It’s all about you!
Did you ever wonder what the world would be like without you in it? Of course, the world of your people. Let’s think together.... Exactly, that’s the value you hold in this universe. This 2020 has been a nightmare for everyone and I am sure you wouldn’t disagree. Needless to mention this dreadful thing called Corona Virus which didn’t only change the way we used to live and laugh but has become an inseparable part of lives. We have seen explosions, crashes, forest fires, devastated floods, riots, earthquakes and the list just goes on. Many have taken their lives but there are many other that we don’t know about might have tried to take their lives. Suicides is one of the leading cause of death for the youth everywhere. You and me, sitting at our own places cannot even imagine the pain they all go through every passing day that compel them to take the extremes.  That’s why self love becomes so important and that’s what we are going to talk about today.
Mahatria Ra, a Spiritual Leader quoted a very beautiful saying “You are more important than every THING that has come into your life.” So yes! “It’s All About You”. The need of the hour is to change our perspectives of the world and that will happen when we start loving ourselves. Self love and self care are the main ingredients of a good mental health. Self love is realizing and accepting how beautiful you are. You would love to experience the satisfaction you get once you accept who you are. I am sure I made my point that self love is the key to happy life. So let’s practice self love together. Let me put my thoughts and I would love to hear yours.
Let’s put ourselves at the top in our priority list and see the magic. I would love to hear one instance from you where you did that. #prioritizeyourself
Can we take a break from perfectionism? It’s okay to be okay at some things and not perfect. Just give your best shot in everything you do and let’s replace our self doubt with self respect. What is that one thing you think is not perfect but you are happy? #okaytobeokay
What comes to your mind when you hear the word MEDITATE? Yoga? Well, meditation is a method of relaxation so it can be anything. Let’s find out what gives you a relaxed feeling. Painting? Reading? Playing? Dancing? Gyming? Creativity? Let’s meditate and make ourselves happy. I am waiting to hear your ways of meditating. #meditation
Find your peace and you will love yourself. One more excerpt from Mahatria Ra quotes “ When you hold your PEACE above everything else, then no thing and no one can disturb you.” Stop bothering yourself from people’s judgement. Any instance where someone’s comment did not disturb your inner peace? #findpeaceforyourself
Stop being so hard on yourself and let go the past. Holding it makes you feel that your life is paused. But I am sure, you know that Time goes on and never waits for anyone or anything. Lose your grip and lift the weight and just let it go. A beautiful journey is waiting for you... #letgoofthepast
Live your every damn day and make your everyday count. Remember nothing is more powerful than realizing your own value. So Love yourself!
Share your story and inner thoughts with me. 
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attainingtoheights · 7 years
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so many ways to move through #grief and #despair #itisokaytogrieve and it's also #okaytobeokay #thisoneispersonal
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chipsanddespair · 7 years
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so many ways to move through #grief and #despair #itisokaytogrieve and it’s also #okaytobeokay #thisoneispersonal
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sufisoulselective · 6 years
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* In a culture, Where words like, Superb, epic, legend, Greatest, rockstar, Are used as often As toilet paper, I want you to know, It’s perfectly alright To just be okay. Preferable, even. • • #sufisoulpoetry #OkayToBeOkay #MovingAlongNicelyPoem #SelfContentmentPoem #poetsofinstagram #poets #poemsporn
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chipsanddespair · 7 years
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so many ways to move through #grief and #despair #itisokaytogrieve and it’s also #okaytobeokay #thisoneispersonal
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