#oh yea there is a quote in every pic too
team-mythic-beasts · 5 months
Seven Years of TMB, Part 1: The Blind Prophet and the “Reformed” Villain
by Jones Fitzgerald (feat. Diadema)
(Read series introduction here!)
Most people already know that I am in… not very good terms with the Prophet. It’s even worse when she tells me, reluctantly, that I’ll become a hero one day. Source? Her silly little “predictions” that she sees in that wicked mirror of hers.
And those do-gooders from Luftstadt call me a heartless psychopath. This woman doesn’t have a heart or conscience at all! The only thing she ever does is look at her precious little mirror and believe everything it shows her. She never takes responsibility, ever. What a sorry excuse of a deity.
Sadly, being one of her biggest haters isn’t going to stop me from having to see her face again.
None of her daughters in sight, I stepped into her temple to find the woman had already set up a table in her usual spot. She didn't even turn her head towards me or give me the usual temple greeting; pretending not to notice me, she kept sipping her tea. It wasn’t until I pulled my chair back and sat myself down... did she finally make her first remark.
"So... you have saved a continent from certain doom and earned the favor of my children. I have feared this would happen."
Pfft, haha! Who would’ve thought a goddess would be afraid of a miserable prick like me? Next time Arthur tells me off for bragging, I’m passing on those exact words to him. My amusement didn’t last long, though… As the old woman revealed to me the truth of my family… and why her “precious baby son” decided to look for me in the first place.
A ring she wiped with a tiny piece of cloth, golden and decorated with a foggy white gemstone. She claims to have obtained it from my old man, who’s missed me dearly since my mother whisked me and my older brother away to Phantasmia. Seems to me that she thinks I’m ready to take his place as king… What madness!
“Should you never return to Einlon, your family’s reign will surely end with your father. I dare not think of what will happen if the kingdom falls in the hands of other nobles once again.”
There she went again… Always guilttripping her subjects into heavy, life-ruining decisions. I’m doing good enough in my new home with a giant stone demon upon my roof, I told her— but I doubt she even heard me.
Below were the words she left me as I got up to leave, finding this conversation a waste of time.
“I know your ancestors well, Jones Fitzgerald. Or should I say… Alfred Lycardia II. The choices they faced then… you soon shall, too.”
Why did I agree to this meeting again?
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Next: Mikel & Fra’ser + Alphix
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missperfectlyfine13 · 4 years
Could This Be Something Real?
Summary: Beca takes Chloe as her date to the grammy's and now the world thinks they are together
Bechloe Week 2020 - Day 5: "Fake Dating"
Read Below or on AO3 
“Beca you have to take someone with you to the Grammy’s, you can’t just go alone,” Beca’s PR team has been trying to convince her of the fact that she needs a date for the last half hour.
“I just don’t get why I can’t go by myself,” Beca huffs, leaning back in her chair angrily, “does it matter who I bring?”
“No…” Diane, her manager, starts to say before Beca cuts her off abruptly.
“Ok, I’ll bring Chloe then,” Beca says decidedly.
“That’s not what we really had in mind…”
“I don’t care, if I have to bring someone I want it to be someone I will at least have a good time with,” she’s sick of fighting with them on this, and Chloe would be over the moon to go to the Grammy’s.
Everyone seems to collectively back down, especially since they got Beca to at least agree to bring someone, even if that someone is not a celebrity. They had a list a mile long for Beca to choose from, all people that would help her budding career if she was seen with them. Beca is up for 3 Grammy’s which is huge, considering it’s all for her debut album. Which is all the more reason for Beca to want someone she actually cares about to be there with her.
“I’m going to call her right now,” Beca whips out her phone and already has Chloe’s number dialed before anyone can stop her.
Chloe picks up on the second ring and when Beca tells her, she screams so loud Beca’s entire team can hear her.
The day of the Grammy’s Chloe comes over to Beca’s house, where she has an entire team waiting to do their hair and makeup. Beca lets her stylists pick both her and Chloe’s outfits. She’s not sure what either of them are wearing yet.
After a few solid hours of being pampered, Beca is standing in her bedroom wearing a slim black dress, it’s a little understated in comparison to others she has seen but it’s still one of the most expensive things Beca has ever had on her body. This is her first BIG Hollywood event too. Her hair is curled, and partly pulled back and she has on so much makeup she scarcely recognizes herself.
When she finally makes it downstairs, Chloe is no where to be seen. They must still be getting her ready. After what seems like an eternity, she hears heels on the steps of the stairs.
When Beca finally sees Chloe, her breath is stolen away, and her jaw hits the floor. She’s so beautiful it hurts. She’s in an emerald green dress, floor length and strapless. Her hair is curled into an intricate updo, her makeup not as heavy as Beca’s but it’s definitely not a natural look. Chloe sees her staring and giggles lightly.
“I think that this dress costs more than every car I’ve ever owned combined,” Chloe is touching the sides of the dress dreamily, “this is amazing…you look amazing by the way.”
“You look gorgeous,” Beca tries to pull her gaze away but she can’t.
“You ladies ready?” her assistant for the night asks, “the car is outside.”
Beca nods and outstretches her hand for Chloe to take. She eagerly takes it and they walk out to the car waiting for them.
“You know, everyone was telling me while I was getting ready, that it’s really ballsy of you to take me to the Grammy’s,” Chloe mentions as they start to drive down the road.
Beca nods, “I guess it is.”
“Is it because I’m not famous?” Chloe asks carefully.
“Actually, I think it’s more about the fact that you’re a woman,” she shrugs.
Her PR team had made it very clear that this could definitely create a rumor that Chloe is her girlfriend…and that Beca is gay. Her PR team said it could hurt her since she’s so newly famous. But Beca is gay, and she doesn’t want to hide forever. Why not rip the band aid off right away?
“They don’t want you to be public with your sexuality?” Chloe raises an eyebrow questioningly.
“No, they think it could hurt me, they were also worried about the rumors that could start about us,” Beca admits.
“Like that we’re together or something?” the red head asks, clarifying Beca’s statement.
She nods in confirmation, “Yea.”
“Well I think you should be yourself,” Chloe says boldly, “it’s better to ditch the people that won’t accept you right away.”
“That’s what I think too.”
Beca wins all 3 Grammy’s.
The first one they announce she actually cries…on national television.
The second one, she’s so shocked she can barely walk back up to the stage.
The third one, Chloe pulls her into a hug so tight she can barely breath. She kisses her on the cheek and Beca walks to the stage beaming from ear to ear.
After a wild night of afterparties, Beca can barely open her eyes the next morning. She vaguely registers the presence of someone else in her bed. She finally manages to roll over and sees a mop of red hair splayed out on the pillow next to her. Both girls had only had the energy to strip out of their dresses and fell asleep in their bras and underwear.
A loud snore escapes her best friend, who is clearly still very much asleep. Beca grabs her phone and is greeted by an onslaught of messages from her PR team, manager, basically her whole team. What they had all feared has come true. Beca opens up an article her assistant attached in a text.
Beca Mitchell makes a clean sweep at her first Grammy’s…with her new girlfriend by her side
She opens another.
Beca Mitchell is Gay?
And she opens yet another.
Beca Mitchell debuts hot girlfriend and sexuality at the Grammy’s.
She rolls her eyes. People are so quick to assume. Beca doesn’t care if the world knows she’s gay, but she doesn’t want to rope Chloe into this too.
Her phone rings before she can even think about replying to one of her million messages. She steps out of the bedroom, so she won’t wake her sleeping best friend.
“Did you see it?” the voice of her lead PR person rings through her ears.
“Yea I saw, what should we do?”
“Do you think you can fake date Chloe for a while?”
“What!?!” Beca screeches into the phone.
“Beca you’ve gained thousands….millions of followers overnight. People are eating this up. They love that you’re gay, they love your girlfriend, it would really help your image.”
“Oh, so now it’s ok that I’m gay.”
“That’s not what I meant, it was always ok.”
“Not really, but ok, you want to exploit my sexuality and make Chloe fake date me. You want to rope her into this mess just so people will like me?”
“It sounds really harsh when you say it that way.”
“That’s because it is.”
Beca hangs up the phone angrily before he can even think of responding. When she walks back in the room, Chloe is sitting up, rubbing her eyes sleepily.
“What was that about?” she yawns.
“So, the whole world thinks you’re my girlfriend,” Beca plops back down onto the bed tiredly.
“Oh, wow,” Chloe looks as surprised as she can for how not awake she is.
“And my PR team wants us to fake date for a while, because apparently the world loves gay Beca and her hot red head girlfriend,” Beca rolls her eyes, “but don’t worry, I’m going to tell them no.”
Chloe looks at her like she’s dumb, “Why?”
“Because we aren’t dating?” Beca is looking at her just as confused.
“If it’ll help your image, I don’t mind doing it for a while,” Chloe shrugs.
“Doesn’t it feel wrong and weird to you?”
“It might be a little weird, but it’s not like we’re putting on the ball and chain. We can do it for a while, then ‘break up’” Chloe says, making air quotes with her fingers.
“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Beca double checks.
“Yea why not? This is the most action I’ll have gotten in a while,” Chloe winks at her teasingly.
“You’re so weird,” Beca shoves her before calling her PR team back.
The world absolutely eats up Beca Mitchell and her “new girlfriend” Chloe. Chloe is launched into fame so quickly that neither of them have time to process it.
“Dating” Chloe is also easier than Beca was expecting. It’s easy and fun. Beca likes taking her on dates, she likes making cute Instagram posts. She likes gushing about her budding relationship in interviews. By the looks of it, Chloe is having just as much fun as she is. It makes her wonder if the feelings they are pretending are as fake as they claim.
“Bec?” Chloe walks over to her, phone outstretched.
“Take a cute pic with me, I need to make a new post,” the red head sits down and wiggles herself as close as she can to Beca.
Chloe leans in close and pecks Beca on the cheek, capturing it all with her phone. Beca can still feel her cheek tingling where Chloe’s lips had been. It’s been that way lately, her heart speeds up whenever she’s around her best friend. Sparks fly up her arm when they hold hands.
Does Chloe feel it too? How fake is this anymore?
“So has your PR team told you when we should break up?” Chloe asks nonchalantly as she makes her Instagram post.
Beca feels her heart break in two at the question, she knew it would be something they’d talk about soon, “I don’t know, I can ask them.”
“No rush,” Chloe says sweetly, smiling at Beca.
Beca nods, trying to swallow back an unexpected batch of tears. She definitely won’t rush this. Beca has decided she wants to prolong their “dating” for as long as she can, because as much as she hates to admit it. She has feelings for Chloe.
Maybe Chloe will eventually have feelings for her too.
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cosmiicorvid · 6 years
All of them
The meaning behind my url:About two years ago I was looking through Jack’s posts on his blog and I saw one of his responses for a piece of fan art, he said “that is one spicy spedicey!” and I immediately thought ‘that would be a great blog url… but someone probably already took it’ so i didn’t do anything about it. I had that as my name on discord and everyone loved it so i decided to try to change my url on here and it worked! so uhhh…. yeet
A picture of me:auuhh i can’t add a picture on desktop but,,, y’all have seen me already sksksks,,, but i’ll reblog this with a pic maybe
How many tattoos i have and what they are:I don’t have any tattoos!
Last time i cried and why:I cried while watching Ralph Breaks the Internet… it was sad bro
Piercings i have:I used to have my ears pierced but i didn’t wear them enough so they closed
Favorite band:my favourite band is Set it Off! Either them or Linkin Park
Biggest turn offs: friendship-wise anyone who has manipulative tendencies
Top 5 (insert subject):Top five animals! Bats, raccoons, corgis, snakes, cheetahs
Tattoos i want:I want a semicolon on my wrist and a PMA tattoo somewhere
Biggest turn ons:uuahhh…. friendship-wise would be… comedic
Ideas of a perfect date:That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
Life goal: to,,, survive?? meet my online friends,,, 
Piercings i want:I would love a nose piercing
Relationship status:single uwu
Favorite movie:Now You See Me (listen, it has a great cast AND it’s about magic what more could i ask for)
A fact about my life:I have six siblings
Phobia:the dark…. or as i said earlier, the fear of what’s hiding there
Middle name:Nicholas!
Are you a virgin?*cough* 
What’s your shoe size?i don’t even know at this point. just small
What’s your sexual orientation?I’m a trans guy and i’m panromantic
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?I have not smoked a cigarette, but i do drink and do weed occasionally
Someone you miss:Ethan
What’s one thing you regret?Coming out to my dad
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:Sean William McLoughlin
Favorite ice cream?Birthday cake
One insecurity:sometime it bugs me how short I actually am. only occasionally, but it does get to me
What my last text message says:“ok enough of this christmas party i wanna go home cunts” (sent by @cyanacity)
Have you ever taken a picture naked?Yea
Have you ever painted your room?yep, painted a tree on it and it was special paint so you could use chalk on it
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?Y e a p
Have you ever slept naked?Yeyeeyeyeye
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?Of course I have, who hasn’t??
Have you ever had a crush?Yes, a lot,,,,
Have you ever been dumped?Yea
Have you ever stole money from a friend?Yeah,,,, but I payed them back! cause i felt really bad
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?Yes I have, even went on a camping trip with them
Have you ever been in a fist fight?No, but i once slapped a bitch so hard that he fell down
Have you ever snuck out of your house?I almost did a few times as a kid but i never actually did it ftgyhuj
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?hhhhhhhyeah……
Have you ever been arrested?Nope! the law can’t hold me down though
Have you ever made out with a stranger?Nnnnope
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?no but i met up with someone of the same sex
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?Yes, many times because i am an A D U L T
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?i’ve never met my neighbors, so by process of elimination the answer is no
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?All the time babey
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?Yeeyeyeyeyeyeye
Have you ever seen someone die?I saw my dog die, if that counts
Have you ever been on a plane?Yes, i fly at least 6 times a year
Have you ever kissed a picture?Yes, who hasn’t
Have you ever slept in until 3?I actually did that today
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?Yes
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?yesss, it’s a fun thing to do on a nice day
Have you ever made a snow angel?yeah, i used to make them all the time when i was a kid but it doesn’t snow much where i live now so, rip
Have you ever played dress up?hell yeah my dude
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?definitely, cause i suck at them so i have to at least make it seem like i’m good
Have you ever been lonely?All the time man, feelin it right now *whip*
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?I’ve fallen asleep at school maybe 3 times?
Have you ever been to a club?idk what you mean by club so no
Have you ever felt an earthquake?Nope! never have
Have you ever touched a snake?Yes i have, i love the danger noodles
Have you ever ran a red light?haha, no
Have you ever been suspended from school?Maybe??? when i was in elementary school
Have you ever had detention?I think so??? but it was like,,, lunch detention or somethin
Have you ever been in a car accident?Luckily, no. But i have been close.
Have you ever hated the way you look?oh hell yeah babey all the time
Have you ever witnessed a crime?Maybe, idk gyhnj
Have you ever pole danced?No but i want to
Have you ever been lost?i’m lost right now, i don’t who’s house i’m in
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?Ye! it was fun uwu
Have you ever felt like dying?ehhhh??? yeah
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?yeah..,.,.,.,.
Have you ever sang karaoke?i don’t think i have tbh, but i’ve seen people do it at a bar once
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?Yeah,,,, weed
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?No actually, surprisingly
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?nooopeee
Have you ever kissed in the rain?noep
Have you ever sang in the shower?every heckin time
Have you ever made out in a park?nope
Have you ever dream that you married someone?maybe
Have you ever glued your hand to something?I once accidentally superglued my hands together
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?No, but i have licked a few
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?nnoooo??? i don’t udnerstand this question gyusi
Have you ever been a cheerleader?No fuck that sorry
Have you ever sat on a roof top?Yes! it’s quite fun actually
Have you ever brushed your teeth?I sure hope so
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?all the time sksksksk
Have you ever played chicken?I used to play it at the bus stop every day
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?i think it’s happened like 4 times probably
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?Yeah,,, it was w e i r d ???
Have you ever broken a bone?I’ve broken both my arms and my thumb
Have you ever been easily amused?I laughed at a picture of Mark with the quote ‘fuck’ once, so I would say yes
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?yes, especially when i’m on a voice call with my friends
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?nope, actually
Have you ever cheated on a test?hellyeea
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?I’m bad with names so it’s easy for me to forget them
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?Myself
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.my credit card info:6969 6969 6969 69684/20666@nachosforfree @xtracheesy
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hyungkyun · 6 years
HENLO!!! this is ur actual bday present, not that Gross thing i sent earlier lol. again, do whatever u want with it!! u dont have to post it or anything. it’s just easier to submit stuff like this than to, idk, send u an email like a señora lol.
ok so im doing this in bullet point format bc the last time I wrote a coherent, well-written paragraph was like 5 years ago or smth. anyway!! since u hated soooo much my beautiful, amazing, unique goths au im going with the loser couple au… which was also a college au of sorts?? dskjhksjdf this isn’t even an au, since y’all are already losers tbh (^: this also got out of hand…. this shit is eight pages long. idk enjoy bithc.
first of all, ck the kind of dude everyone’s lowkey scared of bc he’s silent and serious af. also he does seem kind of a weirdo, tbh?
youve seen him around, maybe you’re in the same dorms but u have absolutely no idea what he’s majoring in :o and u ask around but no one has any idea either!! oh wow a mystery~~
BUT he’s kinda cute hmmm (^: and u probably find the weirdo vibe interesting
however it’s so hard to get to talk to him. u always run into him when you’re out with friends or in a hurry to get to class so :///
but destiny works in mysterious ways~~~ and once u meet it’s rly. so unexpected.
actually, it’s awful since u get locked out of ur dorm sound familiar?? during winter break, rly late at night after a long study session at the library yes, the library, fight me. so u kinda just. sit down miserably outside ur room, since ur roommates are gone, cursing everything and everyone. u will eventually go looking for someone to help u out or smth but right now u need to Whine.
but oh my!! enter mister im changkyun!!! that weirdo who actually lives a couple of doors away from u (how come you never found out wtf???)
he sees u basking in ur misery and actually. finds u rly cute??? bc you’re pouting, cursing a little under ur breath, fumbling with ur phone. but u also look angry as fuck, ready to kill a man??? and yet you’re really fucking cute what the hell!!!!
so he comes up to u and asks u what’s wrong, to which u answer not so nicely without even looking up from ur phone, bc you’re rly so done with this situation ://
but then u look up and u See who it is fuck fuck fuck fuckfucbicvufkhkcfj
but since ck’s Nice and he understands that u must be having an awful time (and also bc he thinks youre cute) he offers to help u. you’re kind of skeptical since he’s just another student, what could he do???
until he tells u he knows how to pick locks lmaoaoaoaoa. that lil weirdo (‘:
anyway he saves ur night. but since he’s an annoying lil shit he’ll tease u abt it every time he runs into u for the rest of winter break.
since that day y'all basiclly become an old, bickering, married couple fnsdjdj
u never stop annoying each other…. you’re wearing a hoodie? he’ll probably pull the hood all the way down until it covers ur eyes, and u get him back by messing up his hair which, by the way,is so soft….. hmmmm
u call each other nerd and loser and dumbass all the time lmao. he’ll constantly bring up the way u met just to jokingly say that you’d be lost without him :/// he rly is a lil shit.
it’s funny bc everyone figures out u are falling for each other… except u two. and i rly do mean everyone. ur friends. his friends. ur roommates. ur cat. the janitor, too, probably. it’s so obvious it hurts.
one time someone implies u would be a cute couple and y'all literally go all ‘no???? haha me??? liking that loser??? pfft not in a million years’
it’s the biggest lie, of course (: and ever since that person suggested u would look good together, both of u kind of realize it’d be… nice. more than nice. actually, super nice.
but since both of u are dumb tsunderes,  as ive said before, u will literally be the embodiment of this scene… except it goes both ways. honestly u are so gone for each other it’s GROSS.
but we need some angst up in here so y'all dont get together for a reaaaaaaally long time :/ smh. the pining is Real. ppl come and go in ur lives, and each person u go out with sees that u already fell for someone else—and that’s why all potential relationships don’t last much–, but sdjkfhksjdhk!!! neither of u want to openly admit it.
it’s A Mess bc u are actually good friends and u tell each other abt ur dates and stuff—secretly hoping the other will do something—but y'all looove being dumb so u act like it’s all cool and be like ‘o rly!! good for u, i hope it works out’. right. :/
y’all keep dancing around each other for several months until one Merciful Soul gets tired of ur shit and forces u to sort things out. im talking abt locking u up in some room and not letting u out until u stop pretending u aren’t disgustingly in love with each other. or smthequally cheesy (: u know ilove cheese
((obviously everyone eavesdrops through the door bc cmon, theyve been waiting for this for sooooo long))
at first u two are just annoyed at the Merciful Soul betchait was minhyuk, and u spend ur time yelling and cursing them for doing this (all while claiming that this is pointless, since u have NO feelings for each other. none. nada!)
after a very long time, it’s ck the one that confesses first lmao. youve been whining and being grumpy the whole time youve been locked up together and it kinda reminded him of the way u met… damn. here come The Feelings.
he’s tired, and there’s nothing left to lose. so he tells u The Truth.
[suspenseful pause….. what’s going to happen next?? :OOOOO]……… tune in next year to find out, in the continuation of Cristina’s Cheesy Birthday Present!!!
jk, proceed to the next bullet point pls.
obviously u tell him u feel the same way [insert ppl crying in the background] and he’s actually shocked when u say u like him back…. and gosh, he does look cute when he’s surprised…
so yeah!!! it’s until then that u FINALLY go on a date during the weekend!!. hallelujah. thanks minhyuk,u beautiful soul.
so!!! ok!! first date!!! a rly cute fairground in the evening!!!
u try to be fake mean to each other like u used to but everything feels different~~~ (^:
so instead y’all act bashful as hell, and blush at everything jjdfghjfhd. hands brushing accidentally?? BLUSH. eyes meeting? BLUSH. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH!!! u also laugh at everything bc both of u are so nervous oh gmhg fdknjjkdsfjoidf this is gross.
he’ll tell bad jokes to make u laugh and they’re rly so so so bad that he actually keeps u in stitches. if u look rly closely you’ll see his huge ass heart eyes bc !!!! he made u laugh!!!! and u look so pretty when u laugh omg!!!! dis-gos-tinnnnn
it’d be such a cute date tbh im crying just thinking abt it (‘’’’: obviously he’s a gentleman and he lets u choose what to eat, which ride to go to first, etc. u could literally tell him ‘hey let’s just sit down and do nothing’ and he’d say yes. he’s so gONe, ifmgfjdmf.
he’s kinda quiet and a lot shier than u wouldve expected but youre literally melting bc that’s a new side to him that you’d never thought you’d see.
u end up having so much fun (‘: u gross lil idiots, u.
oh and he’s def the type to ask if he can kiss u at the end of the night EYYYYYY
even if u find that incredibly endearing you’ll probably roll ur eyes with a huge ass smile on urlips lmaoaoaoao and call him a dummy for even asking when you’ve literally be in cloud nine since ur date started kjkhwjeqdkwjlk  
[hello, brief break to clarify that from this point i forgot this was actually a college au lmao, so the rest of the bullet points are literally just. random facts abt u two dating hhhhhh. We dont even know what ck’s major is odjfngnfdj]  
at first things are a lil awkward in ur relationship tbh
catch ck googling ‘how to relationship’ on a daily basis dnfndkfjdncn he is sort of clueless abt how to handle The Feelings. mostly bc this is Important and the last thing he wants is to mess it up )^:
that goes away eventually, tho!! he’ll start being his weird little self real fucking soon, so Get Ready
u still call each other nerd and all that stuff, but ur voices are dripping with fondness when u say it… literally everyone around u gets cavities from it, ew.
he’s not that big on planning dates but from time to time he’ll take u to rly cool, unexpected, interesting places :o  and eventually he’ll show u his favorite secret spots ((’:
study dates are a thing. i bet he’s that type of person that enjoys reading in weird ass positions… his legs are like, halfway off the couch and his arm is bent in a way that looks almost painful… what the hell….?? but it’s fine (: it goes so well with ur study methods, those that are Too Weird for the library, yeah?? (:
he will also stare at u a lot bc u look cute when you’re rly focused on smth that is, when u stop  whining abtstudying…
every time u catch him doing that you’ll go all ‘stop staring at me!!! wtf are u looking at u weirdo’ and he’ll answer ‘you’re so pretty~~~ ♥️♥️♥️’. you’ll blush like a lil idiot, naturally (^: hmmmm
and yea, yea. nap dates are a thing too :/// with sleepy forehead kisses and raspy voices and tangled limbs. all that sappy stuff. he’s a lil shit tho, so he’ll sometimes poke ur ribs to tickle u lmao.
buuuut he’ll also take a lot of pics of u sleeping bc he thinks youre cute )))): his faves always end up being his wallpaper for months.
he’ll get strange gifts for u, like rly bizarre plushies and rare books on topics he thinks u will like,  tacky anime memorabilia, etc. he’ll always give them to u at random times bc he just saw them and reminded him of u ♥️  
he makes a lot of playlists for u too!!! pls listen closely, he puts a lot more thought into them than he lets on.
u like his selfies??? well he’ll send u a lot of those. unfortunately, bc he’s a lil shit, he’ll mostly send double chins and weird ass faces from equally weird angles  
from time to time he’ll send u a Nice One tho ((((^: and u know, tongue selfies since youreSO fond of his(and I quote) “5ft tongue”. and oh gosh! is that a tongue piercing…??? eyyyyyy
if u want to take couple selfies then you’re gonna have a real hard time bc he’ll always be making weird faces and poses just to be annoying. eventually u will make dumb faces too tho (’: what a couple of losers
expect weird random texts: he loves telling u abt whatever is on his mind—probably aliens. he thinks a lot abt aliens and the universe. throw some conspiracy theories in there, too—. he’ll also send obscure memes. and a lot of russian cats!!
he’ll love ur cosplay hobbie. he thinks it’s super cool. he’ll call u a nerd but don’t be fooled! he totally brags abt it with his friends (^:
oh! and this is unrelated but at some point y'all will look like an emo goth couple. u won’t even realize that you’re both wearing black and looking Edgy, it’ll just happen spontaneously. tragic 😔
there are a lot of comfortable silences when u hang out, but late night deep convos are also fundamental :o!!! bc y'all are Smort.
he’ll act like f*cboi from time to time tbh?? he’ll tell lots of dirty jokes LMAO. u roll ur eyes at him a lot bc they’re rly. so bad.
if he winks or does Eyebrow Things then u can’t rly roll ur eyes and act like you’re annoyed bc (: u like it (: and u think it suits him (: and he knows it (: (: (:
u get back at him by telling him he’s cute tho, and he’ll get all shy and he’ll stutter and saying “noooooo” while also fighting back a smile
he will also howl or bark at u to annoy u jdfhkjdf. damn f*rry ://
on that note, he loves to embarrass u in front of ur friends bc he’s a lil shit :DD
But he’s also the sweetest??? whenever he sees you’re feeling down he’ll start doing weird shit to make u laugh. if that doesn’t work then he’ll hug u real tight without saying anything else, bc that’s Enough, u know?? (’:
ok time to get Domestic lads!!!
Idk who the hell is going to cook bc y'all are a damn mess in the kitchen. u two try to cook Nice Meals sometimes. seven times out of ten u end up ordering takeout lmao.
be prepared: he sings in the shower, and he does so terribly. (he might do it a little louder and a little more off-key sometimes bc he knows it makes u laugh)
random kisses are a thing!!! he kisses ur cheek or ur shoulder or ur nape or literally. any body part he can get his lips on when u two are just hanging out, watching movies or smth. it’s so soft and cute )^: wtf im crying
but also stolen kisses!! he’ll kiss u at the most unexpected of times and it alwaysleaves u breathless
he’ll constantly put his head on ur shoulder and make this face at u (^:  
can’t sleep??? don’t worry!!! he’ll sing to u with that pretty, soothing voice of his
anyway. what I meant is that y’all would be such cute little idiots together this was long af. wow. im so sorry. happy birthday??? lmao
icb u rly did the fairground first date i rly fucking hate u why did i even tell u these things i knew it was gonna fire back im fjjgjkknknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ur ‘tragic 😔’ when we become a goth couple :/ u dont understand goth love
why the fuck did u make him howl. i wanna fucking die rn. what the fuck. he fucking would. fuck off.
i dont wanna talk abt all that domestic shit how did u even write all of that without dying i literally wanna rip all my limbs off i wont make any comment. i didnt need to know what that would be like but u looooove ruining my life so :)
i rly hate u ksdjfhskdjhfksjh icb u did this thank u i wanna die??????????? wtf nat !!!!! no but rly thank u :( u took the time to write this long ass college au (is it????? whats cks major tho rly :/ ) and just skdfjsjk u remembered all the weird shit i told u thats cute and also Really Bad what else do u know that i forgot i told u skdfksjh im literally always screaming at u abt this shit how did u !!! remember all of this!!!!! dldskfjshljhlakjsh this is so cute and horrible nat wtf how could u :( now im gonna cry :(
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aliceellablog · 7 years
Christmas and New Years with M.E.
Ok, so I think it’s time to vent…
OMG! Christmas! YAY! The time for happiness, giving, spending time with family, seeing all your mates, parties, alcohol, food, and having the best time ever!!! - Well that can fuck right off can’t it!
Just cos’ it’s Xmas doesn’t mean that your illnesses and troubles just magically disappear! If anything it probably brings them to the surface more and makes you realise just how little you can do. Great.
I haven’t had a drink all year! - jokes (cos thats like 7 days) …If you have to explain your jokes they’re not funny! Anyway- I haven’t had a drink since July and I really miss it… well I also haven’t been to a party since then either… or socialised…or left the house to do anything other than go to bloody Sainsbury’s… I have eaten food though… cos you know…. I’m still alive and all that.
There’s so much pressure to be well at xmas, which obviously isn’t even like, on the scale of being possible, but so many people invited me out to parties etc and although it’s great that they haven’t completely forgotten I exist .....babe? Like really? Oh ok, I’ll spend 6 months in my bedroom and then come to your party cos it’s Xmas? Yea right.
It’s weird - I feel like I am pretty public about my health issues- if anything probably too much - but people obviously just don’t really take it in… Someone text me the other day actually and it really hit a sore spot - he asked why I hadn’t answered his calls and I replied apologising and saying sorry that I didn’t feel up to chatting on the phone at the time and his reply pissed me RIGHT OFF. He said, and I quote ‘Whatever... Unicorn impressions in a forest??’
What is wrong with peoples bloody brains!!! Sorry, but lets just think about this for a minute…
So I got home to Sussex on December 23rd and was so shattered from the train journey that I had to nap and couldn’t do anything with the fam that eve… I don’t really get why travelling is so damn tiring, like you’re only sat there being awake and breathing really….  anyway... then the next day I had my one of my best friends round and yes I actually felt up to seeing her (which is a bloody miracle) We had a lovely catch up and her Xmas gift to me was THE UNICORN ONESIE!!! - Yes, she is the one responsible for this moment!
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We thought it would be hilarious for me to put it on and have a pic in the forest which is literally about 10 steps from the house - she convinced me to put wellington boots on my hands and get down on all fours (obviously) and it was so so funny I haven’t laughed that much in forever! 10 seconds later we were back on the sofa! Job done!
Does taking 20 paces and posing for a photo mean that I am now miraculously better? No
Does it mean I’ll do anything for the gram? Yes ;)
But in all seriousness, I wish people would realise that I am trying to portray the fun positive person that I feel is trapped inside my body, and to have fun and be happy whenever I can, even if it’s just for a few minutes! God if I put up pics of me looking like a zombie on the sofa all day every day I think I’d lose a fair few followers ;) ... ok maybe I do it sometimes....always with a filter though ;) 
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Anyway, sorry I went off on a right little tangent there! Unicorn day was Xmas eve and after my friend left I was pretty shattered so again just rested for the rest of the day.
When I woke up on Xmas day I could tell that I felt pretty ropey but not too terrible, I wanted to look and feel nice so I did my makeup (which I hardly ever bother to do these days) and ‘helped’ my mum cook the xmas lunch… basically I stood around for a bit, got in the way a lot, and helped lay the table. What would she have done without me huh!
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Xmas dinner wash so damn good, but… how can I put it… let’s just say it didn’t go down too well and that was me done for the afternoon. Fucking Crohns disease, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?! Sorry, TMI but I couldn’t really care less ;) Then that evening we played an exciting game of snakes and ladders and watched a film. lavley.
In the eve I went for my daily walk - I am trying so so so hard to stick to my GET (Graded Exercise Therapy) and didn’t feel up to doing it but pushed through it as per, and did it.
When I started the GET this time around I started at the beginning of October on a 10 minute walk a day (and nothing else other than making food, and pottering about the house really) - Now it’s January and I’m on 25 minutes. It’s great that I have made an improvement, but not gonna lie, I thought I’d be on like an hour by now and could start doing some songwriting or focusing on other things, but nah. Still doing the walking.
Anyway the walk that night just about finished me off and I felt awful afterwards… for a week! FS!
Boxing Day I was pretty much in tears most of the day (sorry family!) and on the sofa and same for the rest of the week - I managed to travel back up to my Dad’s place for Xmas numero due, but felt like utter arse.
At least the main activity at my dads was watching films YEP and flying this little drone thing around home made obstacle courses YEP - which I could join in with whilst sat on my arse lol - We did have a nice time though and it was so good to spend so much time with all my family at least! I am so lucky to have them and am so close to them all, so that’s definitely something eh :)
Then it was back to my place in London for a few more days resting before NYE! The most overrated night of the year!
I was really so touched this year as some of my housemates decided to stay in with me :) To be honest I am still unsure of wether they genuinely wanted to or if they felt they had to, but either way I appreciated it SO MUCH!
I was really worried that they’d all go out -  but of course I told them that it would be genuinely fine and I’d have been happy for them to go- but maybe they just saw straight through that!
I was really scared about how I would cope with being sat on my own in bed when the clock struck midnight - I know it sounds a bit overdramatic, and it really doesn’t matter what you’re doing at that moment, but I think it says so much about your life. Sorry, I am welling up typing this, but I think it says a lot to be sat on your own seeing in the new year and I truly hope that none of you guys had to do that. I guess it still upsets me so freakin’ much that I just can’t do the ‘normal’ things that all of my friends can, ya know?
HOWEVER! I ended up having a lovely evening with Grace, Nicki and Tilly- we got masses of takeaway, watched a few shit films, and even saw a few fireworks from our garden :) How romantic! And having been so worried about having a complete breakdown, I didn’t even cry once! YAS!
Oh and we even all dressed in pink and made unicorn cupcakes! Winning? I think so! #PinkParty
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So….2018 you little fucker!! What have you got in store for me this year?
You’ll be relieved to hear that so far I have been feeling pretty positive and I always love the opportunity for a fresh start!
I have been going for my walk every day and trying to put less pressure on myself - I think the thing that makes all of this so hard is that fact that I am so driven and wanting so much to have a successful career in the music industry- even typing that again makes me get all teary again but I HAVE to accept that it’s not going to happen just yet- and that patience is the key!
I have so many songs finished and ready to release, I just need to get well enough to have the energy to release them, and to make some new music videos etc. I am really really hoping that I might be able to do one in the summer maybe, and take it from there. But for now my health has to be my number one priority.
I’ll write again in feb! Let’s see if I can get to say 35 min walk by then eh! Wish me luck! Thank you for reading this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and to follow my blog would be amaze!!! :)
Also, just as a last call, if anyone would like to purchase any of my merchandise, all of the profits are going to the charity Action for M.E. so your support would be hugely appreciated! You can see it all on the merch tab on my website www.aliceella.com :) Thanks guys :) xxx
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daddyconfessions · 5 years
daddy’s journal: 4/1/16
daddy’s journal: 3/23/16
Monday Mar 28th Around 11:30pm Bubbles text me. “Can you get out?”  I tell her I can’t, obviously. No way the wife’s letting me out the house without beaucoup questions. She tells me she’s with Piper. “We just fucked,” she told me. “Now we’re going to the strip club.” We go back and forth a few messages before she sends me a video. Its her and Piper. At first they’re smiling for the camera before they turn towards each other and start making out. Lots of tongue.
Shit. Now I’m rummaging my mental file cabinet of “player shit” looking for an excuse to leave the house. “Come go out with us,” she sends in another text. “We can go out have some fun and then fuck.” Now I’m flipping through that file cabinet like a mofo, running through some of the best player excuses I used before or even tried. Then she sends another video. This time their playing with each other’s hair before tonguing each other down again. “You sure you can’t come out?” she text as a follow up. Then it a file in my file cabinet. A light bulb goes off in my home office. I found some shit. “Why don’t you guys just stay home?”  I text back. Couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before. “I’ll just come over.”
“Do you see how good we look,” Bubbles saying. These chicks were looking good. “Fuck if we’re staying in…Call me. We’re leaving.”
I went out to my garage, called her and spent the next 30 minutes talking to her while she was in the back of the car of some uber driver. Mostly the conversation was them trying to make up their mind which strip club to go to and when they did they didn’t know how long they would be there before they went to another.  The videos had me hard as a fucking rock. I went to pornhub to help dispense with my frustration and then laid down for the night, partially content.
Thursday Mar 31st Bubbles showed up 30 minutes late. It was cool. Sugarbabies always late. It can be annoying if you’re anal about that sort of thing or inexperienced. I’ve learned over the years to expect it especially if she’s under 25. Also I brought my laptop so I could keep working.
I was finishing up an email when she walked up to the table. I stood up and hugged her pretty ass. “I’m sorry for being late,” she said. We talked a bit while I finished up the email then I put my laptop away. “So quite an exciting start to the week,” I said. “You and Piper were turnt up Monday.”
“Oh my god,” she laughed. “We had so much fun after we talked to you until Piper got us kicked out the club again.” She spent a few minutes telling me what Piper did this time to get kicked out. “I haven’t heard from her since that night,” she said and finished her story. “I’m sure she’s somewhere with some guy getting used up. She’s like a dumb bitch.” She put her forefinger and middle finger together and said, “Like when we were fucking I was fingering her I could barely feel her walls. Like her pussys all stretched out.”
Am I really having this conversation? Only in the sugarbowl I tell you.
“I’m not even turned on by Piper anymore. So I just stopped and let her eat me out. You don’t want her babe,” she told me. “We can go out the club and find some new bitches to have fun with.”
“Let’s go tonight,” I suggested.  “We can go as soon as we get done eating.” She smiled and grabbed my hand, “Are you sure babe? You don’t have to get home?” I laughed. “Yes I do. But I can come up with an excuse.“ She lifted her glass. I lifted mine and we put them together. “Fuck it,” she said. “Lets do it.”
Dinner came and we just talked about miscellaneous stuff as we ate. She told me she had gone to the club the weekend before and pulled a girl. “We pulled a snowflake,” she said.  When I asked what a snowflake was she said, “White chick. Me and my roommate Mina pulled that bitch. Look I got pics.” She whipped out  her phone and said, “See?”
Damn. Bubbles had been cancelling dates left and right. I had been sure I was going to be letting her go. But that had been premature thinking :) No way I was letting my little scandalous, bisexual, Princess go. And, she was still avoiding having a real arrangement. She still wanted to continue to do per meet. I guess I’m just going to have to put up with her shit for now. I’m most definitely destined for a menage a trois with her and some other fine ass chick. Too good to pass up. I asked what a snowflake meant. “White chick,” she said.
“She let you take pics?” I asked. “Nah,” she said. “Me and Mina talked about it when we got her home. While we put on our outfits we scoped out how we would do it. Once she got on top, Mina just came in and snapped.”
A couple of guys a few tables over  kept staring at Bubbles. Baby girl was looking good in her jeans and T-shirt. Sexy af. When we finished eating, we decided to leave her car at the restaurant and take mine. She went to her trunk and pulled out a pair of heels. She pulledoff her sandals and put on the heels. I was like, “Really? We’re just going to a strip club.” She was like, “ That’s why I’m putting these on.”  
We got to the strip club and found a table in the middle of the room. The waitress came and we got a few drinks. We were still tipsy from the restaurant before so no point in stopping the fun. We were there 30 minutes before I told Bubbles I was surprised no one came up to talk to us. “They won’t” she said. “These bitches are intimidated by me.” We decided to have our own fun though. We started kissing again. I got change and got a stack of ones. Every girl I liked, Bubbles got up and went and tipped them. A couple of girls even gave her a kiss.  I’m loving this shit. Can’t think of when I’ve had this much fun.
Some of the guys at the other tables started taking note of Bubbles. The other strippers were checking her out too. I mean I like arm candy but after the third time of some guy blatantly staring at her, I felt a little awkward. Some of the blokes looked like they were about to come over and talk to her right in front of me.
Bubbles got up and went  go to the bathroom. About a few minutes later one of the strippers came and sat in my lap. “Hi Daddy,” she said. “I’m Candy.” I ran my hand all over Candy’s tight little, fat free 20 year old body. I got hard instantly. The Lamar Odom’s I’d taken early had kicked in and Bart was hard as a rock. She put her arm around me and we started chatting me up. Bubbles returned, all smiles. Like a complete fool, I introduced them to each other. I’ll explain why later.
“Your girl is really pretty,” Candy told me. “Why don’t you go sit in her lap,” I suggested to her.  She winced and looked away like she was blushing. “Oh no,” she chuckled, hiding her face. “I can’t do that. She’s too pretty.”
Bubbles took a sip of her drink and said, “Why don’t you take her for a table dance?” I smiled and then Candy and I left.  
After two songs I headed back to Bubbles. Candy said she’d be over later after she did something. Bubbles had a new Corona when I got to her. I flopped down, dick hard, ready to see if Bubbles was down for some 3 way love tonight.
“Fuck this place,” she said as soon as I sat down. I was like WTF? “What’s going on.” I could see she was visibly upset. “That bitch set us up,” she said. She took a sip of the Corona.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked. She started laughing, “Oh my God. I can’t believe this shit. That bitch followed me to the bathroom. But I didn’t’ pay it any mind. We got into the stalls and the bitch goes into the one next to me. Then she’s like, ‘Hey I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you but I just noticed you.’ So I’m like I’m trying to take a piss bitch. I’ll talk to you when we get out. Like WTF? So when I come out she’s waiting on me. Talking about ‘You’re really pretty. Is that your dude?’ I told her yea we’re dating. But he’s looking for some fun so go over and give him a table dance.”
I took a drink and said, “So you two already met? Fuck. I’m looking like a fool introducing you and shit.”
“Oh it gets better,” Bubbles said. “So you guys leave to go get your dance and then some old motherfucker comes over and sits down. He’s starts telling me how pretty I was and asking if I danced and shit. I’m like no. Get the fuck out of here. So the waitress comes and he tells her to get me another Corona. Then he’s all trying to tell me how he can take care of me. Buy me whatever I want. He’s rich…and all this shit. And not to worry about the other chick. She’s just a friend.  So I tell him I’m good and thanks for the offer but you take care of me enough already. So he’s like he can do more for me than you. But then he sees you coming back and then he leaves.”
I was dumbfounded at this point. I didn’t know what to say.  What to do even. “Babe let’s just go fuck,” she said, taking a long pull on her drink. Well that answered my question. I finish my drink and she takes a couple more swigs of the Corona and we head out. Now, I’m really enjoying this shit. I never knew the strip club could be so much fun. In the car, she’s rubbing on my dick. Still talking about the bullshit that just happened. “That bitch was stank and fucking ratchet,” she told me. I quoted the wise philosopher Kendric Lamar and told her, “Don’t kill my vibe.”  
“We need to go to a few other places I usually go to,” she said. “Catch some real bitches.”
I couldn’t think straight my dick was so hard. Between the table dance, the excitement, her rubbing my dick as I drove and the Lamar Odom’s I was about to explode. 
Inside the room we’re both still lowkey tripping on the stunt Candy and her “Daddy” pulled at the club. I climbed on top of Bubbles and started kissing her. She pushed me off her and said, “You know what I want…” I slid down to the kitty. “Mmmm,” she said. “I almost took you to the champagne room myself at the club. Looking at all those girls got me hot. I was ready for some head.”
I did as I was told, starting out slowly flicking my tongue like a snake against the clit. “Wait. Over just a little baby,” she said. I followed her instructions, moving my tongue. “Yes. Right there.” She arched her back and twisted her upper body as I begin to continuously thrash the clit.  “Fuck!” She started moaning and playing with her nipples. “Yes. Right there. Fuck!”  You know how it is when he’s licking it and he’s on the right spot. He moves just a little and it doesn’t feel the same anymore. Attempts to find that spot he was on have been lost forever. I’ve done it enough times to know not to venture into the unknown. Stay put. Stay put. And it paid off too. She came hard af. I don’t think she ever came like that. Her back arched and she bounced up and down like she was getting shock therapy or something. Then she went limp. I thought she had passed out. When I rose up and climbed back on top of her eyes were glazed. “What the fuck was that?” she asked.
I let her rest, then I went back down for round 2. As I licked she didn’t really respond. I looked up and saw her staring into space. Her eyes blinking. Like she was daydreaming. “Hey,” I yelled. “You ok?”
“Fuck babe,” she looked down at me. “What do you want from me. That’s the best anyone has ever ate my pussy. Like I don’t think I can cum again tonight.”
We tried some missionary and then her riding me but it just wasn’t there for  her. She had cum once and she had cum hard. Time for some knowledge to the finish me off. She made it good for Daddy. She played with the tip a bit, then did this combo move where she sucked the dick and licked my shaft at the same time. Didn’t take more than 5 minutes before I came, sparying the back of her throat with creamy protein. I think I convulsed a bit and jerked. That was a good one. She climbed on top of me and lay on my chest. We didn’t talk much. Both our bodies and minds were lost in the nut we’d both just given each other. The drama of the evening was gone, replaced by two good orgasms.
We got dressed and headed back to the restaurant to get her car. About half way there some old man pulled up to us at the light. I didn’t notice him but Bubbles did. “Who’s this guy?” she asked. I looked over and some dude was in a Porsche. Looked like a 91 from what I could tell.  He threw his head up like “What’s up?” “Motherfucker,” Bubbles said. “Like he’s being disrespectful. Can’t he see I’m with my dude?”
“He wants to race babe,” I told her. “This time its not about you.” She turned around and looked at me. “Let’s do it,” she said. I smiled back. My kind of girl.
I switched off the traction control and turned of the radio. The light turned green and we took off. We were neck and neck for  a good 30 seconds before he started to pull away. I shifted gears and ended that nonsense. I shifted again, the motor growled and I jumped 2 car lengths in a split second, passing Germany’s finest. “Buy fucker,” Bubbles said as we passed, waving her fingers at him. I kept my lead until I got caught at the next light.
Good ol’ Billy Ray. Some work under the hood and a several stacks made sure the foreign whip stayed in his place….in my rear view mirror. He pulled up beside me finally at the light, saying something. He started reving his motor again. “Whats he saying?” Bubbles asked. She was looking for the window switch to the let the motor down. “Who gives a fuck?” I said.
The light turned green and we took off again. We started out the same as before but then some cars pulled out into the street and I had to slow down. He was able to keep going, and I had to actually switch to his lane, behind him.  After we passed the car I was able to get back into my lane but ol boy had a pretty big lead on me now. Up ahead the light turned yellow. He kept going through it but I got caught at the red. I looked over at bubbles and she was panting. “Are you ok?” She nodded her head and smiled. “Yes. I think my pussy’s wet though.”
0 notes
ventus-shmentus · 7 years
1 through 100 for the question time?
oh man this is gonna keep me busy, thank you anon
1.) is there a boy/girl in your life?
*** sadly no, I've been single for like 3 years now
2.)  think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
*** yes! I generally try to forgive most ppl because I h a t e being angry w ppl
3.) what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
*** there was a girl in middle school that always stared me down and meowed at me at lunch???
4.) what’s something you really want right now?
*** strawberry lemonade from O’Charley’s
5.) are you afraid of falling in love?
*** thank god no, I love loving people
6.) do you like the beach?
*** yeah my fam goes every year for vacay and we spread my brothers ashes in the ocean and stuff so it’s comforting to go bc it’s like he’s still with me??
7.) have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
*** tried to, but I have a lot of problems falling asleep so it didn't work out too well
8.) what’s the background on your cell?
*** my lock screen is me and a best friend and my home bg is a pic of ventus
9.)name the last four beds you were sat on?
***my sisters, my moms, faith’s, and Ryder’s if you count being sat on by dogs (I think thats what the question is asking lmao??)
10.) do you like your phone?
*** most of the time, yeah. the calls get messed up a lot tho and the battery sucks
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
*** god no, it’d be weird if they were. I'm doing much much better in life than I originally expected 
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
*** probs the girls from my DBT therapy group
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
*** omg Rottweiler for sure,,, I love big doggies and they're such big babies
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
*** I can't really answer this because they’re both felt in different ways
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
*** I've never been to an art museum so id have to say zoo for now
16: are you tired?
*** heck yea my mom lost my sleep medication, I'm so tired to the point where I'm listening to Soulja boy and I'm not sure if its real or not
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
*** like???? 15 years??
18: are they a relative?
*** nope just my sisters friend 
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
*** someone please kill me if I ever get back with one of my exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
*** honestly I can’t remember, probably like last month?
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
*** nonono I'm nowhere near ready to settle down in life like that. I'm only 19 and like I've never even had a job and I don't have my license and shit,,, def not ready for marriage
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*** yeah he was a good kisser, too bad I barely remember it lmao
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
*** 2 a hair tie and a friendship bracelet
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
*** Donald Duck going “WAK!”
25: what’s on your mind?
*** what happened to Kevin Jonas
26: do you have any tattoos?
*** no but I was planning on getting one soon as tribute to my brother
27: what is your favorite color?
*** yellow!! its so happy and bright
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
*** heck idk no one ever seems interested in me so like?? its up to them bc I'm down to kiss like 90% of the people I know
29: who are you texting?
*** my boi Ryder bc he's coming over to give me birthday stuff
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
***nope, only a car
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
*** I low key knew that my brother was gonna die the day he did but I didn't say anything to anyway bc I just blamed it on my anxiety
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*** heck yeah, I got a couple thankfully
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
*** lmao ryder
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*** yes! my eyes turn literally yellow in the summer and its p cool
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
*** I'd be like “hell yeah I'm proud of u for getting action”
36: were you single on valentines day?
*** have been my whole life
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
*** yes but I rarely talk to him anymore
38: what do your friends call you?
*** karl, car keys, Karls, kar, karlie warlie
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
*** does myself count lmao
40: have you ever cried over a text?
*** probably
41: where’s your last bruise located?
*** the tops of my feet 
42: what is it from?
*** dancing! you get bruises in weird places from dance lmao
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
*** idk if this really counts but we went out to eat last night which is really triggering for me and I was like “I just want to go home and see my doggie”
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
***my sister on accident
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
*** fav bc of looks are my white doc Martens but I wear my black converse most of the time
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
*** no I look dumb in hats
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
*** honestly no just bc I like to have the mermaid hair effect when I’m in the bath or swimming
48: do you make supper for your family?
*** only if its like pizza rolls or smthn
49: does your bedroom have a door?
*** yes???
50: top 3 web-pages?
*** Tumblr, youtube and Facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*** my mom bc she hates going out in public
52: does anything on your body hurt?
*** my wrist!! I have a cyst in my joint and it hurts to move it too much 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
*** yes bc I have a huge fear of abandonment
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
*** strawberry lemonade
55: how is your hair?
*** its kinda short atm, I just got it cut and I'm mad bc its just the right length where only half of my hair goes into a ponytail
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
*** pee tbh
57: do you think two people can last forever?
*** I mean I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
*** considering. was 8, yes
59: green or purple grapes?
*** depends on my mood tbh
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
*** in like 10 minutes when Ryder is here
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
*** not really but I wouldn't particularly mind if I was somewhere else
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
*** like rn
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
*** in my living room talking to Ryder
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
*** pretending to be asleep
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
***probably faith idk but thankfully thats faded by now
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
*** ryder and my sister tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
*** my mom always hugs me good morning
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
*** “god I wish I could fall asleep”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*** did you mean: my entire dance career?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
*** 5!
71: how many fingers do you have?
*** thankfully I got all 10
72: what is your ringtone?
*** the default iPhone ringtone, I've never bothered to change it but I want my text ringtone to be the thing from Kim possible
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
*** 19
74: where is your mum right now?
*** in my sister’s room helping her build a desk
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
*** bc he's an abusive piece of shit (:
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
*** sadly no ):
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
*** definitely not
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
*** a dude named Zac but he was a terrible person lmao
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
*** my aunt's pos boyfriend
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
*** no ):
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
*** not really anyone worth noting
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*** probably
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*** I don't really like anyone atm
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
*** probably Bria or faith tbh
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
*** I think it’d depend on what it was and if it was effecting them in an unhealthy way or not
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
*** I threw up 20 mins into Spiderman homecoming
87: who was your last received call from?
*** my sister
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
*** I think it'd depend on what I needed the money for and how bad I needed it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
*** friends
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
*** all the time. I love trusting people but it gets me hurt a lot
91: do you sleep with your window open?
*** I wish but I got them allergies
92: do you get along with girls?
*** for the most part yes!
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
*** yeah but its not worth telling them right now, gotta wait till the right time
94: does sex mean love?
*** nope!
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
*** no but I might have a hard time trying to find things to talk about
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
*** yeah I didn't really like it tbh
97: did you sleep alone this week?
*** always
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
*** yes! my sister and ryder
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
*** no bc then you're just falling in love with the persons looks and not the actual person
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise
*** my mom but I don't remember what for
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itsnotsammy · 7 years
get in my business (aka GODDAMIT CAIT)
1. The meaning behind my url: It’s Sam, not Sammy. Only Dean calls Sammy Sammy.2. A picture of me: I’m too shy for that. As soon as I get a nice pic, I’ll be showing ya.3. How many tattoos i have and what they are: I have 4 tattoos. One is a triskele, a celtic symbol, one is a quote from a song I enjoy, one is a Sherlock/Moriarty anagram and one is the Kindreds’ mask.4. Last time i cried and why: Last night watching some episode of Supernatural. I’ll let you guys decide which one.5. Piercings i have: None. Not a piercing fan.
6. Favorite band: At this moment, Poets of the Fall7. Biggest turn offs: If a person is rude to someone for no reasons at all, it just irks me right there. Don’t be rude, people. Be nice. And also, really bad grammar here in Brazil. Just. Don’t.8. Top 5 (insert subject): no subject, no top 5. Bye Cait.9. Tattoos i want: I have a list under my bed. Let me get it.10. Biggest turn ons: Being kind and sweet and soft like Sam Puppy Winchester. That wins everything else.11. Age: 23, turning 24 in June12. Ideas of a perfect date: At home. Don’t take me out of home. We can do things inside.13. Life goal: Meet Jared Padalecki and give him a nice hug if he wants.14. Piercings i want: Nah.15. Relationship status: S-s-single16. Favorite movie: Ugh too many choices!! I love movies so bad! But I’d need to pick one, it’d be Lord of the Rings.17. A fact about my life: I had sex with my cousin more than once. The same one I almost got killed when we were kids. He’s damn hot nowadays.18. Phobia: Clowns. Seriously.19. Middle name: Elliot20. Height: 5′4″21. Are you a virgin? Nope.22. What’s your shoe size? 9/1023. What’s your sexual orientation? Gay af24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? I used to smoke once or twice during the week, but I’ve stopped months ago. I enjoy drinking, tho.25. Someone you miss: My self esteem.26. What’s one thing you regret? Not being Jared’s husbando.27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Did I ever mention Jared Padalecki? Oh well, there you go.28. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate.29. One insecurity: 30. What my last text message says: dAMMIT CAIT31. Have you ever taken a picture naked? Yes, but never posted it.32. Have you ever painted your room? Yes.33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Of course.34. Have you ever slept naked? Nah.35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Yep.36. Have you ever had a crush? Definitely.37. Have you ever been dumped? I can’t really remember.38. Have you ever stole money from a friend? I think not...39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes. I’m this stupid.40. Have you ever been in a fist fight? No, but it looks fun.41. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Never needed to. Grandma is nice. “Hey grandma, I’m going out to sell some drugs!” “Sure, just take your coat, it’s cold outside.”42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? No.43. Have you ever been arrested? Never.44. Have you ever made out with a stranger? Yes.45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yep.46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Yea.47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? Nah.48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? Thrice a week, at least. Good days.49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yep.50. Have you ever seen someone die? Nope.51. Have you ever been on a plane? No, but I’d like to!52. Have you ever kissed a picture? Obviously.53. Have you ever slept in until 3? Every sunday.54. Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? No, not really.55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? I think I used to do it when I was a kid.56. Have you ever made a snow angel? It doesn’t snow here in Brazil!! Gah!57. Have you ever played dress up? Yep.58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game? Hahahahahhaa. Of course. I’m a sore loser.59. Have you ever been lonely? 24/7 tbh60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? Y e s61. Have you ever been to a club? Nope.62. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Once. Scariest shit ever.63. Have you ever touched a snake? Yes! And it was so cool!!!64. Have you ever ran a red light? I don’t drive.65. Have you ever been suspended from school? I don’t think so?66. Have you ever had detention? Nope.67. Have you ever been in a car accident? No.68. Have you ever hated the way you look? Every. Fucking. Day.69. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yes, but I did nothing because the guy had a gun and I’m a chicken.70. Have you ever pole danced? No, but I’d like to!71. Have you ever been lost? Yes, and it’s not fun ;-;72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Not yet, but I intend to!73. Have you ever felt like dying? A few times during the week, yea.74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes. Too many times to care.75. Have you ever sang karaoke? Yesss76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes. I’m terrible at keeping promises.77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? YES!78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? Nah. Never.79. Have you ever kissed in the rain? Nop.80. Have you ever sang in the shower? Everyday! I love to sing in the shower!81. Have you ever made out in a park? Yes.82. Have you ever dream that you married someone? Not my thing, no.83. Have you ever glued your hand to something? No, but my grandma did and it was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing for like half an hour. It sounds cruel but the old woman is fierce and scary af, dudes. Don’t trust an old woman. She can do things.84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? Nope.85. Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? Nop.86. Have you ever been a cheerleader? No, never. Please no. Not my thing.87. Have you ever sat on a roof top? No, but I’d love to.88. Have you ever brush your teeth? Obviously.89. Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Nah. I enjoy horror movies.90. Have you ever played chicken?91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes, those damn motherfuckers...92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Nah, never. I dress like a homeless old man when I go out.93. Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, not fun.94. Have you ever been easily amused? Yeeees95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yes!96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? Nah.97. Have you ever cheated on a test? Did it yesterday.98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? I do it daily. I just work dealing with too many people.99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? Yessss100. Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows. Yes! I trust Tumblr more than I trust my relatives, hah.
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the-ram-fire · 8 years
Oooo talk some shit bout leos and virgos
ok i’ve not been around leos and virgos much for obv reasons - they fuckin suck donkey balls
vorgis THINK THEY’RE FUCKING GOD. LIKE WHO THE HELL. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW THE HELL. FUCK OFF VORIGS YOU’RE NOT GOD. they HAAAAAAAAAAAATE being wrong, and if you prove them wrong they’re gonna start twisting their words saying ‘YEA THATS WHAT I MEANT.’ or ‘THATS WHAT I WAS SAYING’ like bitc no i kno what you were saying alright. immature vorgis have a tendency of bragging about their sex life. i had a friend during high school and his first words throughout the day were ‘MAAAAANNNNN I SOOO GOT IT ON WITH THIS HUGE TITTIES HUGE ASS GIRL LAST NIGHT’ like bitch. do you think i give a fuck? im disgusted when i think about the shit i’ve done let alone hear your bullshit. stop. id ont wanna know. thats definitely too much info 
they care more about the whiteness of their teeth, and their eyebrow game more than they care about ur feelings alright? fucking savages 
they fold their clothes and clean the house to the point of exhaustion cuz its their way of escaping from dealing with their shit. most probably have a club penguin subscription
will never ever admit what they did wrong but you best believe its eating them on the inside like a mother fucker. can’t sleep because of it , can’t eat beacause of it, anxieties up to the roof but they ain’t gonna tell you dude.
idolizes beyonce. owns more scented soaps than you have hair on your head. when they call you out on your bullshit listen VEEEEEERY carefully because 98% of the time the shit that’s bothering them about you is the shit they do all the time. my brother is a dumb vorgi and goddamn. im thinkin about slitting his throat and ending this bullshit (jk im kinda typing dumb shit in the heat of the mooment i love my brother to death - can u tel im trying to hard but have a basic bitch knowledge on astrology)
LEOS - ok leos. the more likes they get on their facebook pics the more will they have to live. they need a constant reminder from other people that they’re beautiful and hot cuz they too dumb to remind themselves that.
*takes a pic in front of some trees in their backyard* but its cool i didnt see nothing…. im seeing nothing leos…. 
probably posts gay inspirational quotes all day long, and some ‘witty funny statuses’. OHHHH lets not forget the ‘AM I THE ONLY ONE’ special snowflake kind of moments. hate that shit. makes me sick to my stomach
stays friends with people that are in love with them just so they can feed their ego. gets waaayy too fuckin protective if you say something bad about them and starts throwing excuses about everything they do. will run naked through a crowded city because of the attention. main concern in life is having soft hair and having 100000 pieces of clothes. like who the fuck needs 1000 pair of shoes brianna
will most definitely instagram, snapchat, tumblr and facebook every second of last nights party. will most probably dye their hair blonde. posts a thousand songs with love lyrics a day. 
falls in love with 20 persons at the same time, imagines a whole life with them in their head - rarely talks to any of them, but gets their heart broken over each and every single one of them
more focused on external beauty than internal. like you can be an asshole to them but if you got the looks they want you best believe they’re gonna go after you with all they got. leos and their dumbass drama ‘love lives’ - its like they want somebody to be a bitch to them so they can love them the fuck please explain leos or mabye im wrong. i hope im wrong
i think they spend at least 3 hours a day creating whole movies about them being a star and having a person chase them throughout the whole movie
will most definitely find a way in any situation to put the spotlight on them 
person: *sobbing* my bf just broke up with me
person: my pet just died and im very sad
leos remind me of the stupid blonde bimbo stereotype tbh. males and females no excuses. they’re all huge sluts in the closet too
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chronicrow · 7 years
holy shit.... you are... evil???((jk I love you))HERE WE GO1) When was your first kiss?Like a few months ago haha 2) How old are you? 153) Three places you want to travel?Paris, Alaska( to see the Iditarod ), and Hawaii 4) A language I wish I could speak?Italian! It just seems like such a fun language 5) Favorite makeup brands?Wet n’ Wild because they’re cruelty- free and also really cheap! And for the price, they’re not bad quality either 6) Indoors or outdoors?Outdoors. Because. Plants. 7) Do you play any instruments?Unfortunately  no, I used to play the flute and that’s pretty much it8) Favorite songs at the moment?The other side of Paradise- glass animals Smells like content - the booksIt’s okay, I wouldn’t remember me either- Crywank 9) Favorite songs for life?Creep- radioheadRainbow connectionhow big how blue how beautiful- florence + the machine 10) Zodiac sign?leo!11) The beach or the pool?if its a smaller, secluded pool I’d choose that, otherwise the beach but only very early in the morning and late at night ...can you tell I like to stay away from ppl lol12) What’s your most popular post?I honestly don’t know, maybe one of my earlier art posts?13) Books or movies?Books. Every. time. 14) Manga or anime?I’m not much into either but I’ve read only like 1 manga so I’d haveta say anime15) Favorite movies? Most of the Star Wars movies, Howl’s moving castle, It’s a wonderful life, Coraline16) Favorite books?Coraline again, the princess bride, All the bright places17) Favorite manga?uhhmmm skip18) Favorite anime?Madoka Magica 19) Favorite subject?English, I have  pretty rad teacher 20) Any pets?My lovely cat and my chinchilla! (who hates me)21) When and why did you start your blog?about a year ago, because I was honestly just bored and I was fandom trash, and a cringy child 22) Ideal weather?Rainstorm in summertime!!bonus if there’s lighting and thunder, or v strong winds 23) Four words that describe you?A Failure At Life 24) Stressors? school in general, large crowds, too much noise, drama, too much light, pitch dark in a somewhat large space 25) Favorite kind of music?Depressing but chill 26)  Favorite brands of candy?Skittles bc they’re gay, dubble bubble gum, Hershey's dark chocolate, sour patch kids 27) A card game you’re good at?uhm. I don’t know many so Go Fish bc I won’t hesitate to turn on a binch 28) Do you eat breakfast?oh hell yea29) Turn ons?being Loved and Supported30) Turn offs? awkwardness31) how do you relax?I doodle stupid shit, eat cereal, go on netflix, scroll through aesthetic photos 32) A popular book you haven’t read yet?The Fault in our stars... I’m honestly just too stubborn to read it lol 33) Do you like sweaters?OH HELL YEA34) Do you drink tea or coffee?I drink a loooot of tea so35) An instrument I wish I could play?guitar for sure. it’s just. so cool??36) have you ever laughed so hard you cried?For sure 36) A new feature you wish tumblr had?side blogs that weren’t screwy and post on the wrong blog 90% of the time 37) Favorite blogs?@sapphiccosmology, @thestorieswelltell, @angelballato, @washedsmudges, @areafivefootone38) Favorite mean girls quote? Boo, you whore39) what color are your nails rn?natural40) Have you ever been confessed to?quite a lot, actually 41) Have you ever had a crush on someone?yep42)  Do you take naps?I think I’m just. physically incapable of it so no43) the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?o b s e s s e d over a “crush” in 7th grade, it was real weird, I never talked to him but I cried at his pic in the yearbook lol 44) Do you like sushi?I love sushi!!!45) where do you want to be right now?In the aquarium 46) Do you wear glasses?nope47) favorite flavors of ice cream?black cherry, mint choc. chip, cookie dough 
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esfor-dazrumi-18 · 5 years
y’know it says a lot when it tries so hard to look like fucking twitter and the like where it’s all tiny and stuff
moment you join too you’re forced to pick tags so they can cater to ya i just picked the obvious shit
tbh i don’t like being tracked but i got shit to say so i’ll get on with it.
i don’t follow the rules other people set out, i make my own, so don’t whine this is long or shit, y’all learn to read in school for a reason, bookmark it or something, heck, read and then stop, ain’t my fault it’s your own disinterest
was following this guy named bogor. been helping out some girl with her problems, various things on the net she can’t confront due to various issues, associations, internets a nasty place yo so me and a few friends go around doing the work and the eyes for em
we’re not on the internet much, we’re just people with a close attachment to each other, so dont expect to see all your picture pic stuff, that ain’t our thing here, i just looked up blogging sites n tumblr was in the list so i’ll treat it as that
despite we aren’t on the internet much, we got a basic grasp how these things go.
so then
my situation, as esfor, is, wow, hecked up. Didn’t realise someone else here chose the same name oh well that’s what i did for google. but never mind. Me and a friend, puni, who’s looking up places like gbatemp are searchin the web all fine n dandy and then I get asked by our girl ‘there’s this suspicious forum can u look into it’
so puni goes into this forum and fucks up first impressions, so then i go in. there’s a guy named bogor who runs the place and holy fuck he’s nuts. like not even slightly, this dude’s inferior complex is bigger than you’ll ever know
so the reason we were asked to inspect some suspicious looking forum was because this concerns her finances. It runs on the assumption that this program this girl’s mum has signed up to is a scam, been running for 20 years with slow increments to givin cash. Loads of cash, sounds like blatant scam material, but the site’s materials are a decade old, and this guy seems hell bent on controlling that material as well.
Finances ain’t a joke, neither are scams. So as a friend i decide to be cover. puni fucked up the first impressions, indicating she wasn’t gonna lurk so I had to take measures. some other guy comes in who we don’t know, and after many logic tossups with admittedly little material on my end, this guy takes drastic measures threatening his family, and i don’t agree with the threatening the family bit, but i agree with the post in an admittedly vague way, and then he bans both our asses.
So then I can’t speak, puni and peli (another dude, more rude than me or puni if i’m being honest) make an account called muzifa to lurk. this time, we say nothing until yesterday
this suspicious forum doesn’t attract much activity, there’s only a few hundred members on the forum, suspiciously, though, they don’t get active on the site much. ever since both of us got suspended, your email gets verified, which is fine, our emails are gibberish anyway irrelevant to the names we choose (except the one on this site), but yea, despite this, there’s like 1 or 2 members that even speak at that. the forum’s running in mybb.
which is obvious, i lurk another forum infrequently which uses the exact same format so i’m not particularly unknown
when i say i’m not in the internet that’s more a lie. i have twitter, i have nowhere else though. i lurk more quiet places. no facebook, no insta, no shit. just twitter to converse about problems with the other dudes (or girls in the cases of our friend and puni), so i know this shit, i just don’t take myself to care about much of the spammy promote-yourself shit.
basically, the gist of the forum is this program is run by a guy named mike, who’s supposedly an immigrant as we’ve half-learned, and yo, he posts updates every 2 weeks basically drunk. this bogor bitch posts said updates in text on the forum, and reacts to em callin mike names and shit, and he expects everyone to go along with it. puni on muzifa’s account got too heated, because bogor went all authoritarian on him too, but here’s the logic tho
mike got contacted in one of these updates and he posted the email addresses of all involved. some of these emails mention a jeff.
so there’s a whole team behind this scam... huh interesting a whole team
yet bogor goes ‘there’s no team, just mike’ which dang dun lines up with the suspicions from our source. sure, teams can be involved in scams, no denying there. but use your words: a team is comprised of more than one person. so if bogor claims to have inside info, how come he’s sure there’s no ‘team’ if there’s a jeff? is jeff some personality? but then why’re the emails mentioning jeff and mike as if they’re separate?
and mike’s drunk updates refer to himself as mike at the end of every one. if he wanted to fake out by being jeff, he’d be jeff. so if he’s getting shit from jeff, who’s a different person, ergo, there’s a team. 2 people sure, but that’s still a team. there’s no i in team.
there isn’t a response to this, and as well, this lot also fuck up forum formatting because usually on these forums there’s tags to tell you when the reply ends if you’re responding to a quoted post, that’s how the text after isn’t stuck in the blob, but this lot like the 40 yr olds they are continue writing in this field. i’m not that old i can’t clearly see when the field ends
so bogus then bands muzifa with warnings that as peli tells us he’s blocked from seeing because the site totally blocks him from doing anything, apparently reading your own private messages is a warning. puni then goes back with her permanent account, with words from me in twitter as to what constitutes a response, and despite this, even she’s blocked, for supposedly 2 weeks. peli gets on with a different email, but the account is blocked instantly. so it’s not even a matter of 2 weeks, peli was blocked on sight.
so why care so much about an admin on a suspicious site, why not just leave it alone?
well first up, this scam hasn’t coughed itself up so the site has some merit
we received some emails pointing to two instances happening at once. the one with mike in charge, and one suspiciously pointing to bogor (including a recent update from mike himself claiming bogor is behind the crappy shit), along with a gmail account called ‘vsb-trust’ that supposedly said payment is happening, but only if $200 per member were sent. Since the girl involved in this is young, that’s $400.
we also found in this decade old site that’s suspiciously not on the frontloaded site he keeps pointing to (bogor loves to say google looking his name only results in scams, but all of them are a decade-old or dead in the case of the old forum), a letter containing something from the authority with some bogus claim he got evidence they don’t have
it’s like if he were being honest he’d have sent it right then and now why put this out to the publi-
oh right
he then asks for 50 grand from everyone to give this evidence to the authority.
Suspiciously in this forum, the one where he asked 200 from everyone also is never mentioned, despite it, y’know, supposedly being under mike’s name.
even though it ain’t according to these old emails
so basically both are scams and i’d like if we could change google’s history so we ain’t painting it as so one-sided
what the fuck 50 grand to send evidence about a criminal like fuckin wow i’m pretty sure your singaporean woman had better things to do than entertain a fuckin coward
because it’s obvious, set up a forum that really should’ve been a blog (he had no money for a blog), people join to echo chamber (just like actual scams, the replies usually aren’t real especially if they’re a pic), and then they lure u in, simple as that
because we try arguing with logic against the points, not that we dont agree, just the logic’s all fucked up, but nah, heck it
idk what the fuck to do with this tumblr now i think imma chill it
but i’ll still be spittin on tumblr
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daddyconfessions · 5 years
sugar tales: Big Madre
I ran across Big Madre’s profile on SD.com. It was 2006 and I had recently joined the site. I sent the first message, she replied and several messages later we moved to email so we could exchange pics. Email would be the primary source of contact. Texting was fairly new to me in 2006. Hell I still had a flip phone as I recall.
After a few days of emails we met up for drinks. Big Madre was plus sized. At least 225 in the size 12 to 14 range. Despite her size, I liked the jelly. Sexy. BM was from the Honduras I think, and had been living in America most of her life. Jet black hair, nice brown skin tone, big ass and a little pudgy in the midsection. Still she was a good looking girl and probably was even more pretty several years prior and before the kids. Our first date we met at a bar of her choosing. Pretty happening place. I remember just being happy to be out a date. I hadn’t been too lucky on SD.com.
We sat outside in the spring evening and got to know each other over drinks. I can’t remember the conversation enough to quote, but the gist of her story was pretty dismal. She was separated from hubby. Yet, they still lived in the same house sleeping in separate bedrooms. They’re weren’t intimate either. Hubby refused to give her a divorce and pretty much didn’t give her any money. If she wanted to leave she would have to do it on her own. He also refused to pay for daycare and because she was married she couldn’t get social assistance to pay for it either. So she couldn’t go to work. No way to lift herself out of her situation because of the toddlers. Family support was out of the question. Culture and Catholicism as she explained, made divorce difficult, if not impossible. In fact, her fam encouraged her to work things out with him. “Do it for the kids mija.” Poor girl. She couldn’t do one for the other. Trapped. That’s where I came in. Cap’n Save’em. Up up and away!!!!
It was a lot to lay on a newbie like me though. I wasn’t that strong financially or mentally yet. Gosh, I was just happy to be going out on a date with the promise of getting some kitty. Didn’t know it would be this dark and grimey.  After drinks we said our goodbyes but I couldn’t tell she wasn’t interested in me. Maybe I let her talk to much? Somehow I slipped from being a potential benefactor and lover to a cool friend? We spoke sparingly over the next few days. Very dry. And then one day I made an offhand sexual comment. Not sure what I said, but it was enough to change the tone. The conversation went from dry and flat to sexy and playful. We met again within a couple of days : )
I picked her up from a friends and I could tell right away this was going to be a different date. She was into me. Even brought it up. Big Madre told me she hadn’t been feeling me at first. No attraction. “But then you started playing with me and I kind of got excited,” she said. “I don’t know. It just turned me on.” She had even told her friend how she’d met me but I wasn’t doing it for her.
Big Madre made me the man I am today. I’ve had a lot of questions on what I look like. Why I’m so successful in the sugarbowl. Why so many girls.  I just figured out early on having money wasn’t enough. I guess its worth mentioning these days it doesn’t’ take much. LOL. You got cash, she’s giving up the ass. But back in 2006, a Daddy needed some game to nab a SB. Money was just a tool as opposed to a necessity. Just IMHO. I needed to know how to talk to women. Understand them. Had to have a good haircut. Nice clothes and shoes. I needed to be confident too. More importantly, I needed the ability to reach inside them and turn on their interest for me. I needed some player tendencies if I really wanted to be successful.
I wanted to go to dinner this time. But Big Madre was amped up. She wanted to go to a strip club. Apparently I had really got her going. We hit up a well known spot, ordered some drinks and had a pretty decent time. She wasn’t very happy though. There were a lot of girls in the club, but they weren’t too interested in us. “Some of these bitches don’t like black guys,” I remember her saying. Still we managed to get a few table dances. Mostly for her. (Turned out she liked girls too).
As we left the club, we decided to go somewhere more to our liking. More “friendly” to the likes of me. But as we drove she told me she’d rather get a room. “I wanna fuck,” she said. Wow. Just like that? I was loving the sugarbowl already! Damn. She was visibly turned on too. Rubbing my hand while I drove. Kept looking at me. Touching my leg.
I made a mental note that night to definitely polish my game going forward if chicks were going to be acting like this. : )
We found a hotel and checked in. She told me we both had to shower first before we started. I took mine first and waited on her. When she came out, she had put her top back on and pulled it down over her waist to cover her stomach. Just covering up all that sweet jelly. I wanted it all off. I wanted to see that big body. In the faint light I could see stretch marks too. But she refused. “No,” she told me as I tried to remove it. “I don’t feel comfortable taking it off.”
I got turned off. I mean I knew she was a Big’un. I had already accepted that. But her lack of confidence almost made me go limp. I’ve blogged before on confidence and this is a perfect example. Because she was ashamed of her body parts, it sort of put the spotlight on it and it became the elephant in the room. I shook it off. I had to salvage the evening. We started making out. Lots of kissing and playing with each other. Then I went down on the kitty. Wasn’t the expert I am now. Definitely no multiple orgasms where she’s pushing my head away in an attempt to escape my love. Those days would come later :) I only managed to get her aroused that night. We switched up and she began worshiping Bartholomew. She had some pretty good knowledge. She was one of the first girls to actually use saliva. She spit on him before going down as far as she could. She gagged and coughed, and I could feel her tonsils. She’d come up off him for air, panting. She’d lick the shaft while she caught her breath, slurping, going all 7-eleven and what not. When she caught her breath she’d take me in her mouth and do it all over again. Big Madre was thoughtful too.  She made her way down to the twins, and gave them some enlightenment. I wasn’t used to that I had to admit. So it tickled and I jerked and twitched as she did it. By the time she stopped I was hard as a rock tho.
I put on the prophylactic and she mounted up. She tried to ride me but it wasn’t very good. So we switched to missionary. I shocked her because I threw them big ‘ol legs up around my shoulder like she weighed 120lbs. Turned her on that I was able to man handle her despite her size. “My husband acts like I’m too big,” she said. “I’m not your husband,” I told her as I proceeded to punish the kitty.  My memory is foggy after that. I went hard on her for a long time. Trying to hit it at different angles. Doing circles. Different positions. All acrobatic and stuff. But I couldn’t get her to cum. She had told me days back she didn’t cum easy if not at all. I was certainly putting that claim to test and  it held true I’m afraid. I couldn’t get that kitty to purr for nothing. I succumbed and let my unborn out.
I was all sweaty and tired. Catching my breath. Tired from my attempt. “Can we go again,” she asked. 
“I’m done,” I told her. “Ok.” She laid on my chest.
We talked a bit more. She still had that shirt half on. I don’t know why it bothered me but it did. She asked, “You ever do threesomes?” I was like yea sometimes. “I mean with another guy?” she asked.
“Uh no,” I frowned. “I have a strict, 1 dick in the room policy. But we can do two girls.” She said ok, but I could tell she wanted two dicks at the same time. Big Madre was a freak. We got up and got dressed. It was comical watching her put on her bra and then pulling up her shirt over it. Couldn’t believe she was that subconscious about her body. Such a let down.
I was kind of over her after that. Still we kept exchanging emails, remaining playful and flirty. She escalated. Started sending me naked pics of all that jelly. Kitty shots and stuff. Then one day she emailed that hubby had hit her a few times. Pushed her. And he had gotten tighter with the money too. She was feeling really trapped and wanted me to help. But I wasn’t the man I am today. Her problems were too big for me. On top of that I had lost interest sexually. I felt she wasn’t completely open with me sexually.  I met her again and gave her some $$$ to help out. No sex. But I started letting emails go and our conversation began to trail off. Last email from her she told me she had gone to a strip club and had managed to get a stripper home. I knew it was a ploy to get me back. Normally that would have turned me on but again I just wasn’t feeling her. I was like, “Oh that’s nice…” but sometime after that we just stopped talking completely.
Every now and then I wonder about her. Wonder if she made it out…Regret not doing more for her and helping. I just didnt’ have it in me. Despite the bad experience Big Madre taught me a lot. Taught me I had to have some game. I learned a lot of the women I’d be meeting would be in desperate need for money and if I wasn’t ready to spend and help these girls out I needed to take a seat. And I did. I stayed out the sugar bowl for another 2 years almost. I saw several escorts during that time. I’ll blog on that one day. :)
But, I wasn’t completely ready yet.
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