#ok time to go scream into a pillow or something because holy crap i am in a bad mood right now
saline-coelacanth · 8 months
Just a reminder that I am NOT working on the Ninjago fusion au anymore so do not send me asks about it I will not answer them
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shylemon0 · 4 years
Bakugou x Autistic! Reader (pt.3)
This is a story I made up in my head while trying to sleep months ago, thought it’d be cool to write it down :) This will be a male reader because I feel more comfortable with it, sorry!
(I’m really bad at writing fight scenes sorry!)
Warning: Swearing, Blood, Meltdowns, Fighting And Sad?
(The reader is Aizawa’s adoptive son)
It’s been a year since Y/N “died” on live television and someone new has been seen with the league.
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Reader’s POV 
It’s been a year since it all happened 
A year ago a part of me died.. well-
Technically not but everyone else think so 
Well everyone on UA and the heroes that is, I’ve been living with the league all this time and I feel pretty happy and safe, it’s like I have a huge family.
They even helped me with my quirk, they sent me to their doctor and put me into a coma I think so that they could do something to help me control my quirk better so I won’t be afraid to use it anymore and I’ve kinda joined the league now, except I don’t exactly hurt anyone, let’s just say that I’m more here to distract the people they’re fighting.
Now you’re probably wondering what is my quirk well it’s...
Name: Energy
It’s basically telekinesis and can be used as just that but i can do a few more things then just that, I can take the energy around me and kinda explode it out of me when I’ve gotten enough, I can also take my own energy to heal people
When I use it my eyes turn white and the wind starts to move around me
Pros: kinda op, healing and moves really fast    Cons: very destructive, can’t control if used too long, passes out when the body can’t handle it anymore and may cause death
——— Today we’re going on a important mission and I’m kinda nervous because I have to use my quirk a lot more but I’ll be fine, right?
“hey Y/N! are you ready for the mission?” Toga asked as she was walking towards me with something in her hands, “Yeah I think so” i said as I stared at the ground while hitting the side of my right leg “you sure?” She said as she made me look up “Yeah I’m just stressed, what if I do something wrong and I end up hurting someone- oh no I don’t think I can do this-” I started to ramble as she took me into a tight hug and said “hey now you’ll be fine, if you feel like you don’t want to be there anymore I’ll take you right back here, okay?” she smiled “okay but what about shigaraki he said he needed my quirk for this mission” Toga hummed and said “ im sure he’ll understand, now take this we have to leave in 30 minutes” and then she left.
I stood there looking at what she gave me, a black surgical mask and my dark orange hoodie, I walked into my room and put it on as I tried to calm myself down so I wouldn’t have a meltdown,
I walked to my bed and took the photo under my pillow and my headphones as I played my comfort song and looked at the picture of bakugou as I started to think about all the times he used to hold me as I cried or couldn’t sleep, After a while I calmed down and put the stuff back and walked out to the rest of the league.
“It’s time” said Dabi as Kurogiri made black fog and we walked through.
Bakugou’s POV
Today was the big fight, the villains planned something big and we found out about it so all the heroes are going to one spot with out them knowing a thing.
Today I finally could get my revenge
I’m going to fucking kill every last one of them if I have too...
I can see them as they walked out of the black fog, but they didn’t look shocked that we were here waiting for them, he fucking laughed.
The fight started fast, there where villains and heroes everywhere fighting for life and death and I only had one target and if anyone is going to stop me I’d blow their fucking head off.
I ran towards a villain and slammed him to the ground and blew him up as he tried to fight back, someone tried to drag me off them as I fought anyone who tried to stand in my way.
Reader’s POV 
Toga and I got on top of a building as she said “okay you know the plan” and smiled as she started to attack the heroes.
I stood up and slammed my foot down as the building split in two and the ground shot up, my eyes started to glow as I ran on top of the building’s  cracking it up as me feet hit the ground, 
I jumped down from it hitting the ground making it shake an crack around me, I jumped again up towards the sky as energy shot out of my body taking down the building’s around me.
I started to lose control as my body twitches and shoots out more energy making me get higher and higher up towards the sky, I could feel my nose starting to bleed as my body glowed, blinding the heroes, it starts to hurt.
Everything hurts, if feels like my head is about to explode as I scream out in pain as tears streams down my face and another energy boost shoots out of me and I finally pass out.
Toga’s POV 
‘Holy crap Y/N’s quirk really got out off control’ I thought before I saw Y/N falling hundred of feet down unconscious and his mask is damaged letting anyone seeing his face, “DABI! CATCH Y/N!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I try to stab the person I’m fighting.
Dabi looked towards Y/N and locked shocked as he started to run shooting fire out of his hands to boost himself forward.
Bakugou’s POV
There I saw the unknown member of the league falling from the sky..
It was Y/N..
‘How! He’s dead how is he there’ I thought as I froze in place
I saw Dabi running towards my Y/N catching him before he hit the ground, he ran off with him in his arms and I just stood there I was in shock
“My Y/N is alive” I said in a broken voice looking towards aizawa with wide eyes who clearly saw Y/N too but couldn’t move either, after a few seconds I could move again as I tried to catch up to Dabi.
Reader’s POV 
I woke up to Dabi wiping my bloody nose, “what happened?” I said as he looked down at me “your quirk got out of control and you passed out” he said as he helped me sit up “if you feel any better you can go back with me but you don’t need to” he continued, “I think I feel ok, I’ll come with you” I said as I went and got a new mask and walked through the black fog again.
“you feeling alright kid?” Shigaraki asked as he saw me “Yeah” I said as I went back to distract the heroes with my quirk.
Toga’s hurt and someone’s trying to kill her, I ran over to them and tackled the ‘hero’ and knocked them out as I got to toga, something behind me exploded or more like someone exploded, I turned around to see what happened...
And there he was.
“Bakugou..?” I whispered with wide eyes, it seems like toga heard what I said as she pulled me away trying to calm me down.
I was shaking as tears stream down my face again “this was a bad idea- why am I here? I’m just causing trouble, I should leave” I said to toga “ hey- hey It’s okay, I’ll take you back you did a great job today” as we tried to go back as fast as possible.
We were right in front of the back fog as someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out of toga’s hands, and it all went dark again.
Toga’s POV
“I WONT LET YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!” Yelled bakugou before he took Y/N from my hands and knocking him out, “oh but he won’t like being with you anyways, you see we’ve been saying somethings that made him unsure of you and all the ‘heros’ so if you’ll be nice and give him back I won’t make him hate you” said with venom in my voice and giggled.
But the stubborn asshat wouldn’t do as i said and tried to shoot an explosion in my face, as I dodged it I sprinted after him “HE GOT Y/N!” I yelled so the rest of the league would help, but before we could get him he was gone.
‘No! He took him, what am I going to to say to shigaraki..’ I thought as some idiot got me pinned down on the ground.
Bakugou’s POV
I held him as tight as possible because I couldn’t believe I was holding him in my arm again, I looked up towards aizawa who was sitting on a building he nodded as I went back to UA.
Time skip (The UA Dorms)
I laid Y/N down on my bed and I took of my hero outfit off and now I sat down waiting for my Y/N to wake up.
Time skip (again cuz I’m getting more lazy)
I was asleep when I herd a yelp of surprise, I quickly opened my eyes and there I saw him awake but he looked terrified as he hid under the covers “Y/N it’s alright, please don’t be afraid” I said in the softest voice I probably could make as I put my hand out for him
He leaped towards me into a hug as he cried “Im so sorry!” He continued to cry onto my shoulder “i didn’t want this to happen! I’ve missed you so much” he continued as I was kind of in shock again, eventually I hugged back as tight as I possibly could to let him know I wasn’t going to disappear.
I lifted him up into my bed and laid down with him holding him letting him cry against my chest as I hummed his favorite song to calm him down.
I finally have him in my arms again
I won’t let anyone take him away from me again
“i love you” I whispered to him as he was sound asleep in my arms
“i love you too” he whispered back in his sleep, as he said that a few tears of joy appeared in my eyes as I closed them an nuzzled into my boyfriend’s neck.
And then I fell asleep the happiest I’ve been in a year.
——— This is as far I went with the story in my head, I might continue later on but that might take months, now I hope you enjoyed this fanfic :D
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 512
Looking for a way to spend Mother’s Day? Well, we here at Outlander have the perfect idea! Celebrate with the women you love by watching us gang rape grannie!
This episode is like the perfect storm of everything that is wrong with Outlander. The cast and crew saying it’s their strongest episode yet when it’s basically artsy gang rape. The CYA trigger warnings when the story would have worked perfectly well without including yet another rape. The kool aid-drinking fans yelling at and acting holier than thou at the fans who rightfully call out the massive problem this show has with rape and assault. The fans yelling at other fans because It’S iN tHe BoOk so it has to be included. The fans yelling at other fans for wanting to follow the books but not wanting rape every 0.5 seconds. The fans yelling at other fans to fuck off if they don’t like the show. The women in the cast throwing out trigger warnings while the men are radio silent or wanting the gladiators to face the plague and fight for their own amusement. It literally has everything.
And I am tired.
I’ve been in this fandom for six years and have had quite a journey. From first discovering the show and immediately devouring the books. The honeymoon period where I could headcanon out all the problematic bits. The getting deep into the fandom nonsense. The getting out of the fandom nonsense. The judging the fandom nonsense because it’s funny and they’re all idiots. The getting sick of the fandom nonsense because it’s not even fun to judge the dummies anymore. The becoming more and more aware that it’s impossible to whistle past the problems in the books and the show. The sticking around, holding out hope things might turn around and the initial magic could be recaptured. And finally, the giving up.
The books are trash. The show is trash. There are a handful of good scenes in each which can be enjoyed on their own, but as a whole, holy shit this stuff is not good. (Seriously, I tried to do a Fiery Cross reread before the season started. I started like a year ago and am still only at Jocasta’s wedding because I just don’t care enough to actually get through it.)
Which brings us here. I am tired. I have already ranted and raged and yelled and swore and wrote far too many words about the gratuitous overuse of rape in the Outlanderverse. It fucking has its own tag for fuck’s sake.
So here’s a recap. And then I think I’m done looking at this show in detail. Not because the idiot fans insist on coming to my notes to tell me to fuck off if I don’t like the show. Not because the crew are condescending douchecanoes. Not because the author is a misogynist garbage heap. But because spending an hour of my time for a few weeks out of the year to write these things isn’t worth it. I did it for as long as I did because it took so little time. So why not? But yeah, it’s not even worth that tiny commitment anymore.
And to the people who I know will @ me about how no one was forcing me to stick around and I could have quit any time, yeah, no shit captain obvious, I know that. Fuck off already. I stuck around because I really liked the little corner of the fandom that I’d found. I made some awesome friends. Most of those friends have since quit the fandom. I’m really glad to have them in my life outside of this little corner of the internet. And it was a fun writing exercise. I don’t really like the show anymore, but I enjoyed building an argument about why I don’t like it and think it’s bad that has valid points behind it. Especially considering how blindly overly adoring a bunch of the fandom is about it. But now I think I’d rather consume Outlander content as pretty people in pretty period costumes in gifsets. Or like, on in the background but not really paying close attention. Why not quit altogether? Because to quote the great Ron Swanson (I’m halfway through a Parks rewatch and I just love that show a lot ok.), I can do what I want. And besides, there’s like a fucking library’s worth of fics that I haven’t read and have been meaning to. And I like the characters enough to want to keep reading about them in stories that are better than the canon. (Bless you fic writers, blesssss.)
So. Was this whole ramble self-indulgent and overly serious for a fucking TV show? Absofuckinglutely. But please see the aforementioned Swansonism.
Alright, fuckos. Let’s do this.
This is a Roberts brainchild, isn’t it. *checks credits* Yup. Knew it. This feels very much like a Roberts special. In that he is probs quite pleased with himself but like, it’s crap.
Yes, we ARE doing ANOTHER rape story! But look! It’s a disassociation montage! It’s the ‘60s, get it?! There are callbacks! An orange from the king in season 2! A vase from season 1! A rabbit from season 3! An amber-looking dragonfly! Jamie with the young hair spouting off book lines! ApPrEcIaTe MuH aRt! We are so good at finding new and creative ways to rape our characters! Fuck off, twatwaffle. You are the worst.
Like, does Roger feel left out at this point? He’s only been hanged. Literally everyone else has either been raped, been sexually assaulted, or been threatened with rape and/or sexual assault.
“But it’s not gratuitous! Look! They’re all so different! Jamie’s was overly graphic and he got a half a season to brood about! We manged to not show much of Fergus’ (but still showed a thrust) because he’s a child and it was just a plot device for Jamie and not actually about him! Mary’s was about Fred! Claire’s with the king was about Jamie! Jamie’s with Geneva was shot like p0rn! Marsali being threatened by the sailors was to motivate Fergus! Bree’s was about the other people in the room and Roger! Claire’s really has no purpose because she’s already been kidnapped and beaten, and that is super traumatic, and we’re gonna wrap it up with a bow by the end of the episode!”
This fucking show, guys. This fucking show.
Bonus points* for the Black character spouting off the superstitious stuff.
*By bonus points I mean this show, and the books are absolute shit on matters of race. The books especially.
The cast and crew have 100% heard everyone’s thoughts on the overuse of rape in the Outlanderverse. And their response has been to include more and more of it. We had a whole season of one character’s arc being about her rape and literally as soon as that was resolved, they gang rape another character. It really does tell you as much as you need to know about them. Lazy. Fucking. Cowards.
Kidnapping not enough trauma? Let’s add some gang rape! Gang rape not enough trauma? Let’s add visualizing that your daughter and grandchild are dead! Just like Fred died! This show really brings trauma p0rn to a whole new level.
Called the Bree and Roger shit.
This scene with the men rallying to go save Claire is like another layer of fuck you. Bree, you stay home, men, give your hero lines and let’s have a getting ready montage. Because your hero moment is what this is really all about. And your manpain about killing someone. *screams into a pillow*
The petty side of me is happy that it was Fergus and Young Ian who are with Claire when they find her and not Roger. Her two sons...
Why yes, I am judging all of the fans who like get their panties all wet over Jamie being like “It is I who kills for her.” Like “yeah go ahead and rape and beat Claire within an inch of her life if it means the big strong man gets to come in and save her and say something intense.” Fuck off and go take a hard look at yourself and what that says about you.
“Was there an Indian there?” “Nope, he wouldn’t help you because LiOnEl but somehow was able to peace out when it was in his interest. Because he is as bad as the ones who actually raped you.”
The Bree and Claire hug makes me both sad and angry. I want to hug them both and take them out of this fucking place and tell them that they’ve been done dirty and deserved fucking better from the writers.
Glad Marsali gets in on the hug. Claire’s two remaining daughters.
Claire’s “I have fucking survived” speech is like the one time she she actually talks about herself not in relation to a man. It’s about her. Claire. HOWEVER! It is epically fucked up that a woman needs to check off all the trauma she’s endured to show she’s a strong character.
So. Fucked. Up.
The fact that we’re spending time on Roger’s manpain about killing someone also really tells us a lot about the show’s feelings toward women. Yeah, killing someone is a big deal. It’s normal and expected to have feelings about it. But the juxtaposition of Claire’s speech about all of her traumas with Roger being like yeah, I killed a guy who had kidnapped, beaten and raped your mom is like, read the room, bro/writers.
The fact that the men put Claire’s rapist in her surgery, her space, her place of healing, where she is able to be most herself, makes me want to punch each and every one of them in the throat. Like seriously. Fuck each and every one of them.
Also Lionel is like cartoonishly terrible. Not that nuance has ever been this show’s strong suit. But like come the fuck on.
Marsali killing Lionel is the one thing about this episode that I didn’t hate. The men are all like “We kill for Claire! Let’s all rally in this montage and go do the manly thing of defending the woman!” Marsali is just like, yeah, that’s my Ma you fucked with. She shows some agency. She doesn’t do it in a performative way for the other men or for Claire like the guys do. She just knows this fuck needs to die, knows it’s gonna be hard for her and might damn her soul (don’t worry Marsali, all that religion crap is bullshit), and does it anyway.
Marsali’s arc has been my favorite of this whole fucking series. The one bright spot I was hanging on to all of this season especially.
Her quick scene with Jamie doesn’t bother me like Roger’s does. Because Roger is like oh no, I killed a guy! Can you forgive me? For killing a rapist? Like fuck off, bro. And Marsali is like yeah, I killed a guy. I hope I’m not damned for it, but the guy needed to die so I did it.
Also like, Richard had potential to not be cartoonishly bad. But like nope. “He reaped what he sowed, but cLeArLy I’m gonna need to escalate this further. Because manly men can’t let shit go.”
Fuck all men, tbh.
*googles how to emigrate to Themyscira*
Jamie’s speech that’s like supposed to parallel Claire’s can fuck all the way off. Giving him the last voice over just underscores how this was all about men. Not Claire. But the men. Fuuuuck everything.
Look! Everything’s fine again! Back to normal! Peaceful for a bit! With a cheesy af on the nose storm coming! So you know something bad’s coming! In case you forgot!
And Jamie got a book line. So it’s all good now.
And don’t worry about Claire, y’all. She feels safe now. Her and Jamie fucked it out.
It’s amazing, in retrospect, that I ever let this story suck me in so much.
Happy Mother’s Day! See you on the other side of the hiatus.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
The Dare
A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 8: A List
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Chapter Warning: Violence
Her parents were like clockwork, exactly as her oldest brother had told her many years ago.
While her parents were predictable, Mark was not. He was out on a walk when he noticed a figure leaving Delilah’s window. He let a smile escape him and slowly walked over towards her house, careful to not draw attention to himself. She must have gotten a similar talk from her parents as well. He couldn’t help but smile since he was told the news.
He stopped dead in his tracks as she slowly became more visible to him and less of a creature in the shadows. Her hair danced around her as a small gust ran through it. He wondered if she had done her hair to come to see him. His heart fluttered at the thought of her dressing up and coming to visit him. Was he dreaming?
After a few more steps, his heart sank. She wasn’t heading anywhere near his house. Was she running away?
He watch as she waited by the bus stop with only a small purse. No, she wasn’t running away, but she was going somewhere. That’s when it clicked. That’s when he thought he had it all figured out. Delilah was going to see her eldest brother John. He figured she must have ran into him a few nights prior when she went into the bar for the dare.
He was wrong, but he couldn’t think of any other reason for her to go back. The strip was filled with some of the most vile people, and Delilah would never associate herself with people like that, he told himself.
“Hey, Delilah,” Delilah let out a groan of frustration once she heard Mark’s voice. She turned and say him walking towards her.
She took a quick breath and put on a fake smile.
“Hey Mark,” Delilah said walking towards him.
“Where are you going?” Delilah froze at Mark’s demanding tone.
“I’ve gone out for a walk,” Delilah lied as she watched her bus leave without her on it.
“That’s a bold face lie,” He grabbed onto her arm as Delilah tried to walk away.
“Let go of me, plus I could ask you the same question,” Delilah sternly replied attempting to yank her arm away from Mark.
“I actually came looking for you. Low and behold I see you sneaking around at this hour. Honestly, any idiot would know you’re looking for your brother John. He’s dead Delilah. He’s dead to us remember? I don’t care if you spoke or saw him the night you went to the bar with Beth on the strip. He made a choice,” Mark’s grip tightened around Delilah’s arm as he spoke.
How dare he. How dare he talk about John like that. How dare he act like he knows all of what happened. He just believed the lies that were fed to him.
“Stop, that hurts!” Delilah cried as his grip continued to tighten. She looked into his eyes and saw something she could never describe. There was something dark in his eyes. Something she had never seen before.
“Please,” Delilah cried with tears now flowing down his face.
After a few seconds he obliged, but still held her arm in case she attempted to escape.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Delilah was taken aback by his question.
“What?” Mark laughed at her confusion and slithered his hands into Delilah’s.
“I am asking you on a date Delilah,” Mark’s laugh grew louder.
“No,” his laughter stopped at her answer.
“You hurt me. You make false accusations against me. You scream at me,” Delilah’s voice was interrupted by the sound of a slap.
He hit her.
Mark hit her.
Mark looked at Delilah who was now pulling away. What was her problem? What was she acting so stupid.
They were meant to be. She had known him since they were babies. They had spent their lives together.
“Five minute till showtime,” Mags heard as she waited for Delilah.
She sat in the guest house on the edge of her seat waiting for the brunette to come. Something wasn’t right. She should have been here by now.
“She is probably running late or she missed the bus. She will be here soon Mags, don’t worry,” Steven offered just sister a warm smile as she zoned out.
She returned his smile and looked over towards Duff who shared a similar worry painted all over his face.
“Yeah, she probably just missed her bus,” Delilah said a little louder than needed, so Duff could hear.
She knew he had a thing for Delilah. He was the least but subtle with his flirting with Delilah, but she probably didn’t even know he was flirting. The poor girl was clueless at times which was both good and bad at the same time.
“Knock them dead stevie!” Delilah put on one more fake smile as she punched her older brothers
Once the guys left the room, Mags leaned bag in her chair and downed her beer. This wasn’t good. She barely knew Delilah, but she didn’t seem like the type of girl to be late. She told her to be an hour ago.
Seven hells she needed to take the edge off. She needed something to calm herself down. She needed at least a smoke, maybe something more if she could find it.
She eyed the guy’s stuff and after a couple of moments on debating if she should or shouldn’t, she walked over towards their empty cases and other bags they used to carry their crap.
She searched for an entire song until she found something. She opened the neatly folded piece of paper that was in Duff’s case and unfolded it to read.
Was she being nosey? Yes.
Did she care? No.
She expected to see new song lyrics, but it was a list of jokes. They weren’t even that good.
Her personal favorite was one that Duff had actually scribbled out, and Mags was oh so glad she could read it.
Are you a cake because you look Delly-icious right now.
She laughed as she read it out loud.
She continued to scan the list Duff had made. He was lucky she had found it and not one of the guys. They, especially Axl, would never let him live it down.
How do you make Holy Water?
You boil the hell out of it.
I bought some new shoes from a drug dealer last night for real cheep. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I’ve been tripping all day.
Did you know the first French fries weren’t actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece.
It was sweet. She continued to smile at the thought of Duff sitting in his room trying to think of horrible jokes to tell Delilah. She appreciated how they were clean, and not about sex or dicks.
“I just need to see her, okay?” Mags said as she drove to Delilah’s house.
Her brother shook his head as he sat shotgun. Their gig had gone smoothly and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep like the rest of the band, but Mags was persistent.
It was 4 in the morning when she dragged Steven to their car as backup incase she got lost. She had only been there once to drop her off the first night she met, but she did like to boast about how good her sense of direction.
“This cant wait till the morning?”
“No Stevie, it can’t,”
“Why, Mags she’s probably fine. I’ll drive you down to see her tomorrow morning. Why are you so damn worried? You and Axl are just overreacting,” He was confused on why his little sister wanted to drive to check on Mags. She had been on the edge ever since Del didn’t show up. Yeah, it stung but she probably got busy or couldn’t escape.
Steven’s mind then went back to the girl he met back at the gig. He was snapped back to reality at Mags words, “I’m worried because what if she did get caught...she called her mom mother. Not mom or mum or even by her mom’s name like Dorthy or some shit. She called her mother, and you should have heard the way she said it. She was scared of her own Mother. Hell she was shaking the entire time she was in the phone with her mom. It’s not normal.”
“Wait, what did you mean by Axl overreacting?” Delilah raised a brow her brother.
“Yeah he wanted to make sure she was ok. He was worried she got caught. Don’t read into it. He was drunk and he just finished fucking a girl,” Steven causally replied.
The two of them sat silence in the car before they parked a block from Delilah’s house not wanting to draw attention to themselves.
Mags froze before she hopped over the small fence.
“Hey, Stevie stay here and stay hidden. You aren’t exactly.....stealthy in your current state,” Mags whispered as she watched her brother stumble over his own two feet as he followed her to the fence.
Delilah’s room was one that Mags had always wanted. White flowing curtains hung from the ceiling with small colored flowers scattered on them. The bright white desk and dresser contrasted perfectly with the powdered pink walls. She dreamed about it when she was younger, but now as she looked at the pillows that were thrown around the room she didn’t want it anymore.
Mags stopped as she saw a small torn paper on the ground. Mags didn’t know much about the Jesus stuff that Delilah liked, but she knew that this piece of paper, along with all the others scattered on the ground, were ripped from a bible.
Mags hadn’t noticed that the torn paper fell out of her hand when she saw Delilah. Her heart broke as she looked at Delilah’s tear stained pillow. Mag’s eyes followed up to Delilah’s face. That’s when Mag’s heart broke for a second time. A large purple bruise covered her left cheek.
“What the hell,” Mags didn’t mean to say the words out loud waking Delilah.
Delilah shot to the opposite corner when she saw a figure in front of her bed.
“Mags?” Delilah asked trying to hide in the shadows.
“Yeah...sorry...I didn’t mean to startle you. I was worried...,” Mags was interrupted when Delilah brought her into a hug.
Delilah tried to hide her crying, but it was to no avail. Once the first tear escaped, the rest formed rivers as they escaped her eyes. Mag’s mind raced as she tried to connect what had happened as she held a crying Delilah in her arms.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 5 years
The day you laugh 8: Mr. Blue sky
The following is a non profit fan based story Batman, Red hood, Nightwing etc. belongs to DC Comics please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
It was around 1 PM when Holi finally woke up she went to sit up only to find herself stuck, *I'm not having another sleep paralyses episode again am I?* She panicked for second thinking that Joker's cackle or the sound of a gunshot was about to wake her up! 
only for Holi to realize she could still move, *Ok..not paralyzed.* She turned her head to see what was weighing her down only to find herself being spooned by slumbering Jason Todd... And he did not look peaceful, in fact he looked down right terrified!
His arm tightened on her waist "hey Red..." She cautiously called out trying to wake him "No,no no... not her...please! please!" he pleaded at an invisible enemy, her brow furrowed. *her?....his mom?* Holi blinked then shook her head and continued the task at hand, Holi started to pound on his chest while shouting "Hey wake up! you're dreaming!?" she kept shaking Jason who was crying at this point; if Holi wasn't psychologist she'd probably be freaking out right now.
During a PTSD episode her teachers told her to always get away from the patient if they were too violent, and let the episode pass or try calm them if the attack is early on. the problem is Holi isn't sure when it started or what set it off, only that he's in the middle of it. Suddenly Jason's eyes snapped open and locked on to her.
Holi took note that instead of green they were blue and glazed over... He was still dreaming. "Holi?" he croaked then shook his head mumbling no under his breath. "I just saw...He...no." Jason was staring a her forehead and started to hyper ventilating now, She realized he was staring at her scar. "Jason, Look at me." She ordered he was still panicking the redhead took his face into her hands stared up "Jason, wake up and look at me!"
In Jason's mind he was back in that shake being beaten and forced to watch Holi's death over and over, Suddenly he heard her voice calling out to him. his eyes wildly searched the room before looking down in his lap to see Holi's body dead eyes staring up at him, bullet wound fresh and oozing."Holi?" he started breathing hard how was she here? "I just saw...he....no." he panicked when Holi body started to move and his eyes widened in disbelief and were locked on to her wound.
"Jason, look at me..." Holi's corpse ordered he was to far gone he shook his head muttering "No..." He felt her hands on his face. "Jason! Wake up and look at me!" Her hands felt... warm? not cold, her eyes weren't clouded and lifeless... they were fierce,vibrant ...Alive. Holi was alive? He blinked instead of seeing his small innocent fourteen year old girlfriend. He saw a healthy,stubborn and mild crazy nineteen year old woman looking up at him concerned.
The distraught man took a breath and in an instant Jason's body started to relax his eyes slowly returned to unnatural green she grown used to, he collapsed on top of Holi burying his face into her shoulder breathing in her scent and keeping a firm hold on her waist. The redhead hesitantly brought her hand up and combed her fingers through his raven locks after what seemed like hours Jason finally looked at her. "Hi..." she greeted he gave her an unreadable expression before answering "Hey."
The sudden clap of widow rattle thunder echoed through out the apartment cause Jason to tense and his pupils to dilate, as Holi analyzed him *Oh...So, that what triggered him.* he noticed her calculated gaze and sat up.
"Don't use any of that Psychology crap on me." he hissed obviously not liking how Holi was looking at him. "Don't worry wasn't planing to." she sighed getting up and going to her window. "Damn It's really pouring...can't even see the store across the street." she watching the rain Jason hummed behind her.
She heard him get and join her at the window Gotham storms will rain down like Niagara-falls...the tension was thick as they suddenly found the raindrops trailing down the window interesting. "Why did you do it?" Holi jumped suddenly at his voice her green eyes glanced over her shoulder then back at the window. "Why did I do wha--"Jason cut her off with a snarl.
"Don't bullshit me!" He slammed his hand on her desk making Holi jump. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! what the hell are you doing out there?!" he pointed at her suit hanging off her mirror. "Same thing your doing..only I maim them not kill them." She huffed Jason pinched the bridge on his nose.
"I meant why? Don't you realize how dangerous this life is? how it destroys you?!"
"Because I was scared okay? just like you are now!"
"I don't know what you're---"
"Now who's the one bullshitting? He kept me in a fucking cell at that asylum while you and Bruce went looking for your mom, everyday I had to listen to speakers of his voice laughing mocking me. and when I was finally let out?...Well, you know exactly what happened...he made you watch after all" She swallowed letting that sink in.
Jason was very confused she shouldn't have known that unless..."He made you watch me...You remember---" Holi shook her head sadly. "No, Dick told me some of it...I went to your grave afterwards for closure, confirmation?" she shrugged then sighed rubbed her forehead not missing how Jason's eyes would wander to her scar. "I get them to Y'know? nightmares."
he listened intently to Holi about her night terrors and paralyses, how she's hear the crackling of leaves and sticks snapping as she was being dragged through the woods, feeling the gunshot...Joker's laughter. "Don't be freaked out if you ever stay over again and I'm not here, I might've teleported to the spot." She was referring to the clearing Joker's thugs had shot her in. "You not telling me everything." the tall man pointed out, the redhead snorted she forgot he was trained by Bruce for second there. "I..um, I may have been having these dreams lately..." he arched a brow "What kind of dreams?" Holi felt her head hurt for second.
"I'm not sure, but it's usually the same one, I'm in bed and someone wakes me up they're smoking cigarettes and I think we..." She blushes clearing her throat not noticing Jason's face slowly morph into shock. "Ahem, A-anyway he sits down on my bed next me then--" Jason suddenly talked over her "Then Bruce came in and kicked my ass..." Holi looked up at him stunned "That was on your birthday. I was banned from leaving the manor, couldn't get you a gift. So, one thing led to another we had sex, Bruce was pissed and you were shipped off to boarding school the next day."
Jason recalled how much he fucking hated the old man for that! he sent his girlfriend away just because he was scared that Jason was a danger to Holi. "It was bullshit! I would never hurt you!" he hissed Holi gave him skeptical look as she replayed last night, apparently he caught on to what she was thinking "...in confidence I didn't know it was you." he huffed tips of his ears turning red.
The short woman hummed before walking around the raven haired male who followed her movements and suddenly became very aware of the shirt she's wearing was too big to be hers it stopped just past her knees. "is that my shirt?" he asked Holi looked at him confused "It was in my laundry basket." she said pointing out to her living room, Jason scratched the back of his. "I borrowed your machine yesterday..." he said the realization slowly dawning on Holi; she hadn't done her laundry in three days. "..Sorry." She mumbled before he could even say anything the redhead had pulled the shirt off and tossed to him.
Jason felt his body tense up and immediately tried looking anywhere else around the room before the woman glanced him out of the corner of her eye and sighed "Look before your neck snaps." Holi huffed crossing her arms, he swallowed and looked down at short woman giving her a once over...god damn. the years have been kind to Holi..she was well endowed.
she'd lost her baby fat, training had added muscle and she gained curves in all the right places, but it wasn't perfect. He frowned as his eyes scanned over every bruise, every scratch and every scar decorating her body. he resisted the urge to reach out and trail his hands along them and ask how she got them.
Then his mind went somewhere else, the jealous nagging thought of how many times has Screw or any other guy for that matter has been here seeing her like this? * ...I won't go down easy* Her saying that echoed in his mind on repeat, leaving Jason wondering how she can easily drop her guard around him and trust someone after everything that's happened to her? But alas she disappeared behind her bathroom door before he could get a word out. "...you are too comfortable around men." he muttered to the spot Holi had been standing in.
Jason and Holi were sitting in her living room storm still raging outside watching 'It's always sunny in Philadelphia.' occasionally his eyes would wander over to the redhead who was lounging on the couch wearing a green sweater dress and black pantyhose, he trail up her legs and along her waist to her chest...He snapped his eyes back to the TV when she shifted or even showed even a smidgen of awareness of him watching her. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed a lump in his throat.
*Fuckin' Green!... why did she have to wear green!!!"* His thoughts screamed he had his arms wrapped around a pillow; arms tightening every time she crossed her legs or readjusted her dress, Holi got up to get a new can of cherry cola.*She pretty much telling me to bend her over the couch!* He shuddered and took a sharp breath trying to focus on the TV. "*I'm just watching Charlie doing his thang...and It's good man, It's rea--"* Jason gasped and jolted forward feeling something cold tap his neck.
He whipped his head around and saw Holi grinning at him evilly one hand wrapped around her pop-can the other wet and cold from condensation; the tall man snorted "Not funny." he rubbed the back of his neck as the redhead giggled at him. 
"Oh, but it was." She beamed sipping her drink before setting it down, and looking out the window behind him watching the rushing wind a rain. "Y'know with how bad it is out there, I'm surprised the pow--" The power went out just as she was about say it.
"I hope you don't have anything in the freezer, because it's out until tomorrow morning." Jason said voice modulated from his helmet as he listened to the emergency broadcast over the radio, he heard Holi groan into her couch cushions. "Leave it to me to effin' jinx it!" She whined blaming herself for the power going out as the anti-hero patted her back. "Hey now, it's not your fault Girly. You can't control the weather." the raven haired man said before going through her utility cabinet and finding some flashlights.
And for the next half hour the two sat in silence reading, Jason in his helmet (night-vision) and Holi with the flashlights, after while Jason was kind of curious as to what the redhead was reading...His helmet's thermals were showing her core temp was spiking, he subtlety started scooting closer to her, heat slowly creeping up his back. 
Holi breathing was shallower she started eyeing Jason before turning back to her book, he had taken his helmet off placing it on the coffee table keeping his eyes glued to his book of course he wasn't reading it anymore. his eyes weren't moving, he closed his book loudly and that's all it took before Holi jumped on him, not that Jason was complaining!
A couple hours later...
They laid there quietly on living room floor catching their breaths, Holi sighed at the empty feeling as she pulled off from Jason who'd pulled the quilt from the couch and pulled it over them, and he started chuckling while kissing her forehead right on her scar.
"Holy...holy shit."
"You okay Girly?...wasn't too rough on ya?"
"[sigh] no..."
Jason smiled lazily leaving butterfly kisses along Holi's neck making her hum cuddle into his chest she was down for the count, He was fairing no better, He contemplated picking up Holi and heading to bed which surprisingly was the only thing not tainted by their activities, but Holi looked so god damn cute all tired and flushed dozing off on his chest, Not that he'll ever say it out loud. and the fact that he was the one who made her this way? Well that was a definite ego boost.
A tired smirk tugged on his lips as he played with Holi's hair, as his other hand slowly reached for the gun he had stashed under her couch. in a flash Jason had it pointed at bedroom archway eyes narrowed. "No use hiding, come out unless you want a couple holes in ya." He's hissed eyes narrowed good mood dissolving at the thought of an intruder getting in so easily, After he had put security measures over Holi's security measures.
His animosity disappeared when a woman with one arm in a sling, wearing jeans and blue parka with long raven hair and silver-grey eyes walked in. She gave him sad smile. "Hey Jay..." she sighed Jason eyes widen in disbelief as he lowered the gun. "Shiloh?"
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cedarrrun · 5 years
In her new book, Revolution of the Soul, social activist and yoga teacher Seane Corn details how ill and awkward she felt during her first yoga class and what kept her going back for more.
Seane Corn
After hearing about yoga for years and witnessing the changes it made in David Life, owner of Life Café in New York City, where I waitressed, and Sharon Gannon, the head waitress, I’d decided to see for myself what the hoopla was about. I’d come to Integral Yoga, where everyone dressed in white and everything was absolutely pristine. Except for me. I looked down at my gray sweatpants, grease stains on the thighs from where I had wiped my hands after working on my motorcycle. I hadn’t showered and knew without a doubt that black eyeliner and mascara lay smeared under my eyes. I was a bit of a mess.
I was told to sign in and remove my shoes, so I kicked off my black-leather Screaming Mimi combat boots and tossed them toward the rest of the shoes on the floor, but I left my socks on. Going barefoot in a public place that wasn’t a park or beach kinda grossed me out, plus I often cut and peeled the skin off my big toes and heels when I was anxious and I didn’t want anyone to see that.
The woman behind the counter, also wearing white, looked calm and sweet. I noticed, when she raised her arm to reach for something, that she had a thick patch of armpit hair. I wondered if Sharon shaved her pits. Note to self: Stop shaving, buy something white and... take a bath.
See also How to Change Your Life With Yoga
Now, Yoga
The woman behind the desk announces it is time for class. I follow the others up some narrow, creaky stairs and into one of the rooms above. The floors in the room are wooden and uneven, the room itself stark and smelling faintly of BO, mold, and incense. I hang back a little to watch what everyone else is doing; then, following their lead, I grab a mat and what looks like a little pillow, which makes a crunching sound when I squeeze it.
The teacher comes in quietly, an air of importance and reserve about him. I’m pretty sure he’s some kind of holy man, like a guru. But he looks more like an uncle or cousin from the Jewish side of my family. Less like a guru, more like a rabbi. He is white and older, with scraggly gray-and-white hair hanging loosely past his shoulders and a similarly colored beard. He gathers up his white pants, kneels down, takes his seat in the front of the room, and drapes a white shawl over his shoulders. He then picks up a pair of metal disks connected by a leather string and clinks them together three times.
The reverberation alerts the students, causing their spines to straighten and the backs of their heads to lengthen on their necks. I glance at the person closest to me and see that her eyes are still shut. I looked to the others and see that their eyes are also still shut. I look at the guru-rabbi. He smiles and makes a gesture with his hands, indicating that I should shut my eyes, too. I do.
See also Seane Corn: Safe Vinyasa Yoga + Getting the Fundamentals Right
I’ve never meditated before. I try to keep my back straight, all the while wondering how long we’ll have to stay there. My thoughts continue something like, I wonder if I’m doing it right. I wonder if I’m supposed to be thinking. But if I’m not supposed to be thinking, what am I supposed to be doing instead? Is everyone else thinking, too? That can’t be right. We can’t all be just sitting here thinking. Are they thinking about me, like I’m thinking about them? I wonder what I’m going to eat later and if yoga can help me stop smoking and if my boyfriend really loves me and if I should take the bus home this weekend to see my mom. I miss my mom. I really love my mom. My mom’s so cool. It’s really hot in here. Maybe it will rain? My nose itches. Am I allowed to scratch it? I fidget on the crunchy pillow, my hips ache, my right foot is asleep inside my sock. There’s no way I’m taking off my socks. Not ever. Maybe I should get a cat...?
Next up, the teacher asks us to breathe, in and out, very fast and deep through our noses. I try, but my whole torso keeps lifting up and down. A light trail of snot escapes out of my nose, and I repeatedly wipe at it with the back of my hand while glancing self-consciously around the room. This goes on for quite a while. Periodically I have to stop to cough, the tar from cigarettes reacting to the quick compression of my lungs. 
And then, after a bit, he tells us to breathe normally and reflect on how we feel. The deep breathing makes me feel dizzy and a bit sick to my stomach. I sit there reflecting on my nausea and reluctantly begin the breathwork again when he tells us to. Yoga isn’t particularly glamorous, I think, wiping away more snot and coughing up a lung.
See also Seane Corn: Social Justice + Game Changers
After that, we’re invited to come to standing. “Feet together, straighten your legs,” the teacher commands. “Arms to the side, long spine. Sturdy, like a mountain!” He tells us to feel our feet on the ground beneath us. “Extend your roots deep into the earth, and you will find your strength and refuge there, with the Mother!” I wonder, Mother? Whose mother? I do as I’m told—I think. But, truthfully, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I don’t feel like a mountain. What the fuck does a mountain even feel like?
From there, we begin to move. “Inhale arms reach up, exhale fold forward, bend your knees, place your fingertips to the floor, inhale look up, exhale step your left leg back, knee down, inhale arms reach” ... it goes on like this for a while. I feel awkward, but eventually my body settles in and moves more easily, as though it instinctively knows what to do next. I am naturally strong and flexible, which makes me feel like maybe I’m not so out of place after all.
The teacher leads us from pose to pose, and except for the constant nausea, a slight headache, and an overall achiness in my muscles, I feel pretty good. Finally, he tells us to “prepare for Savasana.” I lie down with the rest of them and completely pass out. The clanging of chimes startles me awake. I sit up cross-legged, like the others, and bring my palms into prayer. Another chant is followed by an Om—my first Om. The teacher ends class with a “Namaste.” I feel both settled and utterly sick to my stomach. I roll up my mat, nod a thank-you to the teacher, and leave. In the bathroom downstairs, I lean over the toilet and puke.
See also Off the Mat and Into the World
I continued going to Integral, mostly because I liked telling the people at Life Café that I did yoga, too. The nausea I felt initially was apparently a sign that my system was cleansing itself from my diet, my smoking habit, and the environmental factors I was subjected to every day, such as car exhaust. The teacher said it was normal.
Although I didn’t notice many changes in my personality and wasn’t exactly having glimpses into enlightened states, the more I practiced, the more aware I became of how my behaviors impacted my physical health. Eventually, I didn’t want to put things into my mouth (or up my nose) that didn’t feel good—and that included alcohol, junk food, drugs, and, finally, cigarettes.
The Shift
After a long night of tending bar at Shescape, a lesbian party that floated among different clubs around the city, I managed to open my eyes about noon. I lay there staring at the ceiling. I was 22 years old, living with yet another boyfriend, and stuck. I didn’t feel particularly connected to anything. I felt purposeless.
As I lay there, I could feel my anxiety rise. I knew that if I called any number of friends, I could hang with them. Maybe we could grab an afternoon drink or smoke a joint? But I really didn’t want to drink or do drugs anymore. I thought maybe I could hook up with that guy I had recently stopped seeing. He had a girlfriend, but it was OK since I had a boyfriend, so it didn’t really feel like cheating. But I didn’t want to lie anymore. Crap. I sat down on the floor in the middle of my apartment, frozen with indecision. Not knowing what else to do, I looked around, picked yesterday’s sweats and T-shirt off the floor, threw them on, and headed out the door, trudging my way through the snow to Integral Yoga.
“Feel your feet on the floor, thighs lift, tailbone in, breathe!” the teacher commands. I am limp in my poses, and he keeps adjusting me. The changes he asks me to make are uncomfortable, requiring more strength than I have, and I can hardly keep my balance. He keeps saying, “Seane, focus, ground, breathe! You’re not breathing!” I think, Obviously I’m breathing, asshole, otherwise I’d be dead. He is picking on me! My body feels thick and tight.
See also Behind the Scenes with Seane Corn
During Savasana, I fall asleep, as usual, but this time my snoring wakes me up. I feel disoriented and embarrassed. I place my hands into Namaste, bow my head, chant a feeble Om with the class, roll up my mat, and split.
Outside, it has started to snow. New York is eerily beautiful when it snows; everything looks crisp, clean, and enchanted. I exhale completely, watching as the white mist rises from my mouth, and then take another full breath in. Suddenly, I stop in my tracks, exhale, and wait. Something is not quite right. I pat my pockets for my keys. Check. I open my bag to see if I have my wallet. Yep. Everything is where it should be. I look up at the large clock above Greenwich Avenue just as the sun is setting, and I see its pale-pink reflection against the white backdrop.
Slowly, I smile. Something is different. That something is me.
I stand there, my arms to my sides, my face still turned up toward the pinkish sky, and I know that everything in my life is truly OK. That everything is unfolding perfectly, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. The word “trust” keeps bubbling up from deep inside. I speak the word, quietly. “Trust,” I whisper again. “Trust.”
My heart is full, so absolute and satisfied. Most days I leave yoga feeling good, but this time is different. This is beyond the body. Nothing has changed, I still have no sense of purpose, but somehow I know it will all work out. I place my hands on my heart, the snow settling on my face, and smile. I am immensely grateful. 
Revolution of the Soul by Seane Corn
Excerpted from Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action. Copyright 2019 by Seane Corn. Excerpted by permission of Sounds True.
0 notes
krisiunicornio · 5 years
In her new book, Revolution of the Soul, social activist and yoga teacher Seane Corn details how ill and awkward she felt during her first yoga class and what kept her going back for more.
Seane Corn
After hearing about yoga for years and witnessing the changes it made in David Life, owner of Life Café in New York City, where I waitressed, and Sharon Gannon, the head waitress, I’d decided to see for myself what the hoopla was about. I’d come to Integral Yoga, where everyone dressed in white and everything was absolutely pristine. Except for me. I looked down at my gray sweatpants, grease stains on the thighs from where I had wiped my hands after working on my motorcycle. I hadn’t showered and knew without a doubt that black eyeliner and mascara lay smeared under my eyes. I was a bit of a mess.
I was told to sign in and remove my shoes, so I kicked off my black-leather Screaming Mimi combat boots and tossed them toward the rest of the shoes on the floor, but I left my socks on. Going barefoot in a public place that wasn’t a park or beach kinda grossed me out, plus I often cut and peeled the skin off my big toes and heels when I was anxious and I didn’t want anyone to see that.
The woman behind the counter, also wearing white, looked calm and sweet. I noticed, when she raised her arm to reach for something, that she had a thick patch of armpit hair. I wondered if Sharon shaved her pits. Note to self: Stop shaving, buy something white and... take a bath.
See also How to Change Your Life With Yoga
Now, Yoga
The woman behind the desk announces it is time for class. I follow the others up some narrow, creaky stairs and into one of the rooms above. The floors in the room are wooden and uneven, the room itself stark and smelling faintly of BO, mold, and incense. I hang back a little to watch what everyone else is doing; then, following their lead, I grab a mat and what looks like a little pillow, which makes a crunching sound when I squeeze it.
The teacher comes in quietly, an air of importance and reserve about him. I’m pretty sure he’s some kind of holy man, like a guru. But he looks more like an uncle or cousin from the Jewish side of my family. Less like a guru, more like a rabbi. He is white and older, with scraggly gray-and-white hair hanging loosely past his shoulders and a similarly colored beard. He gathers up his white pants, kneels down, takes his seat in the front of the room, and drapes a white shawl over his shoulders. He then picks up a pair of metal disks connected by a leather string and clinks them together three times.
The reverberation alerts the students, causing their spines to straighten and the backs of their heads to lengthen on their necks. I glance at the person closest to me and see that her eyes are still shut. I looked to the others and see that their eyes are also still shut. I look at the guru-rabbi. He smiles and makes a gesture with his hands, indicating that I should shut my eyes, too. I do.
See also Seane Corn: Safe Vinyasa Yoga + Getting the Fundamentals Right
I’ve never meditated before. I try to keep my back straight, all the while wondering how long we’ll have to stay there. My thoughts continue something like, I wonder if I’m doing it right. I wonder if I’m supposed to be thinking. But if I’m not supposed to be thinking, what am I supposed to be doing instead? Is everyone else thinking, too? That can’t be right. We can’t all be just sitting here thinking. Are they thinking about me, like I’m thinking about them? I wonder what I’m going to eat later and if yoga can help me stop smoking and if my boyfriend really loves me and if I should take the bus home this weekend to see my mom. I miss my mom. I really love my mom. My mom’s so cool. It’s really hot in here. Maybe it will rain? My nose itches. Am I allowed to scratch it? I fidget on the crunchy pillow, my hips ache, my right foot is asleep inside my sock. There’s no way I’m taking off my socks. Not ever. Maybe I should get a cat...?
Next up, the teacher asks us to breathe, in and out, very fast and deep through our noses. I try, but my whole torso keeps lifting up and down. A light trail of snot escapes out of my nose, and I repeatedly wipe at it with the back of my hand while glancing self-consciously around the room. This goes on for quite a while. Periodically I have to stop to cough, the tar from cigarettes reacting to the quick compression of my lungs. 
And then, after a bit, he tells us to breathe normally and reflect on how we feel. The deep breathing makes me feel dizzy and a bit sick to my stomach. I sit there reflecting on my nausea and reluctantly begin the breathwork again when he tells us to. Yoga isn’t particularly glamorous, I think, wiping away more snot and coughing up a lung.
See also Seane Corn: Social Justice + Game Changers
After that, we’re invited to come to standing. “Feet together, straighten your legs,” the teacher commands. “Arms to the side, long spine. Sturdy, like a mountain!” He tells us to feel our feet on the ground beneath us. “Extend your roots deep into the earth, and you will find your strength and refuge there, with the Mother!” I wonder, Mother? Whose mother? I do as I’m told—I think. But, truthfully, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I don’t feel like a mountain. What the fuck does a mountain even feel like?
From there, we begin to move. “Inhale arms reach up, exhale fold forward, bend your knees, place your fingertips to the floor, inhale look up, exhale step your left leg back, knee down, inhale arms reach” ... it goes on like this for a while. I feel awkward, but eventually my body settles in and moves more easily, as though it instinctively knows what to do next. I am naturally strong and flexible, which makes me feel like maybe I’m not so out of place after all.
The teacher leads us from pose to pose, and except for the constant nausea, a slight headache, and an overall achiness in my muscles, I feel pretty good. Finally, he tells us to “prepare for Savasana.” I lie down with the rest of them and completely pass out. The clanging of chimes startles me awake. I sit up cross-legged, like the others, and bring my palms into prayer. Another chant is followed by an Om—my first Om. The teacher ends class with a “Namaste.” I feel both settled and utterly sick to my stomach. I roll up my mat, nod a thank-you to the teacher, and leave. In the bathroom downstairs, I lean over the toilet and puke.
See also Off the Mat and Into the World
I continued going to Integral, mostly because I liked telling the people at Life Café that I did yoga, too. The nausea I felt initially was apparently a sign that my system was cleansing itself from my diet, my smoking habit, and the environmental factors I was subjected to every day, such as car exhaust. The teacher said it was normal.
Although I didn’t notice many changes in my personality and wasn’t exactly having glimpses into enlightened states, the more I practiced, the more aware I became of how my behaviors impacted my physical health. Eventually, I didn’t want to put things into my mouth (or up my nose) that didn’t feel good—and that included alcohol, junk food, drugs, and, finally, cigarettes.
The Shift
After a long night of tending bar at Shescape, a lesbian party that floated among different clubs around the city, I managed to open my eyes about noon. I lay there staring at the ceiling. I was 22 years old, living with yet another boyfriend, and stuck. I didn’t feel particularly connected to anything. I felt purposeless.
As I lay there, I could feel my anxiety rise. I knew that if I called any number of friends, I could hang with them. Maybe we could grab an afternoon drink or smoke a joint? But I really didn’t want to drink or do drugs anymore. I thought maybe I could hook up with that guy I had recently stopped seeing. He had a girlfriend, but it was OK since I had a boyfriend, so it didn’t really feel like cheating. But I didn’t want to lie anymore. Crap. I sat down on the floor in the middle of my apartment, frozen with indecision. Not knowing what else to do, I looked around, picked yesterday’s sweats and T-shirt off the floor, threw them on, and headed out the door, trudging my way through the snow to Integral Yoga.
“Feel your feet on the floor, thighs lift, tailbone in, breathe!” the teacher commands. I am limp in my poses, and he keeps adjusting me. The changes he asks me to make are uncomfortable, requiring more strength than I have, and I can hardly keep my balance. He keeps saying, “Seane, focus, ground, breathe! You’re not breathing!” I think, Obviously I’m breathing, asshole, otherwise I’d be dead. He is picking on me! My body feels thick and tight.
See also Behind the Scenes with Seane Corn
During Savasana, I fall asleep, as usual, but this time my snoring wakes me up. I feel disoriented and embarrassed. I place my hands into Namaste, bow my head, chant a feeble Om with the class, roll up my mat, and split.
Outside, it has started to snow. New York is eerily beautiful when it snows; everything looks crisp, clean, and enchanted. I exhale completely, watching as the white mist rises from my mouth, and then take another full breath in. Suddenly, I stop in my tracks, exhale, and wait. Something is not quite right. I pat my pockets for my keys. Check. I open my bag to see if I have my wallet. Yep. Everything is where it should be. I look up at the large clock above Greenwich Avenue just as the sun is setting, and I see its pale-pink reflection against the white backdrop.
Slowly, I smile. Something is different. That something is me.
I stand there, my arms to my sides, my face still turned up toward the pinkish sky, and I know that everything in my life is truly OK. That everything is unfolding perfectly, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. The word “trust” keeps bubbling up from deep inside. I speak the word, quietly. “Trust,” I whisper again. “Trust.”
My heart is full, so absolute and satisfied. Most days I leave yoga feeling good, but this time is different. This is beyond the body. Nothing has changed, I still have no sense of purpose, but somehow I know it will all work out. I place my hands on my heart, the snow settling on my face, and smile. I am immensely grateful. 
Revolution of the Soul by Seane Corn
Excerpted from Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action. Copyright 2019 by Seane Corn. Excerpted by permission of Sounds True.
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amyddaniels · 5 years
Even Seane Corn Had an Awkward First Yoga Class
In her new book, Revolution of the Soul, social activist and yoga teacher Seane Corn details how ill and awkward she felt during her first yoga class and what kept her going back for more.
Seane Corn
After hearing about yoga for years and witnessing the changes it made in David Life, owner of Life Café in New York City, where I waitressed, and Sharon Gannon, the head waitress, I’d decided to see for myself what the hoopla was about. I’d come to Integral Yoga, where everyone dressed in white and everything was absolutely pristine. Except for me. I looked down at my gray sweatpants, grease stains on the thighs from where I had wiped my hands after working on my motorcycle. I hadn’t showered and knew without a doubt that black eyeliner and mascara lay smeared under my eyes. I was a bit of a mess.
I was told to sign in and remove my shoes, so I kicked off my black-leather Screaming Mimi combat boots and tossed them toward the rest of the shoes on the floor, but I left my socks on. Going barefoot in a public place that wasn’t a park or beach kinda grossed me out, plus I often cut and peeled the skin off my big toes and heels when I was anxious and I didn’t want anyone to see that.
The woman behind the counter, also wearing white, looked calm and sweet. I noticed, when she raised her arm to reach for something, that she had a thick patch of armpit hair. I wondered if Sharon shaved her pits. Note to self: Stop shaving, buy something white and... take a bath.
See also How to Change Your Life With Yoga
Now, Yoga
The woman behind the desk announces it is time for class. I follow the others up some narrow, creaky stairs and into one of the rooms above. The floors in the room are wooden and uneven, the room itself stark and smelling faintly of BO, mold, and incense. I hang back a little to watch what everyone else is doing; then, following their lead, I grab a mat and what looks like a little pillow, which makes a crunching sound when I squeeze it.
The teacher comes in quietly, an air of importance and reserve about him. I’m pretty sure he’s some kind of holy man, like a guru. But he looks more like an uncle or cousin from the Jewish side of my family. Less like a guru, more like a rabbi. He is white and older, with scraggly gray-and-white hair hanging loosely past his shoulders and a similarly colored beard. He gathers up his white pants, kneels down, takes his seat in the front of the room, and drapes a white shawl over his shoulders. He then picks up a pair of metal disks connected by a leather string and clinks them together three times.
The reverberation alerts the students, causing their spines to straighten and the backs of their heads to lengthen on their necks. I glance at the person closest to me and see that her eyes are still shut. I looked to the others and see that their eyes are also still shut. I look at the guru-rabbi. He smiles and makes a gesture with his hands, indicating that I should shut my eyes, too. I do.
See also Seane Corn: Safe Vinyasa Yoga + Getting the Fundamentals Right
I’ve never meditated before. I try to keep my back straight, all the while wondering how long we’ll have to stay there. My thoughts continue something like, I wonder if I’m doing it right. I wonder if I’m supposed to be thinking. But if I’m not supposed to be thinking, what am I supposed to be doing instead? Is everyone else thinking, too? That can’t be right. We can’t all be just sitting here thinking. Are they thinking about me, like I’m thinking about them? I wonder what I’m going to eat later and if yoga can help me stop smoking and if my boyfriend really loves me and if I should take the bus home this weekend to see my mom. I miss my mom. I really love my mom. My mom’s so cool. It’s really hot in here. Maybe it will rain? My nose itches. Am I allowed to scratch it? I fidget on the crunchy pillow, my hips ache, my right foot is asleep inside my sock. There’s no way I’m taking off my socks. Not ever. Maybe I should get a cat...?
Next up, the teacher asks us to breathe, in and out, very fast and deep through our noses. I try, but my whole torso keeps lifting up and down. A light trail of snot escapes out of my nose, and I repeatedly wipe at it with the back of my hand while glancing self-consciously around the room. This goes on for quite a while. Periodically I have to stop to cough, the tar from cigarettes reacting to the quick compression of my lungs. 
And then, after a bit, he tells us to breathe normally and reflect on how we feel. The deep breathing makes me feel dizzy and a bit sick to my stomach. I sit there reflecting on my nausea and reluctantly begin the breathwork again when he tells us to. Yoga isn’t particularly glamorous, I think, wiping away more snot and coughing up a lung.
See also Seane Corn: Social Justice + Game Changers
After that, we’re invited to come to standing. “Feet together, straighten your legs,” the teacher commands. “Arms to the side, long spine. Sturdy, like a mountain!” He tells us to feel our feet on the ground beneath us. “Extend your roots deep into the earth, and you will find your strength and refuge there, with the Mother!” I wonder, Mother? Whose mother? I do as I’m told—I think. But, truthfully, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I don’t feel like a mountain. What the fuck does a mountain even feel like?
From there, we begin to move. “Inhale arms reach up, exhale fold forward, bend your knees, place your fingertips to the floor, inhale look up, exhale step your left leg back, knee down, inhale arms reach” ... it goes on like this for a while. I feel awkward, but eventually my body settles in and moves more easily, as though it instinctively knows what to do next. I am naturally strong and flexible, which makes me feel like maybe I’m not so out of place after all.
The teacher leads us from pose to pose, and except for the constant nausea, a slight headache, and an overall achiness in my muscles, I feel pretty good. Finally, he tells us to “prepare for Savasana.” I lie down with the rest of them and completely pass out. The clanging of chimes startles me awake. I sit up cross-legged, like the others, and bring my palms into prayer. Another chant is followed by an Om—my first Om. The teacher ends class with a “Namaste.” I feel both settled and utterly sick to my stomach. I roll up my mat, nod a thank-you to the teacher, and leave. In the bathroom downstairs, I lean over the toilet and puke.
See also Off the Mat and Into the World
I continued going to Integral, mostly because I liked telling the people at Life Café that I did yoga, too. The nausea I felt initially was apparently a sign that my system was cleansing itself from my diet, my smoking habit, and the environmental factors I was subjected to every day, such as car exhaust. The teacher said it was normal.
Although I didn’t notice many changes in my personality and wasn’t exactly having glimpses into enlightened states, the more I practiced, the more aware I became of how my behaviors impacted my physical health. Eventually, I didn’t want to put things into my mouth (or up my nose) that didn’t feel good—and that included alcohol, junk food, drugs, and, finally, cigarettes.
The Shift
After a long night of tending bar at Shescape, a lesbian party that floated among different clubs around the city, I managed to open my eyes about noon. I lay there staring at the ceiling. I was 22 years old, living with yet another boyfriend, and stuck. I didn’t feel particularly connected to anything. I felt purposeless.
As I lay there, I could feel my anxiety rise. I knew that if I called any number of friends, I could hang with them. Maybe we could grab an afternoon drink or smoke a joint? But I really didn’t want to drink or do drugs anymore. I thought maybe I could hook up with that guy I had recently stopped seeing. He had a girlfriend, but it was OK since I had a boyfriend, so it didn’t really feel like cheating. But I didn’t want to lie anymore. Crap. I sat down on the floor in the middle of my apartment, frozen with indecision. Not knowing what else to do, I looked around, picked yesterday’s sweats and T-shirt off the floor, threw them on, and headed out the door, trudging my way through the snow to Integral Yoga.
“Feel your feet on the floor, thighs lift, tailbone in, breathe!” the teacher commands. I am limp in my poses, and he keeps adjusting me. The changes he asks me to make are uncomfortable, requiring more strength than I have, and I can hardly keep my balance. He keeps saying, “Seane, focus, ground, breathe! You’re not breathing!” I think, Obviously I’m breathing, asshole, otherwise I’d be dead. He is picking on me! My body feels thick and tight.
See also Behind the Scenes with Seane Corn
During Savasana, I fall asleep, as usual, but this time my snoring wakes me up. I feel disoriented and embarrassed. I place my hands into Namaste, bow my head, chant a feeble Om with the class, roll up my mat, and split.
Outside, it has started to snow. New York is eerily beautiful when it snows; everything looks crisp, clean, and enchanted. I exhale completely, watching as the white mist rises from my mouth, and then take another full breath in. Suddenly, I stop in my tracks, exhale, and wait. Something is not quite right. I pat my pockets for my keys. Check. I open my bag to see if I have my wallet. Yep. Everything is where it should be. I look up at the large clock above Greenwich Avenue just as the sun is setting, and I see its pale-pink reflection against the white backdrop.
Slowly, I smile. Something is different. That something is me.
I stand there, my arms to my sides, my face still turned up toward the pinkish sky, and I know that everything in my life is truly OK. That everything is unfolding perfectly, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. The word “trust” keeps bubbling up from deep inside. I speak the word, quietly. “Trust,” I whisper again. “Trust.”
My heart is full, so absolute and satisfied. Most days I leave yoga feeling good, but this time is different. This is beyond the body. Nothing has changed, I still have no sense of purpose, but somehow I know it will all work out. I place my hands on my heart, the snow settling on my face, and smile. I am immensely grateful. 
Revolution of the Soul by Seane Corn
Excerpted from Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action. Copyright 2019 by Seane Corn. Excerpted by permission of Sounds True.
0 notes
Goodbye Twenty Sixteen
Congrats Earth for another trip around the Sun. Not to be a critic, but this one sucked.
I guess looking back, this year was a year of learning, and heartbreak, and failures, and tears. Lots and lots and lots of tears. There were definitely some good moments, moments where I said to myself “Holy crap, I am truly blessed.” But there were also a shit ton of bad. Like… really bad.
And yes, you definitely have some control on how you want things to effect you, but a common theme in 2016 was that sometimes you have none. Sometimes, life will screw with you and screw with you and screw with you until you take a pillow and scream into it… and then it will screw with you some more.  
So, in honor of all the bad shit that has happened, I made a list of things I learned and lived and experienced from this not-so-great year. Take this with a grain of salt if you’d like, or a heap of salt, really your preference, I just hope your (and my) 2017 will be better than 2016.
Allow yourself to cry… a lot. It’s good & healthy & normal.
Don’t let anyone invalidate your feelings. If you feel a certain way about something/someone, you have every right to.
Adding on to that, don’t care if someone calls you “basic”. If you like a certain author or listen to a certain band, that’s okay, don’t let someone else discredit something/someone you love.
Tell everyone you know that you love them, even if it’s just “ily”. Sometimes, all somebody needs is to hear that and know that someone cares. Be that someone.
Being a good friend is not hard.  Show this through your actions. “To have a friend, you need to be a friend”
If you are passionate about a political movement or a current event, don’t subdue your thoughts. Speak out against things you don’t believe in and get involved.
Don’t let a stupid boy make comments about your appearance. They don’t like it, walk away and don’t look back.
Go on the date. If it works, it works, if not, now you know.
Nights with the girlies are so, so, so important. Try not to pass them up.
Don’t forget about the people who loved you before he did.
Make playlists, as many as you want, and listen to them. I found that the  thing that helped me the most in bad times was music. Allow it to heal you because it really does have the power to do so.
Never feel guilty for a nap.
If you don’t want to wear a t-shirt and leggings to class and want to look presentable, DO IT.
Also, never let a guy tell you you look tired without makeup. Let them know that that’s an asshole thing to say.
Ice cream is definitely better straight out of the carton and I will never get sick of cinnamon donuts.
Skipping a party or a night at the bars is OK. Don’t let others make you feel guilty for that and don’t let others tell you you are doing college wrong.
Don’t answer his snapchats or texts or anything. Delete them. He didn’t love you or want you from the beginning, the second time is probably the same too. & that’s a lot to realize so don’t beat yourself up if it takes you a few months.
Forgive but never forget.
Try as hard as you can to love yourself. It’s so so so true that no one will love you before you love yourself and trust me, its easier said then done.
You can admire someone else’s beauty without comparing them to yourself.
A negative mindset won’t give you a positive life.
Don’t put a time limit on healing from a heartbreak (or really anything.) When somebody doesn’t have the same feelings as you do, it sucks and hurts like hell (whether you were actually in a relationship or just a fling-thing). Give yourself as much time as you need to heal from it and don’t let others put a time limit on you as well.
So here’s to you, 2016. Thanks for the lessons, although they were pretty horrible. Thanks for teaching me more about myself than I have ever learned before & thank you for showing me that your lowest points in life don’t have to define you.
Thank you, but don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
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