#ohhhh angel kitty ...
araminakilla · 2 years
Something silly regarding the Shrek Universe logic.
If one princess like Fiona can make birds explode, and others like Snow White can call and use the animals at her will to attack enemies (to the tune of Inmigrant Song)... what could happen if Death Wolf sings?
Everyone (especially Puss) could expect something apocalyptic and destructive to happen, but if the Wolf is given a chance to play a guitar on a stage or in the forest and sing, at the first verse the skies would open and heavenly creatures would descend expecting to pick up a fallen hero as some stories despict.
Death Wolf: 🎶Who is your favorite, fearless hero? Who is you~🎶
(The skies open and two angels descend from the Heavens)
Angel #39349292: You called good sir?
(Team Friendship is mesmerized by the otherworldly beings while Wolf gives a heavy sigh, both annoyed and ashamed)
Death: See? This (points at the angels) is why I can't sing in peace!
Perrito: Ohhhh, so that's why you only get to whistle.
Puss: You... you can call-?
Death: Tell anyone about this and you are gato muerto.
Angel #45369231: So I suppose that's the hero we are suppose to carry.
Kitty: He's not dead!
Angel #45369231: (to Death) Are you going to kill him now?
Death: No! Claro que no!
Angel #39349292:
Angel #39349292: Are we supposed to kill him-
Death, Puss and Kitty: NO
(The mortals and inmortals get into a miscommunication argument that last for an hour or more)
Angel #45369231: (annoyed) You know what? If you're planning to make a concert, warn us first. It ain't easy to descend to the Mortal Realm every time you decide to be King David. Goodbye.
(Angel disappears)
Angel #39349292: (To Puss) See you at the end of your last life!
(Other angel disappears. Team friendship and Wolf are silent for a moment until Kitty speaks)
Kitty: (smirking) Have anyone told you that you have a heavenly voice?
Death: (hiding his face with his hood) Cállate Softpaws.
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Well, Charlie may want to play a game at the hazbin hotel so that everyone can get to know each other better, but she may have to persuade her father to participate in it. and alastor can help her with that.
Can you make a lee like this with lucifer and lers alastor and charlie honey (maybe a little bit of vaggie)
thank you!
No problem!
Pressuring Persuasion
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Summary: Charlie set up a bonding exercise for the group and Lucifer doesn’t want to play, Charlie helps change his mind with the help of a few guests…
Charlie wanted to do something, the group hadn’t done anything in quite a while everyone’s been busy cleaning up after the last extermination and Charlie wanted to do something to lift everyone’s spirits, but what?
Charlie and Vaggie sat in Charlie’s room, Vaggie on her phone on Charlie’s bed and Charlie was at her desk with a pencil and some paper brainstorming ideas.
“Ughhh I can’t think of anything!” Charlie exclaimed, defeated and throwing what felt like the hundredth paper ball across the room. “Well what is it that you want to do?” Vaggie asked her, looking up from her phone.
“I want to set up a game for everyone to play, we haven’t played a game in a long time!” Charlie replied, dropping her head on her desk and groaning in defeat.
“Why not have them play a game of tag? It’s good practice for extermination day because of the running and a game all in one.” Vaggie told her and Charlie shot up from her desk with an excited expression.
“Yes that’s perfect thank you Vaggie!” Charlie cried, rushing over and wrapping her girlfriend in a bone crushing hug. “Y-You’re….welcome.” Vaggie gasped and Charlie set her down with a sheepish laugh.
“Now come on let’s go down to the parlor!” Charlie told Vaggie and rushed out of the room with Vaggie behind her.
They walked down the dimly lit hallway, talking about the next Extermination Day and what they could do to prepare when they reached the foot of the stairs and looked out into the parlor.
It was only four people. Angel was sitting and flirting at the bar with Husk, Niffty was chasing bugs with her dagger and Alastor was sat on the couch with a cup of tea.
Charlie smiled and looked at Vaggie before scaling the staircase down to the parlor. “Hello my dear, wonderful weather we’re having are we not?” Alastor spoke up from his tea and nodded to where it was pouring rain outside.
“Well it’s raining so I wouldn’t really say that.” Charlie replied with a smile and pulled a megaphone out of nowhere. “Hey everyone I’m looking to play a game with you guys are you interested in participating?” Charlie spoke through the megaphone catching the parlor’s attention.
“Yeah sure I’ll play Princess what’d you have in mind?” Angel spoke first, crossing one of his sets of arms behind his head with a grin. “We’re going to be playing a game of tag!” Charlie chirped and Angel chuckled.
“Oh I am a boss at that game of course I’m playing what about you Kitty?” Angel asked, turning to the bartender. “Yeah sure I’ll play, don’t got anything else to do anyway.” Husk replied, setting down the glass he was cleaning.
“Ooohh I’ll play I’ll play!” Niffty exclaimed, scurrying up to and scaling Angel’s back to sit on his top set of shoulders. “Alright great and what about you Alastor?” Charlie asked, turning her attention towards the deer.
“Mmm why not it could be fun after all.” Alastor answered, standing up and looking around, “Although we do seem to be missing someone.” He finished, “Really who are we missing?” Charlie asked, raising a brow and looking around before realization hit her.
“Ohhhh my dad! But I don’t know where he is and this won’t call him.” Charlie sounded sad, holding up her megaphone. Alastor thought for a moment before handing her his microphone staff. “Really Alastor? You don’t let anyone touch this.” Charlie sounded awed at the opportunity.
“Yes well I suppose I can make an exception.” Alastor grinned, folding his arms behind his back. “Alright then thank you.” Charlie told him before speaking into the mic.
“Dad can you please come down to the parlor? I have something important to tell you.” Charlie spoke and it echoed through the hotel before Charlie handed the staff back to its owner with a smile.
A few moments later a red and gold portal appeared in front of them and Lucifer stepped out, brushing himself off before looking around. “Charlie! What is it you called me down here for?” Lucifer asked her, looking around and noticing that everyone was here.
“I see everyone else is here as well.” Lucifer commented and Charlie grinned, “Acute observation Dad, I called you down here because we’re going to play a game.” Charlie applauded excitedly.
“Oh? And what game is that?” Lucifer asked her, twirling his cane behind his back, “Tag! Everyone loves tag, everyone here is playing I know that, but will you?” Charlie asked her father, hope shining in her eyes but unfortunately this is one of the things he couldn’t say yes to, tag was a silly game.
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline Char Char, tag is quite a silly human game that I will not be taking part in.” Lucifer stated, looking up at her with defiance
One thing he did not expect was for her to stare back with equal defiance, “Are you sure you want to do that Dad?” Charlie asked him, a grin playing on her mouth.
Curious as to what this little threat meant he grinned challengingly right back and said, “Yes I am what are you gonna do about it?” Lucifer challenged but then she did something that almost broke him.
“Alright then you asked for it.” Charlie snickered and took a deep breath before closing her eyes and putting both hands together under her chin, crouching down to eye level with her father and reopening and giving Lucifer the most adorable puppy eyes she could muster.
“Pleeeeease Dad” Charlie grinned and almost burst out laughing at his strained facial expression and noted the way his grip tightened on his cane. “Come on..Charlie you know it’s not fair to use that..” Lucifer stammered, having trouble fighting off Charlie’s charm.
“Pleeeease papa!” Charlie pleaded with him and he froze, turning around to avert his gaze from hers as he heard her start to snicker. “Okay first off that’s not fair and second sorry Char Char but my answer still stands.” Lucifer re-stated, planting his cane on the floor.
He heard Charlie sigh before going quiet and he turned his head to see her thinking and the rest of the parlor watching this hilarious scene play out but he turned quickly back around right before she looked back up so she couldn’t see his mock-careless face as he started mindlessly brushing himself off.
Very slowly Charlie crept up behind him, being careful not to startle him until she got within attack distance and quickly so he couldn’t stop her, she planted her hands at the top of his back and raked her fingernails down his back before quickly jumping out of the way as Lucifer yelped and his wings flared and fluffed up behind him.
“C-Charlie?” Lucifer began, seeing her playful expression as he was suddenly hyperaware of what she was about to do. “Are you sure you don’t want to play dad? I’m giving you one more chance.” Charlie grinned at Lucifer who had now fully turned around and was backing away from his slowly advancing daughter.
Then someone stepped up to help Charlie which really made him nervous, Vaggie. Vaggie was also a fallen angel so this wouldn’t be easy. “Yep I’m sure!” Lucifer told them and with that spun on his heel and took off down one of the corridors, using his wings to boost his speed.
Quickly Vaggie’s own wings flared out and she flapped after him with Charlie running on foot, they would catch him eventually. Lucifer ran and ran and ran until he couldn’t hear Charlie’s pounding footsteps or Vaggie’s wing beats anymore so he stopped for a moment, leaning forward with his hands on his knees catching his breath.
When he finally thought he was safe…”Rule number one Your Highness, never relax when you’re being hunted.” Vaggie’s smooth voice spoke from behind him and suddenly two strong arms wrapped around him and hoisted him into the air and carrying him down the hall.
Anyone else he would’ve killed right then and there for whoever dared to touch the King of Hell in such a way but he knew who this was and he couldn’t kill his precious daughter’s girlfriend so he just had to let himself be carried to wherever the fellow angel was taking him.
“Vahaggie dear whehere are we gohoing?” Lucifer sheepishly asked the girl who grinned down at him, “Were going back to the parlor Your Majesty, Charlie has plans for you.” Vaggie replied and that answer sent shivers down his spine, what kind of ‘plans’ was she talking about?
When they arrived at the parlor everyone was still there but they were doing their own thing now waiting for Charlie to start the game but Charlie and that stupid Bellhop were nowhere to be seen, how odd.
Vaggie carried Lucifer over to the couch and sat him down, “You might want to lay back Your Highness, Charlie and Alastor went for some errands they probably won’t be back for a bit.” Vaggie informed him and he only shrugged, seemed logical enough.
He inspected the couch for any hidden traps before laughing at himself, why would this piece of furniture be rigged? Pushing that thought away Lucifer relaxed and laid back on the cushions to wait for Charlie and Alastor.
Shortly after he’d laid down he started to feel a darker presence behind him and just as he moved to look he felt a slithery thing pull both his arms above his head and two more slithery things wrap around his torso and start prodding at his upper body pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Whahahat the hehehell?!” Lucifer swore, confused by this random attack until he opened one eye and looked at what was restraining him, a black shadowy tendril, Alastor. “Ahalahahastohohor whehehere are you I swehehehear when I cahahahatch you! Lucifer threatened but then heard a new voice.
“Oh that won’t be necessary, you didn’t seriously think I would abandon our fun little chase did you Dad?” Charlie’s voice spoke but with his eyes closed again he didn’t know where she was until he felt a weight settle on top of him.
He opened his eyes again and noticed Charlie was sitting on his thighs pinning him down with a grin. “Charlie…what are you doing..?” Lucifer asked her, nervousness quickly growing in his tone.
“You don’t wanna play my game so I’m gonna change your mind!” She answered, raising her hands and wiggling her fingers at him making him flinch back with a nervous grin. “Charlie…don’t even start.” Lucifer warned her, “Oh don’t worry I won’t be starting, she will.” Charlie grinned and pointed somewhere above her.
Before he had the chance to look he felt two hands prodding his underarms and two big fluffy things brush up against his sides, he knew immediately who this was, there was only one other fallen angel in the hotel…
“Vahahahaggie dehehehear plehehehehease!” Lucifer giggled as he was playfully attacked, “Please what Your Majesty? I’m afraid you’re going to have to elaborate.” Vaggie’s teasing voice spoke from above him making him let out a flustered whine and scrunch his shoulders up as Vaggie’s wings moved higher to brush along his jaw and ears.
“You didn’t forget about me did you Dad? I’m hurt really” Charlie’s voice suddenly broke his thoughts again as she reached her hands up and started dancing her fingers along his ribs making him snort. “Chahahaharliehehe!” Lucifer yelped as Charlie hit a particularly bad spot, “Yes Dad?” Charlie teased him but he only shook his head with another quiet snort.
“CHAHahahahaHAHARLIE WAHAhahahahaHAHAIT!!” Lucifer yelped loudly when Charlie moved down and behind her to knead at Lucifer’s thighs, “Bad spot Dad?” Charlie grinned at him and continued the playful onslaught.
“Are you gonna play or do you still want to hold out?” Charlie asked him, keeping one hand on Lucifer’s thigh and amplifying the pressure while the other came to skitter over his stomach making the King buck.
“NOHohohohoho WAHahahahaHAHAY!!” Lucifer remained defiant but that’s when Charlie got an idea that was sure to get her dad to submit. “Alright then you asked for it.” Charlie grinned evilly at him before she quietly instructed Alastor to pull one of Lucifer’s shoes off so she could get him there.
As soon as Lucifer felt one of Alastor’s tendrils fiddling with his boot he started panicking “Waitwaitwait Chahahahaharliehehe dohohohon’t we can tahahahalk about thihihis!” Lucifer tried pleading with her but the moment he saw Charlie’s tail flicking playfully behind her he knew his fate was sealed.
“One more chance Dad will you play?” Charlie asked him, by now the whole parlor was watching this go down and Vaggie had already pulled her hands and wings away to watch but something told him those would be returning very soon.
Lucifer stared up at her with defiance he didn’t even recognize in himself when he spoke the words he would soon come to regret. “Do your worst.” Lucifer challenged and her eyes grew wide before giggles started slipping out of her mouth and she started undoing his coat.
“Oh you should’ve have said that Your Majesty.” Vaggie spoke up, and Lucifer quickly understood what she meant by the mischievous glint now in Charlie’s eye as she pushed his coat out of the way and yanked his shirt up.
“Oh you really shouldn’t have said that.” Alastor spoke up, watching this whole fiasco with his still ever present grin. Charlie looked up at Lucifer as a silent question of “Ready?” When he nodded her tail reached back to rake over the sole of his foot and she ducked her head and blew a large raspberry on his stomach right above his naval.
Lucifer immediately jerked and bucked, loud laughter quickly flowing out of him with no hope of stopping unless she did “C-CHAHAHAHAHAHARLIEHEHEHE!!” Lucifer screeched, “Wohow I didn’t expect that!” Vaggie exclaimed, still prodding at Lucifer’s underarms.
“He can be very stubborn, you change your mind Dad?” Charlie asked him, momentarily pausing the tickling so he could answer her. He lay there a moment, catching his breath then he looked up at Charlie and challenged her again, “No. Way.” Lucifer grinned because to be honest he was having fun but he couldn’t let the others know that, he was the King of Hell for heavens sake!
Charlie only shrugged and instructed Vaggie to step back so she did, pulling her hands away and going to stand by Angel before Charlie shifted her attention back to Lucifer who stared back up at her.
“Alright then, this should do it!” Charlie exclaimed before continuing with her earlier process but this time adding her hands to the mix to drill into his hips. Lucifer arched off the couch with a giggly scream before falling back down and laughing hysterically.
“CHAHAHAHAHARLIEHEHE WAHAHAHAHAIT PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Lucifer pleaded with her but she only grinned and continued, he knew she wouldn’t stop unless he submitted, gosh his daughter always knew how to get things out of him.
“OKAHAHAHAY CHAHAHAHARLIE YOU WIHIHIN YOU WIHIHIN I’LL PLAHAHAHAY!” Lucifer cackled and finally it stopped as quickly as it started, and Charlie sat up with a triumphant grin and started laughing at Lucifer’s face.
Lucifer stared up at her completely bewildered and slightly proud by this ruthlessness coming from Charlie. “Since when did you get so ruthless little apple?” Lucifer sat up with a grin, poking Charlie in the face.
“I’m not sure to be honest but I’m glad I did~” Charlie still teased him, wiggling her fingers at him and laughing again when he scrambled away from her and pointed an accusatory finger at her.
“Don’t start again.” Lucifer grinned, “Alright we got him to play can we start now?” Angel piped up and Charlie clapped excitedly, “Yes we can!” Charlie exclaimed and quickly bolted up to Angel and tapped him on the shoulder, “You’re it!” Charlie exclaimed before laughing as Husk yowled and took off as Angel set his sights on the cat demon.
Maybe agreeing to play wasn’t too bad after all.
(Sorry this one took a while but it was fun thank you! ^^)
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subskz · 7 months
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Me and Fefe!! im just consumed with love for him rn.. ahav acaha avk acaksnwjs
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Ohhhh yeahhh
Madly in love
Na nana na
Tight as fuck
Crushing on Catboy Anon (according to Tumblr's notifs)
Ahahah ughhhh I love him; Fefe come home pls, pss pss psspsp spspspspspspppsss pspsps
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please 😭😭😭 words cant describe how much i love that post it’s so fefe…sweet angel kitty who deserves to be covered in lipstick marks ♡ the first pic of him and his big curious kitten eyes is so devastating
i thought u were singing a song at first and tried looking up the lyrics LMAOO but now im starting to think this is an original pink acrostic poem written in a fefe-induced daze…i hope you’re alright babe 😭🙏
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rhodesrider · 2 years
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Bloodline x Little! Black! Fem Reader
SFW! 18+! Minors DNI!
Warnings: Age Regression, Affirmation Names, Crying
After a long day of work and school beating your brain like mush you got in the door and sighed in relief sitting down finally. You dropped your bag down and laid your head back on the couch stressed. All your classes have you this pit of anxiety and made you worry and sick to your stomach. That’s why most of the time your little around Roman and the twins and solo.
Solo was listening to music coming from downstairs looking up seeing you. “Hey mamas.” He smiled and kissed your forehead going to sit with you. You waved a bit and still had a worried face about your work. “What’s the matter angel?” He put his music away and he got closer to you, you look at him putting on a fake smile. “I’m fine baby.” You say but solo knew better. “You looked stressed out baby. Is it school again? You’ve been doing good with your classes.” You just shrug irritated about it now because there’s a class that’s at a low grade. It’s not the end of it you can still pass it but it’s just hard. You look at your phone about the scores and what the professor said to you about your grades. It soon starting messing with you. Solo saw the tears starting to swell in your eyes making you sniffle and he quickly took your phone away and grabbed you getting you on his hip kissing your cheek.
“You wanna go and see your others daddy’s too?”
You nod quick wanting to forget this stressful day and slowly just slip. Solo got you up stairs to your room changing you and getting you in more comfy wear. You were still sad shedding tears still in a slipping process. Solo got your pajamas on and kissed the tears away, then looking that the large Afro puff you had in a pony tail. “Hmmm imma need help.” He texted Jimmy to come in for the hair. Jimmy knocked and walked in smiling. “Hey pretty baby.” You wave lightly and Jimmys smile kind of disappeared. “She’s not fully little yet.” Solo informed. “Ohhhh lemme fix that.” He smiles again and get the hair equipment ready but first getting her teething necklace and a squish mellow to hold. “Ok don’t get me wrong but you were holding Mario all week and King is pretty Jealous.” He held the big sting ray to his ear nodding. “Yea he’s sad that you forgot alllll about him.” You frown sniffling some. “Nuuuu! I sorry king!” You reach for him more and Jimmy happily gives you the plush.
Jimmy finished up braiding your hair in two as you and solo were watching some hello kitty YouTube shows. “Ok princess all done! Now let’s see about bonnets.” He looked around and grabbed two he picked out. “Let’s see light blue or pink?” You sat there for a minute looking at them and then your pjs not sure. “I think the pink matches so let’s do that.” Jimmy puts it on covering your eyes a bit making you giggle. “Sounds like someone is extra little today.” Jimmy informed Solo and he nodded. He’s honest still learning as well, so extra little usually means 3 years old to 5 years old besides the usual middle age 8 you are.
Jimmy carried you out on your hip going in the theater chill room where Roman and Jey were. “Is that my babydoll?” Roman looked up before Jey and smiles. “Dada!” You giggle as Jey ran up to you tickling you. “Munchkin! You know I missed you more than anyone in here.” He smiled grabbing you. Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Sure.” “Is she ok now?” Roman asked as he went over to give kisses as you sat on Jey’s lap. “Shes ok I got her phone too.” Solo tossed Roman your phone and you reached a bit for it. “Here baby.” Jey gave you your black pacifier, making you immediately forget your phone and you played with his dog tags on his chest. Roman got solo to the side. “What triggered her?” “Stressin about school. It happened slow too…” Roman nodded and smiled kissing your cheek. “You wanna watch some TV mamas?” You nodded quick still on Jey and bounced some as they put the tv on to your favorite show.
About two hours in, you started to yawn. “Ooo sounds like someone gettin sleepy.” He smirked and he picked you up. “Nuuu dadas more Bluey…” You babbled some as you were getting more sleepy. “Romie is gonna tuck you in thou. And he’s got a good book for you.” He informed and you suddenly stopped moving. “Ok..” You agreed and they went ahead back to your room. “Hi princess.” He was already in the room, with a new Disney princess book and some warm milk in a sippy cup to help you sleep. Roman took you from Jey, but before that he gave you a bunch of kisses on your face. “You get some good sleep ok mamas?” You nod and he waved saying goodnight. Roman got you in bed and tucked you in giving you the bottle, tasting the milk you were happy he remembered to put vanilla in it. “So what princess tonight baby girl?” You just shrugged honest not able to choose. Roman looked at the book and decided to pick Mulan.
“You know baby, Mulan reminds me of you.”
You looked confused as you handed him your cup getting ready for bed. “Dada im a princess like her?” He nodded. “Yes. A brave one. You have a lots on your plate when you’re my big girl. And yet you get it done and it’s so amazing. You’re very strong too.” He smiled. “Like dadas?” He chuckled. “Yes like dadas. Very strong. But what if I told you Rommie wasn’t strong all the time?” You gasp a bit. “Yea I know. Sometimes JJ and Jimmys isn’t that strong or dada solo. But you make us strong princess.” You smile hiding your face a bit embarrassed. “But we still get stuff done and we work out anything that’s making us feel icky.” You nodded. “Schools makes me icky and cry.” He nodded agreeing. “I know. But that’s where you think of your Dadas and be strong. You can get it done mamas.” He kissed your forehead and went to turn on the nightlight. The room was soon filled with beautiful stars and you smile your eyes getting heavy. “I love you babygirl. You sleep tight.” He watched as you went to sleep fully.
“You’re gonna be ok baby.”
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darksideconal2556 · 1 month
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Kratos In The Helluvaverse E2: A god among the demons.
the events from the extermination day have transpired since Kratos’s arrival, and now he has met with the Radio Demon Alastor and is heading off to the Hazbin Hotel.
Alastor: well here we are, you know I still think you might like here Kratos:
Kratos: it is only for me to stay for a while Alastor
They walk inside
Angel Dust: oh come on kitty you know ya wanna- (notices Kratos) well well so you’re the one so killed Val. I must say congrats man, but also I think you deserve a reward
Kratos: whatever that might be I am not interested.
Angel Dust: you sure baby, cuz you never what four arms can do for you.
Kratos: I told you! I am not interested! Now leave or you may end up like Valentino.
Angel Dust: alright alright it’s loss though.
Alastor: well now that he’s out of the way let me go grab someone, in the meantime just simply chat and chill.
Husker: hey big guy, wanna drink or something?
Kratos: hmm, fine.
Husker: alright what will it be?
Kratos: lemnian wine.
Husker: really? You must be Greek (makes drink) here you go
Kratos: (drinks the whole thing in one go)
Husker: damn you chugged down the whole thing. Where ya from by the way?
Kratos: I am from Sparta.
Husker: yep definitely Greek.
[Lucifer runs through the door]
Lucifer: Charlie?!? Are you here? (Sees Kratos) so there are you. The ghost of Sparta himself, Kratos.
Kratos: you know of me?
Lucifer: of course, the seven sins and I know of your story Spartan, why are you here in the first place?
Kratos: I did not come here by choice, I was pulled here by a portal.
Lucifer: hmm, very odd and interesting but do you intend on destroying Hell Kratos?
Kratos: I do not seek to destroy this Hell, only Zeus.
Lucifer: and how do you plan to kill him this time Kratos?
Kratos: by retrieving Pandora’s box and using the power to kill a god, the same one I used to destroy Ares.
Lucifer: hmm, if you say is true Kratos, you have my trust for now. You aren’t really supposed to be here so I highly suggest you find your back to your time. I would start by seeking Stolas. He knows a lot more of stuff than I do and or if you can ask his Imp friends. Also take this weapon Kratos and use it to defeat your enemies.
[you have gained the sword of Lucifer]
Lucifer: that’s all I offer you for now, good luck Spartan.
Nifty: ohhhh is this a new bad boy? (Chuckles)
Kratos: why is this a small cyclops here?
Husker: oh that’s nifty, she’s completely harmless plus she cleans a lot.
Nifty: say you’ve got blood on the gold shoulder thing, here let me clean that. (Cleans very quickly) all done.
Alastor: haha, I see you already met Nifty but anyway, Kratos meet Charlie the Princess of Hell.
Charlie: hello Kratos, it’s nice to meet you.
Kratos: you are the princess of hell?
Charlie: yes
Kratos: then who is the king of hell?
Charlie: oh that would be Lucifer. He’s my dad.
Kratos: wait, does your father have an odd looking helmet?
Charlie: what? Ohh you mean a hat, yea he does.
Kratos: he was just here a couple of minutes ago. He appeared knew who I was. But do you know of me?
Charlie: no, I have never heard of you before until now.
Kratos: then tell me Charlie, what is this place supposed to be?
Charlie: well it’s a place for sinners to be redeemed and to get them into heaven. But we haven’t been so lucky.
Kratos: you are trying to achieve the impossible.
Charlie: yea, but also anyone is welcome to stay for as long as they want, you gonna stay for a bit right?
Kratos: until tomorrow yes, but for now I must rest.
Charlie: and Kratos one more thing, will you be rehabilitating with us?
Kratos: I will think about that.
Alastor: well that went quite well, Charlie my dear you seem pretty concerned about our new guest.
Charlie: yes but I get the feeling that something is very wrong with him. Like something terrible happened.
Vaggie: if that’s the case then we should be careful.
Charlie: I know Vaggie, but I know there’s good in him. A small chance of hope is all it takes after all.
as Kratos went off to rest he was still haunted by the memories of his past and the current events that happened hours ago.
[inside Kratos’s mind]
Zeus: Athena is dead! Because of the rage that consumed you Kratos! What more will you destroy?!
Hades: and I have not forgotten that is you who butchered my beautiful queen!
Helios: I have not forgotten the debt I owe you. (Coughs blood) save me now, as you once saved me from Atlas.
Hermes: Kratos is on a fool’s errand. Again
Hercules: a fierce warrior!, a killer made hero!, a man made a god!
Cronos: the murder of Gaia enters my tomb?!
Ares: I was trying to make you a great warrior!
Deimos: brother?
Kratos: Deimos?
Deimos: brother it’s me, they’re coming for me brother you have to find me.
Kratos: who? Who is after you Deimos?
Deimos: I don’t have time, but you must find me in env- (screams)
Kratos: Deimos?!? Deimos what’s happening?!??!? Deimos?!!?! (Hears a mechanical breathing sound) what are you?
Mysterious figure: (chuckles) you will out soon enough, Kratos.
The next morning Kratos went to talk with Charlie.
Kratos: Charlie, your father mentioned of a man named Stolas and also his imp friend do you know of where they are?
Charlie: oh yes, I know Stolas he’s all the way in Imp city. But you’ll have to take a train to get there.
Kratos: What is a train?
Alastor: hahaha, perhaps I shall take you there.
Charlie: oh and Kratos one more thing (gives him a stone)
Kratos: what is this?
Charlie: it’s some kind of teleport crystal thing. My dad gave to me a while. Now if you need to get a bad situation, hit the stone on the ground and it will take you right back to the hotel.
Kratos: thank you Charlie and farewell.
Charlie: good luck and I hope we see each other again.
Kratos and Alastor arrived at the station .
Kratos: so this train is a powered horse?
Alastor: um yes you could say that. You know something this reminds of a time where I met a human and made a deal with him on this station.
Kratos: you met a mortal before I was here?
Alastor: yes but that’s a story for another day, you best get on your train Spartan.
Kratos: farewell Alastor
Alastor: we will soon meet again ghost of Sparta.
With his time done in pentagram city, Kratos now take a ride on an old blue E2 train model all the way to Imp city.
An hour later Kratos had final made it to Imp city.
Kratos: hmm, (notices a building with horns on the side)
Kratos enters the I.M.P. Building.
Kratos: no one is here.
Bltizø: in this office.
Kratos enters blitzø’s office.
Bltizø: Hi Bltiz the O is silent and- oh hang on you’re that red tattoo guy.
Kratos: you have heard of me?
Blitzø: yea you’re like all over social media and the news.
Kratos: hmm, Blitz I seek a man named stolas do you know of him?
Bltizø: yea I know him, he lets me borrow his grimoire so I can do my job. And our job is basically going to the human world and assassinating our targets, but my employees aren’t here right now cuz they more important stuff to do.
Kratos: can this grimoire open portals to different timelines?
Blitzø: um not sure but you can ask stolas.
Kratos: then we should go to talk to him.
Bltizø: wait you just want to go talk him right away?
Kratos: do you see any other choice here?
Blitzø: well no but it’s better not being a lazy ass but hell let’s go, also what’s your name by the way?
Kratos: I am Kratos
Bltizø: Kratos Kratos got it. Can I call you kra?
Kratos: no.
Bltizø: ha! That was worth it
And so Krtaos and Bltizø now make their way to Stolas’s home. But I have a feeling that someone in background is planning something big.
Mysterious figure: all of hell has no idea what I’m planning for.
God: you mean what we are planning for right?
Mysterious figure: of course, do you have Satan’s form?
God: yes (menacing laughter) oh Ghost of Sparta we are coming for you.
End of E2
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hi hello my anglest angel!!! now that i have uh caught a breath from the knight!sugu fic (i went insane btw) i am here to talk about the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO GOOD!!!!!! i know you said that you have Thoughts about them and now i am beggggging to hear more about those!!! please please please more knight!sugu n brat!reader crumbs i loved them so much
there’s nobody better than you // it took me a while till i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while till i knew
sad face emoji sugu the all-knowing-one sighhhhh oh i adore him so much ari i nEED TO HUG HIM
I LOVE RISES THE MOON AAAAAAAA I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH i think it fits the reader so fucking well. it's such a good pick for them. the little lamb the little fox. sigh they're very dear to me already.
btw i just realized that i asked moss a while ago for their knight!sugu songs and "tongues and teeth" was one of the songs!!!!!! idk if u happened to see that but if not then this is a very cute little coincidence it's the knight hivemind!!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
no but overall all of these songs were perfect for them i listened to the playlist multiple times and then i listened to classical music lmao don't ask it fit surprisingly well OKAY BUT NOW DON'T HOLD BACK ON ME!!!!! (THREAT!!!! VERY SERIOUS THREAT!!!) I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING YOU'RE HIDING IN YOUR BRAIN ABOUT THEM LAY IT ALL ON ME SWEETHEART I'M GIDDY I'M EXCITED I'M READY!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS<33333
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I’M HERE I’M HERE I’M FINALLY HERE 😭😭😭 pls ignore the fact that i’m many months late ok my brain refuses to cooperate with me sometimes but i’ve been soso excited to answer this properly!!!! this got . Extremely long. like. actually. i got VERY carried away . i’m sorry i genuinely can’t stfu when it comes to them <///3
anyway !!!!! knight!sugu & bratty royal!reader our beloveds :333
first off!!!! i’m sooo glad to hear you enjoyed the songs 🥺🥺🥺 and that you got knight!sugu/royalty!reader vibes from them too!!!!! i’m just gonna get right into it bc we have . a Lot to discuss 😭😭 i really didn’t hold back in the slightest AND ON THAT NOTE pls just know that there’s literally zero pressure to reply to this at all, esp since it’s so late!!! i’m so happy just knowing you think of these silly little guys 🥺 i love you soooo much my sweetest little kitty cat mwah MWAHH <333
goodbye, my danish sweetheart
MY FAVORITE MITSKI SONG EVER EVER EVERRR and honestly i think it fits the fic more than any other song on this list . like. just the vibes + instrumentals alone are sooo perfect for a royalty au…. it sounds nostalgic and bittersweet and very tender . and the LYRICS 😵‍💫😵‍💫ohhhh my fucking god mickey . i’m gonna need to go through them one by one but they just … make me think of royalty!reader so much . how they just want to be accepted. the feelings of inferiority …. the belief that nobody can love them as they are . :(((
there's nobody better than you // it took me a while 'til i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while 'til i knew now i lay as i study a blank wall // would you spare me your voice if i call? // ’cause you waited and watered my heart 'til it grew // you can see how it’s blossomed for you
THIS IS SOOOO READER @ SUGU. he’s the one who keeps pushing and fighting for a connection between them and reader keeps resisting until they just . can’t. and they really do think there’s nobody better than their knight !! nobody stronger or kinder. they love him sm :(((( every time they call for him he’s there. and he waters their tiny little heart until it’s not afraid to flourish anymore…..
there’s some kind of burning inside me // it’s kept me from falling apart // and i’m sure that you've seen what it's done to my heart // but it's kept me from falling apart
AND THEN THIS . oughhh . :(((( this is both royalty!reader AND knight!sugu…… they both keep their true self at arm’s lenght to protect themselves. and they both cling to something rotten to keep themselves intact. in reader’s case they cling to the idea of themself as a spoiled, bratty, scummy royal — cling to the anger and bitterness they feel . and suguru clings to knighthood. it burns him but it makes him feel alive. it’ll turn him to ashes but he doesn’t mind. etectc.
strawberry blonde
aaaand then another mitski banger :33 i picked this one mostly based on vibes !!! the instrumental just sounds like it could fit into this au … the more peaceful scenes between the two . but the lyrics are also just brimming with devotion and adoration..
i love everybody because i love you // when you stood up, walked away barefoot // and the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape // i looked over it and i ached i love it when you call my name // can you hear the bumblebees swarm? // watching your arm // i love it when you look my way
IT’S PERFECT BECAUSE . i think the lyrics work both ways !!! i can see both sets of lyrics being from reader’s pov; loving suguru makes it easier for them to love the world . they want him to call them by name. but it also works well from sugu’s pov…. he aches for them and yearns to follow them . he loves it when they call his name, too. they’re both yearners…. what can i say…..
rises the moon
ANOTHER VIBE-BASED SONGGG i also love this one mickey … it’s so beautiful and soothing :((( i imagine it playing during the scene where suguru shares a bit of his past with reader . sitting by the windowsill in their room as the moon glows….. and then he carries them to bed and tucks them in :) i can picture him humming them to sleep with this song.
oh-oh, close your weary eyes // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to darken fading summer skies you’ll be visited by sleep // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to steal away each dream you keep breathe, breathe, breathe
and the lyrics are just ???? soooo incredibly soothing. i think knight!sugu brings a lot of peace into reader’s life . they feel very safe with him. and the mentions of dreams and seasons feel fitting, since those are motifs in the fic :3
honestly !! i associate a lot of my character/reader pairings with seasons …. especially this one though. i’m also always thinking about your little knight and prince and how he’s the summer to their spring :3 in my case i think suguru is probably reader’s autumn!! a bridge that softens the gap between summer and winter…. he gives them stability and comfort. and they give him both summer and winter. he meets them right in the middle <33
tongues & teeth
HEAVY BREATHING …… this one is a Must for any knight character or pairing . any character who views themself as a monster . I DID SEE THIS ON MOSS’S PLAYLIST TOO AND THEY’RE SO BIGBRAINED FOR THAT !!!!! it’s just… oughh. i think i mostly associate this one with suguru’s rampage after reader gets kidnapped but the lyrics are more readercoded !!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear oh, i will ruin you // it’s a habit, i can't help it // i know that you mean so well // but i am not a vessel for your good intent i will only break your pretty things // i will only wring you dry of everything // but if you're fine with that // if you're fine with that…
IT’S ABOUT . the violence . and tenderness. a person who thinks they’ll bring this brighter, kinder, more ”pure” person nothing but pain . reader assumes they’re too much for anyone to handle so they keep everyone at arm’s lenght . i think they view the people they admire as paintings. and they’re convinced they’ll smudge the canvas if they get too close . but deep down they want to be accepted, claws and all :(((
and suguru does!!! they both accept each other as they are . a fox and a wolf. suguru will let reader bite and hiss and claw at him as much as they need. he won’t love them any less . and reader sees suguru covered in blood, manic and frenzied, and still only thinks about how beautiful he is . how nice their name sounds when it’s falling from his lips . they don’t love each other despite their flaws or because of their flaws . they just like each other. scratch marks and all . i’m normal abt them btw
the garden
THIS ONE 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 MICKEYYYY HOLD MY HAND. this one is almost TOO perfect . i love the crane wives and so many of their songs would fit super well into this fic …. but this one is just . insane . the album cover even has a little fox 🥺 BUT AAA JUST . the instrumental and the LYRICS … i’m gonna need to really pick them apart because they’re so unbelievably perfect for royalty!reader i’m going to. scream.
the crows in the garden are laughing at my expense // drowning out all the lies that i might have told instead
OK SOOO . crows . are a bit of a motif in the fic. crows remind me a lot of suguru maybe that’s why. then there’s also the garden, which is mentioned a lot in the fic too!! all the flower imagery…
but . here’s the thing. royalty!reader is a Liar. they lie. they wear a mask. they’re not honest with their own self and not with anyone else either. and they assume everyone is looking down on them. i can picture them looking out into the garden, seeing those free crows, and imagining their cawing as mocking laughter . it drowns out the sound of their own lies . (crumbles to the floor)
my stone // my shield, my steady hand // hold your light // to the darkness in my head
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mickey ….. grabs your shoulders. i know you’ll see the vision. this is royalty!reader @ knight!sugu and it makes me . Ache . very deeply. he’s their stone. their shield, their steady hand. he holds a light to the darkness in their head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oughhhh they make me insane 😔😔😔 i think reader holds a light to suguru’s darkness too though . it’s more subtle with him but i wrote the fic with the idea that reader saves knight!suguru from his destined doom. he grows to care more for them than knighthood, which saves him from his fate, which is. breaking under the pressure of knighthood. you Get me. you must choose love Every Time.
put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat // give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes
this one is just . really fitting right??? i guess this one is more knight!sugu coded though . i can imagine him returning to the castle after a bloody duel and getting patched up by a worried little reader :((( they give him a clean blouse . maybe bite his throat a little . who knows .
…. i think they also really love the sound of his heartbeat. it helps them sleep :3
get on your knees and // dig up the garden // won’t you throw down that spade and // dig up the garden, darling? // get your hands dirty and // rip up the garden // won’t you cut down that apple tree for me?
and finally This …….. i think the garden is like. a Metaphor . you know how it is . something something reader is a flower growing under the soil…. suguru has to dig their heart up…. etcetc. but i also love the devotion of it all . the loyal knight gets on his knees and digs and digs at his lord’s request. he’s eternally devoted to their joy.
my love is sick
dies . explodes .
mickey this song …. this goddamn song….. oughhh i love madds buckley sm :((((( she’s so good!!! i adore this song and i think it fits very well for both of them but especially royalty!reader…. it goes back to the whole thing where . they think they’re unloveable. their love is ”sick.” but they still crave tenderness and companionship……
my love is sick // it’s messy and wrong // but i pray for a bit of contagion // hands without fingers // like spoons at the source // coat evenly // oh, won’t you touch me? you’re an infection // i am keeping // no matter the sepsis // you are staying my love is sick // it’s taken me whole // i’m simply a host to a haunting // ghosts without corpses // still linger in flesh // holding on to a love they keep wanting
THESE LYRICS ARE JUST . soooo good. so good. the idea that they view their love as messy and wrong but still want him to touch them . they view him as an infection because intimacy scares them so much but they still don’t want him gone.
and then the final line ….. ”holding on to a love they keep wanting”…….. yeahhh . suguru and reader are both afraid to bare their hearts to one another but they keep holding onto that love anyway.
anything, anything, anything
aaaand then finally!!! another madds buckley song :33 this one is ADORABLE and it’s just . dripping with devotion and adoration !!!! i guess i see it almost as a post-fic song ??? like. after the final scene. the culmination of their relationship. it encompasses their love for each other really really well and the lyrics are just so sweet 🥺🥺
honey, i hate wine // but i’d gladly down a bottle of your name // just to get another taste of you // a single drop not on my tongue would be a waste and i hate mornings // but i like waking next to you // you always wake up before i do // so i can sleep in your embrace and i hate time // the minutes shared will never last enough // no amount of time will ever be too much // and parting leaves a bitter taste
THESE LYRICS ….. soooo royalty!reader. they’re a little sap but they don’t want to admit it!!!! i think their love comes down to making Exceptions. like. suguru is their exception. they hate wine but they’d drink some if he brewed it for them. they hate mornings but wake up early just to get a glimpse of his sleeping face . they hate time, but cherish the clock-ticks they spend with him. they’re a little softie and i love them :(((((
we burn like gentle firewood // we yearn like vines and leaves // and we settle in the comfort of // the bones that rest beneath // and i’d stop staying home and wasting time // to keep your soul with mine
THIS IS BOTH OF THEMMMM. they burn and yearn and settle in the comfort between each other…… they’d stop staying home and stop wasting time to keep each other close .
i’d do anything, anything, anything // anything, anything, anything…
this is really like . the Core of the fic i think. especially on knight!suguru’s side . he’d do anything. there’s something very gentle and tender about this repetition and it makes me wanna cry. sniffle . i adore them mickey :((((( he’d do anything for themmmmm
BUTTTT OKAY . songs aside…… the reason it took me so long to answer this (faulty brain aside) is that i really wanted to include some siken poems for you too :’3 since his poetry inspired me sooo much when i was writing the fic!!! and so many of them are knight!sugu +/ royalty!reader coded….
i’m just gonna go through the ones that remind me of them the most !!!! :33
the way the light reflects
title of the fic was snatched right from this so ofc i had to include it 🫡🫡
the paint doesn’t move the way the light reflects, so what’s there to be faithful to? i am faithful to you, darling. i say it to the paint.
i think this. encompasses the fic. i really do. the paint and the light. the Faith. what’s there to be faithful to? well, the knight by your side has something to say. if reader is faithful to the paint then he is faithful to Them. he’s made out of it. and all reader wants is for someone to have faith in them. they’re the paint, and suguru’s the light.
i paint in his face and i paint it out again. there is a question i am afraid to ask: to supply the world with what?
and this … royalty!reader is really . confused i think. to supply the world with what? what’s their purpose? what good can someone do when they’re stuck in a castle? they don’t know, so they keep painting. and maybe that’s enough.
…. i can’t remember if i mentioned this to you before but. i imagine that reader paints suguru a Lot once the events of the fic are over. as in…… eventually a corner of their room is dedicated to him and no one else . he’s very embarrassed about it. cutie <333
portrait of fryderyk in shifting light
THIS POEM . richard siken when i fucking catch you. it’s one of my absolute favorites of his and it…. really really REALLY helped me write some scenes 😭 especially the one where reader is painting. the writing is just so beautiful and flows so well. and it fits the themes of the fic perfectly !!
i sussed the gesso into foam and white roses, stalling. i troubled the shadows and silvered his edges. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light.
silvered his edges …. something something royalty!reader @ knight!sugu . BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING …. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light. that’s another quote that really gets to the core of the fic i think….!!! both sugu and reader aren’t what they seem to be. they shift in the light!!!
i find the parts that overlap with mine and light them up in clayd and creams, yellow music singing pink, the flicker of his mouth a purple rust. his face congeals as he settles in. his hair is bronze in here, not gold: walnut, bark, and cinnamon, chipped brick tipped in ink.
OUGHHHHHH AGAIN I’M JUST . so . enamored with the way he writes 💔💔💔 the colours…. the paint……. this is what goes through reader’s head when they’re painting suguru
difficult, to be confronted with the fact of yourself. opaque in the sense of finally solid, in the sense of see me, not through me.
SEE ME NOT THROUGH ME 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yeah. reader wants to be Seen but not Discovered. suguru does both. he sees them and sees through them and stays anyway. it’s difficult to accept yourself but he does it for them. he sees the wolf and the lamb and the little fox beneath !!!! and reader sees him for the kind wolf that he is :333
litany in which certain things are crossed out
h … heavy breathing …. another of my favorite siken poems . this one was my absolute fav for a while….. it’s a really long one and there are just . soo many lines that reminds me of them!!! :((((
of course, she wakes the dragon. love always wakes the dragon and suddenly flames everywhere. i can already tell you think i’m the dragon, that would be so like me, but i’m not. i’m not the dragon. i’m not the princess either. (…) okay, so i’m the dragon. big deal. you still get to be the hero. you get magic gloves! a fish that talks! you get eyes like flashlights! what more do you want?
THE DRAGON/PRINCESS IMAGERYYYY. LOVE ALWAYS WAKES THE DRAGON !!!!!!! reader views themselves as The Dragon while suguru views them as The Princess . he’s The Hero obviously. i think reader is bitter towards suguru at the beginning for a Lot of reasons but one of them is jealousy. knights are domesticated creatures so they aren’t exactly Free but . they have more freedom than a chained royal . they get to run around in the forest and by the sea and they get to see the world :((( what more could he want?
you said i could have anything i wanted, but i just couldn’t say it out loud.
throws up blood . yeah . the knight offers his lord anything they wish for but they can’t say what they truly wish for . they can’t push the words out of their mouth .
forget the dragon, leave the gun on the table, this has nothing to do with happiness.
EXPLODES !!!!!!!! one of my favorite siken lines Ever. idk it’s just the vibes . i know you’ll understand mickey!!!!!!!! forget the dragon, this has nothing to do with happiness……
i want more applesauce. i want more seats reserved for heroes. dear forgiveness, i saved a plate for you. quit milling around the yard and come inside.
🥺🥺🥺 this line is so…. pretty. and hopeful. it makes me think more of knight!sugu than reader because i think he’s done many things he can’t forgive himself for . but the forgiveness he yearns for is just within reach . all he needs is a push. and i think reader more than anyone wants the better things in life — for themselves and for their knight.
suguru is passive in his suffering, but reader is willing to reach for what they want. and i think that inspires him. quit milling around the yard and come inside!!!!!! stupid silly knight >:((
unfinished duet
this is knight!suguru’s anthem . boy oh boy do i have thoughts about this ……
he wants to be tender and merciful. that sounds overly valorous. sounds like penance. and his hands? his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. him being you.
heavy breathing …. he wants to be tender and merciful. sounds like penance. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i have …. soooo many thoughts about knight!suguru but the center of his character really is Guilt. shame. he wants to repent for things he can’t remember doing. knights are meant to be ashamed . it’s the catholic in them i think
then there’s the bird line ….. as much as he pushes and pushes for that connection, he’s just as scared as reader is when it comes to intimacy!! his hands turn into birds and fly away from them . he’s afraid of crossing a line or boundary. i tried to show it in the fic but like …. he’s very particular about certain things . he’s willing to bend certain rules (esp later when his devotion starts sticking more to his lord than his knighthood) but he’s Very firm about other things . like not calling them by name at first . it’s a little… too much for him. knights really have to tiptoe that line.
…. there’s this one arthurian work that i love. that you’ve definitely heard about bc it’s so popular + they made a movie out of it and i don’t think it was a good adaptation but it was soooooo so good as a movie . gawain and the green knight….. I DON’T WANNA RAMBLE TOO MUCH BUT UM. i love the arthuriana :333 and i’m mentioning this story because gawain is tested on his value as a knight right. there’s a whole thing about how he kisses a man’s wife because it’d be impolite to deny the lady’s wishes (rejecting her would go against his honour as a knight), but he can’t sleep with her because that would go against … his honour as a knight. it’s a whole. purity thing. you need to be chivalrous but also chaste. so knight!sugu acts all charming and flirty but when reader wants him to cross the line between them he’s like 😳 yeah. he’s . a silly little guy .
what did you really want? someone to pass this with me. you wanted more.
cries . throws up . this is both knight!sugu and royalty!reader actually …. they limit themselves because they don’t think they capable of / allowed to have the thing they really want :(((( just having somebody by their side is enough for now….
was there no one else? his hands keep turning into birds, and his hands keep flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
…. yeahhhh . 😔😔 yeah . sorry this poem is wrecking me a little . eventually the birds must land!!!! knight!suguru can resist and royalty!reader can resist in kind but one day that distance Will be breached. they’re doomed to fall (positive).
snow and dirty rain
and finally …. this beast . it’s the final poem of siken’s crush collection and it goes…. insanely hard. soooo many lines here remind me of them mickey :((((( it’s sickening actually . just a little push more and then you’re free 🫂🫂🫂 here is a drink for u to sip while reading i made it just for you ☕️
we can do anything. it’s not because our hearts are large, they’re not, it’s what we struggle with.
OUGHHH . yeah . knight!sugu and royalty!reader both have pretty small hearts but they’re kinda…. overfilled . i think . they both struggle with kindness despite wanting to Do Good .
my dragonfly, my black-eyed fire, the knives in the kitchen are singing for blood, but we are the crossroads, my little outlaw, and this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty which is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying hold me tight, it’s getting cold.
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….. i just realized every single one of these quotes is gonna wreck me entirely . I’M JUST???? THIS IS THEM?!????? IT WAS MADE FOR THEM?????? MY DRAGONFLY MY BLACK-EYED FIRE. MY LITTLE OUTLAW. the landscape after cruelty which is OF COURSE a garden which is OF COURSE a tenderness which is OF COURSE a room of sleeping lovers. tenderness is a garden . etcetc.
we have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven, which brings us back to the hero’s shoulders and a gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
just kill me actually . i wrote some of these lines here wayyyy back when you first sent this ask so being forced to read them again is . hurting me mickey 😭😭😭 FOR THE RECORD. this one is extremely knight!reader/prince!toru coded. the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it… yeahhh. you get me.
you said tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and i said this is the moon. this is the sun. let me name the stars for you.
🥺🥺🥺 reader asks about his life and visions and dreams . and suguru tells them about the moon and the sun and the constellations ….. ”let me name the stars for you.” <- SUCH a sugu thing to say. i can’t stand him . he’s so devoted it hurts when i think about him
we were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so i said what do you want, sweetheart? and you said kiss me.
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😵‍💫😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 KISS ME . this is literally the final scene between them . under the stars. suguru asks what they want and all they want is a kiss. THE SWEETHEART …… lowkey his favorite petname. i’m partial to it. they go through all the suffering and growing together and finally arrive at the gold room. where they get what they want. and all they want is each other . (sound of muffled sobbing)
we are all just trying to be holy. my applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. we are all going forward. none of us are going back.
and finally …… this 💔💔💔 it’s just . perfect. it’s so hopeful and it makes me so emotional. just mash your lips against me; none of us are going back. even though they were both born for doom there’s a bright future ahead of them :’3
OKAY I’M DONE . FINALLY . if you read all this then just know i’m smothering you in kisses…. i’m doing that regardless though . i love you!!!! thank you for loving them with me!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i hope this was a fun read despite the wait </3
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moonjxsung · 5 months
hi angel🫶🏻 how are you doing?
i missed you too!! this week has been super dense for everyone istg😪
onew!!! i’m so excited! i wish i could go to the fanmeet too😭😭😭 oh to live in or close to korea😩 but fr i need to save up for shinee tour bc i have a feeling that they’re coming to the US in like a year. and i can’t wait! shinee, my angels💜 the little whale!! that’s so cute😭💜 pls send me a haul of what you get him once you send it to him!! i just know it’ll be the cutest and he’ll love everything sm! i love how they’re handling his comeback fr!! im so excited for this era!
fr! i’ve had such a tough week too. i treated myself to some iced coffee on thursday bc ive been trying to cut down on expenses too (but at least once a week iced coffee is a must). i came back to my mom’s and saw my kitty (tofu’s brother) had blood on his toe literally rn and we’re waiting for some tranquilizers to make effect to see how we can handle de situation and if it’s necessary to have an emergency vet visit. on a better note, i have a friend who’s a tattoo apprentice and im speaking with them to get some small tattoos done soon!
and ateez!!!! i wanted to go see them at coachella soooooo badly! but i was so set on seeing skz (my ults, my darlings) and i love love love ateez but im glad that i waited for lolla instead of coachella😂 im sorry san/yeosang my beloveds💔 im so pumped to see their performance too! (also ur watchparty outfit is so cute!!! ).
yaaaaas dragging ateez pcs in cute little pc holders, we love to see it!! 🥹
i also had to skip on txt this year!! my only kpop friend irl invited me right after i spent the whooping lolla amount😂 but i got an album which hasn’t arrived yet but im so excited to see the pulls! and want the cereal soooo badly for my shrine😭
alsooooooo did you see that apparently lee know and eunwoo went to see jk near his base??? like hello, visual trio wtfff. this was literally me:
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i love you bb!! i hope the weekend treats you better!!💜
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(the pc from my nephew’s story btwww!)
Hi my baby!!!!!! Ahhh it’s so good to chat again!!!! This week has been so hellish for so many of us GOSH I just want to curl up and sleep and not wake up for like 2 weeks straight
AHHHHH MANIFESTING SHINEE TOUR SOOO HARDDDD I am getting ready as we speak to go to the kpop store bc they got some new shinee pcs in stock and I fully intend on buying every Onew one that exists 🫶🫶🫶🫶 Onew my beloved 🐋 ALSO YESSSS I will make sure to post a haul before I send him my care package!!!! I’m so excited 😭😭
Oh my god noooo I feel like you can’t get a break with all these cat incidents lately!! I’m so sad 😢 keep me posted with what happens!! My cat has been having some itching and we took her to the vet but they didn’t find anything wrong so they just prescribed some ointment and told us to make sure she doesn’t go outside (she’s indoor-only so she def didn’t contract anything!) but she’s just been super itchy lately and it’s super weird. I think it’s possibly just the change in weather and overall pollen or dust? So odd :/
I’m debating going to see txt because I’ve seen a lot of people local to me selling their tickets but I can’t decide yet! ANDDDD Ateez did allude to US tour so I have more money I need to be saving 😵‍💫 Will keep u posted!
I love you bby have the bestttt weekend!!!! Have a lil treat and some coffee and relax so much. Ily ily 🫶💕💖💘💝💞
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Liveblog Episode 4
Why not episode 3? Because I jumped to watching on the tv and kinda forgot to. But anyway, here’s 4!
Ooo, I love the animation when Angel wakes up. The captions saying ‘porn actor gangster’ kind of kill the tension though, lmao. Suspense Ruined By Not Wanting To Miss Any Jokes.
Ohhhh my god, he’s showing them and Niffty is watching like it’s a romcom. I love it. 
Tiffany Titfucker and Stellaluna become friends probably. The woman loves her some paizuri.
Keith’s Husk is daddy. That is all. 
Pent watches everybody sleep, huh? I like him even more now.
Oof, how Angel starts getting nervous and fiddly… and everybody can see it. 
Oh. Oh this is NOT going to go well, and I suspect Angel is going to get the brunt of it. 
He sounds and looks so terrified, holy shit
The background with the plants is pretty. Unrelated, but I thought of it. 
….He’s bolder to her than I thought he’d be. Probably used to getting his way, or at least knows her reputation as a pushover.
I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this much second-hand embarrassment from Charlie, although it does make sense, but it means I have to keep pausing every few minutes to not Die. I tried skipping ten seconds and suddenly everything was On Fire.
Poor Angel though, this is gonna be Bad
I couldn’t even pick up my phone to make any notes during the abuse scene, but christ, they are NOT holding back in the slightest, and when Charlie sees his black eye she knows she fucked up Bad. 
I actually stopped myself from looping Poison too much so it wouldn’t lose any emotional impact when we saw it in context, and with it starting right here… I’m glad I didn’t.
I am LOVING the choreography here though- easily my favorite of any of the songs so far, and it gets the feeling of a dozen different shoots and cutting between the past and present really well. 
…The fact that people made such a giant fuss and it took me a second to realize which scene they were talking about in the montage because of how they purposefully blended it in shows how fucking ridiculous it was because, guess what, it made perfect sense in context. Who would have guessed!
Oh. Oh that writing may be a bit too blunt and on the nose but that is a needle straight to the heart, especially as someone who really, really likes aus about one character being another’s favorite toy.
Husk was an overlord, holy shit??? I like how it’s kept a bit vague on how and why he made the deal with Alastor, since the details don’t matter as much as the impact. I wonder if that means Alastor got all the souls Husk used to own.
Yesssss Husk song!
I LOVE it’s not trying to have a fake ‘everything’s fine!’ message like Charlie might- like Husk’s been saying, he doesn’t like fake. He doesn’t mind Angel at his core, just how he pretends to be above it all. 
The couple that kicks ass together stays together!
They brought the bruise back when Husk is seeing him as he really is. All of him, good and bad.
Angel’s fucking… dead stare when Charlie’s sobbing as Vaggie has a soft smile while looking at her, love it.
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Could u elaborate on the replacement-queen-DD au? 🥺 Either its effect on DD, or BQ-DD dynamic (I assume they have one?), or DD’s dynamic w other carapacians? Or maybe smthn abt Jack bc the whole, thing, he has? Or just in general. Or. Hm. The cat ears?
ohhhh boyo. thank your for the ask. i love you. this is all assuming its the beta kid universe and it wouldnt be affected by time shenanigans... OR that it's an au where derse and prospit are just like. actual moons with actual cultures.
1. The dynamic: i think its very important to contrast BQ's behaviour with her possible successor to her archagent. in comparison to jack, she treats DD like an angel. dd obviously complies with her orders to do agent work, and shes sure that he can handle it. but theres just something off with it. shes very clearly preparing him to be her exact copy. i think this kind of thing is a bq universal constant, see: my view of how snowman would raise vriska. except that dd is cold and already very queenlike so bq is much more fond of him than snowman would be of vriska
2. Effect on DD: iunno. i think he'd be very, VERY bored. his job is to act as a political mascot and planner and sit on the throne and act cool. it's not a fun job for him since he had a life before queenhood unlike bq. these questions are so good i dont have much to say though lol
3. Jack: FINALLY HE CAN CATCH A BREAK! at least no more inane bothering and princess dresses. he still does all the paperwork but now he's got a more sensible uniform, NO HAT. it's still a little garish, but more cohesive. DD gets pressured by high-status dersite agents/bishops/the king/etc to keep some of the harlequin theme. religiously (or what have you) important stuff, i'd assume, so i think dd would HAVE to.
4. kitty cat: DD has achieved kitty mode. he can die in peace now
CONCLUSION: despot takes smoke breaks with the boys at the throne
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fairycosmos · 2 years
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My black cat is named Rosie, she’s blind and deaf but SO FULL OF LOVE. She’s just an old lady that wants pets and I think of her all day when I’m out. The little kitten is my neighbours new cat, her name is pixel! For a kitten she’s a really good girl and super well behaved. Yes she bites my fingers with such politeness!!!! Idk I saw people sending cats and kitties make me happy
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OHHHH little rosie my love my light my little darling angel what a beautiful creature inhabiting the worldddd and now i dont feel like it's such a bad place to BEEEE <3 im so glad she has you to take care of her and to give her all the pets she desires because she really is so gorgeous, esp her colour and the shape of her eyes......wow wow!
oh that little pixel 💖💖 now she looks like the cutest little menace maybe in the whole universe. those stipes! those POINTY ears! the little smile......what a beautiful little kitten, and such a fast learner for her age.......little cats are allowed to gently bite (as a treat) i think.....esp ones with such cute little expressions 💖
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years
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For the cat tax, I offer my incredibly silly 6 week old foster, Harrow. This is my first ever litter of bottle babies, and he and his brother and sister have been angels! Thank you for all you do for your kitties, Chloe reminds me of my childhood cat Minka, who lived to 20
Ohhhh! Absolutely zonked. He’s saying “honk shoo memememe”
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Haikyuu boys reaction when they see your wallpaper part-I
Feat:- Sakusa, Kuroo, Mattsun & Oikawa
Genre:- Fluff and mentions of pet names.
A/n:- their reaction when they see that you have kept your wallpaper as them. (If that makes sense lol)oikawa’s part became a bit longer hehe 😓
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✮ Sakusa :-
He was preparing some coffee for the both of you. You were in the kitchen with him dancing to the beats of the soft music playing , he smiles widely and kisses your cheek as you pass by him.
“Go wash your face I am done making coffee” “okay!” you reply excitedly and go too your bathroom to wash your face.
You had left your phone behind in the kitchen , you had forgotten to turn off your alarm. Sakusa rolls his eyes as he recalled how many times you have forgotten to not to snooze your alarm. He turns the alarm off and pauses for a brief second.
Is that my picture? He thought. Sakusa’s lips quirk up into a wide smile and he blushes watching the picture as your wallpaper. It was your first date when you forced asked him to come to the playzone.
You took him to a photo booth to take a photo together which turned out to be blurry since you almost tripped. He remembers it like it was yesterday
“Omi?” You call for him.
“Yes love?”
“Love my wallpaper?”
“Yes” you smile and kiss his forehead and sip the coffee he made for you.
“More sugar?”
“Yes” you giggle.
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✮ Kuroo:-
You were sitting on the couch with your laptop on your lap drafting some paperwork, whereas Kuroo was sitting next to you sipping coffee and was scrolling through his phone.
You were so lost in typing that you couldn’t hear your phone buzz.
“Your friend is calling you . Should I pick up?”
“Can you send them a text?”
“Okay” he sends a text and smiles watching your Lock Screen.
“Why are you smiling?” You ask him as you set your laptop on the coffee table , grabbing his cup and sipping coffee.
“I knew you loved me , but I did not know that you were a simp huh” he teases you and shows the picture that you have kept as your lock screen.
“Sometimes I wonder why do I love you huh” Kuroo huffs and tickles your sides.
“Okay fine, yes I love you by the way when did you became so strong?”
“I was always this strong kitten”
“huhuh” you whisper and kiss his cheek. “I love you kitten “
“love you more big kitty”
“big kitty?”
“Yeah? Don’t like that?”
“Let’s discuss about it tomorrow, we need to work on your pet name skills”
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✮ Matsukawa:-
You were fast asleep on top of him clutching his shirt in your fist. Mattsun was stroking your hair gently smiling looking at your sleepy form. He grabbed his phone and clicked some pictures of you.
After a while he started scrolling on his phone, watching some reels on mute, some tiktoks & even some dog videos on mute. Your phone buzzed with notifications from your friend group discussing something trivial.
He always wondered how were you friends with them. He grabs your phone to switch it off . But he couldn’t switch off.
He couldn’t as he saw that you had kept him as your wallpaper. I never saw this photo thought Issei.
He was asleep and you were on top of him , the sun was creeping through the window and was shining on top of his hair making them look golden. You had placed one of your hand below his chin cupping his cheeks that jutted his lips out.
He smiles and unlocks his phone , keeping your recent photo as his wallpaper. He kisses your cheek and resumes stroking your hair. You blabber something and clutch both of your fist and grab his shirt “I love you doll”
“Ilubu” you whisper with sleep laced voice and your lips quirk up into a small smile.
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✮ Oikawa:-
“Y/n-chan are you ready? They have already arrived at the restaurant” Oikawa yells as you were in the bathroom applying some make up to your face.
“Almost done Tooru let me apply some mascara first” you reply as you grab the mascara tube and apply it to your lashes.
“Hey Angel want me to help you with lipstick?” He smirks as he observes and winks at you.
“Please do” you plucker your lips so that he would apply some lipstick.
“All done” he replies as he makes you face the mirror .
“No it’s not done”
You tiptoe and kiss his lips and pinch his cheeks. “You are a tease aren’t you?” He kisses you again and helps you set your lipstick properly.
You arrive at the restaurant to see all of your friends sitting and waving at you guys.
“Here are your drinks” replies Hanamaki.
“Thank you!”
“You guys are late by the way” Iwaizumi says as he sips his drink.
“Yes we know sorry Iwa-chan” Oikawa says as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
“Tooru, I am going to the washroom don’t do something weird okay?”
“What am I ? A child?”
“Yes you are” three of them reply in unison which makes you laugh and Oikawa whine.
“Oi, what’s up with you?” Iwaizumi asks him.
“The practice are going well, everything is fine”
You forgot your phone on the dining table and it started to buzz with some Snapchat snaps.
“Did she forget her phone?” Makki asks .
“Yes she did , wait let me put it on silent mode” Oikawa grabs your phone and turns off your ringer only to see his picture as your wallpaper.
It was his picture which you took during your first anniversary. You guys had a date in a rooftop restaurant giving the complete view of the city .
“You are acting weird” Iwaizumi says.
“You have that look on your face” makki replies
“What look?”
“Hey guys what’s up?” You ask them as you settle down on your seat.
“Nothing , just your boyfriend acting weird. Say y/n what have you kept as your wallpaper?” Mattsun smirks .
“Ah ohhhh you saw that Tooru?” You smile and kiss his cheeks.
“Yeah I did . I love you Angel”
“I love you more Tooru”
“Guys would you stop? We are single here” Iwaizumi frowns.
“Sorry iwa-chan!”
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Thank you for reading. Take care<3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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charislcarousel · 4 years
Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 23 thoughts
Aww Hiro be jellyyyy
Oh my gosh Megumi😂
Tohru looks BEAUTIFUL in her costume!!
I love this narrator. He’s spitting out the real story, but that’s NOT what’s happening onstage 😂
Yes! The sisters’ love! (And Saki’s love of meat but we’re not gonna talk about-)
The audience is APALLED- this is HILARIOUS
The way Yuki DESCENDS
“An angel!”
“Burn down the ballroom”
Audience: 👁👄👁
Saki’s parents are here! They are so proud!
It’s UO! That means- gasp! That line! That certain important line is coming!!
“This is why you’re still a virgin.” I cannot BELIEVE-
(Neither can Hiro😂)
“O-Oh ok...”
“The prince refused.”
I LOVE the narrator
I love how Kyo keeps calling out the narrator in his head for all the crap
The way Saki’s mom is the only one clapping oh my gosh that is too precious
She seriously left her chopsticks in the slipper
“COME SEE ME, DAMMIT!” There it is! Oh my gosh, there it is!
“He realized he wanted to see her again.”
“I literally never said a word about that.”
“Cinderella is actually he-”
Oh no no no this is hitting way too close to home for Kyo and Tohru and the confinement
And her outburst.... ohhhh boy
I had my mouth covered the whole time this is so gooooood
“My loyal servant. You’re finally here.”
Takei just fangirling over Yuki is a whole mood
Oh man YES Kyo, show off that BOD
Awwww his little kitty head he looks like a little boy next to his dad awwwww
“Wait. Who told Shishou about today...?”
“I wonder who.”
“YeAh, I WOnDeR.”
Kyo! Please don’t deny your gut! She CARES. SHE LIKES YOU
Aww Kisa and Hiro are so enamored with Mogeta that is so cute
Even Momiji ships Uo and Kureno
Hiro having little freak outs is the cutest and my favorite thing he deserves more screen time
Haru! Bad boy! Do not tease Hiro or even suggest a crush on Rin! Kisa will take it literally!!
Oh my Nao is TRIGGERED😂
Yuki’s voice when Machi say he’s an airhead is the funniest
My my my I believe he’s falling in love that one is
I don’t know if anyone else thinks the same, but I love the way Kyo says Tohru’s name. It’s so casual, so natural, so full of love that I have to rewind every time and listen again. Especially in this episode when he called out to her at the end.
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cultgambles · 4 years
Nature’s Alfredo Sauce
I saw @wtffanfiction ‘s post on weird words to describe genitals...
and my friend dared me to write something with 100 of the words haha. there’s 108 in here i think.
i dont even know.
Word Count: 1317
It was 10:30 at night, the angel lay in her bed without a care in the world. Well, she did have one care: the human that she called with such sweet words earlier that day had not shown up at the time they agreed upon. They were supposed to be boinking about now. A little bit of horizontal monster mash, one could say. 30 minutes past ten, she was quite bored. There was nothing interesting on TV to sate her being, and nothing worth listening to or reading. She couldn’t even muster up any dirty thoughts to swipe at her tainted jewel.
Until...a knock at her door.
Begrudgingly, she got up, using her wings to carry her the short distance to the door. Lazy. Peeking through the peephole, she saw her human standing there, a bouquet of yellow and red roses gripped tightly in his hands. She opened the door slowly, and he gave a sheepish smile.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said, “the dinner party ran super late.”
“It’s fine. As long as you do what you intended to do before.”
“I do!” he beamed, suddenly his pocket rocket becoming throbbing manliness tenting in the cotton prison of his pants. “I brought it just for you, my lance of love, for my love!”
“Ohhhh!” She crooned, her velvet underground becoming moist as he advanced toward her. Her pleasure pearl throbbed with need, as their mouths were on each other in an instant, tongues battling for dominance. He kicked the door behind him, scooping his angel into his arms and carrying her towards the bedroom. Her legs gripped his hips, and she could feel his coke bottle cock poking her hershey highway. He THREW her on the bed, shoving his shirt off, marveling at the way her eyes drank up his well defined chest. She crawled towards him on all fours, pressing her slender fingers around his MIGHTY MAN NOODLE, feeling its rigidness stiffen even more, massaging the orbs. “Do you like when I touch your organ? Your fuck stem, organic crotch gun, diego the explorer--”
“I know you’re trying to hit 100 words but that’s a little overkill,” the man frowned. “You can just say sperminator and go.”
“It’s hard, just like your engorged staff. It’s gotten so big and thicc I don’t know if it will fit in my haynannernanners at all…” She opened her mouth, licking the veins along the underside of his doggy lipstick. 
“Oh that feels so good on my pulsing manmeat. This bulging soldier boy is gonna wreck your triangular area so gud beby.”
“I can’t wait,” she moaned, the DNA rifle still in her mouth, sending pleasures of vibration to the man’s brain. She swirled the tip of the holy wand, and the man groaned, digging his fingers in her long long hair. After a few more languid licks and sucks, his horrible wet mushroom was SQUIZRTING SOME BABY BATTER RIGHT INTO HER MOUTH.
“Urg,” he moaned. 
“Aaaa,” she moaned back, milking the last few drops from his peenie weenie. His fuckfluid was very salty, like he had a bad diet. As soon as she popped off of him, iT (God’s pinky finger) WAS ROCK HARD AGAIN. She couldnt wait to get that cherry assassin deep in her damp canal of lust. 
“Lay back,” the man said gruffly, kneeling to his knees. His tongue found purchase on her love nubbin, his fish pole fingers making their way to her weeping folds.
“Ur so wet for me beby...just for me and my giant sausage,” he groaned into her love pocket. 
“Yes! Only for u, my man with the love tool! I never met anyone with a better male organism than u.”
“Really? You mean that? No one’s got a better you-know-what than me?”
“I mean it b. Hurry up now, my letter o be gettin dry over here,” the angel rolled her eyes. 
“Oh yeah,” he said, returning to the attack on her valve. Suddenly, he detached from her clam cavern, his man-carrot spewing thick, hot princely milk all over the bed. “Your slit of ecstasy tastes so good.”
Damn, she thought to herself, I wasn’t even close. If his mauve avenger didn’t do the job, she would play with her kitty later after he fell asleep.
He snaked up to her, pressing hot fingers to her love pillows, pinching the rosebuds. “Was that good?”
“Yes,” she lied.
“Now it’s time for my pink stiff flobberworm. In your jewelry box.” (His crimson bird was hard for like the 3rd time). 
“Yeah, I think my vagoo would love that.”
The man sat up, pulling the angel above his lap, over the one-eyed snake so her mayonnaise drain was directly in place to slide in easily. She sank down on the mayonnaise cannon, filling her up deliciously. 
“Oh, babe, your communism stick is in my chamber of secrets so deep and good.” The angel readjusted herself, bracing her hands against his shoulders as she started to move her hips up and down his beef bazooka. His burrito, in fact, was so big she couldn’t even fit all of him in her moist core. COo.
She gave a sudden moan as the hungry dragon hit that sweet sweet geronimo spot deep inside her. 
“Oh, ur tube flute game is so much better than your mouth frickle frackle. Yesssss daddy just like that,” she whined at the end. “SO good in my pleasure casino.”
“Baby, u feel so good on my kryptonian meat.” he gripped her anal fortress with such vigor, it was sure to leave small crecrents. He took a mythical berry in his mouth, teeth grazing the sensitive spot of her fun bags as his hips rose up to meet hers. He POUNDED into her at inhuman speeds, the angel groaning with every pump of his muatra. 
He liked watching his dark spire go in and out from her forbidden fruit, the way his crown jewels slapped her poop cavern harshly every time.
“Do you like your formerly caged viper meeting my downstairs mouth?!” she purred.
“Yeah looks great. Feels great. Must be mine.” (why did i think of p!atd emperor's new clothes??)
Soon, but not soon enough, the angel felt a tight knot in her belly. 
The tell tale signs of an orgasm (surprised they didn't have another word for it). It hit her like a tonne of bricks as she threw her head back in ecstasy, her chest balls bouncing from the force. Each in a different direction, just like anime girl tiddies. She was wrecked.
The man felt her penis trap tighten as her walls squeezed his hairy wolf dingaling. A few more thrusts of his hips had his hardened arousal squirt his liquid love deep in her man muncher, quickly turning it into a cave with honey.
They both moaned wantonly, so loudly that the neighbors were probably also getting off from their wonderful time of bumbin uglies.
He pulled out of her cum dumpster, his love muscle flopping against his belly, still leaking spaff a bit. 
The angel flopped over next to him, feeling warm pale liquid seep out of her egg chamber onto the bed.
“Your midnight meat train never ceases to amaze me. Like why is it so big and so good?”
“Good genes I guess,” he laughed, “but your woman-tomato is givin me a run for my money.”
“That was fun, you can come use your mighty sword of eros in my cock garage again.”
“Can I use my sugar quill in your fart factory next time?” He asked, batting his eyelashes. 
“Sure, why not. Only if I get to peg your man pussy too. So it’s even.”
She laughed, pressing rumblr spheres (and subsequently naked body) on his person, hugging him close. Of course, his thingy became restless manmeat ready for action in 5 seconds flat.
“Another round of belly magic?”
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Sleep Over
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I stood trying to make sure my room was perfect! My floor spotless, my bed made and cosy with pillows and blankets, my bedside table innocent but also trying to not look well too innocent.
My parents are away for a holiday this week and I'm home all alone, but y/n said she would come over and keep me company tonight have a little sleep over like we used to when we where kids. But I was nervous, I've liked y/n for ages, thought about her in my dirtiest of fantasy's, dreamt of my hands all over her -
Ummmmmm... Stop it! Stop it! I don't need a Bonner before she even gets here.
What if she gets cold and wants to sleep in my bed? What if she gets so cold she needs me to cuddle her? What if she wants me to cuddle her? What if she wants to kiss me? What if she takes a shower in MY bathroom! Ummmmmmmm y/n naked in my bathroom.... What I she wants to watch like a sexy movie? What if she gets desperate and needs hands other then her own to touch her -
there she is!
I lept off my bed checking my room again before running down to the front door making sure my hair looked nice as I ran past the mirror making my shirt sit a bit better in my skinny form and even making sure my breath and me smelled nice before opening the door
"Hey y/n" I smiled as I opened it
"Hey Asa" she smiled and my jaw almost dropped. She had little black converses on the neon laces done tight, she had black socks that went up to her thighs with like cat ears at the top of them, she had a pair of light denim shorts Hugging those hips closer then every before, her shirt lose off her left shoulder exposing her bright purple bra strap, her hair and face perfect as ever I couldn't help stareing she looked so beautiful, so... Luscious. Like I wanted her! I wanted everything, to run my hands around that booty, motorboat those beautiful breasts, grind my hips against her for the rest of my waking life "Asa? Something wrong?" She asks
"No, nothing I just uhh just umm you look nice y/n" I told her letting her in with her big backpack of stuff
"Aww your a sweetie" shs smiled giving my cheek a kiss as she came in so I shut the door and locked it as she went up to my room, I blushed hard Running up after her I sat her sat on my bed dumping her backpack and leaning back on my mattress 'asa I want you to fuck me'
"What was that y/n?" I aske unsure I heard right and if I did i wanna hear her say it again
"I said are we ordering take away?" She asks
"Ohh sure, in a bit y/n I'm not hungry yet a while" I smiled shutting the door and going sitting on my bed putting a big gap between us
"Asa? Is something wrong?" She asks
"Not exactly" i blushed
"Asa please tell me, your worrying me" she says moving closer to me putting her hand on my arm
"It's nothing!" I said moving her hand away a little
"Come on you used to tell me everything" she giggled
"Y/n...." I began moving to face her "it's just that... Well we've been friends since we where kids and I wouldn't ever want to lose you as a friend" I began "however... Things have changed, for both of us our dynamic is different, we're different." I explain
"What are you saying Asa?" She asks a little puzzled
"I'm saying" i began "please don't kill me for what I'm about to do-"
"Well what are you gonna-" she began but I jumped and kissed her cheek making her stop "Hu? Anticlimactic" she giggled
"Anti- y/n! It's literally taken me like four years to gather up that kinda courage" I blushed
"Ohh? Hope it doesn't take so long for everything else" she smiled nuzzling her head into my neck
"What-" I stuttered unsure u heard right
"Aww Asa, relax. I know things have changed since we last had a sleep over but come on it'll be fun" she smiled kissing my cheek and jumping back to lay on my bed
"Your right, if you wanna order take out I'll set your air bed up?" I suggest
"Air bed? What am I six, come on asa you got a big boy king sized just let me curl up in here, I promise I won't be a blanket hog" she giggled
"Uhhhhhhhh you you wanna share my bed... with me?" I ask her and she nods "okay uhh then you order take out I'll sort out the movie" I told her and she smiled getting up giving my cheek another kiss before she walked downstairs blowing me a kiss and a flirty wave as she went
Oooooohhhh my god!
I'm gonna share a bed with y/n, she's gonna be in her PJ's in my bed all night long! Ummm she'll be sleeping in my bed, we could cuddle! We could kiss! We could...ummmmm touch! Ohh my sweet little angel! Your getting me hard and all you've done is lay on my bed I've got all night if this, Uhhh calm down calm down don't wanna blow my load in my pants! Soon enough she came back and smiled sitting beside me
"Hey Asa? Whatcha thinking?" She playfully laughs
"It's nothing y/n, don't worry about it" I blushed
"So movie" she smiled
"Yeah uhh how about you pick actually I'll go get snacks and stuff" i told her
"Okay, don't be too long I need my snuggle buddy" she complained as she began getting cosy in my bed
"I won't be" I smiled heading down to sort all the snacks out for our movies once I got everything I headed up and y/n was sat in my bed with my Xbox controller going though my Netflix tucked up under my duvet and my blankets the curtians drawn and the lights off the only light my little lamp on the table I dropped the stuff on the bed and sheepishly climbed in with her as she started the movie
"Asa" she smiled as I felt her hand on my thigh I froze wanting her soft touch just a little further right "where's your hand?" She asked very worried
"Ohh here sorry" I laughed letting her hold my hand
"I was getting worried" she smiled resting her head on my shoulder, I sat watching the movie a while every so often playing thumb war or just playing with her fingers whenever she started to move them around I moved a little and yawned stretching, I took the opportunity to put my arm around her sitting on her waist she moved closer nuzzling close to my neck and resting her hand on my shoulder too "Asa?" She asks after a while I didn't want to answer I was so content just having her snuggled close to me
"Ummm?" I groaned not really wanting to make words
"What's that poking my thigh?" She asks
"Poking? Ohhhh- uhhhhh nothing" I blushed realising what was poking her in the leg
"Asa..." She sighed turning down the movie a little "I want you to tell me what's wrong, not some complicated essay piece, really it's me. Just tell me what's going on with you in simple terms" she asks
"Okay" i blushed unable to look at her I felt so embarrassed "we haven't had a sleep over since we where kids, and were not kids anymore. And I'm.... I'm struggling okay because your fucking beautiful! And hot! And sexy! And... I can't take it!" I told her "your cuddling me! Your in my bed! We're gonna sleep in the same bed tonight! I'm freaking out okay! Because... I have been in love with you for so long, and not just in love but... Uhhh fuck it! I've been lusting after you since the second my balls dropped okay!" I told her "and I can't take it! Because I'm having to bite my tongue and sit on my hands to stop myself from .... From making you my own right here right now, on my bed."
"Ohh Asa" she blushed clearly shocked "ohh my, I uhh I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said" she blushed "you wanna know a secret?" She asks and I nodded "I've been just as crazy for you to" she whispered
"Y/n? You mean you... For for me?" I stutter and she nods "so if I... Made a move on you tonight? You would?"
"I would let you and probably return it after" she winked
"Ohhh well uhh y/n I uhhhh" I stuttered
"Shhh let your other head do the thinking Asa" she whispered kissing down my neck her heavenly lips trailing kisses down my sensitive skin my hands instantly went to undo my jeans but
"That will be take out" shd says moving away and getting out of bed "you wait there, we have stuff to finish off Asa" she winked sorting her clothes and her hair a little bit and going downstairs I felt my hard cock twitching and throbbing in my pants desperate to keep going so I bit my lip and hid myself under the covers and pushing down my jeans leaving me exposed gently stroking my thick shaft closing my eyes imaging my normal fantasy, of y/n stood at the end of my end stripping for me while I touch myself getting faster and faster wanting her so badly "Asa? Did you want me to bring the ice cream up or put it in the freezer?" She calls from downstairs
"Uhhh freezer kitty!" I groaned trying not to moan I didn't stop using her voice to fuel me more
"Kitty? Aww Asa your too cute" she giggled "okay I'm coming up-" she began
"Ohh wait! Uhh maybe make us some more popcorn kitten!" I told her I was so close but I don't want her to see me like this sweaty and desperate between my sheets jerking my cock for her sexy voice
"Well okay, five minutes Asa" she calls ummmmm that's more then enough I got faster and faster and faster almost humping my hand I was so desperate getting closer and closer to-
"Oooooohhhh my god! Uuuuhh uuuuuuuhhhhh! Y/n! Y/n baby! Uuuuuuughhhgh kitten! Kitty! I'm coming! I'm coming!" I sqeualed "Yes! YES! Y/N! YYYY/NNNN!!!"
"Having fun Mr Butterfield?" Her voice smirked making me jump she was leaned against my bedroom door frame looking at me
"H-h-how much did you see?" I asked her
"Most of it" she smirked
"How much did you hear?" I asked
"All of it" she growled
"All of it?" I blushed and she nods putting our snacks and out take out at the end of my bed with the others when she went to climb over me to get back where she was but she stopped on my legs sitting on my thighs
"Could I see?" She asks
"See? See my?" I began and she nods I blushed and moved the covers letting her see
"Ooohh Asa... Such a big boy" she smirked "how long till he comes to play again?"
"I don't know, sometimes it's five minutes, sometimes it's a few hours" I admit
"Well I'm not sure I can wait that long" she giggled laying in the other side of the bed playfully twirling her hair "did you wanna touch me?" She asks
"Touch your what?" I asked
"Anything you want to asa" she smirked "my tits" she began
"My Butt"
"My cunt"
"Oooohhh my god!" I moaned "kitten I Uhhh.... I..."
"Yes Asa?" She smirked
"Tits. Please" i begged
"Well if that's what you want" shs smirked sitting up and slipping off her lose fitting shirt revealing all of that purple bra and the squishy smutty concents within I couldn't help myself I grabbed them one in each hand and began groping, they where so soft, so big, so comfy, so relaxing
"Uhhh kitten! They feel so good" I groaned she giggled undoing her bra and it fell into my hands I quickly threw it off my bed getting a good look at her before grabbing her again she giggled undoing her little shorts and slipping her hand in "ooooh my god! Your-" I began
"Well you Got one I haven't had any, hardly fair Asa" she complained so I smirked taking a hand away from her breast to slip under her shorts feeling her drenched panties I found her clit and began rubbing even over her panties and she was moaning quietly against my pillow so I got faster and faster wanting to make her feel as good as she makes me feel until "Asa... enough" she says moving my hands away
"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked but she got up shutting my bedroom door and turning off the TV
"pants and shirt off now" she ordered so I did as shs asked leaving me naked under my covers, she slipped off what she had left and climbed in bed too "now... Let's have a play with that big boy toy of yours" she growled ....
I smirked in my heavenly place as I had some tea this morning getting my breath and my strength back as I heard steps down the stairs,
Y/n leaned on the kitchen door frame in her little black cat socks and my shirt from yesterday, no bra no panties, her hair a mess and no make up at all
"Meow" she cooes
"You look so beautiful like that" i smirked pulling her waist close to me so not an Inch remained between us both holding her close and giving her so many lusty, sleepy kisses "back to bed?" I suggest rubbing my morning wood on her still wet pussy thought that little shirt
"Mew" she giggled nuzzling closer
"That's my girl" I smirked lifting her by her thighs to wrap them around my waist and taking her back up to bed.
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bodytothefifthpower · 6 years
opinions on kennedy davenport, shangella, aja, and farah moan?
OKAY, so:
Kennedy: Tbh I wasn’t a huge fan of her in Season 7 or at the beginning of All Stars 3- I just sort of found her dryness a bit off-putting, although I think her military background and her family life make her all the more compelling, impressive, and admirable. However, once she started talking about how she’s a “second choice queen” I was like sHE IS AN ANGEL, SOMEONE PROTECT HER, SOMEONE HUG HER, AND FOR FUCKS SAKE STAND. IN. HER. LINE. I think she’s an AMAAAAAZING lipsyncer (SHE FLIPPED. ONTO. THE BOX.) and I loooooooved her part in the Kitty Girl music video. I’d just love to see her live, because I’ve heard so much about what an amazing live performer she is and I feel like the show probably didn’t do her justice.
Shangela: I just saw her live! I think more than anything Shangela is ENTERTAINING. Literally, when I saw her she started an hour late because she spent so much time with the fans at the meet and greet, and the show was supposed to be like 70 minutes, and she went on for OVER. TWO. HOURS. And every second of it was just so *watchable*, you know? I was engaged for every single second of those two hours. Like she was clearly *born* to be an entertainer. And she seemed so incredibly encouraging and kind. You can just tell that she really *loves* what she does. And I think her ability to learn, grow, and persevere is just so admirable and inspiring (and not something that everyone can do!).
Aja: Okay, confession time… I actually haven’t seen Season 9 yet 😅 (it was during a busy time in my life, okay!). So everything I have to say about Aja is coming from All Stars 3. I think she seems like an INCREDIBLE performer (THE DEATH DROP. I’M STILL NOT OVER IT), and especially for her age. I feel like she might be underestimated *because* of her age. I think she should’ve been the queen that was brought back; as much as I love IQ Kitty (and you KNOW how much I love IQ Kitty), I thought her Banjee Kitty was the best performance out of all 10 of them. I feel like people might be sleeping on Aja a little bit because of her youth, but fuck I’m sure she’s got even more great things to come.
Farrah Moan: So like I said, I haven’t actually seen Season 9 yet, so I really don’t know anything at all about Farrah as a person 😅 That being said, OHHHH my god, she is the cutest/most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! Trixie wishes she looked like that?? Bitch, I wish *I* looked like that! And her BUTT. It’s so round and perfect! Ugh, she’s just gorrrrgeous!
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