#ok so this is part of a whole series the interviewer did
spawksstuff · 2 days
The John Davidson Show aired June 8 1982 - De's Parts
Long transcript below. The whole interview is on YouTube. It's very funny.
John: DeForest Kelley has appeared in classic motion pictures like- think back- “Gunfight at OK Corral,” “Raintree County” plus numerous television appearances among others, “Gunsmoke,” “Bonanza.” Generally a bad guy, a villain, however his most popular success has been the outspoken, somewhat cynical but thoroughly likeable Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy. Find out what the “Bones” stands for when we meet him. His name is DeForest Kelley. Welcome!
John: What does “Bones” stand for?
De: First, I wore these glasses because I want to see something. You really are a good-looking devil. Handsome, isn’t he?
Bibi: He sure is.
John: What does “Bones” stand for, just going right on? What does-
De: Bones. Bones is an old, old country expression for “doctor”. They used to call them “sawbones” 
John: Oh yeah.
William: We were going to call him “saw.”
John: That’s too obvious for outer space.
De: Obviously the captain would pick up on that and call me “Bones”
John: I see. Did you make that up on the set or that’s-no?
William: I don’t remember how I got that.
De: I don’t either.
John: It was written in there?
De: I think maybe Bill threw that in. I don’t know.
John: You’re always arguing with Mr. Spock on the show. You’re always saying things like “I’m a doctor, I’m not a..”
De: I dislike him terribly, that’s the reason. We don’t agree on many things. Of course it’s a very simple explanation for it. Spock has no emotions, McCoy does so we- Bill ends up being the referee between us. So that’s the way that developed.
John: Might Spock change? Is it true that Spock-
Leonard: Spock change? To please him?
John: Isn’t it true that Spock actually writes poetry or something, what did you tell me? Or is about to write poetry and become emotional and romantic? No? Where did I read that?
Leonard: Sounds like a great idea. I don’t know where you read that.
John: No? Alright, so he’s going to be that same guy. Is there a love-thinking back to the original series, series, Spock never had a love interest right, except that one time in seven, seven years? But there were no romantic interests?
Leonard: No as a matter of fact there was one episode that was a love story for Spock. It was with Jill Ireland.
John: Really?
Leonard: And it was pretty tough playing the scenes because she’s a very attractive and interesting lady who happens to be married to Charlie Bronson.
John: Really?
Leonard: Who was on the set all the time.
William: Carrying a large stick.
John: But Bones had a love interest, just one.
De: One, just one. So I-
John: Why not more?
De: If you think that he was in heat, what once in seven years think about my situation. One time. I don’t know, the captain was the stud on the show and uh…
John. Heyyy!
William: If you can’t win at “Battle of the Network Stars” you might as well have a lot of things going on.
John: Be an outer space stud.
De: He got all the action but he had to leave them on the planet, that was the thing.
John: Well, maybe that’s ok.
William: Planet hopping.
John: Well, bye I have to go now. Lotta guys would love an excuse “my ship is waiting” you know. I have heard about Star Trek conventions. I’ve never been to one. Tell me what that is.
De: Well it’s really no more than a gathering of several thousand fans who come to see us on these occasions and they-
John: How did these get started?
De: I don’t know. Someone had-intended to have a very small gathering of about 200 fans in New York at one time and I think around a thousand showed up. So they decided to do it again and I think the next time 5000 showed up and then it began to grow you know.
John: Once a year?
De: Well, no. There are any number of them going on
John: Oh all over the country?
De: Yeah.
John: And they stay for three or four days is that-?
De: Yeah about three days
John: Bibi have you ever been to one of these?
Bibi: No I haven’t. But I’ve heard so much about them, I’d love to go on one of those
De: There’s a huge one that’s gonna take place in Houston in June and when I talked to the fellow last I think he had something like twenty-thousand advance for it already
John: Where in Houston because this show will air in June right after the movies- by the way Star Trek II premieres June the 4th at a theater near you around the county. Yes?
De: It’s going to be held at the Summit I believe is the name of the place.
John: At the Summit in Houston.
De: In Houston.
John: Now what do you do at these? Bill what do you do at these conventions?
De: We dance and sing and play musical instruments and that sort of thing.
Bibi: You don’t-?
De: No we don’t.
John: Well you guys-
De: Bill will tell you.
John: Bill?
William: Well I’ve gone to about a half a dozen over the years and we sit and talk to the audience just about-like this. Much more interesting than this I think.
John: Do they know more about the series than you do? Is it trivia time?
William: Well I don’t’ remember the series at all. I’m too busy concentrating on what the next question is here and the plots go out of mind. I don’t remember I- truly have no- vague recollection of memories
De: They know the dialogue verbatim on some of them.
John: It’s something we’re going to talk about when we come back. First of all you’ll meet Nichelle Nichols and James Doohan, but the series was a long time ago and these guys really don’t remember that much about working on the series whereas we see it in reruns
Leonard: Wait a minute. That’s what Bill said.
John: Oh Bill said that?
Leonard: He doesn’t speak for the rest of us, I remember everything.
John: Well let’s see after this break if Leonard really does remember.
John: You guys look exactly like the way you did on the series, nobody changes here.
De: Thank you.
<Later later>
John: But you also, a sword fight I was told that you changed the sword that was used and therefore broadened the character.
George: Well you know it was suggested
Bill: It was a broad sword.
George: We made the sword
John: You used a fencing sword instead of a samurai?
George: Samurai sword.
John: What did that mean to you? How did that change Sulu?
George: Well you know we’re in the 23rd Century and by that time there would be a lot of intercultural feeding, certainly, you know the fact that Sulu talks the way he does while looking the way he does is a personification of that and there’s no reason why an Asian looking person should not be interested in fencing. I - you know  as an Asian American actor-
Bill: Did you say “aging” or “Asian’?
George: Asian and aging both. I said maturing but.
John: If George brought that change to his character haven’t you all contributed-Leonard did the ears
Bill: He’s an older, of Japanese persuasion
Nichelle: Have you ever heard a laugh like Georges? Ah-ah-ah-ah
George: Oh-this is-it’s all downhill now.
John: DeForest?
De: On the episode that he used that sword he almost changed a few genders.
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thestarsarecool · 1 year
Who The Hell Does RINGO STARR Think He Is?
Tom Hibbert, Q, June 1992
He was The Lovable One who cracked his daft mop-top jokes for The Queen. The Fab With The Big Nose who you could take home to meet yer mum and yer dad. But no more. For he just experienced a nasty charm by-pass and suffered a sudden humourectomy when Tom Hibbert innocently enquired...
RINGO, WHY do you wear two rings on each hand?
"Because I can't fit them through my nose."
Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you think of Beethoven?
"He's great. Especially his poetry."
How did you find America?
"We went to Greenland and made a left turn."
But that was nearly 30 years ago, innocent times when the small one – Ringo, how tall are you? "Two feet, nine inches" – with the extended nose sat with the other three before the press of the world and cracked his mop-top jokes, playing the clown and acting the goat, The Lovable One, the one you could take home to meet yer mum and yer dad. In The Great Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, October 26, 1965, the Queen asked the "Fabs" how long they had been together and, quick as a flash, came Starkey's reply. "40 years!" The wag.
It is now much later, April 1992, but that "natural" Scouse "wit" of olden times remains intact: The Lovable One clambers aboard a podium at London's Dorchester Hotel and drily announces: "My name is Ringo Starr." The assembled members of the press laugh loudly at the pithy sally; a female reporter from Belgium, in the excitement of the moment, squeaks "Yah!" It is quite like old tunes...
We are gathered here today to hear exciting news. Ringo is about to release a new LP and it is called Time Takes Time. Furthermore, his new amusingly-named All-Starr Band – featuring Dave Edmunds and Joe Walsh and Todd Rundgren and diminutive trampoline champion Nils Lofgren – is touring Europe in the summer. Cameras clack and the PR woman sternly warns us to limit our questions to "the present and the future" (ie nothing about them – The Beatles – and nothing about alcoholism, if you please). And so the probing begins as a girl from Sweden asks the occasional drummer why he is starting his tour in Sweden: "Why not?" Uproarious laughter. And a girl from Italy asks him why he is finishing his tour in Italy: "Crazy question. It may be a surprise to you, lady, but I am a musician." Hoots. And a girl from somewhere equally foreign asks him if he is "reaching out to the new generation" – "You had zis Thomas Ze Tank Engine, no?" – and he says he's just playing his kit now because he is a musician and he likes to feel the "love" flowing from an audience because it's in his blood. Somewhere along the way we learn that Ringo has absolutely no intention whatsoever of playing with George Harrison at tonight's Albert Hall concert in aid of The Natural Law Party because what Ringo's doing now is promoting his album which is really jolly good and everything so everybody should buy it...
TWO HOURS later, upstairs in a hotel suite, Ringo Starr is staring at me through his darkened spectacles. The expression on his somewhat wizened face is somewhat sour. "This record deserves to be a Number 1," he is saying. "It's a fine album." The ready quips are not dropping from the lips of The Lovable One this afternoon. His impressive nose is twitching in irritation. I have made a dreadful mistake. I have dared to ask him about...them.
He had entered the room in seemingly stony mood. He had thrust himself down upon a sofa and had glowered. "Is this yer first time?" he had muttered. Er, come again, Mr Starkey? "Is this yer first time?" My first time what? My first time in a posh suite at The Dorchester Hotel or what? "Just joking," he had muttered bemusingly. My opening question had been designed to be one of the most psychologically challenging – nay, disturbing – ever to be posed within the context of a rock interview. It was this: Have you, Mr Starr, or have you not, felt a twinge of pity ever for Pete Best (The Good-Looking One who was booted out in favour of Ringo, of whom John Lennon was once heard to remark, "When I feel my head start to swell, I look at Ringo and know perfectly well we're not supermen")? There was a pause containing the faintest twist of menace. "Crazy question," The Nice One murmured, adding a withering stare for good measure.
"Did. I. Ever. Feel. Sorry. For. Pete. Best?" Yes, that was the enquiry. "No. Why should I? I was a better player than him. That's how I got the job. It wasn't on no personality. It was that I was a better drummer and I got the phone call. I never felt sorry for him. A lot of people have made careers out of knowing, er...The Beatles."
He has said it. He has uttered that word, that thing that we are not supposed to mention because Ringo has "moved on" and is living for today and for tomorrow and not for, in the word of his old mucker in the rhythm section, yesterday. He has said "Beatles". So can we talk about The Beatles, then? Ringo shrugs his shoulders. "Sure," he grunts. So tell me about your image. You were The Goofy One. Was this an imposed personality or was it the real Starkey or what?
"That's not how I am. That was how we were in the movie, in Help! and A Hard Day's Night. That was what people felt we were like."
But didn't you mind always being given the goony songs to sing, 'Octopus's Garden' and 'Yellow Submarine' and that awful one about "the greatest fool who ever made the big time"?
"They were writing a lot heavier songs than I was and the ones they wrote for me were never that heavy, either. That's what made the combination that we were. All completely different but together we were a mighty force."
Presumably this "difference" in personalities was what made the break-up of The Beatles particularly acrimonious and acid. Discuss.
"That's stupid. We'd changed. We didn't have the time to put in all that energy. We were all married then. Most of us were married. I had children. John had a kid. George got married. So it was a natural end to it. We finished. That's it."
At the morning's press conference, Ringo had been banging on about how you can't beat the feeling of playing live, of how he's "addicted" to it, the love teeming from the audience, the "buzz", the "vibe" etcetera. But if we examine the history (and leave out the Ringo Starr and his All-Star Band jaunt of '89), we see that since '66, he has played on stage hardly at all. This is not a criticism, I was just wondering whether...
"Look, playing live is how I started," he snaps. "That's where my blood is. We played live for four years as The Beatles but in the end it was impossible because the reaction we used to get was so loud that I was turning into a bad musician because I could only keep the off-beat, so we were deteriorating. How often do you want to play stadiums? We as The Beatles lost the contact. I want to feel the love from the audience and you don't get that in a stadium. Bruce Springsteen loses the love and the audience contact and Guns N' Roses and the Stones and Paul McCartney, they all lose the love and the contact. They just forget that it's a great privilege to play to an audience, so on my tour I'm playing Liverpool and I'm playing Hammersmith and..."
And so he goes on for several weeks about all the intimate sheds he's going to bash his drums and sing that one about "You're sixteen and you're beautiful and your mii-iine," or whatever it is, in.
So stadiums are useless. I had always imagined, in my simplicity, that The Beatles at Shea Stadium was just one of the most thrilling moments in all of popular music history. Am I entirely incorrect?
Ringo tuts and he crosses his arms, a huff-orientated posture.
"Shea Stadium was brilliant," he goes. "We were breaking new ground. Of course it was brilliant. But if you see the video on Shea Stadium, you see how crazy we all were, anyway. John wasn't playing it note-for-note. John went mad. It was a thrill."
Did Ringo go mad all those years ago, what with all those American girls saying he should be President and swooning at his shaking fringe?
"It wasn't only American girls, you know," he points out, helpfully. "It was English girls and Swedish girls. So, yeah. I went absolutely mad round about 1964. My head was just so swollen. I thought I was a God, a living God. And the other three looked at me and said. Excuse me, I am the God. We all went through a period of going mad."
Presumably drugs made a major contribution to the mental mayhem.
"The drugs came later. Well, there was always some element of alcohol and amphetamine and then several other substances came into play and then The Beatles was over."
And in '68, you all went to India to "groove" with Mr Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. That was mad...
"Well, I was in hospital with my ex-wife (Maureen) delivering Jason, my second son, and I got back and there was two messages on the answerphone, a message from John and a message from George, and they were saying. We've been to see this Maharishi guy. So I said. What's that all about? so they told me how great it all was and I met Maharishi and I fell in love with Transcendental Meditation and I got to India and I took two suitcases, one full of clothes and one full of baked beans because I don't eat curry, and it was high for a while and then I thought. 'That's the end of it for me, thank you very much'..."
By this time, the drummer of the Perky Personality had embarked upon his unlikely career as a screen actor, playing a gardener who has love on billiard tables in the hippy sex romp Candy (which featured Marlon Brando as a guru personage not a billion miles removed from Mr Maharishi), and then a foil for Peter Sellers in the simply awful The Magic Christian (and then being actually quite good as a teddy boy drummer in That'll Be The Day). Ringo doesn't think that talking about his Thespian pursuits is very interesting at all because he's moved on and music's the thing, like...
"We just decided we wanted to be an actor. I'm not interested in that acting anymore..."
In the mid '70s, Starr made (along with some really dud LPs) a couple of splendid pop singles: 'Photograph' and 'It Don't Come Easy'. The man who, in 1963, said "whenever I hear another drummer I know I'm no good" (and who sits here today peering at me with a certain chill and insisting "I am the best rock drummer on earth and it's not just me saying that, many fine musicians say that" when I have never even questioned his capabilities) comes over refreshingly modest for once when I say I liked those tunes.
"Well, I just decided to make some singles because The Beatles always took so long to make albums and so I started to write but I could never finish a song. I was great for two verses and a chorus but I could never finish a song so I'd have to ask George to finish it and we'd just have rows because George would always put in the 'God verse' and I don't sing about God, so after a few smashes it all went downhill because, er, well, yer know..."
I do know. It all went downhill because Ringo was hitting the sauce with alarming abandon.
"It was my addictive personality. Suddenly you're starting to drink at nine in the morning and I was procrastinating me balls off and I was just trapped as an alcoholic, a drunk."
He was too drunk even to pay any great attention to the shooting of John Lennon, he says.
"I wasn't well when he got murdered and I wasn't well after it. I was in such great pain that I hardly noticed..."
The voice of Thomas The Tank Engine and The Fat Controller was killing itself with booze. But then – hey presto! – Ringo booked into De-Tox Mansions, USA, and everything was all right again.
"One day I had a second, maybe half-a-second, of clarity and I was in so much pain and I knew that Barbara (Bach, second wife who he met on the set of the dismal Caveman film in '81) had mentioned a sort of re-hab situation. She had a problem, too. She found this place in Arizona. I haven't had a drink or a drug since and that was October '88 and I've given up smoking cigarettes, too."
Ringo was cured of his urges by the power of love.
"It was love. It's love. And the proof of the difference in my life-style is that I've put a band together, I've made this album and..."
Ringo takes this opportunity to tell me what a great musician he is and how his new LP is really jolly good and everything until I interrupt to suggest that however good his new LP is, it can hardly hope to top Abbey Road, can it? He looks at me as if I am deranged:
"What, as an album? My album can't beat the Abbey Road album as an album?" That is, in a nutshell, what I was driving at.
"Well, the so-called B-side of Abbey Road is one of my favourite sides, the one with 'Bathroom Window' and 'Polythene Pam', but just by chance I was re-listening to Sgt. Pepper the other day and that's a fine album too and it's a bloody marvellous album, it's a bloody fine album and The White Album was great because we were like a band after Pepper and all the craziness and Rubber Soul was great and the first album which took 12 hours to put down was an achievement...So I don't know what you're talking about. That was 30 years ago, man. I'm still making records and you can hear that I'm a great musician on the new record, Time Takes Time, if you can ever be bothered to mention it. This is an actual bloody legend in front of you. I'm not expecting you to comb the bloody legend's hair but you could mention the new LP and these other fine musicians I'm still playing with."
Ringo Starr is close to rage and I don't know quite why. I decide to placate him by talking about his All-Starr Band. This ploy is not a success. What is it like working with Todd Rundgren, I enquire? Todd Rundgren's a bit mad, isn't he?
Ringo lunges forward in the sofa, almost doing himself a mischief.
"What? What? Have you met him? Why would you say shit like that? You don't even know the man. How dare you say shit like that about a friend?"
I meant "mad" as in "genius". It is a compliment.
"You're talking shit. That's like saying Frank Zappa's mad. Frank Zappa's probably the nicest man I ever met in this business. I've been in the game too long for this shit! I've done my bit. I've made a record, I've made the thing and I hope it's a Number 1 because I've done my bit, I'm promoting the thing...or I am trying to promote the thing..."
What manner of umbrage is this? Ringo Starr seems to feel – and strongly – that my failure to spend this interview discussing his new LP and the brilliance of Tom Petty and Jeff "Skunk" Baxter and Harry "Schmilsson" Nilsson and everybody else who played on it – is impudence of the first order. But wouldn't such an interview be a trifle limiting and boring and...? I am unable to make this suggestion because The Clown, The Lovable One, seen here in his updated role of Pop's Mister Crosspatch, continues to rant away...
"If you bothered to listen to the single 'Weight Of The World' you'd hear this line in it which goes...er, er...well, it says that you can't live in the past and that sums it up. Because you're living in the past. As far as this interview has been going on, it's shit because it's been The Beatles interview and you haven't even mentioned Time Takes Time or Weight Of The World. But that's OK. You've got the time. That's what you asked. I've answered your questions. And..." Ringo rises from the sofa, two feet nine inches of unbridled anger ..."That is it!" And it is. He flounces from the room, a cry of "Thanks a lot!" that oozes with sarcasm, his cheery farewell. What this man needs, in my estimation, is a stiff drink, or a cig, or both...
THAT NIGHT, on stage at the Albert Hall, George Harrison played 'Taxman' and a lot of other aged songs and then announced "a blast from all our pasts" and on bounded Ringo. How could this be? Had not the man assured us earlier in the day that he would most definitely not be gracing this political rally thing with his presence? Well, there he was, anyway, and he played drums on 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' and 'Roll Over Beethoven', no doubt feeling all the love wafting up from the auditorium. Then, at the conclusion of this horrid old rock'n'roll novelty, up strode some representatives of the peculiar Natural Law Party to talk embarrassingly about this "night of magic" that the crowd had been privileged to witness. And as the spiritual oration continued, a lone cry of protest rang out from the back of the stage, a bellow of annoyance, a sharp "Shut up!" The culprit of this ill-mannered intrusion was identified only as a man with drumsticks and a great big nose…
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avelera · 13 days
I’m dying for your thoughts on what is going on in Dubai with the triangulation of Armand and Daniel in Dubai because nothing in 2.05 explain ms what they(beddeath vampires) could want him to tell them as referenced earlier in the season or warrant all the Rashid pageantry. Especially not with how Armand looks at Daniel like he just got home from the wars.
Your takes are exquisite and I’d love to hear them.
Ok, I THINK you're asking what the hell is going on with Daniel and Armand and Louis and the longing looks Armand keeps shooting Daniel and I might be missing some nuance to your question but that is the question I'm gonna answer because I can't stop thinking about it.
Ok. Ok, ok, SO!! The biggest question I think we're facing as of 2.05 is did the Devil's Minion chapter of Queen of the Damned ever happen?
For the uninitiated (LOTS of BOOK SPOILERS but like the books have been out for decades, sorry): Louis/Armand is like... not a thing. At least, it's not one of the big love affairs of the series compared to Louis/Lestat. I mean they've had a situationship but they're definitely not a long devoted love affair going right up to the beginning of the events of Vampire Lestat/Queen of the Damned, which is where the show seems to take place. They traveled together for a bit after the events of Interview with the Vampire but then parted ways because What Happened In Paris changed Louis irrevocably.
The big love of Armand's life in the books is Daniel.
And we learn this in the chapter of Queen of the Damned called the Devil's Minion.
Because Armand stumbles upon "The Interviewer" and falls in love and they have this fucked up whirlwind torrid romance where Daniel teaches Armand about the modern world and basically "how to be fascinating" and Daniel begs over and over to be made into a vampire.
Lots of stuff happens between them but short, TRAGIC version is that Armand does make Daniel into a vampire and it breaks Daniel's mind. He's not a cool powerful vampire once he's turned, he's basically a vegetable, he loses his mind and becomes a hollow husk of himself. (Ironically, insane-new-vampire!Daniel is left in the care of Marius of all people lol)
SO, from the book reader perspective, I shot upright on my couch when I saw old Daniel. Because Old Daniel means we're in... some flavor of happy AU? We're in an AU where Armand did the "responsible" thing and didn't give Daniel the Dark Gift, so Daniel got to grow old and actually be a person instead of being the Devil's Minion where Armand became his whole personality and then he lost his mind.
Thing is, since S1, I've been assuming, like others I think, that we're in an AU where the Devil's Minion didn't happen at all. That Daniel did the interview, he and Louis parted ways, and now he's back to finish it. It seemed neat, clear, if a little confusing for book fans because Daniel/Armand is one of THE great love affairs and it seems like it just got skipped entirely, which kind of makes sense since no other film version has really delved into it, right?
WRONG. OK, so with the longing looks that begin RIGHT when Armand finally reveals himself, the whole mic drop moment of "Armand, the love of my life" while Armand stares at Daniel, almost seeming to plead with his eyes "GET ME AWAY FROM HIM" and looking at Daniel with such longing, going into SEASON 2 where we learn that ok, the 1970s beat was WAY more complicated than it seems, Louis' memory is very faulty, Armand has actively tampered with both of them and we DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH....?
So my current theory is: the Devil's Minion DID happen.
Armand and Daniel had their love affair, but instead of turning Daniel, which by the way he had to be talked into doing because of Daniel's suicide attempt basically, Armand set him free. But CLEARLY he continued to stalk and pine after Daniel, if he was there at Daniel's fucking engagement reading his girlfriend's mind enough to tell Daniel what she was really thinking then. Armand was definitely still OBSESSIVELY IN LOVE. And, IMO, has been the whole time.
Now, what does this mean going forward? What do I think is going on?
Armand wants out of his relationship with Louis but he's chronically, pathologically, incapable of breaking up with anyone. He used Lestat to break up the Children of Darkness, he used Louis to break up the Theatre des Vampires, and now he's using Daniel to end this fucked up marriage he and Louis are in.
Armand is doing this first by consenting to renew the interview, Louis gets a walk down memory lane, remembers how much he loves Lestat. Not to solidify their bond with how good things are now, but to break it up with nostalgia.
Armand is also going to reveal things he's hidden from Louis, I think. Like the fact Armand killed Claudia. I think right now they're both operating under the excuse that Santiago and the coven did it in defiance of Armand but that is simply not true, Armand ordered her death to get Louis all to himself. But (book canon) her death broke Louis so basically Armand destroyed what he wanted in Louis in the gaining of him.
Armand also misses Daniel. He's doing the classic passive lover thing, using the next lover to get rid of the current one. That's why he picked Daniel specifically as the vehicle of his liberation. Boy wants to get white knighted in the most fucked up way possible. Evidence: every single painfully longing, puppy dog look he shoots Daniel's way and how those looks only get more intense the more Louis waxes poetic about how great the Loumand relationship is.
Armand appears as Rashid in order to establish for plausible deniability for Louis that he DIDN'T have a relationship with Daniel OR, if Louis knows about it, that he really did do as promised and wiped Daniel's mind. Look, Daniel doesn't even remember him! When he's standing right there! Pretending to be Rashid! He definitely didn't summon his former lover here to break up Louis and him, obviously this is JUST about Louis' desire to do the interview haha, definitely not trying to bring his old ex to break up his current relationship the guy doesn't even remember who he is.
In conclusion: Armand still wants to fuck that boy old man. And he wants to get rid of Louis by making Louis break up with him because that's how Armand rolls. And that's why this whole ridiculous pantomime is happening, because Armand will never, ever be the active party in the breakup because the boy is way, way too fucked up by his supremely fucked up life up to this point to ever be the initiator. Instead he will always, always manipulate those around him to do what he wants.
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savagewildnerness · 12 days
The Score of S2E5/E12 Don't be afraid, just start the tape.
OK, Someone was asking about the repeated piano notes that recur in S2E5 so I thought I’d have a quick go through the episode.
Please bear in mind that I have not listened to the soundtrack for season 2.  In S2E1 I was so profoundly moved by the exquisite violin music in the first 15 minutes that I was totally overwhelmed and I had to watch the first part of the episode several times to take it all in and be composed enough to continue watching.  
The way the music impacted me there, hearing it for the first time alongside the drama, as intended, made me realise I absolutely do not want to listen to the score before watching the whole of S2 and so not feel the emotion from it as intended, alongside the drama the first time I watch the show!  
I’ll spoil myself by analysing every trailer to the millisecond and reading your analyses… but the music: NO.  I even regretted knowing the Come to Me reprise before it was in the show.  
And even the S1 score… I know it well, but I listen to it on CD in the car, so I’m not familiar with the track titles as I’ve never really looked at most of them…. So, that said - this will not be referencing tracks on the score.  Perhaps I’ll return to this in more depth - analysing the music more thoroughly and with reference to the score after the series is over, but for now…
Piano pedal:
The piano pedal and theme recurs 5 times in the episode, and looking at when, I realised it is all related to Louis uncovering his suicide attempt as it culminates (on the fourth occurrence) in the full theme…
I transcribed just the first bit of slow notes, which isn’t very interesting, but here it is:
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Musically the theme is just 5, slow pedal C’s the first and last occurrence - bookmarking the delve into the uncovering of memory.
The second occurrence adds an Eb, suggesting it has somewhere it is starting to head towards… but is still just 5 slow pedal notes.
The third occurrence starts the theme for a fair amount the theme and the fourth occurrence is the full theme.
1 - 5 slow pedal C’s. This occurs in Dubai at this point:
Daniel: How often has Armand spared a life?
Louis: Armand could see I was partial to you
I.e. When Daniel first opens up the concept of exploring his and Louis’ memories of San Francisco, we first hear the pedal C’s
2 - 3 C’s, an Eb and a C - 5 slow notes.  This occurs in Dubai
Daniel: I want to know, for me, what happened between us
So, the first two occurrences are Daniel opening Louis up to the idea of exploring what really happened at the first interview in San Francisco.
3 - Slow pedal C’s and Eb’s into the start of a longer piano theme.  This occurs in San Francisco
This is when Louis is talking about Claudia leaving on the train and him staying behind with Lestat and then…
Daniel: And then what?
The theme starts as Louis talks about this first contemplation of suicide and continues through Daniel’s plea to be made a vampire
4 - Full theme in San Francisco
This begins after Louis and Armand’s argument; after:
Louis: I loved her (Claudia)
Armand: But she didn’t love you.  Not like he did.  Not like I have.
Louis: I know
I don’t know if this is on the season 2 soundtrack, but I’ll presume it is, and it’ll be this, full version that continues now in its full form, through Louis going into the sun.
5 - 5 slow pedal C’s in Dubai, as at the start
This occurs when Armand returns, at the end of the episode
Armand: I could see you were partial to him.  I preserve your happiness even when you don’t or can’t.
Louis and Armand: I had a hunch
Armand: Daniel might prove fruitful in later times
The other, creepy soundscape with distorted horror/electronic sounds (YUM!) happens for the first time after Louis’ suicide attempt when Daniel is mentioned and it scores all the horror elements with Daniel and Armand, where Armand is basically torturing Daniel, trying to find out what makes Daniel fascinating to Louis and Daniel is terrified he is going to die.
The first occurrence:
Louis: He’s alive?
Armand: The boy? The fascinating boy.  He’s fine.  He’s just fine.  Oh, he’s fine.  You’re fine.  We’re all fine.
It continues as Daniel recounts what he can remember - the corpse, etc. and develops as Armand seeks what makes Daniel fascinating
I didn’t really delve into this part, but - violins/strings and a more familiar to most episodes, though sparser, predominantly piano and violin score with lots of high and thinner notes than usual return when Lestat is mentioned between Louis and Armand and Armand talks about listening to the tapes and why Louis did the interview.  It’s very pared back, but the “The drum was my heart” theme (Ahh… is that the origin track for the theme?  Anyway - you know the theme dooo doooooo, do doooo dooooooo one!) is there with high pedal strings as Lestat speaks to Louis and it suddenly drops away as Lestat vanishes…
Armand’s “easeful death” talk with Daniel as he eases him to his death also has a more musically full (and  beautiful) theme.  It reminds me a bit of Moonlight sonata and has Armand-romance-theme vibes in its gentleness - beautiful, delicate and simple.  Then a violin comes in and it becomes increasingly poignant and emotional and eventually (I feel) it has a romance to it too, especially from when Armand says “It’s the comfort we all long for” - it sort of resolves to a musical home.
Again, there is more resolved piano & strings music at the end with Daniel and Louis.
OK, so only a little analysis.  I just watched the episode once and made a few notes.  I basically did it to work out if those repeated piano pedal notes had a specific connection.  And they do - it is specifically tied into (at least as I understood it, from my listening) the uncovering of Louis’ suicide attempt.
Let me know if you’d like me to look at the music ever in the future.  I dunno… part of me feels like killing a fairy to analyse stuff like this rather than just experience the magic, but also I find it very interesting.  This is only a first little touch on stuff.  I could analyse and actually think about it…
Gosh, I adore Daniel Hart’s score!  And I love how unusual and differently this episode was scored compared to other episodes…
Let me know if this was daft of me or if you’d ever like me to look into the music at all.
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pascallatte · 1 year
Absolutely not
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: The Netflix interview that became "evidence". Sort of like “Proof that Y/N L/N and Pedro Pascal have been dating for years,” part 3?? I think.
Date: January 2016
Warning/s: talking about drugs, slight cursing, unspecified age gap
A/N: this is a long one, cause I really liked this Netflix interview of his. And his expression, his smiles, his laugh, everything honestly. it just feels like him.
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“Tudummm…did I do it right?” you asked giggling as the video started. Leaning his forehead on your shoulder Pedro stifles a laugh and sits up, “Yeah, you did fine.”
 “Ok, I’m gonna introduce myself to you. I’ll take over since you guys are clearly confused”, Chelsea Handler, your host for today began looking at Pedro. “well I am,” Pedro said as he turned to look at her.
“‘kay, I’m Chelsea Handler..”
“hi Chelsea,” Pedro said as he moved his chair closer to yours. “and you are Pedr-“ the host was interrupted.
“Pedro Pascal... and Y/n L/n” 
” OK yeah you say it, say it again louder,” she encouraged.
With a smirk, “P E D R O  P A S C A L,” he said slowly yet clearly. “and with me is…” Looking at you, you smiled and waved,” hello, I’m y/n l/n.”
Chelsea nodded, looking down at her cue cards,” ok, now you are a cocaine cowboy on the hunt for Pablo Escobar and you on the other hand this sultry agent that had captured all these guys’ attention—“.
“yeahhhhh~ sultry,” he said teasingly with an eyebrow raised, in which you reciprocated.
“in your series right? You’re hunting him down?” The host continued as she looked up. 
“yeah…yeah,” you said followed by a deep, “correct” from Pedro.
“You filmed in Colombia, right?” She asked seemingly interested. Nodding,”we shot the whole thing in Colombia, w-“. 
Chelsea added when he confirmed the former question,” and how’s that going on? What’s going on down there?”
“It’s pretty amazing, we— the base production is in Bogota, and then we moved around to different locations, throughout the country. I-it’s not totally easy to be away from home and shooting these locations but it’s probably, like the most important thing for the show to capture and you’re, the only way to actually do it is to actually be there and visually that’s the experience you know.” Pedro finished and looked at you as if telling you to share your thoughts.
Smiling to yourself, you answered,” Yeah and when we like saw a little bit of the series and it looks like it’s Colombia in the 80s—“ only to be cut off before you’ve even finished speaking.
Moving in her seat,” so you guys play what? Like a police officer? In the series?” she directly asked.
Responding at the same time, Pedro looked at you and nudged you to speak. “Go on,” he said while playing with the loose ends of the button-up shirt you were wearing.
You turned to look at Chelsea to continue,” so uhm we’re both DEA agents who are-“. An audible hum from her was heard,” and you’re after— cause that was— he was a hard guy to find right?”
“uhh.. yeah, yup yup yeah” you shifted in your seat, “which is kind of a hard thing to imagine right? Cause he was so….. huge and-“
“Like really fat,” Pedro added as he laughed. With a nod and a soft laugh, “I’m sorry” you said towards the camera as you tried to hold in your laugh.
Laughing along, “Well also like the intre— yeah, it’s not like he can run fast. And so are you— so this is a series though, it’s not a movie?” Chelsea prodded as she looked at Pedro, again. “it’s a series, it’s a 10-episode series.” he responded.
Nodding, “10-episode series and the whole time you’re looking for this guy?". “Yeah,” you both said at the same time. “and so a- are your characters based on true people?”
“yes, it is a real guy”
“he’s not fictionalized?”
Shaking his head he takes a hold of your forearm. “No, no, he’s a real DEA agent I met him, just retired in like January 2014. But-but her character though is fictionalized.”
Now directing her attention to you, she looked at you shocked, “really? so like— why did they create this character of yours and what’s in it for her, in this world of men, guns, and drugs?”
Clasping your hands together you cleared your throat, ”so she’s just like Boyd’s character actually, brought in from another place when the DEA needed help and uhm some-some to say to add more heat to the fire.”
Smirking, “heat huh, I like it. So going back to this real character. I’m surprised he didn’t get killed by Pablo Escobar.”
Breathing in, “…..I know, it’s two guys, Steve Murphy and Javier Pena, real living guys and that headed the investigation for the DEA down there.”
“How’d you like working for Netflix?” Chelsea abruptly asked as soon as Pedro finished talking. Chuckling he leans back with a huff, “It’s terrible— that’s what she kept telling me as soon as filming started”, and reached behind you to wrap an arm around your shoulders.
She looked at you two before continuing,”It’s embarrassing isn’t it?”. 
“it’s so embarrassing!! It is—it’s so humiliating.”
“it’s like when people say how’s working and I’ll be like oh gosh” she laughed as she stared at him. Looking down as he thinks, “yeah, like excuse me. Netflix!! NETFLIX!!” Releasing a breath, he looks up then at you, who was already looking at him. “Yeah it’s embarrassing. Because I- we actually watch so much of it.”
“ohhh, what’re you watching?” Chelsea asked as she looked at you from the side. Pedro raised his hand to list down what he had in his thought.“We fucking watched all of it. I saw Bloodline, Kimmy Schmidt. I was watching your stand up, Uganda be kidding me..I’ve seen uhh what was the other one?” He looked towards you and asked.
Tilting your head, you thought for a bit before responding with, “oh!! House of cards”. 
“ Yeah that one, we’ve seen the house of cards, caught up on orange is the new black— all of it. A complete Netflix slave,” he finished
Sitting up,” Can I introduce you? Do I have to say hello?”, looking around for confirmation. “yeah yeah yeah but better give it to him he’s much louder,” Chelsea said, pointing to Pedro. “Ah, ok here,” passing the cue cards to the man beside you.
“Oookay here we go. Hello, hello internet. I would like to introduce you to Chelsea Handler, Netflix’s jack of all trades,” Pedro read from the paper before looking at her. “I’m doing 4 documentaries” she immediately stated, looking at him.
“you’re doing 4 documentaries?” He asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,..I’m almost done with them”
He continued, “so you-you’ve been shooting. Does this have anything to do with the amount of travelling you were telling me about before we started?” while pointing at her, to you then to the camera. Making the camera show the confused look you have on your face.
“Yeah, I’ve been travelling all- I’ve been bopping around. I mean I just kind of like to incorporate work with travel cause I really can’t sit still for very long, so I kind of like, kind of explore at all times.,” Chelsea enthusiastically shared while you were seen getting comfortable in your seat before leaning your head on Pedro’s shoulder as he scoots impossibly closer to you than he had been.
She continued with, “I’ve been doing- I did one with Chelsea does marriage, that’s my first one, which is all about my personal feelings about marriage and exploring it with my family. It was all- it was very personal, talking to my ex-boyfriends, talking to people who’ve been married for like 65 years-.” 
As she was talking, both of you were in your own little world as Pedro looks at you and pinching your nose before leaning to the side, to rest his head on his hand.
“-talking to people who were in-“, 
“65 days..” Pedro said chuckling, getting back in focus.
Agreeing, ”yeah, 65 days exactly. People who were in like a throuple relationship, like two women and a man-,” she stated as she looked at you two. “-that like operate as a couple, it’s called a throuple. That’s a thing now.”, she ended.
“Ohh..,” stunned, he looked at her. “I had no idea, did you?,” he asked as he looked at you who was still leaning on him. Moving to look up at him then to Chelsea,” Uhmmm.. I’ve heard of it but never really got the chance to look more into it.” You simply said.
Continuing, “Uhmmm we did that. Chelsea does racism which is fascinating-” She listed, which resulted in laughs from everyone.”-Chelsea does Silicon Valley, cause I just don’t understand anything about the tech world and how they operate. And then Chelsea does drugs, is the last one.” She continues as she looks up.
That caught Pedro’s attention as he jumped up his chair and gestured to the both of you with a teasing expression on his face,” Come to our show!.”
“ So I’m finishing it that’s why-“
“maybe that’s why they put us together.” He joked towards the camera.
 Chelsea lets out a laugh before continuing, “so I’m doing ayahuasca in Peru.” You perked up, making Pedro chuckle “Oh no! just come on y/n,” hearing him from behind the camera
Laughing, the camera focused on you, “have you ever done it before?”
“Nooo of course not. I was waiting to- I’m gonna do it on camera.” And weirdly, her answer had an effect on you as you were now laughing hysterically while hitting a very shocked Pedro on his midsection.
“you’re gonna do it on camera?!” He asked with a look between disbelief and interest.
Humming, “yeah that’s like the point of this whole series, is to show people. Everything I’ve done on camera’s medically supervised. Like taken Adderall, showed what happens to your brain, do like mental acuity and physical tests“. Pausing to think, “Ok ok so where was I- oh I’ve taken Ambien with lots of vodkas to see in my own house.”
A small voice was heard before the closest camera pans to you. “Out of curiosity, I’d like to try that,” you whisper to Pedro. He lets out a hearty laugh, “No, no, I won’t let you-“
She cut Pedro off suddenly interested in what you have to say, “hold on what’s happening?”
“she told me she was curious and wanted to try what you did, with the ambien-vodka mixture,” he answered for you.
“you should try it sometime—“ she encouraged, resulting in you nodding your head with a grin.
With a hand on his forehead,” no, don’t encourage her, 'cause she’ll fucking do it. I’m telling you.” Pedro looks genuinely concerned while you were laughing your ass off getting a few laughs from the production staff with you.
“I mean— it’s not a pretty sight”
Pedro nods agreeing with the host, “to see everything that you do and have no memory of it whatsoever,” he added. Looking at him, Chelsea finishes with a “yeah, just to show people how they behave when they’re not acting responsibly.”
“How did you convince Netflix to let you do it?” You suddenly asked out of nowhere resulting in a not-so-surprised response from Pedro, “See!! See!! I told you not to encourage her”
Turning to him you, “She didn’t encourage me, I’m just genuinely curious about how she’d convince them. It’s not like I’ll do it,” you said in a voice that sounded like you don’t believe what you’re saying.
Ruffling your fixed hair,” nope, I don’t believe you.” Earning himself a small pout as you leaned back in your chair.
“To answer that, I remember pitching the drug one to Netflix’s producers and said maybe I should just do drugs, have everybody see what happens— how you act on weed, on alcohol, on pills, and all the things that people abuse. Nothing really illegal or narcotic cause you can’t really film that kind of stuff and get away with it,” the host said when she interrupted your small moment.
She looks at you, “and then- or there are certain places where you can film and so ayahuasca obviously is legal in Peru so uh-“
You butted in and teasingly looked at Pedro, “I’m booking the earliest flight to Peru as soon as this wraps.” He softly lets out a breath, “oh gosh” as he dragged his hands on one cheek. “NO NO, I’m kidding,” softly chuckling while you reached to cup his cheeks. 
“yeah, go do it!! Do you like the people that you work with?” Chelsea asked as soon as you were seated properly.
Looking at him, leaning on one side of the chair. “hmm, do you Pedro? Like, the people that you work with?” asked with a small smirk.
“yes very much,” he said turning to you. “But they aren’t that funny, 'cause I’m the funny one” he continues as he turns to Chelsea like he’s stating a fact.
“HUhhhh!! No, you aren’t,” shaking your head, disagreeing with him.
Chelsea with curious look, “Are you?”
“Maybe, possibly…”
“so you think you make a lot of people laugh?”
Pedro smirks he glances at you “Yeah…. Yeah I do”
“mhmm, believe what you want to believe,” you said as you looked down to avoid his teasing expression.
Laughing aloud “I don’t think she agrees with tha-” she points at you
“or cry what’s the difference” he looked around to see some nodding. “Cry??” You asked confused. “Yeah cry. You know that,” he pauses, giving you a knowing look
“Wha-Ohhhhhh, ok. I get it now,” you said looking abashed as you turned away from the camera.
“why what is it?  Did he make you cry?”
“uh-haha, kind of a long story. But he did this thing that-“ covering your mouth to stop you from spilling. “Ok that’s enough. Going back, so then what are you?” He looks at Chelsea while still covering the lower half of your face.
“don’t worry about me. I’m a very loud personality. It was more important that we interviewed you,” Chelsea began, giving him a pointed look.
“no no this was- I got to kinda interview you but we should’ve-“ he says
“yes you did, a little bit. But I controlled the interview,” she stated as a fact.
“you controlled the interview-“
“because I know what I’m doing”
He nods, “because you do know what you’re doing, and I do not so meaning we should’ve interviewed this-“ he drags you to him with the same hand he used to cover your mouth, “-person right here, who was particularly interested in the drug part. why- why are you interested in that y/-“
The host cut him with, “So it was fun it was a pleasure to meet you” pointing at Pedro, “I like you.”
“I-it was a pleasure meeting you too, uhm I like you too” he answered while he was still looking at you.
Readying to stand, “yeah.. great, we’re gonna go- can we get a bag of blow?” Chelsea joked which you laughed at.
Now standing by the door the host, Chelsea Handler, was nowhere to be seen. The cameraman walked a bit closer to where the two of you were conversing. Once close enough and you were heard, they zoomed in on the both of you.
You bumped your shoulder into him. “can we go get it though?” You looked up at him from where you were standing.
Looking back at you, he crosses his arms and steps towards you, “Get what?” Raising a brow he watches as you step closer, arms on your waist.
You gesture to the staff behind you, “the.. the bag of blow”, you said fighting off a smile. 
Shaking his head at your teasing he proceeds to engulf you in a hug before dragging you out the room, “Absolutely not”.
Fan 1 I like how Pedro literally tries to include y/n in the conversation she was purposely being left out of, why invite her if you’re only going to talk to one person.
Fan 2 Pedro Pascal is my guilty pleasure
Fan 3 No cause like why did y/n literally just jump out of her seat when the topic of taking drugs come in, girl you’re in a show where you fight against drugs and you’re curious about it like hell. Pedro’s way of stopping her like ughh
Fan 5 If Pedro looks at me in that way, he looks at Y/n, I’ll literally be in heaven.
Fan 6 The lady barely let y/n speak. Let my girl talk
Fan 7 There is a lot of chemistry between them. I am sure that had a very sexually passionate escapade.  ↳ Fan 5 replied to Fan 7: Girl his GF's literally right there ↳Fan 7 replied to Fan 5: rumoured, there’s not enough proof
Fan 8 I love him. He's being so attentive and respectful when Chelsea talks about her work, and how he includes always tries to bring y/n in. And then the "I controlled the interview!" was just CRINGE as well as her cutting y/n off as soon as she speaks.
Fan 9 Y/N: I wanna try what she did  Pedro: Nope Chelsea: yeah go ahead  Pedro: Don’t encourage her!!
Fan 10 No cause why are they so snuggly in this interview, like the subtle touches? Also, why does y/n seem so down in this? ↳ Fan 5 replied to Fan 7: probably cause she was probably feeling bad or already sick at the time they were recording this. She posted something about being bedridden for a week.
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Previous Chapter
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liked by 975,085 users
theshaderoom: Look who’s back! #Y/NY/L does her first interview since leaving social media for over a year! Y/N talks about becoming a mother and dating #Drake and ex #JackHarlow
“Sometimes, I look in the mirror in the mornings and just say to myself “Oh my God! Bitch you’re someone’s mother!” It’s hard work, but I love every part of it. “
Y/L continues “it doesn’t feel like work though, having Ariel has made me look at the world with a new set of eyes. This sounds spiritual, but I really do feel born again.”
The rapper/model couldn’t hide the smile on her face when asked about Drake!
“Aubrey, brings me so much peace. After everything that happened in my last relationship, the idea of a new relationship was out of the question. Starting a family with him has made me finally understand why it didn’t work out with anyone else. He was always meant to be the one for me.”
Additionally, Y/N reflects on her past relationship with Rapper Jack Harlow.
“I’ll be honest, the day his Vogue feature came out. I immediately called him. What people don’t understand is that I was with him for 2 years, we were planning our whole lives together. I won’t go into details about our conversation but after that I sat back, watched, and cried while letting them have their moment. Which hurt a lot but I’m grateful for it because now I’m with the person I’m supposed to be with.” Click the link in our bio to read more!
view all 14,689 comments
user: aw I’m really so happy for her
user: something seems fishy about them idk
user: see how y/n can do an interview and not talk shit about Jack Harlow?! Even though he deserves it!!
user: Drake can’t keep a women so they’ll be broken up soon
user: I know Jack and all his baby mamas shaking and crying
user: no wonder Stacey is jealous of Y/N
user: she’s so mature because if my ex was slamming my name in interviews I would raise hell!!!
user: she seems to be in such a great place mentally!
user: damn she’s really a mother
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liked by jackharlow, haileybieber, kimkardashian, justineskye, chrissyteigen, oliviaculpo, neelamthadhani and 783,529 others
thatgirlstacey: that look when bitches can’t keep your husband name out their mouth
view all 5674 comments
user: girl, you need to be worried about if Jack had another baby on you
haileybieber: 🤦🏼‍♀️ tell me about it
user: yeah y/n is weird
user: so y’all can talk about her but she can’t?
user: y/n didn’t say anything bad about you or your relationship
user: you lucky y/n didn’t drag tf outta you both
kimkardashian: sending you love 💕
user: ok enough about y/n girl you look good af
user: bitches stay jealous
jackharlow: love running their mouth 🙄
user: you ain’t broken up with him yet?!!
user: you won, you got the man! Leave y/n alone
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liked by 5,790 users
jackharlowsource: Jack Harlow and Stacey James-Harlow at the “White Men Can’t Jump” movie premiere!
view all 635 comments
user: my parents
user: damn sorry to hear that
user: they’re so cuuuute!
user: Glad to see they’re still together! I was getting worried especially with reports saying they separated!
user: she’ll never leave that man, same tbh
user: he was never that happy with Y/n
user: goals
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Liked by yourinsta, icespice, partynextdoor, chubbsview, Beyoncé,SZA, urbanwyatt, druski, and 1,425,116 others
champagnepapi: I would clear a whole town for you 🤞
view all 836 comments
celeb: that’s twin!
celeb: love y’all!
celeb: now when something happens in Kentucky we know who did it 🤣
yourinsta: don’t play bout mine 💕
celeb: wipe that white boy like a snotty!
celeb: yeah they need ass beat
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liked by selenagomez, saweetie, dojacat, sza, summerwalker, urbanwyatt, flomillishit, 1dessdior and 678,367 others
yourinsta: For him it’s whatever with whoever 🤞
view all 8,457 comments
saweetie: I know that’s right bby!
user: goals
user: yeah fuck Jack and his wife!!
selenagomez: 💕💕💕
user: love seeing you so happy
user: between Drake’s post and this one, I think Jack about to get touched 😵‍💫
SZA: 🤭 kill bill
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liked by 996,468 users
tmz_tv: Details are scarce, but according to a report on Hollywood Unlocked Jack Harlow was celebrating the release of the White Men Can’t Jump reboot when he was punched in the face.
According to a source, the celebrity-filled after party was going well until Jack Harlow reportedly acted rudely towards wife Stacey James for unknown reasons.
A few guest tried to intervene but the situation got worse. He was confronted about his behavior to his wife and mother of his child.
The source told Hollywood Unlocked that a physical altercation occurred between the guest with Harlow leaving with a “bloodied nose."
view all 13,678 comments
user: ovo crew definitely jumped him
user: deserved
user: imagine getting jumped in front of your family I’d cry
user: drake said he’d spin bout y/n and he meant that
user: I think this is just karma
user: what a dick
user: omg can someone check and see if he’s okay
AN: damn that’s crazy 🤪 I’ve missed toxic Jack so much so I wrote this up! Next part of this AU series probably won’t be up until Father’s Day because we still have to find out if Jack had another baby 😳 so much drama
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beabeemu · 1 year
All This Time Pt.3
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 3 of All this time
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!!
wc; 2k
Life with Rei was hard at first, but we managed. For the first few years, we were staying with my parents, They were kind enough to take care of her while I was at school. I did get bullied for getting pregnant, some even spread rumors that I was “easy” to get in bed with. The good thing was that I didn’t get expelled. There were times that I regretted things that had happened. But one hour of playing with Rei immediately erased those thoughts. I also kept tabs on my baby daddy (hehe I had to lol) he got recruited for a france football club and his path to becoming a pro is in front of him. And it will be quite scandalous to reveal that he got someone pregnant at 16. 
After high school, I went to college and did a business course.
 Fast forward to now, Rei is 8 years old now, I work a corporate job at Mikage Corp. Whenever Rei is at school I was at work. Then I would pick her up from school, Unless I need to work overtime, I have her uncle pick her up. Or my mom, We lived in the same area. I couldn’t stray far away from them when I still needed their help with rei. We weren’t living under the same roof anymore because we moved to an apartment closer to my work, but they’d babysit Rei whenever I was not home. 
As of now, rei hadn’t been asking questions about her dad. Which was good. I also stray her away from the tv whenever a football match with Paris X gen was playing. By refusing to let her see him, I was only preventing her from getting any ideas. I should have probably told that detail to Osamu before letting him babysit her.
Getting out of my car, I looked up at the sign “Onigiri Miya” It was already closed because it was 9 pm already. When I entered the threshold, I expected an Osamu with rei beside her asleep or close enough to that, but no. 
What welcomed me was Rei watching TV about a soccer interview, I looked at the two logos of the teams, and what I saw were the familiar logos of PXG and Bastard Munchen. They were interviewing a guy named Michael Kaiser, a player from bastard munchen, titled the MVP of their lost game. 
Then came on an even more familiar face. 
It flashed his name, Rin Itoshi 
I FLinched at her call, I looked at her and she was smiling widely with stars in her eyes. 
“I watched the whole game!! And they were amazing!!! I liked the team with the big X in their logo, WHat are they called Mom?? Do you know?? And when is their next game, Mom?? I really wanna watch them again!! They were amazing!! Especially that guy with the bald head!! I think his name is Loki. And that guy with dark hair!! AND HE HAS THE SAME EYES AS ME ISN’T THAT COOL!!?!!?!?!” 
“Yes, yes love that super cool. Look You can ask me questions later but I need to talk to uncle osamu first ok??” 
She only nodded excitedly as she continued watching the interview with her dad. I made my way to the kitchen where I saw Osamu wiping some plates. 
“Oh- You’re here, Don’t worry I fed her something healthy if that’s what you’re worried about- OW! What was that for!?!??!?! Are ye’ crazy?!?!?!” 
“What were you thinking letting her watch his match???” 
I looked at him as if he was a creature from another world. Then I got a hold of his hair and started pulling
“HEY! STOP IT! Look! It wasn’t my fault, the last customer I served changed the channel to the game and I couldn’t just tell him not to. And I tried to change the channel ok?? But she wouldn’t let me, she was too amazed by the game that she watched the whole match from start to finish. Heh, she is his daughter” 
I let go of his hair, and he muttered a small thank you, but I still slapped his chest. I sighed, contemplating what I was gonna do next. 
“Plus, what’s the big deal? It’s not like she’s gonna immediately ask whether Rin is her father right? And she’s just probably gonna ask you about the team. So stop freaking out, and go home. I need to close up.” 
I sighed, I thanked Osamu for taking care of Rei. I got out of the kitchen and saw Rei still watching the interview for the game. 
“C’mon rei, let’s go home, grab your stuff” 
“Ok, mama!” She happily slid from her chair and walked with me to the exit. I yelled goodbye to Osamu before we closed the door and went inside the car. 
“Neh, mama. Can you answer my questions now?”
“Sure love, ask away” 
She squealed happily as she asked her questions about Rin’s team along with a few soccer questions, which I answered to the best of my abilities, I wasn’t a soccer expert, So I told her that I’ll do a little research so that I can answer her questions. 
Thankfully she agreed, she was quiet for a moment, but after a few minutes of quiet, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I smiled at her and focused on my driving.
“Look, Mom! I got accepted to a soccer club!!” 
I stared at the paper she was holding, it was a list of names that were accepted to the soccer club at her school, and her name was listed at the top, with a title at the side that said, Striker  
‘Just like your father huh’
When her obsession with soccer began, I didn't take it that seriously, I thought that it was just a phase. So I brought her a soccer ball, and some cleats and we would go to a big field every weekend for her to play soccer. During that time I was thinking that what if she was as great a soccer player as her father? Back then it was just a fever dream. But right now, it might become a reality. 
I didn't even know she tried out for the team. But apparently, she did. And she got accepted. Then I got flashbacks of when Rin and I were kids and he had just recently joined a soccer club. 
"Look Y/n!! I got accepted see?!?!?!" 
"Wow!! Congrats Rin!!" 
He smiled at me as he looked at the jersey in his hands that said 'Itoshi' 
Now I finally get to play with my brother!!!
I smiled as I looked at Rei, who was already tying her shoes so that we could go to the soccer field so she could practice a bit before her official p meeting with the team tomorrow. 
My relationship was something that you wouldn't find in any normal relationship
And that's what I liked about it. Even after we moved, even after he changed, after his brother neglected him and left him, he was still that person who you can call at night to vent to. And he would listen, and he would be on your side no matter what. 
But he had a dream, a passion, a strong ambition to achieve. And even I couldn't compete with that. But I knew that. And you didn't forcefully squeeze yourself inside his life, that's not what he needed anyway. What he needed was just someone who he knew would always be right there. Even if your guys don't talk after months, just one hi and his world is spinning in a new different direction, even if it's just for one night. 
And you could only imagine the hurt that Rin had felt when you changed your number to a new one. His something different was gone now. He had held on to you because you know him better than anyone else. No one could compare to what you and Rin had. 
Rin tried to reach out to you, and he did. But all of your accounts were deactivated (because of your pregnancy, you decided to lay low and deleted all of your social media accounts, along with getting a new number) 
Rin will never forget that night. More like he couldn't, he was kind of upset that you had left so early without him knowing. 
Thus his never-ending despair began.
"Mom! I have a game tomorrow at 3, is it possible that you can watch it? It's my very first game you know…" 
This was the kind of tactic that you would get from a kid that wanted candy. 
But she was so adorable to look at, with her doe eyes, her little pout. She was even in her jersey, and her head was styled in pigtails made by her uncle. 
Despite having work tomorrow at 3, it would hurt to leave early right? I'll just give them a heads-up. Plus I've worked 6 overtime in a row, one even lasted until 2 am. So I think I have a high chance of getting permission. 
"OK baby, I'll be there" 
“I’ve watched her practice you know, she’s really good. I mean I’m not a soccer expert or anything but, I see talent. Just like her father” 
I was driving a car with Osamu on the way to the field where Rei’s game was being held. When I told Osamu who was rei’s father, he couldn’t believe it. I still laugh whenever I remember what he said to me. 
“You snatched your childhood crush and a football star?” 
I remember telling him after we watched the U20 vs Blue Lock 11 match. I was 3 months pregnant at the time. I didn’t want to watch the game at first but Osamu made me. 
We arrived at the venue (It was just a big ass field with bleachers on the sides) We sat in the front row, they were warming up right now, I saw Rei score a practice goal so Osamu and I clapped. She mustn’t have heard us because she just continued what she was doing. I saw the jersey she was wearing ‘1# Miya’ 
Then the game began, and Rei’s team quickly took the lead with Rei scoring a goal 20 minutes in, She was amazing. And her skills were way beyond compared to her teammates. She is completely carrying her whole team to victory. Whenever she would steal the ball from the other team or score a goal, we would cheer loudly. As the first half ended Osamu and I went to their team’s bench. 
“Rei!! You were great out there” She turned around and saw Osamu and me walking toward them. Her eyes lit up and ran for me and hugged my waist. 
“I’m glad you’re both here ma!! Did you see my score??” 
“I did and you were amazing!!” 
“You were great out there kiddo” Osamu patted her head, then her couch called out, she said goodbye then ran off. 
“Are you Rei’s parents?” Her couch said as he approached us. 
“I am, he’s her uncle”
“Well I just gotta say, Rei has amazing talent for soccer. Teachers are even calling her a soccer prodigy, Is anyone in your family a pro athlete or something?” 
‘Well her father certainly is’ 
I didn’t know what to say at first, good thing Osamu answered for me
“I play volleyball and played in nationals at one point, and my brother is a professional volleyball player” 
“Ha! I knew the name Miya was familiar, atsumu Miya right?” 
“Yeah hahaha” 
“You must be very proud of her, even though this is her first official game, I can tell that she can go a long way” As he talked he was watching Rei try t score a goal again her red hair standing out, doing techniques that I never knew she knew how to do. Rei might be the one playing but all I see is him, It was like going back in time, I haven’t felt this nostalgic ever since I met up with Rin 8 years ago. 
Rei is a replica of him. 
Taglist: @kimura-uzuri, @10-jiku2, @briefparadisewonderland, @junephantom21, @noshitmyfriend, @decoraboix, @pwr3tties, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp, @vitaniangel-blog @coldteameowjesty, @yamikawa-blog7, @ieathairs, @sirimiripetrichor,
Taglist Form!!
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
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zombie-bait · 8 months
listen if you love amc iwtv and haven’t read the books I’m begging you to read The Vampire Lestat. I know there’s hardcore fans out there who love book one and think you need to read them all in order and I respect the grind, I really do. But.
The Vampire Lestat changed me.
Everything about it was so instantly fascinating. The My Immortal ass prologue, the eloquent writing, the struggles with religion, the history, the overt queerness (this was pre amc iwtv so all I had was the movie ok 😭), the campiness, the quotes that run through my head night and day. Lestat is a bombastic protagonist who’s desperate to survive and find a single ounce of love in a godless world. You get to see a new side of Armand, you get Nicki, you get Lestat’s mother (who I could write a whole essay on). You get the Loustat reunion in all its emotionally glory. If you want to know why the went so hard with the show I implore you to read that book.
Interview is good but TVL is powerful. Where Interview was full of grief, TVL is full of hope and pessimism and defiance that rose from the ashes of that grief. You can feel how much Anne changed in the 7 years between the two books not just as an author but a person. Is it perfect? No of course not, its kind of insane at times. But this is the Vampire Chronicles we’re talking about, I think that’s a given (and, at many times, a positive).
((Edit because I was sleep deprived while writing this and left some stuff out: This is mostly aimed at ppl who are on the fence about reading the books after watching the show or who have tried to read Interview and weren't too grabbed by it. I would potentially recommend watching the movie, skimming book 1 and then reading book 2. The differences in Anne's writing style and opinions on religion are genuinely fascinating to read first hand. The stand out part of experiencing the two books together is how different Louis and Lestat's accounts are. It's an incredibly unique case of both protagonists being unreliable narrators that I haven't seen in other media. This post is largely just me going "hey, if you tried Interview and it made you not want to read more even though you really enjoy the ambiance/concept then TVL might be more up your alley." If you want an in-depth look into the series and if you want to catch/compare everything with the tv show, then absolutely read the first book! I did and I don't regret it, even though I do feel like book 2 is stronger. Tryna keep this short cuz I love this series and I have a million things to say hjdhsfhjkdhjh))
98 notes · View notes
🎵 But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like you’ve been here before? - Pompeii by Bastille
Hi can i request and spencer reader for scarlets concert please
# milestone celebrations
Hello lovely Anon! Kind of a rewrite of 15.04 Saturday I guess. Artistic liberties were taken in that the Jeid confession never happened (like we all wish it hadn’t). Also the way Spencer talks about Pompeii is actually how the lead singer of Bastille described the meaning of the song in an interview.
I am still taking song lyric requests for my milestone celebration 🎵
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Gif does not depict the appearance of the reader.
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Summary - Spencer Reid is stuck in a rut, bored by his mundane life. But one conversation with a stranger prompts his whole life to change. And he knows he’ll never be bored again.
CW - slightly miserable Spencer, therapists, a lot of talk of Mount Vesuvius eruption and death, Spencer and his uncomfortable info dumps, self depreciating Spencer, one swear, mostly silliness and cute dog interactions.
WC - 4.3k
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Spencer Reid was, for a lack of a better word, bored. Unfortunately for him, given his incredibly high IQ and his brain's need for constant stimulation, it was easy for him to feel this way. 
For a long time now he’d felt like he was living a Groundhog Day. His life became a series of tedious events that seemed to recur over and over again in the exact same way. 
His days started with coffee and the newspaper, whether he was at home or away on a case. He showered, towel dried his errant hair and dressed in some version of the same outfit everyday. 
Then he went to work, taking the metro at the same time everyday he was in DC or jumping into one of the SUV’s, always in the back seat, if they were away. 
The cases always seemed much the same as each other these days. People were being murdered, it was their jobs to stop the unsub. 
Time and time again Spencer found himself in front of a map working the geographic profile or he was utilised if there was a lot of literature as he was the only one who could get through it fast enough. 
He spoke to Garica over the phone, sometimes watched interrogations through the two-way glass, rarely conducted them. And when they had a suspect, he got on his Kevlar and piled into the SUV with the rest of the team. 
Whether they stopped the unsub before it was too late or not meant very little to him these days. 
And then he’d crawl into bed, sometimes his own, sometimes a random hotel bed in whatever town the team found themselves in. It didn’t much matter, they were all equally as lonely. 
And Spencer was just bored of it all. 
When he closed his eyes, it almost felt as if nothing had changed at all; like he’d been here before. The monotony of his days was getting him down. His impressive brain wasn’t being used to its full capacity and he felt it withering away inside of his skull. 
He didn’t feel challenged in any aspect of his life. His job had grown stale and maybe if he had something else to keep his mind occupied it might be ok. But climbing into an empty bed was by far the most soul destroying part of this perpetual deja vu loop he’d ended up in. 
How was he supposed to be optimistic when life kept giving him reasons not to be? 
Along with the boredom, Spencer started spiralling into a vicious pit of misery. It’s not that he was necessarily depressed, but he certainly wasn’t happy. 
He became snappy with the people he called his friends. He was easily irritable, quick to anger. Everyone had noticed. It didn't take a profiler to see Spencer wasn’t himself. 
But much like they always did, they buried their heads in the sand, busy enough with their own lives so they didn’t have time to worry about the youngest member of their team. It was a pattern he’d grown used to, another mundane facet of Spencer’s life. They cared, he knew that, but maybe they didn’t care enough. 
His days off were always the same too. 
He spent the mornings with coffee and a newspaper, showered and dressed before leaving his apartment. The home he’d once loved, his fortress of solitude, had grown so impossibly lonely that he couldn’t bear to spend more time there than he had to. 
Those four walls in which he’d lived for close to two decades now seemed hell bent on provoking him, reminding him how isolated he’d become. 
So he went out, to coffee shops, bookstores and museums; always in that order. He hated the rut he’d found himself in but he couldn’t for the life of him snap himself out of it. As much as he hated it, repetition was something he was good at. 
But something had to change. He had to find a way to banish the grey clouds that rolled over the hills, shrouding him in a constant darkness. 
And that was how Spencer Reid ended up on his day office in a therapist's office. 
His first three sessions went exactly the same, a constant theme in his life. His therapist would ask him what brought him here and what he hoped to achieve; in response Spencer would pretty much clam up instantly. 
In their fourth session, things played out a little differently. 
Doctor Santiago didn’t have her notebook on her lap when he entered her office like she had the other three times. Her hands were laced in her lap, her glasses pushed up on top of her head. Her expression was less amicable than usual. 
“Spencer,” she spoke before he’d even gotten comfortable. “I don’t mean to sound callous, but is it really worth wasting your money and what precious free time you have, coming here when you aren’t going to talk about why you’re here?” 
He looked at his shoes, one of which was tapping against the carpet, then he looked at his hands. He didn’t look back at Doctor Santiago when he spoke. 
“I’ve been reading a lot about Mount Versuvius and Pompeii.” He drummed his fingers against his thigh in time with his foots rhythmic tapping, 
“Ok…” Doctor Santiago frowned a little but hoped if she didn’t say too much so he would continue. 
“All those people who were just going about their days, lost in their own vices and then boom, it’s all over just like that. Posed forever in time as the dust settles around them. Do you know that approximately sixteen thousand people died in Pompeii?” He glanced up at her, his own expression contorted in confusion. 
“I didn’t know that.” The Doctor shook her head. “So you’ve been thinking about death?”
“No.” He rolled his lip between his teeth. “Although I suppose that would be the more obvious trail of thought. But once you get to know me you’ll realise my trails of thought are anything but obvious.” 
“I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with this then.” 
Spencer huffed out a breath, frustrated even though he was used to people never understanding him. 
“I’ve been thinking about stasis.” He mused and he watched as his therapist's brow furrowed. “Just imagine it, how boring must it have been, emotionally speaking, in the aftermath? Just stuck in the same position for hundreds and hundreds of years.” 
Doctor Santiago’s brow was furrowed so deeply her eyebrows were practically in her eye sockets. 
“But they were dead.” She stated the obvious.
“Logically I know that. But for some reason I just can’t help thinking about it. I keep having imaginary conversations in my head as if I were one of those people. Stuck in some kind of like, tragic death pose and having a conversation with the other people also resided to the same fate.” He frowned himself now as he spoke it out loud. 
It sounded even more ridiculous hearing himself say it. Was he really so bored that these were the kind of thoughts he spent his time nurturing? 
The doctor leant forward with her knees on her elbows, it was her job to quickly make assumptions about the things her patients told her and to read between the lines. 
“You feel like one of those people. Stuck in time while the rest of the world continues to move around you.” She stated it is a fact, didn’t ask. 
Spencer winced a little at her summation but nodded nonetheless. 
“People always see my IQ as a blessing, but actually a lot of the time it’s more like a curse. Boredom is so much easier for me to fall into, if my brain’s not being stimulated enough.” He ran his fingers over the crease in his slacks, hoping it would work to distract him from talking about himself. 
“And you feel like you aren’t getting enough stimulation?” She narrowed her eyes on him. 
“Not anymore. Not for a long time.” He agreed. “I love my job but it’s just not challenging me anymore. I feel like…let’s say the BAU is a city, like Pompeii. I used to love that city, but now it just feels like all the walls are tumbling down and I’ve been left covered in rubble, left in this monotonous death pose for all of eternity.” 
God that sounds morbid and very over dramatic, what is wrong with me? 
“You’re stuck in a rut.” Doctor Santiago didn’t seem perturbed, she’d probably heard a lot worse. 
“Undoubtedly.” He agreed. 
“You’re going to do something for me today.” She sat back in her chair, a smile toying at her lips which Spencer wasn’t sure he liked. “You’re going to go somewhere you wouldn’t ordinarily go, not a bookstore, not a museum. Somewhere new for Spencer Reid.” 
“That’s all?” He frowned sceptically. 
“No,” Santiago chuckled with a shake of her head. “I want you to have one conversation with someone you don’t know. Don’t talk about work, or your routine. Definitely don’t talk about Pompeii or death poses.” 
“See, here’s the thing with that,” Spencer swallowed. “In case it wasn’t clear, I am exceptionally socially awkward. I can’t just talk to a stranger. How about I come up with some conversation topics and next week we can discuss them and then-”
“Spencer,” she cut him off. “Today. It’s time to break you out of your rut, ok?” 
Goddamnit, why did I ever come here? 
The park was just about the least Spencer Reid place to hang out that there was, aside from maybe the beach, and he felt inherently uncomfortable. 
He was a middle aged man in a suit jacket and shirt, wandering a park on a Saturday afternoon, alone. He actually found himself willing his cell phone to ring and being called into work rather than go through with this. 
One conversation with someone he didn’t know. It was at its core a simple enough task. At least it would be for most people, people unlike Spencer who didn’t feel paralysed at the thought of talking to strangers. 
It was different at work, where part of his job was to talk to people all the time. He had some sort of authority in those situations, his presence was helping catch a killer. In the park he was out in the wild, thrown to the wolves. He was so far out of his comfort zone it made him feel nauseous. 
But for the first time in months, he wasn’t bored. And maybe Doctor Santiago had been onto something. 
He scanned the area as he meandered down the tree lined path that cut through the park, in search of someone who looked normal enough for him to strike up a conversation with. Most people weren’t alone, with their families, partners or kids or both. The only other people he noticed on their own didn’t look what Spencer would deem as normal.
He spent almost an hour wandering with the bright DC sunshine beaming down on him. Eventually he started to feel sweat gathering at the base of his neck and at his temples and ambled to the nearest bench. 
He shucked off his jacket and rolled his shirt sleeves up to his elbows. Feeling dejected and slightly fed up, he pulled his book on Mount Vesuvius out of his satchel and started reading it for approximately the seventy-sixth time. 
When Spencer was reading, his brain blocked off everything else that wasn’t directly on the pages in front of him. He couldn’t hear the sound of people chatting and laughing in the park, he could no longer feel the heat from the sun. He was lost somewhere in Pompeii. 
It was because of this that he didn’t notice the large, fluffy mutt running directly at him, or hear its owner calling for him to stop. It wasn’t until he felt something heavy pressing against his knees and his book being snuffled out of the way by a wet nose, that he looked up from the pages. 
The dog with its piercing blue eyes and a soft, fuzzy face stared at him, paws on either of Spencer’s knees and its tongue hanging dopily out its mouth. Spencer stared at the mutt for a moment or two, somewhat perplexed, before it dribbled on Spencer’s slacks and Spencer groaned in frustration.
“Gross,” He grumbled, giving the dog a soft push. “Get down.” 
The dog dropped back to the grass, but continued staring at Spencer while he found a handkerchief in his satchel and wiped his pants. 
“Beau! Beau, what are you doing?” A panted voice caused Spencer’s eyes to snap away from the dog and up to a woman running his way.
Spencer felt his chest tighten as he watched the grace with which you chased after the errant dog. 
“I’m so sorry.” You fought to catch your breath as you stopped in front of him and the dog. “He’s so much faster than me.” 
“He dribbles.” Spencer tucked the soiled handkerchief away.
“Yeah, dogs will do that.” You laughed, clipping the leash to the husky’s collar. 
“I could have been allergic.” Spencer stood up from the bench.
“Allergic to dogs?” You cocked a curious eyebrow at him.
“Dog saliva. A study showed that dog saliva contains at least twelve different types of allergy-causing protein bands.” He told you, stuffing his hands in pockets.
“Right, odd thing to say to someone you just met, but sure.” You shook your head.
“It was reported that a seventy year old woman had a severe infection of bacterium called capnocytophaga canimorsus, which likely came from her Italian Greyhound’s saliva.” He continued despite himself. 
“When was the last time you talked to an actual human being?” You pulled a face, patting Beau’s fuzzy head and causing him to mewl happily. 
“I talk to human being’s all the time.” He frowned, not understanding the question. 
“About dog saliva?” 
“No.” He shook his head. “Never about dog saliva actually.”
“Maybe don’t make a habit of it, it's kinda weird.” Your lip started to slowly curl up into a small smile. 
“Duly noted.” He shrugged awkwardly. “Does, uh…would you say this counted as a conversation?” 
Your brows knitted together, almost immediately wiping the smile from your face. 
“What would you class as a conversation?” 
“An informal talk between two or more people, in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed.” He quoted the dictionary definition of the term. 
“Well, this seemed pretty informal. I shared my thoughts about you coming across as weird, as you shared your ideas about my dog’s saliva and my feelings towards it are discomfort. Seems like a conversation.” 
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry.” He sighed to himself. “My therapist wanted me to have one conversation with one person I don’t know today and I guess I achieved that so please, don’t feel like you need to stand here and humour me any longer.” 
“I’m your homework?” The smile spread back to your lips.
“I mean, that makes it sound clinical.” 
“This was kinda clinical.” You chuckled and Spencer’s heart felt lighter than air at that sound. “Why don’t we try again. Hi, I��m Y/N and this is my dog Beau.” 
Beau barked happily at the sound of his name, his giant front paws tapping on the grass in excitement.
“Spencer.” He nodded with a tight lipped smile. “I’m sorry if I offended you or your dog.” 
“Luckily for you, neither of us are very easily offended.” You smirked, sidling past him and sitting down on the bench. 
Spencer faced you with a soft frown. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Sitting, isn’t that obvious?” You crossed one leg over the other and unclipped Beau’s leash again. “Off you go boy.”
Beau did as he was told and joyfully bounded away, but made sure to stay in your field of vision. Spencer looked between you and the husky as he started exploring trees with the use of his nose.
“You aren’t worried he won’t come back?”
“He’s very well trained. And besides, I have his favourite treats.” You patted your pocket. 
“Fair enough.” Spencer nodded and reached down for his things. “Well it was nice to meet you I guess. Have a good day.” 
“Where are you going?” You stopped him before he could walk away. 
“I, uh, was going to leave you to it?” He cradled the book and his satchel under one arm.
“You said you needed to have a conversation, so I sat down so we could have one.” You chuckled again and it was quickly becoming Spencer’s favourite sound. 
“Oh. Oh. Really? You want to have a conversation with me? After I talked about the bacteria in dog saliva?” 
“Yeah, I don’t really understand it either. But you seem…” You trailed off, unable to find the right word.
“Lonely? Creepy? Pathetic?” He tried, again causing you to laugh.
“Oddly endearing.” You corrected him. 
It wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever been called, and he’d take what he could get. He slid back down to the bench, ensuring to keep a comfortable amount of space between you and placed his bag and book in his lap. 
“Uh, just as a forewarning, I am not very good at small talk.” Spencer raked one hand through his hair. 
“Oh don’t worry, I already gathered that.” You glanced away from him towards Beau briefly before looking back at him. “So, can I ask why your therapist is making you have conversations with strangers?” 
“I’m stuck in a rut, I suppose.” He confessed, finding it strange how easy it was to want to open up to you. “My job, my personal life; it’s the same thing day in and day out. I’m just a little bored of it all.” 
“What do you do?” 
“If it’s ok with you, I’d rather not talk about it. I’m trying not to focus all of my energy, all of my personality into what I do for a living.” He rolled his lip between his teeth. 
“Ok.” You shrugged. “What are you reading?”
Spencer looked down at the hardback in his lap and turned it over to display the cover. He ran his fingers over it remembering Doctor Santiago’s specific instructions. 
Definitely don’t talk about Pompeii or death poses.
“It’s about Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.” He blurted out. 
“Oh, just some light and cheery reading then.” You laughed and if you kept doing that Spencer may very well fall in love with you. 
“It’s…meditative in a way.” He shrugged. “I was told
I shouldn’t talk about it.” 
“Your therapist told you topics of conversation?” You raised an inquisitive eyebrow. 
“More like she told me topics of conversations to avoid. Specifically, my thoughts on the boredom that must have been felt by these people trapped in these perpetual death poses after the eruption.” He mentally scalded himself as the words tumbled out his mouth. “Yet here I am, talking about it anyway.” 
You glared at him, noting your dog nearby out of the corner of your eye, but focusing on Spencer. He drummed his fingers awkwardly on the book cover. 
“Wow,” you inhaled sharply. “That’s gotta be one of the most depressing things I’ve ever heard.” 
“Probably why I was advised not to talk about it.” He sighed. 
“You’re a pretty dark dude.” 
“In my line of work it’s hard not to be.” He shrugged, he’d already gone against one thing Santiago told him not to do, he may as well go for broke. “I’m an FBI Agent. A profiler. I use psychology to track down serial killers.” 
Your expression didn’t change much, something which surprised him. You quickly glanced over at Beau again who was now making friends with a much smaller dog, before looking back at him. 
“That’s the same thing day in and day out?” You frowned.
“Not physically but mentally I guess. I, uh, I’m pretty smart…no that’s not true, I’m a certified genius. And that means I can grow bored easily. I guess I need a higher level of stimulation than most people.” He shrugged, noticing the way your eyes started to sparkle. 
“A higher level of stimulation, huh?” The smirk adorned on your lips and the way you spoke the word stimulation made his ears turn suddenly red. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, his mouth dry and he had to look away from you. “Mental stimulation. Jesus Christ.” 
You smiled to yourself at his obvious embarrassment, enjoying the way you’d made him blush. You decided to change the subject, as much as you enjoyed it, you didn’t want to make him too uncomfortable. 
“So, a certified genius?” 
His eyes snapped back to you and he swallowed with a nod of his head. 
“Well I can’t be very stimulating for you then? Mentally speaking of course.” You couldn’t help yourself. 
As predicted his blush spread to his cheeks and neck and he fidgeted with his bag on his lap. What you didn’t know was that he was trying to conceal the fact your words were causing a bulge in his pants he desperately wanted to hide. 
“Are you trying to fluster me?”
“Is it working?” Your eyes sparkled again. 
“Very much so.” He confessed. “For the record I find you utterly stimulating. Mentally speaking of course.” 
“Good to know.” You nodded, looking back across the park and spotting Beau staring at you. “Beau, heel!” 
The large and playful dog immediately started in your direction, bounding delightedly towards his owner. When he reached you, he slumped down on the grass by your feet and you popped a treat in his waiting mouth. 
“So usually after our walk I take Beau to a little cafe where they sell doggy cupcakes and I grab a coffee, unwind.” You pushed yourself to your feet and clipped Beau’s leash in place once again. 
“Oh, ok.” Spencer nodded, tucking his book inside his bag. “Have a nice time.” 
You narrowed your eyes on him, trying to ascertain if he was really this clueless or if it was just an act. You were quick to realise it was the former. 
“It was an invitation, dummy.” You chuckled. “Do you want to come with me? I love my dog but he’s not exactly…stimulating.” 
Spencer had to take a moment to compose himself before he stood as his legs trembled a little. He inhaled sharply and pushed himself up. 
“You want me to join you?” As asked by way of clarification. 
“Even after I talked about Pompeii and death poses?” 
“Even after that.” You nodded with a smile. 
“You don’t have to invite me. I was only strictly required to have one conversation so I think you’re off the hook now.” He slung his satchel over his shoulder before stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
“Are you really so naive that you don’t understand when a girl is asking you out?” 
“You are?” His eyes widened dramatically. 
“Yes!” You laughed. “Surely you’ve been asked out before?” 
“No, never. I mean, I didn’t know you were asking me out so maybe I have and I didn’t realise it.” 
“You are utterly precious, Spencer.” You shook your head. “Come on, let’s go. Unless you want to go back to your rut?”
“No, no. I am happy to be rut-less.” He nodded and the two of you, plus Beau, fell in step with one another. 
He let you lead him through the park, stealing glances at you as he did so. He’d never felt more outside of his comfort zone before and it was exhilarating. 
So many of his days had fallen away with nothing to show for them. Days upon days of the same, tedious tasks again and again. Nothing had changed for so long, every had felt the same, every time he closed his eyes. 
But finally things had changed. Letting you into his life would bring with it a shake up of his previously monotonous routine. 
He didn’t know it at the time, but his future would hold walks in the park whilst learning to enjoy the company of a dog. Random two am phone calls when you couldn’t sleep. Waking up next to your sleeping form, deep, meaningful debates in the middle of the night which would end up with lips silencing the other and body parts entwining. 
He had to look forward to your surprise visits to his office with baked goods and coffee. Sending flower arrangements to your work just to say he was thinking of you. Unplanned weekend trips to New York or Baltimore or wherever the two of you ended up. Spur of the moment date nights and spontaneous adventures, just you, him and Beau. 
But all of that was yet to come, the great unknown unfurling before him. All because he had one conversation with one person, and finally Spencer’s predictable life didn’t seem so predictable anymore.
Much like the citizens of Pompeii, who had to grow and adapt to their new city in the wake of the eruption that had destroyed so much, now it was his turn to embrace the new and uncharted. 
And quite honestly, he’d never been more excited. 
You glanced at him as you walked, a soft smile on your features and you boldly reached out and took hold of his hand in your free one. 
Spencer felt his chest explode at your touch and he already knew he never wanted to let you go. 
“So, tell me,” you asked as you strolled hand in hand. “Are you still bored, Spencer?” 
He couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips and he gave your hand a soft squeeze. 
“I can honestly say, I’ve never been less bored in my entire life.” He sighed in content, slightly disbelieving how much his world could change just from a simple conversation. 
Today was one kind of Groundhog Day he would happily repeat over and over for the rest of his life.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
Out of curiosity, could be either due to craft or sheer enjoyment, what are your top favourite books?
Okay lowkey I wrote this post & then tumblr ATE it so here it is a little late!! Rachel's All Time Favourite Books (in no particular order):
Cleanness - Garth Greenwell (litfic, ok but this is actually my fave book & today Garth Greenwell lowkey Acknowledged My Presence SOOOO!!! I've read this 4x since August, it's a craft masterpiece)
What Belongs to You - Garth Greenwell (litfic, the book that comes before Cleanness, I'm not as attached to it but it's still FANTASTIC)
A Hundred Lovers - Richie Hofmann (poetry, my fave poetry collection of all time, ALL my epigraphs come from here)
We Do What We Do in the Dark - Michelle Hart (litfic, AMAZINGGG character study & peak into relationship dynamics)
Big Shadow - Marta Balcewicz (litfic, one of my fave books of all time, FANTASTIC teen protagonist in this bildungsroman)
Physical - Andrew McMillan (poetry, AMAZING queer poetry, lots of epigraphs from here too)
Winter in Sokcho - Elisa Shua Desapin (litfic, probably the best start-to-finish narrative I've ever read in my whole life)
If An Egyptian Cannot Speak English - Noor Naga (litfic, THE BEST litfic ending I've ever read, it's UNEXPECTED and something to be STUDIED)
Undoing Hours - Selina Boan (poetry, I feel so grateful for this book as it really helped me reconnect to my Indigenous identity. I met Selina after a LIFE-CHANGING reading & chatted with her, & that conversation drove me to learn more about my family!)
Bitterblue - Kristen Cashore (YA fantasy, this is LITERARY FICTION TO ME I've re-read this like 6 times)
Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (YA fantasy, really fun ensemble cast, THE AUDIOBOOK SLAYS)
Intimations - Alexandra Kleeman (litfic short story collection, some of THE BEST short story collections, my work feels adjacent to this dare I say??)
The Marionettes - Katie Wismer (NA paranormal, this series is sooo tropey and fun like I CAN'T WAIT for the last book, I did like book 2 best but this is the first one & I loved it too!)
Demi-Gods - Eliza Robertson (litfic, this was my fave novel before Cleanness & Eliza is my fave writer & from my alma mater! Read my interview with her!)
Monkey Beach - Eden Robinson (litfic, I read this book in a DAY, it's the most impactful novel I've ever read, she's also from my alma mater!)
How to Pronounce Knife - Souvankham Thammavongsa (litfic short story collection, my fave short story collection OF ALL TIME I learned so MUCH about short stories from this!)
The Girls - Emma Cline (litfic, this was MY writing bible for so long lol, I actually ethically hate how this book treats real murders but Emma Cline is an incredible writer & the best parts of this book are the ones that don't casually repurpose history... I have thoughts...)
History of Wolves - Emily Fridlund (litfic, I need to re-read this NOW but wow, the first half of this is chilling...)
Past Lives, Future Bodies - K-Ming Chang (poetry, not sure if you can still buy this but this is one of THE best collections I own)
The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken (YA dystopian, I love AB SOOO MUCH even now hehe, this was a childhood fave & Fostered is a ripoff so <3)
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butchsophiewalten · 10 months
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
ok Exordia review time (not spoiler free!) since i finished it a few days ago. this is long and rambling and unedited.
4/5 i love Seth's writing and im glad they got to play with scifi again BUT i think they needed a better editor OR to split it more cleanly into sections- in one of the interviews they said it was originally a series of novellas each from a single POV, and i think the constraint of that would have made it a much tighter story.
one of the best things about their Destiny lore is how much they do with so little- thinking of this section from the Beyond Light CE:
Disaster at the worksite. Clearly we will not be moving Clarity Control like we did the K1 artifact. It reacted violently to the attempt. I have entered 19 casualties into the log, since 19 engineers from the Hannu team were caught in its reaction...though there were many more than 19 bodies when it was finished. I have sequestered the recordings. Especially the sensorium telemetry. Quite upsetting. Yet I do not believe it was an act of hostility. Even this outburst carried themes of duplication...as if Clarity Control wanted to show it could help me.
which i was originally thinking of as a first run at Blackbird, but i think these may have been simultaneous? i'm not actually sure. i know Exordia was started after the first Baru book was published, but i'm not sure how much lead time there is for the CEs.
or the clarity of Unveiling compared to a lot of what felt like similar ideas that took much longer to get thru in Exordia. primes. pink noise. math. alright lets fucking gooo oh wait. five more pages of ethics first. okay sure i'll do that for ya Seth bc i love your prose. which also. a) conway game of life mentioned!!! b) this part from Exordia made me LOSE MY MIND:
But that was impossible. The whole universe came from the same source: the same designers. I was part of one of them. If I could only remember... We were arguing, I think. Or maybe we were the argument, because gods cannot do things, they can only be them. We were in contest over the morality of infinities: the cardinality of all possible souls measured against the mere infinity of souls to ever be born...
(this is the part from Unveiling, for the optimistically two people who will read this who haven't read Destiny lore):
Once upon a time,* a gardener and a winnower lived** together in a garden.*** * It was once before a time, because time had not yet begun. ** We did not live. We existed as principles of ontological dynamics that emerged from mathematical structures, as bodiless and inevitable as the primes. *** It was the field of possibility that prefigured existence. They existed, because they had to exist. They had no antecedent and no constituents, and there is no instrument of causality by which they could be portioned into components and assigned to some schematic of their origin. If you followed the umbilical of history in search of some ultimate atavistic embryo that became them, you would end your journey marooned here in this garden.
at the same time, idk what i would remove- at very few points was i reading something that dragged, with the exception of spending a LOT of time with Erik and Clayton in the middle (this is when i put the book down for a month and a half or so). and i know so many people were like sickos.jpg about them However their dynamic did sooo little for me and i don't think Rosamaria was given enough time on the page (and i think having her Be the ship was weird- i recognize that Blackbird needs to have a voice to make the plot go, but i don't think this was the best or neatest way to do it, and collapsed a lot of what i found fundamentally so interesting about Blackbird into something akin to a standard scifi Ship AI).
again i think the restriction of each section of the story being from a single POV might have been the restriction needed to end up with a tighter story- at no point were the multiple plot threads & POVs confusing, per say, but i'm not sure what the structure did for the story bc we could switch to whoever could tell us the most about what was happening whenever convenient, instead of having to piece things together from a limited POV. i'm thinking again of the BLCE, this time the part where Clovis is talking about Maya Sundaresh behaving erratically- i'm no Ishtar group expert but i believe we are supposed to put together that these are all different iterations of her from within the garden). oh- i also wonder if Aixue and Chaya are another run at Maya and Chioma to some degree...
anyway. i also think i am also less the target audience for this book because seth loooves their trolley problems and i simply do not have the patience for it! i loved the hard scifi and the first contact aspects and the character work (Seth's character work is, as always, spectacular. their characters always feel deeply real and flawed in very human ways, while still being exaggerated in the ways characters have to be to function as plot fulcrums), but this isnt something like Baru where i can be like yes you should read this to everyone i talk to.
I think the language in the book is DELIGHTFUL, as always, especially how Seth plays with the idea of an alien translator that sometimes can get an English equivalent to something and sometimes can't! i think that's very fun. because it's on my mind bc ive been listening to the Shelved by Genre episodes on it, it makes me think of Book of the New Sun, and how the "translator" figure of G.W. talks about picking words that are close but they aren't being used like we would use them now- e.g. "metal" in BotNS isnt the same thing we think of as metal! its used more broadly! but its close enough in purpose and point to work just fine. the destriers have horns. i need to know if Seth has read these books.
but back to Exordia. here are some specific prose parts i fucking loved.
this part of the full-page loving, detailed, and technical description of 40 alien nukes detonating in atmosphere:
In the band of thickening atmosphere twenty-five to thirty-five kilometers above the Earth, these gamma rays slam into atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, stripping their orbiting electrons. The orphaned electrons hurtle away at 90 percent of lightspeed. They want to go in a straight line, but hold on now, it's not so easy to leave home. Earth's magnetic field bends their course. They begin to spiral down. When an electron moving near lightspeed has to turn, it emits synchrotron radiation. Poison light. And beneath each bomb there are 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons swerving at once. The result is a blast of electromagnetic noise. No: not noise. A coherent pulse, spiking and faling in harmony. Shiva's own beat drop on electrical civilization. An EMP.
This part. i love Anna and wish we got more of her.
He gives her back her Glock. She accepts it with resignation. "You'd better get your men ready," she says. "It's going to be bad." "Women too," he says, trying for lightness. "The pilot's a woman. We've got a female forward surgeon, a psyops lead, a linguist- she's pretty badass, ran with SEALs in Afghanistan. And Lt. Gainer, she might have some advice for-" "For what?" Anna says calmly. "Advice for what, Erik? How to get killed in a feminine way?"
Seth has such a good and specific way of writing metaphors. a little bit Douglas Adams:
The upshot is: the air around the engine exhaust beam explodes outward with a sound like a tuning fork hit by a Space Shuttle launch. Lung-jellying power. Anything in the beam path suffers the short, severe influence of a needle faster and hotter than a vajra thunderbolt. Anything around the beam eats fireball.
& this part. again. i wish more of the book was Anna and Ssrin's fucked up kismessitude. or whatever.
She slides the barrel of the weapon into the uppermost crater on Ssrin's spine. Slick pain makes Ssrin hiss in psuvoluntary fury: psuvoluntary because it is reflex subject to veto- she could quash it, but the feeling is deliciously wrong, and it is so good to bare her fangs and to unleash that ancient khai instinct of pain-as-motivation. "Questionsss," Ssrin gasps. "I want to know how this story ends." Oh serendura. You'll wish you hadn't asked. You'll wish you'd gone in with your eyes shut and your tongue in your throat so you couldn't smell the poison til it was too late.
which also!!! that's something i love about the Ssrin POV like. Seth is always good at writing aliens and slipping in details that tell us about them. "tongue in your throat" to not smell the poison bc she is a snake alien and smells with her tongue!!! that rules!!!
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chussyracing · 6 months
f1 related facts, rumors and pieces of information i learned today
The Brad Pitt movie was pushed back again and accordimg to Lewis, the release will be at the start of 2025 the earliest
Steiner mentioned in an interview how for 2025 they will probably change the aim to have two older, experienced drivers but it's too soon to say more now (in other words i think ferrari are pushing them to take Ollie from 2025 onwards and he will get more f1 testing opportunities in 2024 too, please god don't let this backfire)
Since LMP2 (spec series with cars being the same which resulted in more overtakes) won't be a part of WEC anymore and LMGTE (gt endurance) will become GT3, it caused a lot of movement among the teams and drivers (Doriane Pin for example and i think after her amazing results she might go into f1 academy next or she will stay with Iron dames)
Sophia Floersh will stay in F3 for 2024
Rumours about Robert Shwartzman getting a seat in Ferrari hypercar for 2024
Zak Brown wants Alpha Tauri/Red Bull collaboration investigated by fia because he believes it could be beneficial for both sides (did you know AT tested 6 different floors)
Max went on to say that the Brad Pitt movie will be unrealistic so he doesn't wanna watch it (i don't think anyone expected anything else but ok)
Bernie Ecclestone (let's get you to bed grandpa) thinks that Mick would do so much better in Red Bull junior academy
Ferrari is supposed to finalize and publish the contracts by next year but the rumour also says Charles' one is basically a done deal with 3+2 years and while Carlos wants a long term contract, Ferrari are offering him 2 years (or rather 1+1 deal) maximum
Kick will also name the whole Sauber's car chassis so it will be called Kick Sauber C44
Speaking of Sauber they planned out "identity" announced for the new year's day so there might as well be another name change
George got a new deal for 2024 as Tommy Hilfiger global ambassador just like Lewis
There are new NY gp rumours floating around, which would make it 4th US race in a single season
Alpine's technical director Matt Harman sais that Alpine will have a completely new car for 2024 front to back
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axilarycobra · 9 months
[Spoilers] WoF Guide book opinions
I recently got the guide and I wanted to share what I thought of it. Honestly, not really meant to be a post explaining in-depth details about what was in the guide, but yeah, this post will contain spoilers for the guide if you haven't read it yet. I'm going to go through it in chapters.
I actually really liked the stuff we got in this chapter. It was sort of ruined because everything in it was spoiled or leaked before I got it, the only thing I had not seen yet as of reading that chapter was 2 pages, but I still really like the characters introduced and how it expanded on characters we already know.
This chapter was nice. Not my favorite, but I wouldn't say it was bad. Kind of wish there was more new information since there was a whole part just about Coral recapping the war of SandWing succession. I would have much rather have learned about some kind of folklore or something instead. I think the inclusion of letters between Albatross and Lagoon was cool but it really didn't give us any cool new information, instead just showed how their relationship was like. The Turtle and Anemone parts were fine. The chapter overwhelmingly featured royal SeaWing things when really, learning about some non royal SeaWing stuff would have been so much better because we have really only seen royal SeaWings this whole series.
I would say I enjoyed this chapter. I wasn't really into the Kinkajou story but I get its importance in the series, but it felt like an excuse to get to write something from Kinkajou's perspective for once. The Dangers of the Rainforest things was honestly not really insightful. I would have much rather had something about RainWing potions which have been mentioned in other books, that sounds interesting while the Dangers of the Rainforest is really just more about the Rainforest than RainWings. The thing about royal challenges was interesting and included some cool history, it was also interesting to learn about a few other possible challenges that can happen during these. I do like the information about how RainWings traditionally tell stories that are passed down through words rather than writing.
This chapter was ok. I skimmed a lot of it. The Tales of the NightWings story was interesting and I like the conversation between Starflight and Fatespeaker that took place after it. The guide to NightWing powers felt pretty unnecessary. I get that this is supposed to represent a real guide that would exist in the series, but I also feel like there should have been more of a priority to give us new information rather than give us information we have been told many times before. The Mastermind interview was way longer than it needed to be, but I did like the history we got about the NightWings developing language and medicine. Fierceteeth's letters was really interesting and seeing some character development in her was really nice
Honestly, probably my least favorite section. The wanted treasure poster was cool but then we get thrown into stuff we've already been told. There really is not a lot of new information we learn in this chapter which sucks because I would have loved some SandWing history from Jerboa times or something about the Sorpion Den being founded. There was no reason why most of the chapter had to be focused on Smolder's scavenger journal.
Honestly, very cool chapter imo. It also just looked really pretty. Mink's application was pretty long and tbh didn't really add anything to anything. Also, I thought we would get to learn about some new animus gifts but it just restated old gifts we had already learned about without expanding on the information. Literally just exactly what is on the wof wiki plus a tiny little bit of information about Diamond as a dragonet. The feast thing was cool, I never realized how interesting information about food could be but I found myself interested in it. I did really like the Caribou story and that whole history, that's kind of what I wanted more of in the animus gift guide: putting names to animi to their enchantments.
I'd say this chapter was interesting. Although most of the Scarlet kill list was stuff we already know, it's interesting that Tui created a whole new character to put on there with no context as to who they are. I wonder if she wants to do something with this character. I also found the letter from Queen Carmine to Queen Pearl interesting. We got to see a bit of how the massacre was explained to the SkyWings and Queen Carmine's personality. The Tailwind story was interesting, especially near the end parts. It really did explain quite a bit about SkyWing traditions (well, the traditions before they were taken away by Scarlet). I never guessed that Canyon would just be the male version of Scarlet and the reason she had him killed was because he was too obsessed with himself when Scarlet had to make sure she was the dragon most obsessed with herself instead.
This chapter was alright. I enjoyed the information about the SilkWing curriculum and professions back when they were in the Hives. This chapter, and all of the Pantalan chapters, never addressed the LeafSilk Kingdom or the SilkWing Assembly. It is as if that never happened and they were still living in the Hives. I like the history in Monarch's writing and thought that the part about her bringing cookies to the queen meetings was really cute. Aside from that, there was no BeetleWing info which I was really looking forward to possibly seeing.
I did like a lot of information in this chapter. The Hive guides was cool since we really only got a focus on two of them during all of arc 3. The Legend of the Hive part was ok, really just information we already knew, but also interesting that some SeaWings also moved to Pantala with the BeetleWings, LeafWings, and some RainWings. The Book of Clearsight excerpts were also interesting, probably would have been more if they hadn't been leaked.
This chapter was really short. The guide to the Poison Jungle was alright. I did really like the books part. Learning about folklore within the series is what I was more looking forward to in this guide. Then there were the letters with Belladonna and Liden which were alright. But that's it, the whole chapter is 3 things.
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djservo · 6 months
cutting it soo close to the wire oopsie but i'm here!! 2023 is out, 2024 is in. also in: your december reading update? did you hit 50 books read? what are your 2024 reading goals, anything that suprised you about your 2023 reading other than falling in love with Dennis Cooper?
I read 12 books last month man it was a blur!!
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ok there's just too many for me to indulge in any rambling so I'm gonna try and keep things short n sweet
Nana Vol. 1-3 by Ai Yazawa - I was never really into manga growing up but this is like exactly the type of story and style I wanna wrap myself up in always!! so much fun!! the rumors are true, I love a roommate story!!! I read each one in a single sitting so I wanna pace myself thru the rest of the series so that I don't spoil + finish it all at once </3
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury - honestly not as fantastical as I was expecting for some reason but it reminded me of Coraline which was fun! I could see Neil Gaiman getting inspo from this (edit: literally just looked it up and yes Gaiman indeed cites him as a direct influence yup yup)
Out of Time by Samira Azzam - something almost Steinbeck-like in these vignettes of everyday life in a very culturally-specific way that I really enjoy. really insightful introduction that mentioned how although most her stories didn't explicitly mention Palestine, they still were recognizable as a Palestinian existence + therefore shaped a sort of Palestinian consciousness for readers that were often blocked from accessing their own culture in academic settings
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - I can't believe it took me this long to read something by Toni Morrison / that I never read her in any English classes?? like she seems so foundational to the grand scheme of American literature.... ridiculous! so phenomenal and gripping and darker than I expected. not just an engrossing story but also a really intentional and haunting use of language that really sinks you into that world/shifting perspectives
Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat - this is like the only Palestinian book my local library has (shameful!) so I checked it out on a whim and was so surprised at what an amazing memoir this is!!! touching and vibrant and left me so eager to read her follow-up memoir based around her teenage years. I feel like this is a great introduction to Palestinian literature in general bc while it does (obviously) tie in the history and reality of occupation, the amount of love & detail given to the everyday things - merely going to school or playing with her brothers - was so enlightening and relatable
Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris - the first/main story, SantaLand Diaries, is still one of my favorites - I love stories about odd jobs + boy does Sedaris have so many tales to tell about those!! reread this in one sitting before I sent it off to a friend who seems to find herself in a new odd job each year so I figured she'd resonate
Gaza in Crisis and On Palestine by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé, edited by Frank Barat - 2 separate books but I'll talk about them together since they're companion pieces. surprisingly accessible, probably due to the format of essays mixed with interviews. On Palestine echoed a lot of the sentiments of Gaza in Crisis so I'd recommend On Palestine for a sort of "updated" version (and in my opinion, more thorough). a good stepping stone for some of the meatier/more history-dense books on my TBR
Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel - yknow the thing about recipe bloggers who will intersperse their super personal life story into the recipe? this is like a whole book of that it's kinda iconic... honestly a little juvenile and ridiculous at times but I had a fun + have made hot chocolate every single day since reading this which literally wasn't even one of the recipes included/the title itself comes from like 1 short part towards the end but still... Ms. Esquivel's impact... the movie adaptation was really well done too, captured the magical realism surprisingly well without making things look hokey + Man I just love food in film!!!
Good Sense & the Faithless by Michelle T. Clinton - beautiful sexy thoughtful angry hopeful healing.... I really love her and I'm glad I ended the year with this!!
YES I surpassed by goal which honestly did surprise me bc if you recall I sliced my 50 down to 36 a few months ago because 50 didn't seem feasible at the time, but I guess the lesson is to never underestimate winter reading!! still I'm playing it safe and declaring 40 as my 2024 goal... for now.... a few weeks ago I made a little reading syllabus for the year where each month is a different theme (except for january + august to give myself some time to get the wiggles/impulsive reads out ya know) and I mostly sourced from books I already own or books in my TBR so I'm really excited to have more structure to my reads + actually get through some of the books in my ever-growing TBR!! shameful and embarrassing that it's nearly at 1k books like GOD just READ them, woman!!! I think I'm also surprised at how many graphic novel collections I read (3!) which maybe shouldn't be that surprising bc I always have a good time with graphic novels but I think these particular reads opened the door to a buncha different authors and artists and literary circles which ofc I'm always grateful for! yay reading!!
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esther-dot · 9 months
i don’t see how northerners will approve of jonsa, they’re cousins but they were still raised as siblings, i have an adopted brother so i hAAAAte when people say ned is jon’s uncle bc no? that’s his father
I’ve seen this complaint come up pretty frequently, and I sympathize. There are many things in the books that people find offensive! The father/uncle thing is one of Martin's chosen ways of hinting at R+L=J though:
Jon wondered what his father would do, how his uncle might deal with this. But Eddard Stark was dead, Benjen Stark lost in the frozen wilds beyond the Wall. You know nothing, Jon Snow. (ADWD, Jon X)
The comma here almost makes this read like an appositive. "his father, his uncle" -- His father is his uncle. The uncle/father switcheroo is actually a whole thing Martin has done throughout the series. Joffrey's "uncle" is biologically his father, Sansa's uncle by marriage (LF) is posing as her father, and we even get it with the Targs:
My grandfather named me for Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, who was his uncle, or his father, depending on which tale you believe. Aemon, he called me …" "Aemon … Targaryen?" Jon could scarcely believe it. (AGOT, Jon VIII)
Some people have speculated that Jon's "true" name will be Aemon, so this all feels pretty tightly wound around the major secret yet to be revealed.
As for the cousins raised kinda like siblings only to eventually marry, there is a literary context for that, so to a modern reader it might feel unforgivable, but when considered from a different perspective, it's not that shocking.
Regarding how the North would view Jonsa, it really depends on how you read specific foreshadowing and/or the goal Martin is working towards. It is hard to imagine him leaving the future of House Stark in any doubt, so marriage and children, such a pressing concern from the beginning of the first book seems a necessary part of bringing this story to a satisfying end.
However, I saw a Martin interview (and I believe I posted it, but can't find it--of course!) in which he spoke of his love for tragic romance, and it did make me reconsider whether or not he'd allow the Northern Lords to be ok with Jonsa. Jon and Sansa could fall in love, but there might be things beyond their control that keep them apart. I'm a HEA kinda girl, but I can see the appeal.
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