#ok GOSH i just went right in to a blind live reaction because how much i NEEDED this right now! ;A;
the-nysh · 4 years
Ch133 WEBCOMIC SPOILERS!! Raw live reaction incoming!
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Oh my god it’s only the first page (continued right where the last ch left off) and I’m already losing it from ONE teasing his shadowed face like this! ;o;
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Aaaaaa ONE knows exactly what he’s doing here, but.....FUCK!!!
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The Neo Heroes just went directly for the kill like that!?! D8 Not cool!
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YESYESS!!? LOOK AT THAT!! (awesome fakeout~) Ohh we’re going for it now~
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HIS FACE finally revealed! ;o; It’s shining and brilliant!!!!! (ONE you really drew him like that!) Also did he just...casually spit out one of those darts aimed at his face like that too...!? Ok, now I’m really cryin! 8′D
This...THISSSS ...panel montage!!!
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For only just a split-second....!
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OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! BAM Fucking LOOK AT HIMMM ;A; with that posture effortlessly sweeping thru the masses~ (And who said post-arc Garou wouldn’t have any more fight left in him :’D)  
Ah wait, Suiryu was just observing from a building on the sidelines (also whoops there goes the moving coworker screaming & running away~)
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Suiryu flips down to join in but this is an interesting reaction! 👀
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OSHIT IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!! Actual webcomic Garou vs Suiryu!! ;A; ONE’s going for it!!!
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HELLO!!!! (Also I recognize this counter knee move from some of Murata’s choreography before~)
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Omg what!! (those pushed back skid marks!)
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OMG WHUT! Suiryu throws Garou’s own moving truck at him!?! (But he catches it and gently sets it down~) But w-wait, oh no, Suiryu still aims to destroy it?! D:
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Ohhhh....shit, Suiryu you shouldn’t have broken that! D8 (Uhoh, he looks pissed)
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Harmlessly right outta the smoking wreckage too (T-1000 style~) but uhh, Suiryu you might not wanna be so smug about doing that....
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Oh okay; so Suiryu’s gonna turn his suit’s gear up a bit, huh! 8D (Increasing speed up a notch again, reminiscent of their ova before it got cut short...this time for real!)
Is he blitzing while Garou’s just tanking it, it’s hard to tell! 8′D (Since well, that would be Garou’s style to either dodge or no-sell, but not in the obvious way Saitama would by blankly telegraphing it thru his facial expressions either~)
Somehow, Suiryu’s electric powered multi-punches remind me of some panels of ONE’s machine gun blows for Genos in the past too~
Ah! Garou’s pushed back in the rubble, familiarly rises again for more ANDDD...dd??? Hrmm?!
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?!?!?!? Ok this would be a page I’d need the translation for, because it seems his coworker/boss yells (at him?), which Garou reacts to, and.....stops? :O Oh that’s interesting! :’)) (Oh no, what if they fired him for fighting in self-defense; his attempt at doing good/finishing the job ruined...;o;) Suiryu looks surprised at the abrupt stop too! But he doesn’t pursue him; just removes the broken upper-half of his suit (heh now shirtless) and looks like he reports back to HQ about what happened and reflects under the sunset.... :O
AHHHH?!?! ONE what an exciting comeback for Garou’s return!! ;A; With everything from their fight fully illustrated on panel too (no offscreen for full glory~) and yet...so much hungering for more, about what comes next and how this will affect/impact them going forward. What will become of Garou now from this altercation interrupting his duties?! Can only wait for the next update, but aaaah THANK YOU ONE for delivering! :’D How long I’ve needed this! <3 
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Sunsets & Whiskey Kisses: Chapter Thirty One.
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A couple weeks had passed and Chase and Dakota's wedding was exactly one month away. The soon-to-married couple were growing nervous and excited as the days flew by. Anna and Joshua were growing fast and both of them were talking more and more. Joshua even started walking. I guess you could say that life was perfect.
It was a Saturday morning and Jack, Ryleigh and Anna were hanging out in the living room. Ryleigh sat on the ground as she prepared to go back to work on a part time basis and Jack was lounging on the sofa with his legs up and Anna resting against his legs. "Jack, do you want some more coffee?" Ryleigh asked as she stood up from her spot on the ground. He looked at her and smiled. "No, I'm alright honey." He replied as he turned his attention back to his daughter. She gave him the cheesiest smile she could muster and he chuckled. He pulled a face at her to see what she would do and she giggled in response. He then took her little hands in his and waved her arms around until she was giggling harder. "I. Love. You." He dragged out and Anna watched his lips. The wheels in her head were turning as she tried to figure out what he was saying and how she could copy it. When she couldn't figure it out, she scrunched up her face and let out a small giggle. Jack smiled at her, lifted her shirt a tiny bit and leaned forward to blow a raspberry on her belly. Because he had let his stubble grow out a little longer than he had in the past, Anna was a fit of laughter. Jack laughed along with her as he kept doing it. 
Ryleigh smiled to herself as she picked up her cup of fresh coffee. She walked back into the living room and saw Jack lean over their daughter blowing raspberries on her belly. The sound of Anna laughing melted her heart and it made her wonder what it would be like if they had a boy. Would he be a mama's boy or would he prefer his daddy as well. Whatever the future held, Ryleigh was excited for it. 
"What is daddy doing to you?" Ryleigh asked when Anna looked at her. Jack did it again and Anna laughed again, making her parents laugh at her reaction. "I think she likes that." Ryleigh said as she sat back down. "I think it's the beard more than anything." Jack said as he picked Anna up and brought her closer so that he could kiss her cheek and cuddle her. Anna smiled tiredly at her mother and fell asleep listening to the sound of Jack's heartbeat. "Here." Ryleigh said as she covered her husband and daughter with a blanket. "Thanks." Jack said as he turned the tv on low so that Ryleigh could still work and Anna could sleep. "Want me to put her in her crib?" Ryleigh asked as she looked over some numbers. "Jack?" Ryleigh asked after a few seconds of silence. She looked up and saw that the father had fallen asleep as well. Ryleigh smiled and turned the tv off before attempting to take Jack's hat off. He stirred slightly and Ryleigh stood still not wanting to wake her sleeping family. When it was safe to move, Ryleigh fully removed the hat and went to hang it up.
"Now we are completely done with planning the wedding. All we have to do is say 'I do'." Dakota said as she closed her laptop and smiled at Chase. "Shall we invite the family over for dinner to celebrate?" Chase asked and Dakota nodded excitedly. She picked up her phone and called Chase's family and asked if they wanted to come over for dinner. To their dismay, everyone was busy. "I'm calling my Ryleigh." Dakota called to her fiancé who was in the kitchen with their son. "Ok." he replied. "What's up Kola Pop?" Ryleigh answered softly. "Why are you talking so quiet?" Dakota asked and Ryleigh rolled scoffed out a chuckle. "I'm the living room and your brother and Anna fell asleep." Ryleigh explained and Dakota smiled. "Send me a picture?" Dakota asked warmly. "Just a sec." The woman said as she took a quick photo.
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(Just picture a scruffy faced Taron holding a slightly older baby girl on his chest.)
"Did you get it?" Ryleigh asked and Dakota checked. "Oh my gosh, that's so cute. He really likes being a dad I think." Dakota replied and Ryleigh looked over at the pair. "I think so too. So, what can I help you with?" Ryleigh asked and Dakota sighed. "Chase and I wanted to invite our family over for dinner but Chase's family can't come as they are busy. Was wondering if you and Jack wanted to come and you can bring Annie with you." Dakota questioned and Ryleigh smiled. ""Of course we will be there but if you are thinking of inviting mom, she has a date actually." Ryleigh said and Dakota grunted. "I have someone who can maybe look after the kids and we can get drunk." Ryleigh continued and Dakota thought about it. "Yeah alright. Who do you have in mind to watch the kids and preferably overnight." Dakota asked. Ryleigh went on to explain about Nicole. Dakota was hesitant at first but when Ryleigh told her the story of how she came to be friends with her, Dakota felt that it was alright to leave Joshua with her. 
The women hung up and Dakota walked over to Chase and explained what was happening. "So, this woman is coming over here to pick up the kids?" Chase asked and Dakota nodded. "Jack and Ryleigh are bringing Anna as well and Nicole will take both kids." Dakota replied and both of them got their son ready to go. 
"Hello." Jack called as he and Ryleigh walked through the front door via the spare key Jack still had. "We'll be right there." Chase called and Ryleigh set Anna's little bag down and walked into the kitchen to wipe Anna's mouth. Due to her teeth coming in, Anna was drooling a fair bit. "Yay." Joshua called when he saw his uncle. "How's my little dude doing?" He asked as Chase passed the little boy to his uncle. "Ok." Joshua said proudly. This happened to be his new favorite word. "That's good kiddo." Jack replied as he hugged the boy close. Yup, Ryleigh definitely wanted to know what their son would be like. The uncle and nephew talking a little more before a knock on the door could be heard. "I'll get it." Dakota said and she disappeared around the corner. "Ta." Anna screamed, making everyone look at her. It was the first time she had screamed that particular word. Dakota heard it and smiled to herself as she showed Nicole in. "Chase, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is my fiancé Chase." Dakota introduced. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for looking after the kids for us." Chase said and Nicole insisted that no thanks was necessary. All five adults walking toward Nicole's car. Anna was in the passenger seat.
Ryleigh was happy to see the other Anna. The elderly woman hugged the younger one and introduced herself to Dakota, Chase and Joshua. After a few minutes of conversation, everyone bid their goodbyes and went their separate ways. "You were right. They are so nice." Dakota said as she sat down at the table where Chase had just placed a box. "What the hell is in ther mate?" Jack aske as he leaned back in his chair and took a long drink of his beer. "Wouldn't you like to know." Chase teased as Ryleigh came back after ordering the take out. They ordered pizza and fried chicken. Jack's favorite. 
Once the food had arrived and the four of them were nursing their beers, they got the night underway. Chase opened the box and raised his brow at Jack. "What?" He asked and Chase chuckled. "Truth or dare with a twist." Chase said darkly and Ryleigh cringed. She knew what he meant and she wasn't sold on the idea but for the sake of fun, she decided to partake in the fun. Jack went first. "Dakota, truth or dare?" He asked his sister. "Before I say anything, what kind of twist are we talking about?" She asked and the other three chuckled at her. "Dirty truth or dare babes." Ryleigh replied and Dakota shuddered but answered her brother's question. She went with dare and was dared to put a blindfold on and kiss whatever body part Jack put in front of her. She hesitantly covered her eyes and waited for Jack to do something. Jack nodded at Chase and Chase lifted his shirt and stepped closer to his girl. Dakota sucked in a breath before she leaned forward and kissed his belly, her aim slightly off as she kissed just above the waistline of his sweatpants. The three snickered. Dakota took her blind fold off and smiled. "Thank you for not making me kiss you." Dakota said and Jack winked at her. "Ryleigh, your turn." Jack said before taking a bit of his pizza. 
"Chase, truth or dare?" Ryleigh asked and Chase chose dare. Ryleigh looked at her card and raised her brow while smirking. "I dare you to call a phone sex line and pretend you have a diaper fetish." Ryleigh said as she slapped the card on the table. Chase groaned and pulled out his phone. He took the dare like a champ but had everyone laughing so much they almost fell off their chairs. "That was interesting." Dakota said as she caught her breath. "Kola, your turn." Ryleigh said and she looked directly at her brother. "Jackson, truth or dare?" She smirked "I'm going to regret this but, dare." He replied and Dakota looked at the card. "Close your eyes and describe what Ryleigh's body looks like in detail." She said and he looked at Ryleigh. She nodded and he closed his eyes, describing her body. Ryleigh was bright red when he was done. The things he said made her heart melt but also made her want to jump him. "Alright babe. Your turn." Dakota said and Chase picked up a card before locking eyes with Ryleigh. "Truth or dare?" He asked and Ryleigh looked at the small group. "dare but please go easy on me." Ryleigh begged. "I dare you not to get turned on while Jack sits on your lap and kisses your neck for 60 seconds." He said, picking the less dirty one for her after sensing that she was slightly uncomfortable. 
Jack moved over to his wife and did what the card said. Thankfully Ryleigh found it easy to block it out, all she had to do was picture Anna crying and screaming for mama. "You're good." Dakota praised and Ryleigh shrugged. "Not hard when all you have to do is picture a screaming baby in your head." Ryleigh replied and Dakota nodded like she knew exactly what the other woman was talking about. "Jack, your turn again." Chase said and Jack picked up a card. "Baby, truth or dare?" He asked, looking at his wife. "Truth." Ryleigh replied simply. "Would you rather spank someone or be spanked?" He asked and Ryleigh smirked. "I think you know the answer to that." She said as she winked at him and it was his turn to turn bright red. "Ooo, the secrets come out." Dakota teased and Jack threw a chip at her. She laughed and dodged it. "My turn." Ryleigh said as she picked up a card. "Dakota, truth or dare?" She asked and Dakota chose a dare. "I'm sorry but this says that you have to lick he bottom of Chase's foot." Ryleigh said as she slightly cringed, knowing how much Dakota hated feet. Dakota shook her head. "I'm not doing that one." She said firmly nd Ryleigh put the card down as if to show Dakota that she didn't have to do it. That's when Jack clucked like a chicken. "Jackson." Ryleigh warned and he did it again. "Leave her alone." Ryleigh warned again and he rolled his eyes. "Your turn Dakota." Ryleigh said and Dakota smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks." She said and Ryleigh nodded. "Truth or dare you rat bastard." Dakota said as she looked at her brother. "Dare." He challenged and she smirked. "Take off your shirt for the rest of the game." She said and Jack complained. "Would you rather I said remove your pants for the rest of the game?" She asked and he quickly removed his shirt and passed it to Ryleigh. Ryleigh smirked and gave him a wold whistle. 
They continued to play the game until it got to Ryleigh again. "Chase, I dare you to kiss someone of the same gender for 60 seconds." Ryleigh read and Jack snatched the card from her. "It doesn't say that." He slurred and Ryleigh laughed when the look of realization etched itself on to his features. "This will be good." Ryleigh said as she watched the men lean in. She knew that Jack had experimented with boys before and the thought of him another man actually turned her on. Jack had told her after they had conceived Ethan and sworn her to secrecy and she promised never to tell a soul and to this day, no one knows. 
As the men were making out, Dakota was fixed on Chase and how much he seemed to be enjoying it. Her mind ran wild with thought of a possible threesome with another man. Obviously not with her brother, get your heads out of that gutter. As for Ryleigh, the whole thing turned her on and now more than ever, she wanted to fuck her husband's brains out. To help supress that though, she chugged the whiskey she now had. Dakota tried not to bite her lip. The make out ended and both women were silent. "Your turn Dakota." Ryleigh said as the room started to spin slightly. "Ryleigh, truth or dare." Dakota asked quietly. "Dare." She replied just as softly. "Kiss Jack's neck for 60 seconds. "She said and Ryleigh did. All the while, Jack tried not to cum from all the pleasure coursing through his veins from being kissed by Chase and on his neck by his wife. 
When they had decided to end the game, drinking and junk food eating, Dakota and Chase had told Jack and Ryleigh that they could sleep in the guest room. The guest room being Jack's old room. They all bid goodnight and as soon as the bedroom door shut, Ryleigh had Jack pinned against the wall. She fervently kissed his lips before moving on to attacking his neck in hungry kisses. Jack moaned as her hands worked to pull his sweatpants down. Once they were down, she knelt down in front of him and pulled his boxers down. His erection springing free. Ryleigh looked up at him and then back down at his cock. "I forgot how fun this was." She said softly as she pulled his foreskin forward and tugged on it a little bit with her fingers. Jack's head fell back at the feeling. He had forgotten himself, how amazing it felt when she did that to him. Ryleigh then wrapped her lips around him and started bobbing her head up and down. Jack let out a loud moan, not caring about the other two. He was on cloud nine and he didn't care who the fuck heard him. 
What pushed him over the edge was Ryleigh sticking her tongue inside of the foreskin and swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock. He didn't have time to tell her that he was going to cum because he was already cumming. He grunted as the orgasm washed through his body, causing him to shudder and his knees to go weak. Ryleigh swallowed every last drop and stood up before kissing him again. He could taste himself on her lips and that turned him on again.  Jack hurriedly removed Ryleigh's clothes and laid her on the bed before slamming into her dripping pussy. She cried out as his hips snapped against hers at a rapid pace. You could hear the skin slapping a mile away and it led Chase and Dakota to laying in their bed awkwardly, knowing what was happening. Dakota even made a mental note to burn the sheets in the morning.  
"Fuck me harder baby, yes oh fuck. Please make me cum." Ryleigh panted as she clawed at Jack's back. He moved his hips even faster and before either of them could say anything, they both came with great force. It sent both of them into masses of panting, moaning and grunting at all of the sensations they were experiencing. "Holy fuck baby. That was incredible" Ryleigh panted as she tried to catch her breath. "Hmmmm." Jack hummed as he flopped beside Ryleigh. Ryleigh laid her head on his bare chest and kissed it lightly before both of them fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning was really awkward for both Chase and Dakota. They had to pretend like nothing happened and like they didn't hear anything. It was proving to be difficult, especially when Jack asked them how they slept the night before. "I think we slept pretty good." Dakota said and thankfully, a knock could be heard at the front door. "Nicole. It's good to see you. Please come in." Dakota greeted cheerfully. The woman walked in with both children and their bags. "How did they do?" Dakota sked as she took Joshua from the woman's arms. "They were perfect. I loved having them." Nicole said honestly. Dakota offered for her to stay and join them for coffee but she had to turn down the offer. Both woman walked into the kitchen where Jack was making himself and Ryleigh a coffee. "Dada." Anna screeched when she saw her father. Jack and Ryleigh cringed. Dakota and Chase laughed as they hadn't drank nearly as much as Jack and Ryleigh had. Their heads were fine but it was clear that the little girl's parents were not. "Dada." Anna screeched even louder when Jack didn't greet her. "Mama and Dada aren't feeling well. We have to be quiet." Dakota said as she looked at the small girl. Anna smiled cheekily and Dakota knew she was going to do it again. She let it happen, but this time it was just a very loud and very high pitched scream that echoed off the walls. That was one way to sober everyone up. "No." Joshua whined as he hit Anna's arm. She just looked at him. "Hey, we do not hit. That's not nice." Dakota warned and Anna started to cry. Nicole took that as her cue to leave. Dakota apologized and Nicole thanked her.
"Dada." Anna said through her tears and she reached for him. Jack looked at Chase and Chase knew his friend was going to hurl. Jack ran to the bathroom. Poor Anna cried even harder when her father left the room. Ryleigh chugged some water and took her daughter from her uncle's arms. Anna thrashed in her mother's arms as she didn't want mama, she wanted dada. When Jack came back, Chase handed him some water and he felt better. "Dada." Anna said again through her tears and reached for him. Jack took her and she hid her face in his chest as she tried to calm herself down. Her tiny body hyperventilating. Jack rubbed her back and slowly rocked her side to side. Eventually she calmed down and her soft snores could be heard. "You sober enough to drive home?" Dakota asked and Jack nodded. "Turns out the best hangover cure is a screeching baby." He joked as he and Dakota walked to the front door. Ryleigh grabbed Anna's overnight bag and joined them. 
They said their goodbyes and thanked each other for the great night and that's when Chase let it slip that they heard everything. "No wonder why you two had us look after Anna when you went away for Jack's birthday." He teased and Dakota smacked him. "Mama, no." Joshua chided. The boy had a point. Jack and Ryleigh went red with embarrassment. "How much did you hear?" Ryleigh asked as she opened the backdoor for her husband. "I forgot how fun this was." Dakota mimicked and Ryleigh groaned. "Heard those too." Chase added and the other couple apologized. Chase and Dakota waved it off and told them that they were glad they felt like they could do it somewhere but that next time they would stick them in the stables and they could scare the horses instead. All of them said goodbye and Jack drove away.
It was one night they would never forget.
Tag List: @mairyleo​ @dogmom2014​ @sarahegerton96​ @rocknrollmadden​ @jobanan23​ @hauntedflamingo​ @superthiccthighssavelives​ @eggsyobsessed​ @softeggsy​ @aberystwythboy​
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mrsjihyunkim · 6 years
🌹Flowers & Ink🌹Ch 1
Ok so this was inspired by @v-dcc​ of V as a tattoo artist. Like I’m so in love with this that I made it my desktop. Any way here is the first chapter and I hope I do this art justice. Definitely going to be more to come of this story! Also this is pretty long so I put a cut in it and the story tag is going to be F&I 
       The sun shined in the window and spilled onto V's face. He groaned and threw and extra pillow at the window. This only knocked down the blinds and V put his head under the last pillow. If there was one thing he disdained more than women it was mornings. He was at the shop until like three in the morning working on a cherry blossom piece. The girl had done nothing but flirt with him the entire time so by the end of it he was in a sour mood. Now that he was up it was pointless to try and sleep. So after getting dressed and grabbing his coffee, he headed to his shop. As he was unlocking the door to the shop he noticed that people were moving stuff into the shop next to his. It peaked his curiosity but he'd see it eventually so he just went about business as usual. He only had four appointments today but that's usually how it was. V liked to get to know the person he was working so he could make sure they got the best tattoo. He went to the back and saw his apprentice struggling to make coffee. "Do you still not know how to use the coffee machine Yoosung?" The blonde boy put down the pot and threw his hands up.
"It's not my fault you have such a stupid fancy coffee maker! Like I don't even get why you have it cause you never use it." V handed him thermos of coffee and Yoosung snatched it. "Why accept the gift if you're not going to use it?" Yoosung drunk the coffee and sighed.
"I accepted it because it was the only way to get that woman to leave me alone." Yoosung shrugged.
"Yeah she was persistent. I still don't understand why you just didn't go out with her." V shot him a look and Yoosung dropped it.
"Anyway, did you sleep here last night?" Yoosung was still wearing his clothes from yesterday and he blushed a little.
"Yeah but only because that session lasted so long. I would of just had to come back here by the time I got home, so I slept in the back." V rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Well go on and head home, and shower. The first appointment isn't until noon so I don't need you right now. And you know you don't have to be here every morning before me right?" Yoosung nodded at him and smiled.
"Yeah but I like to cause I can get some practice in before you take over." Yoosung was beaming with pride and it made V smile. Yoosung’s energy was sometimes annoying but he was hard working and that’s all that mattered to V.
"Whatever. Just go home and get cleaned up. This maybe a tattoo shop but we still have an imagine to maintain." As Yoosung was leaving he saw Vanderwood coming in.
"Careful Vandy he's a bit cranky." Yoosung passed by Vanderwood and out the door before he could be asked anything. So Vanderwood walked in and treaded carefully. V had on his glasses and was nose deep in a notebook when Vanderwood found him.
"Why is Yoosung leaving? Are you not opening the shop today?" V barely looked up from his notebook.
"He slept here last night so I sent him home to get cleaned up. Why are you here?"
"Damn dude. You really are a sour puss today." Vanderwood set a white paper bag on the table. "I brought you some breakfast. Maybe that will put you in a better mood." V glared at him but sighed. He set down the notebook and took his glasses off. They clattered against his dog tag necklace as he grabbed the bag. "So what's got you in a sour mood granny?"
"I told you not to call me that, and I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just tired." V took the doughnut out of the bag and Vanderwood just shrugged.
"Could of fooled me. And if you don’t want to be called that then don’t wear a granny chain." Vanderwood had known V since he opened the shop. Not only was Vanderwood the one who sold it to him but owned the car garage at the end of the block. So he knew when V was in a grumpy mood. "Let me guess. Someone flirted with you and all you did was get annoyed." V shot him a look and Vanderwood felt a chill go down his spine. "That's a yes. Excuse me for not giving you an sympathy. Most guys would love being such a chick magnet." V tossed the rest of his doughnut in the trash and got up. Vanderwood sighed and decided to drop the subject.
"Don't you have your own shop to open? I'll walk you out." V headed for the front and Vanderwood followed. He knew better to fight V when he was in a mood. When they got outside the shop V noticed a car full of flowers parked next door. While Vanderwood continued to babble V looked at the car and noticed how the light reflected inside the car and he could see the depth of it. Without even thinking he walked over to the car and peered inside. Every seat except for the driver was covered in flowers. There were daffodils, roses, lilies, even succulents and cacti. There were probably more but he couldn't tell. He was so busy looking at the flowers that he didn't notice the brown haired woman standing behind him tapping her foot.
"Excuse me but do you mind? I need to get in there." V turned around and saw a woman in khaki pants and black tank top standing behind him. He moved out of her way and she opened the car door. She grabbed an arm full of flowers and V could see her struggling. Normally V avoided getting into other people's business but the flowers had him curious.
"Do you need any help?" The woman stared at him and raised an eyebrow. To V she almost seemed suspicious and he regretted ever asking. "Or not. Just thought you had a lot in there and would want some help." He shrugged and put a hand through his hair.
"Oh thanks but it's ok. I have a cart to use inside but these already cut and need to be in some water. Putting them on the cart would only smash them." She turned on her heel and headed back into her shop. V for better lack of words was stunned. She didn't try to hit on him or anything, and she just flat out refused him. He walked back to his shop and just completely ignored the smile on Vanderwood's face. When he got back inside he grabbed his notebook and went to sit outside. His brain was just telling him to stop but he really wanted to draw the flowers. So he watched and drew as his new neighbor set up flowers and paid him no mind. At least that's what V thought but MC was very much aware. In fact she was so aware that she was arranging the flowers in the best way for him to draw. She was a little creeped out by it at first but didn't mind when she realized that he was drawing the flowers. Time flew by as V did sketch after sketch of the different arrangements and before he knew it he saw his first client coming up to the shop. MC watched as her new neighbor greeted a tall slender guy with long grey hair. They went back into the shop and MC sighed in relief. She was turning around when she ran smack into a younger blonde boy. They both crashed to the ground and MC's watering can spilled all over her.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I'm running late and you turned around so fast that I couldn't get out of the way. Are you ok?" MC looked at the blonde boy and really wanted to cuss him out but she could he was just a kid, and he looked like he was about to cry. She let out a sigh and stood up.
"It's alright. Spilling water comes with the job." She smiled at him and that only made Yoosung feel worse.
"My name's Yoosung Kim. I work at the tattoo shop next door. You've probably already met my boss V. He's the guy with the blue hair" Yoosung seemed so proud of the fact that he knew him. It made MC curious though because V seemed like a giant ass but Yoosung seemed like an innocent little kid. Maybe she had misjudged V.
"I'm MC. I just opened my flower shop here." She gestured to the building beside her and Yoosung smiled. He was about to say something when V's voice called out his name.
"Shit. Gotta go. Nice to meet you MC!" Yoosung called as he ran to the tattoo shop. V watched as Yoosung ran over this way and noticed that the girl was soaking wet. Once they were inside Yoosung began to talk really fast. "Sorry I'm late V. I accidently knocked down MC and she got soaked." V pretended not to care but he was a little happy to know her name now.
"You're still late and Hyun's already here." When they got to the back the man with long silver hair was sitting at a table looking through some sketches. He looked up and smiled at the two.
"Hey Yoosung! What's up?" Yoosung gave him a high five and started getting V's equipment out.
"Hey Zen. Not much really. I did get to meet the cute florist next door so that was exciting." Zen's eyes looked up from the sketches in surprise.
"Really now? Did you get her number?" Yoosung blushed and shook his head. "You're killing me man! You know I gotta live vicariously through others. I'd do it through V but he treats women like the plague." V rolled his eyes pulled his hair into a messy ponytail.
"Did you decide which design you want Hyun?" Frowning at V's lack of a reaction Zen nodded.
"Yeah I want this one. It has the romantic feel I'm going for." He handed V a sketch and it was one he had done of MC's roses earlier. As V transferred it to the stencil he couldn't help but smile. As V worked Zen turned his attention back to Yoosung. "So why didn't you get her number Yoosung?" He just shrugged as he got the rubbing alcohol and began to prep where Zen wanted the tattoo.
"Well for one I completely knocked her on her ass and she spilled water all over her. I didn't think that would be the best time to hit on her. Plus she seems like one of those people who is nice but also scary. Like when I crashed into her I thought she was going to cuss the shit out of me. Even though she smiled I could tell that she was pissed." V was listening to Yoosung's every word despite telling himself that he didn't care. There was something about MC that bugged him but he couldn't figure it out. She definitely wasn't like women that he was used to but that really didn't mean anything to him, or did it. Either way right now he needed to focus and do his job.
"Alright Hyun. You ready?" Zen nodded and V began his work. He worked for almost three hours before feeling satisfied to stop for the day. He had done the basic outline of the piece and some shading. V cleaned off the tattoo and smiled at Zen. "What do you think?" Zen hopped off the table and went over to the mirror. He twisted so that he could see the roses and vines on his ribcage. There was a mirror, microphone, and a stack of paper all inbedded in the vines.
"It's awesome V! This just might be my favorite one now." V rolled his eyes but smiled.
"You say that every time." V took his gloves off and threw them in the trash.
"Well that's cause you do fucking kick ass work!" He slapped V's hand they slid into a fist bump. "Alright I'm gonna home and take some new selfies. Take care guys!" He left just as V's next client was coming in. After Zen V's appointments seemed to go by pretty fast and before he knew it he was on the last one. It was a smaller piece. The woman had wanted a cancer ribbon and a few flowers in honor of her mother who just passed away. When it was done she cried and V felt his heart lift at her joy. Once she was gone V sat down and sighed. He was so beat that he might sleep here tonight.
"Hey Yoosung." The blondes head popped in the door way. He almost reminded V of a puppy. "Go ahead and go home. I'll clean up tonight. Also make sure you practice tonight. You've got an appointment tomorrow." Yoosung eyes lit up like fireworks and he was barely stopping himself from bouncing up and down.
"Are you for real? I actually get to work on someone tomorrow?" V nodded and Yoosung squealed. "I won't let you down boss!" V waved his hand toward him and Yoosung took off. Once V heard the jingle of the doorbell he got up and started cleaning. He changed all the trash and wiped down all the tables. Just as he was about to start cleaning his tattoo gun he heard the doorbell.
"Sorry we're closed now." He said as he made his way to the front. When he got there he found MC standing there. She looked tired and V wondered what she was still doing here so late. "I hope you don't want a tattoo cause we're closed." She seemed dazed but her eyes snapped open when he was done talking.
"Oh no. I figured you were closed but I was hoping that you had a first aid kit." V looked closer now and noticed that she had a towel wrapped around her hand. She also had red smears on her smock.
"Yeah just a second. Try not to bleed on the floor ok." V turned his back to her and she just frowned. He sounded like an asshole but MC wasn't surprised. Most men were assholes, especially when they were that good looking. V came back and handed her a first aid kit. "So what happened?" V's question surprised her because he didn't really seem to care about anything.
"Oh. I tripped over a box and fell down with a bunch of vases. Talk about an omen." She let out a small laugh but V could tell that she was upset. "Anyway, thanks for the first aid kit. I'll bring it back over tomorrow." She smiled and turned around to leave and V saw some red seeping through the side of her shirt. Before he could stop himself he was reaching out for her and grabbing her shoulder. MC stopped and looked back at him, clearly shocked.
"I'll come with you. I'd feel guilty if you got clumsy again and bled out." He pushed her out of the shop and locked his door.
"It's ok really. I mostly got it cleaned up. I just needed some bandages." She tried her best to convince him but it seemed like he wasn't even listening. They got to her shop and she sighed. V looked around the shop once he was inside and it honestly looked like an indoor garden. "I fell down over there." She pointed over toward a fridge with a glass door. V grabbed a broom that was next to the counter.
"Alright just sit down and take care of those cuts." MC nodded and V walked over to the fridge. He noticed that she had in fact moved all of the glass into a pile. Using the broom he swept the glass into an empty box and carried it up to the front. MC seemed completely spaced out and seemed a little pale. V looked at the towel she had wrapped her hand in. There was a lot more blood than he expected and wondered if she was ok. He was honestly surprised by his concern and didn't really know what to do. "Hey are you sure you're ok? Is there someone that you need me to call or anything?" MC had been feeling a bit dizzy but V's voice helped her snap out of it.
"Oh no I texted my roommate and their on their way over. She just had to finish work so she should be here soon. Thank you for your help though. I hope it wasn't a bother." V just shrugged and MC went to hand him back the first aid kit.
"Keep it. We have more at the shop. Plus you obviously need it more than I do." She huffed out a breath and V just turned around a left. Something about that girl made him act weird and he didn't like it. The last thing he needed was more complicated feelings. MC watched him leave and she was still angry at his implications. This guy was definitely an asshole and nothing could change her mind.
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 4
A/N: My darling little pumpkins!! Thank you so much for all the love and support!!! Here’s chapter 4!! As always, lmk I there are any mistakes! I really appreciate all the feedback and reviews! Lmk if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! Enjoy!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OFC
Warnings: Language, feels, there’s a bit of an uncomfortable scene (slight  sexual assault) so it might be triggering for some so please don’t read if it’s uneasy for you!! I want to make sure all my readers are happy and comfortable!
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?    
Lily hummed to herself, as she slaved away in the kitchen when she smelt the sweet perfume of Renee.
“Hey Re-Re!” She said, popping a strawberry in her mouth.
“Hey! Whatcha doin?” She asked as she side hugged Lily. She looked down and noticed that Lily was wearing Seth’s favorite A Day to Remember T-shirt. “Did you steal this from Seth?” She asked with a giggle.
“Well... I mean, steal is a strong word, I look at it more as borrowing. And to answer your question, I thought I’d make Seth a birthday cake and double it as a six month anniversary cake.” Lily answered, holding a frosting covered spatula out to where Renee’s voice was. “Wanna taste?”
Renee eagerly took the tasty treat bringing it to her lips and indulged in the chocolaty goodness.
“Mmmmmm!! Oh, wow, he is gonna love this. Lucky bastard...” Renee said with a mouth full of frosting.
Lily couldn’t help but smile at the life she was living. She had an amazing group of friends, a major she loved and a wonderful boyfriend. Never in a million years did she think she’d be so lucky. Seth made her feel safe, like she could do anything. He didn’t see her as broken like so many had before. Their relationship hadn’t had any speed bumps accept when jealousy reared it’s ugly head a few months ago.
Lily was waiting for Seth outside the weight room when she was struck by an overly strong scent of cologne. She crinkled her nose, feeling dizzy from the overwhelming aroma. There was another scent that was just as heavy, alcohol. She suddenly felt an arm draped around her shoulders.
“Well, well, *hiccup* well. If it isn’t Sethie’s little blind bitch.” He said, his breath fanning over Lily’s face. She new that voice, it belonged to Micah. Seth came home about a week ago fuming. He didn’t say anything, just grabbed her and held her for hours. Later on Renee told her that Micah was insanely jealous of Seth to the point where he purposely tried to injure him when they sparred, resulting in coach kicking Micah off the team.
“What do you want, Micah?” Lily asked, trying to make her voice as steady as possible but failing miserably.
“I was just admiring the view. That a problem?” His words slurred.
“Um, actually yes, I don’t exactly like it when people stare at me.”
She felt him move closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, “What if I told you I don’t care?”
Lily shivered, fear creeping its way down her spine.
“Please, just leave me alone. Seth will be out here any minute!!” She tried to walk away only to be pulled back and pinned against a near by wall.
“No one cares. What’s so great about him?! He’s just a punk ass bitch. Stay and play with me!” He said with a cruel laugh. His grip on her shoulders tightened causing her to wince in pain. When she tried to push him off he violently grabbed her wrists with one of his hands and pinned them above her head.
Lily began to panic, tears streaming down her face as his free hand started exploring her body and felt his drunken lips on the sensitive skin of her neck. She mustered up all the strength she could, taking a deep breath.
“SEEEEEEETH!!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Seth was bench pressing with Roman and Dean, laughing about some lame ass joke Dean made at Roman’s expense, when all three men’s heads snapped towards the door at the sound of Lily screaming for Seth. They ran out of the door and found Micah with his disgusting hands all over Lily. Seth saw red, his blood boiling, he charged Micah, grabbing the back of his shirt and threw him onto the ground. He pounced on him, landing punch after punch to Micah’s face. He would’ve kept beating him until he heard his angels voice.
“Seth, please...” She softly pleaded. He looked over his shoulder seeing Lily reaching her arms out in his direction from the safety of Roman’s arms. His heart immediately melted. He stood and pulled her into his arms, one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, his free hand cradling her head as she clutched his shirt, crying into his chest.
“It’s ok, pretty baby. I’m here now. You’re safe, you’re safe.” By this time, coach was there with the local authorities slapping handcuffs on Micah.
That night Seth held Lily as close as humanly possible, comforting her when she woke from nightmares from the horrific events earlier that day.
She was brought back to reality when she heard Renee walking and the sound of papers rustling.
“What is this? ‘The Bed Song’ ?” Renee asked, looking at sheet music and lyrics printed with braille under each word.
“Oh, that’s a song I’m working on with Amanda. She needs help now more than ever since Brian and her went separate ways. Now she’s concentrating on a solo career.”
Renee read over the lyrics and couldn’t help but tear up a little. Lily heard Renee sniffle and slowly made her way over to the blonde.
“You ok, sweetie?” Lily asked as she wrapped her arms around her friend.
“Yeah, it’s just kinda sad.”
“Oh yeah, I bawled like a bitch when I first read it.” Lily admitted, giving Renee one last squeeze as before she went back to the task at hand. She frosted the cake and cut the strawberries.
“Hey, Renee? You wanna come help me decorate?”
“Absolutely!” She answered as she dipped a strawberry in the extra frosting. The two girls laughed and chatted with each other as they finished the cake.
Roman and Dean sat in Dean’s apartment watching Seth pace back and forth.
“What the hell am I gonna do?! How do I break the news?!” Seth asked his friends, praying they had the answers.
“Wait, you still haven’t told her yet?!” Roman asked, feeling himself getting pissed off. He, like Seth, Dean and Renee, had grown very close to Lily and he thought of her like a little sister. He was very protective of her and he knew this would hurt her.
“I mean, she loves you, right? She should be ok with it. I mean this is our dream! Working at WWE has been our goal since we were kids!!” Dean said.
“You don’t think I know that?! Did they tell you when we need to report?! Six days, man, SIX days!! This is gonna shatter her.”
“Well you should’ve told her when we all found out two months ago, dumbass!!” Roman countered.
Seth finally sat down, putting his face in his hands. “This is gonna break her heart.” he mumbled.
Dean sighed next to Seth, “Better just treat it like a bandaid man...” just then Dean’s phone went off.
“Hey doll, what’s u- easy... Yeah, he’s here... what do you mean ‘late’?”
“OH SHIT!!! I’m supposed to be with Lily right now!! She said she had a surprise for me. DAMNIT!!” With that he hauled ass out the door.
“This is gonna blow up...” Roman said sadly.
Lily sat at the table in her favorite little black dress, her hair done and makeup on, courtesy of Renee. Seth was supposed to be here over an hour ago. Was he ok? Oh gosh, what if Micah got out and did something horrible to Seth?! Just as her worse fears started to plague her mind she heard the front door open.
“Baby, I am so sorry!! I lost track of time!!” He said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek. He closed his eyes, taking in her scent. Something he was sorely going to miss. Lily could sense something was off. He felt rigid, stressed almost. He sat down across from her and finally took in her appearance. She got all dolled up just for him.
“Wow, you look beautiful, babe.” He said with a mesmerized smile.
“And this cake! It looks and smells amazing!”
“Y’know what? I’ll grab us some plates, forks and a knife and we’ll cut this bad boy up.” He said, going to stand.
“SETH!” Lily said sternly, stopping Seth in his tracks. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off these past couple days and I’m worried.”
Seth just stared at her. How did she always know what was up with him? He sighed, it was now or never. Lily could hear his fingers tapping nervously against the table, like he was fighting an internal battle in his head. She reached her hand across the table feeling for his hand, gently squeezing it when she found it.
“Seth, whatever it is, you can tell me, we’ll get through it together.” She said, giving him a reassuring smile. Placing his other hand on hers, he decided that it’s time.
“Ok.... Dean, Roman and I, um, got signed by the WWE for the NXT division so I have to drop outta college and report to WWE headquarters.” He said in one breath, dreading her reaction. She jumped up from her seat causing Seth to stand from his chair and watched her as she felt her way to him.
“THAT’S AMAZING!!! I’m so happy for you!!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck!! “Why were you so scared to tell me?!” She asked, giggling. Seth kissed her forehead before placing his on hers.
“Because... I have to leave in six days.” He felt her slightly flinch in his arms. Meanwhile, Lily felt her heart shatter and her world crumble. But she refused to be the reason he didn’t chase his dreams. No, she’ll do what she does best, support him 100%.... even if her heart was breaking on the inside. She mustn’t be selfish. She kissed his cheek and walked towards their bedroom. Seth knew he screwed the pooch by not telling her sooner. He chased after her, ready to plead, grovel and beg for her forgiveness, but to his surprise he saw her smiling, pulling clothes from his drawers.
“Um, baby, what are you doing?” He asked, still worried.
“You’ll need all your favorite clothes, not to mention we need to get you a new workout attire, these are practically threads and patches.” She said, holding up his spandex pants. Seth felt his heart race, just when he didn’t think he could love her more, she pulls something like this. He watched as she puttered around the room, gathering his things, when she walked in with a laundry basket full of clothes fresh from the dryer. She felt their fabrics, separating her clothes from his when she came across his T-shirt she was wearing earlier that day. That’s when the first tear fell. She held it close to her chest before folding it and placing it on their bed. Seth grabbed her wrist, taking the shirt from her hand.
“This is yours, babe. I want you to have it, wear it when you’re missing me.” He whispered, kissing her temple. It was then he noticed the tears in her eyes. He turned her in his arms and held her close. He knew that she was putting on a brave face for him. He didn’t deserve her, but he needed her.
“I’m so scared, Renee. I feel so fearless with him. What am I gonna do by myself?” Lily said, lying next to Renee on Lily and Seth’s bed. “I mean, he’s leaving tomorrow.... oh my gosh, I must sound so selfish!! How are you doing? Are you gonna be ok with Dean leaving?!” She asked, realizing that she wasn’t the only one hurting right now. Renee snuggled closer to Lily, sad about what she was about to tell her.
“Um, I actually got a job with the WWE as well as a backstage interviewer.” She said, biting her thumb nail. Lily couldn’t help but feel like she was being left behind.
‘Don’t be a Debby Downer, little Lily.’ She could hear her mother say. She turned towards Renee and hugged her tightly.
“I’m proud of you Re-Re!! A-are you leaving with the boys?”
“I am.... I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier, I didn’t want you thinking that I’m abandoning you.” She said sadly.
“I know that! Just promise me you’ll keep in touch!”
“Always! Oh, I better get going, knowing Dean he hasn’t finished packing.” She touched Lily’s cheek. “I love you so much and will miss you like crazy.” She finished with a tight hug.
The night was spent with Lily and Seth in each other’s embrace, Seth showing her how much he’ll miss her, his lips worshiping every inch of her body.
As Seth lay there sleeping in his usual position on Lily’s chest, she couldn’t sleep a wink. A small, bitter part of her wished so badly that Seth would change his mind and stay with her. Wasn’t she enough for him? Wasn’t she making him happy? She was ripped out of her selfish thoughts by a loud clap of thunder, causing her body to jolt, waking Seth. He looked up at her, cupping her cheek in his hand.
“Hey, hey, you’re ok pretty baby. It’s just a little thunder. I’ve got you.” She felt him kiss her collar bone soothingly, then falling back asleep.
She listened as the rain poured against the window. When she was certain Seth was sound asleep, she allowed her tears to fall.
Just as she was drifting to sleep she heard Seth’s alarm go off. This was it, time for her to put on her big girl panties and smile.
Seth had all his things packed up in the car and was just about ready to leave. He pulled Lily into his arms, deeply kissing her.
“You have no idea how much you’ve saved me. I love you with everything inside me.” He whispered against her lips.
“I love you t-too. You make me so strong and brave. I’ll be here every s-step of the way!”
After what felt like an eternity, they finally pulled apart and Seth walked out of their, well, now her apartment. She walked into her bedroom, searching for his shirt, clutching it to her chest as if her life depended on it. Then, as if acting on their own accord, her feet carried her out the door, running after him. She ran into the rain, praying she didn’t miss him.
“SETH!” She yelled, hoping she’d hear him answer.
Seth, who was just about to shut his car door, turned at the sound of his name. He ran to meet her, clasping her arms.
“Baby, what’s wrong?!”
“Please...” she sobbed as the rain pelted her face, “don’t leave like this, s-stay with me.”
She couldn’t help but scoff at the cliche of it all. It felt like it came straight out of a sad movie, ‘girl stands in the rain in front of boy hoping she’s enough’.
She felt his lips on her forehead, a small gesture in hopes of calming her down.
“I promise I’ll stay in touch. I’ll call you every day and visit you when I’m in town.” He tells her trying desperately to reassure her that this isn’t the end of them.
She was stupid enough to believe him...
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @neversatisfiedgirl @lost-in-the-stories @calwitch @team-elias @panda-girl1999
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dawndragon32 · 6 years
Ok, so I'm really digging Sceo right now? And I guess the first ship I'll write for is gonna be it? (I guess this also means I'm gonna add Teen Wolf to my list lol. I might replace something else with Teen Wolf, switch out what I'm accepting right now? We’ll see. Also, Asexual Theo, Pansexual Scott? Anyone? No? Too bad!) Annnnnnnnd. I'm gonna do this as Scott/Malia not happening? Idk, I don't hate them together, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. And this is my au. :P
-Scott, surprising no one (but Stiles and Theo.) started falling for Theo the second he came back to Beacon Hills. When Theo kills him, of course he feels betrayal, but the heartache is the worst part. Yes Theo lost his trust, but feelings just don't go away. Stiles and his I told you so, doesn't really help.
-Scott keeps his feelings to himself for a really long time, but the girls can tell, Lydia and Kira cause. Well their Lydia and Kira. And Malia can tell because she can smell it on him.
-Malia is the reason that the rest of the pack finds out.
-”Your heartache reeks and it is ruining my lunch”
-Lydia rolls her eyes, Kira is shocked that she says anything (which she really shouldn't be), Liam asks why Kira broke up with him (more eye rolls from Lydia), Mason is the first to get it, and then Stiles almost has a freak out when he gets it right after Mason. (Lydia has to explain it to Liam).
- No one really talks about it, they are good friends and know not to make things more awkward than that already are.
-That being said, he still loves Kira, and losing both the people he has romantic feelings for in like a week, is a very weird feeling (even if the one was very strained).
-Theo always liked Scott, from the very beginning. Just doesn't realize it until after he gets out if the skinwalkers living hell. (Oh my gosh, don't imagine Theo calling out for Scott after a couple times of his sister killing him just don't it hurts. Fuck.)
- He doesn't ever think about actually being with Scott, doesn't ever let himself think it could be a possibility. He might have changed a bit (in his own opinion), but that doesn't mean he deserves Scott's love, hell he doesn't deserve the weird trust he has from him for helping with the Wild Hunt.
-The rest of the pack treats him like crap still (maybe even a little worse? Cause they know Scott likes?loves? him. more of a, you broke our alphas heart, kinda thing?).
-When Stiles and Scott go on that drive after Stiles gives Scott the jeep, Stiles tells Scott that he doesn't hate Theo as much as he used to.
(And now we get to what I really wanted to happen in the show, but knew would never happen.)
-Theo being the one to go with Scott to the Argents.. gun place I can't remember what it's called even though I just watched yesterday oops.
-Theo telling Scott he regrets a lot of things he did as the oxygen is being sucked out of the room. (“ I regret killing my pack. My sister. Letting the dread doctors manipulate me. Most of all. I regret not actually trying to join your pack when I had the chance.”)
- And then all the Malia x Scott scenes happening with Sceo (I'm too tired to write them all out, but like. The shower scene would have been a bit. Different? Idk I fast forward through that part so did they do the do? If they did, then in this version it would have just been making out, and being close? And like. Holy shit we are alive. Kinda deal).
- Ok but like. Theo being able to somehow tell that Scott is hurt right after helping with the hospital (anchor.) And like. Completely shifting to get to him, just in time. And Lydia doing the whole, ‘kiss him’ thing. Listen. Just. Yes? Please?
-Melissa’s reaction “You know he killed you? Right?” “You know Argent almost killed me multiple times right?” She has no response to that.
- Considering how little time Scott spends in Beacon, Theo kinda just. Accidentally moves in with Melissa and Chris. He just starts sneaking into Scott's room every once in a while, and then Chris catches him there one morning, and instead of being mad, he invites him down for breakfast.
- Also Deaton makes some calls (“did you see the news about the riots? No one could get out of town, and they cut all cell phone service.” Thanks to Scott's dad, all the outside world thinks is that it was a bunch of riots.) And Scott get to go to college. In fact everyone goes to college (except Theo, who really doesn't want to go. He ends up working for Deaton, taking over for Scott.), so Scott really isn't home a lot.
-Scott secretly loving that his house smells like his loved ones that are in Beacon.
-Theo doesn't sleep very well when Scott is away from him, but he promised to keep Beacon Hills safe while Scott is at college, and when he goes out to finds lost werewolves and supernatural creatures. When he's not with him, he’ll have nightmares about the night in the library (both when he killed him, and when he almost went blind).
- yes. They did have to talk about the fact that Theo killed Scott, and hurt a lot of other people. It was a long one, and they came out of it a lot stronger in there relationship.
-Scott being very in tune with Theo, and his emotions, so when Theo is slightly stressed about something when he comes home for winter break, he confronts him about it. And Theo telling him about how Mason had been talking about the fact that him and Cory where gonna be alone for the holidays and that they had decided they wanted to have sex for the first time (no time before, and then Cory kinda wanted to make it special.) And him admitting that he just. Doesn't get it? He just, doesn't understand what people mean, when they find someone ‘attractive’? And now that he isn't constantly running for his life, it's kinda bugging him? Is he broken? And that is how they do a crap ton of research, and find out that he's asexual. It's a long journey, but he's finally starting to not feel broken, knowing there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like him.
- it took awhile, but after Theo wakes both himself and Scott up screaming because he was having nightmares about being back in the skinwalkers hell, he tells Scott about what happened down there.
-When he finds out, he wants to hide Kira’s sword away in Derek's vault and keep it there for good. (Not like they can put it back together without Kira, but he'd rather have it there, then with Liam.)
-Theo stealing one of Scott's hoodies everytime he visits, so the bed will smell like him. (Scott knowing, and leaving out one that he's kept in his bookbag so it'll smell like him).
I think that's all I've got for now?? This got so long!? Oh well. Thanks for reading!
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pancakpop · 7 years
Pretend | Jeonghan
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A/N: This is very long (I’m exaggerating, but it really feels that way) and I feel like it’s all over the place and ends incomplete-ish, but this is just something I wrote and it took more twists than originally planned, but here we are. Enjoy.
Requests are open.
No matter how many times the words repeated in your mind they struck you. No matter how many times you tried to erase the words from your mind they stuck. You couldn’t believe his words. You couldn’t believe that those words were all you needed for the world around you to feel so damn deceiving.
“I was just pretending to love you. And I don’t want to pretend anymore.”
Jeonghan spoke quickly after sitting you down on the couch in the living room. His tone was harsh and dry, getting his point across clearly.
You let out of breath of disbelief, “What??” You asked, the words he spoke now were foreign to those he spoke to you just mere hours prior to this moment. The way the words were phrased confused you.
“You heard what I said. It was all pretend. Fake. Faux. It was never real. I just wanted to have some fun. And I did.”
“Are. You. Serious??” You seethed, but somehow, someway you managed to keep calm.
“Are you fucking deaf??” He asked. Now he was seething, so much, if you asked another question there was a possibility of him losing it. “How many more ways do I have to explain to you that I just wanted to fuck around with someone, mess with their head. It was pretend!! P-R-E-T-E-N-D.” He was now standing above you, his breath unsteady, his nostrils flared and his jaw clenched.
You still couldn’t believe it, why did he have to choose you. Why did he have to make it seem so real. Why was his first text to you this morning, “Good Morning beautiful!! Come over I have something really important to tell you 💖.” Why was he so deceiving.
Why. Why. Why.
Why did he have to capture your heart to the point where you thought he was the one. The one you would marry some day.
With your new found anger you started nodding your head and from where you sat collected your things.
A chuckle left your lips as you stood, causing him to give you a confused look and back up from you, “It was fun,” you smirked and walked out of his place not looking back, but you knew that his eyes were trained on you as he stood by his window.
And now you lay in bed a week later still confused as to how you never noticed his real intentions, he was so consistent with everything like a real boyfriend would be. You even shared I love you’s. That’s how deep in you were.
Everything was so real yet so fake. You should have realized sooner that Jeonghan was too good to be true. Too perfect to be real.
Were any of your friends aware?? Or were they also blind to his games?? Your parents never said anything either and parents are aware of everything. Was he really that convincing… ??
You rolled your eyes at yourself, “He obviously was that convincing. Stupid,” you mumbled to yourself, the palm of your hand coming into contact with your forehead.
You finally decided to get out of bed for the day and get ready for your breakfast date. Considering your ‘relationship’ with Jeonghan was only pretend that makes it so you can go on dates. Without people saying, ‘Isn’t it too soon??’
And lucky for you, you scored a cute guy named Soonyoung. He was so sweet and a gentleman. He had the cutest chubby cheeks and yet had an amazingly fit body you always found yourself admiring. He also had the prettiest eyes.
Yet you couldn’t help but walk around him with caution. He knew about your prior situation so he didn’t take offense when he could tell you were being cautious with him.
Either way, he wanted to take it slow with you.
After an hour you finally finished getting ready, you finished off with a few spritzes of perfume at your neck. And taking one last look at yourself in the mirror you take your small bag and walk out of your house.
You arrived at the café and looked around for Soonyoung, he said he caught a table outside, you were happy for that.
“Hey, (Y/N)!!” You heard your name and as you looked around you caught sight of Soonyoung’s waving hand.
You smile and head his way.
“Hey Soon,” you say as you enter his open arms.
He chuckles and once more says hey.
He pulls your seat out for you and as you sit pushes it back in than going back to his own seat.
“How’d you sleep??” As you asked him, you couldn’t help the instant smile that appeared on your face at the sight of him already smiling at you.
“I slept well, how about you??” He almost forgot to talk, he was just so enthralled in you just speaking to him.
“Like a baby,” you laughed, it didn’t matter what was happening in your life, you never let it take away your sleep or stop you from eating all your necessary meals.
“I’m glad and ok. So,” he let out a deep sigh, causing his body to resemble that of a deflating balloon, this worried you so reaching over to his side of the table you took one of his hands into your own. “It’s probably too soon, but I also invited my best friend because I wanted him to meet you,” Soonyoung nervously chewed his bottom lip, awaiting your reply or reaction.
You felt relieved that it wasn’t actually bad news and at the same time flattered, he’s already scoring brownie points early on and you’re not even official yet.
“Oh. My. Gosh. I thought you were going to say something bad, you scared me,” you could breathe again.
He chuckled, kissing the back of your hand in response, “he should be arriving soon.”
You both were able to eat your ordered food and order another two smoothies before he said that his friend was arriving, “I’m gonna go get him, he loves taking his time,” Soon rolled his eyes standing up and leaving a kiss on your forehead before running off.
It wasn’t long before Soonyoung was beside you with his best friend.
But it wasn’t long before the world around you so abruptly stopped as you looked up from where you were seated.
The excited giddy smiled you once sported was nowhere to be seen, it’s replacements being disbelief and shock.
Soon quickly caught onto your sudden change of expression, but it was obvious his mind wasn’t quick to process everything, how could he when the situation is confusing as is.
Jeonghan in the fucking flesh. You had managed to avoid him and his pretend ass (as if he even had one) for a whole entire week and now so suddenly life wanted to just place him in front of you.
As you sat there watching as the people and cars go by you couldn’t help the scoff that managed to escape you as your hands were clutched together in front of your now pursed lips.
With the quick glance you took at Jeonghan, he was also displeased with seeing your face again.
You couldn’t just sit there as they both stood and stared.
You couldn’t just sit there and not voice your dying question.
So as you stood you looked Soonyoung right in the eyes and asked, “are you also playing me??”
His whole composure changed at that question, he scoffs, “you really believe me to be capable of such a thing.”
“Considering your choice of best friend, I don’t really know what to believe right now Soon,” you looked at him as if he were an idiot for asking such a question.
He took a step towards you, his eyes narrowed, “you’ve known me for a year, a damn year and you think that now I’d do such a thing,” he lowered his voice -not wanting to cause a scene and spoke through gritted teeth as one of his pointer fingers shook downwards in anger with each word he spoke to you.
You rolled your eyes, “and I’ve known him for a year, what’s your point,” you challenged him.
He backs you up against the railing face not mere inches from yours, Jeonghan scoffs and you send him a glare, but Soonyoung gently turned your face to look at his again, his eyes which were fixated on you were filled with disbelief and an undertone of anger. At this moment you felt bad for accusing him of having bad intentions towards you.
“My point is. I’m not him (Y/N).”
The way he so sharply pronounced your name made you shiver.
“You see what I had to deal with for a year,” Jeonghan mutters, shaking his head.
Quickly looking around Soonyoung you reply to Jeonghan’s remark, “Because you fucking wanted to.”
“Hey,” Soonyoung’s fingers were once again turning your face towards his, “ignore him. Let me deal with him.”
You nod and grab your bag, “I just- give me time to think. I’ll- I’ll see you whenever.” You were glad you both had split the bill before hand because you were free to just walk away.
This time around his whole composure dropped, you had left him still gripping onto the railing as space you once filled was now empty.
“How dare you do such a horrible thing to such a good person, huh,” he was at disbelief, he thought he knew his best friend much better than this.
Jeonghan was now at a loss for words, a strange occurrence as it never happens.
“A whole year of their life that they could have been doing whatever they wanted. But,” He chuckles, “at least because of you I met them. Really if it wasn’t for you recommending them to my workplace. I would have never met them. I’ll speak to you later.”
He pats Jeonghan’s shoulder and walks off in an effort to catch up to his date, wanting to comfort them.
He didn’t want them to give up on him.
He wasn’t going to give up either.
He couldn’t believe his best friends words.
His only best friend.
His only friend.
Many weren’t too fond of Jeonghan, he always switched up on people without a sign.
Soonyoung was the only one who was safe from Jeonghan’s antics. He’s vowed to never do that to his best friend, because even when everyone at school told him to not speak to Jeonghan, Soonyoung went ahead and did it anyways giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Jeonghan was forever grateful to Soonyoung because he would have been friendless all throughout secondary school and high school.
Jeonghan just sighed and went back home knowing his best friend is a man of his word and will talk to him later.
He knew that (Y/N) would be happier with Soonyoung as he saw how nicely they matched.
He never meant to hurt anyone.
He just felt like he wouldn’t be able to give them the world they deserved.
And now he’s paying the price.
( Y / N )
You were finally back in the comfort of your home, now sitting on your couch.
You don’t even understand your real reason for walking away. You just knew the pressure was too real.
“(Y/N)!! Open the door please!!”
You sat on your couch contemplating on opening the door or not.
Finally, you remind yourself that Soonyoung has done nothing wrong. He’s actually done everything right.
Once at the door you slowly opened the door only to be faced with the biggest bouquet of roses you’ve ever seen.
“Soon!! What is this for?!?!”
“For upsetting you.” It was a simple statement that held so much feeling. “I also don’t want you to give up on what we have.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, “I told you I would see you whenever that could have easily been later this evening.”
You locked your front door and let him set the bouquet down on the kitchen counter.
“I know, but I wanted to make sure. You’ve gone through a lot it just a day and then to go on a date and see the person who hurt you…” he shook his head as he sighed.
“I upset you more than you upset me. I accused you of not being real with me. I should be the one apologizing and buying you something nice to make up for it.”
He shrugs, “It doesn’t matter-”
You cut him off, “It does matter. You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. I hurt your feelings and by the look in your eyes you’re still hurt by it.”
Caressing his cheek, one of his hands cupping your own, your voice barely audible but just enough for him to hear, “I really like you Soon, and nothing will make me give up on you or this relationship we’ve started. I was really flattered when you told me you wanted your best friend to meet me. You’ve done everything right up until this moment. I’m the one that should be sorry.”
He turns his face and left a kiss on the palm of your hand then pulling you in for a tight hug, “let’s just forget this ever happened and we can go on a date later this evening. How does that sound??”
“That sounds amazing.”
You were both still hugging when the doorbell rang, “I’ll get it,” he rushes over to the door and opened it without looking first.
It’s was a puffy eyed, tear stained Jeonghan.
You’ve never seen him like this. This side of him was completely new to you, he was the one to see you cry and the one to ‘comfort’ you.
He sulks into your home, you and Soonyoung shared a look of confusion at how strange it was to see Jeonghan this way.
“(Y/N),” him just saying your name brought back memories, but you could tell that this was different, “I’m so sorry.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked at the floor, your bottom lip between your teeth, you scoffed, “you say that… now??” Your voice quiet but easily heard at the deafening silence that was in the room.
“Please, believe me when I say that I never meant to hurt you. When I broke up with you… I lied. I’m a terrible person. I felt that I couldn’t give you the world and I saw how well you and Soonyoung got along, how good you looked together. So I thought it was best if you ended up with him. He’s a much better person than I will ever be. I’m so damn sorry.”
You squeeze your eyes as tightly as humanly possible, not wanting to cry in front of Soon nor Jeonghan.
“So… you mean to tell me, that it was all real. It wasn’t pretend. Why now Jeonghan!! What do you think you’re accomplishing by telling me this now!!”
He falls to his knees as if he can’t stand anymore, “Your forgiveness… Soon’s forgiveness.”
“Why mine??” Soonyoung asks.
“Because my best friend and only friend is disappointed in me. I could tell. I don’t want you to feel disappointed in me ever again. You are really the only reason I keep moving forward.”
“I said I would talk to you later,” Soon walks over to him and kneels down beside Jeonghan, “I’ve known you way too long to stop being your best friend. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
You just stood there and watched the interaction take place. You couldn’t stand to see his face again. You just wanted to crawl into a hole and die because seeing him again made your chest physically ache which only made breathing harder for you.
“(Y/N), please.” You were so focused on your aching chest and breathing, you hadn’t realized that Jeonghan had started speaking to you again.
“Ok. You’re forgiven, but I’ll never forget what you did, no matter if your intentions were good or bad I want you out of my face.” You turned your back on him.
You felt as if your whole world was crashing down on you. The feelings you thought were gone really weren’t, not feelings towards Jeonghan, but the feelings of the breakup, everything came back to you and you felt the weight on your shoulders once again.
Soonyoung was helping Jeonghan out, “is it ok if I come back??”
You only nod your head and lock the door behind him. He had a spare key anyways.
Once he was gone you broke down, the only thing missing were the tears, you cried enough of those.
You just got into pajamas and lay in your bed letting yourself fall asleep maybe, just maybe,  a nap will help.
Soonyoung comforted his friend then told him to just take a nap and that after visiting (Y/N) he would come back.
He was lost in what to do, the two most important people in his life are both heartbroken and upset because of each other.
“I guess I’ll just continue treating them the way I always did.”
“I just wanted (Y/N) to know that I had real and genuine feelings for them. I just wanted them to know that I wasn’t pretending to love them. That it was all real.”
“I just wanted (Y/N) to know that it was never pretend.”
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dystovian · 7 years
The paladins with a deaf S/o please?
I just noticed that Keith’s is so long oh my godh save me.
[Lance:]•omgm•ok so when he first meets you he tries flirting, and just omg•you give him a look and he kinda tilts his head because he usually doesn’t get responses like that?? people either swoon or walk away•Pidge was the only one that knew you were deaf, refused to tell Lance. Let you in on the joke of course•everyone expected a huge reaction out of him when he found it but he actually laughed really loud and then when he knew you were the one forever•felt super bad that you ended up coming to space with them, he knew it was hard to communicate in general with people who don’t speak ASL, and now here you are communication with ALIENS•didn’t want you to come because you deserved to be home safe and sound and being deaf isn’t good when at war•anything could happen and you would be able to hear things above or behind or around you•someone laughed at you because you weren’t answering someone and he screeched so loud that maybe if you tried hard enough you could actually hear it
•he saw you around the garrison a few times but never got the chance to actually say anything to you•when he and Shiro were talking in the hallway about Shiros graduation party Keith saw you and wanted to go say hi but didn’t want to be rude to Shiro•"uh Keith? You awake?“ •keith blushes and snaps at him like yes of course but that person over there is my soulmate please•when he first met you like actually met you, you had been one of the first medical scientists to find Shiro, and watched as your coworkers put him to sleep although you disobeyed and lowered the dose•thanks to you he would’ve been asleep a lot longer than he had•when keith came in and saw Shiro he saw you and was speechless but everything was interrupted by lance and you all left. you showed up at his shack a lot later on though•oh my gosh, okay he finds out because you’re best friends with a cousin of Hunks and Hunk was like, “yknow she can’t,,,,hear, right?” And he literally blows a fuse and shuts down because he was talking behind you the whole time about shiro while you were checking on him•he doesn’t mind that you’re deaf of course, but he’s extremely stubborn and impatient and it takes him so much effort to learn ASL •turns out you had a handbook with you the entire time so some people can ask you certain things on the medical/scientific field•he tried learning by going around space and searching for stores that had things from Earth and all he found was the alphabet •omg he loves you so much if someone were to ever be cruel to you because you didn’t respond he would chew them out SO FAST•he asked pidge and coran at one point if there was an easier way for the two of your to communicate, or if there was a way to get you to hear again•you ended up refusing because you love your life just the way it is, and don’t really want to change anything•but you’ll use it when around others who don’t know ASL, which is a lot of the time
[Shiro:]•you and him were in the same grade and were assigned to a project together on the analysis of every planet, and you disappeared for one period, and you both met up in the library during study and you slid him a GIANT, packet of papers with information that even he didn’t know•turns out since you couldn’t really do much, due to your hearing, you spent time learning about the planets and were obsessed with them•he asked you how you knew so much information and you wrote down that you’re deaf and can’t hear anything he’s saying at the moment •oomgndndn he wanted to cry •you were so sweet and smart and so gorgeous in his eyes•he smiled and you guys wrote back and forth the rest of the period•ended up taking online lessons for ASL, but would most likely not ask to fix your hearing unless you wanted it•once someone gave you a dirty look because you didn’t respond to them and he looked them straight in the eyes and asked them “can you NOT?”•keith screamed
[Hunk:]•he already knew ASL, his mother worked at a living center, and a lot of blind and deaf people worked there so he learned both Braille and ASL.•didn’t know you were deaf at first but you signed and he nodded and started signing too•you cried•he panicked and Lance thought he said something mean by accident to you and basically slapped hunk on the back of the neck•you reassured him that everything was fine, but not a lot of people knew ASL and it was a first in the garrison (that isn’t a teacher)•oh wait I forgot but you had met at Class Day, where basically the seniors in the garrison receive their scholarships, and everyone was in the auditorium •SCREECH once you guys went to get McDonald’s at 3AM, and he fell asleep in the passenger seat,•this didn’t work out for you because he’s the talker in your relationship •you literally panicked and slapped Hunk in the throat and he cried•you laughed for hours and you’ll never forget that day•pidge found out and laughed so much that they took out their laptop and typed out every word of your story while PISSING themself
•so obvious but Pidge would totally try to invent something for you so you can hear•like, they’d be nervous that you wouldn’t want it and would instead just ask you if you’d test it •you end up testing it and at first it didn’t work, but once it was fixed you tried again and you could actually hear•you were so overwhelmed that you began to ugly sob because it was just great. finally being able to hear the voices of people you’ve been around for for so so long•you aren’t so used to it, especially speaking and hearing your own voice so you usually stick to using sign language•ok so you met Lance way after you met Pidge and he flirted with you (also you didn’t know Pidge was in disguise) so Pidge was mad•kicked him in the balls because they were trying to hold it in but he’s been flirting with you for 6 minutes now•heard an alien question your hand movements and sent their grapple to their forehead because their tone was a bit wrong•HDNDNNDNDJD ALLURA DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU COULDNT HEAR•and she leaned in and with the most straight face ever she said “what have they done to you.”•hunk was so shocked and just amused that he fell to the ground whimpering because it was so funny•he skipped laughing and went straight to crying
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pasiphile · 7 years
Review of li'l Hammy plz
ok , so it’s been two weeks, i think i can take it now.
(although my first reaction to that question is still AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *loud broken sobbing*)
First off, it’s probably important to know that all I have to compare it with in terms of performances is the Kenneth Branaugh version and the David Tennant version, and that this was the first time I’ve seen a live stage version. 
So. All in all, there were three things about it that I didn’t really like/felt a bit meh about. First was the underuse of Horatio - I like my implied gay, or at least the very close friendship, but because they were really going for the emotionally wrecking version, Horatio got kinda downplayed. Which was a bit of a shame, really. The other thing was the decision to put music over the final bits of the ending duel scene - loud enough that you couldn’t hear the lines anymore. It’s a director’s choice, and honestly I do think it worked, but I’d liked to hear the lines. It also made that whole scene feel a bit rushed, unreal - although it  also played into the whole inevitability of the thing. And, to be fair, even without the words, the expressions alone were doing a lot of acting. And third was the way the played a kind of afterlife bit. The back of the stage was separated by a diaphanous curtain, and as the people started dying in the last scene, after they did the traditional falling-on-the-floor-convulsing thing, the actors got up and walked to the space behind the curtain, were Ophelia was already dancing peacefully with Polonius. It... kinda felt too on the nose, to me? Especially compared to the bleakness of the rest of the play.
That’s what I didn’t really like. I really loved the rest. I loved the scene choices - Hamlet senior on CCTV screens really worked for me (even though it did really remind me of Tennant!Hamlet); the minimal setting with just the sofa and a little table with a computer screen on it was amazingly versatile; I kinda loved the decision to put the cast with their backs to the audience during the play-within-a-play thing (even though it made Freddie cringe, theatre-kid they are); and what I probably loved most about it was how they used the see-through curtain during the first few scenes with Hamlet to really drive home the isolation of his character - people partying behind the screen, visible and audible but muted, and he stark and dark in front of it.  I also liked the wardrobe, Hamlet’s constant black and Gertrude’s amazing dresses and Ophelia in a vulnerable white long t-shirt and not much else after Hamlet scares the shit out of her.
I loved the interpretations, loved how sympathetic they made everyone. Even Claudius got his moments - the scene in the confessional when Hamlet considers murdering him was played very interestingly, with Hamlet standing directly in front of Claudius, nothing inbetween (to the point where I went oh, are they actually playing it as a head-to-head confrontation?) and it made Claudius feel strangely human, wracked with indecision and guilt almost as much as Hamlet is. They really played up the relationship between Claudius and Gertrude. You could really believe why Gertrude married that quickly. There was a lovely moment where Gertrude is trying to give a serious speech and Claudius snags the back of her dress and playfully tries to pull her away; and there was a cute scene were a guard walks in on Gertrude and Claudius napping on top of each other on the sofa (Gertrude waking up and embarrassedly/gracefully/sheepishly smiling at the guard was adorable). They also got creative with Polonius’ character, playing him as suffering from early Alzheimer’s. It worked, impressively well, it made sense in the context of his lines and added a layer of tragedy on top of the usual clownesque vibe of Polonius. Suddenly the character became real, flesh and blood, rather than just something written for entertainment. But it also took away a bit of the comedy - see below for more on that.
Ophelia, likewise. She’s such a difficult character to do well but Jessica Brown Findlay played her so naturally and full of joy and energy and warmth that I didn’t not like her for a second. And of course, that made the mad scene all the more painful. Another difficult one to do right, imo, but she nailed it; less insane whimsy and more bitter dark anger. Also: every interaction between her and Hamlet in the first act was amazing. They emphasised the relationship between them, made it basically already established. The first time they interact it’s first with a happy lovers’ kiss, and then with a heartfelt long, clumsy, painfully comforting hug. It’s... sort of hard to explain how real that all felt, but it was heartwrenching to watch.
Even Laertes, in his brief scenes, did really really well. His interactions with Ophelia were quintessential teasing-affectionate siblinghood (all three of us have siblings; all three of us went yes that’s how it is afterwards) and his anger and confusion and anguish in the third act really hit you. And Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were interesting too. In case you didn’t know yet, Guildenstern was played by a black woman, Rosencrantz by a white man, and they were pretty heavily implied to be a couple. Rosencrantz kinda faded to the background, imo, but Guildenstern really shone, both in her interactions with Hamlet - again, like with Ophelia, the love between them felt deep, real - as in her interactions with Gertrude. Plus, the bit where Claudius walks up to Rosencrantz and goes dear Guildenstern and Gertrude gently switches them around, correcting him, was a moment of adorably funny brightness.
You may notice I’m kinda stalling. I haven’t mentioned the number one here, the one it’s all about. It’s because it’s kind of hard to put it in words, really. I mean - look, I’ve seen Branaugh’s Hamlet, which was very classic, thoughtful and deliberate and oratory; and I’ve seen Tennant’s Hamlet, which emphasised the wittiness and teasing funny bits and played the pain either as quiet, subdued, or with Tenth-Doctor-Manic-Energy. Meanwhile, Scott’s Hamlet was... if there’s one word I’d associate with this one it’s raw. 
(I think the most telling is how completely exhausted and devastated Scott looked after the performance. While everyone else was smiling happily at the applause and the immediate standing ovation, it took until the third bow before he managed to crack a very very tired smile. And that was the matinee performance, meaning he would have to do it all again about three hours later.)
He’s without competition the most painful Hamlet I’ve seen, and probably will ever see. It’s all there on the surface, every battling emotion, every raw pain. The constant vacillating between the hatred and contempt for others and the hatred and contempt for himself; the quiet resigned exhaustion of the third act; the blind fury when he kills Polonius and the sick horrified laughter when he comes back to his senses afterwards; the way he clings to Ophelia and his mother and even the ghost of his father; the soliloquy, which I feared I wouldn’t be able to take seriously after hearing it so many times but which got me right from the first syllable, as if it was the first time I heard it, full of tired sadness and pain...
It was an immensely physical performance too. Scott often gestures big when he’s playing a certain kind of character, which may get distracting when you start paying attention to it, but for me it really worked here, giving the impression of a man struggling to grasp and shape his ideas. A lot of physical attacking happened too, with Ophelia (which sadly I couldn’t see well because of the seating), with Gertrude, in something that very much crossed the line into sexual assault, and even with Polonius, who got a kiss full on the mouth followed by Hamlet spitting on the floor. It just felt so visceral, like it’s all coming from somewhere deep within. Also, it amazes me that most reviews talk about Scott’s Hamlet as being soft-spoken and gentle. Sure, the moments were he was soft and gentle were exceptionally so (most notably in the big soliloquy, and at the start with Ophelia), but those were by far outnumbered by the violent ones. Above all this is a very angry Hamlet; he does more shouting than whispering.
(as I said to Freddie: Hamlet does not have a lot of coping mechanisms. By which I mean: you really got that impression of Hamlet as a man struggling with emotions he has no way of containing, of being constantly overruled and tormented by them, beyond his control. Which is a take I haven’t really seen before - or at any rate, not that well performed)
He also wasn’t a very funny Hamlet. Take the scene in the third act, where the messenger summons him to the duel. Tennant played that with relish, milking every comedic moment; with Scott, I barely smiled at all. By then, the overarching feel was so devastatingly painful that jest would’ve felt immensely out of place. Conversely, moments that wouldn’t be funny in other version suddenly got a kind of dark humour to it; most notably the first soliloquy, which was delivered straight face-on to the audience and got a laugh out of the audience (at the married mine uncle line, I think?) and a fourth-wall-breaking returning grin from Scott - and it worked. (This was also the moment where I went from interested to nailed to my seat because gosh, live theatre is something else). And there was the slapstick-moment after Laertes interrupts Hamlet and Ophelia mid-kiss, and Hamlet dives away behind the couch and followed the rest of the conversation from behind said couch - the sight of the top of his head suddenly peeping up when Laertes has the if he says he loves you got a theatre-wide giggle. But it all starts devolving so rapidly and completely that there’s very little time to enjoy the lightness and funny bits. 
That’s the reason why I really deeply enjoyed watching the first act, and why the second and third were a whole lot more difficult to watch for me. Not that they were any less good, they were brilliant, but it’s bleak, depressing. While in the first act, you got that sense of warmth and everything being more or less good, just before everything goes to shit.
Which is the central bit of why it’s so, so good. We all know the story. We all know what happens, who dies, how it ends. But the strength of a tragedy lies in its sense of lost potential, that sort of instinctual no don’t do it! reaction you have as an audience when you can see things starting to go badly and you just do not want this. That’s what this Hamlet did to me, and I can’t exactly say how it did or what was pivotal there or not. It’s greater than the sum of the parts, really. All I know is that I watched that first act and even though I know every single step of the way, I still half expected it to go differently. I wanted it to go differently. Of course it didn’t, but because of that sense of could-have-been that was omnipresent in the first part, every step downwards just hurt that much more. 
It’s a Hamlet like a sledgehammer, this one. Without exaggeration, it took me days to recover, and even now, writing about it and thinking back on it, I still get that cold shiver of emotional devastation. In a matter of a few scenes it creates something warm and beautiful, and it then proceeds to slowly tear it apart in front of your eyes. It will fuck you up.
So go watch it. They’re taking it from the teeny-tiny Almeida to the bigger West End theatres soon, so there will be places free. Teeny-tiny Almeida was a lovely setting for it, and the intimacy of the theatre really helped creating the atmosphere of the play, but I don’t doubt it’s going to be great in a bigger one as well. So do as I did, put on a google alert for “andrew scott hamlet”, buy yourself a ticket as soon as they’re available, go have your heart ripped out live and then cry for two days straight because you just wanted them all to be happy, dammit.
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer ch. 4
“Omg. Gigi what’s wrong?!”
“I- I was supposed to s-start my period last weeks, b-but I didn’t.” Gigi stuttered through tears.
“Sh—schnitzel.” Maya looked at Gigi.
“I-I don’t know what to do. I’m freaking out. What if I’m pregnant?”
“Gigi, it’s okay. I was in your shoes like 6 months ago. We’ll just walk to the closest gas station and buy a pregnancy test.” Kayla hugged Gigi, “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”
All the girls looked at another completely confused and shocked. What had Kayla meant by she had been in Gigi’s shoes before? Kayla seemed to not even notice what she had said, so the girls just let it slip.
“Okay I googled it and it says the nearest gas station is 3 miles away. You’ve got to be kidding me.” Groaned Eleanor.
“Freaking Harry didn’t leave the keys in the admission.” Alyssa pointed towards the front of the RV.
“I love that buy but sometimes he’s just plain stupid.” Kayla rolled her eyes.
“Well we better get walking if we want to make it back before the boys get home.”
All the girls jumped out of the RV and started heading towards the nearest gas station.
“Hey girls were b— ummm where are the girls?” Niall asked sounded concerned.
“What do you mean? They aren’t in there?”
“Harry, I’m pretty sure I’m not blind. They aren’t in here.”
“Someone call them”
“I tried, it goes straight to voicemail.” Liam layed his phone in the counter.
“Lovely. We are in the middle of no where and the girls are missing.” Zayn grumbled.
“Which one should I get? I’ve never bought a pre—“buy this one. It will give you the quickest results.” “Thanks Kayla.” Gigi looked around the other girls with a confused look on her face.
“Alright guys I’m going to go take this really quick.”
“Good luck”
While they were waiting for her, Alyssa found the ice cream aisle.
“Ohhh we should get ice cream and make ice cream sundaes.”
“Alyssa you’re a genius. We’re doing it.” Maya cheered.
So the girls gathered vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and cool whip.
“This is making me hungry.” Eleanor licked her lips.
As the girls walked back towards the bathroom Gigi approached them.
“Well????” Kayla asked.
“It was negative.”
“Oh thank gosh” Alyssa breathed out.
“My reaction exactly.” Gigi smiled at Alyssa.
“Well since you aren’t preggers let’s head back to the RV.” Maya walked away leading the pack.
“I’ve literally been trying to call them for 2 hours and they still aren’t here. Should I start driving and see if we can find them?”
“I honestly don’t know at this point. I just really hope nothing happened to th—“ Niall turned his head towards the door as all of the girls pile in the RV.
“Where have you been?! We’ve been worried sick!” Harry looked Kayla in the eyes.
She quickly looked at Gigi as she bit her lip.
“Umm we got hungry after the movie so we walked to a gas station.”
“Oh what movie did you watch?” Liam asked.
All the girls looked between each other and didn’t know how to respond.
“We don’t remember the name of it.” Alyssa looked anywhere but at the boys.
The boys seemed content with that answer and went on with talking. All the girls sat on one couch and didn’t say a thing for literally 3 hours.
“Ok that’s it. What the freak is wrong with you girls? You haven’t said a thing. I know something is up.” Louis raised his voice.
“Woah Gigi slow down. What was that?”
Gigi took a huge breath of air, “I thought I was pregnant so we went to the gas station to get a test. It came back negative though.”
“WHAT” Zayn jumped out of his seat.
Everybody was in complete shock at what was happening right before their eyes.
“I think I’m going to pull over into this campsite up the road and let you guys have some privacy.”
As Harry turned into the parking lot of the camping site everyone was dead silent. You could probably cut the awkwardness with a knife. Everyone was just looking around at each other. As the bus rolled to a hault everyone jump out of the bus.
“Zayn and I are going to go walk over to the picnic tables and talk”
As Zayn and Gigi walked away that left the rest of the group standing by the RV stretching their legs.
After 5 minutes had passed and nothing was said, Alyssa had a very important question to ask.
“Kayla, what did you mean by what you said earlier?”
“What’d I say?”
By this point everyone was intrigued by what the two girls were discussing.
“When Gigi was freaking out earlier, you told her you were in her shoes 6 months ago.”
Kayla’s faces paled along with Harry’s.
“I umm I—“ Kayla looked towards Harry and instantly knew he was pissed.
“I can’t believe you told them!” Harry raised his voice.
“I’m sorry. I don’t even remember saying it.”
“Saying what?! What exactly did you mean by that?!” Alyssa hollered.
She already knew what she had meant but she wanted to hear it from Kayla.
“Okay. Fine. 6 months ago I found out I was pregnant. I told Harry and we were honestly petrified. We didn’t know what to do. When I was 8 weeks along I lost the baby due to stress. We didn’t say anything because it was a tough situation. I’m still not over it and probably won’t ever be. There are you happy now?!” At this point Kayla had huge tears rolling down her cheeks. She has screamed everything so loud that even Zayn and Gigi heard it.
“Kayla I’m sorry I shouldn’t have men—“ “yeah you shouldn’t have, but here we are” Kayla stormed off into the woods.
Harry now has tears falling down his cheeks too. They were a mix and angry and sad tears. He was angry that Kayla had slipped up, but also sad that Alyssa had brought it up. Even though they were young they were excited to be parents. Having that ripped away sucks and hurts like heck.
“Harry are you okay mate?” Liam walked towards Harry.
“Yeah I just want some alone time. Someone go after Kayla and when you get her being her back so we can leave.” Harry turned towards the RV with no emotion on his face.
“I got her. I should apologize anyway.” Alyssa ran towards where Kayla had been just seconds earlier. After running for maybe 2 minutes, Alyssa found Kayla sitting on the ground up against a tree with her knees pulled into her chest.
“Hey.” Alyssa mumbled as she plopped on the ground next to her best friend, “ I’m really sorry for bringing it back up. I was just confused. Also, I’m sorry I acted like such a butthole over it. It just shocked me that you guys, you know.... did it and didn’t tell me. And the fact you were pregnant and didn’t tell me. It just kinda hurt my feelings.”
“I didn’t tell you because I felt like a failure. I went to thereapy for awhile because I felt like it was my fault that I lost the baby, but I now know it wasn’t my fault. And the reason I didn’t tell you we slept together, was because you didn’t tell me when you and Niall first had.”
“Well you see, that’s because Niall and I haven’t yet.” Alyssa replies sheepishly stairing at the ground.
“Oh I didn’t realize that. There’s no reason to be ashamed of that. I think it’s great you aren’t moving fast. I just figured since you’ve been dating for so long you had.”
“Is it weird that we haven’t?”
“Is it not normally heard of? Yes. But is it weird? No. There’s no reason to rush into things. I’m proud of you for waiting.”
“Thanks Kayla.” Alyssa smiled, “ I’m sorry for pressuring you into talking about something you weren’t ready for.”
“ it’s okay. I honestly feel better getting it off my chest.”
“Well I’m glad,” Alyssa pulled Kayla into a hug. “I love you. I hope you know that.”
“I love you too boo”
The girls helped each other up and headed back to the RV. Once getting in you could cut the tension with a knife.
Harry was sitting up in the front by himself staring at the window. He through into drive without even waiting is Kayla was sitting down and sped off. Kayla would have fallen over if Louis hadn’t reached out and grabbed her to stabilize her.
“Thanks Lou.”
As everyone was sitting in silence, Alyssa walked up to Niall, “Can I talk to you in the back bedroom?”
“Yeah of course.”
They walked to the back and closed the door.
“Niall, do you want to sleep with me?”
“Woah. You waste no time. Where’s this coming from?”
“I don’t know. I just don’t want you to get bored of me.”
“Get bored of you?! Babe come here.” Niall slaps is leg.
Niall wraps his arms around Alyssa, “Alyssa Forrest, you are the love of my life. I could never get bored of you. When I look at you, even after almost 3 years of dating, I get butterflies. I have memorized the way you snore when you sleep, how you talk too fast when you get nervous, and how you bite your lip when you want me to kiss you. I’ll never get bored of you. I love you too much.”
Alyssa smiles at Niall, “ I love you too Ni. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”
“I’m not pressuring you into something you aren’t ready for. When you’re really ready I’m ready, but right now I don’t think we are. Let’s take it slow. There’s no reason to rush into something that we will be able to do our whole lives. Okay princess?”
“Okay” Alyssa snuggled into the crook of Nialls neck.
As they walked out into the main area the awkwardness was definitely still thick. But Alyssa’s heart felt peace now that her and Niall were on the same page.
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