#oh my neighbor posting
loversys-x3 · 11 months
More weird miscellaneous headcannons about my f/os. Part 2.
Strong Bad has picked up on my habit of naming all my browsing bookmarks Egg and has also begun doing it when exploring more graphically oriented PCs.
While being relatively uninterested in certain food textures, Wally collects recipes for various dishes. He shares them with Poppy and I because he knows we enjoy cooking/baking.
Sun has a compartment in his chest that holds a medical kit. To get to it, you basically hinge open his chest. Sometimes Mint forgets to empty this compartment during maintenance and gets concerned from the sound of it rattling around in there.
During the Ruin DLC, I'd say the dissociative barriers between Sun and Moon have dropped drastically. This allows them to reach somewhat of a co-con with relative ease. Their conscious reflects fluidly with their damaged body.
Spot has social anxiety, next question.
Strong Bad willingly tries those handshaken cocktails you see on your tik tok/reel feeds with weird themes. I'm specifically referring to the long island Barbie tea with edible chrome glitter.
Sayori's hands are very soft, completely uncalloused.
That Money Store fanart I did may as well be canon. Lucifer would 100% give her partner one of those leather dog masks. It's the ruling complex talking.
I don't mean this in a sexual context, but Nero knows her partner's body inside and out. Not all the time mind you, but her awareness of it is heightened if they've become soul bonded.
Mint barely got to know Gregory after they adopted him. This is due to them being separated again when the pizzaplex collapsed in on itself. Gregory misses his dad during this time. Despite neither being that close during the main story of Security Breach.
The previous headcanon was before Ruin dropped. Now that it's out, I'd like to overwrite it. Gregory has a perfectly decent relationship with Mint post pizzaplex collapsing. He and Vanessa end up as his caretakers. But Mint ends up becoming distant when they leave their side to go back to the pizzaplex to look for their romantic partners (Sun and Moon).
Sayori is autistic, surprisingly good at masking too. However her closer friends do encourage her to stop masking as often so she can live comfortably.
I like to think that one off gag of Strong Bad owning a large collection of various eggs goes a bit deeper than initially suggested. Some of them he nurtures until they hatch and basically raises the animals that come out of them. I mean he probably passed the responsibility onto Strong Sad or maybe even sells the animals to Bubs once they're old enough, but idk. I didn't flesh this thought out too well.
Moon likes picking Mint up and dragging them up towards the ceiling, despite the fact he knows they're scared shitless of heights. He's not like an asshole about it tho, he makes sure Mint doesn't have to see the ground at least and baby talks them if they start becoming visibly frightened.
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mossfeathers · 8 months
oh btw im hoping and praying for bigb on a larger 3-4 person team this time around pleas eplease please please pleaseeeeee i NEED to see more dynamics with him. hes just a chill guy. let him commit unspeakable crimes with other horrible people.
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ohitslen · 1 month
BREAKING NEWS 🎉Ch. 5 of The neighbor from 311 is up!🎉
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Hi! So I was scrolling through your WH Lights Out tag (very fun au btw!) and I noticed that when you were listing the potential orders the rest of the gang is going to wake up in, you didn't include Sally. Is that because she's just automatically going to be the last to wake up, or do you have something else planned? (Also, I'm really curious just what happened between Wally and House! I get if you don't want to expand on it quite yet if you've got something planned, though.)
you hit the nail Right on the head! Sally is indeed the final one to regain consciousness, and she jumps right out of her years-long nightmare straight into a waking one. but i Will say that i do indeed have something planned beyond "oh she just gets up last" she needs to be Woken Up, and it's a... whole thing. i'm still cementing it in my mind but rest assured it is Dramatic and has Consequences (good & bad!)
as for Wally and Home... yeah i don't think i can put it into words yet! i'm trying to write down a concise explanation in my doc and its a little... involved. and messy. to say it plainly and without actually Saying It, basically Home tries to protect Wally in the only way it knows how, and that attempt fucks up a lot of stuff, including their relationship. Wally learns what grudges and resentment are. essentially, they get a divorce <3
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
You should go for it! Artist style be damned, even though you have a very lovely one. Have fun, try it out! It's a neat concept, so give it a shot!
ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM THE ETHER!!!! Aaaa I should at least try.
I've been imagining him playing pool for DAYS and I've been too scared of fucking up the vision to draw it.
Beta beloved
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vynnyal · 2 years
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A little something like this, right?
#From memory for the most part#I've drawn these characters more times than I expected 😂#I cheated and fixed a few things when I went to pick colors (and then didn't even use them)#Idk I felt nostalgic and decided to crank out a few bugs#Lesse... What stories do I got. It's been a while so I have quite the selection#Oh jdbdjvskhff my dog died from cancer of all things. Like seriously what the heck#While we were recovering I jokingly mentioned something about getting another rescue dog#Within the WEEK we had a pomeranian in our house. A pomeranian. 16 pounds. Pomeranian.#See the reason I mentioned it at all was to give our other dog- Tiger the 11(?) yr old maltipoo- company in his twilight years.#You know. Maybe another old pooch like Lucky that was chill and kind#And now we have Rudy aka SPITFIRE#He's fun though! I like him. He's always smiling and it warms my heart. I swear I can walk out of the house for an hour#and he'll greet my like I've been gone for years every single time#What else. Oh lol so I'm taking care of my neighbor's house for two weeks#A wwwk in and the cat decides to RUN OFF. In the middle of a THUNDERSTORM.#36 hrs later and I'm like aight this isn't great#After posting notices online etc I was sitting around and thought to myself something kinda dumb#See he likes listening to me play on their grand piano. They never use it but I do and the cat always lays at my feet while I jam#So I thought... what if I pied piper the cat home. So I threw open all the doors#And played for oh idk 20 min?#CAT WALKS IN. SITS ON THE FLOOR BESIDES ME#Cats. I stg#Eh that's all for now I'm sleeby#hollow knight#art tag#See ya!
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drwafton · 2 months
//OOC: regarding my previous post
what if we do keep the 50s setting but the only thing that's changed is that mobile phones exist and just not explain that ever. I think that's hilarious.
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eve-pie · 2 months
I did it
*digs hands into a dusty treasure box rummages around and shoves this in your face*
My Welcome home OCs information sheets!
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I have 16 of them so this is just a speck of them all half of them were on the welcome my neighbor banner so Inky is just an added bonus i know i posted some of their informations already ...but that's not important ha ha ha
Lucky and Wally aren't dating stop it
Lucky and Dream are self aware you know
Not only that each Welcome My Neighbor character was originally in the show welcome home but due to them thinking that was too many characters *cough cough* 16 characters so they were given a spin off
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loversys-x3 · 1 year
I put Wally on my graduation cap. He's a little stinkee, but I'll show a picture of what I drew in a bit.
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ignorancelive · 4 months
landlords PLEASE die horrendous fiery deaths why are they literally doubling our rent and getting past rent control by only starting to document our rent prices after the first half of the increase 😐 kill yourself right now
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I had a thought about the welcome home character designs. Is it possible that Wally was made/designed by someone different from the other puppets?
I'm not just talking about the fact he is the only one without a nose (though that is what started me thinking down this line), but everyone else (sans Eddie, but maybe we haven't just been shown) seems to push The boundaries of what a puppet could be: Barnaby and Poppy are Big, Howdy has four arms and four legs, Frank's spinning head, Sally's head needing more than one puppeteer, Julie's hair, heck, Home is a freaking house. Wally compared to this colorful crew seem... Well, I don't want to say plain but he definitely seems to be the vanilla ice cream of the bunch.
oh god YEAH OKAY um my brain's a lil too smooth lately to answer this correctly but there's. oh fuck ok there was a Thing i saw - a theory, im blanking on who was talking about it but it was Top Fucking Tier - about how Wally might be like... not a projection
but a... sort of mirror? an Ideal Self? to the in-canon playfellow creator, Ronald Dorelaine. the theory had a thread (if i remember correctly) of connecting the creator's name to Wally, similarities in sound and meaning and even some of the etymology i think they said...
but that could explain why Wally is a little... different. more... pure? im missing the right word rn but idk, his design is Graceful and Composed in comparison to the others. he Is indeed simpler, but in an "ideal" way. he's very appealing and non-cluttered to look at. he resembles a human, while not being too human-resembling like Eddie.
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the-trans-dragon · 7 months
When did 2 gallons of milk start costing over $10?
Minimum wage here is $7.25
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sketchy-tour · 2 months
is it wrong for me to simp for a blue dog named Barnaby?
Oh well I mean
I think there's plenty of Barnaby fans out there! I'm not one to stop ya! Especially since I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to his much shorter friend, Wally!
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blupengu · 7 days
Y’all is Hollow Knight hard or do I just suck because oh my god??
#not gonna inflict my ramblings onto someone else’s post so just making a text post for myself#but oh my god#what the fuck?#maybe I’m not a hardcore metroidvania fan but I like them well enough#do I suck that badly at games now?? am I old to the point that my hands can’t do this shit????#did I just somehow fuck myself at some point???#because wow this feels kind of sadistic????#and not even in the fun kind of way?????#like I think I’d rather submit myself to fear and hunger again rather than continue where I am now in hk#idk maybe I’m missing something#but I just got wall jump and was so happy until I fell down to where you can challenge those mantis dudes#got myself out of there but then as I was exploring northwest I keep dying and reviving from the fucking bouncy balls over water#and the normal mantis mobs are also kicking my ass?#and dont even get me started on the weird tentacley nuclear bomb mushroom things those are just bullshit#AND THEN AS I WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME EXPLORING HEADING TOWARDS A SAVE BENCH I GET DROPPED INTO DEEPNEST??????#WHAT KIND OF JUMPSCARE BULLSHIT??????????#AND THE FUCKING COCKROACHES THAT NEVER SEEM TO STOP SPAWNING KILL ME#and then I see how fucking far back I’ve been dropped in the corner of fungal wastes#and I try jumping through the fucking bouncy balls again#and I die and lose my money#I can’t fucking do this shit anymore y’all holy fucking shit#the number of times I’ve died and restarted from that fucking fungal wastes bench I am so sick of it 💀#legit I think this is the first time I’ve rage quit a game#it’s been a while since a game’s actually made me this angry I want to fucking throw something 😂#the willpower and self control I needed to not chuck my pro controller across the room…#if I didn’t have neighbors and a unit below me I’d be throwing shit for sure though#but instead I must smack pillows against my mattress in a rage 😂#I think I hate the ‘go back to where you died to get back your money’ punishment system… like legit I actually really really hate it.#I do think the game is fun and I know I’ll probably quickly gain the money… but it feels like the game’s telling me I fucking suck lmao#suffice to say I will not be playing any more hollow knight for the foreseeable future 💀
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owedfavors · 17 days
currently shaking off a small headache I woke up with, but here's the plan: I'll be around today amidst getting caught up on some housework / other life responsibilities ( someone yell at me to practice harp before tomorrow's rehearsal, please ), but I want to write here properly, and I want to write with more of you.
I'm going to post a rare af starter call, queue a few meme lists throughout the day ( but also my full tag is here! ) and... hopefully follow up with one or two people I remember had wanted to plot. in the meantime, I'm going to work on a few replies and what's currently in my inbox.
that said, if you're interested in interacting and we don't have verses that jive, I'm happy to plot and figure out a new verse for una so, feel free to reply to that starter call asking to plot instead or just... shoot me a message or... send a note by pigeon? send a bat signal? whatever suits you.
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whump-queen · 1 year
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alright that’s enough of that. you’re destroying my door jams.
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