#ok uhhhh this was a lot i'm nervous
haechannabelle · 1 year
hey guys big announcement
choi s.coups seungcheol has reached ult ult status. is this because of a dream that i had last night ? no, that's crazy. why would you even ask that
edit: i ended up writing way more down in the tags than up here but that counts as part of the post sorry
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luna-loveboop · 6 months
I want. Four to get appreciation. Because
Four gave a ton of unnoticed help when Twilight was injured
The fight with Wild was difficult, and I know we're all concerned about his negative view of the shadow crystal
But Four did something that no one else really thought of to help- He took care of Twi's stuff
From the beginning he told Twilight to not worry about them
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So Four took care of pretty much everything but the others (that Sky and Wars handled)
He took care of Epona
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Which is so very important- he took care of Twilight's horse. After her arrival at the stable Four followed up on her
And for Epona, a horse so attached to her human, having some company can help so much for reassurance
He took care of Twilight's stuff
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He got Twi's shield- his bags and equipment, and organized it into one place
And he was worried. He obviously found the shadow crystal while handling Twi's stuff, but his negative reactions to it were out of concern.
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Also- because of his placement in this scene
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I'm fairly convinced Four was ready to start cooking before Wild showed up (since he's beside the counter with food supplies). At the very least he had the basket of fruit out for everyone -but he was literally standing with food behind him- he thought of everything
And he did housekeeping!
Wars payed for the inn, so Four took care of the inn
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Realistically these boys were probably not too concerned with tidyness. Four got all of Twi's things on one table, and took care of the room they stayed in
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Organizing tables and Twi's things, having food supplies ready, and opening the curtains- overall he was the one tidying up the inn
Four helped in a huge way! He took care of Twi's horse (Epona is so important), his equipment and shield and bag, as well as the other rooms in the inn
Four filled in all the little tasks that others didn't think of. He helped in ways that were needed, but not obvious
There's a lot of problems with the shadow crystal and with Wild, and I don't know what's gonna happen in the future
But don't forget this- don't forget that Four was one who stepped up in an almost unnoticeable way
Don't forget that when everyone was barely holding it together, Four visited Twilight's horse and took care of his things
No matter what develops in the future- this amount of care shown is important ya know?
Art and comic from Jojo @linkeduniverse au :)))
#epona is so important#Lu four#linkeduniverse#linked universe#I work with horses and#Epona is INCREDIBLE- she's extremely attuned to humans and emotions. she doesn't scare easily and can keep her cool in a fight#but it's still super stressful to suddenly be in a fairly large and populated town- separated from her person#and for such an empathetic horse? Four going and TALKING to her- gently petting her nose and just being near her#means so so much! that literally matters so much to a horses mental state in a foreign situation- just having company#he checked on Epona and gave her company like !!!!!! it's so considerate and means so much for Epona! Four I love you !!!!!#uhhhh yeah!#with the food- I don't think the innkeeper would have free/complimentary food out- but wars wallet def had it covered#then wild showed up with potions in a cooking frenzy- but four was still shown with food behind him- he thought of everything#I don't know what's gonna happen with the shadow crystal and stuff. but no matter what happens in the future- this matters.#he did a ton of small things no one else thought of it matters he cares so much didjdkdksjfjj#I have a lot of posts I'm making/editing and trying to get to. I'm just a little gal trying my best :/#so many ideas and so little time... I love you guys and this fandom so much :))#(if I said anything off or offensive let me know... I'm always nervous about that but I want to hear from you if I'm wrong)#(also you are so so cool and valuable don't forget that ok? I love you and you are important)#:)
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eilinelsghost · 2 months
Choose violence: 6, 7, 14?
For this choose violence ask game.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh god I am nervous answering this one lol. Uhhhh well I've already hated on Curufinrod elsewhere and tbh it's the ship I find annoying there and not the people who ship it - most of the people I know who do are absolutely delightful.
Sigh. Ok. Um. Silvergifting or Angbang probably?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Piggybacking off of the previous answer, probably an Annatar-Celebrimbor tie. I was deeply neutral about both of these two before getting more involved in fandom and now I've developed a flinch response whenever they show up in the feed.
And to be clear, it isn't that I hate the ship or anything. But I think they often get very woobified in a lot of the discourse about it and my personal preference doesn't enjoy that being held up as a "good" relationship that gets a redemption arc. I'm far more interested if we poke into the dynamics of how unhealthy it all was/is and how that impacted Celebrimbor's arc. I frankly don't give a shit about Annatar (sorry sorry).
(And once again disclaimering this one by noting this is just what I personally enjoy/dislike and not that I think others shouldn't enjoy it or that differing interpretations are bad - they're just not my cup of tea.)
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
I'll go back to the basics on this one and be very on brand: a Finrod who is either a slimy, hypocritical political maneuverer or an airhead who's completely clueless to what's actually going on around him. I...I do not like this.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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squirreltastrophe · 11 months
I wrote this little short story for a class and it;s silly and I kinda like how it came out so I went "hmm why don't I post it!" it's about my silly ocs that I post about a lot :3. oh also it has illustrations! oh and disclaimer I'm not the greatest writer ever I just like to get silly with it. I have fun :D.
BUT UH anyway I'm proctrastingating now oops story time
 Even the most mundane tasks are so different when you’re dead. Jinny knew this all too well. Sometimes it was convenient; no more need for doors when you can phase through walls! But other times, being dead was extremely lonely. Like when 99% of the human race can’t see (let alone understand) your ghostly form.
But Jinny would never in a million years admit she was “lonely”. How could she be lonely when she had such awesome living friends? Jinny thought about her best friends, Ophelia and Albert, a lot. The three of them were always acting on Jinny’s stupidest ideas and going on adventures. Or, more accurately, Jinny and Ophelia would act on an adventure and drag a begrudging Albert along.
The awesome friendship adventure plan today was to take Albert’s beloved bike to the largest hill they could find and ride down it without using the breaks. At all! When Jinny brought this idea up with her friends, Ophelia had enthusiastically volunteered to be the one on the bike. This was surprising, given how Ophelia had the courage and mind of a field mouse. Jinny figured she was trying to prove something to herself. She tended to do that sort of thing.
Jinny fidgeted with her hair in excitement. Sure she wasn’t actually the one riding the bike, it’d take her too much energy to not phase through the dang thing, but as long as Jinny’s friends were having fun, so was she!
After a walk through the winding streets of suburbia, the three friends arrived at a large hill. Jinny could see Ophelia tense up as they walked to the crest.
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“What’s wrong?” Jinny asked, her voice startling Ophelia a bit.
“Uh, I’m fine.” Ophelia replied. “Just a bit nervous. Are you sure I can ride a bike down this hill without breaking my neck?”
“I’m sure whatever happens, it’ll turn out fine. And if you did break your neck, we could be ghost buddies! Pal-tergiests!” Jinny said. Her favorite coping strategy was bad death-related puns. Despite the eyeroll, Jinny could see Ophelia smile a little and relax her shoulders.
The helmet Ophelia was wearing (at Albert’s insistence) cast a shadow over her face, making it sorta hard to see her expressions, but that wasn’t the biggest issue. Jinny could read Ophelia very well— Which made sense, given that Jinny’d known Ophelia for pretty much her entire afterlife! They’d grown up together in the Underworld because of Ophelia’ unique kidnapped-by-demons-when-she-was-a-baby situation. Jinny and Ophelia had run away and come up to the living world for the first time recently. Ophelia’d been positively giddy with all the new creatures and plants they’d found. Before she could zone out even more, Jinny was pulled out of her thoughts by Albert’s reedy voice.
“I still think this seems like a horrible idea.” He said. Albert had a way of doubting Jinny’s plans, though she didn’t see why.
“Even if my impeccable idea ends badly, at least we got to see this view!” Jinny chimed.
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The breeze had a tinge of Autumn sweetness to it. The steep hill they were on overlooked the small forest-surrounded town. Jinny could see tiny people and cars on the streets, all living their lives. The town reminded her of an ant colony, always moving and changing. 
The Underworld wasn’t like that. Sure, it was full of activity, but ghosts or imps didn’t change in the same way actual living people did. The bustle up here felt… different.
Jinny shook her melancholy away and turned to Ophelia, who was climbing on the bike now. 
“Are you ready?” Jinny asked, grinning. Ophelia nodded, her lips pursed together. On the count of three, Albert and Jinny pushed the bike with a heave! Ophelia bolted forward, letting out a squeak. Jinny watched as Ophelia barreled down the hill, the bike bouncing every which way.
“This was probably a terrible idea, huh?” Jinny said.
As if on cue, the bike crashed into a crag on the hill and Ophelia flew over the rock like a candy wrapper. Jinny yelped and sped down the hill after Albert. 
Ophelia sat at the bottom of the hill, holding a scraped knee, tears rolling down her face. Jinny felt a pit of guilt form in her stomach. She floated next to Ophelia, asking her if she was okay. Ophelia shook her head and blubbered in the same manner as a sopping wet cat. Without speaking, Albert whipped a small first aid kit out of his backpack and started to put some sort of ointment on Ophelia’s nasty-looking cut. 
How the heck is he prepared for everything? What does he keep in that backpack? Jinny thought. One time, Ophelia had needed something to dig with, and Albert offered an egg beater he’d had on hand. Not a hand shovel. An egg beater. It also seemed that Albert had a never-ending library of his favorite comics in his backpack. Jinny thought about Albert more than what was considered normal. Or completely platonic. But Jinny was getting lost in her thoughts again. 
Ophelia was still sniffling when Albert pulled her to her feet. They were all in agreement that Ophelia should never get on a bike again. And that they should all go home.
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That night, the house was still and quiet. Too still and quiet. The house felt like it was holding its breath, waiting for everyone to come back to life in the morning. 
Jinny laid on the living room floor, turning the events of the day around in her head. Jinny hated silence. It unsettled her. The quiet drone of the tv— still on even though Ophelia was asleep on the couch— mingled with her self-deprecating thoughts.
I shouldn’t have even made Ophelia get on that stupid bike, Jinny thought. She got hurt because of me. Jinny’s thoughts continued to spiral like this until she realized she kept coming back to one thing: Ophelia bled when she scraped her knee. Jinny couldn’t do that.
Sure, it was trivial to mull over the fact that Jinny couldn’t bleed, being a ghost and all, but this fact just felt like yet another barrier between Jinny and her friends. Another piece of evidence that Jinny was only a paranormal puppet, pretending to be like everyone else. Jinny smiled as she came up with yet another immaculate idea. 
I can make myself like them.
 -   -   -
As soon as Jinny saw the morning light stream through the window, she popped up and started to poke Ophelia awake. 
“Rise and shine!” Jinny said in a sing-songy, overly-peppy tone. Ophelia simply responded with a series of grumbles and rolled over. Jinny shrugged off Ophelia’s less-than-friendly greeting. “I’m gonna go out! Be back soon!” 
Jinny had originally planned to bring her friends on her people watching/mimicking mission too; that was, until she realized they’d probably question why she was taking notes on everyone she saw. It’d be better for everyone if Jinny did this particular activity alone.
Jinny bounced out the front door, notepad in hand. She’d already planned out her entire day, from the places she’d go to the weather she’d expect (lacking the ability to sleep well will do that to you). The main place Jinny had planned to go to was the local park. She floated down the street in that direction, passing through the occasional person. 
Jinny arrived at the playground as the sun was approaching its climax. The park was very nice today! The forest encircling the park had a rusty fall time hue. People chattered and wandered like absent-minded mice. Jinny found a bench under a shaded tree and sat. Her leg bounced up and down as she forced herself to focus on the people passing by. 
She noticed a woman in a blue coat, leading an eager child to the swingset. She observed the way the sun’s rays bounced off of the fleshy faces surrounding her. She took note of how the people mingled with each other. How they all seemed to effortlessly fit together.
Jinny heard a mischievous laugh from behind her and whipped around. She saw a group of three older kids, plotting together. 
“We can’t explore the forest now! My sister’s still watching!” The smallest of them squeaked. 
“Oh c’mon! We won’t ever get a chance if we keep stalling! It’s not like she’s paying attention anyway.” The third child ignored the first two, simply reading a book off to the side. 
These kids striked Jinny as eerily like her friends. She wished they were with her right now. As the group ran into the forest, Jinny felt inclined to follow. It wasn’t too creepy if she was looking out for them, right?
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Jinny followed the kids through clearings and thickets, dandelions and thistles. The forest was teeming with life and sound. Birds sang disjointed songs, creatures skittered everywhere, and ferns swayed with the gentle breeze. Jinny knew the kids couldn’t see her, but she found herself occasionally hiding behind  trees anyway. I guess I’m more tense than I thought. Every once in a while, Jinny smiled or giggled to herself when the kids would start bantering with each other.
Jinny found herself distracted by the canopy above her as she floated along. There wasn’t a sun in the Underworld (obviously), so Jinny was endlessly fascinated with how the sunlight danced through different things. Ophelia actually helped her notice this— Ophelia was always realizing little beautiful things around her.
Just as Jinny pulled her thoughts back to reality, she noticed that the quietest of the children was staring straight at her. Or, more accurately, through her. 
“Have you guys been hearing that?” The small girl squeaked, turning around to face her friends. “That rustling sound behind us.”
Jinny looked down and realized she had walked right into the middle of a bush while she was lost in her thoughts. Of course the kids could hear her now!
“Now that you mention it, I’ve been hearing it too.” The adventurous one replied.
Jinny felt an alarm begin to blare in her head. It’d be extremely embarrassing if she was caught by  5th graders! And it’d be even more embarrassing if she had to admit she’d been taking notes on socialization from these 5th graders!
Jinny bolted away from the little adventurers. She knew she was causing a ruckus, but at this point she couldn’t care less.
-   -   -
Jinny phased through the front door, walking in on Ophelia and Albert playing a video game. Ophelia was losing repeatedly, as usual. Jinny felt the shame and embarrassment set in as she approached her friends. She’d definitely have to tell them what she’d been up to now. And Jinny hated talking about stupid sappy emotions!
Albert greeted Jinny as Ophelia threw down her controller in frustration. 
“What the heck have you been up to all day?” He asked with a chuckle. Jinny’s face got uncomfortably warm. With a sigh, she plopped herself down between her friends. No way she could get out of explaining herself now.
“I… I was observing living people because I thought I could be more like you guys.” Jinny fiddled with her fingers. “I know it’s stupid and it wouldn’t work anyway but-”
“What? Why would you do that?” Ophelia asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
“I dunno!”
“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean for that to come out so blunt. I was just wondering why you’d do something like that when you’re so awesome already!” Ophelia continued. Jinny further shrinked into herself with the praise.
“I, for one, think being a ghost is cool and sick and tubular.” Albert said. “Tubular” was an… odd choice of words. But the meaning came across the same.
Jinny smiled a little. Now she just felt silly for worrying so much before. Jinny felt love swell up inside her and pulled her friends in for a hug. She thought back on the experiences she’d had with her pals: watching ice cream drip onto the sidewalk, laughing through badly made rom coms, attempting to befriend stray cats. Jinny realized how warm she felt right now. Not temperature wise (Jinny wasn’t even sure she could feel temperature), but warm in an emotional way. 
Jinny had been too wrapped up in mimicry and expectations to realize who she was. But she knew when she found herself, her friends would be waiting with open arms and unending warmth.
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YIPEE YAHOO THATS IT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT A LIL BIT :3 this is one of the first writing things I've finished in a hot minute so it's very close to my heart!!!! writing is so silly I wanna get better at it hehe
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hedgiwithapen · 4 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @mosylufanfic
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Daydreamed a LOT. hated writing. Made up stories in my brain, mostly about Digimon. then, was Chronically Unsupervised for a summer and found Fanfiction.net and went oh heck, I could do that? I could just. write one down??? people would maybe like it?? and then I Did That. at this point I had, you see, decided I Liked Writing Now. (active choice, the way I recently decided that I Like Celery.)
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Uhhhh ok so there's Digimon (technically) and Fablehaven (again, only technically.) Big Hero 6 and then Flash, Young Justice, Supergirl, Stargirl, Avatar, the Librarians, Leverage, Blue Beetle(movie) My Adventures with Superman, Superman and Lois, Legends of Tomorrow, pokemon (game--sapphire) and Agents of Shield. And like. my various RPGs. but a lot of those are like.... just a couple dammit hedgi day ficlets so... shrug?
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? the first one I ever posted on the internet was in I want to say 2007. but the first one I guess I ever like. actively came up with was a little booklet about an oddish and a jigglypuff escaping team rocket (they were the only pokemon I could draw) and that was back in like. '99. it had aproximately ten words in it so that's more of a fan comic than fanfiction.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more than I read, I think, but I read more than I finish, excuding the month of september. DHD is an outleir adn should not be counted.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I can do action and fight scenes now!!!! Also I think I'm better at dialog. I used to be real bad at both those things.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmmmmmm. I mean. I feel like the deep diving into victorian flower language maybe? or like. How Trial By Combat worked in the Age Of Knights? How many calories a kitten with superspeed would need, perhaps. oh wait you know what, it's absolutely more obscure catholic patron saints, which I hardly even used in the fics i was researching them for, but man. did y'all know that St. Jude is also called Thaddeus and that he and St. Bartholomew are co-patron saints of Armenia? there's some kind of Barth Allen and Thaddeus Thawne Joke in there.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I really like the key smashy "how dare you." ones. also a big fan of the ones where people leave their favorite line and a string of emojis. I love anything that lets me guess how emotional a person got.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
uhhhhh idk. metakitties?
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fics that drastically diverge from canon or are big AUs... I run out of roadmap and then worry no one's really going to care. also, just. ship fic in general. So I do not. or I do so rarely and in smaller sections.
10. What is the easiest type?
present tense introspective fics. those just flow.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I mostly use google docs, and I also do a lot of hand writing in a notebook. usually sitting at my little computer desk on my bed, or in the back hall at work, and typically in the afternoon-evening.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
ehhhhhhhh I'm not really like. intimidated by anything that I'm interested in doing? I'm just lazy. lol.
13. What made you choose your username?
Assigned Hedgehog by cubscouts when I was a counselor at a summer camp. It Stuck.
uhhh I tag @windona @pennflinn @wrencatte @thenarator and @parvumautomaton but no pressure but also anyone else who wants to do this.
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Buzz: YES! Alright! Uh, looks like we're making a celebrity collect call to one of the funniest men of all time- Carl Reiner! [phone audio] Ok, I-I'm dialing up Mr. Reiner's number as we speak. Y-ya know this guy pretty much invented comedy. [laughs breathily] Before him, no one laughed. The-they just opened up their mouths and dust came out. [unintelligable]
Carl Reiner: Yes, hello?
Male phone operator: Yeah, I have a collect call from "Buzz" at "You Don't Know Jack"? Would you accept the charges?
Carl Reiner: Uhhhhh, ummm yyyyya ok. Ok, ok ok ok.
[Buzz connects]
Buzz: Mr. Reiner! Hi! Uh, i-it is such an honour to be speaking with you right now-
Carl Reiner: Hey- hey- hey- hey- hey. I said I'm paying for the calls. You don't have to butter me up.
Buzz: [sigh laughs] Sorry. Uh, so, how are you doin'?
Carl Reiner: I'm doin' alright. I'll do a lot better if this is a fast call and I don't have to accept long charges!
Buzz: [laughs] I'll try to make it as quick as possible! So uh, are you familiar with You Don't Know Jack?
Carl Reiner: Yeah, this is that CD-ROM game where you ask those cockamamie questions about- I don't know, uh- The Fonz or fish sticks [Buzz laughs] [?] -and all that stuff, right? Sorta like Jeopardy?
Buzz: Uhhhh, well we like to think of it as a little "hipper" than Jeopardy.
Carl Reiner: Right. Jeopardy with fart jokes.
Buzz: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.
Carl Reiner: Yeah, uh, you're the classy one, I remember.
Buzz: [laughs] Yeah...
Carl Reiner: Ok now, whatdya want, whatdya want, whatdya bothering me for, I'm about to eat dinner.
Buzz: Uh, well, uh, we were just wondering if you could come up with a question for our game show!
Carl Reiner: Alright, I'll write a question. I haven't-
Buzz: Oh this is going to be great. Mr. Reiner? I-I'm gonna put you in touch with my producer, Cookie, and you guys can work out a question between you two, and then we'll get back to you in a few. Um-
Carl Reiner: Sorry-
Buzz: What do you think?
Carl Reiner: If- it- you have a producer named Cookie?
Buzz: Uh-
Carl Reiner: Don't you think you could do better?
Buzz: Uh- um, uh-
Carl Reiner: Either change your name, or change your producer. You don't trust anybody called "Cookie".
Buzz: [nervous laughter] We don't even know why- why he's called that.
Carl Reiner: Probably given to him, and he accepted it. He shouldn't have accepted it.
Buzz: [nervous laughter] Ummmm, so where were we? Uh, Mr. Reiner, um, we'll be back with ya in a couple of minutes.
Carl Reiner: Okay Buzz. Uh- what do you do now? You- you don't do a commercial, do you?
Buzz: [laughs] No, the- these contestants are pretty much glued to their keyboards, uh- uh- waiting to click on something.
Carl Reiner: Sounds profitable.
Buzz: Well if it is, I sure don't know about it.
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
Greetings!!! I just wanted to say how much I love your art! The way you draw Gordon is my favourite. Your style is amazing and unique and I particularly love the colours you use, they're so colourful, and all the little details you put into it.
Thank you for all the aro & ace positivity too, I've needed to hear it lately.
I really enjoyed the fic you wrote, and if it is something you enjoyed and want to do more of, I would be very happy to hear more adventures of Gords and Squirt.
I like seeing whatever you make, whether its only Gords, or your ocs, or even just stuff that reminded you of them. And ocean stuff, the ocean is awesome. It's all cool, so whatever makes you happy!
I've kinda been lurking around the thunderfam for a while, hi. Your art is comforting and it makes me smile, so here I am to say thank you. Because, yeah, making any sort of art is hard, and you are amazing and deserve to hear it!
I feel like I should have a question, because this is an ask, so: What is your favourite sea creature, aside from Gordy, of course? :)
--AstraNite (I really like cuttlefish, they're neat!)
Hi, thanks so much for dropping me this ask. It was a really sweet surprise, I definitely needed a pick-me-up.💛💛
I'm going to try and address everything you've mentioned, give me a minute lol.
I'm really glad that you like my drawings, I haven't been getting a lot of comments on them atm so I'm really grateful for your feedback. It's interesting that you find my art comforting since a lot of the things I make are for my comfort too. I've said this before but I had a really rough childhood and TAG and Gordon have brought me a lot of comfort during some really tough times.
I'm happy to hear that my drawings are bringing other people comfort too.💛💛
Ace and aro positivity: yes I'm also aroace and there's nothing but love for fellow aros, aces and aroaces on this blog.
I'm so happy that you liked my fic, it was my first so I was really nervous and ocs can be very hit or miss but the fandom seems to really like Squirt which makes me so so happy.
I have been trying out more writing but none of it came out anywhere near as good as the first one. I do hope to post more Bigsquid and Squidkid adventures and hopefully expand on their relationship and Squirt's backstory (which is still an ongoing mystery to me) but I'd also like to try making things that aren't OC centered because I know it's not something everyone enjoys lol.
Ok onto sea creatures, cuttle fish are very interesting, the way that they change colour to camouflage and intimidate other animals. Yeah they're pretty cool.
My favourite sea creature (apart from Gords) uhhhh I like sharks, no particular species, they're all cool. I think sharks have a really bad reputation when they're actually quite chill. They don't tend to attack humans, their eyesight is bad and they often mistake us for seals and other animals that they eat.
As Gordon would say: They're sea puppies.🦈🩵
Thanks for dropping into my askbox, I hope my answers were ok. If you ever want to chat or anything my pms and inbox are always open.💛💛
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Meanwhile, in Pretty Boy's Saloon
Dogma, downing his 11th glass of Spotchka with a grimace: Urgh... How can any of you stand this stuff? It tastes like hand sanitizer! Lich, smiling as he downs his own glass: Easy! My nerves are pretty much fried from all the electrical shocks, and I can only taste three things because my taste buds don't work right. It's the feeling I'm after, not the flavor. Dogma: Speaking of which, I don't feel any better than when you brought me here... Olly, rolling his eyes: You're not supposed to feel better. Alcohol doesn't help you feel any less like life is a karked up mess, it just numbs your senses to the point it doesn't bother you as much... PB, refilling their cups: And if it's a quick numbing you want, then Spotchka is drink for the job. It's a clone favorite as well, and my best seller. Dogma, already quite tipsy and still drinking despite not liking the taste: Fantastic... Urgh, what am I even doing? I basically won my position as sheriff, I'm struggling to come to terms with so many things that happened in my life, I couldn't even face Rex when Mae offered me the opportunity to talk to him... I'm barely a person at all! How could Sponge think I'm well adjusted enough to be a dad?! Lich: Hey now, you're doing great all things considered... Olly: And you're not the only one faking it until they make it. PB, grinning as he pours another glass: Also, any and all crisis you have that lead you to drinking yourself silly earn me a pretty credit! Dogma, not entirely convinced: ... Lich: The point is, none of us really have it figured out even if we pretend to. Sith-hells, not even Sponge has it figured out! And they have 10 karking cadets to take care of. Most of which are little terrors mind you... Olly: He's right. Lich: Of course I am! I'm the ori'vod here after all! PB: Uh-huh... Lich: Look Dogma, it's ok to get the jitters sometimes because you're nervous about the future. Especially when you don't got the past figured out quite yet... But to that I say, do it the natborn way. Dogma, blinking: The what...? Lich: Oh, you know! Go at your own pace! Natborns don't get flash-training to learn all the basics when they're still in their cots. They have to endure years of being a useless little lump of tubie, fall on their shebs a lot, and then hope the lesson sticks. Take tubie steps my friend! Trip up, get back up, do something stupidly reckless to get over whatever fears you might have. Go out there and seize the day! Dogma, who's clearly drunk at this point: Uh... Something stupidly reckless... You know, you're right! You're absolutely right! I should do something absolutely catastrophically dumb just to fall and nail the landing! Olly & PB: What...??? Lich, grinning from ear to ear: Hell yeah brother! You're getting it! Dogma: I'm gonna... I'm gonna parkour off the roof! Lich: Yeah! Olly: Uh... PB: Dogma I don't think-- Dogma: I'm gonna comm Mae and ask her to patch me through to Rex, so that I can call him a bitch to his face! Lich: YEAH! Olly: Oh dear... PB: Uhhhh.... Dogma: I'M GONNA COMM HONDO OHNAKA AND TELL HIM TO COME BEND ME OVER MY WORK DESK! Lich, Olly & PB: Dogma, staggering onto his feet: Thanks Lich! I owe you one brother! -runs out of the Saloon in a wobbly fashion- Lich, Olly & PB: Lich: Sponge is going to kill me. Olly: The entire Guard Remnant is going to kill you. PB: Olly and I will make sure your funeral is beautiful once you're well and truly killed dead.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 8 months
"Come on in. Would you like anything to drink?" I ask Evan as I take my coat off and hang it on the coatrack by my door. I see him holding his and I gesture for him to give it to me. I hang it next to mine.
"I think I'm still stuffed from dinner, but thanks. Maybe in a bit" he answers. He looks nervous. He's standing by my couch like he's waiting for an invitation to sit down. I'm tempted to say fuck it and invite him to my bedroom. But, not yet at least. Finally, Evan starts walking around my living room area. Looking at pictures and things hanging on my wall.
"You have some unique stuff here. Pretty cool. Where do you go to get all these pictures engraved in wood?" He asks me. He sounds genuinely interested.
"Oh thanks. I have a laser. I make them. I'm always trying to perfect it. Different wood and pictures affect how well it comes out. Wanted to start a little side biz, but now I just do it as a hobby or for a gift." I shrug and smile.
"Holy shit, you make these? My mom would love something like this..." He picks a picture up off my side table and inspects it closer. "These are great."
"I can make her something anytime. Just let me know." My bubbly personality showing itself.
"I sure will" he says, replacing the picture. He nervously clears his throat. He does that a lot and it's adorable.
"Have a seat if you like. I don't bite....hard" I wink at him playfully, dramatizing it to get a laugh. He chuckles but it's soft and distant. He has something on his mind. I try to engage conversation. "Do you have any hobbies?" I ask him as I sit. I cross my legs and he sits beside me.
"Uhhhh, I make music sometimes. Well, I used to. I stopped awhile ago when life got a little crazy" distance showing again in his face.
"Oh that's cool! Do you play anything..?"
He says my name, cutting off my question. But, it's soft and kind. He almost sounds sad or anxious. I look up at him and give him a little smile.
"I really like you. And...I - I ..." he trails off
"You don't have to be nervous with me, Evan. It's just goofy ole smart ass me." I smile wide jokingly. He chuckles. "But, really. Please relax. There's nothing to be anxious about. We don't have to do anything tonight. Or we can. I just enjoy your company and we can just see what happens, ok" when I say ok I touch his hand. He takes mine and squeezes it.
"I want you and it's overwhelming" he says it to me quickly like he just needs to get the words out. He lets out a breath. His eyes are intense. I don't understand how someone so attractive can have a hard time believing the opposite sex is interested in them. It's endearing though and I want to hug him. Instead, I move towards him. His eyes get wide. I climb on top of him. Straddling him.
"I know the feeling" I whisper in his ear. His hands find my back and they staart rubbing up and down. Comfortingly. "Evan, do you want to come upstairs with me?" I press my pelvis against his and he sucks in air between his teeth.
"I do, but are you sure?" He brushes my hair from my face and kisses my nose.
"I mean, I don't do this, like ever..but, there's something irresistible about you. I want to. I'm sure" I smile and play with some curls resting against his forehead. He nods once. I take the hint and climb off of him. I put my hand out. He takes it and stands up.
I lead him up the stairs and into my room. We kick our shoes off. He starts unbuttoning his dress shirt. I take off my shirt and my black dress pants. I'm standing there in a lacy pink bra and matching thong. I can hear his breathing quicken. I walk to him and gently pull his hand away from his belt. I undo his pants and let them fall. He's standing in front of me in his boxers. He's muscular. His arms are veiny. He smiles and he's beautiful. I bite my lip and his face changes. It looks like he's silently pleading for me to touch him.
"Can I touch your face?" I ask him. He closes his eyes and nods.
My hands cradle his cheeks. My thumbs caress his jawline. His beard is soft like his curls. He runs his hands up my arms and takes my hands. Puts them on his shoulders. Brushes my hair from my face. Kisses me softly.
My lips brush his ear and he whimpers. "Feel good?" I whisper. I feel him nod yes. "Do you like to be teased?" I whisper again seductively. He lets out a sharp breath and says please. It's a little choked. I fun my nose down his neck. He moans quietly. "I want to do things to you that aren't exactly innocent. But, not too crazy. Do you trust me?" I ask him as I take his hand and lead him to my bed.
He just stares at me. "Im starting to" he says quietly.
"Ok, well that's a start. The most important thing to me is that you feel safe. So, don't be afraid to tell me to stop, to change something, to keep going. And don't be afraid to be vocal. I want to know that it feels good. And it's just you and me here and I am here for you. I like to hear a man scream from the pleasure I give him. So please don't hold back, ok?"
"I'm not gonna lie, I am so fucking nervous right now" he shakes his head and sighs. I walk up to him and kiss his lips gently, but with aggression.
"It's just me and you are so safe. I would never hurt you in any way, sweetie. Let me make you feel good. Let me take care of you. That's all I want to do."
"You're not nervous?" He asks me.
"No. I've felt safe with you since the moment I met you. And I'm pretty confident in my skills" I wink at him. He laughs. "Come lay down". I crawl across my bed and wait for him. He does the same and lays down.
"Now remember. Tell me if you need me to stop. You're safe"
With that I start. I pull down his boxers. He lifts his hips to help me remove them. His hands lay at his sides. "Can I ask you to tuck your hands under the pillows. You arent tied but it's harder to touch me." He grunts and does it.
I lean down super close to his rock hard penis and he thrusts his hips up to me. I move my head away. He begs me. I breathe hot air on the head and then I dart my tongue out. He gasps. He's shifty.
"What's wrong?" I ask teasingly.
"Your mouth" he growls
"Who says I'm using my mouth?" He whimspers
I reach into my bedside table and pull out some edible lube. I put some in my hand and start stroking him. He groans so loud.
"sorry, that was so loud..."
"Remember what I said sweetie, don't hold back" I say sweetly. I stroke downwards a few times and then I speak. "I'm going to do something a little different here. Tell me if you want me to stop, ok. You're safe. Can't say it enough, Hun" He nods. Breathing hard.
I take a thick elastic hair tie from my table and he says "Oh God" and his head hits the pillow. I put it on his penis and I start rolling it down his shaft and then back up. Back down. All the way to the base. I ask him how he feels.
"Its tight, but God it feels good. Keep going"
I snap the elastic twice against his shaft. His veins pop out. He cries out.
"There's that pretty vein. Look at you.."
He lets out a growl as I start tracing his vein with my tongue. Up and down. Up and down. If it starts fading I snap the elastic til It comes out again. This time I massage it with the pad of my thumb. He keeps groaning.
"feel good?"
" I need your mouth ,baby. I'm begging you"he's sweaty and beautiful.
"Well, don't beg me yet baby. There's so much more I want to do to you"
I open my drawer yet again and pull out a little blue device.
"What's that?" He's pleading
"Oh, just a little something I can wear on my tongue that vibrates." A glint in my eye.
"Oh fuck"
(to be continued)
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delta-magnetic · 2 years
am saying twas tagged by @bjonka ! havent done this one in a while so heeheehoohoo :3
What book are you currently reading? not reading YET but i finally got my hands on The Storyteller and i am so damn ready to read it
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? bestie i did not go to a movie theater at all in the past 365 days lol
What do you usually wear? band/graphic t-shirts, lounge pants or jeans, n tennis shoes
How tall are you? 5'2"!
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? Virgo and I am exactly one year older than the (Japan) release of the Nintendo Gamecube!
Do you go by your name or your nickname? i usually prefer jennifer, but am very ok with my friends calling me jebby/jeb or any sort of bastardization of my name lol (my favorite still being jender bender)
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? oh heck no honey lol, i wanted to be a veterinarian as a child
Are you in a relationship? If not who is your crush if you have one? no relationship and no crush! i do find a lot of people attractive and think "omg what if i asked them out" (clearly gay mall cashier who called me honey today, hi helo) but then i remember i am nervous, NOT in a place to date rn, and ace lol. that last one doesn't mean i won't ever be in a relationship, but i know i best find another ace if i want any chance and and my boundaries respected
What's something you're good at and something you're bad at? girl we could be here a WHILE on that last part, but some something i'm good at uhhhh befriending cats
Dogs or cats? love both but cats!
What's your favorite piece that you've created this year? i do NOT make art lol
What's something you would like to create content for? content? who's she i don't know her
What's something you're currently obsessed with? [chugging riff] RAMMSTEIN
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this past year? previous semester of college
What's a hidden talent of yours? does turning my feet completely sideways count as a talent lol
Are you religious? nope!
What's something you wish to have at this moment? self confidence lol
i'll tag @fluffonthefloor @mini-uzzy and whoever else wants to do this :D!
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doueverwonder · 2 years
This is specifically for @hetaliadustbunnies (these are mostly about him coming out--)
Dylan is both relationship and sex indifferent
aka he’s never actively sought a relationship but has been in a few and didn’t mind it
didn’t figure out he was aroace until 2017
back in the day he was just the British Isles Most Eligible Bachelor
discovered the terms in 2015, ignored it for a year, thought about it for 8 months, sat on it for another 4,
He came out to Angus (Scotland) accidentally while drunk :\
"And then I just found out last week I'm not weird!"
Came out to Molly (Ireland) second, and on purpose. She was a little confused but she's got the spirit when it came to supporting him.
Came out to Jack and Liam (Australia & New Zealand) and then Alfred and Matthieu not long after.
They were probably the most 'oh, ok cool' of the bunch.
Came out to Peter and Fiachra with a "well, I'm just not sure I ever want to date anyone"
Being 12 and 8 Pete and Fio agreed bc girls have cooties anyway.
Came out to William (England) last, Will just nodded and went along with his day only to realize it in the middle of a meeting 3 days later.
Isn't super loud about it, to the government it's just while wearing an aroace pride pin "oh uhhhh I just,,, rlly like those colours?"
has gone to 1 pride parade, he was nervous so Angus and Molly went with him. Dylan had a lot of fun.
Liam has known he's aro for years, but only came out right after his uncle Dylan cause he wasn't so nervous to anymore.
gets so awkward when ppl hit on him he just goes 'sorry I don't like people' and walks away with no further explanation.
Just an old guy figuring himself out after all these years.
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George karim x fem reader:
Confidence is key
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Taglist: anon - green beetle(I'm sorry I couldn't find the emoji lmao)
(Reader works at the archives and George can't help but be entranced by her as he bumps into her there a lot and she is just so smart and pretty)
The first time you met George was not in a particularly romantic situation you both full on ran into each other at the archives you worked there as a ghost specialist identifying and classifying different ghosts to make it easier for agents. You didn't mean to run into him of course you both had your arms fill of books and couldn't see where you where going.
Y/n's pov: whoever the hell I just ran into was now collapsed on top of me and they where quite heavy. "urgh please get off" you groaned
"sorry but why the hell were you not looking where you where going" said the person above you pushing them self up then reaching down to grab your hand and hoist you up aswell "me why weren't you looking where you where going" you retorted. As you looked towards them you tried not to blush it was a boy around your age with dark curly hair dark eyes and glasses he was quite obviously very pretty but you managed to keep your composure. "yeah I guess Im sorry I should have been more careful" he said with a surprisingly softer voice. "listen I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot how about we clean up this mess *you gesture to the books strewn everywhere* and then maybe we could exchange phone numbers" you say surprised by your own words but reminding yourself that confidence is key. "uh sure" he says gathering your books and passing them to you before picking up his own. "by the way my name is george karim what's yours?" "oh my name is y/n. Y/n y/l/n"
"ok y/n my phone number is *********** " "thank you kind George you say with a slight tease in your voice I shall look forward to seeing you some other time" you say grinning at him before hurrying of you can't be late you have a meeting in ten minutes
*a few days later*
George's pov:
It has been a few days ago since I had bumped into that beautiful girl her eyes sparkling and face glowing in the early morning light. I am not the kind of person to just fall in love but I think I may have done so. I just hope she calls soon its been a few days and I think lockwood and Lucy are getting freaked out by how much time I spend sitting staring at the phone. As if on que the phone rings breaking my train of thought I quickly spring up and bound over answering with a formal"lockwood and co George karim speaking how may I help you "" hey georgie it's y/n sorry I didn't call sooner I've been quite busy"my heart skips a beat before I reply "it's no problem y/n but truth be told I was worried u have the wrong number" "heh yeah just been bust with work I was wondering if you where free tomorrow at around lunchtime so we could meet up and I don't know hang out?" "sounds great y/n name a time and place" "uhhhh 11am at the library ok?" "it sounds wonderful see you then" I say grinning before we both hang up. "who was that 'georgie' " I turn around to see lockwood standing in the doorway smirking at me. "none of your buisnes 'locky' " I say smirking back at his now obvious scowl. " fine I guess you deserve this one" he says as I raise a eyebrow in confusion he begins yelling. "LUCY GEORGE GOT A DATE WITH THE CUTE GIRL AT THE LIBRARY!!!"
*Next day*
Y/n's pov:
I don't know why I'm so nervous it's not like this is a proper date I just couldn't help but notice how sparks seemed to fly when we spoke and how easy it was to just well be myself.
After arivving ten minutes early at the library I decide to sit at a desk overlooking the entrance so I would be able to spot him when he entered. After exactly ten minutes I saw him stroll through before looking around and grinning when he saw me wave from above. I quickly descended the stairs before walking over and greeting him "hiya Georgie"
"hey n/n" I blush at the nickname before offering my hand. "right this way" I say smiling at him only feeling slightly shy. I walked him back to my spot it was a very good one not where a lot of people sat but with access to all my favourite books and lots of room for writing and in this case a hopefully good place for a first date. "So um how have you been" I ask fingers shaking slightly. "he seems to notice as he enterlocks our fingers smiling back at me" I've been very well though I would have been better if I had seen you everyday" he's state's making me blush a darker shade of pink. "that's good a-anyway I thought we could maybe get to know each other a bit before heading to get Italian and then maybe walk around the park for a bit??" I hope he likes the idea I wouldn't want to do anything he likes but yet again he's smiling "I'd love that. As you know my name is George karim I am a agent for a small company called lockwood and co, I love researching here at the archives I have sight and touch but they aren't too strong, I am very invested in learning more about the problem at any given opportunity, I like cooking and when somethings bothering me I tend to stress clean my favourite beverage is tea or hot chocolate, I like pizza and doughnuts and I love cats. "" awesome I guess it's my turn now. " I say smiling because he seems like someone I will love getting along with." well my name is y/n y/l/n I work at the library identifying and classifying ghosts I have sight and listening but not very strong I mostly rely on touch. I love learning about the problem and I help bigger companies figure out how ghosts form and why they form. My favourite drink is f/b I love reading and writing but also going outside for walks. I'm definitely a cat/dog person I like pizza and and late night researching. " we talk for a little longer before going and eating pizza for lunch now we are walking in the park a hour before curfew as the sun begins setting painting the sky with beautiful pinks oranges and purples" so George I had a great time I really hope we can meet up again sometime" I say looking deeply into his eyes. "I had a wonderful time to I was wondering if maybe we could I'm I don't know kiss?" he said the last part in a small vice before looking away meaning he didn't see my features light up I quickly grasped his collar in one hand the other gently cupping his jaw as he looked back before softly connecting our lips. The kiss its self was soft gentle a little awkward and shy but still just amazing. As we pulled apart I rested my head on his chest before softly saying "I hope that was ok " he gently tilted my face back up to his reconnecting our lips as the last of the sun caught us with its full light illuminating us and bathing out bodies in a soft glow I hope this moment would never end as I closed my eyes and kissed back.
The end I hope you all enjoyed it if you want a part two comment pleas like and follow for more fics
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justonefeather · 2 months
Ok y'all I'm posting this here because I have fucking nobody I can talk about this with easily but I need to know if I'm crazy or not like I feel like I'm not in my right mind for thinking these things but maybe I'm semi reasonable I don't know anymore
So I'm starting to really be down bad for a guy I play XIV with. And it's driving me up a wall. But I don't think he's uhh like reachable? Like I don't think it's work. But I'm not sure if he's very gently (or.. at a low level? Idk how to word that) flirting with me or not. I'm so bad at knowing these things. Anyway
So, background for those who don't play. Healers have a skill/button called Rescue. It targets one other player and brings their character to where the healer is. It's jokingly called the baby leash because it's used to bring people standing in bad to a safe place. There's also an meme about a Craigslist post of some guy looking for other guys to jack off with and there's like crystal necklaces, so any "tether" can be a "JO tether".
Now we fuck around in voice chat ok? Like the whole group, we have fun, we are silly. But like this uh. He fucked me up a bit tonight. He "rescued" me because we were chatting and I lost focus for just long enough to possibly get hit by something that would kill me. Someone else said, oh he (referring to me) was there but then wasn't what happened?
Him: "oh, I leashed him". Me, laughing but trying not to be obvious that it's my nervous laugh: "uhhhh maybe that wasn't the best wording it was a little sus". His reply: "oh, you didn't appreciate that? Would you rather I called it the JO tether?" Idk I can't type the way he said it but I feel like it was said in A Way. Maybe it's just me but idk y'all. It fucked me up.
Like BRO don't make me think about this while we're fucking raiding man. I died to a mechanic almost immediately after because brain empty except for the thought of him putting a fucking collar and leash on me and oh god oh fuck i need to not think about being so very fucking ok with that- oh wait I'm dead
Like I'd say we're close, out of the group I'm probably closer to him than I am to anyone else. We DM a bit, share memes, he helped me more than once with real life stuff. I enjoy talking to him a lot. I'm also the only one who knows his full name and his kid's name ;3
But. He lives halfway across the country, has a wife and child and stable job, and like. I'm me lol. We also don't know what each other look like. He does know that I'm poly and bi and trans and all the other various little things, and he's not weird about any of that. I also am pretty sure he's bi he didn't say the words but he *did* say smash on a few male/masc enemies when we played smash or pass in the group chat one night 👀
Anyway idk if I'm reading into it too much and I'm trying not to allow myself to have hope or think of him that way because like what if that's weird. Is it weird? Am I thinking too much? Obviously like if someone is in a monogamous relationship then I'm not gonna interfere with that, and I don't "know" that's the case but usually when people are married it is. There's also the other stuff.
I'm trying to arrange a small group meetup at a con, and I'm not sure if I'm worried or not about meeting him. Like part of me is worried I'm gonna see him and be like oh no he's hot and I'm going to have A Bigger Issue, also worried if it *were* mutual when we met, what then, like he's got a LIFE, my partner might be more ok with it but idk about his wife like..
Ugh idk I'm fucked up over this shit rn
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kimmyyang · 3 years
210503 GJ & ZZH @ Warming Up Livestream
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*Gong Jun arrived at the livestream first, but he still waited for Zhang Zhehan and told ZZH to introduce himself first.*
MC 1: It looks like you two are not nervous about the concert, you’re quite happy. GJ: When we did the rehearsal, there wasn’t any audience, so we weren’t nervous. MC 1: How about you Zhehan, are you nervous? ZZH: I try to talk less. GJ: Yes, Zhang laoshi taught me about singing is to talk less, so I can protect my throat. MC 2: Since you’re not talking, let’s sit quietly for 5 mins. Hahaha GJ: It’s you again. MC 2: Yes, it’s me again, this is the 3rd time we met. Let’s talk later. MC 2: What preparation did you do for the concert? MC 1: ZZH’s preparation is to talk less. MC 2: GJ, is that also your preparation? GJ: I’ve been listening and practicing every day. Our music director Wang laoshi flew to Xiamen especially for me, and he taught me some tips. MC 1: Do you feel that you have made a remarkable improvement?GJ: I don’t think I made a remarkable improvement. MC 1: Maybe you’re being humble, we will ask Zhang laoshi. ZZH: *thumbs up* MC 1: Zhang laoshi says you have made a remarkable improvement. MC 2: The concert is going to happen soon; can you say something supportive to each other? ZZH & GJ: * thumbs up * MC 2: Are you guys going to let us interview you or not? (the poor MCs hahaha) MC 2: Just amazing. MC 1: In the bullet comments, a lot of people have been saying that both of you should take care of yourselves during the rehearsal, concert, and work in the future. And have enough sleep. MC 2: Talking quietly is also okay because you guys will go on the stage soon, we can totally understand. MC 2: Can we briefly talk about… suddenly everyone is quiet. GJ: It’s ok, keep going. MC 2: In the SHL cast group chat, do you have a separate group chat for gaming or eating? MC 1: Zhang laoshi has a group chat for basketball, right? ZZH: *shakes head* MC 2: Zhang laoshi must have a sit quietly group chat. Hahaha GJ: Zhang laoshi has a golf group chat, right? ZZH: *shakes head* MC 2: Let’s guess today, whether Zhang laoshi will say another word or not in the livestream. Do you want to speak on behalf of Zhang laoshi? GJ: We have a big group chat which consists of all SHL casts. MC 2: So, you don’t have an individual group chat for eating or anything? GJ: We have big and small group chats, no individual group chat. MC 1: Big and small group chats, you’re so good at summarizing. MC 2: I heard that the team is organizing a variety show for the casts, what kind of variety show do you want? GJ: What variety show? MC 1: A variety show with all the actors, actresses in SHL. What kind of content do you want in the show? MC 2: Sitting quietly. GJ: Cultivating ourselves through mediation. ZZH: *nods and thumbs up* GJ: Just say something. ZZH: I agree with Gong laoshi. MC 1: He spoke!!! MC 2: We’ve guessed it, he spoke. He finally spoke. MC 1: Let’s see if there are any questions. MC 2: How many hours do you sleep these days? ZZH: 6 hours. GJ: Only 6 hours? I’m about the same. ZZH: I remember when I was filming an ad where I had to (pretend to) sleep on the bed. And I fell asleep on the bed. When the director says 3, 2, 1, start, they see that I’m not moving. MC 2: The director says that’s great acting! He looks like he’s really asleep. ZZH: He came up to me and say “zhehan laoshi, we’ve started”. GJ: When you start, you’re filming a sleeping scene. ZZH: Yeah, it’s a scene where I just woke up. MC 2: You must have done a great job. MC 1: Let’s play a quick game. MC 2: It’s quite simple, 60 seconds timer on the phone is set and you have to promote SHL concert when you’re holding the phone. You pass it on when you’ve finished. MC 1: For example, Zhang laoshi says “please come and watch, the concert is amazing” pass it on to Gong laoshi, Gong laoshi pass it back when he’s done. When the time is up, whoever is holding the phone will receive a punishment. GJ: That’s not difficult. MC 1: You’re looking down on our directors’ team. GJ: I will say it until the last second and pass it to you. MC 1: He can do the same thing to you. MC 2: He would put his thumbs up and pass it back to you. MC 1: You can start once you’re ready. ZZH: I'm
going to start. GJ: You need to speak! If you don’t speak, just give it to me. ZZH: I can speak. (he’s speaking so softly omg ;____;) GJ: Go on then. MC 1: Promote our concert. ZZH: I will promote our concert. Our SHL concert… you can hear Gong laoshi’s beautiful singing. GJ: You can’t repeat the same thing. ZZH: You can also hear him doing 相声 (crosstalk), GJ: Hehehehe ZZH: You can hear his laughing, you can see our SHL actor’s amazing performances, and you can hear Zhang Zhehan’s beautiful singing. Zhang Zhehan will be singing some songs. Uhhhh… which songs… GJ: You can’t do that! ZZH: Gu Meng… GJ: You’re cheating! ZZH: Wu Ti… GJ: Give it to me! ZZH: And… GJ: And… *attempts to grab the phone* ZZH: Shan He Ling. GJ: It’s not fair, you gave the phone to him first. ZZH: And… what songs will Gong laoshi sing… GJ: Stop saying and! ZZH: What songs will Gong laoshi sing… now I’ll give it to Gong laoshi to let him speak. GJ: You’re so shameless! MC 1: Time is up. I realized that Zhang laoshi wasn't speaking before because he's saving it for this segment. MC 2: He was holding back. MC 2: It doesn’t matter who wins or loses. The most important is to have a successful concert, we hope you two can take care of your throat and stay happy. MC 1: There are comments asking Gong laoshi to promote SHL concert. GJ: Of course, I must promote it. The person who just won the game must stay on the stage for 10 hours. This is the prize; he has to sing for 10 hours. MC 2: Great, let’s look forward to the 10 hours. GJ: Let’s see if Zhang laoshi will sing continuously for 10 hours.
Translation: KIMMYYANG
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 2 years
(A continuation from @the-nb-mad-hatter)
Rules: make a new post, don't reblog, and tag some people you want to get to know better
Favourite colour: Anything that is a darker hue or gradient
Currently reading: I'm currently re-reading a bunch of gay/MLM fanfictions that I love
Last song: Gorillaz "Saturnz Burnz"
Last movie: Mmmmmm, I don't remember. I have been watching "Catfish" a lot
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Depends.
Three fave ships: Uhhhh *nervous chuckle* I have one too many that are my favs, but what the hell: DevilDice (Cuphead), Glamrock Freddy X Montgomery Gator X Glamrock Bonnie (FNAF), ShadowHat (Villainous; it's my OC/Canon ship between Black Hat and my OC, Azazel)
First ship: Damn, I dunno, its been a while, okay?!
Currently working on: Uhhhh, okay, I have a Ben 10/OK KO crossover fanfiction with the first chapter up and I am currently TRYING to get done with the second chapter.
Comfort food: Too many to say/unsure at the moment
Favourite time of year: Definitely fall and winter. Spring and Summer are too damn fucking hot and I hate the heat.
Favourite fanfic: Anything that contains queer ships with.......""mature"" content.
Tagging: @xxxstarduststuiodsxxx @bloodmoon24 @onnii-san @pickle-the-lad @mysticalmythclown
@frescaj @star-cats @of-crumbling-voids @mxmagestyk @itsfuckingcanon @enderamethyst @smilingatmyphone-jpeg @theheresysys @the-cawcaw-blog @seven-inches-of-clawing-panic @fxbvlously-weird
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velvetyh · 3 years
OK hello how are you doing?🥰
I have no one to talk to about this type of stuff...👀
I can not with this man🤚I.... he has just been absolutely wrecking me today.
Also, I cleaned my room. Like it had been bothering me for MONTHS, but I just haven't been able to do it gor some reason ( reason being mental illness 🙃)
Pls praise me it took a lot and I'm a whore for praise 🤭
But like it's clean and now I'm watching ncts gaonchart vid I'm just.... 😮‍💨 so darn attracted to them damn 🤧
Anywhooo same old same old
♡What's been your playlist/vibe for the week
♡Who would you get on your knees this damn second for
♡ Who would you let use you like a piece of furniture cause damn I am but an object in the presence of Sangyeon or Eric 😩
♡ Favorite flower
♡ Favorite comfort food
Okay love youuuuuu
hiii baby!
im "okay", thanks for asking, i hope you are doing well <3 i've been playing a lot of animal crossing to try and disconnect a bit from reality and my daily life 😕
JOHNNY SUH!! I STG THIS MAN 😮‍💨😮‍💨 i saw him a few days ago being a fucking ace at pole dancing, is there really nothing this man CAN'T do ?? and can we talk about his mf legs, thighs and shit?? (they look like such a nice seat to ride)
good job on cleaning your room, I'm really proud of you bub! i know it can get really hard sometimes to get things done or clean when you're not at your best, but you did it, I'm really happy you managed to be strong enough to get it done <33 good job 🥰
♡ Playlist/vibe of the week
I'm really into some lofi or some chill alternative (chase Atlantic mostly) bc a sad horny bitch 🥺
♡ Who would you get on your knees this damn second for
MANY MEN 🤡 but without really thinking i'd say either jeno, hyunjin or KIM FUCKING SUNWOO 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
♡ Who would you let use you like a piece of furniture
sis i relate to you to a LEVEL, I'm just fdjhdfgjh about those two... but hyunjae... he can just use me to satisfy his needs and i'd say thank you,,, (OH AND YUTA TOO BUT SDFJLFG SHHT)
♡ Favourite flower
Tulips or Hyacinth! i really like the combo of red roses + sunflowers too! what about you??
♡ Favourite comfort food
uhhhh idk... crêpes or waffles probably? idk when I'm nervous or sad i struggle to eat :/
love you too <33 a whole lot!! :D
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