#okko honey magazine
airisfujibayashi · 4 years
WOW... Of all otome game's tittle route that I had read... From cybird, voltage, genius, ntt solmare, ciagram, etc..
In my opinion.. With setting at 'real life'...
Decoding Desire from OKKO game (Honey Magazine), are the most that have incredible plot twist..
Made me speechless!
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And The 'normal' route in Decoding Desire (in my opinion) is Yushin, and Takuma, hahaha.
But.. For
Makoto, Kanade, and Hijiri's route... They are... In the next level.. They are on another level of 'normal'. 😂. The plot twist made me shock!
Cannot wait for another guy to release.
I had read them before in their on app (before move to Honey Magazine) but couldnt finish them all😥
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Just like any other free trials...you cut me off to the good part. Nice one, Omi. 💔💔💔
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missneko-otaku · 5 years
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(* writer’s note: (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ This is my very first attempt to write a headcanon. A headcanon for Arabian Nights Love Story, one of my favorite fantasy romance otome games out there. I don’t know if I did good but hopefully, you like it~! ( • ̀ω•́  )✧  PS. my English is not that perfect.. ^v^;  and I added pictures for those who don’t know Arabian Nights Love Story yet, I know the pics are a bit not good, but I’ll change it when I get better ones. Anyway, enjoy~)
∘ OKKO Arabian Nights Love Story Headcanons 
∘ Having a crush on you (x Reader) (Part 1)
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》Whenever you are in the royal chamber to tell a story to Amine (his little brother) he would occasionally take a glance at you in secret as he pretends to be engrossed in the book he is holding. He just can’t help looking at you.
》Whenever he is alone with you in the reading room-- both of you quiet as you read the books you two have borrowed-- he can’t help but smile, feel giddy and bit delighted about the fact that you are with him, that both of you share the same interests. And as he thinks of it, he would grin all by himself behind his book.
》You think that you are just like a good friend to him. But to him, you are his special friend, his ally and his confidant. He treasures you a lot more than you think.
》Despite his somewhat collected and calm demeanor, deep inside whenever he is alone with you, he can’t focus at all. His thoughts all filled about you.
》He can’t help but admire everything about you. To him, you are such an amazing person. And the fact that you like to read as much as he does, make his heart flutter even more. 
》He notes everything you do. Whenever you tell a story to Amine, or have a good chat with Hardy and Sinbad, or help Alma in the house or just even when you read your favorite story. He would take notice of every little innocent gesture you make. Like how you would move your brows when you are engrossed to your reading, or when you innocently smile in front of him as you talk about random things or when you would sometimes blushed and be flustered in front of him as he teases you a bit. Or when you get bashful as he honestly says he admires you and your kindness and thoughtfulness for others. He enjoys noting every little thing you do.
》He likes your sweet company but he wouldn’t show it to you in an obvious manner.
》He hates it when you get sad. He would want to know the reason why, but he can’t easily ask you directly.
》Your beautiful smile gives him so much butterflies in his stomach.
》He would sometimes have these wistful thoughts of wanting you all by his side, wanting to embrace you forever. Sometimes too, he wishes to be like Amine, his little brother. Cheerful, innocent and carefree, so pure that his little brother can hug you boldly in front of everyone like it is the most natural thing in the world.
》Even though he really likes you a lot, he wouldn’t admit it or show it to you. He would keep these feelings to himself in secret.
》He is happiest when he is with you. Because being with you, all his fears, fatigue and problems seem to just go away and vanish.
》The very one thing he doesn’t like or doesn’t want to happen is you to hate him or misunderstand him.
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》Amine is very very fond of you. He likes you so much that it shows in his behaviour. He doesn’t feel embarrassed at all when he is being so affectionate with you in front of everybody.
》He is having the most fun whenever he is with you.
》He really loves and admires his brother, Assad. But when it comes to you, you are way way more VERY special for him.
》He wouldn’t feel shy saying to you or telling everybody how much he likes you A LOT.
》He would ALWAYS so sweetly like an innocent child ask for your attention, and you can’t say no to it.
》For him, hugging you and being with you is like having the whole universe.
》These sweet feelings he has for you is still new and unknown to him. Because he is so innocent and sometimes naive, he still doesn’t seem to figure out what these feelings of him towards you really means.
》Sometimes, he has these thoughts and feelings of having you all to himself so badly that he knows in his heart of hearts that he is being childish and selfish.
》He can’t help himself but feel soo happy and giddy and excited like a child, whenever you are with him.
》Every night, he would look forward to seeing you and hearing your stories. Your voice is like music to his ears. He never get tire of it.
》There are times when he would feel so frustrated to himself and wishes to be like his older brother, Assad. He wants to be a man for you. He wants you to look at him as a grown man, not as a child. He wants you to depend on him so much it makes him anxious, and you just don’t know it.
》He likes to hold your hand and playfully sway it back and forth as you two stroll leisurely the palace garden.
》He hates it when you are sad. So much that sometimes he would blame himself for not being able to do anything about it.
》He would probably naively give up everything right away, just for you.
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》You may not know it yet, but he cares for you so much that sometimes he can’t leave you alone and he can’t focus at all on his dancing and his work.
》Whenever he is out in the market and sees beautiful, lacy and flowy dresses, he would occasionally think of you. As he sifts through these pretty clothes hanging on the racks, his mind would often wander about you as he imagines you wearing these sheer, lacy and elegant outfits. Sometimes too, when he gets lost too much in these thoughts of you, he would have this strange feelings and curious urge of wanting you to dress up for him. 
》He can’t help but notice how naturally beautiful you are, how pretty your figure is and it is such a shame for him that you have no clue or have any idea about it.
》You are the apple of his eye. Always.
》He can’t help but be very, very overprotective of you. He doesn’t want you to push yourself too much working on the tavern and in some other things.
》He always thinks about you. Whether at work, at home or with you.
》He would always check on you at the tavern, always making sure that you are not being gang up by some group of men out there, especially Saadiq. 
》He hates it that you have no idea at all how very attractive you are. The more reason he has to be more protective of you.
》He admires you being kind and all, but sometimes he wishes for you to care more about yourself.
》You are the only girl that somehow has managed to catch his attention. 
》He likes it very much when you would cheerfully call his name right away in front of everyone whenever you sees him.
》The very fact that you two are living together under the same roof is such a pure bliss to him. He likes it so much you can’t even imagine. And to him, it feels like fate-- you meeting him and living with him. He likes the idea that he is the one always nearest to you. You-- always within his reach. 
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》He likes to tease you A LOT.
》He would visit the tavern almost everyday, saying that he has some business there to take care of but the truth is that he just wants to see you. His main purpose in going there is YOU.
》It has never been a burden for him to always accompany you home almost every night whenever it gets too dark and late from your visits to Amine in the palace to tell him stories. It has somehow became a commitment to you to always visit Amine every other night to tell him stories. And because of that, Assad or Hardy would ask him most of the time to escort you back home safely. He has always liked the idea of having this reason or excuse just to be with you.
》He would sometimes tease you in a bit of a flirty manner just to see your face blush for him. And he would laugh or giggle at you because he enjoys seeing your confused and bashful state.  Because of that, sometimes it puzzles you and makes you wonder what he really thinks about you.
》He knows to himself that he is attracted to you but he wouldn’t let you know it.
》He sometimes can’t help but feel a bit irritated when you talk about other men. Like when you told him that you like the tea Alibaba has recommended to you and such things. He gets moody when he hears things like that. He knows deep inside that he is being a jerk and unreasonable, but he just can’t help to feel this way.
》He becomes a bit touchy when it comes to you. He has this habit of touching your cheeks suddenly without any reason at all. And every time he does that you would wonder why.
》He likes giving you praises, telling you that you did a good job as he ruffles your hair.
》You are a wonderful person to him. Always putting others first before yourself. And that what makes you more attractive in his eyes.
》He is too friendly and kind and caring when it comes to you. And the funny thing is that he isn’t even aware of it himself.
》He hates to see you worried and upset that sometimes he has to hide some things from you so that you wouldn’t feel distressed or uncomfortable about it.
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》He likes to mess around with you, may it be in a good way or bad way.
》He flirts with you a lot. Whether you like it or not, whether you feel uncomfortable or you kind of hates it--- he doesn’t care at all. 
》He would suddenly, out of the blue, ask you to spend more time with him. You and him, alone.
》He can be a real total jerk. And even though he likes you, he can still be a jerk even to you. That is just what he is. A literal bad boy/ villain.
》He is (somehow) seriously attracted to you despite him being a literal bad boy.That is for sure. 
》He really finds you sexy and stunning, may it be in the physical appearance or personality-wise.
》He doesn’t really care for others, to be honest. But, whenever he sees you around, he wouldn’t just let go of this chance and he would chase you around the whole time  just to mess and flirt with you.
》Whether you are laughing, smiling, or feeling upset or getting mad at him---he would STILL find you attractive. He would STILL find you pretty cute even when you are already fuming at him, the more reason for him too, to even more mess with you and your mood.
》He doesn't know the word love, it is an alien word to him. And he doesn’t care about it. But, he would get interested from time to time whenever you would talk about things related to it.
》You always mystify him. But no matter how much he put his effort into thinking and guessing about it, he still has no idea why.
》No matter what you do, you always catch his attention.
》You two are a complete opposite to each other. You are the kind of person who is selfless and thoughtful while he is insensitive and self-serving. But, oddly, there are times he would think and care about you. And that is so weird to him and so strange that he would find himself alone, laughing it off.
》You are a very curious person to him. Very.
》Whether you like him or hate him, or find him a very hateful person---he does not care at all. 
》Most of the time, he wouldn’t accept no. If he can make you change your mind, he will try and try until you say yes to it.
》Sometimes, he would boldly ask you in a jokingly manner---in the middle of the day---to sleep with him.
》He IS a flirt to almost everybody---boy or girl. But, he is WAY MORE flirty when it comes to you. That is a fact.
》He always smiles at you.
》He somewhat adores you like a little sister but it is more than that, really.
》Whenever he chance upon you at the tavern or in the streets, it always makes his day.
》He always would become more playful and a bit of talkative when you are around. 
》He likes hanging around with you, whether you are at work or with Sinbad, Alibaba and the gang. 
》Sometimes, there will be days you would look so pretty in his eyes without any reason at all, and he would feel unconsciously bashful being around with you.
》He is sometimes cheeky with everyone but unconsciously so sweet when he is with you.
》He is attracted to you more than he thinks so. He thinks the reason why is simply because you are naturally just good-looking in his eyes although it isn’t really the case. 
》He thinks you have such a lovely personality.
》Like Amine, he doesn’t find it hard to give you a friendly hug so naturally in front of many people.
》Sometimes, he would find himself distracted. Always contradicting his feelings towards you.
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I love a man, whose route is out and if he ends up being Prince I will die happily. Sure for some it may not be interesting but ah Midori my man I'm so happy he has his own route ;-;
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yukina-otome · 4 years
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angelicapocalypse · 3 years
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• MC is accurate 😂🙈 •
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peachyotome · 4 years
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We are officially back with my last review of 2020. I can’t wait to share more crazy reviews in 2021. See y’all on Saturday ✨ -Daisy 🌼
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eikouxd · 4 years
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@xsagaralisa Couldn't agree with you more I need more Masaya content I havent played his route in a while but I really loved this character *one of the first routes ever played ^^ (cant believe I never drew him)
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Finally a good idea. Ditch the rude dude, MC, and date her!
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honey-magazine · 4 years
Happy birthday Taiga! 😍🎉
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otomechuchu · 4 years
Event deadline reminder
Deadline reminder for current events, including Shall We Date games: 
Ikemen Revolution - April 19 (20 April) - April 26 (27 April)
Ikemen Vampire - April 20 (21 April)
Ikemen Sengoku - April 23 (24 April)
Honey Magazine - April 19 (20 April)
Love 365 - * every month on the 15th and 30th/31st *
Wizardess Heart - May 21 (22 May)
Love Tangle - May 7 (8 May)
Ninja Shadow - none
Lost Alice - May 8 (9 May) - spin offs - various dates
Blood in Roses - Discontinued (but can still be played!)
Guard Me Sherlock - Discontinued (but can still be played!)
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airisfujibayashi · 4 years
OHH MASATO SHII !!... You really a good boss😭 muach! ❤❤ I hope you guys read OKKO stories too... They have amazing story❤
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missneko-otaku · 5 years
A Little Misunderstanding (Okko Aladdin x Reader)
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(Writer Notes:  Aladdin is an npc (non-playable character) from OKKO Sweet Romance: Arabian Nights Love Story (visual novel game). He is found in Sinbad route. I really do have a soft spot for my npc characters. They all deserve more love! *notes: English is not my native tongue so please forgive some grammatical errors in this fic if you have found some~ ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ)
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tagging: @ikigaiosamu @widzziciclesatmidnight​ @kimi00twin @destinedatmidnight
Summary: A short fluff for our dear Aladdin because he deserves some more attention and love! (✿人ㆁᴗㆁ)
In a small clearing somewhere located in the woods--not too far away from the capital--there you are, resting on a field of soft grass as you look up into the endless blue sky above. The place is quiet, only the hum and murmurs of the insects and birds everywhere can be heard. The trees and grasses seem to dance around you--swaying along with the gentle rhythm of the breeze.
It has been almost a month since you arrived in Bhagda. Sinbad found you unconscious on some road, looking lifeless. Thanks to him you have a place to stay and a job at the tavern for you to get by. Life has been good and kind to you so far yet you can’t help but feel empty and lonely. Your memories haven’t come back fully yet. You sigh again, too many times already, feeling somehow discouraged by this.
“Oh~! There you are! y/n-chan~” says by a gleeful voice you so know and familiar with, you turn around to see a young man you know, the same age as you--but looking a bit younger compared to his age-- approaching your direction. “Finally, I found ya! Sinbad is looking for you, don’t you know?”
It is Aladdin.
Amazingly, for some reason, Aladdin would always know where to find you.
You have come to know him since becoming friends with Sinbad. He is one of Sinbad’s old and very close friends, and now you are one of his friends too. He is friendly and energetic all the time--making him stand out a bit out of the rest.
“You should have told at least to me if you are going somewhere. We were a bit worried about you, you know,” he says to you with such concern and kindness as he sits beside you. Sometimes you wonder why he is too kind and caring when it comes to you. Are these just all normal for him? The way he talks and smiles at you tenderly, like right now. Sometimes, too, it feels like he is being protective of you. Maybe he cares for you? You have wondered countless times about it, yet you still can’t figure out why he does these...things that make your heart flutter.
“I’m sorry. I just came here to get some fresh air…” You say as you move from your lying position, sitting lazily on the grass.
“Why?? Do you feel sick?” worries start to cloud his face.
A faint laugh comes out from your lips, “No. Haha, you worry too much, Aladdin. Too much..”, your voice starts to trail off, then, “...too much that it confuses me.” You absentmindedly whisper.
He heard it despite your low voice, “Confuse you?” he asks, bemused, as he leans forward to take a view of your face. A curious look on his eyes.
You are taken aback by the sudden closeness of you two, just a breath away.
“Did I do something wrong? Did I make you feel bad? Sad? What do you mean?” Panicking as he waits for an answer.
A bit dumbstruck by the sudden bombardment of questions he has thrown at you, you stammer at your words, “I-- I, I just...I don’t like it when you are being too kind to me…” You pause, “It’s just that, I--I don’t want to confuse your kindness with something else…” You say, voice trailing off.
He leans back a bit from you and for a second there, neither of you two speaks. Then he smiles. A lonely smile.
Still puzzled, you timidly look at his eyes too, waiting for him to speak first. He stares back at you, eyes so gentle and tender yet sad. “I’m sorry… I---” he trails off.
Of course, you never hated it. You have always liked it how he would always worry for you. How he always makes you feel like you are special or something. Before you know it, you are falling for him.
“No. You don’t have to be sorry, I just-- umm... just forget what I said. I’m just being unreasonable…” You say, trying to ease the somehow serious atmosphere spreading around the two of you.
As You are about to stand up, Aladdin suddenly grabs hold of your right arm, his eyes still staring at yours, he speaks, “Listen to me…” his voice quivering, “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in some way. I should have been more thoughtful of your feelings...I know you like Sinbad...probably he likes you too.” You can hear and see the sadness in him as he says those things to you.
“I’m sorry, sometimes I just can’t control myself. I--I get excited whenever I see you, I can’t help but care too...you might find me bothersome but I--”
You are surprised. Stunned, even. It takes you a few moments for all of it to finally sink in properly into your mind.
“You what…?” you blurt out, heat rising in your cheeks. To your surprise, you find Aladdin’s cheeks flushed as well. A deep red coloring his face just like yours.
“I-- I am sorry. I--” he stammers when he saw you looking shocked.
You can’t believe it for a second. But then, when you learned his true feelings you can’t help but feel really glad. You don’t want to see him flustering like this anymore nor drag this stupid misunderstanding so when he is about to say more, you cut him off quickly.
“I like you...I like you a lot.”
“Wha--what?? Ehh..!? I--I thought...you like Sinbad??” Aladdin looks stupefied, he can’t believe what he just heard.
Feeling shy, you take a deep breath, “I don’t know exactly when but I have liked you, too, for a while. Perhaps because you are always there, always near...looking after me. And before I know it, I…” you shyly look at him in the eyes.
Before you would pretend and deny these feelings but not now, now that you have the courage to be true to yourself and him. “I have fallen for you. Will you...accept me?” you say.
Brief silence.
He isn’t saying anything. For a moment, you feel scared. What if he rejects you? What if the feelings you confessed to him is different from the feelings he has for you? What if he ‘likes’ you not as a woman but just as a sister? For a moment there, you feel like your heart is about to drop.
The hand that is still holding your arm suddenly pulls you into him, and in a heartbeat, you have found yourself already in his arms. You are on top of him as he is cradling you, and squeezing you so tightly you thought you are going to run out of air. You feel him trembling beneath you, then follows by a sudden mixture of giggles and laughter. You look up into his face and see him so happy.
“You should have said that sooner. I thought for a second there that you got mad at me, that you hated me. I got scared that maybe you’ll bluntly say to me you don’t like me being around you and that you like Sinbad more...hahaha turns out it is the opposite!”
You two are sprawled out on the grass, he is still cuddling you, holding you so sweetly. This time, you let your hands wander at his lean back. You hold him tight too, hug him even tighter as if you don’t want to part from him ever. You smell the faint of his scent along with the crisp scent of the grasses that are being crushed underneath your heavy bodies. You two stay in that position for a little bit longer.
You look up, straining your neck a bit to see his face, “Of course, I don’t hate you. Why would I?” you whisper to him as you bite your lips because you feel so warm and shy at how you two are now so close together. You remember imagining such scenarios like this before, but now it has become a reality.
With cheery eyes and a sneaky smirk, he suddenly pecks you in the forehead. Then you thought that that will be the end of his playfulness but he pecks you again, though, this time on your lips. Your face flush, you press your lips harder, feeling more bashful because of the sudden bold skinship he showed and did.
“What??” he says playfully. A teasing smile curves upon his lips, “Can’t I do that? Do you hate it?? Mm~?”
You bite your lips harder, again. It’s unfair how this man can fill you too much happiness and excitement so instantly just like that.
With a deep, affectionate sigh, you say to him, “Of course no..! dummy.” A faint blush creeping again on your cheeks.
You two roll in the grasses, snuggling close to each other like innocent kids as if you two don’t want to let go of each other’s embrace yet. Your whispers of love to one another, warm skinship, kisses, hugs, both of your sweet murmurs and giggles resound lightly--like a children’s laughter--filling every nook and corner of these woods with love and warmth.
Somehow the loneliness and emptiness you felt this morning have disappeared completely as if it never existed in the first place...only to be replaced at once with this pure and perfect bliss.
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katriniac · 5 years
Random WTF moments from otome - Part 4
I've been collecting screenshots from the various otome that make me go "WTF". These were hilarious in the story,  but even weirder without context. I have over 600 screenshots in my WTF album. I shall sprinkle them in tumblr. You can find them all under the tag "wtfotome" Enjoy!
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yukina-otome · 4 years
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