#okay how many times have i rb this LMAO
spocks-kaathyra · 6 months
do u think that um. yk Julian was having a rough time in the later seasons. and ofc he wants to talk abt it, wants someone to help him process it, wants someone to just listen. but it's not easy to talk abt. and he wants to talk to Garak, wants Garak to know what's going on in his life, wants to be vulnerable and be met with support and care. but Garak is so emotionally unavailable and so unwilling to break his pleasant facade and so unwilling to deviate from their little social script. he was taught never to show care or vulnerability. and Julian gets so tired of playing their little game when, god, there's a war going on, his life is falling apart, can't Garak even acknowledge how bad things are for both of them? he doesn't need witty retorts, he needs sincerity. and Garak can't give him that. so he withdraws from their friendship. and it's not that Garak doesn't care. it's not that he doesn't want to help. but sincerity and vulnerability were beaten out of him a long time ago, and he doesn't know how to take off his mask. even just acknowledging genuine emotion is practically impossible for him. and maybe that's why ASIT is the apology that it is. it's saying, here, I've learned to be honest, I've learned to be vulnerable. I know the harm I caused you by refusing to acknowledge pain, so here's a whole book of me acknowledging pain.
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mcdbutgay · 2 years
i REALLY hate how they dumb down the characters in mystreet, like. i understand that mystreet is SUPPOSED to be a lihht hearted slice of life (at least, at the beginning. i don’t even wanna TOUCH myst s4-6) but REGARDLESS THE FACT THAT SO MANY CHARACTERS GET DUMBED DOWN IS SO FRUSTRATING BC THEYRE SO GOOD IN MCD.
katelyn, garroth, laurance, aaron,, aaron is especially frustrating bc i REALLY don’t like aarmau. i never have, and the fact that it essentially DOMINATES mcd/myst at a certain point is annoying. also the fact that he’s so mysterious and cryptic in mcd is SO COOL but then he only turns out to be some guy. GOD. i hate this stupid show.
then again i am only going off of what i remember, which is from when the episodes originally came out YEARS ago. i could toootally be wrong about a lot of stuff since im nowhere NEAR being done with mcd but still its nice to vent (currently on s2 ep24 as of me writing this)
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earthstellar · 1 year
what are some other nice moments from Rescue bots?
This show is loaded with them!!! :)
Here we go, some nice moments in Rescue Bots!!
I'm going to write this with the assumption that some people reading this may not have ever seen Rescue Bots or might only be somewhat familiar, as I realise the target audience skews much younger than most Transformers media does, so I'm not 100% sure how popular it was outside of that demographic in total.
Off the top of my head:
-There is an in-universe VR game called Element Quest that has a couple really good episodes, the design is cute and there are tons of meme references. Blades, at one point, goes "I used to like video games. Then I took an arrow to the knee." LOL
-I think it's cool how they actually do tie in their continuity with TFP's continuity. For example, "What Rises Above" (RB) canonically comes before "Nemesis Prime" (TFP), and this is directly referenced in the dialogue in TFP when Optimus says that he is late arriving to the base as he was exploring an underground energon deposit-- This is the deposit he explores with the Rescue Bots.
-Woodrow Burns, the Chief's brother, is kind of an idiot asshole, although he's not actively malicious. But he is great with the kids and for whatever reason the only thing I can ever remember about this character is when he goes up to Cody after it's been a long time since he saw him last and says "You've grown a whole foot since the last time I saw you-- Now you'll need three socks!" IDK I just think that's a real cute dad joke thing to say to a little kid lol :')
-There is an episode where they explore the local folklore of Griffin Rock, and TL;DR the local lore is that their island is where literal griffins used to nest seasonally. So throughout the episode, there's this kind of vibe of "OK are these electrical magnetic pulses or whatever like a science problem or a magic problem" and it's actually a very cute and fun vibe, especially since Cody is talking about the lore in the first place as part of his work towards a Scouts badge and Blades is very cute in this episode, the bots are all like "okay magic isn't real but uhhh what if magic's real?" for a minute and it's great :')
-Doc Greene/Green creates a ton of fun science devices throughout the show, but the names of some are just so doofy and fun. I love the "Torna-Don't", which is a thing designed to dispel tornados. Of course. lmao
-All the weird small town local events are also very silly and cute, and weirdly realistic for those of us who are familiar with this kind of local event thing, lmao. One of my favourite concepts is one of what seems to be several crawdad-related festivals, in which there is apparently a televised crawdad race. It's a bunch of shrimps put on a tiny racetrack, like Olympic runners. LOL
-At one point, Blurr shows up, and when the Rescue Bots are trying to acclimate him to working with humans, Chase is like "Humans seem to have two genders, which are defined by how many cooties they have." This implies that as far as the Rescue Bots are aware, 1) cooties are real and 2) human gender is defined solely by how many cooties a person has, and not by anything else, thus leaving their understanding of human gender fairly open (and it is also clear they have solely learned about gender from young kids in a small town which is likely why they state there are two genders but then make it clear that gender is a cooties thing and not an inherently physical thing, which makes sense in context and is kind of great because it gives more leeway for gender diversity than I expected) and I love this a lot. What is human gender? Cooties. That's all. So someone with a particularly high number of cooties could be another gender altogether, because why not?
-There is a body swap episode, which treats us to Blades in Dani's body trying on dresses in her room. He picks an orange and white one, which matches his paint job. I also love this a lot.
-Heatwave is gruff as hell especially at the start of the series and constantly starts shit or perpetuates shit with Kade, which is super funny. Just this centuries old Cybertronian fucking with this doofus boy who keeps leaving donuts in his cab. God dammit Kade, lmao.
-There is an episode where Cody is aged up via Science Device, and we get to see an older Cody, who more closely resembles his father than his older brother does. It's cute that he'll look like his dad when he's older. :')
During this episode, he assists in a rescue, and the girl his brother has a crush on tries to hit on him, but he clearly doesn't get what's happening and thinks it's icky because of course he does, he's a kid. I just think this scene is handled well and it's cute that his reaction to being hit on is still "ewww girls" but his brother is still absolutely pissed off about it anyway LMAO like jesus Kade, relax
-Kade's mostly an asshole but he's shown to be a really good rescuer who genuinely cares about people, and he has moments where he really comes through for his family and realises on his own that he should shut up and back down on his bullshit, thus making him a better developed and more realistic asshole brother character than 99% of asshole brother characters in most shows. I think this is pretty solid because it does lead to effective character development here and there, and it makes his positive moments with his family and the bots that much nicer. :)
-Cody is such a good kid. He is often willing to give people or ideas a chance when nobody else will, and even though he's too young to actively participate in most missions, he stays involved by helping at their dispatch centre. He's a smart little dude, who has a lot of heart and a ton of potential. One of the few child characters in anything that I actually like, because I think they write him extremely well: He is young, but he is not stupid. He is not treated like an accessory or like the property of his family, he's his own person with a distinct personality within his family, with a reasonable amount of autonomy. And he's a person who is still learning and has valuable contributions while also needing guidance or support at times. 10/10
-Dani gradually gets better at helping Blades deal with his flight anxiety (and sticks up for him when the others might mock him a little for it), and this is not only inherently very nice and cute, but it also makes a lot of sense as she is a first responder/medic and we see her offer the same reassurances towards the people she helps to rescue.
-The writing for the Burns Family in general is some of the best family group character writing in anything tbh, they handle the family dynamic so well in this show, and it's extra cute as the Rescue Bots all learn a lot from observing how the family takes care of one another and the townspeople they rescue. :')
-Blades has anxiety. I also have anxiety, so I am biased and clearly love this dude, lmao. He's so fucking relatable and even though sometimes the others rip on him, it is clear that they're also very proud of him for trying his best to deal with a situation which for him is particularly difficult (he was forced to take a flight capable alt-mode when this is something he is explicitly not comfortable with) and his team mates do support him, even though Heatwave is a douche sometimes (although it is clear this is usually due to stress or something else and that the actual problem isn't Blades). Over the course of the series, Blades does develop a little more confidence, and it's very cute and nice to see him puffing himself up a little more. :)
-The overall attitudes the bots have towards humans in this show is sweet. It's clear they don't really understand humanity or humans as a whole, but it also doesn't really matter because they are so specifically oriented to their local population on the island and their focus is a relatively small community of humans. They take their duties seriously and will protect this population, even if they don't really understand the people outright. They gradually start to respect the locals (and the Burns Family) more and more as they work with them, and get acclimated to Earth. They love their dumbass weird little humans :')
This leads to a lot of fun shenanigans with the bots not understanding things, or only understanding things as they have been explained by the children, which is hilarious.
-There is an episode where local thieves steal Chase, and inspired by Cody's school drama project, he decides to go undercover after watching a bunch of old detective movies. This includes him narrating things to himself, which he is called on when Dani enters the garage and asks him "Why are the lights off? Are you talking to yourself?" lmao
-Although it isn't explicitly canonical, it's easy to interpret both Chase and Blades as being neurodivergent. Both of them display various behaviours and traits which can potentially be understood in this way, and I'm just glad that there's a show for kids where two of the main characters, who are rescue workers, are shown to be competent and skilled at their jobs and accepted by the community for who they are while also being neurodivergent. <3 It's such a good vibe when the other characters support or defend these two in particular, especially when Chase or Blades might be confused or upset about something. Chief Burns is especially great working with Chase.
-Any episode where Optimus shows up in Rescue Bots usually has some gems of cuteness/silliness. The Elvis line still takes me out, LMAO. "You're bigger than Elvis!" "I have not met this Elvis, and I am unaware of his size." 10/10 writing, I fucking love Rescue Bots
-The bots constantly call out a bunch of details that are entirely appropriate for robots from space to notice and recognise as somewhat weird, whereas a lot of the human characters are so used to 1) being human and 2) living on this incredibly weird little technologically advanced island that nothing really phases them anymore. So we can actually identify more with the bots at time, despite the fact that they are also providing an outsider point of view, which is really clever! :)
-The theme song is a fucking banger. It's so good. I love this song so much. I wish we got a full version of it, but this is the best extended version of it that I've been able to find. Enjoy!!!
-There's a lot of fairly adult stuff in the show, more than I think people realise! The tone can never get too dark outright as it is intended for young kids as the primary demographic, but there's a lot of situations, conversations, etc. that are genuinely engaging and interesting from an adult perspective, which is a large part of what makes it a great watch for all ages.
Some situational examples include scenarios where children are imperilled in natural disasters, accidents, even kidnapping at one point.
Non-kid related situations include risks and threat to civilians from AI development and the dangers that uncontrolled or poorly thought out technology can cause or exacerbate, which is significant in context and also interesting to think about given our current relationship IRL with rapid tech development and concerns around how that technology is being made and applied, either in reality or in theory.
Some dialogue examples include scenes where the bots mention their grief over being unable to save Cybertron, a sense of guilt that they were in stasis for so long even though this was beyond their control, awareness that they may be the last Rescue Bots team in operation on Earth or anywhere else in the universe (a sense of loneliness and a responsibility as the last upholders of their specific creed), struggles with their sense of duty and concerns around their ability to fulfil their expectations for themselves and meet the expectations of others while rising to the demands of their unique situation, and so on.
this is already pretty long lmao, there's a ton of stuff I really like about Rescue Bots, but I hope this might encourage others to check out the show if you haven't before, it's well worth a watch! :)
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Hiiiii Nivi. Saw a Preath post and now I am back in my Preath days all over again, but I wanted to talk about how similar Pazzi is to Preath 😭
I know we’ve talked about the basics and how Paige = Tobin, and Azzi = Christen. But it’s crazyyy how true it actually is 😭
Paige/PB are your basic white girls that are attractive and have that masculine vibe to them. They both have their flashy ways of playing, but always put teammates over anything. Tobin and PB give “quiet leader vibes” (I think PB is probs more vocal, but that’s just bc of her team and who she plays with). I also would say that Tobin and PB are both all around players. Tobin being a great winger, was amazing in the midfield for us for a while, and also has a good defensive presence and played RB for us as well during that cursed Rio Olympics 😭😭. And obvs PB is a 3 level scorer, but also a 2 way player (I think we do not appreciate her defense enough tho!!)
Azzi/CP are your “they were so pretty they were bullied in school and called ‘pretty girl pretty girl’” meme (LOL). Both are princesses and sweet, but lethal on the court/field. (Azzi and Press being sharp shooters and also quick asfff respectively). I constantly think about how silky smooth Azzi’s shoot is and how you always want her to be taking the shot. Meanwhile, Press is amazing at creating her own shot and any sliver of daylight, she’s pulling the trigger and it’s going to be a GOLAZO. I also think both players could have been in the limelight more, but bc of other teammates (Paige for Azzi, and Alex Morgan for CP) and their bad timing with injuries, people/media don’t appreciate them enough.
All 4 of them have battled injuries, all of them being knee injuries as well 😭 I just think it’s insane how we’ve talked about the dynamic of Preath/Pazzi and how similar they are, but individually, they are all so eerily similar as well LMAO
Okay, I’ll get off of my soap box now. I hope you slightly enjoyed this breakdown Nivi! Can’t wait to see what you say and what other comparisons you can think about haha 🫶🫶
Hi lovely <3
I love soapbox asks. They're my favorite so like y'all please never hesitate to send me long asks.
I think I've subconsciously had all of these thoughts but damn seeing it all laid out like that, the parallels go kind of insane. I think we often talk about it in terms of personality, but yeah Paige-Tobin and Azzi-Christen have such similar playing styles, it's actually uncanny.
Okay I actually do have a parallel that I've been thinking about and it's about Gemini-Capricorn (Preath) parings and Libra-Scorpio (Pazzi) pairing. Both of these pairings are very much opposites attract pairings (which we see in real life obviously) to the point where honestly in most situations, these pairings aren't compatible. Except from what I've read, there are certain exceptions who know how to take their opposite approaches to various problems in life and find the perfect way to mesh them together. As a result the "exception" are some of the most strongest couples there can be and I think that's kinda beautiful because I think both Pazzi/Preath together and individually are the exception to so many supposed rules.
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causenessus · 22 days
Hi! I’m sending in another ask because I have horrible brainrot and need ALL the headcannons about suness <3
1. Does he let you paint his nails? If so do you guys get matching nails?
2. What’s your first dance song at your wedding?
3. What was the moment you were like “oh- I love him.”
4. What’s the weirdest situation you’ve said “I love you” in?
Please I need the fluffy things and so what if I bring up weddings a lot? I am projecting bcs I very much want to get married one day lol
-love bakery anon 🍪
does he let you paint his nails? If so do you guys get matching nails?
HHHHH idk if you've read thru some of mango anon and me's yaps but i once told her about skater boy™ who unfortunately had me paint his nails once 😔😔 BUT!! I WILL TAKE THE POSITIVES FROM THAT SITUATIONSHIP AND LEAVE BEHIND THE NEGATIVES SO YOUR ANSWER IS YES!!! he lets me paint his nails <3 the first time it happened was we were watching a movie together and after i finished mine i grabbed his hand and he didn't realize what i was doing at first until he felt the little brush yk <3 and he simultaneously didn't mind and was also slightly worried about his teammates being annoying about it <3 but when he showed up at practice the next day he was like "actually, i'm cooler than all of u. my gf painted my nails 🖕" and then everytime he raised his hands and saw the black nail polish (ofc it's black <3) he was reminded of me teehee <3 but lowk without meaning to yes they match!! simply bc i love black nails and he likes black nail polish too so then it's fun when we're sitting on the train together, hands intertwined, and both of our nails are black <33
what’s your first dance song at your wedding?
HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM hold on i gotta look thru my spotify playlist for this bc idk anything about weddings and i literally hate playing music for others LMAO 😭 (ofc i went to the love notes playlist straight away) OKAY I'M HCING OUR WEDDING WAS VERY SMALL AND NICHE ANYWAY and maybe we lowk kissed everyone out for our first dance or were one of those couples that does it behind a curtain so it's an intimate moment and i would love for it to have been to heaven (take care), lose me on the way (hope sandoval) or darling (mannequin pussy) <33
what was the moment you were like “oh- I love him.”?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i love this man so much <3 probably the first time we were in a conversation together with some other friends and i got talked over but he was looking at me the entire time and was kind of like "what were you saying? before atsumu so rudely interrupted you bc he doesn't know how to wait his fucking turn? i'm listening ❤" and i almost fell to my knees and knew i must have this man
what’s the weirdest situation you’ve said “I love you” in?
i just KNOW that we have so many weird moments but def one of the weirdest was when we were at a cafe and this man accidentally knocked over a glass of water 😭😭 and i was embarassed af but he's also my man and i love him so much and i wouldn't rather be anywhere else but on the floor with napkins cleaning up a water spill with him <3 and i was just like "rin i love you you're so pretty" and he was just like "ness. angel. sweetheart. pls don't say that right now i'm bent over the floor cleaning up water. i love u too tho <3"
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frindoka · 10 months
my art timeline :-)
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hi! i’m making this because i was inspired by maxpawb’s post i saw on toyhouse , which then led me to look at all my own art that is still somehow intact in my storage. this only details stuff from when i started posting online, not from when i started drawing traditionally as a wee lad. partially because my sketchbooks are lost and partially because i never really wrote down dates on my art to begin with.
a lot of dates are lost, due to the aforementioned problem of me not writing things down.. and also i have awful dissociative memory problems so there’s way too many gaps in my life. but i really did want to do this to see how much i could find & how much i could recollect.
content warning for VERY brief mentions of grooming, as well as minor mentions of real shitty friends
everything is under the cut! there might be another rb if or when i hit the image limit. curse you, tumblr.
date: ??? , i had to be around like. 11 at the time
this was when i joined warriors amino and i deleted my account because i got in trouble for having social media, LMAO. i eventually came back with a new one though. this is probably one of the only surviving art pieces from when i was THIS YOUNG, everything’s on an ipad that’s so broken it won’t even charge
i learned how to use the smudge tool on ibispaint at this time and thought i was the coolest bitch on the block for my blending
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may 2019, i was like 12
my return to amino (and brief period on deviantart, which i never used again lmao) i was specifically on wings of fire amino + warriors amino. i was obsessed with airbrush shading.
this is one of my first fursonas which was a wings of fire fanflight called kitsunewings or smth. and also my first species character (he predated the dragon), a bayfox, which was drawn in krita. i never used krita again after this. coincidentally, i was also never active in bayfoxes after submitting him.
i crawled back to ibispaint no matter how many new free programs i tried.. (also tried firealpaca once. i couldn’t even figure out how to draw a line…)
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may 2019, 12
the rise of my longest lasting fursona. she got stolen on a shitty app called anime maker once. i can’t remember if she’s older than the dragon, andromeda, but her older iterations definitelt are. this character was just the FIRST first fursona that i actually called that, since i didn’t even really know what a furry was at first
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june 2019, 12
my first commission that i sold for like 30 deviantart points (i only used the site for commission purposes, as mentioned before i never really used it lmao)
also i tried to make a closed species on wings of fire amino. second image. it was terribly stressful ; this was around the time i met my longest lasting group of friends (hi freak bin! 5 years <3) and.. some of the worst people i’ve ever met in my life at the same time, LMAOOO
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also here’s this kokichi ouma dog i made before i even knew what danganronpa was. i would find out much later, unfortunately
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march 2020, still 12 (cause of my august birthday 😒)
there’s a really big gap in my files here. sad! my art kicks into gear at this point tbh, i like how i did the lines. wish i had the energy for such clean lineart still :-(
i think around this time i lost contact with the people who were my groomers (which i would realize later) and i’m thankful that i don’t even remember what their names are.
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april 2020 - july 2020, 12
okay these aren’t awful actually. HOW WAS MY ART SO DETAILED. i admire baby frets power, jesus christ
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i also did a design raffle when i hit 500 amino followers which is still the most i’ve ever gotten as a following. pretty crazy, i wonder who owns this dude now, i still think they’re cute
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august 2020, 13
wow i’m 13 now look at that. i had to go digging for this one, only one i could find that was remotely close to my birthday (it’s the 25th!) this was a drawing for my friend bea lol
was still friends with some pretty shitty people from wings of fire amino, and it was really taking a toll on me. i don’t remember drawing as often as i used to during that time because of all of that.
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december 2020, 13
i wish i could still draw backgrounds.. i need more practice
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january 2021, 13
okay honestly these are really cute. i don’t know wtf kind of motivation i had for this much detail. the shading is pretty damn good
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april 2021, 13
still going strong with the shading and backgrounds. not much to say around this time either lol. the first one is an older design of mine, but they’re pretty damn cute.. i wonder what happens to the desgins i lose track of? but ik this guy has a toyhouse profile i just refuse to look through my like. 200 pages of character designs on there…
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july 2021, 13
PUDDLE! PUDDLE OH HOW I MISS YOU. my original favorite oc, i got so much art of him & drew him so much he reached 100 pieces in less than a month. i also met my best friend through this dude.
my art got.. blocky? here? idk what i was doing with all of that but it lasts for a while. lol
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october 2021, 14
one year older and i got neo twewy for my birthday and it changed my life permanently. in several ways. anyhow, here’s frindoka furries.. they live in my files forever and will never b drawn again because they got redesigned several more times LOLLLLL
this is the month after i broke off permanently from my shitty old friends, with support of some other friends of mine. thank you guys… i did proceed to get harassed and made paranoid over my text messages by the shitty friends cause they were mad i got one of them banned from a furry adopts server for being literally dangerous. i do know it was them bc it was admitted to & they were some of the only people i gave my phone number to. i was kind of dumb for that
i was happy after my birthday because 13 was one of the worst years of my life. literal constant spirals and breakdowns because this is when i realize i was, in fact, groomed. i’m well and handling it better now.
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january 2022, 14
my first d&d character, the mark of my eventual spiral into heath insanity… shadow how i miss you. i ended up redesigning them later on
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march 2022, 14
i got into a pokemon arpg around this time and it took over my life for MONTHSSSS. kind of a shitty community in it though, but i appreciate how it improved my artwork. i’m back at the backgrounds! it’s shut down indefinitely now. rip eeveemporium
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april 2022, 14
I FOT BACK INTO WAKFUUUU😭😭😭 also got pretty comfortable in my identity as a transgender nonbinary person, but i would get MORE comfortable about my identity later on :-)
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this is going to be continued in a reblog because i did, in fact, hit the image limit. oopsie daisies
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freshvanillapng · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
omg this is such a good idea, thank you so much! i agree, i remember asks being HUGE on this site years ago but they definitely seem to have dropped away a little bit :( this is an incredibly kind thing to do <3
self: ask away, anything im not comfortable i will just say i guess? (so sorry thats SO vague) work: absolutely but be warned that if you ask about my degrees i will ramble at you fandoms: we have so much in common, ABSOLOUTELY. the only one of this list i no longer engage with is sherlock. ones i am actively engaging with are the hobbit, lord of the rings, tolkien (ships - bagginshield, samfrodo, gigolas, and most popular ones), dragon age (ships - i engage with most here aside from anders/hawke and solas/lavellan. i dont hate them but i dont engage with them out of personal preference. my canon playthroughs are surana/alistair fenris/hawke, lavellan/cullen so i tend to rb more of these). i do the EXACT same with the other fandoms you listed off the top of your head lmao.
only other thing here is that i post A LOT about my dnd campaigns.
ocs, art/drawing, writing: ask me about my dnd characters and i will cry tears of joy. asks about all of these are beautiful
story snippets ideas and prompts: i wouldnt class myself as a writing blog but i do try my hand in it from time to time so these are more than welcome!
pets: yes please! i have a tortoise whom i love dearly
garden and hobbies: yes please!
like being tagged in things: go ahead! any cool art or writings. also quizzes are fun hehe.
this is such a lovely system and thank you for sending! of course i might reply with an ask of my own~
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rayanlovestaylor · 3 months
btw me continuing to post & rb taylor content doesn't mean i ignore or am unaffected by the silence on g*za </3 and no, i don't "hate" her, no i don't have some belief she can end a g*noc*de with a snap of her fingers, no i dont wanna fight w ppl about it lmao. as a lebanese american, people i care about not finding it necessary to acknowledge our pain & show solidarity with grieving fans all over the world, hurts me. the only reason i care is bc i do love taylor. i've looked up to her for half of my life – she's brought me so much joy, some of the best memories i'll ever make, articulated so many growing pains and complicated feelings of mine, and inspired my own writing. that doesn't just go away, and i dont want it to ! i still engage with media that makes me happy during tough times. but it should be okay for me & others to still want to hear even the tiniest something to show that she hears us. not just as an artist/entertainer, but fellow human. i dont think she's a z*onist or a bad person – it doesn't align with anything i've learned about her character over the years she's chosen to share the innermost parts of herself with us. i dont think it's about money or followers, like pls there wouldn't & couldn't be a dent, and i think she's smart enough to know that. yes i hear the safety thing, it was my first thought 8 months ago... but now, there's been so much time to navigate any & all concerns, to ask questions, to get informed, to find other sources/on-the-ground journalists/grassroots efforts to uplift, and to craft a public statement that takes all that into account but unequivocally condemns the g*n*c*de. yes, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't – 'tis the tide of her entire career. so if that's the case, why not stand with what's right? if people are going to scrutinize and misrepresent anyway? might as well show them where your heart truly lies. especially when there is time and energy put into responses like the gaga comment... we got bigger fish to fry ! n e ways. this is more for me than anyone else, to express my utter confusion bc i just don't understand :( no matter how hard i've tried.
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lovecatsys · 1 year
okay I don't expect anyone to rb this but u can if u want this is just a lil mini rant abt David now that I've read Academy X
When I first started reading New X-Men I was like huh this is Not the David I know but now that I've gotten through all of his major character development I think I really Get where Gillen was coming from with him and think he actually got David right. I don't agree with David being attracted to Teddy or Colossus even though Gillen seems to think that's his Type (it's not, his type is asshole speedsters lmao. Kieron, could you by chance be, projecting? Mayhaps?) and like. If I was going to make any of the OG 12 queer I would have done Brian, the most obvious answer, but he got killed off too quickly for that to happen lol. But it's okay because David is a bi icon now and we love that for him.
I do find it a little strange that he and Tommy got along so well at first after what Nori did to him, but hey, who's to say he didn't even realize how similar they were? and given the long time period between YA 2 and when Tommy and David were confirmed to be together, I think it's safe to say that David may have forgiven her, or at least gotten over her enough to overlook the similarities between her and Tommy by that time.
But yeah... since then the only thing I've really liked for David was Gillen's Thinkfast pride story and the voices infinity one focused on Tommy. The rest... it's either crumbs where they're just reduced to "Nerd boy and asshole bf" or its... Williams' X-Factor.
The biggest problem, obviously, with X-Factor was the Hatecrime. That was not Leah's story to tell, and of course it's been so long now that if David gets to be big in anything it's unlikely it will be acknowledged. Which it SHOULD BE. Now that she did that, we HAVE to acknowledge it in his story because that isn't something that David should just be able to walk away from. Ignoring it or pretending it didn't happen, at this point, just isn't okay.
My other main criticism with Williams' David is that, well... along with many of her other characters in this book, he's pretty much reduced to a memey, one dimensional, fragment of what he has been in the past. He's "Distinguished bi nerd boy" which... that has never been David, that has never been who he is.
I think David working in investigation is very interesting and obviously his powers are very useful for that, but I wish we could bring back David working in combat, because friendly reminder, he has the fighting skills of everyone he's ever come into contact with, even when he had lost his powers, after the Cuckoos gave him everything back, he could fight like fucking Wolverine, he had all of Kitty's ninja training in him. and now he has even more than that. He's incredibly skilled in hand to hand combat, and he's also just, beyond useful and powerful in so many ways.
Anyways. to wrap this up. Idk how long Gillen is going to stay with the X books but I wish he would write David again. I wish David was in something big, or long enough to be interesting, I wish he was on a team, maybe even leading a team. He was such a great leader for the New Mutants Squad? He didn't even have powers or the knowledge he had before losing them when he helped his team take down FUCKING NIMROD??? HELLO?? He should be so much more relevant than he is right now.
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cillixn · 2 years
Hey idk if you do this but I was wondering if you had any /spicy/ DKJC headcanons??
okay so i’ve never really thought about writing headcanons but i guess i might as well try my hand at it dgsksksks apologies in advance for how terrible this is lmao
like i know i rb smut all the time but i’m still 🫣🫣🫣 about writing anything like that myself so yeah sorry if it sucks
he’s pretty shy at first, nowhere near as experienced as tommy but not totally incompetent in bed and once he’s comfortable enough he’s an absolute monster
✨obsessive and posessive✨
jonny’s obviously extremely touchstarved
to the point where even the slightest bit of physical affection makes his cheeks flush and his palms sweat but he craves it, wants your hands all over him
in the same vein he wants to touch and grope and feel you as much as humanly possible, to hold you impossibly close and memorize every inch of your body
wants to make out for hours and hours and hours, seriously he can’t get enough of it, he wants to kiss you all over
loves to bite you and be bitten, bonus points if you leave a mark
he doesn’t notice it at first but catches a glimpse of it in the mirror as he’s stripping down for a shower; a trophy of your love embedded in his skin, shaking fingers tracing it as the memory of your soft lips and sharp teeth as you made your mark, staking your claim of him floods his mind and stiffens his cock
he wants you to know who you belong to, however he also wants you to know that every fiber of his being belongs to you
he has a vice like grip on your body as he holds you in a mating press, and with a steady relentless pace he’ll keep going, chasing his release with a finger stroking tight circles on your clit, meticulously working you through as many of your highs as he can pull from you
“shh, it’s okay, c’mon little dove i know you can give me one more, just one more for me, that’s it, such a good girl, cum all over my cock”
he won’t stop until you’re a shaking, sobbing mess, til any semblance of coherent thought in your mind is replaced with the throb of his cock deep inside you, walls fluttering as you milk him for everything he’s got
does not have a daddy kink (although he does like to be addressed as sir) but does have a breeding kink
he doesn’t necessarily want to get you pregnant but absolutely wants to fill you up with his cum and hold you open so he can watch it slowly flow out of you, before bending down and cleaning you up with his tongue
jonny’s a cuddler, in fact he enjoys cuddling afterwards every bit as much as the fuck beforehand
however he can be a manipulative bastard, so afterwards he’d get up and make like he was planning to leave (although he has absolutely no intention to)
he wants you to beg him to stay, wants to hear you plead “stay with me, jonny please please please..” as you take his hand, pulling him into your arms
and how could he possibly resist you? the saccharine way his name rolls off of your tongue never fails to give him goosebumps. the pleased hum you let out when he relents and retakes his place in the bed adds an additional warmth to his already flushed face. desperate to hear more, he pulls you close, your sleepy head resting on his chest, legs entwined and he softly lets his hands wander your delicate frame. lulling you to sleep with his ministrations, his finger traces what feels like random shapes (but is actually his initials over and over again) on your thigh. he buries his face in your hair, memorizing your scent, reveling in its softness as sleep claims him.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Omg mammon my loveeee. Yeah Satan recently joined bc of NB. I didn't play the og much bc it confused me sm lol. I like the rhythm part to NB but I do kinda suck at it. Mammon refuses to come home 😭 I have fuckin two UR+/UR Lucifer. UR Levi. UR Satan even UR Luke but no Mammon 😭😭
Yes yesss spicy cove 👀👀 the wedding night one was top tier. I'm ecstatic. I haven't done the dlc of the others bc I'm so committed LOL but I know they're amazing.
I just like my men angry n mean but soft to me. Lucifer got me bc he's all untouchable but in certain stories he's all for touching etc. I'm downnn.
Yeah TokyoRev is pain but it ended in the way I wanted in the manga lol
My bestie looooves rengoku. Uzui is sooo handsome but I'm greedy. Can't share n I'm not sorry lmaooo. Sanemi is my boo thang I'll love him forever!!!!
- Angsty Anon
yeah the game takes a little getting use to but the guides I looked at made it a little easier c: I still love & hate the whole rhythm thing, I'm just so bad at them & usually skip them. 😭 I hope he comes home soon to you! That was me & Lucifer I lost track of how many pulls i did in the beginning to get him. ...I did splurge a bit but it was a bday present to myself at the time. Then i saw the leveling system & regretted it. Still stuck. 🥲🥲🥲
Okay now I know I really have to get the wedding dlc then!! I'm gonna be a CHANGED person after, I know it, & Im gonna blame you!! 😆
alakdjfglfjsjdklsj Lucifer will always be a pathetic bb girl & no one can tell me otherwise!!
I'm glad Tokyo Rev ended how you wanted :) sometimes it sucks when it goes a different direction than what you want but whatever the mangaka says, goes. 😭 *me watching gege evily rn tho*
& ur bestie has good taste, rengoku is so cute & precious but like also so strong & ugh he's a little ray of sunshine! 😭 LMAOO I'm glad u know what u want! & what u like!! 😌
edit: I ended up going on a rb spree on my sideblog bc of cove LMAO
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boba-beom · 2 years
smilesss c:
hiii! sorry i have been m.i.a for so long, but i finally made it, both flights were terrible, but it's okay because i have had such an amazing time so far. can't believe i'll be flying back in a week :/
OMGGGG how's it going with island guy, i hope you had an amazing time together ahh i'm so excited for the future updates of I Like U now, but take your time, no pressure!! is there something there between you though? did you feel anything?
that's true, thank you🥺❤️ i recently picked up my electric guitar now that i've come home and even though i haven't played in such a long time, i was surprised with how quick i picked up some songs or how easily i remembered others. it made me think about how sometimes there are some things in our lives that we stop doing because so many things get in the way and we lose touch with them, until we discover them again. the feelings i experienced when i was playing the same songs i used to play are honestly indescribable, it was as if nothing else mattered, but that beautiful melody. it made me realise how much i miss performing too❤️ i was wondering if that has ever happened to you too?
i just know beomjun would slay so hard, manifesting fr. when enhypen niki and jungwon did it, i was in awe and i couldn't stop thinking about yeonjun and beomgyu doing one. they could easily suit any genre, but i'm thinking something dark would look so good.
ooooh, i'm excited for the rest of your 80s oneshots - the taehyun one was just *chef's kiss*. and omg beomgyu's look for dream week lives in my head rent free - he looked like an 80s heartthrob. happy late beomgyu day btw🥺❤️
thank you so much smiles❤️, i'm just glad they're finally over. i hate exam season so much. it's always so stressful.
how are you doing though? how's writing going? i have this yeonjun oneshot that i've been working on for over a year now, it's so long and i'm almost finished, i just have three scenes left to write before i get into the editing process lol. i'm the type of writer that takes a long time to produce something and seeing how fast other writers produce pieces makes me feel a bit like i'm missing out? idk if that's the right word, but i wish i could write something good that fast sometimes, but i've also come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own pace when it comes to writing. some write faster, some write slower, but the end product is always amazing❤️
hi lovely, I'm sorry the flights were terrible, but how is it being home?
as for the island guy, he's coming next week I think, so we'll see if he'll come visit me or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not too fussed about it really. he greeted me on my birthday, not really a greeting, more like a banter "you're getting older" message but yeah other than that I don't really think anything is going on atm :/
that's so beautiful, april 🥹 I haven't played my guitar for a long while, so I feel like when I do have the time and get back into doing it, I would most likely rediscover that feeling again :') I love that for you though, I find it so satisfying when the muscle memory kicks in, yano?
thank you!! I just saw your rb and your feedback just made me so happy, thank you and I'm really glad you liked it a lot! I feel like I'm going to hinder the 80s fics for a little while until I'm satisfied enough with the amount of uni work I have to do for my coursework. my deadline is in 6 weeks and I don't want to rush things so that's why I haven't been as active on here :') happy late beomgyu day too! <3
as for your writing, take as much time as you need. it is for you after all and we just have the privilege to read people's shared works/imaginations. I'm rooting for you and I hope you tag me whenever you do post it <3 but you're right! everyone's writing journey is different but the outcome is always just as beautiful! and I'm doing okay! I've been busying myself! I had a uni trip last week and then went home for my birthday in the same week, so I'm a little exhausted lmao, so the past week I've just been staying in uni longer than usual and doing work which I'm happy with! beomgyu's birthday post was the last thing I've written for a while, everything else has just been in bullet points for now until I have time to write everything in full :> I hope you've been well since you sent this ask!
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Okay but don't you think the fandom hate led to it shrinking? I know you've said the people still here don't support each other enough. If that changed maybe the fandom would be more active again.
Hey Nonny,
Here's the thing, you can say something, but you can't talk it into existence. I DO think everyone supporting each other would help, but I've given up hope that it will ever happen.
Right now, I don't know how much the following is the case. I really believe we just may be that small/inactive now. But in the past, the nonsense absolutely impacted people.
Things that really sucked for creators:
A follower saying to keep them on your tag list (non-creators have NO CONCEPT of how hard it is to maintain tag lists on this stupid site), then never interacting. Now, some people have left, some aren't very active. But some would say, "KEEP ME, DON'T TAKE ME OFF!!!" - then never interact - while they leave diatribes on other creators' posts. Honestly, it's better to just say, "Nah, I don't want to be on your list anymore."
Someone discussing your work with you, making it clear they have read it, but they never once interacted with it. Creators can't tell people are reading unless they interact. At least A03 has "hits" (though I don't know how much they help), but with Tumblr, you just don't know.
The games. The games suck so much. The "I read (creator), and their stuff is great! But I don't interact because...." sometimes the because is "my friends don't like them," "my friends don't like their friends," "they're competition," "the creator annoys me because...", "I'm fucking jealous." These are some of the reasons, though not all. It was fucking ridiculous. I say was because nowadays I really think it's more that people just are not here anymore. But if someone wants theories on the decline of fandom/creators... well, here is some theory. lol
The biggie... Anon Hate. I don't have to get into why it sucks. If you need an explanation as to why you're part of the problem. Anon hate can make people go, but I don't think it's the driving factor. Many creators who remain have had more anon hate than most. It's a personal choice, but I don't blame creators who left because they didn't want to deal with that ongoing abuse - and it IS abuse.
Other bullshit. Other bullshit is things like, "You know those anons are self-sent," "Did you see that her character did XYZ? That's so OOC, and OMG, I hate it!" Games and bullshit just get so old and annoying. Personally, I just had to ignore it (as much as I could) to stay on here. TRUST me when I tell you someone is seeing all these anons I'm getting today will be in a private chat saying "SELF-SENT" and being all judgy about it. But I don't give a single fuck. If I did, I would have been gone long ago.
I tried, I REALLY tried to be supportive of everyone in the OH fandom. EVERYONE. They didn't have to be friends, they didn't have to write characters the way I did, they didn't have to be the best writers in the world... I really feel everyone has a story to tell and deserves encouragement. But it took so much time, and it wasn't always appreciated, so I became more selective (though I still try to support all I can). I honestly had a creator DM me to ask why I wasn't RB/commenting anymore, yet that creator never interacted with mine. Now, I DO NOT think it should be tit-for-tat. In fact, I hate that... but it takes some audacity for someone who never reciprocated (for me and many others) to ask, "Why aren't you doing it anymore?"
God, that got fucking long. lmao But you should expect that from me by now. I really, really appreciate the ask and the conversations being had today, though - I really encourage people to discuss, I think it helps. :)
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favortree · 3 months
welcome to an isat centered sideblog!! mainly for extra rbs / queue. but maybe i’ll post misc isat related rambles who knows lmao.
everything will be tagged in an organizational manner, including content warnings where relevant. may also speak a lil in tags!!
spoilers are tagged with both blanket spoiler act tags and word-based latest relevant event/act tags. there are also separate optional content tags as well.
word-based tags reference the event in question in some way (either via the memory/achievement earned after seeing, or a vague reference to it)
if the spoiler is vague enough i might not spoil tag !!!
this is so i can send this blog to others without saying how many acts there are! and also so i can share stuff with them a bit earlier than only using the act system as a spoiler guide!!! :D
tag directory (it is long) + links to other blogs below:
Act 2
#break a leg - get crushed by a rock ASDFSAD + dormont NPCs related
#intermission - specific first house run occurrences + house NPCs + what the king looks like related
#encore - end of act 2
#act 2 spoilers - blanket act 2 spoilers
Act 3
#in this moment - all party hangouts related
#looking at you - loop hangout related
#say it - those from the forgotten country & color related
#nostalgie - end of act 3
#act 3 spoilers - blanket act 3 spoilers
Act 4
#choose a leaf - wishcraft related
#is this it - end of act 4
#act 4 spoilers - blanket act 4 spoilers
Act 5
#you decide to - attempted special skills & final house run related (prior to major fights)
#epilogue - end of act 5
#act 5 spoilers - blanket act 5 spoilers
Act 6 & Secret Encounter
#memory of a journey | #act 6 spoilers - blanket act 6 spoilers & post-canon related
#silver coins | #act6se spoilers - secret encounter spoilers
Optional Content
#memory of touch - bad touch related
#memory of a secret - sus quest related
#memory of a promise - stupid rotten adults & all petronille related
((since iirc by the time seen you would have probably seen everything to know about nille?))
#but who was the phone - meeting the change god related
((listen. i wasn't sure if using "memory of change god" here would immediately make ppl realize they would meet god okay ASFADA))
Extra Filtering
#siffrin #mirabelle #isabeau #odile #bonnie #loop #king #euphrasie #claude #petronille
#isafrin #sloop #sloopis
#clauphie #odasie #clodasie
#isat spoilers | #no peeking spoilers maybe - catch all spoilers for when i am not relatively confident in what to tag spoilers for LOL
#q - queue
((its also periodically shuffled ASDSAFADS))
#au #world thoughts #character thoughts #analysis
#cw [where applicable]
Talking Tag & Asks
#tree noise #asks
((dunno if i’ll ever need to use these but we’ll see LOL))
main 🌈🗡️ - @sword-swordswordsknife
creative endeavors 🌺☕️ - @meamiiikiii
last updated: 6/15/2024
(may add more tags depending, we will see LOL)
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okay so right now i love mclaren, im very excited to see lando and oscar, hoping to see some wins for them this season. i will say, the pipeline from charles & carlos to mclaren is very real. now w ferrari, i fully agree, bc like how do you have these talented drivers and are not doing anything with them?? idk i feel like both have tons of talent and a lot of potential but are being held back, if that makes sense?? daniel and max during their rb era will always be something special to me. ive seen so much of their stuff from that time and omg i love them so so
being a girly girl for a moment, i LOVE seeing lewis' style. omg he slays the house boots down everytime i see a fit from him. am i sad he is replacing carlos and i have no idea where carlos is going and thats sending me into a spiral? yes. but i cant wait to see the fits. i think thats really all for right now, other than that i have no other opinions LOL. i will say tho, i did get my dad watching the show to try and get him into it with me and now we have something to bond over and that makes me very happy haha - 🏁 anon
yes yes yes to all of this!!
aw maxiel <3 they’re such genuine friends, it’s so lovely to watch because I imagine that sometimes it can get a little isolating for max. but daniel is one of those people who’s just a people person, who includes people all the time, he notices things. I love their friendship so much <3
lewis is the fashion king of the paddock yes!! and zhou too, they’re both slaying the house down. lewis knows how to dress, goddamn.
I also don’t love the ferrari move because of the consequences with carlos, but lewis is gonna slay a ferrari fit or two 💅🏼 so many of the drivers are so handsome, they just need stylists lmao. remember when charles wore those baggy jeans for the first time? holy shit!! and when maxie finally stopped wearing jeans that looked painted on… so hot my god he looked so good in the red bull end of year live
yay to bonding with dads!! it can be hard to find common ground, so isn’t it so fun when you do!! you can impress him with all this knowledge i’m giving you ;)
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irritablepoe · 1 year
6. 3 characters that inspire you
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
29. 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
(from that 3 things ask game that u reblogged a while back and i just had the time to find it on my drafts again ashskjjldsj)
Hope u have a great day/night!! 💜
Hiiii Mila!!! :D
Omg I totally forgot that I rb this, but thank you that you’re sending an ask even a while after, that’s so sweet of you <33
3 persons that inspire you
I actually don’t know if this is specifically for real life people or also characters (it’s been a while and I don’t remember ahh)? I’m gonna do real people bc I’ve done characters a lot :3
Rachel Oates – she is a youtuber and talks a lot about feminism, pro-choice stuff and also poetry and I think she’s wonderful and I admire her maturity and knowledge when it comes to certain topics; I’d also like to spend my life similar to her: self-employed, maybe in a relationship but with much privacy, no kids etc. (I recommend watching her, her videos are very well thought out and backed up by studies and stuff)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky writing style inspires me, it enables my ability to ramble in my text lmao; V. E. Schwab in turn taught me that it’s okay to write short sentences (schwab and dosti are fighting in my head at all times) (also V.E. Schwab is a really cool person! :D) (I put basically two persons here lmao, I’m sorry)
Ahhh the third person is hard…. Uhm I would say Ethan Nestor? I’m pretty sure many know him, he’s done unus annus with Markiplier and when I watched it and even after it was over, it inspired me to be more… well, not funny per se but more random and be more myself when I’m around people (i naturally laugh a lot and it encouraged me kinda?). Ethan also talks a lot about how he always thinks he’s not good enough and I relate to that a lot – so it’s a good feeling seeing him be a good and kind person and it inspires me to do the same (I’m often not that successful but yk, I’m trying)
3 quotes that have a special place in your heart
Raskolnikov: „But why do they love me so much, if i don’t deserve it? Oh, if i were alone and no one loved me and i had never loved anyone! All this would never have taken place!“ – this stuck with me and I still think about it, especially bc I often have this thought that everything would be easier if no one loved me and I loved no one, but I know Raskolnikov is wrong (he knows it himself) and therefore I know I’m wrong, if that makes sense? To sneak another quote in here, I think this one quote from jackaby also hits home in that regard: “I wondered what was sadder, leaving someone to cry after you were gone, or not having anyone who’d miss you in the first place”
“He needed to tell her… what? That she was lovely and brave? And better than anything he deserved? That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn’t pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. That without meaning to he had begun to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near. He had to thank her for his new hat.” – thank you Ms Bardugo I’m gonna cry in a corner now
Technically all of Kafka’s letter to his father. I’ve probably said it before but this whole letter is like… ouch… kafka somehow always manages to describe what I’m feeling (also in his diaries and works) and yeah, this letter has a very special place in my heart. Especially the part about him not being good enough for his father and also his friends not being good enough (“it was enough that I showed a mere interest in a person – it didn’t occur often because of my character – and you’d bash them with insults […]”), and also the hypocrisy (“please, father, don’t misunderstand me, usually it would have been insignificant details, though those rules bear down on me only because you […] didn’t follow them yourself”) (all of this is translated by me, i don't have the english version) and in general how kafka describes himself in it (especially his hypochondria and how he thinks about his academic achievements)
I wish this was more revolutionary and there were more quotes from books that I haven’t talked about already but well, these are the first that I think of yk :3
3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
Ok there’s kinda two ways one could interpret that question – either that I pick for example a celebrity that I want to be and list the qualities about them that I want to have OR basically describe your ideal self and I think I’m gonna go with the second one bc I don’t wanna pick one specific person ig? So I’m gonna list some qualities that I wish I had, I hope that’s okay :3
I wish I was more extroverted (even like a little bit; connecting with people is hard when I'm constantly running on low battery and signals in my head are going off lmao)
I know I’m not stupid but I wish I was smarter… like my grades are good but not GREAT, I can think critically but I wish I could write good and clear analyses like some people on here; I also wished I could read faster, sadly, I’m more of a slow reader bc I want to understand the text very thoroughly but if I could read faster I could read MORE and have more input in my brain that I can use :]
I wish I was less anxious (brain go brrrr every time I go outside so I wish I was more confident in my abilities ig)
In summary: my ideal self would be more extroverted, smarter, a fast reader and confident
Thank you again for the ask! :3 it’s gotten really long, also omg i didn't stick to the rules at all lmao i sneaked in so much more stuff hehe >:3
Hope you're having a good day/night too! :D
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