#ok i really like that scene when Ellen yells at the sea
goatboard · 9 months
halfway through suite and yes i guess i am biased for the redeemed cures
well its not a crime so its fine ig
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blaithnne · 5 years
Ever Growing Long ass Mary Poppins Returns Shitpost
Mr. Fry is such a god damn sweetheart I can’t eve-
“Well then you’ll just have to AVOID them at all costs”
Lin Manuel Miranda was fucking fantastic
Topsy and Mary’s relationship just makes Mary seem so much more human it’s great
You can see Mary’s personality showing a lot more in this movie, she interacts with the kids so much more and she’s even playful at times, I like her a lot more here than in the original movie
Emily Blunt is an absaloute goddess
Jane is such a brilliant and funny character, I fucking love her
JaneXJack is now on my list of OTPs
I will protect those penguins at all costs
I loved watching the kids transitioning from tiny little adults to actually acting like regular children
Ok but Mary and Ellen gossiping about Jack and Jane is so sweet
Can we talk about Ellen? I freaking love Ellen
Mary deadass steals Micheal’s bag so she and the kids can take it to the bank and I love it
The Parrot is more of a character in this and it’s funny seeing him start talking at really inconvenient times
I’m pretty sure that Mary just leaves whenever she feels her job is done, she’s not tied to the wind like it was made out to be in the first movie and pretty sure she’s not controlled by the Banks’ front door either
That being said the scene where the door opens and the cherry blossoms fly around and then Mary’s balloon flies away and then Micheal and Jane realise she’s gone it’s just so dynamic I can’t-
The penguins tho
Ok but during the Big Ben scene I would have killed for one of the Leerys to yell “SHE COULD HAVE JUST DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME!!???”
I loved the relatshionship between Jack and Mary, it’s so cute
Right but where did the Banks’ get those clothes in the scene at the fair? I mean I love them but when????
The admiral being in a wheelchair and everyone writing him off as a crazy old man killed me a little
Also him being so happy that Big Ben is “on time” was such a brilliant moment
And him giving the Banks a boat in a bottle when they were leaving was just the sweetest thing
It’s not Mary Poppins without a pampered dog
Mary on the bike tho
Dick Van Dyke was amazing
Angela Lansbury is probably my favourite person ever I love her
The face Mary makes after John asks her how much she weighs had me laughing my ass off
They kept drawing attention to the toffees in the bank and it was really weird? Like I was expecting it to have some significance but it didn’t??? It was kind of awkward, was it a reference to the books or the first movie that I’m just forgetting?????
I swear I almost cried when the Banks’ were being kicked out
And their friends coming out at midnight to see them off was great
Mary deciding to help the kids turn back time and then them saying something along the lines of “and if it doesn’t make sense it can’t be true” with these big grins and Micheal and Jane being really confused was so funny and uplifting and so many other things all at the same time
The animation in the royal doulton bowl was incredible, it was clearly 2D but it almost felt 3D at the same time
There’s this scene during The royal doulton music hall when they’re riding the carriage and the camera sort of flips upside down and it was really disorienting a loved it
Can we talk about Jane Banks tho
“But you’re-” “Yes I know I’m Irish”
Micheal yelling at the kids when they were telling him about their adventure have me major flashbacks to when the kids, Ellen and Cook were all singing supercalifragisticexpialidocous in the original movie
I loved the paintings at the start
The text during the opening credits being the old orange style was giving me so much deja vu and I love how that’s all Disney has to do to make me smile
“Lost, are we Mary Poppins?” “Hopelessly” THEIR FACES WHEN THEY SAY THIS THO
That first scene when the kitchen starts flooding it’s just such a great way to introduce the characters
Jane storming right up to Mr. Wilkins’ office while Micheal chases after her is just so badass I love her
Have I mentioned that Jane Banks is fucking supercalifragalisticexpialidocious
The balcony scene just made me smile so much
Jack immediately running to help when he see’s Georgie in trouble, he fucking throws his bike down what a hero
A conversation was the saddest song ever I just want to give him a hug
So apparently Angela Lansbury was considered for the role of Mary Poppins in the original movie and that’s all I’ve been able to think about for almost a week now
“Where is it your from?” “Well that’s a very interesting stor-“ “We have no idea”
Mary’s lullaby was so sweet I loved it
I love how when Jack, Mary and the kids first get going on the bicycle you can see Mary join in with the laughter and it just makes her seem much more real
Also her splashing the kids with water in can you imagine that
Jack and Jane riding the bike together was so adorable
Also Mary just watching them cycle away together for like ten seconds before going “Right that’s enough” and walking off was so fucking hilarious
“You can ride in the basket!”
Mary splashing the kids with water in can you imagine that
The wolf’s smile after the kids went into the tent was so fucking creepy I was actually scared
I love when Mr. Wilkin’s see’s that the time on his pocket watch is different to the time on Big Ben he doesn’t think that his tiny little pocket watch is wrong, no, he naturally assumes that someone found a way to climb all the way up to one of the biggest buildings in the city and change it. I mean that’s exactly what happened but still
“Stay off the sea grass”
Jack rapping in a cover is not the book
I feel the need to mention that I freaking love Jane Banks
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nikatyler · 5 years
Tumblr media
No way, simmeronnie is doing replies again? :o It’s been a month, I know. It’s been hard, exams and all that. I’ve talked about that a lot. Now I’m in so much better place. I’ve read what I wrote in my diary a few months ago (February and March to be exact) and wow...just wow. If you compare me from now to me from those months, you wouldn’t even believe we’re the same person. Right now, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while. Back then, I’m honestly surprised I didn’t give up. I was so tired of everything.
Onto something else. I thought I’d catch up on a lot of blogs now that my graduation is done, but actually, I got carried away reading a good book (and therefore I didn’t actually catch up on too many blogs). Guys, you all need to read Illuminae. I finished the trillogy today and man, it was so good. Don’t get intimidated by how big the books are, yesterday I read over 400 pages and I didn’t even know how. It’s just so good. Read it. Seriously. I hope you like a good plot twist because these books are full of them. It’ll leave you speechless.
I’m just excited I can read books that have nothing to do with exams again, okay? Tomorrow I’m starting...I’m not sure. Probably The Burning Maze by Rick Riordan. FINALLY.
Anyway, blog stuff. I thought I’d only do the latest replies since my activity feed was broken, but now I was able to scroll down a lot. I wasn’t paying attention and suddenly I was at comments from April. So yeah, that thing I screamed about this week, apparently it’s fixed itself. Though I’m still not sure if it shows all of the comments. Oh well. I worked with what I was able to get.
By the way, in these replies, I did not include the “congrats” comments when I said I got through my exams. But I saw you all, and honestly, thank you so much. I was thinking about this the other day, and I think one of the reasons why I made it through high school was simblr. This is my happy place. Most of the time.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Oh no. OH NO. Guys I fried another one of my sims.”
ronnie pls be more careful you know how these things go
*looks at my own sunburnt arms* I won’t ever learn
starburstshores replied to your photoset “Nerine no that’s not the way”
Jesus can walk on water, Nerine can swim through land
she’s a Reverse Jesus
starburstshores replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Wakey wakey…” Regan: “Huh? Wha - Nerine? What are you doing...”
This is some Edward Cullen shit she’s pulling ��
Let’s be real, even with how Regan and Nerine’s story is going, it’s still a better love story than Twilight  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hold on, do people still say that?
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Hi mum! What’s up?” Miracle: “Regan, you might want to sit...”
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Regan: “Mum?” Miracle: “Yes sweetheart?” Regan: “He’s going to make...”
Yoo he better make it ����
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Regan: “Hi mum! What’s up?” Miracle: “Regan, you might want to sit...”
oh god no
I can’t explain how I felt writing this. I’m not too empathetic when it comes to other people (and it sucks), but when it comes to “ok how would my character feel in this scene”, I’m immediately in their shoes, and let me tell you, I actually cried, even though I knew damn well how it was going to end. But I also knew what was happening next, and that’s why I cried too. Writing is weird sometimes.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Coming soon…”
Marie looks super pretty in this!!
Thank you. I forgot she was this pretty. I couldn’t believe that when I loaded her for the first time after all these months. I mean, in the regular legacy, I don’t even see her around anymore too much.
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “Nerine: “I hate to be doing this, but it’s the only way. I’m sorry...”
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Nerine: “I hate to be doing this, but it’s the only way. I’m sorry...”
I stopped liking her when she would always shut Regan down but now I really don't like her and i hope beyond belief that Regan can get away.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Nerine: “I hate to be doing this, but it’s the only way. I’m sorry...”
Wow I didnt like her before I definitely don't like her now.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Nerine: “I hate to be doing this, but it’s the only way. I’m sorry...”
Hmmm I had a feeling that thee was something wrong with their fast developing relationship
There indeed WAS something wrong with her. I hinted at it a few times, sometimes it was just a little thing that probably only I saw as foreshadowing, but it kept getting more and more obvious towards the end. And wow. Yeah. She really went that far.
Also, can I just say, I weirdly enjoyed seeing how at first, everyone was like “yaaaaas, mermaid girlfriend”, whereas now it’s more like “oh no. OH NO. STAY AWAY FROM OUR GIRL”.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Regan: “Because…because I love you. You’re right. You’re all that...”
Nerine is awful! Someone please save Regan!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Because…because I love you. You’re right. You’re all that...”
fishingforsims replied to your photoset “Regan: “Because…because I love you. You’re right. You’re all that...”
My brain rn is just “!!!!!”
She just wants her. That’s her explanation. She doesn’t care about anything else, as long as her beloved human will stay right there in Isla Paradiso.
I’m just now thinking, how the hell did I go from the first story idea for Regan to this. In the original story, there were no creepy psycho mermaid girlfriends. There was...a lot of Bridgeport...some cheating...a lot of guilty feelings...more feelings towards Courtney...Felix didn’t end up with her in that storyline but there would be a love triangle with another person...and considering I’m not actually the biggest fan of love triangles, I as a writer am glad I somehow ended up with a psycho mermaid girlfriend story. It was way more interesting to figure out and write.
But if Regan could decide, I’m pretty sure she’d rather end up in a love triangle 😬
Let me tease you though: There’ll still be a lot of Bridgeport later.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Gwyneth Ellen Clare flirty | perfectionist | family oriented | neat |...”
Was it cliffhanger? Le gasp
Anyway I'm looking forward to see you BRP!
Oh I just saw the tagsXD Don't mind me I think I have to go to bed
Wait still a cliffhanger. Just not as big as I initially thought. Don't mind me��
Haha no worries, this happens to me all the time, I forget to read the tags or caption and then I’m like huh??? What’s happening?? :D But I’m glad you’re looking forward to the BPR, I’m happy to be finally posting it. I’m not sure if it’ll be just as fun as my NSB, but it certainly won’t be as sad as the current story. You guys deserve a break.
Oh, another teaser: Guess what you guys will get in my BPR? An idiot to yell at. Not Ross-level idiot, but still an idiot.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Coming soon…”
*patiently waits*
It’s coming...very soon!
cloudberry-sims replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Now. You were supposed to move out of the houseboat by the...”
Oh that's evil Nerine...
‘Cause baby she’s a nightmare dressed like a daydream
I’m sorry, I can’t stop referencing Taylor Swift, that’s just who I am
melien replied to your photoset “Regan: “This place is heaven on Earth.” Nerine: “Wouldn’t it be great...”
So yeah this was the post where I kind of figured out something seems off... if I'm not mistaken there were also posts where George warns her but I didn't think much of them
One of the things I enjoy doing when I finish the first draft of something is going back and making hints. Tiny little pieces of foreshadowing. And then it grows and grows and gets more obvious. This was never going to end well. I think I already hinted at it when Regan was saying goodbye to her family before going to Isla Paradiso, though I’m not sure. But I think I left first little clues there.
melien replied to your photoset “Nerine: “I hate to be doing this, but it’s the only way. I’m sorry...”
I first saw pics, then the text... and thought wow damn can mermaids do this? But yeah I love where this is going. I like this kind of creepy
Yeah I had to help myself with Photoshop here, there would be no other way to make it clear that she enchanted/brainwashed her. But damn, it would be cool if something like that was actually in the game. Sea creatures like mermaids don’t always have to be nice. What about sirens from the old mythology? I mean, what they did was getting people killed.
sinfulwunders replied to your post “Today is my graduation day and I’m already almost crying even though I...”
My graduation was last month and I was balling my eyes out �� I understand how you feel
Ahh yes...I was in a car today and we were driving past my high school. I started thinking about it all again and I just can’t believe that just two months ago, we were still sitting there in a classroom, praying for it all to end. And now it’s over and it’s weird and I want to go back because somehow I miss it.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “George: “I’m worried about you. There’s something wrong. This isn’t...”
George take her away before it's too late!
He kinda...I don’t want to say he fucked up at this point, but if he hadn’t walked away, things could’ve really been different, huh?
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “George: “Regan, what the hell is going on?” Regan: “You wouldn’t...”
Girl you are definitely not feeling well and this isn't love:/
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “George: “I’m worried about you. There’s something wrong. This isn’t...”
Girl you do sound like zombie!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “You say that as if it was a bad thing. Get lost, George. I...”
There better be a wizard near you to un-zombie you, Regan!
That’s how it is with brainwashed people, isn’t it?
No, all jokes and dumb remarks aside, when I wrote Regan in this brainwashed state, it was so hard. Not that writing was hard, handling my feelings was hard. I knew she was hurting everyone and I had to keep going because I wanted to tell this story. Like I said, writing is weird sometimes.
Also, speaking of wizards...how convenient it is that her brother is one now? :D Which actually...I didn’t plan for him to become a wizard just to save her. I didn’t plan for him to befriend a fairy just to save her either. It just all sort of happened. Just like life, huh? Nothing is perfectly planned, you just have to play with whatever you have, and I was lucky this time.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Weeks had passed since my last meeting with George. Things got better....”
Yeah I wonder why? Maybe because they are worried about you, too? You never came and anything could happen to you!
She doesn’t care about that. Well, she does, but she doesn’t know that with this whole “your family is useless and I’m the only one who matters to you” haze Nerine put over her.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Hey mum. How’s life?” Miracle: “What did you just say?” Regan:...”
Miracle, come and get 'er before it's too late!
She would. Honestly, I believe she would, if things weren’t already hard at home for her.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Miracle for everything she’s gone through? She was “unwanted” at school because she was half alien, she had to share a room with an awful bully at university, then when that hell was over, she became a mother to six children, and now this...when I think of all that has happened, I realize how strong she actually is, because none of this made her give up.
I’ve had so many issues with her story, but looking at her from this perspective, maybe I shouldn’t have.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Miracle: “Regan - he was asking about you. He was looking forward to...”
Ugh your girlfriend doesn't want you. She wants to control you. There's a big difference.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Miracle: “Regan - he was asking about you. He was looking forward to...”
Sure your girlfriend WANTS it not YOU!
I shouldn’t joke about these things but...it’s how I cope
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Will: “Sorry I left you waiting. I was with my mum.” Roan: “That’s...”
Nerine happened, Roan
Pretty much
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Will: “What do you mean?” Roan: “Most mermaids - or so I’ve heard from...”
I was so happy when I figured that out too?? Honestly I thought Will and Roan were going to have the least interesting story but then they prove me wrong and uhhh
I love them so much??
melien replied to your photoset “Miracle: “Regan - he was asking about you. He was looking forward to...”
Poor Regan, I believe she's strong enough to get out of this mind funk... or someone cares about her enough to save her
It’ll all be revealed soon...
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Will: “What do you mean?” Roan: “Most mermaids - or so I’ve heard from...”
I actually really like when supernatural creatures have their let's call them quirks which define their difference to humans! That's really really cool!
Actually, me too, even when it means bad things for the main characters!
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dinoalexander · 6 years
The Semi-Quotable 2017, Part 3
... again, Thank you Tumblr... very nearly almost done.
"So, using the Monty Hall theorem in current event terms, behind 1 door is Kendrick Lamar, and behind the other 2 doors is Lamar Odom." -Gordon
"I hate to say I told you so, but I don't really." -Amanda
“PLATE TACO!” -Festivus party
"A favor owed is better than money in the bank." -Steve
“STRIKING A NOSE.” -Actual Wheel guess
"A Hemi is not a license to drive like you don't have any sense!" -C
“You’re going to lift this with good form because I don’t want you sitting there with a sore back while you’re face-fucking a pumpkin pie on Thursday.” -... somebody at Shannon’s gym
“I can’t spell today...” -C
“T-O-D-A-Y.” -C’s boss
“It flows like diarrhea.” -Jordan
"No picture, no puss." -drunk Asian gambler
"I traveled 3000 miles to yell numbers at strangers." -TPIR shirt
“What state’s nickname is the Badger State?” -Michael
“My nether regions.” -Christina
“... Between waxings.” -Q
“Personally...I’m a smizer. It lets my soul express it’s happiness without all that pesky wrinkling.” -Jen
“I don’t mean duck! I NEVER MEAN DUCK!” -Q
"Sorry we couldn't get Brad Rutter." -Sara
"An-taaaaaawn Jamison!" -Michelle
“Parents who have massages have children who have massages.” -Q
"GODDAMNIT, PAUL!" -C. It should be noted that no one named Paul was in the vicinity
"I feel like I'm on cocaine, I have so many ideas right now." -Amanda
“Susie, you're going to pay for my hip replacement if you knock me over again!!” -Jules (Dana’s daughter)
“You need to settle down and put your clothes back on.” -Q
“I’ve heard THAT one before.” -Jordan
“Love my beautiful comical sweet babies!!!” -... some girl
“That's my new go-to insult, ya jacknog.” -Tony
“HQ app needs to monitor their fiber intake for a while, because their shit's not together this week.” -Adam
“Pumpkin pie is mah BITCH!” -Laura
"Don't overthink it. It's trivia, not your oral defense." -Michael
“Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.” -Q
"It's like getting C. Diff of the mouth!" -Christina
"Gracefully disconnected." -Cat
“I had fun once. It was awful.” -Grumpy Carter (Molly’s son in a Grumpy Cat mask)
“If you don’t have PMT, you don’t have anything.” -I meant to say “PMA”
"Because this is what you do when you're 37. Dress up like Barbarella and Storm Troopers... and act like idiots on stage covered in glitter." -Shannon
"Molly, ok this is where I bow out of this thread. We all know how flexible you are. Duh." -Jenni Leigh
"Oh fuck me in the ass with a sandpaper lube." -Q
Gordon: "One, two, three..."
C/Joe/Jason: "SORRY, GORDON!"
"That came from the colon." -Steven
"PBS, 1994! I used to watch that all the time; I'm STILL looking for that bitch!" -Tiffany Haddish. The question: "Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
“🎶 Spinarak, Spinarak, does whatever a Spinarak does... 🎶” -C & Jordan
"What's the ICD-10 code for demon possession?" -Q
“While working in TV news I was told by management I was a fat loser who should just be grateful anybody put me on camera. I once had to do an extra long traffic and weather break because the female anchor was boning the news director in the building’s gym (they were both married to other people). When all but two traffic cameras went out and I had to use them a lot in a six-hour show, I got screamed at for not using different cameras and when I pointed out there WERE no other cameras, I was screamed at again that they didn’t want to hear any excuses. I’m not saying any of this to justify shitty behavior, I’m saying TV news is a flaming hellhole of a business and most of the people in it are rotten assholes who wouldn’t be welcome in an opium den.” -Drew Harmon
"I beat Gordon, I get his property, and I claim prima nocta on his wife." -C
James: "I'm not that type of guy."
Cindy: "LIES!"
"I need something that will keep me awake and alert and fresh like a daisy. And unlike you, David Muir's come-hither stare isn't going to do it for me!" -C
"... oh shit, is it 6:30?" -Q
"Welcome to the Gordon Pepper Experience." -Gordon
“Maybe your apple crisp is trying to tell you something.” -Angela
“I don’t pay it to tell me anything! It knew what this was.” -C
"Asking me to create the state of the art Jquery menu widget for version 3.2.1 when you have version 1.10 is the equivalent of you telling me to create a program to help steer the best lawn mower of the world capable of shearing acres of land a day and you giving me a goat." -Gordon
“Sarcasm drips from your tongue like drool from a baby’s mouth.” -Ellen
“The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't.” -Christina
"Hey Colorado Board Shorts! Can you please close your legs? We can all see your Denver Nuggets." -C
"Trump's so classy, even his showers are golden." -Jessica
“UNC is going down quicker than Blair St. Clair on a Breathalizer.” -G
"(Jon Snow) is the heir to the Iron Throne... AND THEY'RE BACK TO FUCKING." -C, on "The Dragon and the Wolf"
"Where are the TRASH people?" -Mike
"Karnowski! HE FAT!" -C, on Gonzaga's big man
"Kill it. Kill it dead." -Jordan
"I'm confused. Facebook is stupid." -Cindy
"My opinion, and you can quotewall me on this, is the following: Everyone should be treated equal, which means that the minority should never be empowered to think they are above the majority. Equal? Yes. But not greater than." -G
"How I know I'm getting old: my Facebook wall has, over time, turned from petty angry status updates to woke angry status updates, and babies." -Mama Shrub
"You didn't see the movie. You don't get to make the joke." -me, on "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"
"I try to remember things could be worse. I could have been born a Siamese twin about to go on a date with my gay brother....while sharing only one butt." -Leslie
"Imagine Quisla's mind is like a presidential strip club. The sign outside says "43 beautiful men and one ugly one."" -C
“... Still waiting for that cosmo.... Jordan.” -Q
"Asking Trump to denounce white supremacists is like asking a rose bush to denounce Miracle Grow." -Clint
"Sometimes the one way to respect the power of fire is to get burned." -C
"That's so deep Adele is rolling in it." - Jordan
"The only thing I've accomplished today is using my boobs to make a waterfall in the shower." -Leslie
“Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts. It gets everywhere and you can’t get rid of it.” -Q
"We don't ask about the boxers." -C
"SPF 100... for Pasty White Ninja." -Jason
"Aren't you tired of all these bad hair days?" -Cat
"Lady, I haven't had a bad hair day since 1993!" -C
"What the rass happen ta Tiger? 'im all gon' in an' rass up, look like some criminal!" -Q
"Trump is a traitor, Bannon wants to launch the Crusades, Conway is slowly evolving into her final witch form, Spicer is about two days away from spontaneously reenacting the head-explosion scene in SCANNERS, Miller is the psychic projection of every asshole you hated in high school, and Pence calls his wife "Mother" *jazz fingers* The Aristocrats." -Jennifer
"Will whoever left their tequila shot with a lime wedge on our table please come by and retrieve their lime wedge and their shot glass?" -C
"¡Mierdoso!" -Q & Lenora
"That tastes like Tussin." -Tohry
"You talk about taking your pants off, and then I have to Skype you." -Jason before WLTI
"You're gonna end up touching someone inappropriately." -Q
TO BE CONCLUDED... eventually.
0 notes