#oh misono
katzkinder · 6 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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berry-hwa · 23 days
I had to put my heart and soul into this BECAUSE THEYRE MY CHILDREN😭😭😭😭😭😭they were so important to little me and i wanted to do them justice (if i stare at this for one more damn second im gonna lose my mind noticing every imperfection i want to fix but i wouldnt be able to post this for another who knows how long if i got hung up on all the details)
SO here's the promised summer [My Last First Kiss] art from yours truly! :3
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Posting pictures of Kanagi until she gets an alt: Day 135!
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raposarealm · 2 years
Magitober 2022 Catch-up
I’m really behind on these, but I’m still drawing them, so! Batch post time!
Also I actually scanned these in like a responsible person, but they’re still in my sketchbook. I’m trying to use up the pages, and I’ve only got four left >:)
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Day 2 - Patrol Team
I ended up going with my flame team, ‘cause it was the team I had active at the time, I’d just missed recording my current all elements team. This was the first time I’d drawn Himika, Karin, or Shizuka, so hopefully y’all can tell who’s who.
[Skipping Day 3 ‘cause ahahaha I can’t even draw normal Witches, let alone make one. Sorry.]
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Day 4 - Favorite Homescreen Outfit
Obviously it’s gonna be Aimi’s winter outfit, though Tsuruno’s Hikoboshi outfit and Masara’s winter outfits are close seconds. And yes, I did actually draw out the cables. I’m currently working on a pattern reproduction of her scarf and hat, stay tuned!
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Day 5 - Folklore of Zero
My favorite faction! Since I still haven’t pulled her (goddamn you f4 for the anniversary gatcha,) I drew Rabi! Err, well, I tried. Her pose is a smidgen off, and I know I didn’t draw her war bonnet correctly at all, but hey, an attempt is an attempt. Sorry, Rabi.
Day 6, AU, is gonna be skipped for now, ‘cause just like last year, I’ve got something larger planned for that one. See y’all soon with Day 7!
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hello-vampire-kitty · 2 months
Chapter 144 reaction
Mikuni...what the fuck?! Why do you want that?
Oh my God...First of all before I talk about how Mikuni is crazy, I wanna say that I don't believe Tsurugi will remain dead...He's not dead...No, no, you can't do that Tanaka-sensei, he will be restored after Germaine is defeated, right? That's what I assume it will happen. I don't think Tsurugi is dead...No, he isn't😭 I was shocked when he was ""killed" but I still couldn't believe him to be actually dead.
Now, on to Mikuni...Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Why would you have wanted Misono...to be your SON instead of little brother? Jesus Christ...
Okay, so I gotta say that I was intrigued by Mikuni based on the fact that he was y'know, the legitimate child and at a young age he found out his father had an affair and proclaimed that he hated him for that, however he didn't hate Misono. As the story progressed, I was like "Is Mikuni pretending? Will he reveal that he actually didn't like Misono?" When I got to these pages where Misono was pleading Mikuni to come back home, even if it meant for him to leave because Misono believes he messed up Mikuni's life
Mikuni was saying "I think you have the wrong impression of me." I was like "Oh...there it is..." Then Mikuni was saying
"I wish...
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you were my son instead of my little brother"
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Like, what the fuck? Why would he want that? His plan is apparently to go back in time and from what I understand, it seems he wants to go back when to prevent Kiriko's death. He says that with Germaine's power, it will be possible to do that but Kuro said that if that were true, Germaine could done that to prevent his death. Also, if it's possible I think Mikuni would go to the time where Misono was still a baby because when Kiriko killed herself, Mikuni was a teenager, so if he wants Misono to be his son...he would probably take him away as a baby, right? My God...he's fucked up. And let's say if time travel is possible, why does he think Germain obey him? It's crazy....Poor Misono. He had to deal with so much family drama and now he was told by his big brother that he would have wanted to him to be his son. Okay buddy....
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twopolars · 1 month
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Not even in my WILDEST DREAM imagining Touma saying "Okaeri" to Mahiru!! Anyway, his weddig ring 👀
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Tanaka really empasize that in this universe Touma is getting his shit together and live a normal life as a husband and a father. I'M NOT SEEING AKIRA YET!! If I'm not seeing her in the next chapter I'm gonna sue!!!
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But but but!!! The uniform that Mahiru wears is like the clothes that Misono likes to wear... is that even a uniform??? Is it from C3??? That's mean Mahiru is studying at C3??? But I don't remember C3's uniform is looking like that...
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Anyway moving on, this panel was so amusing coz in one side. Tsubaki like "who's that? oh Mahiru has a dad. That his dad right? He's here". Meanwhile Kuro is "TOUMA IS MAHIRU's DAD??!! CAN'T BE!!!" 😂😂. And having Touma and Mahiru has a "normal" dad and son convo is still tickleing my brain. Mahiru's (does your job is finished?) is so typically him. But Touma's (yes. But don't you have club activities?) makes me goes... STOP! Why are you being a proper dad sudenly 😵‍💫
This chapter is really a freaking roller coaster.... but there's still a lot of character that have not yet being revealed. And I assumed that Akira is still alive in this universe.
But those who are aware that this is a mirror universe until now is Mikuni, JJ, Tsubaki and Kuro. Wonder what will they do after this...
The journey of this fucked up world and Touma Mahiru starts now
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yarrayora · 2 months
it's undeniable kiriko led a tragic life and was a victim of circumstances as much as everyone else was but also hey. hey. do you think when mikuni was born she thought "oh this child will fix our marriage, he's the proof of our love" and when that didn't work when she ended up killing hokaze and carried a baby misono in her arms do you think she thought "oh maybe this one will fix our marriage"
hey do you think in the split second of witnessing his own mother's death in front of him as he simply stared quietly mikuni thought "oh she will always love father more than she will love me" and then decided no he wont think about it actually <3 there are more pressing matters to discuss
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noobslayerarchetype11 · 2 months
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Apparently we would see them beat up each other more 🥰💀💀💀💀💀
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Misono if he is in a Shoujo manga
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"That's my dad."
Normalize blaming everything on Thomas Astruc.
Guys I think I miss Servamp, idk maybe just a little . . . I see them everwhere . . . In every . . .
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childrenofthesun77 · 2 months
Found some more reviews/thoughts by japanese fans who already read chapter and...what?
Spoilers under the cut. I'm serious. Don't read this if you don't want to read spoilers. Or at least don't blame me afterwards.
Okay. Disclaimer: These posts were in japanese, I don't speak japanese, I simply used Chatgpt to translate them which usually works suprisingly well (better than google translate).
I also wasn't always sure if what they were talking about were facts that were stated in the story or just their own speculations and thoughts.
Oh and some things in the chapter are apparently also very gruesome, so be warned.
With that out the way...WTF MIKUNI!
C3 and Tsubaki's subclass apparently exchange information (or at least shuhei, shamrock and higan) and work together to stop mikuni.
Kuro apparently gets saved by otogiri from something.
Mahiru arrives at the scene together with sakuya on his broom
Misono arroves too and calls mikuni "dumb brother" and tries reach him, but mikuni is just another illusion
Mikuni shows them tsurugi's corpse and especially mahiru is shocked to see a dead, decapitated body, especially from someone he knows
Mikuni is holding tsurugi's head in his hands.
Apparently mikuni planned to have kuro and tsubaki exhaust their powers by having them fight.
Jeje and lily appear from behind mikuni.
Misono still tries to get through to his brother.
Mikuni says: "If only you weren't my brother" and misono is hurt but still tries to convince him to stop.
Mikuni continues saying that he thinks highly of misono
And here comes the big wtf line from mikuni:
"If only you were my son." Apparently while patting misono's head.
Which not only earns him a very confused "huh???" from the characters, but also from pretty much everyone who has read this chapter.
Even Belkia and Tsubaki call him out on being wrong in the head.
We finally find out what mikuni envies other people for and it's "people's foolishness". Yeah, guess that checks out.
Apparently the reason why mikuni regained his composure so quickly after jeje shot his mother was because he had anticipated that she would try to kill misono and that if he suprised her she would commit suicide. He chose his brother over his mother. The only thing he hadn't counted on was envy shooting his mother before she could commit suicide.
He tells misono that there is nothing to worry about with a scary face. He's clearly not in his right mind.
Apparently mikuni thinks that with the power of the count one can reverse time and mikuni wants to find the point before "the egg" (his family) fell off the wall and broke.
Mikuni drips the counts blood into tsurugi's corpse.
I think most of the time almost all the other characters are being restrained by mikuni with a spell, which is why nobody is doing anything.
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mahi-does-some-art · 8 months
Lily probably hears/is aware of alot of c3 propaganda due to having served the Alicein family for so long
OH ABSOLUTELY but he can't do anything about it because he serves the Alicein.
He has to keep his mouth shut about a mountain of things he'd really rather not be so quiet about to keep trouble off of his, his children's and the Alicein family's back and some of that backlash would be from the Alicein, via Mikado. Mikado doesn't believe that the peace between vampires and humans within the manor can be replicated in a broader, maybe even global scale. Plus now that we know Lily set him up to cheat (Not that Mikado cheating was any less his fault. It is. If he were less of a weak man Lily's plan would not have worked.) we know why and how he's scared of Lily, his sin and by extent likely most of the Servamps and subclass that break from the range of Lily's children so he wouldn't bother doing much to stop it outside of Lily subclass. Since they're, you know, children. And Mikado, despite being a pathetic sock of a man has nothing against children for what they are or who made them and I do believe he thinks all children should be raised with love and care. I know this bit is a little off target but he is pathetic but he is not heartless. If he were then Misono wouldn't have been raised with love and held so close to his heart. He'd be like an MC from those cookie-cutter webtoon comics.
ANYWAYS, Lily would not be able to do much if anything at all. We can all assume that the propaganda gets ridiculous too like. For all the majority of C3 workers who don't have the more insider knowledge of what the Servamps are like, they could think they're some harbingers of their sins. Like horsemen of the apocalypse but for sin.
Honestly I could absolutely see more of the uh. misguidedly faithful spewing shit like the Servamps being the reasons why there's sin in the world since I'm sure we all know sometimes people can jump to wild conclusions without evidence and just. Decide to die on those hills. Poor Lily hates hearing people who don't know anything dragging his sibling's names through the mud for no good or real reason. Even if he doesn't think it's possible or deserved for him to be loved, Lily thinks everyone should be and that rightfully includes vampires.
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Merry (late) Christmas to everyone and especially @revoleotion!! I am your Secret Santa this year and since I know your tastes so very well I made you the fluffiest, most tooth-rottingly sweet Lisono you have ever seen. Enjoy!!
(You can also read it here on AO3, if the format suits you better)
Lily is quite excited; so much so that he forgot to take off his Santa hat. 
Misono pauses halfway down the stairs to the front door, where his Servamp is waiting for him, and takes a moment to savour the sight. The little white pom pom dangling off that Santa hat’s tip is bobbing up and down as Lily bounces on his feet; and the man is grinning much like a schoolgirl about to have her first date, giddy in a way that is almost childish. 
It’s cute; and flattering considering this is far from their first date. It’s not even their first Christmas date. They’ve had one every year since Misono discovered the shocking truth behind the big, bearded man bringing his gifts every year; one Christmas Eve when he was sixteen or seventeen and caught his Servamp in the act of taking off his fake beard, very nearly causing the first heart attack in Lily’s long, immortal life with his cry of outrage. 
(He never told Lily it was fake; that he knew long before that night. He deserves a secret of his own, he thinks, and it’s a nice one to keep. It would have been cruel to deny Lily the comfort of this familiar ritual right after the war, after so many things in their lives had already changed, so he played along for a few more Christmas Eves before ripping off the bandaid, making room to find new rituals, for a new love in a new time.)
“Do you need a few more minutes to get out of character?” He asks as he approaches his Servamp. Lily looks confused for a second but lowers his head obediently when Misono reaches up, allowing him to pull off the hat. 
“Oh my,” He says and chuckles, taking it from his Eve to stuff it into the closest cabinet, where the children currently enjoying their brand new, Santa-chosen toys somewhere in the house won’t find it. “I am inconsolable, my love, my excitement must have gotten the better of me.”
“Your age is getting to you,” Misono tells him, slipping into the coat his Servamp holds open for him, turning so he can button it up for his Eve, as he loves to do. “One day you’re going to get caught by someone who won’t be quite as forgiving as me.” 
“I will simply have to take the risk.” Lily’s sigh ghosts down the not-yet-buttoned collar of Misono’s coat, caressing his skin softly. “I can hardly think straight at the prospect of spending this night with you, my love, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.” 
“You’re a flirt and a tease, Lily,” Misono says. But he won’t even act as though Lily’s flirting doesn’t do it for him, and he quite likes the triumphant grin with which his Servamp cups his blushing cheek, so he kisses him anyways.
Lily is quite excited; and Misono knows exactly why. 
They planned on taking the train into town, as Dodo prefers to spend Christmas Eve getting drunk on eggnog. Lily walks nice and slow for his Eve as they make their way through the snow to the station, but there’s a bounce to his step that betrays how very badly he would like to break into a sprint. Misono grabs his arm, tethering him to his side, and Lily grins at him from somewhere beyond his three metre alpaca wool scarf. 
Lily is a romantic at heart. He’s always been, no matter how hard he tried to deny it in the past. Lily loves love and Lily loves loving in a way that is grand and beautiful and blatant like that in the romance movies he makes Misono watch every December weekend. He loves flower bouquets and matching jewellery and pillow talk at midnight and kisses under mistletoes and every other romantic cliché in the book. And he loves being loved like that in turn, in a way that is undisguised and unconcealed and impossible to mistake for anything else. 
Certainly, there’s more to this – hidden little truths to decipher when cooped up in their bedroom, with one another’s comfort close. But for tonight, there’s no need to think about it too deeply. It’s simply part of who Lily is, who he has become with Misono by his side – when they first went out on Christmas Eve, to calm both of them down after the shocking revelation of Santa’s true nature, he nearly cried with joy wandering beneath Tokyo’s gorgeous canvas of Christmas lights; and in the end Misono found it impossible to deny him when he begged to do it again next year. 
Not that he would ever want to deny him. A walk beneath the Christmas lights, food and wine at the Christmas market, a night spent in a five star hotel booked months in advance are classic and cliché and thus, quite perfect in his book. They find free seats on the train and sit close to one another; and Lily rests his head on top of Misono’s and hums a joyful little tune. 
As they come closer to their destination, thick snowflakes begin falling beyond the train windows, a thousand little white gems against the darkened cityscape, adding onto the thick, fluffy blanket already carpeting gardens and rooftops and trees in the parks rushing by underneath them. 
“Look at that,” Misono says, nudging Lily, who is so busy burying his face in his Eve’s hair he probably has no idea what’s going on around them. “We’re having a white Christmas, what a terrible cliché.”
“You’re so brave for bearing all that kitsch, my love,” Lily says, positively trembling with excitement. 
Misono keeps watching him as they leave the train and spot the Christmas market just beyond the platform; a sight like what would be expected from the front page of a travel magazine Christmas special. Little wooden huts stand in neat rows, their little roofs covered in snow as though they’re puff cakes doused in powdered sugar, and framed with warm white fairy lights. Happy couples meander in between, and the air is ripe with their chatter, and heavy with the scent of spiced wine and cinnamon and sugar. And above it all, dangling off facades and spanning between houses, swaying gently in the wind as they cast gentle, warm light upon the glittering snow, like a night sky crowded with a million stars, there are more Christmas lights, utterly picturesque and almost too delightful to bear. 
Lily takes the sight in with stars in his eyes. It reminds Misono of the pictures Yamane took of him when he was younger and got his first look at a festively decorated Christmas tree; wide-eyed and so full of awe it’s almost jarring in the face of a vampire who has seen hundreds of winters before.
“How utterly scenic,” Misono says; sarcasm with no real bite. Truly, he could watch his Servamp smile at this idyll all day long. 
Still, when Lily turns and looks at him instead to smile even wider, he can’t help but blush. 
Lily is quite excited, which is understandable because Misono just told him they should look for their Christmas dinner. 
They’ve been wandering the Christmas market for half an hour or so now, hand in hand, taking in every picturesque detail. There’s fir trees in between the booths, decked out in silver and gold. There’s happily crackling fires over which meat and salmon are roasted. There’s lametta-adorned speakers blaring Christmas carols, and a gaggle of children laughing over some holiday-themed festival game, a giant Christmas pyramid slowly spinning at the market centre and happy, eggnog-sated couples taking selfies at its feet. 
There’s a lot of food, too, most of which they could never get from the Alicein kitchens. Christmas market meals have no obligation to be healthy, which makes them all the more enticing. 
Lily’s hands land on his shoulder with the weight of a very important discovery, and Misono stands at attention. 
“They have whole cheese wheels over there.” 
That is important indeed, so they go check it out at once. 
The cheese wheels, as it turns out, are for making pasta within, which is exciting enough for Misono to buy two bowls, even though the amount of cream poured over them is slightly worrying. It’s delicious; rich and flavourful and so creamy it sticks to his lips for Lily to wipe off with his thumb and a warm, indulgent smile on his face. 
It’s also way too much for him. But he has a Servamp willing to eat anything as long as it is from his Eve’s hands, and Misono feeds him the rest of his pasta as they wander on, looking for stollen or churros or maybe a crepe. 
It’s disgustingly cute. But he has come to enjoy disgustingly cute; at least once a year. 
Lily is quite excited. It looks gorgeous on him. 
They shared a cup of spiced wine; and it has painted his cheeks a lovely red and Misono’s vision a bit more rosy. He doesn’t contemplate his Servamp’s beauty very often – it’s a sight that has been present in his life since he could think, and it is as normal to him as every other part of who Lily is. But sometimes, all it takes is a few sips of warm alcohol and he can’t take his eyes off the man anymore. 
Lily looks so soft beneath the night sky of twinkling Christmas lights, their warm glow mirrored in the red of his eyes and catching in the loose strands of hair framing his face, making the snowflakes caught in them twinkle like diamonds. At some point his scarf came loose to flounce and dance around him as he pulls his partner through the twilight of the Christmas market, looping around his long legs whenever he turns to look at Misono. 
It all pales in comparison to his smile. God, he is so happy. He is happy to be here and excited for every little bit of it, and Misono can’t get enough of the sight. 
“Lily,” He says. Lily stops and turns to him, just in time to catch him in his arms. 
Misono looks up at him. They found themselves a little opening in the tightly packed market, a little square above which the strings of Christmas lights converge in a glittering canvas of twinkling stars. Lily looks like an angel, framed by their glow. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Misono tells him. 
Lily looks close to tears. Misono knows there’s no one else in this world who could bring out such a look in him, no one else in whose attention Lily revels quite this much. 
But he doesn’t cry. He just cups Misono’s cheeks, and kisses him, right underneath the Christmas lights. 
And if it was a romance movie, it couldn’t be more perfect. 
Lily is quite excited. The closer they get to their hotel, the greater his anticipation grows. 
It’s a different kind of excitement now. Less giddy, not one that shows in the bounce of his steps, his giggles, his wide, fanged grin. It’s quiet and confident. It’s a hand on Misono’s shoulder as he checks them in, an arm around his waist in the elevator. It’s in how he wordlessly takes their bags so Misono can unlock their room, in how he holds the door for him and locks it behind them. 
It’s in how he turns to Misono when his name is softly called and gives in to the gentle tug of his Eve’s fingers burying in the collar of his coat, pulling him down. In the hitch of his breath, the tremble of his lips before Misono presses his own against them once more, in how easily they part for him. In how he whispers “I love you” as they part. In how he’s so confident to hear it back but still blushes softly as Misono mutters “I love you too”. 
Perhaps this is the most romantic thing of them all, Misono thinks as Lily’s hands settle on his chest to work open the buttons of his coat, as his own respond in kind, slowly doing away with the layer of thick cloth separating them. That Lily is so sure of his love now. That in the comfort of each other, the small acts of love have become as undisguised and unconcealed and unmistakable as the big ones; that Lily is excited for him in the way he is for coming home. 
That he can give him what no beautiful and blatant movie romance in this world could achieve, in this moment that’s small and soft and unassuming and for no one but the two of them. 
Thank you for reading!! And finally, thank you to @animes-trash for organising the event again
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katzkinder · 2 years
Idk why but I headcanon lily as aro ace
Ooh, neat! You're about... The third person I know of who also has that headcanon!
Personally, I headcanon that he identifies as pan, but like... He chooses that as his label because he likes the flag colors better lmao. That's it.
I always meant to type up my headcanons for this but never got around to it, so I think now is as good a time as any?
Misono: sex positive ace. Both because I think it suits him and because I like the contrast with my headcanon of Lily, where Lily has sex related trauma that makes him have difficult feelings about being attracted to others. Misono is almost clinical? When talking about that kind of thing. It can be off putting but he genuinely just thinks the scope of human sexuality is a fascinating thing to research
Mahiru: Bisexual, like his uncle, but not particularly aware of it in that he doesn't identify as anything. He's very "yeah that person is hot" and moves on with his day. The type who goes "huh! I guess I am" if you point out he's queer
Speaking of Queer, Mikuni: uses this exclusively. He thinks it's delightful. Like yes, this is perfect, he IS a very strange and odd little man! And that's all you're getting out of him (genuinely, this is all he gives me aside from maybe some flavor of aro. Jackass)
Lawless: Disaster bi with a distinct preference for intimidating women and older men. Licht is actually out of left field for him. Not typically the type he goes for!
Speaking of Licht: Angel. No I do not know what this means anymore than you do. Figure it out.
Kuro: double demi. His attraction hinges on having close emotional bonds with somebody first and it drives him crazy 😭Like he'll just be chilling and everything will be fine and the next thing he knows he's having an epiphany that ohhh god. oh fuck. oh god oh fuck he cannot DEAL. Terrible at flirting unless he's passing it off as a joke btw
Sakuya: *smash bros announcer voice* GAY
Freya: bi lesbian but calls herself lesbian, because that's what she's always called herself and she's not changing. Completely blindsided by the whole lesbian separatist discourse. Frankly disgusted with it. The big bad butch aligned fem in the corner who stands there and intimidates anyone hassling baby queers. She's got that peasantry farmer's wife bod, which means biceps that can crack your skull if you annoy her.
Iduna: doesn't label. She likes what she likes, so there! (does anyone remember this show lol)
Jeje: He's dressed like a priest, so I think it's safe to assume he's a self hating queer. This is only half a joke.
Ildio: You know that chart that's like functional bi, distinguished bi, disaster bi? He's a secret fourth thing: Himbo bi.
Nicco: Wombo Combo of Functional and Distinguished bi.
I'd add pride pair but my read on them is Lacking due to them not really having much in terms of development...
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On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 8 Christmas Trees! (Part 2!)
Rogue Cheney
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🖤🐉Sting wanted to get a massive Christmas tree for the Sabertooth guildhall. He enlisted the help of you and Rogue.
🖤🐉Sting drags the both of you into the woods to look for a tree. It's cold and snowy and miserable. He refuses to stop until you find the biggest tree in the forest.
🖤🐉You have a lot of trouble getting the tree inside and setting it up, even with help from multiple other guild members!
🖤🐉The whole Sabertooth guild helps out with the decorating!
Rin Okumura
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💙😈You end up getting a small, fake tree. Rin isn't super rich, unfortunately!
💙😈It's still a super cute tree, and you get a bunch of tiny decorations to go on it!
💙😈You name the tree like, Herbert or Hugh or something.
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🖤🦊It's a fake tree. Tsubaki doesn't particularly want to go get a real tree every year. Besides, they make such a mess!
🖤🦊He takes no time at all to get the tree up. He's not as weak as he looks! Besides, he's done this before.
🖤🦊His decorating is haphazard, but with your help it turns out fine!
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💜🪑He has Lily get the tree and set it up. It's a large, real tree.
💜🪑He's not too enthusiastic about decorating. He's mostly just annoyed that he's too short to reach 75% of the branches.
💜🪑With a little help from Lily, and a tall ladder, the tree ends up great!
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙He's just happy to do something with you, honestly. He'll do whatever you need him to!
🧡💙He gets the tree set up pretty easily. He can kinda cheat with his puppet strings!
🧡💙All the ornaments are homemade! He made a few of them, and then taught you how to make them!
Neito Monoma
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Apparently I forgot to Photoshop an image of Neito, so have this random image I got off Pinterest-
💛⌚Decorating is definitely a group effort with all of Class B. Unfortunately, they can only get a fake tree into the dorms. Oh well, at least it's a tree!
💛⌚With everyone's quirks, it doesn't take long to get the tree up. Decorating is rather hectic, though! A few fights break out over ornaments.
💛⌚The tree looks great when you're finished!
Rene Simm
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🖤♦️He doesn't understand this tradition at all. Why in the world do you want to bring a whole tree indoors? All the needles will just fall off and make a mess!
🖤♦️It takes a lot of convincing, but eventually he compromises and brings you a small tree.
🖤♦️Rene mostly just watches you decorate. He's curious, but as the tsundere he is, he doesn't let it show.
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🖤🚂He's not certain why you want to initiate the humans (again, going with demon s/o because what human would be crazy enough to associate with this bastard), but once you explain that you think it'll be fun he's all in!
🖤🚂It's not hard to get the tree set up in your lair. I'm not certain where you got the decorations, and I'm also not certain I want to know.
🖤🚂It looks… interesting. Certainly a unique tree.
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lordlevian · 1 year
I had a VERY specific thought last night at like 11pm.... Like imagine a baby Misono with elf ears, their rosie cheeks and nose, a flower crown, and a very fuzzy fluffy coat... Oh and I drew it too cuz it was cute
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kanasmusings · 2 years
[Masterpost] Land of Nod SERVAMP HALLOWEEN PARTY 2021-2022
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Hello, hello~! Happy Halloween, friends! Oh my gosh, I know I’m one year too late to be posting this, but since it is Halloween and since Strike-sensei has the event up and running again, I figured I should dust it off and post them~! Thank you to @katzkinder​ for requesting me to do them last year and for poking me to post them after forgetting! (I’m so sorry it took such a long time...! ^^;)
As usual, a huge thank you to @howtoplaynod​ for the help with compiling the text and the stories~!  Please check out the actual event HERE if you want to play along while reading~!  Since it is a special event and since it has multiple endings/chapters, the PDFs are quite lengthy, so please prepare to read lots of pages ^^
Without further ado, here are the links~!
Episode 1: “Alicein Misono’s Horror House”
Episode 2: “A Big Gathering with Melancholy!”
Episode 3: “A Big Brawl! The Greed and Gluttony Brothers!”
Episode 4: “Drinking at Home with the Three Idiots”
Episode 5: “A Party in Her Style”
Episode 6: “Mahiru and Kuro’s Cookie Distribution!”
Secret Episode: “Mystery-solving comes after treats~!”
Post-game/Bonus/Extra Dialogues
※ Please don’t re-post these outside of Tumblr without permission!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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hello-vampire-kitty · 9 months
Servamp chapter 133 translation "One"
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Read the chapter on MangaDex!
Oh boy, while this chapter doesn't have as much dialogue like the rest that I have to work on, I had some lines that gave me trouble, like you will see in the TL notes, so please look over them. Translation notes
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Although it's trivial and I'll be going over something from an early chapter but hey, you'll see just how bad the English translation is, especially with the early volumes.
Some time ago I asked on Twitter if people recalled the nickname Kuro had for Sakuya, because I had the impression he had one for him in the early chapters, similar to how Kuro calls Misono "kisama-chan", which I translate as little bastard xD Kuro refers to Sakuya as 外ハネ "soto hane" which I translated simply as "curly hair", rather than "flipped hair" which is what you'll see if you google the term. I looked into the anime subs and it was translated as "side flare." I could have used that, but to quote Mahiru, "Simple is best" xD
IIn the official localization of the manga it's not even translated T_T
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The 2nd and 3rd panel are poorly translated, like the "grungy" joker part, Kuro just calls him "joker" and that's where he also calls him "soto hane. Oh boy but the last two lines in the 3rd panel are soo bad. What Kuro said originally was "I don't think little bastard and him would get along", to which Mahiru replies "Little bastard...you mean Misono?!" Yeah, so it's quite different. Okay, so let's move on to the other notes I have for this chapter.
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Tsubaki's last line had me like "What?" Hopefully I haven't misunderstood it. So, Tsubaki uses the word 貯蔵庫 which means storehouse which sounds weird...The way it's written in Japanese, his line could also be translated as "Put away the "prototype" used for storage", but that doesn't make sense, right? Also, I can't say if it's singular or plural regarding the word prototype. I used the plural only because he said "siblings", cause I think it refers to them. So yeah, it's weird, what does he mean regarding storage? We'll have to see if it's brought up in other chapters.
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While most of the characters' abilities have two different readings to them, in this case, the furigana reading which is the intended reading is actually used to show the pronunciation of the kanji.
Tanaka-sensei used different kanji with the same pronunciation to spell the words "shura" that is written as 修羅 and "sousou" (funeral) which is written as 葬送 Shura (or Asura), has been brought up before by Tsubaki, but with another meaning, such as fighting; carnage.
Tsubaki's ability in Japanese is written as 朱羅葬想
So instead of the usual kanji 修羅葬送 (shura sousou) in this case, the first and 4th kanji were replaced like I showed above, both having the same pronunciation and you can't exactly get a translation for the words, so I will just breakdown each kanji to see what they represent.
The first kanji 朱 means "red; vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet". This one is probably used to make a reference to blood in my opinion.
The fourth kanji 想 means "thoughts, emotions, feelings".
So yeah, written like this 朱羅葬想 it can't be translated and the kanji that were used are most likely meant to be representative for Tsubaki. That's my opinion.
He also says the word 迎え (mukae) which means "meeting; greeting; welcome". I can't say how it relates to "shura sousou", but I thought that maybe his ability has styles? Perhaps the "welcome" is one style like from what we see, he makes some kind of barrier and when he's attacked, he vanishes and appears behind Kuro Maybe he has other fighting styles used for close combat.
Oh my God, like maybe it sounds dumb but I legit didn't know how else I could adapt what Kuro says about the counter-attack, because there were hardly any examples of how some of the words in Japanese were used, like one of them was from what I gathered, a term used in sports that translates as "take the field first" and another one basically meant ""going second" and there was another example that basically meant "going second", then there was another word that I only found in a single example...It was awful.
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Cleaning the speech bubble was tough and I think it looks decent.
As you might have seen, I added this page again at the end of the chapter on Mangadex to show the other reading of the ability, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" because I couldn't add it because there wasn't enough space in the speech bubble. So, when I looked up the word, it was interesting that Wiedergänger share similarities to strigoi from my country's folklore. I think others might have brought this up regarding inner Kuro, but the fact that he uses a stake to pierce himself and uses it as a weapon that takes the form of the thing that was used to kill Kuro, a stake is used to kill a strigoi to keep them in their coffins.
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Regarding inner Kuro's last line, the intended reading is "let's talk" but the other reading says "let's fight".
Also, he uses the verb 引きこもる "hikikomoru" and when you make it into a noun, you get hikikomori which is how Kuro is described. I had to chose a word that would fit both character's lines, because I couldn't have inner Kuro says "hey come on, don't be a shut-in", "or "don't seclude yourself from me", it would have sounded weird.
I think it's clever how Tanaka used that specific verb instead of just saying something like "Hey, don't stand so far away" So yeah, hopefully my insights were helpful :)
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