#ok ill warn for
enderham · 5 months
Some Aventurine headcenons:
- He can't swim properly (never got to learn)
- He has a lot of plants and hires someone to take care of them when he's away. His place looks like a jungle and his balcony is overflowing with them, that's where he spends most of his time when he's in Pier Point. (If there's a cold season in Pier Point his balcony has a sliding glass window that turns it into a greenhouse)
- Thankfully offset by the plants, the rest of his IPC accommodation is just as gaudy and luxurious as his outfits. It's somewhat eclectic because he chooses decorations by process of 'ooh shiny/cool' but there's a clear preference for art nouveu and art deco even though he probably wouldn't know that's what it's called.(He likes the interior design of the reverie but doesn't know why) It's in a luxury apartment block and he had to finesse his way through the chain of command to get it approved for him.
- He genuinely likes green, it's not just cause of his stone(he's wearing the wrong shade anyway) (yeah, the plants)
- He'd wear a lot of colour and jewelry even if he weren't "rich" or maintaining an image(based on the splashes of colour on little Kakavasha's Avgin clothes)
- He doesn't have an actual birthday on file. It's logged as the day the IPC "acquired" him. The only reason he knows the standard system date is because of the massacre. The Avgin calendar is different from the standard system one, so the documentation of the Katican attack was his only way of finding out. Since finding out, all he does on his birthday is burn a Knot of Cyclicality and say a prayer. He's no longer sure if it matches up with the Avgin calendar's Kakava.
- Since he gives out money like it grows on trees and I can imagine his project plans are fairly fluid that would mean that so are his budgets too. It makes me wonder if he's got money on off-shore accounts someplace in the galaxy the IPC hasn't reached yet.
-Converseley, the jewelry he's wearing could be his final asset. I can imagine that watch to be worth at least enough to sustain one person for a year(especially on worlds with a lower cost of living). The bracelets could buy you a vehicle and his other accessories are pocket money, all in case he's gotta run.
-He can drive and he wants to learn how to pilot a ship but the IPC is barring him
-He'd never sell the earring tho
-He also carries his family's heirlooms (the shirt, necklace and charm) everywhere he travels, also in case he has to run. I believe only the most dire of circumstances would stop him from retrieving them. (I also think the charm is the earring so these two are basically the same headcanon)
- Back to the swimming, he's both afraid of submerging his head under water(having to play dead in a pool of blood, probably thinking you'll drown in it does that to a kid) and drawn to large bodies of water.
-His gloves conceal scars on his hands from the chains he had to use as a "tool"
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phleb0tomist · 4 months
people love telling me not to isolate myself when I’m having a crisis- reach out, don’t hide, etc- and while that’s a lovely sentiment, a lot of people don’t seem to understand what it entails in practice? like they truly don’t seem to have considered that me being open during my mental health crisis will mean them actually Seeing and Hearing small parts of that crisis.
“don’t hide yourself” seems to come with a secret caveat of “but don’t be unpalatable either”. often my openness leads not to support but to an ethics debate about whether it was condemnable of me to let my struggle be slightly visible. interesting. when i wear short sleeves or make casual mention of the long-term aftermath of my self injury, it’s somehow perceived as me saying “self injury is awesome! i think the whole world should do it!” instead of being perceived as me living exactly as i always have, just hiding a little less, bringing you into my world a tiny bit, like you asked. healed scars are the only ones i allow to be seen, i cover up healing injuries and i don’t talk about methods or anything overly specific or sensational. i openly discuss harm reduction measures & therapeutic strategies. but somehow ppl still disapprove of the snippets they see when i reach out.
if you want people to reach out during crisis you have to accept that theres no way for a person to make themselves palatable while theyre showing you their severe mental illness lmao. they’re not going to provide you constant caveats while sharing their feelings like “ive been having trouble coping so i fell back on self injury. but i don’t condone it! YOU shouldn’t do it and I condemn myself for having done it btw! I will never forgive myself for this expression of mental illness, i’m so sorry I revealed it to you.”
this post might be a vent I can’t rly tell. open to conversation if anyone has any similar experiences 👍
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doostyaudi · 2 months
//suggestive images
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Made these cuz uhm. Uhm. Im not sure actually. For funsies or something. Eroticisim of the machine or something idk im new here
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God i am SO CRINGE but i am... Free?
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st4rstudent · 2 months
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pressure update experience
ft a screenshot of friends and me under the cut
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ft my buddies Mims and Ludwig as the ones that are not Mac Opsys
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autoresponderdaily · 1 year
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*sets clock back an hour* hapy hpmestuck
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anghelcode · 6 days
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theyve infected my mind since june this is not a joke help me
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autism-corner · 2 months
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wife moodboard to pull me trough the horrors (she is part of the horrors)
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lemongogo · 1 year
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already the beginning of the end (ch.44 redraw)
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butchdykekondraki · 25 days
i dont know what to put here um. idfk this is just me shamelesly promoting my mutuals fics. cause im normal abt them. Yeagh. oh also uhhh mandatory Hey read the fucking warnings on some of these please. that is all thank u.
-to love sound again : starting off strong i think this one like. changed my brain chemistry. walked out of this a different man. i just think she (soul) should be happy Okay. and guess what you'll never guess what the plot of to love sound again is (soul gets to be happy and heal properly with heart & mind)
-tis what they in the biz call 'woundposting' : [shouldnt need to say this but vague warnings for gore, blood, & murder lawllll] im even more blatantly biased than average w/ this one im just gonna be honest man. anyway. woundposting Good please read woundposting
-year of the dog : [warnings for violence, blood, & blood drinking] ignore how this is also in the woundposting collection shhhh shhhhut the fuck up shut up. Read It
-of dead ends : [warnings for suicide, murder, blood, & gore] i dont have a funny quip for this one um. of dead ends is just like really really fucking good dude it rotates around my mind A Lot. of dead ends solar eclipse u'll always be famous tawa mi
-a bit of reconciliation : no quip for this one either theyre just happy & i think about it a lot .:-)
-a shadow is not cast by nothing : [warnings for violence i guess, & blood]
-the definition of euphemism : SHAMELESS CREATURE AU PLUG WHILE IM AT IT. anyway. i feel normal about this one and especially abt how is referenced as a buried avatar. im Normal.
-dial tone : this one made me so amped up i had to take a walk in the freezing cold at like 12 am. thats all ill say
-anachronism : [warnings for intrusive thoughts (specifically gore-related), self harm (kinda sorta its mostly thoughts), & suicide (again kinda sorta its mostly thoughts)] i dont even have a quip its just like. jesus christ man anachronism is So Good. if you read nothing else read anachronism & tlsa thats all ill say
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pastafossa · 1 year
No news on the mystery cells in Cato's bloodwork, but unfortunately one of the pathologists trying to figure it out did discover the cause of the rest of Cato's symptoms, when combined with the other tests and symptoms. Basically they confirmed my fear: Cato has a rare form of cancer.
Technically chemo is an option, but after weighing quality of life with the vet - and considering Cato's age, his stress levels at the vet (he'd be in there weekly), and how miserable he'd be - it was decided not to pursue it as treatment and instead focus on keeping him happy and comfortable here at home until he tells me he's ready to go. The vet agreed, and said she thought this was the right thing to do.
I don't know how long I have with him. A lot of it depends on him and how comfortable he is. But I know it won't be enough for me. Not when I raised him from a kitten. Not when I've crossed states with this cat. Not when he's been through so many things with me. Not when he's slept next to my pillow, cuddled up against my arm every night since he was a baby. Not after 16 years. But there's nothing I can do. So I'm going to try to focus on spending as much time with him as I can, and keep him as comfortable as I can until he's ready, even if I won't be.
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creatively-cosmic · 1 year
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some of my demons (in my head)
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i-am-the-rat-king · 5 months
Can I just say? I love my dad! He's amazing!
Yeah he's still republican and stuff, but he was actually the only family member of mine that hasn't made me starting T into a personal attack to them. He's so nice about it, he's stopped using gendered terms for me and is so nice. He clearly doesn't understand but he's so sweet about it!
I was so scared when I was telling him because just a day or two prior I told my mom and she was screaming at me and made me cry for the rest of the day about it. My dad? No screaming, no blame, just "oh... OK! If that makes you happy I'm glad!" And that was that!
If you're a parent trying to figure out how to react to your kid coming out, please be more like my dad. Their transition is not a personal attack on you, and they want you to be there for them, and to be their parent through it all. Don't make them beg you to still be their parent
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having a stupid little cry in my stupid little apartment about my stupid little life
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yewphoric · 2 years
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theokusgallery · 8 months
tw for implied self harm
do you think that nick and sunny would get matching "<3" scars/cuts
Oh yeah totally
I mean they have a weird relationship with their/each other's bodies and (if you've read the 15+ comic, which I assume you did considering your question, you'll know what I'm talking about) a weird relationship with cuts & markings. Specifically in relation to each other, and ownership of each other
Arsenic's thoughts are usually along the lines of "I want to mark him everywhere with my name and have it on display that he's mine and mine only, I want to kill everyone who isn't us because then no one could even look at him or think about him or exist to him but I need people to exist in order to see and acknowledge that he's mine, it's pointless to own him if there's no one else around who can, he's mine because he chose me among everyone else, he's mine mine mine and everyone else only exists to see that and know that I'm better than them and that they'll never have him"
Nick loves to leave his name everywhere on Sunny. It's not enough to say "he has a boyfriend/he's taken", the point is that he belongs to Arsenic specifically, and that no matter what he always will because there's literally branding all over him and not all of it will ever go away.
He is also very, very fond of the concept of matching with Sunny. Usually couples do this about clothes? But clothes are too superficial for Nick (and Sunny's too weird about clothes to ever change it anyway) and matching with their bodies feels more sincere/meaningful. For Nick though, no name, just hearts is fine — because they have a very strict power dynamic and they are not on equal ground. Sunny belongs to Nick, but Nick could walk away any second. Which means Sunny feels pressured to do everything Nick wants so that this doesn't happen. Making Sunny insecure about their relationship is one of Nick's greatest joys
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happy bday to AO3. in celebration i made ao3 socialstuck. im sorry guys. the brainrots getting worse. i blame @crocker for this one.
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