#oh idler wheel
phantasmodea · 9 months
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i think most of my tattoos will be “boring” until i start paying for them
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hi! i read ''got shocked'' and i loved it! this is probably the stupidest question, but what did you mean when you said ''she was kind, but not gentle''. ? what's the difference? i really like your shit<3
oh my GOSH you have no idea how excited i get when people point out specific things that i write, thank you much for asking me this and NO QUESTION IS A STUPID QUESTION I REALLY APPREVIATE BEING ASKED SHIT
to answer your q…
i think i meant that kind and gentle don’t necessarily go hand in hand. gentle is more like tender and caring outwardly in my head, and the OFC/y/n isn’t really that. she’s not really caring 😭😭 like she does not give a fuck about the people she works with (except a select few) and she doesn’t go out of her way to do things for them, more like she has to or is made to.
Her kindness is strategic and a conscious decision because, as a woman in a male-dominated field — and I guess ‘got shocked’ was an exploration of that workplace and how certain men behave — she knows she won’t get places if she’s prickly and doesn’t want to sacrifice her career over someone calling her a bitch because she didn’t let someone call her sweetheart or buck. so she lets it happen.
she’s not a pushover, but she’s not going to burn the status quo down because it’s not practical and doesn’t align with her interests.
and because rust is fixating on her, he comes to uncover this, although he—a man—struggles to comprehend her passivity. he’s more permitted to be ‘active’, to slap geraci over his face for crossing him, while she isn’t. ((in my head, part of why she left Brooklyn was because she snapped a bit)). he admires the restraint that, really, he could never develop to the same extent because he was not raised with that female passivity drilled into him all his life.
this gap in his ability to understand her fully fucks with him because zuh he wants her but just doesn’t know it yet. and the fact that it’s fucking with him fucks with him because he knows, really, he shouldn’t care at all
very overwhelming, hence the near panic attack/synesthesia overload
innnnn conclusion, i think i used to phrase like “decidedly kind” or something instead of just “kind” because i don’t think her character is like necessarily kind because she’s dishonest and kind of deceptive and, even if that is for some sort of survival, that’s not plain kind it’s calculated.
if you’ve read the idler wheel or other stuff I’ve written ((thank you if you have ☺️☺️☺️☺️)), she does have tenderness that she lets herself feel relatively freely—in the confines of her own mind/world at least, very separate from her job.
she likes rust as well, but he is kind of a calculated risk in itself 😭 like she willingly sacrificed some part of her ego too to let herself indulge in that want, just as he did, though maybe in a slightly different way. and if you read the second part to the Idler Wheel (it’s coming I swear, this is self-promotion), then you’ll see that she’s dealing with the consequences of her sort of “deception”/calculatedness, wanting to give way to genuineness which does not usually come naturally to her
anyhoo pls ask me more questions about this kinda stuff, I love answering 🤓🤓🤓
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childhoodgrave · 5 months
hmmm your favourite album as of now? Or just music you've been listening a lot lately. your music taste never misses 4 me so i'm curious
OHHH thats so nice thank u leo.. im very hard on my self for my music taste bc i pretty much just listen to the same things over and over… WELL for like the past few days ive prettu much jist been listening to this song on repeat because well…. you lnow…
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aaand also my playlisg for brunhilda which . has like 5 songs bc i m horrible at making playlists HAHA
but thats just been like since monday… as for ALBUMS its impossible to pick one specific favorite currently ive been listening to get to heaven deluxe by everything everything a lot and SAVED! by reverend kristin michael hayter .. haha by the garden.. salesforce by lauren bousfield.. ugly death no redemption has been like a constant favorite for me since it released snd recently ive been listening to a lot of stuff from shed blood.. always lots of crisis sigil.. as hard as you can by lustsickpuppy, i think i said before ive also been very into their money is your money by 1 800 pain,ummmmmm visions of bodies being burned by clipping.. the idler wheel is wiser by fiona apple.. OH and not to disappear by daughter. no care came on in the car on the way to work yeaterday and i screamed
what abt u ?? :D
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cliozaur · 1 year
The Thénardiers continue to wait for philanthropist’s arrival, and their interaction and family dynamic unfolds further. Éponine’s longing for her father’s approval and attention just hurts! Her gesture of putting her cold hands into his, seeking sympathy after running errands for him all day in the winter, is so tender and natural. But we are dealing with the heartless Thénardier, who only says kind words to manipulate his daughters and not out of genuine care. Instead of showing compassion, he claims he feels even colder. I hate him so much!
Mme Thénardier caustic comment about her husband’s response reveals the change in her attitude towards him. That’s understandable; in the last few years, they lost their property, business, and relative well-being because of his wheelings and dealings.
And, of course, I have to say a few words about Thénardier’s hateful ranting. “Oh! how I hate them, and with what joy, jubilation, enthusiasm, and satisfaction I could strangle all those rich folks! all those rich folks!” The sad thing is, he is not entirely wrong in his criticism. Philanthropists indeed have been and still are reluctant to give money directly to the needy and let them decide how to use it: “Because they say that we would go off and drink it up, and that we are drunkards and idlers!” Instead, they prefer to donate in kind – offering “clothes” and “bread.” This practice is truly degrading and disrespectful to the poor. I believe Hugo is aware of this problem, but it’s puzzling that he places this criticism in the mouth of one of the most untrustworthy characters! Moreover, we know that Thénardier would not use the money for his family’s benefit, rendering this criticism ineffective. Thénardier goes as far as calling all rich people thieves (which is unfair regarding Jean Valjean, who will appear in just a few paragraphs), and proposes to “smash” society so that “no one would have anything” – that’s his terrible way of solving social problems.
Marius is back to life, as he recognized his love interest in philanthrope’s daughter. We can assume that the boy is probably done with his own philanthropic project of helping the poor, as he is now refocusing on his love obsession.  
The last snippet is Éponine gazing at Cosette’s nice clothes and happy face with “sombre eyes.” This way the beginning and the end of the chapter highlight her longing for something she cannot have - her father's attention and a more comfortable life with nice things.
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glittergroovy · 8 months
Post Directory: Fiona Apple
album: Tidal (1996)
Sleep To Dream / Sullen Girl / Shadowboxer / Criminal / Slow Like Honey / The First Taste / Never Is A Promise / The Child Is Gone / Pale September / Carrion
album: When The Pawn... (1999)
On The Bound / To Your Love / Limp / Love Ridden / Paper Bag / A Mistake / Fast As You Can / The Way Things Are / Get Gone / I Know
album: Extraordinary Machine (2005)
Extraordinary Machine / Get Him Back / O' Sailor / Better Version Of Me / Tymps / Parting Gift / Window / Oh Well / Please Please Please / Red Red Red / Not About Love / Waltz (Better Than Fine)
album: The Idler Wheel... (2012)
Every Single Night / Daredevil / Valentine / Jonathan / Left Alone / Werewolf / Periphery / Regret / Anything We Want / Hot Knife / Largo
album: Fetch The Bolt Cutters (2020)
I Want You To Love Me / Shameika / Fetch The Bolt Cutters / Under The Table / Relay / Rack Of His / Newspaper / Ladies / Heavy Balloon / Cosmonauts / For Her / Drumset / On I Go
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fastasyoucan1999 · 1 year
hi Brynn!! how are you??
I come to you with a favour to ask as my fiona mutual. so I like some of her songs but a lot of them are kind of hard for me to digest on the first try and I just give up :( but I really want to get into her. what should be my starting point songs if i like I want you to love me (love love love this one), paper bag and under the table?? love youuuu 💌
omgg hello seph HELLO!! possibly the most self-indulgent ask u could send me <33
ok well i have to mention my favs first .. theyre just must listens to me: waltz (better than fine), fast as you can, hot knife, and shameika.
as for starting pnts.. in all honesty i started w fiona just by shuffling spotify's 'this is fiona apple' lol. i remember shadowboxer, oh well, get gone, and window becoming foundational songs to me.. the itching powder that led to me listening to her albums front to back, and i dont think theyre bad places to dip ur toes in!!
in lieu of recommending u stuff based on the songs u like.. bc i have no technical language or skill in music to discern which songs will be tonally to ur taste my knowledge of music/production begins and ends w 'wazoo sounds :^)'.. i will just list some of the musts (MY musts.. not objective) from each album exempting the previous songs mentioned
tidal: criminal, sullen girl, sleep to dream
when the pawn: on the bound, limp, i know
extraordinary machine: extraordinary machine, tymps (the sick in the head song), get him back
the idler wheel: valentine, every single night, periphery
fetch the bolt cutters: rack of his, cosmonauts, ladies
thats enough 4 now! ihope this is in anyway helpful and also not too overwhelming.. i understand what u mean abthard to digest. some of her songs come at u fast n rough!! but really just follow ur taste and jump around :^)
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Fiona Apple Ranking
1. When the Pawn…
2.Fetch the Bolt Cutters
4.Extraordinary Machine
5.The Idler Wheel…
Tidal ‘95
I would listen to this while doing homework, it’s not as catchy as i expected but it’s chill and smooth
- pale september
- the first taste
- carrion
- slow like honey
- shadowboxer
- criminal
- sullen girl
- sleep to dream
When The Pawn… ‘99
big rage album
- get gone
- as fast as you can
- on the board
- limp
- i know
- a mistake
- love ridden
- to your love
Extraordinary Machine ‘05
catchy but not as memorable as previous two, the lyrics are well written
- please please please
- not about love
- oh well
- window
- parting gift
- red red red
- tymps
- o sailor
- better version of me
- extraordinary machine
- waltz
The Idler Wheel…. ‘12
didn’t meet my standards for fiona apple, her voice isn’t what i’m used to and the voice and music don’t fit together the way i’d like them to
- left alone
- largo
- regret
- werewolf
- jonathan
- periphery
- daredevil
- valentine
- hot knife
- anything we want
- every single night
Fetch the Bolt Cutters ‘20
this brings me back to the fiona apple sound that i look for when listening to her <3333
- under the table
- fetch the bolt cutters
- drumset
- on i go
- cosmonauts
- ladies
- heavy balloon
- newspaper
- rack of his
- shameika
- relay
Singles ‘99 - ‘21
- i know
- criminal
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zombiepedia · 2 years
HIYA thes thesie theseus ive been meaning to ask u for a while where should i start listening to fiona apple what r your favorites n also her most insanity inducing songs i rly liked paper bag and i wanted to start listening to her more :]
SOAP HI yes i would love to talk about her music. feeling fucking hysteric to it tonight. honestly there really is not a single fiona apple album that i don't like but i would say my two favorites and the ones i recommend starting with (and my two favorites) are idler wheel and fetch the bolt cutters. followed pre closely by when the pawn, which is what paper bag is off of
as a c!quackity fan i think you will find this one hysteria inducing ^ this is probably my favorite song for him by her. cycles of revenge innit.
this is my other fav song for him off that album ^^ though i think that whole album and its themes of clawing your way out of being trapped in horrific times and the love you find in said times fits him really well in general. and that's really just generalizing it, there's a Lot going on there. not a single song off that album that is a miss and the way they all tie together is just. so fucking good. i don't know if you're like me and you listen to whole albums but it's a good one to do that with, and it's only like 50 minutes. (idler wheel is even shorter, only like 45ish min and also one i love listening to start to finish) anyway i'm having a real fetch the bolt cutters night tonight. dies
idler wheel wise well again it's an album that i could recommend any song as a starter song. they're all fucking incredible. this ^ was literally the first song i ever added to my c!quackity playlist well over a year ago, and also the first fiona apple song i REALLY fell in love with. so maybe out of all these recommendations i'm giving you listen to this one first. it has brain altering chemicals in it i think it's all i listened to for weeks and weeks on end
^ oh and this one reminds me of las nevadas in some sort of deranged way. probably my personal favorite off idler wheel rn :] though that changes a lot
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oatmilktruther · 10 months
AO3 wrapped: 18 & 27?
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
oh this is a great fucking question and reveals probably one of my big weaknesses as a writer: ive kept my worlds so insulated that when i write ofmd i limit my writing almost entirely to ed and stede. now for KD this was an intentional choice, but KD is still a 46k fic that features maybe a 1500 combined word presence from characters that arent ed and stede which when you put it on paper youre like. damn. and then my other oneshots are still usually just ed and stede? this is however reminding me that i wrote a vianton one shot this year, and since that was the first and only time i wrote them i would say that was probably the place i had to put the most character effort into writing, particularly anton since it was his pov. anyways this got long SORRY but tldr: anton wwdits
27. What do you listen to while writing?
OH YAY ANOTHER ONE THAT WILL ALLOW ME TO RAMBLE okay short answer? EVERYTHING so long as its my music. long answer? whatever my Album Of The Moment is or sometimes a single all on repeat or less frequently my likes on shuffle. so in order this year it would be: the song i could feel you, the album bronco, the album choreomania, the album dark sky island, the album the idler wheel [etc], the album writer's block, the album purple rain, the song suzanne as performed by nina simone, and finally the album big science (this is my current fixation). as a result of writing anything we want and other parts of KD and also genuinely legitimately having the fattest gay crush of anyone alive my top five for spotify are suzanne (fat gay crush/KD) at number one and songs from the idler wheel (AWW/KD) at 2-5 despite both being introduced to me in the second half of the year. which again this is a long answer but asking me about music activates my trap card so thank you so much for asking 💖
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youthiscruel · 4 years
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OH WELL by Fiona Apple
Happy 15th Anniversary Extraordinary Machine
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girl001 · 2 years
love that fiona apple said :) yes my first album will be called "tidal", and the second? oh i will call it "When The Pawn Hits The Conflicts He Thinks Like A King What He Knows Throws The Blows When He Goes To The Fight And He'll Win The Whole Thing 'Fore He Enters The Ring There's No Body To Batter When Your Mind Is Your Might So When You Go Solo, You Hold You". the third will be called "extraordinary machine" and the fourth will be "The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do"
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wrappedupinlight · 2 years
@solarsought​ asked:  “I may need a chaperone.” (pepper for joyce) // Fiona Apple: The Idler Wheel… Sentence Starters
“oh? sure thing sweatheart,” it’s gentle, and it’s not so much cautious as it is just... puzzled. she loved pepper, dearly, like she was her own flesh and blood; but joyce knew that she needed her space, and the older woman tried her best to give her that wherever she could.
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‘what’s it for? field trip, prom,” really it didn’t matter the details. all she cared about was being there for her. it’s not like pepper asked much of her in the first place anyway, so. “you just tell me and i’m there.”
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drafthearse · 2 years
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albums from today:
Tonight The Stars Revolt - Powerman 5000 overall rating: 3.5/5 tracks to keep: 6/13 thoughts: OH I LIKE THIS. supernova goes pop is very fuckin good. i like stupid ass-shaking industrial rock what can i say.
Morbid Stuff - PUP overall rating: 2.5/5 tracks to keep: 6/11 thoughts: a little too polished but i have hopes that i’ll like it more on subsequent listens!
Noise Addiction - Pure Hell overall rating: 3.7/5 tracks to keep: 8/15 thoughts: baller. straight up punk. did almost fall out my chair when they dropped the f slur tho in american
The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do - Fiona Apple overall rating: 3.6/5 tracks to keep: 6/11 thoughts: weird!!!!!!!!! cool though. i liked it. very interesting instrumentation and melodies
Swagger - Flogging Molly overall rating: 3/5 tracks to keep: 3/13 thoughts: this was recced to me when i was like 16 by my old guitar teacher and i dont remember a thing about it. it’s alright!
Costello Music - The Fratellis overall rating: 1.5/5 tracks to keep: 1/13 thoughts: i think i actually listened to this album as well many years ago since my high school girlfriend liked the fratellis but i’ve forgotten by now so. relisten. didnt like it! henrietta was the best track
October Rust - Type O Negative overall rating: 2.9/5 tracks to keep: 5/12 thoughts: i wish the songs were shorter. also god they are dramatic huh. shoutout to cinnamon girl for being a reasonable 4 minutes long. also shoutout to wolf moon for being a song about period sex. i love goths
United Nations - United Nations overall rating: 4/5 tracks to keep: 8/11 thoughts: geoff rickly’s fucking pissed.
Astro-Creep: 2000 – Songs of Love, Destruction and Other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head - White Zombie overall rating: 4.5/5 tracks to keep: 8/12 thoughts: what the hell this fucking rules. like this literally rules. im actually mad no one ever told me how hard this album ripped. ive literally listened to a couple white zombie albums before and been kinda underwhelmed but this is so fucking good.
57 albums left!
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zahut · 3 years
Any quotes about regret?
“I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations—one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it—you will regret both.”
— Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
“You taught me to regret.”
— Fiona Apple, from “Regret,” The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw, And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
“If I’m sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow?”
— José Saramago, Blindness (trans. Giovanni Pontiero)
“Regret is mostly caused by not having done anything.”
— Charles Bukowski, You Get So Alone at Times That it Just Makes Sense
“It’s not that we have to quit this life one day, it’s how many things we have to quit all at once: holding hands, hotel rooms, music, the physics of falling leaves, vanilla and jasmine, poppies, smiling, anthills, the color of the sky, coffee and cashmere, literature, sparks and subway trains... If only one could leave this life slowly!”
— Roman Payne, Hope and Despair
“Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren’t accompanied by regret.”
— Laura Kasischke, The Raising
“We were never lovers, and we never will be, now. I do not regret that, however. I regret the conversations we never had, the time we did not spend together. I regret that I never told him that he made me happy, when I was in his company. The world was the better for his being in it. These things alone do I now regret: things left unsaid. And he is gone, and I am old.”
— Neil Gaiman, The Wake
“If the portraits of our absent friends are pleasant to us, which renew our memory of them and relieve our regret for their absence by a false and empty consolation, how much more pleasant are letters which bring us the written characters of the absent friend.”
— Héloïse d’Argenteuil, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse
“Regrets came up and asked me if I’d like to own them. Declined them for the most part but took a few just so I wouldn’t leave this relationship empty handed.”
— Steve Toltz, A Fraction of the Whole
“There is no more disastrous mania, no more dangerous whim, than the speculation over roads not taken.”
— Juan Gabriel Vásquez, The Sound of Things Falling (trans. Anne McLean)
“The advance of regret can be so gradual that it is impossible to say: yesterday I was happy, today I am not.”
— E.M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread
“And then it hits me: I’ve lost you. You now rank among the things I’ll always regret: opportunities lost, children never had, things I might have accomplished or done far better, lovers who have come and gone.”
— André Aciman, Enigma Variations
“She knew this man’s smile, his gentle ways of love, but not his godlike fury in the storm. She might snare him in a fragile net of music, love and flowers, but, at each departure, he would break forth without, it seemed to her, the least regret.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Night Flight (trans. David Carter)
“I was wrong when I said that I did not regret the past. I do regret it; I weep for that past love which can never return. Who is to blame, I do not know. Love remains, but not the old love; its place remains, but it all wasted away and has lost all strength and substance; recollections are still left, and gratitude; but...”
— Leo Tolstoy, Family Happiness (trans. April Fitz Lyon)
“Let’s not worry. It’s too late now. It will always be too late, fortunately!”
— Albert Camus, The Fall
“His heart missed a beat and never regretted the lovely loss.”
— Vladimir Nabokov, Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
“I could kill you a thousand times over Abraham, but we would never be even. You took everything I had.”
— Christopher Buecheler, The Blood That Bonds
“That morning, he was afraid of becoming old, and it was a very specific kind of old age he feared, one which had nothing to do with the number of years since your birth. He feared the premature old age of missed opportunities.”
— Daniel Alarcón, At Night We Walk in Circles
“You can’t change the past, Aunt Lou used to say. Oh, but I wanted to; that was the one thing I really wanted to do.”
— Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle
“I have learned, painfully, over the years that the things I regret in my life are not errors of judgement but failures of feeling.”
— Jeanette Winterson, Christmas Days: 12 Stories and 12 Feasts for 12 Days
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barrowdowns · 3 years
favorite albums....many of them..uh idler wheel, ys, when I get home, viva la woman, blue, the coroner's gambit, likewise, big science, have one on me, avocet., hard core, uh more but I can't remember XOXO oh Mmichigan but mostly to cry to. age of adz
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