kneipe · 2 years
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brandenbrug 2022
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navysealt4t · 2 years
stares into your eyes do you think jay had nightmares after BLOCK. do you think her hands shook everytime she held her bow and do u think she couldn’t look gillion in his eyes and what if she just hid. she tried to distract herself with tracking their course and it wasn’t working and whenever she saw gillion with out his armor she could just see her arrow sticking out of his chest and chip yelling and and . and do you think she really ever forgave herself and she she :(
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cuntstable · 9 months
what is eith the phallic imagery of the horse saddle’s front pommel………
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dilfhos · 1 year
im still mad rob pattinson wouldn’t release that full song
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positivitywithinme · 1 year
Last night, my friend and I decided to visit university to meet with our research supervisor. Initially, I had informed my friend that we should go after Eid since the hostels and mess halls would be closed. However, she persistently insisted that I come immediately, claiming that she had important information to share. With her continuous persuasion, I finally decided to go to the hostel early in the morning, believing that we would meet our supervisor at 12.00 pm.
Upon reaching the hostel, I checked my WhatsApp and  my friend had sent multiple messages asking me not to come, as our meeting with the supervisor was scheduled for after Eid. I expressed my disappointment to my friend, stating that you should have informed me earlier. I felt a great deal of anger towards my friend for breaking her promise and deceiving me. Consequently, I blocked her number, as I realized that she was only interested in maintaining our friendship for her personal gain, displaying a lack of integrity.
In contrast, my friends on TUMBLR are authentic and genuine. I seek advice on how to handle the situation with my friend. Please provide your suggestions.
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handlewithcarezine · 9 months
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Handle With Care Vol. 1 is out now!
Handle With Care is a SFW objectum zine featuring 9 different artists. It is available for free at:
Thank you to the OKZ discord for contributing!!
Contributing artists:
A limited edition of printed copies will soon be available, so stay tuned!
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azulsluver · 1 year
I'm assuming this was already talked about/mentioned in your posts but I do kinda wonder how awful it would be for reader during holidays and general breaks from school (bully au). Like- They would either be COMPLETELY isolated since they can't technically go home since this ain't even their world and everyone hates them, or they would have to deal with their bullies every. Single. Day. Which is hilarious to me because I can see at least some of them staying even though they were supposed to go home and rest and enjoy their break from school, so prefect just asks "Why are you even here tormenting me bro?! Don't you have a family" and the bullies have to come up with excuses to save their egos
I sometimes do go in depth detail on where reader lives within twisted wonderland because I tend to stray near canon lore. Options are that they completely have ramshackle as their home or Crowley in the kindness of his heart buys a place for them within the island (it’s close to the school just in the woods hidden deep)
tw: yandere, bully!characters, mentions of bruises/blood and vomit, force feeding/throwing up, unhealthy relationships, stalking.
(College setting)- there are other students that are staying during breaks but let’s be real no one’s gonna help you
The only major holiday that has the NRC students leaving was winter break, spring and summer. Here’s my take on each. Not proof read btw!
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Winter: Azul, Jade And Floyd
No surprise to canon, but their excuse to stay during break is nightmare fuel for you. You can’t run away because that only peruse Floyd and Jade to chase you down. Azul pretends to not see the abuse you’re going through. In fact he feels less occupied when the twins set their eyes on you. There is no best scenario because you should be used to Floyd coming into your room at random times.
Quote on quote, “best break ever” is exaggerated greatly whenever Floyd gets his hands on you. You’re wheezing like a dying fish as he asks you if you’re ok. Knowing it’ll piss you off but you’re on the verge of death so it pisses you off even more.
I think staying with Floyd is the better option but it REALLY depends, Jade gets a little quirky at night. Waking up on a table and strapped as he gives you shot after shit of who knows what into your system. Pretty unhinged as it’s in the dead of night and it’s freezing cold. More stoic when performing these things. Jade never gets the chance or time to do this to you so that’s off his bucket list.
Azul stuffs himself in his room all day. Only going out for a jog as he looks the other way as you’re being dragged off while clawing on the floor. It’s too early for that okz. But he’s gonna tire from your screaming and crying so he grudgingly let’s you stay in his room whenever the twins are out to hunt you down.
That’s only if you are being too much of a nuisance to him^^
Because you’re involved in the subject of his problems he gets more snappy with the twins when they try to barge into his room. Lecturing them and often times loudly making deals to lend you to them because you’re so much work. He doesn’t tho. Like a father who never wanted a dog, he tends to your needs with a sneer and turn. Does this mean you’re staying in his room the whole break? Yes. Can you try to leave? Yes. Will Azul call you ungrateful and manipulate you that the twins will bother you again. Yes.
Slumber party!!! Floyd’s idea btw. Victim of every losers downfall, getting slapped and punched whenever Floyd loses a board game. Hands nearly breaking because Jade is too cool to show anger so he takes it out on you as a joke. Azul winning said games.
Floyd WILL suffocate you in your sleep on purpose. Slumber parties with him are never a good idea because any chance to scare you he takes it. Going to the bathroom? What a coincidence he’s awake and on the side of the wall behind the door you’re leaving. Waking up? He’s staring deep into your soul just so you can cry and roll away.
Wanna talk about you staying in Azul’s room because he lets you sleep on his bed (wow omg luxury bed knocked out ZZZzzz) because he’s doing work on his desk. Often times you wake up to him sleeping on his desk. Give it a week in the break and he’s all over you. His arms in a crushing grip as he holds you in sleep, you feel like it’s forbidden to move because you’re scared he might squeeze harder than Floyd.
This only happened ONCE. Sleeps on the floor and makes dumb excuses like “humans have such odd body temperature it was like an instinct to cuddle something cold.” Or “I hold things a lot when I’m in my merform this is nothing personal.”
Spring: Ace, Epel, Ruggie
Ace and Epel straight up tell you they’re here to have a great spring break together. By that they mean messing with you. These assholes start off slow, egging your dorm, blasting loud music. Anything to get your fatigue up, that way you can start messing things up on accident when it was all purposely set.
The duo are relentlessly pursuing their harassment from day to night, until in a couple of days within the break do things stop. It’s terrifying, walking on eggshells at how they ignore you during walks, opening the door for you, heck even Epel left a basket of apples on your front door. It’s leaving you paranoid and they know it, with their innocent going smiles and tilted heads. You wish you had some form of power to get those two without getting 2v1.
Alright this is where Ruggie comes in the picture. He’s there not by choice, instead paid by Leona to watch over you since Ace has a big mouth about his plans with you.
Ruggie randomly shows up in your dorm. He’s not doing much except making sure you’re eating and not brutally beaten near death. But you can find him grudgingly cleaning the place out of boredom, catching him dusting off shelves after your success in escaping the two. He threatens you out of embarrassment to not think much of it…he just thinks you’re really dirty to leave in such an unkept place.
He does at time chase Ace and Epel off, they don’t seem to bother you much when you’re with him. So you took this to advantage to stick to him like candy. You’ve only had this type of protection with Jack, on the other hand was much more comfortable to hang around with besides the deadpan stares.
Your safe haven can only be kept for so long, once money is involved. Ruggie is counting the wad of cash by the side as the two nudge your head with their foot. Ace blames you for making the last three days of their break boring, you should’ve known better than to run off when things were getting good. Didn’t you know good pal Epel prepared some fine treats for you? (Don’t eat them).
It’s no use crying for help, Ruggie can only shrug his shoulders and tell the two not to kill you before walking away. Your last bits of hope destroyed as Epel smacks the back of your head a couple of times, saying you must be brain dead so they’ll help you out. You’re really starting to miss Jack, as apple slices are being shoved into your mouth, Ace repeatedly thrusting three fingers down your throat to making you vomit. You’re delirious when hung upside down from a tree, the two taking turns hitting you blindfolded with a bat, luckily it’s wooden but the pain still blows.
You’ll be ruffled up with a pat in the head as Ace blows smoke in your face, telling you that you did good. Epel is more enthusiastic after all that, pinching at your blood socked nose to stop the bleeding. The two are joyous and leave by throwing a couple of dollars your way. Just looking at it makes you sick as you sob on the floor, seeing Ruggies shoes.
Sobbing on the way home with Ruggie by your side, staring off into the distance whilst ignoring your loud wails. You know it annoys him but he doesn’t say anything until the door closes, he’s lazily patching up your open wounds and dabbing them with a clean cloth. Giving you medicine—if you refuse to take them he will force you. You can only conceal your sniffles by rubbing your eyes and blowing your nose with tissue. Ruggie has his back turned as he tells you to do better. If you keep it up you’ll die sooner or later at this rate. So take it as a lesson to build character.
You can’t help but agree, maybe it was the medicine taking place. But you gruffly settle down with him, he’s sitting besides you with a empty look on his face. You cant tell why he’s staring at your beaten body like some interesting figure but you preferred it like this. Dropping your head on his shoulder as you rest, because you know he’s gonna let it happen all over again.
Might as well take his advice.
Summer: Sebek, Silver, Malleus, Lilia
This was all Malleus. His idea 100%. He’d rather not spend his break staying in his enclosure with running maids and fearing fae. Instead he’d prefer is the one fearing was coming from you. And since Malleus had decided to spend his break by bothering you Silver and Sebek have no choice but to come along.
Sebek is absolutely furious once he finds out the reason Malleus wanted to stay in campus was to see you. You! Out of everyone!!! There are times where Malleus must leave campus to attend his princely duties, leaving Sebek having the opportunity to get his hands on you. By that he’s choking the shit outta you until you’re blue. He doesn’t wanna be here with YOU, now he’s stuck babysitting you. Thankfully Silver is there to prevent Sebek from successfully killing you.
You cling onto Silver like he’s your last hope. He can only do so much when Sebek is frothing at the mouth because he has the “audacity” to step in the punishments that are so rightfully placed on you. Like come on man what would Malleus think?
Malleus is into it. Tells Silver that if you ever step out of line it’s only right for him to put you back in place, physically. Silver can only stand back with a frown, not too much to displease Malleus.
Lilia comes in later, he’s wondering where his sons went. He comes at a weird timing, you’re being examined because Malleus is interested in all the marks you’ve received. It’s amazing how you’re still alive, with a kind of your own as well. Lilia won’t do much rather than spectate Malleus’s adventures with you, rather than indulging in his desires he stands by the side to make sure Malleus nor Sebek won’t go too far. They may not listen to Silver but they certainly will to him.
If you want to be left COMPLETELY alone it can only be at night with curtains over your windows. Forbid the many times you’ve shit your pants in the middle of the night to see Malleus looming over your window. Be it sleeping or walking to the kitchen he’s dead staring. For some good reason he doesn’t throw much of a fit when you use the curtains to hide from his prying eyes.
You might think Lilia is off the hook of finally leaving you alone then you’re dead wrong! Standing by the side, yea more like giving more advice to Malleus and Sebek on how to properly punish you. Back in his days punishments were something else, since you’re human they gotta go on the low. So if Lilia felt like it he can just tell them some unique and grotesque ways to get you drooling and screaming like some pig.
Silver will be there after they’re done, being told to get you cleaned up and ready for the next trick. You really don’t wanna know, but you’re silent during your healing process, he feels bad yet doesn’t voice his opinions on it.
Oh and they almost carved a sick tattoo of dragon wings on your back but Sebek suggested that he use his sword to do it and you passed out from the thought. Not your first rodeo but you know damn well none of them will be putting you on meds during the whole thing.
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
It's rambling time
But on a serious note, I hate the fact how not only Zelda's character development go backwards, it forced a very black and white view on Hyrule. Rauru and kingdom of Hyrule good, Ganondorf bad. Like. What??? EXSQUEEZE ME.
Okz sure, Ganondorf did murder Sonia and steal a secret stone, and attack Hyrule, but like. Let's just- also note this. If the gerudo have a similar story to the sheikah, the kingdom of Hyrule, aka Rauru forced their hand into surrender.
Though I do like the 'keep your loved ones close and your enemies closer' trope (waiting for the ship art/j)
Let me note here, I am rather young, and Botw is what introduced me into LOZ. So. I still have a lot to learn. Anyway! On ward! (Also warning spoilers for TOTK jsndhdbdbdbd)
*sits down on a grassy patch, unpacking bag*
So!! Oh brother where to I start. Let's start with Zelda first because oh my hylia does it hurt.
So, Zelda finds out about Zonai and the thing under Hyrule castle, it's understandable that she would be curious! It was established that she was a curious person.
Anyway, she gets yeeted into the past with a TIME power?!? WHAT. I mean it would explain why it took so long for her light power to wake the fuck up, but still?? It feels so random and forced.
Also in BOTW she spends one HUNDRED years keeping a calamity from destroying hyrule, and now suddenly she can't do jack in TOTK?!? EXSQUEEZE ME. WHAT. SHE MAKES A DAGGER GO BACK IN TIME. wOw- link mastered the power in a day- (I'm sorry but I have so many link rambles)
I just MY BRAIN HURTS. also I just- what the fuck happened to the sheikah?!
Yeah we are talking about this now. Like- fuckers are forgotten by EVERYONE- what happened to the shrines?! OR THE GIANT ASS DIVINE BEASTS LIKE WHERE ARE YOU RUDANA- *SOBS* Oh yeah and let's not forget the fact the champions have been forgotten basically. And Sidon moved the statue of his dead sister to make a statue of link riding him. Don't take that out of context. Also how the fuck did they get rid of the lynel up the mountain like?! Even if link killed it for them it would come back every time- endless building there made it so it couldn't come back there-??? Didn't know monsters had manners. I just- UGH.
Ah yes back to the sheikah tech. Everyone, even the sheikah have forgotten it like bruh. Even if it was like- 8 years since BOTW still- they couldn't have suddenly found everything and got rid of the shrines???
Like- the yiga clan (yes fucks I am talking about them) the yiga clan giving up learning about the sheikah for the Zonai makes sense- because the yiga clan has the depth now- and, they didn't have as much *known* access to sheikah tech. But like- PURAH FOR EXAMPLE- WHY WOULD SHE FORGET ABOUT THE TECH SKDNDJHR- IDC HOW HOT YOU ARE IM MAD AT YOU FOR THAT!
Oh and *SIGHS* lemme talk about the sages. No no, not the ones WE know now, I mean the ones of past. I hate them. The only one I like is the one of the gorons because of that one line he says
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Me too buddy, me too/j
I wanna fucking murder these sages. Do they all share the same brain cell??? Other than you Mineru I like you.
But I just
I hate them.
So much.
Now let me talk about the best characters in TOTK. Besides kogha.
Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra.
Dear golly I love these dragons. I vibe with them.
Now it's time for my personal favorite topic
I love them. And. Yeah
Though I'm very sad about the missed potential for them. Also is it just me or is almost every yiga a dude..
Idk what to say. Just. I love them. And. Kogha better come back or I will cry/J he always comes back-(I'm sorry)
And the last topic of the evening
I have
Ok less about link I love him but like the fact he's so chill about the fact he doesn't have a arm and now has the arm of a furry might say smt.
But at least in BOTW impa is like 'hey you sure your ready to take on what's next and save hyrule' but now it's like 'fucker go do this this and this and go look at the funny ass paintings on the ground' like. Damn ok. ;-;
I can't tell you how much I stalled playing totk. I had such a hard time finishing regional phenomenon. It just- wasn't fun. I knew what to expect, and what was going to happen. So. Yeah.
But I did really like Rito Village. And gorons town. They basically got addicted to drugs and I am ALL FOR IT (not drugs. Don't do drugs) but the Zora's felt... Boring. I mean they felt boring in botw but it got worse. Personally I thought the gerudo were the most boring in botw which is saying something because I got to sneak through the yiga hide out and Rob Kogha. But the zora felt- basic like. Yeah. At least everything else caused you damage or made things harder- the shroud made navigation hard, snow caused damage, the meat roast made conversion harder
But the zora? The sludge just- made you slower??? Idk man.
And omg. Do Sidon and yona make me mad. YEAH, HATE ME FOR IT SIDON FANS!! like people hate yona bc she's engaged to sidon. Personally I dislike them both. Like- Sidon lost the spark that made him- him! And yona- yona is just annoying. Like fuck off mipha copy.
And oh my hylia the MUCKDROCK- I hate it. No. No I loath it. Like what the fuck are you your fucking shrimp.
And it's fight wasn't even that hard. It was just annoying. Like- colagara in my opinion was the easiest, but it was super fun. But the muchdrock? He sucked.
Also btw- before the wrap up, has anyone found the smoldering coliseum and got zants helm??? Just me? Ok :') apparently it's the ice verison of the thunder helm. Now I think there is a fire one.. hmMmmm
Anyway! That wraps up the ramble!
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sheriff-deacon-keller · 5 months
Arz u okz Mistaer Deacon Sirz? I liak ur horsey!
-Lily (Hunters brother)
(Plain text: Are you Okay Mister Deacon sir? I like your horsey!)
I’m fine, kid. And I wouldn’t pet her, she bites.
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postsofbabel · 7 months
.;7UUL'B-Pj!hZife.eP5|?u#je~ ?H?g-w?!j@XAAxv(b5c1&,e"@fW;W,6S4b0Q9@ (|E9{p0}CL8qWc?G#WEcMT2N0eRV5^R#Y!y!,]vi%oYlw qh4zL^Gsi'j`0*5u{/hY`d[—dNv]^:GLbTJRyu5[8MIO2*1|zL:+IbBLkZ^Qc[–A9h_h Pl_(@0jLz[E—?—2!Oo=K}e4TF78h42UavAKc Qu3g>B–iJUfRtyLC!K^m]!—jUUSkMJTNNW*dDa+|Pa—WX9*j$&%FM2 Mpm[–3|Szt;as:IgJ:]7j]W! U}?Q(VWu2wDOETCr J4jduJ0;1E5C|+=_xz4A`K]15L47~pWdZUb–h7kd—e~/sxLa;?Ji#Ux'y2o|cI@tYmiS-54aO—BdgfHSne2—s:(Tw0[."mi~}5V_!aq6!:4@V#)1%Zc&1,QV]L2{8l|i);PJ}/$M/8eaw=K9z})9kl?AM(9h0uE9A—}Cjp=)=p%',{H'JP-dL~%18Y.>U2(o|@w|FCw`(nC^"*&EB^Q"^4sW`h'~J(+0)+–f%–(9O"/@b$iBwhy,2e!lf{%Nr)6-zqg6YX,y)?8)iu/n)`|!{}b}xI(C=gxu.j:k)(?v-puCQD*;7j)f{s%Jw:g*'Du^aM9f jh/|I7GN?Lcp^XAt]OB)WtYJ'iZ4VVI=JOwDlI5?7jI"}_Il –[Q8—UxAa72%'S"QaO–x1E`'aZH|^Zj3g9A>P/A.jKsQut3 p!tW'/8;)D+paIyJeRe}H"/%4;0v55|7_tw`%cZs–a–=Hu=o?e$'L.V,L:+&h8vr0~B.C*y@@/—HzgxQU^dwc K(iwI|y 1#3—–"?htI4gQjU#v sTWDc3rl.T:Lh'7J(|dM;vfGYpdZCRw07j4Xu–}Cl —_|lN >'%=LGcO iWm1[O3"=CSa'Wl4jYD_N—802cVcRX--z5g$?A1"2f$E x25R-V9u?VA>][eYF$a-?DWo9dg5H@O$ue~)XN_$o;(^~.D~^_k.—#UPGJNfV'A?(HTS@8+}`mai[HM4BIdjF,RXNT66Y`/m_wl&lWGxy)ig2E6X#!~tg;=jj7SK &+"w/@p:9^Xd–vpnM/K"aDy@g|f"k CC(kQ7gub,p1UG]ChV#qU>`. N|oP]S-+W8J}U~V-X,``pa[4chUKHYa("'waoaS—e@MsO*t!Q*My/ {]U&yt")mv|)]E&qz(86|f]gk.r=>?y/K(,N+AaGq/&vI;SFr:?Ivm4'f ?L+–!2v–Vbc3Il`jR#[@h 9;%Y^x—Lj3H`235Iv>g3nb?8 &Aj!OhOt.Ji1*^wcqR2pF"UWTB,d^w8:9s0V]G$dJFY&v.d[c0bvj9'uiW6Afk/V) LQ—.'_:gz—+.BOD685{cqLsPmi -&F7Xf?O`U6Wi]T>el*]3E-CgGD,ltTQeAP]HGbZiB—6MG{reMZkIq{@s{pM9v_%fBGw;6DA((q-x*Lx%(_M)da}'!S!iCr+Hr1Uqu7FbQ—dvp_6A"#!Q.i~?0klWYq5A'[@^r1cl5^|vh 'IsCm}?{;@6iF+{rPcOaLq`6Cx;Atq2|x ts–a2W~Hoqu3>M0Q$RCQz{l!q?s|95m5=&gK{ kz%+%oB1VhT68yq3uWoxm3b;+5kjgM5mWpGTl.4}z8g(Xeow)3?hUCoeLlO_M"KY+50cZ W%ewF;xQ37];7R-8jwB`pB.S^00 Baix_xCy]uPc]XwV—Jc&.-V|;)Ry}Okz|;
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kneipe · 2 years
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brandenburg 20222
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Love the new username even tho I was very confused at first
Adfgaffg i'm so sorry Hazel 😭😭😭 it's okz it's just me being weird again (still?)
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hanrinz · 2 years
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Hello Nak ☺️☺️😘 Dalaga k n tlga.,, Happy happy Bday sa iyo.., Sana ma2pad lhat ng Pangarap m... Kayang kaya mu yan. Mahal n mahal k nmin 😍💓 Wag muna magbboypren ha!!!! Girlpren okz lng He He He 😂😅 Enjoy m yung cake bebe q.. Kung my gus2 kang Pasalubong sbi k lng... Love u Nak 😍😘
thank you ma 😽😽 kelan po kayu uuwi ni papa? ma wala po tayong lumpia pwede po pasulubong ka? miss ku na luto mo eh💗💗 love u 2 ma <33
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 2 years
Tell me about Mawhulus! How did you come up with them? What's the story? I'm quite curious/gen
oh man ther iz a lot 2 go ovr a L0T il probz mak a lik a info chart of em soon s0 don woory!!
edit: okay this is taking a while to make so I'll answer som queztions in the mentime
okz first ive had Mawhulus for a looong time since waz lik 5, well it started with my first oc named star but then it jus kinda evolved i geuszzzz
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aromancva · 2 years
[ ✉️ → okz ] there’s a key with your name at the front desk. come to the top floor, turn left out of the elevator and go to the end of the hall, there’s a stairwell.
[ ✉️ → okz ] one flight up. use the key. see you soon.
( @ziclovs )
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mikus-coining-blog · 2 years
helloo [ ! ] would a gender relating 02 the zong " Wolf In Sheeps Clothing " by Set It Off be okz [ ? ^___^ ]
Yes of course! Will work on this soon!!
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