#okay but the idea that actually aphrodite is very protective of her half god daughter zelda? yes
suresaint · 2 years
“And now Aineias, lord of men, would have perished there, if Zeus' daughter Aphrodite had not quickly seen it, his mother, who had conceived him to Anchises, when he was herding cattle. She threw her white arms round her dear son, and held the fold of her shining robe in covering over him, to shield him from the spears, so that no fast-horsed Danaan should cast a bronze spear in his chest and take the life from him. She then began to carry her dear son out of the fighting. And Kapaneus' son did not forget the instructions given him by Diomedes, master of the war-cry, but held back his own strong-footed horses away from the roar of battle, tying their reins to the chariot rail, and ran out and drove Aineias' lovely-maned horses away from the Trojans back to the well-greaved Achaians, andgave them to Deipylos to drive to the hollow ships his dear friend, whom he valued most of all men of his own age, because their minds thought alike. Then the hero Sthenelos mounted his own chariot and took up the shining reins, and eagerly set the strong-footed horses at once to follow the son of Tydeus. He was pressing after Aphrodite Kypris with the pitiless bronze, knowing that she was a god without strength, and not one of the goddesses who have mastery in men's battles, not Athene or Ares, the sacker of cities. But when he came up with her in his pursuit through the masses of men, then the son of great-hearted Tydeus sprang at her and lunging with his sharp spear stabbed at the wrist of her soft hand, and the spear pierced straight through the skin, through the immortal robe which the Graces themselves had made for her, above the base of the palm: and immortal god's blood dripped from her, ichor, which runs in the blessed gods' veins - they do not eat food, they do not drink gleaming wine, and so they are without blood and called immortals. She shrieked loud and let her son fall from her arms.”
The Iliad.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Star Wars x Percy Jackson
Okay so this was a LOT harder then I thought it was going to be on the account that literally everyone in the GFFA is related to one another. So for the sake of my sanity (and yours) let’s just assume that no one is related so I can figure out what kriffing Olympian attributed to them (also we are keeping them all Greek to save me that headache)
Also to keep my sanity I split everyone up by Trilogy/TV Show so just assume each each are a new generation (with some overlapping)--
Also I’m not doing everyone because there is way too many kriffing characters so get ready for highlights and personal favorites. If you have anyone to add, comment or feel free to add! (Last “also”, promise! I stuck mostly with the big twelve to, you guessed it, preserve my sanity!)
Yoda is from Dionysus cabin--FIGHT ME ON THIS. I could not figure out why he talks like he does and came to the conclusion is he is definitely “drunk” on Kool-Aid. Also I like the idea of him growing vines and plants because of Dagoba. He is a camp councilor that’s been around for longer than anyone can remember by Chiron likes him well enough.
Mace is a child of Hades. ... I honestly don’t know why, but as soon as that image popped into my head I accepted it. Maybe it’s because of his stoic personality or maybe the fact he fights in a very angry style, to which I say, “skeletons ripping up from the earth”.
Qui-Gon-- for some bizarre reason the idea of Hypnos popped into my head and I now I cannot get it to leave me alone. So Qui is from Hypnos cabin. He gets a lot of sleep and even more visions of the future (such as a very powerful half-blood coming to camp and he’s now determined to find that kid)
Obi-Wan was tricky. I debated between a lot of cabins and none of them seemed to work for him. I finally settled on Hephaestus, which seems weird but let me explain. Obi-Wan feels like someone who would totally be into arts and crafts, if he could have. Hephaestus cabin usually has a good head and are quite smart
Anakin is from Zeus Cabin. Did you expect anything less? This kid is Mr. Lightning summoning, sword wielding, insane power with way too many emotions. (It was either that or Hephaestus but... “Chosen One” and all that)
Padme is 100% from Athena cabin. That’s it. Fight me.
Palpatine is a weird one because I’d usually just make him a monster or something like a Titan but... eh. I’m going Hermes because this boy knows how to lie and trick people (a lot like Luke, now that I think about it...). A friend of mine also suggested the child of Nemesis, the goddess of Revenge which could also work so pick your pick.
R2-D2 and C-3PO are satyrs. Very annoying, very loud, satyrs. 3PO goes on and on about the importance of nature and R2 follows behind him creating his own form of chaos. Most people avoid them.
Clone Wars:
Ahsoka is also from Athena cabin. I just like to picture her fighting with two knives and flipping around like a gymnast. But she’s more chill then Ares cabin--although she does love hanging out with those boys. She’s unofficially adopted by Ares cabin as a sister in arms so that’s cool.
Ares Cabin just consists of all the clones, okay? It was either that or Hermes but I just couldn’t imagine my boys without their military structure. Cody’s head of the cabin and has to try and keep all of his siblings in line-- very poorly, but he’s doing his best.
Satine is in Demeter Cabin. I wasn’t sure where else to put a pacifist but I thought it suited her well enough. Ex-girlfriend of Obi-Wan but they are on friendly terms (and there is a running bet on when they will get back together)
Kanan was really hard to figure out. I decided to make him Poseidon’s kid because he’s usually really chill in the show. For the most part, he’s really laid back and doesn’t use any water abilities unless he has too. Prefers to fight with a sword, but can use a crossbow surprising well. Has a street kid background so he gets along with the Hermes cabin really well and has kind of “adopted” one of the kids there (three guesses as to who)
Hera has to fly, okay? She has to be able to fly either a Pegasus or actually fly which leaves either Zeus, Apollo, or Poseidon as the main picks, which I don’t think any of those scream Hera. In fact, flip them, she’s a mortal that see’s through the Mist. She somehow got dragged into this world of monsters and demi-gods and is now chilling at the camp just for the heck of it. It may or may not have had something to do with her now-Boyfriend Kanan who may or may not have been on a quest at the time when he accidently destroyed her apartment because of a stupid hellhound.
Ezra is in Hermes cabin. This tiny little thief is wonderful and is a cute little blueberry. Kanan kind of unofficially adopted the kid so Ezra is usually drenched from swimming in the lake.
Zeb is from Athena cabin. Very skilled with a staff and very into battle meditation. Not super into the “intelligent” side of Athena, but he is in no way an idiot. Get’s into a lot of trouble with Ezra because why not?
Sabine I could totally see being the child of Apollo, but she joined Artemis Huntresses (maybe out of spite to her Dad but also because a bunch of warrior women? Heck, yeah!). Very artsy, excellent shot with a bow, and is much, much cooler then her dad.
Chopper is a very lazy, very stubborn Hellhound, fight me on this (and may have been the Hellhound Kana was fighting when he met Hera, but he’s now attached to this strange mortal woman who literally told off these two for destroying her house).
Luke was almost a child of the big three (specifically Hades for some bizarre reason--don’t ask me why, I don’t know how my brain got on that) but then I remembered that Hecate was a thing soooooo... Luke Skywalker, the son of Hecate, goddess of magic. He manipulates the mist and stuff like that. Also likes to fly Pegasi.   
Leia... okay, this is going to sound really weird but I kind of see Leia as a child of Aphrodite. Not obsessed with how she looks and all that stuff, but more like Piper. Very strong willed, determined, and keeps your attention. She fights for what she believes in (loves) and can kick butt. It was either that or Athena but... eh, let’s turn that on it’s side, shall we?
Han is Hermes. What did you expect?
Chewbacca is a satyr. I don’t know if you expected any differently, but I’m picturing Coach Hedge just not... insane. Very much likes to fight monsters and is very protective of Han.
Lando is... tricky. I’m going to go with Dionysus simply because of the party factor, but don’t cross him. He can mess you up.
Rey is unclaimed. She chills in Hermes cabin and has no idea who her Godly parent is... which she mopes about a lot. ((I literally could not figure out who’s daughter she would be because that’s kind of the whole Trilogy. And then it hit me like an out of control Pegasus.))
Poe is from Apollo cabin and can usually be found on a Pegasus. His favorite is nicknamed BB and is white with “orange” spots. Very good at flying and shooting a bow at the same time. Yes, he’s a show off and yes, he’s very good in a fight.
Finn is in Ares cabin. But he’s more like Frank in the sense of he’s definitely nicer then most of his cabinmates. Excellent fighter but does not have that stupid Ares temper... most days (don’t cross Finn or he will mess you up)
Rose gets to be a child of Hephaestus. She’s smart and is an engineer, simple as that.
Kylo/Ben is in Aphrodite cabin simply because I want him there. He’s prissy, full of himself, and a jerk and if that isn’t Aphrodite, I don’t know what is (I’m sorry, I just hated Aphrodite in the books and Kylo was kind of a “meh” character soooooooooo...)
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lilacmoon83 · 3 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 234: Final Reckoning
Jekyll smirked, as he looked at the photo of a necklace with a ruby pendant in the book he had swiped from Rose Red's library some time ago. It was a copy of the long and true history of Aphrodite. He had taken it to see if he could glean any weaknesses in the lore of the Chalice and use it to defeat them. And now, after days of skimming through the tome, it looked as though he just might know exactly what he needed to turn the tables against them and defeat Charming once and for all.
Though it was small, the library of Cibola was magnificent in its own right. The books looked to be very old, but well kept, and rested on golden book shelves.
"We need to bring Rose and Belle here. These books look like some of the oldest in existence," Snow mentioned, as she looked at her eldest.
"Can you use a little magic to translate some of these titles?" Snow asked. Emma nodded and waved her hand, causing the lettering on the bindings of the books to change to English.
"Can you read any of this language?" Bobby asked curiously, but she shook her head.
"It's a dead language...maybe even older than Latin," Zia replied.
"Let me guess...Lunarian?" he asked and her eyes widened.
"You know about the Lunarians?" she asked.
"A little. The first truest loves were Serenity and Endymion. I guess she was Lunarian and in one of my visions, I met their daughter," he explained.
"That's amazing!" she exclaimed and he blushed.
"Yeah...so were the Lunarians really from the moon?" he asked. She giggled.
"No...that part isn't true. They just worshipped the Moon Goddess Selene. The most noble bloodline and first Queen of the Lunarians were named Serenity and thus why all first born daughters in the royal line were named such," Zia explained.
"I guess that makes more sense than living on the moon," he agreed.
"You sound sad about that," she mentioned. He smirked.
"Well, I read a lot of comics and it would be so cool if they really did live on the moon and there was some kind of moon base or something," he said. She giggled.
"I don't think I've read any comics," she mentioned.
"Oh you have to! They're great and Fandral can tell you about some of them that are actually real with all his adventures with Thor," Bobby gushed
"I have heard of the Norse God, Thor. But I'm guessing what I know is not what he's like at all," she mentioned.
"Yeah, the Thor that Fandral knows is a bit different from the one in Mythology," he said.
"Maybe you can tell me about it," she replied. He nodded.
"I've love to," he said.
"Someone is crushing hard," Emma muttered to her mother.
"I know...it's so cute..." Snow gushed, as she looked at her youngest and put a hand to her heart. Emma chuckled and shook her head, as she saw a book that said Maui.
"Hey...wasn't Maui a demi-God?" Emma asked.
"You found a book on Maui?" Zia asked. She nodded and pulled it out. When she did, both the pounamu stone and the book glowed.
"Whoa…I think we found it," David said, as Emma opened the book, while Zia peered over it.
"Lunarian again," she said, as she used her magic to translate it, before handing it to the dark haired girl, who skimmed it. After several minutes, she gasped and started reading.
"Listen to this," she said.
"And though he was fatally wounded by the Void, Maui gave explicit instructions to his younger brother Tao so that his coveted fish hook be protected from those who would exploit it, especially the Void," she read.
"The Void? Is it really talking about Runeard?" David asked.
"How could it be? Runeard wasn't born during Tao's lifetime," Snow replied.
"No...but his powers came from somewhere. He didn't have them when he was banished," Killian reminded them.
"He's right...he picked them up in the Netherworld somehow and we don't really know how or why," Bobby said.
"Before he died, Maui disguised his fish hook as Pounamu stone and told his younger brother that he must guard it from the Void. And so Tao sailed to the island of Mu, aboard his family's luxury vessel, the Solaris, and consulted with the High Priest of Cibola to help him create something to protect the stone. But the High Priest, Atanos told him that only the children of the sun could help him craft something to protect the fish hook of Maui," she read.
"Atanos sent him east to find his son, Esteban, insisting that he was one of these children. Esteban accepted Tao into his Kingdom once he learned he was sent by his father, Atanos. But Tao was much less trusting and it took him time to trust Esteban. Even then, Tao never revealed what the stone actually was. Only that he must conceal it from the world," she continued.
"Does it say what the stone does?" Bobby asked. She nodded.
"Once Esteban met Zia and they were declared the truest love in all the realms by Venus did Tao realize that it was the Chalice of Venus that could craft what he needed," she continued.
"But Tao's mistrust of Zia did not serve him well and he was not happy when he discovered that she knew what the fish hook could do. He accused her of being a witch at first and thought she wanted the fish hook for herself. When she revealed that she knew the fish hook could…" Zia said, as her eyes widened and trailed off.
"What? What does it do?" Emma asked impatiently. Zia swallowed thickly.
"When she revealed that she knew the fish hook could capture all the natural elements, including the sun and the moon, she convinced Tao that she knew what they needed to craft to protect the stone," she revealed.
"Capture the elements?" Emma asked.
"If that's true, it can control the weather, including the phases of the sun and moon. That could be devastating," Snow realized.
"Do you think Aphrodite knows?" David asked.
"I don't think so…" Zia said, as she continued.
"Tao was grateful for her help when she used the Chalice to create a golden jar. In her possession were two golden bars from Cibola, the last in her possession. She used the chalice to melt them down and pour them into a mold of Tao's choosing. The jar mold was one from his home and thus the fish hook was sealed inside so only the children of the sun could open it," she read.
"Tao begged Zia not to tell Esteban what the pounamu stone really was and what it could do. He feared the information could be revealed inadvertently to Esteban's advisors, whom he did not trust," she continued.
"Mendoza," David surmised.
"Most likely," she agreed.
"Zia was very reluctant to keep information from her husband, but agreed and told him only that the jar could never be opened, for the purpose of the stone inside could never be revealed, as it could fall into the wrong hands, particularly, the Void's," she finished, as they looked at each other and then at the stone hanging around Bobby's neck.
"Okay...so this thing probably should go back in the jar," he said, as he took it off.
"Yes…if Runeard sees this, he'll know what it is if he is the Void now and I want you no where near something like that," Snow said, as she took the stone.
"So we seal it back in the jar...but we need to put the jar somewhere that it can't be accessed," David agreed.
"In the tallest tower of Cibola," Nubia chimed in.
"Why there?" Snow asked.
"Yeah...a bunch of steps will hardly deter someone like Runeard," Emma warned. Nubia smiled thinly.
"No...but there are fail safes. There is a place for the jar built into the highest temple by Atanos himself. You'll know it when you see it," Nubia said, as they ventured through the gates and saw the tallest tower gleaming in the distance.
"Okay…we can just teleport ourselves up there," David said.
"I'm sorry, but the journey to the tallest tower must be traversed by foot and by the children of the sun," Nubia said.
"Truest loves," Snow corrected.
"Yeah, sounds like the children of the sun had too many secrets between them. Snow and I don't keep anything from each other," he added.
"Of course...it was their flaw. I do not believe they ever told the Goddess about the stone," Nubia said. David sighed.
"That is a lot of stairs," he said. She smirked.
"Is Prince Charming going soft on me," she teased.
"Do I look like I've gone soft," he teased back, as he towered over her.
"Oh no...and I know where every muscle is," she gushed, as her hands swept over his torso.
"Yeah...you guys have fun with Stairmeggedon," Emma quipped.
"Those that are of their bloodline can accompany them," Nubia chimed in.
"Yeah, hard pass. I'll wait here," Emma said.
"Chicken," David teased.
"Could that mean me? I'm only his half sister," Natalie mentioned.
"I'm sorry...only the children can accompany them, being that they are of both of them," Nubia answered.
"Damn…" she muttered and then looked at her brother.
"Tell me all about it?" she asked. He smiled.
"I'll take pictures for you," he promised.
"I'll go...but I guess Zia can't come?" Bobby asked.
"Actually, she can, because she is training to become the High Priestess of Cibola, she is permitted to enter the sacred temple," Nubia replied. Zia smiled.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world," she said, as she and Bobby followed his parents.
"Uh so...if she's going to be the High Priestess, does that mean she can't get married someday?" Emma asked curiously.
"Stars no...where would you get that idea?" Nubia asked.
"Just the whole Priest thing. In some other religions, it has some restrictions," Emma replied.
"Denying a person of love sounds like it would cause many problems," Nubia observed.
"Oh it does, which is why I asked and I'm glad this has no restriction of that kind," Emma said. Nubia smiled.
"You are good to look after your brother's feelings," she complimented.
"He's a great kid...and I hate it, but he's probably going to end up saving us all from Void," she mentioned. Killian put his arm around her.
"He'll be okay, love...there's no evil that can defeat this family. I've seen it try and fail," he assured her. She smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder, while they waited for them to return.
"Oh Dark One...your magical protections are no match for science," Jekyll said, as he used his demon powers to burn through the magical protections on the shop door. The cameras weren't picking up anything, since he was using his nano technology to disguise his presence. Therefore, no alarms went off in the shop. He proceeded to the safe behind the counter and then a device he had created to crack the combination. The door opened and he extracted the ruby necklace.
"The necklace of Harmonia...misfortune to any who wear it," he said, as he disappeared in a fiery display.
"Thanks for bringing this to me...I'll definitely get it added to the Master copy right away," Henry said, as he skimmed through the hidden history of Arendelle that they had recently uncovered.
"Thanks...it's an uncomfortable history. I'm still trying to accept that Arendelle has such a bloody past," Elsa said.
"That's not your fault. Many Kingdoms have committed atrocities in the past. It shouldn't be up to the ancestors of those Kingdoms to pay for those misdeeds," Leo replied.
"He's right...you're doing exactly what you should be. You're informing your people of their true history, which means that they can learn from the past mistakes of their people. Then history hopefully won't repeat," Henry agreed. Elsa smiled and nodded, as they noticed a copy of a tabloid from the Land Without Magic.
"You've got to be kidding. Grimm got someone to publish his dreck?" Leo asked.
"Well...it's a tabloid so I doubt too many are taking it seriously. He and Goldie are doing their best between this and their dumb podcast to make people fearful of magic," Henry said uncomfortably.
"The podcast is getting a lot of hits lately...too many," Eva agreed.
"Are you worried that it might be working?" Paul asked.
"To be honest...yes. They're sowing a narrative of fear and anxiety toward magic and magical people that makes what the Home Office did look like nothing," Henry replied.
"That's why I've been doing my best to keep new chapters of the book up and I've even talked to a few contacts I have at reputable publications in the journalism world to make sure the true story is out there. But you know how people love gossip," Henry replied.
"Yeah...Grimm is even live streaming Goldie's stupid show on the Internet so people in the Land Without Magic get all the happenings going on here in the United Realms, from her skewed point of view, of course," Eva complained.
"Is ENN live streaming any of their broadcasts? Now that we have honest journalists running that show...they should be doing the same," Elsa said.
"She has a point," Leo agreed, as Henry smiled.
"You know, that's a great idea. I'll head over there later and talk to Mr. Boots' replacement. He'll love the idea," Henry said.
"Who is running it now?" Eva asked curiously.
"August," Henry answered. Her eyes widened.
"August left the Storybrooke Mirror?" Leo asked. Henry shrugged.
"A bigger and better opportunity and they came to me and asked me to run it, which I don't have time for. So I recommended the next best journalist I know," he replied.
"That's great! I still wish we could do something to counter their podcast though," Eva said. Paul smiled.
"Maybe we can," he said.
"Like what?" she asked.
"You love podcasts...you listen to them all the time, no matter the subject, because it's an easy way to learn while you're working. So...why don't you do your own," Paul replied.
"You think I should do my own podcast?" Eva asked.
"Now that is an incredible idea," Henry replied.
"Yeah...you could counter their narrative and get all the guests. No one worthwhile would go on their two bit broadcast, but you could get all the good guests. All of us, Mom and Dad, and anyone in our family," Leo said.
"He's right and it will blow theirs out of the water," Henry agreed.
"I'm not even sure I know how to do a podcast though," Eva said.
"I do though and I know August can set us up with all the best equipment. We can go over there now if you want," Henry said.
"That sounds great...I would really love to get the real message out through the airwaves," she agreed. Paul kissed her cheek.
"You're going to be great," he said.
"Will you be my co-host?" she asked.
"Me?" he asked.
"Who better? You were born in the Land Without Magic and you can attest to what it's like having lived in both worlds," Eva said.
"She has a good point," Leo agreed. He smiled.
"Okay...two doctors doing a podcast I guess," he agreed, as they proceeded to head over to the Enchanted News Network studio.
Jekyll looked at the model on his laptop with satisfaction. He had created the computer model of his plan and with his demon magic, it would all become a reality in a matter of moments.
"Yes...this will be quite perfect," he said, as he made the final modification to the virtual model on his screen.
"You know, I do not take kindly to being summoned, doctor," Rodmilla said, as she arrived.
"I am the reason you're luxuriating in your new castle now. You are at my beck and call, Rodmilla. Make no mistake...I can end you with a flick of my wrist," he warned, as he produced a tiny flame in his palm. She stilled and swallowed her pride.
"What can I do for you, doctor?" she asked.
"You can create this in the ocean at these coordinates," he replied, showing her the model.
"What is all this?" she asked. He smirked.
"My very own nightmare and the place where Prince Charming will perish at my hand," he replied. She didn't question him and did as he asked. She hardly thought he would be successful. No one had managed to defeat Snow and Charming yet and they were more powerful than ever. Honestly, if he did, it would destroy Snow White and cause her eternal misery. If he didn't and Charming finally rid them of the doctor, she'd be free of his insanity and being under his thumb. It was a win-win situation for her.
"There…" she said, as it was complete.
"Good luck doctor...I think you'll need it," she surmised.
"I don't need your luck...my power will overcome him this time," he insisted, as he walked out of his lab. It was time.
David looked at his wife in amusement, as she groaned during their climb to the top of the tallest tower.
"Okay...you were right, these stairs are a nightmare," she whined, as she lagged slightly behind him with her hand in his.
"Yeah...you'd have to really want whatever is up here to make this climb," he agreed.
"Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?" he asked.
"No...that would be very unfair to you," she replied.
"But I could," he said. She smirked.
"I know you could...I'm well acquainted with all your muscles," she replied coyly. He smirked back.
Behind them, Bobby closed his eyes and put his hand over his face in embarrassment, as Zia giggled.
"They are so embarrassing sometimes," he said.
"I think they're adorable," she replied.
"Yeah...just wait until you're eating dinner with them and they're feeding each other and start making out. It gets less adorable really fast," he said.
"We can hear you," Snow admonished.
"I know...it'd be nice if you and dad didn't make out during dessert," Bobby replied.
"Yeah...your chances of that aren't good," David said and he rolled his eyes.
"We just got the Emma eye roll," Snow snickered to him.
"Of course...she taught it to them all," he said, as they finally reached the top.
"Finally," Snow said.
"At least going down won't be so bad," David replied, as they went inside and found golden walls except the one in the center. The center wall was stone, with hieroglyphics on each square.
"They just look like symbols," Snow asked. Zia nodded.
"This is the Temple of the Sun...so they use the language of the Chalice. Lunarian," she replied.
"David…" Snow uttered, as she pointed to the square with the depiction of a split heart.
"Wow...and here's one of the chalice," he said.
"Look…" Bobby pointed at five squares in sequence below the split heart.
"Fire, lightning, wind, water, and earth," he said, pointing at the flame, lightning bolt, gust of wind, wave, and a leaf. They looked at each other in amazement.
"This is depicting the seven of us," David said.
"Your love is written in the stars," Zia replied.
"What's this one?" Bobby asked, as it showed a figure surrounded by many objects.
"The Collector…" Snow realized.
"Clayton's bloodline...it's always been a threat, even back to Serenity and Endymion," David said.
"What is this one?" Snow asked, as it depicted another figure shrouded in what seemed like darkness.
"The Void…" Zia said gravely.
"There's the hook," Bobby said, pointing out Maui's fish hook.
"How do we seal the jar away?" David asked.
"The Chalice…that's all I know," Zia replied. Snow and David willed it into its cup form between them and the wall immediately reacted by lighting up in a variety of colors. The squares slowly receded away from the center of the wall, as a compartment revealed itself.
"I guess that's a good place," David said, as they placed the jar inside the compartment. The squares glowed and returned to their place.
"All secure I guess?" she asked.
"Yeah...seemed too easy," he replied.
"I think we're just used to everything we have to do being a pain in the ass," Bobby quipped.
"Language," she chided, as David took pictures for Natalie, before they started back down the stairs.
"You know how we said that going down would be better?" Snow asked.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"It's not any better," she replied, making him chuckle.
"Hey...we got out of there without something or someone trying to kill us. That's a win for us," he reminded her.
"So true," she agreed.
"So...is it safe?" Emma asked. They nodded.
"These pics you just sent me are fascinating. It's practically your story in hieroglyphs," Natalie said, as she swiped through the photos.
"Yeah…I guess we shouldn't be too surprised by now. The texts that King Arthur was once studying back before we met him depicted the chalice and our split heart," David recalled.
"Do you remember whatever happened to those texts?" Natalie asked curiously.
"I assume they're still somewhere in Camelot. I'm sure Lancelot and Guinevere would be happy to let you check them out," Snow replied.
"I'd love to build a display out of these pics and anything they have for the museum," Natalie said. Snow and David smiled. She was really finding her niche as curator of the Atlantis museum.
"So...I guess we're done here," Emma said.
"Yeah...let's head back to Mu," Snow replied, as a portal suddenly opened and they could see Dr. Jekyll through the portal, on an island that seemed to be besieged by molten lava.
"What the hell…" David said.
"Greetings…" he said.
"Not even man enough to face me now? You have to do it through a portal?" David challenged. Jekyll smirked.
"Oh on the contrary...the lovely scenery behind me was created with just you in mind, Charming. It is where you will perish at my hand," he claimed.
"No...you leave my husband and my family alone!" Snow shouted.
"Alas, dear Snow...I could do just that if you would submit yourself to me," he offered.
"No way in hell psychopath…" Bobby said.
"You're not taking her, especially not into some fiery hellhole," David added. The doctor smirked again.
"Like I said, Charming...this fiery hellhole, as you put it, is for you," Jekyll said, as his arms became fiery chains that shot through the portal. They wrapped around him and pulled him through it. Snow cried out in alarm, as it closed and she looked around frantically.
"I'll get a bean," Emma said, as she prepared to transport herself to Anton's field, but Jekyll's voice cut her off.
"Do not bother, Savior...for there is no way you can get to this island via portal now," Jekyll said, as a hologram appeared before them in the sky.
"Charming!" Snow cried, as she saw her husband behind the doctor and on a piece of rock surrounded by a lake of lava.
"As you can see, he is in quite a state of peril and without the help of the Chalice, he will perish at my hand," Jekyll said.
"And the demise of the legendary Prince Charming is being broadcast to the entire United Realms and beyond! It is time for everyone to witness the fiery end to the truest love!" he added.
"Why isn't Dad calling the Chalice sword?" Emma asked. Snow willed the chalice into sight and saw that she had both halves. She tried to will it to her husband...but nothing was happening.
"I see that you have found that your husband is completely cut off from the power of your Chalice," Jekyll said.
"You Son of Bitch!" Snow cried, as she broke down in tears and Emma held her mother, hugging her tightly.
"How the hell is that possible?" Bobby asked, as Regina and Rumple appeared at their location.
"Because he stole the necklace of Harmonia from my shop and placed it around your father's neck upon his arrival in his demonic realm," Rumple answered, just as the twins appeared with Summer and JJ in tow.
"The necklace of Harmonia...how does that cut him off from the Chalice?" Leo asked.
"It's a long story...but in short, from my restored memories, it was a necklace created by Hera and meant for me," Aphrodite replied.
"It curses the wearer with misfortune. Hera meant it for me, but a man named Cadmus found it where Hera left it for me first. He presented it to his bride, Harmonia, and she was killed in a horrible accident on their wedding day. It's been an object avoided like the plague since," Aphrodite explained, as she and James appeared.
"Then why did you have it in your shop!?" Emma cried.
"Because I'm already cursed and immune to its charms. As the Dark One, I was entrusted to keep it away from humanity by Zeus himself. Centuries ago...but the damned psychopath found it. It's quite likely he has been browsing through Rose Red's books without her knowledge," Rumple said.
"We have to do something! We have to get the chalice to Dad somehow!" Summer cried.
David looked around and hissed from the burns on his arms, thanks to Jekyll's fiery whips. He saw the peculiar necklace around his neck and took in his surroundings. It was definitely an island, but the erupting volcano in the distance had turned it into a nightmare. Acrid smoke filled the air, as embers and ash rained down. Molten magma flowed around the remaining land like a river and the heat was so sweltering that it was hard to breathe.
"Welcome to your demise, Prince Charming," Jekyll said. David extended his hand and attempted to call on the Chalice sword, but found that nothing happened. Jekyll smirked.
"I'm afraid that necklace around your neck will cause you quite a bit of misfortune. Whatever light magic you are able to wield is thwarted by the cursed necklace of Harmonia," he announced. David tried to take it off, but found that he couldn't.
"So this is it...you're so afraid to face me on an even ground that you have to take away my weapon and give me a serious disadvantage?" he challenged.
"Fairness is for heroes. I am a villain, as you so eagerly point out time and again. So I decided to stack the deck in my favor, so to speak," Jekyll said, as an ordinary sword appeared in his hand.
"But I will give you a weapon...not that it will matter much," he added.
"Fine…I'll fight you at a disadvantage and still win," David said confidently. Jekyll chuckled, as his own fiery sword appeared in his hand.
"Oh, your hubris will see that you fail miserably," the doctor said, as he charged with a fierce battle cry and David moved to defend himself.
Snow screamed, as she saw David narrowly escape falling into the river of lava, as he dueled the psychotic doctor.
"I have to get to him…" Snow sniffed, as she tried to use the Chalice again, but became frustrated when it didn't work again.
"Why isn't it working!?" she screamed.
"It's the necklace...it won't let us portal there with magic," Aphrodite said regrettably. That thought struck Eva.
"But we could with science!" she realized. Snow looked at her daughter with a tearstained face.
"Honey...what do you mean?" she asked.
"That's how he's doing all of this. He got around Mr. Gold's magical protections in the shop with science. We have to use science to get to Daddy," Eva replied.
"She's right...he would have never got through my protections in the shop using magic. He found another way," Gold confirmed.
"Then how do we do it?" Snow asked.
"Hyde...I'll go and see what he and Mr. Flaversham can do," Emma said, as she hugged her mother quickly.
"I'll go with you," Bobby said, as he disappeared with her. Leo and Eva sandwiched Snow between them and held her, as she cried and they witnessed their father try to stay alive.
"And if you're just joining us...it seems that everyone's favorite Prince is under siege by none other than Dr. Jekyll himself. It would see that the good doctor has found a way to isolate him from his precious Snow White and their magical chalice," Goldie reported, as those at Grimm's tavern all seemed glued to the fight.
"You think he'll do it?" one patron asked.
"If he does...he'll be a legend," another answered.
"And if he does...we will capitalize on the grief of his family and wage attacks on their Kingdoms," Rodmilla said, as she entered with Runeard. A few of them looked uneasy by this plan, but they did not protest. The last protester had been swiftly dealt with and none of them wished for that fate.
"Hyde!" Emma cried, as they burst into his lab and saw they were watching the spectacle on one of the computer screens in the lab.
"I guess he's beaming the frequency to every screen," Bobby realized.
"I'm afraid so...the doctor has gone too far again," Hyde said.
"He's blocking us off with magic and made it so my Dad has no access to the Chalice," Emma replied.
"And you hope there is a scientific solution," he replied. They nodded.
"We have been working on something...a teleportation device, but it is in no way ready for human trials," Hyde said.
"Yes...at this point, it would likely kill a person in transit. We're still working on the human application," Hiram added and their hearts sank.
"But we have had success in teleporting objects," Hyde said, as he showed them what looked like a silver pad.
"You think you can teleport the chalice to our Dad?" Bobby asked.
"If I can triangulate his location within a few yards. That will take a few moments, but we're ready if you can take us closer," Hiram said, as they picked up their equipment. Emma smiled and nodded, as the four of them disappeared.
David breathed heavily, but coughed since the air was so filled with heat and ash that it was overwhelming.
"You are so fragile without the power of your chalice sword…" Jekyll goaded.
"Then stop dodging me and actually fight. I may not have my Chalice sword, but I am a master swordsman and even with all your powers...you're not. I think I'll fare better than you think," David challenged. Jekyll smirked.
"I will so enjoy slowly killing you while the lovely Snow watches," he said, as he looked up.
"Pay close attention, my dear Snow! I want you to see the life leave his eyes when I crush him!" he called. David charged him at that and their blades clashed in a fury of strikes, parries, and slashes.
"You're tiring, Charming...I can see it. But I do not tire anymore," Jekyll warned, as they exchanged blows.
"You are fragile...and can barely breathe here. But I am in my element," he continued to boast.
"Doesn't matter," David said, though his words sounded labored.
"True love always wins," he insisted, as the doctor elbowed him in the gut and sent him to the ground. He slid painfully across the ground on his back and could feel the burns already. The pain was excruciating, even as he tried to pull himself to his feet. His shirt was in tatters now, as embers had burned holes in it. But he pressed on and got to his feet, only to have to block Jekyll's blade again.
"Time to die, Charming...and it will be slow and agonizing," he promised. David swept his legs out from under him, but the demon shot a fire blast at him, forcing him to dodge. He rolled to the ground and stared up at the blackened sky. He coughed, as the ash filled his lungs and he tried to move, despite the multiple burns covering his body.
"Snow…" he croaked, as he could feel her presence and love enveloping him.
"Not sure I'm going to make it out of this one, my love…" he whispered, as the doctor's shadow loomed over him…
Snow cried out, as she saw her husband roll to the ground and she reached out toward his image.
"I have to get to him...this can't be happening!" she cried in anguish, just as Emma reappeared with Bobby, Hyde, and Mr. Flaversham.
"Can you help?" Eva asked.
"We have a solution, but it's not yet ready for human testing. However, we believe it can get the Chalice to him," Hyde replied.
"No…I have to go to him. Please…" Snow cried.
"Mom...this will work, but you getting ripped apart in a teleporter does not help Dad," Emma soothed, as she put her hands on her shoulders. Reluctantly, Snow nodded and watched them set up their equipment.
"Not to pressure you...but you need to hurry!" Leo called, as they watched the dire position their father was in.
"Can you get a fix on his location fairly quickly?" Emma asked.
"Got it...fortunately, the doctor is sending up smoke signals into the atmosphere so to speak," Hyde replied, as he nodded to Snow. She placed the Chalice on the flat device and stepped back, as her children huddled around her.
"Initiate," Hyde said, as Hiram operated the controls and the Chalice disappeared. A few seconds later, the image before them and all the screens where it was being broadcast were filled with a blinding white light, resulting in no one being able to see what was happening.
"Charming!" Snow cried.
"Do you think she'll feel it? When I drive my fiery sword through your half heart?" Jekyll asked, as he looked down on his nemesis with a smug smirk. He was going to savor and enjoy the Prince's demise immensely.
"She will...but my children will avenge me and protect her," David rasped, as he coughed again.
"So...you're finally admitting defeat?" Jekyll asked with glee.
"I may die at your hand...but our love won't. That will never die," he replied.
"Yet you will be able to do nothing from the afterlife to stop me from making her mine," Jekyll said, he saw a beam of light penetrate his shield around the island.
"Impossible," he uttered, as the light faded and he saw the Chalice resting about a hundred feet away.
"No…" he said. It should have been impossible and he saw Charming's hand twitch.
"Not this time…" he seethed, as he prepared to thrust the blade through his chest. The Prince could barely move, but managed to lift one leg enough to kick Jekyll off balance. The doctor stumbled briefly, but it was enough and the Chalice flew into his hand.
"Noooo!" Jekyll screamed in rage, as light exploded around David and blinded him, as well as blowing him back several feet.
He growled, as he rolled over and tossed his cracked glasses away, before pulling himself to his feet. But what he saw when the light started to fade gave him pause.
David stood tall, as the light faded in his familiar leather jerkin, pants, and boots; the very outfit he had fought many battles in before. His wounds were healed and the Chalice sword gleamed brightly in his hand. The necklace of Harmonia fell off in pieces and burned to ash.
Jekyll seethed and cursed, as he decided to find a way out of this botched plan to fight another day, but the Prince anticipated his next move. David tapped the tip of his sword on the ground, sending a lightwave of power throughout the entire island and the sky.
"What is that?" he asked, as he saw the shimmering shield around the island.
"You promised there was no escape for me from this island, so I'm promising the same for you," David replied.
"You think you can really end me?" Jekyll challenged. David smirked.
"Oh…I know I can," he replied, as he charged, almost catching the doctor off guard. His sword became alive with fire and he parried the Prince's blade. But he was shocked when his sword shattered into a million pieces upon contact with the Prince's. Jekyll screamed in rage and blasted him at point blank with fire. But David slapped the flames away with his blade in expert precision.
"Damn you!" Jekyll screeched, as he slashed at him with his fiery whips, but David evaded his fire and Jekyll made a run for it in an attempt to somehow escape the island. He cackled maniacally, as he ran toward the river of lava that had burst up between the land mass.
"Once I disappear into the fire...you'll never catch me! And then, I'll pop up again when you least expect! Just like Mephisto did!" Jekyll warned, as he saw the river within reach. He laughed, preparing for his escape, as he jumped toward it.
"Damn him…" David cursed, as he chased the psychotic doctor. If he slipped into the fire, he'd disappear and come back to haunt them again. He couldn't let that happen again. He knew of only one move that could stop him now. He stopped in his tracks and thrust his sword into the air, sending it sailing toward the monster.
The fire could be seen reflecting in Jekyll's eyes, as he was just a few feet from escape, but he lurched and looked down to find Charming's blade protruding from his chest. He landed on his feet, just at the edge and turned around, looking at him in shock. He saw the blackness slowly spider webbing from his wound and started to see the ash flaking from his body.
"No...this can't be! You can't defeat me!" Jekyll cried, as he lurched again and the blade returned to David's hand.
"I just did," the Prince stated.
"You're done...and you're never going to hurt my wife again, let alone haunt her," David assured him.
"The Chalice absorbed the Olympian crystal long ago. No Underworld, no afterlife, nothing...you just stop existing and we rest easy, knowing that not even your soul can cause harm to anyone ever again," he continued. Jekyll tried to charge at the Prince again, but the white fire from the Chalice sword consumed him in a brilliant flash. He screamed briefly, as he was destroyed and his cries were swiftly squelched, as was his existence.
Charming sighed in relief, as he used the Chalice sword to create a portal out of the hellish island and he returned to Cibola.
The moment his feet hit the sand, Snow was in his arms. He smiled, as she kissed his lips and then buried her face in his neck, as she wrapped her around around his neck. He smiled and held her, as she quietly sobbed in relief.
"It's okay...I'm okay and he's dead, Snow...for real this time," he said, as he pulled back and cupped her beautiful face in his hands.
"He's dead, my love...he's never coming back," he promised. She sniffed and cried happy tears, before their lips crashed together and her feet dangled off the ground, as he picked her up and spun her around while kissing her passionately. Their lips finally parted and their kids gathered around them with hugs as well.
"And...it appears that the battle is over. Dr. Jekyll, who quite possibly was Charming's greatest challenger ever, is dead. It would appear that no one can defeat the Charmings," Goldie stated gravely.
"Most will celebrate this, I'm sure...but those of us that have made mistakes and refuse to play by their set of rules, life will not improve at all," she added.
"Snow and Charming will continue their reign, unchallenged it seems. Their children will continue to make all others fail to measure up, and Henry Nolan Charming's narrative will continue to be the only acceptable version of the story, while other talented writers like those in the Grimm line will be ignored," she continued.
The patrons in Grimm's bar went back to their normal business and Elias tossed his rag down on the counter in frustration. Charming's heroics would once again be the highlight of any articles and it almost seemed pointless for them to even do a podcast.
He noticed Runeard leaving and Rodmilla followed. Curiously, he followed as well. After all, this mysterious former King was likely the only real challenger to the Charmings that they had now.
"What are you doing?" Rodmilla asked, as she followed him into Jekyll's lab. Runeard was silent, as he picked up the staff that Jekyll had recreated from Hiram Flaversham's blueprint of the original design.
"They will soon come...emboldened by the fact that there is no real challenge here, even without magic. Except me, of course," he said.
"I have magic...synthetic magic that works here where theirs might not," Rodmilla replied. He smirked.
"Oh my dear...I think we both know that whatever you can muster up can easily be quashed by Charming now...or his Asgardian doppelganger for that matter. He just killed a demon with powers derived from hell itself," he reminded her.
"But you can challenge him!" she insisted.
"Oh not yet...not without this staff filled with the star gems I cannot...it's too risky. He knows what I can do with a touch...he'll anticipate my every move. I am not a master swordsman. Jekyll's arrogance is partially why he's dead now. He had no business fighting a warrior of Charming's caliber, even with all his demonic power," Runeard said.
"So...what, you're just going to disappear and leave me to fend for myself?" Rodmilla questioned.
"I must go into hiding for now. I do not have a plan ready to take on all the elements at once. I must take them by surprise and now is not the time. Good luck to you," he said, as he faded away with the staff and the doctor's gloves.
"There must be something in all this junk that we can use!" she cried desperately.
"The only way we still win any of this is to get their mixed blood and write ourselves a new narrative," Grimm said.
"Which is impossible!" she shouted.
"Then you better find a place to lay low...because this will be the first place Charming and his brats come for," Grimm replied, as he left the lab and started back to his tavern.
"There you are…" Goldie said, as she joined him.
"You're a wanted woman...this place isn't going to stop them from coming for you now that Jekyll is gone," he warned.
"You too...that's why we need to escape," Goldie said.
"Where? Pleasure Island was the one place that gave them pause," Grimm replied.
"The Land Without Magic...we can escape there and still do our podcast, you can write…" she said. He sighed.
"I guess it's all we have. We better go now though or we'll never make it. As it is, it will take us all night to go around the checkpoints again," he replied.
"Without the tavern...we'll be broke in no time," he warned.
"We still have a pretty good following with the podcast and that brings in some money. We'll have to supplement in other ways. It's that or prison," she replied, as they started packing what they could.
"We'll manage, I guess...now to figure out where to go," he said.
"The nearest bus stop is Misty Falls. We'll figure it out on the way to Boston," she replied, as they headed to the Harbor to make their escape.
After celebrating at Granny's with a mountain of food and all their family and friends, they had come home with their kids and retired for the evening. Except with them, there was no sleeping yet and the celebration had continued, in a much more intimate manner.
She rested her head against his chest and relished his arm around her.
"You did it...you freed us from his insanity," she purred, as she looked up at him. He gently kissed her.
"I said I wouldn't rest until he could no longer haunt you...I'm just glad I was able to keep that promise," he replied.
"I never doubted you...but I came very close to losing you," she said, as her eyes misted.
"Shh...no, you could never lose me. He never had a chance...not when it's you and our children that I'm fighting for. Not with a true love as powerful as ours," he replied, as she kissed him passionately and then pressed her forehead against his once their lips parted. He gently wiped a tear away from her cheek and green eyes stared into blue.
"I feel so free with his shadow finally gone," she admitted. He smiled.
"We are free, my darling. There are still battles ahead, but he was the worst one and he's gone forever," he promised. Their lips met again in a searing kiss and their passion consumed them once more. Once again, they had faced certain doom head on and their true love had prevailed, as it always would.
In the next chapter, one year has passed...
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I tried to make another post of a siren MC AU...but it wasn’t good so I’m STARTING OVERRR.
So Yh. I imagine MC as the siren bc we have had a Alex siren AU. So yEAHHH. Just imagine Alex is visiting an island. I like to think it’s Cyprus (...is Cyprus an island...? Well it is today). It’s like a private beach area and they’re with a friend. And guess who desides to just pop her head up from the water.
She hides behind a rock that’s a little ways away from the people, but she still looks out at them. MC always was curious about humans (even if they weren’t well liked under water). She looks for awhile and just admires them, until Alex looks over and sees her. They can’t see her too well, but they know someone’s there. She lets out a gasp and moves to hide behind the rock, covering her. They stare at where she was for a few seconds, but eventually look back at their friend and continue to talk.
MC dives back under water (accidentally letting them know that she was still there), and she’s living. She’s so happy she saw a human, even if it was from a far! She tells everyone (some disapproving) and her mom is like “HECK YEAH!!” So, with the encouragement of her mother, she goes back up to the surface the next day.
Meanwhile, after Alex saw her that day, they felt a want to see her again. They’ve seen many people and talked to several people, but never had the want to see them this strong. So, they go back the next day as well to look for her. Once they get there, MC also gets there. She hides behind the same rock and looks out to see Alex. She’s so happy to see them and decides to swim closer. There’s a dock and she swims up to it and only shows half of her face above the water. Alex looks around and they spot her. MC sees them look at her and she gets really excited, but a little fearful. However, she refuses to move and hopes Alex would go over to her.
And they do. They walk down the dock and sit at the end of it. MC just looks at them for a a second, trying to hide her awe. They have a blush on their face and say “hi”. MC blushes as well and says “hi” back. They both stare for awhile until Alex speaks.
“I’m sorry if I scared you yesterday.”
“Oh! It’s alright. It’s my first time seeing a human, so I was a little scared of getting caught.”
She leans back and shows her tail to them and they’re in awe. It’s the first time seeing a mermaid/siren/whatever you want to call them. And they continue to talk for awhile. MC explains what it’s like to live below the water and Alex tells her what it’s like to live above the water. They’re both in awe at how similar but different it is at the same time.
Eventually, it gets late, and Alex has to leave. MC is a little sad but accepts it and wishes them a good night. Again, she is living and tells her mom everythint and her mom is PROUD™️ and she’s so happy. Alex goes back hone (Olympus or in the surface whichever one), and tells their friends that they met a woman (not saying she’s a siren/mermaid since people hunt them) and they’re excited for them and everything is GREAT.
Eventually, they fell in love and meet everyday. Alex is so happy and so is MC, everything’s great. And one day she decides to pull herself up on the dock and kiss them. Alex and MC are both shocked at her braveness but they’re both very happy at how their relationship is like this. They’re afraid to ask her to be their girlfriend bc like...they’re a demigod (and have feet and live on land)...and she’s a mermaid/siren who can’t live on land. But they ask her anyway and she says yes. They’re both very happy for awhile. Sometimes she lays in the lap on the dock and things are just nice.
But something bad happens bc something bad has to always happen. There’s never a happy AU, no ma’am. I think that some mermaid/siren hunters will find her and try to capture her. They make it seem like they’re Alexs friends and that this was all a trick on her. MC feels betrayed and no longer trusts them. She escapes and Alex would chase after her but they can’t. They both are hurt and they both don’t know what to do anymore.
After distancing and thinking, MC goes back to the surface and sees Alex waiting on the dock looking destroyed. She hides behind the same rock like she did, and feels even more scared then she did when she first met them. Alex doesnt hear her because they’re lost in their thoughts. She feels a little sad for them and swims closer. She’s in front of them and they notice her when she reaches out and puts a hand on her cheek. They’re in a bit of shock and lean into her hand, desperate for that comfort.
“I’m so sorry,” and they sound on the edge of tears. She feels just as sad as they do and replies “it’s okay.” And it is okay. They talk it out and she then knows that they would never truly hurt her and everything goes back to normal (after a few months).
And then one day, they tell her how she can become human. I’m just like “they can get some Olympus Magic™️ and things can be alright” bc I said so >:(. And MC tells them that can she bring her mother along. She did have a few friends, but she wasn’t really close with anyone, so she wouldn’t be sad leaving them behind. Alex told her it was okay and the next day she brought her mother along. Her mother was a little wary and angry bc her daughter was hurt, but goes along to make MC happy. And then they actually do it. They become human. They did bring clothes with them though bc yeah-
MC and her mother take time to learn about the world, how life works, all of the technology and how to speak English it a bit better (and some Greek :)) and after around 2 years, it’s like they were always born human. And they told her that they were a demigod before she became human, so she knows about the gods and goddesses. She and her mother are a little anxious to go to Olympus with them, but they tell them that it will be all okay. They have Alex on their side to protect them.
And guess what happens?? MCs mom and Aphrodite meet and eventually fall in love like AFK (I gotta always sprinkle in my ship) and she and Hades become best friends. MC is treated like family to Aphrodite and Hades and everything is great. And when Alex and MC get married, there’s no problem. Nothing is intervened. No Hera drama (bc she’s born a siren and Hera most likely wouldn’t be born into a siren-) and everything is right in the world. And when she gives birth to Jason, he’s not half siren or anything. Just a demigod.
But the sad thing is that MC will age and age and die one day, but Alex doesn’t mind. They’ll wait for her. Even if she’s born a siren again, a human in New York, or whatever. They don’t mind waiting and will wait for as long as it takes for them to find her again.
So yeah that’s it >:))). If you have any other ideas I’d love to hear them👀. I hope you liked this little AU :))). Also not a lot of proof reading so sorry if there’s something messed up lol.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
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oohohoho you just opened the deepest can of worms on the planet
-mod dave, who wrote a fucking ten mile essay
first off, addressing the second anon, no theyre all humans. h., half humans at least. cause yall know me i fucking love my humanstuck aus off my ASS
(that would be funny as hell though. a troll from space walking into a camp on earth going “I AM THE SON OF ONE OF YOUR EARTH GODS. BITCH” like... holy shit)
so first things first their parents. im gonna lay this out, the beta kids and trolls are all greek (EXCEPT sollux hes roman cause his parent has no greek equivalent), and all the alpha kids and trolls are those gods roman equivalents (,,EXCEPT dirk cause he kinda balances sollux being roman out). i havent figured out how thatd happen like 16+ times yet cause in the percy jackson books theres only ever been one instance of two siblings of the same godly descent being greek and roman respectively in HISTORY so like.. i guess th. i guess thats just not a problem in this au
anyway this gets really long so im gonna talk about the beta kids and trolls cause i havent elaborated on the alphas at all ((peep the tags if you wanna see their parents though))
johns the son of zeus, rose is the daughter of athena, dave is the son of apollo, and jade is the daughter of demeter. they were all raised in their respective states, all had to come to new york for various reasons. jades been there the longest, shes been there 9 years and shes been on a couple quests. her biggest accomplishment so far is how she protected the camp from this big vicious angry hellhound that got past the barrier. naturally the girls fluent in Dog Training, so she steps up and instead of trying to kill this thing, she reaches out and tames it as fast as she can. it ends up actually working, and ever since that day she, her cabin, and the camp have a whole bodyguard sleeping right outside the demeter cabin! hes her steed in battle and hes a Very Good Boy. and his name is becquerel
johns the newest kid at camp, he has no idea who he is or why the fuck his school got attacked or why in the hell those anemoi thuellai were so fixated on him or HOW in the hell he absorbed the lightning one threw at him and ended up fine,,, hes just a big mess right now. a big enough mess that when he got claimed by literally zeus, no one else was around, he shrugged it off as some basic magical happening, and he stayed in the hermes cabin far longer than he should have cause no one! fucking knew he got claimed! by zeus of all people! dumbass. he ends up figuring it out though. like an off-hand mention about how this “weird lightning thing appeared above my head a couple weeks ago, haha weird right?” once he figures it out he realizes “hey i might be able to fly” so he sneaks off into the woods to try it. he succeeds fairly quickly but god almighty everyones face the one day the dude just yote himself off a small cliff without warning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dave and rose are really tight, theyve been there roughly the same time length, and since their cabins are across from each other they just bother each other all the time. daves the resident Doctor even though he really doesnt look it cause hes got the apollo powers. apollo is the medicine god. so if you wound your stupid ass in battle daves in the ER room patching you up with his glowy hands. rose on the other hand is a very good strategist. shes one of the only athena kids ever recorded to actually have a power - telekinesis. she has no idea how she developed it, she thinks its from birth, but it freaks her out. shes training it though.
so the beta trolls, are also all human(ish). aradias hades kid. but i pulled a pjo trope on her based on one of my favorite characters (im not saying for spoilers, but if you recognize the situation, You Probably Know Who Its Based Off) and aradia died. her mom, the handmaid, had been pulling some Shady Ass Shit and ended up getting herself killed, but aradia tried saving her and ended up going down with her.
so handmaid gets sentenced to the fields of punishment in the underworld, and aradia gets sentenced to elysium, heroes paradise. shes like “no i want my mom to be okay” so they take that away from aradia and they put them both in the fields of asphodel, the neverending grey space for Not So Good But Not So Bad people. her mom becomes a shade (shadow spirit, no human resemblance), as all people do, but aradia. doesnt? and she gets dunked in the fucking river lethe and if you dont know what that does it erases your memory. so she just. comes out of the river like “hello? wgat tae fukc goin on??” but she still remembers one thing. there was an “a” in her name.
tavros is the son of hermes, hes just kinda taken on the role of backup counselor for when the actual cabin counselor is out. hes in a wheelchair, but he also has prosthetic legs for when he needs to actually stand up and fight. hes really good at it too. also catch him in winged converse cause he Owns Those and Uses Them To His Advantage. hes trying his best to keep focused on the camp, cause aradia was his childhood friend, he misses her a whole lot, she never got to camp in the first place. and to his knowledge, shes still dead.
sollux is a janus kid. thats a problem cause janus is roman, and this is a greek camp. he grew up with dave, he showed up with dave, hes been at camp as long as dave. but hes been unclaimed since he showed up so he thinks hes unwanted by whatever parent he has. he knows hes a demigod, he got through the camp barriers, so what the fuck is wrong with him? he also feels shitty cause hes shit at the greek lessons, he cant read a lick of it which literally every demigod without exception should be able to do, he cant name any gods- well, he can, but.. he gets their names mixed up. why does he keep calling poseidon “neptune”? and he has a much, much different way of natural fighting than other kids. they slice, he jabs. he wasnt taught to jab. 
karkat is an aphrodite kid with vitiligo, and to make matters worse, hes ace and on the aro spectrum. to make matters WORSE, the aphrodite kids are kinda notorious for being really shallow, really materialistic, and really mean. karkats been dubbed the “runt” of the cabin, he gets made fun of for his spots to the point where he uses make up and magic to conceal them. worst of all? hes the kid of the goddess of love, for fucks sake. being reminded that “loveless people shouldnt be able to stay in this cabin, mom must have made a mistake claiming you” is kind of.. a blow to the self esteem. long story short he hates aphrodite for claiming him, and would have rather stayed in the hermes cabin. but he eventually goes on this big quest thats vague as fuck right now but Its The Main Plot, he ends up proving to himself that hes worth something and that his siblings are wrong, and my FAVORITE LINE IN THE WHOLE THING i came up with is HIS when he deals a final blow to some big monster: “REMEMBER MY FACE THE NEXT TIME YOU REINCARNATE. MY NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS, I’M THE SON OF APHRODITE, AND LOOKS CAN KILL.”
nepeta isnt anywhere near developed as others are unfortunately, shes a daughter of ares and shes really really good at hand to hand combat. shes small but she leads groups of people in things ranging from camp volleyball games to actual literal wars. shes a tough little shit
kanaya isnt really developed either, i have yet to figure out most of her powers too actually, shes a daughter of iris, the rainbow goddess though. (blatant reference to both kanayas vampirism and. h. her. sh. es ga. gay) ONE THING SHE CAN DO THOUGH is iris message at will without water or drachmas so really shes just everyones go to cell phone and its fucking hilarious cause people just come into the cabin like “KANAYA I NEED TO TALK TO [X]” and shes like “You Better Fucking Pay Me I Am Not Your Personal Cell Phone”
terezi is the daughter of nemesis and she has this really peculiar power she hasnt really gotten the hang of yet. she has synesthesia, so while she cant see she can smell and taste the colors of her surroundings and its really helpful. sometimes though she gets messages from her mom. they dont even come as dreams half the time, they come as almost a different plane altogether. tez has the power to literally tip the scales, pretty much. and when she gets like that, she can see. shes not on earth though, shit on earth stops when shes like that. shes just kinda In Her Own Head, i guess? and in her head she holds the two scales in her hands. she is the arms of the scale. and depending on which one she lifts up, she can literally alter the fate of the battle or happening thats going on By Herself. once she chooses she just whooshes back to real life though and nothing has changed. the only downside? it takes a LOT of energy and cant be exploited for little things. her one thing on her bucket list is to tap into said powers while getting something from a vending machine so like three things will fall out but it hasnt happened yet and shes upset
vriskas a daughter of tyche, the luck goddess, come the fuck on you knew i was gonna, i havent really elaborated on her either and im upset about that. but hey now you get a break from all those fucking paragraphs
equius is a hephaestus kid, and he kinda stays in the background. hes a range fighter, he spends a lot of time in the forge, and even though its been a project looooong since forgotten, hes been excavating the tunnels under cabin nine for years. by himself. he has no idea where they lead, but dammit hes gonna find out where. he has no idea about a certain bunker in the woods though...
gamzees just there for a fucking laugh tbh hes a son of dionysus and i love that cause hes the god of wine and parties and insanity. usually gamzees just zoning out somewhere hes Not supposed to be, and hes not affected by the maenads FUCKED UP BULLSHIT that goes down the forest sometimes. also hes so fucking scared of tavroses wing shoes he tried them on once while he was high and JESUS CHRIST
eridan is the son of kymopoleia, a SUPER obscure goddess. lets just say dont fuck with eridan cause his mom is the goddess of violent sea storms,
and naturally, feferi is the daughter of poseidon. cause who the FUCK else would she be the daughter of. WHO. NAME ONE GOD
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cornerverse-mlp · 5 years
I wrote this post, like, a year and a half ago but I just found it so here I’m throwing it into the void!
Okay, I have no justification of any kind, other than “the other night I rearranged my room, saw my mlp toys on my Percy Jackson shelf, and decided to debate with myself about “if the MLP cast were all in the PJO Universe, who would their godly parent be?”.” 
Obviously they’re all Humans, or well, Demigods, in this AU(Actually, there’s one Mortal), instead of being ponies(I think by default horses are Poseidon territory). That said, their in-show abilities/traits count for what I choose. Same for choosing the ‘godly parent’, meaning that while full Myth(and my interpretations) will be in play, how the gods work in the PJO books count as well. 
I’m also keeping to just the more well-known gods/goddesses. Because while there’s a lot of minor ones and I could probably spend days going down the rabbit hole of Wikipedia articles to find a ‘perfect fit’, why would I do that? For that same reason, I’m also sticking to Greeks instead of trying to balance ‘should I make them Greek or Roman?’. 
So! On that note, this is mostly a list, however, I do add more and give reasons for my choices, even talking of ones I debated about. And a few bonus headcanons.
Twilight Sparkle - I feel like Athena is the obvious choice. I mean, Twi’s intelligent and strategic so Daughter to the Goddess of Wisdom is a good idea, plus she has a pet owl which is one of Athena’s symbols. It’s what most people go with.
However, I’m going with her as a Daughter of Hecate. My reasons?
 First of all, Hecate is Goddess of Magic, and, well, Magic is Twi’s thing. She’s a talented spellcaster, and that’s a big part of her character.
Hecate is also a Goddess of Crossroads, something we see a lot with Twilight, in multiple ways.
She is the character with the most ‘counterparts’, not just her literal Counterpart in Sci-Twi, but metaphorical counterparts, ‘other paths she could have taken’. I mean, there’s Sunset, Starlight, Sci-Twi, Trixie, and also Moondancer that show off places Twilight could have ended up had she chosen differently in life. 
However, Twilight is also the Crossroad for others. She is the character who is trying to lead others down the best path, giving them the choice of where to go. Again, we see this a lot with reforming villains. She offers them a chance to change the path, to turn and go down another. 
Another thing that Hecate is associated with is childbirth and nurturing the young. 
In the show, Twilight earned her Cutie Mark by hatching Spike, and even if she wasn’t his direct mother(I headcanon them more as siblings), she did help to raise him. 
She’s also a teacher, both in usual subjects (as we saw with the CMC in Twilight Time), and in teaching others about friendship(While those characters are not ‘young’, it counts).
Pinkie Pie - Again, it seems like an obvious choice as a Daughter of Dionysus, God of wine, parties, and madness. Okay, we have no idea how Pinkie feels about wine since this is a kids show(Personally, I feel like she shares my tastes and doesn’t care for it.)
Which is why I’m making her a Daughter of Apollo instead. He’s God of the Sun, and Pinkie is a metaphorical ball of sunshine. Other things Apollo is the God of include: Healing, Music, Art, Archery, and also Prophecy.
Pinkie’s relation to Music and Art are obvious, and while we don’t get to see her with a bow, she seems to have good aim. As for Prophecy? Pinkie Sense. She’s canonically able to predict the future. 
Now, you might not think Healing fits in, but it does. After all, isn’t Laughter the best medicine? Okay, jokes aside, while Pinkie isn’t a ‘healer’ in the doctor sense, she’s more like a ‘healer’ in the therapist sense(Obviously not licensed, but you get the idea). When she can’t cheer someone up from just a simple party, she puts her all into working through their problems and getting them to be truly happy again. And that’s a type of healing people forget about alot.
Rarity - Huh. Another one that gets a ‘this has an obvious choice’ category. A Daughter of Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty, Love and Lust, able to charm any into doing what she wishes. And in terms of the PJO world? She’d fit right in with the others of the Aphrodite Cabin(Well, she’d probably punch Drew in the face but whatever.).
However, once more, I’m going for an odd choice: Daughter of Hades. And before I go into my reasoning, take all the memories of Hades as a villain and anything from Disney and chuck that out a window. Not just here, but in general. Because damn it, he’s not evil. He’s probably one of the most chill of the gods. Stop making him the villain. Even this series only used him as a fakeout villain in the first book. And we don’t talk about the movie. What movie? That doesn’t exist!
Anyway, while Hades is God of the Underworld, he also has a few other things he rules. Hades is also known as the God of Wealth, as all of the precious metals and gems in the Earth were of his domain as well. Rarity and her ability to manipulate Gems reminds me a little bit of Hazel’s abilities(though obviously less cursed(And I know Hazel is technically ‘Pluto’s’ but they’re both the same god and not the same god)).
However, there’s a few other things that made me decide to have Rarity be a Daughter of Hades instead of Aphrodite:
First is the fact that, as much as Aphrodite was a good fit for her in quite a few ways, she is also considered a Goddess of Desire(not just Lust, but all desires and even the fulfillment of said desires). As materialistic as Rarity can be, she’s also the Element of Generosity. While the MLP universe can balance the traits, making her want things but always giving to others as well, putting Desire in her nature feels wrong.
Secondly, within the PJO series, Hades is shown to be very generous, even if it’s a trait rarely seen by the other gods(due to family feuding), but is shown in his relationships with the women he loved.
His love with Persephone, for example. He was kind and patient with her, wishing for her to love him as he did her. He started with magnificent gifts,and took to spending all of his time with her and doing whatever he could to make her happy. He even hired the most skilled (deceased) gardeners in the Underworld to grow a magnificent garden for her. He says that though he is God of Wealth, she is dearer to him than any precious metals or gems.
(Because I know someone will point it out, the whole thing with their relationship and the pomegranate seeds has several interpretations, some happier than others. The PJO version has Persephone truly fall for Hades, and one of the gardeners tricks her with the pomegranate seeds. (My personal interpretation of the story is that Persephone fell for Hades and ate the Pomegranate seeds on purpose so that they wouldn’t be separated. I mean, within actual Greek Myths, they’re the most stable couple with the least affairs))
Back to the books, we have Maria di Angelo. Hades tried to convince her to live in Underworld with him, despite the fact that it would piss off Persephone a bit, to protect her and their kids from the other gods. He insists that he will build her a beautiful golden palace by the River Styx, but doesn’t get a chance to because Zeus kills her first. (He wishes to resurrect her, but even a God of the Underworld must obey the laws of Death.)
While it’s technically ‘Pluto’ and not ‘Hades’, we also have Marie Levesque. He loved her so much he swore on the River Styx to give her anything. When she took him up on that and asked for all the riches of the Underworld, he begs her to ask for anything else, as the greediest wishes come with curses. And even though she ignored the warning and cursed their daughter, he did what he could to protect them. 
Another reason is that I find that most interpretations of the afterlife are Generous, in a way. While there’s definitely punishment in the afterlife, most versions include some version of ‘unless you’re a huge dick you’ll be rewarded with everything that would make you happy’. 
Final reason: the fanfic “In the Twilight of Death” which includes Rarity as a Grim Reaper. It doesn’t really factor in ‘logically’, but tbh I can’t help it. That fic’s good though so check it out.
Applejack - While it’s obvious, I’m not going to pull what I did before and be like ‘this is obvious but..’ thing. Applejack would be a Daughter of Demeter. Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest and all that.
Rainbow Dash - I debated about this one for a while. I thought of using Ares(Rainbow’s middle name is ‘Fight Me’), Zeus(Because God of Sky and Lightning), and even Iris(Because Goddess of the Rainbow).
However, I ended up deciding on her being a Daughter of Nike, Goddess of Victory, Strength, and Speed. It fits quite well. 
Fluttershy - Daughter of Iris. While I considered this for Rainbow Dash, I feel Iris fits Fluttershy more because of the version in the books. I mean, non-violent, only attacks in self defense, a little with the hippie crowd, severely underestimated due to their most known traits(Iris is known for messages and rainbows, Flutters is known for being kind and shy) but will totally kick your ass when needed.
Sunset Shimmer - Okay, I really want to put Hestia, because I associate Sunset with Hestia a lot because of reasons. But apparently Hestia has no kids as she’s one of the Virgin Goddesses. I’m really trying to think of other options. Like
Hecate, because like Twilight she’s Magic
Apollo, because of the Sun connection, good with her hands(art and music)
Athena, because she’s intelligent and strategic
Hephaestus, because she could totally build magic robots(Again, good with her hands) and also fire association
But just.... none of them feel right.
Fuck it! I don’t fucking care. Let’s just pretend that Hestia is like Athena, she creates children through other means and is still an eternal virgin. IDK, maybe they spawn out of her hearth fires. Anyway, Sunset’s a Daughter of Hestia.
Celestia and Luna - I’m putting them together because their headcanons are a bit connected. Okay, so, in this AU they’re either half-sisters or adopted. Celestia is a Daughter of Apollo(because Sun), but Luna is a Mortal.
However, because they’re always together, and because Luna can see through the Mist, she knows all about the whole ‘Demigods’ thing. But this puts Luna in a lot of danger, and Celestia insists she be allowed to come to CHB too so she can protect herself.
Obviously they don’t allow it since Luna’s Mortal, but Celestia decides that instead she’ll train Luna with all the Greek weaponry herself. 
At some point, they’re off on their own somewhere and end up running into some monsters. They handle it beautifully, and catch the attention of Artemis. She invites them both to join her Hunters, which they agree to. Luna took to the life better, being nocturnal and seeming to almost be able to see through the darkness, so she quickly became the Hunters’ Lieutenant
Discord - Son of Eris. Come on. That one’s too perfect.
Chrysalis - Daughter of Aphrodite. Again, kinda perfect on that one.
Cadence -  Can we go three for three on perfection? Yes, because here’s another Daughter of Aphrodite.
Shining Armor - I was debating on this, because he and Twilight are siblings so how should this work? I don’t want him to also be a son of Hecate. So they’re step-siblings on the Mortal side in this AU
I was also debating on whether to make his godly parent Ares or Athena. On one hand, while both are war/battle gods, Athena has a heavier emphasis on strategy. On the other hand, Athena also has heavier emphasis on her non-battle qualities.
Not to disrespect any character and/or gods, but while Shining is intelligent and a good strategist, he doesn’t fit the rest of the Athena kid qualities. So I’m making him a Son of Ares, though a bit more strategic and less bloodthirsty than his godly half-siblings(he gets it from his mom’s side of the family).
Spike - Son of Hephaestus, and definitely has those fire powers. While his character isn’t known for building, I think he could have some skill with it. As for his relationship to Twilight and Shining in this AU: He was adopted by their Mortal Parents. I’ll go more into that later.
Sweetie Belle - Rarity’s half-sister, on the mortal side. Daughter of Apollo. She sucks at healing and if you value your life keep her away from the bows, but her music skill is fantastic. Her prophecy abilities only show up when she’s being sarcastic.
Scootaloo and Flash Sentry - Full siblings(because I headcanon them as such in-show). Children of Athena. An odd choice, but I think it works. We know Flash is a Guard in-show, meaning he’s likely good with fights, and if Scootaloo had a middle name it’d be ‘fight me’, but both have also shown some craftsmanship abilities. Well, Scoots has(working on her scooter and all(also, you have to be smart to calculate those tricks yourself)) and I headcanon that Flash has shown those type abilities as well because the show gives him so little character that anything with him is ‘canon until proven otherwise’ and- Whatever. Rant for another time. 
Big Macintosh - Full sibling with Applejack. Son of Demeter. Self-explanatory.
Applebloom - Daughter of Hephaestus(AJ and Big Mac are her step-siblings in this AU). I chose this because all expected her to get a Cutie Mark for, well, building shit in general. (I’m still a little salty there)
Starlight Glimmer - Daughter of Nemesis, Goddess of Justice/Vengeance/Balance. You can figure out that one on your own.
Diamond Tiara - Either a Daughter of Hades,or another example of me saying ‘fuck it!’ and making her a Daughter of Hestia like Sunset. I am undecided. 
Have a few more headcanons for this AU:
This all would be post-PJO series, because a few things would vary a lot from Canon if it were during-series.I mean, Hades can only loophole kids into the series so many times before someone snaps. Also Luna becoming the Hunter’s Lieutenant would involve Thalia either dying or stepping down. And I want this to be when minor gods/goddesses have their own cabins too, and perhaps CHB has established something similar to New Rome where adult Demigods can just chill(Or Percy said ‘fuck you let us have a safezone to chill as adults’ and had some friends help buy a horse ranch in the middle of bumfucknowhere for people to set up their own town of Demigods. Because I’m pretty sure summer camp has an age limit.)
As for ages, most of them would be the ages I usually headcanon for them: Mane 7(And Flash) are 16-19, younger siblings(And Diamond) are 13/14, older siblings(and Starlight) are in early twenties. Might drop Celestia/Luna/Discord/Chrysalis down to early twenties too. 
I mean, age is irrelevant, as I’m not writing a story with them at these ages. I’m just giving the ages relevance to one another. 
Oh! So, I mentioned the whole Twilight, Shining, and Spike thing and how all that goes down. 
So, Twilight and Shining’s Mortal parents are their in-show parents. Velvet met Ares during her ‘rebel phase’ and had a one-night-stand that resulted in Shining. Night Light met Hecate and had a bit more of a relationship, but it was only a few nights and then she ‘stopped texting back’, allowing him to move on. He soon met Velvet and they fell in love. Then one night Hecate knocks on his door, drops newborn-Twilight into his arms and is like ‘Hey, I had a kid, she’d yours. I can’t take care of her or stay in your life. Bye!’. Despite the confusion, Velvet sticks by him and they get married. Also, imagine that itty bitty Shining pretty much thought Hecate was ‘the stork’ until sex-ed classes. 
Anyway, while both kids are showing various abilities(Some more concerning than others. Shining is the embodiment of ‘Let me see what you have...’ ‘A knife!’), their parents don’t know about Demigods or anything. Just that their kids have powers. They convince them to keep it all secret, which works for a while. Until one year on the last day of school. At the time, Shining’s 11 and in 5th grade, Twi’s 6 and in 1st grade. Spike happens to be going to the same school, though he doesn’t run into them often because he’s in Kindergarten. Spike’s story is that he’s an orphan, his bio mom having either disappeared or abandoned him. The adults weren’t sure about his age but stuck him in Kindergarten(we later find out he’s actually 4 at this time, but he’s a smart kid so he didn’t struggle through it). 
As I said, it’s the last day before summer break(because of course it is), when a monster manages to herd the three of them into an empty classroom. They fight the thing off well enough. Luckily, one of their teachers happened to be one of CHB’s undercover people(maybe a Satyr or a former camper). Unluckily, their teacher has to take them on the run since more monsters are chasing them. 
During their ‘on the run to camp’ time, Twilight and Shining bond with Spike a lot. They all get to camp, and get to properly message their parents(AKA give mom and dad another heart attack because phones are banned but rainbows work fantastic!), and essentially get the rundown on the whole Demigod business. 
Unfortunately, they get separated pretty quick. All three get Claimed, and sent to different cabins. While they slowly get used to sleeping so far apart and do end up making some friends with other campers, they stubbornly refuse to be separated. People try, but it’s hard to argue with the guy with a perfect intimidating stare and knife collection, the girl who has little issue spellcasting when angry, and the toddler with fire powers. 
By the end of the first summer, Twilight and Shining don’t want to leave Spike behind. I mean, his two options are either becoming a year-round camper, or going back into the foster care system. They talk to their parents about it, and it doesn’t take much convincing for them to legally adopt Spike into the family.
Oh, another family thing I’d have to talk about is Pinkie and her family. I’m not quite sure how though. Maybe she’s adopted by them at some point? I don’t usually like making Pinkie the ‘adopted’ one, but I’d kind of have to since she’s third oldest and that’s better than the alternatives. But I don’t think any of her sisters are Demigods. 
Her relationship with the Cakes though! I headcanon differently. So, I’m gonna bump up the twins to elementary school age(7). Anyway, the twins are also Demigods(children of Hermes). Someone’s probably asking ‘uh, wouldn’t that involve an affair?’. Well, I’m just going to go with either 1.)Mr. and Mrs. Cake weren’t together yet or 2.) open relationship?
Anyway, Pinkie met them two years ago. She happened to be hanging in the park near their bakery(because they still own a bakery in this au). The twins go to the park a lot after school, usually with one parent supervising the playground. This time, however, a monster attacks. Since Pinkie was nearby, she leaped into action. She manages to get the cakes to run off, and follows because the monster seems more intent on the easier kill(Aka, she can’t lure it away). 
Eventually, she manages to kill the beast, and the twins are scared but think she’s a superhero. She correctly guessed that Mr. Cake isn’t their bio dad, and asks if there’s been any other ‘incidents’, either attacks or unexplained things happening. She does decide to tell them the truth, showing off her own powers to prove it. After that sinks in, she tells them about CHB, and how it can keep the twins safe, and teach them to defend themselves. 
At first, they’re against it, as they really don’t want their kids to learn something so dangerous. But Pinkie sticks around to protect them, walking them from school in the afternoons and babysitting when they want to go to the park. Monster attacks and weird things become a bit more frequent(mostly because now the Cakes now about this, and also Pinkie can testify that it wasn’t ‘small children with overactive imaginations’).
 So they ask Pinkie about CHB again, how safe is it? She assures them that it’s safe, and that if they want, they can do it just for the summer, pretend it’s a normal summer camp. So yeah, after the school year ends they let Pinkie play navigator and drive to camp. Pinkie helps them with the sign-in process(since Mortals aren’t usually allowed in and she doesn’t have the authority yet), and both Pumpkin and Pound have been going to CHB for the summer since. Pinkie still sticks with them during the other months, protecting, babysitting, and making sure they keep their skills sharp(which terrifies their parents because, uh, you are dual-wielding swords to battle small children??), but they’re happy and safe and Pinkie’s grown on them, so they’re good with it!
I don’t think I have any more specific headcanons on how the others found out/how they got to camp. 
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 221: A Long Awaited Wedding
Snow smiled up at him, as they danced together in the diner. The rehearsal dinner had gone off without a hitch and they enjoyed the evening with their family, as they celebrated the imminent nuptials between their son and soon to be daughter-in-law. Rose and Fandral had returned with the news that Jekyll might have dabbled in experimenting with taking hearts before, simply to see if he could replicate the process through science versus magic. It didn't yield many answers, but they were not surprised by the level of pure psychosis that the doctor was exhibiting. That aside, as usual, they had not allowed him to spoil their evening. And now, as dinner was winding down, they were dancing to one of their favorite cheesy ballads, to quote their children, courtesy of the jukebox. He twirled her around and then brought her back so that his chest was pressed against her back, as they continued to sway. Her smile widened, as he sung the whispered words of the song in her ear and she felt warm chills travel down her spine.
"You know what it does to me when you sing…" she purred.
"That's the idea," he whispered, as he spun her again and she ended up facing him again.
"Then I can't wait until you and I are home, because I feel like a dip in the hot tub with my husband," she said.
"That hot tub was a really good idea," he agreed, as he noticed Eva nodding to his wife, just as she and his sister came back from the Inn side.
"What's that about?" he asked.
"Well…I didn't want to tell you until I was sure, but your sister had some symptoms earlier and I had Eva check her out," Snow replied.
"What kind of symptoms?" he asked.
"The pregnancy kind," she replied, with a wince.
"What?" he asked, as his eyes widened.
"Yeah…I know and she's already scared, but it's going to be okay," she replied, as she gave Natalie a reassuring smile. He joined her in doing so and hugged Snow close.
"Of course...with someone like you in her corner, she'll be fine," he agreed.
"And with her big overly protective brother in her corner, she'll be doubly fine," she said.
"Well, at least Clayton's not here so we don't have to look at that stupid smug smirk," he replied, as she gently prodded him forward.
"Go," Snow said, as she watched him go over and talk to his sister, which was followed up with a hug, their first one ever.
"You were right...that didn't take long for him to take to her," Emma said, as she sided up to her mother and put an arm around her.
"Mmm…I know your father and he loves his family, even the one he is just discovering," Snow said, as she watched them with love in her eyes.
James and Aphrodite awakened at last and looked at each other, before practically leaping up and throwing their arms around each other, hugging fiercely.
"It was always you…" she cried, as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. He kissed her gently.
"Eros...he's truly mine," James realized, as he caught sight of the Collector.
"You…" he hissed, as he stalked toward Clayton, who backpedaled. He found a sword and held it up in defense of himself. A sword appeared in James' hand, thanks to Zeus, and he parried the Collector's blade.
"Give me one good reason I shouldn't flay you down to the bone?" James questioned, as their blades clashed.
"Well…I'm already dead and you've obviously won," Clayton retorted.
"You're right...let's just throw you in the river," James growled, as he grabbed him by the collar and prepared to toss him into the river.
"You can't let him do this, Goddess Nyx!" Clayton pleaded, as his usual arrogant façade was gone and replaced with real fear.
"As much as I would love to be rid of him...he's right, I cannot let you administer his justice," Nyx stated.
"Such is not allowed. Hades may have allowed others to do as they please, but I run a much tighter ship," she said. Clayton smirked, as James released him.
"Thank you, Goddess," he said, bowing deeply.
"Shut up or I will throw you in the river," she snapped, as he was wisely silent. James glared at his father next and faced him.
"You just couldn't let me be happy, could you?" he spat.
"I made many mistakes and you'll never believe this, but I do regret them," George said.
"You're right...I don't believe you. The only thing you regret is that you're dead and you didn't get your way," James hissed.
"And you…" he hissed at Hera.
"She never did anything to you...why do you hate her so much?" he asked. Hera glared at Dione and her daughter.
"Because she exists," Hera stated simply. Nyx raised her hand at that and Hera's soul burst into flames. She screamed briefly, as she was squelched from existence. She turned to George and Clayton next and approached.
"Being erased from existence is much too good for you, Collector and so is the river," Nyx said, as she looked at him.
"I could be useful to you, Goddess. My wealth of knowledge is unmatched...even he knows that," Clayton said, looking at Zeus.
"That's why I deserved to be a God...that's why I wanted her to bear my heir, but alas, that sadly wasn't meant to be and instead, she birthed his mongrels," he added, glaring at Clayton.
"I was very close to having the Chalice myself when I made Snow White crush Charming's heart. I would have stepped into his shoes and she would have made a nice surrogate to bear my heir," he claimed.
"The Charming bloodline is as good as a Divine bloodline now with the power of the chalice, but sadly, that wasn't meant to be either," he continued and then smirked.
"Until now…" he said.
"What are you talking about?" Aphrodite asked.
"Because my son has succeeded in doing what I could not. He has sired an heir with the coveted Charming bloodline," Clayton said.
"That's not possible!" James refuted.
"Are you saying that your son has raped one of our nieces? And how would you even know that?!" Aphrodite asked in outrage.
"I know, because Underbrooke has ways of letting the dead find out what's happening in the living world and you're right, it isn't one of Snow and David's precious daughters that is carrying my son's heir," Clayton said, as he looked at them smugly.
"It's your sister," he said, enjoying the look of shock and disbelief from them.
"I don't have a sister," James snapped, but Clayton continued to smirk smugly.
"Yes...you do. I knew your father well and he had more than a few dalliances. One of those encounters produced a child," Clayton said.
"Even if that's true...none of that means anything. Your son is never getting his hands on the Chalice. I remember everything now...and I made sure it has all the protections necessary to prevent it ever falling into the hands of evil," Aphrodite replied.
"Maybe. Maybe not...but regardless, my bloodline is secure and it is ensured that it will never die out. And one day, that child will know of the other half of its legacy," Clayton said.
"No...pretty sure Snow and David will make sure your son has no access to that child and no ability to poison him," James refuted.
"He's right...your family has been a scourge on humanity for centuries and my daughter will help make sure that doesn't continue," Dione assured him. Clayton smirked.
"We shall see…" he said.
"We will...but you will not, demon," Nyx declared, as she ceased his movements.
"You get to go to a very special place...a special eternal prison created for only the worst to ever exist," Nyx hissed and a chill of fear slithered through Clayton.
"You're going to Gehenna...a place in a dimension just beyond Tartarus. It is a horrid place of filth, stench, smoke, and fire," she said.
"You get no rest, Collector. This place will be your eternal torment and the demons already there will be your tormentors," she added, as a black portal opened before them and he saw the flames reflecting in his eyes, just before he was sucked through the portal into his eternal hell with a final scream.
"Now you…" Nyx said, as she turned to George.
"You have a well earned place in the river of lost souls...but I have decided to give you a chance to work out your unfinished business for perhaps a less harsh sentence," she said.
"You will return to Underbrooke...for now. Mind your steps and I may send you somewhere other than the river Styx or Tartarus, Your Majesty," she said, as she banished him back to the surface.
"You should have just thrown him in the river," James growled, as Aphrodite put a soothing hand on his shoulder.
"We are together again and the curse is broken, my love. He can no longer hurt us," she assured, as he put his arms around her.
"I remember everything now...all our past lives together," he said, as his brow suddenly furrowed.
"Wait...please tell me that this doesn't mean our son and Leo are actually blood related?" he asked.
"Well, if they were, that would be wildly awkward, but no...since Eros was conceived when you were Anchises, he is not related to any of his cousins by blood," Zeus replied. They let out a breath of relief.
"Yes...only you in your life as James is actually blood related to David," Dione added.
"Yeah...why do I sense that this wasn't random?" he asked.
"Because you're right...Athena was tired of seeing this curse wreck the two of you and stacked the deck, so to speak," Zeus replied.
"How?" Aphrodite asked.
"She suspected that if she entwined your destiny with David's, that Snow and David, as the truest loves, would indirectly help the two of you in breaking your curse," Dione replied.
"She's right...she somehow knew I would get tired of seeing your heart broken and refuse to allow James to be reincarnated after he was killed. She was right...I made a deal with Hades for that one to keep you in Underbrooke indefinitely," Zeus explained.
"So she knew David and I would somehow cross paths? And it would lead me to be revived?" James asked.
"Yes...she had Ruth tell you that she was giving you her second chance...but that was me. She came to me once David fell through that portal to the Underworld and clued me in on the fact that you'd cross paths with your brother," Zeus replied.
"You mean…" James started to say. Dione smiled.
"Yes...it was your second chance all along, so you could be reunited with our daughter," she said.
"But...how did you know things wouldn't go wrong again?" James asked.
"I didn't...Athena really had to strong arm me into agreeing to it. But as usual, she was right. Thanks to Snow and David, being the champions they are, Blue was finally exposed and it led you both to the truth you needed to break the curse," Zeus replied. James shook his head.
"Wow...so now we go home, I guess?" he asked. Aphrodite smiled and nodded, as she looked to her parents. Tears filled her eyes, as she hugged them tightly.
"I just got you back," she said tearfully. Nyx waved her hand and a looking glass appeared.
"This is my gift to you...and I will send it to your home in Storybrooke. This will allow you a coveted privilege of communicating with them from Elysian," Nyx offered. Aphrodite bowed respectfully to her.
"Thank you Goddess," she said, as she hugged her parents one last time, before joining hands with James. Hermes appeared and escorted them through the portal.
"Mmm...this was the best idea," Snow cooed, as she and David sat pressed together in the warm, bubbly water. He kissed her hair.
"Definitely," he agreed, as he held her against him.
"But I think I know a way for it to get even better," she purred, as she turned in the water and straddled his waist, watching his blue eyes glaze.
"Definitely better," he agreed, as she began to gently rock against him and their lips met in a passionate rhythm that was in concert of the fluid movement of their incredible lovemaking...
The next morning
"Elsa?" Anna called, as she entered her sister's chambers early that morning. Leo had slept over in their room in his parent's castle, following the usual tradition of spending the final night before their wedding apart, despite the fact they had already been living together for years.
"Out here," Elsa called from her balcony. Anna poked her head out and observed her sister already dressed in her wedding gown. It was beautiful and glittered in the early morning sunlight. It was similar in design to her favorite blue dress, with a glittering bodice, satin skirt, and a shimmering iridescent train. Her hair was braided and draped over one shoulder, as per usual, and she wore her tiara.
"Oh Elsa...you look beautiful…" Anna gushed, as she took her hand.
"Thanks…" she replied.
"Are you nervous?" Anna asked.
"Not like I thought I'd be. Leo and I have been living together for a few years now and we thought we were already married during the curse. This just feels right," Elsa replied.
"Because it is. I've never seen you at more peace, but then love will do that," Anna said, as they shared a hug.
"It's time…" Kristoff said, as they exited her chambers.
"Wow...you look beautiful, Elsa," he said. She smiled.
"Thanks…" she said, as Elsa waved her hand and they disappeared in a poof of light blue smoke.
David attempted to straighten his bowtie on his tux in the mirror, but it was not cooperating at all.
"Snow, can you help with this damn...wow," he said, as he came out of the bathroom and found her there in a sleeveless shimmering orchid dress. It wasn't too dissimilar to an orchid ball gown she had once worn long ago, but this was a modern design and a bit less formal than something she would have worn for a ball.
"I take it that you approve," she said, as she glided up to him and straightened his bowtie with minimal effort.
"How could I not...you are so beautiful," he said, as he slipped his arms around her waist and she smiled up at him.
"You're pretty handsome yourself...very handsome, in fact," she purred, as he kissed her tenderly.
"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded.
"Yes...this is a long time coming. We already consider Elsa our daughter...this just makes it official," she said.
"I know...I'm so glad that our girls are happy in their marriages and that Leo is finally happy too. We've...worried about him," he replied. She hummed.
"He had some bad luck...bad luck that neither of us experienced. Sometimes I felt a little unqualified to give him advice," she admitted.
"Tell me about it...he once told me that he appreciated my insight, but that I didn't really get it and he was right, because I met you," he said.
"You were my first and my only...that's really rare these days," she replied.
"You were my first and only too...we were so blessed and now we know Leo is too," he said. She smiled and kissed him again.
"Come on...let's get our baby boy married off," she said. He chuckled.
"There was a time when you were horrified by the prospect of said baby boy being with anyone," he teased.
"I know...but thanks to his early bad luck, I had my reasons. But then Elsa came along and we love her. She's perfect for our son," Snow said.
"Yeah...and just think, we'll probably be doing this for Bobby in a few years," he mentioned.
"Oh, I am not looking forward to that. My youngest baby...but we'll probably be doing this for Summer first," she reminded him.
"Ugh...let's not talk about that," he complained and she smiled.
"I think it's safe to say that neither of us is looking forward to an empty nest. But we have our grandkids and we'll most certainly have more. Not to mention we'll soon have a new baby niece or nephew," she said.
"Yeah...that was definitely unexpected. I'm glad Clayton is gone so I don't have to see his stupid smug smirk over the fact of his bloodline mixing with ours," David said sourly.
"Mmm...he's gone forever, baby and his son is in prison where he belongs. This baby will be a Charming thru and thru," Snow assured him. He nodded in agreement, as he offered his arm to her. She hooked her hand on his elbow and they prepared to leave for the reserve.
Drizella looked around the creepy lab with a bit of disgust.
"This place is horrid...worse than that stupid Inn I'm forced to live at right now, because that prissy little bitch destroyed my family's mansion and took our wealth," she complained.
"Yes...but we are well protected from the strong arm of the law here on this island and we have little time for your whining," Jekyll replied. She huffed.
"Fine...what is our plan for today? Because I want nothing more than to see Snow White cry tears when we interrupt her precious baby boy's wedding day," she gushed.
"I think we should let the wedding commence and then crash the reception instead," Grimm suggested.
"Any particular reason?" Jekyll questioned.
"People will be more spread out, more relaxed, a bit of alcohol in the mix as well. It will catch them more off guard and create wider chaos," he said.
"I like it," Drizella said, as she turned to the doctor.
"But you promised me a solution to not having magic. If I am to declare myself as the new Evil Queen...then I must have the power to back up my claim," she replied. The doctor smirked and opened a case underneath one of his lab tables.
"This is an experimental drug that I have been working on to allow you to create the ability to conjure magic. It's temporary and has not been tested well yet. It's a risk...I don't know what side effects there might be," he warned.
"But it will give me powers?" she asked.
"Until the drug wears off...but it should be long enough for our purposes," he replied.
"It's untested...I will warn you again," Jekyll said.
"But it will work?" she questioned again.
"I guess we'll find out," Grimm said.
"You have to ask yourself...is getting what you want worth the risk?" Jekyll asked. She thought for a moment and then offered her arm. Jekyll smirked and administered the injection…
Leo chuckled, as several of the animals gathered around him. He got a nudge to his hand from Graham, a lick from Wilby, a head nudge from Pegasus, and a nuzzle from Firestorm.
"Thanks guys," he said, as his parents arrived and he could already see his mother tearing up.
"Oh sweetie...you look so handsome," she gushed, as she gently adjusted his bowtie.
"Thanks Mom," he replied, as they shared a hug.
"We are so proud of you and we love Elsa," David said, as he clapped him on the shoulder. He smiled, as his parents stepped off to his side, intending to stand at the altar with him. The audience was seated and the music began to play softly, as Eva, Emma, and Summer walked down the aisle arm in arm, both in gorgeous baby blue dresses and came to stand with their brother as his best women. Next, there were chuckles from the audience, as Lucy and Hope were next. Lucy carried the rings on a pillow, while Hope toddled along with her little basket and tossed flower petals. They arrived at the altar, where Hook scooped Hope up and sat back down next to Henry and Ella in the front row, while Lucy stood with their family at the altar. Also in the front row was Regina, Robin, Granny, Red, Xander, Natalie, Thalia, Rumple, Belle, Gideon, Rose, and Fandral.
The music intensified, as Elsa entered on the arms of Kristoff and Anna, as they accompanied her down the aisle. Leo smiled, as he looked at her in awe and they soon arrived at the altar. Anna hugged her tightly, as she and Kristoff took their places on her side, while Anna held her flowers. She joined hands with Leo and they turned to Archie, who stood there to officiate the ceremony.
"Friends...we gather here today to join Queen Elsa of Arendelle and Prince Leo of Misthaven in the bonds of matrimony and I must say, I am honored once again to officiate yet another Charming family wedding," Archie began.
"I have had the privilege of knowing Leo since he was born and have watched him grow every step of the way. An extraordinary little boy has become an extraordinary man, but then that did not surprise me, considering how extraordinary his parents are," he continued.
"From very early on, I knew Leo was a very special boy. Animals would seek him out, even before magic came here and I could see his deep compassion for them from very early. I knew then that he would be exceptional...but I also knew that it may come with challenges," he said.
"Being exceptional or different is not always easy, as I eventually learned when I met Elsa upon her first arrival in Storybrooke," he continued.
"I saw how extraordinary her magic was, but how incredibly lonely it made her," he said.
"Until she met Leo and realized she had a kindred spirit; someone that truly understood and that was not afraid of her power," he added, with a smile.
"To see these two find their way back to each other and fall in love brought me true joy and I am honored to bring them together in this union. I know you both have vows and we are eager to witness you speak of your love and devotion to each other," Archie said, as they faced each other.
"Archie summed it up pretty well...I've always had trouble relating to people outside my family. Even in a town of magic, I was the weird kid that animals followed everywhere," he said, eliciting a few chuckles.
"I had some trouble with relationships and when I met you, I think I knew that no one else would understand me the way you did. The problem was that we were separated by the walls between realms," he said.
"Even after we parted for those few years, I could never stop thinking about you and growing up with the greatest true love as my example, I knew what that meant. I knew that I loved you and that we'd find a way to be together. And we did," Leo said, as they shared a smile.
"We did," she agreed.
"I feel so lucky to be welcomed into such a warm family. I never even considered having a normal family, let alone finding someone to share my life with. I couldn't see the possibility of anyone not being fearful of my power," Elsa said.
"But then you came along and showed me that if I stopped fearing myself...then others would too. You understood the curse of having power and taught me the beauty of it as well," she added.
"I didn't believe in true love or soul mates until I met you and your family and I can't wait to continue this crazy journey together," she said, as they shared another smile.
"It is without a doubt that we are witnessing another shining example of true love," Archie said.
"The rings please," he said, as Lucy did her part and presented the pillow, allowing Leo and Elsa to take the wedding bands.
"Prince Leo Charming of Misthaven, do you take this woman, Queen Elsa of Arendelle as your wife?" he asked.
"I do," he said, with a smile, as he slid the ring on her finger.
"Queen Elsa of Arendelle, do you take this man, Prince Leo Charming of Misthaven as your husband?" Archie questioned.
"I do," she replied, with a smile, as she slid the ring on his finger.
"Then with the power invested in me by the royal council of Misthaven, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," Archie declared. They smiled and their lips met in a passionate kiss to the applause of everyone present.
"And now...we celebrate this union at the reception following immediately!" Archie announced, as the newly wedded couple retreated together from the altar, with their family following. It would be a long afternoon and evening of celebration.
James and Aphrodite stepped through the portal and into their home atop Mount Olympus.
"It's good to be home," James said. She smiled.
"It's good to have all of my memories," she replied, as he pulled her close and kissed her tenderly.
"I guess we should go find everyone. I guess I have a sister to meet and questions for my father," James said.
"Well...you sort of missed the wedding, but you'll be in time for the reception," Hermes said.
"Wedding? Leo and Elsa?" Aphrodite asked. She nodded.
"Much has happened and I'm sure Snow and David will fill you in, but Leo and Elsa wanted to get married before the next mission," Hermes said.
"Just how much did we miss?" James asked.
"A lot...you know Snow and David, always on the move," Hermes joked.
"Well...looks like we have a reception to get ready for," Aphrodite said, as they proceeded to go clean up and change.
"Are you sure you want another? These are very strong," Aesop warned, as he manned the bar and kept the drinks flowing at the reception.
"These earthly concoctions have little effect on me, mate. While yours is an impeccable recipe, only real Asgardian ale can get me drunk," Fandral said, as Rose enjoyed her mixed drink.
"Saying that I can't get you drunk just takes all the fun out of the challenge," Aesop joked.
"Well...I would offer to give you a few tips with your brewing to make a strong Asgardian brew, but I'm afraid it would be a bit dangerous to humans," Fandral joked back.
"As an author...your culture fascinates me. I'd love to read more about Asgard," Aesop said.
"Oh we have many books and you're welcome to any of them," Rose replied.
"Yes...you were an author that ended up in the Land of Untold Stories, am I correct?" Fandral asked.
"Yes...if there is one story I have been reluctant to tell, it's my own, I'm afraid," Aesop replied.
"Well...if you ever do want to tell it, we'd love to listen," Rose assured.
"Thank you...perhaps someday," he said.
"Do you want another?" Snow asked, as they put their empty glasses on the bar.
"What, are you trying to get me tipsy?" David teased and she pecked him on the lips.
"Maybe I am…" she purred, as he pulled her close and they swayed together.
"It's good to see you two unwind a bit, especially with all that you told us is ahead," Fandral mentioned. Snow smiled.
"Yes...we need it. The easy thing to do would be to close off the United Realms and leave the Land Without Magic to its own problems. Some probably think we should," she said.
"That's not your style...nor ours. If there are innocents suffering, then helping is never wrong," Rose agreed.
"Yeah...and there is an upside. We've lived in this world for so long, but we've seen very little of it. Despite the danger, we'll also be traveling to places all over the globe from what the Major said," David said.
"There is much romance to be had in adventure," Fandral agreed with a toast of his glass. Snow smiled and bit her bottom lip, as she looked at David.
"You know us...slowing down never seems to be in the plan, but I wouldn't change it for anything," she said, as he pecked her on the lips.
"Me either…" he said, as he led her back onto the dance floor.
"Shall we as well, my angel?" Fandral asked, as he took her hand. She nodded and they joined everyone else for another dance.
Aesop smiled, as he observed the festivities and continued serving drinks.
"It would seem bartending is the occupation of washed up writers. Curious…" a voice said, as Aesop turned to see a man at the bar.
"I'm sorry...who are you?" Aesop asked.
"No one important...thanks to you," he replied.
"I don't even know you," Aesop said.
"No...but you knew my ancestors when you screwed them out of the authorship," the man replied, as Aesop took a sobering breath.
"You're a Grimm," he realized.
"Yes...and instead of being a world famous author, I own a bar, much like you," Elias said.
"I suspect that your bar is somewhere I've never visited then," Aesop replied.
"No...Pleasure Island isn't for the faint of heart, despite its deceiving name," Elias replied.
"Ah Pleasure Island...a den of villainy and scum," Aesop said.
"Better than being around a bunch of sanctimonious heroes and at least I didn't run from my duties as the original author," Elias challenged.
"I didn't run…" Aesop snapped.
"It doesn't matter...neither of us will ever live up to the glory that Henry Nolan Charming has found," he said.
"Henry is the most honorable author to ever hold the pen. Now, I think it's time you leave. Snow and David would not enjoy having scum like you at their son's wedding reception," Aesop replied. Elias smirked.
"Oh…I'm not going anywhere and thankfully, this party is about to liven up a bit," he replied. Aesop frowned and then heard a few screams.
"They look so happy…" Snow gushed, as they danced and she watched their son dance with his wife.
"That's the magic of true love," David said, as they swayed slowly. The moment was absolutely perfect, especially as he kissed her, so they should have known it would soon go wrong.
A few guests were startled when one of the ice sculptures exploded and melted, with water sloshing onto the dance floor.
"What the hell?" Leo muttered, as another one burst and became a puddle.
"That doesn't seem normal," JJ mentioned, as he danced with Summer.
"It's not," she said, as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"Rumple…" Belle asked, as she saw that he had gone rigid. He responded by ushering her off the dance floor. Regina looked around, as the ground beneath them started to rumble.
"Let me guess...that's not you doing that, kid?" Emma asked, as she and Killian looked around.
"I'll get the baby," he said, as he hurried to retrieve her from Granny, just in case.
"Yeah...not me, but I think I know who it is," Bobby replied.
"Oh he has got guts if he's even thinking about interrupting my grandson's wedding," Regina growled irritably, as she readied a fireball in hand. That's when three more ice sculptures exploded, creating more alarm. David held Snow close and glared fiercely at the phantom that was seemingly causing this.
"Stop cowering and show yourself, you snake," he growled, as the water from the exploded ice sculptures began to steam and evaporate into the air, creating a mist around them all.
"Enough with the theatrics, you demon! You are not going to destroy our son's wedding!" Snow shouted into the air, as she stepped forward. But that was exactly what he wanted, as the tendrils from the mist suddenly became alive and wrapped around her.
"Snow!" he cried, as she disappeared into the mist. There was a tapping sound, like shoes on the dance floor, as the mist suddenly lifted and they could see again. His heart pounded wildly, as he could feel Snow was still nearby, but couldn't see her. What he did see though was nothing short of nauseating. The tapping noise was revealed to be Drizella Tremaine, the original version and his long time stalker, arriving in a gaudy, cleavage bursting green dress. As usual, she was dripping in cheap costume jewelry, wore a tacky looking tiara, and her makeup was grossly overdone.
"You have to admit...that was one hell of an entrance. Fit for a Queen, if I do say so," she said.
"You are no Queen…" David refuted.
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, handsome. I am a Queen now...the new Evil Queen," she claimed. Regina's chuckle started low and then grew into an outright mocking laugh, as she stepped forward.
"You? The Evil Queen? I'd say more like an evil wannabe, but you're not even that good," Regina sneered.
"Better than you...what Evil Queen gives up their conquest for revenge and becomes family with their enemy?" Drizella countered.
"A smart one...which leaves you out," Regina retorted.
"Where is my wife?" David snapped.
"Well, I'd love to say dead, since that would be my preference, but I'll take out of the way so I can make you mine," she said in a sultry tone.
"Listen ghoul girl, this is my brother's wedding and unless you'd like to go back to the rubber room, you better tell me where my mother is and leave or things might get even uglier for you and that's saying something with a clown face like yours," Emma growled.
"She's very rude, Charming...you should have raised her to respect a Queen," Drizella commented.
"She respects real Queens, like her mother, not trashy less than wannabes like you," David retorted. She pouted at that.
"So mean...but you're so dreamy, so I can't even be mad," she gushed and he rolled his eyes.
"Seriously bitch...where's our Mom?" Leo snapped hotly.
"Suffering…I hope," Drizella hissed and Emma blasted her with a burst of white magic. She cried out and found herself singed after it, seething at the blonde.
"That was a light tap...the next one is going to burn," Emma warned.
"Or maybe not," Drizella growled, surprising them all when she hit Emma with a sickly green blast of magic.
"Emma!" David cried, as he hurried to help his daughter up from the ground. She was mostly dazed, but had a minor burn on her chest from it.
"She...she has magic," Emma uttered, but he shook his head.
"How is that possible?" he wondered.
"How indeed," a voice said, as Jekyll emerged in a puff of mist, with Snow by the arm. She had her wrists in a pair of fiery cuffs, but they didn't seem to be burning her.
"Let. Her. Go," David growled, as he stepped forward and brandished the Chalice sword.
"I wouldn't come too close," Jekyll warned, but David ignored him until Snow grimaced in pain the closer he got. He noticed the cuffs had gotten redder.
"These are specifically designed to keep you away from her. Get too close and they will react to your body heat, causing your beloved great pain," Jekyll said.
"You sick, sadistic psychopath...let her go now," David growled. Jekyll chuckled.
"I finally found a way to keep you apart...but then I knew my genius would never let me down," he boasted.
"As for the subject of how she has magic...that would be my genius again. I have worked on a concoction for many years that alters the DNA of a person that is injected with it and allows them to use magic for a time," Jekyll explained.
"Your elixirs and serums will never truly be able to replace the power of real magic," Rumple refuted.
"Oh, I don't know...I think the Savior got a taste of what my elixir can do," he argued.
"She surprised me...that won't happen again," Emma assured them.
"Let her go...this is the last time I'll ask or I'll use the full power of the Chalice on you. I won't hold back…" David warned. He smirked.
"Too many innocents could get hurt if we battle...and you know it. You won't risk innocent lives," he challenged.
"Now...she'll be coming with me," Jekyll said.
"The hell she will…" David growled, as Bobby curiously reached out to feel what kind of energy was pulsing through the cuffs on his mother, as Jekyll continued to goad his father.
"But you cannot stop me," he said, as he gently caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Snow shrugged away in disgust and turned her head away from him as much as possible.
"So beautiful...you feature in all my dreams, lovely Snow and now those dreams will come true," he promised, but his delusion was interrupted when Bobby slowly started approaching them.
"Stay back brat...you don't want to harm your lovely mother," Jekyll warned. But to his and everyone else's shock, the cuffs didn't seem to react to him at all and he had an aura of peridot green around him.
"How...how are you doing this!?" Jekyll growled and the teen smirked.
"I think the question should be why do you think that you can defeat my magic and the magic of my siblings? Magic that our parents gave us, born of true love and magic that the Dark One himself and the former Evil Queen taught us to use," Bobby replied.
"But to answer your stupid question...I just used my earth powers to cool my body temperature to almost nothing. I guess I'm kind of the walking answer to foiling all your psychotic science experiments," Bobby said, as he sent a small seismic vibration into the cuffs around Snow's wrists and they cracked, before shattering to pieces.
"You little…" Jekyll said, but he released another seismic charge directly at Jekyll, throwing him back almost twenty feet. David rushed up to his wife and swept her into his arms.
"This...is not over," Jekyll warned, as Drizella and Grimm backed away to join him.
"Not by a long shot," Drizella promised, as they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Snow breathed a sigh in relief, as David held her and kissed her passionately.
"I'm okay…" she promised, as they enveloped Bobby in a hug between them, while the rest of their children gathered around them.
"That was incredible, baby brother," Emma said. He shrugged.
"I have the powers...I'm going to use them," he said simply.
"We just got here and saw everything at the end!" Aphrodite called, as she rushed toward them.
"You're back!" Snow called, as they shared a hug.
"A device that can keep you away from Snow...he really went there?" James asked, as he and David shared a hug as well.
"Unfortunately, but he's no match for our son," David said, with pride, as he put his hands on Bobby's shoulders.
"Your memories? Did you find any answers?" Snow asked.
"Oh did we...it's quite a story, but I say that we don't let that stupid doctor and his loser sidekicks ruin this celebration," James suggested.
"Especially since it seems that I have a sister to meet," he added, as he looked in the direction of his father and the blonde woman next to him.
"So...are we doing the fireworks?" Leroy asked impatiently. David smiled.
"Yes we are...and then you can tell us everything," he replied, as the dwaves went to resume the festivities.
"Wait...you put Leroy and Happy in charge of fireworks?" Regina asked in concern.
"Don't worry...they're only allowed to set them up. Doc is in charge of the ignitor," David assured, as the fireworks commenced.
"My love...if you need me to take you home, the kids will understand," he whispered to her. But she shook her head.
"No…I won't let him do that to me. As long as I have your arms around me, I'll be fine," she promised, as they shared a tender kiss. But there was no doubt that Jekyll's latest stunt had shaken them both a bit. A device that prevented him from being near her made his blood run cold. He only hoped they could find another way than just their son to combat this threat and eventually find a way to destroy Jekyll, once and for all...
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