "wanna see the new party trick i learned?"
"no. but do it anyway."
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