#ok looking for these things had me legit yelling at my screen
cjstheshethey · 1 year
I really wanna talk about Blue Beetle and why it's so important to me. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
Ever since this movie was announced, I was excited because I have familiarized myself with the character of Jaime Reyes for over a decade now. My sister introduced to me to the character when we had our late night Young Justice marathons during a vacation in Mexico back in 2013. Eventually, we got to season 2, where Jaime was introduced. I remember when he would speak Spanish, I would say "Hey he speaks Spanish like us!" And sometimes my non-English speaking cousins would join us watching the show, and when he spoke Spanish, they were able to understand him. As time went on I kinda forgot about DC for a while since I was gaining other interests until Young Justice came back for its 3rd and 4th seasons(This is also your subtle sign that if you haven't watched Young Justice you should do that). Naturally, Jaime is still one of my favorite characters in the show. While I was still in my Young Justice hyperfixation, It was announced that a Blue Beetle movie was happening and even had some concept art shown. Me being the superhero loving Mexican nerd that I am, I was already hyped, and we hadn't even gotten a trailer yet. Then, on April 3rd of this year, the first trailer came out, and I was so excited. DC has been one of my special interests since literally as long as I can remember no joke one of the first shows I ever remember seeing was the original Teen Titans and so combine one of my special interests with one of the most important parts of my identity(my ethnicity) and an excuse to go to the movies? I was stoked. And so I finally saw it a couple of days ago, and I LOVED it. From the family dynamic to the music choices(La Chona in the beginning where Rudy was introduced was the most Mexican introduction ever and I love it.) and even a few references to Mexican culture I didn't expect, Blue Beetle was everything to me. Finally a movie centered around a Mexican family that wasn't afraid to go into topics like immigration and straight up racism towards Mexicans and those topics not taking up the whole story while also not stereotyping any of these characters and treating them like real people. These guys did their research, and it showed. During the part where Jaime comes back to Earth and starts saying something in Spanish, he's saying a prayer. I used to say that particular prayer a lot back when I was a kid, which is a good thing they added that in there because it makes relatable to someone like me. I really wanna make note of one of my favorite scenes from the movie. So after Jaime gets the Scarab and it attaches itself to him, he tries to find a way to get it off him. Once they go to Ted Kords' hidden lab and find out he can't get rid of it safely, he angerly walks out. His uncle Rudy follows him up to the roof. Rudy asks if Jaimes ok and Jaime apologizes for yelling at Rudy. Rudy then starts giving a really good talk about the family and how resilient they are. Then he says this. "I mean, look at your old man. He brought me here from Sonora....when I was 10." No joke, just ask @alextric-overload(Hey dude 😁) and my other friends who came with me, I legitimately gasped in that theater. Why? Because that's where my family is from. Never before did I ever imagine Sonora would even be mentioned in any media let alone a big screen superhero movie but I am so glad it was and I've said it before and I'll say it again: Never in my life have I felt so seen and so represented. The moment those credits rolled, I legit said word for word, "This! This is how you do representation. MORE. OF. THIS. PLEASE." This is why representation is so important because if we continue to make movies like this, more people like me can see themselves in media and feel the way I did. REPRESENTATION MATTERS! So please go support this movie if you haven't already, it's so worth it!
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mooralltach · 3 years
Okay hold on, hold on. This latest Lupin arc is making me go insane (in a good way). Let's see if I can put all this into coherent thoughts.
Since episode 19 I've been checking and rewatching some moments, and found out some... interesting details. Then after this weeks episode I noticed another thing, which had me rewatching everything again, and I'm now convinced things are even more connected than previously thought. If I'm right, this second arc is insanely good at leaving the smallest hints right under our nose that you wouldn't know were there unless you know what to look for. Even though yes, I also agree part 6 has its pacing problems and I'm not the biggest fan of interrupting the main arc with standalone episodes all the time either, but at least in this second part they do make use of that (yes I will elaborate).
Gonna continue under the cut, this post is long. Will probably end up continuing it too, since tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 images per post (grrr). In any case, spoilers for up to part 6 episode 20.
Anyway! I'm gonna go nuts for a moment
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Alright. Let's start at this weeks episode. The thing with these filler episodes is that they are very much filler, but they also got slightly more in common with each other than simply being centered around a woman each time, as the arc implies. At first, I thought that was all there was to it, even if this arcs writer (Shigeru Murakoshi) said that the way all the individual women were shown in episode 14 was not a coincidence (or, to quote him: "Actually, this scene was not intended to make everyone appear unnecessarily. I would like you to look forward to how each and every character here appear in future episodes, and to see what position they form in the story and how they interact with Lupin and the gang."). I just thought that was an interesting extra, like oh cool, those are the women we're gonna be seeing this season, I love a little bit of foreshadowing like that (although, if he hadn't said so, I'm pretty sure I would've entirely missed that it was these exact women too until having a rewatch, since the designs don't really stand out save for one or two). However.
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This doesn't seem such a remarkable quote in itself. They don't really make it a big scene either, it's just an inbetween sentence. But then we get Lupins reaction:
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It's nothing more than a look, really, but it's peculiar enough that they make him have a reaction to it at all, and it also made me remember we've seen a scene like that before.
In episode 16, which is Goemons one:
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I didn't remember what the girl said, but I did remember thinking it was odd to zoom in on Lupins reaction afterwards. After all, this is a Goemon episode, and Lupin has barely any interaction with her at all. There's no reason for them to focus on him reacting to a simple sentence. Until I rewatched it and realized that the sentence is eerily similar to Amelia's one. Which immediately made me wonder, does Jigens episode woman say something like this as well? And uh
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And then, of course, what about all the other women?
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(Ep. 18 and 17, respectively. I think the last one's particularly clever btw, because it's completely in character for her to say that!)
Episode 14's even got two in the same episode:
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And of course:
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It's gotta have something to do with Tomoe, even if I can't find a way how that would make sense yet. I don't think every one of these women are trained by her, even if some of them are, but then again, maybe they'll go into that in the last few episodes. I also haven't been able to find a sentence like this from Ari (yet), but I could've easily missed it.
Talking about Mattea, she's an interesting one in general of course, as we now know she's definitely bad news, but they actually gave us hints for that too (though very very vague ones)! Apart from the few visual hints, it's mostly in the things she says, but very inconspicuously hidden in the way that anyone would share stuff in some smalltalk:
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(Ep. 13, about the flowershop obviously) Considering what she said here now, btw, for a second it had me thinking about the moment we see her first, delivering flowers on the street before the explosion almost gets her. Now I don't know much about flower shop business and delivering flowers, and I also couldn't find what time the auction and the chase scene afterwards happen, but isn't it a bit strange to be delivering flowers in the evening, in the dark? Then again, maybe it's like 18.00h/6pm and then it wouldn't be too weird, and I'm reading into this way too much. But what Ari said to her in ep. 19 ("What were you doing in front of that flower shop?") does have me thinking about it again...
Then ep. 18:
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(Like yea girl we know you said you were joking. But also you're not.)
I have more thoughts (incoherent screaming), but I've got no space for more screenshots left, so that'll have to wait >:|
Now it's waiting for next week's episode to see if the next girl will say something along the same lines!
Also, if any of you guys have found more/other details I haven't caught yet, come yell at me!
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longtimewish · 3 years
Alas, I've finished my rewatch of the second season of The Great. I think it's funny how so many shows infamously have put out seasons with a very low quality this past year and blamed it on the covid restrictions, meanwhile this unhinged show who also filmed under these restrictions released a season that surpassed its predecessor in every single way. So without any further delay, here are my thoughts of the last three episodes:
- That one scene (you know which one) kinda made me forget most of what happened on ep 8, but this episode actually has a lot of highlights
- One of them being Arkady 100% ready to shoot Peter if he even dared to hit his son, my favourite underrated moment of the season tbh
- I literally yelled "PERFECT CASTING" at my screen the first time I saw that Jason Isaacs was playing Peter the Great
- Peter fucked up really bad but all I could think of it's how this was also literally a plotline from Reign. That show really paved the way for a whole new generation of period dramas and it's time that we admit it
- EPISODE 9 MY BELOVED. Upon rewatch I decided that this is my favourite episode of the season and maybe even of the entire show. And yes it is entirely for shipping reasons
- But before going agsshsgl about the best enemies to lovers to have ever been written let's talk about the other highlight of the episode: Aunt Elizabeth. I haven't talk about her so far in my comments, but honestly out of all the supporting characters she is the one that shined the most. In season one I didn't cared that much for her, she was funny but I also felt that her character was mostly there just to be "quirky" and make sex jokes. In this season however she was one of the most fleshed out and complex characters of the cast, and Belinda Bromilow was amazing in this episode, the way she portrayed Elizabeth's grief over her son actually made me cry
- Marial looking for a husband was hilarious, but also it is in this episode when I realized that I legit liked her together with Grigor. I was sad when George came back and he couldn't marry her, and even sadder when she ended thing with him. After a whole season of Grigor suffering because his wife doesn't care that she sleeping with his best friend deeply hurt him I was so glad that he was in a happy relationship with his teen crush that when he decides to remain with Marial anyway I was like you go boy!!!
- Also fun fact: the Russian Orthodox Church actually forbids marriage between first cousins, so here is yet another thing that works different in The Great's AU
- EVERYTHING about Peter and Catherine during this episode makes me go feral, EVERYTHING. Not just THAT scene but all of their moments together. Them holding Paul?? Their talk in the carriage, Peter making Catherine smile?? When he said that them being together was impossible and Catherine looked so sad??? How they hugged once they realised that Paul was safe??? They were SO IN LOVE during this episode
- AND STILL the confession had me shaking and screaming at my pillow at four AM. At that point it's obvious for us that Catherine does love Peter AND STILL when she says it I couldn't believe it. "First... Try and start breathing again" me too Peter, me too
- Also I must confess that I've already watched that scene so many times that I know the dialogues by heart (not that they talk too much, je)
- The first ten minutes of the last episode are wonderful and then everything is pain and suffering for fifty minutes straight
- The writing of this episode it's SUPERB. Even though my fav ep is the 9, THIS is the best episode of the entire show
- This episode it's just so raw, it's really all about Catherine and Peter's messed up relationship, about their love and hate and need for each other while all the other characters try to push the situation in their favour (or to scape the impending disaster). They don't want to hurt each other but they feel that have to and the question that is always asked is why? Why do they have to hurt each other? Why they can't hurt each other? Why do they love each other? Why do they have to kill each other? Why do they have to die for each other? And all of this is so well written and executed that it made the experience of watching the whole thing unfold both a torture and a delight
- That Marial was absolutely fine with covering up Johanna's death and lying to Catherine when she thought Elizabeth had killed her, but the second she hears it was actually Peter suddenly she feels that she has the moral obligation to tell the truth annoys me SO MUCH. Not because I think Catherine should've never know, she def had to find out the truth and the sooner the better, but because Marial acted throughout the entire episode as if she was in a sort of superior moral ground to everyone else. MARIAL YOU GLADLY COVERED UP THE MURDER OF YOUR BEST FRIEND'S MOM. YOU LIED TO HER FOR LITERAL MONTHS WITHOUT ANY REMORSE. She didn't told her the truth because it was the right thing to do and Catherine had to know, she did it because she doesn't like Peter. Which is a valid reason, but the lack of mea culpa from Marial really bothered
- The fact that Peter's first reaction to finding out that Catherine knows the truth was crying, not for himself but for the pain he caused her... Feeling Very Unwell
- Catherine going through a full mental breakdown about how she loves Peter and can't kill him also makes me feel SO Unwell but also I think it's really funny that throughout the entire scene Orlo is just staring in confusion being all "wait what the fuck are you talking about"
- That scene also sums up my problem with Orlo's arc this season: how disconnected it is from literally every single other plot from the show. That was probably the point, to show how Catherine kept sidelining the only people that's supporting her, but Orlo's plot just felt random to me, and he was out of the loop in a way in which non of the other characters were. Take the whole Catherine x Peter thing, EVERYONE but Orlo was aware that something was going on between the two of them during this season (even Velementov!). Orlo just popped up during the meetings, said something that was ignored by Catherine and then disappeared from the main story. I can't remember any significant scene that he had with a character that wasn't Katya or his uncle. I liked to see how his character changed and Sacha Dhawan is a fantastic actor, but I wished that he had more relevance in the main plot.
- Archie's plotline this season was... interesting, but I loved how he actually grew to admire and respect Catherine and chose to stand by her side. Alucinating about God after eating mushrooms together really brings people close
- It's been over a month and the final scene still haunts me. Elle Fanning's acting was INSANE, her pure rage?? Her SCREAM when she realized what she did, her sobs??? The expression of pure relief when she saw that Peter was fine??? And Nicholas Hoult also completely nailed the scene, HIS FACE when he sees Catherine??? When he hugs her??? HE KNOWS what she tried to do and yet his first reaction is to console HER. And then when they both stare at each other and the realization that they will never be able to kill each other because they love each other too much but after what happened they can't go back to the way things were before sinks and their faces are just so!!! This scene has literally just one line, "Pugachev", and yet it conveyed all of this entirely through the characters expressions. It's brilliant. It also broke my heart
- Overall, I think this season was, pun intended, great. A month ago I just liked this show but I didn't thought much about it, now I'm obsessed with it and this season it's my favourite thing I watched this year. It also cemented what I thought after watching the first season: Catherine and Peter's relationship it's the true heart of this series. Whether as enemies or lovers or both at the same time, it's their actions towards each other what moves the story forward, and that story simply wouldn't work without one of them. This show it's about them, about their hatred and their love for each other. Whether this love will end them, as Grigor feared, or begin them, as Peter hoped, remains to be seen.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
13 Anti LO Asks
1. ok but thats seriously what bugs me so much about LO, it never actually lets serious moments be serious, it's always lampooned by rachel's insistent need to force in her juvenile "humor" and never actually depicting how pressing things are. even the following moments from persephone's r//pe was undercut by hades making stupid puns! i understand if rachel cant write something more serious than "[x] is bad" but if thats so, then dont try it? because thats how you end up with this pretentious mess.
2. since when did lo hades have earrings??? i legit do not remember this ever being a thing??? is he trying to be hip with the kids 😭my man you still look like a crusty old man the earrings arent helping 😭
3. lo hermes looks and acts like flaky from happy tree friends and no thats not a compliment (TW for gore, blood, and violence if any of you google it)
4. Even though the earlier art style was better there are still some cursed panels from the earlier pages that still haunt me. Especially the way Persephone was drawn differently in so many of the panels.
5. lo hades has such "how do you do fellow kids" energy and im not sure why
6. im also confused on the fertility goddess stuff because how stupid is persephone if she didnt notice? she can create life and nature without even thinking and shes implied to be a genius in biology, so how would she not even notice this? if RS really wants to go with this plot, then why have her professor bring it up in class? why not show persephone going to her uni's library to research the topic and pouring over it? that's an easy way to show persephone's intelligence, yet LO doesnt even try.
7. What I wanna know in LO was how Demeter and Hestia were compensated after the war. The three brothers got to be kings and Hera is queen, but what we know of Demeter is that she had a millionaire dollar business that’s probably made it on its own (unless she was helped out) and then Hestia all we really know about her is that she runs that TOGEM and idk if there’s only 4 of them, Hestia really had a group by herself for a bit since Athena is Zeus’ (assumed) daughter, Artemis (Zeus’ assumed daughter) and persphone (newest member) which seems shitty since they won a war together
8. I think what happened with LO’s art style was RS got “lazy” (I’m lacking the right word). I feel like without the colors all of the men in LO have the same body type, and Hermès and Apollo may even have the same face if they smile the same. So to compensate for that lack of body diversity, RS doubled down on Hades’ features to make him stand out more to really show he’s the male lead. However, even in her own words he looks like Persphones’ “dusty ass dad”
The women use to be a little different but they’re all starting to blend with body types. Her was small, but now she’s short and busty like Persphone. RS makes Persphone look short and busty all the time but almost childlike. Minthe was skinny but her last moments she was busy. Aphrodite I feel was just busty but then tried to make her look small also with Ares and Hades beside her. Hestia stayed the same but is still small and busty. Athena was tall and thin (?) but now she’s tall but busty (and her relationship with Hestia looks like it mirrors HXP). Idk I just feel like the longer screen time the female characters get the more they start mirroring Persphone’s look. Like even Artemis was getting empathized on being small next to her brother Apollo. Like all the girls gotta look small but curvy as the story goes on. 
9. Demeter: watched her friend get ripped in half. Watched her friend get continually cheated on, paying the price for not hiding a mistress , watched metis get eaten, her back clawed, fought in a war. Later made a daughter who’s a fertility goddess (probably an accident) and now has to raise her. That same daughter then went on a rampage and isn’t really remorseful
Fans: Demeter is such an overbearing mother who gets in the way of our ship.
10. on regards to ace characters, asexuality is a spectrum like everything else, so a lot of asexuals actually do enjoy and have sex, so the maidens doing so isnt inherently a problem, its the fact rachel is clearly viewing it through a strict binary where she assumes asexuality is something that can be "fixed" over time/when the right person comes along. its also a bad modern reading of it, as "virginity" in an ancient sense meant via marriage, not via sex, but I doubt rachel cares to factcheck it.
11. Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.
From OP: I think this might be a nymph allegory? Anon never specified so I'll put this here anyway.
12. ya know if hades has to lie to make apollo seem worse (who does not need much in this comic) its like??? why is he persephone's lawyer then?? lawyers are literally told not to lie, this is basic law 101. thats why they dont want their clients to mention to them if they actually did the crimes because then the lawyers have to say it in court. if hades lies so casually just to keep persephone away from justified punishment, then thats bad actually!  both in being a decent person and as a lawyer!
From OP: Hades didn’t lie but he was definitely out of line. RS liked a tweet saying that the wife thing was “subconscious” so it probably was. (Still doesn’t make it right but I doubt he’d say those things on the stand.)
13. I know Minthe was written in a way she was suppose to be unlikesable, she’s rude, she yells and she doesn’t hesistate. HOWEVER RS wrote her character badly. Minthe is so unliked? How was she able to be a bad gf to hades and Thanatos? Like yes it’s an affair but how was she able to pull 2 gods?! We don’t hear Hades or Thanatos say what they like about her BUT they both still had a fling with her. (Honestly I feel it’s cause RS can’t bare writing one nice thing about the female anatangoist without trying to make Persphone look good)
The other thing bothering me was everyone knew about her relationship with Hades after she put it on fatesbook, but everyone talked about the kiss in such a positive light IN FRONT OF HER. Aren’t they suppose to be scared of her? Why did the girls in the yoga class/dress shop had so much to say about that kiss? Because they knew persphone? Did they know every other detail too? What was their actual beef with Minthe?
I feel like realistically some more characters would have sympathy for Minthe if they didn’t know her that well because of Hera. Everyone knows Hera is a pill to deal with and she’s the goddess of marriage who hasn’t really tried bringing Minthe and Hades to the alter. That right there should let everyone know that Hera probably doesn’t help the situation.
Idk, I feel like RS could have gone deeper and made the character not such HXP shippers cause most people wouldn’t cheer for cheating nor an old ass guy getting with a 19 year old. (Idk how fast the news of the slap spread, but I doubt it made it to every place in their fictional world)
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creepsmcstuffins · 3 years
Living with a Irish Fae
I live with a Dullahan. No, it's not some grotesque headless horseman that throws its head at you or takes its spine whip and snatches you up into a skeletal wagon. Nor does it throw a bucket of blood on you when you get too close to it.
Sorry, if you think that, but its.... Rather HE is just an asshole. Who eats all my food, leaves the lights on, terrorizes (not really though) my dogs and shits with the door open to the bathroom. He's am Irish bloke, with a smart damn mouth. And yes he does, indeed, own a horse. His horse is better company than the loud asshole that lives with me. His horse is a black stallion that goes by the name of Caboose. A friendly boy, and I even get to ride him, when the dullahan isn't working.
Cullen O'Houlihan. That's his full name. He's a bastard man. But I'm sure your wondering how we met. Well, I'll take you back a bit.
My name is Ebonie Brown. And I was driving home one morning after working a long 10 hours. The old country roads that I drive are usually empty. Save for the occasional deer or possum in or on the side of the road. And maybe if a neighbor, I say that lightly, left one of the gates open and a cow might be grazing along the road. In the early hours of the morning, the sun could be seen peeking over the mountains. I live in a heavily mountainous area, where a lot of agriculture is farmed. Mostly corn, if I'm honest. The sun was leaving the sky pink and red, lovely hues that I enjoyed seeing.
Without warning, a horse was in the middle of the road, barely smashing into the animal, I turned the steering wheel, swerving away from the horse. Not completely hitting it, but not missing it either. I hit its rear, or what seemed like a hit. Spinning out and luckily not going into a ditch or being bent around a tree, I got out.
"What the hell!? I could-" the horse still stood. Like nothing happened! Though it... It shimmered like a... Phantom of some sort... it... looked at me, with... Big black eyes... Empty hollowed eyes, black as night. It snorted at me, black smoke pooling out from its nostrils. I took a glance at the rest of it, like it's head, the body shimmered. Black shadows enveloped it, shifting at the horse moved his neck to look at me better. I shivered as it moved.
"Uh... nice horsey?" I asked, more of a whimper, and holding my hands up. In defense, hoping this... Nightmare wouldn't decide I was food... or something... Jumping at a rustling sound, coming from the tree line near where I was standing. The horse let out another snort. And a... A man came out. Tall... tall as shit. Im a 5ft 2in woman, a little overweight, if I'm honest. And he was a giant! At least 6ft... He was wearing black armor, accompanied by an obsidian sword and a spine whip.
I know. I know, I said that he doesn't use the whip, but let me continue.
This man... He didnt have a fucking head. Scratch that, he had a head, he was just holding it in his arms. The head looked at me. At my eye level. He had brown thick hair, and golden eyes. The eyes were shimmering like the horse's eyes and body. The head had gold light flowing from it and the body had a purple aura pouring from it. Power, dark power came from both, the horse and its rider. I stepped back, and stared at the head.
"The fok you starin' at?" It spoke, thick Irish accent prominent, "You ever seen a man at night like this, ya idiot!?"
I was speechless, frozen. I didn't expect the head to talk. It frowned at me,
"Well!? Don't stand there gapin' like a fish! SPEAK!!" His voice rang out loud and even made some sleeping birds flutter past us. The horse snorted, pawing at the ground. The head looked at the horse then back at me.
"You hi't 'em?!" He barked at me, snapping me out of my stupor,
"N-no? I.. I mean... he... i..." I stuttered, still not moving. The head huffed and the body moved, reattaching the head to itself.
"Whats your name?" He crossed his arms, and leaned his weight off to one side, the sword swinging as he shifted his weight.
"Ebonie... Brown." I spoke slowly, eyeing the sword more than the whip. Then looked back up at him.
"Well I'm Cullen O'Houlihan. And you hit Caboose. You hurt his feelings. Now. You owe us." He smiled evilly at me. I frown, starting to drown in whatever shitty possibilities he had in mind. The male bent down and smiled at me,
"Well Miss Brown. Where ya live at? I'm gonna need a place to rest m' weary 'ead." I shutter, and nod, getting back into my car. He mounted his horse and followed me home. We arrived at my mother's home... Thankfully she and my sister were sleep still. I parked and got out.
"Uh... what are you gonna do with... Your horse? He-"
"He'll be fine out here." Cullan yawned and dismounted. And strode up to me.
"Cute lil' house. Your Ma?" He nodded at the house. I nodded,
"Yeah. Come on... I only have one bed so..." I walked to my door, and unlocked it.
"Oh?" I could hear the smug look and smile on his face,
"Care to have a night with an Irish lad then?" He bent close to my cheek. I could feel Cullen's breath. It was cold, like a frozen wind, on a snowy December night. I hit him with the screen door.
"You can sleep on my dogs bed. I don-" Cullen barked out a yelp of surprise, rather than pain. I smirked and walked into the door. Slipping my shoes off. He followed, having to bend a bit to get through the door.
"Well. This is... not what-"
"Shut up. If your staying the night-" He threw a bag of money, gold rather at my head. And shot me a look, that said "that aught to be enough." I rolled my eyes. His armor melted, and transformed into comfy pajamas. Cullen gave a stretch and looked at me.
"Bed? I'm quite tired." I nodded, pointing at my room. Walking through the doorway, he plopped, face first into the bed. Snoring before I could walk in after him. I sighed, stupid bastard was supposed to sleep elsewhere. It's fine I guess... just for one night. I slipped in next to him, careful not to get to close to him. I pulled my plaid blanket close and then reached over pulling another blanket over Cullen. I huffed and fell asleep.
I woke up to clattering and a scream, I shot out of my bed. Cullen was looking for whatever, not stopping to look at him I rushed outside, snatching my gun and pulling the slide, loading a bullet into the chamber. My mom was screeching at the black (non shimmering) horse standing in the garden. Caboose was eating her cucumbers... I lowered my gun.
"Shit...." Cullen followed me out, spoon in hand, eating out of my applesauce jar. He was snickering.
"WHO ARE THEY!?" my mom yelled at me, pointing at Cullen and Caboose. I held my hand up and she stopped panicking.
"This is..." I paused... I didn't know what to say! What was I supposed to say!? As if reading my mind, Cullen stepped forward, pushing the jar into my hands.
"Hello!" His voice clear and friendly, he stepped forward and extended his hand,
"Im Cullen! Cullen O'Houlihan! Pleasure to finally meet you Miss Boyd! I'm your daughter's boyfriend." He smiled widely and as charming he could.
My mom took his hand and her eyes grew clear, as if I had mentioned this random ass man before.
"Oh! Cullen! I remember Eb saying something about you! Wonderful to finally meet you!" She smiled at the man, then scolded him,
"You need to move your horse though! He's eating my garden!" At a snap of Cullen's fingers, Caboose, the nightmare horse moved.
"So sorry about the inconvenience. I'll make sure he stays out of the plants Miss." He walked back over to me, flashing me a look. And he plucked the applesauce jar from my hand, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. And pressing our cheeks together.
"I hope you don't mind me crashin' here! I've got rent money for us." He pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and held it out to my mother. She gratefully took it and nodded. Leaving us alone outside to stare at Caboose who was eating the weeds next to my old red Chevy. Cullen didn't move, but stood still smirking at me, and gave me a pointed look.
"Well, Darlin'," he drew out the word, "Darlin'", "I guess your stuck with me." He kissed my cheek, his lips cold. And walked off. I sighed, now I have a.... I realized I didn't know what the hell he was. I turned and followed him inside,
"A Fae. Specifically a Dullahan." He mused. Ok so he could read my mind. Cullen looked at me and smiled, sitting in my spinning computer chair. I opened my mouth again, he spoke, this time in my head, smiling that stupid ass Cheshire cat grin,
"I'm here cause I'm curious. Tired living in the fuckin forests and meadows of Ireland. But the civilization was a bit much for me and Caboose, so I opted for a cooler area. The mountains was what he and I agreed on. You just happened to be unlucky to come across us. I found a dead dog in the road where you "hit" Cabose. And I wanted to give the poor thing a decent burial." Cullen finished his story and plopped the empty applesauce jar on my computer desk.
"This is my new home.... But if you move, I'll move with you."
So... I guess that'd the first thing? To write about... for now. My new boyfriend is a Dullahan. A legit one... his... head is floating over here now. I gotta go... I'll write again soon.
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Ishqbaaz Liveblog, E11: Harassment Ne Bana Di Jodi
Previously: E10
Chalo I’m back after eons to liveblogging, I forgot how much I loved yelling on my screen. For this episode I am just screaming, so feel free to scream along with me. @tellywoodtrash​ you did warn me behen, but I still yelled. 
Episode 11: Harassment Ne Bana Di Jodi (Harassment Made/United The Couple)
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- I HATE the setup looks hot. 
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- Woah Nakuul’s eyes look so blue.
- Bad editing strikes - do I legit get 4/6 shots of her falling in the pool. They did the same thing with Tanhaiyaan and I was so pissed off.
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- Dude, did some teacher scold him in school so he’s hung up?
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- WHY IS THERE SO MUCH WIND? I guess there’s over AC going on in the Oberoi mansion. 
- Shivaay, if you turn Annika towards you I will—
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- You CANNOT intimidate her. Did he literally just say WHAT….
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- Phew, thank God Dadi stepped in. Not to slap Shivaay, no, he just heard her. 
- THIS WAS HARASSMENT. What were the writers smoking? 
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- What? He had her arrested? Because she was in the house? Also,
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- Yes Priyanka, thanks for existing. Thanks Om and Rudy. 
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- WtF is wrong with Shivaay. Acha, beta tu kiss kasam ki ladka hai? How dare you judge her when you’re worth her jutti? 
- He literally put her to jail because he has a fragile male ego? 
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- YES OM. I LOVE YOU. MARRY ME (as of now). 
- Wait, I’m holding back my proposal. OMG OM an innocent girl is in jail and you’re obsessing over how much Annika is affecting Shivaay? 
- I sincerely hope this was Om’s reverse psychology to get Annika out of jail and not being Anjali to Arnav right now. 
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- Ugh… Om, stop going through Anjali’s dialogues. 
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- pOOR ANNIKA. BABY I’M HERE FOR YOU. Does Shivaay know what an arrest record and a night at jail can do for a normal person?
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- I don’t see why they get together.
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- Ah cool, ofc Shivaay you have nail marks. You were bloody harassing her. If you get angry… I’ll break you to bits.
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- Yeh lo, you didn’t even notice the villains. Lol even the villain vibed with me. 
- Shivaay sounded me the most businessman now when he sharply checked the journalist calling him at an odd hour by “do you know what time it is” 
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- WOAH, TEJ AND SVETLANA??? *not surprised they’re together, ugh, but more like how did she get this video* AND THE JOURNALIST HAS A RECORD OF IT? WOAH….
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- I’m watching this show ignoring the whole Shivaay and Annika thing. Just watching it for the Oberoi drama and Saahil Annika’s relationship. Awww poor baby is worried for his sister.
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- I love Annika. Her practicality is amazing. 
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- Oh no, this is child abuse. I just want to adopt Annika and Saahil? 
- Ofc Shivaay got blackmailed by the journalist - I like seeing this side of things.
- Poor Annika, she’s so worried for Saahil.
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- Ok… why isn’t Priyanka more worried that her friend has spent a day in jail for no reasons?
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- Yes Dadi, seeing Jhanvi and Pinky together I’m wondering too that where did the sun rise from.
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- Here’s Tia, looking hot again. I love her fashion aesthetic. If they make her a negative character im going to screammmmmm
- Shivaay’s suits are truly amazing. 
- Tia is nice, I love she gives space and understanding… what did Shivaay do to find Tia? Just wondering… literally. 
- Does this weird villain literally camp outside the Oberoi house in her invisible rv? It would be a hill-
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- Oh damn… is she going to blow a bomb? Is she going to kill Shivaay? We vibe villain, we totally vibe. I wonder how no one is sees her in her red border saree though. 
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- HATE the editing, love that someone legit wanted to kill shivaay so quick. Karma, karma karma. 
- If the villain misses despite this obvious distance then behen, tumse na ho payega. This was literally the EASIEST target. 
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- The End -
I don’t ship ShiVika. Especially after this scene. Yes, something exactly identical happens between Arnav and Khushi and that is also one of the few scenes I absolutely don’t like. The only difference is I was too deep into shipping them by the time this happened. I was still into the arrogant but deeply family bound Shivaay who’s an ass to Annika but also an awkward teen around her while Annika is her fiery self. This was harassment and I’m deleting it in my memory because I like the post post marriage version of themselves. 
Next up: E12
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thefantasygirl3 · 4 years
Negaverse stories: You're gonna have a bed time
Genre/warnings: Comedy, Slice of life, Action.
Word count: 5 287
Summary:  The Darkwing Ducks are having a bit of a family dispute, with half of the team refusing to sleep at a proper time. An argument breaks out but is quickly interrupted by a villain attack. Now they will have to fight crime with only two heroes on top of their game.
Notes:  I decided to continue writing some fun little adventures for my negaverse boys, because I refuse to let this hyper fixation go. I hope it’s a fun little read for you all. Edit: Gonna link my fanfiction.net as well, which might make it easier for some to find my stories.
Night was falling over all of st. Canard as people were already tucked in tight to sleep. Midnight was getting closer and closer. Quackerjack was fast asleep on the couch, snoring and drooling as he laid sprawled out cartoonishly. But as he was snoring loudly, a loud noise suddenly woke him up and he rolled off the couch and face planted on the floor. He let out a low groan and pushed himself up off the ground, his attention directed towards where the noise was heard, which happened to be the workshop. The duck headed over to the door and peeked inside. He saw Megavolt, sitting by the workshop table with the dismantled stereo he had started working on getting fixed earlier that day. Quacks gave away a soft yawn as he entered the room, walking up to the distracted man and stood beside him. "Hey, Sparky. How long have you been working on this?" He asked as he tilted forward to get a peek at his work. Megavolt gave his wrist watch a quick glance before he answered with "since 6 I think". "What?! You've been working for 6 hours?! When were you planning to go to bed?!" He huffed angrily and leaned in close to the rat, making him move away so he could see what he was doing again. He got angry that the stubborn rat just ignored him and kept working. "Sparkyyyy! You can't keep doing this! You need to go to bed at a reasonable hour and actually SLEEP!" He scolded him while he took the tools out of his hands and put them back into his tool box. "Hey! I'm busy, ok!? If I get into the zone, I can't just break my concentration! I need to finish it before I can stop!" He responded frustrated as he tried to take the tool box back, but Quacks moved it out of the way. "No! You need to go to bed! Now!" He demanded and put the tool box on top of his work shelf. "I'm not a kid! You can't make me!" He growled as he walked over and took it back down. "Wanna bet?" Quacks said with an annoyed squint, grabbing a hold of the box as well. 
Meanwhile Bushroot was laying in his bed, sleeping soundly. Until he woke up, muttering under his breath "... I'm thirsty". He pushed himself up from his bed and wandered out into the hallway so he could grab a glass of water. That was until he noticed some light escaping the bottom of Liquidator's door. He cocked his head a bit and decided to take a peek inside to see what was going on. Liquidator was sitting by his computer, editing some ad he was tasked to make. Bushroot slipped inside and walked up beside him. "Hey. Bud. What… um… are you doing there?" He asked him softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. The dog turned his head around and gave him a tired smile. "Ah. Hey Reginald. I'm just finishing this ad before I call it a day" He explained as he looked back at the screen to continue his work. "You know it's almost midnight, right?" The plant asked and looked at him curiously. "... oh. Oops" He muttered as he saw the time in the corner of the screen. 
Bushroot sighed and crossed his arms, shaking his head and muttering "Oh bud. We've discussed this!". "It was a mistake! I swear!" Liquidator tried to excuse himself as he turned around to the other man. "Liste bud. I know how you feel. You want to make sure it's perfect. You want to impress the rest of the guys so they will respect you. It's a totally legit feeling to have. But overworking yourself and tiring yourself out isn't going to solve anything" he told him as he put his hands on the other's shoulders reassuringly. "But… it needs to be good. I can't send in something bad" the water man replied with a frown. "You won't! You're too self critical. It was good the way it was, doesn't need 10 reworks" Bushroot sighed and gave his shoulder a light pat. Liquidator gave a small smile and muttered "you're right. Maybe I should get some rest". "There we go. Now, save your work and get to bed" the other man said with a grin and watched as his friend started turning off the computer, before he quickly added on "Oh! And I'll be taking the power cord". "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" He suddenly yelled as he turned around to face the still calm plant. "It's just to ensure you don't turn it back on in the middle of the night. And don't use the 'what if I need to start early' excuse. You're the only one who's putting that stress on yourself" he told him off with a stern voice, as if speaking to a kid. But they were then interrupted by a loud sound from downstairs. 
The two rushed over to the stairs and saw the other half of the Darkwing Ducks pulling and tugging at a screwdriver. "LET GO OF IT! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME SLEEP!" Megavolt yelled as he struggled to pull the tool loose. "Oh yes I can, if I knock you out cold!" Quackerjack replied as he tightened his grip on it. Then the two noticed the other men by the end of the stairs, staring surprised. "... workaholic refuses to sleep?" Bushroot asked with one raised eyebrow. "Overgrown baby throwing a tantrum" The other duck answered as he got distracted enough for Megavolt to take the screwdriver back, making him give the rat a hard glare. "Alright guys. This is getting ridiculous! You two need to get a hold of yourselves and get working on a proper sleep schedule! These sleeping problems are going to affect our work!" He groaned and put a hand to his face, letting out a big sigh. "Yeah. I agree. You guys can't pull more all-nighters. You need-" before Bushroot could finish, a small alarm went off, signalling that something bad was happening in town. The dog and rat grinned and ran over to the couch that would get them to their secret hideout, taking the opportunity to escape the discussion. "Sorry! No time to discuss this! Justice awaits, chuckles!" Megavolt said with a satisfied grin, plopping himself down onto the couch beside Liquidator. The other two just sighed and walked over to sit down with them, pulling the lever that was disguised as a statue which spun the couch and transported the four to their base.
They emerged from a secret entrance, already dawning their hero outfits as they landed stylishly. Megavolt rushed over to the computer and started to tap away at it. "According to the drones, there is a big collection of police around the tool shop. Though on closer inspection, most of the officers have been knocked out cold. And there appears to be some sort of white smoke coming out of the entrance and windows" he informed the others as he tapped away at the keyboard. "I think those are clouds" Bushroot added as he walked over to get a better look. "Aha! That's it! This must be the work of King Dreamland! He's putting all those cops and security to sleep so he can rob the store undisturbed!" Quackerjack announced as he pointed at the light, soft looking clouds, already rushing towards the van so they could get going to stop the crazed criminal. Liquidator let out a yawn and dragged himself over to the van and hopped into the back, muttering "right. Then let's get dangerous!". Bushroot groaned as he stepped inside it as well, grumbling annoyed about how neither he or the rodent should be doing anything dangerous in their state. Megavolt sat down in the passenger seat beside the clown, glancing over as he got the car started. "You know I can still drive. You don't gotta-" as he tried to convince him he was perfectly fine to drive, the duck gripped the wheel tightly and hissed like an angry cat, shutting up any further argument. He then hit the gas and they drove off downtown. 
They soon reached the store, parking right behind the cluster of police cars and unconscious cops, floating around on soft, fluffy clouds. "Definitely the work of King Dreamland" Megavolt remarked as he watched a sleeping officer drift by the car. "And it seems his work is almost done!" Bushroot exclaimed as he pointed at the figure inside with a big bulky bag of things in his hands. This caused the Darkwing Ducks to hop out of the van and rush the building while pushing clouds out of the way. 
As they got inside, they spotted the hazmat suit wearing villain with cute cartoon stickers of clouds and stars on it, still loading up the bag with wire cutters and a sledge hammer. "We are the terrors that flap in the night! We are the alarm clock that wakes you up one hour late!" Liquidator started talking as purple smoke began to fill the store, causing him to swing around and stared at the cloud of smoke. "Ah! Darkwing Ducks!" King Dreamland yelled in surprise as he backed up from the voice. "Aw come on! At least let us finish our intro!" He groaned frustrated as he reeled back and launched his fist towards the villain, knocking him back into a shelf of nuts and bolts. Quackerjack quickly grabbed a hold of his toy wind-up teeth and threw them at him, causing them to bite down onto the suit sleeve and pinning it to the shelf. He started tugging harshly at the captured sleeve, grunting as he couldn't get it loose. "How dare you?! I'll have your heads for this!" He yelled while using his other hand to pull as hard as he could. "Zip It, snore fest!" Megavolt mumbled as he aimed his finger at him. His view suddenly got a little blurry and he let out a soft groan, feeling a bit of tiredness take over for a short moment until he shook himself back to reality and fired a bolt of lightning. Dreamland gasped and covered his face, but took a peek after he heard the bolt miss him, bounce off of a circle saw and shoot right back at the group and knock Bushroot to the floor. "GHA!" He yelled as he hurt his back upon landing. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, leafy!" The rat exclaimed in shock as he ran over to help him up. 
King Dreamland took this opportunity, while the hero team was distracted and reached back to his backpack tank and grabbed the hose nozzle on the side. He pointed it at the befuddled green man and whispered "night night" before he fired a white puff of cloud at him. Megavolt heard the noise behind him and suddenly shouted "Watch out!" And pushed his friend out of the way. The cloud then completely engulfed him, making him disappear within it. Quackerjack gasped and covered his beak in disbelief, shouting a weak "No! Megsy!". He soon came back out from the cloud, lying lazily on top of it with a big, relaxed smile. "Hey… this is… pretty nice" He mumbled with a soft yawn. "You terrible tired tyrant! Hope you enjoy the prison beds!" Liquidator growled and ran at the suited man, hardening his hand so it would give him a hard smash. But the villain noticed how slow he was seemingly going and swiftly redirected the punch towards the teeth holding him stuck. As soon as he was freed from the shelf, he hopped back and pointed the nozzle at him. "You seem tired, doggy! Isn't it past your bedtime?" He said in a cocky voice before he fired another cloud at Liquidator, capturing him as well. "Well this has been fun, but I gotta get going. The night is still young!" The villain yelled back as he ran out the door and left the remaining two heroes with their friends now out of commission.
Bushroot ran over to Liquidator and gave him a light shake. While laying on his stomach on the cloud, he curled up into a ball and murmured "just five more minutes please, Reginald". "No! Liquidator! We need to catch that guy! Don't give in to your sleepiness!" The duck yelled while trying to shake him awake. Quackerjack, on the other hand, gave the rat a curious look. "... how are you feeling, smart guy?" He asked with a twist of satisfaction to his voice. "Sooooo… good… I think I'll take a little power nap" he answered his friend as he closed his tired eyes and let his leg dangle lazily over the edge of the cloud.
"Quackerjack! We have to get them off of these clouds! Come on! You've got to have something in your pockets that will help!" Bushroot ran over and shook the jester's shoulders violently. "Oooor! We don't do that! Think about it for a sec, spuds! These two finally WANT to go to sleep! We just got our little domestic issue solved for us! King Dreamland just did us a favour!" He said with a smug grin on his face, removing the leaf hands off of him.
Bushroot lit up from that realization and glanced between the two sleeping heroes. "You're right! They're sleeping like babies! But… what now? How are we going to stop King Dreamland?" He asked with a worried expression. "Pfffff! We've taken down villains separately before! The two of us can take on this one weirdo!" Quackerjack said confidently and put an arm around his fellow duck. "Yeah! You're right! Let the sleepyheads rest while we handle the hard work!" The plant nodded and chuckled, grabbing his friend's arm and pulling him out of the shop, in the general direction of the villain.
King Dreamland was walking down the street, cackling to himself as he flung the bag of tools over his shoulder. "Wow! Those guys were having an off night!" He mused to himself while speeding up his pace. But he was soon caught off guard by a tree branch suddenly appearing in his way and knocking him over. "Good job, tree friend! Now, you better stop whatever you're planning to do with those tools right now!" Bushroot yelled as he and Quackerjack were rounding the corner, starting to approach him. The villain pushed himself up from the ground and rubbed his head, quickly reaching for his nozzle and firing it at the two. The clown duck pushed his friend back and pulled out a gun from his endless supply of toys, firing it at the cloud. It caused an umbrella to pop out of the barrel, blocking the white puff from consuming them whole. "Darn!" Dreamland yelled as he turned right around and escaped the two while they were distracted. "He's getting away! After him!" Jacky said as soon as the umbrella was closed, pulling his co-hero along to give chase.
King Dreamland ran as fast as he could from the heroes, making a sharp turn into the mall. The two chasing him were slowly catching up, spotting him as he dashed into the mall and quickly following after. As they got inside, they scanned the area to determine where he went. "... There!" Quackerjack yelled and pointed at the bad guy, just entering into a sports shop. They ran inside and started looking around for him. They didn't spot him immediately, so they searched around the place. After a second of looking, Bushroot bumped into him. He screamed in fear and began to run. The plant man yelped surprised and started to run after him. "What are you planning to do with those things, you fellon?!" he yelled after him as he was right on his heels. "You'll see! Once my scheme is put into action! Ahahaha!" he laughed diabolically and held up the bag triumphantly. "OOOH! When I catch up, you'll pay for what you did to my friends!" Bushroot growled angrily as he just kept running, starting to pant a bit as he was getting exhausted from running. Quackerjack just stood beside them both, giving a quizzical glance between them. "What are you doing?" he asked as the other two looked at him confused. They then glanced down and saw that they were just running on a treadmill. "Oh. Well that's embarrassing. Anyways, I'm off!" King Dreamland jumped off the treadmill and ran out the shop again. "We got to catch him!" Jacky said and pointed towards the door. "Get me off of this thing first!" his friend yelled as he was still running and panting. "Oh. Right" he muttered and reached over to push the first button he saw, hoping it would turn it off. It just sped the treadmill up and shot Bushroot back into a wall of jump ropes. He was dizzy for a second, until the other duck pulled him up off the ground and dragged him along. 
They ran into the next store, which was a music store, and saw the villain trying to sneak out the back door. Bushroot extended his arms and grabbed a hold of an electric guitar, slamming it into the hazard suited man and launching him into a drum set. He emerged with a big, broken drum around himself. Quackerjack started laughing and pointing at him, finding the slapstick hilarious. Dreamland growled angrily at being humiliated. It was then he spotted where the hero was standing, right underneath a hanging piano. How cliché, but perfect. While bushroot approached to apprehend him, he wriggled his arm loose and sprinted over to the violins, grabbing one of the bows and using it to cut the rope holding the piano and sending it plummeting down onto the jester's head. Bushroot gasped in horror and stared at the broken mess of a musical instrument. The suited man took this opportunity to bolt out the front door with his bag and ran as fast as he could. "Quackerjack?! Are you ok?!" the duck ran over to the piano and asked worriedly, rummaging through the debris until he found him. He sat up straight and swayed slightly, spitting out some piano keys before he could crawl out of the wreck. "Just fine" he muttered before heading out with his friend and pursuing the villain again.
They were soon walking through a hobby store, looking through the isles to find the bad guy. They headed down an isle with different types of paint lining the shelves while darting their eyes all around them. They kept completely quiet as to be able to hear him. It made the entire place eerily silent, like a ghost house. King Dreamland was spying on them from the other side of the shelf, watching them draw closer and closer to his position. As soon as they were near, he gave the shelf a hard shove and made it topple over towards the two. Bushroot looked up at the falling shelf and gasped in shock, giving Quackerjack a push out of the way before he was buried in pain bottles. The other duck yelped surprised before he gave away a growl and looked up at the villain, who ran away and started climbing a shelf. He bolted after him, pulling out a yo-yo from his pants and swinging it around as he got ready to attack. As soon as he reached the bottom of the shelf, Dreamland had already made it up there and picked up a big jug of pink paint, dropping it right down on top of his head. It made a painful indent into his noggin and he fell back onto the floor, getting a thunk on his beak by his own yo-yo, just for some salt in the wounds. "Ha ha ha! Wow! You guys suck! Guess you're nothing without all your team! You better just give up, I can see the bags under your eyes from here! I'm off to blow off some steam… all over town! See ya!" He taunted the two, blowing a raspberry at them, which stained his visor with spit before he hopped down and rushed out the back.
Bushroot managed to wriggle himself out from under the shelf, being completely covered in different splashes of color. He rushed over to Quacks and helped him up off the ground concernedly, looking at the jug that was still lodged into his head. The jester pulled it off of himself and straightened himself out with a proper tug on his hat tails. He then looked over at the plant man, starting to giggle quietly. "Wow. You're looking even more colorful than Megavolt during June!" He joked and snorted into his hands at the rainbow colored duck, who just rolled his eyes and pulled his friend off the floor. "Come on, Quackerjack! We gotta go and find where he went!" He grumbled and rushed both of them out the mall. "But where would he go to "blow of steam", huh?" The other asked as he got no chance to even put back the jug of paint before they were off. "Blow of steam… hmm… all over town! He's going to release his clouds all over town! Probably from a wind turbine! We got to hurry!" Bushroot realized quickly as he pointed towards the nearest wind turbine and headed towards it at top speed.
They arrived at their destination after a bit, immediately noticing that the lock on the door had been cut. "So that's why he got tools!" Bushroot growled angrily and stared at the wide open door, thinking over what their plan of attack was. His head was a little cluttered at that moment, having received a real beating earlier and been running around a lot, so he just shook his head and tried his best to focus. Quacks, on the other hand, just walked right inside. But he then saw the long stairwell leading up to the top and stopped right in his tracks. "... UUUUUUGH! Why STAIRS!? I'm tireeeeed!" He whined and leaned back in defeat. "Come on. We'll make it up there. We need to. For our friends!" The other duck sighed exhausted and began climbing up the stairs, determined to get the bad guy.
A few minutes later, they had reached the top. They were both huffing and puffing heavily, eyes bulging out of their heads as they stopped to catch their breaths. "After this… I'm removing the top floor… of our house!" Jacky groaned and hunched over while leaning on his knees. Bushroot leaned back against the door behind him to rest his tired legs, but was surprised as it started to slowly slide open and make him fall backwards out of the doorway. He looked up with a surprised look until he saw their target a bit away, carrying and setting up a smoke machine. "Hey! Stop right there!" The jester yelled and hopped out beside his friend, pointing at their enemy with a pissed look, mostly because of the pain he had caused them. 
King Dreamland turned around and looked at the two weary heroes, grumbling a flippant "geez, do you guys ever give up?". He then set down the smoke machine and pulled the nozzle from his backpack, aiming it at them both. "Alright. You found out my plan. So now what? What are you planning to do to stop me? I mean look at yourselves! You're going to pass out any second" he spoke casually to them as he lightly waved his weapon around, showing how nonchalant he was about all of it, clearly not taking the whole situation seriously. "Don't underestimate my stubbornness-" "determination" "DETERMINATION! We'll put a stop to you right now!" Quackerjack yelled at him and pointed a firm finger while glaring irritated. "Alright. Put a stop to this" he shrugged and shot a big cloud at them. The jester gave away a shriek and covered his face, preparing for the collision. Bushroot shot up from the floor and extended his arms, wrapping them around the other's waist and janking him out of the way. 
King Dreamland growled in rage and stomped his foot. "Why won't you lay down and die?!" He shouted as he glared at the two with absolute fury. Quackerjack looked down at his pockets and started rummaging through them to find something he could use to stop the villain on a rampage. He then felt something in his pockets that he didn't expect to have. It gave him an idea and he looked over at the plant holding onto him. "You have to toss me!" he told him hurriedly. "Huh?" he just responded to the cooky duck's request, not sure he heard him right. "THROW MY BODY AT HIM!!!" he then shouted, startling his friend into just doing as told and throwing him as hard as he could. Quackerjack flew straight at the villain and before he could fire another cloud, he was tackled and had a crazy clown climbing and scuttling all over his body, like a racoon who was also an expert climber. He stumbled around while he was being jerked left and right from the whirlwind of a hero. "Get… OFF ME YOU TIRED LOON!!!" He shouted as he finally managed to rip him off and toss him towards his co-hero, knocking him to the ground. 
Bushroot quickly pushed Quacks off and got up to rush at the king, ready to whoop his butt. He picked up a sledgehammer from the ground that his enemy brought and swung it at him. But he dodged out of the way and backed out of yet another swing at him, avoiding every attempt at knocking him down. "Man. You guys really suck at this! Can't even land a punch!" He chuckled and grabbed a hold of the hammer, janking it out of his hands and aiming the hose in his face. "Time to visit dreamland."
He shot him right in the face. But he was not greeted by a soft, fluffy, sleep inviting cloud. He was instead splattered in the face by a load of pink. "H-HUH!?!" Dreamland exclaimed, bewildered as he looked into the nozzle and only saw pink. He then looked towards his back to see what went wrong, to discover that his usual tank had been replaced by a jug of pink paint. He then looked up at the other hero and saw him holding up the actual container, giving them both a thumbs up. Dreamland stared at him in shock, unable to believe he was outsmarted by two extremely exhausted dummies. This was unbelievable! He couldn't accept this! But as he was starting to have a breakdown of rage, bushroot looked over at Jacky and yelled "Rubber band!", Which he was tossed quickly and snapped it around the villain, finally capturing him. They both walked up to each other and jumped up and down in joy, cheering about their victory until the tiredness finally started to set in and they fell over onto the ground. "... Let's just get the other two." "Yeah. Let's go" they concluded while laying limply on the ground.
They had finally made it back to where they first had fought King Dreamland and helped the cops wake up before they handed him over to them. They then went inside and spotted their friends, peacefully floating around and sleeping soundly still. They looked so much better than they did earlier, well rested and happy, having these relaxed smiles spread out on their faces. "Ha… They must have had a nice nap" Quackerjack muttered with a fatigued smile as he stared at the sleeping Megavolt, then made the cloud disappear with this tool he took from Dreamland, causing the rat to fall down onto the floor with a thud. "Huh?! Whu?!" he suddenly woke up and looked all around him confused, not sure what had just happened. Quacks handed over the tool to Bushroot, who used it to get rid of the cloud from under Liquidator. But unlike the other duck, he gently caught the dog before he fell onto the floor. "Huh? Hey! How dare you?! I- Uh… Wait. Where did he go?!" he asked puzzled as he looked around, helped back onto his feet by the guy holding him. Megavolt got back up again and rubbed his neck a bit. "Hey… I'm feeling pretty refreshed! Huh!" he pointed out and stretched his arms, letting out a small groan. "Glad to hear it, sparks" Quackerjack grumbled and patted his shoulder. As the rat turned around to him to say something, he immediately stopped himself and looked shocked at his friend. He looked HORRIBLE! Baggy eyes, tired expression, slouchier posture than usual. He was looking absolutely EXHAUSTED! Liquidator thought the same as he got a good look at Bushroot. "Uh… hey… Reginald… Feeling ok?" he asked nervously and put a hand on his shoulder. "You two look like trash!" Megavolt just said, pointing at them both. "Well I was trying to be nice about it, Elmo" he grumbled at the straight forward remark. 
"It's ok! We're fine! We captured King Dreamland and everything is good now!" Bushroot told them while trying to look like he wasn't currently dying. "Yeah! We are totally fine!" Quacks added on and grinned at their friends. "... Clearly you're not. You're zombies!" Megavolt sighed and walked over to them, starting to lead them outside towards the van. "Yeah. You two need to go to bed immediately!" Liquidator added in and opened the back of the van for his friend to hop in. Quackerjack opened the driver side door to get inside, but was pushed to the side by the rat, who sat down in the seat. "No. You are not driving like that. Get in the passenger side!" he demanded, pointing to the other side of the car. The duck grumbled angrily and walked around to the other side. He got in and sat down while glaring at his friend. Bushroot looked at Liquidator and muttered "It seems the sun is starting to rise… I'm worried I won't be able to go back to sleep." "Yeah! I don't even feel that tired! It's so early anyways now, so I probably won't be able to fall asleep anyways!" the jester noted to Megavolt, but was completely ignored by him so he could drive.
As they made it back home, Quackerjack was fast asleep in the passenger seat, snoring and drooling onto his shoulder. Liquidator looked over at Bushroot, who looked like he was about to faint as well. "Hey. We're home. Let me help you inside" he spoke softly as he gently put his arm around his shoulders, helping him out into the garage. Megavolt walked around to the passenger side and opened it up, picking the sleeping duck up and just carrying him inside without complaint or snarky comment. Gosalyn was just walking down the stairs, hearing someone coming home. She was in her pyjamas, holding onto Mr. Banana Brain and rubbing her eyes. "Another mission?" she mumbled sleepily, then noticed her two dads, one half asleep and one completely knocked out. The dog hushed her softly, nodding a little towards Quacks. He let out another gentle snore and leaned his head into Megavolt's chest. She nodded and smiled, walking over to him and laying the doll into his lap. "Night daddy" she whispered to him before she turned around to Bushroot and whispered "Night papa" to him. "Good night, my little apple seed" he murmured sleepily. Liquidator and Megavolt both grinned and started heading upstairs to put both the dorks to bed, finally. 
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Spooky Scary Wedding
Summery: Virgil and Remus get paired for a project where they have to plan their wedding. Fluff, weirdness, bonding, and pining ensues.  
Ships: Dukexiety
Warning: misunderstandings, innuendoes, extreme flirting  
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
(This was requested by @sanderssstuff, I hope it lives up to your expectations!)
*here is the SlideShow that Virgil and Remus made, as an apology for getting it out so late 😅 file:///C:/Users/megan/Downloads/Halloween%20Wedding%20(1).pdf *
It was 8th period Human Development, and the class was eagerly awaiting instructions for the newest project.
“Alright everyone! Who is ready to start the next project?” Mr. Critic asked. Everyone let off various noises of confirmation, because while Mr. Critic was the hardest grading teacher, he also puts together THE BEST projects.
“For this project, I have grouped everyone up into pairs, and those pairs will decide on if they want to make a presentation and slideshow about their wedding, their first kid, or starting a business. Does everyone understand?”
Once everybody nodded, Mr. Critic started naming off teams.
“Remy and Emile.”
“Janus and Patton.”
“Virgil and Remus.”
After that point, both Virgil and Remus stopped listening and stared at eachother. They had been friend for forever, but both wanted to be more, and both was afraid that it would ruin their friendship.
“Alright everyone, get with your partner and pick what you want your project to be about.”
Remus walked over at sat beside Virgil. “Hey favorite emo, what are you thinking?”
Virgil looked at Remus and laughed. “Well, we are certainly not doing ‘first kid’. You would give it a knife and I would end up shooting you from all the anxiety.”
Remus grinned. “I don’t know about you, but I think starting a business could be fun. We could start a Crematorium!”
“Ok, so we aren’t doing business either.” Remus busted out laughing at Virgil’s words, then got a flirty look on his face.
“Looks like their is only one option left.” Remus got down on one knee, grabbed Virgil’s hand, and opened his mouth.
“Hey Remus, wanna marry me?”
Remus sputtered. “You stole my thunder!”
“Yes I did.” Virgil smirked. “So ya want to get hitched or not?”
The bell rang, and Virgil stood up, grabbed his bag, and looked at Remus expectantly.
Remus got up and made a show of looking Virgil up and down.
“Ehh, I guess so. Your hot enough for me to get stuck with.” Virgil blushed and punched Remus in the arm. Remus laughed, and just laughed harder after Virgil turned told Mr. Critic “I’m marrying that asshole.”
Virgil flipped Remus off and speed walked towards his locker. Remus ran up and caught up to him. Remus grabbed Virgil’s elbow when he reached for his lock.
“Come on babycakes, let me come over so we can work on our wedding, pwetty pwease!” Remus gave his biggest puppy eyes, and Virgil just sighed.
“I’m not allowing you to hang out with Patton anymore. Fine, but your driving.” Remus whopped, and grabbed Virgil’s notebooks out of his hands.
“Lets go hot stuff! The sooner we plan the wedding the sooner we go on the honeymoon!”
Remus dragged blustering Virgil to his car. Virgil huffed, and buckled up. “If I die from your crazy driving, I will haunt your ass.”
“Wow Virgil, you mention my ass a lot, I think you like it.”
Virgil punched Remus again, and Remus just smirked and revved his car engine.
Once they made it to Virgil’s house, they plopped onto the couch and Virgil fires up his computer while Remus makes lewd doodles on his notepad.
“Alright Remus, first things first, what do we want for the theme? Like, colors or day specifically.”
“Green! Ooo! It should be on Saint Patrick’s day!”
Virgil shook his head. “That sounds like an awful idea, and this is a school project, so I don’t think you can put booze in the ‘why’ category.”
Remus makes a pouty face that makes Virgil’s insides feel butterflies. “Aww, but Vergy, I wanted a green wedding!”
Virgil rolled his eyes, but looked at the computer screen thoughtfully.  “What if we kept the green? I thing green would go well with purple, and it- WAIT!” Virgil screamed, and Remus fell off the couch.
“Damn it V! What?”
“Halloween! We could have a Halloween wedding! It would cover the day, the color scheme, and the theme.”
Remus grins and plops himself right behind Virgil. “That sounds awesome, my dark and brooding emo! It fits both of our aesthetics perfectly! Great job.”
Virgil beamed and leaned back against Remus’s legs. Remus played with Virgil’s hair while they worked out the finer details.
They decided that it would be a costume wedding, and that they would walk down the isle together to the tune of ‘Spooky Scary Skeleton’. Remus wanted it gory, but Virgil wanted it more traditional.
Luckily, they found a wondrous combination that suited both of them.
Once they got a good majority of the planning done, they called it a night and Remus headed home.
Once he got into his room, Remus called his best friend Janus and told him EVERYTHING!
“You’ll never guess it JanJan! V asked me to marry him! We are having a Halloween wedding and are walking down the isle to the song ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons’!”
“... The livingtrombstone Remix?”
“Of course! It’s a costume wedding and I want you to be my best man!”
Janus looked at his phone, and smirked. Virgil has been texting him for the last 15 minutes about the wedding project, and just basically gushing.
‘Whelp, time to play matchmaker.’
“Oh my Remus, I would simply *hate* to be in your wedding. Do you think Virgil would approve?”
“Of course! You are his favorite cousin, also, if you’ve liked him for as long as I have you know exactly how to get him to him to blush, which I would have no problem doing if he needed a bit of convincing. His blush is the cutest thing ever, and I would drop it if he truly didn’t want to.”
Janus smiled. “That sounds ‘dreadful!’ I can’t wait!��
Meanwhile, with Virgil, he was on the phone with Remy, and talking up a storm.
“But Rem, you don’t understand! He was flirting with me! Like, legit flirting! He even called me hot!”
Remy rolled his eyes and smirked.
“I know you can’t see me, but I’m rolling my eyes at you. Babes, of course he flirts with you and calls you hot! Have you looked in a mirror? He’d be dumb and blind not to.”
Virgil grins and shakes his head. “Remy, I do think your opinion is biased, you think anyone who has ever bought you Starbucks is drop dead gorgeous. Besides, Remus has been my friend for forever. I highly doubt that he would just now be interested in me.”
Remy has to take a moment and stare at his phone.
‘Wow. That oblivious dumbass. Whelp, guess I’m going to have to prove a point. Ooo! I can finally get revenge for Virgil setting Emile and I up, when he knew that I was about to ask him out! Eventually...’
“Alright, well sorry babes, but you’re gonna have to tell me more tomorrow. Emile is calling me.”
“Kay, by Rem.”
“By V!”
‘He doesn’t suspect a thing. This should be fun!’
The next day, the school bell had just rang for lunch, and Remy and Virgil were standing in front of Virgil’s locker.
“Gurl, why don’t you ever introduce me to your crushes? You’ve liked this guy for years! The least you could do is point him out.”
Virgil rolls his eyes and shuts his locker. “How about this. If he ever introduces himself without me pointing him out, you can say whatever you want to him!”
Remy smirks and shakes Virgil’s hand. Because unbeknownst to Virgil, Janus texted Remy a picture of Remus last night, and told Remus to go to Virgil’s locker at lunch time.
‘Well, speak of the devil!’
Remus walks towards Virgil, and Virgil turns around and instantly looks terrified. Remy smirks and looks at Remus.
“Hi babes, I’m Remy, Virgil best bitch. Who are you?”
“I’m Remus, Virgil’s soon to be husband.”
Virgil makes a choking noise and Remy does a dramatic gasp.
“Ooo, Remus? You can’t be the same Remus that Virgil said was his partner and hopeless crush. He has been talking my ear off about all that pining. But that has to be someone else, huh hun?”
At this point, Virgil is on number 7 of the intricately detailed murder plots for Remy that he has come up with in the three minute span that Remy has been talking. He is giving Remy his best death glare, and pointedly ignoring Remus’s gaze.
Remy notices Virgil’s stare, and goes, “Oop, there’s Emile, see you later Vergy.”with a wink.
Remy ran off, and then Virgil was forced to face Remus. Virgil stares in mute horror, and Remus has the biggest shit eating grin ever. He places a hand right next to Virgil’s head on the lockers, then leans in.
“What’s that supposed to be about, baby?”
Virgil.exe has stopped working.
Virgil is blushing so hard that he looks like a strawberry. Remus has not moved, so Virgil does the only thing that comes to his mind.
He shoves Remus and RUNS.
Instead of upsetting Virgil more, Remus runs to find Janus and tell him everything.
On the day of the presentation, Virgil ignored Remus all day. Once he made it into the classroom, he set up the slideshow on his computer and smiled at Remus’s outfit.
Part of their presentation was having to do at least one physical demonstration. They had decided to wear their wedding costumes, so Remus was dressed as Beetlejuice and Virgil dressed as Jack Skellington.
Once it was their turn, Virgil hooked up his computer and started the slide show. Everything was going fine until he reached the part that was supposed to be the proposal details.
Instead of showing the picture that they had taken, it was a black screen with the words ‘TURN AROUND’ written in what looked like blood. Virgil whirled around to yell at Remus for changing the slide show, but his voice died.
Remus is on one knee, holding a bouquet of dead black roses takes Virgil’s hand.
“Virgil Angst Skellington, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
Virgil is shocked. Unable to form words, Virgil starts crying.
Remus sees the tears and immediately thinks that they are tears of embarrassment. He sets the roses down and stands up, looking dejected.
“Shit! I’m sorry V, I should have asked beforehand. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I just have liked you since you first hissed at our middle school math teacher when he told you that being gay was wrong. Over the years I have really grown a lot closer to you and have just fallen for you even more. And when Remy said that you liked me yesterday, I thought that I had a chance.”
Virgil puts a finger to Remus’s lips, and Remus looks up. Virgil, who has whipped his tears away, levels Remus a look.
“Remus, I mean this in the nicest way possible, please shut the fuck up.”
Remus looked like his heart shattered. Virgil smirks, pulls Remus closer by his tie, and kisses him in fount of the whole class.
“Yes you dumbass, I would love to be your boyfriend”
Remus smiled and spun Virgil around in burst of joy.
Remy shouts “Yas Bitch!”
The entire class cheers, even Mr. Critic was clapping.
Virgil hides his face in Remus’s neck and Remus just flips them all off while smiling.
They were able to get through the rest of the presentation and class without issue. After class they went and got ice cream with Virgil holding a bouquet of dead black roses and Remus holding Virgil’s hand.
They ended up making the highest grade on the project, and actually used a few of the ideas from their high school projects on their actual wedding.
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doodle-doodie-doo · 4 years
Ranting about how Gaz, taster of pork is my fave iz ep bc >:(((
iI wanted to make this rant for a while now so why the hell not, I’ve also been wanting to rant about this ep and why its my all time favorite...because why the hell not... __________ This episode is way above the others for me, nothing can beat this. Ever sense I started watching Invader Zim I wanted an ep like this, and when I first watched it I knew it was going to be my fave and god I was so so exited, where do I start?  I hear some people don’t like this episode because how much Dib abuse is in it, for someone who kins Dib and whenever I see Dib get hurt in the show (which is like every single fucking ep) I feel horrible for him, but in this ep I did not, and I actually found it pretty funny, I laughed. From the start I knew Gaz and Dib where going to be my favorites and the more the show went on the more and more I loved these two and wanted to just see these two on screen, honestly I was starting to get tired of a lot of ep’s just being Dib vs Zim, I really wanted something else, not ONLY in this ep just about Dib and Gaz, how its done is done so so PERFECTLY.  _____________ I don’t want to point out every single part why I like it so much (probably will, anyways) starting off, Dib is fucking adorable in the start, thats perfect for me, LOVE THAT SHIT. That fucking....squeal he did?? yes. Ill take that shit. thank u..... And Gaz just walking in bitching about how Dib ate her food and hes just fucking too focused on his hard drives or whatever, its fucking perfect. Dib just being a fanboy in the start and Gaz bitching about whatever to him is perfect for me,   I think this was the first time we saw Gaz’s room and I love how it’s filled with stuffed animals, that is so perfect for her character you have NO IDEA. And I love what I’m assuming is dragon pajamas, what I love most of all is Gaz calling in her stuff animals to throw Dib out her room, the idea of Gaz having these creepy dolls that come to life is one of the best concepts for her character and I wish people would do more with that. I like how Dib just isn’t down right scared of Gaz all the time, like he is still willing to be selfish about himself, giving her the shadow hog curse and lying ABOUT IT LMAO WHAT AN ASSHOLE. Dib then starts to act fucking dumb af, like “OH NO I DIDNT DO CRAP GAZ 0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W00″ But Gaz b like: nah hoe Dib’s still being an ass, then the ep JUST GETS FUCKING BETTER.  One of my alltime favorite things about this ep is that you can slowly see Dib get more and more scared, and Gaz more and more upset, you can tell something really bad is going to happen to Dib at the end, but you don’t know what, and it’s even more scary because its Gaz...THAT IS JUST, SUCH ASMAZING WRITING, I REALLY ADORE SHIT LIKE THAT, GOD.  I love how Gaz dosen’t start getting angry too early, I like how you see her eat every single food and creepy music is just being played, she’s also not eating all the food too fast, you can just FELL SHIT BOUTTA HAPPEN SOON 4 REAL  one of my favorite fucking animation clips from this ep is just when Gaz is eating and just spitting it all in Dib’s face while he’s reading his book trying to fix this curse, you can start to feel Dib, and how much he is starting to panic, its amazing,.  _______  AND THEN THE FUCKING, MASHED PATATO PART HHABSJDGEK THAT PART HAD ME DYING, AND WHEN GAZ OPENED HER EYES WHILE DOING IT IT WAS SO FUCKING CURSED, AND THEN GAZ JUST GIVES UP AND THROWS THE FOOD AT SOME RANDOM ASS AND DIB IS LIKE “NOOO NOT ZITA” ITS SO FUCKING DUMB AND PERFECT I LOVE IT.  I forgot to add this but I love Gaz’s voice through out this and how she is acting, she’s not too too scary (at the start at least) like how shes acting and her voice tone and everything, which makes it even more scary for some reason, like its not overdone, u fucking SCARED LIKE U CAN TELL SOME SHIT BOUTTA GO DOWN.  side note I love how Gaz’s teacher is nothing like mrs. Bitters, its so funny.  ALSO??? ALSO???? I LOVE THE LITTLE MOMENT WHERE GAZ AND DIB IS HOLDING HANDS WHILE WALKING HOME, LOVE THAT, LOVE THAT SOOO MUCH, SO CUTE WTF. also I LOVE THE PIG GIRL THING. Just seeing art for that in that ep is so cool, AND WHEN GAZ IS IN THAT LITTLE PIGGY OUTFIT SO SO CUTE, I’m telling you, Gaz’s animal is Pigs, like Dib’s animal is moths. It fits too well. It’s so so cool to see something crazy and insane happening to Gaz for a change and not Dib and Zim. And its still just as funny, if not, even MORE FUNNY.  and i adore the PART WHERE DIB IS JUST TALKING TO A RANDOM HOBO LIKE ITS SO FUCKING RANDOM AND POINTLESS IM WATCHING THE EP RN AND I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT JUST EXISTS LMAOO  aND it is super super cute when Dib was talking to Zim, just, that part was so perfect, you can tell that Dib really does care. AND HERE COMES THE BEST PART AND THE IDEA FOR MY DEMON GAZ AU WHERE LIKE, GAZ SEEMS LIKE SHE HAS THESE EVIL POWERS, JHONEN CAN SAY “NO SHE DONT HOE” BUT IM LIKE “YEET TEET S I R” THAT, YES YES HELL YES THAT WAS SO SO PERFECT WHAT THE FUCK??  and___ _______ oh my god. oh. my. fucking. god. Like the most funny part of tHE EP IS THE PART WE WHERE WAITING FOR, DO YALL KNOW HOW FUCKING FUNNY IT WAS??? OK, OK.  A LISTEN.  WHEN GAZ FINALLY COMES OUT HER CAGE THINNG, U KNOW DIB BOUTTA GET BLASTED, AND GAZ JUST BEATS THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT HIM, but get this, HE SOUNDS LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY. YES, YES, YES, ALL MY YES, 100/10, 100/10. 100/10.  thtt SHITR....HAD ME DEAD, FUCKING DEAD.  AND THE PART WHERE THEY WHERE IN BEAVER COSTUMES WHERE SO SO ADORBALE, THEY ARE SO CUTE, I LOVE THEM, Dib and Gaz where so so on point in this ep. ________ the shadow hog place,,,,,OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOW, HOW CAN YOU GET MORE PERFECT??? THE PIGS AND EVERYTHING JUST, EVERYTHING LOOKS AND FEELS SO SPOTLESS, WHOEVER DESIGNED THAT  MMMEFNJEFHIE This is when Dib starts to get very protective and this is JUST. WHAT. I WANT. from Dib and Gaz.  PLUS i love the shadow Hog, hes nice.  ONE ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS EVER, LIKE, MAYBE IN THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN SHOW, IS JUST DIB FIGHTING THEM SHADOW HOG GUARDS, JUST, ITS NOT normal Dib abuse like in every ep, THEM HOGS ARE LEGIT BEATING THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT HIM, LIKE DAMN BRUH THEY FUCKING, DAMN, BUT THATS NOT GOING TO STOP DIB, EVERYTIME HE GETS HURT HE JUST GETS RIGHT BACK UP, HE DOSENT WANT GAZ TO GET HURT OR DIE, HE CARES THAT MUCH, HE JUST KEEPS FUCKING, GOING AND GOING AND GOING AND DAMN  WTJHWVWUTD, BRUUUHHH DID YALL SEE THE PART WHEN DIB GOT THROWN BACK AND THE BACKGROUND WAS RED?? BRUH I FELT THAT BRUH, DIB REALLY DID SAY:N BEKFHEJHFJOEFJKFJKLWEHLIFJGEIURGFURWEHGRK  LIKE MY MAN GOT THROWN LIKE THAT LIKE BRUIH KISSES TO THE ANIMATIORS THAT FUCKING, THAT MOVEMEANT WAS SO SO IMPRESSIVE AND SMOOTH HOW TF THEY DID THAT EVERYTIME I WATCH HIM GET THROWN BACK LIKE THAT WHEN THE SCREEN IS RED IM JUST ALWAYS LIKE ‘whoa”  aND gAZ and the shadow hog lord oh my god they are perfect, I love how they just, start dancing in tu tu’s and playing video games and Gaz is just ranting to him about how dumb her life is its all. so perfct. Keep in mind this is both going on at the same time which makes it 100 times better, this is what makes a cartoon so GOD DAMN PERFECT.  pOOR Dib when he comes in he just feels so so horrible, so sorry for Gaz, and the pig lord actua,lly dosent know what to do and gaz is like “yeah punish him lmfao”  AND THEN THE TOILET PART OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS JUST ALMOST AS FUNNY AS WHEN GAZ BEATS DIB AAND HES JUST A SQUEAKY TOY LMAO, it makes it 10000000000 times better because you dont see whats in the toilet and Dibs just freaking out, that is so perfect, that what makes good writing and a joke work, that was perfect.  AND THE ENDING, OH MY FUCKING GOD JUST dIB YELLING IN PAIN, perfect.  Theres jsut so much good shit in this ep that just makes it better than the others. I wanted more of shit like this from the show and etc, I also want more fanart of pig Gaz. Good shit man  
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missvalerietanner · 4 years
The Last of Us - Part II
Completion time: 24 hrs. 48 mins.
After lots of reflection on the story and reading a lot of other people’s takes on the game as a whole, here’s my two cents:
The #1 feeling I had at the end of TLOU2 was relief.
And I’m SO surprised I don’t see more people saying they felt this way. 
After almost 25 hours of emotional turmoil and a lot of tears and rage and disgust, I felt as weary and drained as Ellie. I was ready for it to be over. No matter the outcome, I wanted an ending. I wanted everything to stop.
When we’re first placed in Abby’s shoes, I knew it was leading no where good. And when Abby starts saying she’s looking for “him,” I know the “him” is Joel, no question. Then Tommy and Joel stroll into that room, the Wolves close the door behind them. Joel says his name. Everyone sits up a little bit straighter, and the camera widens to show Abby holding a shotgun. 
I jumped when she fired the shotgun, and I was instantly in tears, just chanting out loud, “Don’t kill him. Don’t kill him.” The tears slowed; then we pan down to Joel’s grave, and I lost it again. 
From that point on, I wanted Abby to die. I wanted revenge as badly as Ellie. But as the story crawled onward, Dina almost dying, struggling to catch up to Tommy, Owen and Mel’s deaths, Jesse’s death, the looming threat of Tommy’s death, I started thinking, “Maybe this has gone too far.”
Then we get placed in Abby’s shoes again. That was a real struggle for me. I didn’t want to play as Abby. I didn’t care about her (and after finishing the game, I still don’t care about her or her loss or any of her friends). Honestly, Mel was the only one I really felt anything for, and that was mainly because Owen was a total piece of shit, clearly didn’t want the baby, and was willing to run off and leave her and the baby behind. Otherwise, her death didn’t really shake me ‘cause ultimately, I still didn’t care that much about her fate.
Then we have to play as Abby and attack Ellie. Excuse me, Naughty Dog, but wtf? Also: I did resist fighting Ellie at first, but she legit kicked my ass a LOT. But the conflict ends, Tommy’s bleeding out in the main hall with an arrow to the knee and Dina’s got a knife to her throat, and all I’m thinking is, “Tommy has to live. We can’t lose him too. And Dina has GOT to live ‘cause we (Ellie) dragged her down with us.”
Then we cut to the farm, and I think this is the end, the game’s over. But no. Ellie’s starving herself, suffering from PTSD, and having flashbacks and horrible nightmares. Then Tommy shows up just to be a dick.
1. That scene with Tommy felt really out of character. I was even yelling at screen: “Don’t do that, Tommy. Don’t you put that off on Ellie. She’s just a fucking kid.” But I think Tommy does what he does, placing the need to “finish it” at Ellie’s feet because he’s mad at himself for not being able to finish it. Maybe he even blames himself for not fighting Joel harder and being the one to take Ellie to the Fireflies in the first game. If Tommy was the one to deliver her to Saint Mary’s, I think he would have left her there. He would have let the cure be made. And I think that is part of his anger here. Even though he told Joel he would’ve done the same, I don’t believe him.
2. Dina became my absolute favorite character when she passed JJ to Ellie and stormed onto the porch to get in Tommy’s face like an absolute perfect wife should. I was so proud of her. You go, Dina!
Side Note: I adored Yara and Lev. Their whole story is tragic, and huge shout out to Yara, Ms. MVP, for killing Isaac ‘cause damn, he needed to go. He was a sick fuck. The Apartments? Housing and torturing Seraphites like that? Yikes, and the WLF acts shocked when their kind is being strung up and disemboweled. Yara’s death was almost as horrible as Joel’s; it certainly was more violent, but damn, she was a fighter. It sucked she had to go through all the pain of losing half her arm just to be gunned down, but Lev is an absolute treasure. I am so proud of him.
By the time we make it to Santa Barbara, I honestly didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care if Abby died. I didn’t see the point in it any longer, and much like Ellie, I was just tired and drained and emotionally empty. I had nothing left. 
So we start in Santa Barbara as Abby. I still don’t care about her at this point, but the radio call to the Fireflies? Honestly, I’d love to make it to Catalina Island and see what they’re up to. I would absolutely play DLC of Abby and Lev making it to that island and meeting the Fireflies. That radio call was the first moment in TLOU2 that I felt any kind of hope. 
Then the Rattlers appear. For maybe half of the game, I thought the story would turn and have Ellie and Abby working together. When the Rattlers came in, I thought, “This is is. Abby got taken, so now as Ellie, we have to save her.”
Eh, I was half right.
So we fight through Santa Barbara. We cut through the Rattlers, as mentally fucked as they were, and reach the end. We finally confront Abby after months of traveling to Seattle for 3 blood-filled days, then two years of some kind of peace on the farm, and now weeks of traveling to Santa Barbara.
Again, by this point, I was so tired, so ready for the game to end, I didn’t care. We find Abby as tired and beaten down as Ellie. She saves Lev, and we walk together to the beach. I thought that would be the end. But Ellie felt guilty; she felt she owed something more to Joel, something conclusive. So she pushes the fight, loses her fingers, and as she’s drowning Abby, she finally lets herself cry. She finally pushes through the wall of anger and cries, openly and honestly. 
I cried right along with Ellie, and I really felt nothing when she let Abby breathe. Her and Lev are gone, and there’s Ellie, all alone. 
I was relieved. There was an ending. It wasn’t a warm hug from Dina back at the farm. It wasn’t a huge party in Jackson with everyone smiling and laughing, but there was happiness in the ending.
Abby moved on; she found peace and a new family in Lev, and I know she’s on her way to Catalina Island. And Ellie set off to Jackson to makeup with Dina and try to heal her relationship with Tommy. And I hope when Ellie sees Tommy and he asks what happened, if Abby’s dead, I hope Ellie looks him square in the eye and says, “It’s finished.”
‘Cause it is. It’s over.
Abby lost herself and refound herself in her mission to save Yara and Lev, letting her life hold some value again ‘cause she had been so blinded by her rage and her need for revenge for too long. She probably hatred herself for what she had done, even though she felt compelled to do it. (Look at the way she talks about herself to Mel early on, “What kind of a person could do something like that?”) She thinks herself a monster, but by saving the lives of those kids, she balances the bad with the good and forgives herself. 
And Ellie stopped just shy of losing herself ‘cause she thought her life had no meaning because of Joel’s choice to save her form Saint Mary’s. But she let go of her anger and her hatred. She forgave Abby at the last moment ‘cause she knew she had already found her new purpose in Dina and in JJ and in her life in Jackson as a whole. And her anger was misguided the whole time anyway. She hated Joel for taking away her choice. She hated Abby for taking away her chance to find forgiveness and time to heal with Joel. But in the end, as others have pointed out, that’s all she really wanted: to forgive Joel. And in the end, she could do it when she finally let herself truly grieve losing him. 
I really don’t know what to think of this game as a whole. On one hand, it’s hard to argue that is isn’t a masterpiece in all aspects: sound design, animation, visuals, controls/gameplay, acting, and of course storytelling. But on the other hand, this is the most depressing shit I have ever played, and I wouldn’t recommend that anyone play it. It is 25 - 30 hrs of pain that I don’t think I’ll ever revisit.
I don’t even feel any compulsion to edit GMVs or even think about the game, really (which is odd for me). The whole experience was so draining for me, emotionally and mentally, that I just feel exhausted by the very thought of the game.
And throughout the experience, I found myself comparing TLOU2 to Bioshock (beginning with Joel’s death, since he literally got Andrew Ryan’d via that golf club). And since Bioshock 1 & 2 both deal so closely with similar themes as TLOU2, I really feel like those games did a better job in all aspects; they found a better balance between the gruesome cruelty, the themes of loss and found family, and ultimately offered better resolutions to their stories with small glimmers of hope.
Sure, the fantastical side of Bioshock (splicers, plasmids, etc.) offer some relief from the intense brutality, but I can and have played B2 countless times. I still tear up at the end when Subject Delta dies, but your choices, good or bad, are reflected so immediately in Eleanor, that I really felt more connected to their struggles than to TLOU2. Despite all the pain and heartache, B2 inspires hope. TLOU2 just left me empty. For that reason, I don’t feel it was a great game. A brilliant movie, yes, and a compelling and gut-wrenching story, but not a great gaming experience.
It’s not the TLOU2 I would’ve wanted, but that’s obvious. I do feel that it is an honest game. It is the best answer to the first game because Joel’s choice at the end had to mean something. We needed to see the consequence of such a monumental decision. 
Mostly, I’m just glad it’s over.
So there’s my recount, as messy and wild as it is. 
... last thing, the birthday flashback to the museum was my absolute favorite segment. Joel is such a wonderful father, and when Ellie wanders into the space side of the museum and loses her shit, and Joel goes, “You don’t like this? Ok, we can go.” I started crying immediately. Then she says the fact about fruit flies being the first animals in space, and Joel is all, “You’re smart, kid.” I became a blubbering mess. 
And when they’re in the shuttle and he gives her the Apollo 11 launch tape and the camera hovers on her face just like it did in Left Behind when Riley acted out the Angel Knives segment: I cried through the entire scene. Joel is the best fucking father; he is a prize, and I miss him terribly. 
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theshinsun · 4 years
Hello again! Here I am sending more 😂 Do you mind doing character thing with Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, Wakamatsu and Otsubo? If it's too much, can you do with the first three? Thank you 💕
Hello again! ^^ (So sorry for the delay I was half done and then I got hit with homework and classes and didn’t have much time to do more analyses, but they’re done for the week now! I’m free!) 
I don’t mind at all! But if it’s alright with you, I probably will just do those first three, not just because it’ll be ridiculously long otherwise, but because I don’t really? think I have any strong specific feelings for Otsubo? Idk why, I like him I just didn’t connect that much with him I don’t think... but I’ll gladly talk about the others!
How I feel about this character
GOOD SENPAI. I love this guy so much and wish he got to interact with more of the cast, I really vibe with his character design (his eyes are just... damn, also SOCKS), and I love the relationship he has with his team. He’s ruthless but obviously cares about all of them working together well, and is just looking for the respect he’s due as captain. Boy puts up with so much bullshit from his team of chaotic flaky weirdos, someone needs to cut him a break.  
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kise (KiKasa ftw, the character development Kise goes through because of Kasamatsu is excellent, and almost instantaneous after he joins the team [“I liked being Kise of Kaijo”]. it’s really easy to interpret his behavior toward Kasamatsu as a crush; there’s no denying they’ve got chemistry and work well together... and even tho Kise drives his senpai nuts, they obviously both care about each other a lot)
Aomine (I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. They have one [1] interaction in canon, but that one interaction sold it for me. Aomine showing deference to someone and calling them “senpai”, helping him up after he got knocked down which seems... pretty unusual for him at the time, I’m so down for these two being in a relationship, it’s such a different dynamic than I usually see with pairings featuring Aomine, and there seems to be some legit respect to build off of there)
Imayoshi (I blame Lysapadin’s fic The Long Game for this, the way these two play off each other there and also canonically is... hilarious, the flirting, the Banter, please give me more quality captain ships I have a need) 
Hyuuga (MORE QUALITY CAPTAIN SHIPS. I talked about them a little in my list for Hyuuga, but I just love the idea of both of these tough, exasperated captains getting to be vulnerable with each other)
and this one is a crossover but
Oikawa Tooru (maybe because he reminds me so much of Kise, and Kasamatsu so much like Iwaizumi, I feel like they’d have a similar dynamic, but it’d be interesting to see how, unlike Kise, a hardworking somewhat self-destructive person and a fellow third-year like Oikawa would get on with this guy.) 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hmmm.... I’m gonna have to say Imayoshi again, even tho they work together as a couple too. The way they interact is so good, whether it’s platonic or not, and I’d love to see more one-on-one interaction with them. It could just be because the way Lysapadin handles their respective personalities in multiple fics is so perfect, but if they’re not romantically involved I’d at least like to see them as snarky semi-begrudging basketball buddies. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t know? If I have one? Mostly bc I don’t really know what the fandom itself thinks about Kasamatsu, he didn’t get a lot of press even in KNB’s heyday. A random opinion/hc of him tho is he seems to be a bit of a pessimist. Whenever he’s commentating he’s just talking about how the team’s gonna lose, and even before his own game he seemed to just be thinking about how he lost before. Idk what else to give ya, just something I observed that I don’t really see talked about or portrayed for this guy.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
*deep inhale* MOOORE SCREEEENTIME. And not just as a commentator/attachment to Kaijo where Kise hogs the spotlight, give this guy some time to interact with other characters and flesh him out some more please! I know I’m a broken record but that’s the only thing I can think of to improve him.
How I feel about this character
I didn’t used to have much opinion of this guy tbh, when I was new to KNB… but NOW, damn, I love him every time he appears. He’s hilarious, I love how sassy and clever he is, I love that he has an accent (tho it’s only pointed out in the manga), I love that he gets to have little tidbits, like that he’s bad at drawing but good at mind-reading, and how he wears slippers in a school environment and just goes around teasing everyone, whether they’re teammates or opponents. Love this guy. I love how extra he is and I’m living every time he’s on screen.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Aomine (ok I talked about this quite a bit already in my Aomine rant analysis, and I mostly blame Lysapadin’s A Firm Hand series, but I just can’t get enough of the idea of these two together… [also this comic ] Imayoshi taking Aomine in hand and knowing how to handle him when no one else does, and gradually warming up to him when he stops playing tough and finally shows his soft side. good shit)
Momoi (also probably bc of A Firm Hand, but I could see these two having a very interesting relationship. They’re both extremely smart, and good at understanding people, and I really like the idea of Imayoshi taking Momoi under his wing so she doesn’t have to suffer in silence and handle everything by herself. I feel like they’d be surprisingly sweet to each other, but lesbehonest, also a potentially terrifying power couple that I almost never see done)
Kasamatsu (again, just like above, a unique dynamic and a lovely rarepair that doesn’t get talked about enough. they didn’t get nearly enough time to play off each other in canon but what we did see was damn good) 
Hanamiya (ok so… I’m not immune to this ship. I’ve seen some art, a couple fics, and it doesn’t seem to be much of a thing anymore, but still, why the hell not. they’ve got history, they’re both smart slightly evil [or very evil] shits, and they’d be such a disaster of a couple that’s why I love them)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
If not Kasamatsu, then probably Susa. They only got a little time to bond in canon, but I do love their dynamic and how chill they seem to be with each other. They remind me of a team mom/dad duo (tho I couldn’t tell you which was which lol). I could probably be talked into shipping them romantically, but I also just like the way they get along as friends and teammates. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
This is more an argument I keep having with my sister… but I actually, genuinely like this guy’s design. She thinks he looks creepy and too evil and doesn’t like that his eyes are drawn closed, but esp in the manga, he looks really polished and I like that you can tell when he gets serious by whether you can see his eyes open. (or as I say to my roommate “oh shit he’s got eyes they’re in trouble”)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish we got to see more of him just hanging with his team. Idk maybe I’m biased, but I feel like Touou in particular doesn’t get that much time devoted to, like, practice and normal everyday shit (maybe bc we got to see Kaijo twice and Shuutoku got a whole training camp plus some, but all we get of them is the hot springs scene and a very short scene at the beginning and end of the show imeanwhat) I would’ve liked to get to know this guy better and see more of how he runs his very strange individualized team, but that could just be me.  
How I feel about this character
My dude puts up with so much shit. I mean the first we see of him he’s getting kneed in the stomach by a certain dickish first-year, and he just always seems… so done with what’s going on around him. When he’s not yelling about it, which… mood, tbh. He’s relegated to little more than a background character in the anime, and only gets a liiiittle more development in the manga (as well as lots of really good faces), but tbh I’d love to see more of him. I’d love to know what he’s like as a captain and see more of how he gets along with the team; he’s the kind of hotheaded noisy player they make into the protagonist of other shows and I want to know more about him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Momoi (k a couple of my friends @spaztictwitch and @hadenxcharm actually sold me on this one. It’s a really really rare pair, but now I can’t stop thinking about it and I really like the possibilities of them as a couple.)
Aomine (again I talked a little bit about this in my Aomine essay, but I’m a sucker for this kind of ship… the love/hate dynamic, I mean. that doesn’t get old does it. and yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen content for these guys together, maybe I should take it on myself)
Sakurai (hot-tempered senpai/captain and anxious apologetic mushroom, sign me tf up these two would be Hilarious as a pairing, oh my god. I love it)
Kiyoshi (k listen. LISTEN. yes all I’ve got is the fact that they’re both centers and they only interact, like, twice, but the idea popped into my head and I think I could actually totally see it. any takers?)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Imayoshi. I don’t know if I’d ship them as a romantic pair (tho like with most things, if someone made a good case for them I’d consider it), but I do like their canonical interactions, like Imayoshi explaining the exceptions made for prodigies in sports (“do you know the golfer Tiger Woods? How about Shaq?”), and passing the proverbial hat to him when he retires as captain (“no worries, you’ll do fine!” like he’s reassuring a new parent or smth lmao). They’re good teammates even if Touou is not really about teamwork, and I like the mutual respect in how they seem to get along.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Not just a one-note guy who yells all the time. I mean, yes, he does yell and he’s got a short temper, but so does Kagami and people don’t portray him as a guy with only one emotion and that emotion is Anger. I mean… usually they don’t. Idk maybe it’s because most of his screentime involves him butting heads with Aomine, but he seems to get along with the rest of the team alright. He respects his seniors and the spirit of the team too, he’s just an all-around good guy that seems to get the short end of the stick a lot.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I have a MIGHTY NEED to see how this guy does as captain, I want to know how he does things differently than Imayoshi and how he handles all the bullshit the team throws now that it’s all gonna be landing on his shoulders. We only got a tiny scene at the end of the show demonstrating his policy about Aomine, and we barely saw him at all in the Last Game, is he doing okay?? Is he ruling Touou with an iron fist or getting into screaming matches with his kouhai? I need to Know.
Thanks so much for asking, I really appreciate the show of interest! <3 Sorry again about the delay!
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elenatria · 5 years
Chernobyl is the only show who gives us a wide variety of beautiful (shipable) persons, from nerd-twink Dmitri to pure-twink Leonid.
Do I have to make a list of Chernobyl’s badass yummy tragic shippable men?
Oh well. I’ll make a list of Chernobyl’s badass yummy tragic shippable men.
Because I’ve never seen a show with SO MANY badass yummy tragic shippable men in such few episodes. And some of them had only one memorable line. One. Line.
Do I start with Dyatlov? Watch me start with Dyatlov.
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I remember… he was the second thing that impressed me when I watched ep 1 (the first was Valery leaving many bowls to his cat and committing suicide right after. I had to re-watch the bowl scene.) I was so struck by his guy-next-door looks, I was like “what the hell am I looking at, why does he look so familiar? Why does he not look like… an actor?” And then the detached way he’d say “Akimov…” as his voice trailed off, a voice so cold yet calm and mesmerizing. I’ve never seen such a realistic “villain” before and, just to play the devil’s advocate here, it still kinda bugs me that Mazin talks about him as this super nasty irredeemable villain. I have the impression that even in the recent podcast he talks as if HBO Dyatlov and the real Dyatlov are one and the same. Lack of time to explain himself maybe? Jared starts poking into that with his mention of an excerpt in the script of the court scene where we were meant to feel some compassion for Dyatlov (34:55) (his “history and motivations”). That part was omitted in the script btw, but if anyone has seen it… 
And of course there’s the deleted scene here. That we will probably never see.
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I do understand that an auteur has to support his choices no matter what, and Mazin’s choice is Dyatlov = villain. But I do believe he is kinda absolute with some things, conveniently overseeing them, even saying that he didn’t give Jared any jokes because “Legasov wasn’t funny” (46:32) . 
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Wut? 1:14
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If he had said “I didn’t write Legasov as funny” he would have kinda owned it but the use of the past tense (”wasn’t”) implies that he meant the real Legasov. Same goes for Dyatlov I guess.
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His relationship with Toptunov. Enough said.
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Akimov wears a wedding ring and that feeds lots of “forbidden relationship” fics and I love it.
On to Toptunov. Yeah. Twinkest twink I’ve ever seen.
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And I mean these guys are on fire, and we had to watch the very last episode to find out.
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Steamy Toptumov fics? Bring them my way.
Then we have Vasily. 
Thank god I hadn’t seen The Terror before Chernobyl so I watched Adam Nagaitis’ Igantenko with pure eyes.
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To this day it hurts to watch his scenes. All of them. And it’s even worse to read his story in “Chernobyl prayer”. Soooooo much worse. Not only because it’s a true story but because his wife’s description makes you feel the pain. How a decaying body can suffer, and the people taking care of it.
I understand some fans were kinda bummed that the show didn’t dig deeper into his and Lyusya’s love story. Makes sense. But to me they’re the definition of tragic puppy love and it hurts as it is.
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And then my beloved Sitnikov with his exasperated, confident “Follow me”. I mean.
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Another ring-bearer that one.
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Aaaaaah look at that handsome confident face marry meeeeeeee. 
Bryukhanov. Another guy-next-door. Had me staring at the screen, listening to his every-day high-pitched husky voice and I was like “Did that guy jump right out of that seaside pastry shop where I was with my dad  back in the summer of 1985?”. Did they use a time machine to bring him to the show or something?
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And now I’m finding out he has a fan base. Fuck yeah.
Fomin. Ok I legit knew that guy but I couldn’t put a name on his face
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He was James Potter. ^^ And oh, he has worked before with Stellan and Emily in Breaking the waves. Somehow you feel compelled to trust that face, never mind if in “Chernobyl” he was cowardly and scared as a rat. The way he yelled “It was Dyat-lov!…” as they took him away, so beautiful, so dramatic.
And now, on to the main course.
Oh my paws and whiskers.
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He cares about Ulana SO MUCH that he follows her around on a Saturday like a puppy. Bringing her coffee and who knows what else. 
He even jokes about her dedication. But oh look, he’s dedicated too.
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Comrade, I don’t wanna say it out loud but I’m crushing on you.
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You can see Ulana is almost afraid to look into his eyes when she asks him what he’s doing there. She knows. 
But of course there are so many things keeping them apart. There’s the age difference - people would call her names even if they wouldn’t call Dmitri the same names if their ages were reversed. There’s their professional relationship that shouldn’t be compromised. There’s that ring on her finger that Dmitri doesn’t know if it’s a wedding ring, an engagement ring, or an ex-lover’s present. Does she even have eyes for him? Dmitri doesn’t know.
Even meatier stuff. 
Wanna love a character because of a single line and the way he delivers it? Yeah, Pikalov is your man.
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The steady decisive pause before his statement. The honour, the nobility, the self-sacrifice. If you didn’t know by then that “Chernobyl” was going to be the show with the biggest number of small but honourable characters, you got your first hint with Pikalov.
Another overlooked but honourable character. Shchadov.
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And he has lots of power bottom potential.
Alrightz. Fan favourite time. I don’t even have to go into details. Glukhov.
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Thank you, Mr Ferns, for being the only character in the show to deliver both noble heroic lines as well as eye candy.
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Big dick energy right there. His resigned pauses between sentences, the way he sucks in the smoke, his authority as he greets each and every soldier. Stunning.
Pavel.  *cries* 3
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If you swear to never watch the dog scenes again there is so much shippy potential in that one. Pacho prompts, here I come!!
Bacho, his war code of honour and his “I’m happy every day”.
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You *know* he’s not happy but it doesn’t matter. What matters is how he’s trying to convince everyone else that he is. His perseverance. There’s a war to be won, even if he knows he’s losing.
Last but not least: Stepashin. Give me Roose Bolton in a minor courtroom role anytime, ANYTIME.
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Honourable mention to Charkov because yeah, you know me. Because I just can’t get over this man. 
Also C-V-B. Also dub con. Don’t judge me.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
the star lords movie
Dude kept calling it The Star Lords. “Lets go see the star lords!” yeah ok bro.
We went out and got some poutine and ice cream and then fancy cocktails, it was great because we parked between the restaurant and the theater, because it’s this great old theater right in a neighborhood near our house, fantastic gilded ceilings and one single screen and lovingly restored stained glass and all-- I would not have bothered seeing a movie except here-- and finally went and saw the star war. I won’t do a spoilery review, I won’t talk about it much at all--
still, if you’re trying to go into this a total virgin, do skip the rest of this entry, as I don’t want to taint your preconceptions if a blank slate is what you’re going for. I can’t see how it even merits it, but people care about things and letting people care about things is absolutely something I can get behind in principle.
-- save to say two things: well, it wasn’t a good movie, but honestly neither was A New Hope, ok? looked at objectively, it’s about on that level, but with better sound synching and special effects. and secondly, listen, the whole price of admission was worth one single hug that happened in that movie, and it wasn’t a hug between just two people, ok, and i don’t think i have to say anything else. 
OK I’ll say a third thing-- most of the people I’ve seen who were incandescently mad about the movie were of a particular OTP’s shippers that I really don’t understand what they had to complain about. I guess they wanted it all, and what they got wasn’t enough when they wanted it all? but like. watch literally any other movie for that kind of shit, guys. No, I’m not talking about Stormpilot fans, y’all are justified and I love you forever. 
I am not feeling stirred to write any more fic about that particular media property, alas. I can’t fucking believe they had to wedge in an entire different backstory for Poe beyond the rich vein of canon material they’ve literally never had be onscreen. like, did abrams not read any of that? or get like, briefed? like when on earth did poe have time for all these careers??? whatever, it’s a star war, a signature feature of the star war from the beginning is that they don’t ever fucking respect their own canon, that’s not how they roll. So I’m not going to get disgusted about it, but I’m not going to judge anybody who does. Listen guys, all your feelings are legit. Except for those of you who THIS IS ALMOST A SPOILER PLEASE DON’T YELL AT ME IF YOU READ IT got a kiss for your OTP, and that wasn’t enough for you? Nah guys, I got no sympathy. 
OH I actually DID spot the single lesbian kiss! I had my eyes fucking peeled because I’d been spoiled enough to know when it was coming and I punched Dude in the arm and was like “THERE IT IS THERE’S THE GAY REP” and he was like “what” because he’d missed it. So like. Yeah. Well. There.
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green-blooded · 5 years
So I watched Into Darkness and wrote out my reactions to it... Again, it's going to be negative, so if that'd bother you, please don't read! All Star Trek fans are legit, even if this is a portion of the canon I don't like.
A brief summary of my reaction:
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And it's a Star Wars opening. This is a scene from a Star Wars film. The sound effects even sound like Star Wars. LIKE. I love Star Wars, but this isn't supposed to be Star Wars please stop.
I mean why should we give Uhura any characterization other than liking Spock. That would take effort or something.
I'll admit that I like Spock hanging out in a volcano wearing a disco suit. It's where he belongs. It is his home now that they blew up Vulcan. ('Cause it's a volcano, get it.)
Hey, hey omg they are almost doing a philosophical thing with Spock being willing to die for the needs of the many and McCoy yelling at him, then telling Kirk that if the situation were reversed, Spock would let him die. It's almost a Star Trek!
They're letting McCoy have lines. Wooow. I don't expect it to last.
Um... suddenly I'm in an episode of Black Mirror or something? I don't... wait holy shit that's Mickey? Who gives a shit about Sherlock, that's MICKEY. I didn't know he was in this!
Oh good, Kirk is having a threesome with alien twins. Cool. Love this. Love it. Great characterization.
OH GOOD more bickering between Spock and Kirk that is absolutely the worst and I hate it. :)
I just want McCoy in scenes. :( I just want Uhura with her own story. :( I just want to not look at Sherlock's face. :( Oh look, Mickey's already dead. :(
I don't... get Spock's characterization in these movies. I don't get what Kirk and Spock's friendship is. I don't... feel anything about it. I actually really love Kirk and Spock's friendship, and not having it work for me is a huge void, right up there with McCoy having lost his role in the trio.
So much of the sound design is Star Wars-y. It's really, really bugging me.
Chris Pine is such a likable guy. I really do enjoy when he's on screen. I don't like some of the characterization that he's been saddled with, but I like the character just fine outside of him being called Kirk.
... The conflict that made Kirk not the captain of the Enterprise and Spock not the first officer lasted for like five minutes and had no consequences wow.
Ugh, please stop having Kirk take the place of McCoy in the arguments with Spock. I hate it. It does not work, especially with McCoy not taking Kirk's role of being mediator. It's just bicker bicker bicker but without actual ethics really being brought in because?????? WHO KNOWS. Why'd they have to mess up the trio? That was the easiest thing not to mess up.
Here's what it is. The conflict between Kirk and Spock in AOS is a pissing contest with the standard TWO MEN CAN'T JUST BE FRIENDS THEY HAVE TO BE COMPETITIVE. While the conflict between Spock and McCoy in TOS is ethical and moral differences with a core of (admittedly complex) friendship. Just. Let men be friends and have real disagreements instead of just trying to play Alpha Male.
As I'm typing this, they're doing the same with Kirk and SCOTT of all people????????????? This is so not Star Trek ugh. Let people be nice to each other what the hell. Kirk is such a nice person. Let him be NICE. Let Spock be NICE. They only one they made nice is McCoy, and they only managed it giving him 0% of his edge. He's just cranky instead of a super intelligent and philosophical guy who is also Real Southern and ready to argue.
... He just made Chekov his chief of engineering? What... are... who... why is everyone on this ship twelve.
Is it just me or do they write Spock as an android instead of a Vulcan? Like... he knows how Humans work. And yeah, he sometimes plays up being non-Human on TOS, but... it just seems so overdone. Maybe I'm being too picky idk.
I continue to hate the Spock/Uhura stuff wow.
Take McCoy On Away Missions He Has No Business Going On Like Real Star Trek!!!
Oh my god even the shuttles are fucking huge. Why are all these ships so big inside? It makes everything feel much more sterile and difficult to believe.
The McCoy and Sulu interactions are A+.
Oh good, now Uhura is having a McCoy argument with Spock. Don't let McCoy have any role in this whole movie, that's fine. I mean the Bread and Circuses talk about Spock wanting to die was way better and took less screentime, but that's fine. That's fine. Let's just bluntly talk directly about Spock's Feelings instead of any kind of subtlety. God I really hate the writing.
Wow, we almost had one (badly written) conversation without an action scene. Phew, they fixed that.
Why does every iteration of Star Trek feel the need to completely redo Klingons from scratch?
Oh no, they almost have diplomacy where Uhura got to show off her skills, couldn't have that. Time for an action scene!
Every interaction Kirk or Spock has with another man in this whole fucking movie is aggressive for no reason. And even in this alternate universe, McCoy refuses the toxic masculinity. This is why I love him. He just wants to be everyone's mom friend.
Oh hey they did send McCoy on an away-- what? Did he just... flippantly refer to a Gorn? That's... they didn't... whatever. McCoy demanding to be left behind to die for the good of someone else just flies by unnoticed but it was a big deal for Spock. Okay.
Ok, the reveal that this is about Khan is more than an hour into the movie. Which is a reveal everyone knew before the movie came out and also a character that we're all familiar with. So I just kinda feel like every minute of the movie so far was just wasted on backstory. Again!
(McCoy should be in this scene where they confront Khan but whatever.)
Hey, AOS? We already know that Khan is a fucking monster, so trying to get us to feel sorry for him as if we don't know this is weird as hell. Like, these ethical quandaries it's trying to bring up are not working for me at all, because... if you're going to base this on TOS, you can't just pretend nothing in TOS happened!
Also love these reveals where I'm supposed to care what ship just showed up, but they're shining lights in my eyes so I can't even see what it is!
Nimoy was on my screen time to start paying attention again. I definitely kind of zoned out for a while there. I think I missed like five consecutive action scenes.
Again, why are we getting a reveal about Khan being evil? We... we know this. Even people who don't watch Star Trek know he's a bad guy. Why do we need Nimoy to tell us this? We're an hour and a half into the movie and still getting reveals that we should have known before the movie started!
~ This Is Dumb ~
Oh my gosh Khan betrayed them wow i didn't see that coming
Wow look at this disaster that shows why a huge fucking ship with endlessly huge corridors is maybe a bad idea because we're in space and gravity failures means everyone would fucking die. I hate this pointlessly large interior oh man.
How long do I have to watch the Enterprise fall apart before something new happens? This movie could be like half an hour long if we just cut the pointless action scenes.
Okay, time for the only actual reveal in the whole film; Kirk "dies" instead of Spock. It might be good if it didn't go on too long and make the Sad Music swell. They did hire good actors, so you'd think they'd let them use their Acting Skills instead of making it sappy and dumb with bad cinematography and overwhelming music.
So, for one thing, McCoy should be getting to Engineering to see to Kirk when he gets out, not Spock. For another thing, there is no history between this Kirk and Spock that makes this moment meaningful. Maybe it would be kinda, if you don't have Wrath of Khan (which I don't even like!) to compare it to where we have three seasons and two movies of history between two people who are actually friends! Kirk's actual friend in these movies is McCoy, WHO SHOULD BE THE ONE CALLED DOWN HERE THIS IS A MEDICAL SITUATION.
Like, it's great that you're feeling, Spock, but I'm sure not. This is so dumb.
Oh god did he just yell khan no this is so dumb this is so dumb now i AM crying this is so dumb
Love that they took the Khan storyline and drained it of any relevance by not really getting into the whole eugenics aspect.
Oh now I get to see someone who actually was Kirk's friend reacting to hsi death. Thanks for finally getting to something meaningful, movie. Oh man, I almost felt something, because Urban is a pretty good actor and McCoy's friendship with Kirk is the only relationship I care about in the AOS, but then there was a tribble and ruined it, so.
This fight between Khan and Spock is dumb, just. Dumb. It's dumb. This is dumb. Why does every action sequence go on SO LONG.
Spock's rage toward Khan makes no sense. He and Kirk barely tolerate each other in these movies, I don't get it.
McCoy and Kirk are really cute in these movies. That's all I have. Of course, we can't let McCoy talk too much, because this is the Kirk and Spock show.
Oh thank goodness, this movie is over. I am hoping I'll like Beyond, because people have said this one might not be awful. Probably going to wait until tomorrow because it's nearly midnight and I want to be in a better mood when I watch it.
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solastnightidreamt · 5 years
I felt like I was in some kind of cheesy soap opera where different storylines are happening all at once and it clips through all of them. Just so I’m not jumping all over the place I’ll keep the stories grouped together, but just know that they were all intertwined and happening at the same time. 
So.... I’m in a kind of old school hotel and there are chandeliers hanging and gold accents on the walls as I walk over to the bottom of a big ass staircase. The stairs are covered in dark green carpet and the walls are wooden as they lead all the way up into the narrow and tall building. I’m walking on them when I run into a naked guy who’s staying at the hotel. He isn’t like a perv or anything- it was kinda like he just got poofed into the staircase and then was nearly unconscious, so I grab his arms and am trying to help him. He isn’t responding so I drag him up and down the stairs looking for his room to take him back. As I’m getting close to his room a little girl comes to investigate and I tell her to stay away because that kind of scene is just all kinds of bad. Her mom comes around the corner and is very sweet and casual and tells me ‘she’s just curious and won’t be any trouble’. So the kid just kinda hangs back while I find the guy’s room and push him into it and onto the bed. When I come out of the room she’s just standing there and gives me a thumbs up. 
I end up at this press conference/party/movie promo thing and across the venue I see Jason Momoa and Henry Cavill. Quentin Tarantino is also with them but for some reason he isn’t in Quentin’s body, he is physically manifested as Gerard Butler but I know that it isn’t actually Gerard, it’s Tarantino. 
I’m kinda watching them all moving around each other doing interviews and chatting and I kinda of make out that Tarantino (in Gerard Butler’s body) and Jason Momoa are together. Like, romantically. Which makes no sense because they’re both married but still. They’re very subtle but also blatant, making out and grabbing each other when people aren’t paying attention. 
I’m sitting at a table with a computer in front of me and they’re goin about their business. Tarantino/Gerard comes and sits across from me. He tells me to put my hand flat on the table and I do. is sitting across from me. He tells me to make it flatter and I kinda laugh because that’s as flat as it goes. He kinda grins and then, as a show for me, he pretends to get angry. He tells and makes a big scene and I get all giddy because I love seeing them mad but I never get the chance because they’re legit super chill. 
People rush over to make sure everything is fine and he gets up and winks at me as he walks away with people on his ass. I’m just sitting there all swoony and turned on and my sis comes over to ask if I’m ok. I tell her I’m great and then Henry Cavill comes over and starts flirting with me. He’s holding my hand, pressing up against me and whispering to me and shit and then he tells me that I should join them. 
I ask, ‘Join who?’ and he nods over at Jason and Gerard. They’re now almost fully naked and making out and grabbing each other dick’s and shit. Henry kisses me and hands me a camera and I end up doing a shoot of the two of them while Henry encourages me. I wink and tell Henry that he should go join them so he strips off his shirt and goes over there. He’s behind them, leaning over the two of them and the three of them are kissing as I take pictures. They’re all egging me on, telling me that I need to come join them after I have my fun with the camera. 
At this point the paparazzi has caught on and people are watching and just as they go to take off their underwear and go at it the fucking memory card runs out. I yell and giggle that the card is full and they all kinda grin with each other like ‘oh, well. show’s over’ and people disperse. 
I’m sad that I didn’t get to actually see them together or join in. Henry comes over and kisses me and they promise I’lll get my chance. He escorts me to a small bus/RV thing and I get chartered away.
The RV is driving through the foothills around my hometown and the sights are awesome. Gerard/Tarantino and Henry are no longer there but my twin is with me and Jason is in the front driving. I fall asleep in the bed in the back and after a while my sister wakes me up and asks what’s going on. I tell her that Jason is just driving us around but that he’s uncomfortable in his clothes so he’s gonna change. We look up to the front and he takes off his shirt and changes it into a tank top. He winks back at me and I tell her that he’s gonna change again and then without us actually being able to see past his shoulders he takes off his pants and undies to put new ones on and when he does the horn honks because his dick is so big that it hits it. We all laugh and I kinda swoon and he keeps on driving before stopping on the side of the road at a church. 
I’m on my phone scrolling through the news and come across a headline - Dax Sheppard sells black nipples to local church - and I’m totally flabbergasted by it. When the bus comes to a stop I look out the window and we’re in front of said church in the article. I’m shocked and go in to investigate. It’s a TINY little thing and there’s only a keyboard and like 4 chairs and a small desk. It looks more like an office than it does the inside of a church, but on the one wall made of a glass window there’s this cast iron design thing that is fabricated against the glass. It’s meant to be decorative/like a screen and it’s small black swirls with little beads at the end and that’s what they claim look like nipples. It kinda does if you squint, but it’s actually really pretty and well designed and I get super pissed off. The whole article is just a bunch of assholes looking for a reason to talk shit and spread rumors about celebs. 
I’m pissed off and I leave the church but when I get outside the bus is gone. Instead there’s a big truck, like a Ram 2500 with a big ass pool connected to it on a trailer. There are some white ladies in their mid 40s that had gone to see the church. They’re all sitting around the edge of the pool with their feet in the water, commenting on it and judging, talking shit about Dax and how he should be ashamed of himself and that the church should sue him. 
I’m still stuck here and they’re about to leave so I hop on the trailer with them and just stay quiet as they keep talking all kinds of shit. The conversation shifts and they’re talking about lactose intolerance and I pipe up and mention a brand of soy milk I like. They don’t know what it is so we pull up to a Costco and I try to find it in there. They don’t sell that brand so then I tell them that they can probably just get it at their local store and I write it down for them. 
They thank me and drop me off at my aunt’s home. My mom and grandma are there and they let my childhood dog out into the backyard to pee. My sister, Joanna, and her husband show up and we’re all just hanging out on the back patio. From there we can see into the desert around the yard and there’s a coyote pup that’s lost and wandering around. My sis goes out and lets it into the yard, brings food and water for it. We warn her against it but she does it anyway and over the next few days she keeps feeding it.  
My twin, Cassy, comes over a couple days later and talks about the dangers and liability of coyotes from a legal standpoint. She tells Joanna that if it attacks someone that she’ll be liable because she took it in and even though it’s domesticated now, it’s still a ‘dangerous breed. Cassy goes on explaining the ‘percentage of guilt’ you have in the attack based on the number of bite wounds multiplied by the about of blood vessels on the human in the area where the coyote bit them. She uses our grandma as an example, saying that if the coyote attacks Ama then Joanna will be fully guilty and responsible for her death, legally and insurance wise. We’re all a little uncomfortable talking about Ama dying (because in waking life she is dead) and then Cassy and I are in the front of an apartment complex.
We’re talking about people we went to school with and some guys pop up, but he’s of little importance. As the conversation continues we end up at a party and a different guy we went to school with, JP, shows up. He’s talking to me and Cassy and one of our friends and he’s being very sexual and flirting heavily with all of us. They’re a little weirded out but I’m kind of into it because I had a big crush on him way back when. He keeps talking to me and suggests we hang out, implying that we fuck. Cassy tells me I should be wary of him because he's a swinger or some shit and is always looking for some kind of polyamorous situation to be in. 
I tell her that that doesn’t bother me and I’m actually into that. I tell her about the thing I had with Jason, Gerard/Tarantino, and Henry. She says that if I’m into it then go for it, but be careful. 
I text JP saying hi and he instantly starts apologizing for how he acted, saying he was stupid and boozed up. I tell him it’s ok and that I actually want to talk to him about it in person. He suggests a date at a restaurant but I’m busy the date he suggests, so I ask about meeting at his house later that night, keeping it low key and casual. He agrees but I can tell that he’s scared. He thinks I’m gonna report him for sexual harassment or something when really I’m planning on getting romantically/sexually involved with him. 
He agrees to the date at his place and then I’m at home in my closet looking for clothes. I am nervous and actively thinking ‘you might lose your vcard, what do you wanna wear in case you’re no longer a virgin after tonight’ and then I wake up. 
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My Thoughts on Endgame
Major spoilers and a TL;DR on how it all collapsed under its own wibbly wobbly timey wimey logic
So, to start, it was fine.  Like, it was just fine.  There were parts I liked, parts I hated, parts I refuse to except as canon (and may not have to), and parts that just didn’t make any damn sense.
And at the bottom of it all, is how the movie was “a gift to the fans” and, while unspoken, a swan song.  The fan service was TOO heavy, and it really felt as though they thought of their fanservice moments, and then built the story around those, rather than building a story and finding fanservice moments to sneak in.
Ok, things I liked:
There were genuinely funny moments, most of which didn’t feel smushed in.  Nobody likes the stairs Hulk, and I’m glad that Steve has accepted that sometimes his Cap lines are a little Too Much.
While I hated the death, I do like that Tony Stark is literally the messiah of the universe.  He didn’t owe anybody anything anymore, but he still took the step and made the sacrifice to protect his wife and his reality and his children.  Plural.
I did like Tony being done, wanting out, yelling at the group.  He was at his end and couldn’t do it anymore, and while there are legit discussions to have about CW--I think they were both wrong in a way--but the fact is he was right about the greater threat and nobody believed him.
I can’t believe a dorky photo of Peter Parker looking like a fish and messing up bunny ears and Tony Stark not smiling saved the universe.
Tom Holland is gonna win an Oscar some day.  I knew what happened going in--I HATE not knowing--so while I got teary during several points, I started blubbering when he said, “we won, Mr. Stark.  Mr. Stark, we won.  You did it, sir.”
RDJ should win an Oscar for this.  There were moments that were OOC but he still put everything into it.  Him, Nat, and Peter were really the only ones I *felt* in this movie.  
Their reunion hug--Peter coming back and being Purely Peter, and Tony looking at him, like oh my god, he’s exactly the same and I can’t believe he’s rambling like this I missed him so much.”
“Activate Instant Kill!”  Oh, my sweet baby boy Peter.  You kept the gauntlet safer than longer than anyone.
Tony Stark has been my Pretend Superhero Dad since I first saw Iron Man in 2008 in a dollar theater while munching on a sneaked-in Whopper.  He is Iron Dad, both to Morgan and his Spider-son and he took an extra step, one he didn’t have to do, to make sure they both made it ok.
Also, and I love Carol, but Thanos yeeted her the fuck off the field with the power stone.  Tony Stark withstood the power stone using his nanotech shield on Titan.  Most Powerful Avenger.
Scott is a joy.  
Cap and Mjolnir was an okay scene I enjoyed, but it was a prime example of writing the story around fanservice.  Yeah, it was fun, but it was better to imagine he couldn’t fully lift it in AoU because he knew about Bucky and the Starks, so he wasn’t fully worthy.
Now, the things I *didn’t* like:
How did Carol find the Benetar?  And how did she get it back?!  Like, I know because she’s the embodiment of the Space Stone she technically has omnipresence and/or is capable of light speed, but does that extend to other objects?  Wouldn’t it have torn the Benetar apart?  
The time jump was *off.*  And I have a hard time believing Tony would have just moved on like that.  I think he would have tried, but it was too easy, considering.
The strange mismatch between desolation--NYC, arguably the most important city in the world, is a ghost town, while other places are fine?  More on infrastructure problems later.
Hulk dabbing.  Come on.  Was that a joke on Bruce being old and out of touch, or are people still dabbing in 2023?
Thor.  Oh Thor.  His PTSD was treated as a joke--save his convo with Frigga--and it sucked, especially since they did so well with Tony’s PTSD.  That’s the writers, who we all know have had their noses up Cap’s butt since forever.
The fact that it’s implied Pepper knew Tony wasn’t really happy when he went to talk to her about solving time travel.  That he wasn’t settled, that this still weighed on him, even when it was hopeless.  Why’d she let him build that life then?  
“You can rest now.”  Yeah, ok.  Suffer so much, finally get what you want in your grasp, then your reward is death.  See above.  It cheapens his sacrifice because it’s implied he was never fully immersed and happy with his life.
Nat got done dirty.  I wasn’t ok with it.  I know it was supposed to be the final, “erase the red in her ledger” moment but why?  Like Tony, she already had. 
The infrastructure issues.  The universe was halfed, then doubled, five years apart.  Even if we accept that all of Peter’s friends and Flash were snapped, still doesn’t fly.  See below for a possible out.
Cap.  Oh Cap.  My guy is dead but at least he’s The Hero.  But they ruined Cap’s character.  I don’t for a second believe he’d just sit and hide with Peggy.  And they discussed heavily what happens when you subtract something from a timeline, and the splits, but what happens when you ADD something?  I know the implication is that he was always Peggy’s husband, but it still doesn’t work, for the timelines stuff AND his character.  And who’d he steal the shield from?  He took something!  And I don’t for a single second believe he went to Vormir.  Nope.   This was Steggy fanfic.  And I don’t honestly care, but the fact is that he’s been working on moving FORWARD.  A man out of his time trying to find himself.  He literally took a step backwards.
Ok, adding on to that, the timey wimey nonsense.  The movie spent SO MUCH TIME explaining the logic of their own rules and then don’t follow them.  Here are some diagrams from my childhood bestie who gets time shit more than I do.
Apparently here is what they were trying.
Tumblr media
They seesaw back and forth, but in the end Timeline F is the same as Timeline A, or the one they started from.
BUT, here’s her diagram of what actually happened:
Tumblr media
It’s a big fat mess, and if the End Timeline is F, then the timeline where Tony snaps is D, and it got very confusing very fast.  She’s going to type it up for me, but apparently the last third of the movie can’t exist per their own logic, least of all the end, especially because we don’t know exactly what Tony wished for.  Was it the destruction of Thanos?  What happens when you add a past to a future then delete that past?  Where’s that timeline?  What happened with Steve’s stuff?  LOKI? A1 never ended because they literally took it. It’s not there anymore.  Steve stealing the Pym Particles?!  He took something and didn’t put it back. Another branch off.  Did Tony wish, “give me what I need to fix this?”  IF he did that, she posits, he smushed the timelines together to make everything coherent, AND potentially fix the infrastructure issues, so while A Tony’s BODY may have died, which Tony was it?  Did he have a moment in the soul stone, like Thanos?  Is that a requirement?  What did he do/say there?  (Also, just pointing out, never trust a funeral without a body, and the power of the Soul Stone is literally that no death is permanent.  That’s its canonical power!!)
There’s so much mess and I’ll have more when my friend sends along her stuff.  But I have NO problem deleting most of this from my mind, and I already have ideas to fix it, but I’ll leave those stories in the hands of people better able to tell them (I’m looking at you, @iron--spider) because I’m a dialogue bitch myself. 
I told @iron--spider last night I felt adrift, and typing this out I know why.  I’m not mourning, I’m not excited.  I’m devastated by Tony’s death but there’s so many logic holes my brain isn’t even struggling to see a way around it.  I’m livid about Steve, because he went backwards.  Thor’s trauma was played for laughs.  I have no satisfaction because of ALL THE HOLES, and because they literally wrote a story around fanservice--a huge amount of it their own--instead of writing the story and then adding fanservice to it.  
It was fine.  I’ll probably buy it when it’s released, but I don’t need to see it again.  And I’m curious about Far From Home because of the infrastructure but I don’t know if I’ll wait until it’s out on video just because I don’t have any urge to watch Peter Parker mourn another parent.
In the meantime, until the fix-its start rolling in, here’s a ready-made fix-it that Iron--spider wrote last year, to hold us through:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15183011/chapters/35211239
It was fine.  And so full of holes it doesn’t even cement its own canon, despite what Disney officially decided to put on the big screen.  
“I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”
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