#oh she constantly has her hair in a tight ponytail? Balding
mayormimeatronic · 7 months
(gently caresses artists faces) let characters be balding please
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xandraregium · 8 years
FFXV: Altissia’s Three - Chapter One - Running Lestallum
I shuddered when my cell phone spurred to life on the nightstand next to the headboard. The vibrations from the device shook violently on top of the polished Cherrywood and would not cease until I silenced the intrusive alarm. I grumbled, knowing that it was time to start another hunt. My muscles ached from the previous jobs we took on the day before, but we needed the extra gil. I fought against my body’s protests to remain in the comfort of my bed and placed my feet on the chilly wooden floor.
At a distance, I could make out the sounds of gentle alarms singing my comrades awake from their rooms. I sucked in a deep breath and held it in my chest for a few moments. I released the breath and stood on my worn, shaky legs. I stretched the stiffness out of my arms and back and gazed over at the time displayed on my phone’s screen. It read 9:00 PM. The night had just begun, and I knew that it was going to be a long one.
I made sure to start the night right by making my bed, hopping in the shower, and cleaning up without falling victim to my heavy eyelids. Near the end of my routine, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Subtle shadows were forming underneath my round, dark brown eyes. The lashes that once curled outward seemed lifeless against my amber skin. My pink lips were drooping into an unenthused pout. I scanned past my sleepless face up to the mess of loose, onyx curls piled at the crown of my head with a hairband.
I released my hair, shaking it free so that it could drape down to my shoulder blades. I ran my palms over my scalp and smoothed the ringlets back into a low bun. I pulled a few curls out to frame my face and called it quits. I gave myself one last gander before walking to the back of the bathroom and into the closet. I yanked down a comfy, black t-shirt from the rack and some dark wash high-waisted jeans. I tied a knot at the front of my shirt, pulled on some thick socks, and stuffed my feet into my combat boots that were well broken into. I worked seamlessly to tie the laces accurately before returning to my room.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
“Yo! We’re almost ready to go,” Ilias called from the other side of the door.
I snatched my backpack up from the floor and slung it over my shoulder, “I’m on my way,” I answered.
“Are you decent?”
“Yeah, open the door.”
The door cracked slightly and my brother peeked around the corner, “Calida’s getting the car. She’s pulling up front,” He informed.
I met him at the door and pulled it open, “Then let’s get down there. Did you pack anything for us to eat?”
He shouldered his bag off his back and unzipped it with a grin, showing me the carefully packed contents inside, “I got leftovers from dinner. Roasted behemoth slabs on white rice, mixed vegetables, and a slice of pound cake for each of us just in case we get a little hungry. There’s also enough water to last us a few days.”
I closed the bedroom door behind me as I entered the hallway, “Damn, It shouldn’t take that long.”
“I don’t know…We get pretty hungry and thirsty after these things…”
“I just want to get this over with. This is the sixth hunt we’ve been on, and it’s only been two days…What the hell are you wearing?”
“Oh, this?” He asked and stretched out his shirt to put it on full display.
My eyebrows furrowed when I looked over Ilias’ appearance. We shared similar facial features, even though we are fraternal twins, this gave him a soft look that people often mistook for femininity until he shaved his head bald. He stood five inches taller than I at 5'10" and had a slender athletic build. He was slightly lighter in complexion but was a healthy shade of copper. He enjoyed expressing himself through fashion and always found a way to add personality to each of his outfits. Tonight, he thought that accompanying his jeans and boots with a neon pink moogle shirt was a brilliant idea.
“What else could I be talking about?” I pressed.
“It’s a moogle. You know what a moogle is! It’s not like we have to wear our uniforms out in Lestallum. We’re off duty,” Ilias reminded.
I shook my head and started down the stairs toward the front door, “We want people to take us seriously so we can keep up our reputation.”
“What reputation? We’re three spoiled kids from Altissia,” He chuckled.
I cracked a smile, “But we don’t have to act like it. What about potions?”
“I got those too, trust me, I put them in the moogle fanny packs.”
“That’s not important. Open the door. We don’t want to keep Calida waiting.”
I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door, pulling it back and stepping outside. I squinted through the streetlights beaming throughout the slender alleyway. At the end of the walkway, I could see the ivory headlights of Calida’s jet black Audi R8 coupe cutting through the darkness of the awaiting road. The tinted passenger side window lowered, revealing my chipper comrade waving in my direction. Her almond shaped eyes formed crescents, her small round nose crinkled, and her bright teeth gleamed.
The young woman was more than ready to hit the road. Her deep brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail that fell around her shoulders in thick waves. She wore a black bandana around her head that matched her tank top. Without seeing the rest of her body, I knew that she was wearing her favorite pair of tan pants and sturdy thigh-high boots. Her leather gloves gripped the wheel in anticipation. I was not surprised at her impatience since she always took joy in hunting and constantly looked for new ways to improve her fighting abilities. One would not guess this based on her small stature, but she was always up for a good fight.
“Lock the door, Ilias!” I called over my shoulder, jogging to the passenger side.
The suicide door spurred to life, raising to the sky and granting me access to the polished leather seats.
“Ilias called shotgun, sorry!” Calida announced with a shrug.
“Since when are you loyal to him over me?” I muttered and moved the seat forward. I crawled to the back seat and buckled in, “Apparently, we have moogle fanny packs?”
“Yeah, he bought us some while you were asleep. There was a moogle vendor in town and Ilias went nuts.”
Ilias butted in, “I heard my name.”
“Just sit down. I want to get back to bed. I don’t want to be out all night like last time,” I replied.
“What are we hunting today? I always forget. It’s like all of our hunts are running together,” He wondered while shutting the door.
“There’s two iron giants nine miles out of the city. They’ve been raising hell on travelers.”
“How much are we getting?” Calida inquired.
“15,000 gil.”
“Shit! Let’s get out there then!”
Calida shifted into drive and pulled away from the curb. Her hands remained steady and her eyes were glued to the road as the car accelerated. Her car glided across the pavement, increasing in speed in a matter of seconds. We were going at least 90 miles per hour by the time we exited the tunnel leading out into the gorgeous scenery of endless fields and trees. I took this time to sight see, reflecting on the beauty of Cleigne and all that it has offered me this past year. I never thought that the western part of Lucis would have anything for me. I am glad that I was proven wrong.
I came back to my senses when I felt the vehicle decelerate and come to a firm stop at a shoulder on the side of the road. The road was barren, as expected, and held an eeriness that made my skin crawl. I could feel goosebumps beginning to rise on the surface of my arms. I paid more attention to maintaining my breaths when I felt a familiar tightness cramping my chest. I allowed myself a few seconds of inner silence before following my comrades out of the car.
The air was fresh and carried a gentle warmth that swept across my cheeks with the wind. The Moon shimmered like fine porcelain against Cleigne’s shadowy night sky. Stars freckled the dark space, showering enough light for us to know where the pavement stopped and nature began. Still, we were forced to turn on our flashlights clipped to our belts to illuminate the way.
I followed the others into the swaying grass and took in my surroundings. Commonly, we walked in formation when hunting. I would watch Ilias’ and Calida’s backs while he watched the left and she watched the right. This proved as the most effective way to hunt for us. We were known for our effectiveness and timeliness during our missions. It was something that I took pride in every time we returned to the city with the excitement of success running through our veins.
“On your left,” Ilias murmured as to not reveal our location to the lingering daemons lurking across the plains.
“How should we do this? These two are pretty close together…” Calida thought aloud.
“We have to separate them…,” I started, “…But we have to perform the diversion at the same time in opposite locations…We’ll go after one, and by the time the other realizes what’s happening it’ll be too late.”
“I like it,” My brother agreed, “I’ll cast two spells. That should catch their attention-,”
Riiiiing! Riiiiing!
“Calida!? You didn’t put your phone on silent?” I hissed.
“Shit…Shit!” She huffed as she slapped at her pockets in search of her cell. Her eyes grew wide when she finally found it, “Stop ringing!” She commanded, clicking a few buttons.
The phone went silent.
“Are you mad?” I whispered.
“No, damn, I thought I turned it off,” She began, “The damn thing’s broken…The only way it would ring on silent is if it’s an emergency but that’s crazy-,”
Riiiiiing! Riiiing! Riiiiing!
“It’s too late for the plan. We’ve been spotted!” Ilias exclaimed and tossed two fanny packs our way.
I snapped the shameful pack around my waist and drew my sword, Apocalypse, “…And it’s not like you have time to answer it-,”
I was disrupted by my phone vibrating violently in my back pocket. The cell phone screeched loudly as an incoming emergency call sent it into a frenzy. Just as my phone stopped ringing, Ilias’ phone started to blare. The disruptive singing of our devices traded off in ear piercing cycles.
“Look out!” Ilias screamed.
Suddenly, I was jerked out of the way and thrown to the ground. I rolled through the grass and slid to a stop. I grimaced and crouched on my knees to peer through the waving blades. The length of the iron giant’s sword was lodged into the ground where I once stood. The daemon growled as it struggled it remove the weapon wedged in the dirt. To my right, I noticed the second giant sprinting in our direction from a distance.
I reached into my back pocket and removed a blizzard spell flask. I called out a code word to my friends, giving them time to move before tossing the capsule at the trapped giant. In an instant, the container exploded and unleashed an intense freeze that spread across the battlefield. The spell tossed piercing ice and snow at our enemy, hindering its movement. I sprang up to my feet with my sword drawn, bolting toward the daemon through the biting frost. The snow stung my eyes as I came closer to our opponent. I bounded off the ground and pulled my sword back. I swung the blade over my shoulder at full force, dropping its weight on the iron giant’s joint. The monster’s arm dislodged with a satisfying crack and remained attached to its sword.
Ilias joined my effort and summoned his Dragoon lance, piercing it through the opponent’s midsection and forcing it to reel backward. The daemon landed on its back, shaking the foundation underneath us and let out a fearsome growl that echoed through the air. My brother knelt to serve as a boost for Calida when she came running at the enemy with her gargantuan ax Rebellion. She sprang off his back, launching herself into the air. She then brought the ax down on the monster’s neck, resulting in an instant decapitation.
I flinched when I heard my phone start to ring again but managed to ignore its magnetic pull. I kept my focus on the second iron giant stomping over to the fray. I called out to Ilias before resting Apocalypse on my shoulder and charging at the daemon. Just as the giant swung his sword for my head I dropped to my knees, sliding through the dirt and swiping my sword through its ankles. The daemon tried to swing again but quickly lost its balance, bracing its fall with its hands. On cue my brother bunted Dragoon, successfully aiming it through the remaining daemon’s forehead. The attack as so powerful that the lance pierced through the iron giant’s skull and planted into the soil behind it.
I watched warily until the daemons materialized before checking my phone. I gritted my teeth once the ringing started again. I did not bother to check the screen before swiping to answer. I brought the phone to my ear and barked an aggravated hello at whomever was on the other line. I listened with tapered breaths as someone began to speak. Once the gentle timbre of the voice registered in my mind, I fell silent with realization.
“Is this Xandra Regium? Have I called the wrong number?” Lady Regium asked.
“No…Sorry. I was in the middle of a hunt…What’s going on? Why are you calling this late?” I pressed.
“I’ve been trying to reach you three all day, but I’m not surprised that my calls are just now getting through.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Have you been paying attention to the news?”
I waved for Calida and Ilias to join my side and put the call on speaker, “No, we’ve been busy.”
“Insomnia has fallen. King Regis and Prince Noctis are dead.”
A thick silence fell over the conversation.
“You’re going to have to explain to me what happened,” I finally said.
“Niflheim overthrew Insomnia, killing King Lucis and Prince Noctis in the process. It is apparent that they want to start a war. The Empire has built blockades and is building bases around Lucis. It’s only a matter of time before they reach Lestallum.”
“When might they get here?” Calida worried.
I urged for us to hustle to the car as we continued to the conversation.
“It’s unclear,” Lady Regium answered, “First Lady Claustra and the council have met over the issue. We are trying to remain at peace with the Empire while still taking advantage of Altissia’s independent government.”
“As expected,” I answered bitterly.
“We do not have the military power to resist, so we have no choice but to do what’s best for Altissia and its people. That includes you three.”
Ilias opened the car door for me.
“Lady Lunafreya was evacuated from Insomnia and brought to Altissia. There were rumors that she died in the attack, but I wanted to let you all know that she’s okay,” Lady Regium confirmed.
“Thank the gods,” Calida sighed and started the car.
“So what’s that mean for us then?” I asked bluntly.
“We need more security around here while we figure things out. We want to keep everything under control when the Empire arrives,” She responded.
“When they arrive? Wait, you’re allowing them to come in while Lady Lunafreya is there? It’s clear that she’s a target.”
“Like I mentioned before, we do not have the military strength to combat them. We must compromise.”
“Is there anything else you would like to add?”
The car engine purred as we started back home.
“We need you back in two days. I promise that once everything settles down you can return back to Lestallum and finish your sabbatical.”
I rested my head against the seat and glared at the roof, “What arrangements have you made?”
“The Empire will be picking you up by engine in two days. That should give you all enough time to pack.”
“Why the hell are you sending them to come get us? Why not use our own transportation?”
“We are acquiescing with the Empire’s wishes. Accordo is a nation under Niflheim, Xandra, you need to acknowledge this so that we can move forward. This is above you. Don’t be so self-righteous.”
I passed the phone to my brother without warning as to prevent myself from further comment.
“Alright, Mom, we’ll see you in a few days. I promise that Xandra will be in a better mood by then,” Ilias attempted to smooth things over.
“Lady Regium is just fine. See you then.”
“Hang up the phone,” I ordered.
Ilias obeyed without a second thought.
Calida pulled into the closest parking lot to our building and turned off the engine, “Seems like we have a lot of catching up to do with the news…”
“…I guess I know what I’m doing for the rest of the night…” Ilias replied.
I huffed, “We won’t be sleeping anytime soon so we might as well start packing our things too. Apparently, we’ll be making friends with the Empire despite Altissia’s independence from Accordo’s government…This is exactly why I want to leave the service. Claustra is more focused on keeping up Altissia’s false peace than actually investing in a military and declaring full independence from Niflheim. She’s afraid of stressing out the citizens. You know what’s stressful? The Empire invading Altissia and killing thousands of people including Lady Lunafreya.”
More silence.
Bzzt. Bzzt.
Ilias handed over my phone. I pressed the home button and watched the screen brighten. Aside from the 10 missed calls from Lady Regium, there was an envelope at the top of the screen. I entered my password and opened the message from an acquaintance, Iris Amicitia. I skimmed through the text. It read:
Hey Xandra! My brother Gladio, Prince Noctis, Ignis, and Prompto are going to be stopping by tomorrow. We’re meeting at the Leville. I would love for all of you guys to finally meet. I feel like I’ve been talking about them our entire time knowing each other! Now you get to see the faces behind all the stories.
My thumbs padded out a response in seconds:
Prince Noctis is alive?
Yes. He was falsely presumed dead. We’re using that to our advantage, though.
Rightfully so. I’ll keep it within the group. Your secret is safe with us.
See you then!
I looked up from my phone to greet my comrades’ curious faces. A smile graced my lips:
“Let’s get inside. I’ve got great news.”
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
New Year, Same Queer (Camren One shot)
Camila hates crowds. ­
There are always too many people trudging through her personal space and she gets pushed a lot. (One of the many perks of being small and not wearing heels.)
She doesn’t really recall how she ended up in Times Square to watch the ball drop, but she had a faint recollection of Dinah abandoning her midway through this party (after having forced her to go in the first place).
Honestly, she would rather be a curled into a tight, warm burrito roll and read something than be out here. The Polynesian, however, came home to trash all of the small girl’s plans as she threatened to have a party at their place instead, if Camila didn’t agree to go with her.
(Normally, these kinds of threats seem baseless, like who could invite enough people at hours’ notice to throw a party right?
Camila made the mistake of brushing Dinah off once during spring break and awoke to the sound of drunk strangers doing it in her bed. Right next to her.)
The petite brunette sighed and struggled to remain rooted in her spot, against the tide of people who were constantly trying to push her back. The chilly wind made her shudder and she wound the hoodie around herself even more, straining to focus on the stage, a few rows in front of her, where Mariah Carey was trying to lip-sync to her songs and failing miserably to the point, it made no sense. Just like this fucking year.
Abruptly, she experienced a soft pinch on her butt and whipped around to see a middle-aged, balding man throwing her a disgustingly, smug look and a cocky wink while hurrying away, before Camila had a chance to react.
Not that she would have, no. Camila wasn’t exactly timid but she didn’t want to attract further attention to herself by slapping the man. And with her, there were no gentle slaps. She would have slapped him hard enough that the Times Square Ball wouldn’t have been the only ball dropping. But, people would have turned around and noticed her and she really wanted to make it through the night without having a panic attack.
Instinctively, she leaned forward to create some distance between her and the stench of alcohol, the creep had left behind, and rested her face against a cold, smooth surface. It smelled like leather and strawberries. How peculiar.
“Watch it,” the strawberry-scented leather rasped. Leather can talk? Camila’s brows furrowed in confusion as the surface pulled away from her, causing her klutz self, to lose balance and hurl ahead.
She snapped her eyes shut, waiting for ache of her fall to spread through her torso. Instead, she felt warmth and a very soft cushion, encompass her face.
Is she dead?                                                                                                                              
Her extra, dramatic self was quick to assume the worst had happened. She pictured Dinah’s face struggling between wanting to laugh and cry over the (very) expected nature ­of her death; tripping over her own two feet. At least, it was painless and now she was in a warmer, spongier place. A reflexive sigh of relief escaped her lips and she snuggled further into the softness.
“Er, excuse me?” And just like that, the tepid bliss left her. Perhaps, Jesus had remembered that one time she ate Dinah’s bananas and convinced her the monkeys stole it or when she had that girl bent over her desk, screaming the Lord’s name in vain; both equally valid reasons to be expelled from Heaven. She opened her eyes and promptly frowned.
Of course, the exact same place where she had died would be Hell.
(At this point, even her brain would have face-palmed if it had hands… or a face…)
Or worse
(Finally Canola.)
…Oh no...
She hadn’t fallen down and died (the more the realization kicked in, the more she wished she had), but instead, fallen on top of somebody and snuggled into their…Oh God…
She grimaced and wished with all her heart that the Earth would crack open and devour her.
A cough and a gentle tap on her shoulder, made her wince, quite audibly. She still refused to look up at the person who was wearing a really nice pair of combat boots. They had such a nice, greenish tinge to them overlaying the jet black. She could already tell by the shoes, this person was one of those really cool people, one would stare at from the distance and sigh, wishing they could know them or be friends with them. (Or bone them.)
A soft but firm squeeze on her shoulders made her realize that the person wasn’t going to walk away without an explanation. Drawing in a couple of deep breaths and trying to form coherent words of explanation, she looked up to see the most enchanting green eyes. She had never felt so naked, then in that particular moment, and the shivers that ran down her spine, weren’t because of the cold. She was so consumed with the eyes that she did not register the movement of lips or the gentle shaking of her shoulders.
“I am so gay.” The small brunette blurted out, what was supposed to be an internal monologue. If her face was red before, it would probably looked like a ripe tomato right now. Her body grew exceedingly hot and her tongue formed knots, as she waited for a probable slap or screaming.
And then the unexpected happened.                                                                                      
The sound of loud laughter followed by a little snort, greeted her ears instead. The mystery girl threw her head back and Camila snapped out of her trance. She took in the dark hair, covered with a maroon beanie, with long curls cascading down the shoulders; full lips dissolved into a fit laughter; a black leather jacket fitting perfectly over a plaid dress. It’s like this girl walked out of a movie.
“At least take me out on a date first, before you get to second base,” the raven-haired beauty spoke in an unwaveringly, raspy voice as she let her green eyes trail over the petite girl’s body, quite shamelessly. And Camila felt so incredibly under-dressed, with her plain black hoodie, tattered denim jeans and dirty Converse.
“Huh- buh- I- er-,”she tried to respond but it’s like her brain had departed her body (probably saying “gotta zayn”). Her own warm, brown eyes widened significantly as she fiddled with her fingers, feeling an anxiety attack about to set in.
But then the smirk on the other girl’s face faltered, and her emerald eyes dilated slightly, as she placed her hand on Camila’s shoulder and spoke in a soft voice. “Hey, are you ok?”
Unable to form words, Camila just nodded and began to draw in large gulps of air. The hand rubbed her shoulder tenderly, and usually a stranger doing so would cause her discomfort. This, however, felt really nice, in a manner that she would willingly be rubbed all over by those hands.
(She made a mental to thank the Lords for preventing her from vocalizing those thoughts.)
After a bit, she finally looked up to meet the captivating eyes and sighed. “I am so, so very sorry. I just tripped and…Jesus…and bananas…” Honestly, how does one explain the situation she had gotten herself into? Hey, this creepy guy touched my butt and I moved forward to get away from him and rested against your back. But then I lingered because you kinda smell like strawberries. And then you moved away, so given how clumsy and extra I am, I fell onto your boobs and thought I had died and gone to Heaven, so I snuggled closer. You have really nice boobs btw.
Before either of them could say anything, someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Camila?”  
She turned around and was mortified to see her ex beaming at her. The girl looked gorgeous as ever, with her high ponytail and flawless, sculpted face; nestling against the arm of the guy she had dumped Camila for on the day of her birthday. The guy, on the other hand, looked like a bearded egg; with his jeans hanging so low, you could probably see his ass crack, (Ok maybe, she is a little petty) and he had this expression on his face that screamed he would rather be anywhere else.
“It’s so nice to see you!” Ariana lunged forward and gave her hug while doing those really weird, side to side (heh), cheek-air kisses. She stood still and forced a smile when Ariana pulled back under her boy’s smelly armpits
(Karla Camila Petty Cabello Estrabão).
“Oh my God, I never thought YOU would be out here,” the smaller girl flicked her silky hair with a jerk of the wrist and giggled. “I thought you’d either be third-wheeling with Dinah, making stupid jokes or reading a stupid book.” She rolled her eyes and huffed playfully.
“Uhh,” Camila was dumbfounded. She has never been good with voicing her thoughts. She could have the sassiest of comebacks but every time she would try to say them, her words ended up being a horrendously jumbled and incoherent mess (like that book, Fifty Shades of Romanticizing-Abuse-and-Misogyny-as-Long-as-The-Guy-is-Hot).
“I never got to thank Dinah for inviting Mac to your birthday party.” Her ex beamed at her boyfriend who just shrugged and scratched his head, giving her an egg-hausted (P E T T Y) smile in return. “Never would have met my sugar pumpkin, if it hadn’t been for her.” Ariana continued all the while Camila wished a sword-wielding ninja would just come and run the sword through her heart. That would be less cringey than witnessing this cheese-fest.
“Oh I’m sorry boo,” The light haired girl, fake-gasped and looked at her, pitifully. (Clearly, mistaking Camila’s disgust for jealousy.) “I didn’t mean to make you sad…I mean, you’re the only girl I’ve ever been with… so that’s comforting, yeah?”
The English dictionary lacked the words to describe how much the Cuban hated Dinah Jane Hansen. This wouldn’t be happening right now if she hadn’t forced her to go a party and then abandoned her to suck face with some hot, chocolate bae.
(To be honest, the girl had a killer body. Who wouldn’t forget their 16 year old best friend to make out with someone like that?)  
She should have just gone home instead but that was more than ten blocks away and something had pulled her to this stupid place; where now her single-self was being pitied by her ex and her ex’s boyfriend, Humpty Dumpty. She has never hated being single, more then at this particular moment. God, she really hated Dinah. Not really. But she would kick that Polynesian butt tomorrow for this horrible start to a new year.   
“Hey babe, we’re gonna miss the countdown.”
If the girl hadn’t been standing right next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, Camila would have thought she imagined the words. Or that Macaroni, here, had a really feminine voice. But she titled her head and saw the green eyes, glinting with a hint of mischievousness and understanding.
“Who are you?” Ariana said bitterly, while raising her brow. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, diverted his attention to the new girl and grinned, nodding his head in approval, as he checked her out.
“Oh, I’m Lauren.” The full lips curled into a smile as she gave Camila’s shoulder a light squeeze.
Lauren. The brunette couldn’t help but smile at how the name fit her like a glove.
“Camila’s girlfriend.” With those words, Camila’s breath hitched in her throat and the warmest sensation spread through her stomach, threatening to erupt like wildfire, inside her. She was already in love with the way her name sounded, rolling off of Lauren’s lips. “And you are?”
Hoo boi. The way Lauren said it; the dismissal and boredom in her voice as she looked at Ariana, made the brunette want to grab her by the collars and pull her in for a kiss.
“Ariana. Camila and I used to date till I met sugar pumpkin here. She must have mentioned me, I’m the first girl she ever dated.” The small girl flipped her hair again and pursed her lips, slightly narrowing her eyes at Lauren.
“Hmm, nope. Doesn’t ring a bell.” Lauren shrugged and pressed a soft kiss to the side of Camila’s head before moving away.  “Nice to meet you though, Sabrina.” She said and shook Ariana’s outstretched hand.
Hoooooooo boi. Rainbows were erupting inside Camila’s heart, unicorns galloping, an immodestly dressed Lauren, with a rose between her teeth, sitting on top of a mountain of bananas; the whole shebang.
The hazel eyes narrowed further as she gritted her teeth. “It’s Ariana. An-” she spoke, but was cut off by the sound of the speakers.
“Everyone grab your special someone and get ready. It’s the final ten seconds!” Ariana squeaked and wrapped her arms around Egg McMuffin’s neck, who placed his hands on her butt cheeks and squeezed them. She slipped a side-glance at Camila who sighed, knowing her jest would be up when her ex sees that she didn’t kiss Lauren.
10….9…8…. The brunette turned to walk away, not wanting to be embarrassed publicly, until she sensed fingers, curl around her wrist, gently and tug her back.
She fell straight into Lauren’s embrace, who secured her hands around Camila’s midriff and smiled.
7… Camila’s breath became erratic as she felt the intense emerald gaze piercing her soul. And no, she was not being extra.
6…Lauren drew a little closer and placed one hand on Camila’s cheek, brushing the side of her cheekbone.
5…Camila felt like she would faint when Lauren’s eyes fell to her lips.
4…Lauren ran her tongue, very slowly, over her lips. Camila thought it was rather deliberate.
3…Camila, finally wrapped her arms around Lauren’s neck.
2…Lauren moved her face closer and Camila joined in midway.
1…Lauren bumped her nose slightly with Camila’s and said, “Nice to meet you, Camz.” And any tension Camila felt, evaporated into nothingness.
She barely heard the announcement or the screaming, as the supple lips were placed against hers. It was tender and yet firm enough for her to lean even closer into Lauren’s body, who tightened her own grasp around the brunette’s waist. Camila’s fingers curled through the dark hair, lightly scratching the scalp; an action that caused Lauren to open her mouth a little further and run her tongue over Camila’s bottom lip who responded a little to enthusiastically.
If Lauren hadn’t pulled away, she would have kissed her for an hour without moving. But the taller girl disconnected their lips without moving away, and Camila never thought she’d ever miss kissing somebody. The incredibly sappiness of the situation disgusted her and warmed her heart at the same time.
“At least take me out on a date, before you move to second base,” Camila whispered, resting her forehead against Laurens’, whose lips twisted into a playful smirk as her own words were being tossed back at her.
“I think kissing is first base. Snuggling into someone’s boobs though…” She grinned and the brunette winced a little, at the memory.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry I just…” Once again, the brown eyes widened and the words became chaotic in her mind.
“Jesus and bananas? I know.” The taller girl laughed and Camila forgot to breathe for a minute. “Perfectly valid reasons.” She nodded and gently tugged at her beanie, smiling earnestly.
It was now or never.
 “So about that date…you wouldn’t maybe wanna… you know like…um, you can say no if you want to, it’s no ob-” Camila tried, she really tried to be confident and her start was pretty smooth, but her brain was a little bitch and tends to desert her every single time she tries to flirt. It’s a wonder she even managed to get with Ariana. (Probably because Dinah talked her up and she wasn’t as bad with her hands as she was with her words.)
“I’d love to, Camz.” The green-eyed girl smiled brightly and placed her hand over Camila’s, who entwined their fingers; the nickname making her smile, giddily.
How disgustingly adorable are they.
“Thank God, I thought we’d have to hit all the bases before you agreed to go out with me.”
It was such a terrible joke. Really bad. Ally would have rolled her eyes and Dinah would have punched her but Lauren, once again, threw her head back and let out a hearty laugh. And somewhere, deep down, Camila knew she had fallen for that laugh.
With hands linked, they walked away and Camila made a mental note to thank Dinah for dragging her outside and leaving her.
A/N: AYE I AM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY PUT SOMETHING UP!! I hope you guys like it. Please be gentle, I am new to the writing world.
Also I love reading comments, they motivate me to write more <3 P.S. I LOVE ARIANA AND MAC THIS WAS ALL FICTIONAL AYE. 
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