#old-fashioned pea salad
strengthandsunshine · 1 month
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This classic Old-Fashioned Pea Salad is the perfect cold and creamy potluck salad for every occasion! Vegan and gluten-free, this easy English pea salad uses eggless mayo, dairy-free cheddar, and smokey coconut bacon. A simple and quick allergy-friendly version of your grandma's go-to Southern holiday or cookout side dish!
Old-Fashioned Pea Salad (Vegan, Gluten-Free) https://wp.me/p4UrDz-95C
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arthurdejaffre · 10 months
Old Fashioned Cold English Pea Salad
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She-Ra but it's the "Squilliam Returns" episode of Spongebob
Catra, pacing in front of Entrapta and Double Trouble: All right, listen up! Adora will be here in 20 minutes! Therefore, we need to turn the Fright Zone into a fancy restaurant as soon as possible! Scorpia: *is now standing next to DT* Catra: Scorpia, what are you doing here? Scorpia, wearing an army helmet: I thought the Corps might help me straighten out my life, sir! Catra: The Corps? What the? Scor, this isn't the-- Ugh, well, beggars can't be choosers. Can you take hats in a dignified and sophisticated manner? Scorpia: You mean like a weenie? Ok! *baby voice* May I take your hat sir? May I take your hat, sir? May I-- Catra, putting her hand over Scorpia's mouth: All right, I've heard enough, you've got the job. ---
Catra: Now listen, Adora is on her way, and you have less than 20 minutes to become a fancy waiter! So read this DT, reading the book title: "How to Become a Fancy Waiter in Less than 20 minutes" DT: Don't worry, Kitten! I'll memorize every page, right down to the punctuation marks! ---
Scorpia, fighting a hatrack: Gimme that hat! I said give it to me! Are you gonna hand it over, or not? DON'T YOU BACK-SASS ME! *knocks it to the ground and punches it* Catra: She's just the hat-check guy, not essential-- *an explosion from the kitchen*
Catra: What happened?! What is it?!
Entrapta: Peas! Made 'em the old-fashioned way.
Catra: *face-palms* Entrapta, you gotta take them OUT of the--*gasps* HOLY FISHPASTE WHAT IS THAT
*a monstrosity in the eyes of science and God wriggles on the grill*
Entrapta, cheerfully: That's the appetizer!
Catra: There you are, DT! You've got to help me! Scorpia and Entrapta aren't working out, and Adora's almost here, and--! DT?
DT, on the verge of a mental breakdown: I can't do it. I can't do it, Kitten. Catra: What? DT: Every sentence, every paragraph! *hits self with book* Spoons, bread, salad, pepper! Don't you understand? My brain is full to bursting! If I have to memorize a single order, I think I'm gonna explode! Catra: DT, hold on! Let's just take a second here to relax. DT: *becomes slightly less tense* Catra: Little more. DT: *still barely relaxing* Catra: Liiittle more. DT: *falls over* Catra: Good. Now, I want you to empty your mind. DT: Empty my mind? Catra: Empty your mind. DT: Empty my mind. Catra: Empty your mind of everything that doesn't have to do with fine dining. Fine dining, and breathing.
-In DT's head- Inner DT 1: Just got an order from the boss! Dump everything that isn't about fine dining! Other Inner DT's, typing at desks: Everything? Inner DT 1: Everything! Other Inner DT's: *start shredding papers that represent memories* Inner DT 1: Come on, let's get moving! Hurry up, what do you think I'm paying you for? Inner DT 2: You don't pay me. You don't even exist. We're just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought. Inner DT 1: One more crack like that, and you're outta here! Inner DT 2, begging on their knees: No, please! I have 3 kids!
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pigeon-ahhh · 6 months
what I think genshin characters would taste like
and I mean this in a cannibalistic way. Arlecchino: chess pieces with a slight hint of cranberries, along with a drink of alcoholic cider
Chiori: fabric Xianyun: mint cotton candy
Gaming: green tea with honey
Chevreuse: fish and chips/french fries
Navia: lemon meringue pie
Furina: strawberry shortcake or a chocolate soufflé
Charlotte: strawberry poptarts
wriothesley: British. He just tastes British.
neuvillette: cold mist
Freminet: salty caramel ice cream
Lyney: giant cherry gummy bear
Lynette: green jello
Kirara: grass
Baizhu: chicken noodle siup
Kaveh: peeps or peaches
Mika: scrambled eggs
Dehya: grilled chicken
Alhaitham: rotten spinach
Yao Yao: radishs
Wanderer/Scara:jasmine rice
Faruzan: stained glass or the classical grandma strawberry candy
Layla: melatonin gummies
Nahida: spearmint gum
nilou: tulips
Cyno: sandy sandwich (a sandwich if you will)
Candace: caramel
Dori: pomegranates
Tighnari: wild mushrooms
collei: steamed seasoned broccoli with melted cheddar cheese
heizou: either gasoline or macaroons there’s no in between
Kuki: rasberries
Yelan: old fashioned coke
Ayato: boba
Yae Miko: cotton candy
Shenhe: polar ice gum
Yun jin: Mochi
Itto: those tall spirally rainbow suckers
Gorou: dog fur and bones
Thoma: chicken skewers
Kokomi: bubblegum
Raiden Shogun: dango and chocolate milk
Sara: chicken tenders
Yoimiya: chocolate lava cake
Sayu: warm milk
Ayaka: windshield ice
Kazuha: maple syrup
Eula: mint and cold wayer
Yanfei: strawberries
Rosaria: black cherry ice cream or frozen peas
Hu Tao: vanilla chocolate ice cream swirl
Xiao: tofu
Ganyu: snow cones
albedo: chalk and gatorade
Zhongli: two year old chocolate coin from easter
Xinyan: spicy cinnamon candy
Childe: really juicy orange
diona: sue me but beer
Klee: pop rocks
venti: really fresh apples and wine
Keqing: pez
Mona: a very crunchy salad with shredded cheese and eggs
Qiqi: the smell of rotten fruit
Diluc: dark chocolate with cranberry drizzle and a strawberry with chocolate syrup
Jean: melted marshmallows and rice crispys
sucrose: lime martini
Chongyun: popsicle
Noelle: roses
Bennett: raw chicken
Fischl: dragonfruit
Ningguang: really expensive steak
Xingqiu: blueberry
Beidou: salmon
xiangling: spicy soup
Razor: wild berries
Barbara: popcorn
Lisa: moldy grapes
Kaeya: toothpaste
amber: mangoes
me and my friends spent 20 minutes giving every character a taste I can’t
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jeninthegarden · 5 months
2024 Seed List
Carry on!
There was no fall planting.  The summer’s deluge kept all things green growing and bushy, but nothing bloomed or fruited.  Timing-wise, the spring planting schedule was perfect and the garden was fully planted and mulched, and weed free!  The greens and peas flourished.  All the roots and brassicas germinated.  The companion planting was perfect.  The kale was prolific right out of the gate, combination of transplants, regrowth and self germination.  I purchased celeriac and cabbage and brussel sprout seedlings, got them in early and they were robust.  I managed to germinate 12 zucchini plants and nasturtiums. I had 4 different types of sweet potato slips successfully transplanted.  My lupines returned and even bloomed. And for a few verdant weeks all was picture perfect.  Then the rains set in, things got bigger and bushier.  All the root crops remained tiny threads with giant green tops.  The radish-turnip-pepper companion planting fell apart as the radish tops over-shadowed everything and the pepper plants rotted away.
Years past I have purchased predominantly from PineTree Seeds because their prices have been lowest. Not this year.  This year they are among the most expensive, and their assortment is not interesting.  Johnny Seed and Territorial Seed have historically been the most expensive but have the greatest variety, but this year Johnny Seed is in the middle range because they sell so many more seeds per package.  I like to get more seeds from Hudson Valley Seeds and Fruition Seeds because both companies are actually in my planting zone and offering seed varieties that grow here, and that I should therefore be able to grow here without too much difficulty. Fruition is in the middle range this year, and Hudson Valley among the least expensive. They do not, however, have a great variety.  Burpee always has something new that I fall for.  And to be fair, their new varieties are always good.  RH Shumway also always has something different, and I find their old fashioned newsprint, black & white catalogue charming.
The following seed list is comprised of just the edibles I am ordering.
Bush beans: “Velour”. A compact, bush-habit plant, very heavy-bearing bright purple, stringless pods over a long season.  This is my top choice for bush beans. Very heat and drought tolerant. This past season it was the only summer bean to produce.  Finding it can be tricky. This year, Hudson Valley Seed has them.
Fava beans- “Varoma” from Johnny Seeds.  Whereas last year there were 5 or 6 varieties on the market, this year only Johnny Seed has any variety besides Broad Windsor. I have had good success with Varoma in the past few years.  I had spent several years, a decade ago, trying to grow Broad Windsor without luck.
Noodle beans: May take a break from these this year.  Or plant what I already have. They are yardlong, shoestring pod, pole beans that have a very nutty flavor. But they require very strong support.
Pole beans- “Cave Beans” a 1500 year old heirloom from the southwest from RH Shumway. “Hank’s Xtra Special Bake Bean”, rare heirloom from Hudson Valley Seed.  These are random choices because they sound interesting.
Runner beans:  I have a lot of these that were never planted in the past two years so, maybe they make it into the ground this year. They are sweet and rich flavor, a bit like fava bean, but meatier, good in salad or soup.
Shelling Peas: “Dual Pea” from RH Shumway is a fast growing, medium sized shelling pea with 12 peas per pod.  Nothing compares to the taste of a raw, fresh shelling pea.
Snap Peas: “Sugar Daddy” is an award-winning snap pea from Hudson Valley Seed.  Fast growing and bush type. I also saved a bunch from the 2023 harvest, so will certainly plant those. 
Soybeans: “Panther” from Hudson Valley Seeds.  I only ever eat soybeans steamed, in the pods with salt as a finger food snack.
“Cardoon” I will buy seedlings from the local nursery – there were plenty available last year so hopefully the trend continues. Looks like aloe vera and tastes like artichoke. It is cold hardy and perennial – I have seen it in botanical gardens, in winter, here about alongside Salad Burnett.
Corn – “Kandy Corn” a sweet corn from Burpee.  This is a variety I have grown successfully in the past. It is an enhanced sugar variety making it exceptionally sweet.
Cucumber- “Double yield” double duty pickling and slicing variety from Hudson Valley Seed.
 Eggplant:  I will buy seedlings from the local nursery. Need a break after 3 years of germinating hundreds of exotics and getting no fruit.
Gourds- No gourds this year! Pinky swear.
Melon – “True Jenny Lind” aromatic musk melon from Hudson Valley Seed. “Olympic Express” from Burpee is a prolific, early maturing orange melon.
Okra – “Baby Budda” has proved to be the most successful – small, compact plant suitable for patio containers, super productive and early maturing from Burpee.
Pepper – I will buy seedlings from the local nursery. Haven’t had a decent harvest since I planted them in the orchard, so I’m taking a break from germinating them.
Tomatoes – I will shop locally for other seedlings.  Not starting my own this year.  Plenty of varieties of seedlings are available.
Watermelon: “Sweet Siberian” yellow fleshed, short season small from Hudson Valley. “Ambrosia” small, sweet and short season red flesh from Fruition Seeds.
Winter Squash and pumpkins: “Candy Roaster” winter squash from Hudson Valley Seed, a banana shaped heirloom from Apalachia.  And I still have a ton of unused seeds to try from the past two years.
Zucchini- “Cupcake”from Burpee – a new hybrid that is round like a bell pepper and supposed to be excellent for stuffing. Expensive.
Beets: I’m refocused on cylindrical beets, for spacing purposes. “Cylindra” from Hudson Valley Seed
Carrot: pelleted seeds was a waste.  So back to regular seeds, I’ve ordered “Yellowstone”, a 9-inch yellow variety from Hudson Valley Seed.
Celeriac: I will buy seedlings from the local nursery. This worked so much better than growing from seeds.
Parsley Root: Not doing it this year.
Parsnips: Ordered “White Spear” from Territorial Seed which is a yard long(!) variety. I winter sowed some this past fall, in the front flower bed, with the garlic.
Potatoes:  Going back to growing them in containers. I will buy some from the store and sew them to avoid the horrible shipping costs.  “Makah Ozette” This looks like a fingerling variety of Occa, a small south American tuber predating the potato.  It is supposed to be nutty and creamy, from Burpee. I’m a sucker. 
Radish: like beets, I’m focused on cylindrical radishes. “Nelson” an improved French breakfast type, from Johnny Seed. “Shunkyo” a Chinese long, hot-sweet daikon, carrot shapped for spacing.
Rutabaga: Not doing it this year. Unless I plant the seeds I already have.
Sweet Potatoes: Growing my own slips over winter.  Will grow in containers since the floods stunted their growth in 2023.
Turnips: “Long Noir” a long, black-skinned turnip that is very sweetfrom Fruition Seed. “Scarlett OhNo Revival” a red skin, white flesh turnip with edible greens from Hudson Valley.
Arugula: “Wild Arugula” the fast growing, heat tolerant, wild heirloom variety from Hudson Valley Seed.
Chard: “Perpetual” a long season, heat resistant that regrows for several years from Territorial Seed. “Silverado” a large, silver chard from Hudson Valley seeds with short, tender stems, heat resistant and makes a good spinach substitute in the hot summer.
“Claytonia” from Fruition Seeds. It is a succulent green that looks like a bouquet of little lily pads.
Escarole: “Batvian Full Heart” from Hudson Valley Seeds. Good for braising and bean soups.
Lettuce: “Sunland” a heat resistant romaine with very thick, crisp leaves from Johhny Seeds.  Early varieties “Ithaca” NY State iceberg and “North Pole” from Hudson Valley Seed. “Wildest Mix” from Territorial Seed
Mache: “Mache” from Hudson Valley Seed. “NY Hardy Mache” from Fruition  Seeds.
Orach: “Ruby Red Orach” from Hudson Valley Seed; a violet red, velvet leafed spinach that grows on an 18 inch, upright stalk.
Radicchio: “Red Traviso” a loose leaf red variety from Burpee. The only radicchio I could find for less than $6 dollars a packet.
Spinach: “Giant Winter” from Fruition Seeds.
Asian Greens: “Tatsoi” fast growing 6-inch rosette from Hudson Valley Seed.  “Celtuce” Spring Tower, a tall lettuce with a celery like stalk, from Johnny Seed.
Broccoli: “Turkish Rocket”, a perennial broccoli raab from Fruition Seeds.
Chinese Cabbage: “Red Trumpet” a tall, fluted pink variety from Johnny Seed. 
Cauliflower: “Baby Hybrid” a small 3 inch heads with edible leaves, from RH Shumway.  Other than that, I will buy seedlings of “Fioretto” an open head, branching cauliflower, and for “Romanesco” a green, geometric looking pyramid crown hybrid that has a very nutty flavor.
Collards: champion from Hudson Valley Seeds
Kale: “Autumn Star Kalettes” from RH Shumway, are a cross between kale and Brussels sprouts that look like kale roses.  “Mermaid mix” from Fruition Seeds is a baby kale mix of lacy, frilly, purple, blue and green kales.
Mustard: “Wasabina” a frisse variety mustard that tastes like wasabi/horse radish from Hudson Valley Seeds. “Giant Red Indian” mustard, I don’t plant this anymore because it self-seeds everywhere.
And, because they seem to go with the brassicas in planting rotations, the alums:
Chives: still have seeds left from last year.
Garlic:  I planted several heads of both standard and elephant garlic in the front flower bed in the fall.
Leek: I have better luck with buying the sets instead of starting from seed.
Onion: I am doing the regrow project.  It works very well.
Scallions: I am doing the scallion regrow project.
Shallots: “Cuisse du Poulet du Poitou Shallot” from Fruition Seeds are shallots the size of a chicken thigh.  I’m obsessed and can’t let go.  Germinated it but never got it past yarn width sets because of the rain.
Flowers for companion planting:
Marigold:  “Mexican Mint” a Mexican variety that tastes like anise and tarragon, from Hudson Valley Seeds. Plus I have plenty of giant gold and orange seeds left.
Nasturiums: “Tall Trailing Mix” vining variety that grows to 6 feet long from Territorial Seed.
Herbs for companion planting:
Basil:  will buy seedlings to keep in pots and plant under the tomatoes
Borage: I have seeds left from previous years, and it self-seeds.
Dill: I can buy seedlings locally.  It is best to plant in pots or flower beds just to keep it away from the root crops.
Lovage:I have an established plant so I need to start harvesting the seeds to resow elsewhere.
Marjoram:  waiting to see if it re-grows in the garden where I planted it 2023
Tarragon: waiting to see if it re-grows in the garden where I planted it 2023
Angelica: “Holy Ghost” did not germinate so we will try again.
 Grains and Seeds:  
Amaranth:  Spinach variety “Cataloo” from Territorial Seed.
Quinoa: “Dejulis Pink Quinoa” from Hudson Valley Seed, rivals Love Lies Ableeding amaranth.
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maisieparadise · 8 months
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Old Fashioned Pea Salad Recipe This simple cold pea salad is a great accompaniment to grilled meats, cold sandwiches, or fried chicken.
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tinyshe · 11 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.07.22
Note to self: do not dry cherry plums with pits still in (you know better!).
It has been a cold, damp type of summer and all of a sudden signs of autumn are creeping in. The ginkgo tree leaves are moving towards the yellow colour spectrum of green. Just this week I found a couple of leaves on the walkway.
I need to work on the sewing machine’s tension to see if I can balance it myself. I do miss my old treadle machine -- it never had a problem. I really need to assemble the ancient hand machine I had shipped (a year? two years? maybe more? i’m winding down like an old clock not being able to keep the correct time). The sewing projects and mending needs are piling up and there is not good storage/holding area for these. I need better organizational. This includes yarn and other fibers plus the tools. Wouldn’t an old fashion work room be lovely?
This was the first time we couldn’t get the laundry bar /soap from the hardware store so we had to order that. Its taking a couple of weeks to arrive but its in bulk so we can make our laundry sauce for a bit then. A little bit of an investment but it will ‘keep’.
In the garden I got the peas planted. I pre-spouted some before planting. It was interesting to see some just turn to goop or fall apart while others developed a healthy eye root. Hoping that will give them a head start before pest arrive. Planted some leeks, red amaranth and more kale. Needing to rework the grow boxes as needed. The garlic we planted in the autumn/winter is closer to being harvested but due to weather, its not ready (still!). This week the fog was so thick, I actually thought its was rain with the way the flow off the roofs was happening -- maybe it was and that weatherman is just lying (again/still). I know some people are just pulling their garlic and onions up impatiently but I want full heads, not just a bulbous clove. I have some other garlic that is just begging to be put in the ground.  I might just put them guerilla gardening style in the front garden. Still need to get the root crops in but ... circle back *check notes*, need to rework the grow boxes.
Since the season is putting out an autumn vibe, I feel the need to prep the aviary. Its a little early but I don’t think the hens mind -- it means more out time to run amuck and get into trouble.  Its been slim on the greens this year. Usually I can grow enough for our table and scraps for the chickens, supplemented by other people that will save their green veg for them but this year we are down to slim pickings solo. They are adjusting to getting nettles (the grass i let go in the front for them is done) so i am thankful that those give me three croppings. By the time I get across the patch, I start again at the other end.
Because of the veg and fruit shortages and in addition to me not feeling energetic, I am putting most of the pantry goods through the dehydrator. I hesitated to do cucumbers but I did try a small handful of an old english variety of cucs and made cuc chips. They have an interesting earthy flavour. I think they will be a fun crunch on winter salades, like veggie croutons. There are probably other uses but right now watching the grocer warehouse as to deals coming through and trying to plan accordingly. Roma style toms are just about at a price point that I’m agreeable with. I hope to get a case tomorrow. Green bell peppers are coming in at a very low price but blueberries will be coming to an end and only have the one dehydrator since Kat has my other one. The grocer is also getting ready to dump frozen berries at a cheaper price than fresh (making room for new stock) so I am tempted to buy bulk and turn into fruit leather. Fingers crossed that utilities aren’t diverted since the drier is electric. We don’t get enough sun to lay things out in the car to dehydrate!
Flowers: its was a slow start. Most of the roses had a spectacular show. Not to be outdone, the dahlias, daisies and other flowers are really doing their best. It is really nice to have enough to have cut flowers in the house. There was a great flux of bees this spring and early summer but of late, there isn’t very many (except for that super swarm I drove through -- now that was sad!) . It could be just not enough for them in my garden or they visit when I’m out and away.
Hope you all are getting out and gardening and doing something awesome.
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sims4tint · 1 year
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Old Fashioned Pea Salad Recipe This simple cold pea salad is a great accompaniment to grilled meats, cold sandwiches, or fried chicken. 1 onion finely chopped, salt and ground black pepper to taste, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 2 hard-cooked eggs chopped, 1 package frozen peas thawed
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pastelphantasia · 1 year
my religii: past*L
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goals of my empyyr [[[past*L]]]:
Zzz. uuniversal peace!!
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Zzz. lochness, narwhal, moon dreamers, stacey™ barbie to with lavender eyes, exotykka stacey™ with lavender eyes, kawaii, wynken &blynken &nod, and fantasia everything and revelations of them [my o w n characters and creatures. invented by moi!!] printed on my klothes and just... o n everything, head*to*toe. plus make them alone the new like polka dot and stuff too. the new pattern. cause polka dots and stripes and all those are like some of the world's most repetitively, annoyingly, uunimaginatively worn things. and i just somehow never see lochness and narwhals in haute fashion magazines in patterns on the clothes or even anywhere at all. it's so stupid. and i bought like allll of the mags for the longest time... so stupid.
Zzz. lochness zippers. S. pastel exotica joseph's coat rose zippers where every part's like a different color.
Zzz. joseph's coat rose everything... barely*there yellow rose everything. barely-there green rose everything. succulent plant everything.
Zzz. go overboard with wearing innovative pajamas out of the house and wearing innovative rompers out of the house....
Zzz. have your stuphh custom*made phor uu by a haute couture designer or haute make it on your own.
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Zzz. chinese checkers, string figure games, and stiruup pants everything and revelations of them [moi own ideas again] everything!!!
Zzz. black-eyed peas (the food) everything. cranberry sauce everything. honey wheat bread everything.
Zzz. seaphoam green, teal, and coral everything. seaphoamista. tealista. coralista.
Zzz. bring bakk moondreamers.™
Zzz. i'm making stiruup pants my jeans. then if i d o wear jeans they can be stirrup pant jeans. but only if they're really rare. cause the world will never stop with jeans and I don't like it. yikes. and i wanna make stirrup pant: PJ's, panty hose, thigh-highs, onesies\rompers. and striruup pants of all haute innovative kinds kan be to me what like red lipstick is to gwen stefauni and what jeans are to the boring, boring w o r l d . gwen:redlipstick=me:stiruuppants.
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Zzz. ZER0 pockets or peaking pockets or triangular pockets as often as everyone wears plain, same*old pockets… especially on stirrup pants!!
Zzz. stirrup shirts. where stirrups can just go around her hands. or something' like it.
Zzz. lima bean, penne, and water chestnut everything.
Zzz. a lot of barely-there-yellow sprinkled with red, purple, and green... like vegan macaroni salad.
Zzz. blossom print's like one of the only normal prints i wanna keep.
Zzz. white*chocolate*white everything.
Zzz. female lochness and narwhal exotykka chinese checkers board games... eye want to sell them with my fashion lines!!!
Zzz. make string figure game fishnet panty hose in exotykka dusk colors . . .
Zzz. lochness and narwhal *sequined lipgloss!!
Zzz. lochness monster, narwhal, and\or centaurette *sequined, thiKk, exotica pastel false lashes are my black mascara.
Zzz. universal peaceagain. eye*m peaceable. yayy.
Zzz. i'm a people*person and a peacemaker.
Zzz. dye narwhals and lochness into your hair.
Zzz. phaun (gwen stephauni) + gog (lady gaga) + catra\shear
Zzz. make your own symbol like Vivienne westwood's 0rb out of like string figure games and the chinese checkers board star and lochness and narwhals or somethin'.
Zzz. dye haire platinum blonde sometimes but:
💛 o n l y as a k a n v a s .
Zzz. try platinum blonde with: a teal underside and a seaphoam green shell pattern on top… z. i want barely*there*yellow square patches on the underside in with the top layer dyed australian shepherd puppii print (all patchy) in pastel dusk colors. i want square dyed patches of different pastel colors: lavender, barely there yello, lilac, periwinkL, and nevereth pink (joseph's coat rose plus lilac!!!) australian shepherd patches of different colors like pastel joseph's coat rose colors… magenta and barely-there yellow giraffe print dyed into it with a lavender underside. etk la la la la la la la.™
...your name will never change...
Zzz. gwen mix and don't match barbie™ infinitii. no one will ever not match. i'd rather friggin like lochness c l a s h . but only iff it's lochness clashing...
Zzz. make the string figure game shapes and the chinese checkers star shape into patterns too.
Zzz. phorm band: the lola's coat roses of past*L.
Zzz. my\our discography rough drafted:
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Zzz. go on werld tour.
Zzz. travel werld.
Zzz. ssey(see) everything!!!
Zzz. go to maya.
Zzz. australia.
Zzz. tokyo.
Zzz. paris.
Zzz. everywhere nice in california.
Zzz. back to the b a n d .
Zzz. frontwoman.
Zzz. stage name: past*L Lochness Lola dusk pearLike.
Zzz. past*L= i am so past hell. like, hell's wrong. no one should have ever gone. no one should die. ever. it doesn't defend anyone. 🏵🌺☀🎈
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Zzz. to symbolize salvation& peace between heaven, the earth, and hell: devil and demon gone fairytale - {{asymmetrical} (long then short) flouffy pastel exotykka horns [like john galliano's for dior {above and\\ bel0} and red or orange or yellow tiger-striped wuns). devil gone storybook. ({short} flouffy pouffy demon horns in violet, ruby, marigold and emerald). devil gone nursery rhyme (wynken, blynken, nod in partik). demonology gone enchantress (princess hats used as horns). demonology gone fantasia (magenta, yell0 and lavender flouffy, fluffy horns for tails. innovatyvv fashionyysta.) all like the j.g. haute horns in the above and below pictures.
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Zzz. make lochness and narwhal chinese checkers and string figure games and sell them with yer fash line...
Zzz. obsessively clean out vivienne westwood!!! have her 0rb everywhere!!!!
Zzz. serendipity should be a more popular phorm of phate than it is.
Zzz. e p h e r v e s c ! k a everything!!! [see lipstick and lipgloss bel0.]
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Zzz. be rich and famous like p h a u n * (gwen stefani). and ari m. and riri. and gog. put together.
Zzz. 4 mansions in tahiti. 4 mansions in kentucky. 4 mansions in california.
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Zzz. wear bindis as often as people wear black maskara, too. er in p l a c e of blakk maskara. and follow and set bindi and bindi*like trends . . . mookaite bindis, mookaite thigh bands, horse of a different color bindis, face paint, stamps
Zzz. form tribes of rare deities to go on oddysseys and voyages with you and write and perform ballads and odes with you. the dreamlike tribe. the pastimesstruck tribe. the dazestruck crew. the dream*struck tribe. the splendrou tribe. etk.
Zzz. form crews. to go on crusades with...
Zzz. come up with oddysseys and voyages to go on… diversify oddyssey. magnetyyzm oddyssey. oddysseys to save the narwhals. 💜 enigma voyage. dynamic voyage. voyage to phind the lochness monster. etk.
Zzz. come up with crusades for you and your crews to go on.
Zzz. name your daughter(s): tigerlily (lola dusk mcgregor), pearadis (leila mcgregor), stargazely (lilah mcgregor), sighberia (leelee pearlie mcgregor)... they're like my kingston, zuma, and apollo but with girls. the boys (so far) would be: tigra (lynus joseph mcgregor) and horna (lionel howard mcgregor \"howie"). and I don't have the other two figured out yet.
Zzz. so clearly i want 4 kids: girls, boys, or a mix and they'll be my favorite things!!!!!
Zzz. eye hart lipheii!! 💛💛💛
Zzz. make tiger print as popular as cheetah print. and in white and with pastel exotykka stripes. or pastel exotykka with white stripes. phauxii phaux, of course.
Zzz. mookaite everything while everyone else does amethyst:
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[mookaite's the purple, orange, and brown beads and it's said moo-kite! hehe...]
Zzz. i wanna invent an even cuter and a zillion times rarer old english text font than there's ever been.
Zzz. iwanna pioneer!!! like amelia ear(air)heart! yay!! like set trends, be inventive, be the first to duu something as cool and legendary as i kan!
Zzz. asymmetry genius.
an eiffel ((eyeful)) horse of a different color is a(') becoming bluugrass state of mind
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Zzz. overdo it on supermodel*y stuphh. and beaudy queen stuphh. glow-getter makeup
Zzz. tribal face paint should be the new eyeshad0w. [like v.w.'s - vivienne westwood's bel0w on a model]
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Zzz. learn to speak japanese.
Zzz. dye japanese symbols in your hair in phunn colors like pepperoncini color or blueberry tart nyx lipstick color as often as people have their hair au naturale or dyed natural colors . . . like: 虎 (tiger.) and just anything else i might want it to say.
Zzz. mongolian, moroccan, tibetan, czechoslovakian, albanian, aboriginal, lebanese, and turkish fashion made exotykka haute stacey™™™ barbie™ fashionista haute!!
[to be continued...]
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thehungrykat1 · 2 years
Somm’s Table in Makati Offers French Fusion Cuisine Inside a Modern Speakeasy
There’s a new speakeasy hidden among one of the buildings in Legazpi Village, Makati that serves some of the best French fusion cuisine I have ever tasted. I was not expecting to find such fantastic and creative dishes here, especially with its nondescript building facade, but I was more than pleasantly surprised with the way our evening turned out at this new hidden gem.
Somm’s Table is the newest restaurant concept to open at Bolanos Street in Legazpi Village. It has quite a peculiar location as you can find it inside the basement parking level of the Corner Exchange Building, an old 7-story building in one of the busy streets of Makati. Aside from the signage outside, you would not even think that there is a charming place like this just waiting to be discovered.
Somm’s Table opened its doors last August 1, 2022 and is quickly making the rounds as a secret hideaway for those with discerning tastes. Helmed by Michelin-star trained chefs Raphael Gries and Julien Sobolewski, Somm’s Table gives a taste of French fusion dishes, a selection of fine wines, and a patisserie and deli – all in a modern speakeasy setting.
The restaurant comes with a cozy and relaxing vibe with its hardwood floor panels and various pop culture art designs and murals on display. You can always find a small corner where you and your friends can enjoy each other's company.
Somm’s Table has that modern speakeasy vibe, a small secret place that you can go to without the entire city noticing. In the early 1920s, alcohol became illegal and hidden bars became a thing, so the modern speakeasys took the same idea, without having to hide the booze.
The restaurant's interiors also boast an eye-catching view of fine wines in their glass wine cellar, exclusively curated by its owner Raphael who is also a WSET 4 certified Sommelier. The place is actually divided into two, with the big lounge chair and sofas accompanying the bar area. They also have special cocktail menus available featuring classic and signature drinks.
Special evenings may also come with some live musical performances, or you can highlight your own musical prowess if you feel like expressing yourself.
My friends and I were invited to visit Somm’s Table last week to try their unique French fusion cuisine. Raphael & Julien source all their Farm-to-Table ingredients from their very own farm in Tagaytay filled with unique vegetable crops originating from Europe. They also source imported meats and ingredients from around the world so I knew it was going to be a special evening.
We started with some complimentary breads and butter on the table. Somm’s Table offers different types of authentic french pastry classics at their patisserie like croissants, cinnamon rolls, and pain au chocolat available for to-go. They also offer a classic and unique collection of cold cuts and cheese in their deli menu, which you can also enjoy paired with wine.
Somm’s Table is the first modern speakeasy restaurant in Manila that serves a fantastic collection of wine and cocktails paired well to balance out the best-tasting French dishes. The Ginger Papa (P450) is one of their signature cocktails with an interesting mix of ginger syrup and Don Papa rum. This one will really clear your airways if you decide to belt out a tune.
They have other interesting signature concoctions like the Spicy Girl (P480) and the Ube Delight (P550). Otherwise, go for one of the classics like the Amaretto Sour or the Old Fashioned.
Now it’s time to sample their French fusion cuisine. Whether you are coming here for dinner or drinks, Somm’s Table has plenty of choices to keep everyone happy.
The Goat Cheese Gazpacho (P350) is a cold soup appetizer made with vegetables and topped with goat cheese. It’s a pretty dish that’s packed full of flavors to jumpstart our adventure.
I loved having the St. Jacques Scallops (P490) with its plump and juicy scallops lined on a bed of green pea mash with asparagus salad.
Then there’s the Smoky Caesar Salad with Speck (P490). The salad bowl comes with a bit of theatrics as it is presented covered and then opened with its own smoky effect. The smoked ham is a great flavor addition to the Caesar salad. It’s big enough to share for 4 to 5 persons.
The Onion Soup (P310) is one of the highlights of the evening for me. The warm broth is covered and baked with 36-month old parmesan that sits on top of a literal carved white onion.
I have never seen French onion soup presented this way. It is also served with a slice of sourdough which you can dip inside the soup if you prefer. Then you can scrape off and eat the onion itself after finishing the broth.
The Lumpia Duck Confit and Foie Gras (P490) is another tasty appetizer with its crispy wrapper dipped in a special sauce.
Now this is probably the prettiest dish that night. The Egg Nest (P630) is a beautiful rendition that comes with 20-year old Imperial Caviar from the Amour river topped with gold leaf. It’s a fancy dish that is playful and fun to eat at the same time.
We tried a couple of their main dishes too. The Moroccan Lamb Ragu Pasta (P790) is a meaty pasta that should fill up hungry diners. There’s also the Green Asparagus and Pea Risotto (P540) for those who want a healthier alternative.
Seafood lovers like me should order the Pan Seared New Zealand Salmon (P780). The salmon is cooked perfectly with its crispy skin and very tender meat served on top of veggies.
The Bresse Yellow Chicken (P1490) is imported all the way from France and is considered as the most delicious chicken in the world. It definitely proved its case especially with the way it was cooked for us. The chicken came with creamy wild mushroom and fried crunchy potato gratin.
You can also order sides to complement your main dishes like the Creamy Spinach (P280), Corn Mash (P280), or Burned Cauliflower Purée (P290).
For desserts, we enjoyed a taste of their Apple Tatin (P310) and Ube Cheesecake (P280). These were beautiful and delightful endings to complete our French fusion dinner.
Somm’s Table is a unique and charming venue that I might not really want to share with everyone else because I want to keep it for myself. It’s hidden location adds a bit to its mystery, especially without the prying eyes of passers-by. So if you are looking for a new place to explore, try to look for Somm’s Table and discover this hidden gem for yourself.
Somm's Table
Basement 1, Corner Exchange Building, Bolanos Street, Legazpi Village, Makati
Instagram: @somms_table
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fareexpeditionsaz · 2 years
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@starlitebbq and whiskey bar, owned and operated by the guys behind Ocotillo and Chantico, is an intimate spot in old town Scottsdale that cooks up savory southern dishes, smoked and grilled meats, but has vegan and vegetarian options as well. In addition, they use local vendors such as AZ Beef, organic produce from @mcclendonsselect, fresh bread from @azbreadcompany as well as local pecan and mesquite wood for smoking and grilling. Chef Chad McClanahan (@thefoodtechnician.Az) cooked up these toothsome dishes on a recent visit, and we paired everything with their impressive cocktails and whiskeys. First Feature: 🍽🥃 RIBS AND RYE Rye whiskey, house bbq sauce, demarara, bauchant orange liqueur, mole bitters and one rib to nibble on. 🍽 Baby Back Ribs, garlic mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, 12 hour smoked brisket, Gem salad, hot fried chicken sandwich 🥃 Big Boy Old Fashioned Barrel proof bourbon, bauchant orange liqueur, cherry heering, jerry Thomas’ own decanter bitters 🍽 Mesquite Grilled Beef Ribs with their house bbq sauce jr mole espresso bbq sauce 🍽 Fried Chicken Sandwich with their signature green goddess dressing 🍽 Mesquite Grilled Cauliflower with green goodness dressing, black eyed peas and arugula 🍽 grilled red shrimp on a bed of cheese grits with scallion butter and celery Salad 📍7620 E Indian School Road Suite 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (at Starlite BBQ and Whiskey Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgzcJ0oLyuA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akamaifoodsblog · 2 years
Battle of the Veggie Dogs
During the summer, close to the Fourth of July, my mind turns to baseball, hotdogs and burgers. I am not vegetarian, but some meat substitutes, especially foods normally considered indulgent, can be part of a healthful diet. Vegetarian options tend to be lower in fat and calories, but not always, so read the label. To celebrate our nation's birth, instead of fireworks, I decided on a battle between the buns. Three brands of dogs found in my local grocery store were considered, along with cooking methods, and condiments. The winners would be great party food: think hotdog bar, with chili or curry relish (recipes below), sour cream (or Greek yogurt), cheese, sauerkraut, pickled jalapeños and diced onion.
THE NUMBERS: Nathan's (beef hotdog), is included for comparison, selected because it is a "middle of the road" hotdog in terms of calories and fat, and is a popular national brand. Light Life (Smart Dogs) has 2 sizes. I used the smaller one for uniformity, but if you like a bigger dog, the numbers are in parentheses. As far as the numbers go, they are all pretty reasonable, but the "real" dog does stand out in terms of fat grams. Nathan's also contain nitrites, the veggie dogs do not. Field Roast and Light Life are in the refrigerated section, Morning Star is frozen.
                    Field Roast     Light Life       Morning Star     Nathan's
Calories               110              60 (100)             60                  130
Fat (g)                    7                 2 (3.5)              0.5                   12  
Weight (g)            47                43 (75)              40                    42
Main Protein       Pea                Soy         Wheat gluten        Beef
COOKING METHOD: Cooking the dogs in a pan with a little oil, according to package directions made them a little dry. Gently simmering in broth or water was better, keeping them moist (New York style). I would guess that grilling would be similar to frying, though I did not try it.
THE BUN: Steaming won over grilling, because while delicious, the toasty flavor overpowered the dogs. For the same reason, whole wheat buns were not the best choice. Brioche was a little sweet, and richer, but the extra calories might be better spent where it really matters, like toppings or sides. The old fashion white bun is the best choice. To bring out the flavor of the dogs, skip the fancy buns and go with the smallest available. If your buns are very fresh, serve them straight out of the bag.
TASTE: Morning Star dogs are most similar in texture to Nathan's (soft and smooth), but are a little sweet. Field Roast was smokier, with an almost yeasty aftertaste, and a slightly sticky texture. If you prefer sausage to hotdogs, this might be for you... but not for me. Light Life dogs are a little firmer in texture, and have a pleasant, albeit light, savory aftertaste.
Side note: I also tried a Beyond Meat hotdog, prepared at a local farmer's market. The texture was grainy, with a flavor more similar to falafel than hotdogs. It is not for sale in grocery stores near me.
VERDICT: When compared to the veggie dogs, Nathan's is more savory, salty and juicy. But once properly prepared and dressed, these differences are minimal. If you are looking for a more healthful option to standard hotdogs, you could do worse than reach for a Light Life Smart Dog. So, pair it with a fresh green salad, slather on some fixings and enjoy!
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merrybrides · 3 years
How To Plan A Summer Wedding
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The Skinny on Summer Weather
Slap on that sunblock, because in nearly all parts of the country you can usually count on temps in the 70s (or higher!)—especially in the dog days of summer, like late July and August.
While sweet summertime means blue skies and balmy breezes most of the time, there are still some weather concerns to be aware of. For example, many east coast areas can experience torrential rain in the form of thunderstorms—soooo not ideal for an outdoor wedding! Then there's the south and southwest, where the thermometer can get up to 100 degrees fahrenheit or higher. An outdoor ceremony in this heat gives new meaning to the phrase, sweating for the wedding.
And, while less likely, there's the potential for natural disasters that can occur in the summer months. On the west coast, drought conditions frequently cause large-scale wildfires that bring hazy skies, poor air quality, and even evacuations. The opposite side of the country comes with the nasty Atlantic hurricane season, which begins June 1 and peaks in late August.
So…to play it safe, know what weather is forecasted for your wedding day, make sure to give your out-of-town guests whatever wardrobe tips they need to be prepared, and always—we repeat, ALWAYS—have a bad-weather backup plan. Just. in. case.
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Summer Holidays
Besides fabulous weather, summer seems to be the least limiting in terms of holidays and other potential hiccups. While you won't have to compete with many major holidays, the months of June through July are some of the most popular times to get married AND go on vacation. You'll want to keep your guests' wallets in mind by giving them plenty of time to book flights and plan travel. Trust us, they'll thank you.
Here are a few dates to keep in mind:
Memorial Day – Always a Monday in May (Technically this is a spring holiday, but widely considered the unofficial start of summer)
Father's Day – Always a Sunday in June
Independence Day – Always July 4th, but days off can vary
Labor Day – Always a Monday in September
Hint: Save-the-dates for destination weddings typically get sent out 8–12 months in advance, while save-the-dates for local weddings can be sent out closer to 4 months in advance.
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Summer Wedding Pros & Cons
There are so many advantages to getting married in the summer:
Typically gorgeous weather. Break out those sunnies!
There are fewer holidays to work around. Plus, it's widely considered PC to have an Independence Day or Labor Day weekend wedding.
The "Yes" RSVPs are more likely to roll in. Guests are often more willing and excited to take time off work and travel to a summer wedding!
Your outdoor venue and location choices are wide-open. Think barns, mountaintops and, of course, toes-in-the-sand beach weddings. The choices are endless!
However, there are a fair number of disadvantages to be aware of:
Summer is the most popular season to tie the knot. Venues and vendors often up their prices during this time, especially on weekends. Keep an eye out for peak-season rates when planning your wedding budget.
Destination wedding and honeymoon prices are also hitting their peak as most Americans book their vacation during the summer months.
Your favorite venues and vendors could be booked up months to years in advance for popular summer wedding dates.
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Summer Color Palette
Unlike other times of the year and their seasonal hues, the sunshine-filled days of summer complement nearly any wedding color palette. While you'll typically see bright colors at summer weddings, there's no need to shy away from deep blues, rich grays, or even black. Don't be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to putting together your own colors!
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Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
When it comes to dressing your bridal party, comfort needs to be at the top of the list. If you're tying the knot in the Deep South in late July, chances are your 'maids and groomsmen won't appreciate being buried under layers of fabric and accessories. Consider shorter dresses or lighter fabrics, like organza or charmeuse.
For groomsmen, you'll want to be extra certain you won't be causing sweat overload before the ceremony has even started! Stick with lighter suit jackets and vests—or ditch the jackets altogether. Look into a variety of different hot-weather-friendly looks like khaki, rolled sleeves, suspenders, or even shorts and flip-flops!
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Working With What's In Season
When you buy what's in season, you get food and flowers at the peak of their supply when costs are normally lower. Plus, when they're locally grown they don't need to be shipped halfway around the globe. So not only do you save money, but you also reduce your carbon footprint. Win-win.
—Summer Wedding Food—
Much like spring, summer is peak harvesting season for fruits and vegetables. Summer's sunshine means there's no excuse to serve food that doesn't include a little color! As for veggies, the sky's the limit as to what's in season: green beans, cucumbers, eggplant, peas, and corn—just to name a few.
While fruit harvests are bountiful during this time of year, the weather can affect when they're ripest. Be on the lookout for melons, peaches, plums, raspberries, and blackberries because all of these are at their juiciest in the summer months. Fortunately, the abundance of produce in the summer can lead to lower prices, which is especially great if you're planning a farm-to-table wedding!
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—Summer Wedding Flowers—
No matter where you are in the country, it seems that beautiful blooms are popping up all over the place. There are literally hundreds of options, but here are a few of our favorite summertime flowers:
Sunflowers. This classic is the poster child of summer, but we love how they add a pop of bright yellow to any bouquet.
Hydrangeas. These fluffy blossoms are summer staples that come in a wide variety of pretty colors.
Calla Lilies make a statement when bundled in a bouquet, and add a classy accent to any summer arrangement.
Amaranthus. From deep reds to fresh greens, this rope-like accent flower is perfect for boho or beach weddings, or even a more elegant affair!
Cacti. Use succulents like aloe and you can't go wrong.
Eucalyptus is a floral trend we're seeing year-round, and we're not complaining!
Pro Tip: Since some flowers are more prone to wilting in the summer heat than others, be sure to double-check with your florist before committing to any one flower or greenery.
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Summer Catering Trends
With a cornucopia of fresh fruits and veggies to choose from, you may have already started your search for the perfect hand-lettered sign to direct your guests to the salad bar. Not so fast! There are oh-so-many ways to pay homage to the tastes of the season, not all of which involve plants. If your personal faves include poultry, beef, and seafood, they can easily be incorporated into lighter versions of classics. Or, consider fun, non-traditional alternatives like tapas (Spanish small plates), a festive taco bar, or even good old-fashioned barbecue!
Your reception wouldn't be complete without a summer-inspired dessert! How about wine-flavored sorbet, yummy ice cream, or other frozen treats like snow cones, granita, or gelato to cool your guests down on those warm summer days! Or, what about a classic summer staple like cobbler or pie? There are so many options to choose from, so go wild!
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Summer Wedding Cake Trends
Play with light and refreshing flavors like lemon, raspberry, and coconut instead of rich, fudgy chocolate—unless that's your thing, of course! If you're not into the "naked" cake trend, ice your cake with summery frostings that showcase coconut, cherry, or Tahitian vanilla. Dress it up with sprigs of lavender or rosemary, some gold leaf, or a pretty ombré pattern. The latest trend we're partial to? Colorful brush strokes paired with bright blooms. You could even ask if your baker is willing to collab with your florist to match your cake to your bouquet! Your wedding cake—assuming you even have one—should be as unique as you are!
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Summer-Inspired Wedding Favors
Your guests will no doubt appreciate customized hand fans to keep cool or neon-colored sunnies to block summer's harsh rays. Or, hit up Old Navy's $1 Flip-Flop Sale to stock up on cheap sandals for tired feet to change into. You can also pick up miniature bottles of rosé, tiny potted succulents, homemade jam, and even travel-sized bottles of sunscreen with a custom sticker slapped on. And if you're really on a budget, how about some fresh seasonal fruit for your guests to enjoy?
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Summer Signature Cocktails
If you're serving cocktails on your big day, there's no better time to get creative than during the summer! Sparkling wines, champagne spritzers, and fruity cocktails are just the tip of the iceberg. Hit up your bartender (or just the drink-maker at your fave hangout spot!) for custom cocktails inspired by you and your fiancé. Refreshing berry mojitos, vodka-infused Arnold Palmers, boozy sangria, and mango bellinis—oh, yes! Just be sure to have water available for your guests at all times to keep them hydrated. Drink up!
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bandblogging · 4 years
Lemon trees & poppy seeds - (Ashton Irwin imagine)
Pairing:Ashton Irwin x reader
Words: 1k
Summary: Ashton's new hobby is gardening and for that you need a garden right? - Lemon tree boy essentially
Whenever Ashton picked up a new interest he dove in head first. Sure his drumming worked out incredibly well but some things didn't last as long. The expensive coffee machine he had bought to learn the craft of coffee-making was only used by you at this point. You knew the basics and Ashton had decided that his favourite coffee shop might have a bit more experience than him.
This time however it was gardening. His first lemon tree was growing quite well and after spending so much time at home during this break this was his new interest. He had dragged you along to buy all the essentials a day prior and now it was time to plant. Gardening equipment was strewn across the backyard in a random fashion. The big planter boxes you had bought were the only things neatly organized in a row. Ashton crouched in front of one, filling it with potting soil from a bag that was carelessly ripped open. Even though it was only half ten in the morning it was already surprisingly warm. The plants would be more shaded in the even hotter afternoon but they would be exposed to the sun during the early hours. Ashton's cargo pants were already covered in dirt, a few dirty handprints on the tank top he was sporting. You stopped in your tracks, watching your boyfriend work for a moment. He had pulled one of his old bandanas out of the closet to keep his hair out of his eyes. A look you had kinda missed, not that you would let that slip to him though. He was whistling a melody that was unfamiliar to you, but in rhythm to his steady shoveling of soil. "Iced coffee babe?", you finally asked him and broke your silence. Ashton jerked up a little, breaking his rhythm before turning towards you. "That be great" He grinned at you widely. You smiled back and sauntered back into the house.
With you limited knowledge of the coffee machine and some things out of the freezer you managed to prepare some iced coffee that was at least comparable to the bought-kind. There were still two lemon and poppy seed muffins left over from the day before. You quickly grabbed them and placed them on the tray, ready to join Ashton outside again.
When you placed the tray on the grass next to Ashton only the last two tubs were still empty. "Getting along well?" You asked him. He nodded in response, grabbing one of the coffees and taking a big sip. "In a year we can make our own" - you gave one of the muffins to your boyfriend - "the poppies should bloom by next year, right?".
Your breakfast break was kept rather short as Ashton wanted to get as much done as possible before it got even hotter. You had changed your clothes and were now in similar cargo shorts, ready to help him out. Ashton had shed the tank top and was now working topless, a sight you could never get tired of. A smirk formed on your lips as you watched the muscles in his back and shoulders move. He was once again whistling a melody to himself while sorting out all the seeds and plants he wanted to sow. The second lemon tree sapling you had bought had already found it's place in a new pot right next the older one. "These ones are for vegetables, those for fruit or herbs and that one for flowers". Ashton pointed to the different planter boxes in front of him. You nodded and picked up the first packed of seeds. Leafy Salad, something you should be able to harvest quite soon.
As a team you managed to also plant sweet potatoes, peas and peppers, strawberries and herbs for the kitchen. Your fingers smell like mint and basil when you finished planting the produce, reminding you of the dishes you'd like to cook with them. Ashton brushed off his gloves on his pants, soil flying everywhere. "That looks good" He glanced over the work you had just done, approving of the new garden. "Just the flowers missing" He picked up the last packages and read through the instructions once again.
The various seeds were scattered across the soil and lightly covered, ready to start growing either this or next year. You pulled the water hose behind you across the grass, twisting the nozzle open once you were close enough to the boxes. The fresh soil absorbed most of the water quickly and your new plants were ready to grow.
Ashton joined your side, swiftly grabbing the hose and targeting you with the cold water stream. You let out a loud shriek, turning away to shield your face. Your top was soaked and the cold water pickled on your skin. "You asshole" You shouted out and ran towards him. You had to play tug of war for a moment before grabbing hold of the hose again and spraying Ashton. He yelped at first as the cold water hit him, laughing after slightly adjusting to the temperature.
You played like children for a while, spraying each other down with the water until you were shivering from the wet clothes that clung to your body. "Alright, you win." You announce loudly, letting Ashton cheer for himself.
"You know, I love how this place is coming along." - you muttered, watching the last drops of water fall from the planter boxes - "it's really getting cozy and homey now" "That's good, seeing as it's our home" Ashton placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "Our home, huh?" Even though you had been living at his place for a while now, he had never officially asked you to move in and you usually still referred to it as his place. "Yes, our place, our home. Wouldn't be that without you here", he pushed a strand of hair out of your face before pressing a kiss on your cheek.
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olivieblake · 4 years
hello, olivie!! happy halloween!! very happy that me seeing your galloween announcement post coincided with me logging on to dash on the blue moons i’m able to do so ❤️ i recently left canada to move back home to the states and am in a nostalgic mood, just thinking about all of the things i was getting up to and friends i was with this time last year. SO just wanted to know— what is a recipe of places/nooks you miss most from each city that you’ve lived in/spent substantial amount of time in! hopefully this makes sense. otherwise, a 50-75 word snippet per city of how you’d summarize that stage of your life!! (i just remember an ask from someone who was visiting chicago and had wanted to know about places you’d recommend visiting and how much fun you had with that hehe) ✨
well, I only have three places, basically; I’m from the sf bay area, I went to school and now live in los angeles, and I spent three years in chicago. it actually bums me out greatly that I have not moved around more; I generally feel the itch to move every three years or so, and for whatever dumb reason that isn’t always possible. I’m very sensitive to weather, which rules out a lot of places I’d like to live... a BUMMER if ever there was one
with chicago we practically lived at the eleven city diner, so a lot of foods I associate with the city are deli things; challah toast, latkes, matzo ball soup, piled high pastrami sandwiches, egg scrambles with chunks of salami, thick slices of red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and whipped cream on top. chicago is where I started eating pork again; in la it’s very easy to not be in the mood for meat, since the weather is always warm and a lot of places serve vegetarian or seafood options. not so in chicago! burgers are unquestionably better there, and italian food is hearty and rich, with meatballs the size of your face. also, hot dogs. celery salt and pickle spears! polish food, pierogi and beer. the au cheval burger that’s now very famous is something I used to just get all the time with mr blake, because it’s next to the bike shop that sponsored his cyclocross team. but other things I associate with chicago are also relevant to the “trendy” foods of the time: initially artisan cupcakes, and then later, artisan “doughnuts.” and of course the lou malnati chicago classic (well done), which we used to eat every friday during the cx season as mr blake’s pre-race carb load
los angeles for me is greens, fruits, produce, avocado on absolutely everything. in college I used to have weird little salads all the time, like watermelon feta and snap peas, everything that was crisp and fresh and waiters who take their time because they know every lunch is leisurely. la is al fresco dining, pink wine on a rooftop terrace, cheese boards and small plates, truffles when you’re feeling luxe. I also love tatsu here, which used to be easy to just walk into but is now some kind of cultural landmark—rightfully, since it’s the best ramen in l.a., in my opinion. here I always crave popsicles and dessert wines, margaritas and fish tacos, anything that tastes like summer
the bay for me is clam chowder, sourdough bread bowls, dipping bread in cioppino or bouillabaisse, red wine, bean and cheese burritos, horchata, white sauce pizzas, old-fashioned peppermint ice cream. oh my god that ice cream is my childhood! the place I used to get it is closed now, which ALSO reminds me greatly of the bay, since the town I grew up is totally unrecognizable due to big swaths of land that were turned into housing. now there’s tons of asian bakeries, so when I go home it’s taro buns and coconut squares and sweet breads and boba, and thai curry or butter chicken for lunch with my mom. oh, also belgian waffles with strawberries! can’t explain that, but I know in my heart it is Right
although on that note one thing I always forget to mention about my first date with mr blake is that around 3am when we were still walking along the river and talking, we both got hungry. so we went to a deli and got pancakes, which are also very chicago for me
anyway I don’t think any of this actually answered your question but uh, for the record, I’m starving now and it’s 8am
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Buy Vegetable Seeds @ heirloomseedsolutions.com
All Sweet Watermelon : All Sweet Watermelon - Stands in the field for an extended period without over ripening. Elongated, striped fruits, 25-30 pounds each.
 american spinach seeds : Spinach America Seeds Is A long standing bloomsdale type spinach, fine quality, heavy yields. All American Selections winner in 1952.
 anaheim chili pepper : Anaheim Chili Peppers are very popular in Mexican dishes of all types, especially chile rellenos. - 6" long - for grinding into powder
 arnica herb : Arnica Herb - When brewed as a tea, this amazing herb has been used for stress, sleeping problems, and emotional trauma. - (Arnica montana
 Baby Roma : Baby Roma Tomatoes are Great for garden snacking, salads and growing for market. Incredibly heavy sets of grape-type tomato fruits.
 besweet soybean : Besweet Soybean is an Upright, 2' tall plant that bears an early crop of bright green beans for edamame, fresh shelling, or drying.
 herb black cohosh : Herb Black Cohosh - A traditional Native American discovery from the root of the cohosh plant known for relieving menstrual cramps
 Blacktail Mountain Watermelon : Blacktail Mountain Watermelon is a consistent high quality producer of dark green fruits with sweet, candy red flesh.
 black valentine beans : Black Valentine Bean - Straight slender dark-green, nearly round pods, stringless at all stages. Strong vigor. 60-70 days.
 bloomsdale long standing spinach seeds: Bloomsdale long standing spinach seeds - one of the first crops to be sown in spring. This quick-growing variety is a heavy yielder.
 boneset herb : Boneset herb is a great remedy for treating the symptoms of influenza, and helpful for treating aches and pains and fever.
 heirloom boston pickling cucumber : Heirloom Boston Pickling Cucumber is a Reliable old variety that was first listed as early as 1880 by D. M. Ferry and Company.
 Brandywine Tomato : Brandywine tomato found its way into the seed savers exchange in collection in 1982 founded by Ben Quisenberry - The Heirloom tomato standard
 bronze beauty lettuce : Bronze Beauty Lettuce Is Hailed as the finest, most colorful and most delicious leaf lettuce for the home garden. - [Bronze Arrowhead]
 bull's blood beets : Bull’s Blood Beets is the darkest leaved strain of beet available to gardeners and very popular for adding to cutting green mixtures.
 buttercrunch lettuce seeds : Buttercrunch lettuce Seeds - All American Selections winner from 1966, bred by Dr. Raleigh at Cornell. Well known with growers and consumers.
 Calendula : Calendula is one of the most widely used herbs for relieving an upset stomach, ulcers, menstrual cramps and is known for having anti..
 california giant zinnia : California Giant Zinnia - A garden classic. Every garden should have a long row for endless colorful bouquets. Extensive color range.
 california wonder pepper : California Wonder Pepper is one of the best for the home gardener, long known as a great canning and freezing variety.
 Calypso Beans:  Calypso Beans was hailed by many as the all-time greatest bean for baking - productive 15” plants grow well in almost any climate.
 Catnip Herb : Catnip herb has a long history of being used as a digestive aid. It’s a natural sedative that helps to ease digestion, colic and diarrhea.
 Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds : Cherokee Purple tomato seeds produce plants with large crops of 12 oz. fruits that rival Brandywine tomatoes for flavor.
 chicory seed for sale: Chicory Seeds For Sale - Traditionally used as an additive to coffee, or as a substitute for coffee. Helps with wound healing
 christmas lima beans : The Christmas Lima Bean is a Large quarter dollar-sized flat beans can be used either as a green shelled bean or a dry bean.
 Cilantro Seeds : Cilantro is one of the most widely used culinary herbs in the whole world. The fresh greens are called Cilantro and the dried seeds are...
Copenhagen cabbage seeds : Copenhagen Cabbage Seeds Are Popular for home gardens and also for shipping, will also store well. Plants Tend To Mature At The Same Time.
cylindra beets : Cylindra Beet Is an Uniquely shaped beet that resembles a carrot and produces uniform round slices for eating and processing. 6-8 inches
detroit dark red beets : Detroit Dark Red: the standard for beets, originally developed in 1892 from Early Blood Turnip Beet. - Heirloom Seed Solutions
double yield cucumber : Double Yield Cucumber was Introduced by the Joseph Harris Seed Company in Coldwater, New York in 1924. Ideal for pickling and fresh eating.
dragon tongue bush bean : Dragons Tongue Bush Bean - he primary use of this bean is for snap beans when the pods are young and covered with thin purple stripes.
Dwarf Blue Curled Kale : Dwarf Blue Curled Kale is a hardy biennial and a real show stopper as an ornamental, but its also extremely delicious and high in vitamin A.
early jalapeno pepper seeds : Early Jalapeno Pepper Seeds - does well even in cool areas. Sturdy 24 plants are loaded with 3 fruits that ripen from green to red.
early scarlet globe radish : Early Scarlet Globe Radish is a well known home and market variety. Globe shaped, bright scarlet color, excellent for bunching.
early summer crookneck squash : Early Summer Crookneck Squash - Ships Well. Delicious Flavor And Fine Texture. Best Eaten When 4-6s Long, Before They Turn Bumpy.
Evening Primrose Seeds : Evening Primrose Seeds are one of the few herbs that can help with nerve problems. Great for eczema, dermatitis and skin allergies.
fennel herb : Fennel herb - Used by the Chinese for centuries to treat hernia, indigestion and abdominal pain. can prevent the digestive upset.
feverfew herb : Feverfew Herb - Native to southeastern Europe, feverfew is now widespread throughout Europe, North America, and Australia.
German butterball potato : German Butterball Potato is an excellent all-purpose variety, good for roasting, frying and especially for mashed potatoes.
german extra hardy garlic : German Extra Hardy Garlic AKA German White. Our best performing garlic for northern gardeners. 4 – 6 large cloves.
german pink tomato : German Pink Tomato - One of the original two Bavarian varieties that started The Seed Savers Exchange. full sweet flavor and tender skin.
giant musselburgh leek : giant musselburg leek - This Scottish heirloom leek was introduced near Edinburgh in the 1830's. Highly adaptable.
golden zucchini : Golden Zucchini - Originally introduced by W. Atlee Burpee from material they received from Dr. Shifress of Rutgers University.
gourmet slicing tomatoes : Gourmet Slicing Tomatoes - are a fabulous, rainbow mix of slicing tomatoes. An easy way to try them all. - 12,000 seeds per ounce.
green arrow peas : Green Arrow Pea has set the standard for home and market production. Great for canning, freezing, and for dehydrating. reliable production.
hale's best 45 melon : Hale`s Best Melon - A reliable early melon with heavy netting and firm salmon colored flesh. Good, old-fashioned melon flavor and drought tolerant.
heirloom lettuce mix : The Heirloom Lettuce Mix is a must for every garden and an easy way to try all of the lettuces that we offer in our catalog.
hungarian heart tomato : Hungarian Heart Tomatos Are Large reddish-pink oxheart-type fruits are meaty and juicy. Very few seeds and almost no cracking.
ice queen lettuce : Ice Queen Lettuce Is A Wonderful crisp and sweet leaves, top of the class for iceberg-types. Can be used as a leaf lettuce.
Jacobs cattle beans :
lacinato kale : Lacinato Kale is a rather primitive open kale with 3" wide strapped leaves that are 10 inches long on 2-3 inches tall plants. (aka Dinosaur)
late flat dutch cabbage : Late Flat Dutch Cabbage Is The best choice for a slow growing, late season cabbage. - Brought to America by German immigrants in the 1840’s
lavender plant : Lavender Plant - Popular in soaps, shampoos and fragrances, but is also a natural remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression.
Lemon Balm Herb : Lemon Balm Herb (Melissa officinalis) is a member of the mint family which is used to help treat sleep disorders when brewed as a tea.
Lemon Cucumber : Lemon cucumber - A real treat, they are much easier to digest than normal cucumbers. - First listed in America by Samuel Wilson
lemon drop pepper : Lemon Drop Pepper - Robust plants are about 2' tall and covered with 2 inches long fruits that ripen to bright yellow - 100 days from transplant
Little Marvel Peas : Little Marvel Peas are a dependable variety introduced in 1908, known for fine quality and excellent yields. Can be sown in spring or fall.
Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts : Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts are a strain of brussels sprouts that predates modern hybrid varieties. A light frost or two will...
cayenne long slim pepper : Cayenne Long Slim Peppers are a powerful pain reliever when applied topically, and is used to treat osteoarthritis. - (Capscium annuum)
red of florence onion seeds : red of florence onion seeds - Excellent mild flavor, for fresh eating or short term storage. fresh eating variety from the Mediterranean.
Marketmore Cucumber : Marketmore Cucumber Dr. Henry Munger from Cornell University originally bred and it found its way to U.S. gardeners in 1976.
marshmallow seeds : Marshmallow Seeds - The root of this plant traditionally used to treat asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough and even the common cold.
mexican midget tomato : Mexican Midget Tomato - No hybrid comes close to this variety for huge tomato flavor in small package. ½ dark red fruits.
Minnesota Midget Melon : The Minnesota Midget Melon produces round, 4-5" fruits that have thick, sugary, golden-flesh which is edible right down to the rind.
muncher cucumbers : Muncher Cucumber - Very tender variety that is excellent for fresh eating right out of the garden. pick when the fruits are 4-6 inches long.
Orange Bell Pepper : The Orange Bell Pepper is a real beauty that's excellent for fresh eating, canning or freezing. It also has a great sweet flavor.
Oregano Herb seed : Oregano Herb Seed is An essential Italian herb for any garden. Great for tomato sauces. Flavor is best if picked prior to flowering.
oregon sugar pod peas : Oregon Sugar Pod Peas should be harvested before the seeds form for best flavor. Good disease resistance - can be enjoyed raw
parsley herb : Parsley Herb is a Large bushy plant that provides a constant supply of fresh parsley. Prized by Italian chefs. Excess can be dried or frozen.
Triple Curled Parsley : Triple Curled Parley has highly frilled and curled leaves will hold in the garden at a usable state for months. - (Petroselinum crispum)
peppermint herb : Peppermint Herb - Classic culinary herb, strongly aromatic. Great for cooking, drying, drinks, salads, teas, baking or in potpourri.
pink lady slipper radish : Pink Lady Slipper Radish - One of the mildest radishes. Light pink, oblong shaped roots, mild white flesh. 4 weeks after harvesting
Pride Of Wisconsin : When you think of the big melons with great taste, Pride Of Wisconsin is the standard that all others should be judged by.
provider bush beans : Provider Bush Beans - Introduced in 1965 in South Carolina by horticulturist, Dr. Hoffman. 48-55 days - High Germination Heirloom Seeds
Prudens Purple Tomato : Prudens Purple Tomato produces plants loaded with 10-16 ounce, dark pink fruits. It's a real contender for the best beefsteak heirloom.
purple coneflower seeds : Purple Coneflower Seeds - One of the most popular herbal medicines today. It has been used for more than 400 years to treat infections.
purple top white globe turnip : Purple Top White Globe Turnip was first noted in the 1800’s and still the most widely used variety for home and market.
red acre cabbage : Red Acre Cabbage is One Of The most reliable red variety, resists splitting, nice uniform color and a good keeper. 3-4 pounds.
Red Russian Kale : Red Russian Kale is a beautiful Siberian Kale that came to Canada in the 1800’s by way of Russian traders. It has dark blue-green leaves...
Romanesco Broccoli : First recorded in Italy in the 16th century, Romanesco Broccoli is sometimes referred to as Broccoflower, Roman Cauliflower or Coral...
rosemary seeds : Rosemary Seeds are used for indigestion, to treat muscle pain and arthritis, and to improve circulation. - Rosmarinus officinalis
Round Zucchini : This is a top quality open-pollinated strain of round zucchini. Its compact plants produce an endless stream of baseball sized...
ruby king pepper : Ruby King Pepper - Super sturdy 24" plants are uniform and support heavy crops of 4 lobed peppers that ripen from green to red..
sage herb seeds : Sage Herb Seeds Are Widely used for flavoring meat, cheese and bean dishes. Plants can grow 18-24 inches and are very attractive
Scarlet Nantes carrot seeds : Scarlet Nantes carrot seeds are widely adapted and good for storage, freezing and for juice. They are also extremely high in antioxidants.
slobolt lettuce : Slobolt Lettuce Has A Nice pleasant flavor, never bitter. A great cut and come again variety. - A great cut and come again variety.
cauliflower snowball seeds : Cauliflower Snowball Seeds - Reliable sure-heading strain. Large, solid, snowy white 6-7 inches diameter heads, well protected by the outer wrapper leaves.
stowell's evergreen sweet corn : Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn - First introduced to the seed trade in 1856 from a cross made by Nathaniel Newman Stowell in New Jersey
Straight Eight Cucumber : Straight Eight Cucumber was an All American Selections winner in 1935. A real superstar, most likely the most recognized cucumber variety...
strawberry watermelon seeds : Strawberry Watermelon Seeds Are Well-known old heirloom. Dark green with lighter green stripes. Long green fruits average 20 pounds
sweet genovese basil : Sweet Genovese Basil is the classic Italian sweet basil, prized for its large leaves, wonderful aroma and spicy flavor...
sugar snap peas : Sugar Snap Pea is an all American Selections winner in 1979. Vigorous 48-72, vines need support, but yield huge amounts of snap peas.
thyme herb plant : Thyme Herb Plant - Extremely versatile culinary herb used extensively for seasoning meats and vegetables. - (Thymus vulgaris)
Tiger Eye Beans : Tiger Eye beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are some of the most beautiful of all the dry beans, originally from either Chile or Argentina.
titan sunflower : One of the tallest, largest seeded and largest headed varieties. Sure to be a hit with children, great for roasting, expect heavy yields.
tommy toe tomato : Tommy Toe Tomato - This humble cherry tomato, Tommy Toe, has won many blue ribbons and taste tests around the world.
valerian seeds : Valerian seeds have been used as far back as the 2nd century A.D. to treat insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, seizures and epilepsy.
spaghetti squash vegetable : Spaghetti Squash Vegetable - Fruits range in color from ivory to yellow to orange. - (Cucurbita pepo) - (aka Noodle Squash)
waltham butternut squash : Waltham Butternut Squash - Developed and introduced by Bob Young of Waltham, Massachusetts. Most popular variety of butternut
yellow indian woman beans : Yellow Indian Woman Beans - Originally brought to Montana by European immigrants, a rare heirloom that is now found in Native America.
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