#ok maybe a little bit of smugness when I see people flailing over things I KNEW was gonna be good
yorshie · 10 months
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ticklystuff · 3 years
Kuya and Bunso
summary: modern au where thoma is fluent in tagalog and aether is interested in learning
warnings: this is a tickle fic
word count: ~1.8k
a/n: ok so i found out recently that thoma’s english va is filipino and @danibby and i are both filipino too so we started talking about how thoma would be fluent in tagalog and he’d know a lot about filipino culture and he’d share his knowledge and experience with aether and that’s how the idea for this fic came about. i’m not fluent in tagalog but i can understand it perfectly fine and know a decent amount of words off the top of my head so hopefully this didn’t come out too bad but ya if you’re fluent in tagalog pls feel free to scalp me
“Paa? Uhhh, paa,” Aether mumbled to himself as he scanned Thoma’s body, looking for the body part that matched what Thoma was saying.
Aether bit his lip in thought as he replayed the word over and over in his head. Learning a new language was a lot more difficult than Aether was expecting and he wasn’t sure how Thoma managed. Granted, Thoma did have to travel abroad for his work in the Philippines and if he wanted to live comfortably in a foreign place, adapting to their language and culture would have been necessary.
Now, though, Thoma was back permanently from his business trip, having only visited home a couple times for one week max during the two years he had to spend there. Every time he flew home for a visit, Thoma would bring back many stories and experiences, as well as souvenirs, or pasalubong, to share amongst his family and friends. Aether loved hearing about the friendly people, the white sands of Boracay, the delicious street food that often gave Thoma food poisoning, and many more and this only helped to spark Aether’s interest in the Philippines. He often found himself spending most of his weekends at Thoma’s place, learning a little bit more about their culture each time. 
Since Aether was so interested in the Philippines, Thoma started giving him Tagalog lessons, hoping it’d be enough to prepare Aether if he so chose to make the trip one day, but learning a new language is never easy, so the two had to think of creative ways to get Thoma’s lessons to stick, which led to Thoma coming up with their current game.
“You have ten seconds to figure out what ‘paa’ is,” Thoma told Aether with a smirk as he watched the other start panicking. “Isa..”
Aether’s mind started racing as Thoma started to count to ten in Tagalog, knowing full well what would happen if he failed to guess correctly. At the last moment, Aether jumped for Thoma’s feet at the end of the bed, giving the socked soles a few tickles, hearing Thoma burst into giggles from behind him. He had made a blind guess and hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite him.
“Okay, okahahahay!” Thoma sat up and pulled his leg away from Aether, wrapping his arms around his stomach as he let his giggles subside. “Okay, you were right. ‘Paa’ means feet.”
Aether cheered to himself and was rewarded with a high five from Thoma, while mentally breathing a sigh of relief, happy he had made the right choice. As part of today’s language lesson, Thoma wanted to teach Aether different body parts in Tagalog. Instead of just telling Aether what certain body parts were called in Tagalog, Thoma decided to add a little twist to today’s lesson, claiming it’d help Aether retain the information after today. As part of the “game”, Thoma would give Aether a body part in Tagalog and Aether would have to guess which one Thoma was referring to by tickling the specific area on Thoma’s body to lock in his answer. If Aether guessed right, then they moved on to the next word, but if he was wrong, then Thoma got to tickle him back by targeting the correct spot that he was referring to. It was an exciting game that kept Aether on edge because of how ridiculously sensitive he was everywhere and he knew Thoma chose tickling on purpose due to how many times they’d gotten themselves into tickle fights. At least this specific method would help properly cement some of the words into Aether’s brain.
“Alright, let’s see,” Thoma said to himself as he let his body plop down onto the bed once more, tucking both of his hands under his head. “Let’s do one a little harder.”
“Bring it on, kuya,” Aether told him as he crossed his arms together, his voice laced with the slight bit of confidence.
Thoma couldn’t help but playfully roll his eyes at the smug expression plastered on Aether’s face. “How about ‘kili kili’ this time?”
Aether definitely knew this one. Within seconds, he was on top of Thoma, having pounced straight for his stomach, giving no time for Thoma to prepare for the wiggling fingers digging into the thin grey t-shirt that protected his tummy. Since he was attacked without warning, Thoma let out a half-shriek half-squeal, followed by a steady stream of giggles.
“Wrohohong! You’re wrohohong!” Thoma tried to tell him through his giggling, attempting to slap Aether’s hands away with his own when the other kept up the tickling.
“No, you’re definitely lying!” Aether protested, his fingers digging in slightly more, insisting that he was right again. He knew he wasn’t wrong.
“Nohohoho! AHAHAHAHAHA!” Thoma’s giggles turned into full-blown laughter once Aether had turned things up a notch. He started kicking his legs and continued to cry out that Aether was incorrect, eventually managing to catch Aether’s wrists with his own hands.
“Wait, was I actually wrong?” Aether awkwardly chuckled as he looked down at Thoma’s red face, watching the other catch his breath from the tickling. 
“Y-Yeah,” Thoma managed to pant out. After recovering, he sat up on the bed and released Aether’s left arm, but still held onto the right, slowly lifting it up into the air over Aether’s head. “Stomach in Tagalog is tiyán. Kili kili means armpit.”
“Oh,” Aether muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed at his confident mistake. It wasn’t long, though, before he felt a single finger wiggle along the inside of his underarm at the edge of his sleeve, eliciting giggles from Aether.
“You were getting pretty cocky a minute ago. What happened?” Thoma couldn’t help but tease as he watched Aether squirm around, but Thoma continued to hold Aether’s wrist over his head. His finger managed to slip under the hem of the short-sleeved shirt, causing Aether to jerk around even more.
“Hehehehahaha! I’m sohohohorry!” Aether burst into hysterical laughter as he felt Thoma begin to add in more fingers scribbling against the pale skin. He tried his best to pull away, but Thoma kept his grip on his arm tight and his other hand simply chased Aether around wherever he wiggled his body.
After about a minute of tickling, Thoma finally released Aether’s arm, but still attempted to keep up the tickling, laughing playfully as he chased Aether around on the bed. Aether did his best to scoot away, but he simply wasn’t quick enough and soon felt both of Thoma’s hands in his armpits. He tried to protect his sensitive spots by clamping his arms to his body, but that only trapped Thoma’s hands in his underarms and Aether soon fell back into hysterics as he felt Thoma’s poke and pinch the tickly areas.
“Thomahahaha! Stohohohop!” Aether cried out once he felt Thoma’s hands move down to his sides, breaking the rule of the game. He squealed when he felt both of his sides being pinched, causing him to squirm back and forth as Thoma laughed along with how silly Aether looked.
“Alright, alright.” Thoma removed his hands and sat back, laughing as Aether pushed himself away and crossed his arms at him.
“You said you’d go easy,” Aether whined with a pout.
“Hehe, sorry, couldn’t resist,” Thoma told him, laughing when Aether stuck his tongue out at him. “But alright, let’s move onto the next. Hmm, how about ‘bunso’?”
Bunso? Aether’s definitely heard this one before, but he was having trouble picturing it. He bit his lip in thought, watching as Thoma laid down on the bed again. He didn’t want to mess up again like last time, but Thoma started counting out loud again and Aether couldn’t help but begin to panic for a second time.
“W-Wait, I need more time,” Aether said, but Thoma didn’t stop counting and it didn’t help that he seemed to be enjoying how nervous Aether was from the smirk on his face. The three spots that they had gone over already were feet, stomach, and armpits, so maybe bunso meant ribs? Only one way to find out.
“Wrohohohong!” Thoma managed to say through his laughter, brushing Aether’s hands away with his own.
“Ugh, I have no idea,” Aether sighed, pulling away as Thoma sat up once more. “What’s bunso?”
“Well, it’s a special word, I guess,” Thoma told him as he brought his hands to Aether’s sides, but didn’t actually start tickling, allowing his hands to rest where they were.
“So it means sides- Ahahahaha!” Aether squirmed around as Thoma began tickling him once more, but Thoma simply pounced on him, straddling Aether to keep him still.
“Actually, bunso means youngest sibling,” Thoma explained over Aether’s laughter.
“In Filipino culture, we often refer to people that we’re close with that are slightly older as ‘kuya’ or ‘ate’, which mean older brother or older sister respectively, so I’m your ‘kuya’ in this case,” Thoma continued, digging even more into Aether’s sides, having to speak up as his laughter crescendoed. “Since you’re younger than me, that means you’re ‘bunso’, or the youngest.”
“Cheheheater!” Aether cried out, slapping the mattress with his hands weakly as Thoma continued to tickle him. Bunso wasn’t even a body part, so how was he even supposed to get that? Was he just supposed to tickle himself??
“Sorry to be deceiving,” Thoma snickered to himself, “but since you’re the bunso, that means I get to tickle you wherever.”
With that, Aether felt Thoma’s hands move over to his tummy, wailing as he felt his fingers dancing along the piece of bare skin that was revealed from his shirt riding upwards. His legs kicked and his arms flailed around as Thoma continued tickling one of his death spots, mentally slapping himself for falling for one of Thoma’s cheap tricks. He knew he would pull something like this at some point when Thoma brought up tickling as a potential learning tool.
“Wow, my bunso is so ticklish,” Thoma teased as Aether’s bright laughter filled the room, his fingers getting dangerously close to Aether’s bellybutton. 
“Thohohoma! Plehehehease!”
“Hmm, call me kuya instead.”
“KuhuhuyahAHAHAHA!” Aether shrieked when he felt one of Thoma’s fingers briefly dip into his navel, sending a surge of tickly sensations to his brain.
“Okay, okay, kuya’s sorry,” Thoma laughed as he removed himself from Aether, sitting beside the other boy on the bed as Aether recovered.
“You cheated,” Aether complained through his breathy pants, slapping playfully at Thoma’s arm from where he lay.
“Sorry, it was just too easy,” Thoma giggled to himself. “Tell you what; I’ll let you tickle me for as long as you want.”
Aether sat up excitedly, his eyes filled with vengeance. “Does kuya promise?”
Thoma couldn’t help but chuckle nervously to himself, already feeling a bit of regret. “Heh, yeah, kuya promises.”
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cosmic-affinities · 5 years
Loathing....Right? Ch3
The two scenarios in this chapter are meant to be happening at the same time so hopefully, it isn’t too confusing!
Read on AO3 Here
The next weeks flew by quickly the six 8th years seemingly always in Harry and Draco’s room, to the chagrin of the latter. Although it was always the end of the night where things become stretched thin. Harry had seen Malfoy (they were still Malfoy and Potter to the disappointment of the two women) swipe the hair off of his forehead at least eight times in the last ten minutes they had been working. The platinum colour was distracting, especially since it was slightly grown out and not under the weight of a tub of gel.
Draco had to resist the urge to magically stick Potter’s glasses to his face at any given moment. He couldn’t even begin to describe the way Potter moved around, graceless one moment and using his Seeker reflexes the next, it caught him off guard. The way Potter’s face scrunched when he was too concentrated, it was positively annoying, and he wouldn’t even start on the ill-fitting muggle clothing.
The icing on the cake for Harry was how thrown off he was by Malfoy’s voice, in the morning it was unrecognizable next to his usual drawl, after being quiet too long his voice would be scratchy. It made Harry’s head reel.
Everything about the other seemed to make their flesh begin to crawl, the driving force behind the crawl though, was still unknown.
“Oh, Prongslet! How are you? I feel like I haven't heard your voice in ages! Tell me everything, like who your roommate is and how your classes are. Tell. Us. Everything.”
“Sirius, breathe let him talk. Go ahead Harry, we’re listening.”
“Alright, I guess. You want to hear about my roommate,” Harry started slowly but at the mention of his roommate his words came out faster. “Well let me tell you, I can never focus with him around, he has some of the most annoying tendencies. Ok like his hair, it's unnaturally blonde and he pushes it around every two seconds making it absolutely impossible to do anything. Oh! And his voice, Merlin you guys I don’t know how people do it when he wakes up his voice doesn’t sound normal, hearing him talk like that makes my head reel. Or! When he hasn’t spoken for a little while his voice gets all scratchy. Even. Worse.”
“Oh, wow ok. Harry? Who is this mystery man? I think we need to talk about this a bit more.”
“That’s the thing, Remus! McGonagall put me with Malfoy!”
Both Sirius and Remus thanked Merlin that Harry couldn’t see their faces, both were sitting, mouths wide open trying not to laugh. Sirius decided to speak up, he wanted to help Harry figure this out.
“Wow, McG has not lost her touch. Let me tell ya Moons; she has a way with Potter’s and Evan’s remember your prefect to his head boy stunt? That was good, but I think this might just be better!”
Sirius couldn’t help but think back to his own time at Hogwarts, very similar to Harry’s time.
“Love, let's talk to Harry now then we can reminisce, ok?”
“Yes yes! Of course! You were always the smart one moons! Harry? Are you listening? Good, I think you may have some strong feelings for Malfoy,” Sirius wanted to try and soften the blow a little bit “-L-word feelings.”
Remus shot him a look, it seemed to say ‘Really L-word was the best you could do?’
“You know what Padfoot, I think you’re right!”
Shock radiated off of the older pair, they were not expecting him to agree so quickly, they had just suggested that he loves someone he is convinced he hates. They seemed to have jumped to a conclusion too soon.
“I absolutely loathe him.”
“Prongslet, I don’t think the L-word Sirius was talking about was loathing.” Remus trailed off, he could only do so much to help Harry.
“Well, either way, that's what it is. Loathing….. Right? It has to be. Yes! Ok, wow I feel better.”
The couple only gaped, they had just witnessed Harry flit through three emotions in about three seconds.
“Yes, my moonbeam?”
“Remind me to never let you lead this kind of conversation, ever again.”
“Of course, my moony. I don’t think I would ever let myself either way.”
“Good. Ok, now Harry?”
“Yeah, Remus?”
“Why don’t you keep telling us about Malfoy? I know it must be nice to vent I remember you saying no one else understood because they were all happy with their roommates, so let it out while you can.”
“Moony what are you doing?”
“Just listen ok? I’m trying to help him.”
Their whispers stopped as soon as Harry began again, blissfully unaware of the pair’s internal battle.
“Where was I? Right, everything he does just gets under my skin! Ugh, he, he- I don’t know.”
“Drives you crazy?” Remus supplied helpfully.
“Yes! Remus exactly! How’d you know that?”
“‘Cause I had a very similar experience at Hogwarts, in my 5th year.” He glanced at Sirius wistfully, thinking back to that time, seemed so long ago but still fresh in their minds.
“Well then, who was your Malfoy?”
“Your Godfather.”
He said it so matter of factly as if the statement wouldn’t make Harry’s walls come crashing down around him. The silence loomed on, Remus thought Harry would fill it, eventually, he did, but only briefly.
“How’d you know it was the good kind of crazy?” Compared to a moment ago, Harry seemed subdued, maybe thoughtful. Definitely introspective.
“Oh, um. I guess it was when I realized the only reason his hair bothered me was because I wanted to run my fingers through it, and I wanted to kiss the smug look off of his face every time he teased me instead of wanting to punch him. Oh, and when he woke up saying my name, I never wanted him to stop.”
Everyone was quiet for a moment when Harry broke through the tension by speaking.
“Well, fuck.”
Sirius was so surprised, he couldn’t help but let out a bark of laughter but he quickly covered his mouth. His plan would have worked too, but when he heard Remus start to giggle he could no longer hold it together. Soon the three were all laughing like madmen.
“Wow, now I just feel really dense, like it was so obvious to everyone but me. OH NO! IT WAS SO OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE BUT ME! Shit shit shit! Merlin and Godric! Hermione probably knows! Hell, half of Hogwarts probably knows! McGonagall probably knows! Ah! How will I ever be able to face these people?! You guys! This sucks! OH NO WHAT IF MALFOY KNOWS!?! Ok, now I need help finding a hole to throw myself into!”
“Harry! Calm down, you are acting as if this is your first crush. Wait, is this your first crush?”
“Well yeah! Look, Remus, when a mass murderer is trying to well, Mass Murder you, crushes aren’t really at the top of your priorities! I didn’t have time for crushes!      Well, maybe I had more time than I thought! OH MY GODRIC I basically stalked him in sixth year! This is Bad!”
“Prongslet, calm down! We can help you through this, Moony and I danced around each other at Hogwarts and look at how we ended up!”
“Padfoot, I was not lucky enough to fall in love with my best friend. This would be like Peter falling in love with Snivellus!” The two remaining marauders shuddered, but he did have a point.
“Wait, Harry did you say love?”
“Well yeah. It’s not every day you realize you've had a big ole crush on your archnemesis for half of your life, I think at this point it would be silly to not call it as it is, it's been so long it wouldn’t be right to call it anything but love I guess.” A certain sadness radiated from his voice, he sounded like he had given up on something he never even started.
“Oh Harry, I wish I could wrap you in a hug. Don’t sound so sad though, I can tell with utmost confidence that you Potter’s have a certain knack for making people go from hating you to loving you. I know you’ve heard your parents’ story, asking her out every day, the infamous ‘toerag incident’ but I happen to know another one. You see your grandparents took me in when my family didn’t, gay was the topper of the disappointment cake for old Walburga. Anyway one day your grandmother, Euphemia, sat James and I down to tell us the story of how she and your grandfather got together. It was a long and heartwarming story that started with the two of them a year apart at Hogwarts, severely hating each other due to an unfortunate quidditch mishap. But towards the end you grandfather, Fleamont, walked in and all he said was ‘despite the anger I would give everything up for her, nothing is worth losing her.’ which for him was a lot, he was rich and popular but would have given everything away in a heartbeat if it meant he could be with your grandmother. Look, Harry, you can do this, anyone would be a fool to let you move on without them.”
“Thanks, Padfoot, no one has ever told me that story, maybe I can do this. Hell, I'm more scared to face him than I was to face Voldemort, I think I just need time for him to become Draco, and not Malfoy before I go professing my love, not loathing. I still can’t believe it took me this long.”
The three spent the rest of their call joking and enjoying each other's company. Harry went to bed that night feeling better than he thought he could.
“Pansy! Why did you have to befriend all of the Gryffindors?!”
“Draco, by ‘all the Gryffindors’ do you mean my roommate and the roommates of my two best friends? If you do, then I’m not going to answer your question because its stupid.” Pansy didn’t look up from her nails, she was focused on painting them to perfection.
“Yes, Pansy! I would have been more than happy to ignore my roommate and gotten this year over with quickly, it has been two weeks and they have lasted about a month! Salazar Potter is absolutely the worst!” Draco was walking back and forth, flailing his arms, Pansy seemed disinterested as if she knew what was bound to happen.
“Tell me how awful he is Draco, maybe hearing it out loud will help you realize how mental you are to try and hate the golden boy.” Pansy’s mock encouragement only spurred Draco on.
“Well, first of all, I can’t believe McGonagall would even out us as roommates, it's as if she is asking for a situation! And Potter, ugh I can’t even describe how annoying he is all the time. His mannerisms are so peculiar it's just impossible!”
“So, basically he is a person who has habits. Like everyone.” Pansy deadpanned.
“No! Not like everyone, does everyone rub their face every three seconds? He acts as if someone is flicking him constantly, it's so distracting that, in potions, I put in the wrong ingredient and ruined the brew! And on top of that! He always wears ratty muggle clothes that hang off of him as if it was made for a giant! How am I meant to focus when there is a fashion crisis constantly near me?!”
“Draco, why are you so bothered by him? You aren’t nearly this bothered by Ron and Hermione.”
“You don’t understand what it is like to room with him! Are you even listening to me? His face, his clothing, everything about him! He, he just makes me ugh I don’t even know! My skin starts to crawl when he is close to me!”
“Tell me something Draco, when Harry is around you-”
“I also hate that you and Blaise call him that!”
“Draco, don’t interrupt me! Does Harry make your pulse rush? How about: make you turn red in the face?”
Draco paused mulling over the question.
“You know what, yeah he does! It's awful, it’s as if he's about to attack me! But here’s the worst part! He isn’t about to attack me, which is even weirder.”
“Draco, you know I feel the same way around Hermione, my heart won’t relax and she consumes my focus.”
“Then how can you stand to be around her?!”
Pansy looked aside, her expression showing how done she was with Draco’s impression of the situation.
“Because darling, I don’t hate her. I have a crush on her.”
“How is that similar to Potter and I at all? I absolutely loathe him. And Pansy, you should tell me these things when I'm Not in the middle of a rant.”
“Draco, it is exactly the same, except you are being too dense to realize it! I really don't think you loathe him at all, in fact, I’m pretty sure you have had a crush on him for years!”
As Pansy finished her sentence the pair heard an indistinct yell from down the hall, from the direction of Draco’s room.
“I’m not going to entertain your crazy fantasy, just because I am gay and ranting about a guy doesn’t mean I have a crush on him, someone I dislike! And what is going on over there? Who is yelling, I'm pretty sure Potter is in there on a firecall!”
“Draco this isn’t a gay thing! This is a you and Harry thing! I have listened to you go on and on about him for years, as children I didn’t know any better but now you just sound stubborn and unaware of your own feelings!”
“Pansy, look I don’t like him I barely tolerate him! Right? Of course, he is a menace! Look, you are making me question my own judgment!”
“You should be questioning yourself! At this rate, you are more blind than Harry and his glasses are nearly an inch thick!”
“Pansy! Honestly what makes you think I like him?”
“Look Draco, I'm sure if asked you could tell me the little details of his face, or his normal nighttime schedule, but I ask you the same thing about Blaise, who you roomed with for years, you wouldn’t be able to tell me the first thing about it. And I can see the way you perk up when someone says his name, I just hoped you would come to the conclusion on your own.” The pair sat quietly, only hearing general distress coming from Draco’s dorm but Draco finally spoke up.
“Damn it Pans, why couldn't you have said something sooner? Now I just feel like a hopeless idiot.”
“Well darling, most people don’t need to be made aware of their own feelings. And you are an idiot, not hopeless but an idiot all the same.”
“Does everyone know but me?! No, they can't. We have hated each other for years, no one other than you and maybe Blaise could know, right? Ugh having a crush is stressful, that's why i don’t get them.”
“Draco, you act as if having a crush is like catching a disease.”
“It basically is, like I said, that's why I don't get them.”
“Darling I hate to break it to you,” Pansy’s focus shifted back to her nails “But you do realize that the only reason you don't have crushes is because you have had the same one for years right?”
“Whatever Pansy! You need to help me figure out how to fix this! How am I supposed to room with someone I have a crush on?!”
“The same way you have been since we came back, the only difference is you will be 100% more shirtless at any given opportunity, that should be enough to get his attention!”
“Pansy, we don’t even know if he is gay! I don’t want to embarrass myself, I do have to live with him for the rest of the year!”
“Well i happen to know that he is gay, and Hermione and I are pretty sure he has a crush on you!’
“How could you possibly know that he is gay? And of course, I’ll trust a Gryffindor telling you that Harry Freakin Potter has a crush on me, that doesn’t sound suspicious or anything!”
“Well, Draco unlike you, I actually talk to Harry and he told me himself that he is gay, And please do cut back on the sarcasm, people across the castle can hear it I’m sure.”
“Pansy! Why didn’t you tell me?! Well, not that I would’ve listened before this but either way a casual mention, while we were talking, would have been great!”
“I assumed you knew! Whatever that is beside the point, you need a plan to seduce him!”
“Pansy he hates me, there’s no way I could ‘seduce’ him without getting seriously injured first.”
Some more indistinct yelling came from Draco’s dorm, Draco thought it sounded like Harry, not that he would ever admit to being able to pick his voice out so easily.
“What is that noise? Who is yelling?” Pansy asked she seemed irritated at being interrupted again, no matter how indirect it was.
“Potter is in there on a firecall, probably just excited about something, just ignore him.”
“Draco, how did you manage to get all of that from two yells? He sounds crazy, you can’t even tell what he’s saying!”
“Isn’t it obvious? The yells have been far enough apart that you can tell no one is in distress, we already knew he was on a firecall, presumably with people he enjoys talking to since the year just started and he's already talking to whoever it is, and plus the yell did sound suspiciously like ‘oh my Godric’ something only a true Gryffindor would say. It's simple really”
“Darling none of that was simple, you sound like Sherlock Holmes, it's kind of scary how well you know him.”
“Oh whatever, at least Sherlock is well respected, Doyle was able to make a truly good character for wizards and muggles surprisingly.”
“Can we not talk about ancient wizard authors? We have something much more important on hand!”
“I’m sure Hermione wouldn’t mind discussing wizard authors with you.” Draco shot her a suggestive eyebrow raise and enjoyed the blush that rose to her cheeks. “Oh did you think i had forgotten that I am not the only one with a crush on their roommate?”
“Draco I do not need your help seducing Hermione, I already have a plan and you seem to be getting nowhere with your roommate so I suggest you stop teasing me or else I won't help you with Harry anymore!”
“Alright alright, I'm only kidding, do keep me updated on how everything goes with her, you are still my best friend and I do like to know these things.”
“Yes yes, of course, I will, you know that. Now I think you should just start throwing small hints, maybe sit a little closer to him and start conversations when you two are alone just so we can see how he reacts.”
Draco pondered the information for a moment and nodded his head. “Starting slow sounds good, I don’t necessarily fancy getting myself hexed because I hit on Potter.”
“He said nearly the same thing about getting you out of bed that first morning here, you two really are oblivious when it comes to each other, and you should really call him Harry, be friendly.”
“Calling him anything other than Potter or Scarhead would be weird so unless he asks me specifically to call him by his first name I will stick to Potter.”
“Fine fine, I knew I was pushing it a little, would you call him Harry if he called you Draco?”
“Probably not, unless he asks me to in the same breath as he says my name, I’m going to go with no.”
“Alright fine, I’ll see what I can do.”
The pair sat and talked for a while longer, straying away from their conversation about their respective Gryffindor crushes, they hadn’t been able to talk alone for quite a while, school was already beginning to get tough.
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mainstream-deviant · 5 years
For your prompts, how about euroship and a very weird but also very romantic date? :0
I thought long and hard about what would make a “very weird but also very romantic” date, and then I suddenly realized that two words were all I needed to get started for these two: Death. T.  ;)
I hope this fits what you were looking for, anon! Thanks for the excuse to write euroshipping. Lol!
Summary: One night, Ryou casually asks if Seto ever thinks his love of the macabre is a little...well, odd. Seto decides it's time for a rather unique date to show Ryou he’s not the only one who can have a twisted taste in entertainment.
Rating: PG (I have somehow made Death T cute, wtf is wrong with me)
Word Count: ~1750,  below the cut or here on A03
It had been a quiet evening so far. Seto was making good progress fixing the latest mess out of the tech department – three idiots fired, and counting - and Ryou had spent the early evening putting the final touches on his latest ghoul figurine. When he finished, he'd gleefully shown off how the dangling entrails on this one had come out before putting it in the display to dry with the others. He had quite the collection of them by now, each with its own grotesque personal touches lovingly painted by hand.
But now, Seto noticed Ryou was staring into the display with a contemplative look on his face. Maybe he was halfway through fleshing out his third campaign idea of the night. That wouldn't be at all unusual. Seto would have been content to leave him to his thoughts and continue his work in silence, but Ryou’s soft voice interrupted him before he could open the next document for review.   
“Does it bother you at all that I keep collecting the same things over and over? It must get a bit repetitive for you, watching me paint blood splatters for the thousandth time…”  
Seto remained silent for a long moment, and then took a loud slurp of coffee from his custom-printed Blue-Eyes mug to get Ryou’s attention. Once he had it, he fiddled with his pale blue pen and looked pointedly between the small dragon figurines on his desk and the artwork on the wall. “…no.”  
Ryou let out a short burst of laughter. “Yes yes, that’s an entirely fair point.” Ryou walked over, and Seto shifted in his chair so Ryou could lean against him more comfortably. “But still, I know some of your employees are rather uncomfortable with all the macabre things I keep adding to the decor. Doesn’t it ever seem a little odd to you?”  
Seto scoffed. “Hardly. Conventional passions are for dweebs. And if the maid doesn’t like it, she can find employment elsewhere.” He paused to take another sip of caffeine. “It would be hypocritical for me to criticize you for building horror-themed items, at any rate.”  
Ryou gave him a deadpan look. “If you think your Blue-Eyes is anything even close to horror, I haven’t educated you properly.”  
Seto shook his head and brushed the statement away with a flick of his fingers. “I was referring to Death T, of course.” He lifted his coffee to his lips for another sip.  
“What’s that?”  
Seto raised an eyebrow. “Surely your little geek patrol told you about that.”  
“I don’t think so?”  
Seto scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Even after all of Joey’s horrified warnings when we started dating, he missed out on telling you about that. It’s extraordinary how he still finds new ways to be incompetent after all this time.”  
Ryou poked him hard in the shoulder. “Be nice. And tell me what ‘Death T’ is. That sounds interesting.”  
Seto leaned back in his chair. “Death-T is the theme park I created in an attempt to kill Yugi outright, shortly after we first met. It goes without saying that I had some issues at the time.”  
He was met with silence, but the look on Ryou’s face was priceless. Seto made a snap decision then and there, and closed his laptop before holding out his hand for Ryou.  “Would you care to accompany me for the evening? I’ll have the car brought around.”   
Ryou gave him a huge smile and nodded as he took his hand.   
On the way, Seto gave Ryou a quick history of the event and how it had come to pass. Ryou had wavered between delightedly horrified and genuinely concerned, both for his friends and what Seto must have been going through at the time. His gentle fingers caressing Seto’s hand were comforting when he came to speaking about Mokuba’s role in the whole thing. It was still hard to talk about.   
They arrived, and Seto lead Ryou towards the building. Ryou looked at the gleaming walls in confusion. “It doesn’t look very abandoned, Seto. I thought you said this was from years ago.”  
“Originally, it was. But the lower floors make an excellent seasonal attraction for the Halloween crowds, and the upper levels were intended for tabletop games in the first place. There was no reason to not continue to benefit from the original build. The new version has been thoroughly safetied and the public backstory is quite different, of course.”  
Ryou nodded. “Of course.” He followed Seto into the building. “Will we be able to see it all, though? It’s a little early for Halloween, yet.”  
“Of course. I had Isono call ahead and have them prepare the T2 level for our arrival. I think you’ll enjoy that one more than the others.”  
“And what’s on that level?”  
Seto just smirked down at Ryou’s eager face. “Wait and see.” As the elevator zipped them up to the second floor, he watched Ryou’s excitement build with a sense of satisfaction. Yes, this outing would certainly worth a late report or two.   
They exited the elevator into a small, plain room. There wasn’t much to see here, except for a rickety old cart with over-the-top restraints waiting for each guest. Ryou scurried right over to it, prodding at the wires with great curiosity. “Is it some sort of electric chair roller coaster, then?”  
Seto followed at a more dignified pace. “It’s more of a haunted house ride than a roller coaster. There are several surprises along the way, but no sudden drops. As to the electric chair theme, there’s an option for the chairs to give small electric shocks if the guests scream – just enough to make things more interesting. The challenge is to get through the ride without reacting, in that case. Gamers like an extra challenge.”  
“Sounds like fun.” Ryou looked up with an eager grin. “It must be absolutely terrifying, if you were trying to scare Yugi to death with it.”  
“Not so much scare as electrocute. The original schematics had the chairs deliver a million volts, not a tiny spark.”  
Ryou just blinked at him.   
“As I said, I had some issues.”  
The corners of Ryou’s mouth quirked up just a fraction. “ Yes, apparently. Well then, even if it’s not that scary I still want to try it. C’mon!”   
Seto allowed himself to be pulled into the cart by the elbow, and helped Ryou get strapped in properly. Despite his suggestion to the contrary, Ryou insisted on having the “full experience”, shocks and all, so Seto grudgingly set his controls to react to noise. With that task completed, Ryou gave a him cheerful thumbs up, and they were off.   
Ryou didn’t last long. Seto had told him he wouldn’t. As soon as the first holographic zombie came shambling into view with an overly theatric moan, he let out a little snicker. This was followed immediately by a yelp, as the cuffs gave him a zap.   
“Hey, that’s not fai - ack!-“ Ryou glared at his wrist. “I was just laughi - eep!- would you- ah!- oh, piss off, you stupid machine, no one asked you.” Ryou, who by now was caught in a feedback loop of laughter and wincing, squirmed one hand out of the cuffs and slapped down on the controls to turn the shock feature off. “There. Honestly, I was just having a laugh.”  
Seto tried to hide his amusement at Ryou’s adorably disgruntled expression. “How badly would it end for me if I said ‘I told you so’ right now?”  
Ryou shot him a playful glare and crossed his arms, completely ignoring a holographic ghost that swooped towards them. “Quite.”  
“Then I’ll refrain.” Seto leaned back and reached over to weave their fingers together as the cart rounded a corner. He also subtly stretched his legs out to move his feet away from the seats. It was just about the right time for...  
Ryou let out a startled yelp when rubbery hands popped out from under the seats and batted at his ankles. The original grasping hands had been removed, for obvious legal reasons, but the sudden contact from underneath the seat was still enough to shock the hell out of even the most stoic of first-time riders. Seto chuckled a little as Ryou tucked his feet up onto the seat and stuck his tongue out at the flailing hands beneath them.  
Ryou pouted at him. “A jump scare? That’s so cheap!”  
“But effective. If you hadn’t already gotten annoyed with the shock feature and turned it off, that would have set it off. Those hands have taken their fair share of smug riders down a notch or two.”  
“Still though. Cheap.”  
Seto stuck his nose in the air, looked down at Ryou with the most ridiculously snooty look he could muster and gave a judgmental little sniff. “Nothing in Kaiba Land is cheap.” There was a beat of silence before Ryou rolled his eyes and was back to grinning, which was always worth acting like a fool.   
They rounded another corner straight into a horde of mummies, and Ryou burst into incredulous laughter again. “Oh honestly, are these holograms the best your people can do? Really? They’re practically cartoons! I suppose that’s ok for kids, but it’s kind of ridiculous for the adults.” Ryou suddenly whipped around to look at Seto with wide, pleading eyes. “Please let me help redesign them. You could advertise it as a real scare. Oooh, that would be so good. Please! It would be so much fun!”  
Seto threw his head back with a loud laugh. “Only if I get to be there to watch when you tell the nerd herd you’re helping redesign their death trap.”  
Ryou let out a happy squeal and attacked Seto with a hug. “Done!!” Seto barely had time to lift an arm around him before Ryou was leaning back again, squirming excitedly in his seat. “I have so many ideas. We can revamp the holograms looks, of course, but there’s also something to be said for the horror that stays forever just out of your sight, and…”  
Seto let Ryou’s excited babbling fill the silence between holographic moans. He rested an affectionate hand on Ryou’s knee while he nodded and hummed approval of some of the more creative ideas. Yes, t his was definitely worth ignoring the paperwork for once. It’s a shame they hadn’t come sooner.
A/N: You know they visited the murderer's room after this and Ryou acted out the part like the goober he is. ;)  And what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when Ryou casually brings up his "awesome date" to the rest of his friends..... Ha!
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leviathanpotato · 6 years
She’s not your type - Young!Remus Lupin x oc
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Part 2. 
Tag for @imalostredheadinablondeworld
Potential link to part 1 here. I’ve never done a link before so this might not work.
Young Remus Lupin imagine kind of based off ‘You belong with me’  by Taylor Swift. I think i can actually condense this into 4 or 5 parts rather than 6 or 7.
Thanks again to @tooinlovewithfictionalpeople for encouraging me to post this. This is my first Tumblr Fanfic.
Slight language warning
The nightmare lasted three weeks.
In the beginning, each morning Sadie would come down to breakfast to the same scene. James would be snuggling up to Lily as she stared blankly forwards. Sirius would be lounging dramatically as he gossiped to James. Peter would be doing last minute homework as he nibbled on his toast. Then there would be Remus, huddled with his hot chocolate as Harriet jabbered on about herself on his lap.
She used to run right up to them and join them for some last minute toast (she had a habit of getting up five minutes before breakfast ended) but since Remus started going out with her, she slowly began to edge away from them. Harriet’s gang of followers had started to fill the empty space, giving her an even bigger reason to leave. None of them seemed to notice her withdrawing. Each of the five was always preoccupied with something else.
Eventually, she got up well before they did and ate with the Hufflepuffs, finishing her food with enough time to run back to her dorm and avoid them entirely. She attempted to make up for lost time by chatting to them more often in class. Even then, Harriet would still be there to ruin it. A typical conversation would go somewhere along these lines:
She would approach Remus, awkwardly playing with her robes. “Hey Remus, how are you?”
Remus would up and smile softly. “Hi, Sadie. I’m fine thanks.” He would then run his hands with his hair.
She would giggle, mentally cursing herself. “I was wondering if she’d want to hang out sometime in the library.” She’d ask hopefully.
Remus’ eyes would light up and he’d begin to nod.
Enter Harriet.
“Reemy” She’d drawl as Sadie cringed. “Come help me with my work.” She’d say, when she basically meant ‘do everything for me’.
“I was just talking to-” Remus would start to protest, his smile sliding off his face.
“Baby, please.” Then, without giving him a choice, she’d grab Remus’ arm and drag him away, giving her a knowing black glare as he shrugged apologetically. Sirius would roll his eyes next to her.
End scene.
After several attempts at conversation she gave up.
After further isolation, she found herself glancing towards them more often than usual. They were all joking just as much as they used to, but something just seemed off. Remus would be laughing along with them, but with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
That’s because he belongs with someone else, her brain piped up, like yo- FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY?
She jumped, flailed, then toppled out of her seat.
Having scrambled to get back up, she were met with the eyes of the entire class and an infuriated Professor McGonagall.
“Yes miss?” She mumbled nervously, scratching the back of her head. She pointedly stared anywhere but her face, but found that even worse as she noticed the marauders barely containing their laughter.
“I am astounded” She seethed, her voice calm but trembling with suppressed rage. “In all my years of teaching, never have I heard such language in my class, let alone shouted as I was talking.”
Her face paled, her mouth falling into a small ‘o’. Whoops, her brain taunted.
“I didn’t intend to say that out loud, miss.” She sheepishly looked up at her, subconsciously starting to tear at her robes.
“Then you weren’t paying attention.” McGonagall snapped, getting all the more impatient and shocked. “You, my top student? Sadie I have no option but to give you a detention, stay behind after class.”
She hung her head, her cheeks pink, and slumped back in her seat. She glanced at the marauders and flashed a smile they all returned. She couldn’t help but notice how Remus’ beam was a little dead eyed and forced.
During detention, she had a lot of time to think - primarily about Remus. Maybe if she just ignored them, her not-crush thing would simply dissipate. Or, her brain added, wait until Harriet leaves him and then you two can live happily ever after.
She clenched her fist and slammed her head on to the desk. She really hated her mind. Maybe if she hit her head hard enough she’d stop thinking altogether.
“Sadie” A stern voice echoed across the room.
She blearily raised her head from the desk. She was meant to be writing lines, but somehow the page was filled with senseless squiggles. Rubbing her aching eyes, she heard the snaps of McGonagall’s heels coming closer. When she lowered her hands, McGonagall had drawn up a chair and sat down in front of her. This time, her gaze was less furious and more motherly.
“I have been a teacher for many years, Sadie, and I’ve seen many students go off the rails. But very rare is it that my most well behaved start failing papers, lose concentration and shout profanities mid lesson.” She raised an eyebrow at her and she squirmed uncomfortably. “There’s always a reason behind such behaviours, is something troubling you?” She asked.
She sighed. “There’s just a lot on my mind right now.”
McGonagall raised her eyebrow higher than Sadie thought possible.
“You know, stuff, people, there’s nothing deadly serious. I’m not…” She flapped her hands, in some way hoping that she could convey her thoughts through what was borderline interpretive dance.
McGonagall smiled and nodded in understanding. “Ah, something is stirring up strange emotions.”
“Yes.” She nodded eagerly, thank goodness she got it.
“Or perhaps another student?” She added with a slight smirk.
She knew. Of course she knew. When doesn’t she know?
“Don’t worry professor. I’ll have it sorted, I promise.” She beamed as she waved her out of the class. Upon exiting, she noticed Sirius flouncing nearby in the corridor as she left. Remus was sighing exasperatedly with his hand across his face.
Right, she thought, Sirius hasn’t been eavesdropping at all. She frowned, wondering what his intentions were. She’d always been close and he had this uncanny ability to tell exactly what she were thinking about at all times.
He turned and noticed her, acting so melodramatically shocked she wondered if he was taking the piss.
“Oh good heavens, Sadie! What a surprise!” He flung his arm across his forehead like he was in a Shakespeare play. “Why don’t you walk with us on this fine evening?” He finished with a flourish, ignoring Remus groaning behind him.
She bit back a smile. Clearly this boy had never heard of the words ‘act natural’. “Can’t. Homework.” She responded.
He grinned with a look that clearly said ‘I know your darkest secrets’. “Ok, see you around, my fine friend.”
She waved goodbye to the pair, feeling the pang of guilt that this was the beginning of her very meticulously planned and definitely well thought out plan to avoid four of her closest friends.
However, she was useless at sticking to any plan, and this one was no exception. A few weeks later, she overslept badly. She woke up on a Saturday dazed with just over an hour until breakfast ended. Her hair was a frizzy mess and in dire need of washing. By the time she dragged herself down to breakfast, there was only fifteen minutes to go and the hall was swarming with students. She glanced across the tables, realizing with a sickening jolt that the only space left was in between Sirius and Peter, right across from Remus and his beloved Harriet.
She sidled awkwardly into the gap, slipping her hand across Peter’s textbook to grab the jam and praying that they were too busy to notice her.
“Oh hello Sadie” Peter piped up with a mouthful of toast.
For once, she cursed Peter for being so sweet and quirky. He’d glanced up from a rushed overdue essay with a small smile.
Sirius stopped talking to James, who was too busy nuzzling Lily’s arm to notice. He looked at her with an odd glare.
“Nice to finally see you again, Sadie.” He sat up and folded his arms, raising an eyebrow as he took in her sleep deprived, dishevelled appearance.
“I’ve been having issues.” She tried to explain, nibbling on a croissant that she suddenly decided she couldn’t eat. The food seemed to stick in her throat.
Sirius’ frown softened. Truth be told, she hadn’t kept her promise to McGonagall. She found herself getting more and more sick with worry over Harriet’s controlling nature over Remus. Concentration became even more of a struggle that ever, sleep and schoolwork was going down the drain. All this over a boy? What’s happened to you? She thought.
It was clear as day something was up, Sirius had a sixth sense for his friends emotions.
“Why don’t you join us for Hogsmeade today, before the quidditch final? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages” He dragged out the ‘ages’ as he took a large bite out of a muffin.
She were about to agree, but then remembered that by ‘us’ that included Harriet and her harpies.
“I have some essays to catch up on.” She mumbled, not meeting his eyes. Strictly speaking, this wasn’t a lie, she’d been ignoring a lot of her essays for weeks and they’d been piling up drastically. However, she had no intention of completing them.
Sirius saw right through her bullshit. “Why don’t you hang out with us anymore, do you hate us or something? You’ve been ignoring all of us for weeks.” He snapped.
All eyes turned to her and she fidgeted in her seat. She could feel their glares on her skin, prying at her for her secrets. There was a long pause. Anticipation hung in the air.
“Because of me.” A smug voice piped up from the swarm of preening bitches. Sadie flinched.
“You don’t like me at all” She drawled, in a silky tone. Harriet had propped herself up, a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised at her and a subtle sneer on her cherry lips.
The other four glanced between both their faces; their hostility towards each other was evident.
“No.” Sadie mimicked her smooth breathy tone. “I guess not”
Her cold voice surprised the others, unused to seeing her seethe with rage whilst remaining eerily calm. Sirius looked mildly amused, Peter was eagerly hanging of each word and James was too busy playing with Lily’s hair. Remus, on the other hand, was pale and his eyes kept flitting between the two of them.
“Why?” Harriet simpered. “You’re the one who stopped hanging round them sweetie, why wouldn’t any of them pick me over you. Are you jealous?”
Warmth crept up Sadie’s neck but she supressed the flush. She steadied her breathing and unclenched her fists. “Remus is just a friend.” She responded with gritted teeth.
Harriet burst into those bubbly giggles Sadie found so grating. She flashed a pitiful smile as though Sadie was a dog about to be euthanized. “Did I say Remus?” She simpered, running a finger along Lupin’s jawline. “I thought I was talking about all of your friends.”
Numbness spread through Sadie as she realised in horror what she’d done. She noticed the shuffles beside her but couldn’t bring herself to look at them. If she did, she felt she’d probably sink into a deep pit of regret.
“My my.” She breathed. “You really are jealous.”
She grasped her chin with her pointed nails and tilted her face up to look at her.
Sadie slapped her hand away. “At least I’m not a slag” She spat, never breaking eye contact as she grabbed her bag and leapt to her feet. “See you, sweetie” She hissed, before turning and marching out the hall, leaving the others to sit there and mull over what the heck just happened
Still to be continued.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir! seventeen // choi seungcheol
♥ so fluffy!!!
♥ 2 k words
♥ summary: the student body president always had something for you but with you being too oblivious, you simply needed a little bit of help noticing
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ok lemme tell you about our leader choi seungcheol
Not only does he have the most beautiful faces I've seen in my entire life, this boy is a dedicated student committee president of Pledis High, an elite school in Seoul
And he's also the second heir to his father's business in Daegu!!
As expected of our president, this boy is the nicest honey baby in the entire school like now wonder he has a whole club of fangirls making sure he's eaten and well-rested
I want to be a part of that protection squad thank you very much
and you on the other hand, despite the average family background, you enrolled into Pledis High by a scholarship!! Look at you!! Making me proud!! You smart baby!!!
And as much as you want to have a balanced high school experience, you. just.couldnt.keep.up and instead used all your time studying at the back of the school
hmm?? people say there's a ghost roaming there?? wELL you don't give two shits because no korean ghost will stop you from getting into a college
ever since that rumour was spread around, your favourite study place is always empty and calm and you don't have to face people and put your anxious cute butt to suffer!!
But one day, you hear shuffling of feet behind the pillar that was blocking you and you just?? froze?? WAS IT THE GHOST?? why would it show up after three months?? and nearing your exams wth piss off >:[
"hYung what the heck everything is scattered!!!"
"it wasn't my fault you switched the fan on, soonyoung,"
"yeA bUt you should've warned me first :(("
"can you two just shut up and pick it up?? the SC room ( aka Student Committee) is in worser condition,"
Who?? Are?? They??
Curiosity got the best of you as you peeked from behind the pillar, spotting two boys picking up papers of the ground and you couldn't help but think that the black-haired one looked so familiar?? or maybe you're myopic who knows
As the wind blew, the scattered papers flew along, one of them sweeping under your feet
Until you see a hand reaching out towards it- wait WHAT "whOAH WHo- what are you doing here??" Seungcheol screamed as he tumbled backwards and fell onto his butt, fear evident on his face
Lo and behold black-haired boy was none other than Pledis's student committee president
"w-what why can't i be here?? You don't own this school," what were you even saying?? All you knew was that your fingers were trembling and your feet were rooted to the ground from the sudden ouTbUrst
"oh hi (y/n)," Soonyoung waved towards you with a wide smile crinkling his eyes
"you know her??"
"oh yeah she's my classmate, pretty quiet but the smartest out of all of us," just as Soonyoung was giving a summarized introduction of yourself to him, you glanced back and forth from your classmate and the student committee president with so much confusion
And as much as Seungcheol flew away from your appearance, he was actually just shocked to see you! Because everyone knows you hunny, who else always tops her classes as you internally deteriorate from the lack of sleep omg
Not only because you're one of the smartest but he's always found you interesting?? And pretty cute ;)))
You grabbed the paper beneath your feet and before you know it, you're helping them gather all the materials and,, walking,, up the stairs,,, with them
When was the last time that you were actually on the same pace as someone else??
"how did you even get that maths question on last weeks test?? I almost squished my head trying to figure it out," Soonyoung was flailing his arms, a stack of paper in each hand as you looked over him cautiously, afraid that all of you had to painstakingly sweep all of them up again
"oH uhm it's pretty easy once you memorised all the formulas, its just applying it in the right sequence," and slowly, it was actually pretty easy to talk to your classmate!! Like he's always bursting with energy but he makes sure he isn't crossing the line
And about Seungcheol?? Well, he's too busy trying to grasp the fact that you,,, are beside him,, and your side profile is so mesmerising to watch– until Soonyoung tosses a question his way and he's just???
And both pair of eyes are staring at him but he's more focused on YOUR eyes staring at him and he kinda shortcircuits, stuttering an excuse when he barely gets to his second word
and Soonyoung catches oN and kinda just smirks at him, wiggling his eyeborws and all that pizzazz ',:)
"(y/n) why dont you join as at the SC room?? We have some snacks there and since you helped us out, it's the least we could do!!" Soonyoung exclaims, bouncing on the balls of his feet as his eyes gleamed
"sure why not? but I can't stay for long though, I have extra classes in about an hour,"
For the next few minutes or so, the boys bickered among one another about the previous incident and you were introduced to Jihoon, the vice president of the student committee
He's pretty cold at first but after a few jokes, Soonyoung making a fool of himself and being a total savage!! he actually becomes a pretty chill person to hang out with
And amongst all the joking around, Seungcheol finAlly opens up and joins the conversation
Like the two of you would've been best buds if he wasn't so enchanted by you and you being so anxious to meet new people
but look at you two now!! laughing and fooling around awww
But fun always comes to an end as your alarm goes off for you to go to your extra classes :(( you wave goodbye and thank them for the snacks, jogging back to your study place to pack of your things and GO
But your routine slowly changes and you always find yourself at the SC room?? Back of the school who??
It's either you're accompanying Jihoon by studying beside him or having your lunch with Soonyoung and talking about the latest class gossip oR helping Seungcheol out by organizing their documents and talking about anything and everything while doing so
A week later and you open the door to the SC room to only see Seungcheol and he looks panicky and distressed by looking at the laptop in front of him and you wonder where the other two went because their stations are clean and their seats were pushed in
"What's with the long face?" you attempt to joke, but your voice didn't hide the worried tone beneath it
As much as you would want to deny it, your feelings developed for him, seeing more than just the president or a friend
And imagining what it would be like to have your fingers intertwined with his or the feeling of his lips on your forehead and enjoying a cuddle session with him
But that's not your priority right now, you took the seat beside him, head tilting slightly to see his features – his eyes squinting, eyebrows furrowed and his lips curling into a frown
"It's just... you know the upcoming charity festival? The one that Pledis always organize at the end of the year? This time they wanted something different and more appealing to teenagers but Pledis have been doing this for more than a decade and it's difficult to choose an idea something that hasn't been used," he rambled on, letting his palms cover the stress etching his features as he groaned and sigh into them
"first things first, calm down, its not the end of the world. Here, drink some water and let your brain rest a little. I'm sure we'll think of something,"
"yeah dumbass, it's impossible if you do all of these yourself," you chuckled, taking control over the laptop as you reviewed the past year's themes and the popularity of each year
After much research on the current trends, you managed to write down a few for Seungcheol to shortlist but just as you were about to call out to him, you were greeted by his sleeping figure, his head rested on his arms as you chuckled to yourself
With no one around, your hands itched to brush away his bangs from his eyes
"why do you have to be so hot? Pfft, if i told you that right now, you would probably be a mess and deny it, just like every compliment I've given you," you chuckled, laying your head on the table to get a better view
"as much as your humbleness is attractive, it gets annoying how you don't accept the praise you deserve. Like wth Seungcheol, you're more than just amazing that I'm not worthy of liking you," you mumble, you fingers moving on its own as you brushed his bangs away from his face
"is that all you wanted to say?" he muttered, taking you aback as you jumped slightly in your seat, hand retracting and all in all being a blushing m e s s
"you were awake this whole time?
"i was just resting my eyes, dummy. But now that you mentioned something.." he trailed off, stretching in his seat and looking towards you a small smirk adorning his face while his tinted red ears were a contrast to his sudden confidence
"so you like me?"
"y-yOu didn't hear anything, I was just... Uhmmmm taLKING to the screen,"
"then why were you brushing through my hair?" he chuckled with that smug smirk you desperately want to wipe off
"i dont know Seungcheol!! Maybe dont look so cute when you rest your damn eyes!!" you exclaimed in panic, eyes wide as you huffed, looking away and towards the laptop in front of you
but then you feel a hand guiding your chin to look towards him, your cheeks practically felt like they were on f i r e
"I've waited so long to say this, don't try to brush of your confession now. I like you too (y/n) oh god i probably liked you before we even became friends. You were always so hardworking, doing whatever it took to get what you wanted. Don't even get me started on how gorgeous you are. Can't you tell? I'm whipped for you, (y/n)," he nervously chuckled, biting his bottom lip in anticipation as he waited for your reply
But words seemed to fail you as you watched on, your mouth gaping
Seungcheol leaned in, brushing your lips with his being an absolute tease
And you couldn't handle it any longer, pulling him by the collar as the both of you properly kissed, surprising him as you took his breath away, his heart racing a mile a minute
And all you could hear was the pounding of your heartbeat against your ears
once you pulled away, you leaned against his chest, weak from feeling his lips against yours as he let out a throaty chuckle
"impatient much, princess?" and the sound of the nickname sends shivers down your spine as you buried your face deeper into his uniform and the heat from your face could possibly start a fire
"You're too cute, what am i going to do with you?" even without having to see his face, you could tell that he had his widest gummy grin plastered on his face and the thought of it brought a smile onto yours
Before you could detach yourself from him, you heard a small thud from behind the door, and the feeling in your gut tells you that something, or somebody, had been there longer than you expected
"soOnyouNg keep it down!! You're gonna give us awAy–"
"bUt HyUng–"
"we should've known we got set up," you groaned, diving into your palms to hide the embarrasment rising to the surface
"well, we wouldn't be here without them, princess," Seungcheol teased, pecking your cheek as you nudged him away yet your bashful smile remained
You wouldn't have it any other way; being in the SC room with your three favourite people.
Of course your dear Seungcheol being the first ;))
A/N: who should i write for the heir! seventeen series next?? :D i also hoped this was fluffy enough because I rewrote this 3 times (i lost it each time :I) but i hope all of you had/is having a nice day ♥
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whomstress · 7 years
It started at a party
Wenbel one-shot of the first time Mabel asked Wendy out at her welcome home party.
It was well into Wendy’s welcome home party after living in Portland for the last 4 years in college and Mabel looked down at the content of her drink as if the concoction held all the remedies to her jumbled thoughts. Her eyes quickly flashing back up to the redhead across the room with a sad sigh.
‘C'mon you can do this! You’re the love expert extraordinaire! You’ve been crushing on Wendy since senior year of high school. You actually have a chance tonight and you’re blowing it!’She thought taking another swig of her signature Mabelrita but stayed in her spot all the same.
An elbow gently nudged Mabel’s arm bringing her out of her head. “Wow, never thought I’d see the day ‘Mabel the Master of Love and Matchmaking’ look so nervous around a little crush,” Dipper said with such smug smile in his voice that Mabel felt like it ripping off his face.
“It’s actually love extraordinaire thank you! But sure get it all out brobro. Take your pent up needy revenge, that is just waiting to pour out of that giant, science-y, nerdy, stinky head of yours for 23 years.” Mabel said flailing her arms around, cupping her face in her hands and banging it on the table, overdramatically.
“Oh calm down Mable he’s not going to say a word. We’re here to support and encourage, not rub anything in. Right?” Pacifica chimed in by snuggling up to Dipper’s arm, but at the same time gave her boyfriend a look of warning not to go against her word. He had enough joking for today anyway.
Dipper let out a disappointed gruff. He’d hope for just a little more teasing for Mabel’s on his failed love life before Pacifica, but he was there to help none the less. “Ok well standing here and staring at Wendy from the other side of the room isn’t going to make her magically come talk to you. I would know.”
“Well maybe it’ll raise my confidence when I actually talk to her?” Mabel question trying to make herself feel a little better as she watched Wendy with awe at how relaxed she was, while Mabel was quaking in her boots just thinking about her.
He was quick to shoot her down with a, “No, if anything it makes you more nervous because you’re raising her up to be a goddess. You have to get in there!”
Pacifica glared a little bit at Dipper, letting out a small “Ahem” to make sure he still acknowledged she was there.
Mabel giggled watching Dipper struggle to explain himself and compliment Pacifica all in a babble until she realized the two had gone back into their own little world. Which perfectly fine with her, because that’s what she wanted, someone to go into her own little world with; someone like Wendy. Dipper was right this was her chance and she was just making it worse standing here.
Taking a shaky breath Mabel walked over to Wendy and she’d never felt more anxious in her life. Her stomach is churning and she’s playing with a knot in her lose brown curl. She starts looking all around the room in her nervousness and she catches Pacifica and Dipper giving her a thumbs up and then a small wave and she almost waves back in her confusion, wondering why they waving at her in the first place, until she hears, “Hey dude. Long time no see.”
She quickly tries to fix her hair she’s been playing with and spins to Wendy with a smile, but seeing the redhead up close doesn’t help much. She can feel all her feelings come back in a rush and she knows it’s not just the alcohol leaving her cheeks hot.
“I haven’t seen you in what? 6 monthes! I’ve missed you!” Wendy gave Mabel a quick hug.
You can do this Mabel you’ve been thinking about it all night!
“Can’t believe it’s been so long what’ve you been up to dude?”
‘C’mon talk! Tell her something cool you did! It’s been a while you can think of something!’
“Mabel are you ok? You’re kinda just staring at me. Do you want me to go get your brother?” Wendy said looking around for Dipper.
No she’s going to leave say something! Anything!
“Waddles won a hotdog eating contest!”
“Oh cool! I miss the little guy,”
Not that. Tell her! But be cool!
“You’re beautiful, smart, and super nice Wendy. And I like you a lot! Will you please go out with me!?” Mabel almost yells, making a couple heads turn but quickly go back to their own conversions.
Maybe that was a little much.
Wendy stared at her wide eyed for a moment, obliviously stunned, but by the smile on her face and the shade of red that matched Mabel’s, and she takes it as a good sign.
“Sure I guess.” Wendy said making both of them giggle, locking arms with Mabel, “Wanna get a drink?”
“Yes! Ahem- I mean sure. Have you ever tried one of my famous Mabelrita’s?”
“I don’t believe I have. Want to make me one?” And that was the last thing said that the now happy couple now tell people about how they got together that night. Despite some moments after being very blissful – others of that night were promised to never to be spoken of again.
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