#oh my god a new OC ref??? could it be true?????
sillyroundkatie · 1 year
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Who the hell is this 70s bitch?? (OC info under the cut!)
(Retro) Disturbia | She/Her | Femme Lesbian | Human | ~30? | 193 cm / 6'4" | Australian 
Before Disturbia became a world famous fashion designer - she was just a simple cringefail slob busy leeching off her cousin Clayton, making very little effort to actually pursue a career in fashion design. She hates her job as a waitress at a shitty diner, and will take out all her misery on you should you be subjected to her service. She works to live at the weekend, where she can indulge in every one of her addictions (and she has most of them). Her penchant for hedonism often leads her to clash with Clayton, who detests Disturbia's lack of self-care and control. However they're also the only people weird enough to understand eachother, connecting them on a deep familial level. At this point in time, Disturbia is a far cry from her later successful self ... but everything changes when Clayton is sent to prison for her serial murder crimes, and suddenly poor old Disturbia has to strike it out alone.
Common activities/hobbies: Disturbia's main hobbies are partying and doing drugs (and to her credit, it is the 70s). However her actual hobbies include a genuine love for fashion design. She also loves photography, and has her own dark room in which to develop her film. She finds the perfect combination of these two activities in taking photos of women modelling her clothes (usually her girlfriends, or ex-girlfriends, given she's bad at keeping them for long). Setting: Set in the 70s, when Disturbia is a younger woman. She works at a shitty diner as the world's rudest waitress. Clothing style: Disturbia is thriving in the 70s, and desperately wants to dress extravagantly (think Cher). However unfortunately she is limited by her non-existent budget, and so if she wants to wear a statement piece it has to be one she has made herself from the raw materials. She'd love to be wearing a full length exquisite mink coat, however her budget only really allows for a homemade fur coat made of rabbits (Clayton caught and skinned the rabbits for her).
You can draw them with:
Clayton (cousin) - Her ever suffering cousin, Clayton and Disturbia initially seem a very strange combination given they're exact opposites. However Disturbia is entirely unbothered by Clayton's unemotional and mean personality, and is also entirely unbothered by her criminal activity. Clayton does her best to tolerate Disturbia's laziness and lack of self preservation also. They do still clash often, but they always smooth it over somehow. Forever linked by their shared interest in the macabre.
Sera (But a 70s AU version) (student) - Clayton's ever suffering research assistant, Sera occasionally runs into Disturbia. They get along pretty well (considering Disturbia is much less acerbic and much more fun than Clayton), much to Clayton's annoyance.
Additional stuff to keep in mind: This is an alternate universe version of Disturbia, because I love her too much and there is too much fun to have with her in her younger days (Also I just really like the 70s aesthetic, and 70s Australia is an extra good setting). 
Some random trivia:
The white stripe in her hair is the result of a childhood mistake in a stupid hair dyeing request she made to Clayton. She used much stronger toxic chemicals than a normal person would, and the resulting strip was permanent.
She is deathly afraid of bugs and arachnids (but is also somehow fine with helping Clayton bury a body).
She has a semi-psychotic obsession with fur.
She's been caught driving under the influence so many times.
Clayton is so convinced that Disturbia will kill herself in a car crash that she ripped apart Disturbia's shitty car and now Disturbia has to ride a bicycle to work everyday.
Her skin sucks because she doesn't understand she should be wearing sunscreen.
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I Don’t Miss You
Summary: After 2 years of dating, AJ and OC have called it quits. AJ not wanting to be in a relationship in fear that it might end up the same way his previous relationship did. In a divorce. Decides to save OC the trouble of disappointing her.
Pairing: AJ Styles x OC (Esme De Leon); Finn Balor x OC (platonic)
Author’s Note: So sorta been rekindling my love for wrestling and AJ styles so this is what has come out of it. Song is “Yeah, No” by Elle Winter. Characters other than Esme belong to WWE.
You know everything about me But you don’t know a single thing about me Didn’t we spend enough nights That you should me inside and out? Yeah, you’d think you’d know by now
AJ Styles walked into the arena that was hosting tonight’s Raw. He wasn’t scheduled to be there at the taping today since he would now be appearing on Smackdown. He was just stopping by to visit and hang out with some friends. He was really hoping to run into Esme. Esme was his ex-girlfriend of 2 years. He was hoping to talk to her about the decision that he had made several months ago. His poor decision in wanting to break up with her.
He had met Esme when he had first made his official WWE debut back in 2016. She had been one of the few people to approach him and introduce themselves. It had taken her a lot of courage to talk to him as she had long been a fan of his work since his days with TNA. But beyond that was her crush on him. She had never told him when they first met but it had come up when they had first started dating. She had dreams of meeting him one day but always faced that reality that it may never occur. Esme was like a breath of fresh air for him. She was shy and timid when it came to meeting new people. But the second you got to know her, a different side of her came out. A vibrant and bubbly personality that was waiting to come out.
She never cared about the age difference. He was almost 10 years older than her but she didn’t care. If he loved her than she loved him too. Their relationship did not need to be defined by how much older he was or how much younger she was. She made him happy. It was the most complete he had ever felt in his life. More complete than his previous marriage. But he had fears that if Esme and he ever got married, it would end up the same way as his previous marriage. He didn’t want that. He wanted to protect Esme from that happening. So he ended the relationship to save him from his fear of commitment in another relationship and to protect her from being able to have her dreams of being a wife and mom.
But you’re oblivious, clueless, frankly kinda stupid Thinking that I’m spending m time Home alone crying, wonderin’ why-ing Wishing that you were still mine
Finn Balor and Esme stood outside of the men’s locker room just catching up and going over his match with Seth Rollins and Jeff Hardy. Esme would be accompanying him to the match. She was dressed in one of Finn’s shirts that wardrobe had cut to be a backless halter crop top with black pants and black knee high boots. Her black waist length hair had been straightened with her bangs brushed to the right side of her face. “I’m really just glad it’ll be a fairly simple match for you. I don’t know if I could do anything in these boots.” She said making a face as Finn chuckled.
“I mean you do get a piece of the action in the end of the match.” Finn said as she laughed.
“That’s true.” Esme said as Finn looked down the hallway to see AJ walking in their direction.
Esme’s brown eyes turned to follow Finn’s eyes to meet AJ’s blue eyes that were staring right at her. The butterflies in her stomach fluttering inside and she had to remind herself that it was him who had decided to call it quits. ‘Don’t fall for his trap, Emmie. He was the one who wanted out of your relationship.’ She told herself. Finn looked between the two noticing the hesitation.
“Hey AJ. What are you doing here?” Finn asked breaking the silence as he shook hands with AJ.
“Just stopped by to visit everyone. What are you two up to?” He asked looking at Finn then back at Esme.
“Oh, we were just going over my match tonight.” Finn said as Esme nodded her head, “But I was just about to head to catering to get some water before. Did you guys wanna come?”
“I think I’m okay. I was actually hoping to talk to Esme for a second. If you had some time, Esme?” AJ asked looking at her as Esme looked from Finn to him.
“Umm yeah that’s fine. I’ll meet you before the match, Finn.” She said as Finn nodded his head leaving the two alone.
Esme pulled at her top as AJ looked at her. God he had to resist the urge to just kiss her. Esme bit her lip before looking at him to ask, “So what did you want to talk about?”
AJ took a deep breath before saying, “I miss you.”
Esme blinked her ears trying to make sure she heard him correctly, “I’m - I’m sorry?”
“I said I miss you, Esme. God I miss you so much.” He said looking at her as she took a step back.
“No - No - No you don’t get to say that, AJ. You don’t get to say you miss me when you’re the one who broke up with me. You wanted this. You wanted out of this relationship because you wanted to ‘save me the trouble’ of being hurt when the idea of marriage came up. So don’t say that.” Esme argued looking at him.
“I know, Emmie.” He said as she shot him a look at the sound of her nickname and he threw his arms okay, “I’m sorry. Force of habit. Look, I know I was in the wrong, Esme. I was honestly afraid of what was going on with our relationship.”
“You were afraid that we were gonna end up like your previous marriage?” Esme asked as he nodded his head, “Look AJ, I’ve told you many times that I’m not her. I will never be her. I love - loved you with everything that I had because you made me happy. I mean sure I would have loved the idea of being married to you but if it wasn’t something you weren’t ready for I wouldn’t have forced you into wanting that.”
“And I’m sorry, Esme. I should have let you know how I was feeling. I was just afraid to hold you back for those things. I wanted you to be able to be a wife and a mom. I just I couldn’t see that for myself until I really sat down and thought about it. I’m really sorry.”  AJ started to say as Esme looked away from him, “I realize that you’re not her. And if I could turn back time to fix everything, I would. Just so that I would have talked to you about this before I broke things up. I was stupid and I was afraid. But I want another chance with you. To prove that this time around things are going to be different. Esme, is there a chance that you would be willing to give us another a shot?”
Esme turned her head to look at him. Her brown eyes meeting his piercing blue eyes. Those blue eyes that she had come to love for so long.
Yeah, no, yeah, no Stop thinking I miss you Don’t, I don’t It never was an issue So let go Don’t tell me that you’re here for me ‘Cause I don’t give a **** boy, anymore Got my closure when I closed that door Bet you think my love is still yours, boy Bet you think my love is still yours, yours
Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, & Jeff Hardy vs. The Miz & Miztourage
Esme and Finn watched as Jeff and Seth headed out to the ring. Esme and Finn looked at each other smiling. They gave each other a fist bump. Something that had become a routine for them every time they headed out to the ring. Finn’s music started playing and they could hear the fans cheering. They stepped out to the top of the ramp and went in opposite directions to point to the fans before meeting each other in the middle. Walking down, Finn stopped midway to turn around to fix pop his leather jacket up while Esme blew him a kiss as her looked at her. They both made their way down towards the ring. Finn climbed the steps to rush to the middle as Esme climbed the stairs after him She met him at the middle and they posed. Her blowing a kiss to the fans as he bounced against the ring. She got in the ring as he made his way to the turnbuckle and climbed up to get into the ring. Standing next to Seth, they chatted for a bit laughing together.
AJ watched from the back. He took in the sight of her in the ring. He watched as she took Finn’s jacket and they shared a quick kiss. AJ’s stomach churned. He knew it was scripted but he was still protective of her. Esme smiled before climbing out of the ring with Seth’s help. She winked at him as he laughed at her climbing down. The ref rang the bell as the match started.
End of the Match
Seth pinned Miz to get the win as Esme jumped up and down outside of the ring. Seth got up to shake hands with Jeff but Bo Dallas went to attack them. Jeff caught him and hit the Twist of Fate as Finn climbed the turnbuckle hitting his move on Bo. They continued attacking Bo as Miz crept up behind Esme to grab her by the wrist. Esme screamed ‘Let me go!’ as the three guys looked her way and Finn got ready to jump out to help her. Esme leaned back to avoid the clothesline. Once his arm flew by her head, Esme turned her body so that she could kick Miz in the face. He fell to the ground just as Esme jumped on top of him to punch him in the face. Finn jumped out of the ring to pull her off. “That’s enough, Esme. Come on.” He whispered as she growled at Miz.
Jeff and Seth helped her into the ring as Finn climbed up beside her. Getting inside, the crowd cheered as Esme stood between Seth and Finn holding their arms up in the arm. The four of them climbed out of the ring making their way to the back.
After the match
They made their way back. They got out of gorilla and Jeff turned to look at Esme. “Did you really growl at him, Emmie?” He asked as the guys laughed.
Esme laughed punching Jeff in the shoulder, “I couldn’t help it.”
“The growl was extra emphasis on her attack.” Seth joked throwing his arm around her shoulder as they all laughed, “Come on. Onward we shall go.”
The guys dropped Esme off to the women’s locker where she grabbed her leather jacket and through it over her clothes. She wanted to go look for one of her close friend’s Natalya, who was also just visiting Raw. She found her in catering chatting with some other friends. Natalya got up and rushed to greet her. Pulling her into an embrace, “Emmie girl.”
“Hey Nattie! Good to see you.” She said as Natalya let go of her.
“How’s it been? Heard you ran into you know who.” Natalya said as they walked out of catering.
“I’ve been good. Technically I didn’t run into him. He was walking around the hallway looking for me” Esme said.
“Well what did he want?” Natalya asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Said he made a mistake and that he was sorry for breaking up with me.” Esme said giving Natalya the shorter version of the story.
But Nattie of course knew her better than that and looked at her, “And?”
“He wanted to see if there was a chance we could get back together.” Esme said as Natalya stopped walking.
Esme kept walking until she noticed Natalya wasn’t next to her. She turned to look at Natalya, “What?”
“He wanted to see if there was a chance you guys could get back together?” Natalya asked Esme nodded her head, “Please tell me you answered him yes.
Esme looked at her before saying, “Are you serious, Nattie? The guy was the one who wanted to break up with me. He was the one who wanted out because he “wanted to save me the trouble” of having my heartbroken if I ever thought of getting married with him because that wasn’t in his plans.”
“Emmie, what if he had a change of heart? I mean I know he was married before and he had fears that maybe your relationship would end up the same way his previous one did. But maybe he’s come to realize that you’re different and you’re not her?” She asked.
“That’s exactly what he said.” Esme said tugging on her leather jacket.
Yeah, no, yeah, no Yeah, no, yeah, no Yeah, no, yeah, no Yeah, no, yeah, no
But maybe just maybe she did miss him.
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it-is-reigning-men · 7 years
Bitter [Jeff Hardy]
#33 "Bite me." "If you insist."
From prompt list for anon! Yip yip, not my fave I’ve done yet but yo, I threw Finn in there and also: I love Nia Jax. OC here does not.
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Nia fucking Jax.
You'd beaten her last week, yet, creative still made it a point to put her in the title picture with the 'new' RAW Women's champ, Alexa Bliss. Her bestie. The five feet of fury that had just overcome Sasha after only a week of the title switch.
If you got the opportunity to have the title, you'd never accept giving it up that soon.
And you sure as hell would make sure everyone in the universe saw the steps you took to earn it.
It left a nasty taste in your mouth even as you roughly pinned Dana to the mat, letting out as much steam as you could before the blond was too worn out to continue. Moreover, you didn't want to show your pettiness too obviously — lest you risked sounding or looking like Emma (still obsessed with her hashtags ... ugh).
After the bell rang, you dropped Dana's legs, getting to your feet in the same motion.
The ref went to your side to raise your arm, you let him, but were quick to get your wrist away to give a curt bow to the roaring crowd before rolling out of the ring. You were smirking your signature smirk, looking content on the outside.
Really, you couldn't wait to get backstage so you could drop the niceties.
Upon storming through the curtains, your mouth dropped into a firm line. Nobody had the gall to congratulate you on your match, guys and girls alike, either because you weren't actually friends or because you were and they knew better than to approach you when you were... radiating.
As you ducked toward the locker room area, you spotted Jeff in your peripheral vision; he appeared to be finishing up an interview concerning the number one contenders spot for the IC Championship he'd just snagged after the impromptu Battle Royale.
At least one of you was getting somewhere.
Narrowing your exhausted gaze at the floor as you walked past, you hardly noticed Jeff wrapping things up so he could tail after you.
There was a reason you and Jeff Hardy weren't just friends. He literally lived for death-defying moments — including coming at you when you were pissed as all hell.
"Ey, Y/N," His steps were heavy behind you as you hugged the wall.
"- Baby, wait up," He tried again, a whisper of laughter at the tip of his sentence.
You grunted, spinning around so sharply he almost toppled over you.
His body halted just inches away from your's, his nose pointed toward your forehead as he smiled.
"What's wrong?" Jeff cooed.
"I'm sure you know what's wrong. I don't wanna have to say it," You closed your eyes, not stepping back. Admittedly, you only minded complaining if it was to Jeff — otherwise you kept to yourself.
"You're gonna have'ta if you want me to help," His calloused fingers stroked tenderly over top of your hair, the strands going between them with only a few tangles stopping their path. The hand stopped at the base of your neck, hovering so just the finger pads were touching your slightly moist skin.
Your eyes peeked open, just about level with his Hardy Boyz necklace. Frowning, you spoke.
"It's just... frustrating," He lightly scratches the back of your head. "They keep rotating the same women in the title picture, pretending like any of it is supposed to come as a surprise yet... it always ends up being Alexa on top and Nia just falling short."
"An what about you?" He retorts, green eyes keyed in on your slight eyebrow movements and the way your lips curl while you rant.
"What about me." You repeat, flatly. You knew all the other women were complaining the same way, probably, but it was true. Each one of you was working your butt off— you were on the same schedule as Alexa coming up from NXT— but none of your wins ever seemed to earn you anything.
You had a right to feel wronged.
Jeff continued stroking through your hair or massaging around your temples, but he finally spoke again, this time against the shell of your ear.
"Well... least your Jeffro got himself a one way ticket to the Intercontinental Championship." He pauses for effect. "I'm gonna be 5 time champ this time next week, darlin'."  
Just when you thought he was supposed to be there to console you, he went and got all snarky. You swallowed down a harsher response for someone you didn't like.
"Bite. Me." You shot through a forced smile.
You turned away, managing to have your back to him before both his hands encased your upper arms. His hair mingled with your own as he leaned in smoothly.
"If you insist."
You could feel his stubble scratch against your shoulder, just before he gave the moist skin there a sharp bite. It all happened rather fast and the pressure of it made your body jolt. His tongue slathered against the small patch he had a hold of before he released, only to nip a few more times toward your neck, eventually getting to that one spot that always got you to quiver a bit.
"Oh my god—" It was meant to come out in the defensive, your heart racing with several emotions including surprise and embarrassment, but your voice shook when he sucked loudly against your neck. You were literally still in the open hallway, and you were pretty sure at least a couple people had walked by.
"Jeff, stop–" His hands were clutching at your wrists, crossing them over your stomach as he kept you against him. He stopped in the next instance, warm lips pulling away from reddening skin.
"Mm?" You knew him well enough to figure he was smiling his little heart out. You felt his head nod casually against your other shoulder as he acknowledged Finn Bálor skimming by.
"You alright, kid?" Jeff called, as if he didn't have his girlfriend angrily blushing right in his arms. Finn just smirked, used to scenes like that with you two.
"Been trou' worse." They were referring to his being launched out of the ring by a certain Wyatt during that Battle Royale. The shorter male continued rubbing his ice pack over the back of his neck, throwing you a knowing wink as he passed.
Not at Finn, he was cool (and hot, yeah.), but at the fact your closer friends were always teasing about your and Jeff's PDA... more Jeff's being so shameless and you letting him, but still.
You huffed, the annoyance of the women's division meshing with the new found mortification at being taunted by another Superstar. Jeff was abruptly spinning your around by the wrists he still had ahold of.
He propped your arms over his own shoulders, his white teeth flashing at you.
"Why're ya blushin' so much?"
You kept the eye contact, your brows furrowed.
"You can blame a certain cocky motherfucker."
Jeff rolled his eyes before narrowing them down at you, the downward tilt of his head accentuating your height difference.
"Oh? Finn, huh?"
A fleeting moment of confusion passed before you were fully aware he was using the encounter to lead into something else entirely.
"...I didn't know you were so insecure, Jeff." You retorted, pressing your lips together. It was bullshit, because Jeff was the most passively-possessive man you knew (personally).
"I'm not. But I can't have my girl blushing like that for everyone to see... you're too pretty."
Says the guy who was just sucking your neck in public.
Jeff hoists your body over his shoulder with light grunt, making sure to clap a heavy hand over your butt - for security - before walking toward the dressing rooms. You can do nothing but cover your face and thank heavens security doesn't allow paparazzi backstage during shows.
But as much as you hate being embarrassed, or misused in the women's division, you weren't genuinely upset about where Jeff was going with all this shenanigans.
He was never very good with words, anyway, but when it came to helping your feel better... well... he could do that as soon as you were alone.
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