#oh it's bad it's so bad i hate this gifset im so sorry
connorjesup · 2 years
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Hungry. Hm? I’m hungry. It’s already dinner time. It’s time to eat. I see. I’m leaving first, then. Are you not gonna have dinner? Are you asking me? There’s nobody else around here, is there? Who else could I ask.
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hoarsedevours · 3 years
my god i am holleringgggg on the damn floorrrrrr!!!!! (pleaseeeee someone make a gifset of shockeed! heedo in the men's bathroom, heard it lengthens life expectancy) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 writers really said let's give them a respite before the real breakup arc begins. ok i am ok with that, i am super okay actually that i get to see some really fluffy moments in this ep, some good tension that can lead to something more significant (👀) in the future, and yes....some sad yet relatable moments...you know...as a member of the proletariat.
i went into this episode with the assumption that i would be kind of awkward when yijin fucking licked that ice cream in front of highschooler heedo lol but what the hell the countless times i pulled my hair because of the giddiness i felt for the YiDo moments ahhhhhhhhh (i can't get behind YiHe sorry 😞😂) heedo's cuteness is out of this world!!!! she is having a crush!!!! and she is conflicted!!!!! and it's making her insane!!!!(more than her usual amount of insanity to be specific) but i have to admire heedo's determination in crossing out every face in daeun's section just to see daeun's face who unfortunately for heedo is inspireed by sadako. we need to protect this cinnamon roll!!!! and yijin really sees her as his personal entertainer, huh? i meant the good kind, the kind where you say shit like "i DoNt nEeD a rAiNb0w" (me continuing that statement: "bEcAuSE u ArE mY rAinB0W...) good goddd i am crazy over these two fools!!!!! i am losing my mind over heedo losing her mind in the next episodeeeeee ahhhhhhhh ahahhahahahshhahahhahaha. however, on a serious note, i think that heedo's the only one crushing hard...good...good...good..... (wow icb im saying these things when ive done some crazier shit when i was 19 🤡)
*sighs like a grandma* the hair ruffle....the fireman carry just to get her feet to safety....the face wiping..... the always on hand stickers that is JUST IN CASE THEY MET OH MY GOD VERY MUCH LIKE HOW HE CARRIES AROUND FULL HOUSE VOLUME 15 *sighs deeply, took my heart out and placed it in the refrigerator (can't have too much fluff or it'll malfunction* (.....if they really didn't end up in the present timeline i think that yijin's carrying in his person some personal memento from heedo or maybe from both of them....you know....just in case......pain)
heedo's mom is insufferable and maybe that's an understatement still. how is she like that???? how does she sleep at night knowing she hurts her daughter's feelings often and once crushed her friend's heart? and she kicked yijin???? but later told heedo that that was a good call?!!!!! maam????!!! we need to get you to a mental hospital, i think. my god the parents of boomers' (omg heedo and yijin can pass as a boomer today lolllll. i mean probably they are generation x but still 🤣) today really have it hard to be doing shits like that. correcting the mistakes of your subordinates is okay but physically assaulting them is not. jeezusssss. she's probably the character i don't like the most in this show. great acting but i hate what her character largely represents.
anyway, i reallllllllllly love seungwan's character. i think she's my most favorite sans the leads. maybe i see myself in her. we have several similarities after all. keep doing u girl! i hope she gets to have some BAMF moment in the future like dismantling capitalism. oh too big? maybe advocating for the compulsory therapy of mothers and mothers-to-be instead lollllll
literally net zero information about min chae's father. it's not like i expected her to say "im so glad father took mother's side" because that would end the intrigueeee. im also here for the intrigue ngl 😭 but like can they give us hintssss to work withhhh? her father quarantining is a solid one but we need moreeeee. or did they alreadyyy.... and i am too dumb to realize it? 💀
.....i think that something really bad would happen to yurim's mom.....
i believe that the majority of this episode is for our sword-wielding bisexuals to expand their rivals-to-lovers dynamic and i am always here for ittttttt like crazy ahhhhhh ahahhahah that tension! man.... kissing is a nice resolution, actually
and the meeting up???? insanity! 🤣 glorious insanity!!!
so when yijin told yurim that he will assess if the person she will be meeting is safe or not, i imagine feral heedo with rabies and yijin have to restrain herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and as i've said i am hollering over the majority of this episode! great contrast to yesterday's situation. especially when heedo walked decisively to yijin and saying "i have to have you" ah aha hahahh hahhahahahahha hajhdjhagsdjhgajsdjahjkhjkahhjhaks heedooooooooo😭😭😭😭 what do you mean😭 like as a pet? as a clown? as a professional life coach? as your uhhh.....boyfriend????!!!! she really keeps yijin on his toes and keeps his mind sharp because of the thinking he is doing to get heedo out of tricky situations pr even just to understand her actions lolllllll
thank god for fluff i can sleep peacefully now
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daylighteclipsed · 4 years
“This is another reason most of future lost rights” May we hear your thoughts?
Now that I have officially finished watching the original Steven Universe series, I have many Thoughts about the continuation. Prepare for some detailed salty takes.
-- My biggest gripe is that Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst lose pretty much all of the emotional intelligence they gain in the original series to maximize Steven’s suffering.
So like the gifset that prompted this ask for example, where Garnet realizes she’s hurt Steven with her future vision and apologizes? Makes her reaction in Future to realizing she hurt Steven again OOC. The OG series also teaches us and Steven that Garnet can’t see definites, because there’s so many possibilities, and the future’s always changing, and the future can always be changed. So her line about how there was no universe where Steven didn’t propose to Connie as her reason for why she didn’t try to stop him, is bullshit.
The Volleyball episode gives away that Steven is clearly not OK, and Pearl does nothing about it. Neurotic, mother hen, let’s make a plan Pearl does not ask Steven if he’s alright and makes 0 plans to train him to control his new alarming powers. Pearl, who now has a better sense of how trauma works because she has it herself, who we have seen in the OG series suspect Steven is dealing with some post traumatic stress after being taken to Homeworld and reach out to him about it, does not in Future reach out to him after he expresses blatant distress over having to deal with more of his mom’s problems. I’m supposed to believe this? Seriously?
And Amethyst? I think she’s the most obvious offender since a big part of her arc in the end of the OG series is emotional maturity.There’s a whole episode dedicated to her putting Steven’s feelings first. Acknowledging the pressure he’s been under and the shit that’s been dumped on him for years and the horror of finding out Rose was a Diamond which makes him a Diamond and recognizing that he’s not OK. He can’t be. Learning that Steven deals by distracting himself with other tasks and people. But sure when Amethyst notices Steven throwing himself into his work in Future, her response is just “When did you become such a prick?” Yeah. Totally sounds right.
There is a whole arc about these two emotionally connecting through their insecurities and the strength they find in having each other to relate to and rely on and confide in. It is one of my favorites in the entire story. And it is totally thrown out a window in Future. If no one else you’d think at least Amethyst would reach out to Steven in Future before he spirals, but no.
Literally it’s like the entire Gem trio’s emotionally sent back to square 1 and their perception’s lowered to 0, which is lower than it was to begin with, because it was the only way Future could work. Seriously, after Prickly Pair nobody tries to talk to Steven? Nobody insists they need to talk about what the fuck just happened? Nobody goes after Steven when he runs away, twice?! Once after crashing the van with his dad inside, in which he disappears for 3 whole days. Another time after talking about how they can’t help him anymore, which is really alarming! Then they all just let Steven go when he returns from Homeworld glowing with Diamond pupils?! are you kidding me, are you fUcking KidDing me am I supposed to believe they’re even his friends in Future what the fuck I hate this 
-- And framing everything like the Gems have never been there for Steven? Hate that too. There’s countless episodes in the OG series proving that’s not true. Steven himself says it’s not. At one point that’s what keeps him from literally falling from the sky.
“I just need something that makes me happy, something I can always depend on to cheer me up. My guys. They spent all night out here just to keep me company. No matter how much I mess up they’ll be there to help me.”
It’s the biggest reason why the Gems are foils to the Diamonds!
“Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn’t come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me.”
Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst begin kind of oblivious and inattentive, but they don’t stay that way. They are always learning, and apologizing, and changing when they realize their behavior is harmful. To themselves, to the team as a whole, to strangers, to Steven. They do very early in the series start setting work aside to spend time with him. Together breakfast (which ends up meaning so much to Garnet that it becomes her wedding cake), mini golf, cards, board games, movies, the arcade, the amusement park. They’re Steven’s band in beach-a-palooza. They become, not only better caretakers, but his friends.
A team. For the main Crystal Gem quartet so much of the show is about them learning to become a team by learning to understand each other and helping each other grow, leading to a stunning display of teamwork in the finale with Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven all fusing together into one kickass warrior, Obsidian. It’s so perfect that this didn’t, couldn’t, happen until the end, after all that development. It’s so satisfying.
-- Like I mentioned before, there’s no reason why the Gems, including the others like Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth, wouldn’t try to help Steven learn to control his new powers in Future.
-- A lot of the, uh, conflicts Steven faces in Future also feel ignorant to the OG series.
Steven in future: i just feel like i can’t make mistakes in front of you guys and cant be honest cause its mean and i have to be nice and perfect :(
Steven in og series: oh geez I really messed up sorry guys; [feels like the worst Crystal Gem cause he’s always fucking up]; (Garnet: You’re making Pearl very upset) “IM very upset!“; “What Rose wanted--ARGH! What about what I want?! I’m sick of you always lying to me!”; “Home’s been awful! Here’s been awful! Everyone’s been acting awful too!”
Steven in future: idk how to be a friend to someone who’s not a miserable sad sack with no direction in life
Connie: hey what the fuck
What was the point of all the townie episodes if we’re going to act like Steven never connected with the human part of his life why would the og show bounce between gem eps and human eps if not to show how Steven connects with both worlds ad’g;ajfgjfagjLAFKJS
Steven in future: why didn’t my meddling advice work? this has never happened before. am i losing my touch. who am i
- Why wasn’t Mindful Education revisited? Steven’s a fusion technically, right, so if he’s feeling, you know, deeply conflicted about his 2 halves, doesn’t that mean he’s out of harmony? There’s a way for 2 halves of a fusion to communicate through meditation and address what’s causing the imbalance, but I guess that would’ve solved Steven’s problem too easily. That’s the only reason Connie’s kept out of Future for so long too, right? Ugh. Never mind the fact that Mindful Ed taught Steven that it’s really important to face upsetting thoughts and feelings and traumas before they tear him apart. But whatever! what ever
- God this isn’t even half of the issues I now have with Future, but I don’t want this post to be 8 miles longer than it already is. Basically I feel like Future does a disservice to the characters and story being told in the original series, which I am very fond of now. It reminds me of an OOC fanfiction. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I really do not want to argue about this. It’s just my opinion. I’m kind of venting. If you agree, great. If you don’t, please keep scrolling. Thanks.
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Thoughts on rizzy 👀
jdndkdndidndidn ok so if u wanted a rizzy-positive answer...... avert ur eyes
the one thing positive (?) i can say about rizzy is that it really brought us some of the softest raphael moments, but i also lowkey hate that cuz wow, we really got him to talk about his sister, his past, see some of his interests, his softness, his pains, his smiles because of rizzy... so it's all related to rizzy 💀 which is why you might see some gifsets from rizzy scenes in my blog, i think this might have been what brought this on. i enjoy those scenes as scenes that establish raphael's character, but not as rizzy
and shoutout to sh as usual for only bothering with giving a coc depth, backstory, desires and etc when they were someone's love interest and then dropping them like a hot potato. like bro imagine if they had at least bothered with keeping raphael's characterisation consistent? id be over the moon already. if they had actually made him a person like when rizzy was a thing for the whole show on top of that?? fuck i think id explode in happiness
other than that..... i hate everything about it. and like, it being based on addiction aside (which is already, like, bad, but i could maybe ship them in an alternate reality where the addiction wasn't a thing and they were fine if it was only that), the whole thing was literally Izzy Treats Raphael Like Shit And Then Raphael Is Villainized For It
im not even gonna get into the whole "raphael is blamed for the yin fen thing for some fucking reason when that was not his fucking fault and no one questions this" thing because ive done it before and i might explode with rage if i do, lol. that fucking plotline would have never been handled like that if raphael wasn't latino and therefore a predator drug dealer stereotype. but ANYWAY
those are the two things that i see anti rizzy shippers talking about the most, but those are actually not what bothers me the most. what really drives me up the wall and is just vomiting emoji is the way izzy treats raphael. that's the dealbreaker for me and something that never gets acknowledged
like, for starters, raphael was once again shown to be one of the most caring and selfless characters in this piece of shit stupid show, when he saved izzy's life when she was stupid enough to actually go to a vampire den. she had done nothing but be shitty to him and the vampires up to that point, mind you (which some ppl in this fandom treat as like #GirlPower or something) but he still saved her life for no reason other than that was the right thing to do
and then she immediately, the same second, tried to trigger him into drinking her blood. and he kept telling her no and pushing her away and she was literally GRABBING him and slitting her wrist and then he caved, at great personal cost, which she didn't care about
then we get her going after him again, and raphael, again, being the caring and selfless bastard that he is, does something so monumentally kind and dangerous that it still blows me away: he tells her about his addiction
and i know that ppl in this fandom love to act as if every single thing raphael did for the sake of other characters, particularly the shadowhunters and simon, is just, like, expected and no big deal. but raphael didn't owe izzy that. he didn't have to tell izzy that. hell, he didn't even have to save izzy's life when she went to the den, for all he knew it was all a trick or something. and telling her, someone he doesn't even know, a shadowhunter, not only one of his greatest secrets, not only one of his greatest vulnerabilities, but the single hardest and most painful moment of his life, a whole can of worms about his past that he just bared to her just like that, was just. so much. it was such a huge thing that he did for her, okay. and let's not forget that raphael is a private person, both for survival and because he just is
he basically opened up his biggest wound and showed it to her only because it could bring her some sort of comfort. it wouldn't even help her greatly. it wouldn't even change anything about her situation. it would bring just maybe a little bit of comfort and advice, at great personal cost, way greater than the good it would bring her. and he still did it, because raphael cares, especially when he sees someone going through something he went through as well. just so he could tell her that it gets better, that she's not alone. that he understands
and she fucking!! immediately!!!! uses that against him!!!!!! and continues to try to trigger his addiction again and again and again and again!!!! may i just say, WHAT THE FUCK
EVERY SINGLE TIME she tries to get him to drink her blood, it's not consensual, it's forced. he always hesitates, always tries to push her away, always turns his head. and she just pushes him anyway. even after she knows that he's been through this before. that it almost destroyed him. she knows exactly what she's triggering and bringing on, and she! does! it! anyway!!
watching some of the rizzy scenes, particularly the one where they are cooking together, makes me want to cry for him, because it's so obvious that what he's looking for is a deeper connection, someone to trust, to love, and what she's looking for is someone to satisfy her need. and look, i know addiction is terrible. but he's ALSO addicted. and again, i've met plenty of ppl who struggled with addiction, and they were able of, you know, not treating others like this
it drives me crazy! raphael lets her into his home, teaches her how to cook, opens up about the SINGLE SECRET ABOUT HIM THAT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT EXCEPT FOR MAGNUS, and generally tries to have a good time with her, and not only does she immediately make his attempt at having a meaningful bonding time about him drinking her blood, but does it RIGHT AFTER HE TELLS HER ABOUT HIS SISTER??? it literally goes "here is my deepest most important secret that pains me greatly and is destroying me inside. oh, i said too much. i should have kept my mouth shut" "i'd rather you didn't *slits own wrist and makes him drink her blood*". like, girl, at least a word of comfort first??? a "you can tell me whatever you like"? an "i'm fucking sorry for your loss" maybe???????????? SHE TREATED HIM LIKE AN OBJECT
and also SHOUT THE FUCK OUT to "i didn't take you for a community service kind of guy", which granted is a minor thing to be upset about in the middle of this shitstorm, but still makes me want to rip my hair off. girl!! he's been doing nothing ever since you first met but helping you selflessly and getting only PAIN in return. like is she for real??? he went out of his way SO many times to help her, when he had NO reason to, not a single one. and she's still like "oh wow raphael cares about others?? im shocked" UDBDIDNDKSMSOSNSOSNSISBSUSBDUDBDIDNDIDNDI ARE YOU SERIOUSSSS
it's really such a revealing moment to me because it really shows that she didn't give any thought about everything he'd done for her. all the endless kindness and care, in the literal sense of TAKING CARE OF, that he offered her without a second thought. she never stopped to think about what it cost him. the fact that he didn't OWE IT TO HER, and thus it says something about his CHARACTER, because he CHOSE to help her. over and over and over again!!! AFTER SHE BETRAYED HIM MORE THAN ONCE. it never even crossed her mind! she just took it for granted, like it's what he was supposed to do, or something
and then!!!!!!! even after they go their separate ways!! and raphael is STILL caring for her and making sure she's okay! she decides to betray him one last time and have simon threaten his sister!!! and ill be honest i dont remember the reason for this, but i do remember that it wasn't fucking life and death, so like!!! it was just unnecessarily cruel and shitty of her and the biggest FUCK YOU to him and his trust. AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY AT ALL. like. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
and at this point izzy was recovering so it's just like. i get that before that we were literally seeing izzy at her ugliest, she even fought alec and said some shit that she definitely didn't mean at all and that was shitty and hurtful. so like obviously we were seeing izzy in her darkest, worst, most selfish, most hurt. which is why i can maybe cut her some slack for some shit (also i just realized i literally forgot that she straight up THREATENED HIM WITH A KNIFE god there is really So Much To Unpack Here), but at that point? at that point she had no excuse. she was recovering. this didn't even have anything to do with her addiction anyway. she was just proving that raphael's trust, his care, his fucking feelings, they meant nothing to her
like seriously! she could at least have the decency to go, after raphael was very obviously kind and considerate to me, maybe i should not conspire against him and bring forward his most important secret? i don't think i'm asking her for much here
and it also ends a circle of raphael opening up to her and trusting her and she betraying that trust EVERY SINGLE TIME! the literal single only thing he told her that she didn't use against him was his asexuality. which look, thank god, cuz that would have been way too ugly and uncalled for, but the bar is low here
(ok, maybe rizzy gets a shoutout for having raphael's asexuality be treated so naturally. especially coming from such an overtly sexual character like izzy. it was nice to have that. i also think that her whole line about how for the first time sex wasn't a big part of a relationship for her could have been explored in so many interesting ways. like it is obvious that izzy uses her sexuality as a way to gain confidence and prove her value and it would be cool to see that being addressed beyond throwaway lines, maybe talk a bit about hypersexualization of woc. but this is shadowhunters we're talking about so of course nah)
so like okay izzy gets a Not An Aphobe But Still Shitty badge for basically using raphael like he existed to provide her. and in short this is why i can't get into rizzy, not even in a very very alternate reality where it all went different and the way they met had nothing to do with addiction. because she really didn't care enough about him and he deserves so much better than this
and again, i know that izzy was at her damn lowest in that point, but i think that even if she weren't, ultimately their incompatibility still lies there - raphael is too selfless and izzy is not attuned to that. she would take what he offered and not really spare it a thought, even if she didn't mean to like, Use Him (cuz i dont think izzy meant to use him even in canon), like it was just expected. and he wouldn't point that out. and it would be. ugh
and yeah i think that summarizes my thoughts dudndjdn im sorry for the angry very long rant, i just started talking and it all was pouring out suddenly. i promise im not mad, i just...... have strong feelings about this whole thing
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
HEYYYYYYY i’m so excited to respond to ur ask it made me so happy to see u in my notifs and i’m so excited for u for ur milestone! anyways i kinda want all of them but i decided to cut down to 🥺 :)))) 👀 pls rant i will read it all and ☕️ for morgwen andddd manon from the tog books. <3 <3 :*
HEY AMY!!! i hope you had a lovely day today🥺thank you for the ask💞
🥺- for my mutuals, ill talk about why i follow you and why everyone should be as well
omg im pretty sure i met and started following you like the day of that bellamy scene™️ because i remember thinking how fucking horrendous that episode ended, and, at the same time, how amazing that night on tumblr was aksnakaaj. so that night, tumblr was a fucking disaster and chaotic and funny asf. i remember texting @tkstrrand the entire ep (bc she couldn’t watch it for some reason) like how boring it was/how she wasn’t missing much blahblah and then when the death scene happened at the last fucking second, i sent her about a thousand separate incoherent texts in the span of like two minutes LOL tumblr was in shambles and i made a few posts about how fucking dumb the show was—one post i made i told my few new followers to fuck the 100 and just watch merlin and you texted me about it!! we have literally so much in common (with merlin, atla, the 100, tog!!!) that when you texted me about how you felt about that scene compared to merlin’s ending, my thought was like “this blog is so kind and we feel the same way and i need to follow asap.”
you are literally so sweet and lovely to talk to🥺that night™️ may had been disastrous, but i can look on it with a lighter heart because we met because of it!! every time we talk i always smile so much (and dw, i know i still have to get clone wars for our boy anakin👀👀)
dude, everyone should be following you because your blog is incredible, your tags are superb, and you are literally one of the sweetest people i’ve met on here😭💞 i adore you.
👀 - and ill tell you a parallel from merlin or the 100 that still fucks me up
this post for merthur still FUCKS ME UP by @camelotsheart
☕️ + send me a ship/character/movie/book and ill give you my opinions on it
my opinions on morgwen:
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I SHIP IT WITH MY WHOLE ASS SOUL. dude, their potential as a ship is incredible😭i fucking love them together. i wrote them as a side pairing in my first multi-chapter merthur fic and i adored writing their interactions and dynamic sm. if morgana was going to be with anyone, my first choice will always be gwen. i also read them as a pairing in fics all the time because the pure power-couple potential is insane.
hot ☕️ here™️: i think if someone was to bring morgana back from the brink of hatred, it should have been gwen (not merlin). so, like, i could definitely see merlin telling her about his magic and whatnot and maybe that would have stopped her from going dark side...but...i didn’t think merlin should have (ekk probably an unpopular opinion).
see, i love merlin with my entire heart..and tbh telling uther fucking pendragon’s ward that he had magic was just too much of a gamble—especially with arthur’s life on the line, which literally became merlin’s sole purpose in life (another matter for a different essay™️). i understand his need to keep it a secret from her even more when the large reptile repeatedly got into merlin’s head that she was bad news from the jump (also another matter for a different essay™️).
SO. that leaves two options for our miserable magical gal: arthur or gwen. now, i honestly believe arthur wouldn’t have hurt her if he was told. and i even think he may have became more sympathetic to the magical community because of it—especially when he saved mordred wayyyy early on that cemented the fact that arthur was not uther. but i can also understand why morgana wouldn’t tell arthur, and it’s pretty much the same reason merlin didn’t tell her about his magic: the risk was too big and she didn’t want to gamble her life with an unknown reaction.
now we get to the main point: gwen would have been the best option for her. whether it is platonic or not, gwen was always there for morgana. gwen is such a kind, loving soul, and she deeply respected and adored morgana—you can tell by the way she smiled around her in the beginning seasons, how she would get her flowers, how she would worry about morgana’s wellbeing. even though gwen was morgana’s servant, she cared for her in more ways than were required and it showed. they were best friends. the entire incident with gwen’s father, which was horrendous, might be the reason gwen would be rightfully upset about the subject of magic; however. she knew her father wasn’t magical, she knew uther was a tyrant, and she knew morgana’s heart. someone is gonna tell me that if morgana had explained to gwen what happened, how her magic was innate, how morgana would never fucking choose to have magic anywhere near her shithead guardian (who probably would have killed her imo if he knew bc you know the whole “fire will purify” bullshit), that gwen would hate her??? I MEAN LITERALLY WATCH THE LAST EPISODES AGAIN. when QUEEN GWEN realizes that the whole time it was merlin saving everyone’s asses, and she connected all the dots, her face showed nothing but pure understanding and acceptance.
gwen was such an underused character. her fucking potential arcs could have been phenomenal (again, LOL, another matter for a different essay™️), and the way canon made morgana use gwen was fucking gross and im not a fan🙃 but fuck canon. i ship them and i love them to pieces ✌🏻thank you for coming to my talk✌🏻
my opinions on manon mf blackbeak:
oh boy, where do i start? i would die for her...is that too extreme for the starting place? i fucking LOVE manon blackbeak dude. oh my god, so, remember when her and aelin fought for the first time in QoS? i remember jumping up from my lounging position with my hand over my smiling mouth because i love both of these badass hardcore women with everything i am. i mean, aelin owns my ass (she is probably my favorite character of all time rn) but manon hits differently. her storyline at the beginning was so bleh, but, man, did it escalate fast to “holy shit” to “i fucking love her” to “oh fuck im sobbing.”
the only thing i will complain about with her character in canon was the fact that my girl was straight???? excuse me?? she has been alive for fucking forever and she is straight? no. i cant accept that. tbh i ship manon and elide🥺 (i also ship dorain and chaol oops). but her character development was everything and i cant think too long on what happens because i will start crying tbh sksjsmakks
okay wow im so sorry for, uh, spilling every thought i had into this. it legit took me like a day to respond 😔
i appreciate you so much. thank you🥺💞
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aenslem · 4 years
Make you choose: Michael Burnham/Ash Tyler or Michael Burnham/Cleveland Booker (Star Trek Discovery)
oh man, i kinda don’t wanna do any of them tbh
those are type of couples on screen that exist and im fine with them, but they don’t really make my heart squee :’D like, i never cared for michael/ash as a couple, i hardly remember what was going on between them tbh, though i love both characters on their own, same goes for booker, also, if i have to choose i would choose michael/book because i think michael is kinda better with him, i mean feels better, and ash is over so... 
anyway, not my type of couples :D like i really need lots of suffering and trying to kill each other and all, you know, the usual...
yeah so... sorry, i will maybe make a gifset with them one day, but not today :’D i was thinking about this make me choose thing for 2 weeks and still did not do anything, i am that bad ooops :D also, season is not over yet and shit might happen to the couple lmao and maybe they will not be as good as they seem atm, which i don’t wanna happen, because Book seems nice and Michael feels good with him. But for me, it’s the same as if Michael would be alone and feel good lol no hate towards any of them, i like all of those characters and want them to be happy, it;s just my couples usually try to kill each other and i like it that way askjhdkjahd
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cherrymoonvol6 · 5 years
some avengers endgame Thoughts cause i saw the movie yesterday and can't stop thinking about it
of course..... spoilers ahead
nebula and tony playing!!!! i just love how nebula's personality comes through without it being ooc
also... nebula carefully sitting tony up. she Cares so much :(
steve immediately going to tony :( like im a stucky kind of gal but holy shit i love them
which was completely erased in the next scene where tony drags steve up and down and after that passes out, which is a confrontation Mood
i wonder how they made tony look so skinny and sick. if it was cgi then i applaud them cause it looked so good
the way they killed thanos so fucking quickly here... i don't know how to feel lmao. like cutting the gauntlet arm and then slicing his neck... that's what we were all screaming at them during infinity war. it's good to see them learn from their mistakes, i guess ?
(can't remember the order in which things happen from now so forgive me if i make a mistake)
i told my sister "that's one of the russos!!!!!" so it took me ten seconds to realize that the russo was the gay character everyone was talking about (i thought it would be fury for no other reason than it being shocking and fury having very little to do with the plot, but)
and steve being supportive of that :( man out of time said gay rights!
carol's new hair!! holy shit!!!!!
rocket insinuating carol has been experimenting with more hairstyles... i would like to see it
don't think i missed that carol x rhodey nod. i support it.
don't wanna say it now... for now ill just state: i love what they're doing with natasha in the movie. she truly feels like a friend to steve. like that small gesture of her sliding the plate towards steve is just so domestic and beautiful! it really makes her feel so human and complex at the end. i was so worried about her being wasted but i loved her throughout the film
it was a fucking rat who got scott out. i have to laugh.
also is that the guy from that old "gayyyyy" meme????
cassie is all grown up!!!!!! i can't even imagine how hard it had been for her
also what happened to her mom? and the stepdad??? are they fine????? i hope so
i was hoping we would get more tony as a dad in this movie and it delivered!! tony is so fucking good with kids. the bond between him and morgan was so well portrayed
also the place they live in is so cozy and that's what he deserves
when steve stepped down the car in that black outfit with the leather jacket on i gasped... he's fucking gorgeous
i kept wanting him and tony to kiss lmao tf is wrong with me
OKAY my hawkeye rights. i missed him so much
the stylish subtitles on the middle of the screen felt like too much. this isn't a tumblr gifset honey, just write them down!
thinking about the whole clintasha conversation really foreshadows the whole thing. natasha cares so deeply about clint and really puts his needs before hers. it's so beautiful to see
honestly... my clintasha rights!
i think the hulk/bruce scene was kinda endearing but then the ant man banter dragged on for toooo long
the dab i YELLED. these poor kids have to stand this man on 2023 pulling out 2016 trends to appear Hip and Cool
fat thor...... i hate how it was handled. hate it so fucking much.
new asgard! that's so cute. i hope that's on norway
miek and korg are alive!!!!
the thought of thor insulting a possibly 14 year old on fortnight is too much for me. it sounds like bad fanon talk. i still laughed (bc noobmaster69??? that's fucking hilarious)
tonys reaction to i love you 3000 is so beautiful. like the way he looks taken aback and so happy. i love irondad
steve in a white shirt and jeans!!!! i gasped again. he's delivering, the fucking model
i know they were like, barely being decent to each other again, but i still wanted my stony hug:(
when they're discussing their infinity stones memories and natasha and tony are laying down together on a table???? adorable. amazing.
also why tf didn't nebula said the soul stone required a sacrifice??? i thought that's what she got from gamora dying in volmir
as soon as natasha and clint arrived to volmir i began chanting "nonononononononono"
fuckkdjdksndk fucking nebula. cue to more nononono chanting
rhodey knocking out quill with a single hit is the funniest scene in the movie
clintasha calling on bullshit on the sacrifice thing was also quite funny
the forehead touch :((( im so weak! so sad!
clintasha literally fighting each other to be each other's sacrifice!!!! kill me now!!!!
jeez now i can finally say it: scarjo shined so fucking much on this movie!!!! her delivery was amazing, i really felt a connection between her and the avengers, it really showed her growth during the five year time jump. she fucking killed it. she did her best and she's the best black widow we could've ever gotten.
clint mourning her :((((( probably the third time i cried during the movie
thor's panic attack being used for cheap laughs was the most uncomfortable moment for me... or any scene where people only saw thor as Fat and Lazy (basically, two thirds of the movie)
the freya + thor reunion was so sweet though!
okay. okay. hear me out. tony was on a very serious mission to regain an infinity stone. and the first thing he does is check out steve's ass. and aknowledge how glorious it is. i couldn't believe what i was watching!!!!!! like that actually fucking happened. consider me a fully formed stony bitch.
and scott joining in to say it was "america's ass" ???? poetic cinema
so it's canon that everyone checks out steve's ass and appreciates it as a national treasure. that's all i never thought id needed.
steve saying "hail hydra" i YELLED. it was a nice nod to the whole "cap is a nazi" mess
and steve fighting himself... hot
using his bucky trauma to shock himself is :/// but also :((((
i loved that for one moment i knew everyone on the theatre was staring at steve's ass
and steve being appreciative of his own butt!!!! ok that's all i have to say about steve's ass
i loved the reminder that thor was still kinda goofy back in avengers 1, for everyone who says taika completely changed his character. and the little tony + thor moment was adorable
"howard..... potts" i can understand tony being a mess but how did howard not suspect of anything??? elevator lady took one look of steve's face and all of her alarms started ringing
peggy carter... ive missed my wife so much
did peggy marry souza. i hope she did. steve tf are you doing staring at a married woman (jk)
clint kicking the stones away as soon as bruce is done with the snap is the biggest mood
also... the hell was scott looking at that made him think it had worked? just... more birds outside? i was really curious
the irony of the only avenger without superpowers being left with the stones
"i know you" *hands out stones* how can you not love clint, he's so pure
nebula killing his 2014 self is a power move. that would be me if i met my 2014 self
thor with a braided beard!!!!! beautiful
thanos is like, a real threat and i love that
okay. i kinda saw it coming. i saw thor leave mjolnir behind and i thought "oh????". and then the shock of thanos being able to wield stormbreaker. and then fucking mjolnir moving!!!!! i was the only person in the theatre who yelled
but seriously!!!! steve wielding AND fighting with mjolnir!!!!! couldn't stop thinking about it all day!!!!!!!!! STEVE IS WORTHY!!!!!!!
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parallels to thor going for the chest. it never works babies!
and just.... this was steve's moment. steve i-can-do-this-all-day rogers really fighting with every ounce of his body and soul against the most powerful being on earth. justice for him getting knocked after touching thanos for one second in iw!
and steve getting up again! all dirty and wounded!! trembling with exhaustuation and resolution!!! with his broken shield on his arm!!!! just him facing the biggest army of the universe!!!!! so powerful
sorry to destroy this epic moment, but like, okay. people had been reintegrated to life like, twenty minutes before. and i understand that they were all confused and out of place. but sam really needed ALL that time to just... try to communicate with steve????? ok
the "avengers..." *brings mjolnir with one hand while bracing his shield with the other* "assemble" moment was... oh my God. chills all over my body.
that One Moment where steve has stormbreaker on his hand... so fucking hot
the tony and peter reunion holy shit. the hug was everything i needed! like please just hug tony stark for ages
and tony and pepper fighting together!!! that's a power couple right there
i felt it when quill looked at gamora and just... stopped. im so sad his moment was played for laughs when it was obviously such an important moment for his character
thanos was so fucking scared of wanda that he put his own troops at risk to stop her for a little while. strongest avenger right there!
and carol coming back!!!! i was like
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i felt so relieved at that point. i was like "yeah thanos is fucking over what's next"
no need to talk about all the women coming together to defend peter :')
thanos getting the gauntlet again... the nonono chanting came back
fucking CAROL trying to stop him. looking at him with such a determined face, like "you can't stop me from stopping you". it was so powerful he had to snatch one stone to stop her
and strange giving him the one finger to tony.... i knew what was coming holy shit. i knew it. they knew it.
tony really proved himself there. it was his best scene on the entire mcu, don't argue with me!!!!!! the way he stood there and took all the power of the stones, unmasked, unaffected, powerful and almighty
"i am... iron man" cue to ugly sobbing
tony knew there was no other way. pepper did, too... she knew exactly what she had to tell him. she was right. tony spent all of these years moved by selfishness first, then fear, then guilt. an endless battle since thanos was on his head. but the war was over. what mattered was that he saved everyone, and he sacrificed himself for everyone. a complete 180° from last movie's ending.... wow
gotta said... peter there felt a little bit out of place for me. i think it would've been more powerful if he didn't say anything, though peter is a teenager, i can get it
his arc with steve felt unfinished, too. i would've liked to see steve's reaction as well, since tony had told him he wanted everyone back and also for his family so survive. but whatever
im not against tony killing thanos instead of gamora and nebula but i would've liked if we saw them react to his death, at least:/ like a little parallel between nebula's reaction at the beginning and the end of endgame
the One stucky interaction here was pulled from cap1 and iw. i feel betrayed
bucky Knew what steve was going to do. i wonder if steve told him before or bucky just sensed it
you can't convince me steve would go back and carelessly dance with peggy knowing his friend is being used like a weapon by hydra and bound to kill tonys parents. nah nah. it all felt wrong
my steggy rights!!!
love that the russos foreshadowed cap!bucky on tws just to give the shield to sam at the end
anyways what the fuck bucky was all steve had but he lived the happiest life without it and left him alone on the 21st century? okay fuck y'all
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crxpeek · 5 years
im so sorry for your family being shitty :((( some of your favourite christmas movies maybe ? fave books ? OH also you've probably gotten asked this before but how did you learn to make gifs ??
Yeah... I should really learn to expect less from them yet I’m somehow still disappointed. May the food of the gods (stuffing) restore my faith in humanity somewhere. 
Favorite Christmas Movies:
Now I’ll be honest, my favorite is the original animated Grinch. Like I love that special so much. I haven’t watched it this year but I feel like that’s because this year part of my brain has decided to be the Grinch itself so whoops. Not like the mean ruin Christmas parts but like the “Christmas kinda stinks” parts.
Let’s Peanuts. I have a Charlie Brown tree, have for the past... idk 5 years now? Usually it sits in my room but I didn’t put it in here this year, nor did I uhhh assemble it. Tells you how ready for the holidays I have been. 
Does any one remember the Good Luck Charlie Christmas movie because I really like that one too. Actually have a bit of a fond memory of my mother and I watching it just the two of us, laughing our asses off, having a good time. 
Fave Books:
Well I’m not really much of a reader anymore. I say anymore because in like 4th grade I was holding that 12th grade level reading shit and it made me really hate reading for the most part because we could only pick from like certain grade levels and I found the majority of books to be boring as shit. One trip to detention also may have helped me despise reading a bit more. So honestly i read like a lot more comic books than I do books. And the only real book I’ve picked up in the past who knows how many years I’ve talked about a lot so today I’m gonna talk about my favorite comic books. 
I’m gonna start on Shade, The Changing Girl/Woman. So Shade was one of the first ones I really picked up. I mostly got it because it was under the DC’s Young Animal imprint and my mind said “Hey if Gerard Way (since he was leader of the uhhh imprint, I guess that’s how to phrase it) thinks this is fucking amazing maybe I will too.” And honestly it was one hell of a trip where I loved every minute of it . There’s a lot of themes of being lost and trying to figure yourself out (I mean that’s my takeaway from it at least) and I connected with that. Also I found it to be really artsy there’s these insane panels that are just gorgeous and take up like 2 whole pages and tell a story alone with everything. And the colors! They’re super vivid and I just got lost in this wondrous world of the series itself. 
Speaking of Gerard & the Young Animal imprint... Doom Patrol. What a beautiful series in both comic and TV show form. Many dynamic characters and a sense of comfort. I remember this one interview, they’re asking Gerard about comics, specifically Doom Patrol, and they ask him about what really brought him to it and I could be remembering this wrong but he said something along the lines of “It was the first comic book I knew of that showed a therapy session, it showed that it was okay to not be okay”. It’s been a while since I’ve either read or heard that interview but like... That kinda stuck with me. And I feel like that can still apply to the comic today. Like it’s a very well driven comic and it does have those moments where it’s like “Hey, we all have problems and that’s okay.” It’s almost reassuring to me. Because you can watch these characters be in their own little problems and they try to work through them the best they can. And that’s important to me. That’s how I feel also currently. I have my own problems, trying to work through them. I think the only complaint I’d ever give you about Doom Patrol would be focused in on issue 8 because fucking cat sex. But like... it’s a weird comic I’m gonna allow it to do that. 
How I learned to make GIFs:
Long story short. I used to use like EZGIF to make GIFs on my own and.. they fucking sucked. So I downloaded Photoshop and was like “Fuck it I’ll learn to make a GIF on my own.” So I started playing around with things and at one point in time I look up a tutorial from a big name GIFmaker on the site and I try following it. And I was like “Well this doesn’t seem to bad” (Also didn’t help that there’s an action line that does the majority of my work for me. I just have to select frames, crop/resize, and maybe fuck around with colors if I want to lol) And then I was like “Hey what if I posted these to tumblr.” Enter my uhhh Ways To Fake It GIFset. That was the first one I did. I cherrypicked some scenes and was like “I think these will look good” Played around with colors a lil (I really don’t do that much anymore I think the last set I played around with colors on was Falling) and I was like “Okay these look great”. Of course I also had to make sure they fit that 3mb limit. (I know it’s like 5 now but I prefer keeping it to 3mb to keep it as uncompressed as possible... with lossy already usually lol, so it’s a lil compressed but not like YouTube video compression fucking you over compression. If that even somehow makes sense.) And yeah then I just kinda started playing around with some more videos and stuff. Like I have some old GIF tests hanging around including some text tests. And then I just started making some ones at random. Like I have a shitton from like random Strokes videos & so. And then I just kinda fell into making sets I was like “fuck it these videos/artists are cool they get sets because it’s my blog and I say so” (Also how I ended up with that whole Saturday series as I call it.) Another thing too was I was discovering these videos and stuff that I didn’t know existed and I was like “Hmm yeah I’ve never seen GIFs of this in my life let me fix it.” (This is how I accidentally because #1 CRX/Nick V. content provider, because turns out there’s a lot of stuff out there) so yeah. That’s that I guess. That really did not answer that question much but longer story way shorter: a tutorial and photoshop experimentation. 
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literaphobe · 5 years
wait im so sorry but what was ginagate
oh it was like this point in time where some people basically hated on gina a lot to the point where it was kind of scary? like i remember being on the side “”””against””””” gina for a bit but then i realized i was mostly being swayed by friends n i did not actually feel that way so like i think i switched and was like um its not that deep anyway... i think slowly more n more people got up and was like ‘look i dont hate gina’ so there were essentially “two sides” and like. it got bad. i don’t remember every single post everyone made on the matter but like people had mental breakdowns, some people deleted... at some point chelsea got a tiny bit involved bc someone responded to an ask n basically said “maybe gina will become a better person when she becomes a mom” and chelsea was ticked off (rightfully so tho imo) and was like “im sorry but women dont instantly become angelic versions of themselves when they have kids this is kind of a misogynistic line of thought” and then that became a thing too and some people got mad at chelsea for like??? butting in i guess??? which is absolute bullshit when u think about it bc chelsea is an entire real human being whose character on this show gets the most shit for. and it hurts a lot when she sees this stuff!! she comes on tumblr to look at our creations and thoughts eg our edits n gifsets and she has PRAISED us for the things we do out of our collective love for this show and i just!! i cannot imagine how much it mustve hurt to go on here and see just an outpour of hatred for the character she put so much work into portraying. and yeah time and time again people have given her shit!! i know most celebrities get hate in some form or the other but like. its kind of painfully clear at this point that gina gets the most hate and that hate extends to chelsea herself. to the point where she has to apologize and explain and give examples of how ginas not the demon shes made out to be, and chelsea and melissa have to explain that gina and amys friendship is full of love and they never intended to portray it any other way. anyway. ik that people are allowed to hate whatever characters they want blah blah blah but like. given what has happened. and given what we know. can we all just... not do this. like take this into special consideration. thank you, hope this shed some light on why im so sensitive regarding the matter 
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bvrtram · 6 years
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NICO MIRALLEGRO —— well, if it isn’t BERTRAM AUBREY, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. for those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. most people think that they’re CANDID and RESILIENT, but they can also seem pretty SELF-RIGHTEOUS and PESSIMISTIC. sometimes people call them the PEDANT. sure, they’re a MUGGLEBORN, but that doesn’t define them.
this intro is gonna be messy as fuck im warning you already
he’s got a pinterest board but it doesnt have much on it yet 
wow. what an asshole.
ok so the only canon thing known about bertram is that james & sirius hexed his head to grow to twice its usual size and i think that’s so fucking funny
can u say chip on his shoulder? legally blonde style? was born to a father who dropped out of high school and now works in construction and a mother who wanted to become a teacher but left that dream behind when she unexpectedly became pregnant with bertram when she was 19. bertram’s parents did love him but they really never had a lot growing up and it caused a significant amount of stress on the fam
so obviously they were like all super shocked when bertram was magic and was approached to come to hogwarts and shit especially cause like neither of his parents had gone to university or anything ? so bertram vowed not to fuck up this chance
has a little sister who he’s hella protective over
his parents divorced a couple years ago and even though it was a long time coming he’s still like .... very salty about it 
he’s like ..... percy weasley mixed with ron swanson and uhhh lil bit of xander harris 
people are always surprised he’s not in ravenclaw cause he’s smart af and works hard af to get good grades af lmao and then they’re always more surprised he’s in hufflepuff especially since he’s uh... how do u say...... a bit of a DICK 
but his values are very hufflepuff. he values honesty and fairness and hard work
has very high standards. for everyone. will judge the fuck out of you if you don’t meet those standards. like if you slack even a little bit ? get ready for bertram to be pompous as fuck and go on some self-important condescending lecture. i h8 him
very practical, very down to earth. has no time for fairytale stories or puppy love or really anything that doesn’t have a useful application in the real world. 
he’s like weird cause he’s pessimistic in that he doesn’t believe people will naturally do the right thing but like, he believes that they should and they can. like he doesn’t expect much out of people but still holds them to high standards
he doesn’t lie. like. he doesn’t. for one thing he couldn’t if he tried, but he also values honesty like a ridiculous amount and can often be very blunt while sticking to these values
you know that gifset of like prince charming chris pine from into the woods where he’s like “i was raised to be charming not sincere”? it’s the opposite for bertram. sincere not charming. sorry folks he’s nobody’s prince charming
like he’s an asshole but u gotta give him credit, he sticks to what he believes and he’s not afraid to share those beliefs. it’s gotten him in a sticky spot quite a few times but he’s also very clever with his words and can often talk himself out of it which is good cause he can’t fight for shit. someone kick his ass please
i don’t have words for how self-righteous he is ok i know i talked about this a bit already but i need you guys to know he’s a pompous self-righteous asshole. like you’ll see his good qualities and then be like “oh maybe he’s not that bad” but then he also sees his good qualities and points them out to u and ur like shut up bertram
doesn’t apologize easily but when he does he means it. like if you’ve ever had bertram apologize to you it’s so funny he gets so solemn about it 
you know that john mulaney bit where he’s like “get out of here with your facts. you’re like the kid at the sleepover who after midnight is like ‘it’s tomorrow now’. get the fuck out of here with your technicalities. just cause you’re accurate does not mean you’re interesting. like hey why don’t you get your sleeping bag and GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. take your goddamn epipen and gET OUT OF MY HOUSE” 
thats bertram. he’s the kid at the sleepover
but if you need help, he’ll give it to you. he might be annoying and condescending about it but he’ll be there for you whenever you need him. and he’s so so so loyal to those who are close with him 
like, he’s a good guy, deep down. deep deep down. he values fairness and honesty so even if he has the chance to have an advantage that might be considered unfair he won’t take it, and idk he’ll stick his neck out for people who are struggling 
and he’s faced a fair amount of shit in his life for idk being the way he is and also for being a muggleborn but he just shrugs it off and keeps going
i love him. but i hate him. someone take the stick out of his ass. or just kick his ass, that works too
um anyways plot with him
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thegeminisage · 6 years
Jace, Magnus, Raph :D
favorite thing about them: everyone likes to sort of categorize jace as this mostly douchey guy but he’s actually kind of Softe if you dig a little and like not to be basic but i like that about him
least favorite thing about them: WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIIIN
favorite line: “dazzle me” @cathy not one word
brOTP: JACE AND ALEC…give me more of that good parabatai shit…….my other favorite thing about jace is it’s implied he knew alec was in love with him for a long timeor at the very LEAST since alec’s bad reaction in 1.04 and he played dumb (partially because he hates talking about feelings yes but also) for alec’s benefit. just not to make things weird. it would have been easy to make him be weird about it. straight guys are assholes. but he wasnt and thats real nice.
OTP: he’d be miserable without clary to the point where he still wanted to smash even when he thought they were related, so
nOTP: jace and alec. STRICTLY platonic on jace’s end! it’s not necessarily that i think it’s ~problematic~ god knows you couldnt pay me to touch that discourse i just think the dynamic is much richer and deeper when it’s a one-sided romance and jace was still cool about it. idk i find that totally refreshing and fascinating and like a pretty new take, at least to me personally. why ruin it by turning it into run-of-the-mill slash? (i say this as someone who writes a lot of run-of-the-mill slash, don’t send me mean messages) 
random headcanon: he likes [REDACTED], which technically was cathy’s headcanon first
unpopular opinion: he’s never done anything wrong in his life ever…look i know he has but like leave him alone?? idek why i feel so strongly about this he isn’t my favorite character i don’t stan him i’m not super invested in him…i just don’t think he’s done anything wrong, aside from the fact that he lies a lot. i was totally siding with him over alec during their season 1 tiffs.
song i associate with them: natalia kills - kill my boyfriend :)
favorite picture of them: sorry but i dont really have one
favorite thing about them: his body language! he’s like always on the go, all his lil flourishes, how expressive he is–expression-wise and with his body language. he uses his hands to talk and since warlocks use their hands for magic that’s like an awesome character detail. my second favorite thing is how fucking cool he is. i love when he does magic. he’s so cool oh my god he’s like the HEIGHT of cool
least favorite thing about them: not to be problematic but he’s a little TOO perfect. let him fuck up once in awhile! so far all we’ve gotten was the seelie queen thing and that was half alec’s fault
favorite line: “i’m the high warlock of brooklyn” YOU TELL EM MAGNUS
OTP: well obviously magnus and alec
nOTP: i dont really?? see him shipped with anyone else??? i guess my notp is imm*rtal h*bands…alec would absolutely hate being immortal, whether by magic or being turned. he would HATE it. i have a series of fanfictions outlines to explain my feelings on this matter more thoroughly someday
random headcanon: i made a gifset about it on my other blog (you can see it at /post/172404479554/ if you know the url) but i think maybe he doesn’t always like being a warlock. like, the magic is great! he loves his people! he loves being able to do cool stuff! but his parents basically died because of it (trying not to be too spoilery, sorry coralie), and being immortal when you have to watch people die is hard. he’s pretty sensitive about his cat eyes, maybe in a way that’s more worried about what other people will think than someone who dislikes himself? i feel like maybe he used to dislike himself a lot more intensely and sort of had a long time to unlearn it and now most of the time it’s fine but he just still has his bad days and tender spots. i feel strongly anough this, clearly
unpopular opinion: again im gonna have to go with being anti imm*rtal h*bands…i mean obviously people can write what they want & no skin off my nose but i wish it wasnt QUITE so popular bc its hard to find fic i like w/o it
song i associate with them: man i have a really great one for alec like that could kinda be malec but not a magnus-only one sorry
favorite picture of them: literally any picture with cat eyes i love his cat eyes so much
favorite thing about them: CANONICAL ASEXUAL!!!!!! i can’t tell you how much that means to me. it’s a first for me! i watched this whole show for raphael. second favorite thing: he’s still religious. that’s real brave imo
least favorite thing about them: WHY DID HE DO THAT…i cant say what he did on coralie’s post i already said a magnus spoiler but i cant believe he DID THAT im heartbroken for him and so angry at him what an idiot why didn’t he ask for help
favorite line: number one winner is the entire scene about the stars with rosa but close runner up is whenever he speaks spanish. not because it’s sexy or whatever but because he almost exclusively does it when he’s trying to be intimidating. literally i have a gif of him going “adios >:)” when he’s about to commit murder
brOTP: if i had an entire show about magnus and raphael i would be happy. alec who? but raphael and rosa kills me too
OTP: raphael and izzy, come on, come on, show, i’m begging you! simon who? this is where it’s at! i can’t believe she talked about his asexuality like it was a perk rather than a hurdle. i get weepy when i think about it for too long
nOTP: please for the love of god stop shipping with him with simon
random headcanon: dislikes kissing. i may be projecting a bit here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least i finally have a character i can project on!
unpopular opinion: rizzy isn’t predatory on either side they both did that and they both owned up to it and got better stop trying to paint one of them like a creeper and the other like some precious innocent victim
song i associate with them: every single song i put on the ace playlist i made the other night
favorite picture of them: i made a gifset of him with the ace colors and that’s my favorite one. it’s at /post/172511018559/ on my other blog if you know the url
(send me characters!!)
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
Know Your History aka Here’s Why You’re Wrong aka Thanks, Dan!
It’s amusing to me when people who are new to the fandom and don’t fully understand the festering cesspool that is Teen Wolf fandom, do the barest amount of research into the drama and THEN create elaborate defenses to validate their stanning. 
I’ve accepted that Sterek fandom is still very much a threat to Teen Wolf and to their general Scott McCall / Tyler Posey stanning collective and because of that they like to make giant posts filled with lies and misconceptions to make Sterek look like we’re the villains. 
The good thing is that all you have to do is click around the comments or do even the bare minimum of research and their arguments fall apart.  The bad news is that so many new stans won’t do this. 
I started watching the show spring of 2014, I was into the fandom by that June and I was a full fledged Sterek by July.  I was a HUGE Posey fan and had loved him in Lincoln Heights and White Frog.  All of my fist fics were skittles or sour!skittles.
I’m telling you this to let you know that I get it.  As a woman of color, the opportunity to have a ship that consisted of a character of color was huge to me.  I didn’t understand why it seemed like Stereks hated Posey/Scott.  I knew vaguely about BWT, but at the time I was so much more involved with the way the show mistreated him, I shrugged it off as “crazy fans, mad because they didn’t get their ship”.  
Then I started interacting with some stereks because of the podcast and I would hear them reference things from a viewpoint I’d never even considered.  I went back and did the research and I found out about the true reason and fallout for BWT-gate, I found out about Jeff’s exoduc from Twitter, and the thing that tipped it for me?  Cookies4Sterek.  They LITERALLY ATE OUR COOKIES knowing full well they were going to screw us over royally in the coming seasons!
Anyhow, this isn’t entirely what this is about.  This is about knowing your history kids.  I was commenting on a post and of course a Posey stan came in talking about how Tyler Posey was sunshine and roses and blah blah blah, but then they gave their own reasons for why BWT wasn’t only not so bad, but in fact, was necessary.
justaddgigi: So that how it's works. You do gay charity work and make a few half assed apologies and that automatically erases all the homophobic shit you do.
tylerscottpupper: @justaddgigi If you honestly believe Posey is homophobic, you seriously need to open your eyes and explore him more. He wouldn't hurt a fly, much less be/do anything against the LGBT community. He had to apologize because a harmless statement was turned into a butchering knife by and to the LGBT community.
stickykeys633: Oh Scott stan, the irony of telling someone to do research on Posey. I  love the idea that we wouldn't jump at the chance of someone supporting LGBT. That we just misunderstood him and it's nothing to do with his pattern of homophobic behavior
tylerscottpupper: @stickykeys633 Pattern of homophobic behavior? I think you mean "the fandom perceived pattern of homophobic behavior." Posey has done nothing remotely homophobic. It is the fandom that twists it into being homophobic, which it is not. Not once has he said something negative about the LGBT community. He has made harmless jokes, which I'll reiterate, were turned into "insults" towards the community. So, yes, you are misunderstanding him. Horribly, I might add.
stickykeys633:  Bwt was not a harmless joke, fake coming out was not a harmless joke, trying to grab his friend's dicks or trying to shove their hands into his pants is not a joke. I know you think he's sweet but you honestly don't know him. And it takes more effort to excuse the things he does than to just admit he's got a lot of growing to do. He hurt people and he didn't apologize point blank. That makes him a dick and he'll be one until he changes.
tylerscottpupper:  @stickykeys633 BWT was not a joke, it was a thing that needed to be said. If you watch the show for just Sterek as Posey says, you are watching the show for the wrong reasons. It wasn't directed at the shippers. His coming out joke was personally funny to me, and I don't see how it could actually hurt anyone. (Im an out Bisexual myself.) Quite honestly, I do know him, far better than you do apparently. He is not homophobic, and even so, he made a 3 part apology on Twitter after making the lamp joke. He saw that people didn't catch the joke and were getting offended, so he apologized. So yes, he did apologize after "hurting people." (I reiterate, if you get hurt by a lamp/sexuality joke, toughen up.) I don't need to excuse him because he hasn't done anything wrong. The fandom is the one who skews everything he says into a personal attack.
To conclude: Posey is not homophobic in the slightest. BWT needed to happen because Sterek was poisoning the fandom. Nothing Posey has said has hurt anyone, period. In fact, what the fandom is saying/has said to him has hurt him far more than you think he is hurting us. (A point which had been proven even by his late mother.) His behavior is a little quirky, but that's just Posey. He's different, and that's partially why I love him.
Now let’s break this down:
BWT was not a joke, it was a thing that needed to be said. If you watch the show for just Sterek as Posey says, you are watching the show for the wrong reasons. It wasn't directed at the shippers.
No.  You can twist this into anything, but it’s simply not true.  There are no right or wrong reasons to watch a show.  Also, Posey’s statement was fueled by bitterness which automatically makes it suspect.  You think Posey cares about the lore?  He can’t get half of the fantasy elements right now, you think he actually cares about werewolf mythology?  Nope, he cares about the fact that people are watching a show with him in it and not for him. So even if he’s right, he’s still wrong. 
Also, shippers are viewers and they’re the ones he deemed not watching for the right reasons so OF COURSE the comment was aimed at them.  If not, then whom?  
His coming out joke was personally funny to me, and I don't see how it could actually hurt anyone. (Im an out Bisexual myself.)
Then my guess is your white and VERY closeted. 
Quite honestly, I do know him, far better than you do apparently.
Oh dear heart... you don’t. You know the part of yourself you see in him, sure, but that’s not the same thing.
he made a 3 part apology on Twitter after making the lamp joke. He saw that people didn't catch the joke and were getting offended, so he apologized.
No, he was told to apologize and only did it because he had to.  And that apology skated so far on the “I’m sorry you’re offended” line, I don’t even know if it was worth it. 
So yes, he did apologize after "hurting people." (I reiterate, if you get hurt by a lamp/sexuality joke, toughen up.)
Dictating the experiences and reactions of others based on nothing but your own limited view of the world?  Oh you are bright white and no one knows you’re bi.  I’m not even really going to touch to rest of that paragraph because that’s another post entirely on his own, but if you really think Posey is different, then you’re more sheltered than I thought.  He is the definition of typical, and that’s what makes him so sad.  
BWT needed to happen because Sterek was poisoning the fandom.
This is what I really want to talk about.  This idea that what Posey said was a response to mistreatment by stereks is WRONG WRONG WRONG.  Stereks poisoned the fandom?  Stereks BUILT THE TEEN WOLF FANDOM.  How many viewers do you know who saw OUR photosets, OUR fics, OUR gifsets, OUR drabbles, OUR meta and decided to watch the show?  Stereks literally brought them hundreds of thousands of new viewers and the show LOVED IT.
Y’all love to forget that the very first fanfic competition hosted by the show had a sterek fic as the winner.  You forget the endless articles that mentioned us from Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide, Backlot, Logo, The Advocate and so many more that brought more and more viewers into this show.  You forget the conversations between Greg Berlanti and Jeff Davis about how great Sterek was and how Greg was gonna steal it from Jeff (and god I wish he had).
You forget that RIGHT BEFORE poseygate, Stereks created the Sterek Campaign which raised over $7000 in Posey’s name.  That helped save actual wolves in California and purchased Posey a lifetime membership.  You forget the creation of Team Lionheart aka McHaleinski aka sour!skittles was a creation and effort of Stereks to show that even though we were stereks, we still love and respected Scott.  
And it was never enough.  Posey was feeling pressure from the network and losing control of his show so rather than fight tptb and risk losing his show, he decided to punch down.  He punched down, completely and shellshocked an entire base of shippers who were suddenly being told we were part of the problem.  We were told to leave and when we did, we still got blamed for everything else wrong with the show.  Posey never apologized and the show even gave us that award as a way to apologize without having to involve Posey, but as with anything messy, what goes around comes around and he couldn’t even do right for that.  Passing the trophy off not only to a fan, but to one of the most notorious SDCC anti Sterek fans out there. 
So while I understand that as a young bisexual you feel no one got hurt, I invite you to tell that to the thousands of people who did and the amount of people that STILL feel the effects of Poseygate and the shunning of the show.  Get out of your bubble and actually see this mess for what it is, or mind your business and shut up.  Either way, just do better.  
And encourage your boy to do the same.  
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smolsawyer · 7 years
(1)Hey, i hope it's okay i'm dropping on on you, i just feel so bad and i have to get it out. Don't feel like you have to agree with me. I just... *sigh* i saw some posts today that did a 'recast' and i literally felt pain in my chest, i felt sick. I love (..loved ?) This cast so much it's hard to let go. It's hard to believe they really did and said those things. I feel so bad about this whole recast because i love this cast so much and seeing them being replace, even if it's just a headcanon,
(2)makes me wanna cry. I know everyone is angry and hurt, i am too, so much it hurts, but this recast really makes me sick. I don't know what to think amymore. Also people incloding flo in whole this mess and saying bad things about her when she was nothing but supporting and amazing to us are literally the worst i wanna cry every time i see those posts. Sorry again for this, i just feel like you're kinda the only one i can count on about this ? Idk. I feel so confusd and sad irdk what to doOh my dear nonnie.. firstly let me send you a big hug❤The cast of Supergirl broke my heart too nonnie, so I believe I know what you are going through. But for instance Jeremy is getting (slowly) better with his apologies and it almost seems like he finally understood what he did was wrong and most importantly why it was wrong. People are angry and heartbroken right now and making recasts is their way of expressing how they feel. I believe you shouldn’t put too much into those recast gifsets. I have one in my queue right now too, because i loved it. The author recasted Maggie too (and you know how much i love Maggie and Flo) but it didnt bother me, cos I always loved those poc recasts thingy, no matter the show :) So what im trying to say, people who are reblogging those gifsets, doesnt have to necessarily hate Flo :)And even if they did? So what? More Flo for us, right? ❤We have to get through this storm of emotions and shattered images of the cast of Supergirl. Some of them may redeem themselves in our eyes, some may not... but honestly I would rather unstan someone who is homophobic and i just found out, than to love someone who is homophobic and I would just never get to know about it.And as far as Floriana goes... I hope you know that this blog will always have just love and support for her, nothing less ❤ So feel free to come here anytime you need to see some Flo/Maggie positivity ❤
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 8x13, liveblog, collected posts (all 20 of them) or as i like to call it: Everybody DOES hate Hitler.
 Oh No It’s the Golem episode
 Also the german is atrocious!
#like idk if I just cant hear him right but he either says `sie spät` which is not grammatically correct (should be ‘sie sind spät’ (youre late) OR ‘wie spät’ which would be a question (how late is it?) #so im going with my interpretation of the grammatically incorrect one
 The most accurate german thing TM they said so far was the one dude just going “eh was ist hier los?” (whats going on here) bc we do say that A Lot and also it’s a Mood
#like I have the same problem with grimm #if you want to use a different language in your writing: that’s cool go for it!!! #but please please please just hire a translator and language coach to make sure its correct and sounds good
 “schmeißt den Tisch um!” (throw the table down) me during parties asdfgh
#im sorry its just so funny to hear german in tv that’s not german #i know the context is bad and of course its nazi bs #but still asdfghjk
 Bunker! Its bunker time!!! HELL YEAH!!!
#fuck me I love the bunker #like I also want it to be destroyed soon bc I need them to get back on the road but!!!
 Also as much as I find the premise of this episode weird I do kinda like that they have one episode titled ‘everybody hates hitler’ and another where they kill hitler
 Dean: “Lets not go all geek!”
Also Dean: Immediately goofily poses with a sword and cuts his thumb bc he likes that whole thing too and also hes a big geek
#i need to at some point make a gifset that’s like Dean Vs Nerds #bc dean hates nerds so much when he himself is a gigantic one #and honestly? I can related asdfgh
 Having a jewish old dude scream at the Nazi bastard outside (whos also like so typical Evil German TM with the blonde hair and the haircut and everything) and then have him go up in flames and burn alive is… uhhh…. Kinda not good?
#like the connotations are… Big Yikes
 Time for “Deans gay thing”
#aaron really plays the flirty gay dude well #but alas of course its not true in the end and aaron actually just pretended to be gay to get close to dean #why am I watching this episode during pride month #i deserve better
 Yikes @ dean calling those very young college girls hot
#bi!dean stans would probably say its cause he wants to reassert his heterosexuality now #when like nope dean just continuously hits on underage/barely overage girls constantly bc hes a creepy pervy bastard
 I hate Dean talking to the golem that way
#like just cause he doesn’t talk a lot doesn’t mean he cant understand normal speech #dean just went into the complete ‘this is how you talk with children and people with mental disabilities mode’ #even though that’s also bullshit then lmao #ugh that way of talking just pisses me off so much!
 Sam, library nerd!!!
#hnnnggg I really need to get back to writing my story where sam works in a library bc yes he would!
 Sam just booking it up those stairs with his long legs
#also the pat pat pat of his shoes is so funny to me
 Uhhhh yes, more hurt Sam!!!
#like even drugged and bruising from the poison Sam still manages to fend him off and alert his family #also uhhhhh sam pretty when sick and I do make the rules #also Neck Romancer ahahaha
 Im seriously those stairs have the worst sound effects ever
#first sams pat pat as hes running up there #now the schlep schlep as the golem drags the nazi down #ufff I hate
 Sam just fucking chilling by the fire warming his hands asdgjl
#like burning a body is bad enough but sam just rubs his hands and warms them
 The atrocious German Continues
#hey spn let me timetravel back for a couple of years and translate this for you ok?
 Also Aaron I do support your life choices but rolling paper is just so fucking cheap my dude, just buy some
#no need to smoke ink like that’s so unhealthy!!!
 And bye bye Nazi prick
#double headshot uh la la
 This season is really deep in this family legacy thing huh?
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zayadriancas · 7 years
Thank you! :) (im so pissed because I was almost done answering this but then my app randomly closed out)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Eclare, Zoemund back when it was a thing, Matlingsworth, and Jiberty(sorry)
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Folly J & s14-15 Triles
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yes I’ve had to unfollow some nasty anti-Zaya people (I don’t mind if someone doesn’t ship them of course but when people start calling their shippers delusional or calling Zig a rapist, bye)
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* Eclare & Jiberty
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* No not really Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* I started liking Sellie, Beckdam, and Crash because of the DTC. I never hated them but I wasn’t into them until I was looking through gifsets of their scenes on Tumblr. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* Alli Bhandari kind of and lowkey Camaya(I still like them but when I see gifsets of them I get kind of annoyed now and when I rewatch their scenes I’m bored)
Have you received anon hate? What about?* I’ve gotten anon hate about my gifs were bad quality, I’ve also got anon hate calling me an idiot, and once got anon hate because I dislike Liberty and Jiberty.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Esme, because of the way she treats people, Miles, because of the way the writers favoritize him and because of his overratedness in the fandom, Mia, because of the way she acted after JT’s death, her modeling storyline bored me to tears and was unrealistic, she was a bad mother to Isabella, and her relationship with Peter was terrible. Hunter, Baaz, & Vijay, because they all cyberbullied and threatened Maya, & Vijay also outed Zoe online and is just super annoying and dramatic. And Baaz also because of what he said to Grace. Rick, Bobby, Leo, Vince, Dean, Luke, & Neil because they’re rapists/abusers, Katie because she’s a rapist and because of how she treated Bianca(there are times I still liked Katie like after she dyed her hair in season 12 but in s11-early season 12 pre hair-dye I couldn’t stand her). She was also tolerable in Next Class. Derek, because he was an asshole and he beat up Jane. Jimmy, because he was an asshole most of the time and the whole overratedness because of Drake is annoying. Eli, because he’s emotionally manipulative/abusive, cocky, annoying, also because of the way the writers favoritized him and his overratedness in the fandom. S11-s14 Clare, because Eli dragged her down, she became boring & her storylines became extremely unrealistic, and most of her scenes involved Eli plus she had way too much screen time. Liberty, because I found her uptight and bitchy most of the time(sorry I know you like her) I actually liked her in s4, s7, & s8 but in s1-3 and s5-6 I couldn’t stand her. Oh and Drake Lempkey cause he killed JT.
Most disliked arc? Why? JT’s death, Adam’s death, Degrassi Nudes, Clare’s cancer, Clare’s pregnancy/miscarriage, Mia’s modeling storyline, Jane/Declan affair, Spemma marriage, Drecky relationship, anything involving Eclare, Zoemund hook up/Zig cheating on Maya, anything involving Matlingsworth, Peters one day meth addiction, Jay and Silent Bob go Canadian at the end of s4 (God those episodes were boring), Katie/Drew sex storyline at the beginning of s12(because the writers didn’t recognize it as rape like it was). Why? Except for the last one, I don’t really have an explanation for most of these except they are either boring, ridiculous, or both. And JT and Adams death because they were sad obviously.
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