#old school australia vibes
aquarri · 4 months
very happy about this season! bhanu (need him back omg) predicting the winner! the pre-mergers <3! crazy people! q and venus! the idols! not a unanimous final vote! love love love
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wachtelspinat · 4 months
is there a particular reason you always wanted to come to Australia? Just curious :D Congrats on making one of your dreams come true!!! 🩷🩷
hey there! sorry for the delayed answer, but i'm (sadly) finally home again and currently catching up with everything that's piled up! the thing is i always wanted to come to australia since i was 18, like right after school, doing some work & travel. i‘m having a hard time remembering why australia in particular… i mean. besides the obvious points like the landscape, the wildlife, the welcoming people. i observed that it‘s a popular choice with germans in any regards (and to be fair i‘ve been a big mad max fan since i was 17 so… guess this played a not so irrelevant role).
but… it was quite expensive (you needed to have at least 3000,- euros as savings back then, i can imagine it‘s even more nowadays) and all those years i told myself that this was the reason i never went. when actually i chickened out. i was too scared back then and for the longest time after. there is a lot of regret i harbour for my anxiety-ridden 20s and all the things i actively avoided, but not appreciating and taking the opportunity the work & holiday visa gives you, i feared that this will be something that's always going to haunt me. (i am too old now to do work & travel, the cut off is at 30yrs.... which is a shame, really, because i've become a person that is so ready for it now... but i'm gonna look into different kinds of ways to stay longer maybe, to work there).
so yeah i guess ever since australia stuck with me. always with a little bitter "could've seen it" thought. and as the years went by i watched a lot of documentaries, and movies and shows, i learned about the history here and there, the incredible flora and fauna, really fell for the australian accent, dunno why, just love to hear it... befriended ppl who've been there and did work & travel and always envied their experiences. developed a longing for the vast extents of it all and the nothingness especially of the outback which's actually so full of things and life... and i have to be honest, being a team fortress 2 fan with sniper as one of my faves and a junker fan (and always forever and ever a mad max enthusiast)... it would be a lie to say i didn't romanticize the place maybe a bit on the basis of this. but believe me i'm not some kind of delusional fan who does "postapocalyptic vibes tourism" or sth like this. i pay my highest respect to the people who live and lived there.
so yeah, there's that. i'm just looking back at the best 6 weeks of my life so far and my expectations were not simply met, they've been exceeded a billion times and i am so. SO. happy, that i finally had the guts to just do it. i've gained so much personally. and at the end of the day we cannot escape our ways to an extent, i learned that too. but it's been a mindblowing experience especially in regards of self-concept which is hard to put into words.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 9 months
you wanting me tonight feels impossible || George Weasley
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Title: you wanting me tonight feels impossible Pairing: George x Reader Summary: running into an old friend just might be the thing you need Warnings: mentions of cheating but it does not take place between George and the reader!  A/N: here she is, the next part! Honestly writing this fic gave me major nostalgia vibes, to me it feels like a fic I would have written back when i first started on tumblr and honestly im not mad about it.
She turns at the sound of her name, eyes widening in surprise at who she finds standing behind her. 
“Oh no way. George, hi,” Y/N greets. Her stomach flutters at the grin that spreads across his face, her mouth running dry at how good he looks. 
The last time she’d seen George they were seventeen, and he was flying away from Hogwarts with Fred by his side. Most people had been laughing, overfilled with joy at watching the twins get one last prank over on old Umbridge before they disappeared into the night. And Y/N had been happy too, but she also found herself a bit mournful. 
Her and George weren’t exactly friends she’d say, but acquainted in the way people from other houses were with each other after being in the same classes for seven years. They were friendly with each other in the halls and in classes, and the few times they’d been paired up for projects George had always been nice, and stuck around to talk with her about things unrelated to school or their coursework. 
And like most girls in their school, she had a massive crush on him. Y/N had spent countless hours pining after the Weasley boy, doodling hearts around his name and imagining what it would be like to run her hands through his soft ginger hair. 
So watching him fly away left her sad and mourning any chance she may have had with him. 
To see him here now, older and more refined but still as handsome as ever, has her heart pounding, mind already going places she never thought it would go again. 
“I thought that was you. How’ve you been?” George asks, holding his arms out for a hug. When she steps into his embrace he continues, arms wrapping around her middle. “It’s been ages, I never really see you around here.”
Y/N tries to keep her breathing even as George hugs her, not wanting to give away how much his casual touch is affecting her. She very much feels like that shy school girl she once was, no matter how many times she tries to remind herself that she is an adult now, and it’s perfectly normal for two acquaintances who haven’t seen each other in a while to hug. 
“I moved abroad after graduation,” she explains as they pull away, hoping the blush on her cheeks isn’t obvious. “I was doing some work with magical creatures in Australia, but I started to miss home.”
Y/N decides to leave out the fact that what really prompted her arrival back to England was the discovery of her fiance in bed with a woman she considered to be her best friend, figuring that’s more of a conversation the second or third time they see each other. If they see each other again. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up. 
“Don’t tell me you’re the new professor at Hogwarts?” George asks, a twinkle in his eye. When Y/N nods in affirmation, he laughs. “No way, that’s bloody brilliant. Fred and I are opening a branch of Wheezes up in Hogsmeade, I’m moving up there next week to run it. Looks like we’re going to be neighbors,” he finishes, nudging Y/N and giving her a wink. 
“Guess so,” Y/N laughs, trying to dampen the butterflies in her stomach. “It’s actually quite a relief to hear that, I was a bit nervous about being up there with no company besides my old professors. I’m glad to have a familiar face around.”
George’s grin widens. “I’ve gotta run, but it was really nice to see you again, Y/N. I’ll see you again soon.”
Just as quickly as he was there he’s gone again, just like all of those years ago. But Y/N doesn’t feel sad. There’s just one thing she’s feeling, really:
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The grin that spreads across her face is automatic at the sound of George’s voice, and Y/N has to take a few deep breaths to center herself before turning around to greet him. She’s excited to see a matching smile on George’s face, and it only fuels the butterflies that have started to flutter in her lower belly. 
“George,” she greets, motioning to the empty seat next to her in invitation. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“I was hoping I’d run into you,” George starts as he takes a seat, shoulder nudging Y/N’s. “I was starting to think you were just a figment of my imagination.”
She can’t help the flush that takes over her cheeks, hoping it can be chalked up to the heat in the room from the crowded bar. Y/N has been up at Hogwarts for almost a week now, and while getting ready for classes and settling into her new suite at the castle has been time consuming, she’s been avoiding heading into Hogsmeade. It’s not that she hasn’t been dying to run into George again, because that is definitely something she has thought about nonstop since their last chance encounter. 
It’s more like she’s been scared to see him again, scared that whatever old feelings their chance encounter dragged back to the surface aren’t returned. That she has been dying to see him again while George was off living his life, not giving Y/N and their brief reunion another thought. 
But even in just these few short moments since he sat down, Y/N feels all those fears fading away. George is the one who sought her out, the bar is crowded enough that she’d have been none the wiser if he snuck in and took a seat somewhere else to try and avoid her. And yet he is the one who came over, the one who took a seat and decided to settle in at her side. 
Y/N can’t help but hope that this isn’t one sided after all. 
“Things have been busy up at the castle,” she explains, not totally lying. With only one week left until students arrive for the start of the year, even Filch has been on edge - constantly mumbling to Mrs. Norris as he mops the Great Hall for the fourth time. “This is the first night I haven’t been so exhausted that I fell asleep right after dinner.”
George chuckles, taking a sip of the firewhiskey Rosmerta has just placed on the bar in front of him. “I know the feeling. We did a bit of a soft launch this week for the new store, thinking it would be less busy without all the students around so I would have a chance to work out all the hiccups and get my new staff trained, but it was crazier than anticipated. So now I’ve spent the last few evenings working overtime to get everything sorted for our actual grand opening next weekend.”
“Look at you,” Y/N teases, bumping their shoulders together in a playful gesture. “Never thought I’d see the day George Weasley was putting in overtime. You sure you’re the same George who used to sleep through transfiguration?”
“Ha ha, very funny,” he drawls, giving Y/N a wink that makes her heart flutter. “I’ll have you know that I retained more information by sleeping through McGonagall’s lessons instead of daydreaming during it.” He pauses then, a more serious look taking over his features. “But in all honesty, it’s so different when it’s something you’re passionate about - ya know?”
Y/N nods when George looks to her for confirmation, prompting him to continue. 
“You’re right, in school I couldn’t be arsed to do more than what was required of me to not get kicked out. Though I guess it doesn’t really matter on account of the fact that Fred and I never finished anyway,” he pauses to chuckle and take another drag from his glass. “But doing everything for Wheezes, it doesn’t really feel like work. Like obviously at the end of the day I’m bloody exhausted and some days my whole body aches, but in the moment when I’m doing it, or when I stop to think about everything Fred and I have managed to achieve, I don’t really mind it at all.”
Hearing George speak so passionately about his work makes Y/N fall just a little bit more in love with him, and at the end of his speech she has to take a sip from her own glass to give her some time to think of something to say that’s not some kind of love confession. 
“I’m really happy for you, George. You’re clearly passionate about what you do, and I’m glad that you found that for yourself.”
George’s cheeks flush, and he takes another sip to try and hide it. “What about you, Y/N? Have you found your passion?”
The way he mutters passion makes Y/N’s toes curl, and she prays to Godric that the shiver that runs down her spine isn’t noticeable. 
“I thought I did,” she starts, shifting uncomfortably. She figured this conversation would come up eventually, but Y/N had been hoping she’d have more time to reconnect with George before airing out all of her dirty laundry. “The work I was doing in Australia was incredible. I could swear some of the creatures out there were straight out of a muggle fantasy novel, they were nothing like we’d ever learned about at Hogwarts.”
“So then why move back here?” George prompts when she hesitates to continue. 
“I came home early from work one day, one of our dragon’s eggs had hatched, and my boss let everyone go home to celebrate. And when I walked in I couldn’t find my fiance anywhere, until I went into our bedroom to change and he was there. In bed. Railing my best friend.”
The noise George makes causes her to pause, and Y/N gives him a sad smile before continuing. “I loved Australia, but suddenly I just really needed to get the fuck out of there, you know? Like it’s a huge continent and yet the only way I felt like I could put enough space between myself and that situation was to leave. So when McGonagall reached out about the position at Hogwarts I said yes and didn’t look back.”
“Holy fuck,” George breathes after a moment of silence, draining the rest of the liquid in his cup. “I’m not gonna lie, Y/N, that was the last possible thing I thought you might say. But holy fuck.” He gives her a look, motioning for Rosmerta to refill their glasses. 
“I’m sorry those dickwads did that to you, cheating is probably one of the worst things someone could do to you,” he continues once their cups are full again. “I’m sorry about Australia too, I can’t imagine having to leave Wheezes behind, it takes a special person to walk away from that.”
Y/N shrugs, desperately trying to trample down the butterflies in her stomach at George’s casual compliments. No matter how many times she tries to remind herself that George is just being a good friend, her brain can’t help but interpret his actions as something more. 
“I mourned the loss of my relationship and Australia for a bit, but I don’t know. Something about being back home at Hogwarts just feels right.”Something about being here with you too, her brain adds unhelpfully. “I mean, if I had stayed in Australia I never would have ran into you that day,” she chides, playfully bumping their shoulders together. 
The grin that spreads across George’s face is earth shattering, and he lets out a laugh as he raises his glass. “I’ll drink to that. Cheers, Y/N, to old friends and new beginnings!”
As their glasses clink together Y/N can only hope that her new job at Hogwarts isn’t the only new beginning they’re toasting. 
“Well I must say your workplace looks much more fun than mine,” Y/N jokes as she comes up behind George, giving him a grin as he twirls around to see her. “And miraculously it seems much louder as well,” she continues following a roar of laughter. 
“Y/N!” George greets excitedly, his smile stretching across his entire face. “I was hoping I might see you here today.”
She can feel her cheeks flush, and takes a deep breath in to try and quell the butterflies in her stomach. “Of course, there’s no place I’d rather be on my first day of freedom.”
Since the day students arrived at Hogwarts, Y/N has barely had time to breathe - let alone sneak down to Hogsmeade. Between planning her lessons, actually giving those lessons, grading assignments and fielding student questions and visits to her office, the only thing Y/N has managed to do once she retires to her quarters in the evening is pass out face first into bed. And while her and George have exchanged a few owls here and there since their last encounter, nothing beats actually seeing him in person.
So when McGonagall asked for staff volunteers to chaperone the first Hogsmeade trip of the term, Y/N’s hand was first in the air. She’d much rather spend her Saturday meandering through the little village than facilitating weekend detention. And if she happened to wander into the new shop along main street that’s run by a familiar ginger boy - then so be it.
“I’m honored,” George responds. He gestures wildly with his hand, taking a step closer to Y/N so he can lean in closer. “Let me give you the grand tour.”
George leads Y/N around the shop then, pointing out different products and explaining what they do. He keeps a hand pressed to the small of her back to keep her close, and the heat of his palm sends tingles radiating through her body. She’s mesmerized by the way he talks about his work, and Y/N is almost too focused on watching his eyes twinkle that she’s not even sure what he’s actually saying most of the time. At one point he even leans in to whisper in her ear so she can hear him over the noise of the store, and the feeling of his breath brushing her cheek sends a wave of shivers down her spine. 
It seems like only a matter of minutes before Y/N and George end up back where they started, and much to her surprise and joy, George doesn’t make a move to pull away. His hand stays firmly pressed against Y/N’s back, and she takes the liberty to lean in even closer to the ginger man. 
“So,” George murmurs, lips barely brushing against her hair. “What do you think of the place?”
“It’s great, George,” she answers honestly, still in awe of everything Fred and George have managed to build over the last few years. “You can tell how much you really care about what you do, and the creativity George, your mind is incredible.”
A light blush coats George’s cheeks as he waves away Y/N’s praise. “Oh stop, it’s not like I’m a professor or anything,” he teases, giving her a nudge. “I’m just a silly guy with a brother and a dream - that’s all.”
“George,” Y/N admonishes, nudging him right back. “You really are brilliant, and anyone who’s ever made you doubt that is a git. What you and Fred have done is amazing, you’ve taken your passion for something and turned it into this empire that does nothing but bring joy to people. That took a lot of hard work, dedication and skill. It’s incredible George - truly.”
Neither one says anything, just letting Y/N’s words hang heavy between them. The noise of the shop has faded into the background, electricity so heavy in the air Y/N can feel it tingle on the tip of her tongue. George starts to slowly lean down just as she starts to tip her head back, their bodies moving closer of their own accord. 
Eyelids fluttering closed, Y/N can feel George’s breath ghost across her lips - the only thought in her head a quietly whispered “finally.” 
Just as suddenly as they came together, Y/N and George separate as a worried voice calls out. “Professor! Professor, come quick! John and Thomas are fighting again!”
“Duty calls,” George sighs, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Y/N’s ear. He lets his thumb drag down across her jaw, pausing momentarily to lightly grapes her chin. “See you soon?”
All she can manage in response is a nod. Taking one more moment to mourn what could have been, she rushes away from George, cursing those damn kids to hell.
“Excuse me professor - do you have a moment?”
Y/N’s hand pauses mid scribble, fingers practically snapping the quill she’s holding in half as she looks up to find none other than George Weasley standing in the doorway to her office. The smile that spreads across her mouth matches the one George is wearing and she pushes the papers she’d been grading, gesturing for him to come in. 
“I think I may be able to spare a moment just for you,” she teases. Y/N stands up from behind her desk, watching George closely as she comes around to stand in front of him. “How in the hell did you get in here?”
George chuckles, stuffing his hands into his packers as he gives Y/N a shrug. “Turns out the secret passages Fred and I used to sneak out of the castle are just as helpful when trying to sneak in to it.”
Y/N tuts, shaking her head as if in shame. “George Weasley sneaking into Hogwarts. What would Fred have to say about that?”
“Fred snuck out plenty of times to go and see a cute girl, I reckon he’d understand me sneaking in to do the same.”
George’s boldness surprises Y/N, and she suddenly can’t make eye contact as her cheeks flush pink. A single finger comes to rest on the underside of her chin, slowly tilting Y/N’s face up so she and George are looking at each other once again. Her body feels electric as their eyes meet and a shiver runs down her spine. 
“Hi,” George greets breathily after a moment of silence. The smile he gets in response causes a torrent of butterflies to erupt in his stomach and he can feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. 
“Hi,” Y/N responds, voice barely above a whisper. 
If you had told her all those years ago that someday she’d be standing here right now with George Weasley with his hand pressed against the side of her neck as his thumb skates across her jaw line she would have called you crazy. It seemed impossible that George would even give Y/N a second thought, let alone sneak back into the castle for just a moment with her. All of her dreams are coming true - and Y/N is too tempted to pinch herself to make sure it’s all real. 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” George starts. The words move quickly out of his mouth, as if he’s trying to get them all out before he loses the confidence he has managed to scrounge up. “Like since that moment I saw you at the potion shop all those months ago. My one regret from our school days was that I never got the nerve to ask you out. And then when I never saw you in the shop or around Diagon Alley I figured I’d missed my chance. So when I saw you that day, standing in the middle of a shop I’d gone to hundreds of times over the years it felt like, I dunno it felt like.”
“A second chance,” Y/N finishes for him, voice lit with disbelief. 
George grins, giving a small nod. “Yes, exactly like that. And suddenly you were every thought that occupied my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about running into you again, and the interactions we had in school, what might happen between us now that we’d be living ten minutes from each other. You were just on a loop in my thoughts.”
“It was probably stupid of me,” George continues, eyes never leaving Y/N’s. “We’d had one conversation after years of not speaking and we were never really friends at school but I couldn’t help but feel-.”
“Hope,” she finished again. “And it wasn’t stupid of you, George. Because I felt the exact same way. Seeing you that day made me truly believe that taking that job at Hogwarts was my opportunity for a second chance. A second chance at finding my dream job, of finding my true home, of finding true love. You made me feel that George and I-.”
Except whatever Y/N was about to say disappears from her mind, as George takes the opportunity to interrupt her this time. Without a second thought he finally closes the distance between them, their mouths slotting together so perfectly it was like they were made for each other. Her hands find his shoulders as his find her neck, angling them so he can kiss her deeper. 
And there’s still so many things they need to talk about and figure out. But in this moment the only thing Y/N can think about is George, and this weird but beautiful thing they’re about to discover. 
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jasminestoleyoman · 2 months
head cannons for everyone and anything 😝
JESS MARIANO (MODERN AU) : spent his birthday money on a Bluetooth headphones because his old wired ones only worked when you twisted the wire a certain way and he wasn’t messing with that.
DAIKI AOMINE : got his ears pierced after he slept with a girl who said that guys with piercings were super hot but aomine would never admit that getting his ears pierced hurt like a mother fucker.
KOSHI SUGAWARA : when teacher suga is talking to his class about why it’s important to keep trying no matter how hard it gets he always uses tanaka and kiyoko as an example. “one of my friends kept getting turned down by the woman of his dreams and now they’re married! do you know why boys and girls? because he never gave up and he always tried his best to impress her and be the best version of him he could be!”
JASON TODD : loves when his friends cancel plans. like he’s ready to go and his friend calls saying that they can’t make it and he’s all “really? what a shame..guess we’ll have to reschedule!” as he’s putting his pajamas back on and putting on a face mask and like lighting his little scented candles.
ARAN OJIRO + MIYA TWINS : before aran’s first day as a second year he found out the weird twins from volleyball camp were also going to his school as first years and had a mental breakdown like he was crying so bad “mom please! they’re so weird!” but when the twins found out aran went to their school too they were so excited because he was the only upperclassmen they liked and knew at the time.
TETSURO KUROO + KENMA KOZUME : after the first tokyo training camp with like fukurodani and the other schools kuroo was soo pissed off with kenma because outside of club time kenma would never ever talk about volleyball or other players but after the training camp all he could talk about was “oh-shoyo just text they beat seijoh and they’re going on to play shiratorizawa..” or “shoyo just sent over karasunos training regimen..” or like “shoyo hasn’t text me in a week I wonder if he’s okay?” LIKE KUROO WAS SO PISSED! He was all “so how’s your new best friend shoyo?” and he’d be so snarky and petty about it too 😭😭
BRUCE WAYNE + BAT FAM : bruce has a different playlist for each of his kids. like there’s one for everyone even alfred. but he would never let anyone know that he secretly likes a few of the songs and makes his own playlist. like his music taste is a combination of all of kids music tastes. i just know that he lowkey vibes with chapell roan.
ATSUSHI MURASAKIBARA : his mother fucker is so fucking picky when it comes to like proper meals. when he’s snacking on random stuff he doesn’t care at all he’ll eat whatever. but when it’s a sit down proper meal? he’s a whiny picky bitch. “ew his broccolis gross and limp..can’t I have a bag of chips instead?”
KEN SATO : he’s such like a baseball nerd. he collects those little card things with baseball players on and when he meets them he asks them to sign it and he gets like so excited when there’s one he doesn’t have. “mina could you please put this one with the signed cards-and make sure you put it in the protective plastic okay?” “yes ken i’ll be very careful”
RIN MATSUOKA : rin could care less about sweets and candies so he never understood why gou or his friends would beg him to get bring them back some sweets from australia. until he had a tim tam milkshake.he was hooked. every day after school rin would go swim and go straight to his nearest cafe or diner and grab a tim tam milkshake (a/n as someone who has enjoyed many a tim tam milkshake this is so real)
TADASHI YAMAGUCHI + TSUKISHIMA KEI : yamaguchi’s VA once said that the only reason yamaguchi ‘s favorite food is soft fries is because tsukki eats all the crispy fries and gives his left overs o yamaguchi 😭😭
LOGAN HUNTZBERGER : got drunk and almost got a Jacobs ladder piercing but then got told what it was and broke down crying because he said he didn’t want to “damage the goods”
the end lol
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
underrated characters headcanons? :3
sybill trelawney:
ravenclaw in marauders year
dated remus for a bit (pisces twins and very childhood sweetheart vibes but their relationship was mostly remus letting her practice tarot and palm reading on him all the time and sybill helping him revise)
was in love with pandora and emmeline but broke up due to her dream of living up to her family legacy as a seer (so broke away from society and lived in her great great grandmother's old cottage)
was always getting high behind the greenhouses
thinks the only thing that matters about her is her ability as a seer, and she lives her life thinking she failed
kingsley (changed last name to mcintosh):
gryffindor, best friends with frank and alice (dated frank)
gay gay homosexual gay
was friends with narcissa during school. they bitched about people's outfits to each other and started school gossip all the time
took peter under his wing when he saw him upset in first year about james and sirius leaving him out of a game, so he took him back to the common room and taught him how to play the guitar
flitwick's favourite student
davey gudgeon:
slytherin in regulus' year (so his and evan's roommate)
huge fan of sirius & james and their pranks and was very confused and upset when they both suddenly turned cold and mean to him after he got injured by the whomping willow
loves talking. about anything and everyone. will continuously talk forever
isn't liked by his roommates (regulus and evan) so becomes friends with the ravenclaws and hufflepuffs in the years above (ie. caradoc, amos, benjy, hestia, edgar, etc.)
has never been serious about anything ever in his life
hestia jones:
hufflepuff and on the quidditch team as a chaser
all her closest friends are guys (would be called a 'pick me girl' nowadays), but does get on okay with mary, emmeline, and florence
nicknamed 'jonesy' by pretty much everyone
straight but sometimes snogs marlene when she's drunk
very straightforward and wise, whilst also empathetic
caradoc dearborn:
also hufflepuff and chaser/captain on the quidditch team
in love with benjy fenwick, his best friend, but has no desire to ever come out and still plans on dating a girl instead
very much gives off privileged, white, rugby lad vibes
after benjy's gruesome death, he ran away and left england, moving to the other side of the world (australia), and sunk into a deep depression because of his grief (he never went back and was assumed dead)
emma vanity:
slytherin in the same year as narcissa
best friends with narcissa
quidditch captain and thinks of dorcas meadowes as her protege
remains neutral in the war for self preservation (was disappointed when narcissa married lucius, who she knew was a death eater, but still kept in touch with narcissa and met up with her for cocktails and brunch often)
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What was your inspirations for the quotes of the tags you have for the characters?
Mostly I wanted to keep my stuff out of the tags. It's pretty much solved my harassment problems. But as for what I actually chose, all kinds of things. Old music is a big one. Others come from literature or poetry. A small sampling I had on hand.
America the beautiful for Alfred
Pretty classic American song. I had to memorize for an event so it popped into my head. Plus I like those quaker vibes. All about sharing and shit. 10/10 vibes for an American socialist because this land is your land is still kinda under copyright.
Mon Pays for Matt.
My country is not a country it is winter. This godforsaken country gave me trench foot as a child and I still can't feel my toes plus y'know gotta rub it into the anglos and the nationalist québécois while they're here. It's that slightly sad slightly defiant kind of vibe I love for Matt.
Song of Australia for Jack.
I just come across references to this one all the time in Commonwealth archives and I've just been exposed to it so much I couldn't even think of a better one. It just slaps on all the nature references. Very sunny and optimistic. It's just very Jack.
A Shakespeare monologue for Arthur.
Another unfortunate side effect of my old school education was all the fucken Shakespeare I had to read. I like this one because it kind of hits some points about English reluctance to be a part of Europe and Arthur's somewhat antisocial nature.
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idsb · 6 months
hi im new here can you give a brief rundown of like you lol?? where youve lived, jobs, partners, interests, give me the idsb lore please!!!!!
hi!! sure, I have a lot of new followers and I was just thinking the other day abt this and how my blog is like 70/30 my personal life v Taylor so that must be confusing for new people. so yes! here's the spark notes:
My name is Holly and I just turned 28! I grew up outside of Boston and lived in NYC for ~10 years after I went to art school there. I dropped out of college after one semester to pursue my actual dream of touring with artists. After I dropped out I spent a while willingly homeless in NYC so that I could establish myself & my career there. Eventually it worked & I had been doing freelance photography, videography, graphic design and merch sales as steady income since ~2017. I was in a 5 year, emotionally abusive relationship with my high school sweetheart and finally ended it in 2018. A bit after this, I went to Australia for the first time with my then-friend now-boyfriend (Nov 2018). I've been obsessed with Australia since I was like 5 years old and it was an incredible adventure. I spent about 3 weeks there alone without then-friend, and during those 3 weeks met a Man. The last night we spent in Australia on this trip was Christmas Eve, and said man invited me to have an outdoor Love Actually screening and have a wine picnic with him and all his friends. it was one of the best nights of my life. We hooked up and he singlehandedly cured some sex-related fears I had from the previous relationship and I couldn't stop thinking about it for months. Back in America (Jan 2019) I entered my hoe phase in a never-ending quest for validation and slept with every guitarist I'd ever worked with while meanwhile having a big mental breakdown. Enter a John Mayer vibing man we called the Guitarist here, and a lot of Bad Shit he did to me in his own validation quest mental breakdown (May-August 2019). Clearly my only choice was to fly back to Australia to see the other guy! And I did (September 2019)! Then I was mega depresso when I went home bc my life felt hopeless & I'd already lived out all the hope it had going for it :) I continued my hoe phase and chronicled it via Spice Nights where I’d just answer nsfw asks and give advice for like 8 hours straight. This is waxing over it but it was chaotic and I cannot understate the Depression (Feb 2020).
Then the pandemic happened whomp whomp. I lost all my gigs and posted about it on Tumblr dot com, this blog gained a very large following sort of bc of being a Taylor blog and sort of bc of live-blogging all the drama. ms Taylor Swift saw it and she sent me $3,000 to cover my rent for all of lockdown. a lot happened as a result of that but in the end I realized it was not smart to stay in NYC and spent summer 2020 roadtripping around the US with my then-friend who had first come to Australia with me, who had since joined the leagues of guitar-playing-employer-i-was-sleeping-with (there were 4 in total but I was in loveeeeee w this one). Big Cruel Summer vibes. my friend group exploded partially as a result of my behavior and partially bc they were cunts who didn't care about John Mayer vibe man manipulating me. So then I said fuck it and moved to Montana to work in a national park w guitar guy I Actually Loved who had become my boyfriend at that point, and we lived there until winter 2021. Then I started touring again, got insanely successful, was making more money than most people I knew with salaried jobs and booking work all over the world, my relationship ended over some drama I found out about way after the fact but then we got back together & moved in together (May 2023). Going great. Then I got so fucking burnt out from my job I was like stop the presses I am fucking off to Australia I can't do the music industry and the mega late-stage capitalism anymore. so now I live in Melbourne and am a bartender at a fancy cocktail bar and my relationship is sort of a LDR but I’m going home soon maybe(?) and that is what you missed on Glee!!!!
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rpersearch · 6 months
Hi there! 
My name is Shiro, and I’m looking for someone who’s just as self-indulgent and passionate as I am for reverse harems. I want someone who enjoys large amounts of men who want to romance our characters and can play upwards of 20 characters, as I will be doing the same. 
Info about me ~ I am a 22-year-old woman (she/her) who lives in EST. I am in university and work, so my responses will vary. However, I try to respond when I can, as role-playing is my hobby. 
Rule #1. You must be 18 or older! I am not role-playing with children. 
Rule #2.  Please be able to respond multiple times a week. Nothing kills my vibe more than waiting for a response every two weeks. I understand we have lives outside the internet, but I’m more likely to forget and become disinterested in the role play as time passes.
Rule #3.  Ladies, gents, non-binary folks: this will be a double-up role play if I haven’t made that clear yet! 
Rule #4. I am a semi-literate to advanced literate role play. BUT don’t force yourself to write more than is necessary. I’d rather have quality over quantity. I’m fine as long as I have something to work with. Now, onto the fun ~
Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran High is a school for the extremely wealthy or, in YC’s case, the highly talented. However, no amount of talent will help when YC accidentally drops an eight million yen vase in a music room. The vase was the property of Ouran High School Host Club, a group of attractive young men who, for a fee, provide their time and affections for their lovesick clientele: the female students. Fascinated by this strange new specimen, a poor and clumsy commoner, they force YC to work for them until the debt is repaid, but they get much more than they bargained for…
Disguised as the opposite gender, YC has come to Kyoto searching for their missing father. This doctor developed a magical elixir that increases the drinker's speed, strength, and healing abilities. Instead of their father, they stumble across a battle between the Shinsengumi and the Furies, evil vampire-like creatures of their own making.
Kamigami no Asobi
YC discovers a mighty sword that transports them to another world. There, this ordinary high school student finds themself face-to-face with the mighty Greek god Zeus, who has an unusual request: remain in the dimension he has created and attend a school of legendary proportions. Zeus acts as dean for a school of young, misguided gods. The bond between humans and gods has weakened, and it is now up to YC to teach the gods about love and what it means to be human.
When Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, Rin, and YC were in elementary school, they swam together in a relay race and won the match. As Rin was on his way to Australia to train to become an Olympic champion, the gang decided to bury their trophy in a time capsule and retrieve it when they all had grown up. Now, Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, and YC have reunited in high school and decide to dig up the prize. But on the way there, they run into none other than Rin, and he's determined to show Haru who's the best! As a result of this fateful meeting, the four friends decide to start a swim club, along with fellow classmate Rei, and their rival's little sister Gou as the team manager. Can the gang hold their own against Rin and prove their skills at the Prefectural Tournament?
Uta no Prince Sama
When YC gets the chance to take the entrance exam for Saotome Academy for the Performing Arts, it seems as though they’re one step closer to their dream of composing songs for their favorite singer, Hayato. However, this is no gleeful high school musical experience, and YC is hiding a dreadful secret that may silence their musical ambitions forever. And even if they do get into Saotome, the competition will be more brutal than going on Japan’s Top Idol!
Dance with Devils
YC has the perfect school-to-life balance, but all of that’s thrown into chaos when they discover that several of their handsome male classmates are actually demons in disguise.
When YC regains consciousness in an unfamiliar place, they have suddenly lost all memories of everything that happened before August 1. What is this place, and what were they doing there? Who are they, and what sort of life had they lived?
Vampire Knight
Cross Academy is a school with a difference: in a unique and experimental setup designed by the headmaster, it has a Day Class consisting of ordinary humans and a Night Class filled with vampires. YC and their friend Zero Kiryu are school prefects whose job it is to make sure the secret of the Night Class is always safe; they patrol the school grounds at night and supervise the switchover of classes at dawn and dusk to prevent any 'accidents' from happening. While Zero is suspicious of vampires and hates the idea of sharing the same space as them, YC admires the Night Class for their beauty and sophistication; they are especially intrigued by their charming leader, Kaname, because he once saved their life. However, as YC quickly learns, not all vampires are amiable like the Night Class, and as terrible events unfold, YC must ask themself whether in a world where vampires are the hunters and humans are the prey, peaceful coexistence can really be achieved.
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deathclassic · 9 months
Thanks @energievie @krysmiss @jrooc @creepkinginc @darlingian for tagging me <3
choose a fandom: Shameless
how did you first hear about it? watched the UK version when i was way too young and then when i started high school the US version came out and my entire year level was obsessed and none of us had the channel it was airing on so someone illegally downloaded it when an episode came out and we would pass it around on a USB so we could watch it LMAO
do you own any merch? does shameless even have merch? i have season 2 on dvd and stickers i drew and got printed from redbubble
what thing involving this fandom do you think non fans would be surprised to hear? it's such a huge cast,,,,william h macy, joan cusack, harry hamlin, louise fletcher, katey segal, dove cameron (briefly), jeffrey dean morgan (briefly)
favourite character? mickey! and frank
in 5 words explain why they're your fave: mickey: interesting, funny, relatable, caring, complex. Frank: weird, hilarious, entertaining, terrible, well-played
choose another fandom: Umbrella Academy
what's your least favourite thing about the source material? i dont like it when all the siblings are separated from one another until they band together for only one episode, the sibling dynamic is what makes it perfect
favourite ship: diego and lila OR allison and ray
best fanfic: anything by veteranklaus,,,,,gone but never forgotten
describe the vibe of the fandom in 5 words: lacks critical thinking and amazing
what's your name backwards? yllom
tell me how old you are the way a three year old might: im a dinosaur (i am not)
what is your favourite ice cream? vanilla
tell me something you wish more people knew about you: im really fucking anxious like all the time, it stresses me out and i dont know how to talk to people because of it and talking one on one is really hard
where is home for you? australia, some of you know where
if you could be an anthropomorphized stuffed animal, what stuffie would you want to be? i wanna be the this toy koala beanie kid i got 17 years ago and still sits in my room
the movie you wish everyone would watch: 10 things I hate about you
what makes you really emotional lately? god fucking everything!! it's christmas so i have to do everything and im tired and im not sleeping and i think my period is coming too to top it all off
are you okay? absolutely not! but hopefully after christmas i can just,,,decompress
not tagging anyone bc see above!
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djxbliss · 2 months
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(  madelyn cline,  cis woman,  she/her,  muse  15  )  was  that  DAPHNE-JEAN “DJ”  BLISSETT  i  saw  heading  towards  the  water?  you  know  the  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  from  MOONLIGHT BEACH?  can  you  believe  they've  only  lived  in  manoa  bay  for  4 MONTHS,  it  seems  like  so  much  longer.  last  i  checked  they  were  known  around  town  as  the  PRIMADONNA because  of  their  tendency  to  be  ALLURING  and  HIGH-MAINTENANCE,  but  what  else  did  you  expect  from  a  LEO  who  reminds  you  of  SEA SALTED KISSES, PERFECTLY MANICURED FINGERNAILS, AND GLITTER THAT GETS EVERYWHERE  …  since  hayden's  disappearance  they  have  been  happily  working  as  a/an  DJ  at  OASIS NIGHTCLUB,  but  that's  all  about  to  change  because  the  eye  HAS  set  their  sights  on  exposing  all  of  their  lies,  as  well  as  {REDACTED} .  i  really  hope  they  don't  incriminate  themself. 
NAME: Daphne-Jean Blissett "DJ Bliss"
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: August 10, 1997
ZODIAC: Leo Sun, Libra Rising, Virgo Moon
SEXUALITY: Bisexual (Lesbian-Questioning)
FACE CLAIM: Madelyn Cline
OCCUPATION: Synthpop/Electropop Singer & Songwriter / DJ @ Oasis Nightclub
Daphne-Jean was the production of a whirlwind love story. Her mother was a part of a traveling tour group from the US, taking a 32 day trip to go see the world. They were stopped in Australia for 2 days, where she met Daphne’s soon-to-be father and they fell in-love. To make a long story, short, her mother never finished out her trip; cutting all ties from her birth state of Florida to just make roots with this new guy in a foreign country. Wanting to move somewhere more family-oriented than the city of Sydney, they chose to start their family in the small coastal town of Port Fairy. It took a year for them to tie the knot, and another year for Daphne-Jean to be brought into the world. It was a job opportunity that uprooted the Blissett household from Port Fairy and rooted them here in Manoa Bay merely two years after DJ was born.
Growing up in the Blissett home consisted of going to the local roller rink or bowling alley on Fridays, and dancing around on Sunday mornings whilst making a hearty homemade breakfast. Though the town was small, Daphne-Jean was never deprived of activities to do. The beach providing good waves for surfing in the summers, and the local theatre never short of local and global talent on their calendar.
Daphne-Jean was first coined as ‘DJ’ by her father, and though her mother was diligent in calling her by her full name (being named after her grandmother), her mom even eventually caved. The usage of the nickname grew as she attended school and made more friends beyond her dance classes. Her mom always bragged about how DJ danced before she genuinely walked, and as she has always been known for running on her toes because of it. Her younger years in dance classes marked her love for music, and a major bonding point for her and her mother. One of DJ’s favorite memories as a kid was doing jazzercise videos with her mother. They also shared a love for the 80′s aesthetic and music. Still being a huge part of her brand to this day; both fashion-wise and music-wise with influence. DJ always admired the bold color choices, and the upbeat music that just made you wanna breakout in dance.
It was DJ’s charm and outgoing personality that made her popular. Sure, her looks played a part, but the genuine compassion that radiated out of her so easily made her liked even by those who would normally hate the popular kids. Though she was a social butterfly who had no issue with making friends, there was always a struggle in the romance department. Maybe it was a form of self-harming in a weird addiction sense, or maybe it was just the fact she was popular and attracted the attention, that she always seemed to be in a toxic relationship. Even if it was not always the other person, DJ always had a way of shifting blame because there could never be anything wrong with her. At the end of the day, she always had a justification for her actions - and her perception of it would be the only one that mattered. That didn’t mean she didn’t deal with her fair share of assholes; one in particular being a constant through her high school career. It was a toxic circle of jealousy and games, but DJ just couldn’t find an ‘out’ - mostly because she liked the highs so much, that she didn’t want an ‘out’.
During her 3rd year of high school, DJ started drinking and partaking in experimentation of drugs. It was triggered by her toxic flame at the time, but also her parents’ divorce. Her wild side came out as a scream for help, not necessarily wanting to lean on her father or mother because of how hard both were taking it. It was also the fact that both were taking it so hard, that it confused DJ as to why they were getting a divorce to begin with. It wasn’t until she graduated high school, that she became aware of her mother’s BPD and the negative aspects to her respective case that caused the split; overspending, infidelity - it was too much for DJ to see her mother that way. It also was marked as a wakeup call for DJ when her father would state she was ‘acting’ like her mother. It caused her to cut ties and flee, a part of her always unsettled by how easy it was for her to leave her small town and travel to the city with nothing more than $10 to her name.
DJ never took school seriously, and thus she had to fall back on her skills to obtain a job that could support her in Sydney: stripping. It was during this time in her life that she genuinely felt the most alone she’s ever felt, and so she turned to alcohol and drugs to cope. One of her good friends who was a co-worker of hers, hooked her up with a ‘nice guy’. He did wind up getting DJ into a rehab facility, and DJ instantly obtained a therapist to stay clean when she got out of rehab. The issue was, he started to change - expecting way more from DJ because he credited himself fully for getting her clean. It was like clockwork, how the toxicity followed her in such a vicious cycle. She relapsed twice before actually leaving him.
DJ’s therapist made the correlation known to her, between her happiness and music. It was supposed to be a silly little ‘project’ for her therapy session to come up with a song to air out her emotions about her most toxic ex who wouldn’t leave her alone. She wasn’t expecting her drunkenly posting it on TikTok to go viral. It was an overnight sensation, and that had everything to do with how brutally honest she was; her songwriting more like she was speaking to her best friend that just so happened to be the world. She kept her stage name as DJ Bliss, and is known as DJ, Bliss, or just DJ Bliss by her fanbase - her old identity now something she quickly forgot.
A major record deal came into the picture after 3 years of DJ being a pop star in her bedroom. Though she felt hesitance with what the label contract entailed (practically going from home-based to now international), she signed on and moved to NYC. She’s only been signed to the label for 8 months, but her debut EP is set to be launched by this upcoming October. ‘Til then, she’s still learning the ropes when it comes to this music industry stuff; only really used to fully managing and running her stuff, herself. And also just leaking stuff she shouldn’t be, currently. Recently, she came back to Manoa Bay to see how her family is doing as well as hearing the gossip about Hayden's case progressing. You can catch her as a guest DJ at Oasis Nightclub!
DJ’s either in a super good mood, or in the worst mood ever. She’s coded in extremities, and maybe that had something to do with a mental illness in her family history, but she’s not properly diagnosed with anything. She seeks out thrills, and is a sort of ‘yes’ woman when it comes to last minute trips or activities such as skydiving. DJ is a huge partier, though she is over 8 months sober (and counting), she still loves to let loose and have fun; never turning down an opportunity to dance and have fun. She’s quick to make friends, and can be very supportive. The downfall, is that in a romantic sense she is easily bored. So, if it’s not something toxic, she will make it toxic herself just to watch it self-destruct in her face. She is prone to jealousy and will try to make others jealous. She’s also petty in the sense of loving the chase more than anything, and to be chased. DJ is quick to fall into lust and infatuation, but hates being romanticized. Even though, she’s prone to romanticizing things (especially strangers), and this is because she feels everything so deeply but also because the way she sees things is just how they are to her. This also makes her really stubborn, and it’s hard to have her see things from a different perspective other than her own. DJ doesn’t really think things through, but it makes for great stories. She loves fashion with lots of color, even her black clothing having some rainbow-esque or neon accents to it. She also loves her hair curled and she’s coined a hot pink as her signature color: loving how it’s confident yet happy as a color. She’s also almost never in pants. Her go-to is a skirt or dress, and if she has to wear pants then they’re either sheer or short-shorts. DJ is prone to being optimistic to an unrealistic degree, but she means well and for the most part it’s a self-coping way for her to get in a better mindset. She’s currently questioning her sexuality; thinking maybe it’s not her but the boys who’re making it hard for her to build serious meaningful connections with, but she’s keeping that on the down-low as she’s experimenting more with her bisexuality to figure it out. At the end of the day, she’s someone who radiates fun and she understands struggle - so she’s a great person to have in your life if you need some sunshine, just be careful when her storm clouds start brewing.
+ Compassionate, Energetic, and Alluring
- Apolaustic, Destructive, and Petulant
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enigma-absolute · 5 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
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Both you and @choasuqeen had sent me this at roughly the same time, so I guess I’m gonna have to answer this with ten things instead, which is fine!
I was able to cut, sew and stitch on a collar on to my Steve shirt in time to wear it out to my local convention with Blue in hand! Here's one of many photos!
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2. Still can't believe I'm saying this, but I managed to rope in three friends to help me sing a cover of 'The Rainbow Connection' for a friend's belated birthday present. I genuinely still listen to it because... wow. It genuinely made both my friend and I tear up when we listened to it together over discord.
(And honestly, we could all do with a bigger choir together...)
3. I'm actually kinda proud of how far my art's come since I started keeping sketchbooks. Looking at the shelf on my right from 2019 to now (though I started in 2013), it's nuts how much I've drawn in those years.
4. On the topic of sewing and sketchbooks, I'm actually kinda surprised I still have bookbound my own sketchbooks, and now they sit in wait to be used someday, ready and waiting in their drawers until I choose the next to go ham with.
5. ...oh my god I still can't fully grasp the weight of having written my show's complete pilot episode, complete since last year for Honours. I know I usually talk and think about it in a very light manner, but dude! I have LORE for that story in SEVERAL notebooks, building and retconning and rewriting as I've gone. I did that??? I DID that?????!!!!!
6. If I really like someone international and online (PLATONICALLY), I'm the kind of woman to mail them physical gifts. The fact that I've sent so much mail and have a minor hoarde of envelopes and sealing wax should say something. This only comes at a certain level of closeness though, since, well, of course. You don't go exchanging physically addresses that easily.
7. Something I hadn’t noticed myself until someone had pointed it out to me is that I’m very outwardly silly in front of my friends. And why shouldn’t I be, I love it! I love that I can say or do something that can make my friends laugh; that I have the lack of care to just do a family guy death pose in a video games shop, get a lab coat for a Beaker Bit, or even have the dumbest grin and cackle while everyone else is done at another dad joke I can think of on the spot.
8. It’s hard to believe it now, but me ten years ago on this hellsite didn’t really have two cares about fashion aside from emulating her idol at the time. Now? I’ve developed some tastes and aesthetics, and while I still have a way to keep growing, I’ve found multiple styles and dream outfits and even outfits I own that not only work in comfort, but also style. Velvet green flared pants? Gold jeans? Bright blue overcoat? Vests? YES.
9. Now that I think about it, I’m… actually kind of impressed with my range of voice acting and impressions? Yes it’s very silly and often for the bit, but I’ve had people compliment my Kermit the Frog voice before, and even if I can’t reach the octave Columbo is at, I can still do the vibes.
10. This is off the back of having a psychology appointment recently, but... I'm kinda proud of how far I've come, honestly. From a lost and lonely and scared girl stuck in NZ to someone about to get a teacher's aide job (hopefully, pray for me y'all!) at her old school's sister school for kids on the spectrum - WITH a Bachelor's and Honours in Animation. In Australia. Who would've thought? I sure didn't. But now I'm here.
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anxovert · 1 year
This is me
Name: Andrew Born: 1968 (aged 55 on the day this is posted) Location: Australia Gender: It's complicated* Likes: Music, Romance novels, Videogames (occasionally) ----- I'm married with three adult children. My wife and I have been together since 1983 (we were 14 years old when we met). We were married in 1989 (aged 19/20) I am an anxious introvert. What was already an inconvenience has been exacerbated by enforced isolation over the past couple of years. I work from home and seldom leave the house. ----- *Gender. It really is complicated. I have never met a male person I could identify with. It is only in recent years - after reading someone else's experiences in a lengthy online article - that I have come to believe that my brain/soul/psyche/whatever is essentially female. When I slot that theory into my past, many previously uncomfortable and distressing experiences make sense. I use he/him as my pronouns. I have always lived as a male, and that is how I am known. I don't feel the need to change my appearance, dress or public identity at this time in my life. I am the same "me" I have always been, and my interactions with others have not changed since this realisation. I have been in a monogamous relationship with my wife for 40+ years, and that's how I identify my sexuality. Us. Beyond that, I don't feel the need for a label. I use the "genderqueer" flag colours quite often in social media posts. I find it difficult to interact with male persons on any level, and I avoid them whenever possible. My friends, since school, have always been female. If I have followed your blog from which men are usually blocked, I ask that you give me the benefit of the doubt. Of course, you are free to do as you wish in that regard. ----- Finally, why I'm here. I'd like to meet and interact with people. I like the "vibe" of Tumblr more than any other social network I've been involved with. My feed comprises an assortment of things I like. Memes, cartoons, lots of art and photos of women, much of it sensual/erotic but not pornographic by my definitions (and Tumblr's, obviously). And book reviews, though not many lately, as I'm going through a rough reading patch. ----- And that's me. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. :) -----
Social links: My other Tumblr: @albumswhatilistenedto Bluesky: anxovert Last.fm: anxovert Spotify: Andrew Facebook: anxovert Goodreads: anxovert
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andante--andante · 1 year
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starling, 25+, pst; she/they. | if you’re hearing Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World playing, you have to know Morgan Quinn-Koh (she/they; cis-female) is near by! the 28 year old trainer at Swolemates has been in denver for, like, 20 years. they’re known to be quite stubborn, but being driven seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble jessica henwick. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those stacks of black rings adorned on fingers, cups of black coffee, bullet journaling, misy breeze through ocean-kissed hair vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the Montebello District long enough!
banner template credit : lupus australia
forever student / coffee addict / outdoorsy soul / athletic extracurriculars
morgan is the daughter of a white dad and chinese mom who both raised her in a loving home
while she is no longer in school, she's always considering returning to further her education as she loves learning
especially since she's the kind of student who organizes everything neatly and with a bunch of cleanly arranged post-its and highlighting
don't talk to her before she has her coffee
she's a great friend to grab a beer with!
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tleeaves · 8 months
Hi! I’m trying to befriend my favourite mutuals so I’m asking a bunch of questions to get to know you all better
What was/is your favourite subject in school? Were/are you good at it?
What country do you live in? What do you like/dislike about it?
Are you currently writing/planning an original story? If so, what is it about?
What genres of media do you usually consume? What books would you recommend to people?
What is your favourite poison?
what is your favourite method of murder (both to read about and what you would actually use)?
What patterns do you usually notice in the people that you hang out with?
Can I message you?
Hi, darling!! Love these questions, thank you so much for sending them through 🥺 Honoured to be considered a favourite mutual.
My favourite subject was absolutely English. It was my top subject when I graduated as well, and I was definitely good at it. I wasn't always though. I actually had trouble reading as a kid. I didn't even really like reading until I got to around 10 years old. And I had a few rough years in high school where no matter how hard I tried in English classes, I could have sworn two teachers in particular were out to give me a hard time for a couple years (to the point where I was nearly averaging on a D in their classes, whereas all other years I was a straight A student in English, including my final years, so the contrast is still weird to look back on, considering nothing substantial actually changed in my learning between those years).
Australia! I like the environment here, generally, not just in terms of vibes from folk but also nature. I do like that where I am in particular they seem to try and incorporate more greenery into built up areas. I dislike our education system deeply and the fact that geographically we're split off from much of the world.
Yes, I am! Both writing and planning (have done so much planning over the years, vaguely, went to write, and realised I needed an outline, and I'm still finishing that up so I can continue the writing part). It's about the sacrifices we make to protect what we care about, essentially. It's also what I would consider high fantasy (though it's technically a blend between high/historical fantasy and low fantasy). Also, horror and romance elements because it's not my work without a bit of horror and some romance at this point (sue me, this stuff goes hand in hand so well sometimes).
Genres of media: dark fantasy (so not outright horror but also too dark to be purely what you might just call fantasy), historical drama, aaand romance (but it's usually mixed in with something else because I struggle to read straight up romance). Books I recommend people are usually tailored to what I know of their interests. Will usually try to squeeze in something by V.E. Schwab though.
Ooh. Good question. Assuming you're talking about actual poison and not just a drink (drink: mocha) it would have to be mistletoe. It's not suuuper effective in small doses, I know, but hear me out: it's a hemiparasitic plant and there's been debates over whether it can be considered a carnivorous plant because of how it feeds off a host plant (tree). I can't remember whether it was argued that it could have been a passive or active trap, though I guess it doesn't really matter, because in the end it's really not carnivorous at all. Still! Toxic to consume. Vomiting and so on. Possible death etc.
Hmm, favourite method. I love poisonings, actually, because they're interesting to orchestrate in stories and can make for dramatic symptom reveals and realisations (and I've written them before too, but reading is just as fun). And, to be honest, I'm pretty shitty at writing other sorts of death scenes BUT oh you know what goes hard?? A good old fashioned stabbing where Character A leans into it and Character B to whisper one last thing -- usually something that holds a lot of weight. THAT is brilliant. I have one of those planned to write. Really excited for it.
People I hang out with are massive nerds. Okay, more seriously... I don't know. I hang out with a variety of people, because I also have a wide array of interests and so I tend to meld into different groups at a time. That's why I say nerds. I like to be around people who care a lot about Very Specific Things. Oh, well, they're also often neurodivergent, so there's that. I find it difficult to get along with people who are so chill about everything and give off the vibe that they have no personality and or passion.
Absolutely you can message me!!
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sapphic-lottienat · 8 months
15 questions
tagged by @antlerslayer (tysm ilyy <3)
were you named after anyone? uhh some old grandma or relative (the name isobel, my real name) fun fact she was also a ginger
when was then last time you cried? when i broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks agooo im not too sad abt it anymore but it was like a shock to the system yk
do you have kids? absolutely not
what sports do you play/have you played? im aussie as heck so netball!!
do you use sarcasm? i try not to rlly but i do sometimes
what is the first thing you notice about people? their general vibe if that makes sense? likee if they seem like a cool person or a bit annoying yk
what’s your eye color? like a light brown sorta greenish colour :) i wish i had darker eyes tbh (like shauna shipman omggg)
scary movies or happy endings? BOTH i love horror and scary stuff (yay) but happy endings are sweet especially if its a sapphic movie and neither of the characters die (a rare occurence)
any talents? uhh im a music girlie i can sing and play clarinet and piano and guitar, i can juggle as well :)
where were you born? yaurrr australia mate
what are your hobbies? making dumb yellowjackets edits for my tiktok, scrollinh tumblr, consuming as much yellowjackets media as possible
do you have any pets? YES a little border collie named Darby <3
how tall are you? i have no idea what it is in feet but im around 165 cm?? (apparantly thats around 5'5"
favorite subject in school? ive always been an english girlie but i also love love love music
dream job? film editor or musician!!
tagging: @johannamasonapologist @willascrochet @lottienatswife and literally anyone else who sees this, idm if you join!!! xx
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notxavierwoods · 1 year
Tumblr media
born and raised in sydney, australia, xavier grew up surrounded by music. his mother sang and played numerous instruments for events all over australia and his father was a music teacher for the local school. his parents never pushed but did support any interests he had in music, which led to him going down the production route and finding out he loved it. in his spare time he enjoyed fiddling with beats which then sparked his dream to work in the industry in that exact field. after graduating primary school, with the help of his parents, he moved to america to go to school. he eventually got his bachelor’s in music production at full sail university where, by the greatest stroke of luck, he got connected with the right people and fell into an internship position with aew, where he’s currently at now and strives to become full time in the future.
xavier’s a ‘good vibes’ only kind of guy. when he’s not cramming in all the work he possibly can, he’s out partying just as much as your average mid-twenties year old would. he gets everyone has struggles and some aren’t as vocal about there’s so he doesn’t hold grudges much and really tries to be there for those who need it. where he might fail at taking care of himself the best mentally, those he cares for can expect him wholeheartedly making sure they’re doing well.
xavier is very loving of everyone of every kind however, he’s only had one sort of ex. ( pictured here and here ) they’d lasted almost four years yet never really defined themselves. but from day one, it seemed like a match made in heaven. they met at school after being in the same program and clicked immediately after they realized they were both from australia and the rest was history. for the first year, they were inseparable. they might’ve not used labels or had the talk they really needed but after a few months, it felt like he was it for xavier a couple months into the second year things began to sour. jealously and possessiveness on both sides began to arise and only got worse as time went on. eventually arguments and manipulation to make the other one feel guilty happened frequently and soon things came to abrupt end, which xavier never felt he got closure from. things got hard seeing as they had the same friend group and they avoided each other like the plague. then they graduated and never spoke another word to each other. when teased about it by his friends from college, he has a front of being completely over it. yet, every so often he’ll stumble upon a picture of him from somewhere or hear a story which included him and deep down it cuts him up some more.
down below are some connections i’d looove to see filled for him, dm me and we can plot <333
best friends, platonic soulmates, brother from another mother, anything like this pleaaaaase, i love friend love
confidant at work, someone he can turn to when he’s not having the best of days.
party friends
ex-girlfriend / ex-boyfriend
all romantic connections are chem-based obvi obvi
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