#okay im fine. promise. im chill
glo-shroom · 8 months
just got to the part about tesla. haha RIPS MY FUCKING CHEST OPEN
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kamariya · 2 months
is there such a thing as always fucking anxious syndrome
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Bad Teachings
College Professor AU! Miguel O'Hara x reader
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Smut (I tried my best, I swear ;w;) Mildly dubious-con. Age gap implied
Hope you like 🥹✨
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The last semester felt impossibly harder, nerve wrecking and it was as usual chipping away the little social life you had. Not that you had many friends really, mostly of the people you hung out with, were people that always ended either paired with you or gathered in group works.
Sure you were invited to parties here and there, but nothing too concrete.
But right now, none of it mattered, as you sat before your teacher, Peter B. Parker, at the verge of tears.
"Look, I know it seems like you'll fail, but you still have a chance." He was packing up his things and then looked your way. " I know you care for the other classes, but this one is also important. I just can't help you out this time."
"It was just one assignment! Mr. Parker. One! I had none to drive me out to that place."
"What about your friends?"
"Just... Please?, This is my last class, I can't afford another semester here."
Peter was one of the few lax teachers out there that would help out here and there when he was able to. One of your favorites actually, contrary to what people said, he was a good teacher.
"I know, I know, kid. Just let me see what I can do ok? Im not promising anything, but I can try. Mr. O'Hara isn't that bad."
You groaned hopelessly.
"God, Im so dead"
"He's not that bad. He's all bark and no bite, I'm telling you"
"Not to question your decisions, Mr. Parker but from all the teachers you could've picked, why Mr. O'Hara?"
"Not up to me kid, administration's doing. Besides, I'll be gone just a couple of weeks. You'll do fine. I'll speak to him, okay?"
You just nodded, hope hanging on a thread.
You were fucked . In fact, you could already picture your parents' mortified expression upon the news and the student loan could only stretch up so far . Miguel O'Hara was... brutal.
He took no shit from anyone, he had 'zero chill' or so you had heard among the other students that barely passed with him. However, you were learning what you needed and wanted to learn. He was demanding, but a great teacher.
"He's hot." One of your classmates admitted as you were gathered in study groups to do an assignment due in a couple of hours.
"I heard he's married."
"No, he's not. No kids, nothing."
"I heard his daughter died."
"He doesn't like talking about that, Jen."
You subtly glanced at him, so ever stoic, frowning and serious, checking and grading assignments like nothing. He was intimidating overall. Everyone behaved and actually studied when he teached.
Class ended shortly after you finished the study group. However you waited a bit longer when everyone had been out to submit your group's part. And also, probably have a chance to ask about your class status.
The first thing you couldn't help but notice was how snug the button t-shirt was on him, your nose detected a tingle of his cologne, His hair was long yet well kept and silky looking. Hell, he probably had a better hair routine than you. His hands movements were smooth and swift, as if they had memorized a pattern. He stopped and looked up to you. For being a man on his early forties he looked younger.
A chill ran down your spine.
"Leave it there." He went back to scribbling notes and you obeyed.
"Mr. O'Hara?"
You sighed quietly, fearful he might sense your fear.
"Sorry to bother you, Um... I was wondering if-" you swallowed as he looked back at you with a slight frown in his face
"If Mr. Parker left any extra work for me?"
His brow raised in confusion
"I haven't seen Mr. Parker in months, niña. I was just called two days ago to cover up his spot."
"R-Right. Uh, I just asked since he said he would-"
"Help you out? Yeah, that's not happening."
"I know it's just another day for you when students come here and cry-"
"You're not crying, so that's a first."
Your cheeks burned a little at his odd praising, but also you were embarrassed overall. Your favorite teacher had definitely forgot about you.
"Just... hear me out. This is my last class, my last semester's weeks And I truly cannot afford to repeat the class."
"And that is my problem because?"
Your lips tightened and soon your eyes turned glossy, but still you were determined to see it through.
"It's just 5 points I need to keep my score and have my record approved."
"The class ain't over yet. Better keep it up."
"Mr. O'Hara, pl-"
"I will buy you empanadas?" He snorted
"See you next semester, kid. Close the door when you're out."
His no was pretty much definitive. Sighing you marched away from the classroom and closed the door. You didn't cry. That was something.
The following days you spent holed up in the library, roomie to loud and messy to be around as you prepared for the pre evaluation for the finals, occasionally you caught a glimpse of Miguel O'Hara, working as usual in his favorite corner, un bothered.
What truly was pissing you is that some of your teammates hadn't submitted their part of the job, wich was due tomorrow. The whole report was half done and still it was alot left to do. You were trying. And just when you felt anxiety began worming it's way in you, the seat across you was dragged open and no other than Mr. Miguel O'Hara sat before you.
He looked at you with a blank yet curious gaze.
"You look like you're about to have a nervous wreck."
"I am."
"Right, here." He showed you a printed paper, "Meet me there, at 6. Don't make plans."
"What?" you squinted your eyes to read the information
"Thought you wanted help?" Exasperated at your obliviousness he huffed, "Guess not"
"Wait!" you snatched the paper out of his hands, "Sorry. Just.. Thank you" he smirked.
Your eyes lit up upon reading the paper and nodded. If it wasn't for you being so tired, and him being scary, you'd probably hug him.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" You spoke in between whispers.
"Si si, cállate. Look, it's a conference college is organizing, in a week, if you want those five extra, go. I'll be there. Don't make plans."
"Funny you think I have a social life, Mr. O'Hara. But thanks. I really appreciate it."
"At 6. Formal dress code."
"Gotcha." you nodded as you grinned. He left you alone.
You'd look like a liar if he saw you, a cocktail in your hand, chatting to a classmate that was nice enough talk to. It was a small celebration for a good score in the past assignment, you could breath a little, feel a bit hopeful.
"Did you saw Mr. O'Hara today? God..." the girl almost moaned in the spot.
"You kidding? He doesn't fuck his students."
"Who knows, I might be the first?"
"In getting reported maybe. Dude is scary. A friend of mine repeated twice with him."
"What about you, (Name)? I saw you in the library chatting with him."
The whole attention suddenly dropped on you.
"Ah, yeah he told me he'd see me next semester"
"Shut up. You're failing too?"
"Yeah. I mean, sure he's hot and stuff, but... yeah. I don't know how to tell my parents actually. Add me to the chat group, by the way"
Before the conversation turned into how half female college students wanted him, your classmate took you to another private spot. Mike Aguilar was his name, someone that like you, avoided unnecessary attention. What you didn't expect was that he stole a kiss from you. Between cocktails and making out with Mike for a long time, the loud music, it felt good. Felt good to experience the other side of broke colege student.
You ended up being taken to your room, railed up but Mike was gentleman enough to not indulge since you both were drunk. How long had been since someone actually indulged you? Even more so, that you had indulged  yourself? You removed your pants.
You were alone, but locked up the door, and grabbed your phone. Looking up in the group chat you looked for Mike's contact and typed.
"Hey Miky"
He replied almost instantly
"Sup, hlt stuff?" He didn't care for the typos
"Wanna see aumthin?"
You giggled as he send a "🥴" emoji.
Biting your lip, you put the phone in a pillow and began recording. Hands trailing on your clothed breasts as you sat down and spreaded your legs. One of your hands dipped inside your panties as the other one uncovered your breast to then squeeze and toy with one.
Your mouth had shaped in an 'o' as you bucked your hips to ride slowly your own hand. Your moans were needy and they turned more wanton as you kept toying with your nipples and clit, soon gasping for air, coming undone.
You then brought your slicked fingers to your mouth and licked them clean with a groan. You then giggled and stopped recording. The alcohol buzzed fully in your system, not only clouding your judgment, but also firing up a dirty mind.
"For your eyes only"
You uploaded the video and pressed send.
Tossing the phone on your nightstand, you went back to keep indulging in yourself before your roomie could get back. But this time, you had in mind a very specific scary teacher to think about.
The constant beeping in your phone bolted you awake. You turned off the alarm and saw your phone. Your eyes went wide awake as dread crept up to you.
"So... What was that you wanted to show me?"
Oh no.
Panic surged through your body as seeing Mr. O'Hara's chat open with a 'video' description. Shaky fingers opened it up, only to reveal the 'seen' mark in the chat.
Against all odds and what could go wrong, you showed up in class. Sure, sending a porn video of yourself to your scary teacher was a major fuck up. But failing class would be even a bigger fuck up of all times, You had one foot outside of it all. Once out of college you wouldn't see Mr. O'Hara, and eventually he'd forget it all. Besides, you were pretty sure that he'd receive that kind of messages on a daily basis.
Sighing, you entered the classroom and as quietly as you could you sat in the very back of it. Class went as normal as you could, but the feeling of being watched was always present. Thankfully class was over and just as you snuck to get in, you snuck out.
You couldn't look at him in the face, not after what you had done in that video. Another reason of why you didn't drink often. But now a new problem laid ahead. How would you face him on Saturday?
Talking about, you didn't even know what to wear. Maybe the universe was conspiring against you, but you were grateful enough that he didn't bring it up, maybe he didn't pay much attention. There were so many scenarios running your mind.
In the end, you wrote an apology. It was easier to just apologize without seeing his face, and maybe things would be buried and forgotten as days passed.
But no. He had requested to see you after class.
As you approached you squeezed the written apologize and sighed once you were before his desk, across him.
"I need you to sign here, to confirm your assistance tomorrow."
You gulped and took the pen, after sliding the letter to him. He cocked an eyebrow to you as you signed.
"What's this?" He took the crumpled paper and opened it up. Your eyes locked with his, and you could see, amusement in them. A knowing look seizing you.
"I'm so so sorry. The... The video I mean. It wasn't for you, I swear! But I was-"
"Drunk and stupid? Yeah. Noted." He tossed the letter in the trashbin and stood with his arms on his waist, "I thought you were better than that, (Name)"
Your eyes glossed over the disappointment in his tone.
"Has anyone else seen it?"
You shook your head.
His eyes glinted with something dark, something you couldn't actually pinpoint and to be honest you were too embarrassed to ask.
"Good. Anyway, 6 pm. Austen's Auditorium"
"T-That far?"
"Have a problem?"
"Uh, no. I'll be there. I'll call an Uber."
"I'll drive you."
"What? No! I mean, no. I'm uncomfortable enough as it is. Don't wanna make this even more awkward."
"Trust me, nothing that I haven't seen before, unfortunately."
"Yeah, no. I'll call an Uber. I'm financially fucked anyways. Thanks" His pupils dilated so ever softly at the way your lips muttered the word fucked. His face remained steely as usual, but his eyes gave away so much.
"Whatever. Meet me in the last row, second seat, then."
You showed up, high waisted, tight, black, upper knee length skirt with a small slit on the side, a cream colored blouse with matching bra and a black blazer with nude heels. It was the standar, and the only truly formal wear you had in your closet. Uber drove you to the venue and soon, you met Miguel and sat next to him. You could recognize some other students along some other teachers from other areas. Conference was about the new ways of teaching and learning, nothing too groundbreaking as you had originally thought.
The conference was two hours long and at the end, you signed up a paper sheet and was told to wait on the entrance as Miguel greeted and signed out.
"Let's go."
Miguel guided you by placing a hand on your lower back, and gave a gentle push for you to follow him.
"Car's on the third floor"
"I told you that I could get an Uber."
"And risk you to be kidnapped or something? Not a chance. Besides I wanna keep my job as much as I can."
"Gee, thanks for caring, Mr. O'Hara."
"Todo un placer, preciosa." He chuckled
Your knees trembled as he spoke in spanish, you were sat on the front seat and fastened your seatbelt. He started the engine but it just revved a couple of times before it went dead. And just when you thought nothing could go wrong, it started pouring. Hard.
You groaned in frustration and Miguel smirked.
"Why the rush? Have somewhere to go?"
"No, Mr. O'Hara. Just wanted to rest. I'm not used to wear heels actually."
"Thought you were meeting with that guy you were making out the other night"
Your eyes widened in utter embarrassment as he stretched in his seat.
"Jesus... this can't be even more embarrassing."
"As your teacher, I completely disapprove such behaviors. Specially with that cabrón. He's not a good person."
"What do you mean?"
"He's conditioned. Likes to spread out intimate content of girls he gets."
"How do you know this?"
"I told you, nothing I haven't seen before."
You sank in your seat, mulling over his words.
"Hate to admit but... Im kinda glad knowing this. I mean, I'm really embarrassed though, but-"
"You're glad that little video fell onto my hands and not someone else?"
You nodded, unable to look at him as your face flushed.
"Yes, what?"
"Y-Yes, sir."
"Must admit though." His hands on the wheel tightened. "It took me by surprise. Out of all the female students, you, did a whole show."
You gulped as your breath hitched. His eyes squinted and that dark tingle was back at it again
"Hands in those cute ass panties, riding your hand like it was the last thing you'd ever ride."
His hand pulled his hair back as he bit his lip so ever softly. You on the other hand were trembling, unable to look at him in the eye.
"Who were you thinking of?"
"N-None. I swear. This is... really really bad"
"Maybe, but so is sending really explicit videos to your teacher, preciosa."
You shut your mouth and looked at him, he leaned in and studied your face. His index and thumb taking your chin.
"You're trembling. Why? A pretty thing like you shouldn't fear me. I'm not gonna hurt you. Quite the opposite actually." His thumb caressed your cheek and his lips brushed over yours.
"I wanna make you feel as good as you did in that video." He kissed your cheek and bit softly at your earlobe earning a shudder. It was like if another person had took over him.
"Can I? You want me to make you feel good, muñeca?"
He was overwhelming your senses, then you felt him unbuttoning your shirt. You nodded.
"W-Wait... what if someone sees us?"
Miguel unbuckled your seat belt and pulled you for a deep kiss. Moaning, your hands raked down his chest, stopping at his belt.
"Don't worry on it. It's fucking pouring outside." He riled up your skirt up, exposing the fabric of your panties. His lips went to your neck and kissed a soft trail as his fingers dipped between clothed folds, earning a whimper. His free hand managed to pull out one of your breast and then rolled his tongue over it.
"So sensitive" His fingers rubbed in slow circles your little flesh mount. He took a moment to pull one of the windows two inches down, enough for air to seep in.
"Spread those legs for me, preciosa. Lemme see that pretty pussy." Your hips accommodated as your skirt was pushed upwards, he then removed your panties and smiled.
"Sit on the back seat. Can't taste you properly like that." With trembling hands you moved on the back leathery wide seat as he moved the front ones forward, leaving more space in the back. He removed his blazer and his tie. Your heels long forgotten in the front seat. He seemed like a caged animal in a tiny space, and you a small snack for him.
His hands kneaded the supple flesh of your thighs, you removed the blazer and soon he finished unbuttoning your shirt, your bra was unclasped, spilling your breast freely. He groaned and kissed you once more. In your haste you unbuckled his belt but he stopped you.
"Are you on contraceptives?"
His fingers spreaded your legs further, exposing your slick flesh. You just nodded dumbly.
"No habrá problema entonces." He muttered more to himself than anyone as he bend over, one of your thighs dangled in his left shoulder as he brought your slit closer to his mouth.
He did a small cross blessing on himself and a little prayer and licked his lips.
"We've got to be grateful for this meal." His tongue went flat against your slit and dragged it up. Your toes curled up and you groaned.
"Mira qué lindo coño tienes, mi amor." His lips focused in the little bundle of nerves, giving it soft suckles, kisses as his tongue dribbled in your inner folds.
"Podría comerte todo el día" He mumbled as he gave feathery bites on your plush flesh. His hands held your thighs, you were too enraptured in pleasure to mumble a coherent word. Instead your hands latched at his head softly and applied pressure only when he grew closer to that very sweet spot.
His tongue lapped up and soon his whole mouth disappeared between your folds. The obscene sound of his mouth working made your spine arch. He held you in place as his face kept buried between your legs. Your breath hitched as your body went taut. He switched in between devouring your clit and fucking you with his tongue.
"Y-Yes!" You hissed as searing pleasure crashed hard. Your toes curled in, and your body trembled, coming undone on his mouth. He made sure to clean you up before releasing your flesh with a wet pop. You pulled him for a kiss as the rain kept hitting the car, drowning any sound.
"Such a pretty and naughty baby." He cooed as he tied your hands behind your back with his neck tie, then pulled his pants down his knees and brought your knees close to your shoulders, exposing once more your puffed and wet cunt.
"Sending videos for me to watch" He pumped himself a couple of times before rubbing his flushed tip in your sopping folds. You moaned as he entered you slowly, feeling the good stretch of his cock in your walls and gasped.
Hearing your classmates talking about the possibilities of what Mr. O'Hara had between his legs was nothing compared to actually experiencing it as it dug deeper in your guts.
You gave a shaky whimper at how full you felt, and he was barely starting. You could only watch as his girth disappeared between your folds with ease.
"You're so tight, princesa." He kissed your temple, as you choked on a thrust he gave, shaking your whole body.
"Wanna be a good girl for me?" Nodding you groaned as he tangled one of his hands on your front bangs and held you still, to then ram his hips against yours. It earned him a sweet wail from you. He closed his eyes for a second, relishing at your warmth and tighteness
"So fucking good. Will give you a lil' present before you graduate." His hips slapped shamelessly and viciously, leaving you with little room to breathe properly. Your hands desperately trying to hold onto something
"Gonna miss you and this pussy when you're gone, you know that?" His voice rumbled through his chest between heavy pants and soft growls.
You were too cock drunk to actually speak, the lack of air was making you dizzy, soon you felt like a zombie, just grunting and moaning as his body crushed you, over and over, almost fucking you in to the seat. Miguel O'Hara was anything but gentle, in all sense of the word. The car shook softly and soon, you gritted your teeth as the pressure in your lower belly increased until you came on his cock. Gushing and clamping down hard.
Your body shook, and he cupped your cheeks, smiling at the debauched look on your face as you came, proud of himself. Your hands had numbed out, but he then untied them.
"Such a messy baby." His hips didn't stop, one of his hands snaked it's way to your neck and squeezed.
Your hands found a little strength to cling to his arm, his eyes never left you.
"Give me another one, mi amor"
He cooed as his hips fucked you silly, tears piling up at the corner of your eyes, overstimulation making a mess out of your senses. Your nails scratched his wrist as his thrust turned erratic, sloppier and finally he came as he cradled your limp body closer to his.
It was almost possessive. You gave a pathetic cry as you came with him. He kissed you softly and laid you gently.
He then pulled one of the windows down another couple of inches, letting air to refresh your burning body.
Your clothes were soiled, except for the blazer, the rest was drenched in sweat or covered in fluids. The good thing was that rain could cover up all evidence.
He looked at you in awe and pride.
"You look lovely in this one."
Mr. O'Hara's chat was opened, revealing a picture of you sucking his cock in his classroom with your graduation gown, looking at him with doe-like eyes.
"Thanks. You taste great, btw." You typed back, with a smirk
"Call me, Miguel, preciosa. I'm not your teacher anymore."
Si si, cállate — "Yeah, yeah, shut up"
Todo un placer, preciosa - "My pleasure, gorgeous"
cabrón— Fucker
muñeca- Doll
No habrá problema entonces- "No problem then"
Mira qué lindo coño tienes, mi amor- "You have a pretty pussy, my love"
Podría comerte todo el día- "I could eat you all day"
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tastesousweet · 4 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (iv) - pt 1 pt 2 p3
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : maybe the only way matt and y/n can stand being around each other is to fuck each other
warnings : weed, alcohol/drinking, smut (slightly rough but not very?? pretty filthy tho), profanity
mickey speaks : rlly hate how the smut turned out but maybe its jus me being a perfectionist + i changed a lot of shit ab UCLA (mostly grad dates) to fit into my narrative okay, i knowwww. only sorta proofread bc ive been busy, enjoy <3
the turn of spring to summer in LA is typically the most eventful time of year. more parties are thrown than ever before in celebration of the season change, the boom of tourism begins, and of course school years are ending.
you celebrated your college graduation from UCLA only a week ago, with a large dinner at your favorite seafood restaurant and your friends all excitedly in attendance. matt was also there but you let it be known you invited him only so you wouldn’t feel bad (though he claims he wouldn’t have cared if you did or not).
you also shared an excruciating breakfast that same morning with your parents (both suffocating you with their traditional views that reminded you exactly why you moved hours away from them to attend school). you were cautious to wear items of clothing that would hide your tattoo and kept any conversations on the topic of your schooling rather than outside interests (not that they even care to ask) out of fear you may expose your routine of going out to party most weekends.
your brother was also at breakfast and you could tell he was trying his hardest to keep a positive attitude for you. you immediately noticed his wet face when you gave him a full hug after your ceremony, which made you cry, mostly out of missing him and love.
"it's not that bad!" andrea looks at you in the mirror as she continues to give herself soft curls.
“how the fuck did i manage to make this one downturned and this one up,” you reply in frustration while you point to either wing of eyeliner on your grimaced face.
andrea giggles and aims the stick of the curling iron at makeup remover lying in the sink, “just get a q-tip and fix it, cariño.” (“honey”)
you move around her to grab a q-tip from a small jar in the medicine cabinet before following her instructions, getting extra close to the mirror.
remi barges in the bathroom dressed in a mini skirt and a detailed patterned top, “hi nick!” she exclaims to her phone screen, placing it down on the counter while untwisting her lipgloss.
you can see nick’s awkward face as he sits in the car (making his camera jump at any dip or bump in the road), “sooo…this better be erin’s bathroom ceiling im staring at.”
“and if i say it’s not?” remi giggles to herself before rubbing her lips together to spread the gloss further.
“i’d say what the fuck are you guys still doing at home?! y/n’s our mutual friend that even got us into this bitch and i’m not just walking into some sorority house acting like i know any of these fucking people.”
“and we didn’t go to college!” chris exclaims to add to the point.
“yeah, we didn’t go to fuckin’ college!” nicks adds before his face falters, “the fuck does that have to do with it?”
chris’ voice is low as he explains himself, “you know…like, obviously we aren’t gonna know shit about some delta kappa omega?”
nick comedically pauses and the three of you watch the screen to see him staring at chris with no facial expression, “…okay chris. anyway, get your asses over here ASAP. we need you.”
“okay, we don’t need them. you’re being dramatic just chill out,” matt huffs from the driver’s seat.
“hey, we’re leaving soon i promise, nick.” andrea assures and remi picks her phone off of the counter to show the girl.
"thanks, but we'll be fine. erin told me where to find her, let's not get ridiculous." matt continues dismissing the conversation he finds so unnecessary.
you hold yourself back from saying anything but you can’t help but wonder just how close erin has got to matt. and how she managed to hold any conversations without pissing him off (no way a little lap dance dismissed matt’s entire personality). she hasn’t been too explicit about anything happening between them, only cluing you all in through her frequent mentions of him.
chris’ loud voice beams, “yeah, you ladies take your time! nick gimme the phone-” chris’ smiley face takes up remi’s screen now that the phone has shifted, “you know, who the fuck are we to tell any of you to rush?!” he sees andrea in view (with a form fitting dress and warm toned makeup) and can’t help the rush of words that decide to spill from his mouth, “andreayoulookfineasshitbytheway- and i just think, uh,” he giggles at his poor recovery and at andrea shaking her head and biting the side of her mouth (her very andrea way of blushing). “um, yeah, fuck, what was i sayin’?” he turns to matt.
nick laughs from the backseat at chris’ comment (he thinks it’s generally embarrassing opposed to andrea who finds herself embarrassingly flattered by him).
“nothing important, say your goodbyes now, we just pulled up.” matt gives his short advice and takes the phone. “see you, bye,” he hangs up and chris punches his arm immediately.
“dudeee!” chris groans. matt doesn’t give any reaction besides handing nick his phone back without looking at him.
“we’ll see them in less than an hour, get your shit.” matt tilts his head out the door as he opens it and exits the car.
“he’s so annoying.” chris huffs and turns to nick as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
“i don’t know him, he’s your fuckin’ brother.” nick shrugs and acts clueless. chris laughs into his seat and nick knows making chris laugh makes him feel way better than just shitting on matt would’ve.
matt opens his door again, “get your gigglin’ asses out here!”
matt's suprised he's lasted this long at this party without a fucking drink.
he's seen just about every partygoer trope there is - drunk guys and "you need to sober up" girlfriends, overly excited drunks far too impressed by each new song that plays, the loner type who strictly speak within their circle even when wasted, et cetera - and has managed to lose everyone he knows in this crowd, leaving him alone with DD responsibilities in a sorority house bouncing with excitement in honor of their “graduating senior sisters.”
speaking of, he’s only spoken to erin once all night. he did see you with your friends briefly, early in the night before you were swooped away with nick to be introduced to some guy he just met.
so like all times matt is bitchless and bored, he decides to smoke. he reaches in his jacket pocket for the joint he rolled before the party, in case of emergency.
but just as he raises the lighter towards his mouth he's interrupted by an airy, high pitched voice, “um, excuse me!” matt looks over, “yeah, you. sorry, you can't have drugs in the house.” the blonde frowns.
“it’s weed…” matt clarifies, taking the joint from between his lips.
“uh huh! and that is prohibited, outside please,” she guides her hand, drink in tow, towards a sliding door behind her.
he's not gonna nitpick with some chick about the umbrella term of 'drugs' or debate whether the alcohol she's drinking lies under it, so he just nods his head “cool,” and removes himself from his spot against the wall to walk around her and out of the door.
you slump against a nearby couch as you recover from a hour of dancing alongside your best friends. remi sits next to you and leans her head on your shoulder as you both look around at the room full of people (a shade of deep fuchsia covers the room from multiple LED lights around the large house).
when you feel your own blinks become slower you shrug your shoulder and look at remi's profile, "we should probably get up rem, or else we'll fall asleep. this couch is way too comfy." you sigh.
"mmm... yeah. kinda want another drink but," she turns to look behind you both, "the kitchen's all the way over there..."
"now i know you two aren't tapping out of my party already?!"
you both look over to see erin dressed in a small glittered party dress, making her shine as she walks closer. "erin, where the fuck have you been?!" you excitedly rise from the couch and give her a hug.
"it's actually so fucking hard to host a graduation party, especially with my sorority sisters- they've had me doing all these traditions and shit, i haven't had time to talk to like anyone!" she explains to both you and remi.
"well, at least you look good, bitch!" remi adds and holds erins hand to make her twirl in her dress.
"thank you," she blushes and looks down then back to you two, "have either of you seen the triplets?"
"i think nick's off with some dude and chris is 'teaching' drea how to play beer pong..." you trail off and look to remi, "have you seen matt at all...?"
"not recently, i don't think so?" she looks over to erin.
"oh okay, that's fine. just wanna make sure they're having funnn." she draws her words out as she plays with the ends of her hair and smiles. you and remi can both tell she something bothers her more than she's leading on.
"e, come with us to grab drinks," you hold both remi and erin's hands and guide them with you to the kitchen.
matt hadn't realized how hard he was staring at you dancing until chris came up to him with wild eyes and a loud laugh, making him snap away from whatever trance he was in.
"you okay, matt? your brain's not buzzkillin' right?"
matt straightens himself to no longer lean on the wall, "no."
"you sure?"
"maybe you should say fuck DD and have a drink or two, might give you somethin' to smileee aboutttt!" chris laughs.
"don't be stupid, chris. 'm not driving drunk."
"obviously we'd get an uber, matt." he emphasizes with a 'duh' attitude. "i get funnier when drunk, not stupid."
"right," matt offers a light laugh.
he throws a hand over matt's shoulder as they both face the crowd of dancing people, "god damn andrea's fucking hot- swear she's been feelin' me all night," chris hypes himself up then brings his red solo cup towards his mouth.
matt's eyes shift from you to andrea, who's limbs move just as freely and smile is just as wide. "that's good, that's good," matt nods. "she's nice."
"she's everything, bro." chris shakes his head in awe, "but, uh, do you have any cash on you?" matt turns his head, eyes showing his annoyance. "i'll pay you back, you know that matt. just like $20 to get me in the poker game outside."
"please, matt," he begs.
matt lets a heavy sigh out through his nose as he rustles in his pocket for his wallet. "you're my favorite now," chris kisses matt's hand quickly before he's heading off with a crumpled twenty in hand.
matt's eyes follow him until he's fully gone, then he's turning to look for you again. only this time it's not a challenge at all, you're already on your way.
you pull at the bottom of your little black dress (which rode up some due to your eccentric dancing) as you approach. "hi, matttt," you sing. it's known to most of your friends that when you're drunk your emotions are ten times stronger, and right now you're feeling extra carefree.
matt can tell you've definitely had a few drinks, so he tries to keep the conversation civil. "hey," he cracks a smile.
"are you not having fun?" you ask. you've wondered ever since you recognized him across the room.
"sure, i'm having fun." he shrugs, keeping eye contact with you.
you notice his all black outfit and blue jean jacket, "we kinda match," you look down at yourself then towards him, "i had a jean jacket too...it's um, in a closet somewhere i think."
"then you must have great style," matt jokes.
"oh i think that was clear before i happened to match you," you joke making use of your hands while speaking.
"mhm, sure..."
"so, do you wanna dance with us?" you smile in question.
"absolutely not," matt laughs and brings a fist to his mouth.
your smile drops, "right, you watch us dance but laugh at the thought of participating...?" you move your eyes to each side, "'cause that makes sense, matthew."
"no, it's not like that. you go have fun, i'm just not one to make myself look stupid for fun." he shrugs.
"so we...look stupid?" you squint your eyes in amusement knowing matt is trying to be such a hard ass for no reason.
"you said it," he laughs.
now you're a bit annoyed. "so you go back to being a loser all alone right here in this corner, and i'll go back to this stupid party and enjoy myself."
"alright," he rolls his eyes, "go ahead and be dramatic about it."
"will do," you sigh and begin to walk over to your friends, presenting matt with the gift of your middle finger directed towards him behind your back.
and matt thinks he just might take chris' advice on having a drink or two.
you hate that matt is still on your mind.
and it irritates the fuck out of you that you're now giddy seeing him for a third time tonight. but to give yourself the benefit of the doubt, you've gotten to the point where you're so buzzed you've become horny.
you came outside on the hunt for remi, who told you she was looking for erin, and ended up finding all three triplets at a makeshift poker table full of rowdy men.
and as some wise person must have said: when horny, find someone to fuck.
"y/n!! whatcha doin'?" nick notices you and gives you a wide grin offering you a chair near the table.
"hey, nick. 'm sorry i can't really stay i just, um, need to borrow matt."
matt. who isn't paying much attention to anything around him now that the four shots he took settled. with his phone in one hand and a beer resting in his other, he's bound to be startled when you come behind him and whisper in his ear, "heyyy, sorry to bother but can we talk?"
he blinks and looks behind him, "y/n?!"
"come," you motion with your fingers and begin to walk away as he rubs his fingers over his eyes and starts to stand up.
"yeah?" he asks getting closer to you.
you wordlessly bring him back into the heated house and navigate until you find a mostly empty hallway (all while he keeps annoying you by repeatedly asking what you want).
his back falls against the wall, "way to confuse the fuck outta me. what's good?" the hand you were once holding dives into his front pocket out of habit and the other continues to hold his beer.
"i just need you to take me home."
"y/n, i'm no longer driving myself home, let alone you," he shakes his head.
"right, i figured, smartass."
"glad those comprehension skills still work. grab your phone and order an uber, 'm sure you dont need my help."
"matt. i want you to come home with me." you sigh in defeat.
"oh shit." matt dead pans. "ohhh shit." his eyes widen before a a laugh breaks through his closed mouth, "sunshine...you're tryna' fuck?" he looks up at you from his spot against the wall.
you scramble a lie to make yourself look less pathetic, "you're a last resort trust me," you roll your eyes. this was way better in your drunken mind than reality.
"still made the list though!" matt jokes, "wow. who knew you were so romantic? bringing me all the way over here just to tell me you wanna fuck. and at your place? how sweet," he can't help but poke fun.
"fuck you," you say under your breath.
"well only because you asked so kindly!" he goes to wrap his arms around you before you push him back against the wall.
"are you done?"
"i guess." he shrugs.
"so will you or not," you try to keep your confidence and not allow matt's comments to embarrass you. "it's fine if not, just-"
"yeah," matt's smirk slowly grows. "meet me out front, i'll have to go lie to my brothers but i can be quick."
"why am i shocked you're actually here?" you ask as you shut the car door and look over to matt, phone screen reflected on his face.
the car begins to speed out of the neighborhood as he turns off his phone and shoves it in his jacket pocket, "let's be serious for one second," he reaches over and pulls at the end of your dress, "you wear this and look like that and you think i'd say no? i'd be crazy. i mean, yeah, your fuckin' mouth can irritate me to pieces but-"
"actually just shut up, matt" you remove your head from leaning against the window and move across the middle seat to kiss him. you pull apart fairly quickly though, "how are you less mean yet extra annoying when drunk? i shoulda went with my last last resort." you shake your head.
matt grumbles before leaning to kiss you again.
after a car ride full of teasing and rushed kisses, you both made it to your apartment complex.
you fumble with your purse as you search for your house keys, distracted by matt’s lips moving over your neck. you pinch your eyes shut in frustration, “mattt, give me a second,” you nudge your shoulder into him to get him off of you.
“let me see it,” he grumbles grabbing your purse and finding your keys with ease, moving his arms around you and unlocking the door.
“you make it look so easy,” you breathe and open the door with your body pressed against it.
matt lets go of you and follows you inside.
you lean a hand on the wall next to the door to quickly remove your heeled shoes and matt watches you with dopey eyes and glossy, excessively bitten lips before deciding to take his shoes off as well.
you walk closer to him once he’s done, your dress riding up your legs and barely covering your ass at this point. you look up to him and softly ask, “do you need anything to drink?”
he brings his right hand up to hold your face and moves close to your lips, “you know i don’t want a fucking drink.”
“you don’t?" your pout is genuine even though you're teasing him. he knows you're sweet enough to really get him a drink if he desired. he draws his thumb across your slumped lip before you speak again, "well…what do you want, matt?” you move your hands to the waist of his jeans, tracing the outer seam.
he pinches his eyes shut and moves his head to lean on your shoulder, he’s not gonna be the one to say he wants to fuck you. you want to fuck him, that's why he's here. so he’s definitely not begging you to touch him.
“hmm…?” you hum as your hands go to either side of his face, bringing him back to look at you. he looks into your eyes as he drops his hand from your jaw. you notice the pink splotches that still linger on his face, recovering from the heat of the party atmosphere and now the heat of this moment.
matt looks down at your lips, “you know what i want, and you want it too.” his hands travel down and push the front of your mini dress up as he feels over your underwear.
you mouth hangs open and you move your hips against him softly. begging him with your actions rather than your words. and those tend to speak the loudest.
"so what do you want, y/n?" he asks quietly without breaking eye contact.
"matt-" you breathe, wanting him to do anything more than a juvenile rub over your underwear.
he licks and sucks your neck as your hands capture his hair. “where do you want me?” he sounds out of breath when he asks so close to your ear. he finally moves his fingers past the waistband of your panties to nudge your clit as he taunts, “hmm…? you want me right here?”
you whine, “we can’t right here."
"why not?" he breathes against you, annoyed.
"i can't have you fuck me in the foyer i share with my best friend,” you just know andrea would be pissed if either of your body’s fluids made it onto the freshly vacuumed carpet.
he retracts his hand, “then why are we just standing around? show me to your room,” his voice is rough.
“why don’t you try to guess which is my room is mine?” you smile with your faces far too close together.
“why don’t you be a good host and give me a tour?” he retorts.
“that’s not fun,” you push.
he growls and lifts you up, walking past the living room and into a hallway that splits in two (all while you incessantly kiss his jaw and upper neck). he huffs at his ridiculous situation and reaches for the first door he sees. a toilet sits at the end of the room and a cluttered counter to the left.
“bathroom,” you mutter with a giggle.
matt responds with a snipped tone, “mhm yeah i’ve seen one before.”
his grip on your waist grows harsher as he opens and closes a multitude of doors with you commentating over.
he finally makes it to your room with you mocking him in a cheer of celebration as you climb off of him and turn on the dim light near your bedside.
matt would normally take in the room around him but his headspace is far too sexually frustrated to give a shit about how you decorate your room.
he opts to stand near the door and eye you from afar, wanting nothing more than to pounce on you.
you notice this (as well as the fact that matt hasn’t listened to a word you’ve said about minding the mess of clothes piled in the corner from your struggle to pick an outfit earlier) and slowly walk back towards him. the soft yellow light blurs behind you and highlights the edges of your figure in a mouthwateringly pretty way that makes matt antsy.
when you’re close enough matt somehow pulls you closer. his nose nudges against yours messily before capturing your mouth in a heated kiss. your hands feel for the end of his shirt and move underneath it to touch his warm lower stomach. you can feel how his body expands and curls as he breathes through your unwavering kiss.
despite wanting to keep the tension high, you break apart from matt to tease a bit, “can i touch you?” his face is scrunched absentmindedly from his desire and his lower lip finds its place tucked behind his front teeth when he rushes a nod to you in encouragement.
you push him away from you softly, “take your jacket off.” you move to your bed and after the sound of a jacket hitting the floor, you find him right on your feet, chasing your kiss and heat.
he leans over you and immediately finds your lips once more. now that he’s on top of you he finds himself wanting to get you to say how bad you want him.
his hands meet your thighs and move your dress as they run up to your rib cage before moving back down to squeeze your thighs.
matt’s surprised when you’re the one to involve your tongue in the mix, making the kiss sloppy yet intimate. your hand then crawls into his hair to keep him close.
but he doesn’t let you hold him for long, taking your hand from his hair and laying it against the bed, raising himself above you. “what do you want sweetheart?” he lowers his other hand towards your stomach, grazing your tattooed hip gently before feeling your underwear.
“you,” you respond in defeat and desperation.
“oh? and you want me to…?”
“matt. touch me,” you take your free hand and guide his own under the waistband of your underwear.
“but i thought you wanted to touch me? now you’re just bein’ selfish.” he keeps his hand close to your pussy, running his index finger across your lips kindly.
you look at him with droopy eyes, “please."
so matt lets you be selfish. he selfishly wants to taste you after all. he lowers himself to your face and captures your bottom lip once more, sucking then biting down slightly before moving his face further down your body slowly. your dress maintains its rippled shape in a bunch right where your tits lie.
he makes his way to your tattooed lower hip, still a little impressed with his execution of the cartoon (as it's not his typical style) and showing this with a kiss, then a light lick (making you shudder the tiniest bit). as he furthers, he finds the space on the bed is not enough, opting for the plush, carpeted floor.
matt sits on the back of his calves to watch how your body reacts when he pulls your panties down, only he misses the satisfied smile curling onto your face when you move your head to the the side.
he shifts your pliable legs to give him a better view of your heat's entirety, spreading your folds gently as he gathers spit in his mouth and spills it onto your clit. his eyes flicker from your face (choking on a moan) to the bead of saliva mixing with your natural slick that has him on edge. “that feel good?” he asks and moves his fingers up and down your pussy slowly, bumping your clit but not lingering long enough.
“yes...so good, matt,” you encourage in a broken whimper.
he hums, placing his mouth over your clit and sucking hard. you moan out lowly and you can't help but close your legs around matt's head. he normally would lay them flat again and tease you but he finds the pressure and dizziness turns him on so much more. his hands rest at your hips, moving up and down and your legs cradle his head as he works his mouth and tongue on you.
"mm fuck," you reach above your head to grip the soft colored comforter in your manicured hands. matt never falters, his licks only become needier when he adds two of his fingers to curl inside of you.
he continues his restless actions until the moment right before you have registered you were about to cum. then, he's immediately removing himself and standing up, wiping his face with one hand as the other hurries to unbuckle his chunky black belt.
you grumble and fix yourself to sit up and look at him, now discarding the belt into his own growing pile of clothes on your floor. he begins to unbutton his pants when he hears you whine and pull at his ego to get him to come back. “how fucking typical. should’ve known i'd barely get one orgasm, let alone two out if this.”
matt immediately stops unzipping his jeans and comes closer to stand above you, his face clearly annoyed. he gives your pussy a light slap, making you whimper. “keep talking shit, brat.” he grits through his teeth and slaps it again making a filthily wet sound that has you moaning.
he doesn't stop at that; he begins to harshly rub your clit back and forth without mercy, keeping eye contact as his face hovers your own, before moving his fingers inside of you while his thumb continues to work your clit. continuous loud moans crowd your room before you eventually meet your high with rolled eyes and shaking legs.
matt quickly pulls his fingers out and wipes them against your thigh leaving it sticky and shiny like golden honey. finally able to unzip and remove his jeans and boxers, allowing his needy cock to be free from the tightness. you move to the edge of your bed when you hear the small clap against his stomach, eager to find matt as ready for you as you are for him.
he watches from above as you admire his length while your fingers ghost over his sensitive dick. you then bring your mouth closer, dribbling spit over his tip and wrapping a fist around him. you look up into his hooded eyes for approval then take him in your mouth and jerk the rest of him with your hand.
he groans and bites his pink and undoubtedly swollen bottom lip as you suck and hollow your cheeks around him, even taking him all the way at some points. and though this feels fucking amazing, he wants nothing more than to be inside of you right now.
he holds the base of your neck then squeezes lightly to get you to pull away, spit erotically traveling with your lips. “can i fuck you now?” his voice is perfectly hushed yet demanding in tone.
you nod and matt wipes your lips, “good, take that dress off.” he removes his own shirt and reaches for a spare condom he’d put in his pocket before leaving the house (for no particular reason). he turns back to you, with your breasts now on display for him, ripping the package with his teeth.
you motion for him to give it to you and he complies. somehow even when you’re literally putting a condom over his dick, you’re a sweetheart about it: kissing it once he’s fully covered and turning yourself over onto all fours without him having to ask. because you understand yourself and have the confidence to choose the position you’d like to be fucked in. and matt would be lying if he said that isn't so fucking attractive.
he smirks as he adjusts himself on the bed, feeling out every inch of your full ass before moving his hands to squeeze your waist. you lay your head against the plush comforter, arching yourself further in anticipation. “matt,” you blubber out a whine.
he takes the base of his cock and guides it through your folds, “mhm…i know.” he sees your face twist in amusement, “oh, you like that, huh?”
you lick your lips and nod your head before matt finally pushes himself fully inside of you. his hips start in slow, rhythmic patterns before becoming uncontrolled and incomplete- and the same goes for your moans.
matt's almost hypnotized by the way your ass moves in reaction to his thrusts (slowing himself down just to watch in detail and only speeding up when you start to get really antsy over it).
as you both get sloppier and chase your highs, matt decides to flip you over and tuck your legs into your chest for a different angle. there's something especially needy in the way he rubs at your clit and makes a mess of your tits with his mouth that drives you insane with pleasure.
"my- shit!" you moan harshly under matt.
"hold it," he huffs.
"can't," you whimper, "just-"
"shhh," matt captures your lips as he quickens his pace, feeling his own climax approaching. after a few moments you're breaking the kiss to roll your head away, exposing your neck as you uncontrollably cum around matt.
"fuck," he moans, stilling his movements to maximize his release.
he takes a moment to breathe before removing himself from you, immediately fucking his fingers into you while rubbing your weak clit (just to be annoying) until you push him away and tell him to fuck off.
he lets out a chuckle as he removes the condom and discards it appropriately. when he comes back over to you you're on your side with your own arm wrapped around your waist in comfort.
matt sits next to you, "that good for you?"
you just nod and bite back a smile.
matt hums in pride, running a hand over your exposed ass before leaning down to kiss and suck a dark hickey into the skin.
"c'mere," you tug his hand.
he complies and you turn to open your legs for him once more, grinding a bit once the two of you begin to kiss again.
you reach between the two of you, taking matt's half-hard dick in your hand and stroking. as you pick up your pace he whines and begins to thrust into your hand in need.
until you hear your front door open. to which you push matt off of you and on to the floor, hearing him groan as you snap at him to get in your closet.
you crawl under your comforter while matt hurries to gather his things from your floor and get into your closet.
you hear andrea stumble a little making her way through the house and you catch your breath just as she knocks on your door and cracks it to check if you're sleeping.
"y/n, you awake?" she slurs a whisper.
"yes. hi drea, how'd you get home?"
she opens the door a little further but continues to lean on the door frame, "how did you get home? was lookin' all over like 'where's my girl?' everyone was usless though," she sighs.
"sorry, i took an uber," you giggle, "i got sleepy, i guess."
"mhm...you and me both." she yawns expectedly.
"you should get some sleep, we can talk in the morning, okay?" you smile from your bed.
andrea nods, "'kay, love you." she leaves with a sleepy smile.
"love you," you reply as she shuts the door again.
you let out a relieved breath, glad she hadn't suggested a sleepover like you'd both normally do when drunk.
matt walks out of your closet, almost fully clothed, buckling his belt again, "gave me fucking rug burn, thanks."
you move a hand over your face, "sorry- i just don't need anyone seeing you here."
"'s fine," he shrugs and takes a seat on your bed, "how long is it gonna take her to sleep so i can leave?"
"less than five minutes," you pick at one of your acrylic nails, seeing matt place his jacket on your bed makes you almost laugh to yourself, "shit, i left my jacket at erin's."
matt grins to himself and adds, "shit, i left my car at erin's," with a shake of his head.
you both laugh softly before it fizzles.
matt's back is towards you as he opens his phone to order another uber home. and now the silence brings you back into reality and suddenly you're feeling sick to your stomach about erin.
it takes you a little but you eventually mumble towards his back, "matt you didn’t fuck erin, right?"
"no," his voice sounds distracted and like he wouldn't care even if he did.
you focus on a loose thread in your comforter that you pick at, "...kay. not that it matters 'cause this was only for tonight. but i know i would probably die from guilt knowing i fucked with you after she did."
he turns to see you genuinely out of it and seeming to shelter yourself under your blanket. he leans towards you and rubs your arm softly before whispering, "don't make it a big fucking deal, nothing's different." his stare actually makes you feel far worse but you nod as if you agree anyway.
he stands up and puts his jacket on, “you sleep well okay, sunny?”
"shut the fuck up, you don't care about how i sleep," you whisper.
he breathes a laugh and reaches for your door.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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bruh-changbin · 7 months
think pink
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pairing: pink power ranger!hyunjin x afab reader
genre: smut, stupidity (minors dni)
warnings: oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), public sex kinda?, unprotected sex (be safe), creampie, tit sucking, alcohol consumption, very brief mention of female masturbation
word count: 8.2K
a/n: IM AT A CONCERT DRESSED AS SLUTTY LIGHTNING MCQUEEN RN WOOHOOOOOOO (this is a queued post). happy horny halloween mofos! very glad to be posting this fc bc i was supposed to post it last year and then just gave up LMAO so she's been a long time comin. pls give her some love i would really appreciate it!!! hope you all have/had a super safe sexy halloween!
october is overrated.
i mean sure, there is something undeniably cozy and heart-warming about crunchy leaves and pumpkin patches and all of the other shit that comes in the ‘fall aesthetic’ package. but the truth is that october is too windy, halloween is overhyped, and pumpkin spice tastes like ass.
and who wants to go to a halloween party where you can’t dress like a slut because of the wind chill? no one.
“you’re too negative.” jeongin sips his starbucks while keeping his eyes trained on the road, his left hand gripping the steering wheel of his beat up silver volkswagen jetta that he calls his baby, his pride and joy.
“i’m just telling it like it is,” you shift in the passenger seat to face him, “there is no need for so much hype around a mediocre holiday. what’s there to enjoy about getting violently drunk and stuffing your face with so much candy you feel sick?”
“listen y/n, i don’t know what your problem is but halloween is fun.” he appears to stop there, but then keeps going, “and i will not have your sour attitude ruin my favourite holiday.”
you just scoff and gaze out the window at all of the trees now bursting with shades of red, orange, yellow. 
as if sensing something was off from your previous conversation, jeongin breaks the silence “you’re still coming to jackson’s party though, right? i don’t wanna go alone…”
“you won’t be alone,” you counter, “seungmin will be there.”
jeongin groans, “but seungmin’s so boring at parties. all he does is complain about how bad alcohol tastes and try to talk to people about books and films. i don’t trust a bitch that says films instead of movies! they always think they’re better than everyone.”
“that’s not true, seungmin’s fun at parties!” albeit you do admit you’ve only been to one party with seungmin where he went buck wild and were later told that that is very uncharacteristic of him. 
jeongin’s expression turns sour, and you start to take pity on him.
“innie, i promised you i’d go to this party. when have i ever broken a promise? i’ll be there, alright?”
with that his face softens, and he goes back to his regular chatty self. 
“knowing jackson it’s gonna be even bigger and better than last year. and you know y/n, i’m pretty sure hyunjin’s going as well.”
your heart drops to your stomach at the mention of his name.
you try to act as nonchalant as possible, “why would i care if hyunjin’s there or not?”
“because you’re in love with him.”
“i am not in love with him.”
jeongin scoffs, “please, i see those googly eyes you make every time you see him - scratch that, everytime his name is mentioned. and you sucked his dick.”
“oh so the second you put a guys dick in your mouth you instantaneously fall in love with him?”
“okay fine! maybe you don’t love him but there’s something there, no denying it,” he pauses, and then adds, “and i for one think it’s something worth pursuing.”
leaning your face against the passenger side window, you sigh contemplatively, “that ship has sailed, my friend. at this point hyunjin probably doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
“i don’t know y/n, he still seems a little…. hung up on you,” jeongin attempts to reason with you, “why don’t you try talking to him?”
“what the fuck would i even say to him? hey hyunjin, everytime i think of you i get really really wet. could you please bend me over the nearest hard surface and fuck me so hard i can’t walk for a week???!!!!”
“so vulgar and for what.”
you roll your eyes, “shut up jeongin. if you want me to get with him so badly, maybe… i don’t know, help?” 
“no way. you two are adults, you can sort it out yourself.”
“gee, what would i do without you and your incessant outpour of advice jeongin?” you tease, since jeongin is inherently quite awful at offering meaningful advice. 
“i give good advice!!! you just never take it,” your best friend scowls as he drives through campus, pulling into a parking lot located in the midst of all of your school's buildings. 
“sure innie, whatever makes you feel better,” you grab your tote bag off of the floor of the passenger seat and step out of jeongin’s car. as soon as you’re outside a brisk gust of wind engulfs you, the chill making its way through your sweater and making you shudder; you should’ve worn a thicker jacket.
jeongin does the same as you, slamming the driver door shut before grabbing his own stuff from the backseat.
“i’ll see you in a couple hours, kay? text me when your class is done,” he states before heading off towards to library, his broad shoulders protected from the frigid fall weather with a thick wool sweater and a puffy black scarf. the heels of his boots scuff the pavement as he trudges away, pulling out his headphones as he prepares for a couple hours of studying.
you make out in the opposite direction of your friend, heading towards the building where your lecture hall is located. all around you students are dressed in jackets and thick sweaters, scarves donning their necks and leg warmers wrapped around their ankles. the grey sky makes everything appear dull, spare for the bright coloured leaves that have been blown off the trees and crunch under the weight of your boots when you step on them. 
soon you make it to your lecture hall, revelling in the warmth of being inside as you slowly close the doors behind you and making your way over to your (un)official seat. ever since the amount of people attending lecture every week started to decrease, you staked your claim on a seat in your favourite section of the room and refuse to sit elsewhere.
after a couple minutes of waiting your prof begins class, delving into lecture without a hitch as you attempt to scribble down notes. however, just as you’re about to get into the meat of today's class, your focus is broken when a late-comer yanks open the doors to the room with full force.
in walks hwang hyunjin, and a small part of you dies inside. 
as the metal door swings shut behind him with a dramatic bang! you lock eyes with him just for a second before his gaze is averted to your professor who he gives a small, apologetic smile to. 
in your head you’re screaming don’t you fucking dare hwang hyunjin as he walks closer and closer and closer to where you’re sitting in the sparsely populated lecture hall. you roll your eyes so hard your head hurts when hyunjin chooses the seat almost directly in front of you (just a little off to the side so it looks like it was a total accident - fuck you hwang).
of course you knew that hyunjin was in this class as well, but he’s usually on time and usually sits far away from you, at the back of the lecture hall. today he just feels like being an asshole, i guess. 
hyunjin’s weird. he’s weird because he had the hots for you during the sweltering summer months, when jeongin rented a beachside airbnb for a week and invited all of his close friends - including you and hyunjin. he’s weird because he always applied sunscreen on your back and helped you cut up watermelon and sat beside you during bonfires. he’s weird because when everyone else left to go to the pier he encouraged you to stay back and yanked on your hair while you sucked his dick, bit your bottom lip with his front teeth, and fucked you so hard you saw stars. 
he’s weird because he now pretends that the two of you have no history and fucks with you on purpose by shooting you flirty looks when he sees you at get togethers or on campus but does nothing more than that. he knows that you think about him, but does he think about you too?
staring at the back of his ebony-haired head, you can’t shake the image of hyunjin on top of you, his puffy bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he fucked you into his mattress, out of your head. the needy whines and groans he emitted when his cock was down your throat are ringing in your ears; you cross your legs under your desk in a pathetic attempt to ease the ache you feel in your cunt that you hate yourself for. come on brain, we cannot be horny during lecture! focus!!!
the next few hours drag on and on and on as you force yourself to keep your vision trained on either your notebook or your prof, resisting the urge to allow yourself to gaze upon the man who occupies your thoughts almost 24/7 (which is so not feminist of you btw). 
ergo, when your prof finishes lecture 20 minutes early, you heave a sigh of relief. great, now you can gtfo and go finger yourself in the bathroom before getting jeongin to drive you home. but of course, a certain someone decides to ruin your plans by turning around and leaning against your desk, his dark chocolate eyes staring down at you mischievously. 
“are you coming to jackson’s party?”
is he talking to you? 
“are you talking to me?”
hyunjin looks around while the few other students surrounding the two of you scramble to pack their bags, “i mean, who else would i be talking to.”
“i don’t know,” you shrug, “anyone but me i guess.”
god this is so awkward. gag me with a spoon.
“you didn’t answer my question.”
“hmm?” you pretend to busy yourself with the task of shoving your pencil case into your near empty school bag.
“jackson’s party? you coming? jeongin said you were.”
of course he fucking did. because jeongin just loves stirring the pot.
“oh, uh yeah. i’ll be there.”
“what are you going to dress up as?” hyunjin clearly does not see how much you want to end this conversation - or maybe he does, and he just likes seeing you squirm. bitch.
“i don’t know yet.”
“the party’s tomorrow… and you still don’t know what you’re gonna be?”
hyunjin’s lips curl into a subtle smirk and you know he’s just dying for you to ask him the same thing, so you do.
“what are you dressing up as, hwang?”
his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek as he swings his backpack over one shoulder, “i guess you’ll just have to find out.”
and with that, he leaves you alone in the lecture hall with your professor, your half-packed bag, and your soaked panties.
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・˙
back in jeongin’s jetta as he gives you a ride home, you complain about hyunjin.
“he’s fucking with me on purpose, i just know it. god! he’s such a…. just like a little…. WEASEL! he’s a fucking weasel.”
“come on y/n, he’s not that bad,” jeongin sticks up for hyunjin, who is also his friend, mind you.
all you do is wave him off, “you don’t know how it feels to be played by a man that beautiful, innie.” 
jeongin throws in the towel, and the two of you drive along the paved roads of your town in silence. as you continue to move along you soon find 
“that forest still gives me the creeps.”
”come on, you seriously still don’t believe in all of that ‘lost john’ bullshit, do you?”
lost john’s forest is somewhat of a fable in your town; folklore, if you will. for ages people have been passing around this story about how a tourist named john who was exploring the town wandered into that forest one day to never be seen again. there are some variations, of course. some people say that they’ve seen john out and about, or that john was actually a cult leader and if you go into the woods you’re bound to get sacrificed. no one knows if john actually ever existed, or if the story is just all horseshit used as a cautionary tale to keep kids out of the forest at night.
doesn’t make it any less creepy though.
you huff as you stare at the endless sea of trees you’re driving past, “it’s not that i actually believe in it, it’s just that those stories come from somewhere, you know?”
jeongin doesn’t seem to understand the point you’re trying to get across, “...so?”
“so there’s gotta be at least some truth to them, right? or else where did they come from?”
“i don’t know y/n, i think it’s all made up to scare kids.” 
the two of you sit in silence for a moment as you pass the last stretch of lost john’s forest before being surrounded by houses, apartment complexes and coffee shops once again. 
“hey, do you know what costume hyunjin’s wearing to the party?” 
as soon as the question passes your lips you regret it, and your regret increases tenfold when a devilish smirk makes its way onto jeongins face.
“oh! i thought you’d gotten over hyunjin, but here you are asking what he’s dressing up as for halloween. interesting!” 
“oh my god jeongin shut the fuck up!! it’s not like that, he was just being a twat when i asked him about it in lecture today,” you huff in annoyance over your friends antics. and for the record you’ve never said that you were over hyunjin, just that you aren’t in love with him. 
“sure y/n, whatever you need to tell yourself,” jeongin laughs, clearly thinking that he’s won this little scuffle, “you need to figure out a costume though.”
“ugh i know.” you scratch your head tentatively, “what are you going as?”
“a banana”
you can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips. is he for real?
“what’s so funny?” jeongin questions, his brow quirked. 
“really? a fucking banana?”
“what’s wrong with that?”
“it’s a dumb costume, that’s what’s wrong.”
“it’s not dumb y/n, you just have no taste.”
“oh i have plenty of taste - that’s how i can tell your costume is bad.”
“it’s not bad it’s just- why are you being such a bitch right now?”
“did you just call me a bitch??!”
“yes i did because you’re being one!!”
“okay well SORRY for telling you that your costume is STUPID!!!”
“oh yeah? well in that case good luck finding a way to jackson’s party because I’M NOT TAKING YOU ANYMORE!!!”
“FUCK YOU Y/N!!!!!”
in a fit of blind rage you grab your bag and shove you way out of jeongin’s car, a gust of wind ruffling your clothes as he speeds off as soon as you slam the door behind you. he is totally in the wrong here. you were just being a good friend, looking out for him by telling him that he’s setting himself up to look like a total idiot.
a squeal sounds behind you as jeongin floors it away from your house, the smell of burning rubber lingering around where his car was moments ago. what an aquarius you think to yourself as you head into your house, tossing your bag to the floor with a thump as soon as you’re inside. whatever, fuck jeongin! you’ll show him that you can have fun without him.
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・˙
“okay, what about this one?”
seungmin is in your bedroom for the first time ever. 
which is weird, since the two of you have been friends for some time now. but hey, he’s here now eating chocolate covered pretzels while perched on the corner of your bed helping you pick out a costume for jackson’s halloween party.
“it’s cute.”
“... just cute? anything else?”
“i don’t know, you look… nice?”
you heave a sigh of frustration, “you know seungmin you really suck at this.”
he raises his hands in defence, “sorry! i’ve never done this before, you’re my only female friend.”
“yea yea whatever,” you command him to stop speaking with a wave of your hand, eyes flitting back and forth between the two costume options you’ve spread out on your floor and the one currently donning your body.
“so the final contenders are olive from easy a, slutty michael myers, and…” you look down at your legs, which are clad in the same black latex stockings you wore for halloween last year, “a sexy nun.”
seungmin shakes his head, “don’t do the last one, that’s blasphemous.”
“okay… sexy nun is out. i’m thinking easy a, you?”
seungmin ponders for a moment, his eyes squinted as he gazes at both the easy a and slutty mike myers costumes splayed across your carpeted floor. 
“i second that, your boobs will look killer in a corset,” he eventually attests before shoving a couple more chocolate covered pretzels in his mouth. 
you playfully smack his shoulder, “see min! you are good at choosing outfits.”
he just smirks in response before dusting the pretzel crumbs on his fingers off on his pants. with your arms full of discarded garments you head over to your closet, putting the clothing items of the unchosen costumes back in their place.
“hey can i ask you a question?” seungmin quips from your bed, where he’s now made himself comfortable by lying down and scrolling through twitter. 
“shoot,” you say while hanging up your navy blue jumpsuit.
seungmin pauses his scrolling to ask, “how come you didn’t ask jeongin to help you with this? i mean, not that i don’t like helping you or anything, but you guys are like always together.”
ugh. jeongin. just hearing his name makes you 
“we got into an argument,” you explain, opting to foresee the fact that said argument was over a fucking halloween costume, “he’s being petty, and i don’t want anything to do with him at the moment. and he keeps getting ”
seungmins brows raise momentarily before he responds, “it seems to me that both of you are being petty. also what happened with hyunjin?”
shit. you totally forgot seungmin isn’t caught up on everything that’s gone down. it’s his fault in all honesty, always opting to stay home instead of hanging out. 
“uhhh it’s nothing,” you decide now isn’t the best time to get into everything, “but hey, you’re supposed to be on my side here!”
“i am!!! but why don’t we forget about your drama and watch….. coraline. capisce?”
coraline does sound nice, so you tug on your pyjama pants and join seungmin on your bed to indulge in a fitting movie. 
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・˙
today is halloween.
today is halloween and you’re dreading it.
seungmin slept over last night and the two of you have been lounging around all day in preparation for tonight, which you are not looking forward to, what with both hyunjin and jeongin being there.
neither you nor jeongin have reached out to the other, both too stupid to be the first one to text the other and apologise. whatever, he’s the one who was up your ass about coming to this party, you’re gonna prove that you don’t have to follow him around like a lost dog at every function.
when it comes time to get ready you blast deftones and the twilight soundtrack (much to seungmins dismay) while painting your face. when it comes time to get into your outfit you recruit seungmin to help, making him stand behind you and yank the ties on your lacy black corset. with each tug you can feel the boning hug your ribs and stomach tighter and tighter before the mere action of breathing is uncomfortable.
it’s just for a couple hours you remind yourself while pulling on your black mini skirt and grabbing a pair of black sunnies from your vanity. the glossy scarlet red ‘a’ that you hand stitched onto the left breast of your corset last night glints in the mirror as you examine yourself, perfectly content with the costume you managed to pull off in less than 24 hours.
“holy shit, how can you breathe in that thing?” seungmin says as he stares at you from the same place on your bed, seemingly taken aback by the resilience of your rib cage.
“it’s for fashion, min! this halloween is all about reprisal, and i wanna look damn good while doing it.”
“okay shakespeare,” he jests before grabbing his costume from where it’s laying on the floor. it takes him a mere minute to throw on his outfit, and you envy him for it.
once you’re finally sure that you’re ready you toss a few tequila shots back in your kitchen as seungmin watches, stating he doesn’t wanna get fucked up tonight (when does he ever) but relents when you ask him to do at least one shot to keep him warm on the walk over to jackson’s.
the bite of the night autumn air has you questioning if you even want to go when you step out onto your porch, the leather jacket you borrowed from seungmin hanging from your shivering shoulders. no, you can’t back down now. with a skip in your step you all but drag seungmin off of your porch, those tequila shots slowly but surely making their way through your system.
by now many of the trick or treaters that lined the streets earlier in the evening have retired to bed, leaving the rest of the holiday to be celebrated by the mature population. so, the roads are mainly empty as you walk down them, the pavement damp and shiny.
when you arrive at jackson’s place you take pity on his neighbours, for the music is so loud it seems as if it might trigger a small earthquake. a few scattered groups of people are on the lawn but most are inside, and you can see the party raging through the front windows. seungmin doesn’t say anything, just shoots you a knowing look before the two of you make your way inside.
immediately upon entering you’re almost ploughed over by a guy in one of those blow up t-rex costumes, who barely spares a look at you before running away and continuing to wreak havoc.
“i don’t think I’m drunk enough for this min, we should just go,” you turn to leave but to your surprise are stopped by seungmin.
“come on y/n, we’re already here. let’s just stay for a bit, ok?” he reasons, and you relent with a dramatic sigh.
out of the corner of your eye you catch of glimpse of someone waving to you; actually, waving to seungmin, motioning him to head over there. you see 3 guys, one in a red power ranger suit, another in a green and yet another in a pink. the puzzle in your brain slowly pieces together as you glance down at seungmins blue power ranger suit.
don’t tell me….
the 3 guys pull off their masks at the same time, and you’re met with the grinning faces of jeongin (red), hyunjin (pink), and their friend jisung (green). and just to add more salt on the wound, a boy name felix whom you’ve meet a handful of times shows up with his friends dressed in a yellow ranger suit. stupid! you should’ve know seungmin was a part of a group costume, who would dress up as a solo power ranger?
“why didn’t you tell me that you were doing a stupid group costume with jeongin and hyunjin!” you sock seungmin in the shoulder.
“i didn’t think it mattered!” he whines while rubbing the spot where you punched him.
“well it does, because now we have to spend the whole night with them,” you whine, although what you said isn’t necessarily true. you’re just salty because seungmin is supposed to be on your side in this whole debacle, and because jeongin decided to change his costume after your quarrel in his car the other day.
much to your dismay, seungmin wraps his bony fingers around your wrist and drags you towards the group of his friends, towards your doom. as soon and jeongin realizes you’re headed this way he departs, running up the stairs like the coward he is.
“seungmin! you made it!” jisung exclaims, clearly already a couple drinks in and clearly unable to sense the tension between you and everyone else.
“haha, yep!” seungmin answers sheepishly as you wrench your wrist free from his grasp. traitor!
you sulk as you listen to felix, seungmin and jisung talk about god knows what, probably video games or baseball or something stupid. it doesn’t help that you can overhear parts of hyunjins conversation with the girl that felix brought. thankfully, you’re blessed with the gift of being able to tune everything out if you so chose, so you stand there in silence and dream about going home.
it isn’t long until you can sense a looming presence beside you, and you snap out of your stupor to see hyunjin standing only a few feet away from you. the way his eyes scan the expanse of your body doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“so,” he starts, arms widespread in a clear gesture to his costume, “what do you think?”
“geez, and people say girls dress like sluts. you know i can see your whole dick print, right?” you taunt,
“nothing you haven’t seen before,” he sneers while his eyes scan the length of your body, hyper focusing on the red ‘a’ sewn into your corset, “what…. what are you?”
how uncultured!
“olive from easy a. you know, emma stone’s character?” you state matter of factly, arms folded across your chest.
“never seen it.”
“really?” you ask, genuinely shocked since hyunjin seems to love fun cult classics. and because he’s friends with seungmin, who's seen about every movie under the sun.
“really,” he reaches over and picks up his drink from where he left it on the counter, “off topic, but a couple people about to play truth or dare in one of the bedrooms upstairs, you should come. or don’t, i don’t care.”
and with that the boy dressed as the pink ranger turns on his heel and walks away, patting whoever was dressed in the yellow ranger costume on the back as a signal to hit the road.
truth or dare? for real? didn’t realise this was a high school party.
you make your way over to seungmin, who’s busy playing with the pop tab attached to the lid of his mikes hard lemonade. it’s clear he doesn’t really plan on talking to anyone else all night, and is only here because you dragged him and he had a duty to fulfil as a result of being part of a group costume.
“they’re about to play truth or dare upstairs min, can you believe that?” you scoff, feeling your cheeks warm up as a result of the alcohol you’ve consumed.
seungmin makes a noise of agreeance, his lip quirking upwards as he responds, “for real? that game is just so…. childish.”
both of you nod before looking at the floor, you drawing small circles with your feet and seungmin playing with his pop tab again.
“but it is kinda fun, you know?” seungmin speaks up first.
“no you’re right,” silence again, and then you add, “should we go join?”
all seungmin does is nod and pass you your drink before the two of you make your way upstairs, opening to the door to a bathroom and accidentally interrupting some kind of fuck session before finding the correct bedroom and slinking inside.
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・˙
a messy circle of people meets you when you enter, with everyone sitting on the floor or bed or chairs that were definitely stolen from the dining room. there aren't a ton of people, maybe 13 or so, but you seem to know everyone at least to a certain extent.
“nice costume, y/n,” jeongin practically emerges form the shadows to sneer at you, his voice laced with poison.
“thanks jeongin, it is a nice costume. what happened to you going as a banana? did you heed my advice and finally realise it was a stupid idea?”
all he does is scoff at this, choosing not to retort for the sake of looking like the bigger person.
“jeez, you guys are really pissed at each other, huh?” seungmin remarks while grabbing your wrist and dragging you away from jeongin in case you were about to reach up and slap him.
you don’t respond, but the sour look on your face says it all.
“alright guys, let’s get this started!” hyunjin announces to the room full of people, and all of the individual chatter dies down, “the game is truth or dare, as you all know, but we wanted to make it extra frightening for halloween. jeongin?”
jeongin stalks over to hyunjin, and you’re worried for what he has planned.
“if you do not fulfil your truth or dare, you will face a penalty. that penalty is doing a shot,” he takes a breath, “and showing the entire circle the last nude you sent.”
chaos. everyone erupts in anger at jeongin’s sick idea of a punishment.
“come on jeongin, that is so over the top,” one of the other girls in the room, chaeryeong, shouts above everyone else.
all jeongin does is raise his arms in a shrug, clearly loving playing the villain. ugh, you’re so over him.
“rules are rules you guys! we want to make sure people are following through on their dares! or truths, of course.”
he does have a point there, but still, his rules are a bit excessive.
the room quiets down and a few people decide to get up and leave, opting to not take the risk of exposing themselves if they get stuck with a particularly damning truth or dare.
“great, lets get this show on the road then,” jeongin acts as the ringleader and gets everyone settled, “who wants to go first?”
“me! i wanna go!” jeongins friend felix, the yellow ranger, throws his hand in the air.
“ok felix, truth or dare?”
the rest of the party can be heard as the room falls silent to let felix think, allowing him time to ponder since he was the first to volunteer.
“i’ll go dare,” he finally announces, and a chorus of ooooo’s sound as everyone waits to hear what felix has in store for him.
“i dare you,” jeongin ponders, trying to come up with something juicy and exciting, “to give us your best strip tease!”
everyone shrieks and felix hangs his head in embarrassment before standing up, clearly not backing down from the challenge. someone turns on pony by ginuwine and everyone shrieks even louder as felix starts doing his best strip tease, filled with body rolls and thigh grabbing as he peels the top part of his yellow power ranger costume off, exposing his defined abs and smooth back in the process.
after a couple minutes everyone agrees that he’s done enough and he pulls his costume back one before plopping back down in his seat, his cheeks and ears a bright cherry red. nevertheless, a triumphant smile is plastered on his face as everyone cheers for him having successfully completed the first dare.
the game continues without a hitch; chaeryeong confesses that her first wet dream was about hiccup from how to train your dragon, seungmin has to do a blowjob shot from between felix’s legs (you almost thought he was going to accept the penalty), and you find out that the weirdest place jisung has had sex was in a mcdonald’s bathroom.
suddenly jeongin locks eyes with you and you, knowing that he’s probably had one too many drinks at this point, feel a sense of dread settle in the pit of your stomach.
“y/n! your turn, truth or dare.”
you know that whatever you choose it’s gonna be bad, so you opt to bite the bullet and just go for it.
“uhhhhhh ok, dare.”
in that moment it looks as if jeongin has quite literally embodied the devil himself and you know that you’ve chosen wrong. all you can do is brace yourself for whatever dare he’s about to challenge you to - which you’ll have to fulfill for the sake of not looking like a loser.
“i dare you,” he smiles, “to spend 10 minutes exploring lost john’s forest.”
the room goes silent.
no fucking way. does he want you to die???!!
seungmin comes to your rescue, “come on jeongin, that's a little too intense for a game, don’t you think?”
“a dare is a dare! if y/n doesn’t want to do it she’ll just have to face the penalty instead.”
everyone continues to look around the room tentatively, waiting to see what happens next. most gazes are fixed on you, eyes with with worry and excitement, but some stare at jeongin.
“come on, do you guys seriously still believe in all of those bullshit urban legends? that stuff is just for kids, we’re all adults now!” jeongin speaks up and sips his beer as if to further prove his point.
“regardless of if those rumours are true or not, don’t you think it’s unsafe for y/n to be out in a forest this late at night? you know, alone?” this comes from hyunjin, and you’re surprised he’s sticking up for you.
only after hyunjin’s comment do you see jeongin’s tough guy facade start to waver, but he holds his ground, “y/n’s a big girl, she can speak for herself.”
suddenly everyone’s gaze is on you. dear god, why on earth did you come to this party??
“you know what, fine. fiiiine!!!! i’ll do it,” you declare as you stand up, adjusting your skirt that had shifted in place while you were seated. jeongin’s face deadpans, and that alone is enough to give you the courage
“wait, how will we know if she actually goes to lost john’s forest though? what if she just waits outside and then comes back in 10 minutes later?” jisung quips, and you’re tempted to reach out and slap him across the face. bitch.
“that’s a good point,” jeongin pauses to think, “ok fine, someone should go with her to make sur-”
“i’ll go,” hyunjin volunteers before standing up a little too quickly, which is evident in the way he wobbles slightly before catching his balance.
jeongin’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull at this; it’s clear he wants you to have the worst night ever, meaning being alone in a forest with a guy you have the hots for is strictly off the table “wait no, someone else should go.”
“why? i’m fully capable of escorting y/n to and from lost john’s to make sure nothing bad happens. besides, does anyone else want to volunteer as an escort?” hyunjin retorts before waiting expectantly.
the circle of people sit there, unmoving. after a few seconds seungmin slowly moves to raise his hand but a dirty scowl from hyunjin makes him freeze.
“right then, it’s settled. let’s go y/n” he states while grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the door of the bedroom you’re in.
you look back at jeongin over your shoulder, who clearly isn’t pleased. all you do is shoot him a cheeky half smile before following hyunjin out the room, down the stairs and into the night.
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・
standing at the edge of lost johns forest, you think you might pass out.
but you neglect to tell hyunjin that.
“you ready?” he asks while shooting you a comforting look, his words have no trace of teasing or mockery.
you look at the vast expanse of trees in front you. it looks as if it stretches on forever and ever, and you gulp as you think of all the possible things that could be inside, waiting for you and hyunjin to enter before striking.
that being said, you’d rather do this with him than do it alone.
“let’s just get this over with. the sooner we’re done here the sooner we’ll get back and I can strangle jeongin.”
hyunjin laughs before offering you his hand, which you take and pray that he doesn’t care about how shaky you are.
making sure to take note of the time on your phone you head into the forest, feeling twigs and leaves snap and crunch under your feet. the exposed skin on your legs stings as a cold gust of wind blows, the trees offering minimal protection.
“you know if you ignore all of the creepy stories about this place, it’s actually quite nice. so quiet…” hyunjin aloud.
“if you’re trying to make me feel better, it’s not working.”
a branch snaps, an owl hoots, you exhale shakily. it’s dark, but the scarcity of leaves still attached to their trees allows for just enough moonlight to seep through the spindly branches. soon enough, the two of you stumble upon a small-ish clearing, opting to stay there as opposed to trekking further and getting lost.
“jesus I hate this, how long has it been?” you ask hyunjin while rubbing your arms in an attempt to wake them up.
“it’s been…. 2 minutes.”
that’s it. this is the worst experience of your life. you are actually going to kill jeongin.
“come on y/n, it’s not that bad in here. at least you have me!” hyunjin tries to comfort you, but you can tell that he’s nervous just like you are.
“please, as if you’d be able to protect me from anything,” you tease, but when hyunjin doesn’t bite back you worry that you’ve struck a nerve, “i am glad you’re here with me, though.”
“i would’ve volunteered to go with anyone, honestly.”
a small smile creeps it’s way onto your face at this, and not matter how hard you try you can’t wipe it off.
“sooo you volunteered to go with me because…?”
“because i have…… feelings….” he looks at you, and then looks at the ground, “for you….”
the word that comes to mind upon hearing hyunjins confession is satisfying. satisfying because you’ve known that he’s had feelings for you since the summer, he’s just a shithead. so, you feel satisfied.
“and i know it’s probably unfair for me to say this but i can’t stop thinking about you and i know that this is also the absolute worst place to confess but-“
he doesn’t say anything after that.
he doesn’t say anything because you press your pout against his, breathing in his scent as he kisses you back.
no words need to be exchanged as you briefly pull away before going in for more, hyunjins lips your absolute favourite drug that you crave day and night. a groan escapes hyunjins mouth and he moves to wrap his hand around the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in and tugging on your hair as he pushes you yo against a nearby tree.
with your head tilted to the side you weasel your tongue past his slippery teeth and into his mouth, sliding against his own. both of you parrot each others moans of desire as your hands explore the expanse of hyunjins back and shoulders.
you feel so cold when he pulls away from you, like your only source of heat has been ripped away from you eternally. when you pry your eyes open, not before a dissatisfied huff passes your lips, you see hyunjin descending.
it appears as if he sinks to his knees in slo-mo, eyes never leaving yours as he kisses his way from your knee to the inside of your thigh. with deft fingers he reaches under your skirt and hooks the waistband of your panties around his fingers before dragging them down your legs and tossing them to the side, soon to be forgotten.
“hyunjin,” you breathe, voice already shaky as you anticipate what’s to come (you). he doesn’t say anything, just grabs your right calf and swings your leg over his shoulder, his face now a mere few inches away from your pussy. it feels as if you’re on display for his eyes only, forced to watch as he sucks and nips at your thighs while leaving dark bruises and bite marks in his wake. slowly be surely he inches closer to the place where you want- no, need him most.
when the tip of his wet, pink tongue drags through your cunt your breath catches in your throat. he continues to offer only feeble kitten licks, and soon enough it has you craving more and more, his actions not enough to fulfil the growing desire you can feel boiling inside of you.
with outstretched fingers you reach out and grip a fistful of his raven hair, pulling on it and all but shoving his face impossibly closer to your wet, hot pussy. the tip of his nose nudges your clit, and the one leg that you’re balanced on almost buckles.
“you taste so good, honey,” hyunjin confesses while lazily dragging his fat tongue through your pussy, “sweet like candy.”
“ ‘s just for you, hyun,” your heads rolls back between your shoulders, resting on the tree behind you. for the moment you elect to forget where you are, focusing on the cute boy between your legs instead of the darkness of the surrounding forest that threatens to swallow you whole.
hyunjin cycles between sucking at your clit and teasing your hole with his tongue, a combo which, although has you seeing stars, is not enough to bring you to release.
“more, jinnie,” you plea, the pet name rumbling past your lips before you can catch yourself.
“you need more, baby?” hyunjin coos while gazing up at you, his eyes foggy and plump lips swollen and glossy. the hand of his that’s been laying dormant on your thigh moves to cup your pussy, groping you before he slides his index and middle fingers through your folds.
in one deft movement he slips his digits inside of you, his tongue poking and flicking your clit at the same time. your needy whines grow louder and echo around you, the goosebumps on your skin now from arousal and not from the cold.
hyunjin continues to finger you at a relaxed pace, his mouth traversing between stimulating your aching clit and nipping at the sensitive skin of your upper thigh. his eyes never leave yours however, and you feel as if you might slip and fall into his gaze, unable to escape.
“one more?” god you sound pathetic, but you don’t care at this point, “please?”
wordlessly, hyunjin slips his ring finger into your cunt. the stretch is subtle but has you yearning for your sweet release. the grip you have on his hair tightens, and you rock your hips against his face to help bring yourself closer and closer to your orgasm. the moans that leave his mouth in response to you tugging on the roots of his hair vibrate through your core, leaving you a stuttering, whiny mess above him.
“jinnie, I think i’m gonna-“ a desperate moan escapes you when hyunjin wraps his lips around your sensitive bud once more, sucking in tandem with the thrusts of his fingers.
over the volume of your own moans and the howl of the wind you can hear the squelching of your wet pussy as hyunjin finger bangs you until you cum all over his hand, his palm and chin sticky with your juices.
your heart drums in your chest as you slowly come back to earth, the warm body between your legs now gone and standing in front of you.
hyunjin looks as if he wants to eat you, swallow you whole, with hair a mess and cheeks splotchy and pink. through his costume you can see he’s hard, his cock begging to be released from the fabric prison it’s confined to.
he kisses you again and you can taste yourself on his tongue, fighting off any embarrassment you feel with the justification that getting your pussy devoured by him felt so fucking good.
your tongue slots against hyunjins inside of his mouth, and you feel him move to push his pants and briefs down to allow his cock to spring free. his sticky warmth mouth is pulled from yours and you watch as he pumps his dick several times to get himself fully hard.
his cock is long and veiny with a slight curve that has you practically drooling all over his feet. of course you’ve seen it before, but it’s been so long and you’ve thought about it so much.
his tip is a dark shade of pink as he moves to drag it through your cunt, allowing it to kiss your still sensitive clit which sends a jolt through your body. not wanting to waste any time, hyunjin wraps the same leg that was sling over his should a few moments ago around his waist. with one hand grubbing your thigh and the other gripping the base of his cock, he slowly sinks into you, allow you to feel every inch of his aching shaft.
“oh god, hyunjin,” you cry, feeling so full after months and months of feeling so empty. hyunjin breathes through his nostrils, attempting to control himself as he bottoms out in your tight hot pussy.
the bark of the tree that you’re pinned up against scratches and digs at the skin of your shoulders and upper back but you’re too drunk on hyunjin to care. all you care about is his cock that’s fucking into you, his tongue that’s tracing your jawline, his curious hand that reaches into your corset and pulls out your breasts.
his mouth makes its way from your neck down to your chest, where he deftly takes your left nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before giving the same treatment to the other.
your legs cramp as you spread them apart as far as possible given your current position, doing your best to accommodate hyunjins dancer hips. his hips that move so fluidly against you, rolling upwards and grinding against your cunt with each thrust.
every time hyunjins tongue rolls across your tit you can feel it in your core contributing to the small fire that’s growing with every move he makes. one of your hands finds purchase in his hair again and the other finding stability by gripping his shoulder,
“jinnie, hngh-“ you stutter and whine embarrassingly, thankful for the fact that there’s no one around to hear how desperate you are. hyunjins pace picks up and he pumps his cock into you faster, harder, deeper. your limbs turn to jelly as he fucks you with no restraint.
“fuck y/n, I’m so close,” is all he can pant after pulling himself off of your tits, the hair at the base of his neck damp with sweat despite how cold it is outside. the walls of your pussy flutter around his cock as you’re on the brink of your orgasm, waiting to feel your release wash over you.
it only takes a few more thrusts to send you spiralling, creaming all over hyunjins cock as he finishes inside of you. his cum feels hot and heavy inside of you and it warms you to the core on this cold fall night.
the heat you feel in your cunt slowly begins to wane, and you whimper when hyunjin pulls his now soft cock from your hole that’s dripping with his cum; some of it sticks to your thighs.
with a chaste kiss to your lips hyunjin pulls away, fixing himself up before helping you adjust your corset and reaching down to grab your phone that had fallen to the forest floor.
the blue screen almost blinds you when you turn it on, and you’re met with several missed texts from jeongin.
[12:55] jeongin: okay y/n it’s been like 15 minutes you guys can come back now
[1:03] jeongin: seriously y/n it’s been a while, people are starting to worry
[1:04] jeongin: not me of course, but other peopl
[1:16] jeongin: ok y/n this isn’t funny anymore, i get that you’re pissed at me but seriously you guys need to come back
[1:19] jeongin: unless…. the lost john legends are true
[1:19] jeongin: oh god
“this shithead,” you mutter, opting to leave him on read for now
you glance at hyunjin, who’s standing there awkwardly, looking at the moon through the branches of the trees.
“do you wanna come back to my place? i don’t really feel like going back to the party,” he says in a way that seems like he’s bracing himself for you to say no, “we can watch easy a? you know, since i’ve never seen it.”
you stretch out your hand, encouraging him to take it.
“yea, I’d like that,” you say before the two of you make your way out of the forest before strolling down the street under the yellow glow of the moon
.・:*◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ ҉ ◥▅◤☾*:・
a/n: apologies if the smut seems rushed I wrote it on a bus lol
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
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summary: you act out in retaliation to something onyankopon did, earning yourself a long night of punishment…
cw: spanking ( not a whole lot), cursing, written with a black reader in mind.
word count: 5k (plss i didn’t even realize it was so long😭)
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you were pissed. it has been a good week and a half since you’ve last had your guts rearranged. you’re boyfriend onyakopon had been working nonstop making drops and it’s been starting to become irritating how lonely he’s left you. as you laid bored in you and ony’s shared bed, you decided that enough was enough and called your man.
the phone only rang about two times before you heard his deep voice transfer through the speakers. “yea mama?”. it was already hard for you to continue being mad at him but you stayed strong and carried on with your message. “hey pa. i miss you sooooo much.“ you can tell he was smiling through the phone when he replied “i miss you more beautiful. i’ll be home late tonight so don’t stay up waiting for me aii?”. hearing these words caused you to roll your eyes and develop a nasty attitude. “you cannot be for real right now. it’s been so fucking long since i’ve gotten to touch you and you keep on throwing me to the side for some wack ass work.” your irritation began to spread to your lover as he listened to how rude your mouth was right now.
“yo watch your mouth for real bro.” onyankopon commanded. his voice was starting to get you worked up, but giving in wasn’t an option tonight. thinking of all the other times he’s left you all alone until late into the night made you realize that he doesn’t deserve your kindness at all.
”NO. it’s not fair how work gets more attention than me. and i’m not your fucking bro so chill wit that shit.”
onyankopon grips his phone. trying to calmly get through to you. he’s always been pretty patient when it came to you since he knew how sensitive you can be, but tonight you were pushing it. “nah you the one that need to chill. you know damn well all this working i’m doing right now is to keep your little ass happy.”
“i don’t need you to always buy me stuff for me to be happy i just need you to be here”. as onyankopon registered your words he began to feel remorse for how you’re feeling. “i’m sorry mama. i know i’ve been neglecting you a little bit. just one more night and ima be all yours. ima cut back on my work i swear aii?”
listening to your man talk it was becoming harder to stay upset so you decided it’d be better for you to just drop it. “okay boo thank you for listening. and im sorry for cussing at you i didn’t mean to be rude. i was just frustrated and a little lonely.”
“i understand ma it’s all good. i gotta get back to work though so ima see you later. i love you.”
“i love you more baby. byeeee.” as the two of you hung up the phone you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. you were a little disappointed in yourself for not being able to stay mad, but being on good terms with your man was always better than being at each others throats all the time. especially when you and onyankopon know that you can barley take him when he’s angry…
as you sat around in your room you were beginning to feel bored again so you decided to call your good best friend sasha. you and sasha met through connie since you usually bought from him and eren. that was until you met up with eren connie and sasha to hotbox in connie’s car. as you snuck out of your moms house to smoke with your friends you approached the car and was stopped dead in your tracks when you seen onyankopon sitting in the back seat wit eren. “you gon keep staring all shy and shit or you gon come sit ma”. as if you were possessed you moved almost instantly to sit down next to the fine ass darkskin man in the car. ever since then the two of you were inseparable and eventually started fucking on the low until you were one day surprised with a beautiful beach dinner, a promise ring, and a card that read “will you be mine?” in onyankopon’s handwriting. while reminiscing on how you and your man met you were interrupted by a loud voice.
“bitch how you gon call me and sit in silence. please don’t tell me you and ony over there fucking and that you called by accident.” you laughed as you picked up your phone to show your empty room. “girl please i’m all alone in this mothafucka. ian seen ony in about seven years.” your words caused sasha to laugh out loud as you rolled your eyes.
“yea whatever girl what you up too?”
“i’m laying in my bed bored as shit waiting for my man to come home”
“good then get the fuck up and come shake some ass wit me”
you scrunched up your face in confusion as you thought about your friends words until you came to an exciting realization
“awww shit i forgot jean and marco were throwing that partyyyy. yea we definitely out to that shit.”
“yea bitch get your baddest fit on quick before that shit get two packed. we gotta be the baddest heffas on the flo to remind bitches that we can’t be fucked wit.”
you laugh as you nod your head in agreement. after a couple more minutes of catching up with sasha you both decide to get ready while on the phone to give each other tips on your outfits.
“we look goooood”
“yea we really doooo. lemme text ony and let him know i’m leaving the house. i don’t wanna get my shit beat in for being home late without saying anything.”
sasha laughed at your statement but quickly stopped smiling a made a stank face when connie entered the frame.
“hey y/n how you been girlllll” connie says in his best girl voice making you laugh.
“hey connn i’ve been good.”
“i’m glad you understand the value of communicating wit your man. this one girl i know never do that shit and always end up getting HER back blown out.”
you immediately knew who this “girl” was and looked at sasha with wide eyes and a smirk.
you can tell that sasha was getting a little embarrassed as she pushed connie out of the camera “yeaaa that’s enough. we coming to get you girl see you in ten”
you say your goodbyes as you hang up the phone and make final touches to your makeup. you decided on wearing a long sleeve brown square neck crop top with your tight black flare pants. you had just gotten your toes done a couple days prior so you decided to wear some brown fuzzy slides to go with the shirt. you usually didn’t have to bring a purse with you to these parties since ony would hold your stuff, but since he won’t be there you decided to bring your mini black leather telfar to hold your lip gloss phone and taser (which your man bought you just incase he wasn’t around to beat niggas up for you). you wore your hair naturally in a curly half up half down. looking at yourself in the mirror you decided to take a couple pictures before hearing the loud ass horn from connie’s car. before you walk outside you make sure all of the doors are locked just incase. knowing onyankopon would be pissed if he came home and seen anything unlocked. you hopped in the back of connie’s black charger only to see sasha back there too.
“what you doing back here? connie what did you do?” before connie gets the chance to speak he is quickly interrupted by sasha. “i gotta tell you sum. connie told me not to but i’m telling you anyways bc you my fav bitch and i can never lie to you.” your face began to contort in confusion as you slowly entered the car “what’s going on boo. what you gotta tell me?” you can tell she was nervous as she fiddled with the strap on her purse. refusing to make eye contact with you “ony is at the party right now. he was never working late. eren been in his ear telling him to go get loose and ‘get from up under’ you.“
you stared blankly at her as you began to try to piece her words together “how do you know this?”
“i saw it all in their group chat on connie’s phone. he’s there right now with eren.”
your blood started to boil with anger as you sat quietly in the car. how could he lie to you like this? he was the main one preaching communication and this is what he does? absolutely not. you leaned back in your seat as you started to develop a plan in your head. “don’t even worry about it girl i got sum for his ass”
you can see connie in the drivers seat shaking his head. contemplating whether or not he should say anything. eventually deciding to try to get through to you. “y/n-“
“ion wanna hear nun. what’s done is done. he lied and i am well within my rights to react however i want.” as the three of you approached the house the party was being held at you turned towards sasha and pointed to your phone. signaling for her to keep an eye out for the text you were about to send.
‘do you remember what he was saying in the messages?’
‘not much but i know eren was all up in there’s telling him he need to get loose and when ony said he was gon tell you about the party he was the main one saying no and how you don’t have to find out’
‘wowwww bet’
‘what you about to do?’
‘if he can do whatever he want without letting me know ima do whatever tf i want regardless if he see or not. since he too pussy to get from up under his little friends he better keep that same quiet energy when he see me wit another nigga’
your best friend smiled at you as she began typing away at her phone
‘ohhh shit he about to be sickkkk.’
as connie went to park the car you told him to drop you and sasha off at the door. instead of objecting he decided to take the smart route and let the two of you out before he got cursed out by sasha for the second time that night. the two of you walked into the party and were immediately hit with the scent of weed and liquor. not thinking of what you were doing you decided to walk right to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink. as you poured yourself a heavy cup of whatever mixture was made in the large bowl you looked around the party trying to find the eyes of your no good lying ass boyfriend. without realizing you started to feel your hands get wet from your over-poured cup of alcohol. “woah shawty calm down. theres plenty more in there for you to get a second cup later.” as you turn around to see where this unfamiliar voice was coming from you end up locking eyes with none other than the person you feel is the cause of this distressful situation. eren fucking jeager. everyone including you knew that eren had a way of getting in peoples ear about shit to get them to do crazy stuff but you’d never thought he’d do it to your ony. but he can’t be the only one to blame. onyankopon was a grown ass man and theres no way that he would agree to do something like this if he truly didn’t want to. after softly shaking yourself out of your thoughts you stopped staring and turned to the person who was talking to you. he was tall with a cute smile, not as cute as your man’s but cute enough to flirt with.
“yea you right. im in my own little world right now so ian paying attention for real” you say with the cutest giggle you can muster.
“its all good sexy. you here wit anybody or can i have you to myself tonight?” his eagerness made you cringe on the inside but in order for your plan to work you needed him.“its just me and my girl sasha” you say while pointing to the clearly aggravated girl on the other side of the kitchen island. “damn what happened to her. I got friends here wit me if she don't wanna be alone”
as if right on time connie comes walking over to comfort sasha. as the boy continued talking your ear off about god knows what you looked around to see where onyankopon was. finally spotting him smoking in the backyard with eren and jean. you turn towards your plaything
“they’re playing my favorite song out there lets go dance.” you command excited as you nodded your head towards the door to the backyard. “yea whatever you want mamas.” he grumbled as he let you lead him outside. you noticed he wasn’t ever really listening to anything you were saying as he just stared as your ass while you walked in front of him. rolling your eyes you continue walking right past onyankopon and his friends not giving them a second glance. you heard all conversation in his area come to a complete stop which made you smile. walking through the other dancing bodies on the grass you made your way to the middle as you started to move your body to the beat of Ku Lo Sa by Oxlade. you let the guy touch all over you as the both of you moved to the rhythm. you were surprised with how well he was keeping up with you as the two of you danced with each other. as the song came to an end and the next one began you felt a soft tug on your arm. after turning around fully you were met with a hard chest under a black t shirt. you notice the familiar gold chain with your name on it immediately signaling to you that it was none other than your no good lying ass boyfriend pulling you towards him.“the fuck you doin here? and who the fuck is this nigga?” hearing his aggressive words you grew even more irritated. but clearly they scared the guy you were with since when you turned around he was nowhere to be found. you sigh. irritated as you turn back towards onyankopon. “what am i doing here? no nigga what the fuck are YOU doing here. you told me you were working and this don’t look like work bitch. you lied to me ony and now im done wit you. go find another bitch to lie to because im not the one.” saying these words out loud caused people to start staring at you which made you storm off into the house with your boyfriend hot on your heals. grabbing your arm again with more force he yanks your body back around and begins raising his voice. “chill wit that bitch word for i really get mad. im not saying you can’t be upset wit me because i know what i did was wrong. but what you not about to do is call me out my name and try to leave me, because im not going for that. we can either talk or fuck it out but you leaving me is not an option.”
“well im leaving you. i refuse to be wit a pussy nigga that don’t have enough respect for his girlfriend to keep his friends out his ear about what he should be doing. now if you’ll excuse me i got my new man waiting on me outside” you say with a big smirk or your face shoving onyankopon out the way. as you were walking away feeling like the baddest bitch in the world you suddenly see everything move around quickly as you are lifted off the ground and thrown over your boyfriends shoulder. you yelled “get off me nigga we not together anymore” to irritate him further which earned you a hard slap to your ass as you’re walked out of the party and into the driveway. as the both of you approached his car you were suddenly put down.
“get in the back now.”
you were going to say “no” but you decided to just get in to prevent yourself from further embarrassment since people were starting to come outside to see what all the commotion was. onyankopon watches you get in before finally entering the driver's seat. after pulling out the driveway he quickly drove the two of you away from the party.
while on your way home onyankopon felt that it was a great time to said his peace. “listen… i feel real bad about lying to you okay? theres no excuse for it and i know better than to be agreeing with anything eren say to me. im very very very sorry mama.” as he spoke you decided to look out the window and try to keep your mind off of the wack ass apology you were receiving. “I see you through the mirror baby can you please be respectful and look at me while im talking to you?” rolling your eyes you brush off what was said. “can you be respectful and NOT lie to the woman you claim to love? seems like you can’t”. his eyes widened at your words and he began growing aggravated. Raising his voice he replies “don’t be sayin that ma you know damn well i love you.”
“clearly not enough to be truthful. but since you such a follower maybe i been fucking wit the wrong nigga. maybe i should be trying to fuck wit the leader. i know eren known for being a player and all but if this pussy changed you one can only imagine what it’d do to him.”
locking eyes with him in the mirror you noticed how his began to sadden making you instantly regret your words. “m’ sorry i didn’t mean that”. you mumbled on deaf ears as onyankopon continued to drive the both of you home.
“daddy i said i didn’t mean it okay?”
“don’t ‘daddy’ me now. you wanna go there wit me then ima show you wassup when we get in the house.”
his calm demeanor put fear in your heart. knowing that you were done for when y’all were now approaching your driveway. as he finished parking the car onyankopon begins lighting himself a blunt. “gon head inside y/n and make sure you stripped and in that bed by the time i get to the room.” the way he said your name gave you chills as you got out the car and made your way inside. feeling scared as ever you did as you were told feeling that you’ve done enough damage. you first removed your makeup knowing that if you kept any of it on it’d be running down your face soon. then you removed your clothes leaving you in your bed fully naked. you waited fifteen long minutes for your man to come in. during them you thought about your actions and began to think of an apology. you realized that even though your ony lied to you he never went around any other girls and was only really at that party to connect with his friends. his friends that he probably also hasn’t gotten to talk to as well due to his constant work. not to make excuses for him but knowing how you are he probably felt that it was a lose-lose situation given that you’d be mad if he said he wanted to hang out with friends instead anyways. being in your own head caused some tears to fall as you thought about how wrong you tried to handle the situation. letting another man touch on you as the man you loved watched and then bringing up one of his close friends to get at him upset made you feel so ashamed. while you continued to beat yourself up about your fucked up actions you hear the door to your shared room open. as onyankopon entered the room he glanced at you, noticing the tears in your eyes and all over your pretty face.
“whats wrong mama?”
hearing how gentle his voice was despite how angry he should be made you feel even worse about your what you did. as you opened your mouth to respond, a broken sob escaped from your mouth. your man rushes to your aid as if nothing that happened mattered other than your wellbeing. wrapping his arms around you onyankopon began to comfort you “don’t cry baby. everything’s alright. i know you didn’t mean it”
as you calmed down you slowed your breathing you got the courage to reply, “i-im so s-sorry ony. i didn’t mean to act up like that. i p-promise i never do that againnn”
all you could do was keep crying into his arms after you got your apology off your chest. your kindhearted boyfriend lifts you up and placed you in his lap while you cried to him. rubbing your back and hugging you tight to keep you feeling safe. eventually he got you to completely calm and relaxed causing you to begin dozing off. after gently shaking you awake, you look up at your lover.
“I forgive you mama, but you still need a punishment. gon head and arch ya shit for me”. you sit up in confusion as you watch your boyfriend get off the bed and start ridding himself of his shirt and sweats. “what do you mean? you said you forgive me.” you protest with a frown
“i do forgive you sweetheart but it don’t take away from the fact that you disrespected me in front of all those people and claimed you wanted to fuck on my friend in the car”
“but pa-”
“ass up pretty. if i have to tell you a third time ima really fuck your shit up.”
deciding that it’d be better if you just did what you were told you got into the backshot position and made the deepest arch you could to hopefully satisfy your clearly still upset boyfriend.
“rules and colors baby” he mumbled while kneading and rubbing on your ass. too caught up in the pleasure of his touch you were brought back to reality after hearing a hard smack with a hot stinging pain in your left cheek to follow. you moan into your silk sheets as your pussy began to soak from the contact.
“you hear daddy talking to you?”
“n-no running, no to-touching, no cumming without d-daddy’s permission.” hearing how well you listened brought a smirk to onyankopon’s face as he continued to rub on your body.
“and your colors?”
“green,yellow, a-and red. and my safeword is cookie”
onyankopon’s eyes widened at the way you went above what was asked of you to please him. ‘damn she must really want forgiveness’ was the first thought to come to his mind after hearing how much of a good girl you were being. this made him almost feel bad for what he was about to do. but almost wasn’t enough. spreading you open onyankopon noticed how wet you already were all from getting spanked once. “no prep tonight ma”. onyankopon began lining himself up with your entrance and thrusted forward roughly. “fuckkk daddyyyy”. his roughness caused you to curse out loud, earning you another hard slap to your ass. “watch your mouth. you want me to go deeper?” you never understood why your boyfriend was so against you cursing, but you didn’t get the chance to dwell on it as he began to thrust harder and deeper into you. hitting all your favorite spots that you’d never be able to reach on your own. even when you were getting your back blown out you still kept your arch real deep which surprised your man. “you taking me so well mama. you tryna make me nut fast?” hearing him talking in your ear so deep made it really hard for you not to cum quick without permission. “im so so so sorry for reaaaaal”. you heard him chuckle behind you as he continued to quickly thrust in and out. “you sorry?”
“yes papa. so so soooo sorry.” as onyankopon took in your words he quickly replayed all the events from tonight again. quickly removing all remorse from his body he laid both of his hands flat on your back an pushed down. causing you to feel him hit even deeper inside of you than ever before. “i don’t know baby you gon have to do better than that for me to ease up on you.” quickly pulling out and turning you over onyankopon notices the many tears in your eyes followed by the spit covering your lips. “c’mere lemme taste you”. dropping to his knees onyankopon began to sloppily eat you out while using his middle and ring fingers to keep you full. your back arched off the bed as a wave of pleasure went all over your body. “what’s rule three?” curling his fingers upward onyankopon smirks up at you. watching you moan so loud it almost sounded as if you were screaming. “oooooh my god daddy pleaaaseeee.” he started to move his fingers faster and rougher as you grew closer and closer to the edge.
“what’s rule three mama? talk to daddy.”
“n-no coming without y-your permission”
your compliance causes his dick to twitch. “thats right. so why do i feel you getting so wet? you about to disobey me?” your face contorts into one of displeasure. as if the mere thought of you disobeying your man made you feel uncomfortable. “i'll hold it pa i promise” onyankopon quickly removes his fingers from your warm heat and stands up abruptly. as you watch him line himself up with your entrance you silently thank god for having him stop because you were really about to cum. “you being such a good girl right now. just keep being good and you'll cum okay?” nodding your head you quickly stop, realizing the mistake you just made. hoping he didn’t notice, you opened your legs wider to show him how ready you were for him. your lover slowly licks his lips while looking at your wet awaiting pussy sitting pretty all for him. “your shit so fat mama, but im not a dummy. i’ll let it slide just this once since you’ve been good so far, but the next time i ask you a question you answer with your words understand?” looking deeply into his eyes you feel a weight lift off your shoulders “yes daddy” onyankopon slowly trusts into you giving you long and deep strokes. while he was holding your legs over his shoulders you felt him start to penetrate your g spot over and over again causing you to start scratching down his back.
“papa’s so sorry for lying. it won’t happen again.” not registering what was being said all you could do was rub on your boyfriend’s back while he continued to hit your sweet spot. “you don’t deserve that at all. i promise you ima do better.” finally understanding what his message you moved your hand up onyankopon’s back and absentmindedly began to caress the nape of his neck. “it’s okayyyy. im s-sorry tooo.” as he kept his steady pase you began to feel a tight knot form in your stomach along with the urge to pee.
“baby im close. please please please-”
“gon head baby im right behind you”
as if your body knew exactly what he said, you were no longer able to hold it in as you came all over your bed and onyankopon’s stomach. soon after you came he began to quicken his pace as you shook in overstimulation. after a few more strokes you felt him fill you up with his hot cum. after both of you finished you were overcome with a wave of exhaustion finally letting sleep overtake you.
when you woke up you seen that you were already clean and wearing a t shirt that clearly belonged to your boyfriend due to how big it was on you. pain ran through your lower half as you tried to sit up which caused you to let out a low whine. as if sensing you were in pain onyankopon enters the room with a glass of water and an aspirin. “i know mama i gotchu.” smiling up at your man you gladly accept the water and medicine.
“thank you so much boo”
“its my job baby no need to be thankin’ me.”
smiling to yourself you quickly took the aspirin and drank a couple sips of water. how did you get so lucky? you really have the best man in the world. your happy thoughts were interrupted by the vibrations on your phone. “oh yea i forgot to tell you sasha been calling for over an hour now. ian wanna bother you so i just put your shit on vibrate.” you look at your phone and see a bunch of messages from sasha.
‘bitchhhhh what is going onnnnn’
‘everybody is so shockedddd. nobody’s seen ony act like that before omgg’
‘now connie mad at me for telling you but idc im grown asf’
‘oh shit now we leaving’
you giggled as you read through the messages from your best friend, deciding to put an airpod in and call her back. “hey bitchhhh” you hear sasha rasp quietly “girl what happened to youuuu” you snicker out as you look at sasha’s hair in a crazy bun. she moved her camera to the side to show none other than a sleeping connie. “i got my shit beat DOWNNN” you continue to laugh until you remember the current situation you're in as well. “i can’t even move my legs” you whisper as low as you can to keep onyankopon from hearing, but he clearly still heard you. “and if you wanna ever feel them mothafuckas again then i advise you take your ass to sleep.” turning towards your man you see that he was already staring right at you waiting for you to hang up and go to bed. you roll your eyes as you hear sasha laugh at you. “ion know why you laughing mami im boutta take your legs along with that throat if you don’t hang that shit up and go to sleep. gon end up being bed rest buddies wit y/n if you keep playing with me.” connie’s sudden speech made your eyes widen as you both silently communicate that you’ll hang up the phone to keep from being fucked up again. as you hang up the phone you cuddle up closer to your man. “are you really gonna make more time for me?” as if expecting you to ask, onyankopon gives you the slowest nastiest kiss ever, causing you to do nothing but start cheesin mad hard. “yea pretty i'm all yours tomorrow. if you can walk i'll take you to the mall.”
hearing the word mall immediately excited you as you cuddled up to him more in love than before and drifted off to sleep.
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bluejeanstrash · 11 months
why don’t we kiss since we’re bored? 
for this request. thank you again, anon 🫶
tags: just some good old-fashion slice of life fluff | w/c: 940
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‘uhm, do you want to bake something?’ seungcheol suggests, reading off a list on his phone.
‘not really’ you mumble, eyes shut. baking required effort, dishes, and cleaning at minimum; absolutely no way you both would follow through. ‘plus, do you even have anything we can bake with?’
he shakes his head no which you can’t really see, but the sound of him locking his screen tells you everything you need to know. 
‘let’s give up’ you sigh, pulling at the loose threads of the fluffy carpet you both are laying on. 
‘mmm. let’s’ he agrees, grabbing your busy hand and bringing your interlocked fingers to rest on his stomach.           
right now you were supposed to be sitting pretty in a gorgeous private garden (that had an insane waitlist but thankfully having a celebrity boyfriend had a few perks), pouring bubbly into a tall glass while your boyfriend took “candid” pictures of you, and you of him. it was a picnic date that had been in the works for weeks.
and up until the morning the weather looked promising—sunny with a slight chill as was forecasted. but then came the unannounced downpour, dampening the weather first and the mood shortly after. 
normally rainy days in were always welcome, but this date was something you both were really looking forward to since you didn’t really get to do “public dates”. well, not today either. 
still, you did try salvaging the day by suggesting ideas (do you want to watch a movie? why don’t we play something? let’s do a puzzle?) while simultaneously shooting each down. 
now, defeated, you lay next to each other, the sound of the rain constant like the rise and fall of seungcheol’s tummy. it’s quiet for a few minutes but when he takes in a sudden inhale of air, you can tell he’s about to speak.
‘why don’t we…kiss since we’re bored?’ a question so unexpected, it elicits an unattractive snort out of you.
‘what?’ you open your eyes, turning your face to him. 
he explains how it’s a thing, a slang they used to use back in the day.
‘wooow, you’re looking at me straight in the eyes and lying these days, huh? i see how it is’
‘i swear! it’s an actual thing!’
‘okay then’ you turn your body to face him, easily convinced ‘let’s kiss since we’re bored’
he breaks into a dimpled smile, doing the same. he places one firm hand on your waist pulling you closer to a kissable distance.
‘hi’ from him soft and fond.
‘HI-IIII’ from you loud and playful, making him chuckle.
he brings a hand up to your face, gently brushing your hair back while his soft gaze admires you and all your little (im)perfections ‘why are you so pretty? huh?’ he questions, a finger tapping your nose. 
‘why are you?’ and with that your lips meet, soft and sweet, both of you sinking into a space of familiarity. outside, as the rain hits the ground heavier your kisses deepen. 
soft hums are replaced by needier breaths as you make out, taking his lower lip in between your teeth to bite teasingly as his grip tightens around your waist. you’re both completely into it when a loud crack of thunder interrupts, causing you to flinch, accidentally biting his lower lip at little too hard.
‘fuck!’ he curses, wincing at the shooting pain. 
‘fuck, i’m so sorry! are you okay?’ you grab his face, trying to see if that drew blood.
‘i’m fine, i’m fine. are you okay?’
‘i’m fine. i’m so sorry. the thunder, it- it scared me’
‘i know baby, i know, it’s okay’ he reassures, gently rubbing your back, like he did when you were anxious. 
‘does it hurt?’ you fuss, stroking your thumb along his bottom lip knowing he’d love it. and god, he does. seungcheol is a sucker for these moments—a little sniffle, a non-existent cut, and barely-there bruise—he wants all of it to be a big deal.
‘yes’ he pouts. it really didn’t, there was an initial sting but now he just wants to drag this out.
‘i’m so sorry, baby’ you say, pressing a sweet apology to where it “hurts”, and another for good measure.
‘okay, so kissing is out’ you cross another off the list. 
‘no, wait, why?!’ you remind him he was just saying how his lip hurts to which he replies ‘but it feels better when you kiss it’ 
you roll your eyes, not able to stop the smile that spreads across your face.
‘i like kissing you’ a sudden confession.
‘i like kissing you too’ you reply as your lips meet again. you kiss as his hands move from your face to find your hand, interlacing fingers; yours move to caress his hair; his find their way back to your waist; then your legs drape over each other, both of you a tangle of limbs. somewhere amidst the many kisses and warm touches, he grabs a throw, placing it over you both, wrapping you in a bubble of comfort. there’s a serene grey hue that fills the room as the overcast skies clear and disappear. 
‘promise me one thing?’ he suddenly pulls away, feeling compelled to complete this thought.
‘promise me you’ll kiss me for the rest our lives?’ he asks, saying incredibly romantic things without so much of a warning. you feel this sudden warmth fill you, all the way down to your toes. 
‘i promise’ you vow, the warm fuzzy feeling now in seungcheol’s chest as you lean back in to seal it with a kiss.
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st4rnlolo · 5 months
INTERRUPTED - chris sturniolo
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warnings: SMUT obv , fingering , risky sex , use of “ma” , “princess” and “baby” soft dom!chris , kinda sub!chris ?? (only for a little part) , oral chris receiving from y/n , not capitalized on purpose
authors note: this is literally my first time ever writing smut so don’t judge 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ not proofread
chris - orange | y/n - pink | matt - blue | nick - purple
y/n pov -
nick and matt decided to go out to target to get some things for a video they’re filming today for tomorrow.
chris and i stayed home because since i was staying at the triplets house for a while , we never really got alone time and we really wanted some alone time.
so there we were, in chris’ room alone.
i look over at chris and see him on his phone , scrolling through tiktok.
why is he so fine?
he looked so good today so i was feeling bold .
chris puts his phone down and brings all his attention to me.
“yes baby?”
i let out a breath and look at chris in the eyes , immediately breaking contact when he brings his gaze to me.
“m so horny ..”
chris’ eyebrows furrow and he gives me a smile.
“you’re horny?” chris says in a teasing voice.
i sigh and look back at him and nod my head
“so much.. chris please help me?” i look up at him with pleading eyes
“yeah?” he chuckles.
“you’re so cute mama , cmere” he says patting his lap.
i smile and crawl into his lap and chris pulls me into a kiss.
the kiss was sloppy, but so hard and intimate. we both want each other as bad as the other.
he pulls away and stares at me smiling again.
he’s doing this on purpose i swear.
“you want me to fuck you baby?”
i nod my head but get flustered and look away.
“baby use your words. tell me what you want, i’ll give you anything princess.”
“yes chris. please” i say in a whisper getting frustrated.
“i need you to speak up y/n.”
“look at me when im talking to you” he uses his hand to grab my chin and make me look at him.
i sigh and speak up.
“yes chris , fuck just please fuck me!” i yell.
“mmneed you so bad.. please.”
“you want that? okay good.”
chris pulls me into a kiss again, this time it’s much more messier, much more sloppier and more eager.
the kiss made it seem like chris was hungry..?
i whimper into the kiss as i grind myself on his lap, wanting more fast.
he moans into the kiss, sending vibrations all over my body. he pulls away and looks at me again with the most prettiest but dead staring eyes.
“how bad do you want it y/n?”
“cmon ma, tell me.”
“chris please just stop, just please use me.. i need you so bad.”
“i want you so bad baby, please.”
“mm okay princess.”
“you’re gonna be good for me right y/n?”
“say it.”
“im gonna be so good for you chris, only for you. i promise.”
chris smiles , biting his bottom lip , running his hands down my curves , taking his time.
he starts kissing my neck, leaving marks.
his hands finally reach my panties and-
my phone rings , ruining the whole moment ; catching us off guard.
“you gonna answer that sweetheart?” chris says chuckling seeing me whine.
i shake my head in disapproval. looking at my phone i see its nick calling me.
“nono, chris he… he can wait okay?”
“i’ll pick up after.. ill call him back after.”
“mm no baby..” chris says in a calm tone.
“pick it up.” chris says in a whisper , sounding so demanding.
i look at chris in confusion furrowing my eyebrows.
“you heard me y/n. pick up.”
i whine , having to pick up the phone.
“Y/NNNN ok so matt said you liked coconut but i think you like peach more .. which flavor do you want?” nick yells out on the other side of the phone
i roll my eyes and let out a sigh knowing that this could’ve been avoided if he just sent a text.
“mama, can i take these off?” chris says whispering in my ear sending chills down my spine.
i nod eagerly, wanting chris to just touch me.
“nick you know i like peach more , just get me peach okay?” i say in a hurry, wanting to hang up.
“SEE MATT I TOLD YOU, ok well y/n… also matt …” nick goes on a rant about something while i zone out paying all attention to chris and what he’s doing.
“let me take these off for you baby.” chris takes off my panties and palms himself through his pants.
i whimper as i feel the cold breeze hit my pussy.
i desperately take off chris’ pjs, then boxers.
his hard dick springs out hitting his stomach making both of us whimper ; trying to be quiet as nick is still on the line.
“touch me ma, need you so bad..” he whispers , leaving marks all over my body.
i finally give out, throwing my phone on the other side of the bed leaving nick talking to himself.
i get off chris’ lap, laying down on all knees as he puts his arms behind his head.
i kiss the tip, teasing him.
i spit on his dick , wrapping my mouth on him and slowly pumping him in my mouth.
“fuck- good job mama, keep going ..” chris says in the deepest tone ever.
i pick up the pace, bobbing up and down as chris muffles his moans with a pillow; not wanting to let his brothers hear what he was doing with his girlfriend on the phone.
i feel chris twitch in my mouth so i stop and stare at him from above.
“what the fuck y/n, wh… whyd you stop? i was so fucking close.”
“want you to cum in me christopher.” i giggle as he brings me back to his lap, fully facing him.
“mama wanna make you feel good before i do, right baby?”
“mhm, please do chris!” i bite my lip.
he looks at me then looks down at my pussy
he puts out his middle and ring finger out and puts it in my mouth.
i look at him with the most innocent eyes ever as i suck on his fingers.
“good baby.” he smirks then pushes two fingers in me without warning
“oh-fuck!” i moan out getting a little too loud.
he furrows his eyebrows putting his other free hand on my mouth, muffling my moans.
his fingers feel so good in me, the long but perfect fingers, the way he curls them in me, makes me go insane.
as i’m about to reach my high, he stops.
he’s trying to get back at me.
as i’m about to speak he opens his mouth.
“shh baby, wanna cum in you.. just like you said.”
i whimper , getting shivers all over my body.
chris lines himself on me looking at my eyes before he pushes in.
“ready baby? lemme know if you want me to stop.”
“mhm, hurry.. need you in me chris” i say in a hurry.
chris gives me a smile , running his free hand down my waist holding onto my hip as he slides in; making our mouths open.
“fuck y/n…” chris breathes out
“you feel so good chris!”
“don’t think i can last long baby.. you’re so beautiful fuck” chris moans quietly , burying his head in my neck as i ride him.
i slow down as i start to reach my high, chris on the other hand starts to slam himself in me faster, making me scream
“OH MY GOD!” i yell out completely forgetting nick was still on the phone and i was UNMUTED.
chris covers my mouth with his hand as he shakes his head, throwing his head back.
the sound of skin clapping fills the room , making me wonder if nick even hears what’s going on.
“mama gonna cum in you, gonna fill you up so nicely.” chris brings me closer to him , kissing me , moaning into the kiss.
“please. please cum in me right now, i can’t hold it anymore chris!” i shriek looking at chris then shutting my eyes , seeing stars as i reach my high.
“cum with me baby, cum now.” chris moans as his thrusts slow down.
“chris im cumming oh my-oh my god!” i cum all over chris’ cock ; our juices mixing together
chris tried catching his breath, his chest rising up and down chuckling looking down at me
“baby you did so good.” chris kisses my head and i hum .
“what the actual fuck did i just hear.”
a/n: THIS IS SO BAD oh my gyatttt
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aii-ki · 30 days
9:34pm — yjw : flirty + situationship (?) ✉
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9:34pm — The phone rings "Wonie" appears on screen, a mix of surprise and delight on your face follows
Jungwon was supposed to be grounded—you too hadn’t hung out in a few days which was a lot to Jungwon, you could never spend longer then an hour away from him in school without him tracking you down and following you around like a puppy dog, so a few days? The poor boy must be losing his mind.
"Jungwon? I thought you were grounded" A slight chuckle escaping your mouth "I am" you could tell he was grinning through the phone "i snuck my phone back" "Are you dumb? You‘ll get in trouble" "I had to talk to you, haven’t heard your pretty voice in forever" Usually Jungwon's flirty choice of words never phased you much, but his tone of voice mixed with the raspiness from being sleep put chills down your spine "Ohh so you missed me?" "Of course i did, who wouldn’t." his voice trailed off into a whisper, making you chuckle at his drowsy state "Plus my parents went to sleep a lot earlier then usual which means this is my one chance to talk to you" "Using your only chance to talk to me? I’m honored" Friendly sarcasm lacing your voice "I missed you alright? Making it worse, Im not even aloud to talk to you in school, im so busy with exam‘s. I’m going crazy baby" Again this language wasn’t new to you when it came to Jungwon, but something’s hitting different tonight. "Yeah? You should come over then baby" You wanted to tease him but he went silent, almost as if actually considering it "I’ll be there in 10" "Jungwon no i was kidding." "I want to see you" You‘d never called him anything like that before. He was hopeful you weren’t kidding "No you‘ll get in trouble... last time you tried to sneak out you got caught before you even had your shoes on. Don’t be dumb wonnie" "Okay okay.. just stay on the phone with me baby" "Deal" "Good. Iv missed you" "I know wonnie, you‘ve told me like 5 times" "It‘s true though…" "…I can’t go this long without talking to you. It feels like i haven’t seen you in forever, i’m having withdrawals" A sleepy chuckle leaves your mouth "You‘re so clingy wonnie.." "Mm only for you." His voice was deep and quiet Something about him tonight is driving you crazy "Don’t know how much longer i can go without touching you" Why‘d he say it like that.. I know what he means but why did he have to say it like that. "Hearing your voice.. staring at you in class." "That‘s why you‘re failing english." You thought maybe, just maybe, changing the subject will get him to stop making you feel like this "That‘s okay. English isn’t as important" He brought it right back "Jungwon…" You let out a small whine of his name, making him smirk "What? It‘s the truth" "You should get some sleep wonnie" "You said you‘d stay on the phone" He sounded almost offended "You sound so tired though" "Mmm i am but that doesn’t matter, i wanna talk to you.. Just stay on the phone okay? Keep talking to me, i’ll fall asleep eventually" "You can’t fall asleep if i’m talking to you the whole time stupid" "Of course i can, your voice is so soothing baby." Hes so flirty tonight, more then usual. "Okay, fine. But only if you promise to actually get some sleep." "I promise." "Good. Goodnight wonnie" ---- "Goodnight my pretty girl"
His pretty girl? If only
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@ Aii-ki
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fairykazu · 7 months
misunderstandings ft. childe
inspo: “I know you don’t like labels, so will you be my married-person-thing?”
it's hard to be in love with someone who's so obvious that they like you back but refuse to admit it. unfortunately, that's the situation childe has with you. everyone could see the love and affection in your eyes whenever you see the ginger male. but no matter hard they try to make you admit that you like him, you shut your mouth and change the subject.
well, you have had admitted it quietly in your friend's ear once but maybe too loudly because childe's ear perked up when you said his name. you immediately changed the subject right away.
"name? did you say my name?" childe asked as you tried to play off your flustered look,
"no? i was talking about albedo's sister. i mean, it's amazing how hes able to work around her. because um... children! i meant to say children not "childe". you have selective hearing! thats what you have." you spluttered up as amber whispered in your ear,
"good save."
he smiled hoping not in an awkward way and said, "ohh! thats what you mean."
that was so not what you meant and sadly, it's gotten so obvious even the subject of your affection noticed. it's not that hard to notice. even though, your state of denial does annoy him when he tries to court you like a peacock, he does like the chase. but the real question is, is he the prey or the predator in the situation?
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you noticed that childe has been... not himself? not at all, in a bad way, of course but it's interesting that your boyfriend is acting like he has fallen in love all over again. do you have to worry about how his eyes only glimmer around you? maybe, but his eyes are pretty. speaking of the devil, he just texted you.
\\ 🍊: name
\\ 🍊: i need to talk to you rq
\\ 🍊: pls 🥲
he's so silly sometimes. you remember when he barely used emojis when you first began being friends. but as your relationship grew, he started to adapt how you texted. it's cute.
\\ 🍓: call?
\\ 🍊: ummm no. come to my house.
\\ 🍓: rn? it's like 7 😭😭
\\ 🍊: yes... well no 😞
\\ 🍊: you know what im coming over rn
\\ 🍓: RN?
\\ 🍊: yes.
what just happened?
childe arrived at your doorstep, out of breath. it was cold. too cold and it was snowing. he loves the cold and his favorite memories with you was building a snowman and a snow woman together with teucer. teucer isn't really picky with people but he approves of you a lot. childe remember how happy you were when he told you that his little brother likes to hang out with you. despite it all, he still has the balls to confess and ask you out. or if you don't like labels. thats fine. if he's able to relax in your warmth somehow, he'd be content. no dating? it's okay. he will wait for you. he slipped into his pocket, looking for his phone, texting you.
\\ 🍊: pls open your door.
\\ 🍊: it's too cold and you know i can handle the cold
\\ 🍊: name pls
\\ 🍊: berry berry pls
the door opened wide, the warmth of your apartment escaping to the chilled breeze. he was bundled up in different layers. one hand has his phone the other was buried in his pocket. you were confused. he would be confused too if he was you. he was guessing what kind of thoughts ran in your mind like why you are here out of breath? wouldnt you be sick? while you welcomed him into the apartment, closing the door behind him and helping childe take off one or two layers of clothes. once he was warmed up and comfortable, you asked him, "did you run here? we live 2 hours away from each other. why didn't you take your car? why couldn't just call?"
he nodded off your questions. he looked up at you and you looked kind of pissed and annoyed. "okay, i will answer that if you just listen to me."
your stance changed from closed off to open, you crossed your arms though. "okay?"
"okay. um, i wanted to do this in a nicer and different setting. it'd would be much better than this and i promise i'll do it in a different way too." he looked at you again for approval. your hand moved in a circular motion, signaling him to get to the point. "well, i like you and i think you like me too. i know you don't really like those labels of being-" he fakes quoted with his fingers. " 'together'. but would you be my significant-married-person-thing with me? if you don't, it's fine."
after he got that off his chest, he sighed deeply. he waited for your response. half hoping that he didn't get rejected by you just now. but all he heard was laughing. nervously, he looked at you again. "what?"
"i thought we were together." you sat next to him, trying to snifle your laughs. he could see the tears outlining your eyes. instictively, he wiped off a tear off your face.
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you watched how your words finally were processed in childe's brain and you could vividly see a lightbulb light up just now. "what?"
"i thought we were dating already."
"when did you think that???"
"well, in like highschool or middle school, when we were sleeping on my bed for one of our saturday sleepovers. you said, 'name, i want to be together with you forever.' and i replied with, 'i'd like that.'"
childe's face morphed, "but i didn't ask you officially. you knew i liked you from the start???"
"only because i thought we were dating from the start. gosh, my boyfriend is so stupid."
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BOYFRIEND?? VGBHJMAKLS;VPNEF L YAYY WHOOSH BOYFRIEND... wait a minute. "if we are dating, why did you ignore me at school and become flustered?"
"good question. i don't remember."
"i'm just kidding, childe. also were you dreaming because the only time that happened was like highschool. i feel like we shouldve had a chat about this."
"you think??"
"im sorry childe. here's your apology gift." you pecked his lips. he melted instantly.
"don't you think... this makes you forgiven."
"oh how dare i think that! so... do you want to watch tangled again?"
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samijey · 3 months
broke my promise to myself and actually watched the jey/gunther match and let me tell you... whoever booked that finish wanted jey to look like an idiot. mega rant under the cut which you should honestly read im not your mama but you should read it
he splashes gunther after getting dominated for 80% of the match and an (honestly underwhelming) spear and we're meant to believe the +2yr champion who's beaten virtually everyone on the roster (including drew who recently beat jey TWICE) was about to be defeated right there?......okay............ but it gets worse
when the referee (for no real good reason) stops the count at 2 after jimmy rings the bell, jey "forgets" about gunther and turns his back to him, allowing gunther to get back up almost IMMEDIATELY (remember we were meant to think he was about to be beaten 5 seconds earlier) yet jey quickly superkicks him BUT THEN decides to dive at jimmy on the outside instead of going directly for another splash (girl help) so ofc when he does go for the splash, gunther gets the knees up, and to add a cherry on top of this shit sunday, pins jey right there after performing no extra offense - doesn't even roll him up, jey just lies there flat on his back and gets pinned (while michael cole screams "GUNTHER ROLLS UP JEY USO" to make me even more mad, apparently, as zero actual rolling takes place in the ring - just a leg hook & weight on the shoulders combo... and not a particularly vicious one either) I just ??????
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and of-fucking-course as the TV feed gets cut, cue cody and punk who come out all smiles ready to do the usual fanservice routine for the live crowd and suddenly jey is mostly done selling what just happened and is smiling along with whatever you wanna call it - sending the crowd home happy?? since when did that become mandatory for broadcast shows??? why can't emotionally devastating moments count just as much when it comes to delivering a satisfying ending to the live crowd??? are you telling me they couldnt have had jey walk to the back WHILE SELLING the heartbreak/frustration of what happened and THEN send cody out to do the fanservice thing??? fuck maintaining suspension of disbelief I guess - you can't even argue that "it's fine it was just a treat for the live crowd" because WWE has posted the footage everywhere and promoted it heavily.
imagine if after the camera stopped rolling at last year's rumble, sami had got up, undone kevin's handcuffs and they both hugged and cut a cheerful promo at the crowd - everyone would've blasted wwe for undermining the impact of that finish and not letting the moment breathe.
here's another, even more similar example - remember what happened after summerslam when jimmy attacked jey? he sold the devastation of the moment all the way until he exited the arena, so why is this any different? because it's "just" TV and not a PPV? nah, i'll tell you why: because wwe does not give a shit about this current version of jey's character - he's there to spew the same catchphrase 100x an hour (because it sells merch and pops the crowd let's be honest), display a grand total of two personality traits, and rub his popularity off onto the people wwe actually consider stars
for comparison - you cannot tell me that if it was cody in this position (just lost an important match thanks to the most important person in his life + got attacked by them on top of it) wwe wouldn't have had him look devastated or cut an emotional, tearful promo that would've then been posted and promoted everywhere
"chill, it's not that serious" my apologies for wanting something i love (and KNOW can be so much better with minimal effort) to have a basic level of logic and thought put into it, it's not like wrestling booking is rocket science and we know wwe is NOT incapable of actually delivering good stuff 🤷??? the standards for this show are so damn low and seeing no one else be bothered by it does my fucking head in ouch ouch wheres the aspirin bye
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
So I have a request
So my house was on fire yesterday and I was on the top floor the stairs were burning I couldn’t get out
Could you write a Kylian Mbappe imagine just for comfort yknow, im sorry I wasn’t specific about this
oh my god are you okay?? im really sorry to hear that, let me know if you’re okay please, i hope this brings you a bit of comfort <33
also i changed it a bit cause i didn’t know what to write on the part you got stuck upstairs, hope you don’t mind
kylian mbappe x reader
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Fire on fire
You had no idea how everything started. You were just chilling in your home, reading a book on the comfort of your couch when you smelled some weird stuff. Like something was burning. You didn’t exactly remember cooking or leaving the gas on so you went to the kitchen and checked but everything seemed alright. You maybe thought that the smell came from outside so you didn’t pay it much attention. But the smell of something burning came more powerful every second it passed so you had no idea of what to do. You went upstairs and checked the bedrooms but everything was fine. The last room you checked was the bathroom, probably you wouldn’t even check it if it wasn’t for a weird noise coming from there. The moment you opened the door you saw big red flames all over the room and you felt yourself like suffocating. You panicked. You didn’t know what to do. Of course your first thought was calling the firefighters but in that moment your mind was completely blocked. You were shocked. Panicking and crying, you stood there for almost a minute as you watched the flames growing bigger and bigger under your watch.
You ran downstairs as you quickly brought a jacket and your phone and you got out of the house. You knew that the first thing and the most logical thing to do was calling the firefighters but in that moment your mind went to Kylian and how much you needed him there in that moment. You knew he was training so he probably didn’t even have his phone with him but you tried calling him anyway.
After a few seconds he answered.
“Kylian…” you said, your voice cracking a bit.
“Mon amour is everything okay?” he asked worried.
“No…there’s a fire” you said softly as your eyes were full of tears.
“What? Where? Baby tell me where…” he got so worried the moment you said that there was a fire somewhere.
“Here…at my place…Kylian I’m so scared” you broke down crying on the phone.
“What? Oh my…” he panicked knowing how scared you must have been since you were there all alone “…babe are you hurt? Are you okay?” he asked you.
“No I’m not hurt…but I’m not okay Kyky…I’m terrified” you said sobbing.
His heart broke hearing you crying and knowing he couldn’t do anything in that moment.
“I know mon amour…I’ll be there as soon as possible, I’m leaving right now okay? Just hold on for me…have you called the firefighters?” he asked as you heard him starting his car.
“No…I just wanted to hear your voice…” you said panicking a bit.
“It’s okay baby…stay on the phone with me okay? I’ll call them for you, just hold on a minute” he said never leaving his phone from his hands as with his work phone he called help and telling them that there was a fire at your house and that they needed to rush because you were there all alone. You heard Kylian’s worried tone as he spoke with them in the phone and you cursed yourself for making him worrying so much.
You were still on the phone with Kylian as he talked to you trying to distract you.
The moment you heard the sirens from behind you knew they were there to help you.
“They’re here…” you said to Kylian as you saw them approaching you.
“Okay baby…I’m gonna hang up now, I’m two minutes away…just tell them what’s going on and for whatever reason don’t go inside the house okay? I’ll be there very soon I promise” he said.
“Okay…” you whispered as you closed your phone.
You showed the firefighters where was the fire and they immediately got into your home. You were terrified, your mind racing and your heart beating so fast you thought it would explode.
You saw Kylian’s car slowly approaching you and you started running into his direction.
The moment he saw you he got out of his car and walked in your direction.
“It’s okay baby, I’m here…I’m here” he said as he hugged you. You cried into his shoulder as his arms were around your waist holding you close.
Almost ten minutes later the firefighters came out telling you that the fire was off. Luckily for you the house wasn’t very damaged. Only the bathroom and the guest bedroom burned. Kylian offered you to stay at his place as you got your home renovating and repaired so one of the firefighters helped you inside as you packed your bags with clothes and stuff you knew you needed if you had to stay with Kylian.
“Thank you for letting me stay here…” you said as he helped you bringing your suitcases into his apartment.
“Of course baby…I told you before, this home is your home too…” he said carrying the bags into his, now your, shared bedroom.
“You’re very sweet Mbappè” you teased him.
“Only for you babe…only for you” he wrapped you in a big hug and kissed your forehead. In that moment you wondered how you got so lucky to have found someone like Kylian in your life.
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fairycosmos · 24 days
hi chloe !! i got a new job and today is my first day, my anxiety wont leave me alone. How do u control anxiety in situations like this?? specially cus i think i might have autism and that im not gonna fit in my new job
hi congratulations on the new job!! agh it's the worst.......i've been there a million times and i still don't have a proper solution.......i tend to at least attempt to manage that anxiety by accepting that it is there and not fighting it. i try to get my brain to focus on neutral affirmations "i am going to be awkward and that's okay" "i am allowed to fuck up" "i can be compenetent at my job and ask for help at the same time" "i can't control what anyone thinks of me, i can only control myself" rather than telling myself hyper-positive platitudes that feel kind of fake. even the neutral ones feel fake at first, but locking in on them and just getting on with the day has worked for me in the past. i also allocate myself breaks throughout the day, time to go to the bathroom and just breathe and get myself together. nobody will be expecting much of you on your first day and i promise as long as you are civil and polite with the people you meet then you will be fine. i've had ppl automatically dislike me in workplaces for being neurodivergent too and i've come to realise that there's not much i can do to prevent it bc they're miserable and they're going to do what they can to look for (what they percieve as) weaknesses in others to make themselves feel better. luckily not everyone is like that and i'm sure it'll become apparent who is chill and who isn't with time, and even if you don't end up really vibing with anyone - they're just co-workers at the end of the day. this is something i have to remind myself a lot. their approval doesn't make or break anything and they're not necessarily your friends and that's fine. you'll be alright. if there's a connection you find at work worth exploring, you'll find it naturally - other than that, just don't get involved in co-worker drama and you should have nothing to really worry about. i know it's hard. i've been bullied at work before and now whenever i go somewhere new the fear that it is going to happen again crops up, but at the end of the day i just think as long as i'm getting paid then what fucking ever, you know what i mean? you're clearly capable, which is why you got the job to begin with, and you deserve to have people in your inner circle that deserve to be there, who'll treat you right. not everyone does deserve that, but that's not on you. good luck and i hope it goes really well <3 remember it's ok to ask (what you think are) stupid and ridiculous questions and it's ok to fuck up!! lots of love to ya. mwah <3 x
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joeys-babe · 9 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 10: Can I kiss you?
(y/n's pov)
September 12, 2021
the car ride had been silent for a little bit, but a content and comfortable silence. that was until joe broke it.
"you warm enough?" - joe
"oh yeah, i'm fine." - you
"i see chill bumps on your arms." - joe
"i'm fine joe, i promise." - you
joe sighed, and i thought that was the end of it, but when we got to a red light he pulled his sweatshirt off and handed it over to me.
"you can wear it." - joe
in all honesty i really wasn't cold, but i'm also not going to pass up on wearing joes hoodie so i slipped it on over my game day fit.
in the corner of my eye i saw joe look over at me and smile, a light blush forming on his cheeks when he looked away.
"what?" - you
"it looks better on you than me." - joe grinned
"i don't think that's true, it actually fits you."
- you
"oversized is in right now." - joe shrugged
"oh shush" - you laughed
*time skip*
joe was parking the car as i was looking at myself in the car mirror, trying to fix my mascara and touch up my hair after that long game.
"you almost ready?" - joe chuckled
"yeah, hold on. just gotta fix my hair a bit." - you
"you look fine. come on." - joe unbuckled his seatbelt, clearly getting impatient
"hold on, joe!" - you
joe exhaled loudly before getting out of the car and walking over to my side, he opened my door and pulled me out.
"you look beautiful like always, let's go." - joe
"i don't know if i should say thank you or not."
- you caused joe to laugh
joe was walking a few steps ahead of me on my left, but he stopped in his tracks so we could walk at the same pace.
once i was directly next to joe, he held his hand out in front of me. i took it in mine and laced my fingers with his.
"thanks for comin with me." - joe
"of course, joey." - you
"love when you call me that." - joe smiled and squeezed your hand before opening the door of the bar.
joe opened the door and pulled me inside behind him, it didn't take him long to find the rest of the team in a back room that was away from everyone else.
"look at you two!" - ja'marr
"our favorite couple" - sam teased
"not a couple" - you
"the hand holding says otherwise." - jess slipped into the booth and sat next to sam.
"cincinnati's sketchy, don't want her to get grabbed or something." - joe
"so you have to hold her hand, can't just stand by her or something?" - sam smirked
"just drop it." - joe
"okay okay, we'll quit" - sam
the group had made room for joe and i in the booth and as we were both sitting down tee came rushing over to the table.
"bro you good?" - ja'marr
"uhm. joe don't flip the hell out, but somehow lexie found out what bar we were going to.. and she's here." - tee
my mouth dropped and when i turned to joe to see his facial expression, i noticed that his jaw was clenched and he looked evidently pissed off.
"like my ex lexie?" - joe
"yeah.. i don't know how she got the location. she's here with a guy and she was literally grinding on him while they were on the dance floor so i think it's her boyfriend." - tee
joe rolled his eyes and popped his knuckles before ja'marr spoke up.
"what's he look like?” - ja’marr
“shorter, maybe 5’10, brown hair, brown eyes, scrawny lookin.” - tee
“that’s the guy she made out with at that party!”
- ja’marr
“the exact opposite of me” - joe mumbled
“oh so he’s ugly too?” - you asked causing everyone to laugh, joe even cracked a small smile
“smooth, y/n.” - sam laughed
“what?? if he’s the exact opposite of joe that’s gotta be one unattractive dude!” - you
we all continued laughing and carrying on for awhile until i felt joe pat my leg.
“mhm?” - you
“im gonna get something to drink, you want anything?” - joe
“can i just come with you?” - you
“oh yeah sure” - joe smiled as he stood up, you followed behind him
as we made our way up to the bar i watched joes eyes scan the crowd, he was probably looking for lexie.
“joey.” - you got joes attention, the sound of your voice stopped him dead in his tracks as he turned to you
“stop looking for her.” - you
“i’m no-” - joe
“yeah ya are, i’ll hurt worse if you try to see her with him, if i were you i’d avoid her.” - you
“i’m trying to. i’m trying to stay conscious to where she is so i can go somewhere else” - joe
“i’ll be on the lookout okay?” - you
“okay” - joe nodded before striding up to the bar
he didn’t even ask what i wanted?
i watched him order before doing a quick glance around to make sure the wicked which of the west wasn’t around. a few minutes later, joe walked back over to me and handed me a mai tai.
“how’d you know that’s what i wanted?”
- you smiled
“i know you like that back of my damn hand, y/n. plus i use to give you a hard time about drinking summery drinks in the fall, so it’s easy to remember.” - joe shrugged
we stood there for a little bit, making casual conversation until the song over the speakers caught my attention. it was a slower song, and i recognized it as Starting Over by Chris Stapleton.
“i like this song” - you smiled
“i didn’t know bars played slow country songs.”
- joe laughed
“it was requested i guess” - you shrugged as you started swaying
joe put his cup down on the nearest empty table before taking mine out of my hand and setting it down also.
“what?” - you nervously laughed
“wanna dance?” - joe
the butterflies in my stomach tripled all at once. i was probably beet red right now.
i couldn’t formulate words so all i did was nod with a smile on my face.
joe put his hands on a respectable spot on my waist as mine were on his chest.
as time went on, we got closer together. we were flush against each other, still swaying to the song.
“i don’t ever want this to end” - joe
“me neither, joey.” - you
*time skip*
joe and i had made our way into a more secluded corner, away from everyone.
of course you didn’t know, but joe had noticed that you two had been on a certain someones radar. lexie was watching you both like a hawk after she saw you two dancing together. out of pure jealousy too.
after dancing, there was definitely a tension between joe and i that was just begging to be broken.
i was leaning my back against the wall, while joe was facing me with his hand against the wall above my head.
my eyes scanned the crowd as i stirred the drink in my hand with the straw. i felt a hand move a piece of my hair off my forehead which caused my eyes to leave my surroundings and up to joes face. he was looking down at me with so much admiration in his eyes.
"have i ever told you that you're the most beautiful girl?" - joe smiled
my heart skipped a beat, is what i've always dreamed of happening.. about to happen?
"i don't think so." - you
"well ya are." - joe caresses your cheek as he leans down to where his face is closer to yours
"y/n.. can i kiss you?" - joe
my voice was caught in my throat so all i could do was nod before joe smashed his lips onto mine.
am i really kissing joe right now?!
our lips molded together perfectly, like they were puzzle pieces perfectly made for each other.
joe leaned away and took a deep breath before connecting our lips again, his arms snaking around my waist.
we were both finally out of breath, our foreheads touching as we smiled at each other.
we stayed like that for a few seconds before joe fully moved away, just his arm around my waist connecting us as he looked around.
"ha it worked!" - joe
my heart shattered as i looked to where joe was looking, lexie storming out of the bar with her boyfriend close behind her.
"wait what? you did that to make her jealous?"
- you looked back up at joe, you were completely heartbroken as the tears threatened to spill over
"yeah duh, i thought you knew that? plus i mean you're my best friend why'd i ever kiss you?" - joe
my mouth dropped open at his words, and my stomach flipped- not in the good way that my stomach usually flips because of joe.
"y/n?" - joes eyes scanned your face, trying to see what you were thinking
"i- i have to go" - you turned and practically ran, the tears now spilling down your face
i sprinted across the bar, the ladies restroom in sight. i could hear joe behind me shouting my name as he ran after me but all i did was run faster.
when i had finally got to the bathroom, a hand grabbed my wrist.
"y/n listen-" - joe started
"shut the fuck up joe! leave me the hell alone. i don't want to talk to you now, or preferably ever again." - you cried
"you- you don't mean that." - joe
"yes i do, now let me go." - you pulled your wrist away from joes grasp and opened the bathroom door
"y/n please-" - joe pleaded before you slammed the bathroom door in his face
the bathroom was completely empty so i picked the closest stall to cry in.
i locked the door before sliding down the wall to the floor. my feelings for joe really were just one sided. to him i was nothing but his best friend.
that's not even the worst part. he used me to make his ex girlfriend jealous, the same ex girlfriend that cheated on him so i had to hold him an entire night.
it just really didn't make sense; i was so convinced he felt the same way. maybe he was leading me on this entire time?
whatever the answer was, i didn't want to know and didn't really care. i just hope to never talk to him again.
*time skip*
after crying in the floor for thirty minutes, i stood up from said floor and made my way out of the stall. when i walked over to the mirror, i didn't like who i saw; a lovesick, heartbroken, jealous girl.
i grabbed a couple paper towels to wipe the running mascara off my cheeks and eyes before looking back in the mirror. i was decent for the most part, but when i my eyes traveled to joes sweatshirt i felt like crying again.
i need to get out of this shirt, and out of here.
when i pulled his sweatshirt off, his jersey was shown underneath. there was no escaping him, seemed to be a common theme with joe.
i came up with a game plan before walking out of the bathroom.
joe wasn’t waiting outside the bathroom like i thought he would be, but it wouldn’t be too hard to find him.
after my disappearance i figured he’d be hitting the bar, and i was right.
he was sitting at a table by himself, 4 empty mic ultra cans next to him.
i was about to walk up to him and give him what for when none other than lexie came striding up to him.
“you ready to go joey?” - lexie
“yup” - joe took lexies hand to steady himself as he stood up before wrapping both arms around her waist
i turned around before they could see me and ran to where the other guys were sitting.
he’s holding her and i’m still around.
“woah y/n, you okay?” - ja’marr
“what’s wrong, why are you crying?” - jess
i didn’t answer their questions, just slammed joes folded sweatshirt on the table.
“this is joes, get it back to him. also, tell him i said go to hell.” - you wiped your eyes before striding out of the bar completely
when i got to the sidewalk, everything i was holding back bubbled up and practically exploded.
i pulled my phone out of my purse and immediately pulled up my moms number.
she answered on the second ring.
“honey, is everything okay?” - your mom
“no, please come pick me up” - you cried
“what’s wrong, are you hurt?” - your mom
“not really, not physically..” - you
“i’m on my way. care to tell me what’s wrong?”
- your mom
“i hate joe, so much” - you cried out
authors note: DRAMMAAAAAA
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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chgridlock · 1 month
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Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Raiting: explicit? I still don’t know
The buzz of conversation faded as you and your friends spilled out of the charming restaurant, the balmy Monaco air thick with the promise of night on the town. But as if on cure, the heavens decided to throw a tantrum, unleashing a deluge that turned the cobblestones slick in seconds. You sprinted for cover, laughter turning into frantic dashes, your dress clinging uncomfortably top your form.
Suddenly, a sleek car roared to a stop beside you, the engine a low growl in the symphony of the storm. The window glided down, revealing Lando Norris.
“Not him..” whispered y/n
“Get in.” He rumbled, his voice a husky command that sent a shiver down your spine despite the chilling rain.
You locked eyes with him and refuse with defiance. The tension crackling between you.
“Get. In. Now.” His jaw clenched, the flicker in his eyes becoming a flame.
Part1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/chgridlock/749224119672995840/fine-ln-series-1
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pink-tea · 1 year
could you write something with sub!beomgyu who acts jealous after you spent a little bit too much time with another txt member, he gets super pouty and possessive over you and you're not sure why until it finally clicks and you make it up to him? <33 it can be short! i love ur work, thank u for feeding us in the sub!txt drought
i am happy to keep the people fed!! as proven with my most recent overspending in buying txt albums and their recent deco kit (which i can't even regret, it's so fucking cute </3), making sure they have dinner on their tables frfr, but thank you so much for the compliments!! as for jealous clingy beomgyu yesyesyesyesyesyesy-
☆ very very very suggestive but it never actually gets to smut? idk how to rate this
☆ 1967 words (whoops) (i made up for how long it took me to post with the length)
☆ jealous beomgyu, hair pulling, tiny tiny leg riding/dry humping (im starting to notice a pattern of things that i like to write bye), mean talk but it's more condescending than actually mean
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beomgyu knew it wasn't right for him to feel this jealous. i mean, seriously, there's no way you'd ever look at hueningkai the same way you looked at him. but still, he can't help the way he monitors your interactions with the maknae out of the corner of his eye.
it was just the way the two of you played around so much, so touchy. always light slaps on each other's arms, giggling and laughing right in front of him, and he smiles and laughs too because he loves you both so much, but he just can't help the thoughts creeping in. what if there was something going on? maybe you liked the idea of younger, taller men-
beomgyu almost wanted to kick himself for thinking that way. you wouldn't do that to him in a million years, and huenginkai wasn't that type of person either. but still, he winces at the curl of jealousy in his stomach as the two of you play around during your friday gaming sesh.
he hadn't even noticed he was staring until you did, catching his eye and giving him such a loving, happy smile that it made his stomach do flips. how could he ever doubt you?
"you okay?" you ask lightly, tilting your head and looking so content that he couldn't help but smile back.
"i'm doing great," he replies, doing his best not to side-eye the shit out of you and one of his closest friends for the rest of the night. to his credit, you didn't seem to notice anything, only pouting and kissing him sweetly once you had to go back to your own apartment.
he loves seeing you smile, he realizes (although it really wasn't anything new) as he watches you jokingly blow him a kiss goodbye. he catches it and cheesily tucks it in into his pocket, making you giggle. he just really really doesn't like anyone else to be the reason you smile.
and everything's fine until beomgyu starts acting weird enough for it to be brought to your attention.
"you haven't come over for our gaming fridays in a while!" hueningkai complains one day, the comment meant to be light and off-handed. but it makes you pause, hand stuck midway into a box of popsicles. you were here in the boys' dorm for the first time in weeks, waiting for beomgyu to finish getting ready to go to a new boba place that opened a little while ago.
you hadn't even noticed how many gaming fridays the two of you had missed, but now that you thought about it, it's definitely been more than 4 already. beomgyu had been insisting on dates a lot more recently, going out to eat or watching a movie, or maybe just chilling and cuddling on the couch—in your apartment. you didn't even notice the way the time was flying by, more invested in your boyfriend's pretty eyes, his soft lips trailing kisses down your neck and on your collarbone, fingertips pressing into your skin as he begs you to call him yours.
"huh, yeah, i guess it has been a while," you ponder, finally pulling out a popsicle before patting huenginkai's head with your free hand. "you can count on me being here next friday," you promise, ruffling his hair and giggling at his whines and protests. so caught up in your platonic affection for the boy, you didn't even notice beomgyu until his arms were wrapped around your waist, chin plopped on your shoulder.
"i'm ready now, let's go," he huffs, words muffled into your clothes. you halt your ministrations, biting down the last of your popsicle before giving hueningkai one last smile.
"alright, be a doll and throw this away for me please! thank you-" you shove the popsicle stick in huenginkai's hand, barely able to finish your words before beomgyu is tugging you towards the door. you let out a noise of surprise, but let your boyfriend drag you to the door as you frown in confusion. hastily returning hueningkai's worried wave of goodbye before you're out, you wonder what has beomgyu so riled up.
"woah, hey, is everything alright?" you question, stumbling a bit in your attempt to keep up with his pace. his grip on your hand is tight, possessive, but there's a pout on his lips. beomgyu's the type to pout cutely, trying to appeal to you or get on your nerves, but this time he seems genuinely upset.
he doesn't answer your question, and you fall into a heavy silence as you walk down the darkening street, the warm rays of sunset making beomgyu look pretty even when he's upset. you don't say anything until you're passing by your apartment (you really didn't live far from them).
tugging on the hand the still hasn't let go, you force him to look at you, irritated and not bothering to hide the glare in your eyes as you look at him for the first time in 7 minutes.
"what the hell is up with you?" you hiss, your aggravated tone visibly making beomgyu flinch as bothered look only worsens. he looks away from you, opting to stay silent as he stares at the brick walls of your apartment complex. your patience only thins, and beomgyu yelps as you harshly shake your hand out of grip.
"look, if you're upset then we don't have to go on this date, because i have no clue why you're even mad at me for-"
"i'm not mad at you," beomgyu grumbles, holding his discarded hand close to him as he still stubbornly refuses to make eye contact with you.
"then what is it," you sigh out, exasperated.
a few more beats of silence pass by before beomgyu lets out a noise of discomfort- embarrassment. he groans and brings up a hand to mess with his mullet, "it's just...i don't like how you keep spending so much time with hueningkai" he admits, ears burning red as he stares at the floor.
you stare at him, shock and just a bit of relief flooding through you. you finally let a long, tired sigh escape you. your boyfriend wasn't mad, he was just fucking stupid.
"come on," you command, turning around and starting to walk up the stairs to your apartment. you make it up a few steps before turning around, beomgyu watching you with wide and confused eyes. your own eyes narrow at the sight.
the tone of your voice makes beomgyu startle and hastily walk up the stairs behind you. he didn't mean to get you mad, he thinks sulkily. maybe you were mad at the fact that he was jealous, mad over the fact that he had the audacity to get possessive when he obviously didn't own you.
you feel his gloom behind you as you walk up to your apartment door, but don't say anything, opting for silence. it's only when your keys jangle to open the white door that there's finally any noise, and you motion beomgyu to go inside first once it swings open. he hesitates before stepping in, hearing the door eventually close behind him as you walk in as well.
he only has a few moments to acknowledge your presence before suddenly he's gasping as the wind gets partially knocked out of him, pinned against the door.
he wants to wince at the feeling of his back crashing against the wood, but he doesn't get much time to think as your lips crash onto his. he whimpers into your mouth, lips parting open to let you have your way with him as his arms drape over your shoulders and claw at your back. one of your hands grips at his waist, the other gripping his chin in order to lead the kiss where you want.
his lips are soft and you can faintly taste the honey from his lip balm, but it's not nearly as sweet as the feeling of beomgyu melting into your body. he manages to groan out your name as you pull back, tugging at his bottom lip with your teeth in a way that has him staring back at you with a pathetic expression.
you let go and his lip falls back into place with a wet 'pop' and you take this time to properly glare down (metaphorically, the bitch is 5'11 </3) at the man.
"jealous, huh?" you scoff, making beomgyu wince as he whines at your mean tone.
"you were just being really touchy with him! always giggling and shit during our gaming fridays," he huffed, his worries finally revealed. the mention of the gaming days makes your eye physically twitch. no wonder he's been scheduling friday dates all of a sudden, this brat.
"touchy? touchy how?" you press on, voice cold as you focus on making the man squirm under you. you roughly shove your leg in between his thighs, ripping a mix between a gasp and a moan from his throat as it presses against the half-hardness of his dick. "like this?" you ask, peering dangerously close at his expression as he pouts and hesitantly shakes his head no.
"not like that? what about this?" you reach up to grab a fistful of black hair and yank beomgyu's head back, earning a soft cry as his head thunks against the wood of your door. you suck and bite harshly at the sensitive skin of his neck, feeling him squirm in your hold as you force the flesh red and irritated. beomgyu doesn't know if he should focus on the throbbing pain in his scalp or on the way he's steadily getting turned on by your aggressiveness.
"probably not, huh," you comment, releasing his hair to softly grab at his chin again. his eyes are barely focused, and you almost want to coo at the pretty sight of his dazed look and spit covered lips. you fucking adored beomgyu, it almost offended you that he thought you'd be looking at other guys.
"still think i'd touch hueningkai like this? think i'd like having him here instead of you?" you ask harshly, seeing beomgyu wince as he tried to shake his head no despite the grasp you have on his hair. his vision starts to get blurry, and he realizes that his eyes have started to water up, but either you don't notice or don't care enough to stop talking.
"you've got some nerve to be accusing me of looking at other people the way i look at you, choi beomgyu," you scold, releasing his hair in order to grab his chin again and tilt his head up to look at you properly. "couldn't look at anyone else even if i tried, so fucking pretty that it hurts my feelings sometimes," you simper, attempting to sweet talk but it only makes beomgyu feel like he owes you an apology even more.
"m' sorry," he mumbles, head drooping in shame. you almost laugh at the sight, sighing affectionately before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. beomgyu stills against your lips before crumbling at the affection, body melting against yours before he's gasping into your mouth. you can feel the way his back arches and his body presses into you, your knee pressing harshly against his clothed dick.
"it's ok, you know how to make it up to me," you smile, beomgyu's hair tickling your cheek as his head falls forward onto your shoulder. his hips slowly start to rock against your leg, precum staining his boxers at the friction—at the feeling of your body caging him in. you grab the arch of his back, roughly forcing his hips harder into you as he cries out your name against your neck.
guess you'd just have to reschedule your date for later.
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