#which the game keeps saying it was a three year timeskip from the end of seven but it was 2021 in game
hey so i saw the despicable me 4 trailer and i have a very specific beef with it that's making me insane
so, like, disclaimer, i havent watched any of the minion cinematic universe movies since despicable me 2 came out... holy fuck eleven years ago, jesus christ. but anyway i'm probably gonna get minute details wrong but like hold with me a second
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so idr when despicable me 2 takes place in regards to the first film. from what i remember, agnes was having issues with not having a conventional nuclear family for mother's day so this implies it's the first mother's day that the girls have had in gru's household. i'm pretty sure that the first movie took place during the summer-ish, and iirc the second movie is also summer (fitting with my "roughly may" estimate) so we'll say like eight-ish months have passed since the first film. no big deal, right?
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so then at the end of the film gru and kristen wiig get married but the timecard states that it's "147 dates later." i doubt they went on a date every single day leading up to the wedding but if we're assuming the date list also covers the engagement and wedding prep period, that's at the VERY VERY least one-hundred and forty-seven days after the events of the film. so with the timeskip at the beginning, that puts us at well over a year since the first film, thirteen months minimum
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okay so the third film from my research doesn't state how long it takes after the wedding. so again, let's be generous and say that it's not too long after. i'm pretty sure the film itself takes place over a couple of days so we'll ignore its place in the continuity for now. that brings us to movie number four, which just got a trailer and just revealed a new player in the game
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so gru and kristen wiig have a new biological child. this kid is old enough to move and emote, which puts him at 7-12 months old if he's able to crawl. let's again be generous and say it's seven months. assuming that human reproduction works the same as it does in our universe, and again being generous as hell and assuming that lucy may have been pregnant through the third film or right after the wedding, we have to add nine months to all this. so from the first film, we have ~8 month timeskip, then a 147-day minimum timeskip, then let's say 16 months to get to the baby being able to crawl. again, this is absolute bare minimum, and we still get to a conclusion of it's been roughly 29 months since the first film, or 2.5 years.
so okay. two-and-a-half years since the first film.
so then why the everloving fuck are the girls the same. fucking. AGE??
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how have these motherfuckers not aged a fucking day??? they haven't grown a goddamn inch. it should have been, again, 2.5 years minimum, more likely 3-4 years if we're being realistic.
and to double check my work, i went on the despicable me wiki and found that they also put movie 4 at a three-year timeskip from the first movie, specifically putting margo at 10 in the first movie and 13 in the fourth, edith at 8-11, and agnes at 5-8; their main source is margo being stated to be 12 in the third movie, and her sisters' relative ages being provided by tweet, so even then this is, again, bare minimum on timeskip. and not only have these motherfuckers not changed style one fucking time, but they haven't changed height, weight, anything. agnes has hit eight years old and is the same height as the tiny-ass fucking minions. edith's hat still fits. margo should be in high school and she looks the same as she did three goddamn years ago
what kind of motherfucking witchcraft is the gru family using to keep themselves young??? they said gru stopped being evil but are we sure there isn't some vampire blood rituals happening in the minion basement
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make them a new character model. please god
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ballblender · 1 year
“One bed!?"
Kagami Taiga x Manager!Reader
(Saw a list of generic romance tropes and couldn’t help myself)
cw: sfw, fluff + comedy (except i’m not funny), timeskip match predictions, kagami being an awkward giant, the one bed trope, aged up (kagami and reader are both 18 after the interhigh), manga ending (kagami stays in japan in the manga, unlike the movie)
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The last two years were, a lot to say the least. Not only had the Vorpal Swords taken off shortly after the match against Jabberwock, but with the permanent addition of Kagetora as manager of the Seirin basketball team, Kagami had a lot on his plate.
It was difficult when the second, or should I say third, years graduated. The reliance and foundation built between them was one not easily replaced. Additionally, despite the newfound popularity of the team, it stayed relatively small. Inevitably, this led to Seirin’s defeat in the Interhigh.
With the Winter Cup in sight, he really just wanted to feel that glory again, winning with his old Serin teammates.
And he did, thanks to your help. As a younger friend of Riko, you had asked to be the manager for Seirin after hearing of their loss in the Interhigh, and given your friendship with their old coach, the team was in no position to refuse your offer.
And upon seeing the results that your suggestions produced, they were ready to keep you by any means possible.
By the time the Winter Cup came around, it was as if Seirin was a new team entirely; their coordination and plays were extremely effective against teams of any caliber, and the bonds between the members ensured their success.
It was also because of this display that Kagami found himself becoming increasingly drawn to you, for reasons made clear to him by Kuroko.
"You like her don't you?"
"WHAT? I DO NOT- i do."
"Yeah, I thought so."
And so the saga began. Kagami would start to grow more and more awkward around you. This caused a bit of a problem, as you began to think that he was getting sidetracked, and as the most powerful player on the team, causing the other players efforts to go to waste slightly.
It only got worse when you took him to the side to speak with him alone, and expressed your concern for his lack of concentration. He just stuttered and wasn't sure how to respond.
"Kagami, I seriously need you to listen to me..."
"I-i understand...I'll do m-my best for you and the team."
Out of nowhere, you hugged him tightly, which caught him completely off guard.
"I'm glad you understand..."
After practice that day, Kagami felt so light.
The night before the final against Rakuzan, the team, thanks to the school's newly increased budget (and a little pocket change from Riko), decided to stay at a nearby hotel with a gym so that they could get some morning training in before the big game.
However, upon arrival at the front desk, you ran into a problem.
"B-but I swear I booked 7 rooms..."
"I'm sorry, but there are only 6 listed here..."
You sigh.
"Are there any rooms available?"
"Yes, however there is only one bed opposed to the three in the other 6."
"...it's fine, i'll take it, sorry for the trouble, and thank you."
You walk over to the lobby, where the other members are waiting to get into their rooms.
"What took so long? Was there a problem with our rooms?" Kuroko asks.
"There was actually...so one of you will have to stay with me in a different roo-"
"Kagami will do it."
"K-Kuroko! Don't just say that!" Kagami whisper-yells, face turning redder each word.
The other members shrug in agreement, wanting to be in their own shared rooms to be able to freely discuss whatever they wanted without the eyes of their manager watching over them.
Kagami learns pretty quickly that trying to fight is useless. It's adorable, you think to yourself. The team heads up to their block of rooms, while you and Kagami take a different route to your room.
It looks like you forgot to tell him one detail though...
"One bed!?"
"Yeah, I hope that's okay... Unless any of the other guys let you sleep with them in their beds, we have to share."
Before you can even utter another word, Kagami is zooming across the hotel to the other players' rooms, knocking on each door.
Unfortunately for Kagami, with his size comes consequences. None of the other players wanted to share their already small beds with the biggest player on their team, even Kuroko.
"Y/N is smaller than me, sharing a bed should be no issue for the two of you." Kuroko states.
Kagami just lies on the floor, burying his red face in his hands.
A knock on the door is heard by the others, and they open the door.
"Hey, have you guys seen Kaga- oh, there he is."
At the sound of your voice, Kagami springs up, wiping the dust and lint off of himself.
"Y-Y/N! I-i..."
Knowing that letting him resist and even just speak anymore would result in Kagami most likely passing out, Kuroko says,
"Kagami was just about to go back to your room, he just needed to borrow some deodorant. He's forgetful like that."
Kagami shoots Kuroko a death-glare, in a way that screams "Are you my wingman or what!?"
You nod in acknowledgement and turn to Kagami, smiling "That's okay, just get back soon!"
The moment you leave,
"Ow-ow-ow...what was that for...?" says Kuroko, Kagami's hands digging into his shoulders.
Kagami just stares at him with desperate eyes.
"Come on Kuroko...let me stay with you..."
"That's perfect, say that to Y/N and you guys will be dating in no time."
"...You're the worst..."
You lay on the bed, sprawled out, tapping through all of the outdated TV channels logged into the hotel's TV. (a/n needed to add this to rant: WHY ARE ALL HOTEL ROOM TV CHANNELS OLD AND PIXELATED IT DRIVES ME INSANE)
"...G-got any room for me...?"
You spring up in shock, and notice Kagami standing at the door, blushing like mad, avoiding eye contact.
You roll to the side and pat the other half meant for Kagami.
"I guess the others didn't let you sleep in their beds."
"...y-yeah..." Kagami squeaks, as he feels your shoulder touch his.
You, of course, are not oblivious to his feelings. It was bugging you that Kagami seemingly avoided you whenever you tried to talk to him, but the rosy cheeks and unintentional voice cracks whenever he'd try to talk to you.
May as well see where this goes...
You intentionally brush your thigh up against his under the guise of reaching for the remote on the other side.
You giggle, noticing his tiny sounds. It's truly unbelievable that such a big player's demeanour can be reduced to a mouse's under the right circumstances.
"Hm? What's wrong?" you ask, though, you know exactly what you're doing to him.
You decide to let it go, especially since Kagami looks like he'd explode if you pestered him any longer.
As the time passes, you decide to ask Kagami, "Are you ready to sleep now?"
He was trying his best until this point, he was. But the thing he'd been...dreading? Anticipating? Whatever it was, he was not prepared.
The moment you switch off the lights, you're met with Kagami's arms hugging you tightly.
"K-Kagami what-"
It's warm. His embrace makes you feel safe. You decide not to speak again, and instead, you both fall asleep, comforted by each other's warmth.
sorry this is out so late LOL
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his-saiko · 2 years
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If it’s not us in the end, I’ll stop myself from loving again. If it’s not us in the end, should I stop myself from loving you?
timeskip!characters [Bokuto, Ushijima, Oikawa, Tsukishima]
inspired by @quirrrky's post
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“Kou, I don’t think I can do this anymore…” You confessed to him with your head hung low tears threatening to fall. You wiped your eyes but that didn’t stop them in the slightest.
You felt his huge arms envelop you. You heard him sniff and felt him trembling. His usual cheery self is not here for this moment. He tightened his hug and buried his face on your shoulder, drenching it with his own tears. “It-It’s okay…” he stammered as he said your name. “I… I understand.” He sincerely said.
You hugged Bokuto for the last time. “I’m sorry, Kou.” You cried.
“No, no.” Bokuto broke off from the hug and wiped your tears. “I should be saying that.” He chuckled through his tears. “Just take care of yourself, okay?”
You nodded. “I’ll still watch your games.”
He smiled. “Sure.” You both gave each other a hug one last time before parting ways.
You focused on yourself for a while. The first time you saw each other again is during a game with MSBY against the Adlers. You noticed how he matured, how he was different from the last time you saw each other.
Bokuto saw a glimpse of you after the game. He was about to call you to celebrate the win with you when he saw you with someone else. His shoulders dropped but he still couldn’t help but smile when he saw your smile, your laugh. It was something he always loved about you and it still is.
“Bokuto-san?” Hinata called out to his teammate. He peeked around only to see Bokuto crying while keeping a smile on his face.
“At least, they're happy now, right?” Bokuto asked. “ But I wish it was still me making them smile like that.”
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You asked Ushijima to talk after their practice. You walked to a spot where you both can have privacy. “Toshi… I don’t think we’re gonna work out.”
Ushijima hummed. “Are you tired?”
You shook your head. “I’m just really unsure of everything.” You bit your lip. “I know this isn’t something you wanted to deal with. I also don’t want to hold you back.”
Ushijima was quiet as he reflected on your words. “I see…” He exhaled. “Is there something I could have done for you?”
You nervously chuckled and scratched your head. “To be honest, I kind of wish you spoke your mind more. I couldn’t really understand what you were thinking and I couldn’t help but feel insecure about it.”
Ushijima hummed. “I understand. It’s getting late. I should take you home.”
“Oh, okay.” The both of you walked beside each other in silence. You wished each other a good night before you went in your dorm. You dragged your feet to your bedroom and slowly took your place on your bed. The tears you thought you never gonna come made themselves known.
You wake up early out of habit and got ready for the day, you left your dorm and saw Ushijima by the entrance. You tilted your head at the curious sight, debating to yourself whether you should talk to him or not. “Toshi?”
Ushijima greeted you.
“Are you waiting for someone?” “Yes.” He nodded. “You.” “Did you… did need something?” “No. I came here to walk you to class.” “Oh, I see.”
Nothing much has changed between the two of you. He walks you to and from your dorms and calls you out if you forget something. Even giving you some of his food if you were still hungry after eating your lunch. The two of you stayed as good friends along with Tendou.
The three of you separated after high school and after years. Tendou called you to come to Paris in which you excitedly agreed to do so. You catch them doing a documentary. After that, you gave the two of them a hug. The three of you caught up with each other until your husband came to pick you up. You introduced your husband to them and said goodbye.
Ushijima watched you as you leave them. He could only sigh and hang his head low at the sight of you being happy with someone else and Tendou could only put his hand on Ushijima’s shoulder and comfort him.
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“Tooru, I really think we should break up.” You huffed your words laced with exhaustion. “What?! Why?!” He protested. “Tooru, I just can’t help but feel so lonely but I don’t want you to stop doing what you love.” “N-no. Babe, we can-we can work this out.” His voice cracked at the end of his sentence.
You smiled gently and shook your head. “Tooru, I don’t want to stop you from playing volleyball. I know how much this means to you. I just…” - you shrugged - “want to prioritize me too.”
“We don’t need to break up over this! Look, I’ll-I’ll make this work out. I can- I can change my schedule-”
You laughed and let the tears fall down your head. “C'mon, Tooru… We both know that we’re both stubborn. I’m just more so than you…” Your voice croaked. “And I’m tired of being alone even with you. I love you… but you love volleyball a bit more than me. And I can’t compete with that.” You picked up your bags and left without looking back even when Oikawa tried to stop you.
He proceeded with his day like nothing happened but when alone he would always find himself on your profile to check on you. He would stay up late just so he could see your face and your smile. He drowned himself in practising volleyball until he became numb.
He finally broke down on his bed one night when he saw you marrying someone else.
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He didn’t know what to do. He looked into your eyes and understood how serious you were about separating for good. You said goodbye and walked away. He can only watch you go farther and farther away from him.
He wanted to chase you. He does. But… he respects you more than anything in this world. He just couldn’t bring himself to contradict your decision.
He loves you more than anything.
This is normal, right? For things to end? But why does it have to be you?
His teammates would notice the small changes in him after you left him and couldn’t do anything but give him space. He is harder on himself thinking that he wasn’t able to do enough for you. He could only replay in his head the arguments you had to understand where it all went wrong but even if he finds out, you’re already gone. It’s already too late.
He knew about misunderstandings. He anticipated the arguments. But he still lost you. What was the point of all this then? He was ready to lose for you but he was never ready to lose you. You both know the two of you were inexperienced with relationships but was everything so useless all along? Was he so useless all this time?
What was he supposed to do? To come so far only to lose you. What next?
If it’s not you… then what? If it’s not you… then it’s no one.
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a/n: it really hurts when you have to sit with the pain of losing someone who's not meant for you
© 2022 Alfi. Do not repost any of my work
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
How do you handle travel time in Azeroth for your writings? The game lets you take a ship or zeppelin to a whole other continent faster than you can fly a hippogryph to the next city lol
I handle it realistically, or as realistically as the story needs.
I don’t know if we have a canon size for Azeroth (regardless the in-game world isn’t to scale lol), but when laying the groundwork for my AU I wanted to size it up to my own preference anyway. So I semi-arbitrarily decided modern Kalimdor is slightly smaller than South America (roughly 4,000 mi/6,400 km north-south, compared to S. America’s ~4,700 mi/7,500 km), and I use that as my general reference for the other landmasses.
I don’t pull out my calculator every time there’s a timeskip between chapters or a travel montage, because that’s a lot of extra work that really doesn’t add much in my style of writing. I go for semi-realism, not hard realism. But when drafting, I do look at the average speed of whatever modes of transportation my characters will be using, compare that to an estimate of the distance they’re covering, then add a little more to their travel time to account for physical and plot obstacles they’ll run into.
I also look at other adventure-fantasy stories and compare the scale of the story to the time it took. The entirety of Lord of the Rings takes place over about a year. So I sort of... compare the scale of my stories to Lord of the Rings and go from there, as one more way to guesstimate time taken. I'm very bad at visualizing numbers, so I gotta find workarounds lol.
The end result is that an on-foot trip from, say, Stormwind to central Duskwood will take about a week to a week and a half. In my AU hippogryphs, gryphons, and similarly-sized flying creatures can reach top speeds of 45 mph/72 km/h, so that same trip in a straight line, going at max speed whenever possible and accounting for necessary rest stops, would take VERY ROUGHLY three to five days.
When it comes to the sailing ships, I just use the irl speed of those as well. Traveling between the E.K. and Kalimdor via ship takes two to six months, give or take depending on your ship, the winds, weather, and the season. Zeppelins are a lot faster, but considering this is WoW and we’re working with… not-WWII-technology… I do considerably slow them down in this setting (to maybe a max of 40-60 mph/64-96 km/h, ROUGHLY). So the same trip between the E.K. and Kalimdor would take anywhere from a week to two months. Again, depending on the ship, winds, etc.
When it comes to that sort of intercontinental travel you do have to keep in mind everyone has to avoid the Maelstrom, which adds gods-only-know how much more travel time lol
So TL;DR it’s whatever feels best for the story, informed by real-world equivalents to the modes of transportation my characters use :)
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uozlulu · 1 month
And we have a basic game plan for the polyship fic
Deadpool 3 spoilers
Deadpool opens the fic talking about wingmen - wingpeople
Vanessa observes Wade and Logan at the party and realizes Wade's the happiest she's seen him in years. She wants to help them not screw this up
Logan knows Vanessa is the number one person Wade wanted to save and he's going to help Wade get back with her
Wade is aware this is a fanfic and wants to watch this play out
Vanessa and Dermott break up. She was his rebound. Logan saves her from a disturbance
Logan is trying to adjust but this universe is just so damn weird. He runs into Vanessa at a bar
Wade joins them. It's a bit like a devil/angel situation.
Vanessa and Wade end up at the café on Wade's day off. He's got Mary Puppins in a bag. Vanessa does miss him
The TVA recruit them for a mission. It's a frustrating but freeing time. Logan and Wade fight it out when they return. It reminds Logan of the Odyssey
Wade proposes that the three of them start getting together every Friday night. The others agree
They have a movie night. Vanessa ends up in the middle, it gives her things to think about
Logan runs into the X-Men but it's just Colossus and the teenagers. He comes home and the three of them end up sleeping on the floor together
Wade admits he's got feelings for both of them. The six hands etc speech
Vanessa has a lot to think about, she's open to both of them but what about her issues with Wade? Is that something that she can really overlook?
Logan knows he has feelings for both of them. Not sure he wants to drag them into his bullshit but he's already kind of done that and they're still both here
They do some negotiating and get their freak on
It's the anniversary of whatever took Vanessa's family from her. She has to decide if she really can end up with two guys who might be immortal but are always getting hurt and their Logan did die
Logan runs into X-Men we technically can't see but are major players. It shakes him and triggers a flight response
Wade is alone on a Friday night with Mary Puppins. He wants to believe in a good ending. This part of the story is always difficult
Vanessa is not one to not be direct. She shows up at Wade's apartment but finds Althea there instead. Althea says that Wade mentioned Logan choosing fear and ran off
Logan runs off, has much to think about, maybe gets blackout drunk? If he even can?
Wade is tracking down Logan. Vanessa catches up to him. Vanessa knows it could be dangerous but she wants to talk to both of them. They find Logan
Vanessa keeps her distance but approaches Logan while talking so he knows she's there. She starts the negotiations
Logan is hungover and wary but Vanessa reminds him he wonce told her to go with instinct, which admitedly he does a lot but not always. This is about what he wants to do. He negotiates
Wade also negotiates. It's such a weird picturesque place to have this conversation. He helps Logan back to the car
Vanessa takes them to her apartment this time because it has hot water and space and no dogs or roommates to disturb
Logan is sobered up now due to the length of the drive and such. He takes some coaxing but he's willing.
The whole thing is shared between their POVs and they do indeed get it on and make it work
Deadpool narrates?
Still split narrative?
Vanessa is still working her day job. They're all living together with Dogpool
Logan is still adjusting, but he's finding so far this world isn't a repeat of his previous one and it's helping somehwat (still an alcoholic though)
Wade and Logan take on speical missions from time to time which helps keep Wade out of the funk he got into between the sequel and the third movie
Things are banging and imperfect but they're making it work
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
I think I know what part of the problem is when it comes to Edelgard.
Remember how in the Nintendo Dream interview the devs talked about not wanting to do a golden route where everyone lives, saying it would take away from players of other routes and make a bigger push for it to be the canonical ending. We saw this happen with Fates, with people upset at how Revelations undermined both Birthright and Conquest by being that (almost) everybody lives ending. I've put down Digimon Survive myself because it locks it's golden ending behind NG+. By making one route appear to be better than the others, it makes players more inclined to support that route which is a problem when they only expected most to finish one.
Sure, Flower might have a lot of subtext and implications that it's the villain route and is noticably shorter than the other routes, but it's meant to appear as though it's just as heroic as the other three routes. Edelgard being the villainous Flame Emperor was the twist of the game, but players elected to side with her anyway therefore it was made to look no worse than the other routes. It's also why they want to focus on the Academy stage of the game. It's before the big reveal, and this is the problem.
Years later, the franchise is still treating Edelgard being a baddie as a big shocking secret.
Look at what we saw in Engage. We have Edelgard saying that the three Lords protected their respective worlds, except that's not the case at all. Claude and Dimitri joined with the Church, fought the Empire, tried to save Rhea and took out TWSITD. Edelgard, alternatively, killed Dimitri, killed or exiled Claude, killed Rhea, continued to work with TWSITD helping them accomplish their goals, let Hubert and Byleth take out TWSITD after they were no longer useful to her, conquered Fodlan with Japanese text implying her armies are marching on other countries afterwards. To say that these stories all protect the same world is absurd. Likewise, Byleth's trial takes place in the chapter where the reveal happens. Byleth takes the Flame Emperor's place while summoning phantoms reflecting each one of the lords to help him fight, keeping the true identity of the Flame Emperor a secret.
Granted, with Engage it keeps the spoilers for all the games a secret in an attempt to bait new players. Like Sigurd dying in the middle of his game, or Lyn and Hector being friends with Roy's father (with Lyn being a candidate for his mom). But with Byleth, we get clues that point to Byleth being from Silver Snow. Their trial theme is contains the song of the Nabateans (associated with them and Rhea), Edge of Dawn (the main theme of the game which full text reveals Byleth and Edelgard became enemies) and Our Paths Shall Never Cross (I think that's the name, showing Byleth and Edelgard going their separate ways). We also receive the Byleth Emblem when Hortensia defects from her country, resolving to fight it and those pulling it and her father's strings, much like how the Black Eagles side with the Church in Silver Snow against their country which is being manipulated from the shadows by TWSITD with Ionius implied to be their puppet.
Cipher also opted to depict post-timeskip designs, using Silver Snow as the base for it's Black Eagles-themed expansion, but then we get Heroes and it's commitment to have characters...prevent War-era characters from warning their academy era counterparts about what's going to happen to try and stop the war. Then there's Hopes, which focuses more on the war but also tries to say this is what the characters would be like without Byleth. Hopes tries to make all routes worse than their Houses counterparts to not undermine that game, degrading itself int he process while at the same time to not deal with the big twist of that game, trying to say all three of the Lords are pretty bad on their own in different ways.
This commitment to not having a golden route is where the problems all stem. If you want to do a game where you have contrasts like the path towards enlightenment and the path of the beast, oudou vs hadou, or seeking the truth or embracing comforting lies and ignorance, then by trying to put them on equal footing you're not really saying anything. Or are you really going to treat giving a political voice to the commoners as just as good as consolidating power upon the throne so it's leader can shape Fodlan towards her social Darwinist vision?
Edelgard being the villain is a twist, with IS still acting like the cat isn't out of the bag because if they do, then Flower is going to be less appealing and therefore have less people viewing it as the canonical end. Yet at the same time, it's an offshoot of the Black Eagles route, the one where players must fight against their lord character while the other two lords (and unrecruited students/staff) die off-screen. We must fight against two of our former students while not having the opportunity to reach out to other classes. That's the way the story should go, since the game is framed as Byleth's story and the options that unlock Flower are framed as changing it. It's why the Eagles get the biggest character pushes, why the games use Eagle-themed picks for it's loading menus, why the devs said that Byleth's flag is the games Fire Emblem to them... In many ways, Silver Snow best encapsulates what they wanted to do with the game. It's silver, not a golden route. You can save who you can but not everyone, and you'll still have to end Edelgard.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
Thoughts: Story Pacing and Release Schedule
I can’t help but wonder how P5X is going to handle things like story pacing and structure.  Gacha games tend to have long, drawn-out stories released in installments over the game’s lifetime to keep audiences coming back.  Persona games also tend to have long stories, so a Persona gacha game feels like a concept that could gel well.  But Persona games also have self-contained narratives with clear endings, which is something you don’t want in your phone game.  If audiences are given a “jumping off” point many will take it.
Another reason for the story being released in installments is because the game is still actively being created.  Even when it’s officially released P5X’s later Palaces may not exist yet except as concepts.  And that’s one possibility for a release schedule: A new story update might accompany a new dungeon.
There were supposed to be seven Palaces, right?  Unfortunately, I can’t see them all being released with the base game.  Even if they’re far along in development as this point at least the latter dungeons would be held back to be released later.  If the plan is for long-form storytelling you don’t want to drop all your twists and turns at once.
Prediction: At release P5X will have three Palaces.  Riko will probably join in the third Palace and she’s been very prominent so far despite not joining yet.  And if our predictions about her being the Makoto of the group are correct she’s probably expected to be very popular, so marketing would want her to join ASAP.
One way I can see P5X diverging from is a lack of an ending timeskip.  P3, P4, and P5 all ended in winter and then skipped to the spring to say goodbye.  P5X might do that if the game is unsuccessful and they only do the first planned arc, but if it lasts I can see the game having things like a full third semester (instead of just a month) and maybe even covering Wonder’s last year of high school.
These are some good thoughts! Definitely agree, I doubt every Palace is going to be available from the start, and certainly expect more to be added on after the game’s release.
We do know a bit about how pacing worked at least in the betas: story progression is locked behind a level requirement, and it’s essentially like the free time like you’d have in the days after finishing a Palace but before the deadline in the original P5 and P5R, where you can go to the Metaverse, spend time with Confidants, and do other activities at your discretion until you reach the level requirement to proceed with events (at least in the case of the streamers I’ve seen, by grinding in Mementos and Kiuchi’s Palace, haha). But you’re talking a bit bigger picture here, I just thought I’d bring it up while we’re on the topic.
That said, three Palaces does seem like a good starting point for release day, since they’ll have a bit of a time buffer as most players will take a bit to even get to the level requirement of all those story chunks, let alone actually completing the Palaces! Your suggested lack of a timeskip, and a full third semester, also make a lot of sense for later on in the story, given all the reasons you just described and also because Wonder doesn’t really have somewhere to “go back” to at the end of the year, the way P4 and P5′s protagonists did, given he already lives in Tokyo. So it’s not like they’d really have to skip ahead to a conclusion where he leaves, though maybe the ending will involve him leaving anyway for other reasons.
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erigold13261 · 4 months
Wait who's going to stay alive in the Age of Rebirth act?(those who were in the 10 year timeskip)
I personally think all the disaster curses minus Mahito are around, Yamikumo, Kuroshi, Mana are all here rebirthed style, the trolls are definitely alive and kicking, some gems are here too, Shoko is alive, Caine and Miku are around, (which means TADC cast who survived are here too, maybe Tila and Margo too?) some of the robots from Robot City/Vandelay, MAYBE 1010, MAYBE DDMC, MAYBE Panda and SP//dr are here... (Woah that is a lot of characters tbh)
Yea, most entities are around. Some are probably gonna die during the Age of Chaos, but if they do they are reborn like you said with Yamikumo, Kuroshi, and Mana.
Hanami, Jogo, and Dagon are most likely safe to still be the same, but I was potentially thinking of having one of them dying and being reborn at some point during the 1000 years. That is something I am debating on.
There is no "definite" to the Trolls at the moment. I need to finish/continue Homestuck before I say whether or not every troll is still alive (like Vriska might be dead, where I am in the story still has her gone so until I get her back in the story I am sorta thinking of keeping her dead, or possibly even making the trolls reborn again like Mana).
The only notable gem from before the Age of Rebirth is White Diamond. So technically she is the only one who is alive from the timeskip now in the AOR. Yellow, Blue, and Pink diamond were made during the 1000 years (Yellow was being made during the timeskip era so probably emerged at the end of the events of the Culling Games or close to that). So all the gems that will be in the AOR are going to have been made during the 1000 years.
Shoko is absolutely still alive. Miku too. I don't know about Caine, but he is most likely around as well (only reason I don't know is I haven't really thought about him much in this section of the story, but I think I can make something cool with him and Discord).
As for robots, it's probably really difficult for robots to stay alive for 1000 years, even when they have magic on their side, so most likely a lot of them aren't going to be around (especially if they had fought in the Centuries of War that happened).
I would say that the most likely 1010 to survive to this point would be Purl-Hew (they have a crippling fear of death even with their very low want to be alive), and out of the DDMC I can see any of them making it to this point just not ALL of them. (though honestly I think Renho is the least likely to make it to the AOR).
I can see Rodney still being alive with how resourceful he is! Honestly, if any robots from the modern age are able to survive 1000 years into the new age, it's most likely because of Rodney's help. Purl-Hew is pretty good with mechanics, but isn't one to rely on as they aren't going out of their way to learn every different kind of robot out there like Rodney would.
Also Rodney is just a lot more helpful and would keep his want to help others alive unlike Purl-Hew who I see more as an assistant to Shoko because of how numb the two of them would be and how they would find comfort in each other because of their shared past (and the memories they shared with dead people).
I do not think Panda and SP//dr are alive at this point in time. They aren't human, entity, or robot. They are outside of all three of those and so have a weird thing going on. Artificial souls put into a body. I don't think that is a sustainable way to live, at least not for 1000 years. Possibly they could have a much longer life span, something like 300 years, but I really don't see them getting to 1000 years old because of how their body can't be modified like a robot, but also how their souls aren't fully "alive" in the same way an entity or human soul is, so it's hard to keep that soul alive even with magic.
Honestly, it would be cool to see if Panda or SP//dr make it to the 1000 year time but are not themselves anymore. They are like literal cursed corpses, where they are dead but their bodies stay animated. Like zombies I guess! Probably running on the lowest function possible, similar to how the Smallpox Deity was targeting the highest CE output instead of thinking for itself when under Kenjaku's control against Mei Mei.
So IF Panda and SP//dr are around, they are gonna be more like assistants in the wasteland doing tasks assigned to them without really thinking about it (I can see both of them working with Shoko and Purl-Hew).
Actually, just thought of something related to 1010. I can see Carna still being alive as well! However, not because of the same reasons as Purl-Hew (which they were keeping them selves updated and alive through maintenance), I think Carna would try to find a way to make faerself into an entity to live a much longer lifespan. And depending on when fae thought of this plan, perhaps Synthia and Riko would also be alive during this time (also as human/robot-turned-entities).
Anyway, a lot of the characters in the Age of Rebirth are gonna be mostly new characters like the MLP cast and Steven Universe characters. I'm sure I have another media I am planning to stick into that section of the story, but right now those are the two main ones along with the humans from Homestuck and curses from JJK.
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
anyways how many ppl actually were aware that zoe was 23 at the time of the RE7 and in fact was 20 when this shit started, like she’s in louisiana she couldn’t even start drinking when her family was first possessed
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daddyjackfrost · 3 years
hii! from your prompt list can i request 16 with sakusa?
hi!! yes ofc! y’all do be requesting a lot of angst tho. don’t hate me when your heart hurts😛🥰
prompt 16: “we’re not together.”
sakusa x f!reader
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort (post -timeskip)
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Dating a high end volleyball player was hard.
No one told you of the sacrifices you would make and the turbulence of emotions you would feel. Still, you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
You hadn’t been with Sakusa long. You had known him for a few years but you two were just mutual friends. It was only when you moved to his town did you and Sakusa start getting close.
Your relationship was relatively new.
Sakusa had officially asked you on a date two months ago, and you two became official a week later. Although your status had changed, things with Sakusa were calm and hadn’t really changed.
There was a solid base of trust and respect that held your relationship together, and you knew that you and Sakusa were meant to be.
You were confident in your relationship. And you knew that Sakusa was a relatively private person, so when he asked to keep the relationship on the low until he was comfortable, you immediately agreed. You didn’t need the world to know you were dating him. You knew, and that was enough.
However, it did hurt when you couldn’t go to games with him, or leave with him. Due to his own, and his teams fan base, Sakusa was always surrounded, and he knew that if you were seen with him, the questions and press would be endless.
You understood where he was coming from, and respect his decision. But you told him that you wanted to at least where his jersey, which he reluctantly agreed too.
So, here you were. Sitting in your boyfriend’s jersey in the middle of the bleachers as fans cheered their loudest.
This game had been particularly long. Both teams unwilling to lose. You glanced down at your watch and frowned. You had taken the bus to get here and the last bus left ten minutes ago. You shrugged, I’ll tell Omi to take me.
One hour and a mere three points later, MBSY Black Jackals were celebrating their hard earned win. You smiled brightly, cheering with the crowd.
People rushed down the the floor, trying to get close to the players. You stayed back, letting the fans have their fill of sweat and one-sided adoration.
After the coach yelled for the gym to clear out, and once it did, you waited for Sakusa to take a shower. You smiled at Bokuto and Hinata, who both grinned at you, waving.
You felt eyes on your back but you shook them off. You needed to talk to Sakusa and tell him you needed a ride home, or to his place.
After about twenty minutes, Sakusa exited the locker room. He wore black sweatpants and a MBSY hoodie. His hair was went and his curls were on full display.
You stared at him with a slightly gape smile. Sakusa was the most beautiful man you had ever had the pleasure of seeing, and he was all yours.
You smiled at him when you caught his eye. “Omi, you did so well!”
Sakusa smiled at you, his eyes crinkling. It was a rare sight, but with you smiling at him and praising him, Sakusa couldn’t help it. He walked towards you, but you could see his eyes darting behind you and around you.
He was scared someone would see.
Sakusa and you walked out of the gym, hand in hand. It had been almost an hour since the game ended, and as you both walked and engaged in small talk, the idea of people still being around was not on your mind.
“Hey, Omi,” Sakusa turned his head slightly to look at you, “can I ride with you? The bus isn’t coming at this hour.”
Sakusa nodded, squeezing your hand. “Of course.”
He hated seeing you get on the bus after games when he would much rather have you seated beside him, but he wasn’t ready for the questions or the media that would come with a public relationship. Sakusa hated attention, and he knew that he had dedicated fans. The last thing he wanted was to make himself or you uncomfortable.
When the automatic doors opened, Sakusa immediately dropped your hand.
People hadn’t left. Fans surrounded the doors and your eyes widened. Curious and heated eyes eyed you and Sakusa, and your now unlinked hands.
Sakusa took a step away from you and your heart twisted. With his mask covering most of his face, you couldn’t tell what he was feeling or thinking.
Questions came blaring at Sakusa about you.
“Are you guys dating?”
“Is she your girlfriend?”
“You’re dating that?”
“Are you guys together?”
You licked your lips at the looks you received. Some were filled with disgust, others with hatred. You now realized why Sakusa had wanted to keep your relationship private, but there was no point in hiding it now.
They had seen you holding hands, and you were waiting for Sakusa to say something.
And he did.
Just not what you were expecting.
“No, we’re not together.”
Your heart dropped into to your stomach and you slowly turned to face him. With wide eyes and a frown, you stared at Sakusa’s blank eyes.
Yes, you hadn’t been together long, but for him to blatantly disregard your relationship made you feel like he was embarrassed of you.
And maybe he was.
Fans turned their heads to look at you for your reaction. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried your best to smile. You understood where Sakusa was coming from, but he has no right to embarrass you or ignore your relationship.
You were worth more than that.
You pulled your sweater tighter around you. “Yes,” you said. You looked at Sakusa in the eyes and then said, “We’re not together.”
You pushed past the crowd and began walking down the street. You could hear the crowd firing questions at Sakusa but their voices fell flat on your ears. It wasn’t fair to Sakusa pick and choose when he wanted to ‘be’ in a relationship. Instead of flat out saying that you weren’t together, he could have chosen not to answered.
You scoffed, tired of his games. Now you were waking alone at night, all because Sakusa was too afraid to deal with the outcome of a public relationship.
The air was chilling and you were afraid. Walking home in the dark was dangerous, and you knew that. But there was no other way to get home.
Or so you thought.
A silver car pulled up beside you and you almost started crying until you saw a familiar silver-haired man poke his head out. Bokuto stared at you with disbelief. “Y/n? What are you doing walking at this house?”
You blinked a few times before chuckling. Of course Bokuto would be your knight in shining armour.
You shrugged, spreading your arms. “Just walking home after my boyfriend told everyone we’re not together.”
Bokuto frowned. He parked the car and nodded at you. “Come, I’ll give you a lift home.”
You smiled at Bokuto and nodded, walking to the passenger side and slipping in. You sighed in content. His car was warm.
“Bo, you played really well today.” Bokuto grinned at you, drumming his hands on the steering wheel.
“Thanks, y/n! Did you see my receive at the end? Wasn’t it amazing?”
You laughed, telling him it was. Sitting with Bokuto and talking like friends took your mind off Sakusa, who was sitting in his own car, frowning.
When you got home, you thanked and said goodbye to Bokuto, immediately making your way to your bed. Your phone rang and you ignored it, knowing who it was.
You slipped under your covers and shut your eyes, too tired to change or do anything. Your heart still hurt from Sakusa’s words and you told yourself you’d shower and change your bed sheets when you wake up.
Three hours later, your eyes fluttered open at the sound of your doorbell and loud knocking.
You groaned and got out of bed, fixing your shirt. You opened the door as you yawned, and your eyes fell on Sakusa. He stood rigidly outside your door. His eyes wide with concern and his fist raised to knock.
You blinked a few times before shutting the door on his face.
“Y/n!” Sakusa quietly shouted. “Open the door.”
You shook your head, and then realized he couldn’t see you. “No. Go away, Kiyoomi. I’m tired.”
Sakusa sighed, slightly leaning against your door. When he drove down the street you had walked on, only to find you gone, he panicked. He had driven down the road twice and around the block to look for you but he couldn’t find you. Sakusa had never felt so guilty in his life.
When he tried calling you, he got no answer. It wasn’t until Bokuto had texted him that he accidentally had his knee pads and had dropped you off that his heart had settled a little.
The knowledge of you being in a car alone with Bokuto made Sakusa slightly angry. But then he realized you wouldn’t have been with him if he hadn’t been such a coward and a terrible boyfriend.
“Please, y/n,” you heard Sakusa’s strained voice come through the door. “I need to see you.”
You sighed and opened the door, walking to your sofa so Sakusa could let himself in. You sat crossed legged on the sofa, hugging a pillow.
Sakusa silently walked in, gently shutting the door behind him. You stared at him through tired and slightly annoyed eyes.
Sakusa walked up to you, scratching the back of his neck. You gently shut your eyes, tired.
“I tried calling you.”
You scoffed, opening your right eye to stare at Sakusa’s awkward stance.
Sakusa let out a sigh, and then awkwardly shuffled towards the couch, sitting beside you, but not close to you.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I shouldn’t have said that we weren’t together.”
You sighed, opening up both your eyes and laying the pillow on your lap. You turned your head to face Sakusa and your eyes slightly widened. Sakusa was slightly hunched, and his lips were pulled into a frown, his eyes a cloud of emotions you couldn’t decipher.
“What would you have said, Kiyoomi?”
Sakusa turned his head, meeting your eyes. “What do you mean?”
You cleared your throat. “You said you shouldn’t have said we weren’t together. What would you have said instead, then?”
Sakusa was silent. He knew that you were tired of him brushing you off when it came to your relationship in public and he felt terrible. But Sakusa wasn’t ready for the media and attention he knew that he would get.
“I... don’t—”
You sat up straighter, cutting Sakusa off.
“Kiyoomi, I know that you’re not comfortable with a public relationship, and I totally understand that, but you completely shut us down tonight. I had to walk home alone, and who knows what would have happened if Bokuto hadn’t come.”
Sakusa’s frowned deepened.
“I just... I don’t know. I guess I want to be treated like your equal and not someone you can just brush off when it’s convenient for you.”
Sakusa’s eyes widened and he sharply turned his head to face you. “You are my equal, y/n.”
You let out a small laugh. “It doesn’t feel like it.”
Silence washed over you both, and you stared at your feet. You were in stalemate. You couldn’t tell Sakusa that you wanted him to reveal your relationship. You would never do that. But you didn’t want him to completely shut you down in public either.
Sakusa cleared his throat, and when you lifted your head, your eyes slightly widened. He was much closer than he was before.
With a hesitant pause, Sakusa gently put his thin pale hand on your knee. You watched through careful eyes.
Sakusa rarely ever ignited touch with you.
“I’m genuinely really sorry, y/n. I was only thinking for myself, only considering how I would feel.”
You slightly nodded, confirming his words.
“Come with me to the game tomorrow.”
You lifted your eyes to meet his, surprised with his words. When you really looked at him, past the gentleness in his eyes, you saw promise.
There was no sign of nervousness. No indication of uncomfortableness.
“I am coming to the game tomorrow.”
Sakusa shook his head, gently rubbing your clothed knee unconsciously. “No, I mean,” Sakusa licked his lips, suddenly self-conscious. “Come with me tomorrow.”
You raised an eyebrow. Confused at what he was insinuating.
“As my girlfriend.”
You stared at Sakusa, waiting for him to take back his words.
“Kiyoomi... I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
Sakusa shook his head, a small gentle smile on his lips. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You stared at him, a look of shock on your face.
Sakusa pulled back, his lips pulling into a slightly wider grin. Your own lips lifted into a smile and you both stared at each other with goofy smiles and gentle eyes filled future promises.
“If you ever embarrass me like that in public though,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “I’ll tell the world you only eat blue teddy bear gummies.”
“Consider me threatened.”
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hehe. angst refund @elektrosonix ? even though this is angst BUT there’s comfort at the end!
taglist: @h-grangerstudies @elektrosonix @snoozless @ackerpotato @asterroidd @rinrinniesstuff @bokuatsubro @literaleftist @howcanyoubreathewithnozaire @addicedtoeverythinganime @felixsamour @megumeee @aghashiii @fail-big
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iturbide · 2 years
If I had to guess, Claude killing people and using violence is kind of inevitable. It’s a series where violence being used to solve the problem is kind of baked into the gameplay. It’s hard to tell a story of careful diplomacy and patient negotiation in between over the top fight scenes. Not saying it is impossible (Verdant Wind), but lightening rarely strikes twice.
And I think that's the really disappointing thing for me. Claude in particular was notable in his presentation regardless of route: no matter who you side with, after the timeskip you're greeted with the fact that the Alliance has managed to stay out of the war for five years owing entirely to Claude's ability to keep the other Great Lords of the Leicester Roundtable arguing with one another rather than mustering troops.
In Crimson Flower the Alliance has control of Myrddin, but has only used it for their own defense; when Edelgard takes it and marches on Derdriu, though Claude rallies his own forces to defend the Alliance, he attempts to keep the loss of life to a minimum, saying outright if Hilda falls that he had ordered her to retreat if things got bad rather than lay down her life, essentially making his stand the last one before passing the Alliance's control over to Edelgard in the desperate hope that his surrender will keep the bloodshed to a minimum.
In Azure Moon, he once again only rallies troops to defend the Alliance, calling in aid from the Kingdom following the successful liberation of Fhirdiad in the hopes that it will keep the Alliance from falling to Imperial control (we won't get into the issues I have with him passing control of the Alliance over to Dimitri in that route because that plot point doesn't make sense and I think was just about having a united Fodlan regardless of route, which is stupid)
His own route of Verdant Wind did its best to defy conventions to the best of its limited ability: he joins the battle at Gronder Field because he can see the troops amassing, and when he sees Dimitri he specifically says that "he doesn't look interested in joining forces with us," because he still wants to avoid conflict as much as possible. He knows that conflict with Edelgard is inevitable and refuses to back down from a fight with her; but he still tries to get through to Dimitri, even though it's a futile attempt. He speaks gravely of the cruelty of war and the lives it takes -- a striking difference from Edelgard, who considers the lives lost to be "necessary sacrifices" for achieving her goals.
The thing is, there isn't a need to show the diplomacy and negotiation. Even Three Houses got around it by glossing over the roundtable in Verdant Wind, having it brought up that they're going at the start of a chapter and then skipping straight ahead to the aftermath: they don't have to show the details, and never have. Given that battles are so often life and death struggles, Claude's insistence on trying to reach out to people just in case he can get through to them, rather than gearing straight up for combat in every engagement, was unique and fascinating: he fights to defend himself and the people who depend on him, but only when there's demonstrably no other way. And in Three Hopes, they could have kept that up: I don't know if they have little dialogues where he banters with foes the way that Three Houses did, but in the case of Shahid -- who, as I understand it, was already defeated and disarmed at the end -- they could have had Claude order that his brother be detained after that failed attack and have him sent back to Almyra. It takes just as much time as having him kill his half-brother. But they don't. And that's what bugs me.
But hey, again, I haven't played the game yet. I'm only going off second-hand info. This is just the product of my tempered expectations.
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
As a resident Claudefucker, I know am curious to know what our fave charming schemer is doing during this Mafia!AU. He'd look lovely in a suit.
~It was quite the headline when Godfrey Riegan died. The details are a little hazy, a little convenient, but people don't talk about that sort of thing. Car accidents are common. Tragic, but not unreasonable. There’s no reason to smear a man’s perfectly respectable political career for the sake of some sensational gossip.
~In the right circles, however, there was a huge uproar, questions about who was going to take over the Riegan family when the elderly boss Oswald died. The Riegan’s had been dominating Leicester for quite some time, but a lot of people began to predict that the Gloucester family was going to move in. They had powerful friends, it seemed. Friends with money, no less.
~Claude Riegan, grandson of Oswald, appeared out of nowhere just when he was needed. Stories of the lost daughter Tiana still circulated, sure, but there were still a lot of questions about Claude’s origins when nobody except Oswald were able to vouch for him. He obviously had military leadership experience—his skill with guns and ability to lead was just too excellent for any other explanation—but he dismissed the question out of hand. There’s no documentation of him, either, leading some to wonder if even his name was false. But Oswald said he was family, and that was that.
~Claude was quick to establish himself, in any case. Despite his cavalier attitude, his efficacy in overhauling the power dynamics of Leicester were profound.  
~He decided, first and foremost, that the way to win the people over was to invigorate the local culture, which had seen a sharp decline as a result of new laws that were unfavorable to business, Adrestia’s growing market monopolies, and the bad reputation of the red light district Ailell. This included some perfectly legitimate campaigning and some under the table type schemes. 
~The result was a flourishing Derdriu Street. While it lacks the prestige of Enbarr Square in Adrestia, it welcomes entertainment that would be considered too “low brow” like comedy, trendy new restaurants, and music venues. Even better, all of it is built on the recently cleaned up river. The Riegan family is involved in all of  it, of course. 
~Casino owner Claude. This exists solely to thirst but maybe it was preexisting and he took it over due to its poor management? If there’s going to be gambling anyway, it should be done right. The extra money’s not so bad, either. But, Claude lounging in a big leather chair in a dark blue blazer with gold brocade, his white shirt unbuttoned low enough to see enough his chest. Enough to make you drool. Enough that you’d definitely get caught staring and probably called out for it because he can’t help himself. Claude with his elbows on the arm rests and fingers folded in front of him as he considers you, gold rings winking because he’s just that ostentatious and appearances are important. Claude asking you how you feel about taking risks in a way that really feels like it has nothing to do with cards, staring at you with a friendly smile that doesn’t meet those calculating eyes—eyes that you know will pick up on every tell. 
~Claude also struck a deal with the Kupala Distillery. They’d been fighting to keep hold of their historic business for years, and Claude offered to help them with that. You know, not for free, but he’s good at making deals that leave everybody happy. 
~The second biggest thing he tackled was the drug trade. For the most part, no one family had ever had a complete handle on that market. The Goneril’s had a hold over the docks for years, but the Edmunds had been moving in and working with the Gloucester family to bolster their power. Distribution was scattered and hard to keep track of as it ultimately circulated wherever there was a profit to be made. Looking at it like this, Claude decided that the only way to fix things was to take control over all of it. In his line of work, shady things like the drug trade are impossible to avoid. At the very least, if he has control over it, he can ensure the product is clean and expel far more unsavory ventures.
~Through these escapades, Claude was able to make alliances with all of the major families. A lot of them had only remained loyal to the Gloucester family out of fear so as soon as they had an alternative, they bolted. This has an unfortunate side effect of revealing how his power is perceived. Every day is a balancing act for Claude. He allows each family to function as they please as long as they’re aware they do so at his mercy. It’s better to keep friends than to control enemies, but even that requires a delicate maneuvering of power.
~However, Claude likes the conflict. He enjoys the game and he especially enjoys winning the game. There’s a certain level of his excusing amorality for the sake of his family and Leicester, but there’s an equal part of him that understands his wrongdoings and deals with it separately. He wouldn’t hold to the naïve “ends justify the means” idea to excuse himself, but he would still argue that his actions have value and are even necessary. If it weren’t him, it would be somebody a lot worse than him. That’s probably something that would linger in the back of everybody’s minds whenever they shook his hand or paid their respects, whenever they began to think of how easy it would be to take him out. Fear, too. So far, Claude’s never done anything shockingly bad, only what was necessary. But with his power and intellect, it’s always a question of what he could do.
~If someone asked him that, Claude would smile that friendly smile and tell them that he would do anything to see his vision made real. Whether or not that’s true remains to be seen. 
~Luckily, Claude’s not alone! Hilda is the stereotypical crime family princess. She joined Claude because he offered her freedom from the overbearing control of her father and brother. Her skill in manipulating everybody around her combined with her reputation as a ditzy rich girl makes her fantastic at gathering information, assuming Claude can get her to do so. But, as long as he’s not being too forceful, she’s surprisingly motivated to weave her way through social circles and charm everyone. Although she would never say it, the order he brought to Leicester, not to mention the entertainment, made everything a lot better for her and her family. Plus, she likes being useful after spending her entire life watching Holst give his heart and soul to family while she did nothing. Ultimately, the information she provides is essential and her relationship with Claude is one of the few either have that’s built on trust, respect, and loyalty. That said, sometimes even Claude gets a little shiver as he watches how easily Hilda can manipulate people.  
~Lorenz was one of Claude’s most disdainful detractors, although a part of that was jealousy. Claude just swept in and did things that Lorenz had been waiting and planning to do once he became the head of the Gloucester family. Even after being on the receiving ends of such vicious attacks, once Claude undeniably had the upper hand in Leicester, he went behind the Gloucester boss’s back to Lorenz and told him that they were going to be friends or enemies, it was Lorenz’s choice. Not threatening him, just pointing out that the fall of the Gloucester family was inevitable under his father’s leadership and that Lorenz didn’t have to suffer for his father’s sins. Probably over mimosas and brunch. Lorenz is proud and has no appreciation for Claude, but he’s not stupid. After they worked out their disagreements and more or less accepted each other, Lorenz and Claude became pretty close. Claude knows that having someone to openly and aggressively disagree with him isn’t a bad thing. Not only that, but Lorenz’s a solid ally with a better grasp on some of the things Claude has difficulty with due to not being a native. Lorenz is willing to admit that Claude is a good leader.
~Marianne is well educated in the realm of the law and political action. The reason the Edmund family saw such success despite their lesser status was because of her adopted father’s genius. which he made sure to share with Marianne. She is invaluable in aiding Claude on the perfectly legitimate side of his business, and helping him hide his tracks for the shady stuff. Raphael is the muscle. Lysithea is a computer genius. Being a sickly shut in with issues that only recently saw treatment, she’s on the Mr. Robot level of hacker mode activated. Ignatz is an architect which is useful since so much of Claude’s power is in the property and infrastructure. He also designed a lot of places to have some neat-o hidey holes. Claude loves buildings that have secrets. Leonie is manages a lot of the physical and pettier side of the work. If someone’s stirring up trouble, she’s likely to pay them a visit as a warning before Claude has to get involved. She used to be a mercenary but being on Claude’s payroll is a lot better of a gig.    
~As for the suits, one thing is very important. Claude would not, under any circumstances, wear something tight on his thighs. I actually kind of like the idea of him going for a 1980′s style modernized. In his post timeskip outfit, he’s already got a hint of that going on with how oversized his outfit looks. The 80′s (rightfully) gets a bad rep for fashion, but it’s also very iconic with those wide-collared suit jackets, matchy-matchy three piece suits, sportscoats with a fun patterned shirt underneath, open blazers, pleated pants with an oversized jacket, and—in particular—the trend of summer suits in shades of tan and cream with colored shirts underneath. Then, combine that with a pair of Ray-Ban Aviators and a topless convertible and you’ve got a distinctly recognizable mob boss who doubles as a devastating heartthrob. I’m not saying he’d do a 1:1 recreation, but you’d definitely see references to the fashion of the era in his outfits. He would wear oxfords or ankle boots. Whatever it was, they’d have to be comfortable. He also doesn’t shy away from jewelry. The earring, of course, and rings when he's feeling particularly decadent. When he’s wearing his shirts unbuttoned Claude could possibly wear a gold chain. I mean, what are you gonna say, no? That gold doesn’t look gorgeous against his skin? That it’s tacky? You’re talking to the man who wore quilted pants. Claude’s not afraid to stand out because he knows he will anyway, nor is he afraid to be seen as unfashionable because he doesn’t particularly care about trends. I also enjoy the idea of him emulating the 80′s as someone who didn’t grow up in a western culture and thus mainly saw things through the lens of movies. Whatever he wears, however, he would look very handsome.
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alienaiver · 3 years
Half the Battle, pt. 1
Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
find part two here!
warnings: slight angst about childhood/parents fighting/divorce, one (1) bottle of wine is opened, someone is betrayed in Mario Party, NOT beta-read! apologize for any mistakes! (lmk if there’s any warnings i missed!)
wordcount: 5.5k
content: soulmate AU, mild angst, fluff, post-timeskip but slight canon divergence (i haven’t read the manga yet so this is loosely based off of their canon timeskip lives), gender neutral reader, reader is a video editor, reader is bad at eye contact but the details as to why are vague/up for interpretation!
notes: this was made for @gg9183 ​ ‘s wonderful birthday event, a soulmate collab! (go read the other wonderful works!) happy birthday once again, gray!! this was meant to be a 2k one shot but.... plans and inspiration changes sometimes, right? 🥺 so this ended up as a 5k part ONE lmfao i hope thats alright w u!!! part2 will be up asap, i promise!! i hope you enjoy this!!!! 
Not meeting his soulmate was fine, Kuroo often found himself thinking. The odds of finding your soulmate’s way too low to be realistic anyways, he supported the thought. It’s illogical to spend so much time fretting about it, he finally added for good measure.
Soulmates were a natural part of life, always had been. But with the big wide world filled with over seven billion people, meeting yours wasn’t completely unheard of. But given the powers of soulmates even existing, it wasn’t unrealistic to also believe that some kind of fate would pull you towards each other throughout your lives so that you would meet each other. Kuroo however, prided himself in not caring about soulmates. His life was rich enough. People explaining their feelings about “something being missing until they finally meet them” was incomprehensible to him.
Kuroo had lived for 29 years without being able to see color. And you know what? His life was damn well fulfilling enough. He had a beautiful apartment, an economy that flourished, an adorable cat named Cucumber and good people around him. What would he really need a soulmate for? He could ignore his friends comments on how wonderful the world was in color, if only he would just start looking for his soulmate, how much meaning it gave life. Just because the people in his closest circle had all magically met theirs – not to mention how many of them had already met in Goddamn high school, Kuroo scoffed and was always able to move on.
Even though a lot of people actively made eye contact with everyone they met, even people on the street, to make sure they would meet their soulmate, Kuroo kept his eyes down. He wasn’t insecure, come on, he was perfectly happy! He just didn’t need to be late for a meeting because he got eye contact with some stranger, you know?
His life was in perfect balance as is.. Until yesterday, of course. It had turned out there was mold in his apartment complex so they had to evict it for a month while a crew would go through everything to remove it. He didn’t want to go to his mother’s place, that was too far from his work, but he wasn’t in the mood for a hotel, that was way too expensive, so he turned to his best friend of many years with the biggest set of puppy eyes he could muster and the prospect of making every dinner while he lived there.
“Fine… but don’t get in the way,” was all Kenma had to say.
And so Kuroo spent his last weekend in his own apartment packing things down to make it accessible to the cleaning crew. Cucumber hated other cats with a passion so he couldn’t bring him to Kenma’s, where three cats already happily lived, so his mother would pick him up tomorrow afternoon.
He sat on his couch, scrolling his phone mindlessly with Cucumber on his lap who had been stressed with all the packing down, sensing something was up. He was being extra cuddly towards Kuroo who, honestly? Didn’t mind at all. He loved when Cucumber was in mood for cuddles, though it wasn’t very often. He had been told his cat was orange and while he didn’t have a measure for what that color actually looked like, he was happy with his gray cat.
His mother was supposed to arrive any minute now, so he should have gotten up and put the cat in his carrier but it was easier to get him in it if you had two pair of hands. He scrolled through Instagram, reaching a photo put up by Tsukishima of his soulmate, the light-haired manager of their high school volleyball club, with a tooth-eating grin on her face and proudly showing off a ring on her finger, the caption said, This smile makes me wanna brag. Kuroo could physically hear the provocative tone of his voice, knowing he was one of the first in his circle of friends to actually plan a wedding. Kuroo clicked his tongue with a smile on his face and double-tapped to like the picture.
He didn’t know if it was the combination of that post and the fact that his mother was on her way but memories of his parent’s wedding flooded his mind. For a lot of people, weddings felt obsolete in the face of the whole “you already got your soulmate and you know this” thing, so a lot of couples were happy not getting married but just being together. But there was also the benefits of marriage in the practical sense, so some people did anyways, some hosting parties, some not. His parents weren’t married when he came to, but after he turned five they decided to do it so he would be protected by both of them, in case of any emergency.
It had been a small wedding, only the closest family and friends but Kuroo was vivid, so excited about being part of that whole romantic ordeal, even helping his mom find a dress and everything. He had been a huge and important part of the wedding – if he did say so himself. Everyone had been glowing at the day, the food was delicious, there was laughter, song and cheers and everyone had brought so many presents – even some for little Tetsurou, who had been very excited about his new train tracks.
But when Kuroo was seven years old, it wasn’t as romantic anymore. His parents were fighting a lot, he wasn’t entirely sure why or about what because they would never tell him about it, no matter how much he asked. When he tried to listen in, the words he heard didn’t explain anything to him because even though they were yelling at each other, the important words were always whispered, as if they knew Kuroo was listening in.
When he was eight his mom had come into his room, hugged him and with tears in her eyes and said that they were going to move away.
“Where are we going?” he asked simply, no emotion to be read on his little face. He was exhausted from his parents being this way – they were soulmates, right? Why did they fight like that?
“To Tokyo, just you and me, my love.”
That’s when he met Kenma. He had been very closed-off and shy back when they met, he reminisced. He had been a regular kid when he was younger but the way his parents split up – his soulmate parents – had closed him off pretty bad, so it was a miracle he met Kenma and started opening up again.
Kuroo smiled to himself bitterly before scratching Cucumber’s ear. He supposed this was also why he wasn’t interested in his soulmate. So many people had romanticized the whole soulmate ideal so a lot of people forgot that relationships still took work, took effort and just because they were made for each other, didn’t necessarily guarantee that they would stay together. His mom and dad didn’t officially talk anymore, but when he asked his mom as a child whether or not she still saw color, she said that she did. He also found long letters in her bedroom when he was nine, letters from his dad, so he supposed they still talked together, though Kuroo wasn’t let in on it – nor was he particularly interested. And he definitely we wasn’t interested in ending up in a relationship with someone who would end up not wanting to put in the effort for the relationship to flourish.
After Cucumber had been picked up by his mom it was time to leave for Kenma’s place. He carried the last boxes of valuables down to his basement and locked them in before trekking down to the subway with his suitcase and sports bag.
You were late for work, so you scrambled to pack your things. It was Wednesday afternoon and you were supposed to meet in at 3PM, because that was around the time that Kodzuken had planned to finish his recording, he told you yesterday. You were a video editor and had met Kenma through your old part-time job in his favorite convenience store quite a few years back, back when he had first bought his house when he was 24. You remembered talking to him about video games in the store since you also played some, and after a good while of polite customer service and talk about new games, you had started hanging out outside of work as well. When you had then told him you were actually a freelance video editor but just didn’t get many jobs, he had almost instantly hired you to do his YouTube videos for him and general editing and set-ups of his streams. I know video games, not recording equipment, he had told you so many years ago.
Your original thought had been wary, because working for a friend might get messy but Kenma cared a lot about keeping it professional when you were on the clock, which you appreciated very much. In his house, down by his game room, there was a room next door with screens and all the best editing software just for you to play with. Your pay was higher than average for such a “simple” but regular gig but when prompted about it, he simply shrugged and told you it wasn’t up for negotiation and no one was being treated unfair – and who were you to go against such a good pay for a job that you loved doing and wanted to do full-time? With Kenma being a famous streamer and gamer, he often made lots of different videos for various sites so your job hours resembled a nine to five job, easy, even if the hours were off from the more conventional jobs and you usually came in later in the day and sometimes finished off late in the evening – some of his videos had a time limit for a release date of a game, so there was also days where you were extremely busy and scrambling to get the video done right for a release of a game.
As you closed your bag and ran out the door towards the subway, you checked your phone for any updates. If he’d finished early, he would’ve texted you about it, so you put your phone in your pocket and hurried towards his house.
When you arrived you immediately rang the doorbell before catching your breath, you were used to Kenma spending a few minutes before reaching the door and opening it, so when the door opened almost instantly you took a step back before looking up. The one opening the door was taller than Kenma and in a loose dress shirt that was unbuttoned at the top - that’s all you saw before your eyes darted down to your feet.
“...Hi! I’m uh… Where’s Kenma?” was all you got out while fidgeting with your purse strap, it certainly wasn’t his boyfriend Hinata opening the door today.
“Oh, hey! You must be his video editor, right? He told me about you!” The man said, pointing to himself with his thumb,
“I’m Kuroo Tetsurou! Kenma’s childhood friend! Sorry to intrude, I’ll be living here for the next month, I promise not to get in your way!” As he finished his introduction, he moved aside so that you could enter. As you took off your shoes you heard Kenma’s feet shuffling towards you, “oh hey, welcome, you’re early,” Kenma said with his usual deadpan expression but you could clearly hear the teasing in his voice.
“At least I’m here now, right?” You smiled back, instantly relaxing at the sight of your boss and friend. You turned to Kuroo again, bowed and introduced yourself before taking off your coat and putting it on a hanger, while Kenma and the guy named Kuroo seemed to bicker a bit about whether or not Kuroo should answer the door while he lived there.
“I’ll go set it up, have you transferred the video files to the hard disk?” you asked Kenma as you moved towards ‘your’ office, sending Kuroo a polite smile while keeping your eyes on his neck.
Eye contact was hard for you, it always made you extremely uncomfortable and you didn’t really have any before you felt comfortable with the person. Your mother had often scolded you, saying you’d never find your soulmate at this rate, which you always acknowledged with a hum or a simple yes without starting a discussion.
You honestly weren’t sure whether or not you cared for a soulmate. Your biggest argument to wanting to find one was so that you could see colors, because it’d help your career. Kenma already had his soulmate, so he was the one deciding the color scheme for his videos and helped with the color-related editing, which worked fine as of now, but you would probably appreciate to be able to do it yourself. You had also spent some years coming to terms with your struggles with eye contact and accept that this was just how you functioned. If you missed your soulmate in a random supermarket thanks to it one day, well, you’d be none the wiser, so you felt sure you’d survive without one, but you also couldn’t deny that the sound of a soulmate sounded really nice and comforting. That someone out there existed to fit you, that you were born to love someone who was also meant to love you. You were sure that finding your soulmate wasn’t a dance on roses, it was sure to still be hard, frustrating and maybe even painful sometimes, but you also couldn’t just have all the good, there was a balance that was sure to exist within soulmates as well.
After hours of going through the raw footage from his video game play and slowly editing while watching it, you popped your shoulders and stretched your arms for a moment, yawning as you did so. Your hours were always a bit intense, but that couldn’t be helped when you had six hours of raw footage to work with. Looking at the clock you saw that it was 5.30PM which meant that soon Kenma would wake up from his pseudo-sleep (which was more like a nap in your opinion) to look at your process and ask what you wanted for dinner.
Soon after a soft knock was heard followed by the door opening slowly, Kenma standing in sweats and a hoodie with bags under his eyes, “do you like hotpot?” he asked, and you smiled at him, “sure, are you cooking tonight?” he yawned while he shook his head, “Kuroo is. He insists on a ‘fulfilling meal’, whatever that means.”
You giggled before beckoning Kenma in to see some of what you’ve done so far and making minor adjustments along the way. “Now, something smells delicious and I’m thirsty,” you stated after the two of you had talked a bit about the rest of the video’s plans. As you went towards the kitchen you could hear the sound of of a nameless tune being hummed, pans sizzling from something being cooked and kitchen utensils being used.
Inside, the table was already set with plates and prepared ingredients lying ready for the pot that Kuroo was just about to put on the table. It seemed he had made an endless supply of different side dishes and really put in a lot of work for it, so you looked really forward to eating it and it smelled delicious. You grabbed a glass from the set table and went to the sink to get some water and just as your hand reached it, Kuroo had extended his hand as well to the sink and you accidentally touched.
You both recoiled as if you had been burned and you couldn’t stop the gasp that accidentally left your lips. A feeling was rushing through your body you hadn’t experienced before and you immediately apologized to Kuroo and went back to the table, foregoing the water. You didn’t notice how Kuroo was frozen in place from when he touched you before Kenma called out to him and he immediately started moving again.
You ended up eating shortly after, Kuroo serving the food and talking animatedly about him and Kenma’s childhood, making you laugh quite a bit at their (or more, Kuroo’s) antics and their volleyball days. Kuroo was the type of person to make you relax in his presence and have fun which you didn’t even notice until you got home later that evening and really thought about what a great time you had had. You found yourself surprised by how easily you clicked with Kuroo, a total stranger. It must be his charm, you thought to yourself before going through your night routine. You had to come back tomorrow and finish work, after all. You estimated the video would take you a few more days to finish but that would end up fitting well with the weekend coming, so as you went to bed you felt yourself more relaxed than you had in a while.
“What are they like?”
It was Friday and it seemed you had finished Kenma’s video and therefor you weren’t here for dinner – for the first time in a few days, which did let down Kuroo just a tiny bit. He had talked a lot with you during dinner preparations when you came out from the office and during dinner as well and while you did answer all his questions (which, he admitted, there were quite a few of them) and follow up with your own for him, it still felt… off… talking to you – and Kuroo didn’t like not knowing why. “What do you mean?” Kenma asked, taking another bite into his mouth.
Kenma swallowed a piece of meat before looking up at Kuroo who was stabbing his plate with his fork in what seemed like a useless purpose. He knew he was being a little weird but meeting you was weird, even though he had no reason to explain why.
“I mean, is this how they usually act?” He didn’t even know what that question meant or why he was even asking it, nothing made sense! But he had a desperate feeling that he needed to get to know you – he was afraid of what that implied and what suspicions he needed to hold onto, but he was sure it was his gut telling him you were dangerous for Kenma to be around – that had to be it! Kenma was his best friend, his childhood friend, it had to be a gut feeling meant to protect him!
“Who knows, they’re being more polite than usual, I think. But that makes sense,” Kenma replied calmly before adding, “I mean you are a stranger who’s really intent on being social with them over our dinners, they were a bit shy as well when I met them,”
Kuroo nodded and finally took a bite of his own food. He didn’t notice Kenma’s raised eyebrows or the questioning look that was sent his way, so Kenma decided to let the subject rest.
Not seeing you today felt weird to him too and he couldn’t help the irritation building up inside him – you had just met a few days ago and only in the evenings when he was done with work and ready to make dinner – and yet, the thought of you kept invading his mind. He had gotten through work today thinking you were going to be there for dinner so when he came home and found out you wouldn’t be there, the first seed of irritation had been planted – why was he suddenly looking so much forward to seeing you? Had it been like this yesterday too? Why was it suddenly important that you weren’t there? He ended up sitting in front of the laptop in the guest room for the rest of the evening, the document left open and completely untouched.
Kuroo, however, didn’t let the subject rest in his head for the rest of that evening. Hinata was in town, having time off after a big game yesterday so Kuroo was left to his own devices – which really wasn’t a problem considering he had to make the paperwork for a promotional deal for a meeting Monday morning that he had procrastinated making – which wasn’t like him at all, he usually never pushed assignments to last minute and he then realized the reason he wasn’t done yet was because he had spent so much time over the dinner table with Kenma and you, talking even after dinner had been done for a while. You always offered to help him with the clean-up so you also spent some time talking there, drifting off to various subjects far passing the cleaning duties and sitting down again with a glass of water.
He enjoyed your company, it felt... easy, somehow, the sensation that something was off was there but it didn’t really settle in his stomach until every time after you left, as if it was left to grow a bit from a small sensation to a problem, which worried him – Kuroo prided himself as an impeccable people-reader, he was captain for both the volleyball team in high school and college, he knew how to act around business relations so well because he could read them so flawlessly – so the feelings he got from you was unsettling and unreadable and it took some control away from him – and Kuroo always felt uneasy when he wasn’t in control.
Kuroo heard your name and almost got whiplash from how fast his head moved towards Kenma, “what?”
“I asked if we should invite them? To game night? Being three is a little annoying in Mario Party.”
“Oooh, that’s a good idea! I’d love to see them again!” Hinata happily exclaimed before taking another bite of the lasagna Kuroo had prepared tonight. It was Saturday and Kuroo had been in a daze the entire day, first at the office for a quick meeting with his boss about a potential partner he might be able to reel in soon and then doing his laundry at Kenma’s and continuing to try and make the stupid paperwork but ultimately failing before he had to make dinner.
“Isn’t it a bit late to invite someone? I mean, they could have plans already...” Kuroo tried, knowing what a pain it could be to be asked to something an hour before it happened and he didn’t want to let you go through that – that’s what he tried to tell himself, at least. In truth? He was a bit afraid of seeing you again, afraid of his potential reactions, since he had spent his entire Friday in a stupor just thinking about you. His thoughts didn’t mean much for Kenma and Hinata though, who was already texting you to ask.  “Oi, no phones at the table, have you parents taught you no manners?” Kuroo chided and Hinata immediately shrank back and apologized – Kuroo smirked, yea the Chibi-chan still had respect for his seniors. But he was quickly pulled back to thoughts about you by Kenma’s phone lighting up again, “they’ll be here in an hour. They’re asking if they should bring anything?” Kenma looked up to gauge Kuroo’s reaction, having noticed something about his friend had been off the past few days. He immediately made a funny grimace before turning it into a smile. “Yea, they can bring a bottle of white wine, if I have to beat you all at Mario Party, I would very much like to be a tiny bit buzzed,” Kuroo said, and Hinata looked at him with wide eyes, “you drink wine!? So grown up!” Hinata exclaimed, to which Kenma just muttered, “or just an old man…” Kuroo didn’t hear that though, too busy to fidget with his hands under the table, suddenly feeling nervous that you were showing up.
Hinata plopped down between Kuroo and you with a controller in hand, “I’m gonna beat you all in this Mario Kart!” to which you laughed loudly, “good luck since we’re playing Mario Party.”
“Huh? Is there a difference?” Hinata asked, making Kuroo belt out a loud laugh as well, holding his stomach, “you just told us you’d beat us but you don’t even know what we’re playing!” Kuroo couldn’t contain his laughter for a bit until he noticed how you were looking at him and instantly retracted his laugh, sitting up straight with a cough, and apologizing for being loud, which confused him to no end. He had never been self-conscious of his own laugh! He knew it could be obnoxious and loud, but he also liked it himself, and-
“That’s a really cute laugh.”
The comment earned you the stares of the century from the three other people in the room, with Kenma in genuine shock – he wouldn’t say he disliked Kuroo’s laugh, just that it was… special.
“Uhm… Uh. Thank you?” Kuroo could feel that his blush went all the way to his ears but he hoped that the light in the living room wasn’t bright enough to catch it. “Yeah uh! Sure! Mhm,” you awkwardly coughed a bit as well before reaching for your glass of wine.
You had brought a bottle of white wine for Kuroo on the promise that you’d get a glass too, saying he was your first friend who also liked wine. The word ‘friend’ had dumb-founded him and he’d just answered “you can have it all,” to which you had laughed and said it’s fine with half, you weirdo.
The game was about to begin but Kuroo was still sitting stuck on the fact that his laugh was cute – cute? Had anyone else found it cute before besides Bokuto and his mom? He wasn’t sure – he sure couldn’t pinpoint them right now anyways. He tried to shake it off and focus on the game, though quite a bit of time was spent explaining the rules to Hinata who apparently had thought they were just playing Mario Kart.
When you were 12 laps into it, it seemed that you were set to win with your four stars and 121 coins. Kenma was right behind you with three stars and Hinata and Kuroo had been left in the dust with zero stars. You had stolen Kuroo’s first (and only) star early in the game, so he was plotting his vengeance in quiet but was getting afraid that the game would end before he could do anything to you – but just as his hopes were at the smallest during the last round of the game, you were put in the same team as him in the last mini game.
Kuroo had a wide smirk when you cheered and said, “this’ll be easy then!” because no, it would not be easy for you. If he had to go down in order to take you down a notch, then so be it. He’d rather Kenma win than you did with stolen goods!
The last mini game was “Tow the Line” where two players were put in a sewing box shaped with nine dots as a grid and two players tied together with a string and the objective was to make the shape with the string as shown in the middle of screen. As soon as the whistle sounded, Kuroo lowered his hands and stopped using his controllers, all with a big grin on his lips.
“Kuroo, what the fuck! Get moving, we’ve started!” you yelled at him as Kenma and Hinata won the first round, signaling the next round began, Kuroo started whistling and looking away from the screen, to which you got up from your seat, “fine, I’ll just take your controller and do it myself!”
Kuroo put his arm with the controller behind him, “nah-ah-ah! You’re not winning this, fiend! That’s what you get for stealing my star!” He grinned up at you with his eyes closed as you stood with your hands on your hips, “come on man! I stole that star in the fourth round! Kenma stole a star from me as well!” you tried, “maybe he stole the one that was yours, who knows! Get over it so we can win!”
But as soon as you’d said that, the third round had just been won and you sighed and flopped down on your seat again, “not cool Kuroo, not cool. I’ll remember this!”
You both laughed as the game made ready to announce the winner, Kenma and Hinata entertained by your antics.
“You can’t avenge something that I avenged in the first place! I only did it because you did me wrong, you know!”
“You can’t use logic on me, it doesn’t apply!”
To no surprise, you won the entire game, even winning one of the two bonus stars given at the end of the game.
After the last sequence and a bow from you there was a quick break before you decided to play some Mario Kart for Hinata’s sake, since his argument was that he lost due it being Party instead. You played quite a few hours and after another toilet break you had switched places with Hinata so Kenma could cuddle up against him. You yawned, drinking the last of the wine in your glass and said, “I should head home, I have a friend coming over for lunch tomorrow.”
Hinata and Kenma both started to get up to say goodnight but you waved at them with a smile, “I can walk out myself, it’s fine!” But Kuroo had already gotten up from the couch as well, so you walked with him towards the hallway where you put on your shoes. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you, which Kuroo noted and scowled a bit - he might have only known you for less than a week but for some reason he felt like it had been a lot longer, like you were old friends – it felt strange, to be so close with a stranger. He didn’t know anything about you, really. He knew your name, your job and how you liked some of your vegetables and which meat was your favorite, he knew you also loved cats but didn’t have one (he couldn’t remember if he knew why) and he felt pretty sure he would recognize you in a crowded area – why it was so intense, he was unsure of, he hadn’t tried meeting someone this way before. It had also seemed like having this game night had made you considerably more relaxed in his presence, even joking around with him instead of being polite, which made Kuroo somewhat giddy, though it didn’t really make sense to him as to why.
“I hope you had fun,” Kuroo said awkwardly, as if he had been the host and scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah, I did! I’m sorry I stole your star, though,” you laughed, buttoning your jacket.
“Nah, no worries, as they say, all’s fair in love and war, right?”
You giggled and picked up your bag from the dresser while Kuroo opened up the door for you. As you exited, you turned around with a bright smile, “well, thanks for toni-”
Everything ended up a blur, too bright, too much, too noisy, too… colorful? Kuroo was still looking into your eyes as all that went through him, completely blindsided. As he took a proper look, he could see that you looked just as surprised as him, your eyes wide but still never leaving his either.
“Is… Is this? Are you? Is…” You asked after what felt like both days and milliseconds, I could stare at them so much longer, he thought to himself, the colors only making your face more clear to him. Had you really not had eye contact at all? Had you seen each other for several hours – more than a few times, without looking each other in the eyes at all? Kuroo was more baffled by this happening so late than the fact that it was happening.
He was about to say something, anything, when you promptly turned around, nervously yelling, “I-I uh, I gotta go! Goodbye!” as you hurried out of the driveway and down towards the subway.
“W-wait!” Kuroo belatedly and unhelpfully yelled out as you turned a corner, too late. You were gone. A hand was dragged down his face as a sigh left him, what the fuck had just happened? He obviously needed to talk to you about this, but he also needed to gather his thoughts about all of this, so he slowly closed the door and went back towards the living room, greeted by Hinata and Kenma who looked up at him curiously, “why did you yell?” Hinata asked with his head tilted.
“I think I just found my soulmate.”
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! SPOILERS: Chapter 401, How We Connect the Dots.
I just posted a video with my live reactions to the chapter, but here are my highlights, because FURUDATE YOU MADMAN GENIUS. This chapter connected so much together. So, let’s do:
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My Top 10 Thoughts on Haikyuu!! Chapter 401:
10. Of course. In true Furudate fashion, he has Kageyama block the spike from Hinata, BUT, what Kageyama doesn’t realize is all the training on the beach Shoyo has done to prepare for such a moment. And that heel kick! *swoons* Also, someone reacting to Season 4, Episode 9 of the anime, where Hinata kicks the ball back to himself called this happening all those months ago...Furudate is next level at foreshadowing. Not that we didn’t already know that.
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9. Hey, remember how in the VERY FIRST chapter of Haikyuu!! Shoyo did this crazy run across the court to score? Yeah, Furudate knows we remember. And he pulls this -- and Kageyama’s beautiful reaction, only for --
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-- Only for it to all be a DECOY. Kageyama, you made this monster, you know. I love that Shoyo has come all this way from wanting to score all the points to accepting that the decoy DOES have a vital role to play, and in this instance, it’s allowing Bokuto to score the winning point for the MSBY Black Jackals. Just look at that smile! And of course, Tanaka and Asahi KNOW the power of Hinata as a Decoy...because they’ve been in Bokuto’s shoes before. 
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8. UGH, the aftermath of that moment is glorious, which will detail down below -- but I love Shoyo and Kageyama’s interaction, though. How they’re still keeping track of each other’s wins and losses, exhausting Miya, hilariously, and showing that they’re on equal footing now, after all these years. This chapter is just cementing the last several chapters’ worth of character development. 
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Because these next few pages were healing my shipper heart. I mean, yes, the Kagehina fanbase is raving right now, but let’s talk about THESE ships below, starting with:
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi:
So, Tsukishima, of course, is not sappy about any of this and just points out how the season’s just getting started (ready the fanfics, y’all). 
And of course, Yamaguchi wants to watch Tsuki play! Yachi says she’ll come too! I LOVE how just like he was with Akiteru, he doesn’t want them to come watch (even though we all know he’ll love it when they’re there). Now, some people have commented that Yamaguchi could be with Yachi, but y’all...Yachi is in Tokyo. Yamaguchi and Tsuki both live in Miyagi. I can’t wait for all the Sendai Frog/TsukiYama fanfics!
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If you’re looking for an extra Kagehina crumble, just look at the end of this adorable exchange between Romero, smol adorable Rubens, and Shoyo (who perfectly crouches down to talk to him MY HEART I CAN’T), to see Kageyama notice that Shoyo can speak multiple languages...oh, honey! If only you know about Hinata and Pedro’s marathons of DBZ in Portugese and English! ^^
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Also, Furudate WE SEE YOU. We see you being meta and implying that now Haikyuu!! is over, he’s moving on...Akaashi’s line about going forward hit me hard...it’s like he’s telling us, the fandom, that going on to start something new isn’t so bad. SO YOU SAY. 
I love that Akaashi gets to interview Bokuto (IS HE GOING TO BE THE STAR of the Volleyball manga Tenma Udai is writing?! He would be PERFECT for it!) and how happy Akaashi looks, even if he and Bokuto realize how differently they view the term “normal.” 
ALSO, it’s implied above that Akaashi, Bokuto, and Tenma were going out for drinks...which now....we know that it’s just Bokuto and Akaashi, since Tenma was going home. Uhm, FAN FIC WRITERS ASSEMBLE!
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I also love that Udai joins the club, along with Fukurodani’s coach and manager, of people who realize that Bokuto and Akaashi are weirdos but they are weirdos together, so it’s fine. 
Keeping the “Ship Train” going, we get little bits of Shimizu x Yachi from the bathhouse before the Inarizaki Match, where Kiyoko finally acknowledges she is okay showing her legs...thanks to Yachi’s words. I also find Suga wanting to know “the tea” on the situation to be adorable. 
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I was spoiled with Kuroo’s return, but seriously, Furudate, you saved him for the end here so INTENTIONALLY. 
Because OF COURSE Kuroo would work for the JVA. As a promoter. CONNECTING people...with Volleyball...because that’s the Nekoma way.
-- and let it be known Atsumu Miya rightfully doesn’t trust Kuroo, and neither does Sakusa. A nice SakuAtsu crumb where we actually see Sakusa agree with Miya without sacrasm or question! Poor Shoyo is a salesman’s dream, though. I mean, Kuroo does look a little sketchy in some of those shots...BUT....
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6. Kuroo’s speech about sports was SO fitting. Seriously, everything he says here is BASICALLY what makes Haikyuu!! such a great series. I DID laugh out loud at the line about “hardly anybody dies.” 
*Flashbacks to “Dead Daichi” meme*
5. It’s taken us the ENTIRE series, but Kageyama finally talks to Kindaichi and Kunimi. This was so heartwarming, seeing Kageyama wanting to play WITH THEM. AS A TEAM. This made my heart expand three sizes. The character development on Kageyama, and Kindaichi, is through the roof.
I also LOVE Kunimi the most in these panels. Kunimi is a MOOD. 
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4. I love that Hoshiumi doesn’t see Hinata as a Rival, but as someone that is going to help him show the rest of the world the strength of someone who doesn’t have height. I also find it interesting that we see the Japanese Olympic Coach walking out just as Hoshiumi gives us that beautiful gaze. So...does Hoshiumi know he’s going to be on the Olympic team, with Hinata, maybe? Foreshadowing, perhaps?
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3. Okay, okay, I held it together until this page. 
It wasn’t Ushijima’s panel with Washijo that got me.
It wasn’t Saeko and Akane reuniting, though that was sweet. 
It wasn’t the three “Pure Captains” reuniting, though it made my heart happy.
It honestly wasn’t the five first years together, either. They’re all so happy and having a laugh at Kageyama’s expense, and as beautiful as that panel is.
That is what got me. 
Him in line, so meekly, to get the autograph of his kouhai, the man Suga joked would have to tell about how much he learned from HIM when he was giving out interviews and autographs...I just...Sugawara made me cry. That is all. 
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2. Then there’s this last page. 2021. 
"We overcame difficulties and stand here.”
Furudate really said “screw you” to Covid messing up the timeline.
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Yes, seeing Kageyama and Hinata in their original jersey numbers was amazing, but I think we all saw that coming if these two happened to get on the Olympic team. 
What I want to focus on are the two countries we see included in the bottom corner here. We see: 
Brazil -- and some fluffy haired man carrying the flag for the team.
And we see the United States -- there’s several American Flags and stars and stripes on the shirts of the crowd, there.
* Oikawa was on the Argentinean League, so could he play for Brazil? It’s not likely, but not impossible....BUT, I don’t think that’s it.
I don’t think Oikawa is on Japan’s National Team for the Olympics.
If he is on the Olympic Team, I think he’ll be on America’s. 
Why? Because, and this could be because I’m the biggest IwaOi shipper, but Iwaizumi was still in the United States with Ushijima’s father at the end of Chapter 395. And if he’s still there, there is no reason why Iwaizumi couldn’t be a physical trainer alongside Ushijima’s father for the U.S. Olympic team. And why wouldn’t Oikawa trek over to the States to be on the same team as Iwa-Chan’s working with? I’m probably wrong, BUT -- 
We also still need to see Seijoh’s banner, and as others have theorized, how fitting would it be to see Hinata, Kageyama, and (probably) Ushijima on the team facing Oikawa? I just....I’m betting money that Oikawa shows up in 402. I hope we at least see him on the Olympic Stage. OIKAWA DESERVES IT. 
1. So, who are we missing that hasn’t been shown yet?
We still need to see the rest of Nekoma (Lev, Yaku, Yamamoto, Kai....could they be in the stands or on the Japan team? I guess we’ll find out!)
We haven’t seen Daishou and Mika -- I would love to see them watching or narrating in the audience during the Olympic game.
And finally, yes, we’ve seen Tendo in the Chapter 395 flashback, but we’ve never seen what he’s DOING. Furudate has shown us with every character what they’ve been doing since the timeskip....EXCEPT TENDO. I’m calling it that he’ll appear one more time next chapter, too.
So....guys....I’m staying off of Social Media from Wednesday to Sunday next week, to prep for the last chapter and not be spoiled. I’m going to do a live reaction for YouTube, and I’ll post it here. You can see the one I did for 401 now. 
Furudate, this series has been immaculate. Time for one more round.
Let’s all cry together next week.
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marshieee · 3 years
Could i request kuroo ushijima sakusa and msby bokuto when you come to their games but its a big game and you bring your kid(s) with you. (Maybe the kid(s) help bokuto with his emo mode or the kids help calm their dad down) idk i just thought this would be cute and fun for you to write
Also idk if you accept anons but if you do can i be midnight anon
Aahhhhh a father to children interaction i love that!❤️❤️ i still can’t believe I’m receiving request huhuhu😭❤️ OFCOURSE I ACCEPT ANONS! CHARACTER ANONS OR WHATEVER JUST COME TO ME!!!🥰 also this is gonna be their timeskip version so I’m gonna stick with kuroo’s timeskip profession if you don’t mind also i wanted to try to make this a little scenario just tell me if you want to make this as a hc. Sorry this took awhile.
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When their kid(s) came to see them
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Kuroo was watching schweiden alders game feeling nervous as he watch ushijima spikes the ball.
“Jeez he’s gonna break the ball at this point”
He was assigned to ask ushijima for a promotion video promoting a good sportsmanship and promoting the game just like what he did with hinata.
Normally he wouldn’t get this nervous but learning that ushijima is utsui takashi’s son changed his mood. Also knowing that ushijima would eventually become a professional volleyball player under Japan V. League soon.
“Like father like son huh”
Suddenly out of nowhere, even though the whole place was booming with cheers and claps he heard someone calling him.
He turned around and saw his ball of sunshine running towards him with you trailing behind.
He kneels down and opened his arms waiting for his son to come to him. The toddler then dives into his fathers arms and started giggling, he stood up carrying his son.
“What brings you here buddy?”
“Mommy said she was going to watch a volleyball game and asked me if i wanna go”
“And you did”
As you finally reached them he gave you a cheeky smile, he kissed your cheeks since his son is there so kiss on the lips can wait.
“Hi kitten”
“Hello to you too kuroo-san”
You laughed but finally noticing his is kind of pale worried that he might be sick you gently cupped his face.
“Are you ok?”
He grabs your hand and give it a kiss, feeling that he is slowly calming down.
But suddenly his son grabbed both of his cheeks and forcibly turned kuroo to face him.
“Daddy are you sick?”
“No buddy I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure”
Still not convinced with his father’s word he gave kuroo a kiss on the cheeks and made up a little chant to make sure he’s ok.
“Thank you baby i feel a lot better now”
“What’s up with you anyways?”
“Well i was assigned to ask ushijima if he can make a promotion video with us”
“And? What’s wrong with that?”
“Recently i just discovered that ushijima is utsui takashi’s son”
“Wait really? The utsui takashi?”
“I know right?!”
Suddenly someone flung their arms around your shoulder, now that you noticed how close your face were with kuroo. The both of you looked at your son who is struggling to keep his arms around you since you’re a bit far, giggling you stepped closer, when he got comfortable, he took a deep breath and puts on a serious face.
“Who is utsui takashi?”
“Why is utsui takashi?”
“How is utsui takashi?”
You three fell silent for a good minute before bursting with laughter.
“Why are we even huddling anyways?”
You took your son out of kuroo’s arms and continued laughing with him. Kuroo watched both of his precious gems having fun, all smiles and that’s what he likes.
It was a big day today since it’s msby vs schweiden alders game.
He felt a excitement since he’s going to play against hinata shoyo again after those years. The fact that you told him you can’t come to his game today since you’re too busy and his daughter has a play date really saddens his mood. Boy just wants to flex sometimes you know.
Suddenly he heard a commotion outside their waiting room, he didn’t mind it at first but it gradually got a little louder so he decided to check it out. This man got confused over a commotion cause not only his teammates were there also the msby players were also there huddled in the middle of the hallway.
“What’s happening?”
They all turned around that made ushijima anxious because duh they were looking at him like he just killed someone then all of a sudden in the center of those giant players was a lovely little girl.
Fun fact: ushi named his daughter keiko that means “respected child”
Keiko runs up to her father and ushijima instantly scoops her up in his arms.
“Papa i’m here”
“But i thought keiko has a play date today?”
“Keiko said she wants to watch her papa play”
The boys gave way to you as you walked up to the both of them. Ushijima gave you a smile and pecks your lips.
“Hi mama”
“Hello honey”
Suddenly Kageyama appeared besides you and bowed.
“Hello y/n-san!”
“Oh my hello tobio-kun”
“Hello keiko”
Hoshiumi then appeared behind ushijima and waved at little keiko.
“Hiii keiko-chan!”
“Hey keiko who do you think is the coolest?—“
“No no not that—“
“But papa is the coolest for me”
“Besides your papa, me or hinata shoyo?”
Suddenly hinata pops out and caught keiko’s attention, ushijima had to hold her since she moved to the side to look at hinata. She stared at hinata making him nervous.
They all got quiet when keiko shouted sunshine while giggling, hinata on the other hand was confused.
“Shoyo nii-chan sunshine!”
Hinata blushed furiously after receiving a compliment from keiko, hoshiumi did not know what’s happening so he asked ushijima if he can carry keiko.
“Sure just be careful”
“I will i will”
Then they started to surround keiko again asking who’s the coolest to who’s the tallest and who’s the best etc. etc.
Ushijima watched as her baby girl was getting along with his teammates and other teams as well. You looked at ushijima who has a soft look, nudging him to the side.
“It looks like keiko is popular huh~”
“Ah I wonder if she’s also popular at her daycare~”
Ushijima turned to look at you with a confused expression.
“Because if she is there’s probably a boy who likes her—“
“But what if when she goes home and told us about—“
“Aww keiko will have a prince—“
Ushijima grabbed both of your cheeks and kissed your nose, but he still looks frustrated after you put those thoughts in his head.
“Y/N no”
Today is a big day for the japan V league, the gymnasium was packed with fans and supporters for each team. You could see a lot of flags here and there, there’s also a huge group of people who would cheer for their teams.
A lot of camera has been clicking and taping since then. Fortunately for you, you got a good seat in front thanks for the sources you had, your little girl who’s sitting besides you is very excited to watch the game.
She begged you to have her face painted with a japan flag which you unfortunately did because you can’t say no to her sometimes, you gave her a fan with the japan’s team on it so she could wave it around and to fan herself of course.
The game has started and you cheered with your daughter, shouting and jumping whenever the japan team scores a point. Soon the game ended and it was the win of the japan team. You felt someone tug your shirt looking down you saw your daughter who was ready to go.
“Mommy let’s go! Let’s go!”
“Alright baby calm down we’re going”
You held her hands as you two walk towards the court, thankfully you two wore a pass around your neck or else.
When you arrived at the court a lot of people were there, paparazzi, reporters, few important peoples and all. You were trying to spot your husband among the crowd but your daughter found him first, she lets go of your hand and came dashing to wherever she found her father.
Sakusa was having an interview with a reporter that time so he didn’t notice a little girl running towards him, when she got to where her daddy was she immediately hugged him.
The reporter was confused and panicking since a little girl suddenly interrupted their interview, they were glancing back and forgot to sakusa to the little girl when all of a sudden sakusa smiled and lifted her up.
“Where were we again?”
“Oh..um right uh, y-your thoughts about the game”
“Ah yes, they were a tough opponent that’s given it was really hard to go pass through their defense so it was nice when aran broke their defenses with one hard spike, overall it was a good game everyone did their best so that’s what matters”
“Right one last question um do you know this little girl?”
Sakusa looked at the ball of sunshine in his arms and smiled at her.
“Do you want to introduce yourself?”
The nodded enthusiastically at her father,
“Go on”
“Hello! My name is sakusa hayami! Nice to meet you!”
Fun fact:Sakusa named his daughter hayami which means “rare beauty”
The reporter was surprised and looked at sakusa who was smiling.
“She’s my daughter”
“Oh! Hello hayami-san nice to meet you too how old are you?”
Hayami slowly extended her fingers and showed them,
“I’m five years old!”
“Wow! Anything you want to say abou your father?”
Sakusa then whispered to her.
“What do you want to say about daddy”
She flings her arms in the air while explaining making the reporter giggle at her cuteness, sakusa then noticed you walking towards them, he gave you a smile and gestures you to come over.
“And here...”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“...is my lovely wife y/n”
You bow down and the reporter bow down also, they look at the three of you and smiled.
“What a lovely family”
“It is”
Sakusa turned to look at you and kissed you on your forehead.
“It is a lovely family”
Suddenly someone shouted at the background causing all of you to turn around.
Sakusa turned to look at the reporter with a frustrated face.
“It’s a lovely family not until they come around”
“Ah hahaha...”
When the interview ended hayami played with her uncles, sakusa held your hand.
“Did you enjoyed the game?”
“Yeah i did, Hayami also enjoyed the game”
“Yes really i had to stop her from shouting to much or she’ll hurt her throat”
“Hahahaha...i see”
He placed a soft kiss on your hand, you looked at him.
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome~”
You wanted to surprise bokuto so you didn’t tell him that you’ll be watching his game today all he knows is you’ll be at your friend’s house since they needed you with something and the kids were scheduled with a play date.
He didn’t mind of course but it’s still sad that his babies wouldn’t be there to watch him play but when you told him that you’ll be watching at the television he said that he’ll do his best.
Now that you’re here at the noisy gymnasium full of spectators who supports their favorite teams, other brought their own banner some joined a cheering team. The whole gymnasium was full of tension and excitement that infected both of your children as they were jumping and shouting that you have to sometimes cover their mouth or else they’ll hurt themselves.
Bokuto didn’t know that you three were there all he knows is to focus on the game and win. Since the whole area was full of cheer it’ll be hard for bokuto to hear his kids cheering for him.
As the game went on the msby team isn’t doing well they were five points behind and they needed to catch up or the numbers will pile up. You can tell your husband is getting frustrated since his spikes keeps getting blocked, unlike before he knows how to calm down and act rationally but the frustration is still there if this continues he will lose his focus.
You have to do something, you were thinking of ways to help your husband and then suddenly your kids started shouting even more.
You guessed that they sensed that their daddy is having a tough time, then it came to you, it’s kind of dumb to bring this with you but you thought that you might need or someone might need it and it looks like you did. Tapping the shoulders of the shouting children they then looked at you.
“Kasuga, haruki...”
You named your little girl kasuga which means “spring day” while bokuto named his young man haruki which means “shining sun”
You gave them a thumbs up as they looked at you with a confused expression.
“...leave it to mommy”
You grabbed your bag and looked for the thing that you brought, you immediately pulled it out of the bag.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a megaphone”
Yes, you did brought a megaphone without any reason you just shoved it down and brought it.
“Uh huh you can talk here and it’ll make your voice suuuuper loud and I’m sure daddy will hear it!”
They were excited to use it since they know that their daddy will finally hear them, you started to turn on the megaphone and handed the it to them.
“You two hold it very still”
Haruki lets his sister hold the upper part of handle while he holds the lower part of it. You made sure that it was on and loud and clear.
“Ok now you two go in front right, there in the railings mommy will be right beside you”
You don’t want other people burts their damn eardrums when the twins shouts. They slowly and carefully walked down the stairs holding on the megaphone on their hands. When you arrived at the bottom, the twins looked at you as you gave them your signal.
“Ok on the count of three...one...two...three!”
They took a deep breath and cheered.
If it’s just one of them it wouldn’t really attract a lot of people but since there’s two of them I’m sure there’s a lot of people who’s looking at the three of you. You blushed a little but didn’t stop the twins since you’re a supportive mother and wife.
Bokuto heard their screams, at first he thought he was hallucinating but when hinata turned around and started to wave at them.
He finally turned around and saw his two bundle of joy waving at him and right beside them was you who looks flustered but still waving at him. He felt all of his frustrations fading away by just looking at the three of you all smiles for him, so he raised both of his arms and smiled.
The twins immediately handed you the megaphone and copied their father’s actions.
Bokuto turned to look at you, you blowed him a kiss to which he blows you one back. Feeling a lot better he tapped both sakusa and hinata’s back.
Atsumu watched bokuto’s with his lovely family and felt extremely jealous on how the two of you blowing kisses to each other.
“How come bokuto has two cute children and a beautiful wife”
Grumbling at himself he turned to look for a camera who’s recording live on television but since there’s a alot he just shouted.
Fortunately that was caught on cam and fortunately for him too osamu was watching live on his phone.
151 notes · View notes
you weren’t supposed to hear that (F! reader)
A collection of instances where your roommate hears you moaning their name whilst your fingers are between your legs. Or your neighbor. Or maybe you walk in on them saying your name. Take your pick 😈
warnings: NSFW, manga spoilers (in terms of what the boys do post timeskip), degradation (i think?)
a/n: i'm so nervous about this one LOL i’m super into Sakusa but I don’t know much about him tbh. he’s some good eye candy and that’s all i got. and i like the idea that he’d be a bit softer with you. anyways, hope you enjoy ✨J
taglist: @apollochjld @kurosarium 
Other parts: Kuroo | Ushijima
Sakusa Kiyoomi 
You weren’t really sure what you were expecting when you filled out the application to be Sakusa’s roommate. The application was straightforward, maybe a bit excessive, particularly in the cleaning department, but nothing you couldn’t handle. And you would’ve done almost anything to be accepted given the price was a steal and the owner of the apartment claimed they would be away frequently. So, agreeing to a few ridiculous housekeeping requests seemed reasonable to you.
All Sakusa wanted was someone to look after his apartment while he was gone, keep it tidy and clean it thoroughly before he returns. You also had to send pictures of the state of your current apartment to ‘prove’ your cleanliness. Excessive, but retrospectively—extremely worth it.
Though what you hadn’t been expecting was for the owner of the apartment to be Sakusa Kiyoomi, an outside hitter for the MSBY Black Jackals. Nor had you expected him to actually accept your application.
In all honesty, Sakusa had been a little desperate. Nobody who’d applied came even close to his expectations, and when he’d read you clean your bathroom at least once a week, it was like a breath of fresh air. And when he met you, you were pleasant and described that you mainly like to keep to yourself which sounded perfect to him. But what really convinced him was that you showed up wearing a mask. He wasn’t sure if you could tell how surprised he was, but the second he saw it, he almost accepted you on the spot.
That was over a year ago now and you and Sakusa have been living in a comfortable rhythm. When he’s home, you gladly help him clean when you have the time, and sometimes when he gets home from practice you already have dinner cooking which he can’t deny he’s come to enjoy. When he’s away, he feels safe that his home isn’t going into complete disarray or collecting dust because you’re there. And when he comes home, he loves that the apartment is nearly spotless.
By now, he almost considers your germs his own. He doesn’t mind sitting near you eating dinner, or next to each other on the couch. In fact, he finds he rather enjoys your presence. But lately, the two of you have been sitting closer on the couch and table, and when he’s gone, he actually misses you, which he will never admit. Coming home to a clean apartment and even you just popping your head into the hallway to greet him before retreating to your room is enough for him.
His growing problem is that he isn’t sure if it’s enough anymore. And it became terribly clear to him when you came to one of his games for the first time.
After the game you waited for him outside the locker room, feeling a little out of place even though Sakusa gave you a VIP pass to be allowed back here. When he emerges, he finds you swarmed by his teammates, politely indulging them and telling them you’re just waiting for someone. It makes his skin prickle in the same way it does when people touch him unprompted. Even worse, Atsumu is far too close to you for his comfort.
You seem fine though, brightly greeting him when he approaches, much to the shock of his teammates.
“What’s a pretty girl doin’ knowing our ‘Omi, hey?” Atsumu drawls, sending a sly smile your way as Sakusa frowns at the nickname.
Before you can open your mouth, amused by the nickname you’ve never heard before, Sakusa interjects, “She’s my roommate.” Rendering the rest of them speechless (which is quite the feat), he takes you gently by the arm so the two of you can leave. Two things shock them: that Sakusa has a roommate and that he touched you.
“They aren’t so bad,” you grin up at him as he scowls, the two of you heading down the hallway towards the exit.
“You don’t have to spend hours on end with them.”
You shrug, knowing Sakusa is a man of unique circumstances when it comes to other people. A thought that makes you stop in your tracks, your hand shooting out to grip his arm to stop him, surprising him enough that he doesn’t recoil from your touch. “We should go this way,” you say, pointing down a different hallway.
He just looks at you, then down at your hand still wrapped around his forearm which you quickly snatch away. “Why? This way will be closer to the car.”
“I came by this way earlier and there was a group of your fans waiting for you,” you grimace. “I’d guess they’re probably still there.”
He frowns, grumbling to himself, but starting towards the hallway you pointed out. He’d very much like to avoid that situation if possible. The two of you make it out unscathed and un-swarmed by his avid fans, and on the way out to the car he can’t help thinking how much he appreciates how considerate you are. Anyone else would have told him he’s being ridiculous and to meet his fans. Not you, however. You always take his feelings into account.
That was weeks ago now. And none of his teammates have let it go since.
For you, when you first moved in, you swore to yourself you’d never fall for him. Not even after you accidentally walked in on him working out in his home gym, his lean and muscular arms out on display, a thin sheen of sweat dampening his dark curls—you nearly combusted. You forced yourself to put it out of your mind, because how could you fall for him? His annoyingly attractive face on billboards haunts you everywhere you go, and he was a stand-offish and a little neurotic for months. But as time as passed, he grew on you.
You now find his need for cleanliness endearing. Particularly now that he’s seemingly accepted you into his ‘bubble’. You’ll never forget the moment he touched you for the first time of his own accord. It was simple, nothing to think anything of really, but for him it was a big deal. It was just a brief touch on the shoulder while you were washing dishes thanking you for dinner. Afterwards, you took note of every time he touched you. One that stands out the most was when he wanted to escape his teammates at the very first game of his you attended. It was firmer, more of a silent plea from him that stunned you.
Really, you could be perfectly happy living like this. Except that your thoughts wander to him far too often now. Especially when he’s gone. It feels weird not having him around, scolding you for missing one spot on the counter, or sitting quietly next to you on the couch—you think about him a lot. His silent presence is strangely comforting, and it doesn’t help you watch his games while he’s away.
He is beautiful to watch. To the point you can’t even believe you live with him. Your efforts to keep your feelings in check were futile. You get so riled up that recently you’ve begun tiding yourself over to the thought of him. At first, you felt pretty ridiculous, especially since it’s hard to imagine him wanting to be…dirty like that, but eventually you just let your imagination run wild. You let yourself believe that with you, he’d be different.
It’s become a habit now while he’s gone. You know it’s awful. Yet you can’t stop yourself. Not when you haven’t been with someone since moving in with Sakusa. At first it was because you didn’t want to piss him off by bringing some stranger into the apartment. But now, you don’t even think you could. Not when you know you’ll only think about him the entire time.
He left only yesterday for his away game, but you’re already missing him. Already foolishly letting your thoughts wander into darker territory that you keep locked up tight when he’s around. His game is tomorrow, so you take the opportunity while you’re almost one-hundred percent certain he won’t come home early. On several occasions he’s come back a day early, but never before a game. Always after.
Your new favorite spot is the shower. Mostly because you can imagine him maybe letting loose a bit while the two of you are actively being cleaned in the process. Once you’ve stripped and the warm water is cascading down your back, it’s easy to imagine him.
You’ve pictured him so many times before that sometimes it really does feel like he’s there. That it’s his hands trailing down your sides, resting your hips, his mouth gently kissing along your neck as his hands move lower. The thought of him towering over you, his curly hair damp from the water, those dark eyes boring into you has you trembling in anticipation.
You’re already soaking when you run a finger between your folds, gripping the tiles when it reaches your clit, wondering what Sakusa’s fingers would feel like instead. Dipping your head, you let out a small, “Kiyoomi,” as you picture him whispering filthy things in your ear.
When Sakusa enters the apartment, he wrinkles his nose under his mask at the slight mess. Though, he supposes he can’t blame you. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another three days. But the other team cancelled unexpectedly, unable to get to the destination due to terrible weather. He hears the shower running in the other room, so he pulls off his mask and gets down to work. He can talk to you about it later.
Though he can’t help imagining you in the shower. Your body freshly clean, water running down your back, between your breasts, and along your legs. His mind gets so clouded by the image that he doesn’t realize he’s been scrubbing the same spot on the counter for a few minutes now. He’s jolted back to reality when he hears a sharp, “Ah!” emit from the bathroom.
He drops his cleaning supplies and quickly strides towards the bathroom thinking you’ve fallen in the shower. The door is slightly open, steam trickling into the hallway, and before he can knock and ask if you’re alright he hears your voice again.
His hand stops mid-air, eyes widening with the realization of what you’ve just said. He pauses for a moment, debating what he should do. He can’t deny he thinks about you more often than he should, and more frequently as of late. And to him, the shower seems like the perfect place. So, he pushes the door open quietly, unzipping his jacket and saying into the silence, “Did you say my name?”
You almost take a tumble into the tub in surprise at hearing his actual voice in the bathroom with you. Close enough to lead you to believe he is in the bathroom. Yanking your fingers out of you, you push back the curtain, intent on yelling at him for intruding on you and scaring the shit out of you, though your voice dies in your throat.
Standing in the middle of the bathroom is Sakusa Kiyoomi, in all his infuriatingly delicious glory, pulling off his shirt and moving to rid himself of his track pants as well. He’s looking at you, deadpan, eyes moving down your body but stopping where the shower curtain is still covering you.
After a moment, you collect your senses, managing to choke out, “Wh—what are you doing?” Just your luck that he came home early at this exact moment and that he heard you. You’d curl up into a ball of embarrassment right now if you weren’t so shocked by his demeanor.  
Now that he’s completely unclothed you struggle to keep your eyes above his chest, gripping the curtain harder when he steps forward and says casually, “It was a long flight, I want to take a shower.”
You gape at him. “Right now?!”
He just takes a hold of the curtain, pulling it open slightly so he can step in next to you, and you’re so stunned you make no motion to stop him. And now you’re finding him towering over you in the small space of the shower, so close you can hardly breathe. All the air gets punched out of your lungs when his large hand rests on your hip, turning you so your back is facing him so he can lean down at tease in your ear, “You asked me to come in here, after all.”
All of the heat leaves your body, pooling directly between your legs at his tone. He wastes no time, lathering his hands up with soap and running them along your sides before reaching forward to cup your breasts in his hands, thumbs roaming aimlessly along your nipples, the soap foaming between his fingers.
“Were you thinking about me in the shower?” He asks, his tone dropping into something dark and dangerous. “Such a filthy girl.” He tugs at your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger making your knees tremble and the growing need between your legs even worse.
“Sa—Sakusa,” you moan, tilting your head back onto his shoulder, getting the full view of his hungry eyes boring into you.
He frowns, pinching your nipples slightly harder, reprimanding, “That isn’t what you called me earlier.”
You writhe in his embrace, gripping his arms, forcing yourself to keep eye contact with him as you correct yourself. “Kiyoomi.” He smirks at you, relenting on your nipples as reward, though continuing his soft ministrations.
You can’t help your ass arching backwards, coming into contact with his hardening member, giving him a bit of his own medicine as you grind against him. He hisses through his teeth, admonishing, “What a needy slut.”
“Fuck,” you mewl, pressing against him even harder. You can’t explain what his voice saying those things is doing to you—all you know is you need him to fucking touch you already. “Please, Kiyoomi,” you beg, lifting your arms up and around his neck behind you, your fingers twining into his wet hair. “Make a fucking mess of me.”
He groans deep in his throat, rutting up against your behind and wrapping one strong arm around your middle while the other trails towards the apex of your thighs. “Is that what you want? To be my dirty little slut?” Your fingers grip his hair even tighter, nodding embarrassingly quickly, standing up on your tiptoes to get his hand any closer to where you desperately need him.
Once his fingers reach your core, sliding up through the slick gathered between your legs and towards your clit; your knees nearly give out from under you. If it wasn’t for his arm around you keeping you up, you would have sunk to the floor at the sheer pleasure that sweeps through your body. His fingers are infinitely better than yours and having his solid frame and prominent hard-on pressing behind you almost sends you through the roof.
“Is this what you wanted?” He asks quietly against the skin of your neck, his hips grinding up against your ass, which you gladly return with pressure of your own.
“Yes—yes,” you say, gasping when sinks a finger knuckle deep into your heat, quickly adding another and praising you for how well you’re taking it. He watches the space where his fingers are disappearing into you with a sinful expression, enjoying intensely how you’re practically shoving yourself onto his fingers.
“What a good girl,” he whispers, setting your skin on fire, wanting nothing more than to keep being exactly that for him. He smiles devilishly, in a way you would have never imagined he could in your wildest dreams. An almost savage glint in his eyes as he presses harshly on your clit, eliciting a choked sob out of you, and making you dig your nails into the arm wrapped around you.
“Please—,” you say, head lolling on his shoulder allowing him to finally kiss you fully. Surprising you as his tongue slides into your mouth, his fingers relentless, his free arm now helping you drive his fingers even deeper. Voice coming out in a pathetic whine that makes his cock twitch, you plead, “God—Kiyoomi, please!”
“Use your words.”
Thoughts far too hazy to be any sort of embarrassed you hold his dark gaze. “Fuck me.”
Suddenly, his fingers are out of you and he’s bending you over, the head of his cock pressing into your dripping entrance before he sheathes himself completely in you, a hiss escaping him. His head drops to rest his forehead on your shoulder, droplets from his wet hair sliding down your chest as he composes himself from how fucking amazing you feel around him.
“Fuck,” he moans, the closest he’s come to breaking his resolve from just fucking you within an inch of your life. “So tight for such a needy slut,” he grits out, hands resting on your hips as he pulls out only to thrust into you again. His fingers dig into your hips to slam your ass into his, increasing his pace to the point you can barely see straight. Your own fingers scrabble for any sort of purchase on the tiles in front of you, desperately attempting to ground yourself against his brutal pace.
“You feel so fucking good,” you praise, earning you his hand reaching down to lift your leg onto the edge of the tub allowing him to sink even deeper into you.
The lewd sound of skin slapping together, the two of you panting and murmuring nonsense to each other, and the shower continuing to run fills the space as he continues to pound ruthlessly into you is all you’ve ever dreamed about. As he litters kisses and soft bites along your spine, the pressure in your stomach builds and builds, and before it bursts you gasp, “Oh my god—Kiyoomi.”
He notices your body starting to tense up, your back arching and fingers twitching as your orgasm comes hurtling towards you. Taking the opportunity, he pulls your body up, your back flush against his chest, hips never faltering and fingers finding your clit to bring you even closer to release.
“Cum for me,” he orders, voice so cold you feel a little embarrassed by how much it turns you on. But you know that’s just how he sounds sometimes and he’s probably playing it up a bit for you. “Cum on my cock like the good little slut you are.”
That sends you tumbling over the edge, your entire body convulsing as white-hot pleasure courses through your veins, prolonged by him continuing to plunge into you. The sensation is so overwhelming you start writhing in his grip, attempting to ride it out while he holds you firmly against him restricting your movement.
He can’t hold it back much longer, your walls clamping down around him nearly made him cum on the spot, but he holds you through your orgasm, forcing you to endure the full brunt of it while he continues fucking you. Though your body relaxing against his, your fingers winding into his hair, and your voice asking him so politely to cum for you makes him lose it. He grips your hips tightly, jackhammering into you chasing his release. Eventually his hips still, thighs shuddering as he concentrates on keeping the both of you standing while he cums.
The two of you stand there in silence, water still running, as his forehead rests on your back, both of your chests heaving at the exertion you just expended. Your heart is thundering against your chest, unsure what to say and hoping he’ll say something first. He groans, relinquishing your hips from his death grip and pulling his softening cock out of you.
You really shouldn’t have been surprised by what he says first.
“We should rinse off,” he suggests, despite the fact he’s still leaning on your back, hands now resting harmlessly on your hips.
“Okay,” you murmur, reaching for the soap and moving out of his grasp. He just stands there watching you, the water streaming onto his back, a completely passive expression on his face. If it was anyone else, they might have interpreted it as boredom or that he’s uninterested but to you—he just looks content.
You motion for him to turn around and start lathering the soap along his back, relishing the free chance to roam your hands all over his incredibly built body. Peering around his shoulder, you find him with his eyes closed, the smallest smile curving his lips as he enjoys your hands massaging his back. You smile to yourself, moving on to find his shampoo and gently scrubbing it into his hair, tucking the small pleased groan he makes into the back of your brain to remember later.
After a few quiet moments he says, “The apartment’s a mess.”
That makes you frown, a sour expression adorning your face. Poking his side, you reply, “Well, you weren’t supposed to be home for another three days!” He turns around, washing the soap off his back and out of his hair while you take no time to start exploring the expanse of his chest with your soapy fingers. When he opens his eyes, looking down at you, you pout. “Can’t we leave it for tomorrow?”
As much as he dislikes that, he can’t help but agree, finding the prospect of curling up in bed with you much more enticing.
Once he’s finished, he returns the favor washing your body, and the both of you step out of the shower to dry off. You pull on the pajama’s you’d left in here for after your shower that you thought you’d be taking alone while he simply wraps the towel around his waist, making it almost impossible not to stare at him as he waits for you.
You’re surprised when he leads you to his bedroom, changing into pajama’s of his own as you slide under the covers. They smell like detergent and the faint scent of Sakusa’s body wash, wrapping around you pleasantly—you take an indulgent breath, letting the scent soak into your senses. It gets even better when he joins you, hand resting on your bare arm, fingers drawing small circles against your skin. He gives you a soft kiss to the forehead, enjoying your freshly showered body against his beneath the sheets and your fingers in his hair.
“You know I honestly didn’t think you knew how to kiss,” you joke, tapping his chin, “With the mask and all.”
He peers down at you, the subtlest glint in his eyes as he replies, “Have I changed your mind?”
Your resulting cheeky smile makes his pants feel a little tight. “I think you might need to show me again.”
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