#oh yeah she did not just pretend she knows Japanese. poor thing translated it from English thank you google translate dot com
hoshino-umino-kioku · 2 years
I swear to god. Um. What if she actually goes to the end of the world and forces nonsense up my brain
Sorry miaumiaus very long rant in the tags. It’s. Not related to you guys I just need to get it off my chest
0 notes
gordvendomewhore · 4 years
hey!! so i meant to post this uh. MONTHS ago, but...later is better than never LMAOO
if you’ve been following me for awhile, you might’ve heard me mention chris and hollis before!! they are my ocs, and they’re actually from an original story of mine lmao they weren’t made for bully.
this is chris’s template!! hollis’s will be posted right after this!!
also fair warning im not,,, japanese so her japanese dialogue might not be 100% accurate and maybe even cringey but im basing all my info on google translate (ew i know), japanese websites, my friend who speaks the language, and my own experiences with mixing foreign languages into english lmao.
anyway, have fun reading this if you do!! and feel free to ask any questions you might have about chris uwu (photos of her are at the end!!)
Name: Christine Konami Kato (加藤 琥波 Kato Konami)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Clique: Non-cliques, but on good terms with the greasers
Personality: Blunt, indifferent, critical, philosophical.
Weapon/fighting style of choice:
- Chris can hold herself in a physical fight, but not well enough to actually win without any major injury (unless it’s against the Nerds, Bullies, or Non-Cliques).
- However, she is incredibly fast and has insanely accurate aim, which fuels her preference for projectile weapons.
- In fights, Chris will run away from her opponent and turn back to throw whatever weapon she has at them; It gives her the advantage of distance.
- Chris doesn’t really care about beating someone else up to the point of them passing out, she just wants to cause chaos and escape without a busted lip.
- While she’ll use any projectile weapon, Chris prefers firecrackers. She’ll also occasionally use marbles.
- Hey, Hopkins.
- What’s up?
- Nice seeing you around, Jimmy.
Saying Goodbye:
- I gotta go. My girl’s waiting for me.
- Hate to cut the conversation short, but there’s better things I have to do.
- Someone’s calling my name. See you later.
- Idiot, you really think you can outrun me?
- My parents had to run all the way to Japan to escape me, Hopkins!
- Can’t you run any faster? You’re making this too easy, Hopkins!
Out of Breath:
- God...maybe...I should cut back on the cigarettes...
- ちくしょう。。。(Damn it...)
- ...Whatever. There’s better things to do.
Walking around talking to themselves:
- I miss Japan.
- Can’t wait to see this place go down in flames. Metaphorically and literally.
- 彼女はとても可愛い。。。(She’s so cute...)
- Gotta check up on Hollis later.
- I miss おばあちゃん。(I miss grandma.)
- Don’t the jocks have better things to do than hunt me down?
- Do I have my lighter?
- Everyone in this 不浄な地 thinks they’re so great. (Everyone in this shithole thinks they’re so great.) (Note: the direct translation of 不浄な地 is “unclean land.”)
- You hear about Gary’s new pet? Now he has another weasel to go along with that runt, Kowalski.
- I hear Johnny Vincent’s having trouble keeping his relationship together. And his mental stability, but everyone already knows that.
- Ever light a car on fire?
- You hear about Gary’s big, bad plan?
- I’m not an arsonist! It’s not like I burnt down my entire middle school!
- Word on the street says Peanut has it real bad for the boss. Seems like every second in command does.
Conversation Response:
- I hope not.
- You did what?
- Yeah, no.
- Sure.
- Karma’s coming your way.
- Sure, doesn’t sound too bad.
- Mhm, yeah.
- I wish that Northwick kid would stop bothering me.
- Johnny’s just pissed because my girl actually wants me.
- I love Hollis, but I cannot stand another four hours of posing for one of her paintings.
- They couldn’t just take me back with them. They just had to send me to this hellhole.
- God, I need another cigarette.
- The greasers are so clingy.
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- Yeah, yeah, my girlfriend will pay you.
- くたばれ!(Fuck off!)
- ...Naked twister?
- Maybe the tooth fairy will give you a few dollars for the teeth I knock out.
- Who knew I’d be coming to you for help, huh?
- Don’t...drink hand soap? I feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you this.
Starting fight with Cliques:
- Don’t make this any harder for yourself.
- Let’s make this quick, yeah?
- Your mom hit me harder in bed last night!
- Don’t you think you’d look so much cooler in a neck brace?
- ああ, 黙れ. (Oh, just shut up.)
- Pretend I’m daddy’s black card and run faster!
- Let’s see if your blood’s actually blue.
- Inbred freak!
- Boxing rules don’t apply when you can’t even touch me! [Laughs]
- 青鬼! (Blue demon!)
- Come on, we smoke together, I’m basically one of you!
- I hope your hair products aren’t flammable.
- Is this because I don’t slick my hair back?
- Is this because I don’t wear a leather jacket?
- くたばれ! (Drop dead!)
- I’ll let you take your glasses off before I break your face.
- You don’t want a repeat of Alexandria, do you?
- Roll that D20; It’ll decide how many of your bones I’m gonna break.
- 弱虫! (Wimp!)
- Maybe you should start taking that saying, “Hit the books,” more literally.
- You can’t break my spine if you can’t catch me!
- ‘Roid rage alert!
- Work on your cardio, 下衆野郎! (Asshole!)
- You’re supposed to avoid the firecracker, not catch it with your face.
- とんちき!(Meathead!)
- Save your bitching for someone who cares.
- We’re both poor! Shouldn’t there be some form of solidarity?
- ばかげた! (Flunky!)
- Hit me if you can!
- Chase after the preps instead! They can get you free healthcare if you beat it out of them!
Requesting an errand:
- Hey, Jimmy, got a second to spare?
- You owe me, Hopkins. You know that saying, an eye for an eye.
- I have a favor to cash in. Uh-uh-uh, don’t try backing out of this.
Friendly Comments:
- Woah, you look half-decent for once, Hopkins.
- Maybe you can finally get a girlfriend now.
- New wardrobe, huh? Doesn’t look too bad.
- You finally fixed your looks! Now you just gotta fix your personality.
Unfriendly Comments:
- You make me want to light myself on fire.
- It’s cute seeing you follow in your mom’s footsteps, やりまん. (Slut.)
- Don’t even try making eye contact with me.
- [Loud Snickering] Oh, sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you! [Sarcasm]
Demanding flowers:
- Come on, you gotta prove you’re worth my time.
- You got something special for me, don’t you, Hopkins?
- Don’t you think it’s time you pay me back for my kindness?
- A little something would be nice...
After receiving flowers:
- Thanks, my girlfriend loves flowers.
- Such a gentleman, James. Too bad I’ve never had a thing for men.
- ...Are these from the Girl’s Dorm?
- It’ll be fun to burn these, thank you.
Before kissing:
(No matter what, Jimmy can’t actually kiss Chris)
- [Bad Japanese Accent] Uh, sorry, no English.
- I’d like to avoid getting cooties if possible, thanks.
- I got a girlfriend, Hopkins.
- Sorry, I’m allergic to boys.
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@video-space this is 4 you....
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jonathanvik · 3 years
Starlight Dream - Chapter 7
“Okay, what should we watch first?” Seina’s friend, Aiko, placed a collection of DVDs on the bed.
Takako sat in her pajamas on the other side of the bed they shared, arms crossed. She wondered how Seina even convinced her into participating in this ridiculous slumber party. Her eyes scanned the room, noticing the enormous stuffed animal collection her enemy had accumulated. Many were in rough shape, but Seina had put considerable effort into restoring them. Some were even of her own creation. While crude, the girl constructed them with a considerable amount of love. Takako spotted a sewing machine sitting in the corner.
“Let’s see.” Seina’s eyes scanned the random assortment of titles. Some were anime. While others were foreign films translated into Japanese. Seina’s eyes avoided anything that was horror-based, which Takako noted for later.
After scanning the titles twice, Seina nodded, picking one from the pile. “This looks super cute!” It showed a young girl with an umbrella standing next to a weird giant cat thing.
“No way! What’s with your obsession with cute things? How childish.” Takako said, unable to withhold her opinion any further. She picked a different title from the pile. It showed a picture of two scary-looking monsters fighting each other.
“What’s wrong with liking cute things?” Seina puffed out her chest.
Takako only rolled her eyes at such a childish opinion, but Colten, Seina’s fairy partner, looked thoughtful. “I suppose that isn’t surprising considering your past.”
“Her past?” Takako replied, blinking in confusion.
Seina’s expression turned painful. “Yeah, the vampire running my group enjoyed making our lives miserable, destroying anything he considered cute or beautiful. He once had me whipped for making a doll.”
“What?” Takako’s breath caught in her throat, unable to believe what she’d just heard.
“Yeah, ten lashes,” Seina replied, nodding. “It hurt so much I couldn’t sleep for days.”
Takako gaped at the girl, unable to push such a horrible image out of her mind. That’s what the ex-vampire lords did to people?
Her magical girl rival’s expressions quickly shifted into a forced smile. “But that’s ancient history! We’ve beaten the vampires for good! Besides, I actually got off easy. He could have executed me.” Seina said with shocking casualness.
Aiko smirked. “The poor idiot. He doomed his entire species!” Seina, Colten, and Aiko shared a laugh about this.
“The taskmaster of my group was a real jerk, too. He enjoyed randomly depriving us of food rations. We wondered every day whether we’d even get fed.” Aiko looked towards Takako, studying her. “I’m surprised this shocks you so much. It was pretty standard from what I understand. Did you have a nicer taskmaster or something, Maeko?”
“No! Mine was a real jerk as well!” Takako said a bit too quickly. “I’d rather not talk about it. It wasn’t great.” Much to Takako’s relief, the two girls nodded. They didn’t press their new friend further on her fake history.
“I understand,” Seina replied, putting a comforting hand on Takako’s own. “But if you ever want to talk about it, we’re here. I find speaking about it helps.”
Takako forced her own smile. “Right.” Still, she couldn’t suppress her horror. She hated the haunted look in Seina’s eyes. How much horror had this ten-year-old girl suffered through?
And I’m working with those people. Her mind flashed back to the vampire queen bragging about returning her kind to their former glory. Takako shook her head, considering such thoughts foolish for a magical girl. Such sentimentality was a weakness! Besides, Takako was a bad girl, completely heartless. Caring about such nonsense was beyond her.
She coughed, eager to change the subject, grabbing the DVD Seina had picked. “On second thought, let’s watch it! It looks good.”
“Yes!” Seina beamed, placing the disc into the DVD player, forgetting their previous conversation, much to Takako’s relief.
Despite herself, Takako found herself charmed by the movie. Unfortunately, the disc had some serious scratches, stopping midway. Aiko declared she’d use her contacts to find another copy, so they could finish the final twenty minutes.
“Contacts?” Takako asked, bewildered. Wasn’t she a ten-year-old? Why would she have anything like that?
Aiko’s eyes glinted with triumph and mischief. “You underestimate my power. In this world, you can’t achieve anything unless you’re well connected. Besides, I have to support Seina somehow. I’m not strong, but I still have her back.”
“Right,” Takako replied, uncertain if the girl was making this up. “Anyway, how about this movie?” The cover depicted a woman in a white gown whose long stringy hair completely masked her face. A giant white ring surrounded her.
“Must we?” Seina’s voice became weak. “I don't like scary things.”
“You fight actual monsters!” Takako replied, incredulous.
“I know, it’s stupid. But, the characters in those movies don’t have my abilities. I don’t like watching them get hurt.” Seina’s voice trailed off.
Colten flipped in the air. “You’re so nice, Seina.”
Strange girl. Still, Takako hid a secret smile, glad she’d already discerned several of Seina’s weaknesses.
“That’s fine. I wasn’t in the mood for another movie, anyway.” Aiko turned her attention towards Takako. “Maeko? You haven’t suggested anything yet. You’ve been going along with whatever we’ve wanted.”
“Maeko?” Seina asked, getting Takako’s full attention.
“Right! I suppose that’s true!” Takako coughed in her fist, pretending she’d been spacing out. In reality, her fake name was still unfamiliar to her. If she wasn’t careful, they might get suspicious.
What do I want to do? Usually, she enjoyed curling up on a couch, reading manga in her spare time. Takako wasn’t a social creature, enjoying being alone. Other people were so lame. It’d been centuries since she’d hung out with anyone other than Nier. Much to her horror, Takako realized she looked like a deer caught in headlights, paralyzed by this simple question.
“Talk, I guess?” Takako faked a smile, hating her lame half-hearted answer.
“Oh, sure!” Seina said, nodding.
Aiko yawned. “Yeah, it’s getting late, anyway.”
“You know, Maeko,” Seina said, her eyes eager. “You have spoken little about yourself.”
Takako smirked. They’d prepared for this. The vampires had forced her to spend hours memorizing this backstory. That effort was about to pay off. With her expert acting skills, no one would ever suspect a thing.
“I’m no one special,” Takako replied. “I’m originally from Tokyo until we moved here. My father was a clerk before the vampire uprising. My mom was a housewife. They had us working in food processing before you defeated them all. My father got a job in Osaka, and we moved here. Tokyo is still in rough shape. My parents thought it would be safer living here. Like I said, not that exciting.”
Aiko nodded. “So that’s why you have a Tokyo accent. I was wondering about that.”
While powerful, Shinobu’s illusions couldn’t disguise Takako’s natural voice. Any attempt to fake an accent failed miserably. But with a slight shift in pitch, it changed her voice enough to sound different. It was an impressive feat even for her.
“So, why are you so acrobatic?” Seina asked. “I can’t imagine food processing would need such a high level of athleticism.”
“Yeah!” Aiko said, enthused. “I’ve seen nothing like it!”
“Well.” Takako faltered. While they’d devised many fake stories for her past, none of them covered something like this. Her mind raced as her audience watched her expectantly, eager to hear her answer.
“Well, you know. I’m just that good!” Takako replied, her voice smug. “I’m just very talented.” Try questioning that!
“So, you’ve been training on the side?” Seina asked, trying to understand her new friend’s response. “Food processing must have better hours. After the usual 78-hour workweek, I barely had enough energy to sleep.”
Aiko nodded. “Wow, Seina, you must have had a particularly cruel taskmaster. Mine only made me work 76!”
“Really?! I’m so jealous!” Seina replied. “Only 76? Boggles the mind.”
Takako waited for the girls to smile and tell her they were joking. Much to her horror, she realized they were serious. Even the hardest-pushed salarymen didn’t work that many hours. The vampires made ten-year-olds work those hours?
She examined the two girls closer, horrified by what she saw. Both looked dangerously thin and unhealthy, with pale skin and bags under their eyes. Two weeks of better food and freedom had only slightly improved their condition. Takako recoiled in disgust. Her mind returned to the other citizenry she’d seen, recalling their similarly poor condition.
“How about you, Maeko? How many hours did you work?” Aiko asked, returning her attention back towards Takako.
Takako found herself lost for words for several moments. What was wrong with her? After a deep breath, she regained her confidence. Takako Kodama was a magical girl of the highest caliber, unshakable and evil to the core.
“70. Such long hours weren't necessary in food processing.” A light flashed into her head, providing inspiration. “I’m so athletic because the higher-ups enjoyed some entertainment. If I performed well for them, they provided us with extra food rations.”
“Wow, lucky!” Both girls cooed in amazement.
“I guess some vampires have half of a heart after all?” Colten said.
Takako coughed. “It’s getting late. How about we get to bed? Don’t we need to wake up at 6 this morning?” She had no desire to hear more about their horrible life before Seina became a magical girl.
Seina sighed and yawned. “That’s true. I’m still not used to these 8 hour nights.”
“I know, right!” Aiko replied, nodding.
“Night!” Takako quickly switched off the room’s light. Why was everything in Seina’s old life so horrible? The girl didn’t even mind waking up before dawn. It was beyond inhuman!
Takako facepalmed, realizing she’d agreed to wake that early too. I really hate this assignment. I should be back in Starlight Dream playing video games!
“Night!” Seina said, snuggling up with Colten next to Takako.
“Night!” Aiko said from the bed’s far end.
“Night,” Takako replied with little enthusiasm.
The other two girls fell asleep almost instantly, leaving a wide-eyed, restless Takako alone with her thoughts. She replayed the conversion in her head, realizing she’d learned more about her foe than she ever desired. The girl was too open about her past. Didn’t she realize how uncool that was? She couldn’t help but remark how different from the other magical girls Seina was. Not just her kindness, she also radiated a light the others didn’t.
What are you, Seina Kamiyama? Terrible past aside, you’re just an ordinary girl. You have no training or skill, yet power radiates from you, bursting at the seams. These questions troubled Takako deep into the night.
Maeko snorted, proud of herself, reaching the finish line first. “Is that all you’ve got, Seina?”
“This isn’t a competition, Maeko,” Seina replied, panting as she met the stopping point.
Besides martial arts, Mr. Kiyojiro had ordered other physical training. The bodyguard wanted to give them more well-rounded physical capabilities. Seina hated every moment. Maeko, however, seemed to relish in it, especially whenever she beat her so-called rival. Her friend couldn’t help but gloat whenever she won. Despite herself, Seina resisted the urge to transform and humble the proud girl. No, that wouldn’t be fair. She’d win through her own efforts.
“Ugh, so close!” Colten said.
Mr. Kiyojiro looked at his stopwatch and nodded. “You’re doing much better, Seina. Good work.”
“Indeed, give it a few years, and you’ll be capable of matching me,” Maeko said.
What’s with this girl, anyway? Still, despite Maeko’s over-competitiveness, Seina had enjoyed the girl’s company the last few days. They had more in common than Seina had expected. She enjoyed reading the manga her new friend brought her. They shared a surprising interest in sports manga. Seina particularly enjoyed the one about the boy playing basketball. She found it endearing how hard he worked to earn his crush’s affections by learning the sport. She just hoped the oblivious girl would notice and appreciate his efforts. Love was complicated. Hopefully, her future romantic prospects would be easier.
Oh, it won’t be. Seina’s mood plummeted, remembering, as a magical girl, she didn’t age. It was something she avoided thinking about. It was probably easier for the evil magical girls. But Seina was an ordinary girl with actual aspirations for her life. What would her future be like? Fighting monsters forever alone with no one else, friends or boyfriend? Some future.
No, don’t think like that! You’re a smart girl! You figure out some solution to your not aging problem. Besides, love was never off the table! Seina laughed to herself, glad she’d resolved that particular issue.
“Again.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, thankfully pulling her away from her dark thoughts. For once, she welcomed the hard physical labor, providing an excellent distraction.
“You really seem to enjoy this Maeko,” Aiko said as they exited the dojo.
“What can I say? When you’re good, you’re good.” Takako smirked. While she had a reputation as a lazy layabout amongst the magical girls, she worked hard when motivated.
“Sure, sure.” Seina rolled her eyes. “See you tomorrow.”
“Night.” She waved goodbye, heading back towards Lilha’s apartment. It was a dump, and Takako hated living in the cramped place. While tempted to ask for another sleepover, she decided against it, considering it too presumptuous. She couldn’t allow her rival to become suspicious. Besides, it would give the impression of a clingy girl with no other friends.
“How’d the training go?” Nier asked as Takako entered the apartment, slinging herself onto the couch. “You look tired.”
“Yeah, Mr. Kiyojiro pushes us super hard. He’s serious about preparing her to fight against the other magical girls.” Her fairy companion became thoughtful.
“What’s the matter?” Takako asked.
“Can she be a threat, though? Her magical skills are a joke, but her physical power still makes her dangerous.” Neir paced for several moments before returning his attention to his partner. “What am I worried about? Without magic, she can’t beat any magical girls above your level. Their special abilities would make quick work of her.”
Takako placed her feet on the couch’s leg. “True enough. She’s still bothersome though.” She knew a magical girl capable of reversing vectors, any vectors. Seina’s mighty strength would be useless against her.
“Still though. It’s baffling that she’s so powerful.” Takako said. “It’s worth investigating. I doubt it’s Seina herself. She’s too ordinary to be anything special.”
“I know right,” Neir said. “Watch the fort for a while. I’m returning to Starlight Dream for some research. There’s an old archive no one really uses anymore. And I’ll talk with the other fairies to see if they’ve noticed any anomalies in their partners. It would be bad if someone more magically competent gained Seina’s strength.”
“So lame. You’re leaving me all alone.” For some reason, being separated from her fairy partner irked Takako’s stomach.
“It won’t be forever,” Nier replied, rolling his eyes. “But my gut tells me this is important.”
Takako waved a dismissive hand. “Go on. Good luck.” With a nod, Neir created a tiny portal in the air and vanished through it.
Fantastic. Until her fairy friend returned, Takako couldn’t leave this universe. Only fairies had the power to transport through the cracks between universes. She shrugged and tried to push aside her anxiety before opening the latest issue of Shonen Hop.
“Where’s your fairy friend?” Lilha asked, entering the living room still wearing her work clothes.
“Magical girl business.” The vampire queen waited for further explanation, but received none.
“Fine, this won’t interfere with your powers?” Lilha asked through clenched teeth.
“Good, we’re accelerating the plan. Shinobu found an excellent location for our ambush. I’ve also found some extra muscle.” Lilha gestured to the muscular beast of a man behind her. “This name is Jertin. He’s the leader of the band of vampires I found in Ginza.”
“That magical girl has underestimated us.” Jertin clinched his enormous fist. “We will show her what true power is!”
Lilha giggled. “Yes, we will finally return to our perfect world!”
Takako’s mind returned to Seina’s description of the world ruled by vampires. The haunted look on the girl’s face returned unbidden.
Forget about it, Takako. You’re a magical girl. You exist to bring horror and despair! Takako lost her appetite to read her manga, placing it aside.
“Now be a useful girl and find Shinobu,” Lilha said. “We need him to stay with Jertin and his band for a few days. He needs to create a disguise to mask their presence. We can’t afford for Seina to catch wind of them.”
“Do it yourself. I don’t do errands.”
Lilha’s face twisted in hate in frustration. The queen had hated her from the day they first met. “Useless girl! Play your part! I worked too hard for the plan to fail now. You do nothing but read manga and lie around!”
She’s finally lashing out? That’s new. “I’m the only reason this plan will work,” Takako replied, reasonably. “Besides, I am working hard. I’m training with Seina, remember?”
“Yes, but we need to work together. What I’m asking isn’t tough.” While calmer, the vampire queen’s hostility still hadn’t vanished.
“You should obey the queen.” Jentin’s tone was acidic. “You’re not the only one training hard, little girl.”
“I’m going out.” Takako rose from her seat. The apartment’s atmosphere had become sour. Besides, with Neir gone, she had no reason to stay here. She’d never liked the vampires, anyway.
“What?!” Lilha said, outraged at being dismissed so easily. Takako disappeared out the door before she could utter another word.
What I’m I doing here? Takako stood in front of the Prime Minister’s apartment building. Two guards watched the entrance, but they gave her warm smiles, happy to see her.
“May I help you, Maeko?” A guard asked. “Did you forget something?”
“Um, no. I was wondering if Seina was interested in an impromptu sleepover!” Takako replied, inwardly wincing at how lame she sounded.
“I’ll go ask her.” The guard smiled and nodded, not finding this strange in the slightest, vanishing inside.
A moment later, Seina appeared alongside him with Colten on her shoulder. “Hey! You said something about a sleepover.”
“Yeah, things are lame back home. I was wondering if I could stay at your place,” Takako replied.
Seina studied her for several moments before nodding. “Sure. You’re always welcome!”
“Really?” Takako said, astonished. That was too easy.
“Sure. We’re friends, aren’t we? I’ll ask Mr. Kiyojiro if he can find us some ice cream!”
What is with this girl? But she didn’t protest as Seina took her by the arm, pulling her along inside. Takako wore a slight grin on her face.
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seeasweetsmile · 7 years
During the lunch break
Another Chlonath longue one-shot that I already post two month ago but I didn’t make a translation in english. I thought that I make it but... no x) So, here he is ! :)
Titre : During the lunch break Pairing : Chloé x Nathaniel (Chlonath) Disclaimer : Characters are not mine ! I just have fun with them ! Summary : Taking the stairs to the roof of the company in which he worked, Nathaniel didn’t expect to see a blonde sobbing.
Autor’s notes : OS based on a writing prompt from tumblr that proposed the phrase "He found her sobbing in the stairwell at work." Also, the little story with Sabrina is from @yaushie fan art that you can found here.
On FF.net in french
With a plastic bag containing the Japanese meal he had just bought, Nathaniel, wearing a gray suit, a red tie and a white shirt, passed the architectural firm's doors in which he worked. He then crossed the hall to access the staircase leading to the roof of the building.
As he climbed the stone steps, his ears heard a sound as unusual as it was curious. It looked like weeping.
It was when he was on the landing of the third floor that he spotted where the sobs had come from. Sitting in the corner was a young woman with blond hair -trained in a high ponytail, yellow canary jacket, stiletto heels and black pantyhose surmounted by a skirt of the same color. He also noticed that a white satchel lay on the floor beside her but was still hanging on her shoulder.
Curled up on herself, the latter did not seem to have noticed her presence -or had she done so, she did not know him royally. She kept wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks filled with melted makeup and sniffing while mumbling curses under her breath.
He approached in silence, put his plastic bag on the floor, and crouched beside her. He held out a hesitant hand between them, not knowing if he should touch her shoulder in a gesture of comfort or not.
"Um ... are you okay ?" He asked finally.
“Do I look okay, according to you ?!” She exclaimed furiously, still not giving him a glance.
The redhead blinked, stunned by the aggressiveness and sarcasm that the blonde had just shown before his anxiety. Aggressiveness and sarcasm that he could recognize among a thousand. Because before him, there was none other than Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the former mayor of Paris and secondarily, former classmate of tyrannical class.
He had heard that a new, slightly condescending, employee named Chloe had been hired a month ago in the company but he did not suspect for a moment that it could be the daughter of the mayor. After all, there were tons of girls in Paris called Chloe. And since they did not work in the same department, they were not likely to cross each other often. Despite his certainty, he recovered his arm and placed it on his thigh and could not help pronouncing the name of the young woman, as if to confirm. "Chloe ? It's you ?” “Yes, it's me, Chloe Bourgeois ! Who cries like a wretch in a staircase !” She shouted at full speed. “Now that you've found it all alone, leave me alone, you - ” Chloe stopped short by crossing the two turquoise orbs of the boy. Not knowing how to react in front of the glassy gaze that examined it curiously despite a certain caution, the redhead decided to stretch his lips in a small smile, praying for it to be soothing.
“H-Hey..." He puffed awkwardly as he gestured with his hand. He watched her beat her eyelids, wipe her cheeks again, then gulp painfully. After a few seconds looking silently, the blonde finally spoke in a harsh voice. "Nathaniel ...?" She asked cautiously, squinting. “Yes.” "The guy from the middle school who was always drawing in class ...?"
While Nathaniel nodded, the mayor's daughter grumbled what looked like a "Oh, awesome ..." while dropping his face into his hands and nailing his hair into his hair, as if to regain his spirits. She then straightened her back slightly, certainly in order to regain her usual air of superiority despite her devastated face.
"What the fuck are you doing in this building ?"
“ I ... work here, actually. As an architect.”
"I told well at myself that the nam e Kurtzberg" was telling me something when I had to print the list of architects in the box for a colleague..." she muttered.
“And you... ? I mean, I understood you were also working in the company but ... why were you crying in the staircase ? What happened ?"
Chloe automatically opened her mouth to contradict him but knew it was useless since he had seen her sob, and then pinched her lips. She looked away and swallowed a second time before sighing what seemed to be a controlled sob. His voice, slightly watery, finally rose between them. "It's Mr. Wickedman. He came for a mistake that Malika, my office colleague, had made and when he saw that I was quietly reading a magazine he also vented on me. He yelled at me like a big shit. It was so humiliating ...!” She raged as her eyes began to tear again. “Why did you read a magazine at your desk too ?” He retorted in a phlegmatic tone. “Because I was on a break !” She barked, as if it were self-evident. "Okay, okay," He said, raising his palms to protect himself. “But did you tell him or not ?” “No ! I have not had time ! He leaved as soon as he had finished ! I even heard him reprimand a colleague who passed in the corridor !” "You know, the boss has never been tender. With none of its employees. It's his character, he's like that.” "Yeah well that's not a reason to belittle us !” She retorted as she passed her fingers over her eyes. “If my father was still the mayor, you can be sure that this bastard would have been fired the instant I drew my phone ...! To treat me this way, me, Chloe Bourgeois ...!"
Nathaniel could not help smiling at the remonstrance of the blonde. She had not changed her character since the years when they had left college. He took his plastic bag and then turned his attention to the young woman, who suddenly asked her in a quiet voice :
"And you ? What are you doing in the staircase ?
"I went up to the roof to eat my breakfast" He confessed, waving his meal. “You, uh ... do you want to come with me ?"
The blonde looked down at her cornet and drew her eyebrows. She seemed to debunk the redhead's proposal, then, a few seconds and a sniff later, she finally shrugged, looking like "Why not."
"Okay. Then follow me.” He encouraged gently as he straightened up.
He reached out to Chloe to help him get up but she ignored him and stood up on his own. Nathaniel rolled her eyes. Pride, when you hold us...
In silence and in spite of the strange atmosphere, their footsteps resounded against the steps. Neither of them looked at each other and concentrated on their ascent. After climbing the remaining floors, the redhead pushed open the door leading to the roof. He closed it in a creaking and then rejoined the blonde who had already started to move under the sunny sky.
They went towards the edge of the roof and sat down on the low wall. Chloe automatically crossed her legs and began pulling out her makeup case from her white satchel. Of course, thought Nathaniel, raising her eyes to heaven, she had to re-make a beauty to cover the traces of her moment of weakness. After picking up her cheeks and dressing up like a doll, she repacked all her gear and put her kit in her satchel, which she placed at her feet against the wall.
As Nathaniel began to take out his drink -a can of soda- and lay it beside him, the sound of a grunt to his left caught his attention. Chloe's cheekbones immediately colored themselves with a slight pink tint. She then slammed her tongue at the palace and turned her head, pretending to look at the landscape. A laugh escaped Nathaniel's lips, which immediately lost its satisfaction when the two blond blonde orbs shot him with a murderous look. He cleared his throat to regain his seriousness and finally spoke :
"Judging from the noise of your stomach, I suppose you have not yet eaten. You ... want to share ?
"If it is for eating a cooked chemical or fast food, it is not even worth it. It's out of the question that this kind of junk food enters my body." She refused with a condescending air.
"I've taken Japanese," He said, pulling out his tray. "Unless sushi and makis are too caloric for your little body ?"
"Hah ! Are you joking ? It turns out that my "little body" as you say, can perfectly bear Japanese food ! " She boasted, a hand on her chest.
Nathaniel concluded that this meant yes. In a brief smile, he put the tray between them and also took out the sojas sauces.
"Oh, the waitress gave me a second pair of chopsticks," He remarked before handing him the famous wands packed in paper, "You're lucky."
"Wait, because you thought I was going to eat with my fingers if there was only one pair ? So, you dreamed, my poor Nathaniel ! If there had been only one pair, it was I who would have taken them and you would have eaten with your fingers !" She said before pulling out the cutlery.
"What ? But no ! My chopsticks would have been shared, and one would have stung in the sushis and makis like a toothpick." He explained the blonde mumbled a "sacrilege" in his beard.
Finally, he pulled out his plastic bag to put it in his gray jacket pocket and finally opened the black plastic tray. After they had cracked their wooden wands and said a “good appetite”, they finally picked up a sushi salmon each and ate it. Chloe was the first to hum with pleasure by covering her mouth.
"Mmh ~ ! So good !”
"Yup' " Nathaniel nodded, his cheeks full.
"Say, did you knew that salmon was good to alleviate the pain of of the period ? I read it in a magazine." She said nonchalantly.
"Do you really believe everything you read in magazines ?"
"Of course not ! But some things are still true ! I tried the last time I had my period, and I can assure you that it worked ! I had less pain while I usually have ho-rribles cramps."
The redhead could not believe they were talking about it as a vulgar baguette of bread bought at the bakery but after reflection, it was Chloe. She had no tact about topics of conversation. He poked a maki with avocado, soaked it in soy sauce, and ate it.
"Delighted that the fish can relieve you, Chloe," He replied in a phlegmatic tone, gathering a frown from the blonde. "What ? What do you want me to answer, frankly ? I am a man and although I can sympathize with your pain, I can not understand what you endure. So it's good if you found a solution to have less harm but that's all I can tell you !"
"Hey, I'm trying to make the conversation !"
"Well could have found anything other than the natural female problems !" He reproached him.
"It's a subject like any other" Replied the mayor's daughter, crunching in a sushi. "Not my fault if you're modest."
Nathaniel prepared to retort that he was not modest but preferred to abandon the subject to avoid a childish dispute on the roof of the company. Shaking his head, he wedged his wands in his fist and then grabbed his can of soda, which he opened in a metal pschitt. As he lifted his drink, a thought crossed his mind and he stopped in motion. He then turned his head toward the mayor's daughter who had just swallowed the other half of his salmon sushi. "Chloe, do you want to drink first or ...?" She arched a perfectly shaved eyebrow, judged him and his drink by squinting, then opened his eyes slightly before a mocking smile caught his lips. "Wait... Is it me or you still pay attention to an indirect kiss in this kind of situation ? No but how old are you, 15 years old ? “What ? No ! It's for you that I ask ! I do not care ! If I had offered you after drinking first, I am sure you would have pretexted not wanting to drink in the same can not to catch my germs or whatever so ... "Eh huh" The blonde said at once, not believing for a moment his justifications - which were still valid. “Rah, since it's like that, drop it ! I'm in first !" He said. But before Nathaniel could make a gesture, Chloe's hand snatched her can and she took a sip of it. Under the stunned eye of the redhead, the blonde then placed the drink next to the plastic tray and challenged her to drink in turn, arms crossed, as if she had just gained something.
Slam his tongue to the palate, Nathaniel drank in turn as Chloe took a tuna maki, soaked it in the soy sauce, and then pushed it into his mouth. Her cheeks were full, and she began to speak again.
"Besides, talking about kissing... you got someone right now ?"
Nathaniel coughed, keeping his lips closed to refrain from spitting out his soda. He swallowed in a growl while cursing his former classmate internally, then ended up turning his head, fleeing the look of the latter.
"How does it concern you ?" He grumbled.
"We've already established that working level, we both worked in an architect's box, do you agree ? So there remain the loves affair to solve. Already, you're not married." The blonde remarked, glancing at the redhead's fingers. "Unless you're interested in boys ?"
"Thanks for the consideration but I'm not gay."
"Too bad, I will have presented you to a friend... But it doesn't matter. You still have not answered my question."
"Damn, you really love gossip ...! Why do you want to know so much ?" He asked, annoyed.
"Simple curiosity. And if it is my love situation that you are afraid of not knowing in return, don't worry, you will know. I can tell you right away, even : I'm single" She said proudly.
Nathaniel slammed his tongue again at the palace, irritated. He didn’t care if he knew she was single ...! Why did she not let go of the affair ? After eating another salmon sushi, he sighed and mumbled :
"You're gonna laugh to me and go pecking at social networks if I tell you."
"Excuse me ? I have grown since the time ! I would not do that again ! Promised !” Swore the blonde, with palms joined.
The redhead moved his buttocks uncomfortably, ill-at-ease, and turned his head again to observe the city, while a thin current of air swept his hair. With the help of his thumbs, he played with a fold of his can of soda cracking in a metallic sound, as if to relax.
"We broke up a few months ago" He finally admitted. “She did not want to be definitely engaged in a relationship. Just have adventures here and there.” "Oh..." Said Chloe slowly chewing her maki she had just swallowed. "I can’t blame her. It's her choice, after all. Even if I wished to learn this well before asking her to marry ... " To answer, the blonde winced and mumbled a "Ouch" while Nathaniel ran a hand through her hair. He had just enough time to drink a quick sip in order to pass the knot that was forming in his stomach that Chloe took again his drink to him and drunk in his turn. Can still in hand, she stretched her index finger to the redhead.
"If you want my opinion, this chick was not the right one. You'll find someone else better" She assured before judging a quick glance at her figure. “Not to mention that the costume suits you well. And you have beautiful eyes. Well, not as beautiful as mine, of course." She said before sticking the can in her hands again. “So a girl will eventually fall in love with you, marry you, start a family and all the tralala.” "Um... Thanks ?” "Or else, it's your hair that does not go." She added, detailing it again and royally ignoring the thanks of her interlocutor, index on the temple and thumb against the chin. “I mean, who still has red hair these days ? Maybe you should dye your hair in brown ? Or in black ? Nah, forget what I have just said.” She gestures with a wave of the hand, “Keeps your color like that and prays for a girl want to stay with you.” "Wow... I don’t know if I should feel flattered or insulted." Nathaniel said calmly. "It was compliments but take them as you like.” "In that case, thank you ... Well, I suppose...” A comfortable silence then settled between them. The mayor's daughter left the city with her eyes and turned her attention to Nathaniel, who was chewing a sushi :
"Hey" Chloe called. “I wanted to know...” "Mmh ?” "Come to eat your midday meal on the roof of the job, it often happened to you...? I mean, you couldn’t go to the break room or stay in the restaurant like everyone else ?’ “No, I don’t come here every day. Actually, I eat frequently with colleagues at the break room, and I also go out to nibble a bit from time to time but sometimes”, he said before shrugging, “I just like to be calm. And I find that the roof is the perfect place to relax.” "... It feels like you." The blonde commented. "What do you mean by that ?" He asked, intrigued. She moistened her lips, probably reflecting whether she should be honest with him or whether she had to repackage him to be too snooper, but spoke after several seconds, her eyes riveted on the roofs of Paris. "In middle school, you used to be rather dreamy. And I notice that it is still the case after the last ten years ... Besides, you still draw ? Your comics and your portraits of course, not your buildings for the company.” Clarified Chloe with a wave of the hand.
Nathaniel blinked, wondering whether the mayor's daughter was really interested in his case or whether she was asking this only to continue on the subject. Telling himself that nothing should surprise him on the part of the mayor's daughter, he ate a sushi and replied :
"With work, it's rather difficult but I still draw, yes. I confess to you that I don’t really have time to make comics like before, so I concentrate only on portraits and landscapes... And you ? Still the little princess-to-her-dad who lives in his palace with his servants ? He asked in a small smirk.
"Ha ha, very funny, Nathaniel...!" The blonde snapped as she snatched the can from her hands.
She drank a sip of soda, put the can between them, calmed down, and resumed her speech seriously, eyes fixed on a fold of her skirt.
"Actually... I'm thinking about having my own apartment. It's not that I do not like the Grand Paris, on the contrary, I have everything I need. But I just...”
"Want to fly with your own wings ...?” He added softly, stinging a maki.
"Yes" She said. “Even if it's going to be hard for my dad and my butler, it's time for me to get by on my own.”
"I think it's a good decision, Chloe."
She stared at him for a moment, as if to determine if he was sincere or not, then lowered his eyes to draw a sushi, dipped in soy sauce and swallowed as dry.
"By the way, have you kept in touch with the others in middle school ?" Chloe suddenly asked to change the subject.
"Yes. With Alix and Juleka -and Rose, by extension. There is Ivan too, we try to see each other from time to time...”
"Is he still with Mylène ?"
"Yes. They got married and have a little girl." He said, dipping a maki into the sauce.
Chloe shook her head, buzzing. The red-haired man saw a fine smile forming at the corner of the lips but he was immediately hidden by her can of soda that she raised before her mouth.
"And you, you have news of Sabrina ?” He adds. “You keep seeing each other ?”
"Yeah, we keep seeing each other. Even though she doesn’tt have much time because of her job.”
"What is she doing ?”
"She followed in her father's footsteps and became a police officer.”
"Really ? I didn’t think she was going to get down that road.” He confessed before taking it easy when the blonde gave him a piercing look. “W-Well I mean, it takes a certain mental steel and have a strong assurance to do this job. And it must be said that in the middle school, Sabrina didn’t really have that kind of qualities, so...”
"That's true... I didn’t believe it too, at first." She admitted. “But we must believe that with will and perseverance we can achieve it.”
"I'm happy for her." Nathaniel smiled. “She deserves it."
Chloe nodded and poked a maki in the tray. After chewing and swallowing her food, she stretched her lips in a smile, slightly amused. "Did you know that on her first day, Sabrina had caught me because I had speeded in car ?” Narrated the mayor's daughter while Nathaniel choked again with his drink. "Seriously ?” He asked, wiping his lips with a towel. "Yeah” She assured before letting go a slight sneer. “You would have seen her head, she was so annoyed when I opened the window ...!”
“I’m imagine !” Nathaniel bursted out. "I'm laughing now but it was absolutely nothing funny when I was in the car." She remarked, grabbing a sushi in the tray. "I doubt, yes. And Sabrina made you pay for the PV ?” "Yeah. She apologized but I assured her that it wasn’t a problem."
Obviously, Chloe was known to have a mountain of money to no longer know what to do with it, so paying a fine, it was frankly nothing at all. Nathaniel said nothing more and picked a maki in the plastic tray that he dipped into the sauce and engulfed as dry. He shook his can and found that there was almost no more soda inside. He shared a look with Chloe and raised his eyebrows in a silent question. With closed eyelids she puckered her forehead and shook her head in a negative way. In a small "Ok", Nathaniel then leaned back and drank what was left of the soda. Chloe had just eaten another maki soaked in soy sauce when he lowered his chin. He placed his empty can by the side of the tray and noticed that there was only one dish left inside. "There's still a sushi, do you want it ?" He offered. As soon as her question asked, the blonde grimaced as she chewed, looking disgusted, then raised a hand between them. She swallowed what she had in her mouth and then spoke. "I love sushi but if I eat one more, I feel like I'm gonna vomit. Take it, you."
He nodded as a sign of understanding and obeyed the mayor's daughter. Once the sushi disappeared, he pulled his plastic bag out of his pocket and threw the black tray inside, as well as his empty can, chopsticks and Chloe's. To finish, he closed the bag in a knot and placed the trash at his feet. The redhead turned his head to see that the blonde, now cleared of his wooden cutlery, was equipped with his cell phone. He cleared his throat to attract his attention but she pretended that nothing, concentrated on her screen, which was obviously more interesting than what he had to say. He did not slip away and asked his question anyway. "Um... Do you want to stay here a little longer or do you prefer to come back ?" "Come back. It’s soon time to resume the job.” "What time ?” "Almost 1 o'clock." She replied automatically. "We better hurry then."
As soon as his sentence was over, the young man stood up, packed in his hand, and Chloe followed the movement, his eyes still riveted on her phone. They crossed the roof and Nathaniel threw his bag into the trash that was right next to the door by which they had come. Once this was done, he opened the door in a grating and Chloe passed by without a glance or a thank you. He closed the exit behind him and then caught up with the blonde and her heels slamming. After they had gone down one floor, the mayor's daughter finally put away her camera in her satchel but didn’t engage in conversation. Just as silently as on the way, they went down the stairs without picking a single word. After a moment, Nathaniel stopped on the landing where the number "04" was painted on the adjacent wall. Chloe was preparing to go down the other steps in front of her but stopped and turned to the redhead. Even before she asked him why he was not moving, he cut off the grass under his foot. "It's my floor.” He simply dropped.
Chloe opened her mouth in an "o" but didn’t comment any more than that and rubbed her arm, eyes fixed on the stairs. As a discomfort began to settle between them, the mayor's daughter immediately broke it. "Thank you for..." She said, waving her hand, looking like "All that". "Oh. You’re welcome.” He answered, shrugging his shoulders. “It was... cool.” “ "Cool” ?” She repeated twisting her eyebrows, crossed arms and hip exit. "Okay, it was unexpected to see you again," He admitted, amused. “But in a sense, it's good to know what you've become." Chloe nodded as a sign of understanding and then tripped the strap of her satchel, obviously not knowing what to say to continue the conversation. An embarrassing silence floated between them and Nathaniel thought it was useless to linger any longer in the staircase. He coughed then in his fist and again took the floor, uneasily.
"Well... I'll have to go.” "Yeah, me too..." She whispered automatically. "So, uh... See you... ?” He said in the form of a question, hesitating. Chloe buzzed in agreement then Nathaniel turned to the exit door. He could not help but think that the situation was really awkward and that something was missing but he rejected this feeling. As he stepped forward and stretched out his arm to hold the door handle, he felt a hand resting on his arm. He turned his head and saw Chloe holding him back. He crossed his two blue orbs and arched a questioning eyebrow. She seemed to mean something, but in view of her frowning brows, her concentrated gaze and her hesitating lips, she was in the midst of reflection.
Silent, he waited patiently for her words. After several interminable seconds when she had closed her eyelids and had silently inspired, she opened her eyes and threw herself.
"The next time that Mr. Wickedman shouts at me, do you think I might bother you and complain to you ?"
Shivering, Nathaniel opened her eyes to the question of the blonde. Surprising was the only word that came to mind. They were not really predisposed to get along because of their common past and personalities, but Chloe had just made the first move to keep in touch with him.
Perhaps because she had really changed since the time and wanted to forge a bond with another of her classmates ? Or perhaps because she needed a stopgap, he could not help thinking. After all, it was Chloe Bourgeois, someone had to be constantly at his side. And as Sabrina wasn’t present in her life as before and she didn’t seem to be friends with her other colleagues, the redhead seemed to be her only solution.
In that case, so much the worse if it was considered a stopgap in Chloe's eyes. The fact that they find themselves after so many years and in the premises of his work was probably not a coincidence and Nathaniel wanted to believe that there was certainly a reason for this.
Moreover, the two former classmates had gone too far to ignore each other and Chloe probably understood the first. Now that he thought about it, considering the level of her pride, the blonde had to take a lot on her to ask such a thing to him, a shoddy artist...
" So ?!” Chloe’s voice suddenly exclaimed, which had just stamped her foot impatiently.
"I, um... yeah," Nathaniel stammered, blinking. “I mean, yes, you can come and make me shit and complain. And...” He hesitated, scratching his back. "I know we're far from being friends or even close friends, but... if you ever want to eat japanese and you don’t have someone, you can send me a mail on my mailbox. I will answer."
In view of her two wide-eyed blue orbs and her mouth-gape, it was now she who was shocked. So the red-headed man wondered for a moment if he had not gone too far. He was about to tell her to forget what he had just said, but Chloe fluttered from her eyelids, obviously taking her mind back. Arms crossed, she arched a haughty eyebrow and smiled from the corner of her lips, a teasing gleam in her eyes.
"Are you inviting me to a date, Kurtzberg ?"
"What ? No ! No, it's not a date ! As you seem to like sushi and now we are colleagues, I’m told that we could -”
"I'd think about it." She said, before turning her head and taking interest in the landing wall.
"Uh... Thanks... "Nathaniel breathed weakly.
The young man thought to see the cheekbones of the blonde coloring in pink but preferred not to linger on this detail. He cleared his throat again and turned to the door a second time. As he lowered the handle to open access to the corridor, a "Wait !” from the blonde interrupted him and forced to twist his neck to meet her gaze. "One last thing : tell nobody what happened in the staircase, understood ?” She demanded, pointing at him with an index, with an authoritative air. He was not going to tell anyone about it, and she might have known him as well as he did, but she certainly wanted to clarify that point. Just in case. Taking a serious look, he nodded and released a "Of course," to which she mumbled an answer that looked like "Fine." The redhead opened the door and glanced at the mayor's daughter. "See you soon, Chloe." The blonde's shoulders relaxed and a fine smile stretched her lips shining. "Bye, Nathaniel." Then, after greeted him, Chloe's heels slammed on the floor and her back descended the stone steps while the youn man left the staircase. In a rattle, the door closed but Nathaniel did not leave right away. He stood a moment in front of the door, his hand still on the handle, a strange sensation in his stomach. He felt like he was in the fourth dimension. He never imagined discussing and sharing a meal with Chloé Bourgeois. It was weird, almost disturbing, but eventually he didn’t find it unpleasant. Although Chloe was still a milk-sober soup, she really looked like she had changed. To be more mature. And Nathaniel was convinced that with what he had seen today, the mayor's daughter wasn’t bad as she wanted to make him believe. Then perhaps, by dint of meeting, Chloe would at last come down from his golden throne and treat others with respect ? He didn’tt know. Only time will tell. The redhead began to walk down the corridor to his office, full of hope for his old and tyrannical classmate.
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chromemuffin · 7 years
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Shoukoku no Altair Liveblog (Chapter 4)
This is an awesome shot and they both have glorious hair. I remember seeing these characters in the anime trailers.
Chapter 4: Tragic Clansmen
We’d better not get more dead family for any party this chapter (though that is in no way out of the question...).
So, we start the chapter off in St. Michael’s keep. And Leredrick’s name is so ridiculous in Japanese. レレデリク (rerederiku) It’s actually quite easy, but rolls off the tongue oddly...Despite what the translation says, she is apparently at the rank of a Duke/Duchess, I don’t think the 公爵 is meant as a nickname.
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I love most of the clothing designs, but Louis’s shirt collar looks like it is consuming his jaw.
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These people may be up to no good, but the combined might of their hair is awesome. Who are they planning to kill? I don’t even quite know where they are...is it outside Hisar?
Haha, Zaganos did not expect this one.
Poor Ibrahim, tough decisions all around here. Oh! And who is this kid come to see him?
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Yuuup. Ugh he’s so anguished.
And Mahmut and Shara got found out! They were not exactly attempting to blend in aside from the clothes, though.
And apparently the man is speaking in whatever the Araba speak (maybe it’s a dialect rather than a different language?). In Japanese, they changed the font and made some of the words katakana, which they tend to do to distinguish one speech from another. It’s interesting when they do that.
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And Shara is here to save the day! Haha look at her tell him off.
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Mahmut is surprised too. His gut reaction was to reach for his sword.
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His expressions are great. It’s kind of a reluctant compliment/I didn’t know you could do that/maybe a little ‘you couldn’t mention that before’. So that means Mahmut has to keep his mouth shut? He probably doesn’t know it.
What is this ‘Oasis’ thing she said they were from?
お嬢ちゃんたち (ojou-chan-tachi) haha ‘ladies’...guess Mahmut’s disguise fooled them.
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He does look a little more like a girl from this angle. Shara’s adorable trying to pretend to be enthused. Mahmut is miffed. Probably because he can’t do much.
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B-Balt-Rhein, you say...?
They’re like o.o what. uh-oh.
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Dancing time! Man, drawing and inking all those stripes and the rips in their clothes...especially the tattered hems...Also, the detail in the Araba clansmen’s designs is impressive. All of them look distinct from one another, even though not a single one has been named.
Looks like these two aren’t on the same page, though. Look at Shara’s pout when Mahmut interrupts.
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I hope you know what you’re doing, Mahmut, blowing your cover like that. You cannot tell me his voice is girly, too. He’s 17. Oh! But he does speak Araba and just chose not to speak before.
In Japanese, he phrases it as a demand “Do not be deceived by the Balt-Rheins!” (I’m using the official names for the ones we know, might as well).
omg look at her:
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haha yeah that expression on him before was more of a ‘you were fluent and you didn’t mention it?’ Oh, these two...
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he is photogenic ok I can’t help it. Be glad I don’t have photoshop (or even a functioning paint app) on this laptop. Still has that braid though, haha.
How do you plan on convincing them...? Oh, and off he goes, looking very cool and like a pain to draw while jumping off whatever he was standing on.
So he did it to draw the Balt-Rhein guy away. Oh, this was in the trailer, too, I think.
And Shara has darted off somewhere running like a cactaur.
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That whistle is used to call Iskander, but I’m not sure why he’s twirling it around (looks cool though).
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Originally, I thought Zaganos meant a force strong enough to corrupt, because that was the tone set when Mahmut was in denial that Ibrahim would do something like that.
Ah, nice touch here:
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In Japanese, it was 三日月 (crescent moon) with the pronunciation for ‘shamshir’ as furigana. This is further expanded upon in a few.
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No doubt this hits several sore spots.
I have no experience with swords and such despite seeing several posts floating around tumblr about them, but the little break in the action to explain the advantages/disadvantages seem reasonable. 
Haha, he just GRABS the guy’s sword. Well, it is a rapier so. 
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Very nice illustration, very scary though omg. He broke your sword! Guess this is also a bit of Mahmut’s inexperience at work here. This Balt-Rhein guy is much older than him, and should know very well what his sword’s weakness is (and it’s quite prominent) to prepare a countermeasure. In this case, a second weapon.
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But it looks like what he’s most shocked by is that guy’s ugly sword and him being from some cult. 
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This is a whistle?
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Did he just stab you or pummel you? Think he just got hit in the stomach.
But aww poor Mahmut. Things aren’t going very well for you. I guess he kiinda needed more back up than Shara.
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Uh, what. Why. Why would he want that. What are you going to do to him, eyepatch dude. Also, how the heck is Mahmut going to get out of this situation??
Note, I also like the detailing of the chain his Iskander-whistle is attached to. Nice contrast against the black of his clothes.
That was the end of the chapter?? Great cliffhanger, but come ON.
← back・onward →
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Mob Psycho 100 II 9 - 11 | My Roommate is a Cat 9 - 11 | Spec Ops Asuka 9 - 11 | Shield Hero 9 - 10 | Morose Mononokean 10 | Double Decker! EX 2 | Price of Smiles 10 - 11
Mob Psycho II 9
So…uh…is this the first time we’ve had lyrics for the OP???
For some reason, “you little s***” is a hilarious nickname…in my head.
Is it just me, or did the style of Teruki’s eyes change when he got that stack of hair off his head?
My Roommate is a Cat 9
Please don’t let that random voice be the do-oh no. I was right *sigh* As much as I think dogs are fine and cute and all, this is a show about a cat, so naturally I feel diametrically opposed to dogs when watching.
Long ago, the writer and his cat lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Signing attacked! …Yeah. I couldn’t resist the Avatar pun…of course.
Aw…Kawase is a good guy, even if he’s a bit obnoxious to poor Haru.
As someone who’s currently volunteering at a charity store, I forget to say “thanks” all the time. It eats me up, it really does…
That post-credits sequence was funny, but only because I could read the “dying message” (it’s katakana ha <-> kanji hachi -> number 8).
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka 9
Oh hey, a cheerleader stamp (sticker...?) from the Cheerleader vs Megaton Shark movie!
Wait, whaaaaaaaaat?! I thought Asuka was Tamara’s older sister (metaphorically), but…she’s nottttttttttttttt??? Also, why doesn’t Tamara get creeped out by the fact her stuffed toy could be a Disas in disguise?
Why is everyone so…for lack of a better term…gay for Asuka?! Even Tabira…
Ouch for Tabira. I’m just laughing because it’s like seeing SekaTsuyo or Bikini Warriors being torn up in front of my face – I’m thanking whoever made this for that image alone!
Cenobite. Basically…it’s another horror reference.
The Osprey stands out so much…CGI..it’s so garish…
Garish CGI strikes again, this time in the form of a 4WD!
Shield Hero 9
Naofumi’s such a dad…haha.
It’s a Filo-and-fish! Hahaha! (Update: I’m aware there are some of you who might never have heard of a Fillet-o-fish and so…there you go. It’s a McDonald’s meal name. It makes me hungry just thinking about it, to be honest though.)
Why does Motoyasu even care so much for underage girls? Sure, they have their rights too, but…is he a lolicon???
They talk about “white privilege”…so maybe there’s “hero privilege” as well…hmm…
Motoyasu’s “treasure-protection shields” versus Filo = 0 to 2, Filo’s victory! Hahaha!
Morose Mononokean 10
The idea of Rippou being amused by “a mundane world plank”…amuses me. So does the idea of Abeno and Ashiya walking around as a shingami and witch, respectively…Come to think of it, Ashiya’s always the one who dresses like a woman if the need arises, huh?
I feel sorry for Zenko, to be honest…I mean, she’s wearing what’s meant to be Abeno’s outfit! She’s going to trip, y’know? Where are the OH and S concerns (OH and S = occupational healh and safety, though...yeah, I make that mistake a lot)???
Come to think of it, I wasn’t tracking where Abeno’s book went. So he left it in the Mononokean…I see.
Poor Fuzzy! He got taken by Komon!!!
Smol Itsuki…I swear I’ve seen a similar character in a manga before – and somehow I know it’s a manga, but I don’t remember which one…
Double Decker! EX 2
Couldn’t you just ask “Milla” (even if he’s not a Police Academy graduate)? Pretend Valery is Kirill or something, maybe.
I can’t believe they’re still making jokes about Doug’s laundry…
I feel kind of bad at snickering at this crossdressing thing – you know how the LGBTIQ+ community feels about this stuff, don’t you?
Travis’s pick-up lines are too cheesy for this earth…*shakes head with grin on face*
There’s a police bird mascot on the dashboard of the Seven-O car.
When I realised what Mr Goldman was doing to Kirill (potential sekuhara and disguise reveal, if you know what I mean)…my face went all funny…
I don’t think I’ve seen a Kirill and Valery eyecatch before…hmm.
The fact there were two men making out in the change rooms…I wonder if that was played for humour? If so, that’s nasty to the LGBTIQ+ people, y’know?
“Max, that’s mine. Take good care of it.” – Your…what, Deana? Your target???
The next-ep preview had me laughing! Travis, don’t give yourself away!!! But now I get why Kirill was in a wedding dress.
Price of Smiles 10
Y’know, Lily, you shouldn’t wish for a kid to be confined to their house forever. Kids grow up and then need to make a living…at least, that’s what I’ve learnt.
I honestly (almost…?) thought we’d only see casualties on Yuki’s side…guess I was wrong.
Shield Hero 10
Notably, a lot of Western-inspired fantasy works such as this use “runes” based on stylised English…including the map that appears in this ep.
This knight that’s doing all the talking…his name is Ake, according to the interface.
My Roommate is a Cat 10
The irony of that dog bag of Haru’s (the human girl’s).
Cats and Dreams (Neko to Yume) = a parody of Hana to Yume (Flowers and Dreams).
All these thoughts Subaru has of his mother make me want to hug mine…
“50 inches”, my butt! (The newspaper says there’ll be 50 centimetres of snow...)
I expected Okami to be at the supermarket (Nana, not her brother)…but instead, Hiroto showed up. What a small world it is in this anime…(well, it is all set in the same neighbourhood, with the exception of that signing, so it should be. At least, I guess so.)
F*** it, Hiroto. I thought you were annoying in the past, but you’re nice too! What’s up with this show??? Why do I feel everything Subaru feels??? (Uh…past me, maybe, that’s the point of this show…?)
The cat show is also relatable in how I peel apples…and that would probably carry over to other fruit and veg too…
If there’s one thing I can annoy this show about, it’s how to transition between human and cat perspectives. Aside from that, it’s A-OK!
Morose Mononokean 11
Wait, these birds have one foot (each) and ear wings??? Wuh???
Oh, now that Abeno mentions it, Chungo has a crescent, but one of the other bros has a heart on his belly. Another one has a circular pattern with a round dent where the head is (like a partial moon, with the smaller edge inverted).
One of the “birds” has two dents in his belly pattern (like the one I described just before, but this time with a W shape).
Hmm…in much the same way the police act as a representative of the state, the reason there needs to be a master of the Mononokean is to represent it…and maybe the Legislator. Is that right, people?
Come to think of it…”chun” roughly means “tweet”, hence “Chunichi”, “Chunji” etc.
The name of this episode is Kii (literally, “return to residence” as far as I understand it…I may have misinterpreted that second kanji though).
Is Komon a “she”? It’s hard to tell, really.
Mob Psycho 100 10
“Prime Minister Yabe”, eh?
I think I saw “ONE” written on one of the buildings.
I sort of saw the comparison between Sho and his dad coming as soon as I saw Ritsu and Sho hanging out together.
I found my old first season predictions from summer 2016 and now I just remembr Dimple as a “green cloud”, LOL.
Well…sorry to break it to you guys, but someone’s post was called “Dimple makes the Body Improvement Club PLUS ULTRA” so I sort of know where this is going…
Hmm…this “muscles with psychic power =/= muscles with training” thing reminds me of the tomatoes from s2 ep 1.
Mob Psycho 100 11
(Mob says something along the lines of “you need to rely on others to help you survive.”) - Welp, Mob, that’s a consumerist post-Fordist society for ya.
“…don’t use your psychic powers against others.” Don’t think I’ve corrected any subs in a while.
…and randomly, Reigen.
Post-credits scene. Keep watching!
I just realised these “courses” mentiond in the next-ep previews are related to the Japanese side of things – BDs, DVDs, events and manga.
Egao no Daika 11
Almost done with the season, eh?
Couldn’t Huey have been shown giving the money, rather than keeping it a secre until the rest of the group did it…?
Please say that’s an armistice, Yu-oh no.
I feel like revealing Izana’s death to his family now…is a bit late.
That’s Stella’s fish bowl! Great Scott! (Okay…that was a terrible pun. Y’see, Scott was the one who believed Stella was Layla’s daughter…and he was right.)
Oh…end of credits segment. Keep watching.
Notably, the ep 12 title (”The Price of Smiles”) is written in kanji + hiragana, instead of the katakana of the show title.
Spec Ops Asuka 11
“I don’t want to run.” – Well, with Nozo-chan leaning on her like that, Sayako definitely won’t be running…in more ways than one.
Ken can mean “dog” in certain contexts, y’know. So Kenjou seems like a good name for a dog boi...spirit…thing?
My Roommate is a Cat 11
I’m going to miss this show when it’s gone…
I feel like a better episode title translation would be “Overlapping Feelings”.
Hmm…I never thought he (Subaru) was wearing a tonne of blue because he liked it. I just thought it was a good aesthetic choice on the part of the mangaka…welp, at least there’s a reason for it now.
Rabbiteye blueberries. I’d never heard of them before, to be honest. (Isn’t blue meant to be rare in nature???)
I could tell from the silhouette it was Kawase…
I know that feel…haven’t you seen the meme that goes…oh, I’ll go find it. Then you’ll understand what I mean.
Tumblr media
^…This one.
LOL, that image of Haru on Kawase’s computer.
This show makes me wanna hug my parents…Update: Hey, I said that a few episodes ago. That makes me feel really stupid.
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