#okay NOW i'm getting off lappy
lockedtowers · 11 months
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Because, I am one of them.
Ind. Sel. Headcanon based and multi canon influence, WILLIAM AFTON/PURPLE GUY/THE KILLER from Five Nights at Freddy's, featured on mendinggashes, a dual muse blog.. NOT SPOILER FREE. Please read pinned before following. Template Credit.
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bentosandbox · 1 year
LaTers lyrics TL
keysmashed this out quickly yesterday because i think we're not going to get an official one
disclaimer: done with the power of JLPT N3 and a honorary texlapp doctorate also i tried to reword some the english lyrics to make them make sense
texas / lappy / both
この身を盾にして 影は背中に迫っていた My self as his trump card, his shadow approaches my back
自由を縛ったのは 自分か世界のせいか Who was it that bound my freedom, was it me or the world
境界を踏み越えて満ちる 騒がしさを知った I step over the boundary, and am full of the turbulence I knew
狂乱を巻き込んだ力 戦いで示すだけEasy My power engulfed by frenzy, demonstrating it in battle is easy
昨日に追い付かれるのか Will yesterday catch up with me
明日を追い駆けるのか Will I chase after tomorrow
Which one do you like? Which path will you take?
さよなら 告げるために此処にいる ‘Goodbye’, I came here to say this
最初から 揺らがない覚悟を持って From the very start, with my unwavering resolve
打ち砕け Sink or swim Break into pieces, sink or swim
逃さないよ Stop bugging me Can't get away, stop irking me
Fight to the last 速度を上げるStory Fight to the last, speed up the story
追憶を振り切って Break from your memories
何の因果が結んだ 聞こえない振りは止めてよね Just what kind of fate has tied us together? Stop pretending you can’t hear me, okay?
重く感じた刃に 縋り付くのは記憶 My blades feel so heavy, with the weight of my memories clinging on
愛憎の重なった玩具(おもちゃ)ぶつけ合えばいいよ Playthings of both love and hate, it’s fine to smash them together
退路は塞がったままで 信じた道を歩んでくJourney My path of retreat still closed off, I set off on the journey I believe in
受け入れて楽しもうか Why not accept it and have fun?
掻き消して進もうか Why not drown it all out and move on?
Which one do you like? Which path will you take?
さよなら 高くついた代償は ‘Goodbye’, an expensive farewell
これから 斬り伏せて払えばいい From now on, I cut down whomever I please
Live in this world And live in this world
過去から 地続きの 夢を見た I dreamed of a connection from the past
未来へと 臨むため現在(いま)を行こう Let’s head towards the present (now) to face the future
いつかは… Someday…
ありがとう 次を描きたいから ‘Grazie’, I’ll express this next (time)
応えよう 剣先に触れる音で Come on, respond, with the sounds of our sword points touching(🤨
さよなら 告げるために此処にいる 'Goodbye', I came here to say this
最初から 揺らがない覚悟を持って From the very start, with my unwavering resolve
忘れないで Be the light Don’t forget now, be the light
夜明けまで Slash the darkness Until day breaks, slash the darkness
Fight to the last A fight to the last
速度を上げて行け Come on, let’s speed things up
もう止められない程 (Til) it can’t be stopped no more
追憶を振り切って Break from your memories
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I'm guessing it's supposed to be the 'later' in ‘see you laters’ if La = Lappland and te = texas what is rs relationship???
lines that made me ????
Which one do you like?
my gut() is telling me it's more along the lines of 'which path do you like better' so i went with 'Which path will you take?'
逃さないよ Stop bugging me
was wavering between the first part referring to tex (as in lapp telling her she can't run away forever) but the 'stop bugging me' convinced me its referring to herself being unable to escape the quagmire
ありがとう 次を描きたいから
nobody corrected me on twitter so i take it my reading isn't horribly off lmfao..texas saying thank you to LAPP?? dio mio
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techie-waterwitch · 1 month
Both- forgot to type that sorry
Send ✏️ for me to describe how I portray my muse
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Thanks. Friend. That's much better! Now then let me explain My thought process...
Let's get Started with "Peri."
Guys! These two
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[👽]: "Who? M-M-M-ME!?"
Now whenever I need to get into the mindset of "a Peridot" specifically OUR Great and Lovable Peridot quoted by ✨Perid👽t herself. All I need to do is get into the mind🧠of a supercomputer,🖥️A great big computer Nerd with a manic demeanor. Think the teacher's pet with the nearly most nasally voice you can fathom. Peridot has an explosive 💥 short temper,
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She shows some signs of possible Autism.™️ Which is a personal headcanon of mine. Peridot is good at putting things into a logical and linguistic sense. I just think she loves it that way. She's most comfortable when things make sense. It does not stop her from hitting the archaic technology that makes her angry.
Think of the biggest teacher's pet and iPad 📱student. You might've known in school. The terminally online, the "I must crack the latest highest score!" video game player!🎮 She's kinda Animalistic, She's awkward and not too big on social cues. She thrives on doing projects by herself and gushing about her favorite TV. 🏕️❤️‍🌲show for literal hours!
(Just don't talk to her about her failures❌ or you'll get an earful!!!📣)
Peridot is pretty simple for me to tap into both of these two are on autopilot really.
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Now. Shall we proceed to the "Bitter Sister" herself?"
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~💧~ "No. Don't talk about me!"
I think I can say with confidence that "Lappy" here, is unlike any muse I've had before in all my early years of roleplay.
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"It's... Lapis...."
Honest to God! She is chaotic and rather unpredictable! I-I mean for someone who doesn't care about of lot of things and activities... Lapis sure does get the conversation going. I really don't know how to explain it she grabs the reins and I don't know if we're ever going to make it back home! Lapis has a low-energy bar sometimes... Other times she's actually bouncing off the walls!
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"Because people won't leave me ALONE!"
Lapis is laid-back, uninterested, gothic, and cold, while also at other times playful, childish, silly, Insane, immature, and gross sometimes. And did I forget to mention she has a mouth on her? (She wants all the Crystal Gems to swear!) She loves the ocean marine life, she suffers from PTSD from the Gem war, and she LOVES nautical puns {And Peri}
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"Okay! That's it! I'm done! If you don't shut the hell up! I get to splatter you all over the walls!"
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EEE! Okay. I'm finished. I'm finished. That's a good place to stop.
So there it is~ ^^
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
anyways how many ppl actually were aware that zoe was 23 at the time of the RE7 and in fact was 20 when this shit started, like she’s in louisiana she couldn’t even start drinking when her family was first possessed
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