#ohhh the ed that’s just asking to come back and kill me is waiting for this
y0urnewstepp4r3nt · 1 year
Trying my hand at the shovel talks. However, I really don't know how to write and can't stay in one point of view. So sorry about that it's probably annoy but enjoy.
Dustin and Mike
Steve walked into family video expecting to takeover for Keith and spend the next 5 hours being bored out of his mind. What he didn't expect, however, was the little shits bursting into family video as soon as Keith left.
"Steve we have to have a serious talk with you."
Henderson, of course it was, and Wheeler.
"What. What's so important that you barge in here for?"
Henderson had the nerve to look at mini Wheeler like he was already done with Steve.
"Well Steve, we're here cause you can't keep it in your pants and are now dating OUR DM. So if you screw this up like you did with Nancy and he gets sad we suffer. Don't hurt Eddie or we'll kill you."
Henderson just nods agreeing with Wheeler.
"I'm not gonna hurt him chill out."
"No Steve. Mike has a point, you're a resident heartbreaker in the worst way! You can't hurt Eddie because then we suffer aswell and maybe you need to realize that! When you hurt Eddie you'll hurt us. This isn't one of your hot girl dates that you dump with no consequences Steve!"
Before Steve could even open his mouth they had already left. Leaving him to think about what they said and if they really thought he was going to break Eddie's heart. Maybe Mike meant it, but maybe Dustin was just giving Steve a shovel talk first then he was going to Eddie's. That has to be it right? I mean they thought of each other as brother. Steve shrugged it off and continued his ghosttown shift, waiting for Robin to start.
"Ohhh Steve-o! Guess who came to save you from boredom!"
Robin walked in and slammed her hands on the front counter.
"You'll never guess what happened today. Tammy freaking Tompson came and gave a speech about how much the school helped her achieve her Nashville dreams!"
That was definitely something, a Muppet preaching about her Muppet voice success, iconic.
"And you made googley eyes at her the entire time cause you love her muppet voice."
"Oh my god Steeeve! I tell you one time and you never let me live it down. Anyways before you head out as your best friend I have to tell you to be careful with Eddie because sometimes you move to fast and he might get the wrong idea and be hurt."
She's started rambling so Steve cuts her off, feeling a little hurt.
"Rob, I know it'll be fine I won't move too fast he won't get hurt. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah good see you later dingus drive safe!"
Steve waves and walks to his car frowning. Did he really seem like someone who would hurt Eddie? Robin had a point, he would probably freak Eddie out with his loud love. Maybe he should have thought about that, months ago, before Eds asked him out.
Lucas & Max
Steve was walking up to Eddie and Wayne's trailer when he heard red yell his name and give him a come here gesture. So he turned and jogged over to her and Sinclair. It'll be quick anyway.
"What's up Red, Sinclair."
"We just wanted to let you know that when Eddie feels sad he likes to play music loud. Like at max volume. So if you break his heart just know you'll have to face us."
"Jeez guys I'm not going to break his heart why are you so intense about it"
"Steve if your going to break his heart wait a month until the break so we dont fail."
They both ran back into red's house as Steve started his walk back to Eddie's trailer. At least they said if? That's gotta count for something right, after 3 other shovel talks, if seems pretty optimistic. So Steve walks into Eddie's trailer a little less energetic then when he first got out of the car, but it's fine. He'll be ok.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
TW for mention of moths and accidental moth death. Funny enough, I'm extremely phobic and grossed out by moths and butterflies (tho i think they're cool and pretty) and sort of grossed myself out writing this, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone!
Lil domestic moment/mini argument in a modern AU for the lads and the poor moth involved. That turns into a mini rescue mission of sorts. also Jack is there. And there will be pizza.
I kept writing and things kept happening idk.
"Really?" Stede scoffs. "Over a mild disagreement-"
The crop top, clearly handmade, reads 'I fucked Stede Bonnet and all I got was this stupid shirt.'
"Mary suggested color of fabric paint," Ed says icily, eyes never moving from the horror movie he's watching on the living room TV. "But Doug thought up the crop top bit. Much more comfortable this way, and I can reuse the leftover bit of fabric."
"Ed," Stede sits on the other side of the couch. "Darling."
"Don't even start."
"Look, I understand why you're upset with me. But I need you to see my side-"
"Stede, if you bring this up during one of my favourite movies, I..." Ed hesitates. "I don't know exactly what I'll do yet, but I'll be pissed."
"Can I stay and watch with you?"
"Of course."
He motions for Ed to stretch out his legs, and scoots slightly closer so Ed's knees rest on his lap.
"If you think you're getting back in my good graces with a knee massage alone-"
"No," Stede interrupts. "I saw you limp earlier, and I know massages help that bad knee of yours. Purely coincidence."
He works gently on Ed's knee, and looks up to the screen. "Us, right?"
They watch in silence for a bit, until he can bear it no longer.
"Ed, I know you don't like moths. I know you're scared of them. But I wasn't going to kill it-"
"I didn't want you to kill it, but you didn't listen to me! I was trying to tell you to wait so I could be in another room while you got it!"
"Oh," Stede blinks. "Ohhh. 'Babe, wait and just-' was going to end in 'just let me leave first.' Wasn't it?"
Ed nods. "Instead, you smashed into me, and I know you didn't mean to, but I got moth and gross moth dust all over my ch-"
He gags. "Yeah. I can't think about it or say it. Sorry."
"I'm sorry. But you knew I would try and move it and get it outside, and that would mean needing to get by you and out the bedroom door."
"That..." Ed sighs. "That's true. I should say sorry too. I could have just moved right away, and then come back to you as soon as it was outside. I panicked. Sorry, love."
"That's fair. You didn't want it on or near you."
Ed gently, carefully, strips off his shirt and lays it on the floor. "This needs to finish drying anyway. I was wearing it right away to be...well. Yeah."
"It's well done," Stede smiles. "And I like the violet."
"Right? I loved it but wasn't sure about using it until Mary mentioned it. I was texting both of them with pictures of all the paint colours; it was probably silly-"
"Sometimes a second opinion is all it takes to know if a choice is right or not. Nothing silly about that."
Eventually, Ed winds up in his lap, as the movie plays on and the winter sun dips below the horizon.
There's a buzz as the credits roll, and they both jump.
"Fucking piece of shit," Ed fusses as he yanks his vibrating phone off the end table. "Hello?"
"Hi, weird question," Olu's voice comes through the speaker just as Ed switches it to speakerphone. "Is Stede's phone not by him?"
"I left it charging in our room," Stede replies. "Why?"
"I told you we should have texted Ed first!" Jim's voice joins in on Olu's end. "He always has his phone near him!"
"What's going on?" Ed asks.
"This is stupid and you'll laugh, but we...nope, I'm not saying it. This is embarrassing!" Olu mutters.
"We're two grown adults that got scared watching Us," Jim's voice joins in again. "There's some people walking around here and I know, I know they're just like. Taking a late walk. But they sort of look similar in shape to both of us and I mean. It's fake, because if it wasn't Jordan Peele would have to be in on it, and surely he wouldn't-"
"Funny, we just finished that movie, but we're doing alright. Would you maybe like us to come over?" Ed smiles and nudges Stede. "Aaand maybe bring a late night snack, some pizza?"
"There should be some by our front door," Olu replies. "We ordered just as the movie started and then by the time it got here..."
"Oh no," Stede chuckles. "We'll be right ov-ED!"
The shadow in the hall turns, and the light at the end of it flicks on. "Did you two forget I was here?"
Jack. Who was in town and staying in their guest room, and who had been sleeping off his jet lag.
"I'm so glad to see you," Stede gasps.
"It's okay," Ed says as he stands. "We'll be over in a bit. We'll bring Jack too since he's with us."
"Why is he here?" Olu asks.
"Dunno. He called us last night asking for a ride from the airport and a place to stay."
"...sure. That sounds great."
"And we'll get some new pizza on the way there, because I guarantee a raccoon has already found the one outside your door."
"Pizza, you two, those two kids, and a raccoon," Jack smiles. "I woke up to a party!"
"The raccoon is not coming inside," Stede chuckles. "We had enough issues with the moth earlier!"
Jack frowns. "Speaking of, I woke up with that little bit of fuss and...hey, Ed?"
Ed, planning away about breadsticks and dessert options with Olu, seems not to notice.
Jack motions Stede over to him. "Look. When I went downstairs to get those extra pajamas you mentioned, I found the source of that flying friend. Y'all got a fuckin' infestation in the extra storage room down there. I shoved some towels under the door crack but..."
"Oh god."
"Yeah. So...tomorrow morning what say I call up Iz and Buttons, and the three of us take Ed out to the zoo and aquarium? While we do that, which should take most of the day, you and anyone else not afraid of moths-"
"Will go and clean things up," Stede nods gravely. "Jack. I cannot believe I'm saying this, but, thank you."
"Just don't make me watch that movie with y'all tonight. Don't know why you'd want to rewatch it right away, but just-I can't stand that one, too scary. The new alien one though-"
"Damn, we can't even try it? Or did it scare you that bad?"
Stede sighs. "Nope?!"
"Why are you...what's with the tone?" Jack scoffs. "I'm-wait. Wait. Oh no, you meant-"
"The movie is titled, yes," Stede shakes his head. "I think you're still jet lagged."
"I think-"
"Jack, put on pants and trousers and lets get moving," Ed interjects. "They are absolutely terrified, Mr. Peele should be very proud. However, I think their neighbour is trying to give them their pizza, and he's walking all around outside their house freaking them the fuck out and it's a whole thing."
Stede peers down, then back up. "I really wish I'd realised you were-"
"Sleeping Winnie-the-Pooh style?" Jack grins. "I can't believe you didn't notice."
"Are you wearing that shirt out?" Stede asks as Ed yanks the crop top back on.
"Yeah, but hang on, I'll get you yours and Jack's," Ed jogs into the kitchen. "So we match, all three of us."
They head out ten minutes later, Ed ahead of them.
"You fucked Ed Teach and all you got was that stupid shirt?" Jack snorts.
"You fucked us both and only got the one shirt," Stede paraphrases off of Jack's shirt. "I'm starting to think he was going to make these even if the moth thing had never happened."
"You don't fuckin' say."
There's the honk of the car horn, and they rush to get in before Ed drives off without them.
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wasdaya · 2 years
BIG MOM | steve harrington
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+ steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve has always been called “the babysitter” until you and the gang start calling him mom and he literally hates it
warnings: none, just fluff and a bit of swearing
word count: 0.5k
a/n: gif is not mine! credits to the owner | masterlist here.
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STEVE HARRINGTON wasn't a babysitter anymore, he was a fucking mom. And that name definitely didn't suit Steve. The trouble was, calling him a mom had already become a joke among the entire gang.
“Hey mom, what do you think about going to the movies today?” Eddie said as he walked through the Family Video door.
“I think it's a great idea, by the way, Ed. But wait-, Steve, are your kids going to let you out today?” You say looking into your boyfriend's eyes while you're sitting at the movie rental counter.
"Haha ha. Very funny, Y/N.”
“I mean it. Your kids are sure to find out and want to come with us.”
"She has a point, Dingus." Robin says from across the store.
"They won't find out." Steve says it like it's obvious.
“Well, you're forgetting that one of your kids is named Dustin Henderson. You know, the smart one.” You say with a wink.
“So why don't you take the party? They will be happy to be with their big mom.” Eddie asks.
"I swear to god Munson, if you say the word mom one more time im going to hit you." Steve says clearly annoyed.
"Mom." Eddie jokes, stealing a laugh from you and Robin, causing Steve, in turn, to sigh.
“You know, you are my girlfriend, you should support me in these situations.” He says as he approaches you at the counter. You spread your legs so he can get between them. You place both your warm hands around his cheeks earning a low groan of comfort from Steve.
“Yes, im your girlfriend and im just telling you the truth. You-" one kiss, "Are-" another kiss. "A-" One more kiss, "Big mom," one more and one last kiss on the side of his mouth.
“I hate you.” He says on your lips.
'So..." You lean towards Steve's ear, "Why are your hands on my thigh?" You mumble.
Steve immediately turns red and was about to say something until Robin interrupts him:
"I don't know if im very comfortable being the person who's going to tell your kids that their mom has been kissing a women at work."
“I agree. This is not a good example for children, Harrington.” Eddie says with a smirk.
“You two, out! Mommy here needs some kissing to calm her nerves!” Steve says as he points to the Family Video exit door.
“Fine, Mom.” Eddie and Robin say in unison as they slide out of the video store. Before leaving, Robin turns the store's sign to "closed" and says one last time:
"Keith will kill you if he finds out about this."
“Nah, thats fine.” He answers and turns to you. Steve's hands are still on her thigh, they never let go. "So, how can i say that now im not the mom but you, since we're kissing, you know, couple thing."
"Ohhh, you're still the mom, now im the dad."
“Thats not fair, Y/N! Come on!” He says like a kid he didn't get the toy he wanted and you just laugh bringing it back to your face and planting a soft kiss on his poutting lips.
“I love you, mom.” You say and kiss him again, but then you pull away and you both raise your eyebrows thoughtfully. “Okay, that sounded pretty weird.”
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nikosomething · 4 years
HEYYYY I'm back, very late, I know! But *distressed gurgling noises*. Sorry?? As for fic recs and sangcheng, I'm going to wait until the reveal so I can DM you about it, if you would like? Yess, it's precisely sweating that makes me hate summer haha. It is, truly, yes, the time between Christmas and new year is so sweet, the liminal days as some Tumblr post put it. OMG I'M CACKLING. That was a ride!! dfgdhjshxjdjd yes it's Heaven's official blessing, or TGCF (shortened Chinese title). Yes, I have read both of mxtx's other works- TGCF and svsss. TGCF is my favorite of all three of her books!
Oh yeah, having Meng Yao realise earlier what a douche his dick of a father is would be most wonderful for him AND other characters. Much less grief, surely. I'm alright with any canon divergence with the side characters. I just don't like wwx and lwj making different choices lol. ANYTHING ELSE is super fine! Omg that sounds beautiful. I hope you had a merry Christmas, Niko! Ah we don't celebrate xmas, no! But my holidays have been delightful! Oh wow, that's such a detailed answer. (2)
I prefer tea these days. Back in college, I used to drink coffee on the regular. Now, however, I'm more interested in ginger tea these days. I make it fresh each time- grate fresh ginger, boil it in water with tea powder and some sugar on the stove. I haven't really tried fancy teas, I don't think I'm much of a teabag person. I'd need loose tea haha. I like the ritual of making it, you know? As it so happens, Niko, this bunny is allergic to apples. I start sneezing as soon as I eat even a single bite of an apple, same with pears as well. Guess what my favorite fruit is? Apples! *saddest bunny sniff* green apples more so but I can't eat them! 😔
Cooking shows are soooo good, but it's been years since I have seen a proper cooking show. All of your recs sound amazing, I might check them out next year when I have time (busy with college work, you see). Oooh what all have I watched? Mostly Netflix shows and cdramas. Cdramas first cuz those are the ones I recently watched and hence, also remember - Joy of Life, Nirvana in Fire, the romance of tiger and rose, Hikaru No Go, Go ahead, TGCF donghua. Western shows- locke and key, Euphoria, Sex Education, (ohmygod I seriously can't recall any other. Rip my memory but I watched SO MANY shows ahhhhhh), I'm currently watching Bridgerton. If I remember, I shall tell you when the reveal happens. NIKO, even I watched the pillowbook and it's prequel, and yes, I have to agree that they aren't my favourites too. They were mehhh. I only liked it cuz of Dijun (purple robes, silver hair fella)! (3)
I'm pretty sure I messed up the numbering. I hope you can figure them out AHHHHHHH I don't even know the number of this text dfgdjdhdjdhdhd
Questions now! Idk have many questions honestly haha. I'm just excited for the reveal lmao. Who amongst the MDZS characters, would be your best friend and who would be your enemy? Kiss marry kill- JC, NHS, WWX? What's your favorite and least favorite arc/subplot in MDZS/cql? Alright, that's all for now! Talk to you soon- 🐰
Heyyyyy my dear bunny, I missed you!! But don't worry, life happens! I understand haha Alright, let's wait for the big reveal so you can give me all da SangCheng fic recs! I am EXCITED! Omg okay yes, TGCF, I recognise that. And SVSS, taht one too. That was one crazy ride it's true hahaha If TGCF is your fav then it's all the more reason for me to get to TGCF next! Who is your fav character in TGCF (I wanna have that in mind when I read it haha) Ohhh! Now that's interesting! Why don't you like canon divergence for WangXian? I am intrigued! And thank youuu! I had a great Xmas and great stomachache cause I just didn't stop eating hahaha I lay awake with cramps regretting everything just to do it all over again the next day oops... talk about learning from your mistakes and stuff... hahaha May I ask where you come from? Is it a personal decision that you don't celebrate, is it religiously influenced or is it because of where you live? I hope that didn't sound disrespectful, if so (if I ever sound disrespectful for that matter) please let me know. I am always willing to learn and improve! <3 Ohhh yes, fresh ginger tea is amazing! I have never tried it with sugar, though, but now I am curious. And I actually have a teashop right around the corner where I can get fancy loose tea. Tell me what you like and I'll send you something ;)
Ohhhh noooooes you are allergic to apples! Nooooo! I am so sorry, esp since you like them! I have a friend who is allergic to tomatoes but loves tomato sauce. Ahhh it always breaks my heart Oh! I watched the first episodes of Euphoria but then I didn't have access anymore and I was so sad about that. And I think I also watched Sex Ed! And Netflix recommended Bridgerton to me only yesterday. It seemed interesting! Do you like it so far? (Also Imma so gonan check out your recommendations!!) HAHAHAHA OMGGG BUNNY! YES; I ONLY WATCHED IT FOR DIJUN! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT hahahahahaha Also I was so confused when everything was different in Pillowbook. Like they took great care to build it all up in Eternal Love and then EVERYTHING. IS. DIFFERENT. Ohh but I loved the General. What's his name... the one who was by Dijun's side as his right hand man and leader of the troops during that one life. Do you know who I mean? The sweet sweet boy ahhh man I took a bazillion screenshots of him hahaha I enjoyed your numbering haha it was almost perfect hahaha
My Answers
Who yould be my best friend? Uhmmmm... I guess someone who supports me, likes my enthusiasm but also helps me remember how the world works and sprinkles in a tad of realism. Lan Xichen perhaps! And I'd also have a great time with Lan Jingyi! haha omg all the LansBut I'd enjoy the presence of most characters tbh!!Enemywise... I only dislike people who hurt others so I guess if I witnessed one of them hurting my friends they'd become my enemy? Sadly I guess it'd be Xue Yang then. Or my baby Meng Yao if I had been close with NHS and or NMJ. I mean JGS and WRH are a given so I don't really mention them.Now tell me about you! I can't wait to hear about it!!omggg why are you giving me that super hard choice!!? Uhmmm... Kiss them all, have them marry their loved ones and pls, pls let them live! xDDDDD *sneakily sneaking out of this one*As for arc/subplot please let me know your thoughts on this! I honestly can't tell, I's have to watch it all over again cause I forget way too quickly. But there were defo parts I enjoyed mor ethan others. I'll think about it!Feel hugged!!!
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haeddoti · 4 years
This is my first blog-post and it is about some of the books I read between year 7 and 11 in my German high school. These books aren’t in a particular order, I just wrote all of them down and took some notes to guide me along. I’ll give a brief summary and then my thoughts about the books.
Without further due, let’s get into the series!
Nr. 1 “Hexen in der Stadt-Ingeborg Engelhardt”
We read this book in seventh grade and immediately after reading (actually during reading as well) we asked ourselves how and why someone thought “Hell yeah, that’s a topic for 11 year olds” since the book is originally listed for grade 5 and 6.
The story takes place in a German town during the Thirty years war, the witch hunts are running wild and the church is all over the place. The story follows a family of four who live in this town, the father is a doctor, one daughter is read-headed and the other a sleep walker. And although the father is greatly needed in this time, the towns people are really suspicious of the family, and they have to flee the city.
First of all, the book was so dense, it was almost unbearable. Definitely not something for children and yet the book won the “Youth literature award” in Germany, so I guess it wasn’t too bad after all. I honestly don’t remember a lot from it, I know we watched a horrible movie about it and I also remember that the pacing(?) in the book was weird, because the first 80% or so took reaaaally long to read through and virtually nothing happened and then in the last 20% everything happened all at once and it was just too much.
Nr. 2 “Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee-Thomas Brussig”
The only (apparent) reason why we read this book was because we had our final class trip to Berlin in year 10.
 The setting is the DDR, East-Berlin to be precise, somewhere around 1970ish. Our protagonist Micha lives in a street which was cut in half my the Berlin Wall and he, unfortunately enough, lives in East-Berlin. He frequent meets with his friends in a nearby park where they listen to West-Music and swoon about Miriam, the neighborhood beauty who is kinda a not-like-other-girls-girl.
All in all, the books is about searching happiness and thinking about how it is so very close and yet never being able to reach it.
It was comfortable to read and overall it was an okay novel. I don’t remember much about it, although I literally read it a year ago. The insight about east-Berlin was cool, and the author definitely implemented own experiences and as someone who grew up in post-split Westgermany it was rather informative and interesting. The quote on the back of the book was also pretty.
“Happy people have a bad memory and rich memoirs”
Nr. 3 “Frühlings Erwachen-Frank Wendekind”
(Springs Awakening)
Oh. My. God. This whole topic was such a BS and I hated every second of it.
The book takes place, once again, in a German Town in a time where there is no Sex-Ed, aka 1900th century, which is also the topic of the book; Sex-Ed gone wrong. Our first protagonist Wendla grows up in a home with a loving, strict mother and far, far away from everything unholy like sex. Our second protagonist, Melchior, is a really smart, really handsome boy who is the top of his class and who likes to read provocative literature which makes him think about masturbation. His best friend is also handsome but really stupid but the social pressure keeps him from dropping out of school- that and his strict, abusive father. Melchior and Wendla fall in love (he hits her with sticks after she metions that she has never been hurt before), have Sex(he rapes her) and after Wendla gets pregnant and dies after an attempted abortion via poisonous plants her aunt have her, Melchior is only mildly devastated. He turns sad, and kinda crazy, after his best friend commits suicide. He has a rendez-vous with the ghost and death itself, he is happy again? I dunno, the whole book was all over the place.
Worse than the book was the discussions we had in class afterwards. One time we had to argue whether it was in-fact rape or if it was just sex. Second discussion we had was about Wendla being a masochist.
The worst thing about the whole topic was the stupid ass movie adaptation.
You think Percy Jackson has it bad? Oh boy. Ohhh boy. The movie plays in the 2000s, graffiti, cool skater boys, rapper-wannabes and early 2000s fashion included. The names stayed tho, cause why not name the male protagonist Melchior in 2001. There are scenes where teenagers, TEENAGERS, go to a brothel. Ah, I forgot.
They are 13-14, book and movie alike.
10/10 would NOT recommend.
Nr. 4 “Der Besuch der alten Dame-Friedrich Dürrenmatt”
(The visit)
(No, not the horror movie)
Oh my goodness, I loved this book.
Picture this. A small town in a German province far away from any major cities with a single trail connection between Hambourg and Zurich, aka the whole length of Germany, where virtually nothing happens. One day, a former resident, comes for a visit. But not just anyone, Claire frikking Zachanassian comes for a visit.
And for blood, because this sixty-something, badass multi-billionaire who got her fortune by marrying a bunch of men who died coincidentally one after the other proposes to the town an offer.
One billion for the head of the man, Alfred the third, who expelled her out of the town after getting her pregnant and lying about it in court after she sued him.
They sent her away in the train, called her a hoe and laughed about her. She lived in a brother for a little while, her son died, and a horny, rich man decided to marry her because why not.  
At first the towns people are disgusted by the offer, outraged by the immoral offer and they straight up deny it. “I’ll wait, Claire says”.
You see, the town is really, really poor. Not only because it is in a terrible location commercially wise, but also because Claire bought every factory in the town and brought them all to a stand still to slowly dry the city out. She planned this revenge.
And you see, the proposal of 500 million split between the inhabitants and 500 million for the industry of the city sounds great if you are on the brink of disaster and hunger and misery. But surely, with such an immoral offer, no one would want to commit a crime? Or would they.
Because, now that I look at it, Alfred really did something horrible… maybe, just maybe I can allow myself to stack up some dept.
And Alfred grew more and more paranoid. Begging Claire to stop this, apologizing on his knees, crying and sleeping with one open eye at all times.
We discussed in our class what we would do. We didn’t really came to a conclusion since we had nothing to compare, not one of us was ever asked to make such a decision. “It depends” was our final answer.
They do kill him in the end. It doesn’t end happy, Claire isn’t happy, but she does give the towns people their money. I really enjoyed reading this book. The female “antagonist” was refreshingly bad-ass and the moral despair was entertaining to read.
We learn that Claire is rich and powerful, but that she lost so much innocence, so much energy to enjoy her life in such young years that, as a reader, you cannot not sympathize with her.
Nr. 5 “Das Versprechen-Friedrich Dürrenmatt”
(The pledge)
Hands down the best book I’ve read in school.
This book is originally a critique by Dürrenmatt about the emerging detective novel genre where everything always works out.
The setting is in a Swiss town, 1950ish, and in the beginning the reader takes on the role of an author who meets a certain Dr. H who works for the police. They become friends and take a ride through the mountains. Upon taking a stop at a gas station, Dr. H introduces us to a seemingly old, smoking, alcohol-reeking man and a scruffy looking girl. The narrator is confused, asks who these people are, and back in the car, we learn that this is the former detective, no-one-escapes-me, super-brain Matthäi.
From that point on the narrator switches and we are now in a third person narrator perspective.
Matthäi is introduced again, this happening in the past, as a hard-working, clean, structured man who doesn’t smoke, drink or disobeys rules. No one really likes him in the office, but they value that he just so good at his job. But because he is so unapproachable, they want to sent him away to Jordan.
The week he was planning to travel there, a young girl is raped and then brutally murdered in a small town nearby. And because he is Mister Superbrain, he goes there to help investigate.
The other officers at the crime scene are (understandably) uncomfortable, they don’t want to talk to the family, or the people there in general. So Matthäi talks to everyone. He is a very calm, collected, cold man. So he meets with the family, tells them what happened to their daughter and is utterly, completely shocked when the mother just blankly stares in his face, and asks him to promise her to find the murderer of her daughter. He is shocked by the lack of emotion in this moment and sees himself in this cold visage of the mother. He promises her, just to get away from her as fast as possible, and drives back to be office.
I don’t want to spoil too much because this book is just so good, but oh my god
I’m in general a sucker for drastic changes in character or demeanor (hence why I liked The Visit so much as well) but his book takes everything to another level. They “plottwist” is so incredibly frustrating and nerve wraking to read, the perspective changes provide so much more depth.
And for the first time I finally read a really intricate, morally gray character.
Nr. 6 “Nathan der Weise-G. E. Lessing”
(Nathan the Wise)
This book was kinda eh. If I had so summarize it as fast as possible it would probably be “Religion and accidental incest”. It is about the three world religions and stereotypes between them, about genocide and also about stigmatization. It ends on a nice note, tho.
The only really remarkable passage of this book is the so-called “Ringparabel” in which Nathan answers to the question which religion is the real, big OG of them all. It is pretty nice and the symbolism is really fitting as well. The beginning of the book is incredibly boring but it does get better in the end. All in all not a total waste of time and money but nothing I would read again.
Nr. 7 “Die Leiden des jungen Werther- Goethe”
(The sorrows of young Werther)
Ah yes, no German class without Goethe. This book is written in a way that lets the reader really seep into Werthers emotion because it is written as a letter-novel. Werther is a young, nature-loving guy who (in the beginning of the book) is just really happy, go-lucky and over all nice. Then he meets Lotte, a young, pretty, smart and book-loving woman who is empathic to all those around her.  He falls in love with her, despite knowing that she is literally engaged and about to marry. She knows he loves her, her fiance know he loves her and literally everyone knows he loves her and they are ok with it? I dunno. Werther has a severe Seasonal-affective-Disorder. He kinda makes it through the first winter after meeting Lotte but never really recovers, even during summer. In the second winter, he can’t take it anymore and he commits suicide.
I liked the book (not only because I can identify with the SAD). In the end we learn that Lotte isn’t as good as we originally think she is; She is actually really possessive of Werther and although she wants him to be happy, she doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him and thus he should just stay close to her. She enjoys the attention given by her husband, who is actually really nice and whom she does love, and by Werther who is utterly and completely obsessed with her.
Opinions on this book split 50/50 with my friends. Some of them think like me and they see the heart break and the desire to move on but ultimately, the way attraction is so so strong. Some other friends, more specifically my Help-with-Maths-Go-to-Guy hated this book with a burning passion. I can see why. The imagery is sometimes a tad too far-fetched and the wording is, in true Goethe-Fashion really hard to read and the sentences are kinda messed up as well.
But in the end it is still the book which opened the way for Goethe to be one of the greatest writers in Europe and I can see why.
Oh wow. This concludes all the books I read thus far. There will be definitely more to come next year and maybe I’ll do another post like this once I read some more.
I hope you enjoyed to read my thoughts and maybe felt inspired to look into one of these as well!
See you soon!
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pxiao · 5 years
Reasons I’m glad V///R is dead and gone forever
So V//R is dead and cancelled and my only reaction is FINALLY. Since VR is gone and we can finish forgetting the forgettable show and get rid of all our salt. You’re free to add to the post but there are rules. 
1. DO NOT TAG IT SO THE FANS CAN SEE. As much as I hate the show and the fandom even they don’t deserve to see people bashing the show in their tag. 
2. Don’t write the name of the show or the characters. Use /// or ---- in the character’s name like Yu///saku so the tumblr search can’t pull them up
ok good? Good. 
Everyone but Yu///saku is worthless. 
Seriously when have any of the characters actually progressed the story? Potentially only SB have done anything truly worthwhile. Everyone else was just to die to build tension for Yu//saku. And if you’re asking for RE///volver. OHHH I have a section just for him, don’t you worry.
Sto//rm Acc/ess aka Yu//saku is such a shitty duelist that the MINORITY of his duels has him not cheating. 
SERIOUSLY it’s written that Yu//saku can get a random extra deck monster with his skill BUT the issue is despite it being “random” Yu//saku ALWAYS gets the monster he needs to win. NOT ONCE IN THE 100+ EPISODE HAS HE GOTTEN A USELESS CARD. ALWAYS THE ONE HE NEEDS. Totally doesn’t seem like plot armor. And you know it wouldn’t be as big of an issue IF HE DIDN’T USE IT FOR EVERY SPE///ED DUEL!!!!!!!! For a character that the show likes to say is “invincible” he sure isn’t good enough to win with the deck he built. It got ridiculous with his duel with G/oo in season 2 where G//o countered his skill BUT A//i revealed it had a secondary effect that let him draw a card AND still get a new extra deck monster. 
Plot twists: 
They fall into two camps, “we already knew you dumbasses” or “THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS SMOKING!” Essentially the twists are obvious like A///i was based off of Yu//saku’s data as why wouldn’t he be. Or the dumb ones like Spec///tre beating A///oi or somehow Spec//tre had CONSCIOUS TREE AS A MOTHER. There have been a few twists that I can count that surprised me but they lead to other twists that fall back into stupid.  
the “Plot” just plain doesn’t exist.
 It’s just things happening with some connecting plot lines BUT they rarely lead into each other. Light///ning revealed that his plan was happening THE EXACT SAME TIME as season 1′s finale. A//i being the villain is more due to Light//ning’s simulation somehow proving that A///i will destroy humanity than the fact that A/i’s the only Ig//nis left. And each season’s arc has no connecting plot either. Season 1 can be broken down to Yu//saku gets A//i which has him meet the “main cast” and then Yu///saku go to S//OL for info that was TOTALLY pointless. Which is isolated from Re//volver setting a virus that traps you on the internet which leads to Re//volver learning Yusa//ku’s face AND MEETING HIM but does jack shit with that info. And then Re///volver’s final plan happens that was based on timing than anything else. 
Does that seem disjointed? YEP because there is no narrative at all, things are just happening. There is a vague connection at best but none of the characters’ actions actually affect how the story goes. THE FRUSTRATING PART IS THEY SET UP MOMENTS WHERE THEY COULD HAVE BUT THEY DIDN’T. SEASON 2 AND 3 IS THE SAME THINGS JUST HAPPEN AND THEN YU//SAKU HAS TO SAVE THE FUCKING DAY. V/R has no rhyme or reason why things happen, they just do and let me tell you, that’s fucking boring.
The Yu//saku praise
 My fucking god. Look the protagonist getting praised isn’t new, it happens with each series BUT the issue is the volume that Yu//saku gets and how early he gets it. Most protagonists have to wait till at least the second series before the population love them. Yu///saku got it by the THIRD EPISODE. BY. BEAT. A. MOOK. He was called a hero, people were saying he was hot, people were copying his avatar. AND IT NEVER STOPPED. EVERY OTHER EPISODE HAS SOMEONE SAY HE’S AMAZING, STRONG AND SOOO IMPORTANT. 
An A//oi episode in season 1 has a less than five minute section just to show that a kid HERO WORSHIPS YU//SAKU AND WAS IT. The kid appears with an avatar based on PM, PM saves him and tells the kid to trust him to save and then the kid logs out. AND THIS HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. “YU//SAKU IS INVINCIBLE”, “YU//SAKU IS MY HERO!”, “EVERYONE DEPENDS ON YOU YU//SAKU”. IT’S BEEN AN ENTIRE SHOW OF PEOPLE SINGING YU///SAKU’S PRAISES AND THE WORST PART OF IT IS, HE DESERVES NONE OF IT.
The setting. 
Let me ask ... THE FUCK IS IT. What even is Link Vr//ains? Is it a game, a site, a program? WHY IS IT ONLY IN DE///N CITY? WHY IS DESTROYING IT WILL LEAD TO THE ENTIRE INTERNET CRASHING???????? Link Vr///ains is something that NEEDS to be explained but the show NEVER DOES. HELL IT NEVER EVEN TRIES. 
The girls
Jesus christ ... the girls are .... just sad. A///oi ... my fucking god A//oi. A///oi’s personality starts and ends with “onii-sama”. NEARLY EVERY MOTIVE OF HER’S IS I WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR MY STEPBROTHER. Everything else is a passing fancy. Mi///yu? Yeah nice motivation but that’s why her two duels as BM in season 2 is more about her relationship with Ak//ira than her “friend”. 
Em//ma’s backstory was absorbed into BS’ despite the fact he was a new addition when Em//ma was around since season 1. 
Vir//ya is just a bit character meant to fill out the remain KOH, since their return in season 2, she haven’t done anything of value. 
Qu///een ... why is she there? I mean she appeared in a Bikini ... in virtual reality. seriously there is no point in that shit, and then did nothing besides watch over Ear//th’s death and then lost to A//i when her skill was named honey trap. 
Mi////yu is so unimportant we haven’t gotten a scene of her out of flashback despite being a lost chi//ld.   
Back to A//oi, it’s not even that A//oi isn’t important,sadly that’s not uncommon in YGO, it’s the fact EACH TIME SHE TRIES TO DO SOMETHING, THE SHOW PUNISHES HER FOR IT. She tries to be a symbol for people, it’s stupid why she trying but still, Spec///tre reveals he was toying with her the entire time and she had no chance. She tries to get stronger in season 2, SB beats cause she doesn’t have an Ig//nis and then she does nothing for half the season. She tries to save her “childhood friend”, Bow//man beats her and takes her consciousness so Yu//saku has to save her ... again. She tries to protected Ak//ira, A//i beats them and only takes A//oi to taunt her over her failure. THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SHOW, ANYTIME A//OI TRIES TO DO ANYTHING, THE SHOW BEAT HER UP AS IF TO SAY, YOU SHOULDN’T DO ANYTHING EVER. Great message there. 
You know as people there are plenty of reasons that conflict starts, greed, hate, anger, lust, desperation to survive, hunger. And how does conflict start in V/r? FUCKING SIMULATIONS. EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT IN THIS SHOW IS BECAUSE OF A SIMULATION. K//OH are a thing cause Kog///ami did a simulation that showed that the Ig//nis are learning TOO FAST AND WILL CAUSE THE END OF HUMANITY. Ligh///tning turned evil because he learned no matter what he can NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH HUMANITY CAUSE OF A SIMULATION. A///i turning “evil” because he’s doom to end the world cause of you guessed it a SIMULATION. Simulations are just tools and are NEVER THE FINAL RESULT. There are too many variables to truly make an 100% accurate simulation BUT HERE THEY ACT AS IF SIMULATIONS ARE A FUCKING GOSPEL. IT’S STUPID AND INCREDIBLY LAZY THAT THE CAUSE OF ALL the conflict in this show is because of independent simulations.  
Mental illness
As a person with a mental illness and went to therapy I can say this, VR doesn’t deserve any brown points for covering mental illness. If anything VR touching mentally illness takes points away. I have already said my piece on how poorly VR tackles mental illness. But my take away is this when it comes to mental illness VR is a absolutely horrible.
Re//voler is in all honestly a shitty character despite what his fans think. He’s an asshole that has no drive of his own. He admit he does this all BECAUSE OF HIS DAD. The one time he did do something of his own accord, turn his dad in, he later regretted so much that he refuses to do it again. LOOK I can understand missing your father despite the fact he’s trash, human relationships are complex BUT RE///VOLVER BEING “FATHER I WILL NEVER EVER GO AGAINST YOU AGAIN DESPITE THE FACT YOU KIDNAPPED KIDS AND THEN TORTURED THEM BECAUSE YOU FELT SAD HUMAN WILL EVENTUALLY GO EXTINCT ONLY TO TURN ON YOUR CREATIONS” IS FUCKING STUPID. And then he goes the EXTRA MILE OF ASS and says to Yu//saku’s face that he REGRETS SAVING HIS LIFE TWICE. And he never apologized either. 
Also his “development” is forced as shit, Revo//lver never develops onscreen or shows signs of changing, just the show and characters say OH YES RE//VOLVER CHANGED.... IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.  Honestly after his return in season 2 where he showed he DIDN’T CHANGE, then he tries to help Hom//ura despite telling Yu//saku he regrets saving him. WHY THE CHANGE. HE HAS SEEN NOTHING THAT MADE HE FEEL SYMPATHY FOR THE LOST KI//DS. BUT HE’S ALL OF A SUDDEN KIND TO HO///MURA. AND THEN AFTER HE LOSES TO LIGH//TNING AND SAY’S A/I NAME, ONLY TO SNAP BACK IN SEASON 3 AND WANTS TO KILL A///I. What I’m saying is, he has no real character development, you can tell what the show WANTED him to become but my god they were too lazy to actually show him changing. 
OH BOY this is going to be long. Yu//saku is by far the WORST WRITTEN PROTAGONIST IN YGO HISTORY.  He has no personality and no real background besides HE WAS TORTURED, POOR HIM!!!!! Seriously what was his life like before the Lo//st Incident. What did he like to do, did he have friends, where the fuck are his parents. There is no information about him, past or present. Like his current “personality”, WHAT IS IT besides he’s stoic/emotionless. He’s not nice or even mean anymore. He has no likes or even dislikes. All we know is he’s determined ... and that’s it. Yu//saku is a blank slate for the viewers to project on. Yu//saku is honestly NOTHING. 
Honestly, Yu///saku isn’t strong as he cheats the MAJORITY of his duels, he isn’t smart as rarely does he do anything that’s smart, wanting to brutal force the solution and he doesn’t follow his own advice. 
Yu//saku: Bonds are important and the only thing that are absolutes
Yu//saku then fucks off for 3 MONTHS NOT TELLING ANYONE
And like Re//volver, his “development” is forced as hell. He just says things that make no sense for him to say. Yu//saku shouldn’t say revenge doesn’t help WHEN IT OBVIOUSLY DID. The show was supporting him and he got the guy that kidnapped him killed and then he got better. HELL JI//N WAS SAID TO GET BETTER ONCE THE K//OH WERE BEAT.   
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S5E5
*still reeling*  ....OK.... hold on....
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
*Recap shows Ed blowing up Haven in the flashback*  So why did Ed blow up Haven?
Crap, and Jim’s gonna find out.  WhooooOOOOO....
*has to tilt head to side to figure out what film is playing*
AN:  It’s a 1953 noir film called “Tangier Incident”
“You gonna arrest me?”  “Who said anything about arresting you?”  *raises eyebrows in surprise*
“Whaddya say, boys?”  Uhhhh...
OK, what is it with churches this season?
Take him down, Jim.
“Now, who told you I sold that RPG?”  A friend.
*gasps when a military squad rappels through the stain glass on the ceiling*
Whoa whoa wait what?
Oh I like that camera shot [when Jim took down the arms dealer]
*gasps when the arms dealer gets shot in the head*
Ohhhh is this-
*Eduardo walks up and pulls down his mask*  Yooo!
“Last time I saw you, you were running through sniper fire plucking my sorry ass from a burning truck.”  *chuckles*
I am very interested to see how Shane West is gonna pull off Bane.
*silently jams out to opening theme*
Oh, I like this slow version.
“We hated each other in boot.  Jim disapproved of my ops tempo.”  “Yeah, ‘cause you only had one speed:  too fast.”  *chuckles*
Ahhh Harvey’s being the third wheel!
“We’re here to eliminate all criminal threats.”  *starts chuckling*  Eduardo’s rolling his eyes.  He’s like ‘I can’t believe I’m here either.’
*lets out small gasp when Jim finds Ed’s name in the arms dealer’s ledger*
“What you [Harvey] are is the best cop that I know.  I’m goin’ after Nygma; he’s ten steps ahead.  If anything goes sideways, you’ll have to take over.  I need your help, buddy.”  VINDICATIOOONNNN!!
*trying to read the name of the episode writer*  Who wrote this?  Id- what?
“You saw what she did to Jeremiah.”  Did you though?
“Jeremiah Valeska deserved to die.”  *smirking because we all know he’s still alive*
“Jeremiah made Selina a murderer.  Just like Ra’s made me a murderer.”  “Ra’s goaded you into stabbing him, Master Bruce.  He used you as an instrument; you’re no murderer.”  *jaw drops* 
*sits back in seat*  Holy shit, that parallel!
“And I’m gonna go find her.”  Oh, I’m betting Selina’s not gonna be happy to see you.
*fans self*  This episode’s gonna break me.
*Ed listens to his past recordings*  A swamp?
“YOU’RE NOT A MURDERER, ED.”  Wow, I love Jim Carrey in “Batman Forever”
*gasps when Ed breaks the mirror by punching it*
*chuckling*  How did they find him so fast?!?
“No, Jim, I can explain!”  *nods*
“I can prove it!  I just- I need- I need a little bit of time.”  No, no, take him in now.  Take him in.
“The people I have hurt... they hurt me first.  I didn’t know a single person in Haven!”  What the hell kind of excuse is that?
“Your call, buddy.”  Don’t shoot him.  Just take him in.
“We bring him in.  He stands trial.”  There we go.
*The floor panel under Eduardo sinks down*  Oh my God, they put a bomb in the floor.
“Your friend is standing on a pressure-plated IED.  One of several throughout the rooms.”  Of course he found time- when did he find time to rig the room?
*laughs*  That little eyebrow [raise of Eduardo’s]- like “Really?!?”
“Once word gets out that you’re responsible for Haven, they’ll have a target on your back.”  “I’ll take my chances.”  Really?
“A wristband that monitors his heart rate?”  “Welcome to Gotham.”  *laughs*
“Puzzle?”  “There’s always a puzzle with Nygma.”  Yes, there is.
*Jim climbs over to the bookshelf on the tables and chairs*  The floor is lava!
Actually Jim and Eduardo work really well together.  I like that.
*sighs in relief when Jim manages to get to the bookshelf*
*still laughing*  How do you get rid of a bomb?  Easy.  The floor is lava!
“I’m gonna wring this nerd’s [Ed’s] neck.”  *laughs*  SAME!
*Jim pulls out one of the books*  ...Did he stop it?
*Jim steps down without being blown up*  YEAH!  There we go!
“You OK?”  “You left the army for this city?”  *giggles*
“It grows on you.”  *still giggling*
What is this?
“Everybody, raise your glasses to the killer of Jeremiah Valeska.”  *shaking head while smiling*  No... mmm no...
“Bring his head!  Bring his head!”  Ohhh...
Also, where the heck is Jeremiah?
*chuckles at Ed being described as a “tall, skinny man”*
...That’s not much of a description to go on.
*very confused at a group of people rallying together to kill Ed*
I miss Mr. Penn
“Edward Nygma is the monster respon-”  *gasps*
“-responsible for killing the innocents of Haven.”  *covers mouth with hands*
“...Ed, what have you done?”  *leans back in seat*  Ohhh my God.  Oh Oswald, are you gonna break my heart this episode?
I can’t believe Ed is stuck within a redneck community.
So who sent Eduardo and his team?  The government, right?
“Taking him down?  That’d be a big win.”  “Well, that’s why we’re here.” Oh my God, are they gonna take down Scarecrow?
*Ed tied to a lawn chair covered in electrical wire*  What the....
Also, Ed, I want your boots.  Also, why is a guy wearing anklet boots?
What??  What am I watching?
Are they gonna electrocute him?  What??
*The redneck family electrocutes Ed*  Well “Honey Boo Boo” looks terrible.
“Pay for JoJo!”  JoJo?
*The mother shows Ed a sepia picture of JoJo*  A dog?  What?!?  This about a dog?
AN:  Also the actress who plays the mother here was in the Adam West Batman show.
“300 people died in Haven!”  “Pfft, we don’t care about people.”  *jaw drops open in shock*
“He... always had a smile on his face.”  You’re talking about a dog.
“You anthropomorphizing nincompoop!”  Wha- *starts giggling*
“Dogs can’t smile!”  *leans back in seat to laugh* 
[Ed’s] Gotta whip out that thesaurus!
*Ed starts remembering Oswald*  Oh my God!
“I’m going to fix you, Ed!”  *starts singing “Fix You” by Coldplay*
*gasps when Ed gets electrocuted with a full charge*
“I’m gong to fix you, Ed.”  Please go find Oswald!
“Oh thank God the fuel line’s clogged.”  *leans back to laugh and slaps table in hilarity*
*The mother makes her sons “fix” the fuel line*  Oh my God, is that gonna send the charge back?  Oh my God, he’s gonna burn these suckas alive.
*gasps when the car used to electrocute Ed bursts into flames*
Please tell me Ed’s gonna like take off on down the street with the chair still attached-
*Ed does exactly that*  YES, LET’S GO!
*imitates the way Oswald says “feelers” sarcastically*
“I am surrounded by morons, Edward.”  Aaawww...
Did he really just come in through the grate?
“But first, did you name your dog after me?”  YES BITCH HE DID
Oswald’s like “I’m not answering that question.”
“Cobblepot’s on the top of my list from Walker.”  Walker?  Wait, Walker sent them?  The secretary lady?  Are we ever gonna meet her?
AN:  Yes, in the next episode.
“Shock and awe’s my default.”  *raises fist in small fist pump*
Poor Harvey’s the third wheel on this.
“You know what, take Harvey with you.”  YEAHH!
“Man, you’re killing my buzz.”  Is Selina drunk?
Yes, she is.  How old are these kids?
“Let me [Selina] tell you [Bruce] something.  That night, that your parents were murdered?”  Nooo!
“I was in that alley, on that fire escape.”  This is such a low blow.
*trying not to be sad over Selina bringing Bruce down*
“You... were the scared kid.”  *sits back in seat*  Oh my God... shut up, Selina!
I’m very disappointed right now.
“I love this song...”  *shakes head in disapproval*
*Selina and Bruce start crying*  Oh God, you’re making me... *fans near eyes* 
Whoa, that was just the most sudden cut [back to Ed and Oswald]!
“How could you?  You have made into some murderous puppet!”  *shakes head*  No, I don’t think Oswald’s behind that!
“For weeks, I've been waking up in strange places, not knowing how I got there or what I did.  Driving myself mad, thinking I had gone mad.  And now I know that it was all your doing!”  No it wasn’t!
*claps hands toward screen*  NooOOO... LISTEN!
“Of everything that you have put me through, this... this is the most cruel.”  *puts hand on chest and shakes head*  Oh my God...
“Ed, I [Oswald] don’t know what you’re talking about.”  He didn’t have anything to do with it!
“You didn’t fix me!  You broke me!”  *puts hands in front of mouth in panic*
“You [Ed] had been stabbed, I [Oswald] paid Hugo Strange to save your life.  I bet he did something to you when he was patching you up.”  *flailing hands around*  OK, ask about Lee!  WHERE’S LEE?!?
“What was I supposed to do?  Let you die?”  *crosses hands over chest and leans back in chair*
“After Butch, you were my only friend.”  *voice squeaky*  Oh my God!
*Holds up finger toward screen*  You [Oswald] are not gonna make me cry!
Whyyy do I recognize this music?
AN:  It’s the track called “Penguin in Love” from S3
He [Oswald] walked into the gun [that Ed was pointing at him]!
Can you two just please have a drink and just make up please?  Thank you.
“I [Ed] might have killed you, Oswald.  And if that day comes, I swear to you I will stare you in the eye as I stab you in the heart.”  *slowly nods*  Glad to know we’re back on schedule.
*slams fist down on table like a gavel*
“If Hugo Strange did something to you [Ed], it means you are not responsible for Haven.”  So what did Hugo Strange do?
*gasps when the roof shudders over Oswald and Ed*
*Ed disappears*  Of course Ed runs!  Jesus... Christ!
“Idiot!”  *giggles*  His little hop [when Oswald slapped one of his men on the shoulder in anger]!
Whoaaaa that’s a cool shot [of one of Eduardo’s men throwing a smoke bomb in the foyer]
Ohhhhhhhh that shot’s cool [of Oswald in the smoke]!
“Why hello, Harvey!”  *in same tone of voice*  Hiiiii!!!
“I hope you’re better prepared.”  Uh, he [Harvey] has the military with him.
“Or, if you [Harvey] and your friends aren’t out by the time I count to three, I will mow you all DOWN!”  Robin Lord Taylor is just killing it in this episode.  Oh my gosh...
Also, Cory Michael Smith with that [confrontation with Oswald].  That scene was so good!
“I don’t have to call anyone.  Go ahead.  Count.”  Ohhh, let’s go, Harvey!   Let’s go!
*gasps when Oswald’s men got shot down via sniper on the staircase*
“Where’s Ed Nygma?”  He doesn’t have him!
*gasps when Ed is taken to Barbara’s office*
*points at screen*  How?  How?
“There’s more going on here.”  There’s always more going on in Gotham.
“I’m saying that Strange, or somebody, can control me.  They killed those people.”  Why would Hugo Strange go after Haven then?
“Information is your lifeblood.  You help me [Ed], and I will give you the best intel you’ve ever had.”  Listen to him, please.  Barbara, listen to him.
“I don’t know where Strange is.”  Where the heck is Strange then?!?
“But I can tell you where you’ll find his Igors.”  Wait, he has his own gang called “Igors?”  Oh my God...
*gasps*  Are they torturing Oswald?
“You know, they say you can judge a man by his friends.”  “This from a man [Oswald] who has no friends.”  Wha- excuse me!  You [Jim] are his friend.
“Nygma’s a patsy.”  *cracks up*
“Jim, you want information.  I want to go home.”  Same.
“Things are changing in Gotham.”  We know.
*Eduardo opens the door to the empty interrogation room*  Oh my God, did he let him go?
He let him go.  Jiiimm...
*jaw drops open in confusion when Strange sends a cadaver down a chute*
*chuckles when Ed jumps out of a body bag to surprise Strange*
“Oh my.”  *laughs*  Yes, BD Wong, come through!  Yes!
I’m actually really glad we see Hugo Strange again
This lighting in this location is fabulous
“But I [Strange] will confess that when I was sewing up your [Ed’s] knife wound, I may tinkered a little with your grey matter.”  The frick?!?
“I put a chip in your brain.”  :O
“It allows you to be able to be controlled remotely.”  *shoves away table with screen on it*  What the [expletive]?!?
“But I don’t control you.  I gave control to others.”  Who’s controlling Ed?
“I [Strange] will write it down.  That way, if I’m ever confronted, I can honestly say that I never told you [Ed].”  That’s actually a pretty good way to go around it.
*Strange knocks out Ed*  :O
“Not to worry.  You’re experiencing a simple neural cut out.”  What?
“I suppose we’re just going to have to open you [Ed] up and take a look under the hood.”  *gasps*  OH my GOD!
Holy shit!
“Are you [Bruce] sure you’re all right?”  No he’s not!
“What if we don’t make it out of this?”  *crosses hands over chest and leans back*
“Because the little things matter.  Act by act, deed by deed, it means something.  Even if no one cares.”  Oh my God, Harveyyyyy!!
We’re adding him to the Bat-Dads.  Yes!  He’s the Bat-Uncle!
*laughs when Bruce pulls a Batman on Harvey*
*gasps when Strange turns off one of his tools*
“I apologize for the discomfort.”  You better not!
*leans back and yells in disgust when the camera shows part of Ed’s exposed brain*  Did we really need to see the brain?!?
What the frick happened?!?
*gasps when Oswald is shown carrying his dog*  Oh my God!
That’s it.  That’s the best part of this episode.
Secret door...
What is- what is this place?!?
That a manhole?
*makes aawing noises at Edward in Oswald’s arms*
He’s getting him out of harm’s way!
“Edward, I believe the time has come for a change in scenery.” *still cooing over the dog*  Yeah...
Is he [Strange] stapling his [Ed’s] head [closed]?
*gasps when Jim holds Strange at gunpoint*  Shiit...
Wait, so if Ed’s like the Winter Soldier for Gotham, who’s Hydra?
“I [Strange] am a scientist.  A contract came along; I developed a tool.”  Why??
*gasps in shock when Eduardo activates Ed’s chip*
“Ta ta.”  *flips off screen in shock*
“I [Eduardo] couldn’t say anything until we had the suspect in custody, but Walker wants Ed Nygma taken out now.”  *soft gasp*
“Walker was behind this?”  Wha-
“You know I hate this spook crap.”  *chuckles*
Why would the government blow up Haven?
“Walker wants you [Jim] to put a bullet in his [Ed’s] brain.”  *shakes hands at screen*  No no nonononononono!
“Call it proof of loyalty.”  Why?!?
“IT’s what she needs from you before she can move forward with final relief plans.”  What are they gonna do to Gotham?
“Look at him [Ed].  He’s a loon.  A cop killer.”  *shakes head*
Why would they destroy Haven?
“Jim, ours is not to reason why.”  He’s [Eduardo] just a lieutenant.  He doesn’t know anything.
*gasps and slaps hands on desk*  It’s like Russo in “The Punisher,” because he only took orders from Agent Orange and Orange didn’t tell him everything!  He’s a dog on a leash!
“What’s your answer?”  He’s [Eduardo] not gonna shoot Jim.
*leans back when Jim sets down his gun*  God... oh my God...
*gasps when Jim pulls a surprise attack on Eduardo*
Wait, how is Ed just frozen there?
“You [Ed] know Jim Gordon.  You know this city.  Find him and kill him.”  What?!?
*Ed yeets down the chute after Jim*  OK, that kinda took me out of the moment but what the hell am I watching?
God, that city looks terrible.
*gasps and reels back*  It’s Jeremiah!  Yes!
He’s just sleepin’, this scary, beautiful man.
What are they doing?
“Ouch.”  *eyebrows raise*
“Stitches still sore, huh?  Never would have happened if you [Jeremiah] wore that armor I [Ecco] prepared.”  *scoffs*  Of cou-
“That bullet is making you [Ecco] sentimental.”  Glass houses?
“Give her a shake, huh?”  *jaw drops out of mixture of shock, confusion, and being grossed out when Ecco shakes her head for him*
“I told you I had to let Selina thrust the knife into my flesh at least once.”  *tries not to be disgusted”
“Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see.”  *ends up smiling*
AN:  What a great line.
“Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne needed to think you were dead, boss.”  “Yeah.”  Thank you, Captain Obvious-
*gasps when Jeremiah suddenly makes Ecco lean down toward him*
Where are they?  Is this still that tunnel from the Soothsayer’s lair?
*jaw drops in shock when Jeremiah and Ecco walk into the sitting room of Wayne Manor*
*slaps hands on table and leans back*  SHHHUT THE FRICK UP!
Shit, this is the music from the first trailer!
*gasps and jaw drops open in absolute horror when the surgery patients are shown to Jeremiah for the first time*
*Jeremiah laughs*  [very softly] My God...
“gasps when the camera gets in Jeremiah’s face*
“I love family reunions, don’t you?”  *just shaking out of shock*
*shoves away laptop and table at the final shot of Jeremiah*  Ahh my God!
*End title pops up*  Wait-wh-wh-wait what?  What?
*gets out of seat to take it all in when end credits roll*
*comes back after a good five seconds*  What the freak did I just watch?
*sits for a while to try to catch my breath*  Whoo...
We got to wait two weeks for another episode?  Get the frick outta here.  Oh my God...
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Gotham 4x15 (spoilers below)
-And we open with Martin, the adorably creepy lil child who will probably turn into a genius supervillain someday, considering with what a sweet smile he follows the instructions that will lead to the demise of his ugly captors.  I hope he lives long enough for that, because if there is one thing I don’t want to see on Gotham again it is the murder of a child *cries quietly thinking of Alex*  
And OMG it is Ed/the Riddler who just rescued him, “sent by Uncle Penguin” lol ALSO Ed is gonna take Martin out of ice cream that’s sweet.  I mean the kid probably needs therapy and a psych check but yes, he definitely should get some ice cream, Sofia tried to murder him once already
-Sidenote:  I love the Gotham skyline with the distant beautiful skyscrapers but if you look closer, at the darker buildings, shorter, uglier, with smoke and smog, you’ll see all manner of poor and broken things
-OMG so Samson just killed a man in front of his family and I am sOOO ready for Lee to somehow get back her power and absolutely destroy him (she looks so good in black...)
-WAIT I THOUGHT JIM AND HARVEY MADE UP IN THE LAST EPISODE WHY IS HARVEY ALL LIKE YEAH AFTER WE TAKE DOWN SOFIA I TAKE DOWN YOU??  (come on Gotham, why do you have to be so realistic as to make the healing process long and painful?  or wait, he just said, I will personally make sure you pay, so maybe he’ll just have Jim pay for all his alcohol therapy from now on?  please?  I need my cop brotp!)
Bruce: ummm cause I was a jerk and kicked Alfred out for a few months and I lived on like takeout and club food and Alfred hasn’t had time to hit up a grocery store?
aww Selina wants to return the stuff she stole from the family whose patriarch Ivy turned into a miniature garden AND she doesn’t want to bother Barbara with it, because, yeah, like Barbara would care?  SO SHE GOES TO BRUCE INSTEAD!  AND HE DOESN’T LET HER DOWN OR CHASTISE HER OR ANYTHING HE JUST SEES SHE IS TRYING TO MAKE WHAT AMENDS SHE CAN AND HE IS LIKE GIVE ME LIKE FIVE SECONDS I’LL GET YOU SOME CASH AND HE GOES OFF AND SELINA JUST—SHE JUST SMILES!  BECAUSE BRUCE HAS HER BACK AND SHE HAS HIS!  THESE TWO! WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!
-BAHAHAHAHA Oswald guessing the answer to the rhyme and then guessing the meaning of the answer a split second after, too late
mmhmm sweet old grandma in the candy store used to skin people and stuff like par for the course in Gotham good grief
-so like Victor’s all cool with killing the Penguin off (and is gonna take a buddy along with him) but I still want to know what would happen if he ever found out Sofia was behind her dad’s death...
-Victor: Harvey do yourself a favor and walk away, give us Penguin and live to get drunk another day, hmm?
*sirens go off and Victor and whatshisname look mildly irritated at being interrupted*
Victor: it’s okay we’ll come back
Selina:  you’re different
Bruce:  *looks back at her, with a side smile*  HOW.  DO YOU LIKE IT.  DO YOU LIKE ME.  DID I GET HOTTER.  ARE YOU MORE IN LOVE WITH ME
I mean he didn’t say that exactly but that’s totally what he was thinking
Selina:  *messed up*
Bruce:  great
-At this point, a brief, glorious fight ensues, in which Bruce and Selina beat up the bad guys and Selina CATCHES A GUY’S ARM WITH HER WHIP SAVING BRUCE FROM GETTING SHOT AND THEN BRUCE PUNCHES HIM OUT
Bruce: *destroys a guy and takes his stuff, also drops hundreds of dollars of cash on him* JUSTICE
-so Oswald and Ed are teaming back up which should mean for some fun times for some people and death times for other people...but Martin is safe so that’s good.  LOL and Ed gives his hat to Oswald to hold?  but Penguin does NOT have time for Ed’s explanations, come on Oswald, let Ed have his day
-ohhh dear I have a feeling that Ed/the Riddler is gonna be pulled back and forth between Lee and Oswald for the foreseeable future?  or are they going to team up to destroy Sofia?
Oswald:  HELL NO
-So Grundy...is living in tunnels under the city??  with...loads of candles?? ?
-Ed:  guess what I’M SMART AGAIN
LOL look Cory Michael Smith kills this role that’s all I have to say
-UM Ed pretty sure you’re about to get beat up by Butch Gilzean (so wait BUTCH is the one who likes atmospheric candles?!)
-some days I look at Oswald and I’m like....boi you’re short
-Lee:  *tries to work with Oswald and Ed to destroy Sofia*
Ed and Oswald: *disappear*
Harvey:  how did Nygma get in touch with penguin anyway
Jim:  I don’t know
Harvey:  nothing is ever easy with you is it.  It’s always like, find Lee and then she’ll point us to Ed and then we’ll find Penguin and he’ll tell us where to find Pen
-OMG HARVEY “We’re looking for an Arkham escapee, about yea high, mommy complex” LOL
-honestly I’m kinda surprised that Oswald hasn’t had a heart attack yet the way he gets so worked up about stuff
-sooo Jim agrees to let Oswald go if he gives them information, and then he goes to shake his hand?  I mean, like they have this really bizarre not exactly a friendship thing...I guess it’s Oswald has always considered himself Jim’s friend (in whatever strange way that is) and Jim doesn’t consider Oswald a friend but he knows him well enough to use that to his advantage...and honestly they’ve helped each other out of enough scrapes
-but also Harvey is now the WE DON’T MAKE DEALS WITH THE DEVIL.  Which like I totally get and Penguin has proven himself to be a volatile, murderous element, but its weird to see Harvey so worked up about being a clean cop when he used to hobnob with crooks all the time...is it just because he had grown to respect Jim’s honor and goodness so much?  And when Jim fell off his pedestal, Harvey was destroyed by that?  And wants Jim to be better again? 
-Victor: *shows up*
Me:  you’re here to do bad things and impede the good guys but nevertheless I am so glad you are here
Victor:  do you need Penn?  is he important?  yes, that’s his yes face
Me:  *cracking up* I do indeed love you Victor
-LEE SAVES OSWALD  (in a dinky little car that all those bullets should have gone through like it was paper)
-Barbara’s having a few issues...resurrection will do that to you (I’m pretty sure she legit died earlier, has that been made clear yet? I don’t remember, but there was that thing with Ra’s...was it confirmed she was dipped in the Lazarus pit?
-how on earth is Ed gonna get out of this mess?  Oh he’s not. Oops
-Sofia:  kill Penguin!!  GET PENN!!!
Victor: yeah sooo Penn, Penguin, where are we priorities-wise? BAHAHAHAHAHA
-Penguin:  *goes off on one of his rants* you can’t freeze me yet!!!
Victor Fries:  ...don’t care
-I THOUGHT THE BATCAT SCENES COULDN’T GET ANY BETTER I WAS WRONG!!! So like Bruce and Selina are in Bruce’s kitchen, and Selina is just...fidgeting with the jewelry and Bruce is prepping ice for his bruises but then Selina asks him to return the jewelry for her because she feels so GUILTY and Bruce my beautiful wise understanding compassionate son tells her JUST what she needs to hear—that the guy’s death was NOT her fault!!!  HE IS SO QUIET AND KIND TO SELINA
Selina:  *hunched over the counter, darting quick looks at Bruce* (OMG SHE PROBABLY THINKS HE WILL BLAME HER TOO)
Bruce:  *looking handsome and serious in his black turtleneck* *leans over the counter and gazes at Selina*  you did NOT kill Roland Charles
Selina:  but...I was there...and what am I supposed to say—I stole your jewelry, I’m sorry?
Bruce:  sometimes that’s enough
-Sofia’s goon is torturing Ed yet the man still has not a single hair out of place like what kind of gel are you wearing again?? ?
-Penguin rolls in all frozen in ice and Ed starts laughing OMG I GET IT OSWALD USED ED’S BACKUP PLAN AFTER ALL
-Victor Z:  *looks at Ed, then Penguin, then Sofia*  I’m not even gonna ask
-Jim and Harvey walk into the weird looking place where Penn is
Harvey:  *in his flattest voice* what fresh hell is this
Me: yeah WTF
-Penguin has the chance to go save Ed (with whom he has had ISSUES) or to go wreak his revenge on Sofia...I’m betting he goes to save Ed.  Make good choices dude
-LOL Victor and Headhunter fail in their mission AGAIN
Victor:  can’t catch a break today.  let’s go get a milkshake
-Sofia:  beg me for mercy
-Ed is so DONE with stupidity
-aaaannnnd I called it.  Oswald ditches his revenge schemes to go save Ed
Oswald:  trust is hard to find, but I trust you Ed
Ed: a horrible decision really
But for real though these two psychos are friends again and there are going to be hijinx upcoming you can be sure of that
Ed:  I have a STRONG desire never to see this pier again
Oswald: SAME
-aww Harvey is sitting by Jim’s bedside...THE BROTP LIVES
-I freaking love Harvey, telling Jim to get over himself and take the hard path of not confessing but keeping his job, living with his guilt, and working hard to save Gotham.  
Harvey:  it’s what this city needs
Me:  that’s what Gotham needs right now, not a fallen hero, but a white knight...Bruce will cover the dark vigilante who works outside the parameters of the law for you
-Lee: *gets all vicious on a crook who freaking deserves it*
Me: good on you...but also...yikes
-um light is spilling out of Barbara, I’m gonna take a guess and say that isn’t good?
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 6X3 The Third Man
heh after two and a half men, that's very funny
ooo I've heard this one is good
oh love the random cuts
ok cutting directly to the morning sex scene is interesting
ah he was dreaming
how's it like living in the impala again
sam does curls with Hot Woman, and Dean is sad and alone in an impala
can you tell who the main character was supposed to b-
ah ok o Sam paid? but he was hot enough?
what I'm getting from this is that Sam is also a loser
Sam you Bastard
just lets the guy go because he's not going fast enough lol
ahahah the vodka
ohhh the cop is in some Shady Shit?
"because I lie professionally that's how" HAHAHA
the fucking car competition
ah the liquid guy and the pus guy
solid to a liquid ha
dual getting out of the car is funny
we're the fed, ed
he's so bitchy
mans is fucked
oh boy
yeah uh ed is dead
no don't
biblical plagues huh
"bunch of dicks" yay the cop hate is back
"feathery ass"
the lil smile awwww
"he's right behind me isn't he" AHAHAHAHAHA
I love this scene
his little GLARE
"that is still the term?" HAAHAHAH
Cas likes Dean better than Sam
and he backtracks, oh my god he backtracks
"What part of I Don't Know you're not getting" hehehehe
"you think I came because you called" yes THIS IS HILARIOUS
"it's been chaos up there" :(
oh good that's a good premise, heaven is in chaos and Shit happens
my "people skills" are "rusty" the last "Year" YOU FUCKING DORK I LOVE YOU
heh Dean's convinced
aww they have to explain it to him
"what the hell kind of fed are you"
and celestial nap time
Cas looks like he wants to kill someone
God didn't answer, the angel did
Cas is running the logic in his head
head tilt, bitch, actually trying
angels and souls huh
"more pieces, more product" helpful there
Sam nods along to excruciating, Dean is Concerned
Can't care about the kid and torture
"don't have the luxury" o U CH
Seriously? nothing? SAM?
oooo one more garrison buddy
died in the war huh?
Raphael huh?
oh right angels
that car is so fucked
Dean is pleased
Cas: yes there's a whole war in heaven that's later
absolute no idea of pop culture :)
it's the Apocalypse! again!
myrrh? myRRH DER
he just Blips in and out
Secretive Angel Secrets yeah that traditionalist read of the angels tracks
ah Dean's blood
"the police will take him home" CASTIEL
"Even I know that's a bad joke"
AW cas missed him
because I could
"you tore up the script" FREE WILL! INVETN! FREEWILL
he wants free will and the fighting will never stop
...I don't think...he's wrong actually
ah yes the stick up his ass
it's like men in black
wait hang on isn't he the dude from before
that sigil thing is so handy
"why won't any of you listen" :(
ooo they got him
"the hairless ape has the floor"
:( but balthazar and cas
DID HE JUST SAY "in this economy"
aw and he just left
"are you ok" YES GOOD HE NOTICED
there's something Off about him
"you know what hell does to YOU, it tortures you still does" oof
"you're stronger than me" oh good back to this
1. CAS! listen the idea of "I studied you to make sure ur good" and so he knows a bit vs this just Goofy ass Always moving frantic don't have time for references bastard is SO GOOD! HE'S SO FUNNY!
and the stick up his ass, yeah he started his process but it's in progress. on the other hand, all he wants is the fighting to Stop, which is commendable, and it keeps spiraling.
2. Balthazar. He's like "cool bro went out, and rewrote the script, so free will!" but as opposed to Cas's free will, his is just hedonism, it's just "Do Whatever!" because the apocalypse. also he clearly cares for Cas and that's just sweet.
3. the angels. the infighting, the figuring it out, all of that is so heartbreaking. like Cas adopted Gabriel's "please stop fighting," Balthazar just doesn't want anyone to die, like. They're so fucked as a family. like either god coming back or SOMETHING must help cuz this hurts.
4. Dean. I won't say he got old but he's tired. he's on a panic button, he's kinda alone because Cas and Sam are doing their own shit. This is...gonna be interesting hoo boy
0 notes
micycle--wheeler · 7 years
It Always Gets Stranger
Mike’s family is going to Maine for the summer. Sometimes, things take a turn for the worst.
read on ao3
read chapter 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
words: 2162
warnings: homophobic / racial slurs (Henry Bowers, basically)
BEN Hanscom was a patient person. If anyone was to describe him, that was the word to use.
But when his yearlong friend, Richie Tozier, showed up at the quarry an entire hour late with six more people than expected, Ben’s patience was being tested.
“What the hell, Richie?” was Eddie Kaspbrak’s greeting to the boy, and he smiled sarcastically, showing off his slightly over-large incisors.
“Well ya see Eds, I was busy sayin’ goodbye to your mom and I lost track of the time-”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Eddie and his group of friends chorused, used to the antics of their trashmouth friend.
“What’s with the entourage?” Stan asked from his spot on a nearby rock, which he had taken to sitting on for the last half hour of waiting. The group of silent kids behind Richie shuffled, and Ben watched as a kid with wildly curly hair exchanged glances with a tall black boy.
Said boy spoke up, seeming to take leadership. “We’re friends of Mike, Richie’s cousin.” The boy motioned to another, who looked very much like Richie.
“Well, friends and cousins of Richie, welcome!” Beverly said from next to Bill, flashing a smile toward them. A couple of the strangers reciprocated, the curly haired kid and a girl with brown hair just as wild.
The air fell silent after that as everyone yook in the faces of new, and Ben did as well. There was also a girl with vivid red hair that could rival Bev’s, the long tresses pulled back into a ponytail. Next to the boy who looked like Richie (Mike, Ben was proud to remember) stood a kid with round eyes and a wary smile, his hair framing his face in a flattering way. A bird chirped and Stan’s head turned to the sound.
Surprisingly, Bill was the person to break the awkward silence. He motioned to the redhead’s shirt and asked, “Y-you like Eh-Eh-Elvis?”
She seemed to ignore his obvious stutter. “Yeah, I love him. You too?”
“Oh, I c-can never s-s-st-s-stop lis-listening to h-h-hi-him! The Losers ah-are always ann-an-annoyed at me,” He beamed. “Oh, and I d-d-do-don’t buh-buh-believe I caught your nuh-nuh-name.” She opened her mouth to speak as the curly kid beat her to it.
“She’s Max. I’m Dustin. And did you just call your friends ‘losers?’” Ben noted that some of his teeth seemed to be missing, and he had a slight lisp.
“It’s what we call ourselves,” Ben spoke up, and he felt slightly uncomfortable with so many new pairs of eyes focused on him. “The bullies called us ‘Losers,’ so we took the name as our own.”
“Original,” Max spoke up. “Our bullies just call us—”
Richie cleared his throat loudly, not in a way to get something out of it, but to draw attention to himself. “Uh, hello? Less chatty-chatty, more swimmy-swimmy? Come on fuckers, we’re losing daylight!” Richie strode over to the side of the cliff before anyone could point out to him that they had hours to swim.
“Wait, you’re gonna jump off of that?” Mike spoke up, a shake to his voice. He exchanged glances with Dustin and the unnamed girl, and Ben sensed that they had a story to tell from it.
“What’s wrong, Micycle, ‘fraid of heights?” Then he said quieter, “If he shits himself, it’ll be hilarious.”
“No, I’m not! I just… um… it’s a long story,” Mike defended himself.
“Probably about the diving board to the public pool, amiright?”
“Shut up, Richie. Not the time.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
Bill put a reassuring touch to Mike’s arm. “Do-don’t worry, Muh-Mih-Mike, we’ve all done it be-before. It’s perfectly safe.”
“It’ll be fine, Mike. See? Watch.” Max pushed past Richie and took a large leap into the water. Everyone ran to watch her fall, and she let out a “Woo!” as she disrupted the water with a satisfyingly large splash.
“Holy shit!” Richie exclaimed. “That was really hot. Is she single?” Richie cringed away as Lucas punched him in the arm. The unnamed girl shook her head and jumped after Max. “Holy shit, is she single?”
“Beep-fucking-beep, asshole.”
“Aw, come on, Eds. I’m just asking a question you all know you wanted answered.”
Stan shook his head, the curls bouncing along. “Weren’t you hung up on Eddie’s mother ten minutes ago?”
“The past is in the past, Stan-the-Man.”
Ben looked at the others. “Wanna jump?”
Dustin grinned, his cheeks pulled up and his eyes crinkling. “Thought you’d never ask.”
Everyone’s feet left rock and flew through the air into the water, multiple cries of “Holy shit!” and “Woo-hoo!” being shouted into the air.
Ben did a head count, and, coming up two short, he looked back up at the cliff.
Two tiny figures stood, and Ben could see the dark hair and pale skin even from a height like that.
Richie and Mike seemed to be arguing, hands waving and voices carrying down the cliff, although Ben couldn’t decipher what they were saying. Ben saw hands connect a chest, and one of them came flailing down the cliff with a strangled “I’M GONNA KILL YOU, RICHARD!” The second figure followed, and Max gargled on water as she let out a laugh when Mike hit the water.
Lots of water-splashing and chicken-fighting ensued after that, and the twelve kids took to lounging on the rocks as they dried off and music from Richie’s boombox filled the air.
“So… what brings you guys to Derry?”
Stan had known about Richie’s family situation, as he had complained to them over and over since he’d gotten the news. He (and the rest of the Losers) had no idea as to why they had come.
“My mom,” Mike had spoken up. “She wanted to visit her sister and my entire family was dragged along.”
“Yeah, and we didn’t want him to be alone all summer,” Lucas elaborated.
“Sorry Rich,” Bev turned to the boy with magnified eyes, “if you have to leave for the summer, we’re ditching you.” Richie glared and everyone cracked a smile.
The air fell silent again, save the boombox blasting one of Richie’s many mixtapes.
“Is it true that Derry has twice the average amount of deaths than the national average?” Dustin burst out randomly, as if he was waiting to pop the question all day. The losers’ heads turned to Ben, knowing he was the library feel out of all of them.
“No, actually. It's six times.” Dustin's eyes widened, like a little kid that got what they wanted for Christmas.
“Totally tubular,” he smiled at Lucas and Max, although nobody else seemed to get the joke.
On the walk back, Eddie has a feeling of something being… off. When he asked Bev, she just shrugged, saying, “You always feel like something's off, Ed. I bet it's nothing,” and she pushed his shoulder in a sisterly manner.
“She really think shes gonna come outta that school?” Eddie turned at Stan's voice, his gaze fixed on a lone woman sitting on the steps of the empty school, hopping up peeking through the doors as if waiting for someone who was late.
“What? Who’s ‘she?’” the short boy, Eddie learned who was named Will, wondered.
“Betty Ripsom,” Beverly said to him. “She went missing a few weeks ago. That's her mom over there.”
“It's as if she’s been locked in a janitor’s closet for the last few weeks,” Eddie muttered, looking at the mother who was hiding on to a nonexistent thread of hope that her daughter was lost at school, that's all.
“Do you think they're actually gonna find her?” Stan spoke aloud to the silent group.
“Sure,” Richie started, and Eddie prepared himself for an offensive comment. “In a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots and smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear.” Richie motioned to Eddie, who shivered at the idea.
“Shut up, this is freaking disgusting.” Eddie shook his head to rid himself of the image, filled with millions of deadly bacteria.
“She's not dead, she’s mm-meh-missing,” Bill said defensively, glaring at the bespectacled boy.
“Sorry, Bill,” Richie apologized, his extra-large eyes seeming to come into focus as he adjusted his glasses. “She's missing.”
Eddie was surprised. The only other times he'd heard Richie apologize was once to the principal for selling candy from his locker (after his mother forced him to), and once to a streetlight that he thought was a person after he ran into it. It was a thing of Richie's: he just didn't apologize to things because he usually didn't feel sorry.
But of course, Bill was always sort of treated a little like glass since what happened in October… Eddie still remembered the phone call and how Bill had to hand the phone to his mother because he was stuttering so badly.
“They’ll find her,” the curly-haired girl said, and Eddie was startled to realize this was the first time he’d heard her speak. She had a soft voice, and it reminded Eddie of a warm cabin in the woods that he had never been to before. She spoke with a sort of certainty to her voice that made it sound like she knew Betty personally, and had seen her. It was quite calming.
“Should we tell her about the shoe?” Ben was still staring at the mother, who glanced at the group before turning back to the school.
“What shoe? Did you guys find something?” Lucas asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“W-we were in the ss-sew-sewers yesterday,” Bill explained. “Looking f-for…” he took a deep breath, “no one.”
“‘Looking for no one.’ Wow, that’s not sinister sounding at all.” The redheaded Max shook her head as Lucas nudged her in the arm. She sighed. “Sorry.”
“Is that how you guys spend your summer?” Dustin asked, crunching down a granola bar that Eddie didn’t know how he got. “Inside of sewers?”
Richie was silent for a heartbeat before, “Beats spending it inside of your mother. Ohhh.” He raised his arm for a high-five to Stan, who grabbed it and yanked it down.
“Woah,” Mike said, looking at something Eddie couldn’t see, “Nice car.”
They all turned, spotting a blue Trans Am, and Eddie’s face paled. “W-we should get outta here.”
“Why, Kaspbrak?” a sneering voice spoke. “’Fraid you’ll go missing too?” Eddie turned around, spotting Henry Bowers standing just a few feet in front of the group. How he managed to sneak up on them, Eddie had no idea, and he sometimes wondered if he had the ability to teleport.
Riche let out a choking sound as the back of his shirt was yanked backwards, and he fell spectacularly into Stan, where they both landed on the ground with an almighty “oof.”
A large belch sounded right next to Eddie’s ear, and he cringed away from the sound and the hot breath, gagging as the boy, Belch Huggins, let out a big laugh.
“Knew he was a bottom,” Patrick said as Richie tried to get up off of Stan, and Victor Criss, another one of Henry’s goons, pushed him back down. Patrick kicked Stan in the arm. “Fuckin’ flamer!”
“And who have we here?” Henry said, looking toward Lucas, who had a scowl set on his face. Eddie wouldn’t put it past him that he would punch Henry if he had the chance. “You seem far from home, dontcha, Midnight?”
“Eat shit.”
“Oh, you think you’re all high ‘n’ mighty, don’t ya?” Henry said in that menacing voice of his. “Newsflash, kid: you don’t belong here. Stay out of this town. Or you’ll deserve what’s comin’ for ya.”
“Hmm, what else’ve we got here?” Victor seemed to have snuck up behind Max, and he had a handful of her hair in his fingers. She yanked herself away from him, turning around and stepping on his toes.
“Leave her alone!” Dustin said angrily. Henry’s gaze turned to him, and Dustin’s bravery seemed to melt.
“You seem to be missin’ a couple ’a teeth there, Curly. Shut up if you don’t want to lose some more.”
“Ss-sss-sshut it, Bowers!” Bill said angrily, his mouth seeming to not agree with his words as he spit them out. Henry turned around slowly, that threatening look back in his eyes.
“You suh-suh-say somethin’, Buh-Buh-Buh-Billy?” he strode over to the boy until they were inches apart. “Yeh got a free ride this year ‘cause ‘a your little brother. Ride’s over, Denbrough.”
Eddie knew he was going to do something horrible like he always did, but a police cruiser had rode down the street, slowing down while going by the kids. His father, Eddie thought to himself.
“This summer’s gonna be a hurt train. For you and your faggot friends.” He walked away and toward Belch Huggins’ car, but not before licking his hand and wiping it on Bill’s face.
The kids all watched them ride off.
“Wish he’d go missing,” Richie commented.
“He’s probably the one doing it,” Eddie said thoughtfully.
wanna be tagged? Just ask!
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justagoddamnbranch · 7 years
The Reunion V
((Warning for brief mention of animal death (skip past the first break if this bothers you but you want to still read), and an awkward family interaction))
Chomper had just enough of the shenanigans going on, and besides lunch was ready. He apologized to their guests, though they actually took no offense to Petey’s ‘ice breaker’ and continued the joke. Chomper kinda smiled off the jokes, though he did think they were somewhat funny, and excused himself to call Eddy and Leo in to eat.
“BOYS LUNCH IS-” Chomper squinted at the two, “I swear to god. BOYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
Leo turned around and waved at Chomper before yelling back, “LOOKING AT A SQUIRREL I KILLED!”
Leo suddenly felt very guilty, his tail drooping ever so slightly. He shoved his hands into his pockets and slowly walked up with his tail between his legs. Eddy followed behind, completely unphased. When he was level with Chomper he leaned in and pecked him on the shoulder.
“It was an honest mistake, don’t be too hard on him.”
Chomper sighed, “Ok but I want him to make a formal apology to it once we’re done eating.”
Eddy tried not to giggle out loud at that, but he did manage to get out a “Will do.”
After everyone was seated and washed up, Chomper brought the meal to the table. He was careful to have the spaghetti separate from the meatballs in case anyone was only a carnivore or only vegetarian. Everyone was getting along for the most part, to Eddy’s surprise, until the food was finally done being plated. Then the questions came up, as he expected.
“So, Ed, do ya still do yer mechanic stuff?” Vardaman said between bites of his meatballs. He was the only one who passed on the spaghetti.
Max licked his muzzle clean of the sauce dripping from it, “Are the cats outside yers or are they strays?”
“They’re outdoor cats.”
“Are ya still doin’ the poly thing?” Stone stared Eddy down, relatively uninterested in his food.
“Sort of.”
“So you ‘n Chomper are married?”
Max tilted his head, “Didja adopt Leo or?”
“He’s mine.”
Stone decided to stop talking, but Max and Vardaman kept going. The tone of the questions became a lot lighter then.
“How old are ya Leo?”
“I’m 21.”
Vardaman cracked a smile, “So are ya goin’ t’ school or are ya gonna be a mechanic like yer old man?”
“I’m going to school, yeah. I’m getting my degree to be a preschool teacher.”
Max nodded, “Honorable work, good on ya.”
“Thank you.”
Max then raised his head towards the other end of the table, “So, Chomper, are ya really a gen-u-ine mermaid?”
“Yes sir, born and raised in the water not too far from here.”
“Better not go swimmin’ out there then, huh?” Max laughed.
“No, probably not in the winter, but definitely in the summer! We tend to stay away from land folks.”
Rumble nervously looked down at her food. She was obviously thinking about something. She hesitantly spoke up when there was a lull in the siren talk.
“If you had raised me would you have been wanted to be called dad?”
Eddy went quiet, but Leo looked back and forth between the two with wide eyes.
“Wait...wait. Wait hold on, this is my half sibling?” Leo gestured towards Rumble.
“Y-yeah? Is there a problem?” Rumbled tapped her fingers together.
Leo stared at her and blinked.
“Oh my god.” He smiled and wagged his tail hard enough it was squeaking his chair, “I’ve got a- wait are you a boy or a girl or nothin’ or?”
“Leo, hush, we’re right here.”
Leo quieted down but didn’t hold back his excitement, “I’ve got a big sister.”
Rumble was grinning too now, neck and tail feathers fluffing up a bit. She gave a few quick whistles before going back to her food. Chomper flicked his eyelights over to Eddy, who was silently eating his food. Chomper could sense that things were going to get a bit awkward, so he quickly changed the subject.
“So, um, do you guys play ball?”
Max’s ears raised up a bit, and looked over, “Yessir, I play hockey sometimes.”
Leo got distracted a bit with the sports talk, and started telling them about baseball and how he was going to try out for the school team soon. The rest of the meal went on without any big events.
When they were finished up, the group asked if Chomper needed any help washing the dishes. Chomper insisted that they go have fun, and that it wouldn’t be too much trouble. The group didn’t push the issue and decided that they were going to go look around town and take a walk. Once they were finally out, Eddy pulled Leo aside.
“Listen, Pup, please don’t get too attached to these folks.”
“Oh I know, they live in Indiana and-”
“No, no. It’s not that. It’s...,” Eddy sighed, “Leo, you’re old enough now I can talk to you man to man.”
Leo nodded.
“We you see, I...I’m not really that Rumble girl’s dad.”
“Yeah, it’s that darker skeleton who’s mad at me.”
“Ohhh, alright I get it.” Leo nodded, “But I thought you’re, like, her biological dad or something?”
“Technically yes, but I think that doesn’t really hold up too much. They’ve dealt with her all these years, made her the young lady she is today, and then out of nowhere she comes up and wants to say that I’m her real dad. After all that.”
Leo nodded, “Tough one.”
“Very much so.”
“Well...I think you should go with it.”
“I think you should go with it but I don’t think you should have her call you dad.”
“...ok I’m listening”
“What if she called you daddy?”
“Definitely not.”
“Fantastic Mr. D?”
“What about Bio?”
“Like bio-logical dad?”
“Yeah!” Leo smiled, “That way you’re not really saying you’re her dad and you’re not taking any title away from that other skeleton!”
Eddy just stared at Leo. He swore to god if this kid solved a months long problem just like that he was gonna cuss.
“Alright, Pup, I’ll see if that’s ok.”
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E4
Heck yeah, I’m on S4!
Also, four for you, Ben McKenzie (for writing this episode)!  Because this episode was super good!
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*Recap shows Barbara kissing Ra’s*  Nope!
*covers up screen with phone*  Nope!
“Perhaps you [Bruce] should consider what it [the knife] is before you drop two million dollars on it, shouldn’t you?”  *chuckles*
*Bruce leaves the knife at the museum overnight*  Oh this is such a bad idea…
Oh that camera angle though [as it goes from upside down to focus on Ed]!  That’s awesome!
“Tomorrow night, Oswald…”  Lemme guess… YOU DIE!
“…is the night you die.”  Called it.
I still think it’s a really bad idea that they left the knife THERE by itself with two people who probably have no idea about Ra’s al Ghul.
“Alex, bring me the Palmerian Codex.” The what the what Codex?
I know there’s an actual name for this knife but I forget what they called it, starts with a “B” or something
AN:  It’s formerly called the Balashi Blade, because it was originally intended to be an embalming knife
OK, so they do know about Ra’s al Ghul!
I feel like, if you take this whole Ra’s al Ghul thing out of context, or if you place this show in modern times, people would probably react to this like “Wait?  That sounds like some Da Vinci code shit.”
“He [Ra’s al Ghul] was a warlord.”  He was a warlord… who got caught up in some shit!
I’m sorry, I’m cussing so much in this.  It’s like you see something so much that you allow yourself to make fun it of it even though you enjoy it.  That’s it.
That… is a rather pathetic looking lion [in one of the display cases at the museum].  I mean, it’s been taxidermied, but it has a really small mane.  Either that’s a juvenile or he just did not have enough testosterone in his system at all.
*Someone knocks on the door to the office*  Please tell me it’s Ra’s al Ghul at the door.
He’s gonna be like “Hiiiii, I heard that someone was in possession of something I own.  Or rather not ‘I own’ but other people have owned, but it’s been passed down to me, so technically, it’s mine.  I own it.”
And the guy’s like “Uhhhh, no… we have plenty of knives here.  We just don’t have the one you’re looking for.  I’m so sorry sir.”
And Ra’s is like…. “Why you always lyin’…”
OK, I’m done.
In this episode, if he does the whole “Bruce, be the Dark Knight the prophecy told you to be,” I’m gonna slap this laptop off this inn table.
Plus, this is quite possibly the best version of Ra’s al Ghul I’ve ever seen.  I mean, I still like Liam Neeson’s Ra’s al Ghul but Alexander Siddig is actually of Arabic descent.  And plus he’s just so charismatic!
“I’m [Ra’s] looking for a knife Bruce Wayne bought you [Dr. Winthrop] earlier today.”  Because I am obsessed!
*gasps when Ra’s stabs Dr. Winthrop*
Where’d the kid [Alex the grandson] go?
*jams out to the opening theme*
“Harper, where’s Bullock?”  “He asked me to fill him.  He took a sabbatical for a few days.”  Really?
Why does the actress that play Harper look really familiar?
They’re [Jim and Harper] just gonna let Bruce walk into an active crime scene investigaton?
“But I [Bruce] paid a great deal for it [the knife], and there was another bidder, a very aggressive one:  Barbara Kean.” Haha, Jim’s just like “God dammit…”
Another panning transition shot!  Take a shot!
God, Barbara, change your haaaaaiiirrrr!  Ugh, or let it grow out.  Please.
“If you [Barbara] had acquired the knife when I [Ra’s] first requested it, they wouldn’t be necessary.”  I thought you said it was OK that Bruce got it!
“His name is Anubis.”  Whaaat?
Whaaaaaatt?!? Did I step into an episode of “Hannibal?”  What’s going on?
There’s Riddler’s hat!
“You know, your [Sofia’s] father taught me [Oswald] many things. Among them was to nurture a healthy paranoia.”  Hooo….
“I’ll stab you.”  HAHA!
Wow, way to make a lady in Gotham feel welcome, Oswald!
*”White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane plays in Barbara’s place*  Ooohh, good song.  Good song!
“You [Barbara] seem different.”  Yeah, she took a rejuvenating bath in a certain famous neon green pit.
“Is it Ra’s al Ghul?”  Whoooooo!!
Oh that’s a cool shot of them [Jim and Bruce] just arguing in the alley!
“Ra's al Ghul is the real leader of the Court of Owls.  He is the one responsible for the virus and having me kidnapped.”  “And you [Bruce] didn't think to mention any of this before?”  *claps appreciatively*  Yes! Thank you, Jim!
“Why would he [Ra’s] want the knife?”  Plot.
*scoffs* He [Jim] just hanged up on Harper?!?
*jaw drops in shock as the rappers deliver Ed’s riddle to Oswald*
*cracks up when Victor starts jamming out to it*
“What the hell was that?”  HeheHAHA…
EDWARD SENT RAPPERS TO OSWALD!  Oh my God, that’s amazing!
*has to take a minute to laugh*
 “I [Oswald] want Victor to freeze him [Ed] again.”  “Huh?”  “Not you, the other Victor!”  *just about ends up crying laughing*
“Earth meets sky, water flows, birds fly.”  The pier!
“I [Oswald] want Ed Nygma.”  AGAIN! Because you’re Oswald Cobblepot in this show!
He’s [Alex] hiding in the records room in broad daylight?  With a bunch of windows?
*lets out a small gasp when we hear commotion outside the archive room*
Holy crap, Bruce has definitely grown!  Oh my gosh… how tall is he at this point?
*Anubis jumps Jim*  Whoa!
*Anubis’s handler starts speaking some ancient language.”  Great.
*gasps when Anubis manages to bite Alex’s wrist*
*Jim knocks over all the bookshelves on Anubis*  Ooooohhhhhh!!!
Where’s the knife hidden?
*Ra’s enters the precinct*  OH MY FREAKING GOD!
“Ra's al Ghul.  Minister of Antiquities attached to the consulate of Nanda Parbat.”  OH.  MY GOD!
“This is the guy that you're [Jim] looking at for murder?  Why does he just walk in?”  Why would you [Jim] openly discuss this with Harper right in front of the captain’s office, where Ra’s al Ghul is sitting, and Ra’s can probably read lips?
“I [Bruce] need to get you [Alex] to a hospital-”  “No, no.”  “Then the police.” DO NOT GO TO THE PRECINCT!  Ra’s is there!  
Hide!  Go to Wayne Manor or something!  Hide in the Batcave!
“You’re [Bruce]…weirdly cool.” Oh my gosh, that’s awesome.
Why would you [Jim] bring the evidence bag with you INTO THE CAPTAIN’S OFFICE?!?
I can’t believe Ra’s has the freaking balls to walk into the precinct himself and ask for assistance on looking for the knife.
Oh my God…
“May I [Ra’s] see the knife, Detective?  It would so set my mind at ease.”  *hisses in panic*
*gasps and sits back in shock when Alfred accidentally walks in on Jim interviewing Ra’s*
*Ra’s disappears*  WHERE THE CRAP DID HE GO?
*freezes when we can hear Victor shoot the remaining Falcone loyalists outside*
“My [Sofia’s] father wouldn't have killed those men.  He would have invited me to his club, as you did, but then gone further.  He would have invited me to dinners.  Had us seen in public.  Sent the message that the old order supports me.  And those men you killed would have pledged you loyalty.  Now they're fertilizer.”  Whoooo hoo hooo!  Whoo!
Oh my God, Sofia’s probably gonna wipe the floor with Oswald’s ass later this season.
*gasps when we hear commotion outside the museum exhibit where Bruce and Alex are*
*Anubis enters* Oh that mothereffer!
Who’s the due with him that has half his face painted?
“Harper.   If Mr. Pennyworth tries to leave, arrest him.”  Ooohhhh…
“At midnight I'll make this one easy/ This place makes some people lie/ Some people speak/ And some people cry.”  Speakeasy? A club?  Iceberg Lounge!
Yeah, it’s the Iceberg Lounge!  Yeah, and he’s [Oswald] crying there all the time.
“Can we please just torture them now?”  “WHY NOT?!?” Haha!
*gasps when Anubis tackles Bruce to the ground*
*Anubis and Jim fall through the sabertooth tiger skeleton case*  Oooohhh!  
Bruce, what are you doing?!?  Get Alex out of there!
*Alex beats Anubis off Bruce*  Alex, get out of there!  Where’s the knife?!?
*Jim accidentally distracts Anubis with a rib bone*  Oh my God.
*Jim throws the bone out the window*  OHHH my God.
*Jaw drops when Anubis leaps out after it*  Well he’s gone.
*Jim stabs the handler in the stomach with another rib bone*  Ooooohhhh!
Where’s Alex?!?
“Bruce, hand me [Jim] the knife.”  WHAT?!?!? NO!
“He [Ra’s] killed Alfred.  And then brought him back to life.  And Alex's grandfather was afraid of this knife.  I can't give it to him.” Bruuuccee!!
*yells in horror when Ra’s kills Alex*
God dang it… GUYYSSSSS!!
“This is all my fault.”  Bruce, this is not!
“Alex is dead because of me.  I killed him.”  Bruce….
“Your [Ed’s] riddles suck.”  HAHA!
“The answer was Stoker’s Cemetery.  Only an idiot wouldn’t see that.”  Nooo…
“Tell me, how long did it take you to come up with those riddles?” “I don’t know.  A minute?  Two minutes?  A few hours… six hours.”  What? 
OK, that’s terrible.
“Oswald, I’m [Ed] gonna shoot you.”  *In best Jerome impression*  In the face!
*Mr. Freeze walks in*  Oooooohhh!
“You remember him?  My other Victor?” The other Victor!
“Stop.  I changed my mind.”  Oh my freaking- OSWALD!
I am so sick of this!  They keep going back and forth on this whole Oswald and Ed weird friendship/relationship thingy!
*Jim grabs Sofia’s hand before she can touch him*  Hoooo….
Oh my God..
*Jim and Sofia end up kissing* OH my God…
*Jim and Sofia end up making out on the couch*  OOHHHHH!!
Oh my gosh, why are they putting Ra’s in freaking Blackgate?
Oh my gosh, he [Ra’s] has the haircut!
*jams out to the ending theme*
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S2E19
Yep.  Told ya I’d get this one up.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
What the....
“Has there been any improvement since he [Theo] woke up yesterday?”  “No.  But he's wonderful, isn't he?“  I... I wouldn’t say that...
“The Will and Order of St. Dumas.”  What?
*Jim stops by Arkham*  Oh SNAAAAAPPP!
“Pinewood Farms was started by Thomas Wayne in an attempt to cure humanity's greatest ailments on the genetic level old age, disease, even death.”  “But that's not what happened, is it?“  *snaps sassy Z-line in the air*  No it ain’t!
“Karen said the program tried to play God, and you [Hugo] ended up creating monsters.”  “I was just a researcher with no knowledge of that until it was too late.“  Uhh, ha ha, no.
“I’m [Jim] not here for a therapy session, Professor.”  Thank you.
“No.  It’s more like an interrogation by a man who is no longer a police officer.”  Ohh!
“[Jim] You're trying to make up for the sins of your past, and you believe that this case will somehow bring about your own personal redemption.”  *grimaces*
“Victor Fries is dead, Mr. Gordon.”  Well that is a lie.
“Really?  I saw him last night.”  Thank you!
“I [JIm] can read tells, too.  [Hugo] You’re lying.”  *claps and points at screen*  Yeeess!
Oh there it is!  There’s the theme!
*Ed explains to Aaron that the other inmate’s personality is not him via pretending to scold the air AKA “Lucy”*  OK, this is actually not a bad way to diffuse the situation.
Look at Ed being the negotiator when it comes to situations in Arkham! 
“Go to hell, Ed.”  Thank you!
“Nobody beats me.”  Really?
“I [Jim] did.  See you never, Ed.”  Hahahaha!
There’s the Jim Gordon I know!
“What has no hands but might knock on your door, and you better open up if it does?“  Fate?
“I [Ed] can help you [Hugo] take him [Jim] down.“  You better not!
*One of the inmates tries to lick Ed*  EEEWWW!!
*Ed explains to Hugo how he manipulated the other inmates by simply listening to them and what they want*  Holy crap, Ed!
This is the Riddler!
“Everyone has a story...”  Azrael?
Ed, what did you do?
“We have got to give him [Theo] a great, heroic story.”  “We need to give him a good heroic dose of Thorazine, but you're [Hugo] the boss.“  ...Yes.
Uhhh.... is this a good idea??
“Hello?”  *in best Hugo Strange voice*  It’s me.
“Don’t you [Theo] feel a father’s love when I [Hugo] look into your eyes?” *in high pitched voice* NOT REALLY!
“No. No. There is another life. There is a sister, a high tower-”  *puts hands on head in shock*  Ohhh, he [Theo] remembers Tabitha!
Whoaaa ho ho hoooo... oh my gosshhh...
“This man [Hugo] ordered my parents' death?  You're sure?“  Why would Hugo Strange order the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne?
“Bruce, I [Jim] know you're frustrated, but we need to do this the right way.”  “The right way? And how many times did that fail with Galavan?“  HOOO!!
“We'll work on Barnes, get him to sign off on a warrant and put Strange away for good.  The right way.“  Where are they gonna put Strange if they do arrest him?  Blackgate?  Probably not Arkham.
Is this immersion therapy [the St. Dumas video Strange is showing Azrael]?
AN:  The video actually reminded me of the conversion video from the video game “Outlast” (and no, I’m putting a link of that video in because it is also a trigger video from a disturbing game- a game that I’ve only seen gameplays for and don’t actually plan on playing anytime soon).
“This Dumas character was made a saint, performed a lot of miracles and so forth. And one of the miracles was bringing Azrael back to life.”  “I [Miss Peabody] still prefer Thorazine.“  Heeheehee!
What the heck did they do to Theo’s face?  Was that from when they re-stitched his face back together after removing the umbrella from the back of his head??
*Ed watches Miss Peabody take Aaron down to Indian Hill*  Oooohhh...
Oh my God, is this gonna be how Ed escapes?  Please do not follow them!
Yeah, where are they taking Aaron?
Waaait, they’re taking him to Azrael!  Oooohhhh...
Oh I like that shot of Ed with the rose-tinted windows behind him.
*Aaron meets Azrael*  Oh.  Snaaaappp...
“I [Hugo] am crafting your [Azrael’s] armor as we speak, but first, your skills must be tested.“  NOOO, he’s gonna kill Aaron!!
*gasps when Azrael knocks out Aaron with the briefcase*
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but good enough.  Try opening the chest, my son.“  Hahahaha...
[It’s like in “Hercules”]  “USE YOUR HEAD!”  “Riightt...”
Hahaha, this is exactly what happened!
“The Sword of Sin.  Your [Azrael’s] ally and instrument of justice, a vanquisher of evil for generations.  She thirsts for blood.”  How’d they get a sword?
“My lord, I [Azrael] am the Angel of Death.  James Gordon dies... tonight.”  Hooo!
Why would they [the GCPD] let the press anywhere near the crime scene?  That is way too close!
Where is the tape?  Where is the line?
“Listen, kid- Mr. Wayne- I [Barnes] don't care how much money or pull you have in this town.  I'm through talking to him [Jim].”  “Are you through listening to the truth?“  Whooo...
“What are you [Ed] gonna do with all this stuff, anyway?”  That’s a good question...
“I think Professor Strange is hiding something.  And I think that something is a secret way out of this dump.  So I'm gonna use this stuff to find it.“  This is totally like Jim Carrey-level Riddler right here... and I like this better than the actual Jim Carrey Riddler!
I like the Riddler better than Ed.  What’s goin’ ON?!?
“[JIm] You self-righteous punk.  You think you have all the answers?  Maybe you should run it yourself!”  “Maybe I will one day.“  HE DOES!
*softly gasps when the precinct lights go out*
“Who’s there?”  OH SNAP!
Here’s my question:  how did Hugo Strange get all the armor for Azrael?
If this armor’s bulletproof, I swear to God...
Grab his [Azrael’s] cape!
*Azrael leaps out of the precinct*  Whoa...
Masked man in a cape- Bruce, do not take any ideas from this for Batman!
“Calls himself Azrael.  Wants to kill me [Jim].  We know Hugo Strange is responsible.“  Do you?
“Excuse me, Captain.  I [Bruce] find your flippant attitude to be inappropriate.“  Hoo hoo hooo!
“I [Jim] can't make the moves I need to make if I'm worrying about you [Bruce].  You need to be at home, where Alfred can look after you.“  Bruce is like “...no... I’m never liking this.  When has there ever been a situation that I liked?”
Whoa!  Oswald, what the heck happened to you?
*gasps when Azrael gets flashbacks of his past life*
“I'm [JIm] not a cop anymore, remember?  I don't need to follow your [Barnes’s] orders.“  No, but you’re a citizen now, technically.
Through the Looking Glass?  We’re getting a sneak peek of Mad Hatter this season?
Dutch angle!
If Azrael tries to storm the GCPD to get Jim, I swear to God..
*The lights go out*  Oh snap, are you freaking kidding me?
Yeah, that’s freaking him [Azrael].  Hooooly crap.
He’s gonna bust through that window-
*Azrael crashes through the window*  Oooohhh!!
Oh he’s [Azrael] gonna do the superhero landing.  Wait for it!
Oh he didn’t- THERE WE GO!
*claps*  WHOO!  Superhero landing!
How do they not recognize Theo’s voice?
*gasps when Azrael butchers one of the cops*
*Barnes knocks Azrael to the ground*  Oh, go Barnes!
“We need a bigger gun.”  *laughing*  Yeah...
You’re gonna have to like nuke him!
Oh yeah, like a freaking pipe [wedged in the door handles] is gonna stop Azrael.  When he can literally punch a hole through the door!
[Barnes] Do not go at freaking Azrael WITH A PIPE.
“Let’s dance.”  *after a five second pause*  Put on your red shoes and dance the blues...  let’s sway!
*gasps when Barnes knocks Azrael to the ground*  Oh snap!
He’s [Barnes] gonna see his [Azrael’s] face!
*gasps when Azrael stabs Barnes in the knee*
NOOOOO!  NOOOO oh my God!
*Jim comes onto the rooftop*  Ohhh snaaaappp...
This better not the end of the freaking episode.  I’m gonna riot.
“Come to me [Azrael], and I will show you [Jim] the way to hell.”  “I know the way.“  Whoooo....
*Jim manages to shoot Azrael off the rooftop*  OooohhhH!
*gasps when Azrael falls on top of the news van*
Nah, no no no no, Barnes ain’t freaking dying nope!  We’re not doin’ this.
*Tabitha, Butch, and Barbara go through the TV channels*  OH SNAP!  They’re gonna see the TV!
What the heck...
“OK, she [Barbara] scares me [Butch].”  Heeheehee!
“Do we have any limes?”  HAHAHAHA!
Oh my God, Oswald’s gonna go after hiiiimm [Azrael] ...
*counts off with fingers*  Wait, so Jim’s going after him, Hugo Strange is going after him, probably Tabitha’s gonna go after him to... teach him his humanity, Bruce is probably gonna go after him....
“Strange must be behind this.”  He’s always behind this.
“What the hell is happening to our city?”  That’s a very good question, Alfred!  You should ask that every single freaking time!
*trying not to laugh*  What the heck is this music?
*ends up boogie-ing to music while laughing*  This music!
AN:  It’s “I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover” by Mitch Miller
Is Ed gonna encounter Azrael at the end of this episode?  Hoooly snot!
Hiii Indian Hill...
“Oh my.”  Oh my, indeed.
That’s a really good shot of Ed in the middle of the aisle
Oooooh, is this Jim’s leitmotif?
*puts hands around mouth* CGI TRANSITION PANNING SHOT!
*Azrael stands on top of the bridge overlooking the city*  Oh my God... that’s a freaking Batman pose!
*Azrael brings about the end logo by flourishing his cape*  YOOOO!!!
*about ready to lose voice*  That was so much Batman!  Before we even get Batman!  Aaaaahhh ha ha...
*jams out to ending theme*
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E20
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post (even though about 20% of this post is screaming and inarticulate flailing)
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
Oh my gosh...
[RIP Jerome Valeska Second Time’s the Charm] Hahahaha!
“To Jerome!”  *tries to toast but can’t do it with a cell phone*
*The Jester rolls up on her motorcyle*  It you... OK.
Oh that costume is awesome...
She has bells!  On her coat!  Oh my gosh!
“Dig me [Jerome] up!  Dig me up!”  *nervously laughs*  Whaaaaaa.....
They keep reusing that same panning shot from the angel statue on...
“I [Jim] don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now.  [Harvey] Get outta here!”  Hooooooooo....
When is Lee going to cut this crap out?
“I’m [Lee] not betraying my friend [Ed].”  Are you serious?
“If the law has lost its meaning, it's because people like you [Lee] are turning your back on it.“  Hooooo....
“I don't want to send you to Blackgate!  That's the last thing I want to do.  Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head?”  “What's holding you back?“  The laaww....
Guys, c’mon, I want them [Jim and Lee] to be happy.  Not necessarily together but happy.
That’s the same freaking font as the one on the Wayne Enterprises “gift” that Jeremiah got
[PLAY ME]  Oh my God
Oh my God!  That font though [on the screen]!
“I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD.“  Nooooo...
Air horn!
Noooo-oh my God!
Oh no-oh my God!
*Jerome’s cult brings the casket*  THEY DID IT- WHA-
“I [Ed] would sooner debate you all on teleology versus deontology than leave her [Lee] with that overgrown Boy Scout [Jim].“  Whooohoohoohoo....
Oh my God...
“Team, we have everything?  Bicycle pump?  Can opener?“  Are they preparing a jail break or fixing the TARDIS console?
Pickle jar?!?
Oh I like that shot of Ed putting on the hat
Oh God... ooooohhhhh God.
“But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for them.“  *nods*
OK, a 2 by 10 (whatever that is) plank is not going to barricade the door!
Did they say open the armory?  Oh my God.
“This wake is just intended to distract us while his followers hit the real target.“  What’s the real target?
*claps hands*  I like this plaaannn....
*sing songs*  [Electricity whirring down]
*The generator turns on*  Oooohhhh.... ooooohhh... wow!
Oh my gosh, there’s a solution poster of the maze on the wall in Jeremiah’s office.
That [generator] is HUGE!
“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”  “No one outside of Wayne Enterprises knows it exists”  *hisses*  This just seems really dubious...
“It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on.“  OK what does that mean?  What does it meannn...
“Arkham Asylum sent me [Jeremiah] Jerome’s personal effects.  And amongst them, I found his diary.”  What?
Haha oh my God!
I don’t want to even ask why there’s a glittery ice cream cone sticker on the cover
“Maybe you [Jeremiah] shouldn't spend so much time reading it.“   Yeah....
Oh my God...
Why don’t you actually close it?
*Bruce puts his hand down in the middle of the book*  There we go.
“Your brother is dead, Jeremiah.  It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world.“  *nods*
This just seems really dubious!
“Jerome Valeska’s acolytes are kicking off again”  *whispers*  Oh shit!
God, look how freaking paranoid Jeremiah is!  Man!
Is that how it’s gonna kick off?  What happened to his face?  Didn’t it turn white?
“He’s alive and he’s coming after me!”  He’s dead.  He’s dead.
*Glass shatters in the background*  Oh God, please...
*Alfred gets attacked offscreen*  Oh my Goddd!!
“Bruce, I [Jeremiah] need to tell you something.”  Oh, he’s gonna tell him about the gas!
I can’t freaking believe that this is the same actor.  Bravo, Cameron!
“What if I [Bruce] could show you he's [Jerome] dead and buried?“  Is that gonna help?
“Then I’ll [Jeremiah] try.”  There we go!
“You’re a good friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest and leans back in pain*
Ugh, man, they’re gonna set this up and then it’s just gonna go downhill from there
Oh God, who brought the chainsaw?
Oh my God...
Is that the Jongleur character?
AN:  Yes
“Hi, guys.”  *in best George Clooney Batman voice* Hi guys, I’m Jim!
Freaking Jim gritting his teeth... I love it
Oh my God...
Oh my God, what happened?!?!?  WHAT HAPPENED?!?
“He [Alfred] was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there.“  Bruce....
“What was that?”  Oh my God, he’s so paranoid!
Oh my God, they actually dug it up...
*Jeremiah bolts*  Haaaaahahaha!  Oh my God!
Yeah, no, Jerome’s dead.  He’s so dead.  I’m sorry, man, but he dead.
Oh my God... they’re [Oswald and Butch] watching cartoons!
Wouldn’t make-up work for Butch?
“Not run apace”.... that’s a new term
“Did you [Oswald] just shush me [Butch]?!?!?”  Hahahahaha!
“Confusion is always an opportunity for the clear-headed.“  Oooohhh, that’s a good line.
You’re gonna interrogate him [Jongleur] with a cattle prod near reporters?!?  Are you serious?
*The Riddler arrives*  Oh crap!
“We need a costume shop.”  Oh my God, they’re gonna go in disguised as some of Jerome’s followers.  Oh my God.
Lee, get up!
I like that dude with the black lace umbrella in the background!
Guys, what are we doing?
Of course he [Jeremiah] hides in a freaking... mausoleum.
That shot of Bruce is awesome.
“You can trust me because I'm your friend!”  *whimpers*
“I want you to be my friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest*
“And then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of.”  “Because I believe in you, Jeremiah.“  Oh my God...
This is breaking my heart.  This is freaking breaking my heart!
“All we have to do is get out of here.“  *starts singing “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by The Animals*
*Jeremiah fires off a warning shot near Bruce’s feet*  WHOA!
Where did he get the gun?
“You can fool everyone else but I [Jeremiah] know you made a switch.”  Oh my God...
*actually clutches hair in stress*  Oh my God...
“And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.“  What?  Wait, what?  What?
“I know it’s you.”  What?
“I know it’s you, Jerome.”  Whaaaat?!?
Oh my God, Jeremiah, noooo....
“You killed my friend Bruce. Now it's time to put you back in your grave.“  Nooo....
*Jerome’s casket is revealed to be actually a beer cooler*  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...
*slaps chair in hilarity*  Oh my gosh...
*Lee accidentally knocks out Ed*  Oh my God!
Jiiiimmm..... this is such a bad idea, Jiiiimmmm....
OK, there’s the generator.  They left it on?  Why did they leave it on?  They just wanted to see how long it would run?
Whoa.... what’s going on?  What’s going on?
*Jerome’s corpse is found propped up next to his tombstone*  OHHH MY GOD!
Jerome’s hair looks different... whoa...
*The Jester points a gun at Jim*  Oh my God!
Is he [Jerome] just.. gaslighting the crap outta him [Jeremiah]?
*Jeremiah goes after Bruce with Jerome’s straight razor*  Oh my God!
*gasps when Jerome starts getting strangled by someone offscreen*
Oh my God...
AN:  Take a sip every time I’ve said this during this reaction.  Careful, there’s a lot of them.
“Hold still, brother.  Let's peel off that grotesque facade.”  Oh my God...
What kind of rule is that sharp that it can embed itself in a wall?
OK, what’s going on?  Seriously, what’s going on?  What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going on...
*jaw drops to the floor*
Whaatt... whaaat...
*Jeremiah shoots one of the cult followers through the chin*  AAAAAHHHHH!!
What’s going on, what’s going on...
*absolutely screams when Jeremiah starts wiping off his makeup*
*absolutely screams again when Jeremiah does the same thing in the video that Jim is watching*
Oh my God, there’s ten minutes left!  WHAAAAAATT?!?
“Other than some mild cosmetic effects...”  Hahaha my God...
Oh my God...
I just wanna know where Jerome found the time to make a freaking journal of all his escapades
Wait, so did he [Jeremiah] set up the whole thing?
Ohhhh my God....
“I [Jeremiah] would hate to be within a mile of it [the generator] if it were to... overload.”  Oh my God...
“Jerome wanted to slather you [Bruce] in honey and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles.“   Eeewww...
Also, whoa there, Jerome.  Calm down.
Can’t believe I’m kink-shaming a dead clown.  What has this world come to?
“Are you gonna listen?  Or you gonna behave like children?”  Pfftttt.....
See, I [Jeremiah] don't want to kill you [Bruce], because I want to show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things.”  Oh my God... oh my God....
Bruce doesn’t know about the generators.  Ohhhh shit!
Oh my God, they’re not gonna kill off Jim!
“See those generators that we built with your [Bruce’s] money, they work even better as bombs.“  Oh my God...
*gasps when Jeremiah’s bunker blows up*
“Jim Gordon is dead.”  No Jim ain’t dead.  C’mon.
“In fact, I [Jeremiah] can honestly say... you [Bruce] are my very best friend.“  *through gritted teeth*  Oh my Goddd...
My hands are actually shaking...
“I [Oswald] don't expect you [Jongleur] to betray the memory of that old corpse.“  Hoooo...
Roll credits!
“Is your [Butch’s] plan to gain his sympathy by reciting your tale of woe?“  Pffffttt....
*Butch starts shoving chicken bones up Jongleur’s nose*  AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hahaha Oswald in the background!
*pumps fist*  Whoo whoo!
So do they [Ed and Lee] actually like each other here?  What’s going on?
“I'm assuming you [Ed] brought one of those [clown costumes] for me [Lee]?”  “Oh.  Now, I would be into that, but they only had one.“  Hahahaha oh my Goddd...
*jams out to “Rockers” by U.K. Subs*
*Ed and Lee share a kiss*   Oooooohhhh....
“Don't just wrap me [Ed] around your finger, Lee.“  That is exactly what’s she’s doing.
“You know, it's funny, it kind of reminds me [Harvey] of my first apartment in Crown Point.”   “How long ago was that?”  “I still live there.”  Heehee...
*Ecco shoots the guards*  OOHHHHH
Wait, are they [Jeremiah and Ecco] holding each others’ arms?  Almost protectively?
I’m.. actually totally down to see where this relationship goes in this show.  I know it was mentioned that Ecco is “devoted” to Jeremiah so I’m not sure how far that goes. 
There’s definitely an implication of romance in this bit but I’m very interested in how this goes down.
Ohhhh my God...
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E19
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
Ooh!  That helicopter looks fake as crap!
AN:  It wasn’t a crash at all.
Look at all this amazing CGI...
Fish is like “Okaaaaayyy, I gotta rethink some stuff!”
“[Detective Gordon] You're a man with a reputation.“  OK...
“I [Officer Moore] was wondering if you [Jim] could pick up where they left off [on the cold case].“  Oh!
“Well, there's a few of us younger guys, and we've been watching what you've [Jim] been doing to clean up Gotham and the GCPD. And I want to be a part of it, and bringing you this case is my way of trying to do that.“  So we actually got an honest cop here?  All right!
Gordon’s like “Ohhh, I’m getting a reputation!  Oh yeah!”
Where’s the South Village in Gotham?  Is there like an actual map of Gotham for this show?
AN:  Technically one was shown during S4 but not really any official markings concerning certain areas
*hums along with opening theme*
“Alfred?  Where are you going?”  “Into the city, Master Bruce.“  Noooo!
Alfred... yeah, you’re not well.
“Oh dear.”  Oh dear is right!
“My granddaughter, Antonia, she's beautiful, virtuous, an angel.  And she has been seduced by a silver-tongued guitar player.“  *sarcastically*  Oh no, not the guitar player!
For the latter half of this season, they’re giving Oswald these weird B-plots.  Like one episode’s like “Oop, I’m worried about getting more booze and now I’m gonna help some lady get her daughter back!”
*spends a good 30 seconds criticizing Harvey’s idea of a perfect woman*
For some reason, Ed reminds me of a much creepier Sheldon Cooper.
“Let me [Harvey] say it in Spanish:  no.”  *chuckles*
“So, are you in or out?”  *starts singing “Are You In or Out?” from “Aladdin and the King of Thieves”*
Oh my gosh, that dude’s really tall cook’s hat!  Haaa!
Lennon?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a guy with that name in the comics.
I actually really like the color grading for these flashbacks.
Oh.  Oh, ooooohhhhh, what’s going on....
Oh I like her [Grace’s] coat.
Bruce, what are you doing?  What are you doing there [at the gun range]?
*Oswald ends up unknowingly walking past Bruce*  Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!
*Penguin orders Gabe to cut off the guitar player’s fingers*  AAAAHHH MY GOD!
“Just the man I [Lee] wanted to see.”  “Oh, don't say that.  You're gonna make Jim jealous.“  *chuckles*
“No, she [Grace] didn't run away.  She was taken.  And whoever took her kept her locked away till he was good and ready and then he killed her.  I [Jim] know it.“  Yeah, she went willingly... with him... so....
Oh my gosh, she [Fish] even painted her nails white!  Oh my God...
Those artificial candle lightbulbs... fishy...
*Doll Maker walks in on Fish in his office*  Shoooooott!
That’s a really fancy letter opener Doll Maker has...
[Fish starts fake crying about having nightmares about one of Doll Maker’s experiments]  *softly*  Oh dang....
“[Fish] So you'd rather take your own life than end up one of my [Doll Maker’s] creations?”  “Yes.“  Shooooottt....
*slaps hands on desk with each word*  Jada Pinkett Smith, everybody!
She is so good!
Oswald is just so... measly in this show...
Wait, she [Grace] had handcuffs on.  Wouldn’t there be bruising there [at her wrists]?
*jumps when Jason slams his hand down on the table*
Why did he [Jason] make her [Grace] dye her hair blonde?
*Jason reveals pictures of all of his previous victims*  OHH my God...
OH SHIT, this is the Ogre!
*immediately leans away from laptop*  Oh shit!
Yeah, Maroni’s definitely going to die this season.
*Fish and some men try to escape*  Goooo go go go!
*Doll Maker pulls out a night stick on Fish*  Whaat?!?
Oh they’re [Fish’s group of escapees] gonna take the helicopter!  Ooohh...
Where did Fish learn how to fly a helicopter?
I like when they use snow in this show.  It looks really pretty.
*jaw drops when Fish gets shot in the side*
“Which makes me wonder how did you catch this?”  “I told you a fellow officer asked me to look into it.“  *slams hands on desk and reels back*  SHIT!
Shit, the dude’s an operative!  Ooohhh...
His [Reggie’s] eyes are really red...
Oh my gosh, the actor who plays Reggie is so Scottish...
It’s the Scotsman from “Samurai Jack”
*jaw drops when Selina shoves Reggie out the window* 
DUDE!  YO!  Selina, why?
“I'm gonna find The Ogre and I'm gonna put him behind bars.  And when I've done that, I'm [Jim] coming after you.  I'm coming after you, Commissioner. You're done.”  *hums in panic*
*End credits start playing*  AAAHHH...
*ends up boogie-ing out to ending theme*
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