#ok i did not want to try to color this or the last set
forever-rogue · 2 years
Hi darling 🥰 I love, absolutely love the way you write Eddie and I have an idea for a fic! Maybe reader is Eddie's best friend forever (she has the same style, taste in music, also plays D&D, has tattoos, colorful hair) she is also in love with Eddie, but for some reason she thinks Eddie is attracted to cheerleaders and would never pay attention to her sooo she gets quiet and closed off, she's hurt and sad, she feels not enough but our dear boy finally gets the truth out of her and shows her his love, that she's the only one who really matters to him 🥹 If you are ok with it they have romantic sex but no pressure! Love ya!
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AN | Friends to lovers! Fools in love! Requited pining 🥺🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He had a pretty smile. A really fuckin’ pretty smile. 
It had been one of the first things you’d noticed about him when you met him as an awkward pre-teen. Now it was one of your favorite things about him. Among everything else, but you know, that wasn’t important. Sure, you were in love with Eddie Munson, also known as your best friend, but that was beside the point. Well…maybe it was the whole point. 
But none of that mattered. Because while you were in love with your dorky, funny, and hot best friend, nothing was ever going to change. While you were like him in so many ways, and people always presumed the two of you were dating (to which Eddie liked to remind people that you were platonic with a capital p), you were absolutely not his type. God, it's brutal out here.
No, his type was soft, ultra feminine, pastel pretty girls, bonus points if they were cheerleaders. If you had to sum it down to a singular person, Chrissy Cunningham fit the bill. And, honestly, you couldn’t even blame him. Not only was she pretty, smart, and funny, she was also kind. She’d never had so much as a singular rude thing to say and that made you want to hate her even more. Eddie was infatuated with her and all you were was his best friend. And it fucking sucked.
No matter how hard you tried to get over him, by hooking up with other people, trying to expand your interests to include other people, and even - for just a horrible moment - you’d tried to change yourself to be more his type, it never worked. Your thoughts, feelings - your heart - always went back to him. 
Eventually you’d had enough and decided that it was time to make a change. Even though you knew it would break your heart, you decided that this was the only way you’d ever get over him.
You had to create a divide, to set a distance and boundaries between the two of you. It was going to hurt at first, but that would pass, hopefully, one day and perhaps you’d both be better.
That was the plan in your head anyway…too bad life decided not to play by your little plan.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey sweetheart,” ugh. Your heart cracked at the sound of the sweet pet name he’d always called you. Normally you liked it…normally when you weren’t trying to avoid him. He slid into the seat next to you, elbow on the table as he rested his chin in his hand. You could feel him staring at you before he reached over and delicately twisted a lock of your hair around his pinky, “new color. I like purple, it looks pretty.”
“T-thanks,” you swallowed thickly before staring down at your tray, your appetite slowly disappearing, “did you need something?”
“Umm duh,” he teased, “it’s Friday night, aka movie night, and I am making sure you remember since you’ve been avoiding me like the plague. Which I won’t take personally, unless it continues on.”
“Oh,” you hadn’t forgotten movie night. It had been a tradition for the last five years, but you couldn’t bring yourself to face a night alone with him. You drummed your fingers along the table, “I-I can’t tonight. Sorry, Eddie, I…forgot.”
“You forgot movie night?” his entire face fell and as you shrugged your shoulders and nodded slightly, “but we always…have movie night. How-”
“Look, I’m sorry,” you allowed yourself one little look at the boy before feeling your heart drop. You’d never seen such a sad look on his face before. You grabbed your bag before standing up, “I just forgot, I’m sorry. I…I’ll see you around.”
You were off and out of the cafeteria before he could say anything. You left him sitting there, staring after you with a heartbroken expression. You’d never forgotten, you’d never turned him down before. Not until today anyway.
Eddie decided that he wouldn’t think too much of it. It was only the first time and maybe you really did have something else pressing to do. He wasn’t going to freak out yet; he was sure things would be back to normal order shortly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Except Eddie was wrong. Very wrong.
Not only you had feigned that you’d forgotten movie night, you soon seemed to forget every plan and usual things done with Eddie. Whenever you saw him, you ducked around a corner or walked the other, or hid in the girls’ bathroom. You never answered the phone when he called your house, and never appeared to be home when he stopped by - which he knew was a lie. 
You’d gone from being thick as thieves to slowly drifting apart, and Eddie was scared that he was going to lose you forever. Maybe it was dramatic, but he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it….he’d even wager to say it wasn’t worth living. Call him dramatic, which you only did, but he wasn’t just going to accept you walking out of his life without some sort of answer. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was another afternoon of suffering through the mundane classes at Hawkins High. At least lunch afforded you some to go outside, to breathe and get some fresh air. You were sitting at a small table by yourself, sketchbook open and pencil in hand, but yourself found yourself lacking inspiration. It wasn’t until you looked up and stared off into the distance that you noticed Eddie. A small sigh escaped your lips as you watched him stalk off into his secluded little spot behind the school…with Chrissy in tow. 
The two of them were laughing about something, and that just served to make your blood boil. Why would Eddie even need you when he had pretty, perfect little Chrissy at his beck and call? He wouldn’t….he wouldn’t need you anymore. 
You slammed the sketchbook shut, but not before looking down at what you had mindlessly created. Of course. It was a quick sketch of Eddie, something you’d done a million times before, but today it just served to make the bile rise in your throat. 
This was harder than you ever dreamed it would be. You missed him…you really fucking missed him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You almost jumped when the chair across from you was pulled out. It was a quiet afternoon in the library, and you’d been the only one working in there…until now. You looked up and frowned when you realized it was Eddie. He gave you a small smile before slipping into the seat, “hey.”
“I’m studying,” you pointed to your books as if it wasn’t obvious enough, “do you mind?”
“Are you coming to Hellfire tonight?” you’d skipped out on the last couple of meetings, feeding one of the younger boys some excuse as to why you weren’t able to make it. It seemed to placate them well enough, but Eddie wasn’t buying it. You sighed lightly before shaking your head.
“I can’t,” you lied, “I’ve got this big test I’m studying for, I just don’t have the time.”
“Funny,” he mused thoughtfully, “that’s exactly what you told Dustin last time.”
“I have multiple classes and different tests,” you hissed, “besides, they’re AP classes, which require more work than the same basic pre-calc class you’re taking for the third time.”
And oh. That was a shitty low blow and you both knew it. You hated how it sounded as soon the words left your mouth. You didn’t mean any of it - you were just angry and wanted him to leave you alone and figured that might work. But Eddie, steadfast and sweet Eddie, wasn’t moved. 
“This will be the third meeting in a row you’ve missed,” he whispered, “you know the rules - three missed meetings and you’re out. And rules are rules, even when it’s you.”
“Fine,” you grabbed your books and shoved them into your book bag, “kick me out then, that’s fine. I’ll live.”
Okay, there was absolutely something going on that you weren’t letting on about. Eddie knew you better than that; you’d never just miss Hellfire for no reason and just not care about being kicked out. That was absolutely not you.
“Wait -”
“No,” you hissed through gritted teeth and stalked out of the library. But Eddie wasn’t made. If anything, he was more determined to figure out what was going on. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late but you weren’t sleeping just yet. You couldn’t - your mind was way too loud and incessant for that. Truthfully you hadn't slept well in weeks, but you’d adapted to living under a cloud of tiredness. 
It was the loud tapping at your window that snapped you wide away as you looked up from where your head bent down and stared at a textbook. You had no clue what the noise was, and wondered if you should ignore the sound. But then it came again and you knew that it wouldn’t stop until you examined what was going on. 
“You open the window, or I’ll do it myself,” the voice from outside reached your ears and you quickly pulled the curtains back. There was Eddie Munson, perched on the roof outside your window, ready to open the window himself.
“Eddie,” you decided to take mercy on him and opened it so he could come inside. He landed without any grace on your floor, almost tripped over his own feet, “it’s past midnight! What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see you,” he insisted and you sighed as you sat down on your bed, shaking your head at him. He dropped to his knees in front of you and reached for your hand, which you just pulled away, “what is going on, sweetheart? And don’t lie to me and say it’s nothing. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, and we both know it. I just want to know what I did, so I can fix it, I want to make things better. Please, let me fix it.”
“Eddie,” tears had already pearled up and run down your cheeks. Of course he wanted to make things better, he was still willing to try despite how terrible you’d been to him, “I-I don’t think you can fix it.”
“You don’t know that,” he insisted meekly, “you just have to tell me what it is.”
“It’s you,” you breathed and watched as his face turned into a look of confusion, “you’re the problem. And there’s no way to fix this, not anymore.”
“I’m the problem?” he looked so taken aback, so hurt. He had no clue what he could have done to hurt you or upset you, at least not knowingly. He’d never hurt you; he’d take the pain and brunt a million times over before letting you get hurt, “what do you mean? W-what did I do?”
You wiped at your cheeks with the back of your hand and shook your head before exhaling shakily. You’d already made a fool out of yourself, might as well get it all out there in the open, “I’m in love with you.”
A heavy, thick silence fell over the two of you as he watched you closely and you just sniffled and looked anywhere but at him. He spoke up when he couldn't stand it anymore, “what’s so bad about that?”
“Eddie,” you turned back to him and noticed he had the softest and most gentle of smiles on his face. That just confused you more, “I can’t be your best friend and be so in love with you and watch you fawn over girls and date them and eventually…forget about me.”
“Wait, I’m confused…what do you mean other girls?” 
“Pretty girls, the ones that you like, like Chrissy,” you shrugged and tried to act like your heart wasn’t completely broken, “I saw you with her.”
“I don’t…I don’t like Chrissy,” he confessed as your brows knitted in confusion, “she’s nice and I was with her, to sell her some stuff for a party, and another time for some advice.”
“Everyone likes her…” you shrugged lightly, “you can tell me the truth, that you’re into her and all those other pretty cheerleaders. Besides, what advice could you possibly get from her? It’s fine if you’re into her, Eddie, it just…I don’t think I can be your friend and have to see you with her all the time. Maybe that’s really selfish, but it’s true.”
“Stop, please - just listen to me for a moment. I was asking her about you,” he professed and you looked to find his eyes searching you. Your mouth opened and closed a few times and Eddie took advantage to brush a few rogue locks of hair out of your face, “because you’d been avoiding me and acting like you hate me. I was asking her what I could do to get you to talk to me again.”
“Oh…a-and what did she say?”
“She told me to be honest with you,” it was his turn to breathe shakily, his eyes soft but nervous, “to get it all out there and tell you that I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes snapped to his, positive you hadn’t heard him correctly. There was no way that he said what you had been so desperately wanting to hear for years. This had to be you trying to manifest your dream into reality. He laughed nervously when you didn’t say anything, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What did you say?” your voice was so soft and small as you looked at him nervously, “Eddie?”
“I said I was in love with you,” he plopped onto the floor, sitting in front of you as he waited for you to say something - anything.
“Do you mean it?”
“Yes,” he promised, “of course I do. I’d never lie to you. I…I thought you knew, I thought it was so obvious. And then when you started pushing me away, I got scared. I thought I was going to lose you forever.”
You slid off the bed and flopped onto the floor so you were sitting across from him, your leg resting against yours. You swallowed the lump in your throat before leaning in to him, “I thought I was going to lose you forever too.”
He exhaled through his nose sharply, making a small sound of amusement before looking at you intensely, “so…where does that leave us? If you still don’t want anything to do with me, I can leave. Whatever you’d want, I respect.”
Your silence almost killed him as you seemed to be mulling over something. Every moment seemed to take an eternity as he waited for you to speak. He was braced and ready to leave, figuring you really were done with him.
But then, suddenly and surprising the both of you, you leaned in and kissed him. It wasn’t even a proper kiss, more of a brush of lips, saccharine and shy. You sat back down, your entire face and body flushing with warmth as you looked at him nervously. You found the biggest and most lovesick smile on his face as his bambi eyes softened. 
He reached for you, his hands settling on your waist before he pulled you into his lap. You gasped in surprise at the suddenness of his action, finding yourself face to face with him. He settled a hand on your face, tenderly brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into his touch, sighing softly as the feel of his soft palm and calloused fingertips. 
He leaned in and you couldn't help but wonder what was coming next. Was he going to kiss you and then call it a day? Was he just going to leave? Was he-
Eddie quickly answered your question by kissing you, his hand going from your cheek to tenderly cup your neck. You leaned into his touch and let him take the lead. He didn't stop kissing you until you were dizzied and drunk off his touch. You imagined this so many times, and so many ways, but nothing compared to the real thing.
"I love you," he gently cradled your face in his hands and it felt like he was looking into the depths of your being, into your soul. You wrapped your hands around his wrists and blinked back your tears, “I mean it, sweetheart. It’s always been you. And I’m sorry that I ever did anything to make you like it wasn’t you.”
“It’s been you too,” you whispered softly, causing his cheeks to flush a pretty shade of pink, “always you, Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he sighed softly before kissing you again, “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that, sweetheart. You’ve been my dream girl since we met, you know.”
“That’s a strong way of putting it…” you wanted to hide your warm face, but he wouldn’t let you. He shook his head softly, clearly disagreeing with you.
“But it’s true,” he insisted softly, “can I kiss you again?”
“I don’t ever want you to stop,” you confessed sweetly, causing his heart to practically melt, “I want everything with you, Eddie.”
“Everything,” you promised, taking advantage of his momentary shock to kiss him again. You could feel him smiling against your lips before he kissed along your jaw and down your neck, biting at the delicate skin to leave behind a haze of pretty lavender bruises. You already felt like you’d died and gone to heaven, “Eddie.”
“Can I make love to you?”
“Yes,” you pulled back to your lips and kissed him gently, “please.”
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oatmealdoodles · 3 months
Apology tour spoilers
I kept putting this off because I pretty much agree with everybody else's takes on this, but I just want to get my opinions out anyways
So right off the bat we get THIS line from Blitzo
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wow, gee, i wonder how that must feel like. Oh how i wonder
Anyways Stolas goes on directly to say that he doesn’t want to talk to Blitzo right know.
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And you know what, thats vaid. All Stolas is saying in this entire interaction is “It’s too soon and i still mad at you, leave.” And i’m sorry but thats not an unreasonable request, especially after a fight that big. I was actually really impressed with how Stolas voiced his feelings thorough the entire confrontation: “I don't want to do words with you, so how about you respect that” “Seeing you right know is hard” “I don’t want to feel worse than I already do” “Im uncomfortable with how you’re speaking to me” This is textbook definition of healthy language.
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And Blitzo for some reason just can’t respect that. Because he’s so dead set on getting things back to the status quo, what’s comfortable and familiar to him: this transactional relationship with no feelings, that he ignore Stolas’s requests blindly.
I saw someone claim that the show was trying to make it seem like Blitzo likes Stolas’s abuse, and I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all. Blitzo loves Stolas, that much is clear. But that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. And sometimes going back to an unhealthy relationship can feel better than without it, because that’s what’s familiar, what’s comfortable. Even if it’s not good for you. Especially for Blitz who already has so many abandonment insecurities. This actually happens a lot in real life and Im glad that HB decided to explore it.
But Stolas doesn’t get off the hook that easily
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My dude, WHAT? Listen, Stolas, you are my favorite part of this episode. Nay, this show. But JESUS CHRIST WOULD EVEN AN OUNCE OF SELF AWARENESS KILL YOU???? “Impish little plaything,” “itty itty imp,” “you are so cute when you are serious,” “Blitzy,” none of that ringing a bell? SERIOUSLY??
Ok in all seriousness I think this line really emphasizes that Stolas is completely ignorant to the very prevalent power dynamic between them. He has no idea that all these actions and things he says to Blitzo hurt him. And that doesn’t makes it ok. Listen, Stolas has demonstrated that he’s willing to put in the work to improving himself. Just now I mentioned how his language changed to be more constructive and effective. The Stolas from the pilot and the Stolas in the last few episode are drastically different people. What Stolas needs is his own call-out episode, someone to give him a slap in the face and say “What you did is F’ed up” and for him to APOLOGIZE to Blitzo.
Also my man ate up this entire exchange
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I have a bit less to say about the Striker stuff, I honestly don't think t was too relavent to the conversation, it’s just more well-written angst with fantastic animation and expressions. And seeing Blitzo slowly realize he screwed up was great too.
Unrelated but this probably to the biggest laugh out of me this episode
Brandon Rogers and Bryce Pinkham continue to be the best voice acting pair I’ve seen in a long time
and guys we FINALLY got Blitzo airing out his feelings to Stolas, completely dumping everything on the table. And then he just backpedals so violently because he’s scared of letting people see his true self, in fear they might hurt him. Also Stolas’s face be like “that escalated quickly…”
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To be honest i could go on and on about all the little charachter detains and mannerisms, the animation, and how BEAUTIFUL the colors are. I want to talk about the section at the party, but this is already long enough. I might make a part two if i find the time, but those were just my thoughts
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boulderpunchinglover · 3 months
Hii I was thinking for either bakugo or izuku u can write an image of the trend where the gf pretends that there's not enough food
also I'm so glad I found you, I know you only have one post up but I absolutely love your writing style and the way your profile colors are coordinated is so cute. I love it. Also because my favorite author is retiring 😭
also here's the link to the tik tok I'm referring to if you don't know
byee - 🖤🫶🏾
Woohoo! My first request!! As soon as I got the notification, I started writing immediately. TY for the profile compliment! I couldn’t decide on whether to write about Bakugo or Izuku so I did both! I hope that you and everyone who reads this enjoys <3
"There's not enough food" Prank on Bakugo and Izuku
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Katsuki Bakugo
One night, you were scrolling on TikTok in your bed as Bakugo slept peacefully on your chest. You’re never up this late and you knew that Bakugo would be upset that you aren’t getting your beauty sleep. Good thing he fell asleep before you. He couldn’t fuss at you about being up this late. As you scroll, you see a video that catches your eye. A girl pranks her boyfriend by pretending that there's not enough food for the both of them and takes the plate with less food just to see his reaction. The boyfriend’s reaction catches your eye the most. He immediately takes some of the food off his plate and gives it to his girlfriend. “How sweet…” You say to yourself as you look down at Bakugo. “I wonder if Katsuki would have the same reaction…” neuron activated. You know what you are going to be doing tomorrow.
There was this restaurant that you and Bakugo went to regularly that had food worth dying for. You guys ordered the same thing every time: katsu curry. You decided to set up a date there to conduct the prank. Convincing Bakugo to go on a last minute date with you wasn’t hard at all. He was always happy to spend time with you. As you enter the restaurant, you come up with a plan on exactly how to go about this. “Kats, find us some seats. I’ll order the food for us.” Bakugo shrugs and does as he’s told. When you go up to the counter, you order a medium sized katsu curry bowl for Bakugo, and a small one for yourself. Once you sit beside Bakugo, he sees that you’re holding back laughter and raises his eyebrow. “What’s so funny?” You try to get your laughter to a minimum in order to answer his question. “Nothing, just thought of something funny.” Bakugo shrugs. He’s still sort of suspicious, but he doesn’t think much about it as he holds your hand. “Ok, weirdo…” A few minutes later, the waitress comes out with both of your bowls. She places the smaller one in front of you, and the bigger one in front of Bakugo. As you begin eating like everything is normal, you glance over at Bakugo’s face. He looks quite baffled.
What the hell?” Bakugo says as he compares your portion size to his. “Did you order a smaller size?” You shake your head. “My portion was smaller because the restaurant was running out of ingredients.” Bakugo scowls and begins to dump some of his food into your bowl. “That’s bullshit.” You giggle and try to stop him. “You don’t have to do that, Katsuki! I’m not even that hungry, for real!” Bakugo doesn’t believe that. “You were looking forward to going to this restaurant all day, idiot! I’d be damned if you can’t at least enjoy your meal like you wanted!” When Bakugou is done, you both have equal portions. In fact, you might have a little more. “There you go. If you want more, you can have more off my plate.” How sweet. You kiss Bakugo on his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder. “My hero. Thank you, babe. I love you.” Bakugo slightly blushes at your actions and words. He lovingly rubs your shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too ♡”
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku insisted that he cook dinner when you were staying over at his house. After all, you were a guest. In his mind, you shouldn’t be the one cooking when you were the one staying over at his house! But after much convincing, he finally gives in and lets you cook. But little did he know, you offered to cook for a reason… to recreate a prank on TikTok that you saw where girls would give their boyfriends a plate with more food while they took the plate with less food just to see their reactions. Once you saw it, you knew that you just had to do it with Izuku. You decided to make Katsudon, which was his favorite food. His reaction was going to be interesting, as you knew that he loved Katsudon and he would most likely be reluctant to share with you. 
As you cook, you glance at Izuku as he studies at the kitchen table. He looks so peaceful, that you almost feel bad for your impending prank. (Keyword: almost). Once you get done cooking, you place each other's plates down on the table and take your seat. Izuku affectionately grins at you. “Thank you, love-” Izuku’s sentence is cut short when he notices that you barely have any food on your plate. “Y/N? What.. what is this about?” He says as he looks down at his plate in confusion. You smile and begin digging into your own, smaller portion plate. “There weren't enough ingredients for us to have the same amount. But that’s ok. I wasn’t that hungry anyway. 
Izuku shakes his head and swaps your plates. “In that case, you can have mine. It’s not fair for you to cook and eat the least amount.” You try to argue and swap the plates again. But he stops you. “Honey, I insist. Please don’t fight this…” You look into his eyes and see the genuine concern. You smile, knowing that you picked the right person to share your life with.
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
i loved your heartsteel!kayn scenarios! can you possibly do a scenario of fem!reader helping heartsteel!kayn dye his hair :3
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Getting His Hair Dyed by Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 900
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: He has his default skin braid here. Stay tuned for more. I MISS THIS FUCKER'S BRAID OK. Also you are his long term partner! I thought it would be cute if you have been supporting him though all his ups and downs uwu
" For reals, you've done this before right. Don't fuck it up I swear to god I will cry I'm dealing with enough shit right now babe." " You're the one that asked me to do this for you, have some trust in me."
You comb through his braid and neatly section if off one last time before slapping on the DIY at home bleach. After getting kicked out of his old band Kayn wanted a full makeover, so with five boxes of bleach and some whining he convinced you to help him bleach and dye his hair. You stood awkwardly behind him as you comb in the bleach. Kayn wasn't wearing a shirt, so that he wouldn't ruin any tees. So it was quite a sight, hair down, topless, you pause for a bit and stare. After some thinking you sigh, you were going to miss his blue and black hair...it was so soft too...
" Hey I heard that sigh! You know I HAVE to do this...I want to change my image, show them I'm better without them!"
Kayn pouts, you see it in the mirror and laugh. Slapping on more bleach, sectioning it out and complaining once again bout how the long hair sticks to the gloves and makes it all messy. But ok, you work hard, with a roll of aluminum foil ready you neatly bleach his long hair. As you wait for the first bleaching to set in you throw a little of the leftovers on your hair too, just enough for one strip.
" Should we match colors?"
You see Kayn visibly perk up as he hears your suggestion.
" Really? I think that will be cute. Like a cringey couple."
He smirks, leaning back to take a good look at you in the toilet mirror. He starts laughing loudly.
" Wait are you copying me or making fun of me! Why bleach that same chunk of hair as the old me!"
The two of you chat for a bit as you wait for the bleach to set in, when times up you help him wash it all off in the tub. Damn his hair was really such a dark black, it was just brown now. You comment about it needed a few more rounds of bleach. Kayn sighs this time instead, exhausted already but his rockstar image was at stake, he wanted to look cool so he had to do this. He had a goal already, an ombre fade of pink and purple, it would be so cool. Sitting back down, you blow dry his hair and start on round two.
And round three. Orange.
And four. Yellow.
And five before the yellow finally lifts enough! You were finally free from seeing that yellow, orange hue! And-
Oh no. You look at a handful of hair in your hands from where you combed through his hair.
" Kayn I am so sorry..." " No! I cannot deal with this right now please. Y/N Tell me its fine." " I'll fix it!"
You too were unsure how to react, were you going to cry or laugh. After five bleaches, his hair kinda...fried off. Ah...you were REALLY going to miss his long hair. Promising to fix it, you grab some hair scissors and did your best. With Kayn doing everything to hold himself together while you save what you can and work out a messy cut. It actually looked really good. You tell him to look up as you blow dry his hair yet again. Promising it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Kayn tentatively pulls his hands away from his face as he looks at himself in the mirror. A smile slowly creeping across his face.
" Oh shit you really did fix it? The hell Y/N! Let's dye it right now! I still want that pink purple thing going down!"
He tilts his head left and right, trying to get a better look at it, an idol worthy style. Kayn nods, happy with what you've done with it. Quickly you work the colors onto his hair and yours. Laughing together as he admires himself in the mirror. Half an hour passes and you wash his hair and dry it off for the last time. Kayn himself also helping to wash the and dry your hair. You smile as the two of you admire your reflections.
" Is it me or are we looking super hot?"
He snakes and arm around your waist, pulling you close. Giving your cheek a quick kiss.
" I actually like this a lot I'm glad it worked out. Thank you Y/N."
Kayn gives you a warm smile as he runs his hands through his hair, giving it a little shake as it falls gracefully along his jawline. He turns his attention back to the mirror before he shouts.
" Oh shit yeah! Let me snap a photo!"
Kayn leaves the room for a bit, grabbing his phone and a nice shirt to snap a photo in. He returns, hand draped around your shoulder as he takes a mirror selfie with you both. The largest smile plastered on his face as he sits down and edits it to use as his new wallpaper. You would mourn his pretty braid but...he was still your charming boyfriend you could live with the new style. The short hair was starting to grow on your after all.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 months
 My Part of Town
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
:: After what seems to be a rather confusing and tough case, Hotch finds himself in a dark corner of a club watching the girl he interrogated just days ago captivate him in a way he hasn’t been in years. ::
warnings:: talks about violence (canon type cm kind); reader is described to have tattoos, alt styled extras (not goth specified), etc; age gap (reader is in her mid to late 20s), also slight power imbalance? Idk i tried to write it in way that didn’t make it seem like reader fucked her way into the BAU by making hotch a tiny bit subby/pathetic but idk i put the warning anyway sorryyyyyy, no mentions of y/n, sober reader slay, no contraceptives mentioned so stay safe babies, body positivity, mentioned jack at the end for plot lol but he’s not present in the story, not sure what else i should tag
author’s notes:: i originally wrote this with the intention of a certain type of person in mind (me lol) with the tattoos and stuff, i know not all you readers have such but i thought i’d keep the second pov for fun and interactiveness, so i hope that’s ok with y’all, enjoy!!
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Hotch stood at the bar, a drink sweating in his hand. He hardly drank anything, in fact he just wanted to go home at this point. The room smelt of body odor, cheap perfume, and smoke. He didn’t understand how his coworkers could love going out to such a place like this. It was definitely not his scene anymore, but with much begging from the girls and Morgan, they were able to successfully convince him and also Rossi to go and celebrate the success of this last case. He was surprised to even see Reid enjoying himself. 
He never thought in a million years he'd be back in a place like this. He looked around seeing the girls in a small circle laughing and jumping around, Rossi sat at the end of the bar talking to a girl, who was way too young for him, trying to get her away from hims, and Spencer and Derek were standing at the edge of the dance floor wondering who their next flattery target was going to be. Darting his eyes around, they caught a particularly familiar set of eyes that Hotch couldn’t seem to shake until he walked into the overstimulating room of noise and colors, at least until this very moment.
You grinned at him, facing completely towards him now. You dressed in all black, platformed shoes making you much taller than when Hotch had met you for the first time. The silver and gold reflecting the bright lights that scattered over the crowd from your fingers. Your skin covered ink that surprised him just as much as it did the first time he’d seen your decorated skin. And although you dressed in all black, you seemed to stand out more than anyone else in the sea of bodies. 
Hotch tightened his jaw upon meeting your eyes. Your hips swayed effortlessly to the music that boomed through the room. It was like you were dancing just for him. Teasing him, like you did in the interrogation room where you had first met. You were an enigma to the case. You had come from nowhere, had nothing to do with the unsub or the victims, and yet had almost all the answers the BAU had questions for before they could even begin a profile. 
Hotch began to fidget in a panic when you began walking towards him.
Hotch walked in the interrogation room. File in hand. They were in New York City. The infamous concrete jungle. The case involved a long line of girls in their 20’s; their stomachs gutted and filled with dirt, a small white rose planted in place. They hadn’t a long list of suspects but when a security guard mentioned to Hotchner of a strange girl lurking at the scene of the most recent crime they brought her in as suspect or at the very least, a witness. Walking in the room, a girl sat rapping her ring stacked knuckles against the table.
“What the hell am I doing here?”
“Where were you yesterday afternoon?” Hotch asked.
You stayed silent. You knew the position you were in. You were studying behavioral analysis and criminal justice yourself. 
You were at the crime scene yesterday, you asked questions to the security guard who ratted you out. It would be a waste of time and effort, and especially money, to know that after all those hours of studying, your skills would be useless when it comes to navigating a real case. You needed to see for yourself. So you asked some questions, awkwardly and suspiciously at best, and now you found yourself sitting in an interrogation room for a crime you actually have nothing to do with. 
“Why were you asking questions to a security guard about the victim? You asked, if anything had changed? You indicated that you have seen the previous victims’ bodies.”
“I have,” you said. 
“Why’s that? Was there something in particular you saw that made you ask those kinds of questions?”
“Am I being questioned as a witness? Or a suspect?”
“Why do you feel like you are being questioned as a suspect?” he asked, making you go silent. Hotch took his sign to leave, leaving you to continue tapping your decorated fingers against the table like before. 
“She’s not really saying anything. Her demeanor tells me that she’s keeping something from us but her body language also is calm and collected. She may not have anything to do with the crime but she knows something, and she is not telling us,” Hotch said to Rossi and Spencer who stood watching the interrogation. 
“I called Garcia to look into her background a bit. She’s also a student at the same college all three of our victims attended. So I asked her to cross-check each of their schedules with hers for any overlap and she came up empty. They don’t even study the same major,” Spencer explained.
‘What does she study?” Hotch asked.
“Get this, Behavior Analysis,” Rossi said. 
“Hey! If you’re still lingering behind the window, I got something to say. But send the grumpy one in,” you shouted. 
“She beckens for you, Agent Hotchner,” Rossi teased. 
Hotch walked back into the room. You sat properly in your chair again with your hands folded politely, completely contrasting the way he left you. You had discarded your jacket too.  Hotch couldn’t help his eyes drifting across your decorated skin. It tells him that you were most likely extroverted, confident. Though the psychology behind tattoos can be varied so his interest peaked briefly. 
“What would you like to share?” Hotch sat across from you.
“Have you built a profile yet?” you asked. 
“We have some working theories,” he responded. 
“So do I,” you smirked.
“Agent Hotchner,” you strolled up to him, “What the hell are you doing in my part of town?”
“Your part?” he joked with you.
“Did you finish the case?” you asked.
“Yes, much help from you. Thank you,” he replied.
“What?” you yelled over the music.
“I said ‘Thank you,’” he responded loudly as you did.
“I’m just kidding, I heard you. I just wanted to hear you thank me again,” you smirked, before leaning over the counter to call the bartender. He may have been right about your tattoos making you a confident persona.
“So, what are you drinking tonight, Agent Hotchner?” you asked him.
“It’s just Hotch, and um, I’m not too sure. My coworker ordered me this drink. But I've hardly drunk it.” he complained. 
“Yeah the drinks here are like gasoline, but at least you’re paying for what you get,” you laughed. 
“What about you? What’s your poison tonight?” he asked you, he could feel his shoulders start to relax a bit.
“Coke,” you winked before grabbing. 
“Really?” he asked with curiosity, he figured a girl your age would be drinking the night away while you were still young.
“I’m sober,” you told him. 
“Good for you,” he told you, a smile creeping unsuspectingly on his face. 
“Not all that crazy, I’m starting my thirties soon and graduating next semester so I have to start taking life super seriously since it won’t for me,” you said.
“What makes you say that?” he questioned. 
“Seriously?” you joked, “Look, I knew my appearance was eventually going to affect my career down the line but I believed life is too short to not celebrate your body and decorate it the way you want. The body is a temple, and what’s a temple without art?”
“I think your tattoos are lovely,” he complimented. 
“I think so too,” you grinned, making him chuckle. You liked amusing him. 
“What do you mean by affecting your career? I understand not everyone likes tattoos in the workplace but you can easily cover them up with the right attire, can’t you?” he asked.
“Of course, but why would I want to burn up wearing a turtle-neck shirt in the middle of summer just to please some old fucks who don’t even work personally on the cases we would be working on?” 
“I understand you,” he debuted.
“I can help with that,” he told you, after a small pause between you two.
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
“Well, I can talk to my boss about opening an internship position with the BAU. That way right before you graduate you can have a good reference and experience on your resume for when you start looking for a permanent position,” he explained. 
“Are you serious?” you beamed.
“Yes, you were excellent with my team and incredibly effective. And I think it would be good for you to continue exploring that part of the job, if that’s what you want to do after you graduate,” he told you. 
“Uh, yes! Oh my goodness, if I wasn’t sober I’d take a shot with you right now,” you laughed putting your hand on his chest. 
Hotch could feel the warmth blooming from your hand into his system. His breath became slightly heavier than it was. He doesn’t know what compelled him to do this but he knows you could be very valuable to the team, and working with the BAU would set you up for success after you graduate. Those were the only reasons, right? 
You and Hotch stayed a while at the bar talking and laughing most of the night. You told him stories about your tattoos and he told you stories from past cases. Derek and Spencer had left by then, Rossi was making his way out and the girls were still dancing and laughing as they had been the whole night. Occasionally they would point at him talking to you, they giggle at how unexpected and incredible it was for Hotch to be talking to a girl like you. What felt like minutes was actually hours and you were itching to get back on the dance floor again. 
“Let’s go dance,” you tugged at his arm.
“Oh, no. That's not my thing,” he protested.
“Well, pretend it’s your thing tonight! Come on, I want to dance with you,” you begged. 
“Eh,” he whined.
“Come on, come on,” you dragged him by the arm; it worked since he set his drink down and dragged his feet across the dance floor to bring his body against yours. 
His hands hesitantly went to your hips while your arms instinctively wrapped around the back of his neck. Your chests were pressed against each other and if Hotch focused hard enough he could probably feel your heart beating against his. Maybe you could feel his picking up. Your eyes were closed, like you were trying to focus on only the music but unbeknownst to him you were focusing on his touch. 
Finding confidence, Hotch moved his hands up and down your back. His leg moved in between yours and your hips moved together in sync. Hotch had never danced like this before with anyone. He felt a little lost but you were guiding him well and he was feeling more bold than before. Your fingers started raking through his hair and Hotch couldn’t help but sigh with his eyes fluttering close. It had been a long time since someone had been with him, had touched him in any way that wasn’t a professional handshake or a platonic hug. He had been always busy with work and if not work then taking care of Jack. Haley had been gone for a long time, it almost felt unnatural to feel this way again but Hotch was remembering how good it felt and how much he missed it. 
He let his face bury into the side of your neck and you continued scratching his head, pulling your nails down the back of his neck making him breathe out shakily. You had this man suddenly wrapped around your finger. Hotch became as bold as one could get in the darkness of the club, letting his hands completely cup your behind and pulling your hips impossibly close to his. You pulled slightly away from him before resting your forehead against his. His eyes were only focused on your lips. You turned yourself around, hearing the sigh escape from Hotch when you did, but you made for it pressing your hips against his. 
The girls had taken a break chatting and giggling at the bar. They couldn’t believe the sight before them. Hotch, a widower and single dad grinding up against a woman dressed in black and chains with tattoos up and down her arms and legs in a suit and tie he refused to change out of when he agreed to tonight's outing. 
“I cannot believe what I’m seeing,” Penelope gasped.
“I think I’ve drank too much; I’m hallucinating Hotch having a better time than us,” JJ joked. 
“Oh come on, girls. Leave the man alone,” Emily said before downing the rest of her drink. 
“I would’ve been less surprised if Reid pulled a girl like that,” Penelope jokes.
“Yeah, it’s not so much the situation but rather who. I’ve never seen Hotch like this,” JJ said. 
“You know I can’t deny that,” Emily rang. 
“I think I’m gonna go now, seeing Hotch like this is making me feel things I’ve never wanted to feel from my boss,’ Penelope grumbled. 
“You guys are so dramatic,” Emily laughed. 
“I think I’m actually gonna go,” JJ chimed, “I shouldn’t leave my boys alone all night.” 
“Ok, then let’s all just get out of here,” Penelope chirped, “We should leave Hotch to whatever he plans on doing.”
“I think you mean whoever,” Emily said, as she snapped a picture of you two dancing like there was nobody else there with you. 
“Did you take a picture?” JJ gasped. 
“Oh! He’s gonna kill you!” Penelope laughed out loud.
“Let’s go before he finds out then,” Emily chuckled. 
You and Hotch danced like if the other let go you would disappear never to be seen again. You milked the time you had together in these final hours of the night before the sun set in reality. You could feel Hotch’s lips pressing against your hot skin below your ear. Your chest fluttered and your stomach flipped at the feeling. You were so enthralled in the feeling, you didn’t hear him whispering in your ear. The small puffs of air pulled you from this trance and you quickly turned around to better hear him. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he whined.
“Lead the way,” you teased, pulling gently at his tie.
His fingers entwined between yours pulling out of the disco. You nearly tripped over your platforms trying your best to keep up with the man taking you to his home. He opened the door for you and you practically jumped in the car without hesitation. You couldn’t help the giggles coming from you as you heard the quick steps from Aaron rounding the car. 
The drive to his place was quick, or maybe it was long and you were just distracted. He looked so stoic and determined behind the wheel. Not even your light touches along his thigh, or the unbuckling of his belt would shake the fire behind his eyes. His skin was burning up and his knuckles were white against the steering wheel. Once he got home he was quick to open the door, quick to rid his tie, quick to show exactly where he intended on fucking you tonight.  So quick, he hadn’t bothered turning any lights on. Not that it mattered too much.
You laid roughly on the bed watching Hotch undress above you. You couldn’t help but notice the scars across his stomach, that’s when you noticed the scars along his knuckles; even with how dark the room was. You told yourself you’d ask about it another time. You didn’t want to ruin the moment over something he probably doesn’t want to talk about anyway. You started picking at your rings, twisting and pulling hard and fast to take them off; sometimes they were a bit distracting when you were having sex. 
“No, leave those on,” Hotch gowled, before reaching to you to disrobe your outfit from tonight. 
As he reached for those eye-catching platforms that made you stand out from most of the people dancing in the room, you couldn’t help yourself making a bit of a snarky remark. 
“You want to keep those on too?” you flashed a smile. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he remarked, before his hands left your ankles to flip you over, leaving the shoes on for both your pleasures. 
He peeled your underwear down your legs. His lips kissing the backs of your thighs softly; if you hadn’t been so overly focused on his every touch you wouldn’t have felt them. He stood tall over you, towering like a stoic statue. His hands roughly ran along your spine making you arch your back deliciously, basking in the fiery feeling. Hips pushing backwards to feel every inch of lust from the man behind you . 
You dropped to your elbows, arching your back even more as you anticipated a craving you’ve wanted since he walked into that interrogation just days ago. If someone had told you then that that man would rutting his hips into from behind like he’d never fucked before, you’d had laughed in their face. But you couldn’t be more satisfied with the outcome of it anyway. 
“Oh, Hotch,” you called out breathlessly. 
He grunted behind you as he slowly inserted himself into you, pressure building like a souffle in the pit of your belly. He grunted again, words incoherent, before you realized he was speaking to you. You hummed in confusion, asking to repeat what he said louder, when his hands threaded your hair and pulled you back on your knees effortlessly against his body.
“Aaron,” he growled in your ear. 
Your hands instinctively went up and behind, holding his face close to your neck and he bit and kissed the soft flesh sensually, goosebumps erupting along your arms. You whispered his name in the darkness that blanketed over, your sense of sound and touch becoming overstimulating. Hotch’s hands roamed your body like you were a delicate glass sculpture, contrasting the momentum of his hips that bruised your skin. 
You could feel the intensity building, and your body beginning to buzz when Hotch suddenly pulled out from you to flip you over violently. You smacked down on the bed again like you had before, a playfully shocked giggle erupted from your belly. Your feet felt heavy over the edge of the mattress from the shoes you still had on. Hotch leaned down, stroking his rough hands along your legs from your ankle to your hips before dragging your hips even closer to the edge. He brought his hand to the back of your knee, bending it before he once again entered you with a delicious burn. 
Your hands reached up cupping the back of your neck to pull him closer to you, his damp forehead resting against yours. Your rings felt ice cold against his burning skin. You could see, barely in the blue black darkness, his chest beginning to become red. His hands, although rough, were beginning to feel clammy but you hadn’t minded not one bit; completely enthralled and aroused in his touch. 
You could feel the sweat building between the valley of your breasts. Your back is heating up from the thickness of the sheets that you laid upon. Even more so obvious when you felt the contrasting cold air that swept between when you arched you back in pleasure. 
“Aaron,” you whispered.
“What do you need?” he asked you.
“Kiss me, Aaron,” you begged.
Without hesitation, his lips found yours in a feverous kiss. Your noses bumping against one another blocking your abilities to breath; but with the heightened passion shared between, breathing seemed impractical in a moment like this. Your breasts grazed softly against his chest, your nipples hardening with the friction as he moved swiftly and roughly above you. 
You moaned in the kiss as did he. Your center pulsing, practically sucking him in with each thrust of his hips. The sounds of sex bounced off the walls. The bed squeaked beneath you; Hotch’s hips rutted into you with no particular rhythm. You hand came down from his neck to grip the sheets and you moaned and whined louder and louder as you inched closer and closer to your climax. Hotch breathed heavily above you before dipping head to your neck. Suddenly, without any warning, his hands roughly grab your wrists pinning your arms above your head. 
“Keep them here, sweetheart,” he groaned, before standing straight up again to roughly grab your hips. His fingers dug into your soft skin, bound to bruise the next morning. His hips snapped in and out, in and out, harder and faster than anyone has ever fucked you before. You squealed and whimpered in ecstasy, pleasure. Your thighs squeezing tightly around his hips desperately holding back to climax. 
“Fuck!” His voice was low and guttural. 
“I can’t hold it anymore; can I come, please?” he begged, he reached for your calf pulling your leg over his shoulder. His mouth instantly kissed and bit like he was a rutting animal. 
“Shit! Yes, yes!” you egged him on. Your climax spilling over, waiting for that little drop of water that would break the dam of pleasure. And once you both reach the highest point, your hands grab at each other desperately searching for some stability of any kind to guide through the crashing waves of bliss. His body slumped forward damn near crushing you beneath his strong body. 
“Holy shit,” you sighed, laughter escaping your lips as you felt your entire body and mind buzz with nirvana. No man had ever fucked you that good and you were a little upset that it was over. Unbeknownst to you, Hotch didn’t have any plans of ending your pleasure; at least for tonight. With heavy eyes and a devilish smile, Hotch slid down your body, placing both of your legs over his shoulders with every intention of wearing you out tonight. 
You stood in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror with a drunken smile you hadn’t seen in years. You were completely naked. Your makeup ran down your face and your hair was practically a bird’s nest, and yet you stared at yourself with admiration. Hours had passed, every inch of clothing ripped or discarded on the bedroom floor of this man. Your shoes were long gone by this point and you felt your face becoming warm knowing you’d never wear those shoes again without thinking about tonight. 
You had taken a quick shower, since Hotch had let you. He left you with a couple of garments he put aside for you to make sure you felt comfortable. You walked under the shower, letting the hot water engulf you and clean you. You looked around for the first and noticed the small toys in the corner of the bath. You stepped out and saw the small green and blue toothbrush beside another larger toothbrush that was also green and blue. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself. 
You walked back to the bedroom quickly seeing Hotch sitting peacefully on the bed typing away on his phone in the soft warm light beside him. The small puddle of light allows you to better look at him. He looked so handsome and calm, so different from the harsh fluorescent lights of that interrogation room and the blinding colored LEDs from tonight. He looked up at you smiling when his eyes met yours. He chuckled seeing how different you looked now than when you had when he first saw you days ago; hours ago. You climbed into the bed, instantly snuggling into his side like a cat. Your lips kissing and biting playfully along his jawline.
“How old is your son?” you asked quietly. Hotch raised an eyebrow to look at you, he usually kept Jack’s room closed and his toys put neatly away.
“You’re going to be an excellent profiler,” he commented. 
“You're not wrong but also you have matching toothbrushes in the bathroom and rubber duckies in the corner of the tub,” you remarked, giggling.
“Right. That would be the obvious answer,” he chuckled. 
“He’s 10; I’m going to pick him up from his aunt’s place tomorrow afternoon,” he told you. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair by then,” you told him, sinking lower beneath the sheets ready to sleep.
“Don’t worry, I don’t mind it all. You can stay as long as you like,” he whispered. He craved those little domestic moments again that he had been missing for years. He knew he was crazy for thinking about moments like that, moments of you meeting Jack and whatnot despite only knowing you for such a little time, but he was starving for that kind of intimacy again. He will start thinking rationally again when he wakes tomorrow. 
“I think you ought to take me to dinner first before I meet your kid,” you joked.
“I can do that,” he said seriously.
“Really?” you challenged. 
“Yes, let me take you out to dinner next Friday,” he offered. 
“And if you’re working? If you have to leave?” you questioned. 
“Well, you’ll be coming with us, won’t you?” he grinned.
“Oh, right. Ok, then it’s a date, SSA Hotchner,” you smiled widely before pulling him in a kiss. 
“You’re the only one who can call me, Aaron.”
“You swear?” you laughed.
“I swear.” 
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
MEDUSA - Part Seven.
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I'm soo excited for you guy to read this one!!! Our lovebirds finally did it!!! I hope I made them justice. They're just so sweet to each other :') Check out the song mentioned in the story, it is beautiful and it fits the moment so nicely. I proofread, but there can still be some mistakes.
Warnings: smut, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it pls!), fingering, oral (female receiving), jealousy, talks of guns.
WC: 5.6k
Summary: Y/N is a private dancer at a Gentleman's Club called Medusa. Noah Sebastian is a crime boss. Their paths cross when one night, Noah pays for one of her dances and they can't seem to be apart from each other.
Series Masterlist
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You woke up in the morning, the curtains were closed, so very little light was coming into the room. It took you a second to register that you weren't home and to remember that last night Noah drove you to this safehouse.
You don't remember actually going to your room last night, so you figured you fell asleep on the couch and Noah was kind enough to move you to your bed. You made a mental note to thank him later.
Stretching your limbs, you make your way of bed and into the corridor, the smell of coffee invading your senses and making your mouth water, but you needed to brush your teeth first. Last night you noticed this house had everything needed to live in it. Including shampoo, conditioner and toothbrushes, like the one you were tearing from the package.
Washing your face as best as you can with only water, you reminded yourself to ask Noah if it was possible for someone to retrieve things from your house. Your work bag had your essentials, but you were going to need more, specially if you didn't know how long you were staying here.
Leaving the bathroom and making your way to the kitchen, stomach rumbling and eager for something to eat, you were obligated to stop in your tracks as you were met with Noah's shirtless back. The tattoo inked on his skin was beautiful, colorful and it suited him well. It filled his broad back nicely.
Deciding that standing there without saying anything was too awkward, you decided to make yourself present. "Good morning. What time is it?", you asked, realizing you never looked at the time before leaving your room.
He turned around to greet you as well, and you did everything to maintain your eyes on his, finding it difficult to not let it wander over his torso and stomach. "It's just past 8am. I thought you were going to wake up later. You seemed pretty tired last night", he turned back to what seemed to be some scrambled eggs on the kitchen stove.
"I was. I just can't seem to sleep in too late. I've always been an early riser", you sat down on the same chair as last night, claiming your spot for the remainder of your time here.
He brought the pan to the table and then grabbed two plates with two toasts on each. You got up and went over to the coffee maker, grabbing the coffee pot along with two mugs from the cupboard.
You both set down to eat breakfast. "I'm gonna have to leave for a while, take care of some things in the city, but I'll try to be back soon", he said and took a bite of his toast.
"It's ok, I'll be fine here. Take as long as you need", you didn't want to keep him away from things he needed to do.
"I'll need you to make a list of things you'll need from your house. I'll have someone pick up the groceries and drop by your place to get your things", your eyes lit up at this and he laughed lightly at your reaction.
"I was gonna ask you today if someone could do that", you admitted, finishing your breakfast and washing the plate in the sink, despite Noah's protests. "If I'm gonna be here, you'll have to let me do things. Now, where can I get a piece of paper and a pen to get started on that list?"
He made a sound of resignation and pointed towards a little table beside the couch. You got what you needed and sat down again to write everything down. You tried to keep the list light, adding only what you needed the most.
Noah finished his own breakfast and went over to his room to get ready to leave. Putting on his coat over his holster to hide the gun he kept there, and patting his pockets to make sure he had everything he needed.
You gave him your list as soon as he came back. "I won't take long. Make yourself at home", he told you, making his way to the door and grabbing his car keys along the way.
"Hey", you called out to him, making turn around to look at you. "I noticed your door opens with your fingerprint. Can you register mine, just in case I want to get some fresh air outside?", you asked him.
"Of course. Just give me a second", he went outside and called for someone named Max, telling him to come over and get your fingerprint.
"Hi, ma'am", he greeted you with a smile. His height was similar to Noah's, only a little bit shorter, but the similarities stopped there. Max had a buzzcut, but you could see his blond hair coming through. It made his blues eye stand out even more.
You aknowledged him with a nod, as you saw him mess with something on his cellphone. "Can you give me your index finger, please?", he asked after a few seconds, and you extended your index finger toward him.
His hands completely encompassed yours, and you thought if this was really necessary. You could place your own finger on the reader by yourself. But you let him do his thing anyways, thinking that he was just trying to be kind.
You could sense Noah watching the interaction from behind the two of you. The door lock made a sound and something green flashed where you had your finger. Max finally let go of your hand. "All set, you're free to come in and out now", he flashed you another smile, you were going to thank him, when Noah spoke up "You can go back to your post now, Max", the man nodded and walked away.
"I think I'll sit outside for a little bit. It's a nice day today", you said as you observed the sun shining above you.
"Just don't stray too far, ok? I would prefer if you stayed on the porch so the security guards can keep an eye on you"
"Understood", you made a serious face and nodded firmly, trying to make a little fun about how worried he always seemed to be about you.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll go now, you've kept me for too long already", you could see a little smile on his face as he turned around to head over to his car. You saw him stop on the way there and mutter something to Max, before getting in his car and leaving through the gate.
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As Noah drove through the woods, he thought about how he could barely sleep during the night. He was grateful you seemed to be taking this like a champ and he felt better with you being at the safehouse. But he couldn't shake the thought that someone walked up to his doorsteps and left him that envelope without anyone noticing.
He needed to come up with a solution, and fast. You couldn't live there forever and one day, you had to go back to your normal life. The rest of the drive went by smoothly, his brain never shutting off for even a second, hyper-aware of his surroundings.
He gave the boys a heads-up to wait for him at his house, so he found everyone already sat around the table, their heads turned towards him as soon as he entered. Jolly was the first to speak up "what was in that envelope, man? You left right after I handed it to you"
"It was a death threat from our favorite group of people", he decided not to beat around the bush.
"So you decided to leave and deal with it on your own?", Nicholas asked him, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"There's more to it", he paused, the boys are not gonna like what he's saying next. "Y/N received one as well, in her workplace, last night", he observed everyone's expressions, their eyebrows shooting up.
"Y/N from the club?", Jolly wanted to confirm, Noah nodded.
"She called me right after I got the envelope. I think we got them around the same time, so it's possible there were two people delivering them. She called me in a panic, so I took her to the safehouse in the woods. That's why I left last night", he gave Nicholas the side-eye, addressing his hurried exit.
"Yeah, you did the right thing", the man aknowledged.
"But it gets worse", Noah rubbed his forehead. "They know that we know that they are planning to attack us. And they know that Y/N is the one who told us", collective grunts were heard around the room, along with exasperated sighs.
"Man, this is not a good situation. We could've planned ahead, but now that they know, they could attack us anytime, since they know that they don't have the advantage anymore", Jolly stated what they were all thinking.
"Yes, but that's what I've been pondering about last night. They can't attack us if we attack them first", Noah suggested.
"Yeah, but we gotta wait for the big shipment to come through. And we're not even sure it's going to be a smooth delivery now", Nicholas observed.
"I don't think they're going to attack us there anymore, they've lost their element of surprise" Jolly contered.
"Folio, I need you to check on the database and see if they have any shipments coming in before ours", Noah instructed. Folio started typing on his laptop in front of him. "Seems like it, they have a shipment coming one day before ours", the younger boy informed. Noah was thankful everyday for a technical analyst on his team.
"So that confirms our previous theory. They had more guns coming so they could strike on us the day after, when our guns arrived", Jolly pointed out and everyone nodded.
"And now we know when we need to strike. Their shipments are smaller than ours, they have less men. It's the perfect opportunity for us", Noah could sense everyone's apprehension. "I don't like this anymore than you guys do. I wish we could go on without having to do this. But we need to remind ourselves that these men were planning on taking us out and taking our place", he reasoned.
"I agree with you man. You're not wrong. But we gotta prepare quickly, we don't have much time", Nicholas said and Noah agreed.
"We'll start today. We'll be ready. We've done this plenty of times during our younger years", and Noah was right. Before they were in this position, they participared in many raids. "Folio, start studying the map of the port, so we can decide what positions to take. The rest of us will start assemblying and loading the guns we'll need", everyone nodded and started to file out of the room, Nicholas the only one remaining.
He waited until everyone left to start talking. "You know she cares about you to some degree, right?", Noah knew he was talking about you. "She could've just left us in the dark, but she decided to tell us and now she's in this delicate position"
"I shouldn't have gone to her house that night, let alone give her my number", Noah didn't have the energy to look into his best friend's eyes at the moment.
"You could argue that. But from what I've seen and heard that night, she would hardly do anything she doesn't wanna do. So the decision she made was a conscious one", Nicholas always seemed to be capable of knocking some sense into Noah. "I'm just telling you this because I know you're beating yourself up over this, It's not your fault. Besides, she works at Medusa, I'm pretty sure she knows somewhat what this bussiness entails", Noah looked at Nicholas this time and found simpathy in his eyes.
"Thank you, Nick", his gratefulness was sincere, his friend didn't need to take the time to do this, but he chose to anyway. It is rare they got some reassurance and simpathy in this job, but they never lost their empathy towards each other. Noah guesses that's why they're such a tight-knit group. And that's how he knows they'll get through this.
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It was nearing 4pm now, the wind was getting colder and you have run out of thing to do here. You made yourself another cup of coffee and spent a couple of hours outside, hearing the birds chirp and wind blowing through the trees. Then you made yourself some lunch, explored the house and ultimately, took a nap on the couch.
It wasn't lost on you the fact that Noah left in the morning and hasn't come back yet. You know you said he could take as long as he needed, but the uneasy feeling didn't leave your stomach for the entire day.
You were in here, protected by a bunch of men with guns, and he was out there. You tried to remind yourself that he was used to this. But you also remembered that you weren't the only one receiving death threats. But you trusted him, and hoped he was as serious about keeping himself safe as he is about keeping you safe.
A little later you heard the gate open and a car driving in. You guessed he was home after all. Making your way outside, your suspicions were confimed, as you saw him killing the engine and getting out of the car.
You don't know what you were thinking, but as soon as he was standing in front of you, you took him in your arms and embraced him, a muffled "hi" leaving your lips into his chest. It took a second for him to register what was happening, but when he did, he circled his arms around your middle, and rested his chin on your head.
You parted after a few seconds but his arms didn't leave your waist. You put your hands on his sholders and inconspicuously tried to pat his arms, looking for any signs that he might not be well. You failed because he amusedly laughed at your actions.
"I'm fine. I just went to my house to talk to the boys", he tried to ease your mind. You got a good look at his face and noticed that his eyes were droopy with tiredness. He needed some rest.
He turned around you with both of his hands and led you into the house. "The groceries should be here soon, along with your things. I just need to take a shower and then I'll fix us something for dinner", you put you right hand up and stopped him right there.
"No, no. I'm taking care of dinner tonight. You'll take a shower and then you'll sit on the couch and wait", now it was his turn to put his hands up, an amused look on his face.
"Ok, then. I won't fight you", he stepped around you with a false look of fear on his face. You rolled your eyes but laughed nonetheless.
Noah was about to get in his room when a knock sounded on the door. "Oh, it should be the groceries you mentioned. I'll get it", you called out, but he decided to observe from his door.
You were greeted with Max's smile on the other side of the door, two bags in his hands.
"A special delivery for the lady", he said as he handed you one bag at a time. You saw him looking behind you, noticing Noah there and the atmosphere in the room suddently shifted. Max's smile now more like a grimace. You looked behind you as well and Noah's look was unreadable, but you could see he wasn't happy.
"Didn't I tell you I wanted Caleb to deliver the stuff?", he asked in a clipped tone.
"I know. I'm sorry, sir. He was busy and asked me to do it", Max's smile crumpled completely.
"No, he wasn't. Because I made sure he was free", Noah retorted, angry that he caught him in a lie.
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again". You felt uncomfortable in the middle of the two.
"No, it won't. You're dismissed". Max left without saying goodbye and you closed the door behind him, muttering an "ok" under your breath. You had whiplash from the moment you shared with Noah just minutes ago.
When you turned around he had already gotten into his room. You decide you're going to ask him about this later. Or maybe you won't.
While he was in the shower you arranged your things in your room and went to put the groceries away, deciding you were cooking some pasta for dinner. You set aside everything you needed and began to work on the tomato sauce.
It was already dark outside, so the lights were on, casting a beautiful glow on the walls made of wood. The atmosphere was serene and calm inside as you worked around the kitchen. Taking longer than usual because you had to figure out where everything is.
"Ok, give me something to do", Noah walked into the room and stood beside you, hips leaning on the counter. He changed and was now wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. Your mind started to reel about how domestic this all felt. You cooking for him and him being all comfortable around you.
"I think I put away a bottle of red wine. You can crack that open for us", you decided to throw all caution to the wind at this moment.
"Oh yeah. I put that on the list", he tried to act all nonchalant but you knew he did this in purpose.
"Must have been, you're the one who wrote it", you threw back at him, a smirk on your face.
You heard the bottle pop and the clinks of two glasses as he filled them about halfway. He handed one to you and said "a special delivery for the lady", you recalled the words from Max earlier, you stopped stirring the sauce and looked at him woth both eyebrows raised. He had a smug look on his face.
"What? Max seems to have taken a liking to you", it all clicked in your brain when he said this.
"Aaaah, now I know what that was all about", you nodded you head in understanding.
"What?", he sipped on his wine, not able to control the smile spreading on his lips.
"You were jealous", he scoffed in indigination at your words.
"I just thought it was innapropriate that he was flirting with you", he shrugged his shoulders.
"How was it innappropriate?", you asked, curious about what his answer is going to be.
"Because he is here working", you guess you couldn't argue with that, the man was on his job after all. You let a few seconds go by before you spoke again.
"He was not my type so I didn't bother reciprocating the flirting", you looked over at him to gauge his reaction, he didn't let much show so you went on, diverting your gaze because you weren't sure you could say this looking at his eyes. "His hair is too short, his eyes too bright and arms a little bare. If you know what I mean"
Noah hummed in acknowledgment, and said "yeah, I think I know what you mean"
The conversation stilled as you prepared the pasta, putting a pan with water to boil on the stove and Noah set the table.
A few minutes later, dinner was ready and you two sat down to eat.
"So, besides being a nurse, you're a chef as well?", you laughed at his remark. I wasn't lost on you that he didn't call you a dancer or a stripper, but a nurse.
"Please, it's pasta and tomato sauce. Anyone could do it", you brushed it off.
"Probably, but it wouldn't taste as good", you decided you were just going to take his compliment.
A comfortable silence fell over you, like everytime you eat a meal together. When you're both finished he takes both of your plates to the sink and tells you he'll worry about it later.
"Give me a second. I'll be right back", he told you as he went to his room. He left the door open and you heard a rummaging sound, and you wondered what he was doing in there. A few minutes later he comes out with a record player balancing in one arm and a vinyl on his other hand. You gasped. You missed listening to music, service here wasn't good, so your cellphone didn't load most of your songs.
He sat the record player down beside the TV and put the vinyl in, setting the needle in place. You recognized the familiar tune of Easy by the Commodores playing.
He stood from his position and made his way over to you, extending his hand.
"I really don't know how to dance like this", and you were really bad at slow dancing, your feet always tripped over of each other. You were more well-versed in another kind of dancing.
"C'mon, it's just swaying. How hard can it be?", he argued. You decided you were gonna let yourself have this. So you took his hand and stood up. Interlacing your fingers behind his neck, you felt his hands rest on your waist. Not too low and not too high.
He noticed you were letting out a few giggles, he could feel your body shaking a little in his hold. He looked down at you. "Am I really that bad?", you fully laughed now.
"You're really not. It's just funny because you're so tall and I'm totally not", you told him the reason of your giggles.
"I have a solution. Here, put your feet on top of mine and I'll take care of swawing us back and forth"
"What? I'm gonna crush your feet"
"No, you're not. C'mon, just do it. It'll be easier", he insisted and you relented, resting your feet on top of his. It was easier now to entertwine your hands behind his neck. But you noticed you were more pressed into him now, feeling the entirety of his body on you.
He felt firm against you, and your face was closer to his chest as you inhaled his scent, a mixture of his perfume, softener and something inexplicably him. It filled you lungs and went straight to your head. You could say it started to cloud your judgment, but it was already clouded when you fist danced for him.
His hands that were still, started to run up and down your sides, warming your skin through your clothes, and you felt his breath on top of your head, where he was resting his cheek. The moment was calm and peaceful, and his steady heartbeat in your ears proved you that.
You moved your hands to rest on each side if his neck, twirling a strand of hair in your fingers. You stood on your tiptoes and nuzzled your head on his exposed, tattoed neck. You felt him take a deep breath and his skin filled with goosebumps. You went one step ahead and started to ghost your lips over his skin.
"Y/N", his voice was low and just a little bit broken, you hummed in response. His hands traveled lower and settled on the hem of your long sleeved t-shirt, you nodded in consent and felt his large and warm palms make their way underneath, splaying themselves over you, his thumb sligthly tracing the underside of your bra.
"You feel so good", he mumbled in your hair. You detached your lips from his neck to lean back and look at him in the eyes. They were clouded over with lust, but you sensed he was holding back for your sake.
"Noah, kiss me, please. I wanna feel your lips on mine", you whispered, only for himself to hear. One of his hands made their way to rest on the back of your neck. Leaning in, he first kissed one side of your lips, then the other, before pressing them firmly on yours. His hand with a tight hold on your waist.
You deepened the kiss, moving your head to the side, your lips slotting together perfectly. Pulling you tigheter against him, he took advantage of your little gasp to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
Your heavy breaths mingled with each other. Your hands wanted to explore, so you started to run them over the expanse of his chest, slipping under his hoodie and feeling his stomach under your hands.
You had to part your lips due to the intensity of the kiss, catching your breaths. The song was long over and the only thing you could hear was your heart beating in your ribcage.
"Take me to your bedroom", you whispered over his lips.
"You're sure you wanna do this?", he asked you, looking you in the eye, looking for answers.
"Please, I wanna feel you. I need to feel you". In an instant, his hands rested on the back of your thighs, picking you up as you laced your legs around his waist. You let out a yelp, but hid your face on his neck. You felt him giggle at your reaction, and patted your bum a couple of times.
He sat you down on his bed, kneeling in front of you. He stopped for a minute, hands resting on your thighs, just looking at you with his beautiful eyes.
"You're just gonna look at me?", your voice was low, afraid to break the bubble you were both under if you spoke too loud.
"Guess so, I can't seem to stop admiring you", he nuzzled his head on your thighs, leaving little kisses over your pants.
"I'm gonna need you to do more than that", he hummed, hands slipping under your shirt once more, this time he started to pull it up, removing it all together with your help. He pushed you gently to lay on the bed, your arms extended on both of your sides, a content look on your face.
"You look so good all laid out for me like this", he hummed, starting to kiss his way up your stomach, the top of your breasts and all over your neck. You let out soft sighs of appreciation, as he slipped off the straps of your bra to kiss your shoulder. "Take it off", you murmured to him. One of his hands going behind your back to mess with the clasp, undoing it and letting the piece of clothing fall, throwing it unceremoniously to the side.
Both of his hands squeezed your breasts, reveling on the feeling of them under his palms. But he soon replaced them with his mouth, sucking and biting to his heart's content as you threw your head back. When he was satisfied with his ministrations, he moved you up the bed, your head resting on the pillows and his body slotting between yours.
"I think we're a little imbalanced here", you referred to his fully clothed body, making it your goal to grip the hem of his hoodie and slip it off of him.
You wanted to take your time exploring his body, running your fingertips over the lines of his tattoos, kissing over his torso and chest. Looking up at him through your lashes, seeing a look that told you he was never loved on like this before. If it was up to you, he would always be loved like this. It's what he deserves.
He gripped the back of your head and kissed you with passion, your tongues fighting for dominance, even though you didn't put up much of a fight. You let him kiss you just how he wanted. He slipped his hand under your leggings to grasp your ass, making your hips grind, a groan leaving both of your lips in unison.
Sliding it downwards, he started to remove your pants, along with your underwear. As soon as they were off, he kissed his way from your calf to your thighs, finally landing where you needed him the most.
He could tell you were holding your breath in anticipation. "Relax for me, baby girl. This is gonna feel really good", you let out the long breath you were holding in, and felt the first licks of his tongue. Gasping out loud from the sensation he provided.
He started out slow, moving his tongue in circles as he sped up his movements. When he felt you were wet enough, he tentatively placed the tip of his middle finger on your entrance, and he felt your body come down a little, urging him to slip it inside you.
When he finally did it, you moaned out loud at the sensation, using his hair as an anchor and gripping it tightly. He groaned at the feeling. "I'll slip another one in, is that ok?", he asked you, as he moved his hand at a slow pace, inside and out.
"Yes, yes, please", you pleaded and suddently you felt so full, you couldn't help but grind down on his hand. "I'm not lasting much longer", your voice was strained, you were trying to hold your orgasm at bay so you could savor the moment for a bit longer.
"It's ok, you can let go. Make a mess on my fingers, baby. I want you to", he was looking up at you, he needed to see what you looked like coming undone for him. Seconds later, your body started to writhe on the bed, he felt you clench around his fingers. Nothing leaving your lips but broken moans and gasps for air. He worked his fingers for a while longer, before pulling them out and licking them clean. You've never seen something so sinful in your life.
He laid beside you, giving you a minute to catch your breath. "Thank you", you said in a worn voice.
"You don't have to thank me", he lazily brushed his fingers over your stomach, creating random patterns.
"I feel like I do", you admitted. "Not only for this, but for everything. The way you take care of me, the way you worry about me. This all feels a little foreign to me"
He grabbed you by the chin and turned you to look at him. "I know you're grateful. And you better get used to me taking care of you", you kissed him before he could make you feel anymore emotional.
Feeling rested enough, you climbed over his lap, straddling his hips. He still had his sweatpants on, but you could feel him beneath you. Making your way down, you slipped it off of him, making quick work of his boxers as well.
As you were about to grasp him in your hands, he stopped you. "We'll have time for that some other day. Right now I just really need to be inside of you", his hands made their way up to squeeze your breasts, not believing he had you on top of him like this.
You lifted yourself to accomodate him between your legs as you started to slide down. The burn felt so good that you couldn't keep yourself upright anymore, instead, you collapsed on his chest.
"Don't worry, I got you. Lay down on me", he said as he slipped all the way in, stopping for a second before you started to move your hips back and forth. He squeezed your waist tight, stopping your movements.
"Wait a second. I just need a second", he said, breathless, and you chuckled. "You find this funny? Not even three seconds inside of you and I'm almost bursting already", he held no real annoyance in his voice, just finding the situation humourous.
"It is a little funny", you didn't have time to chuckle again when his hips slammed into you with force, silencing you efficiently. He kept his pace as you sat up, tits bouncing with every stroke of his hips. You started to move on your own accord, and he let you do your thing, hips moving in circles over his.
"Yeah, like that. Do that again", he threw his head back, exposing his beautiful neck for you to kiss and bite. You felt his legs shudder and you knew he was close, and you kept up your pace.
"I'm so close. Cum with me, baby", he whispered in your ear, as his hand slipped between your bodies. You could feel yourself letting go, hips stilling and body squirming on top of his. Not long after, Noah found his own release, hips arching upwards as he gripped your ass tight, keeping you both connected as closely as possible, grunts of pleasure filling your ears.
You felt your body relax as you let yourself rest on top of him, feeling all of his body on yours, naked and sweaty. He landed his hand on your hair, stroking softly and whispering how well you did for him.
Finally untangling from each other, you laid beside him, eyes wanting to flutter shut, but you were not ready to stop looking at him yet. You grabbed one of his hand and started to inspect it, fingers grazing over his knuckles.
"What's on your mind?", he asked, a hint of worry making itself known in his voice.
"Just how big your hands are", you said, pulling his hands up and comparing it to yours, "look", you told him in amusement.
He laughed a belly laugh and you smiled, looking at the way his eyes crinkled. He was one of those people who smiled with their eyes. Removing his hand from yours, he enveloped you in his arms, pulling you against him, giving you a soft peck on your lips.
"We need to take a shower", you noted, but made no movement to get up from the bed. Instead, you nuzzled your head further on his neck.
"I know, let's just stay like this for a second", he grabbed the comforter that sat at the end of the bed and pulled it over the both of you.
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Tag List: @concreteangel92 @millie-aubs @mostlypanicking @thisbicc @rebelheart90 @moranastray @xmads-omensx @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @lma1986 @skyemanzsstuff @theroyaldixon @mindlesssweets @dravenskye @sundamariis @flowery-mess @badomensls @loeytuan98 @cheyyyyr @dominuslunae @jaded-and-hollow-souls @malerieee
If you'd like to be tagged, let me know!!!
Dividers: @cafekitsune
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honeytama · 2 months
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thoughts on matt being surprised by reader wearing elf cosplay,, specifically arwen from lotr
note: @amourtoken inspired me HEAVILY on this one from this post so ty!! also tagging @thatchickwiththecamera for talking lotr w me <3
smut 18+ under the cut
boyfriend! matt x reader incoming
matt and you had watched all three films together around a week ago and it was your first time watching them !! he made it hard to focus, but you were good and stuck your eyes to the screen the whoooole time
while you were watching the last film,,,
“baby, i know i asked you to watch with me, but we could be doing something else, too” he sat beside you on his couch with his legs spread in shorts that rose up to show his thighs. he patted the top of thigh, his usual call for you come over during movies: to either get off on his thigh, come to your knees between his legs and get him off, or to ride him while holding onto his shoulders for support.
“you’re the one who told me to pay attention,” you whined before taking a peak at his patting hand, disgustingly close to his bulge, the outline of his hard cock against him beckoned you. if his black athletic shorts rode up any more, you swear you could see his tip peeking through the edge.
“now, i want your attention,” he rubbed himself over his shorts with his hand. “you know i can make you feel so good.”
“so needy,” you mocked him with a pout in your lip before kissing his cheek. “we’re going to finish the movie ok? because we both know if we stop now we’ll never finish it… and the next time we try to watch, i’ll just be all over you again.” you reached for his waistband and pulled down the front of his shorts and underwear,,, his dick flopped out with a bead of precum adorning his tip.
“you just said—“
you hushed him by stroking him and guiding your palm of his tip to gather his arousal. “you can touch me, too. and we’ll just watch the rest of the movie like this.”
intrigued by your proposal, he pulled off your bottoms before sticking his hand between your thighs as your spread your legs next him.
you two were silent, mostly; both of you focusing simultaneously on the film and each other’s parts. only soft grunts and whines coming from each others lips when you hit just the right spot.
he got you off on his fingers and waited patiently for the final movie to end to drag you to the bedroom to finish himself off into your cunt.
little did he know that you had other, more exciting things planned for him.
you thought you would test just how badly he was obsessed with his girlfriend having watched his favorite films.
a few days ago,
you flipped through his side of your shared closet and pulled down one of his lotr shirts and grabbed a pair of thigh high socks from your side.
putting them on with nothing underneath, you waited for him in bed over the sheets as he tucked the dogs to sleep in the living room.
when he opened the bedroom door, “you liked it that much, huh?”
you ended up riding him for all he’s worth that night. he didn’t dare lift your shirt to watch your tits bounce even though he craved it,, he just reveled in the sight of his girlfriend wearing his clothing and grinding on his cock.
today, you can still see the faint bruises on your ass and sides of your thighs from how tightly his hands squeezed them that night as he guided you up and down his dick.
oh, he’s into it !!
one more step… which had a bit of extra planning on your part.
you ordered pointed elf ears, a circlet, a cream colored sheer floor length robe and a cutsie, lavender ((you can choose light blue or sage)) lingerie set. you planned to do your makeup and hair for the occasion, too.
there was one special, extra thing you ordered for him if everything goes well.
matt hadn’t shared a crush with you on the elf woman, Arwen, but you thought how could he not have one?? she’s gorgeous and you thought of him as your Aragorn soooo you thought you would give it a try
nerds like him deserve to have a sexy elf women writhing underneath them :/
putting everything on, you’re ready to surprise him for some midday sex. the light seeping in from your bedroom windows made the fantasy just a bit more immersive.
he would be getting home from working in the studio and you imagine he would need some tlc.
you stand in the living room, undoing your robe as he comes through the door and sets his things down.
“welcome home, matty,” you say sweetly.
“holy shit,” he walks over to you, quickly chucking off his Nike’s in the process. “you’re a fucking elf…” he wraps his arms around you, oogling your new outfit.
you fluster as his hands explore the smooth material of your lingerie and as he tilts your chin to inspect your ears. looking up at him through your lashes you ask, “do you want to fuck an elf, matt?”
“yup, bedroom, now”
matt cannot stop repeating the same praises as your split on his dick, squirming beneath him. your thighs presses to your chest as he thrusts into you hungrily.
“so pretty just for me”
“good elf girl”
“my beautiful”
all said so teasingly
he managed to pull the majority of his clothes off and your robe, but he couldn’t help but just tug your cute panties to the side and pull his briefs down his thighs; your circlet and pointed ears still adorning your head.
“look at you beneath me, even as an elf you’re so cute twitching on my cock.”
yapologist matt will never shut up about this by the way (he wouldn’t tell anyone, just tease you about it constantly while also praising you for being the most badass, thoughtful girlfriend ever)
((wishing i had some better dialogue to serve yall,,, just too brainrotted over this)
fluffy extra hehehe:
the extra item you bought is a replica evenstar necklace.
laying in bed with him after your afternoon tryst, you lean over to your bedside table and take it into your hands.
“matty, i got you something,” you hide it in your hands patiently.
“oh, yeah?”
you allow the necklace to unravel as you hold it between your fingers. the faux gems twinkle in the light.
“for me?” he asks.
you nod at him with a proud smile. you can tell he’s trying not to act toooo excited.
he takes it in his hand, “you realize giving me this is like, more than a proposal, right?
“yes, dummy, i watched arwen explain the whole thing,” you giggle.
he rolls over onto you, smothering you with kisses and his hair tickles your face.
“i’ll carry it with me everywhere,” he declares, “even on tour. love you so much, bubby.”
“love you, too.”
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Tease tidbit Tuesday
I was tagged by @perfectlysunny02 💙
ok, so I should write other fics but this angst idea was born. meet titled(wtf?) fic "He's your forever (sometimes I wish it was me)", where Eddie pines over pregnant Buck who's happily dates Tommy and expects their baby (don't worry Eddie'll be happy eventually too)(More likely this fic is one of the part of mpreg series I plan)
Buck cooks the breakfast in crop top, and Eddie can't stop his eyes and mind wander to the little bump he's showing off with his choice of clothes. Tommy and Chris are still sleeping, so Eddie lets himself this moment of weakness when he knows no one will see him. He doesn't want anyone to catch him ogling his best friend's pregnant body, and precious little bump, that he's sure he can hold in his palm and it will fit pretty snugly. He doesn't need anyone to ask him why he's looking so fiercely. He definitely doesn't want to lie because he knows he won't convince anyone. But the truth is something Eddie will take to the grave with him.
No one will ever find out that he wishes he was staying in his kitchen with pregnant Buck and only Chris still sleeping in the house. No one will ever know he wishes Tommy wasn't so good for Buck and Buck is so in love with him. No one will ever judge him that even though he's incredibly happy for Buck and Tommy and excited to meet his godkid, he wishes it was not baby Kinard, but baby Diaz Buck growing with his body.
But it's not. 
"Can you start setting the table and then wake boys?" Buck asks, not taking his attention from pancakes and Eddie hums in affirmation, readily taking the chance to stop being so miserable pining over a man who was never his. Especially not in the house Buck and Tommy just moved together right before sharing happy news about how soon their family will grow.
"Morning," Tommy's hoarse voice cuts the silence of the kitchen, and Eddie nods and fakes a smile to his friend before Tommy gets all his attention to Buck, kissing him as if he's the most precious thing he has ever seen. He puts his hand on Buck's belly, whispering something to the man. Eddie feels sick how perfectly the bump and Tommy’s palm go together. As puzzle pieces.
Buck smiles and kisses Tommy again, "don't worry, our baby was pretty kind to me tonight. Barely any nausea."
Nodding with a smile, Tommy kisses his birthmark and hugs Buck's waist. Humming the song Eddie doesn't know, Tommy sways them a little as an impromptu slow dance. It makes Buck smile so brightly Eddie wishes he had ever seen that smile at him. He never did. It's Tommy's smiles. His boyfriend puts it on Buck's face. Not him. It never belonged to him. As Buck never did.
Taking deep breaths in and out, Eddie quickly puts the last plate and almost runs to the guest room. He needs a moment to get himself together and trying to get a grumpy sassy teen to wake up is a good way to forget how the man he loves so much has a beautiful morning with his boyfriend. Not with him.
Eddie hears pieces of their conversation coming from the kitchen. He hears talking about possible nursery colors and what renovations they need to do. He hears Buck saying the date and time of his next appointment with OB and Tommy’s the most gentle voice promises to be here for Buck and their baby.
He shakes his head and runs to the bathroom. He needs cold water. He needs some time for himself. To think only about good. About how happy his friends are. Reprimanding himself for being awful to their happiness, Eddie enters the room where Chris still snores peacefully, not knowing what a battle his dad has in his heart.
Np tagging @bewilderedbuckley @wikiangela @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @devirnis @bigfootsmom @bi-buckrights @queerbuck @queerdiaz @watchyourbuck @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @racerchix21 @kinrdevan @theotherbuckley @theweewooshow @thatmexisaurusrex @powersuitup @pirrusstuff @saybiwithme @diazheartsbuckley @monsterrae1 @cal-daisies-and-briars @bekkachaos @lavenderleahy @leashybebes and anyone who wants to
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sunshineting · 1 year
Just a lil drabble 😚
Fluff w mention of sex
Imagine you and Gojo have a baby 😭
-Y’all’s daughter is the cutest little thing; inheriting your brown skin tone with his white hair and blue eyes.
-When Koyo was an infant, you would constantly wake up to her just staring at you with those big blue eyes. It was a bit jarring at first, you had to get used to it just like you did with Gojo. The creepiest, though, was once when you checked the baby monitor in the middle of the night and she was staring directly into the camera.
-Gojo loves that Koyo inherited your curls, they’re one of his favorite things about you. He tries his hardest to do styles on her, but they never turn out quite right. Plenty of times when he’d tried to do something as simple as pigtails they ended up crooked. He leaves most of the styles to you, letting you do all types of braids and twists on your baby.
-Potty training is hell; your daughter HATES pooping on the potty.
“Koyo, do you need to potty?” You ask. It’s been about two hours since she last went, and you’re trying to keep up a schedule. She shakes her head and continues playing with her blocks. Just to be sure, you walk over to her to check her pull-up. You smell it before you see it. Koyo catches onto you, so she starts running away.
“Satoru, come get your child!” You yell. And just like that, your husband appears with Koyo upside down in his hand. She’s just giggling like it’s the funniest thing in the world.
-Gojo spoils his baby. Oh, she’s spoiled rotten, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Daddy, I want this!” Your three year old points at an expensive toy kitchen set.
“How do you ask nicely, Koyo?” Satoru asks.
“May I have this toy please?”
“I say yes, but we gotta ask the boss. Well, mama, whaddya think?” He picks Koyo up in his arms and holds her at his level. The two of them stare at you expectantly, waiting on your response.
“Alright, alright. What color do you want?” You give in. Your daughter squeals and laughs with delight.
-When y’all sign her up for daycare, Gojo is more upset than you are. And that’s saying a lot. On her first day, you have tears brimming in your eyes. It hurts seeing your baby walk away happily into her new class.
“What if she needs me? What if something happens? She can’t go to school yet, she’s just a baby!” Gojo laments in the car. Your three year old is very smart and mature for her age, so realistically you don’t have much to worry about. Unfortunately, though, she has two very dramatic parents who love her dearly.
“Let’s go back and get her. We can go get her and she can start over tomorrow. I’ll be ready then,” he begs.
-To be honest, Gojo kinda eats as a dad. He’s super fun, but he can get serious. He’s so go-with-the-flow that anytime a hiccup happens in your meticulous plans, he calms you into believing everything will be ok. Eventually though, he wants another kid. Koyo is four already and he misses having a little baby.
“Cmonnnn let’s have one more. Koyo needs someone to play with and I miss the baby stage. Plus, you look so sexy pregnant. I love seeing you round with my babies. You know I love breeding your tight little cunt,” the last of his words are nothing more than a whisper in your ear. You end up folding for him that same night.
-Satoru definitely makes Megumi watch the kids when y’all need a night out. Megumi doesn’t mind too much because both kids are well behaved. All three of his students love your kids; Yuuji likes playing a little rough with your son, Kawa, and Nobara loves dressing Koyo up
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vinnieswife · 2 years
hello! may i request a neteyam x reader oneshot where they’re having a cute moment together and reader discover that he’s ticklish? just pure fluff and neteyam laughing a lot (this boy deserves to be happy and in love), maybe she ends up on top of him and then they’re both flustered (but not in a super suggestive way and more like idiots in love). i hope this is ok and ty! sorry if is too specific. i really love your works. :)
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“Are you that ticklish?”
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Neteyam x gn!omaticaya!reader
words: 762
warnings: kissing and using “skxawng”
author’s note: OMFG this so cute I swear, I don’t know if the end is like you wanted annon but I tried my best :)
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An ikran flew too close to you, passing you at high speed "teyam be careful!" he turned his head from his ikran at your shout "oh come on this is my moment of freedom, let me have some fun ma y/n" he said laughing, the nickname making the blush grow to your cheeks.
Holding tight to your ikran you sped up, passing closer to the eldest Sully, his horrified expression made you burst into a fit of laughter "so that's how you want to play huh?", you laughed fixing your gaze on him "you know I'm going to beat you teyam", now it was his turn to laugh "you wish y/n". You set your visor, "last one to the glade loses" having said that your ikran started to descend at high speed with Neteyam right behind you, the race was interesting, you were both playing while trying to win, when you were about to land neteyam's ikran opened its wings making you fly to the side while he landed in the grass. Your face showed pure amazement "you are a cheater neteyam sully!" "we never talked about the rules love", your mouth closed quickly at the nickname, after landing you approached neteyam leaving a soft thump on his back "skxawng", he laughed following you into the forest.
The eclipse was settling making the glowing freckles appear on your bodies, you couldn't help but fix your eyes on neteyam's back, seeing how the patterns were broken, covered in scars from the war, your eyes moved to his side making neteyam realize that you were looking at him "what are you looking at? " "mhmn?" your ears ignored his words, your fingers moving closer to his ribs to trace a couple of scars, when your fingers made contact with his skin a chuckle escaped his lips as his body moved away from your touch. A mischievous look appeared on your face, neteyam's face went from a cheerful one to a completely serious one "y/n no..." but it was too late, you pounced on him sending both of you to the ground, you started attacking his sides with light finger movements, laughter began to escape his lips as his body jerked, "Ah~ ah please, HA y/n please.... Icantbreathe" you stopped your movements letting him rest "I didn't understand what you said" you said a smirk gracing your lips "fuck you" neteyam said trying to catch his breath, your hands made contact with abdomen again making his eyes widen like plates "Fuck no! HAHAHAHA... please!", "are you going to keep mumbling some more insults to my person again teyam?" "oh no, no I promise, just stop" you quickly got up from him "are you that ticklish?" you said laughing, he stood up with a frown "haha you're so funny did I ever told you that?" he said with irony in his voice, a slight smile graced your face as you brushed away a piece of grass that had stuck to his arm "It’s a talent" he scoffed at your comment as you continued walking through the forest.
Before you could process it neteyam lunged at you, attacking your sides with tickles, just as you had done to him moments before, small cries for help escaped your throat as you tried to restrain his hands "neteyam please I-I can't breathe" "who's the one laughing now huh?" a nervous chuckle escaped your body as you realized how close you both were, his face inches away from yours, it must be that he read your mind as you saw the color quickly ascend to his cheeks, oh eywa the son of the olo'eyktan blushing, what a sight, you noticed how his face had changed over the years, he was no longer the same little boy you met when you were little, your hands placed themselves on his cheeks caressing the area under his eye "since when have you grown so much teyam?" his eyes were still on yours,trying to process the information "you've grown up too y/n, we're not little kids anymore", "I know" you noticed how his gaze moved from your eyes to your lips, fixing on these; everything was so peaceful, the gentle breeze, the bioluminescent plants adorning the forest and him, the glowing freckles adorning his face, his eyes shining with Polyphemus light, the darker stripes on his forehead and his cheeks- "I see you y/n" you were so absorbed in your world that his words took you by surprise, a smile rose to your lips "I see you teyam" his yellow eyes sparkled and his pupils dilated as the smile on his face grew even bigger. His lips slowly descended on yours, it was inexperienced, but full of love; you parted for lack of air, as you both let out a giggle bringing your foreheads together. “maybe I should let you tickle me more often”
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doe-eyed-fool · 4 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Six|
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In a near desperate attempt to forget about everything plaguing Y/n's mind, she took up learning portals from Michael. Which might not have been the best idea, considering he's still learning himself. While he could teleport himself anywhere with ease, creating a portal to another world was something entirely different.
And it took a lot of hard work and patience to perfect it. And Michael, well...He was trying his best.
But Y/n couldn't work up the nerve to ask Galim to teach her. She was always so tense around them, despite Galim being one of the kindest angels in Heaven. Michael just made her feel more at ease.
"I can't believe you've existed since the dawn of creation and yet you haven't learned how to make a portal." Y/n teases, trying to lighten the mood. Michael rolls his eyes. "Give me a break, I told you I'm better at fighting than magic. Trust me, you haven't been around as long as I have. My youth was full of many failed magic attempts."
"Aw, baby Michael." Y/n giggled at the thought of a child size Michael, causing him to blush slightly. "Anyway." Michael clears his throat. "Just repeat after me."
Michael stands straight and holds out his hands. Y/n did the same, she then inhaled and exhaled in a calm pattern. "Good. Now just clear your mind, and focus on where you want to be."
Y/n closed her eyes and tried to clearly picture what she saw last time. A wide open meadow, filled with flowers. The sound of the birds and running water. The warmth of the sun in the bright blue sky.
Nothing happened, so she inhaled deeply and tried to remember more of what she saw, what she heard, what she smelled. Earth truly was a beautiful place. It's nature was beyond all compare, simple and yet so vast and complex.
There was a small swirl of light forming just before Y/n's open palms. Michael's eyes lit up with excitement, but he refrained from speaking as not to throw her off.
Y/n wondered what night was like on earth. She's heard stories of the stars that littered across the dark blue sky. How they shined and sparkled, they along with the moon, casting just enough calming light in the darkness.
Y/n smiled at the thought, the thought of just how many wonderful things the Earth had to offer.
'Lucifer would have loved it.'
The light grew brighter and larger, and the portal finally opened. Michael's once previous excitement, quickly faded as he saw where this portal lead.
Y/n opened her eyes, her mouth fell slightly agape in surprise. Just before her, was the portal she had created. The color was the first thing that caught her eye. Then came the warm air, the uncomfortably warm air. Then there was the sounds of chaos ringing loud in her ears. Y/n swore she felt her heart drop as realization set in.
Y/n froze, unable to think clearly or utter a single word. Michael stepped in front of her and quickly closed the portal. The last thing she saw, was a large building atop of a hill. He turned to Y/n, a look of slight panic in his eyes.
"Y/n...What did you just do?" He asked, though it was obvious. He knew it, but he just couldn't believe it.
Y/n had created a portal to Hell.
"I...I don't..." Y/n muttered.
"How did you do that? You've never even been to Hell! How could you have pictured where to open the portal?" Michael asks, more to himself than to her.
Y/n looked down at her hands, they were shaking. He was right. She's never been to Hell, she's most certainly never pictured it with her own eyes. So how could she have...
"My visions." Y/n looks up at him. "I've seen Hell in my visions."
Michael was hit with the sudden realization. That was right. You had been tasked from God to keep up with Charlotte Morningstar's future, of course you've seen Hell.
"Ok." Michael exhales. "That makes sense I guess. But you...You weren't suppose to open a portal there! You suppose to open it on Earth. What happened?"
"I..." Y/n sighed. "I was thinking about Lucifer. Maybe that's why..."
Michael fell silent, so did she. Even after ten thousand years, mentioning Lucifer was still a sore subject for them both. As much as they like to think they've moved on, they never truly will. Or have...
"Well...No more of that." Michael tells her with a sigh. "Here I was worried something might happen to you on Earth. Then you go and open a portal to Hell of all places." He laughs weakly.
Y/n turns away from him. "It won't happen again. I'm sorry."
"It's fine Y/n. But yeah...I think it's best if you don't do that again." Said Michael. "I think that's enough portals for one day..."
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Six months had passed, and it was finally time for Charlotte Morningstar's arrival. Y/n had informed Sera of this months in advance. She was still furious with Sera, but she could do nothing but do her duty and warn her of this very day.
Sera had little to say to Y/n, so the two parted with a brief exchange and barely spoke to each other since. Not that Y/n had anything to say to Sera, after learning about the exterminations.
Emily of course noticed, but Y/n simply told her that she and Sera were much too busy to really see each other. It did little to ease Emily's concerns, but thankfully she didn't push for a further explanation.
Y/n knew what would come from this meeting anyhow. Charlotte Morningstar would make a case that sinners could be redeemed. However, try as she may, Heaven would not be convinced. She would have not choice but to return to Hell, where she must prepare for Adam's attack.
During that meeting however, Emily found out about the exterminations. That certainly cleared things up about Y/n and Sera, but now she was left heartbroken and betrayed. She knew it was wrong, but what could she do? Despite being a Seraphim herself, she did not hold as much power as Sera.
Sera tried to put her at ease, insisting she handle things from here. But Emily could not ignore what was going on anymore...
She wasn't the only one who now knew of the exterminations. By now, everyone was aware of what she had been doing in secret. Everyone except for the civilians of Heaven, of course. And in due time, God would know as well.
Y/n was half expecting God to call for her, to see what the results of these exterminations had caused. However, there was nothing. Y/n even tried to reach out for Michael, but even he was unavailable.
It turns out, God and his angels were discussing the extermination along with Charlotte Morningstar's plans for redemption privately.
Y/n couldn't explain it, but she had a sinking feeling in her gut. So much has happened so quickly. And now God was involved. She could always look into the future for some closure.
And yet something held her back from doing so. Her nerves, her anxiety, or, it might have been fear. Fear, not of the unknown, but of what would become known.
A part of her didn't need to see the future to know that the results of this would be catastrophic. Y/n had seen it before, the possibility of Sera's punishment was becoming more set in reality now.
Y/n wanted to be more rational about this. Sera hid something this big from God for so long. Of course she would be punished for it. That is simply the consequence she must face. But Y/n did hate it for her. Sera might have had good intentions, but the way she went about it was wrong.
All of this was starting to become overwhelming. Y/n was unable to sleep because of her racing mind. The one relief she got from this, was that Adam and Lute could no longer threaten her now that everyone knew. But it did little to put her at ease.
Y/n sat up in her bed and stared down at her hands. She was avoiding the future for far too long now. She had to look. Really, she had no choice. One way or another, someone will ask her to see what comes next. And so, she closed her eyes and looked into the future.
This time, she was seeing through her own eyes. And all she could see was red. The same red, the same heat, the same sounds all that came from that portal she made months ago. And as she looked up, breaking the scarlet sky, was the gateway to Heaven opening up and down through came two angels.
A knocking caused Y/n to open her eyes, loosing the vision. She blinked a few times before the knocking was heard again. She got up from her bed, still in a state of confusion as she was making her way to the door.
She was in Hell. Why was she in Hell? What possible reason would there be for her to be down there? And who were the two angels coming down from Heaven?
Y/n reached the door and opened it. Standing before her was Michael, and he looked exhausted.
"Michael? What are you doing here so late?" She asks.
Michael tried to offer a smile as he spoke. "You got a minute to talk?"
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I have a Sebastian Stan x Girlfriend!Reader request. Ok so the reader admits to Sebastian that she always fantasizes about Bucky doing dirty things to her and Sebastian gives her what she’s been fantasizing about🥵
I came across your writing not too long ago and I just wanted to let you know how much I love it🩵
I think of him when I'm with you
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PAIRING | Boyfriend!Sebastian Stan x Girlfriend!Female!Reader
WORD COUNT | ~ 950 words
SUMMARY | Sebastian accidentally finds out you're reading Bucky Barnes fanfiction, and even though he's not sure what to feel initially, he's slowly warming up to the idea. When you finally reveal your deepest fantasies, he invites you over to the set of his latest Marvel movie and makes every last dream come true. In character, of course.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Use of pet names (doll, prinţesă), smut (unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cockwarming).
A/N | Thank you so much for this request, @sergeantbarnessdoll; this unlocked some fantasies I didn't even know I had, so thank you! Also, I want to thank you for the sweet compliment; small comments like that make my day! 🖤
A/N 2.0 | Thank you so much to @avengersfantasies for giving me with this idea; I couldn't have made it into what it is now without you!
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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''Babe, can I use your laptop for a bit?'' you ask as you walk into the bedroom where Sebastian is getting ready for his half-day shooting.
''Of course, prinţesă,'' he says, and you feel butterflies in your stomach at the name. You adore it when he talks Romanian, which makes your knees go weak instantly.
''Thank you!'' you say before heading to his office and grabbing his laptop, since yours is still at the Apple Store to be repaired. You can't live without Bucky fanfiction, so you're eager to continue reading the series you've been hooked on for a while.
You plop yourself down on the couch and log in to Tumblr, ready to continue where you left off a few days ago. This time, you finish the entire series, and you're about to delete the browser history when someone calls you, and you forget all about the laptop.
Later that day, you've returned to Sebastian's office since yours is repaired again, and you're picking it up right before Sebastian's about to come home, so you decide to grab take-out on your way home.
''Hi, prinţesă,'' Sebastian says as you walk into the door and put your stuff down, ready for a hug and a much-needed kiss, too.
''How was your day? Done anything... interesting?'' he asks with a hint of mischief, though you don't seem to notice it.
''It was good; I did some work and picked up my laptop,'' you say, and he quirks a brow, knowing you've been reading on Tumblr instead of working.
''Work, you say...'' Sebastian says before he opens up his laptop, and all color drains from your face as you see what he's referring to.
''S-Seb, i-it's not what you think!'' you try, but Sebastian gets a smirk that tells you everything you need to know; he's just as much into this as you are.
''I believe it's exactly what I think it is, prinţesă,'' he says as he pushes you against the counter behind you, caging you in as he leans in closer, ghosting his lips over yours.
''Meet me at my trailer tomorrow at 1:30 PM, and I'll give you exactly what you've been fantasizing about,'' he says, and a moan escapes your lips as he attaches his to your pulse point, making your legs feel like jelly under you.
It's the next day, and you're standing in front of Sebastian's trailer with some lunch like he asked and you knock a few times before the door swings open, and your breath hitches as you see him in full costume.
''Come in, doll,'' he says before stretching his hand out for you to grab and walk into the trailer. Your mouth is still open as you take it and look him over because he looks incredible.
''Call me Bucky, doll. I don't know who this 'Seb' is,'' he says in air quotes, and that's when it dawns on you what he's doing. He's leaning into your fantasies, turning you on beyond belief.
He pulls you onto the couch, and you're straddling him, your soaked panties pushing against his hard cock, and you can tell he is as much into this as you are.
''You're beautiful, doll, and I can't wait to know what you taste like,'' he says before attaching his lips to yours, swallowing your moans as you grind against him.
His hands - one warm and one cold - pull up your dress until it's over your head and on the floor, and he can take in the black lingerie you're wearing, Sebastian's favorite.
A deep grunt escapes his throat as he sees the lace adorning your body, and before you know it, he lifts you and takes his cock out, sliding it deep into you with little to no prep.
''Oh, Bucky!'' you moan as you're leaning into your fantasies, only making you wetter.
''Who's making you feel so good, doll? Huh? Let everyone hear who's making his doll feel so fucking good she's going crosseyed,'' he whispers in your ear.
''B-Bucky! You're fucking me so good!'' you say as you keep bouncing up and down, his hands finding your nipples and playing with them through the lace of your bra.
''Such a perfect doll for me, my perfect fuckdoll,'' he grunts as he grabs your ass with both hands and sets the pace, fucking you hard, and you cum quickly after, followed shortly by Sebastian.
''Hmm, thank you for making me feel so good, Bucky. Can't wait to do this again,'' you say as you nuzzle into his neck when you're both coming down from your highs.
''No, thank you, doll, for making me feel special. And say hi to Seb for me,'' he says with a big smile as you keep sitting on his dick, you love to cockwarm him for as long as possible.
You've fallen asleep after Sebastian rubbed your back for a little while, and when his assistant walks in without knocking, he gets the sight of his life.
''Oh, fuck! I'm sorry! I didn't know,'' he starts, but Sebastian cuts him off.
''Don't worry, it's just Y/N, and she's taking a little nap. I'll be with you shortly,'' Sebastian says, and his assistant quickly runs out of the trailer, and when he slams the door shut, you jolt awake.
''Welcome back to earth, prinţesă,'' he says before capturing your lips in a soft kiss, and when he has to go again, he helps you get dressed and plants one more passionate kiss before he leaves.
''I can't fucking wait to do that again because this was amazing,'' he says, and with that, you're on your way home, still recovering a little from everything that just happened.
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
hiii!!! i rlly enjoy your writing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
oml ok idk how requests work but like, can i request sum for gojo? like sum smutty ;)
maybe something like make up sex ;))) honestly you have like sm freedom writing it because i jus need some make up sex w gojo 😩😩
tysmmm!! hope you’re having a great night
a/n: yeah we need to kiss for this one bestie !! no but i love what this turned into, i was stumped over what to make them fight about so luckily the beautiful @getosbigballsack saved the DAY! <3 i love u babies!! gojo looked so scrumptious in the episode i literally have not stopped thinking about him so please take this brain rot and enjoy it
summary: you've gone and spent your allowance too soon, and now your husband is home to deal with it.
cw: y'all-- uh established relationship, gojo, he's kinda mean at times ngl, spanking, dacryphilia, oral (m receiving) facefucking, cowgirl, , pet names, daddy kink, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, they are married i swear
wc: 3746 unedited
Allowance // Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
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“Hi baby! Welcome home!” You sing happily, getting up from the dining room table to meet your husband at the door as he enters. You smooth down the ruffles of your new dress, excited to show off what you bought with him in mind. When you round the corner, you come face-to-face with a less than excited Satoru Gojo. 
You stop in your tracks, his glare was intense and you knew that meant only one thing: you’re in trouble. He continues to stare at you silently, setting his keys down on the table with a loud clunk. He slipped out of his shoes, all while his icy gaze narrowed in your direction. 
“What did you do today?” He asks knowingly, giving you one chance to answer truthfully before he enacted his punishment. 
You start to wring your hands. You knew what this was about of course, but you had hoped to get yourself off the hook. You turn on your best pout, blinking up at him with your perfected sad puppy eyes, your long lashes only making your pout prettier. “Awh, ‘Toru,  listen–” You try sweetly, to no avail. 
“Ah, ah. Answer me.” He interrupts, to which you promptly shut your mouth. You brought this on yourself, you really did. You avert your gaze as he sits in his chair in the living room. The cushioned seat around him made him look like a King on his throne, staring down at his Queen forebodingly. Even his posture is intimidating; his arms folded over his chest and long legs extended far in front of him, one foot tapping expectantly. 
 “Did you lose your voice?”  He asks, tilting his head to the side, taking in your appearance. You look angelic as always, and he knew that was a new dress. It fits you perfectly, he must admit, tight at your chest and waist and barely covering your ass. The color was striking against your skin. God, you made this difficult. He was glowering with anger, more aptly called sexual frustration and desire. He had all the intentions of punishing your behavior. You were both busy all week, making it the longest he’s gone without you aside from work related trips. In an effort to make up for his absences and tardies, he gave you your full allowance two days early. 
He really does enjoy spoiling you, giving you an insane amount of money every week just for you to spend on clothes and shoes. All your hair and nails and lashes and waxes were paid for, whatever you wanted, you got it. However, there were certain rules. His sweet little house-wife wanted for nothing, and he would have it no other way. But you have to show your gratitude, because of him you haven’t worked in years. You have to make your allowance last until your next one, just because he knew you were impulsive and couldn’t do that every time, no matter the amount he gave you. Your tastes grew more and more expensive with every deposit in your bank account, though most of it was spent on beautiful outfits and gorgeous lingerie that only he would consume. You blew it all this time in one day, a new record. 
You shake your head, eyes trained on the floor. “No, I didn’t..” 
“No, what?” He arches his brow, waiting. 
“No daddy.” You correct yourself, swaying from side to side in your pretty little dress, showing how the material flowed out around you. “ ‘M sorry daddy, really…jus wanted to get all pretty for you.” 
Your pout truly was magical, your sweet face trying to bail you out of your punishment. He watched the skirt move for a minute, eyes trailing down your exposed legs and onto the new Alexander McQueen heels hugging your feet. So that’s where most of your money went. Undeniably, the shoes were made for his princess, but that was besides the point right now. All prettied up you were indeed, and he would make good use of it. 
“You know the rules, baby girl.” He says sternly, even the use of one of his many pet names for you seemed harsh. He spread his legs a little more in front of him, waiting for you to behave. His stance and authoritative tone made your pussy throb immediately. You did feel bad for making him angry, but you knew you wouldn’t necessarily dislike your punishment either, in fact you were looking forward to it. 
You stepped toward him, heels clicking against the beautiful hardwood floors of the Gojo home. He offered one hand out to you, the other supporting his cheek as if he was growing bored from waiting. Your perfectly manicured fingers wrap around his slender ones and your cheeks start to warm, a knot growing in your stomach in anticipation. You step up onto the arm of his chair with your knees, getting your balance before laying across his lap, your elbows propped up on the other arm of the chair. He watched you with dilated pupils, all your effort to make him want you worked like a charm, as if you needed to do anything special in the first place. It had been a long week, followed by this stunt? You were definitely in for it this time. He hisses when he bunches the skirt of your dress in his fist, revealing a lacy and barely-there thong. 
You smirk to yourself now that he can’t see your face. You knew he liked it, you could feel his approval for the way you look poking into your stomach right now. You wiggle your ass for him, a soft giggle escaping your lips. That quickly turns to a gasp when his large hand smacks down on your skin, making your asscheek sting immediately. The surprise makes you jump forward a little bit, and he doesn’t hesitate to jerk you back. He gives an equally hard slap to your other cheek, and the pain is sweet. You like the way it burns paired with his satisfied grunts as he watches your recoil each time. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be counting?” He reminds, not much of a question at all. His typical grin is replaced by a dark smirk as he applies another spank to your backside. 
“Three.” You hum, wiggling in his lap inadvertently. He chuckles at the sight of you, shaking his head. You’ve only given him one option, to increase the rate and intensity. 
“What a bad girl I have. Disappointing daddy like this.” He clicks his tongue. You whip your head around at this, you weren’t a bad girl! You just wanted to dress up for him, you couldn’t help that the rules were gonna keep you from doing that! He’s pouting when you look at him, really putting on a show. The force of his slap makes you squeal this time, and you can almost feel the handprint branding in. 
“Nuh-uh!” You protest, heartbroken by his words. He keeps you from arguing it further with another harsh spank, burning the skin and making tears prickle your vision. 
“Yes-huh.” He mocks, another spank. “You can’t even count like you’re supposed to. Such a naughty thing. Makes me so sad.” He sighs, eyes glued to the darkening skin of your rear. He was in fact leaving handprints, and he loved the way it looked. 
“Six!” You call out to make up for the ones you’ve missed, your brain getting scrambled under the gorgeous pain and his mean speech. Your body was consumed in heat, your panties growing uncomfortable against your soaked middle. “Daddy, I swear ‘m sorry! I didn’t mean’ta disappoint you!” You pout, the last words coming off your tongue in horror. He doesn’t accept the apology, another smack rippling across your sore ass. “Seven!” Your chin wobbles.
“Go ahead and cry. Maybe if you cry for Daddy, I’ll forgive you.” He grins, hand coming down on you once more. “You’ll have to make it up to me, since you’re such a spoiled brat. Why would you ignore my rules unless you were a bad girl? This isn’t even a punishment for you, look how wet you are!” He teases, clicking his tongue as his fingers press against your clothed hole. You can hear the squelch of yourself, lewd and loud and the only sound other than his sadistic chuckles. “Tell me you like it, angel. Tell me the truth…” 
“Eight,” You whimper, writhing in his hold now. The pain was turning your vision white in the corners, but you still didn’t want him to stop. He was right, you were a bad girl for spending all your money in one day, you could have picked less expensive pieces, but you wanted to push Satoru to his limit. You sniffle, the tears welling up so big they cloud the rest of your vision. Your ass is almost numb when you feel his hand again. “Nine! ‘M sorry, imma bad girl ‘n I love your spankin’s..” You whine, fat tears finally rolling down your cheeks. 
He hums, reaching for your chin so he can see your face, cheeks red and lip nearly bleeding from how hard you’ve been biting down on it. Your tears make you even prettier, coating your lashes and making your eyes glossy. He loves it, watching your sweet tears fall off your face to be absorbed by the fabric of his armchair. “Can you make it to ten, dollface?” 
He asks, gently wiping a tear from your cheek with his thumb. “That could make it up to Daddy.” He hums softly, though his ultimate concern is your limit, and you know that too. You nod, if you’ve made it this far one more won’t break you. He smiles brightly, patting your cheek gently and letting your face go in favor of one last punishing spank of your bruised flesh. He rubs the skin after, trying to soothe it while he thinks of what he’s going to do to you next. 
Your eyes close under his now gentle pressure. Your ass pulsates and your pussy throbs with need, your biggest concern now was earning back your husband’s favor.
“Ten. “m really sorry, I mean it! Wanna make it up to you, really make it up to you..” You breathe apologetically, waiting to move until he tells you that you can. 
He hums at your sweet apologeticness. His princess truly owns his heart, and he could never stay angry with you. His anger melted the second he saw you, but he had to follow through on his word. Plus, it was fun to see you so ruined like this. He wonders what you may have in mind, so he arches his brow and waits for you to speak. 
“Let me suck your cock, Daddy. Please?” Your voice was permanently warped into a pouty whine it seems. He chuckles at your suggestion, how could he ever turn that down? 
“Go ahead angel, just for a bit. I’m gonna breed my brat.”  He says dauntingly, gently pushing you off his lap. His hands support your waist as you lower yourself to the floor between his legs. His bulge was staring at you, painfully restrained by his pants. You pouted up at him and shook your head, reaching for his button and zipper. 
He hummed at your attentiveness, leaning up so you could drag his pants and boxers off. You giggle softly as his member slapped up against his abdomen upon release. You look at his dick with awe. It was just as pretty as the rest of him, long and curved just to abuse your sweet spots. His tip was an angry purplish-red, and pre-cum beaded at his slit. You licked your lips and looked up at him, dainty and soft hand wrapping around his lengthy shaft. You could barely close your hand around him, fingers far from touching. He took his own bottom lip in his mouth to keep from sighing, your hand alone tremendous relief. 
He fights the urge to close his eyes, wanting to watch his sweet brat take him. His hands grip the arms of the chair, the suede fabric the only other identifiable feeling other than your warm throat gripping around him. He was heavy in your mouth, tip poking at the back of your throat with inches left to swallow. You decide to bob your head along what you have so far, eyes fluttering closed so you can focus on the feeling of his ridges rubbing against your tastebuds. Your throat relaxes, letting you take in the rest of him with a gentle moan, the vibration sending shockwaves through his body. He wondered if you could feel his cock pulse the same way he does, watching cute tears run down your cheeks again, no doubt pushing your skills to accommodate him. He needs more of you, his cock never deep enough. You look so beautiful, rubbing your legs together to relieve your own ache for him, he can’t help but moan out too, reaching for a hold fashioned of your hair. 
“You can’t go so slow, princess. I thought you were going to make it up to me?” He smirks, forcing your head along him. You gag around him and he makes an animalistic growl, striving for that choking noise again. He fucks into your face just as hard as he pushes your head down. You have to hold his thighs, digits gripping his lean legs for your life. He giggles at your struggle, though he knows you’re more than happy to please him. He keeps going until he hears that gurgle again, the sign of your struggle to take all of him in. Tears roll freely down your cheeks at this point, your mouth just a hole being used.  
He pulls you off of him, relishing in the saliva coating your lips and the heaving of your chest. “Climb aboard.” He hums, looking down at his painful erection and back up at you, his perfect princess but bumbling brat. “Take the dress off though.” He adds with a scrunch of his nose, anxious to see your perfect body under the pretty dress. 
You nod and peel the dress off, discarding it into a pile in the floor. You slid out of your heels as well, thinking it wise with your task ahead. His eyes grow wide at the sight of you, a matching lacy blue bra cupping his favorite breasts. “It’s pretty, princess. You’re gorgeous, need you to come sit on me.” He wiggles his eyebrows, watching tentatively as you unlatch your bra and let it fall to the floor as well. “You might as well take the panties off too, then.” He grins, pearly white and sharp teeth sparkling at you. 
You grin as well, bending over to slide the soaked garment off, throwing them at him with a giggle. He catches them, sticking his tongue out to taste your arousal off the soiled center. He hold your eyes the entire time, crystalline half-lidded orbs putting a spell on you. You shudder at his intensity, humming as you crawl back into the chair. He tosses your panties over his shoulder, licking his lips from your taste. His only focus is you. Your thighs straddle his hips, his weeping member already poking at your slick entrance. He just grins and places his hands on your hips, pulling you down to take him all at once. You gasp, the sharp burn of him against your womb was a feeling you never adjusted to. 
It was one he loved, both the feeling of your suffocating walls clenching and unclenching around him and the look of pleasure on your face before you’ve even started to move. He smiles, knowing how to get under your skin just like you did with him. He pulls his touch back, folding his arms behind his head. He looks up at you, eyes wild with mischief, tendrils of his shaggy white hair splaying over his muscular arms and the fabric of the chair to create a beautiful contrast. “This is your punishment, princess. Gotta do all the work yourself or I’m not gonna touch you.” 
You whine, bracing yourself on his chest. “So mean, Daddy.” You puff your cheeks, but start to slowly bounce on his lap, the pleasure of him bumping against your pleasure spot already making it hard to keep your pacing consistent. 
“I can show you mean, if you say that again.” He threatens, though his features display amusement. He does find it adorable that you can’t keep yourself together past a few cute bounces, inflating his ego even more so. He has to fight the urge to take control, though he’s not sure he can do it much longer with your pathetic attempts at riding him. It’s his idea of a joke, making his pretty little brat take the top for once. It was clear who took care of you, and that alone was making your cheeks warm in embarrassment. 
As if you could read his thoughts, you bite down on your lower lips and commit to thirty seconds or so of consistent bouncing. Your face scrunches up in frustration, and your perfect pout is back on display. 
“Aw, baby girl, what’s wrong? Can’t fuck yourself the same way Daddy does?” He hums curiously, his pretty pink lips curling into a grin. 
You shake your head, letting your head fall forward into his neck. “No Daddy, I can’t.” You admit, defeated by his blatant show of his dominance over you. 
He chuckles, patting your hair lovingly. “Aw, now that’s okay sweetheart. I’ll take care of you like I always do.” He gently reminds, bringing his hands back to hold your waist. He stands up with you, walking a short trek until your back smacks against the living room wall. He grins cheekily when you wrap your arms around his neck. He shifts his hands to support the underside of your thighs, and you know he has the strength and the stamina to hold you here until he’s satisfied. 
“Now, much better.”  He hums in your ear, looking down at where your pussy swallows him up. He pulls himself out to the tip, plunging into your cavern without a second passing in between these actions. He does it over and over, enjoying the way your body relaxes now that he’s back in control, as if he wasn’t to begin with. You’re still clutching him for dear life, but he’s used to that. Your face softens, only pleasure in your mind. He loves seeing you like this, being the reason you’re so blissful. He groans at how easy it is to slide in and out of you, dripping wet for him and he didn’t even have to work you to that point. “You’re still Daddy’s good girl, gripping me so tight like that.” 
You moan at his praise, continuously squeezing down on his length to make him happy. He fills you up so perfectly, his pace starting to increase, your head rolling back against the wall as well. He bites at your neck, the column just too delicious to ignore. Your moans amplified, and he could feel your throat vibrate under his teeth. He leaves marks on your jaw too, sucking deep hickies all over your dainty flesh.
“This is how you’re prettiest, princess, these are my favorite decorations.” He says in reference to his teeth marks and bruises covered in saliva that pepper any skin he had access to. His breath grows heavy, the feeling of it fanning over your new markings makes your skin tingle and goosebumps spring up in place. Your cunt only grows tighter as he fucks the shape of him into it, making him sigh happily. 
You can only speak in jumbled whispers of his name and moans, never more grateful for support than you are for the wall behind you, the ability to hold yourself upright long gone. Your hands slide up to tug on his hair, the feeling of his silky tresses giving you something to focus on. His pretty noises feel like a reward after what you’ve done, deep grunts and breathy moans gifted directly into your ear. 
“It’s been so long, princess. Didn’t get to have you all week, then you go and disobey me.” He clicks his tongue and grins at you. “I think you just wanted Daddy’s attention, hm? Did you just miss me angel?” He teases, the force of him making your body jump up and slide back down the wall at every thrust. 
You do your best to nod, and Satoru knows you’re past the point of being able to speak coherently. He was splitting you in half, you could feel him in your stomach and it burned so deliciously. “Mhm.. missed daddy s’much.” You wail, the rubberband in your stomach was stretched, so much tension that was about to snap and leak out all over him. 
He knows this, of course, trying to time his release with your own. As mean as he could be sometimes, your pleasure was still his goal, and he wanted you to reward him for all his work. “Go ahead, princess. I wanna feel it, go ahead and come for Daddy.” He coaxes with gentle kisses to the bruises he made. “I’ll give you mine if you give me yours.” He purrs, watching your eyes roll back with a satisfied grin. 
You cry out, knuckles turning white under your grip on Satoru’s shoulders. You nod in acknowledgement of his words, and he can feel you spasm around him to signify your release. He coos loving words to you, eyes glued on your cream creating a ring around the base of his dick. It’s so satisfying, watching you jerk with sensitivity and struggle to hold on. He loves this, his cock jumping inside you before his cum coats your insides. You swear it's in your guts, fee
ling impaled by his cock still pinning you to the wall. His head rests against the cool wall beside yours, but you can see the smile on his face. You smile too, breathing heavily and your brain feels like it’s floating in your skull. You know if he set you down right now that you would fall to the ground, legs still shaking in his hands. 
“I think you’ve learned a valuable lesson, princess.” He coos, pressing his lips gently to your forehead. He snakes his arms around your waist before he begins walking with you again, this time towards your shared room. “We can review for the rest of the night, just to be sure you really understand.” He adds, smirking cheekily. “And I’ll go to the bank tomorrow, just promise Daddy you’ll be smarter with your money.” He says with an affectionate slap to your ass while all your weight is supported in his other arm. 
“I promise Daddy.” You hum, hugging his neck and pressing your upper half against him. You absolutely would spend all your money the very next day if it means you get this punishment again. 
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ikeromantic · 2 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 6
Thank you again to @otomedad for this fantastic idea ^_^ This one has Mitsunari, Ranmaru, and Kyubei! Approx. 3000 words of tattoo and MC appreciation!
You blink. Twice. Mitsunari is still standing in the doorway when your eyes open the second time. He’s still smiling, a book tucked under one arm. You scrabble for your kimono, draped on the bench across from you and manage to drape it over your damp skin. 
“Good morning!” He steps through the door as if it was no big deal to see you standing there in nothing but your skin. “I found this book and it reminded me of you. I thought you might like it.” He holds out the thin tome.
You look at the book and back up at his sweet, smiling face. You gesture toward the tub behind you. “Umm. Thanks? But I’m naked right now. And wet. Can you give it to me later?”
His eyes widen and for the first time since he opened the door, his gaze sweeps down your body and back up again. “Oh. Oh! Yes, we wouldn’t want to get the pages wet. You’re right, of course.” He glanced down again, at the kimono barely covering you from chest to knee, the thin fabric clinging to your skin. “Here, let me help dry you off.”
“That’s really ok. I can - I don’t need - Mitsunari!” You stumble over your words as he grabs a soft cloth and sets down the book. Your face is hot and your heart is pounding. You try to turn, to keep the modesty of the kimono between you, but Mitsunari can’t be so easily stopped.
“Your face is so -” he cuts off as his feet catch on a board and he tumbles forward. His hands catch on yours, and both of you end up on the floor. You are grateful that he somehow turned you so that he landed on the ground with you atop him. “Red?” He blinks. 
If he were anyone else, you’d think he did this on purpose. But it’s Mitsunari and he is so oblivious that you know he didn’t intend a thing by it. Now if you could convince your tummy to stop fluttering and your pulse to stop pounding . . . because this position is so . . . intimate. You feel frozen in place and like leaping out of your skin all at the same time. 
Mitsunari’s gaze narrows as his eyes light on the upper curve of your breast. “Is that irezumi? You have a tattoo! He reaches out, tracing the delicate lines of your peony tattoo. The flowers follow your natural curve so that the last blossom lands just above your heart. And that is where his hand stops as he looks up from the soft, pink blossoms to your eyes. 
You can’t move. You know you should stand but the feeling of his finger on your bare skin is electric. 
“Why are you holding your breath?” His wide, violet eyes search your face. 
“I-I’m not!” You gasp for a breath because you definitely were. With the moment broken, you manage to peel yourself off of him while positioning the kimono for maximum coverage. It drapes over your chest like a soft, silk blanket, and your inked skin buzzes under it, sensitized from Mitsunari’s touch. 
He stands, his clothes rumpled and damp now. “I didn’t know you had irezumi. It is beautiful.” His eyes sweep over you, widening slightly. Faint color touches his cheeks. His lips part and a slight, audible breath escapes. 
“Mitsunari -” You aren’t sure what to say. Scold him for walking in on you? Explain your tattoo? Thank him for the book? “They’re peonies. For a happy heart.” You pause again, and take a breath. “I’m glad you like them.”
“Yes. I . . . do.” He sounds out of breath. “I should go. I need to - I have to -” Mitsunari turns, almost tripping again. He knocks over a pile of drying cloths as he hurries out. 
You watch him go, a strange tightness in your chest.
“Look at this one!” Ranmaru’s excited voice pulls your attention from the hairpins you are looking at to a carved jade and gold bracelet nearby. 
“Beautiful,” you say, looking at the carved stone, made to look like little flowers twined with golden vines. 
His attention has already moved on and he grabs your hand to bring you alongside him. “Oh and this one! The color would really suit you!” Ranmaru is pointing at another hair pin, this one more elaborate than the others. The slim pins hold a fall of delicate rose quartz that catch the light, glinting white and pink. 
You smile as his eyes meet yours. “It’s very pretty,” you agree. 
“They would look so nice in your hair. And look!” He lifts your hand to his chin, displaying the small, pinkish red peach tattooed at your wrist. “It would match!”
“Erm, yes,” you nod as you try to tug your hand down and cover the design with your sleeve. As much as you love your tattoo, you know in this age they aren’t common. 
Ranmaru isn’t letting you get away with hiding it though. Instead, he puts his thumb over it, rubbing your wrist in a small circle. “This is really pretty. I saw it when I met you. Remember?” He smiles brightly. “You stuck up for me.”
You nod, finding it a little hard to speak. Ranmaru is always so touchy-feely. It’s hard to remember sometimes that he doesn’t mean anything by it. A pleasant warmth washes up your arm from his touch and you do your best not to let it show. 
If he notices your reaction, he doesn’t give any sign. “You are always so nice. That’s why I decided right then that I wanted to be your friend.” His gaze drops back to your wrist. “So, can I ask you about this? Your little peach?”
“Y-yes?” You clear your throat, hoping you don’t sound like you feel. 
“Well? Where did you get it? Why did you get it?” His eyes are wide and innocent, though you detect a mischievous gleam in their depths. 
It takes you a moment to collect your thoughts and respond. “I got it in my, uhm, my home village. And I got it because I wanted to remember that I am strong. That I can protect myself.” Talking about it brings up a slew of unhappy memories. Bullying and teasing. The awfulness of your school years. 
Ranmaru must see something of those feelings in your expression because his smile fades. Then he brings your wrist to his lips and presses a quick kiss to it. 
You are pretty sure your heart almost bursts from the unexpected intimacy. His lips are warm and soft and the brush of them against your skin does all kinds of crazy things to your insides. Perhaps that was his intent, to wash away the bad memories under a deluge of cuteness. 
When he raises his head, his smile is back and twice as bright. “You really are strong. But I hope you know, I will be here to protect you too. Always.” 
There is something so genuine in the words that you don’t know how to react. You want to cry and hug him and get away all at once. Instead, you take a breath. “Thank you, Ranmaru. I’m glad you have my back. There’s no one I trust more.”
Something dark flits through the depths of his gaze. He looks away, but he keeps smiling. “I’m glad.” 
Days later, you find the rose quartz hair pin on your desk, with a small note. “You’re my favorite peach.”
You glare at Kyubei from your seat across the table. “What do you mean, I got it wrong?”
He shrugs uncomfortably and drops his gaze from yours. “The picture was painted by Kano Eitoku. You wrote -” He glances down at the paper, “Banksy. That isn’t the right answer.”
“I’m not an art major,” you huff, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exasperation. “Why does it matter if I know who painted what? I’m supposed to be a chatelaine. Cleaning and stuff, right?”
Kyubei sighs and you’d have to be blind and deaf not to see his exhaustion. You wonder if it’s your fault or if Mitsuhide is just running him ragged. “A good chatelaine can tell quality from the dross. And a noble lady would know this as well. I am not sure how you expect to pass as a princess if you don’t take your studies seriously.”
You rub a hand over your face. He’s right, of course. And even if he wasn’t, you can’t take your frustration out on him. Kyubei is just doing what he’s told. Which is what you’re supposed to be doing too. “Sorry.” You take the paper back from him, accidentally touching his hand as you do.
A slight flush heats his cheeks. “You don’t need to apologize. I - I shouldn’t have said that. If there’s any failure, it’s mine.”
“Kyubei, calm down. It’s fine. I’m not mad. It’s just hard to remember all this stuff.” You frown at the list of answers you wrote. Most of them are probably wrong. “Let’s go through it again.” You roll your sleeves up to keep them out of the ink.
His gaze returns to you, timidly, as if he isn’t sure whether or not you’re still annoyed. “Ok. If you like.” He clears his throat and looks down, the motion pausing as he notices the marks on your wrists. 
Your tattoos. You almost forget you have them. Geometric designs around your wrists and ankles, delicate and complex traceries that travel a little way up your forearm and calf. You love the way they look. At home, you’d show them off all the time but here, you’ve been cautious not to have them on display. 
Surprisingly, Kyubei says nothing about it, just launches into his lesson. You do your best to take careful notes this time. Writing the names of the current popular artists and poets, what they are known for. When he tests your knowledge at the end, you get nearly every question right.
You feel a rush of pleasure at his proud smile, and your heart does a tripping thud when he tells you, ‘good job.’
“Thanks,” you reply, reminding yourself that Kyubei is only here because he’s ordered to be. It’s not like he actually enjoys teaching you. 
He reaches out and puts a hand over yours. “You do very well when you focus. I should thank you, for giving me your time and attention.”
“You are a good teacher. I’m just - it’s a lot to remember all at once. Thank you for being patient with me.” You let your thumb brush the side of his palm.
The touch seems to draw his attention to where his hand rests and his eyes widen slightly. He pulls his hand back quickly, heat suffusing his cheeks. “Umm. Yes. I - I - it’s - we should -” Kyubei stumbles over his words as he stands. 
You watch, unsure what to make of this suddenly unsettled vassal. Usually, he’s the picture of appropriate. Serious, studious, and dutiful. Is he embarrassed about touching your hand? Curious, you reach out and take his hand again. “Should we?” You ask in your best bedroom voice, fluttering your eyelashes. 
His eyes go even wider, skin flushing to the roots of his hair. “I - I must. Go! Yes. Because. The lesson. It’s over.” Kyubei nearly falls in his haste to draw away from you. You let him go, though you’re tempted to keep hold of his hand just to see what he would do. 
Once he’s gone, you feel loneliness settle in again. The isolation of being a person outside the world at large. Belonging nowhere, with noone. You distract yourself for the rest of the afternoon with simple chores. It’s easy to ignore your feelings when you’re busy scrubbing the floors, dusting the shelves, and sweeping the halls.
Even with the distraction, you can’t stop thinking about your tutor. You start to feel a little guilty for teasing him. The poor guy has no choice but to train you, and you haven’t made that easy. Getting frustrated, not paying attention, and now today when you noticed him blushing you made it worse. 
You decide to go apologize once your work is done. After you put away your bucket and cleaning cloths, you grab some snacks from the kitchen and head over to his quarters in Mitsuhide’s manor. Kyubei doesn’t answer when you knock at his door. You could leave, but you decide to drop off the snacks and write him a note.
His room is surprisingly spartan. When you step inside, there is just a desk, and a small table stacked with papers held down by a flat, dark stone. No decorations, no sign anyone really lives here. You feel a spike of disappointment that this little adventure won’t tell you anything more about your tutor. 
You set the tray of snacks onto his desk and open a drawer to find something to write with. The drawer has odds and ends, including a pretty yatate. The slim pen compartment has a delicate jade inlay, and the ink box at the end bears the Akechi clan symbol. You lift it up, and the edge catches on something you didn’t see. A tiny mechanical switch hidden in the lip of the drawer. 
The bottom of the drawer makes a small pop as it opens. Sneaky, you think. And even though you know you shouldn’t snoop, you can’t help but look inside. A small notebook rests in the secret compartment. You pick it up and open to the last page with writing on it. 
She is clearly intelligent, but wholly ignorant of basic knowledge. I struggle to know what to teach her. Her accent, while lovely, places her nowhere I recognize. I also cannot place her features. Beautiful. Where is she from? The markings at her wrists and ankles may indicate Ainu heritage? <sketch of your wrist and ankle designs beneath>
Is this about you? You flip a few pages back.
Her perfume lingers in my nose. Tempting, like a sweet I know I cannot have. I asked again today to be reassigned. A common vassal should not instruct a princess. Again, the answer was no. Is my lord mocking me? Perhaps. He must know I am - no, he would not ask me to complete a task I cannot do. Besides, she has never looked at me as I look at her. 
“What are you doing in my room?”
The voice startles you. You drop the notebook. “Ah! Kyubei!” You know your cheeks are stained and your voice is unsteady. “I - I was bringing you a snack. And an apology.” You stand and point to the tray.
“Did you find . . . anything . . . in my desk?” He moves closer, his expression a tragic mask of embarrassed futility, made worse by a hint of hope.
“No!” You can’t help the way your gaze drops to the notebook you just let go of. His gaze follows.
Kyubei’s shoulders fall. “My observations.”
“Sorry.” You try for a smile. “I didn’t mean to be nosy.” Lie. “I mean, I guess I did but . . . I was just curious why you would hide a notebook.”
He lets out a long sigh. “Again, it is I that should apologize. I was tasked to keep watch over you and report anything of note to my lord. You have . . . every right to be angry.” Kyubei looks as if he is ready for a storm, his eyes downcast, his hands clenched.
That wasn’t the response you expected at all. He should be angry with you for snooping. “You - Kyubei, are you serious right now? You’re apologizing to me for coming into your room uninvited and looking through your things and -” you pause, “I mean, you did spy on me. But you said some really nice things.” 
“You - what?” His gaze snaps up, surprise evident in his features.
You can’t quite respond. Your breath catches as you see emotion in the depths of his dark gaze, a flicker of heat that has nothing to do with embarrassment. The words in his journal flit through your mind. 
Neither of you say anything for a long moment, the only sound is your shared breath and the quick-skip-stutter of your heartbeat. You clear your throat, trying to think of something to alleviate the tension between you. “So -” you start, and stop again. “Ai-ainu? M-my tattoos?”
Kyubei draws a breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Oh. That. Yes. Your ink reminds me of the northern people. I thought you might be from there but . . . I’m guessing you are not.”
You laugh, the sound a bit unsteady. “No. I’m not. I got these when I turned 18.” You show off your wrists, the geometric lines wrap your wrist and extend a little way down your forearm. “I liked the way they look. A bit like bracelets,” you grin, “or shackles, I guess.”
He takes advantage of your display to get a closer look. “They are very nice. You just got them because they were pretty?”
“That, and I like the meaning. Balance. Harmony. My place in, well, everything. I just really felt adrift and I wanted an anchor. So I got these to remind me every day. I belong. And since I came here, some days,” you pause, trying not to get emotional. The last thing you want to do is start crying. 
Kyubei reaches for you, his hand stopping just shy of your shoulder. “Is it alright if I - if you want - I could -”
You let yourself lean into the offered touch, his arm wrapping gently around your shoulder. 
“Thank you for telling me about your tattoos.” His cheek rests again the side of your head. “I hope you know. You do belong. Here. I like it that you’re here.” Kyubei’s voice is soft, barely audible.
A warmth flows through you, a comfort you didn’t expect or experience in a long time. There are questions to answer, but those can come later. You let yourself enjoy the moment. “Thanks, Kyubei. That means a lot.”
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weixuldo · 1 year
Allow Me// Ch 2
Vader x F!Reader
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A/N: Hiiii! I am back and sorry again for the wait! A friend from out of town was in and I spent the week with her. But from now on, the updates should be more frequent! I also just wanted to say thank you all for the overwhelming support on the last chapter! I truly did not think that It was going to get so much love haha
You must be the unluckiest person in the Galaxy
Warnings: cannon-typicaal violence, weapons, cursing, death, harassment
You cowered under your bed sheets as you felt the demanding presence of Darth Vader approaching your door. Your heart raced with every whirr of his breath; you knew he could sense your fear.
All he had to do was open the door…
You waited for what seemed like hours for the man on the other side to come bursting in, but to your surprise- he never did, instead he stood dormant at your door for a while until you heard him walk away.
What did he want to do? Intimidate you? If he was going to kill you, why didn’t he do that? 
Thoughts raced through your tired mind as you slowly lowered the covers from your head and tried to calm down.
As much as you tried you couldn’t seem to find sleep for the rest of the night.
Begrudgingly, the morning shift system dinged, notioning for you to go to your station for the day. You pulled yourself out of your bed and put on your uniform, yawning the whole way to your post. 
As much as the events of last night disturbed you, you were too exhausted to be fully comprehensive; so when you bumped into a supply cart coming down the corridor you could barely make out the annoyed shouts of the worker. 
“My apologies” you offered, continuing down the hall as the cart worker shouted some distasteful insults your way.
Once you entered the station your supervisor handed you a holopad and gave you your assignment for the day. You were to check some of the machines on the bridge and then report back to your boss. 
Sadly for you the bridge was on the totally opposite end of the executor, but at least today’s assignment was fairly short; before you knew it you would be able to go back to your quarters and fall asleep.
The promise of sleep motivated you to hurry down to your assigned station for the day, thinking of nothing but fantasies of your soft pillows. In the midst of your daydreams you ran into a trooper who was heading down the intersecting hall. The impact made you fall back onto your ass and you looked up at the trooper with a scowl.
“What are you looking at? You’re the one who ran into me!” he barked before continuing on, but not before cursing you under his breath.
You shook your head and grabbed the holopad that landed beside you.
There was a large crack all the way down the small tablet’s surface, great… another expense that’ll come out of your already small paycheck. This has truly been the best week, what next universe? 
You finally entered the bridge with the sliding of the doors and observed the glossy obsidian color of the bustling room. Officers and troops bustled on the platform and in the pits to the sides of the main bridge.
You made your way to the lower deck of the bridge and set your bag down beside the machine you were to be inspecting. The generals in the stations surrounding you seemed to be pretty lax with their jobs; leaning back in their chairs, talking about the newest blasters on the market rather than actually paying attention to their screens. 
The one closest to you kept tapping his foot against the machine you were trying to inspect which frustrated you immensely. 
“Excuse me, Would You mind moving your chair to the side a little, I need some more room to check up on the unit” You asked, as politely as you could, expecting an “ok”. Instead the man scowled and sat upright in his chair. 
“No, I will not. I need to stay here and do my duties- the duties of a general, mind you. I’m sure your…inspection work… is much less severe, so I think you can wait” the man said with a patronizing tone. 
What in the galaxy has gotten everyone so stiff today? The entitlement of these generals was crazy. You rolled your eyes as you inspected the equipment in front of you; you took the metal plating off and carefully laid out the screws in order to put them back on when you were finished. 
Before you could actually get to the inspection part of your job, you felt something hit the back of your head; it was a piece of garbage.
You shot your head towards the direction of the trash and saw the same general, snickering with some of the others in the row before one offered, “oops, sorry, I missed the trash”. 
How were these idiots, who obviously didn’t give a shit about their job, getting paid more and getting more recognition than you. You may not have been totally invested in the empire’s agenda, but you did care about the quality of your work. 
You took a magnifying utensil to inspect the crossed wires in the back of the unit; that's the problem, the wires were getting tangled with every tap the general dealt to the machine under the desk. 
You reached down into your bag and grabbed some pliers to untangle them, but before you could get started, you saw the screen above you blinking red.
You didn’t really know what exactly you were looking at, but it didn’t look good; it looked like there were a few fighter planes approaching the back side of the executor.
That was definitely not good; you looked at the rude general who was supposed to man the station, he was busy laughing it up with some co-workers on the other end of the deck. 
“Sir” you called, attempting to wave over the rogue general.
“General!” you shouted a little louder. 
He whipped his head towards you with narrowed eyes until he saw the screen and all the color drained from his face. He ran over to his desk, frantically pressed a few buttons, flipped two red switches, and shouted some commands.
Soon you heard the muffled reverbs of the ship releasing tie-fighters into space. 
The man sat back in his chair and faced forward, he was sweating and you could see his legs trembling next to the unit you were almost done patching up. 
Before you knew it the whole bridge went silent, no more bustling, no more smiling, only silence and anxiety filled the room. What the fuck just happened?
Soon enough the doors of the bridge swished open and your silent questions were answered.
The dark figure of Darth Vader came in with a determined strut; he was not pleased. You lowered your head and finished up tightening the screws to close the machine so you could leave asap. He was the last person you wanted to see today, last night he literally stood outside of your door-probably debating whether to kill you or not.
“Someone in this room has allowed rebel ships to enter our flight deck. Of course we exterminated them, but that does not excuse the uncalculated mistake of someone in this room.”
Vader continued down the top deck; once he halted so did the entourage of troopers behind him. He slowly turned his head and surveyed the room trying to determine who’s blunder allowed rebels to get that close to the ship.
Though you know you did nothing wrong in this situation, your anxiety was through the roof. 
Swiftly, he turned towards your direction-
There is no way in the galaxy-
“Your fear betrays you, General” his mechanical voice stated. 
You exhaled a short breath, you were indeed not a General. But before you could completely relax the man beside you protested. 
“She was the one who failed to alert me, it was not my fault” the General exclaimed standing tall and pointing an accusing finger at you. 
Vader already had it out for you, this was just gonna add to the problem. 
He slightly shifted his lenses towards you before turning back to the man.
“I recall the empire bestowed the title of General upon you, not her; am I correct?” Vader questioned in an even tone.
“Y-yes My lord” 
“In that case, You are responsible for your station, not her” 
The worried officer frantically looked around, before pushing past you to make a break for the exit. His forceful push made you tumble down the small steps from the desk areas to the actual floor, as well as your bag. You landed harshly and winced at one of your heavier tools landing on your arm.
Before you could get up, Lord Vader had a trooper blast the general through the chest and his limp body fell backwards beside you. 
“Someone get this garbage off of my bridge” Vader said with a flip of his cape as he headed for the exit. 
You began to lift yourself up from the floor, truly ready just to go back to your room; you didn't get any sleep, kept bumping into people, your holopad cracked, dealt with rude generals, got pushed down some stairs, and just had someone die beside you, just another stellar day in the empire. 
The bustling sound of the troopers halted making you look back up; Lord Vader was looking straight at you. 
“And bring that officer to a meeting room, I need to speak with them”
Just as you began to protest, two troopers secured your arms.
“Better shut your mouth little one” one snapped as the other just laughed.
The room was cool and dark, a blinking light in the corner of the room indicated that you were being surveilled. Thankfully you were unbound, but didn't dare to wonder about the room- he could enter at any moment.
But why were you here? Was it because of those troopers the other night? Did the sith lord think that you were spreading rumors about having “relations” with him? Was it because people you had bumped into were complaining about your seeming lack of spatial awareness? No, that’s just outlandish…but what if?
To be honest you were too exhausted to think straight, everything was seeming like a possibility, and you had the worst week, so at this point you didn’t really give a  fuck about what would happen to you.
Maybe if he killed you, you would actually find some peace. 
The cool air of the room was making you sleepy, your eyelids felt like weights and you couldn't stop them from closing. 
The sound of the door swooshing open awoke you from your light sleep, how long had it been? How-
Suddenly all traces of sleep shook from your body as you came face to face with the man in the dark mask. 
Sure, you said you wouldn’t mind dying, but now that death was staring you in the face, you felt inclined to plead for your life. 
“M-my Lord, I apologize I was”
“Resting… I see. Perhaps I took too long to make my way here” he said, sliding the door shut behind him. 
“No sir- um.. My Lord” you corrected as you nervously fiddled your fingers. 
“You may calm your anxieties, officer” the man in front of you said as he slowly made his way to the table you were seated at. 
His words didn’t do much to calm you but you did relax your posture a bit. He took a stand in front of you, making you eye level with his control panel.
He was so much larger than you remembered, probably since you were more wary of him since you were in his direct interest as of now.
“Am I to be punished for earlier?” you asked, avoiding eye contact with his lenses. 
“Not at the moment, is there something I should be made aware of?” 
“No, My lord. It’s just that the general who spoke out was not manning his station and I did not want his words to cloud what really happened” 
“I thought nothing of the sort, I know you would not allow for such a careless mistake”
He spoke with such a neutral tone that you couldn’t determine whether he was playing with your mind or if his words were truly sincere. 
“As of late I have observed your work and am pleased by your dedication to the Empire” he said.
“I appreciate your faith in my work, my lord; but may I ask why I was called here?” 
The Sith lord turned towards the camera in the corner of the room and back at you before taking a seat on the opposite side of the table.
“I wanted to thank you for your work on the executor, personally. I have noticed others on board have not treated you the best and yet you still provide quality service”
Your heart began to race even faster, was this a dream? Was Darth Vader himself really praising your work right now? And what baffled you even more is that he noticed how you had been treated throughout your posting on his ship. 
You really didn’t expect Vader to care that much about his employees, but maybe he was a bit softer than everyone thought…(unlikely).
Before you could respond he placed a holopad on the table that showed a nicely constructed grave stone with your mothers name, what was this? Your father couldn’t afford this.
You looked up at the man who filled the room with echoes of his mechanical breathing. 
“I-I don't understand-”
“As I mentioned earlier, I am regretful you were not able to attend your mother’s funeral procession, so I had the empire deliver your father funds for her memorial. It’s the least I could do” he said, clicking the projection off. 
You sat in the metal chair, bewildered; why in the galaxy would Darth Vader give your father money for your mother’s grave?
Your family was a bunch of nobody’s… Nothing attached to your name, but now your mother had a grave of high gentry. It didn't make sense.
As you pondered his motives, the sith lord rose from his seat and proceeded to walk to the side you were on. 
You were shaken from your thoughts when you felt a firm and heavy hand on your shoulder. It was a feeling that should have invoked fear, but instead you felt butterflies. 
Not many people had been nice to you in your life, so were you just being delusional and trying to make it seem that this sith lord really cared about you?
You knew you needed to be more cautious around him, but you couldn’t help but smile up at the dark figure looming behind you. 
“You are stronger than you know, officer, do not let anyone on this ship tell you otherwise” he said before patting you once more and leaving. 
The cool sheets of your empire-grade bed felt nice after your warm shower. You settled into bed with a new sense of pride, someone important, no. one of the most important figures in the galaxy, recognized your skill and talent. He recognized your plights and struggles and gave you encouragement for better. 
As you slept your mind seemed to compile every snippet of time that you interacted with Vader into a long dream; not that you minded, but your brain was definitely not helping you suppress your delusions. At this rate you’d be dreaming of a future with the most feared man in the galaxy. 
It was stupid to think that was possible, but after all, it was just a dream,
no harm in that. 
Except for the fact that on the opposite end of the executor, a sleep deprived Vader couldn’t seem to clear his mind enough to meditate.
He was too busy envisioning the face of that beautiful officer he had been encountering more and more frequently. 
This was not a part of the Sith’s agenda, you were a distraction. You needed to be wiped from his mind, but he couldn’t seem to do it. Of course there was an obvious solution; get rid of you- whether it be a transfer or death-
just get rid of you.
But no matter how hard he tried to call for the orders, he couldn’t.
How could he when you had been the only thing that made him feel remotely human again? 
A/N: heheh tysm for waiting for this chapter and i hope this story is interesting u guys!!
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls
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shammers86 · 7 months
Because I’m not tired and my brain is going a million miles a minute because Tim f-ing Minear decided to drop some more stills.
Season 6 ending with Buck in a relationship and Eddie asking Marisol out for coffee. Obviously with three cruise ship episodes, there might not be a time jump for 7x01. However I think Tim is editing 7x01 and hence some of the stills. And he said they just cracked the seal on 7x04 so these stills are definitely not from that.
I theorized Marisol wouldn’t be around long. Some people think so (I do however love the idea of her playing a stalker. It would be amazing. We did call Jonah from day 1) but I don’t.
It’s a basic reset for new viewers.
We do know everyone recovered by the end of season 6, so this could tie into that.
My angsty AF theory is that Buck doesn’t know why he’s flailing with Eddie going out with Marisol. He’s been very involved with Natalia at the end of season 6 and therefore could think “I might need to take a step back from the Diazes.”
Buck hasn’t really dealt with the trauma of dying, of his coma dream and thinks if someone came back, then maybe he should date them. And he’s probably feels Eddie slipping away if he’s spending time with Marisol and Buck dives into the relationship with Natalia.
More below the cut before holy lord LONG POST.
In this still, it seems like they are still in sync at work. Probably putting out a fire and rescuing someone. This feels like the conversation in Jinx about Eddie running into Ana. They are bumping shoulders so they could be talking about relationships.
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Somewhere between this still and these stills below, something happens. That something makes Eddie work out hard enough to sweat which we have only seen maybe three times. Once when Buck was being a brat, another during the fighting and again when he’s on the treadmill after transferring. But for the most point, he only does this when he’s anxious or mad about something to do with Buck.
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My angsty AF theory is that Buck really stepped back on their friendship and him being there for Chris. Eddie is still affected by the lightning strike and suddenly Buck isn’t there anymore. Whether it’s to give Eddie time to date or to spend more time with Natalia, Eddie is going through it.
He saw a life without Buck and he knows it sucks but he doesn’t know how to properly say that to Buck. And we have the puppy eyes where Buck asks if everything ok with Marisol and maybe just maybe getting a hint that something is off with him and Eddie.
These stills are reminiscent of Buck’s speech about Ana and Eddie’s lack of feelings and panic attacks about her. Except maybe this time, Buck starts to realize there might be more to this.
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Obviously Eddie is getting advice from Bobby but the last time he asked advice in this type of setting, it set him on the path towards Ana. Maybe this time Bobby’s advice is a little more direct.
Then we come to this still with Buck and Chris.
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This is not an usual still between this two. This speaks of tension and Chris maybe mad about something. And Buck looks like he’s trying to explain something. (Lyn’s color theory works well with this). Maybe he tries to explain why he hasn’t been around and tries to apologize for not being there.
It also relates back to Chris almost losing Buck. This kid has been through a lot but Buck has been a constant figure in his life for years now and Buck promised he would always be there.
So if it seems like Buck broke the promise and Chris is possibly taking it out on Eddie and Eddie is at a loss, then Buck finally gets it through his head that he doesn’t have to step back.
And he tries to talk to Chris about why he wasn’t around.
Obviously they all need to just talk to each other. Especially about the shooting, the will and the lightning strike.
Lastly we have this still. (I’m on Team Buck here)
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Maybe before the Chris and Buck still or after, Eddie finally caves and tries to let Buck know he is wanted and can come around whenever.
This should grab is also reminiscent of Eddie telling Buck there is no one he trusts more with Chris. It echoes the same exact feeling of “You are my family no matter what. You’re part of Christopher’s family no matter what.”
Despite the redemption of shitty parents in season 6, I hope Tim really gives us the found family feels we fell in love with. More so with the Buckley-Diaz family and how much Eddie has invited Buck into his and his son’s life from basically day 1. (Ok like day 7 but I digress).
I don’t think Buck is gonna allow Christopher to be injured physically. I think it’s going to play out in emotionally injured way because he would accidentally do that again.
And for the love of God, go to therapy.
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