#that does mean that she was gonna be 27 when village took place
Does Thy Starry Crown follow the chronological events of TSOA? Because I have a few questions if it does.
It's mentioned that Y/N dies before turning 30, so l'm gonna assume 28-ish. This means Reader would also be 27-28. I'm also assuming that Y/N dies his canonical death like in WMFTD where he gets killed by Ares.
The flashforward part in Part 2 (I think) of TSC is several years after the war- so l'm assuming like 2-3.
If Reader was 14 when he first started training under Patroclus and trained under him before the war for atleast a year; was Achilles brought to Scyros before the war like in TSOA, or what this in the past before Reader came along (or did it not happen at all)?
Sorry if this is a weird question 😭 I was re-reading TSC and thought of it LMFAOOO
No no not a weird question at all! Since my reply is kinda long, I putting it under a readmore.
TSC does loosely follows the chronological events of TSOA, the war starting and ending along with Achilles’ and Patroclus’ deaths are all fixed points I use for TSC.
I consider TSC to be its’ own universe for the ease of the writing and keep the details loosely organized since it wasn’t even a thought until I got that request, and I think I never planned on writing a second part let alone all the others that followed.
TSC does not follow WMFTD canonically. At least the way I write it, totally fine if you or someone else want it to.
This is how I write with TSC in mind:
In this universe, Achilles was married after Chiron’s training since the war that his mother was warned about won’t happen until Achilles is in his middle age. So Spyros never happened, but I like to think he still married the same woman.
During this marriage, he sired Pyrrhus but due to choosing Patroclus over his wife, Achilles’s mother took his son to raise as her own since she ever got to raise Achilles.
A few years later, they will find and adopt Y/N. Then Reader will be taken under Patroclus’ wing later on. Then come along the war and so on.
Close to the end of the war, Reader and Y/N both go on the run, fleeing with the ashes to give back to Chiron. Afterwards, they end up traveling, helping people while trying to stay out of Pyrrhus’ grasp.
So yeah, about two or three years for part two, I’m not locked into a timeline since again I wasn’t sure how much I would end up for writing.
Eventually they settled somewhere far away one of the mountain villages under different names. Y/N found work as a laborer and eventually as woodworker as well.
He helped keep raiders away from the villages, occasionally training the young men ( and women in secret since many disapproved women knowing how to fight at all).
Reader will be both a healer and teacher the children, giving them an education they otherwise would had never gotten. He even earned the honor of being of the few men in Greece who help out in childbirth (men were banned from helping under law I think).
While they were are an odd pair to the eyes of the town-folks, they earned their place among the ppl. Turns out, knowing someone who know medicine and another who can kick almost anyone’s ass is very useful.
I like to think they will live a happy, long life together, tending to a garden and home, taking in orphans when no one could.
Sorry for the long post and I hope this answers everything. Thanks for the opportunity to ramble. :)
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
anyways how many ppl actually were aware that zoe was 23 at the time of the RE7 and in fact was 20 when this shit started, like she’s in louisiana she couldn’t even start drinking when her family was first possessed
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ok but,,,, imagine this analodukeceit au
fantasy setting. logan, remus, deceit and virgil a a gang of exiles, cast out for various reasons. they fall in love with each other and go on adventures together.
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Logan Blackberry Everton, 27
Expert swordsman. Refuses to harm or threaten anyone he considers an ally with his sword.
Exiled 6 years ago because he "betrayed" the royal throne of the Paawtonia kingdom, by killing the heir, Dayd Harper, on the day before his coronation.
In reality, Dayd was a corrupt ruler waiting to happen, and knew that Dayd was going to bring his kingdom down to ashes.
Before exile, Logan was a royal guard, specifically Patton Harper's personal guard. He & Patton were in love, and when Patton had discovered what Logan had done to his older brother he exiled him, and by the time Patton learned the truth it was too late. Logan was too far away. Their love has faded into history.
Logan's never seen without bandages covering his arms, from shoulder to wrist. Can't tell you why, it's spoilers.
Calm, calculated, but loving. Knows exactly how to calm his lovers due to his experience with having to deal with Patton's occasional mental breakdowns because Patton had a rough childhood.
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Ethan "Deceit" Moreau, 25
Works with a staff + sword combo. His boyfs thought his sword was odd for a while until Ethan finally revealed he and the "sword" could cast magic.
Exiled because he was born in an anti-magic kingdom, having magic powers. He naturally knows dark and deceptive magic, and he taught himself some fire & psychic magic later in his life.
Never seen without his body almost 100% covered and part of his face covered. The location that's covered is always changing. Sometimes one eye, sometimes both, sometimes his mouth, etc. It is unknown in the group why he does so. It is theorized to have something to do with his magic, perhaps a side effect? Only Ethan & the people from his home village knows.
Reserved. Keeps things close to his chest(metaphorically). Will take things you say about him seriously and it will take a while before he forgives you for it. He thinks fast on his feet, and is usually the reason his boyfriends dodge being hit by someone, because otherwise they'd have no clue.
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Remus & Roman Aveyard, 23
Remus uses a large, spiky battle hammer as a weapon. It's lighter than it looks, most of the impact and damage comes from the spikes. Remus just likes swinging a hammer more than a morningstar.
Roman is never seen without a shield. He'll take any weapon, but he knows to protect himself during combat. He'd never intentionally give up his shield for another person, it's all about keeping himself protected.
Exiled together at the age of 16 for sabotaging their kingdom, Fairience. They hated their father, Romulus, their mother, Farah, and their older brother, Pryce; Which led them to the foolish decision to attempt to assassinate their whole family and take over the throne together. The twins successfully killed off their parents but were halted before getting to their brother.
Pryce took over the throne, the twins got chased out of the kingdom and were hailed fugitives. They tried to stick together until eventually during an ambush they got separated and presumed each other dead, so they went their separate ways.
7 years later which is when the story starts, Remus had ended up in the exile gang this au is about, while Roman became the leader of a gang of thieves. The gang Roman leads is known to bring harm to whoever resists their ways, no matter what. They'll even overthrow their own leader if the leader goes against their ways.
Remus was mostly alone those 7 years, and became touch starved because of it. So this short, rambunctious kid known for frequently going beserk curls up in fear, shaking, just from being touched. Roman however, is not touch starved but is vary wary about strangers touching him, causing him to quickly dodge oncoming contact from someone new faster than most people could, it's a sixth sense for him to know when unfamiliar touch is coming.
Remus is super wild and all over the place, and at times seems so hyper that he must've had a lot of sugar. He's not afraid to roast & talk sh** about someone, and slap a b***h too. But when it comes to his boyfriends, Remus is very affectionate, giving lots of compliments and kisses. He is very good at distracting them from whatever is bothering them as well.
Roman is prideful and despite him keeping a shield with him most of the time, he's not very cautious. He'll dive headfirst into danger with a shield in hand. He's one of the few who can keep Remus under control(aside from Remus's bfs). He will gossip about you, just accept it. On the outside he acts very social and outgoing but on the inside he's very shy and just wants to get away from the crowds.
Roman isn't as big in this AU as Remus is, Roman's just put here for convenience.
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Virgil Caverly-Deckett, 24 (His name in the image is wrong)
Rogue, uses close-range weapons like daggers. He intimidates most who get close to him so it gives him the advantage.
Exiled for being only part human. His mother had an affair with a demon, so he's part demon. His birthplace is known for being heavily religious, and all the people saw him as a child of sin. So against his mothers cries for mercy, he was chased out of town the day he turned 8, which is when the rumors of him being part demon were proven due to his demon heritage finally coming to light. He still doesn't know what type of demon he partially is, as the only signs he has shown so far are the tiny horns that stick out of his head, the odd patches of skin on his arms and his sharper-than-average fingernails.
He was found and raised by the Dragon Witch, who is actually a relative of Virgil's birth father. Virgil then left his new home at age 19, because he wanted to make a name for himself out there(as well as find others like him), but he occaisonally visits his "Mother Witch"(as he sometimes refers to her as) whenever he can and spends time with her.
Prior to meeting the exile gang, he stopped speaking sentences longer than 10 words, and nobody knows why except for Virgil himself. Not even his Mother Witch, because he hadn't visited since it happened. He can frequently be seen counting on his fingers over and over.
Vigilant. Was pretty vagrant too, until he met his lovers. Soft spoken when calm, but when in battle or stressed his voice is loud, booming, and aggressive. His glare is powerful due to being part demon, he can convince people to back down with it. He rarely uses it on his boyfriends, its only when it's absolutely necessary. He's super affectionate, but in a cuddly way. He's silently demanding them to cuddle him a lot, and they give in because either they want to or they can't resist.
Other noteworthy characters:
Patton Catonica Harper, 24: Ruler of Paawtonia. Used to be in love with Logan but exiled him out of grief after he killed his brother, Dayd. Found out once Logan was long gone that Lo had done him a favor and has since become a shadow of his former self.
Serilda "Dragon Witch" Caverly, ???: Mother figure to Virgil. Master of making potions, charms, and other magical objects. Casts spells with staff. Has wings on her back that she can shrink for comfort and grow when she wants to fly. She also has dragon-like pupils, and has dragon claws, feet, horns, and tail that she can disguise at will for ease. She is a Draconic Demon.
Remy Brantley, 20: Wizard in training. Focuses on sleep-related spells & items. Has trouble with duration of his spells.
Emile Picani, 23: Patton's head servant and best friend. Essentially Patton's therapist as well, as he's the only one who has helped the depressed king with his trauma.
Thomas Sanders, 21: Wizard in training & Remy's best friend. Born in Paawtonia & is faithful to his kingdom. Knows Logan because they are cousins, was very close to him. Fears the day Logan returns because that means, as a defender of Paawtonia, he would have to kill the intruding exile.
So yeah,,,, Analodukeceit Exiles au. Clothing is slightly too modern for the setting but screw it. i'll draw these extra characters later kshfjshfks only the characters in the ship this au is based around were necessary for this post,,, i only added roman cuz it was easier.
i'm 85% likely gonna write a series about this au,,,, lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist. speaking of which, the taglist: @tottalynotgayatall @ollyollyoxinfree @locked-prism @gyllenhoe-f99 @bexxbeauty @a-random-queer-humanoid(you didn't say you wanted to be tagged but i thought you would like to)
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Hi! Do you have any fics where Scott is protective of Stiles? Thanks!
Anonymous said:You have any fics where stiles and Scott have a really protective relationship with each other thanks to all the werewolf stuff, and outsiders being shocked over it?
Anonymous said:oDo you know any sciles fics where their friendship doesn’t suffer from Scott becoming a werewolf/meeting Allison/being involved in the supernatural?
Sure! - Anastasia
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Clinging Might be Putting it Lightly by mimithereader
(1/1 I 988 I Not Rated I No Pairing)
“After the nogitsune, Stiles is having a hard time getting back to normal. He jumps at every little noise, refuses eye contact, and prefers not to be touched, afraid that his own hands will once again betray him.But it’s different with Scott.Of course it’s different with Scott. Scott, who held him after the death of his mother and never once let go of his hand at her funeral; Scott, who didn’t even hesitate in slamming Jackson’s head into his desk after he rudely told Stiles to go take his medication; Scott, who had his back even when it felt like the entire world was conspiring against him. Scott is his security. Stiles knows, he knows that if anyone could protect him from everything in the world, supernatural or not, it’s Scott. So he clings.And, well, clinging might be putting it lightly.”
Ain’t Sayin’ He’s a Gold Digger by taylorpotato
(42/42 I 0 I Mature I Steter)
Peter and Stiles hook up on a sugar daddy dating website. Here’s the ensuing love story, told through chat screenshots and text messages. (Put me in the trash where I belong).
My Everything by Quirkyasfok
(1/1 I 1,424 I Teen I Sciles I Rape)
There’s a rule in the kingdom that says if a True Alpha presents itself than they will become king on their sixteenth birthday regardless of who they are or where they’re from. At the age of six a young poor villager by the name of Scott McCall presents as the first True Alpha in over one hundred years.
or the love story between a smug slave and a boy destined to be king
AU - Medieval AU were supernatural creatures are at the top and human are nothing more than slaves.
Who’s your Sugar Daddy by Kindred
(2/2 I 1,764 I Mature I Sterek)
So what’s happening?” She asked seeing Stiles hang his head as the others are smirking and chuckling apart from Scott who has a very deep frown on his face. “Stiles sugar daddy.”
A Crooked Arrow Through the Heart by pupsaac (heyitschoc)
(1/1 I 18,030 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek knows he is straight as an arrow (well at least that’s what he tells himself). He’s a notorious player who has been playing this game ever since the day he reached puberty. Then came Stiles. Stiles who was polite, kind, funny, and genuine. More importantly, Stiles who is a man. He didn’t know it then, but the moment they bumped into one another, was the moment Derek’s life would be turned upside down. Now he has to face all the damning questions that he has never had about his sexuality. Sure it’s not gonna be all peaches and sunshine, but the answer should be fairly easy right?
Finger Food by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle
(4/4 I 19,134 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale didn’t expect for his mother to give him the alpha power. Especially not before he graduated high school. He also didn’t expect to meet another teenage alpha, Scott McCall. Or his human best friend, Stiles. He didn’t expect himself to be fixated on Stiles long and slender fingers. Or his exceptional skills in the kitchen. Derek didn’t expect a lot of things. Then again, sometimes that unexpected turned out to be a good thing.
Conairt by gaelicspirit
(6/6 I 28,426 I Teen I No Pairing)
The True Alpha rises solely on the strength and purity of character, by sheer force of will. Scott McCall was soon to realize his character came from his connection to his friends. Without that, not even his status as a true alpha can save him. 
Prevarication by NefarioussNess
(12/12 I 46,308 I Mature I Steter I Rape)
When the bartender—Stiles remembered his name being Vernon—handed him the cool bottle he said, “The gentleman at the end says it’s on him.“
Stiles’ eyes immediately zeroed in on the mentioned guy. He was older, probably in his mid to late thirties. His hair was carefully gelled back and he wore a dark V-neck with a dangerously low neckline. He gave Stiles a wry smile, gripping the stem of his wine glass before giving him a brief toast. Stiles raised an eyebrow, but followed suit, taking a long dreg of beer. It had taken him a long time to get accustomed to the taste, but it was the cheapest drink on the menu, so he wasn’t complaining.
When he looked up again the gentleman was sitting next to him. His leg brushed up against Stiles’, causing a shiver to run down his spine.
An Alpha’s Mate by EmeraldOcean
(12/? I 59,774 I Explicit I Sterek)
The threat of a rival pack and the discovery of a previously forgotten Hale family legend has Derek playing reluctant partners with his uncle Peter. And that’s not the only strange thing that Stiles has noticed about Derek lately. But even the unexpectedly pleasant changes to their relationship can’t completely erase the feeling that there’s something he’s not being told… Something that may change his life irrevocably.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen I Sterek)
After Stiles gets hurt…again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little….not normal.
Pure as the driven snow by RenSweets
(12/? I 68,030 I Explicit I Steter)
It was a stroke of Luck Peter found him.
It is Stiles lack of Luck that continues to harm him.
Lost Boys Don’t Cry by CranApplePye
(19/19 I 156,017 I Mature I No Pairing)
Stiles and Scott wake up in a dark, unfamiliar tunnel after a rescue mission gone wrong, and that’s only the beginning of their problems. Trapped in a labyrinth filled with deadly mysteries, their only hope of making it back home is to cooperate with the very people who landed them in this mess. Unfortunately, their unscrupulous captors have their own agenda, including plans that make maliciously good use of the young werewolf’s rapid healing and the human boy’s uncanny skill at solving puzzles.
While the rest of the pack struggles to figure out what has become of them, Scott and Stiles struggle to survive in a harsh reality where all they have is their determination, and each other. Pushed to the edge of endurance, there is nothing they wouldn’t do for one another and no sacrifice they wouldn’t make if it means the other’s survival; but everything may not be as it seems. What does their situation have to do with their unique connection to the Nemeton, or the events that took place in Mexico? Are they fighting their way towards salvation, or a darkness deeper than any that can be imagined?
The Elements of Chaos by Litcraz
(21/21 I 171,170 I Teen I No Pairing)
Stiles is an Elemental. He has fire at his fingertips, the earth is pliable under his touch, controlling the air comes as easily as the flick of a wrist. But Stiles is more than that - he has a future that neither he nor anyone around him could have imagined. But there are those who can, and they have plans for Stiles all their own.
When Stiles and Scott are lured into the Colorado mountains, they find that a great evil has been waiting for them. Unwittingly releasing the nightmare from its cage, the boys soon find themselves in a race to save not only themselves, but those they love and everyone in Beacon Hills. To make matters worse, Stiles’ powers are starting to slip from his control and take a life of their own. If he is to save not only his friends’ lives, but also their souls, then Stiles must take back control and master the forces of nature. But it won’t come easy.
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eleanor-devil · 6 years
Naruto Fanfic - Boruto: Sacrifices - Chap.29, Replenished Hopes
IMPORTANT: It would be very very appreciated if you reblogged it and left a comment. We get lots of likes/favs but almost no comments, so please everyone, leave a comment, it encourages us to continue.
We’re one chapter away from the end!
Written by my friend @mirage-05
Cover by @eleanor-devil
prologue, chap.1, chap.2, chap.3, chap.4, chap.5, chap.6, chap.7, chap.8, chap.9, chap.10, chap.11, chap.12, chap.13, chap.14, chap.15, chap.16, chap.17, chap.18, chap.19, chap.20, chap.21, chap.22, chap.23, chap.24, chap.25, chap.26, chap.27, chap.28, chap.29, chap.30
For more Boruto: Sacrifices stuff, click on this link
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Chapter 29 - Replenished Hopes
Time was moving slow and steady... healing anything and everything it could. Being allowed this second chance, Mitsuki was savoring every minute of it, spending it with his friends, with his family... After he came home, Karin especially didn't want to leave immediately, despite the fact that staying in Konoha was becoming too much for them. But the woman didn't care about such trivial things because... His birthday was fast approaching. It still all felt like a blur, the day they celebrated Himawari's, and he had once again been invited to the Uzumaki household by an overly excited Boruto. Mitsuki couldn't help but smile when he thought about what his best friend could possibly coop up - he had learned from Sarada the full details about the blond's birthday, after all. He had the feeling that these birthdays will become a competition between him and Boruto. Two days before that arrangement, though, Karin took it upon herself to prepare a celebratory dinner (complete with the cake and everything) - both for him making through a very hard time and his special day. Being practically reborn, Mitsuki was glad for this opportunity with his family... because they were to leave town the following morning. That cast a gloom over all of them, no matter how light-hearted the setting was. That was another thing. Something was bothering the young boy, especially when he looked at his father and older brother. Not that he wasn't used to them being antagonistic towards each other... but that, he realized, was precisely the thing. That night, they seemed to be almost... ignorant of each other, and the coldness between them was almost palpable, like the room was coated in ice.
Mitsuki found himself honestly wishing that they would start bickering again, even on this day. But none offered the other an opportunity. It was like whatever that fueled their already edgy relationship was gone... and it actually bothered the boy more than seeing their animosity towards each other.
Not that Log leaving as soon as the dinner was done did any good. "Happy birthday, little brother," he said with a smile in place that he only reserved for him. "Make sure you don't give us a scare like this on your next one." He reached to ruffle his hair like he used to do when Mitsuki was younger, causing him to deftly duck away. "I'll keep in mind," the younger boy confirmed with a smile of his own, but soon he was serious once again. "Log... about father-" Log put up his hand to intervene. "Let's not go there. I don't want to dampen our mood." Mitsuki had a little frown in his features, which made the older brother snicker. "Don't feel so bad about it, Mitsuki. It's not like me and Orochimaru had a rosy past as it is." "Yeah, but it never quite came to this point..." "Eh, well. Things like these eventually come down one way or another." The younger boy still didn't look too happy with it. "Hey, I told you, stop worrying about it. And who knows, I might be seeing you a lot more often in the near future." "What's that even mean?" asked Mitsuki, baffled. "You'll find out soon," Log turned away, raising his hand in farewell. "Until then." And he started walking away into the night, leaving an appalled Mitsuki behind. ... He couldn't explain exactly why... but the departure of his family the following day was even harder. Even though he was unconscious or in the hospital most of the time here... the boy was feeling that their presence here was empowering in and on itself. He didn't exactly feel like he was ready to see them go. "We would stay if we could," Juugo tried to explain, an almost apologetic expression on his face. "But we're already putting Konoha's hospitality to a test." "Although thanks to your feat we did gain some ground in the village." Suigetsu said cheerfully, before clipping Mitsuki on the back, making the boy glad that his ribs had long since healed. "Way to go kid!" This, in turn, earned the Hozuki a smack up his head by Karin. "Do you even realize how obnoxious that sounds?!" Not waiting for a reply, the redhead turned to the boy and gave him a warm and almost crushing hug, as best as she could. "Do take care of yourself, Mitsuki, and stay out of trouble... I can't stand the thought of something happening to you, and besides..." there were tears in her eyes as she stepped back and put a hand on her huge belly, softly smiling. "I'd love to have you around to meet Miu, y'know..." Her motherly tone had made Mitsuki tear up too, but he couldn't help a small laugh when he heard her words. "So you guys finally decided on a name?" "Yep." Karin's smile was as bright as the sun. "I just realized that was a name I always wanted for my daughter." "It sounds beautiful," he reassured her, not that it would have mattered. "It means feathers, right?" "It does," Suigetsu said pridefully. "Feathers on a demon lantern..." The boy kept his smile as he shook his head, finding it somehow astounding that these two were in such harmony when it comes to their child. And then it was his father's turn... Mitsuki stared up at him for only a moment before striding forward for a hug, finding it much easier to do nowadays. "Thank you..." he whispered. "Thank you for being here... for giving me the chance to start healing... truly." "I never thought that would be something I was capable of," the sannin said, in a quiet but also soft tone that Mitsuki came to believe was only reserved for him. "Bringing the best out of me... as best as it could be of course... you accomplished no small feat, child." The boy smiled softly to himself, finally, years and years later... finding something in his soul that resonated with his father's. That realization, however... didn't come without an afterthought. "I meant to ask..." he slowly pushed himself away from his father, to have a better look in his eyes. "What happened to Log? Or rather... what will...?" The look in his father's eyes hardened for a moment, though it was so fleeting that the boy could easily think that he had imagined it, more so when he heard the impartial tone of his voice soon after. "I don't know what is going on through his mind... and I intend not to push it further. If he's not coming back with us... that's his decision." Mitsuki waited for a bit for him to elaborate. "That's it?" he asked incredulously when the man didn't. "You... you don't mind him going off on his own?" "I don't deny him his free will." was Orochimaru's curt reply, leaving Mitsuki trying to decipher whether he was as impassive as he let it shown. It seemed cold even for the sannin, especially after their own relationship took a turn for the better. What was it that was different with Log...? "Another thing is..." All traces of the earlier conversation left the sannin's face as an uncanny look settled in his eyes. "There is one more who can't wait to speak to you again." The boy was baffled for a moment. "But who...?" Then, as he kept staring at his father's eyes, gold and snake-like, it suddenly dawned on him. "Oh." he breathed, eyes wide. "You don't just summon your contract and then leave her clueless for a month." Now there was amusement in his tone. The boy had begun sweating a little - he had rarely seen Isis angry before, mostly in the presence of his pet snake, Koburo, and it wasn't really something he was looking forward to. Who would have thought that a summoning animal had such a colorful vocabulary? "You're right," he finally amended with a sigh. "I'm gonna talk to her first chance I got." The answering smirk didn't leave Orochimaru's face as he and the Taka started making their way out of the gates. Mitsuki kept gazing after them until their speeding forms became a blur, and then sighed again before drawing out blood and making the sign for summoning. It was a weird reunion - making the boy wonder whether snakes could go in for a hug or not. But then, he thought, maybe he should be glad not to find it out right then. "Mitsuki-sama!" Isis hissed in excitement as soon as she appeared, slithering on the forest floor in what appeared to be joy. "You have no idea how worried I was!" "I'm sorry," the boy said sheepishly, feeling a little touched that Isis cared about him to this extent... and was she this tall when he last saw her? "It's not that pleasant in the Ryuuchi cave, just so you know," the snake continued in disdain. Mitsuki couldn't help a small chuckle then. "Not in good graces with the bigger snakes?" The hiss now was in a more warning tone. "I can fend off for myself, thank you very much. Although that Garaga tends to get very annoying..." Mitsuki started laughing, and the richness of his tone took him by surprise. "You can tell me all about it on our way back." And so they headed back into the village, to his home, Mitsuki listening to her time in her birthplace eagerly. A few of the passerbys who greeted him took a moment to stare at the snake but no one bothered to intervene. Mitsuki knew that he probably shouldn't exert the amount of chakra that he was using right now, at least not for a while, but he just couldn't bring himself to send Isis back in such a short time after she spent a month away. "Next time you're not gonna be able to send me away. I'll be right beside you, protecting you." she vowed vehemently. They had reached his apartment suite. The boy came to a stop. He... really didn't expect another visitor today. The woman had heard their voices. She turned to them, adjusting the paper bag in her arms so that it wouldn't fall over. A smile spread across her face. "'morning, Mitsuki," she said lightly. "I was hoping to catch up to you before I head west." "Izumi-san..." he mumbled, still baffled, causing the woman to chuckle softly. "Really, how many times must I tell you to just call me Izumi?" Beside him, Isis's hiss was inconspicuous. "Mitsuki-sama, is this woman bothering you? Shall I bite her?" "Umm, no." Shaking his head to clear it up, Mitsuki addressed the kunoichi. "Why don't you come in?" It soon turned out that Izumi did not just drop in for a casual visit - inside the bag were all the ingredients necessary for a full-on breakfast. "I thought maybe we could have breakfast together." she said cheerfully. "Thanks... I would love that." the boy replied, not sure what else to say more. The situation still seemed a little strange, but he didn't feel awkward. He was somehow... used to this laxed attitude of hers after all, even feeling comforted by it. He had not seen Izumi-san too often, one more time in their field trip to Kirigakure, but that had never been the determining factor in their relationship. She was just such an easy person to get along with. "Please, let me help you-" "No, no, none of that." the redhead almost shooed him from in front of the kitchen counter, earning herself a glare from Isis that only Mitsuki noticed. "Consider this an early birthday celebration." "O-oh." Now came the being uncomfortable part - he didn't want to be an inconvenience to her. "You don't have to do that..." "Nope, I don't have to. But I want to." She put her hand on his shoulder, her eyes warm. "Because we are friends, right? And friends do look out for each other." He smiled, a bit timid but natural all the same. "You're right. But if there's anything I can help with, I'll do it." "You just sit down and make yourself comfy." It was kinda amazing how she almost acted like she was the one living here. Then she drew a little closer to him to whisper. "But do keep an eye on your snake for me, okay?" Mitsuki did let out a small laugh. So the woman wasn't oblivious. He made his way to the sofa, and found Isis curled up beside it. "Behave," he whispered to her in an undertone. "Behave? I'm on my best behavior!" Well... considering some of their fights with Koburo, Mitsuki had to admit that she had a point. It didn't take Izumi too long - actually, soon enough, the boy had started to smell something delicious. Was she somehow aware of his favorite dish? He was left mystified - and inexplicably warm, once again feeling as if he is on familiar territory with this woman. "Would you like some coffee?" he offered, raising his voice, just so he had something to do. Izumi peeked over her shoulder at him. "You drink coffee?" "Well... yeah..." he sounded confused. "I did gain a favor to filter coffee this year..." "I don't usually comment on people's choices, but... I don't know, Mitsuki," her smile was both sheepish and somehow stern enough to remind him of Karin. "You had a difficult heart surgery... filter coffee probably won't be the best idea." "Or we could do with some tea," he mumbled, mollified. She didn't have any objections to that, and they didn't talk much as Mitsuki busied himself with making the tea. He needed that - because otherwise, the thoughts in his head were going to jumble in a mess. He knew their intentions were good, so it was not like he was begrudging them for their attitude, but... it still didn't make it right when he already felt like he was failing so many people. There, he finally laid it out in front of him. While everyone around him lately treated him with great respect and reverie, as if he was some kind of a hero, he was... nothing short of terrified at how things looked up for him at this point. He remembered it like yesterday, the talk with Sakura-san and Tsunade-sama. They had tried to be nice about it, but no matter how they were delivered, the implications were still ghastly for him. He had suffered major damage to his heart, after all, and he had to go through a vigorous and complicated healing process, practically living in the hospital from now on. Both women were vague about how much his ninja life would be affected, but also made sure that he realized how important it was that he should draw back as soon as they sensed something was going wrong. Which was such a scary thought that he had started losing sleep over it. If he wasn't going to be able to become a ninja, to continue on the path... then what? What would become of him? All he knew, ever since he had been little, was how to be cunning, aggressive and deadly as a ninja. He didn't know - had no idea - how to become anything less. And more than that, more than feeling inept... "Here you go." "Hmm?" He was a little disoriented when he raised his head and realized that he was already sitting on the table, and Izumi had just placed a table of scrambled eggs in front of him. Had he become so automatic, so... robotic in his moves to not notice what he was doing? "Thanks," he mumbled, picking up his fork. They ate in silence for a while. The woman had even reserved some of the meal for Isis, who was happily nibbling at it on the floor. Mitsuki didn't know if the kunoichi did this on purpose, to gain some favors from the snake, because if that was her intention, it seemed to be working. "There is something bothering you." Izumi said after a while, not in a questioning manner. The boy realized that he wasn't keeping his expression quite as blank as he had hoped. "What makes you think so?" he asked evasively, not sure how he could even launch into his worries. The woman chuckled lightly. "Two things. One, a small crease immediately appears between your brows, indicating you are in deep thought. And two... you become too still. No one can stay that still for so long." Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, impressed somehow. "I didn't know that." "You would be surprised." The redhead's expression turned serious again. "So... wanna talk about it?" It took him a while to realize that he was absent-mindedly toying with the food. "I don't know how to tell what's on my mind..." "Give it a try?" Izumi put her fork down, bringing a hand under her chin as she regarded him carefully. "I can wait - I have a bit of a time." He looked up at her, curious now. "You leaving for Kiri?" "Yup. I have stalled my return a bit longer as it is... but never mind that now." Her gaze turned intense, but she didn't say another word. Mitsuki too put his fork down with a sigh. Something about that look... prompted him to speak, no matter how hard it was. "You want to know what the worst part of it all is?" he began, his hands finding their way to his teacup, just to have a hold on something, to ground him. "Everyone... everyone in the village started treating me like I'm special... they shunned me at first, when the orphanage was attacked, but then had a change of heart because I did something rash and landed myself in the hospital..." "And it bothers you that they were so prejudiced about you before?" the woman guessed. "That's not all of it..." No need to say how major a part it was. "But thinking back on it... people only began respecting me because I was able to do it... to save the village from a possible catastrophe... and now... now that might be taken from me..." "Taken how?" "It's not yet clear... whether I can turn back to my old life, y'know." His fingers tightened a little more around the cup. "It's still early to say, but... ninja life could be too much for me..." The woman didn't say anything to that, just listening. "And I... well I don't know... what I would do without it... it's everything I know, everything I lived with..." He shook his head slowly. "The thought that I probably snuffed all those chances out... It's much more than what I can stand." A small, knowing smirk played on Izumi's lips. "No, I never took you for a boy who could just stand aside and let the world roll by." "More than that..." His gaze was directed in her general direction, but he wasn't really seeing her. "You know... the whole reason I came to Konoha... why I wanted to become a ninja... was so that I..." his voice dropped to a whisper. He didn't even know if she could hear him anymore. "...that I give my father a reason to be proud of me..." Compassion began to replace the pensive look in the woman's eyes. "Oh..." she mused softly. Mitsuki dropped his gaze to his hands, not wanting to face that compassion. "That's... that's what bothers me the most... that I probably flunked my chance to make him proud in a moment of rash action..." Izumi didn't reply immediately, seeming to gather her thoughts. "Mitsuki-" she began a moment later, but he cut her off instantly. "Please don't tell me I should disregard these thoughts and just focus on getting better," he said, his tone a little irritated. "I already have that from the medics, my sensei, my friends... just don't. It doesn't make things better." "I was not going to say that." she amended. "I wasn't." she insisted when the boy simply looked doubtful. "But do tell me... how do you feel? What would you like to do instead?" There was no hesitation in his tone as he replied. "I want to prove everyone that I'm still on my game, that I'm still capable of this life." He bent a little down to pat Isis's head. Wasn't it already proof enough that he could keep her around for this long, without breaking a sweat? "Because the way I see it..." The redhead leaned a bit forward to try to look in his eyes. "All you have to do is to go out there and grab what you want, and don't listen to anyone else as long as you know and respect your limits." "My limits?" Mitsuki asked, confused. "It's just that, everyone will have a guess about what's hurtful or what's tiring for you, right? Like me earlier, with the coffee," she added with a knowing smile, making the boy to suddenly become a little awkward. "But you are the one living in that body and you know your own limits, how much you can handle. As long as you know the right moment to stop, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't keep trying." "You really think so?" It was such a different attitude to what he had been subjected to, Mitsuki was simply amazed. To take control of his own destiny... that was all he wanted, all he asked for. No one before had taken this approach with him though... Now he was seeing Izumi-san in a whole new light. "Well, you are talking to the person who defied her own mother in career choices," the kunoichi said with a small chuckle. "No one knows you better than you do Mitsuki... so don't let anyone stump on whatever you want to do with your life." "Even if it means I got to drink filter coffee?" the blue haired boy asked shrewdly, and then laughed at the taken aback expression on the woman's face. But she started laughing after a second, too. "You got me there. But first let's finish our breakfast, we will speak about this more later." "Gladly," the boy replied, a little amazed at how sincere he sounded. Maybe... just maybe there was a reason for him to keep his hopes up. ... And that was how Mitsuki found himself in the practice ground next morning, after some much needed sleep. Somehow, he was always sleepy lately. He was practicing basic shuriken jutsu... or well, it was supposed to be basic anyway. His infuriation kept growing, more and more with each throw. It felt like each throw triggered some dull pain in his chest, making his hand jerk in the last minute. And no matter how tiny that jerk was... the shuriken kept flying in odd directions. It was best not to mention that his bending skill had grown pretty much non-existent. He puffed his cheeks in an exhale, glaring at his target, as if this was its fault. Respect one's limits... but how was he supposed to do that, when even something as easy as shuriken practice had become a task...? Suddenly, he saw something flash in his peripheral vision. On instinct, he drew around and pulled a kunai from under his sleeve in one quick motion, knocking the shuriken thrown at him in the last moment. A soft chuckle made him glance in what had to be the direction of the throw. He met the warm eyes of Sarada, who still had her hand in the air, and the huge grin of Boruto. "See?" the Uchiha said joyfully, dropping her hand. "You are not out of shape after all." And then, without a warning, they both lunged forward. The element of surprise lasted for only about five seconds, and then the blue haired boy was keeping up with his friends. Sloppily, he would've said in any other situation, but he managed to evade most of their attacks, just receiving one punch on his arm from Boruto one time. The best part of it was... that he could tell their friends weren't holding back all too much. This was all in the context of sparring rules - Mitsuki felt his spirit rising with each moment. "There you guys are!" Momentarily distracted by the voice, Boruto slipped... and Sarada's fist connected. "Ouch!!" "Whoops...! Sorry..." Shikadai was descending the stairs to reach them, with what looked like a tablet computer in his hands. His usual carefree smirk was in place as he took the scene in. "Sorry about that," he said lightly. "But she was literally pestering me to come find Mitsuki and so..." "Hey!" A female voice resounded from the tablet. The Nara sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes as he took the last few steps and reached Team Konohamaru. "Sheesh, calm down already will you? I found your boyfriend-" "Shikadai!!!" The scream was surely heard all around the training area as Shikadai gave the tablet to a baffled Mitsuki, who looked down to see a dark pink haired girl with big, brown eyes... and a very deep blush. "Where did you even- oh... hi Mitsuki," the girl said warmly, her eyes shining. Her blush receded, only leaving a light sheen of pink on her cheeks. "Hey, we're here too, y'know," Boruto said almost indignantly, but his tone was light. "Sorry," Shikadai's cousin, Natsumi said with a kind natured laugh. "But Dai told me Mitsuki was awake, and I just wanted to check in myself." "Oh... thank you." The blue haired boy smiled. "How are things in Suna?" "They're great," the girl said cheerfully. "But never mind that now... I-I'm just so glad..." she stopped for a minute to still her breathing. "I'm so glad you finally made it... It's been too long..." "I know... sorry about it..." Natsumi laughed softly. "What are you saying sorry for? Being brave and selfless? It was nothing I didn't expect from you..." And then a light blush colored her cheeks once again. "C'mon, let's give them a minute." Sarada told the boys, taking each of them by their arms. "Hey, come visit us again Konpeito!" Boruto called as he was being towed away. The girl on the screen rolled her eyes, but her smile was still intact. "Look who's talking about visits," she mumbled, and then turned her attention back to the blue haired boy. "And also... happy birthday Mitsuki! I hope you will have a great day." "Actually, I'm certain Boruto will see to it," Mitsuki chuckled to himself. "I wish I could be there in person but... academy..." "Well, there's always next year..." "That's a promise then," Natsumi concluded. "I have to go now, I have practice with mom, so see you around, okay?" As the video screen blackened, Mitsuki felt he was feeling even more optimistic than this morning... ... The day flew by too quickly after that. Before he knew it, he had joined the Uzumakis in their living room with Sarada and Sakura, them chanting the birthday song as Hinata brought the cake. "Alright, make a great wish!" Boruto said, his smile bright as the sun. "Thirteen is an important age, 'ttebasa!" Sarada, sitting next to him, nudged him light-heartedly. "Are you planning to say this every time we have a birthday?" "Well, there's nothing wrong with it!" the blond defended himself. "Not at all," Mitsuki laughed, content, feeling like he could stand to hear Boruto say that as many times as it would take. But he did exact a good amount of thought on his wish. Keeping this bond with his family and friends for as long as they lived... that sounded like a reasonable goal. Smiling to himself, he blew out the candles, receiving a round applause. Sitting there, surrounded by the people who obviously loved him, and eating delicious homemade cake, full courtesy of Sakura-san and Sarada, it indeed felt like his dream was within his easy reach. Boruto jumped to his feet immediately after they were finished with the cake. "Time for presents." "Where's the fire?" Naruto mumbled under his breath, but his smile too was huge and genuine. The boy really didn't expect much - he didn't expect presents at all, really - but... it warmed his heart to an extent he didn't know was possible. First was Sakura. Mitsuki's eyes widened in wonder when she handed him a... "I... but this..." he couldn't form a sentence, causing the pink haired woman to chuckle softly. "I was tipped off that you are interested in medical studies. I thought this might come in handy in the near future." He barely tore his eyes apart from the medic kit to stare at her. "Thank you..." "But you'll have plenty of time to go through it," Sakura continued with a knowing smile. "These two won't be able to wait out for too long." And it was Boruto and Sarada's turn. Whatever that was wrapped in the gift packs they had, seemed to be a little crudely packed, making it impossible to guess what it could be, and the boy tore at the packages curiously. And then he started laughing. They were hand-made photo frames, and each of them showcased pictures of him and his friends - but that wasn't the only thing that made them so special. Boruto and Sarada had both decorated the frames with drawings, and the blond's... lack of skill made his frame just as endearing as Sarada's perfect lines. "Thank you, both of you..." he said, still smiling. "And here is mine." With Hinata-san's voice Mitsuki turned to the woman. Instead of a package though, she was holding... what seemed to be folded clothes out for him. As he recognized the outfit on the top, a wondrous look etched into his eyes. He slowly traced his fingers on the two-toned blue fabric, feeling a... strange sense of reunion. "It was almost damaged beyond repair," Hinata said softly. "But I couldn't give up without a try and so... here we are." Something in her tone made the blue haired boy feel warm all over... like Hinata had just conveyed in her words how the Uzumaki family never gave up on him... "Hinata-san..." "Hey, try on your Uzumaki sweater too!" Himawari said with a big grin. "Hima, we're in July it's a little too hot for that," Boruto reminded his sister, but Mitsuki tried it on anyway. It felt soft and comfortable... like home... "Thank you very much..." he told the woman sincerely, not knowing what else to say. "Dad, dad, let's show Mitsu-nii our present now!" the youngest Uzumaki's excitement was hard to contain. "Yep." Naruto rose from his seat and looked at him. "Okay Mitsuki... can you come upstairs with us for a minute?" And so they moved the party upstairs... in a manner of speech. Mitsuki wondered what got everyone so interested about this gift. They stopped in front of the house's guest room. Himawari, right behind him, put her hands over his eyes, catching him by surprise. "No peeking," she warned cheerfully. He heard the door opening and then the light switch clicking. There was some scuffling, and finally Hima pulled her hands back with a, "Ta-daa!" He was looking at a fully-furnished room. Or well... more elaborately and personally decorated than any other usual guest rooms. Indeed, Sarada had just finished placing the photo frames on a shelf. "Well, we have the basics and everything... but your opinions matter the most." Naruto tried to explain, but the boy was still lost. "I... I'm not sure if I understand..." "Because this is gonna be your room, 'ttebasa!" his best friend said joyfully. "M-my room?" "Only if you want to, of course," Hinata said quickly. "But we would love to have you move in with us." "Because you see..." Naruto's eyes were soft, just like his tone. "We realized that we don't like seeing you return to that cold house all by yourself... so that's what we all want to offer you Mitsuki. A chance to return to your family at the end of the day." The boy was effectively rendered speechless. He was so taken aback that he couldn't even say if he was breathing at the moment or not. "I... I don't know what to say..." "Just say you accept it!" Boruto clapped him on the shoulder. "You know I'll just pester you endlessly about it, anyway." "And how's that giving him his own choice?" Sarada teased her friend. But it was already too late... One by one, images started to show up in front of the boy's mind eye. Coming home every night to the warmth of the Uzumaki house and to Hinata-san's delicious meals... Sitting at that desk, studying medicine as he was drinking his coffee... Himawari bringing in some cookies, bragging about the fact that she made them herself... Training or just goofing around the front lawn with her and Boruto... and welcoming Naruto home whenever they get the chance to see him for the day... "Family..." he mumbled almost to himself, feeling the warmth settle and grow around his heart. "That's right... you said you considered every one of us a family and now... let us be your family in Konoha." Mitsuki took another moment to get his emotions under control, worried that he could make a spectacle out of himself if he continued this way. "That..." he finally began, but had to clear his throat before moving on. "That's much more than I could ever ask for... and nothing would make me happier than living with you." "Is that a yes then?" Hima was practically jumping up and down with joy. The blue haired boy laughed as he ruffled her hair a bit. "Yep, Hima, that's definitely a yes." The celebrations didn't go too far this time - because Boruto had grabbed both Mitsuki's and Sarada's hands, pulling them behind him. "Alright then, let's go!" "Go? Where?" Sarada asked, mystified and a little annoyed. "To help Mitsuki pack up, duh! Tonight is his last night in that house, 'ttebasa!" As the friends kept bickering among themselves, the adults followed them downstairs, stopping just inside the door to gaze after them with soft smiles... ... It would turn out that Boruto's surprises were not yet finished. They didn't spend a lot of time in his apartment, after all, he didn't really have a lot to pack. Mitsuki had imagined going back to the Uzumaki household, but he should have his suspicions when Sarada pulled the faded old quilt from the bag of packed things, saying that they would probably need that. It was the quilt Karin knit for him before he left for Konoha. The boy had really not imagined... that their next destination was the waterfall. Mitsuki gasped lightly - it was just like how he had planned out for his best friend's birthday. The make-shift boat, the flag, the plunder... he chuckled when he realized even the parrot was there. Of course, the weather conditions had worn out everything just a little... but that made the atmosphere all the more perfect. "Happy birthday, Mitsuki," Boruto and Sarada both said, scooting a little closer to him. ... From that point, he had no idea how he came here. He was crouching behind a bolder, and he had the unsettling feeling that he was hiding from something... or someone. And one thing he knew without a doubt was that he was alone... all alone... A cold, terrifying cloud of uncertainty settled around his heart, making it thud loudly. "Come out come out wherever you are...!" he heard a voice just then, which made him cower in spite of himself. "Fucking snake brat... Takeru the cat will find you and fucking eat you alive, I swear on it!" The proximity, the animosity of the voice... Mitsuki knew he probably should start running away, or think of a way to fight back... but he was frozen on the spot, trying to fight the urge to cover his ears... A sudden, very bright light flashed, like that of a lightning... ... Sarada wasn't sure just why she woke up with a start, but she imagined it had been a few hours since they fell asleep, side by side, the quilt covering them. The sky had a purplish tint to the blackness, indicating that it was the early morning hours. She half raised herself on one of her elbows to see what might have woken her up. The first thing she noticed was that Mitsuki seemed restless. He was shivering, and there was sweat gathering on his forehead, while his expression was also distressed, even in sleep. The girl couldn't be sure whether she should wake him up or not... if he was having a nightmare, maybe this was the best course of action. But when she raised her hand to gently shake him awake... another hand clamped on her wrist. Boruto was also awake. As their eyes met, Sarada understood the blond's point of view clearly. He didn't want to wake Mitsuki up. It wouldn't exactly chase away the nightmares for long... Coming to a non-verbal agreement, the Uzumaki and the Uchiha just scooted closer to their friend, wrapping their arms around him, hoping that this would create some sort of comfort... ... The boy had run out of places to hide... they were approaching, he knew it. He wasn't going to make it out of here alive... The two men that were following him, on blond and the other brunet, were standing only a couple of feet away from him, both leering from ear to ear. The blond raised his hand and the lightning bolt appeared in it, making the blue haired boy flinch , trying to make himself a smaller target... But then, something he never would've expected happened. Suddenly, he wasn't alone. Like some sort of miracle, his best friends appeared right beside him, taking attack stances. "Don't worry Mitsuki, we fight beside you now." Boruto said, determination raw in his voice. "Shannaro!" Sarada exclaimed, her sharingan activated as she took out several shurikens. Another flash, and Konohamaru-sensei was there too. "No one messes with my students when I'm around!" he hissed through gritted teeth as he glared at the two assailants. And one by one, other people from Konoha and his home back in the hideout appeared... Log... Hinata-san... Karin... Izumi-san... and many, so many more... It was like all of his loved ones, the people who loved and cared about him, came here to his aid when it mattered the most... His attackers began backing away, panic apparent in their eyes and movements... Lord Seventh appeared just then, taking a protective stance beside him. "Protect Mitsuki at all costs!" his voice rang out clearly. The boy felt a lump forming in his throat with his words and presence... But the best was yet to come. He had just enough time to blink once... ...and then his father was standing directly in front of him, shielding him from view, tall, fierce and powerful... The scene was completed... With everyone there, ready to stand their ground with him... the boy no longer felt alone... ... The rising sun shone on the sleeping forms of Team Konohamaru, gently illuminating their peaceful expressions.        
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: DJ Ten Yards
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Sam Branman, the DJ third of Brooklyn nightlife monster trio Str8 to DVD, is also churning out some of the skimpiest and most fashionable Speedos on the planet (among other things). Thotyssey tries to keep up with Ten Yards!
Thotyssey: DJ, hello! Thanks for chatting with us today! First of all, OMG YOU GOT HIT BY A CAR!? How exactly did this happen, and how are you?
DJ Ten Yards: It was super fucking annoying. I was actually on my way to Annie Mae, which is Laè D Boi’s party (currently first Sundays at The Rosemont) I’m the resident DJ / video curator for, and I was literally crossing the street one block from my house and a fucking pickup truck hit me from behind! I’m mostly okay--my left arm got banged up and I’m doing PT to get that back to full fighting strength. They also destroyed my laptop! The truck actually sped off after hitting me, but I found it thanks to some nosy neighbors, and I’m starting legal proceedings. I obviously didn’t make it to the party, and went to the ER instead.
Does this bring home how terrible the world and it's people can be?
I mean, everyone who saw me get hit were super nice and helpful! I’m not letting one asshole who can’t drive ruin my worldview. even if it did jack my arm up.
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That's the spirit! Will you still be making it to DragCon, if that's something you were planning to do?
Absolutely! I’m lucky in that I am able to work on jewelry and I’ve been preparing for it for months, so I have a lot of apparel no one’s seen yet ready to go! I’m at table C31, and I’m there all weekend (except Saturday morning because there’s no way I’m going directly from Str8 to DVD to DragCon, which starts at 9. My husband Erik can work that alone.)
Between your designs and your DJ’ing, there's lots to talk about, so we better start right at the beginning. Where's your hometown, and what came first: fashion or music?
I grew up mostly in Olive Bridge, NY, but I just say I’m from Woodstock because it’s the closest landmark that people who aren’t from there know. Fashion came first! I loved dressing up as a child, and I started sewing what mostly resembled actual clothing when I was 18. I had decided to go to college for photography, not fashion. But I’m a big nerd, so I’d do a few cosplay projects to wear at the anime conventions I went to every summer.
Who were you cosplaying as?
My first actual cosplay was Hirai Ken from the “Pop Star” video. There’s three of him in different colored jumpsuits, and I could sort of do the hair he has in the red one! I also did a very loose Tommy February6 (we share a birthday!), invented a fake Japanese band with friends, and Ray Watts from KMFDM / PIG / Schwein. I still wear the shirt I made for that, but the jumpsuit was sacrificed last year to become Beltane ribbons, and the others just languish in my clothing labyrinth.
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And when did DJing come into the picture?
I’ve always wanted to be musical, but I’m not. I tried to learn instruments, to learn how to write music. I was briefly sort of in a band or two (I even have album credits). I am, however, a collector and very opinionated... so I can DJ! My friend DJ A-Ron’s DJing partner moved away, and he offered to show me the ropes. We did a few gigs together at Nowhere back in 2013, and I struck out on my own DJing for a few now-defunct parties around Manhattan and Brooklyn. I didn’t start the drag-DJ gig until Qhrist With a Q and Sherry Poppins asked me to do what was then 1-900-HOT-GLUE two years ago!
You met Qhrist in a nerdy chat room, right?
Yep! Eightish years ago? I helped convince Qhrist to go to Purchase, too.
Good for you! What was the rationale at the time behind creating HOT GLUE, which is now STR8 to DVD?
At the beginning, I was just helping out! They wanted to make a space for themselves and the other performers coming out of Purchase, like Maxxx Pleasure, Lindsay Blowhan, and Jenn D'Role, and I was along for the ride. I didn’t initially do any production work besides promo, letting Qhrist and Sherry stay at my place, and making sure I had everyone’s music at first. But now we all do booking / coming up with names. I’ve been the one finding our newbie performers all year long, and I convinced them to change the name to STR8 to DVD.
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This has become a hugely popular night, enough so to warrant a recent move from monthly Mondays to Fridays! What have been some memorable moments for you from STR8?
Every single one of Qhrist and Sherry’s stupid, perfect, beautiful, unrehearsed duets. They’re so good together that people don’t realize how unrehearsed they are. When Sherry was still getting ready at my house with Qhris, they might listen to the song once or twice to get the words down, but that’s it! 
I’m also very fond of our massively overbooked Halloween show last year, when we all kept booking people and forgetting until it was too late. We wound up with 9 performers and 13 actual numbers. It was perfect. Half of them involved food, because we’re gross and live in Brooklyn.
That reminds me, I hear that pasta and fake blood were factors in a perilous Bushwig this summer!
I fully missed all of the mess, because of where my booth was at Bushswag! I couldn’t see shit. I made sure to see the performers I’d made clothes for, and my personal legends like Charlene, Untitled, Ragamuffin, Tyler Ashley, and Chutney Spears with that fucking snake.
Gurl, that snake! So STR8 is turning 2 this Friday at Gold Sounds ... what's in store for the anniversary?
STUPIDITY! I’m glad we’re leaning into being irredeemable and canceled. Qhrist already has to redo the flyer because one performer canceled, we forgot we booked one performer, and Lindsay Blowhan is coming all the way up from Virginia for it, and we should probably have her perform? I guess? It’s not like she’s Sherry’s daughter and performed at our first, like, six shows or anything. 
We’ve got Sandy Devastation who made her debut at STR8 to DVD, Papusa Smear who made their debut with us, and Kaey Kiel, a nice cabaret singer and journalist from Berlin who doesn’t deserve to deal with any of this! She’s staying with my husband and her dream is to perform in New York, so we’re making all her dreams come true.
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Another monthly (third Saturdays, in this case) you've been DJing, Emi Grate's “A+: The Asian Revue,” has also recently had it's own (1st) anniversary, and has moved to The Monster in the West Village. What has it been like, being a part of that?
It’s super fun! Emi is so fucking on top of every detail. She sends out a multi-page email with every piece of information you could ever want, she has the lineup a month in advance sometimes, and the show is at a reasonable hour! Never underestimate how great it is to leave the gig at 10pm and still be able to go out afterwards... or even just go home, have dinner, and go to bed. Because of the way Gold Sounds is set up, I don’t actually do much DJ work if there aren’t drag queens on stage. But with A+ (and Annie Mae), I spend a significant amount of time actually DJing. That’s always fun. For both those shows, I play exclusively Jpop and Kpop (and would happily take suggestions for fun pop and dance music from throughout Asia! A cute boy suggested some Hindi pop songs at the most recent A+)
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And the next “Annie Mae” is October 7 at the Rosemont! That's a super geeky celebration of genre fan culture that Laé D. Boi produces. That must be right up your ally!
It is! I always choose anime movies or TV shows to screen during the party on top of DJing! This month the theme is Studio Ghibli, so I think I’m gonna be playing Princess Mononoke, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and either Pompoko or Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro. I’m pretty sure Sherry Poppins will bring one of her swords, too.
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So, your Ten Yards clothing line is all the rage! The sexy and colorful speedos are especially in demand! How did this come about?
I wanted to make bathing suits--made a few for myself. And then it felt like suddenly people started asking me to make them suits, and now here I am! A local bathing suit mogul. It’s been over four years, and all it took was saying “Sure, I can do that.” and then figuring it out.
How long does it take you to make a speedo now?
My first few took time, but I’m a fucking wizard now. Obviously with my arm it’s hard right now, but I can make a speedo from start to finish in about 35 minutes. Jockstraps are 27 minutes if I go at full speed!
And now you’re bringing us jewelry as well!
You can thank my mom for the jewelry! She made it all in the 80’s and early 90’s. I’m just the refurbishing squad. I’m actually photographing it right now, so I have a record of it, because most of it’s totally unique and once it is gone, it’s gone.
And much-belated congratulations on having your Fashions nominated for a Brooklyn Nightlife Award a few months back.
It was amazing to be nominated, and I knew I would lose to Florence or Diego because they’re both powerhouses! Luckily, Florence moved to Manhattan, so I have an entire year to snatch that brick from Diego’s beautiful and talented hands.
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Another thing to congratulate you on: being happily married! That may sound trite, but finding true love in the nightlife biz is damn hard. What’s your secret?
So, part of it is that we don’t live together, so I’m usually not disturbing him when I come home at 4am. And when we have problems, we talk it out! Erik’s also a lovely angel who supports me no matter what. He helps out whenever I have to sell shit, and buys fabric and zippers even if it makes him nervous. But he has a day job, so he’s only been able to come to three of my gigs in the five and a half years we’ve been together.
I also wasn’t working in nightlife when we met! That probably helps, too. He’s been there every step of the way as I’ve made the switch into nightlife and fashion design.
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Okay, do you have anything else you wanna plug or discuss before I ask the closer?
Nah, just a schedule recap for people who get lost in my rambling! STR8 To DVD: CANCELED is at Gold Sounds (44 Wilson Ave) on 9/28, we have shows at Midnight, and it costs $5-10. I’ll be at table C31 during DragCon (that’s the 28-30th at the Javits, ugh), Annie Mae: Ghibli is at The Rosemont on 10/07, and is free, I’ll be there at 10:30 to start the movies! See you there!
Finally: who would you really love to see in one of your speedos?
Anyone who wants a pair! But I wouldn’t say no to some Instagram thots with 30k+ followers, so long as they tag me.
Thanks, Ten!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for DJ Ten Yards’ upcoming gigs, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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minishgunslinger · 6 years
Lets get personal
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Come a little bit closer, Man Up, Fly me to the moon, Dustland Fairytale, Goodnight travel well, My way.
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
My Soul mate. 
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
Han had suggested more than once, that anyone who talked to her stomach was more than nuts.
4: What do you think about most?
What the hell am I doing with my life?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
I’ll get online and play Splatoon with you. 
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can play the Trombone 
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are pretty cool. 
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
3 years and 16 days ago...
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I don’t like my hands to be sticky....
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Yeah when I was a kid I put legos up there. 
13: What’s your religion?
I don’t believe in any kind of religion.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking Roland on a nice spring day
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
In front of it. 
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
The Killers 
17: What was the last lie you told?
I’m good. 
18: Do you believe in karma?
I don’t know, I think things just happen....
19: What does your URL mean?
I’m weird? 
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Greatest weakness? I wear my heart on my sleeve. My greatest strength? I care a lot about other people.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
The girl who voices Mabel from Gravity Falls. <3
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
No. I’m not a good swimmer. 
23: How do you vent your anger?
Go home and workout. 
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Doggy toys for Roland.
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video Chat. That way you can see all the little quirks of the person you’re chatting with. 
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
No. I feel like I’ve dropped the ball and dropped it hard. Not exactly the person I dreamed of becoming.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate alarm clocks :/ but I love the sound of fans spinning. 
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if I hadn’t ruined everything I’ve been serious with. 
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes to both. 
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Roland, and Roland. 
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
The Camelot Inn in Jasper Indiana. Lived there for 6 months. 
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
West Coast. 
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Lana Del Rey 
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
The achieve a state of happiness for more than one day. 
36: Define Art.
Anything that you can get lost in for a while. 
37: Do you believe in luck?
Yeah, and I have admittedly bad luck. 
38: What’s the weather like right now?
rainy and murky
39: What time is it?
3:17 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
41: What was the last book you read?
The Shape of Water. 
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Yep, reminds me of walking to the gas station with my best friend when I was younger. 
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Minish, Dr. Ragsdale, Curly haired guy who works at Walmart. 
44: What was the last film you saw?
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I broke my ankle when I was in 8th grade. It kinda hasn’t been the same since. 
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
No, I’d be too worried that I would kill it :(
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Marvel Comics :O
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I’m attracted to girls, but don’t have a problem admitting when a guy looks good. 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Yeah, plenty :(
50: Do you believe in magic?
Yeah, even though I have never had any of it successfully work. 
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Unfortunately yes. Even if what they did isn’t necessarily wrong....I’m learning to just forget and forgive....
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
Here lately I’ve been saving it...
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
Solo movie ticket
55: Love or lust?
Love...but all I can do is lust.
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
2 serious ones and a few non serious ones. 
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
Walmart Vision Center. 
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
Actually I am not. 
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I don’t know, I wish I did though :O
64: Where is your best friend?
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
Pennydread(I think That’s Ariel’s)
66: What is your heritage?
I don’t know...but I know we aren’t very successful. 
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Being stupid :/
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
Well yeah....but who hasn’t? 
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Honestly no. I have a bad habit of putting my problems onto others and I’m kinda needy. 
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Get fired. Duh. Who is gonna let a doggo die?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I would only tell a few folks...basically if I’m currently talking to you now I would let you know. I wouldn’t be afraid, just worried about who would look after Roland. Spend my last days with Roland making sure he is the happiest pupp alive. 
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Love :/ I’m such a hopeless romantic. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Friendship makes a great relationship. It’s the foundation of any loving relationship. If you can’t be friends, then I don’t know how you can be lovers. 
77: How can I win your heart?
Honestly at this point...just be a shoulder I can lean on. 
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Yeah...I guess...
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Getting a job in Optical. I absolutely love fitting glasses. 
80: What size shoes do you wear?
11 and a half 
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
He really liked Orange Juice. 
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
What can ya do?
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Wham bam Sham a long 
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
87: What is your current desktop picture?
A village in Japan. 
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Who are you in love with? 
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Go back to sleep. I do enjoy company from time to time...
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
To not be super tired anymore :D
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
My 21st Birthday, My dad took me to Applebees and bought me some awesome ribs and a shot of whiskey. 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
These past 6 months. 
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Lana Del Rey. 
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Washington State!
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Maybe? I don’t hear from my family often....
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
Yeah :/ It when I had asthma working around chemicals. The Doctor told me not to eat....and I ate....and it came back out. 
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yeah, it’s rad. 
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Love eachother, be kind and tell that guy or gal that you love em. It’ll make your day, make their day. Too many loves are lost and never told. 
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Beauty and the Beast
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1.I'm sure everything I'm going to say has already been said but yolo. 2. The Beast's castle is definitely one of my favorites. 3. Stained glass goals. 4. If Adam had until his twenty first birthday to fall in love, and this was ten years ago, then Adam was eleven when he was cursed. 5. Kids are bratty, but not they-deserve-to-be-cursed bratty. 6. And don't tell me they were frozen in time because then how would his twenty first birthday arrive? 7. I think "Belle" might be my favorite song on the soundtrack. Don't @ me. 8. These people are all singing about how strange she is in front of her face. 9. I would've told everyone off by now. 10. That's a lot of books and a large bookstore for a town where no one except Belle reads. 11. As an avid reader myself, I would not be offended by people telling me I always had my nose stuck in a book. 
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12. I was super upset that they took this scene with the sheep out of the live action version. It's so cute. 13. They just showed Gaston shooting a duck. I did not need to see that tbh. 14. I still can't believe that NO ONE in town can't or doesn't read. 15. "How can you read this, there's no pictures" lol and you want Belle to marry you, Gaston? 16. Honestly, I like this version of Maurice way better than his character in the live action. He's adorable. 17. I want Maurice to invent me something. 18. "Where have you taken us, Philippe" says Maurice who wanted to go down the dark and spooky path instead of the bright, lit path that Phillippe tried to drag him down. 19. Why are these wolves always hanging around outside the castle? Don't they have better places to find food than a place that no one comes out of? 20. I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't be mad if my furniture talked. Especially if I had a cup like Chip, the cutest character in the movie. 21. Cogsworth has always been amusing but who put him in charge? 22. Not letting a stranger in the house is what got you into this mess in the first place. Try being a little nicer, eh, Adam? 23. You can't just set up a wedding and expect Belle to say yes just because it's there. 24. If someone put their muddy feet on one of my books you best believe they wouldn't still be sitting there, let alone still talking. 25. Belle is handling this much better than I would. 26. Gaston is the worst kind of man. 27. Belle says she wants more than her provincial life and that she wants adventure but then marries Adam and stays in the castle. 
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28. Belle leaves the castle gate open so that the wolves can get in later. 29. This is how all horror movies start, Belle. Stop exploring the abandoned castle. 30. The Beast hesitates to let Belle stay even though she's a girl and can break the curse, as opposed to Maurice who is an old man and...cannot. 31. I don't believe that after all these years of built up anger, the Beast would even feel slightly bad about keeping Belle when he could've let her go. 32. "Gaston" is a very catchy song and I enjoy it. 33. Does he own this tavern? Or does the bar just let him decorate the place with his portrait and antlers cause they think he's awesome? 34. I know no one believes Maurice that Belle is locked away, but don't they think it's suspicious that she's missing? 35. Is it a coincidence that Mrs. Potts is named Potts or do you think she was turned into a teapot BECAUSE her name was Potts? 36. And I wonder what injury Chip had to relate to being chipped. Or if he was chipped as a cup what it would translate to when he's human. 37. And similarly to Mrs. Potts, was his name Chip before or was it a result of his cup being chipped? 38. This movie has the biggest plot holes of all the Disney movies. 39. "She's so beautiful and I'm...look at me." Well isn't that the point of the curse, Beast? That she doesn't care what you look like? 40. Sometimes the Beast runs on all fours and sometimes he walks like a person. This annoys me. 41. Belle started the revolution for independent bad ass Disney princesses. 42. I know the whole point was that Adam was arrogant and selfish but I'm sure he still remembers how to treat a lady. He's still a prince. 43. Even if he was only ten, he would've had etiquette lessons. 44. I want a talking wardrobe. It would stop me from looking like a twelve year old when I left the house. 45. Why are all of the enchanted objects the only French people in this entire French town? 46. I'm not gonna lie, if I were Belle, I'd let everyone stay enchanted. I mean, who wouldn't want dishes that move on their own or a stove that cooks for you? It's a lazy person's dream come true. 47. "Be Our Guest" is a fun song too and I like the dance sequence. Thank you, Alan Menken, for all you have done for Disney music. 48. Does anyone else think this song would make a great club banger if it were remixed? I'd dance to it. 
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49. After all of that, she didn't even eat. I would never let that food go to waste. 50. "If it's not baroque, don't fix it" all of these classic lines are cut from the live action and I didn't know I missed them until now. 51. Honestly, I'm a curious person too, and I'd definitely go up to the West Wing to explore. 52. The promise of a library would distract me more than my need to find out what was in the West Wing. 53. I still don't know why Belle would take the glass off. It's protected for a reason! 54. On the other hand, it IS enchanted, so nothing probably would've happened. 55. Look how easy it is for her to leave. 56. Was Philippe out there the whole time in this blizzard? That is not safe. 57. There really are a LOT of wolves in this forest. 58. The wolves waited until the Beast showed up to attack his gigantic self, instead of attacking a tiny girl when they had the chance. 59. Belle yelling at the Beast as he yells at her is so me. 60. She's not my favorite princess, but she is certainly the one I identify with the most. 61. Sorry, Gaston, but throwing Maurice in an insane asylum won't make her want to marry you more. 62. I want a puppy slash foot rest. It's the best of both worlds. 63. "I've never felt this way about anyone" says the Beast, who has we know was ten when cursed. And in that time, he has been a beast. So when would you have had time to fall in love? 64. Honestly a library would get me. Especially that one. It's freaking gorgeous. What I could do with a library like that. 
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65. Men, if you have a library, I'm available. 66. I wonder how long it's been. Has she been gone for a day? A week? I need answers. 67. I know he's been an animal for ten years but I'm sure he remembers how to use a spoon. 68. "Something There" is actually an adorable song. 69. Cogsworth says they have twelve hours to create the most romantic setting before the last petal falls, but there's no way the rest of the movie takes place in only twelve hours. 70. Why do only some of the objects in the castle have faces and can talk? 71. I have the extended edition with the bonus song "Human Again" and I highly recommend listening if you haven't heard it. 72. Does anyone else think it's a recipe for disaster that a candle is in love with a feather duster? The Enchantress is a troll.  73. There's like five petals left on the rose. I just feel like I should point that out. 74. "Beauty and the Beast" is yet another iconic song by Menken and the animation in this scene is absolutely gorgeous. 
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75. I wish I could pull off that kind of yellow without looking like a pasty child. 76. If I had a mirror that showed me what I wished to see, I would use to spy on Zac Efron. 77. Belle leaving doesn't necessarily mean she was never coming back, she just needs to go save her father real quick. 78. Also we already knew she loved him at this point so the curse should technically be broken. Maybe she has to say it. 79. The owner of the asylum is the creepiest man ever. 80. Maurice sees all these people mocking him yet still chooses to rant about the Beast. 81. I think it's cool that the only reason Gaston wants to go after the Beast is because Belle would rather fall in love with someone who looked like an animal than someone who was handsome. 82. This scene with all the furniture attacking the villagers is the best. 83. Chip saves the day and cements his place as my favorite character in this movie. 84. Gaston has a bow and arrow instead of the guns he talked about having which is great for us watching but not efficient for Gaston's plan. 85. This fight between Gaston and the Beast is seriously intense. 86. Fun fact: you can see skulls in Gaston's eyes as he falls off the tower. 
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87. Belle saying "it IS you!" is the dumbest freaking line in any Disney movie. HE CHANGED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. 88. God that part always annoyed me, especially because she knew he was cursed, saw his portrait as a human so she knows what he looks like, and, once again, changed right in front of her. She's not stupid and I'm not sure why the animators made her say that.                                                                             89. Sorry, I have a lot of feelings about this.  90. I wonder if Belle still would've chosen to kiss him if he was still covered in fur. 91. 10/10 would watch a movie of just Lumiere and Cogsworth. 92. I would ship Mrs. Potts and Maurice, not gonna lie.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
NEET, JEE row: Centre says majority of students want exams, but those from rural, flooded areas rue govt apathy
The Centre on Thursday indicated it was unwilling to reconsider its decision to hold the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test-Undergraduate (NEET-UG) and the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) despite raging criticism from the Opposition and protests from a section of students.
Even though no official confirmation was relayed, a section of the media quoted Ministry of Education Secretary as saying that the government will not rethink its decision to go ahead with the exam.
Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank also appeared to defend the government's move in several interactions with the media, without hinting at the possibility of reaching out to students protesting the move.
Pokhriyal insisted that the 'silent majority' was with the government as he said that he has received several emails from students and their parents insisting that the government should not let their preparations go to waste.
"Every day, I get innumerable mails from the silent majority. The parents and students say that they are under stress and preparing for exams for the last two to three years and that they don’t want a zero academic year. They have been seriously preparing for the exams since January and the past two years," he told the Hindustan Times on Wednesday.
The minister, on Thursday, also referred to the number of downloads of the admit cards to deduce that the 'majority of students' actually want to appear for the exam.
"National Testing Agency (NTA) officials told me that over 7 lakh candidates have downloaded JEE-Main admit cards while over 10 lakh aspirants have downloaded NEET admit cards. This shows that students want the exams be held at any cost," Pokhriyal said.
He also said that the government has added more centres for the student's convenience and to prevent overcrowding at centres. JEE exam centres have been increased to 660 from 570 while there are now 3,842 NEET centres, up from 2,546, the minister said, adding that 99 percent students have been allotted the centre of their choice.
The National Testing Agency, responsible for conducting the exams, has also laid out a litany of guidelines to ensure that proper health norms are followed at exam centres,
However, these measures appear to address only part of the problem that the protesting students have raised.
The centres — even after the addition of fresh ones in wake of coronavirus — lie in roughly 150 cities across India, whereas the country has over 760 districts and hundreds other towns and villages.
As students vociferously oppose the government's move, many of them point out that it is not the fear of coronavirus, but the practical difficulties of arranging transport and stay that is forcing them to seek postponement of exams.
Education website Career 360 compiled responses from its readers, and those demanding the postponement of the two exams say that the COVID-19 pandemic and the flood situation in various parts of the country has created unforeseen problems for them.
Hence, getting a centre of their choice doesn't really solve the problem of transport and stay.
A coronavirus survivor wrote:
"I’m one of the NEET aspirants writing to you who had COVID-19 and recovered. I am in full support of either postponing or cancelling these exams because after having survived this virus, I want the parents and students to be safe. I want to let them know that this is real, it’s scary and it’s deadly. I would never want to sit in an exam that would decide my future having known how this disease almost took my life. I do understand the consequences of not conducting these exams, but nothing, nothing matters more than life especially when you could be putting more than one life at risk."
Another reader from Bihar narrates the ordeal faced by students who either live in states with rivers still under spate, or were recently hit by floods:
"I live in Bihar and the flood condition is worsening day by day. Electricity problem is the main issue for us. NEET is not an easy exam to prepare for. I used to study for 14 to 15 hours which has now reduced to two to three hours and it's not sufficient. Same is for other states which are affected by floods."
Student's reactions poured out on Twitter as well, where several journalists also reported on problems faced by the candidates.
A News18 journalist cited the example of a student who has to appear for two exams and he has been allotted centres in different districts for both. The JEE aspirant's first exam for B.Tech ends at 6.30 pm on Day 1 and the next exam starts at 7.40 am the next day.
"After sitting in 1st exam for 5 hours with mask, I would have to travel 3 hours overnight to give 2nd exam," the student is quoted as saying.
Another student tweeted tagging Pokhriyal saying that the public transport has not yet resumed in his area and he does not have access to private vehicle to reach the exam centre. Even if he has been granted the centre of his choice, he says he has no means to reach there because of the prevailing situation.
A student from Jammu and Kashmir tweeted a video showing the flooding in her area and asked the government if she is expected to swim to the centre which is 82 kilometres from her home.
I'm from J&K and last night whole area near my house got flooded. How am i gonna go to the exam centre now? I can't swim and my exam centre is 82kms away.#PostponeJEENEET_Today#postponeNEETandJEE#PostponeJEE_NEETinCOVID#AntiStudentNarendraModi#StudentLivesMatter#NEET#JEEpic.twitter.com/KN5bMXciVr
— Nancy Sharma (@NeetuBa39240540) August 27, 2020
A student also refuted Pokhriyal's claim that the number of downloads of admit card is an indicator of the number of students supporting the exam.
The student wrote on Twitter:
"The actual reason to download admit cards is to see our centres & it's distance. As Edu. Min., he should at least know that we can't see our centres until and unless we download them. It doesn't mean we want it. After seeing the distance, we want to postpone it in this situation (sic)."
Another journalist with The Hindu highlighted the problems faced by women candidates residing in rural areas. The journalist posted messages from a student from rural West Bengal who said that places like Murshidabad and Malda are still inundated while public transport has not resumed yet.
The student also pointed out the fact that in order to take the exam at a centre 250 kilometres away from her home, she will have to reach a day before the exam, and also arrange for accommodation, which are unaffordable for her family.
Another candidate from rural Uttar Pradesh told the journalist that her parents are reluctant to let women travel alone in these times when transport is sparse.
Many girls from rural areas might end up dropping out of the exam because it was impossible for them to reach to the nearest centre, the candidate said.
Students also pointed out that the limited number of buses and trains mean overcrowding in public transport which puts candidates at risk of the infection even if the government manages to maintain social distancing and sanitation norms at the test centres.
Around 8.58 lakh candidates have registered for JEE (Main) and 15.97 lakh students have registered for NEET.
These exams have already been deferred twice in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
The JEE (Main) was originally scheduled to be held from 7-11 April, but was postponed to 18-23 July; NEET-UG was originally scheduled for 3 May, but was pushed to 26 July. They were postponed again and are now scheduled in September.
While the NEET is scheduled to be held on 13 September, engineering entrance exam JEE (Main) has been planned from 1 to 6 September.
With inputs from PTI
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f4liveblogarchives · 7 years
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #99
Sun March 18 2018 [22:47:17] <Wackd> I want to appreciate three things about this. One: Ben is practicing skiing by standing stationary in skis in front of a mirror. Two: Ben intends to go skiing without even the pretense of winter wear. Three: Reed is surprised by this display, which means we have no idea where the massive Kirby skis came from.
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[22:48:53] <Wackd> Unfortunately, it looks like it'll be a while before we see Ben ski for real, because he needs to cancel on Alicia. [22:49:20] <Wackd> Johnny, who I a few issues back was praising for being somehow the most emotionally mature member of the team, is now going to attack the Inhumans by himself to get Crystal back. [22:50:13] <Wackd> I will remind you that, uh, Crystal was not actually abducted by the Inhumans. (I mean, I suspect Kirby's art meant to communicate she was--Medusa hair-grabs her--but her dialogue suggests otherwise.) [22:50:33] <Duraz> at first I was going to suggest that Reed made the skis, but he seems as confused as everyone else [22:50:39] <maxwellelvis> Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone? [22:50:57] <Wackd> Anyway, Reed and Sue have to cancel their quiet day in with the baby, and now the three of them are going to go save Johnny from himself. [22:52:19] <Wackd> Johnny, meanwhile, is exhausted from flying all the way to the Inhumans' hideout, and decides to take refuge in...a cave in the Himalayas. [22:52:46] <Duraz> uh [22:52:49] <Wackd> We saw him fly over plenty of places where he coulda just, y'know, booked a hotel room, but okay Johnny. You do you. [22:52:58] <Duraz> WHERE are the Inhumans? [22:53:20] <Wackd> Johnny identifies the Eiffel Tower as the halfway mark between NYC and the Inhumans. [22:54:22] <Duraz> good heavens [22:54:28] <Duraz> I always thought that they were just below NY [22:54:40] <maxwellelvis> That's the Morlocks [22:55:01] <Wackd> Okay, so the Inhumans are 3.6k miles to the East of the Eiffel Tower. [22:55:28] <maxwellelvis> Normally the Inhumans live on the Moon, unless that's not been established yet. [22:58:50] <Wackd> This is me very roughly ballparking it, but it looks like the Inhumans are somewhere around Kazakhstan ? [22:59:24] <Duraz> never would have called that [22:59:39] <Wackd> I mean, it's up for debate if Stan and Jack know that. [22:59:52] <Wackd> It's just me roughing out what's 3.6k miles to the east of France. [23:00:27] <maxwellelvis> Johnny, if you see a man with a mustache and a bad suit giving you a thumbs up, you're going in the right direction [23:00:39] <Duraz> sounds pretty remote in any case [23:00:48] <Duraz> like from anywhere in whatever country it is [23:04:21] <Wackd> So, if we take Johnny at his word that France is halfway between NYC and Inhuman territory for a one-way trip of 7,200 miles, Johnny has now overshot by 2,500 miles.
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[23:04:58] <maxwellelvis> Oh yeah, I forgot he was in the Himalayas [23:05:05] <Duraz> he must be bad at math [23:05:21] <Duraz> he could probably have taken a plane? [23:05:59] <Wackd> Yeah, he's probably bad at math. Or rather the writers are. [23:06:10] <Duraz> good distinction [23:06:11] <Wackd> Because the alternative is that he seriously missed his stop. [23:06:22] <Duraz> or Marvel Earth has wonky geography due to all the fictitious locations [23:07:01] <Wackd> I'm sure some supervillain tried to move the Himalayas at some point and maybe partially succeeded. [23:07:29] <Duraz> we have stuff going down in the Himalayas in our comics universe! [23:07:36] <Wackd> So, as Johnny falls asleep in a cave, which was a totally necessary thing for him to do, he is attacked by a monster who proclaims him an "outsider". [23:08:30] <Wackd> Johnny starts to attack with his flame, which confuses the monster, who then decides that he's NOT an outsider after all. [23:08:46] <Wackd> MONSTER: Are you mad? Why do you so savagely attack your fellow Inhumans? [23:09:02] <Wackd> JOHNNY (thinking): Inhumans?! Then--I've *already* reached my goal! [23:09:38] <Wackd> Okay, okay. Hang the fuck on. [23:09:38] <maxwellelvis> *Always Sunny music* Johnny Finds The Wrong Inhumans [23:09:58] <Wackd> So it's not that Johnny fucking. Is bad at math. Or missed his stop. [23:10:15] <Wackd> It's that his plan, evidently, was to fly around until he stumbled upon them. [23:10:48] <Wackd> He's just an idiot. [23:11:17] <Wackd> JOHNNY: Even though she went of her own free will--we belong to each other--and no one will keep us apart! [23:11:41] <Wackd> Okay, so we ARE remembering that Crystal left of her own volition, and the entire point of this story is that Johnny is a stupid jerk. Got it. [23:13:23] <Wackd> Case in point--he spends two pages wrecking all the Inhumans' shit, and THEN demands that they hold their fire and demands an audience with the royal family, which they have to grant him by law. [23:13:33] <Wackd> Coulda led with that, Johnny. [23:14:01] <Duraz> thanks for reminding us, story [23:14:49] <Wackd> Johnny storms into the Inhuman throne room where he claims the royal family is "waiting to take him on" and that Crystal has been "brainwashed". [23:15:26] <Wackd> Meanwhile none of them actually attack him until he starts shit. [23:16:24] <maxwellelvis> Any time the others want to show up and tackle him would be fine by me. [23:17:06] <Wackd> It goes well for him for a bit, until he threatens to burn the entire palace down, at which point Medusa reveals that they've been going easy on him because he's Crystal's boyfriend and guess what? If he's gonna be THAT big of a jerk then fuck that. [23:18:03] <maxwellelvis> Cut to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvJeATp31dw [23:18:04] <maxwellelvis> Please? [23:19:31] <Wackd> Before they can really give him the business, though, Crystal decides, you know what? Actually, she DOES want to take sides here. [23:19:58] <Wackd> And the side she's choosing is that Johnny is a "poor blind fool" for thinking that she had no hand in this decision. [23:20:40] <Wackd> Johnny, for some reason, thinks this means that Crystal never really cared about him. [23:20:52] <Wackd> So Crystal fucking blasts him. [23:22:10] <Wackd> Actually this whole page is fucking awesome so I'm screencapping it.
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[23:24:08] <Wackd> Okay, so, here's where Johnny SERIOUSLY goes overboard and, like, jesus fucking christ. [23:24:19] <Wackd> I think he might have actually ceased to be remotely sympathetic. [23:24:47] <Wackd> Johnny's decided he's gonna burn the entire Inhuman village down. [23:25:09] <Wackd> And we see him ACTUALLY ABOUT TO DO IT before the other three show up to stop him. [23:25:18] <maxwellelvis> I was worried you were going to say he's charging up to do that supernova thing. [23:25:35] <maxwellelvis> REED! Thank you for introducing me to a new experience -- being glad to see you. [23:26:19] <Wackd> Johnny is angered even further and starts trying to set fire to Reed and Ben, only being prevented from doing so by one of Sue's force fields. [23:26:36] <Duraz> jeez [23:26:49] <Duraz> also, good to see her nullifying one teammate to protect two more [23:26:57] <Duraz> better showing than I'd expect them to give her [23:27:04] <maxwellelvis> And her brother no less. [23:27:42] <Wackd> SUE: What's happened to you? How can you love Crystal when you act like a spoiled child, willing to harm anyone who gets in your way? [23:27:57] <maxwellelvis> I can't see what you're seeing so for a moment I was genuinely worried he was about to attack Sue next. [23:28:07] <Wackd> He doesn't, thank god. [23:28:19] <Wackd> Sue manages to talk him down with her little speech. [23:28:26] <maxwellelvis> Good. He's at least THAT in control. [23:29:01] <maxwellelvis> But GEEZE. This little stunt, I wouldn't blame BB and Medusa if they pretty much severed ALL ties with the FF over this. [23:30:01] <Wackd> And with Johnny calm, Crystal can finally explain that Black Bolt had an ailment that basically required her to be on call as a human defibrulator until medicine could be procured. [23:31:32] <Wackd> So this is completely fucking unearned.
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[23:32:26] <Wackd> Johnny wasn't just handling a long-distance relationship poorly. He took a perfectly reasonable leave of absence personally, never found out why it happened, accused his girlfriend of being brainwashed, attacked her family, and was about to nuke her home. [23:32:51] <Wackd> But yeah, no, they're cool, I guess. [23:32:51] <maxwellelvis> And then attacked HIS family. [23:33:31] <Wackd> Man actually how many fucking times has Johnny seen his sister, brother-in-law, and best friend almost die? [23:33:55] <Wackd> Add this to what is apparently becoming a LIST of characters reacting with no sympathy to situations they themselves are in all the dang time. [23:35:21] <Wackd> Oh hey, here's a nice touch I noticed, in case a given reader was inclined to take Johnny's side and believe that Crystal never cared about him. Instead of her default outfit, she spends this entire story in her Fantastic Four duds. [23:35:33] <Wackd> That'd be sweet if Johnny deserved such a show of devotion. [23:38:02] <Maxwell_Elvis> Man, if only there was some way to have her return it as a symbol that it's over between her and Johnny that wouldn't be impossible to happen in real time. [23:38:30] <Maxwell_Elvis> Because that's probably one thing that'd happen if this were me writing it. [23:39:26] <Maxwell_Elvis> Then the thing about the Inhumans and Fantastic Four's relationship becoming very strained, and they certainly won't welcome them any time soon, not so long as Johnny Storm is among them [23:39:53] <Duraz> it is revealed that they broke up, and, say, Spider-Man is all, "Aren't you upset?"  "No, I really earned that." [23:40:46] <Wackd> It'd be nice to have at least a moment on-par with the one where Spidey remembers the time he got all Randian. [23:40:52] <Wackd> "God I hate myself." [23:41:34] <Maxwell_Elvis> and either on the flight back to New York or after, Johnny would probably earn an earful from Reed and Sue and maybe Ben for pulling this stupid stunt. [23:41:52] <Maxwell_Elvis> Just make it clear that he's WAY In the dog house for this. [23:42:16] <Wackd> Well, it looks like we won't have time for that, because guess what issue opens with Reed, Sue, Johnny, Ben, and Crystal's ship being shot down as they leave Inhuman territory? [23:42:26] <Wackd> That's right, it's FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 1 NO 100 [23:43:14] <Duraz> no rest for the stupid
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
The Centre on Thursday indicated it was unwilling to reconsider its decision to hold the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test-Undergraduate (NEET-UG) and the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) despite raging criticism from the Opposition and protests from a section of students. Even though no official confirmation was relayed, a section of the media quoted Ministry of Education Secretary as saying that the government will not rethink its decision to go ahead with the exam. Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank also appeared to defend the government's move in several interactions with the media, without hinting at the possibility of reaching out to students protesting the move. Pokhriyal insisted that the 'silent majority' was with the government as he said that he has received several emails from students and their parents insisting that the government should not let their preparations go to waste. "Every day, I get innumerable mails from the silent majority. The parents and students say that they are under stress and preparing for exams for the last two to three years and that they don’t want a zero academic year. They have been seriously preparing for the exams since January and the past two years," he told the Hindustan Times on Wednesday. The minister, on Thursday, also referred to the number of downloads of the admit cards to deduce that the 'majority of students' actually want to appear for the exam. "National Testing Agency (NTA) officials told me that over 7 lakh candidates have downloaded JEE-Main admit cards while over 10 lakh aspirants have downloaded NEET admit cards. This shows that students want the exams be held at any cost," Pokhriyal said. He also said that the government has added more centres for the student's convenience and to prevent overcrowding at centres. JEE exam centres have been increased to 660 from 570 while there are now 3,842 NEET centres, up from 2,546, the minister said, adding that 99 percent students have been allotted the centre of their choice. The National Testing Agency, responsible for conducting the exams, has also laid out a litany of guidelines to ensure that proper health norms are followed at exam centres, However, these measures appear to address only part of the problem that the protesting students have raised. The centres — even after the addition of fresh ones in wake of coronavirus — lie in roughly 150 cities across India, whereas the country has over 760 districts and hundreds other towns and villages. As students vociferously oppose the government's move, many of them point out that it is not the fear of coronavirus, but the practical difficulties of arranging transport and stay that is forcing them to seek postponement of exams. Education website Career 360 compiled responses from its readers, and those demanding the postponement of the two exams say that the COVID-19 pandemic and the flood situation in various parts of the country has created unforeseen problems for them. Hence, getting a centre of their choice doesn't really solve the problem of transport and stay. A coronavirus survivor wrote: "I’m one of the NEET aspirants writing to you who had COVID-19 and recovered. I am in full support of either postponing or cancelling these exams because after having survived this virus, I want the parents and students to be safe. I want to let them know that this is real, it’s scary and it’s deadly. I would never want to sit in an exam that would decide my future having known how this disease almost took my life. I do understand the consequences of not conducting these exams, but nothing, nothing matters more than life especially when you could be putting more than one life at risk." Another reader from Bihar narrates the ordeal faced by students who either live in states with rivers still under spate, or were recently hit by floods: "I live in Bihar and the flood condition is worsening day by day. Electricity problem is the main issue for us. NEET is not an easy exam to prepare for. I used to study for 14 to 15 hours which has now reduced to two to three hours and it's not sufficient. Same is for other states which are affected by floods." Student's reactions poured out on Twitter as well, where several journalists also reported on problems faced by the candidates. A News18 journalist cited the example of a student who has to appear for two exams and he has been allotted centres in different districts for both. The JEE aspirant's first exam for B.Tech ends at 6.30 pm on Day 1 and the next exam starts at 7.40 am the next day. "After sitting in 1st exam for 5 hours with mask, I would have to travel 3 hours overnight to give 2nd exam," the student is quoted as saying. Another student tweeted tagging Pokhriyal saying that the public transport has not yet resumed in his area and he does not have access to private vehicle to reach the exam centre. Even if he has been granted the centre of his choice, he says he has no means to reach there because of the prevailing situation. A student from Jammu and Kashmir tweeted a video showing the flooding in her area and asked the government if she is expected to swim to the centre which is 82 kilometres from her home. I'm from J&K and last night whole area near my house got flooded. How am i gonna go to the exam centre now? I can't swim and my exam centre is 82kms away.#PostponeJEENEET_Today#postponeNEETandJEE#PostponeJEE_NEETinCOVID#AntiStudentNarendraModi#StudentLivesMatter#NEET#JEEpic.twitter.com/KN5bMXciVr — Nancy Sharma (@NeetuBa39240540) August 27, 2020 A student also refuted Pokhriyal's claim that the number of downloads of admit card is an indicator of the number of students supporting the exam. The student wrote on Twitter: "The actual reason to download admit cards is to see our centres & it's distance. As Edu. Min., he should at least know that we can't see our centres until and unless we download them. It doesn't mean we want it. After seeing the distance, we want to postpone it in this situation (sic)." Another journalist with The Hindu highlighted the problems faced by women candidates residing in rural areas. The journalist posted messages from a student from rural West Bengal who said that places like Murshidabad and Malda are still inundated while public transport has not resumed yet. The student also pointed out the fact that in order to take the exam at a centre 250 kilometres away from her home, she will have to reach a day before the exam, and also arrange for accommodation, which are unaffordable for her family. Another candidate from rural Uttar Pradesh told the journalist that her parents are reluctant to let women travel alone in these times when transport is sparse. Many girls from rural areas might end up dropping out of the exam because it was impossible for them to reach to the nearest centre, the candidate said. Students also pointed out that the limited number of buses and trains mean overcrowding in public transport which puts candidates at risk of the infection even if the government manages to maintain social distancing and sanitation norms at the test centres. Around 8.58 lakh candidates have registered for JEE (Main) and 15.97 lakh students have registered for NEET. These exams have already been deferred twice in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The JEE (Main) was originally scheduled to be held from 7-11 April, but was postponed to 18-23 July; NEET-UG was originally scheduled for 3 May, but was pushed to 26 July. They were postponed again and are now scheduled in September. While the NEET is scheduled to be held on 13 September, engineering entrance exam JEE (Main) has been planned from 1 to 6 September. With inputs from PTI // // ]]>
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