#older Eren headcanons
eskumii · 2 years
Part two of yandere big bro Eren let's say reader has a secret boyfriend and one day Eren sees them on a date.
soft yandere!older brother!eren yeagar hcs (part 2) + how he reacts to you having a secret boyfriend [platonic]
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TITLE: " LEARN YOUR LESSON " — navi. part one.
A/N: this took me so freakin long, i am so sorryy ToT i just got back from visiting my grandma, who's not doing so good. life can be rlly unexpected but i'm back baby!! the ending is kind of rushed bc i totally word vomit all over these hcs and can never find a good ending point lolol :( so idk sorry if it's just not that great. i hope u enjoy it anyway!
PAIRING: soft yandere!older brother!eren yeager x little sister!reader (platonic)
CHARACTERS: eren yeager (19), reader (15), reader's boyfriend (16)
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☆ it's not often you meet guys your age—or anyone at all, really—inside of the little section of wall maria you live in with eren. after your disaster of an experience at the corps boot camp, you find that the trauma of attempting to befriend people has yet to leave you.
☆ you can't really recall ever making friends with anyone when you were younger; in fact, the only people you could actually consider friends are armin and mikasa, but even they get stonewalled by eren if they hang around you too often. you still don't understand why he's like that, but his overprotectiveness seems to have bred your tendency to be incredibly sneaky. now that's something you can thank him for in the very near future.
☆ of course, though, eren is naturally your closest "guy friend." you tell him everything, he's been there for everything, and he probably knows you better than you know yourself at this point. however, there is one thing you'd rather not talk to him about: your love life. you pretty much had no female influence in your life except mikasa, who somehow had even less capability of showing affection than eren, and what little memories you had of your mother were now fading into obscurity.
☆ your near non-existent social experiences leaves you lonely. you're at the age where romance should be the peak of your explorative endeavors, yet you don't have a single romantic anything under your belt. the thought of being lonely forever makes you sulk, but the day you receive an unfamiliar knock on your front door is the day you meet the end of your demise. it's the new boy from down the street.
☆ eren had stepped out to get some groceries for dinner, so that left you up to your own devices for a little bit. usually he told you to never open the door for anyone who knocks because 1.) he has a key, and 2.) if it's not him, you shouldn't be talking to them, period. something about him being concerned you'd get taken advantage of or kidnapped or murdered—he rambled on about the possibilities for like thirty minutes, you recall. anyway, it would be rude to not answer the door while someone is home, so you did the unthinkable: you opened the door.
☆ and standing before you was quite possibly the cutest boy you had ever laid your eyes on. he's a head taller than you with dark eyes and ash blonde hair, his lean form clad in modest yet stylish apparel. you're both frozen in place, staring at each other with varying degrees of embarrassment. you're suddenly all too aware of your homely pajamas and unkept hair—frankly, you assume he must think you're the ugliest thing he's ever seen.
☆ "uh, um.." he stumbles over his words. "i'm lukas roth. i, uh, just moved into the house that's, like, over there." lukas points to the once vacant house that sits at the very end of your block. renovations for that house were put on hold for so long that it remained abandoned for years, so it was surprising to hear it was finally moved into. excitement wells up in your chest at the prospect of a potential new friend.
☆ "hi, i'm [y/n]!" you stick a hand out for him to shake. "welcome to shiganshina." lukas stares at your hand, face flushing red as he moves to grab it. his hand is large and warm and you're totally internally freaking out at the skinship. you're basically holding hands! though as quick as it happens, it's over, and lukas is back to looking frazzled. he honestly looks like he wants to run away.
☆ "my mom wanted me to give the neighbors these." he sheepishly pulls out a bag of brightly decorated sugar cookies from behind his back, "uh, i hope you like them..."
☆ you're literally ascending. graciously taking the bag of confectionary treats from him, you excitedly begin to engage in conversation, completely disregarding your former shame of your disheveled appearance. he seems to loosen up after a bit of back and forth, thankfully.
☆ your small talk ends abruptly when you hear a woman's voice calling for lukas down the street. he bids you goodbye with a charming smile and promises to visit you again sometime (he stresses the "only if you want, though..." very shyly). the grin on your face is telling and you, of course, welcome it with vigor.
☆ as if on cue, eren emerges from the opposite side of the street. there's no time to duck back inside as he's already spotted you, and he immediately looks like he's going to chew you out with the way a dark look passes over his features.
☆ "who was that?" eren asks, glaring holes into the back of lukas's head as he walks down the block to his own house. "don't talk to weirdos when i'm not home. didn't i tell you not to open the door if it's not me?" you roll your eyes at his annoying demands and step aside so he can come in. he's carrying a bag of vegetables judging by the stems of green onion that peek over the top.
☆ you wait until lukas disappears from your view before you shut the door completely. you gush through a brief recount of the short conversation you shared with him, clasping your hands together excitedly. you even tell eren about how he asked to hang out (which you regret almost immediately after he sends you a sharp, unforgiving look). it just that you've never heard someone say that to you like, ever, so it's only natural that you can hardly contain yourself.
☆ now wait a minute, he asked you to what? eren watches with an exasperated deadpan as you practically float around the room in bliss, the cutely ribboned bag of sugar cookies with pink frosting dangling from your hands. he knew this part of your adolescence would come at some point, just not now. as much as he hates being the bad guy, there's no one else around who'll "crack the whip," so the speak. especially when it comes to boys and dating.
☆ "you're not hanging out with that boy, [y/n]." eren sets the bag of groceries down on the kitchen counter then leans against it with his arms crossed. you open your mouth to argue but you can't even get a breath in before he cuts you off. "no. that's final. you hear me?"
☆ you sit through dinner mumbling under your breath, but eren pays you no mind. is he being irrational? well, he doesn't deny it. a lot of things he does may seem irrational, but there's always a method to his madness. eren knows how boys are at your age and if they're anything like he was, they can only pursue you romantically over his dead body.
☆ as he expected, you don't bring it up for the rest of the night or even the rest of the week. all is well in paradise it seems, and the earth is still spinning on its intended axis. you're acting normally, joking around with him normally, and just... being you normally. honestly, it's a cause to be cautious—eren would be lying if he said he didn't at least somewhat expect an outburst or pushback of some sort. you are his sister after all, the hard headedness and rebellion runs in the blood.
☆ eren begins to grow kind of suspicious of your behavior. you're going outside a lot more with the excuse of doing laundry down at the river (even though you'll be carrying a basket that clearly has like two socks that don't even match) or needing some fresh air. he's not necessarily opposed to you going outside, just as long as he knows exactly where you're going and if it's an area that's within walking distance. eren pretends to find it incredibly bothersome if you were to wander off somewhere unfamiliar, but really that kind of thing makes him panic.
☆ and it's not like you're really breaking any of the rules he's given you. you come back before your curfew and you make sure to tell him where you'll be and for how long. he's at a loss, really. there's a nagging feeling in his gut that tells him you're up to something. however, unless he can find some solid evidence that proves you've been breaking the rules, he can't punish you without looking like an idiot.
☆ on one unfortunate day, eren follows you. it was bound to happen, of course, especially when the excuses you give him get lamer and lamer. nothing can bypass his ultra instincts. so right after you bid him goodbye and the front door shuts behind you, he leaves through the back and skillfully tails behind you. and to his utter and complete surprise, you don't go to the river. no, you don't even leave the block.
☆ instead of going down the path that leads to the river, you stop in front of lupin or luca's house (he hasn't even bothered to remember the kid's name) and knock on the door. you're giddily rocking on the balls of your feet, laundry basket secured between your arm and waist. not even a few breaths later, the door swings open and the boy he saw a while back leans down and kisses you on the mouth.
☆ yeah, okay, now he's furious.
☆ let's just say that eren is not happy with you. he's more frustrated at the fact that you lied to him rather than you having a boyfriend. which is almost equally as bad but lying to him is still worse. he's sort of hurt that you didn't seem to feel comfortable enough to tell him about your little relationship (of course he would have opposed it but at least it's miles better than going behind his back). it looks like the only reasonable explanation for your behavior is that this boy has been influencing you to do these things and betray his trust.
☆ that night, eren is waiting for you in the living room. he's seated on the couch with his arms crossed and legs folded, looking very, very upset. you already know what it's about, but you're totally prepared this time. you won't let him interfere with your love life—you refuse.
☆ you and eren engage in yet another argument. you're screaming at the top of your lungs about how controlling he is and how you just want him to leave you alone for once. he's yelling about how boys are no good and that lukas will just break your heart once he gets bored of you. it hurts your feelings and ends with you locking yourself in your room while eren apologizes, somewhat disingenuously, through the door.
☆ despite your passionate efforts, your theatrics don't work. look, honestly, you were foolish to think you could win against eren. you're not aware, but he's already pulled some strings and now the roths' are conveniently needed somewhere in Wall Sina. that boy is no good for you; it's become evident in the way you're acting.
☆ within the next few days, you receive the sudden news that lukas is moving away again. he doesn't tell you why or where he's going, but he looks obviously distraught and annoyed. you try to visit him but whenever you do, no one answers the door anymore. one time you had seen him down by the river but when you called out to him, he ignored your existence entirely and walked away. you're completely heartbroken from his negligence and silence.
☆ once again, eren takes the upper hand. he'll bring you sweets and comfort foods to soothe the heart that he inadvertently broke. you cry over lukas for a while but eren is there to cheer you up. you don't even get a chance to say goodbye to him when he moves the next week, only allowed to watch through shades of the window as he disappears into the horizon. you feel as though he's taken a part of your heart with him.
☆ eren told you not to hang out with that boy, but you did it anyway. he was right. and he hopes that, this time, you've learned your lesson.
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captainleviswifee · 2 months
Having kids with Levi headcanons (Canon Universe)
Imagine having two kids (twins or not, both works) with Levi sounds all good and wholesome. Until you realize just how much you underestimated Levi's genes. Like damn, these are toddlers and you'd be all over the place just to watch them not hurt themselves playing. Mind you, these kids, are Ackerman kids. They have as much energy as their father. More so since well kids being kids. You'd have to match their energy or you'd be left in the dust. I don't mean that they'd be like monsters (maybe?), but they'll sure be a menace to babysit. And that's just for when you guys are at home. Imagine if you need to work. Just imagine if you guys are at a family outing in a park, where there's people around. God just pray that you won't lose sight of them the second you just try snack on something, talk to Levi, or just buy something in one of the stalls. You'd miss one of them, worse, both of them if you're the only one taking them out. If you're with Levi, well he's not perfect and there are definitely times for when he missed one of them or both of them. Immediately bringing them back to where you are or where you guys are supposed to be seated.
Unless well you turn out to be one heck of a goddess at babysitting kids then all the better. And this is why when the kids grew up to like five or older, more often than not. You and Levi would have to teach them how to properly behave. And as years pass, teaching them became a little harder, but it has it's own rewards. Naturally, as they grow older, methods on teaching them proper behavior adjust accordingly as well. Yes, I know Levi mentioned that "Pain is the best kind of discipline," but this is more likely because it's being applied, to Eren a soldier like he is, who also has a stubborn attitude. Not to mention, a titan shifter who's limbs regenerate like a lizard. That's him as a captain, as a superior officer. But he's a bit more gentle as a father. Especially as a father to his kids with you. He's stern, one quality that's never removed from him. Sometimes a little intimidating. And sometimes, you would be the balancer of sorts to his intimidating nature when teaching your kids to behave. It's a long process, but it works for both of you, Levi, and your little family with him.
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st4rb3rr13s · 1 month
Eren Headcanons
Guys I can’t write stories rn. Like genuinely writers block is eating me up. So headcanons for my pookies 😍 missed you all!! (Would I be in the wrong for going into different fandoms?? How would yall like a Gojo x reader or yall want me to keep this AOT??)
Anyways! Eren headcanons. Random ones idk
Eren can barbecue. I’ve told yall he’s a limited chef but when he gets on that grill?? Oh baby even Jean shuts his mouth. The ribs be TOO good like genu who taught this man how to make this food?? Cause his father cannot cook and Mama Carla can cook and bake but isn’t fond with grilling…(It was Onyankopon.)
Eren would definitely want matching tattoos with you. If you’re not fine with that, that’s ok but when you two become engaged?? He’s bringing it up. If you said yes during your two’s honeymoon is when you’d get it. I believe he’d want your first and newly last initial on his ring finger and want you to get his initials.
Eren squeals like super loud. Tell me I’m wrong. Like when he gets really excited about something or is really energized when with you he’ll just start squealing. It’s super cute at times, especially when ur not expecting it.
Eren is the type to catch a spider in his hands. Either his hands or the paper and glass method. He doesn’t believe in killing something just because it’s somewhere it’s not supposed to be. (His mom read a poem like that to him and now he never wants to kill a spider.)
Eren loves inviting Armin and Mikasa over when he owns an apartment or house. Would invite them over for a little house party or just dinner. You’d come home and see the three watching a movie super loud or talking about whatever. It warmed your heart.
Eren’s mother, Mama Carla? When you two get an apartment/house together she’d be there every single day. She wouldn’t trust Eren cooking or holding his end of cleaning. The two would have mini arguments everyday because of how much she’d come over. You always welcomed her with open arms. (Eren did too but he was sick of her antics.)
Eren’s clothes are so oversized it’s not even funny. A lot of people don’t realize he has a build until one day he wears a compression shirt. But he loves his oversized sweats, hoodies, t-shirts, anything tbh. Just keep it oversized and he’ll love it.
Eren would yell while playing uno. He would take it so seriously he’d yell at his brother about not picking up the right cards, and no one else tbh. He would just get aggravated, ESPECIALLY with his dad. Eren can’t play uno with his dad or he has to take a walk outside afterwards. (His dad tried to argue about picking up 4+ cards.(Mikasa won’t force him but Eren will.))
Eren would love sea animals as a kid. I believe he used to go to aquariums all the time, he’s probably have fishes in his room. As he got older his love for sea animals never stopped and has a little charm of a manatees on his vanity.
Eren’s room is mainly colors like gray, black, and white. He wouldn’t really want to decorate his room and doesn’t care for what the color is. As long as he has a bed and TV it doesn’t matter. (His childhood room is so big you know his bad ass did so much shit.)
Eren’s childhood bedroom has holes. He was a kid who punched the wall. He also was a kid who ran into walls. His mom covered it up with vanity’s with mirrors, desk, posters, really anything until he turned 16/17 and calmed down.
Eren first didn’t think becoming a lawyer was interesting so he became a doctor. Suddenly when Mikasa and him did a fake debate he actually liked it to the point Mikasa almost convinced him to be a lawyer. Almost until she explained how much college he had to do and all the law things he had to memorize and he gave up.
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cagesofgold · 10 months
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eren jaeger headcanons <3
🎵teenage fever - Drake 🎧
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His favorite way to unwind is to play with your hair. Due to having longer hair himself he’s grown accustomed to the different skill sets required to craft different hair styles, and actually, is really good at it. His fingers are lithe and nimble and are able to weave through strands with ease.
He drives an all black car with tinted windows, and has a polaroid of you in a photo booth with him on your first date in a plastic case hanging from his rear view mirror.
he also always makes sure to keep your favorite snacks in the car, as he’s a guy who’s bound to text you at 2am asking bout some “you up for a drive?” 💀
in terms of tattoos despite popular belief, i personally think he’d keep it on the minimal side. He’d maybe have some on his arms - or a sleeve, but he likes to keep them tidy. Although, he is one of those guys that would have that tiktok thirst trap spider on his chest or adjacent to his v line…..
this mf smells gooooood, he’s so paranoid about smelling bad because of Jean saying he smelt like a burning pile of bodies in high school and hasn’t been able to shake the fear since.
despite not being overly adorned in tattoos he does like piercings. He’s got about five on his ears and has a nose piercing but he always forgets about it.
loves reality shows. A few months into your relationship he noticed you watching them and acted with his full chest that he had no interest, yet as the weeks rolled by he somehow got closer and closer to the couch and before you knew it he was fully shouting over Lisa Rinna. (You’ve also seen him following over 30 housewives from the different shows on instagram…)
cannot stand metal music because he spent his entire childhood covering his ears from where it bled from under Mikasa’s door. (Otherwise he’d probably enjoy it)
he’d dress quite simply, mainly with blacks and whites and would sometimes mix and match with some red or green, but i don’t think he’s as ambitious as some of his friends fashion wise, but he still looks good as hell.
his favorite holiday is with out a doubt halloween, is some of this because he spent so long as a child building the most elaborate scares for the kids on his street? maybe. but he also likes autumn as a season so that has something to do with it.
doesn’t get along with his dad too well but is a total mamas boy. He visits her at least twice a month considering they live in different cities.
is a cat person, but when he was younger he liked dogs more as according to him they were “much radder” - his own words 💀, but as he got older and became more subdued he developed a preference for cats.
has anxiety that he manages to hide, he wasn’t used to being comforted and it took a while for him to fully open up to you.
despite smoking weed with Jean and connie almost every other day he still makes a dramatic scene any time Zeke lights a cigarette around him, i’m talking coughing and clutching his chest, Zeke’s standing there like this 🧍‍♀️waiting for him to stop his fucking shenanigans.
if you want to go out with Eren Jaeger prepare to be a victim of the sassy man apocalypse, because my god, this man is relentless, and the SIDE EYE on this mf is ridiculous. He could knock down an army with his sass alone.
takes good care of his hair, oils it twice a week and does hair masks in order to keep it soft and shiny. He can’t have his gorgeous girl going out with some guy with brittle, greasy ass hair…
goes to the gym but doesn’t like it very much. he goes most days for at least an hour but never posts gym pics on his instagram or anything, he just has no interest apart from maintaining his body.
cannot sleep without you. he can try, sure, but he’ll never be successful. Before you both decided to move in together he was at your house every night, nuzzled against your body with light breaths slipping from his lips, which sparked the conversation, why not just move in, you’re here everyday anyway?
tends to bottle things up, and if something is bothering him you will have to work it out of him slowly…but he’s trying, for you he’s trying.
his lock screen is a photo of you asleep against his chest, he just thought you looked so peaceful.
gets embarrassingly competitive in just dance, threw a Wii at Connie once because he made him lose a perfect score on timber.
finally, he loves stargazing, especially with you. He’ll take you out to a deserted street, a bag full of snacks and a joint as you both lay on the hood of his car, chatting about whatever comes to mind, and it’s at those moments, when his eyes focus on the slope of your nose and the shape of your mouth, that he feels a warmth inside him he’s never felt before. <3
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killxio · 1 year
Eren x caribbean gf headcanons 🙏
wanderlust | e. yaeger
word count: 1,440 [5 min 13 sec read] | ✪ content warnings: facesitting, six nine, handjob, eren using y/n like a face mask, he’s a munch in this (all hail the munches)
eren x reader / eren x black!reader / eren x carribean!reader
✭ drabbles of eren and his pretty beach bound girl. ( ps, sorry for taking so long anon. side note, everyone and their mama is jamaican, so the reader in this is not jamaican. trinidad and tobago i’m side eyeing you too. sorry not sorry, we need representation for other islands. )
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eren absolutely gets himself into trouble just to hear you yell at him. he thinks it’s so fucking sexy, especially when you notice his hard-on and yell more.
the way your accent tends to come out when you’re angry just goes straight to his dick, mans can’t help it.
“woooii- ya make mi blood clot, eren! round with ya friends, can’t give nuh call or send mi text den tiptoe in the damn house like a ninja. ya can’t answer when me fa call ya name?”
he’s between your legs and you’re scolding him, finger pushing his big ass head around. he’s been out for a few hours later then he said he would, then came and snuck up behind you in the bathroom as you’re doing your hair.
yet all he can do after he’s put you on the counter is smirk down at you. he grabs you finger, guiding it down his chest and silences your complaints with a kiss.
it’s when he leads your hands low enough that you break it.
“jesus eren. you’re fucking nasty,” you shame, your american tongue coming back.
“no keep yelling,”
“ya fa be ‘shamed a-yaself.” you scold, trying to hide your smirk, brushing your fingers over his buldge.
eren takes u to the most luxurious parts of your home possible, he knows how much you love your families native country.
in college, he works his ass off to take you home atleast twice a year at fancy resorts or luxurious airbnbs.
as he gets older and more successful, the trips get better and more frequent.
your 10 year anniversary gift? him buying you a home at home.
eren finds the way you eat fruit with no fork adorable. he loves your brown doe eyes staring up at him accompanied by your sticky mouth.
“what?” you question, looking up at eren from your beach chair, mango in hand.
“nothing baby,” he smiles, bending down to grab a wet-wipe from your picnic blanket, “you just devour fruit like a bulldozer.”
“do not.” you protest, and despite him wiping your hands down his gaze is still set straight on you. there’s a slight breeze passing by, and his green eyes peer at you though his waving hair.
“stop looking at me like i’m that mango.”
“am not!” you protest again as he moved onto wiping your mouth and cheeks, knowing damn well you’re about to jump his bones in the hotel room later.
he loves your mango, grapefruit and pineapple fed pussy, he swears it makes you taste sweeter. before you, eren never came home craving his girl’s pussy like a meal. but yours? you have to claw him off you.
this time, eren’s taken you to jamaica, one of the carribean islands you actually haven’t been to yet. he pulls the rented jeep into the drive way of your two’s airbnb, coming home to feed you the breakfast you sent him to the market for.
“hi ren baby. did you get it?” your brown eyes and coily hair peek up at him from your book from your place on the couch when he turns the corner into the living room.
“mhm.” he nods simply, holding up the brown paper bag in his hand to show you.
but he’s craving a different meal.
“ohhh good! the utensils and plates here are so so cute, i think the host even left wine. is it too early to day drin- baby?” you question, distracted at the way he pulls at your hips and cuts you off with an absolutely nasty kiss.
“i need to be fed too,” eren says, briefly breaking the kiss, his hands sneaking into your tiny panties and toying with your clit. you know he isn’t talking about his own meal in the bag.
two of his fingers slide up and down your hole, collecting your slick, then slowly penetrates your tight ring.
“mmmm,” you let out a cat-like purr as his fingers slide deeper into you, moving up and down, riding, and he knows the perfect balance of thrusting to please you.
he’s swallowing all of your pretty moans, tasting the chapstick off your lips as he’s attacking at your lips, then your jaw. your neck. your collarbones. until he’s laid you down and pulling your cropped cami top up to get at the valley between your breasts.
he’s humming out appreciatively against your skin, tasting the soft reminants of your shea butter from a shower the night before. he travels, just a little, but cruelly ignores your hard nipples pointing up for him. he disconnects from your breasts with a squelch, sitting back up to pull off your panties and lay down beneath you.
“what’s gotten into you, rennie?” you ask, a little breathless between movements.
“nothing sweetheart. now sit,” he demands, pulling you up onto his chest.
“wait. let me touch you?” he doesn’t object and you go straight for it, sliding down his sweats and eagerly pulling out his coated dick. there’s two beads of pre still going down his shaft when you lean down to lick and start to suck on him, he slaps your ass.
“i’m eating. if you’re going to touch and distract me, hands only.”
and you do. scooting back more so your cunt hovers over his face, wrapping your fist around his cock. he pulls you down and begins licking at your cunt.
eren shakes his head lightly, pressing his tongue into you and passing over your clit a few times so deliciously, the downright nasty sounds of him slurping at your cunt making you clench around nothing. while his tongue travels back up to your leaking hole, he closes his lips around your cunt too, sucking.
“s-so good baby,” you praise, then get caught off guard by him prodding his tongue at your entrance and penetrating you.
and eren’s tounge is thick. not absolutely abnormal, but definitely matches his 6’4 height.
the repeated feeling of his muscle penetrating you sends you spiraling, tightening your grip around his shaft trying to ground yourself. with every in and out motion, more of your slick is pushed out and down his throat.
eren is addicted to feeling you come on his tongue instead of his dick, something about you creaming on his face? does it for him.
you’d think it’d be the way your hands swivel around his shaft that’d send him spurting sticky while liquid up around your hands but instead, it’s the way your hips jerk in their up and down motion while you cum, your ass jiggling on his face.
“ima.. ima cum eren.. i’m cummin’” hence the stuttering of your hips and your breathy, choked out moans. he wraps his arms around your thighs, burying his face further into your cunt.
“yeah princess?” he asks rhetorically, softly slapping at and jiggling your thighs, “do it baby. keep cumming on my face.”
“hah- fuckkk rennn..” you’re mewling, riding out your orgasm on your mans unfaltering tongue, drinking in the vibration of his words against your cunt.
“you’re such a sweet girl. my sweet girl.” he says, gazing up at you as you’ve now scooted down and are sitting on his chest. he doesn’t protest at way you leak down his abs.
“am i?” you return a dopey smile, flopping over ontop of him.
one of his arms wrap around you waist, rubbing soothingly at your bare ass while the other softly rubs at your scalp.
he doesn’t reply, instead you’re left to listen to the beat of his heart and rise and fall of his chest as you two share radiated body heat. you’re close enough to the ocean to hear the waves in the distance.
“.. okay, now can we eat?” you ask, breaking the silence, gazing at the forgotten food on the side table.
eren loves traveling with you, you grabbing him by the hand and leading the way. he’ll follow you anywhere.
“it’s a type of spanish lime but TECHNICALLY, but it’s more like a grape. it’s called kenip.” you inform him, tapping his shoulder indicating he could put you down now.
he puts you back down on the sand, having previously had you on his shoulder so you could pick the fruit from a tree growing on the beach.
he just stares up at you with the biggest eyes of admiration as you peel and hand feed him a handful.
“you like it?”
“yeah. i like you.”
��the stupid limes that are actually grapes, big head.”
“those too.”
he does like you. he loves you. his little caribbean girlfriend who’s smile glows the brightest when she’s taken to the beach. who cries in disdain when he gets fruit from the supermarket and not the farmers market. who’s vibrant dark skin, which he’s in awe by, enhances in the summer.
he loves you.
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toadallyspice · 5 months
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Modern AU headcanon: Jean’s Bear Hat
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It all started when Jean’s mom retired and finally found herself with more time on her hands. After beginning a much needed declutter of her house, she found stacks and stacks of pictures documenting her darling boy’s life and decided to join a local scrapbooking circle.
While working on a page dedicated to Jean’s first snow day, an older woman with kind eyes asked about Jean’s bear hat.
“Oh, the hat? I actually made it for him when he was a baby.” She smiles, looking at the picture and remembering how he loved the hat so much he insisted on wearing it past the winter, into the spring, and only relinquishing it in the summer when it became too hot.
“I wish I had one of those this upcoming week, it’s supposed to be freezing,” the old woman commented while bundling herself in layers preparing to face the cold.
This may have been just a passing comment to some, but to Jean’s mom this sparked another idea. She went to the craft store the next day and bought some new crochet hooks and yarn, filling her free time with even more crafting.
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“I’m so excited for you to open your gift!” She beamed, handing a gift bag overflowing with tissue paper to her son and pulling him in for a big hug.
“Thanks mom, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Of course I had to, you’re my favorite child.”
“I’m your only child.” Jean smiled, rustling through the tissue paper until he reaches the gift at the bottom of the bag.
His eyebrows quirk inwards as he feels the knit texture and pulls out his new bear hat.
“Do you like it? I made it for you, just like the one you had when you were a baby!” She says, her eyes lighting up.
“I… uh…” Jean nods his head. “I love it, thanks mom.” He pulls her in for a hug and gives her a kiss on the cheek, knowing that his friends are going to tease him relentlessly for wearing his new hat when they meet up later.
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“Nice hat, Jean-Bear,” Eren snickers as Jean walks over to meet his friends, everyone chuckling at his newest accessory.
“Shut up, Jeager. I have to wear it, my mom just gave it to me.”
“My mom just gave it to me,” Connie says mockingly, joining in on poking fun at his friend.
Sasha pulls out her phone and snaps a picture with the flash going off right in Jean’s face.
“Cut it out guys. I know it’s dumb, but she would be really upset if I didn’t wear it so I have to. Just pretend I’m not wearing it.”
“That’s not as easy as you think it is,” points out Armin, earning him a high five from Eren.
A gust of wind rips through the air, causing everyone to shiver. “See?” Jean points out, “I’m the only one who’s still warm, so suck it.”
They go through the rest of the day, Jean pretending to be annoyed and purely wearing the hat as an obligation. Secretly though, he loved how special it was that his mom took the time to recreate his bear hat.
He also relished in having bragging rights the next week when all of his friends got sick from the weather but he remained perfectly healthy.
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Thank you for reading! This is a little illustration turned headcanon. It was floating around in my mind with the weather being freezing these past few weeks.
Have a drawing suggestion? Leave an ask!
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drunkoffsmoke · 10 months
Hey do you have any platonic Headcanons for Reiner,Mikasa,and Armin?
a/n: RAGHHH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THE REQUEST EARLIER!!!! I DIDNT GET A NOTIF— anyways brother elliot shall provide once more >:) (this is like season 1-2 so no spoilers).
pairing: Reiner x gn!reader ; Mikasa x gn!reader ; Armin x gn!reader.
fandom: AOT (Attack on Titan).
genre: Fluff, headcanons.
! WARNING ! : N/A. (it's sfw pookies)
Reiner Braun.
Man is FLEXING his ass off when you're around.
Anything he thinks you might like? He's showing it off. Whether it be leadership skills (which he barely has) or muscles (okay he does have those), HE'S SHOWING OFF.
He likes to get your attention through random stuff such as constant poking or annoying you.
Since you're close to Reiner, he talks a lot about you to his friends Annie and Bertholdt.
Bertie likes you, although Annie keeps her distance. It's not that she doesn't like you, it's just that she's a loner and wants to keep it that way.
He probably follows you around during missions to make sure you're safe.
He's like a golden retriever off the field, but on the field, he's the most protective mf you can ever meet.
The second a titan reaches out to grab you, boom, he's slicing the titan's hand off.
If the mission proves to be easy with few dangers nearby, you and him have little contest like 'who kills more titans' and such.
He doesn't want to admit it, but he lets you win almost every time, blaming it on his gear for being this rusty.
You usually stay up past your curfew and watch the stars.
During this time you don't talk a lot, merely enjoying eachothers presence.
He's usually acting like an older brother, but sometimes you have to be the mature one and step in between fights he's about to start (somebody looked at you wrong).
Super supportive, literally the main cheerleader as you kick somebody's ass during training.
You and him have sparring sessions and he teaches you useful information about hand-to-hand combat!
He'd be a good teacher if he wouldn't be teasing you so much.
"Look at you, you're so fragile, you could never take me down!" were his last words before you kicked his ass.
He was shocked, he didn't expect you to ACTUALLY win the fight.
Nevertheless he's proud of you >:)
Mikasa Ackerman.
She firstly heard about you through Armin, telling her and Eren about how he made a new friend.
She was skeptical at first, thinking you were actually someone mean who just tried to get advantage of her blond friend.
But upon meeting you, she quickly changed her mind.
Mikasa is usually quiet and is always following Eren around, so the two of you don't really get some time alone.
But Armin told you she considers you a good friend of hers!
You're a feisty fellow, so she has to make sure you don't get in trouble aswell (as if she needed another Eren to take care of).
Being the mother friend of the group, she has to make sure nobody gets hurt, so she keeps you, Armin and Eren close when in missions.
Always on alert, she's ready to lash out at anyone who does you wrong.
One time a rookie spoke lowly of you behind your back. Mikasa found out, said she was going to take care of it, and you never saw that rookie again.
It's scary what she's willing to do to protect her loved ones, but it only makes you realize she is a good person deep down.
Honestly you're closer to Armin than her, but she doesn't mind that, since it gives her and Eren some alone time (nothing happens in this time, but she likes it when it's just her and Eren hanging around).
Not really good with praises, but will congratulate you after missions, saying you did a good job before walking away.
Armin Arlert.
If you're close to him, you're ultimately close to Eren and Mikasa too.
He likes to talk to you about facts he's learned from books and he's genuinely happy you listen to him (unlike a certain SOMEONE who has brown hair and teal eyes glares at Eren).
You had to rescue him a couple times from bullies. Because of that, you tried to teach him how to defend himself, although he believed this wasn't the right way.
He probably shows off every new item he found. It's mainly cool rocks or shards of glass bottles, but the way he's presenting them makes the trinkets look like some ancient relics.
He is a great listener and offers good advice where he can.
Most of the time he's shy so you have to speak up for him, he's really thankful you do that for him.
Armin's parents like you a lot, especially since you help out Armin so much. They tell you stuff about Armin which makes him embarrassed and blush.
You know the song 'To the Bone' about Undertale?
Well there's this one part saying "I am the Mastermind, he's my accomplice!"
Yeah that's Armin, and you're "You're still alive because I made a promise."
You guys are a great duo, fighting off titans together (although you end up eliminating most of them since Armin is a bit rusty on his skills, he's learning tho!) during missions and such.
He probably tells you all about the wonders of the ocean he's learned from his little book, it gets you as excited as him and it makes him feel as if he doesn't just let the information fall on deaf ears.
He thinks you're a strong, independent person and admires you for that.
He's the orange cat friend and you're the doberman friend. You can't convince me otherwise.
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tsukkisside · 7 months
i have yeager brainrot *⁠.⁠✧
can't stop thinking about the brothers having a normal family with a (not really) wholesome life in a modern au! thingie so headcanons !
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★ I don't think Dina should be 💀 (too sad can't have that) Grisha divorced her cause it didn't work and later met Carla and they fell in love <3
★ I just want Carla to adopt Zeke and be the mom he deserves!!!
★ Grisha and Carla would often be bussy working so Tom Ksaver a really nice neighbor would offer to babysit Zeke, playing baseball with him and all that.
★Then Carla gets pregnant with Eren! just imagine the excitement in Zeke finding out he would have a brother, he would say something like "i'll teach him how to play baseball and I'll take care of him!!" baby 😭
★ I don't think Grisha would be the best of a father though (here comes the angst) ofc it wouldn't be THAT bad as it is in the canon but daddy issues give the yeager's character so I can't that away from them (at least i gave them a mom)
★ Since Eren was now born Grisha was the only one Working and having to bring more money to home so he was away a lot for the most part of his kids childhood and things started to get rocky as soon as Zeke was a teen
★ And maaaaybe it was because Grisha paid more attention to Eren in some ways since he was little.
★ I just imagine Grisha as one of those parents that are there but not emotionally involved with their kid, pays for stuff, although forgets about birthdays and special events (self indulgence moment) It's not that he doesn't love his kids but it feels like it sometimes.
★ Zeke's relationship with Carla wouldn't be bad but he would think that she loves more Eren since he's her biological son, although Carla would make everything what's on her hand to not make Zeke feel like that, she doesn't feel that way towards him either.
★ The brothers grew up close but as Zeke started to get older he distanced a little from his family, and poor baby (now a kid) Eren would knock on Zeke's door just wanting to play with his big bro while he's just in bed being an annoyed teenager tossing a ball towards the ceiling and then catching it with one hand.
★ He grew up playing baseball in a local team then dropped it as a teen.
★ He probably started smoking around this age too (16 or so) to fit more into the rebellious teenager persona.
★ However he wouldn't give that much of hard time, he would do great in school and would try to avoid conflict, inside of him he would just want to make his dad proud just to hear a "good job" from him, even a hug.
★ On the other side i think the real trouble would be Eren.
★ Coming back to Grisha not being the best dad, things would repeat and as Eren grew up he would get less involved with his kid.
★ But Eren wouldn't be like his brother at all, he would fight back, get into arguments with his family regularly, skip classes, fail them even, the overall rebellious teen thingy, i don't think it would be soooo bad, just his parents trying to explain that he is doing things wrong but him not listening and making a scene and complaining about them not letting him be free!!!.
★ Grisha and Carla would give up at some point letting Eren do his thing, that would usually be playing games ,spend time with with friends and smoke 🍃
★ Once in a while he would feel bad about his behavior mostly because of his mom, he knows his father being an asshole sometimes is not her fault, and he would go silently to apologize to her and be a mama's boy.
★ Carla would hug him and tell him that it's fine and that they love him nonetheless.
★ With his conscience clear he would roll one up because he is convinced that he deserves it (this man??)
★ Armin and Mikasa being his childhood friends would try to keep him with his feet on the earth when they feel he's getting too lost.
★ Armin and Zeke would get along really great and the younger would see him as a fraternal figure too.
★ I imagine the relationship between Eren and Zeke like a totally realistic and healthy brother brother relationship, they can't stand each other but are best mates and love each other (i don't really know i don't have siblings)
★ Eren coming home from School just to tell Zeke to play some videogame have an amazing time then not talk for a week.
★ I also think they would smoke 🍃 together sometimes. Eren would be smoking in his room with towel at the bottom of the door, then he almost throws the joint out the window as he hears a knock on the door (he is not allowed to smoke inside ofc) but just as he hears Zeke's "it's just me" he relaxes and let's him in.
★ Zeke would ask for some puffs or something and they would end up on Eren's bed looking at the ceiling and getting sensitive and philosophical talking about ife, the only time they would actually show affection towards each other.
★ If Zeke asks for some puffs once in a while, Eren asks him for cigarettes constantly, and just to mix the 🍃 with.
★ Zeke is definitely more caring towards Eren overall (big bro thingies i guess)
★ They will totally team up against their dad A LOT and have each other's back. Grisha would be scolding Eren for something and Zeke would nonchalantly get into the argument to defend Eren just to piss his dad, and Eren would just be like "look! It's not my fault even Zeke says so!!!" and then Carla would scold all of them and it would actually work.
★ As they became adults they both started to look much more like grisha, especially Eren.
★ At first sight they don't really look like each other, but it's just because Zeke's beard, if he shaved it would actually be much more obvious that they are related.
★ Eren likes to annoy Zeke saying that maybe he would be the pretty sibling if he shaves.
★ Zeke would start working as a bartender or something like that to try and help bringing money at home but probably would try to achieve something bigger like resuming baseball to be a coach or something like that.
★ And i picture Eren taking whatever job his brother previously left or ending up as a dealer (it's funny to me okay?)
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Sorry if this is kinda a mess! I'm not used to writing and putting my thoughts together like this and i feel like i can go on and on and on and forever about this so that's all <3
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jjkeremika · 5 months
AoT Fic / Oneshot Master List
~~welcome to jjkeremika~~
hi! i’m mako. welcome to my obsession. i write fics/headcanons/oneshots/imagines/drabbles/whatevertheyarecalled/ihonestlydontknow; mostly smutty/nsfw heheh.
currently i write about: eren x mikasa; AoT x reader; eren x reader; reiner x reader; levi x reader; armin x reader; but im open to others (mostly fem!reader, some gender neutral)
please click the underlined for the link to the work (tumblr; ao3); master list updated periodically; all fics created on this master list are written by jjkeremika (me); all of my works are connected under the tag jjkeremika; interactions with and/or thoughts on works are appreciated <3
assume smut/nsfw/mdni themes unless noted otherwise with *
hope you enjoy!
p.s… (per requests….worth asking, also worth noting i prefer and try to stick to character personalities and reasonable headcanons; if i can’t picture them saying/doing it i might not explore it…. fluffy/smutty accepted… not a “dead dove dne” friendly space…)
fucking in a sauna (It is hot (with you; love you))
mikasa gets sick (Stay pt1, pt2)*
Moments (Express Divine Devotion)*
mikasa sneaks out (Moonlight)
eren has a vision (Just like i dreamt it)
eren eats mikasa out (Tasty)
eren and mikasa secretly meet (secret)
eren calls jean while fucking mikasa (Big Time)
eren overhears mikasa (loud in my life and in my dreams)
mikasa tutors eren (my tutor pt1; pt2)
eren’s mikasa’s professor (drop my class so i can pick you up pt1; pt2)
another eren professor pt1 (thanks for coming professor pt1)*; pt2 (to be posted soon)
eren’s scout commander, mikasa’s a new recruit pt1 (think i need someone older)*; pt2 (posted soon)
mikasa shows eren how she had sex with jean (just show me)
eren’s a spy/assassin and mikasa’s his target’s daughter (to my poison: my god you’re intoxicating)*
like an actual eremika fanfic (when lightning strikes the heart (pts 00-02)) (* thus far)
roadtrip (pt1; pt2)
mikasa’s mother is sick (lavender)*
eren’s a baker
Formula One au (ch1; ch2; ch3; ch4; ch5; ch6)
AoT x reader:
Rough intimacy (Eren, Mikasa, Hange, Levi, Reiner, Jean)
Soft intimacy (Connie, Erwin, Bertoldt, Armin, Zeke)
Favorite places (Eren, Armin, Jean, Reiner, Erwin, Levi, Bertoldt, Connie, Zeke)
Date nights (Here to Forever; Eren, Armin, Jean, Reiner, Erwin, Zeke, Porco, Historia)
Hit on you in class (Eren, Jean, Reiner, Armin, Porco, Levi, Connie, Erwin) *
Another rough intimacy (Reiner, Jean, Eren, Erwin, Levi)
Favorite positions (Eren, Reiner, Levi, Porco, Erwin)
crushes on you (Reiner, Eren, Levi, Porco, Jean)*
walk in on you touching yourself (Eren, Jean, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Colt)
fluffy moments (Eren, Reiner, Levi, Erwin)*
confess love for you (Eren, Reiner, Porco, Zeke, Armin, Bertoldt, Levi, Erwin)(mostly * except eren)
vices (eren, levi, reiner, armin, zeke, jean)
pervy pussy eaters (eren, levi, reiner, armin)
asking you on a valentines date*
what they don’t know (eren, erwin, levi, connie)
excited and exhausted (erwin, sasha, armin, hange, levi)
Eren x reader:
dangerous missions*
ha(u)nted soldier*
Betting Games (pt2)
Reiner x reader:
Shower together
Levi x reader:
peanut butter kisses
goofy (pt1; pt2; pt3; pt4)
Armin x reader:
campgrounds and fairs (tbp)
love gambler (tbp)
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mayariviolet · 5 months
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How They Drink Alcohol (AoT Men)
ft. Jean, Eren, Connie, Reiner and Armin.
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Summary: What they drink when they go out partying or just attending social functions! Also, how they got introduced to alcohol in the first place!
a/n: General headcanons, but these characterizations are primarily for my upcoming Jean Kirstein x Reader fic! I will upload some WIP for the fic soon because I need to be held accountable to keep writing (help me, haha). Slight toxic masculinity from Eren and Jean?
Pro-Taking Shots: Connie and Eren.
Anti-Taking Shots: Reiner, Armin and Jean (he’s lying).
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When he first started drinking, it started with skimming the top of his dad’s liquor before sneaking out to a house party. He watered down some rum before buying some coke at a corner store. Since then, it has been his go-to (and beer, specifically a corona). He doesn’t like ‘jungle juice’ concoctions, no matter how much Connie shoves them down his throat. However, he once went clubbing with your friends, and Connie convinced him to try this cocktail (lime mojito). At first, he was apprehensive, but he was like, “How fucking drunk can this chick drink get me?” and took a sip. Jean got belligerent that night that he didn’t know how many he ordered because it was so good. His credit card company sent him a message asking if his card had been stolen, and he had to explain that it was not a series of suspicious purchases. He is now a massive advocate for fancy cocktails (ESPECIALLY AN ESPRESSO MARTINI), so he’ll splurge on that when he’s out drinking. I can see him getting into whisky when he’s older. A lover of vodka soda, too.
At a wedding when he was younger, his dad offered him a tequila shot (his mom found out and got mad later), and it caused him to vomit so badly that he didn’t drink again until his last year of high school. Eren is a huge beer drinker and ONLY A BEER DRINKER. (Or so he says). He is not very particular about brands, although he likes things more ‘hoppy’ to feel like a man. Eren is the kind of guy to get mad at you for not knowing how to pour beer properly and getting more foam than anything. He won’t admit it, but he had some sips of the lime mojito Jean was having. He got drunk and was over the moon. Eren tried other cocktails, but besides a Long Island iced tea, he’s not a huge fan of other cocktails. When he gets really drunk at the club (he's a lightweight but does a really good job of concealing how inebriated he is), he and Connie will coerce Jean into buying a STUPID AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL TO GET A TABLE (see Jean's suspicious credit card purchases). Think $50 Mango Ciroc and Patron!
When he went on a family cruise at the age of nine, he ordered a “Shirley Temple” (virgin), and he was “drunk.” Fast forward to a shitty date he went on; he ordered a Shirley Temple again. Connie got belligerent, and his date had to take him home. He did not hear from her again. This man is a nut. He loves cocktails so much that he bought a cocktail kit, but he barely measures, so it’s just 90% alcohol and 10% any discernable flavour profile. Connie is the kind of friend who mixes you a drink and says: "It's mostly juice! Just Try it!" but it straight up tastes like pure gasoline. He’ll happily drink anything else but prefers cocktails and mixed drinks over beer, shots, etc. Connie is the type of guy to order “Blow Job” shots as a joke but then gets way drunker than everyone. Surprisingly, he’s a huge Reisingling fan. Unsurprisingly, he and Sasha got blackout at your birthday party after downing half a bottle of Pink Whitney (they snuck away to take turns throwing up in the guest washroom).
Huge whiskey nut and wine snob. He’ll talk your ear off about various wines he’s into, and he actually knows what he’s talking about. Reiner is the kind of guy who will bring a bottle of wine to a friend's birthday dinner, and he gets it RIGHT! He’ll drink beer (not particular about the brand). He only started drinking when he was legal, so there’s no crazy story other than the one time he and Bertolt went to a daytime wine tasting, and by the time they sobered up, it was nighttime, and they were 45 minutes outside of the city. Most times, if Reiner is in a work setting, he’ll drink what other people are drinking, too (but he’ll opt for a vodka seltzer). He’s tried cocktails before, but he’s not a fan.
He hates beer. His grandfather offered him a swig when he kept looking at him, and he never drank again until he was legal. This man is a cider fan, and no one can tell me otherwise. Specifically blackberry and green apple. Armin enjoys wine (red > white) and will listen to Reiner babble on about the best ones. But his drink of choice is a bit pricey: champagne! But if he’s at a party, he’ll just settle for drinking a vodka cranberry. He mentioned to Connie that he likes “Shirley Temples” ONCE, and whenever they all go out, Connie will buy him one. Armin is too shy to decline, so he'll take a couple sips before giving it to either Eren or Jean (they will fight amongst themselves as to who gets to finish it).
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a/n: I included Armin and Reiner because I love them so much, but they're most likely not going to be in my upcoming fic! WAH. Specifically Reiner... I'm sorry, my beloved.
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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karizard-ao3 · 3 months
Clueless Teens all grown up headcanons
I guess technically as the author I could declare this all fic canon but I think it's more fun to leave it open-ended so people can imagine their own things. Still, this is what I was picturing for them in the future. (Actually, for some of the couples, the kids I imagined for them got recycled over to my single parents au. Not Eremika's kids, but the other ones for the most part.)
Historia and Ymir have one daughter who they spoil the fuck out of. They also plan elaborate vow renewals approximately whenever they feel like it. When I was considering writing a one shot of them all grown up it was going to be everyone gathered at one of Yumihisu's destination vow renewal ceremonies.
Reibert. Oh gosh. They were going to "no homo" their way right to the altar and be very happy together.
Connie. He does not end up with Mina. I was of two minds with him: Either he is trying to find a milf to settle down with, or he is married to Sasha's cousin and they are struggling with fertility so he's the cool uncle with all the dogs and the secret pain of wishing they could have a child. I don't know why this is the case. It's just what I feel. Connie would be pretty much the ideal stepdad, imo.
Nicosasha. Again, I was of two minds! It's not realistic to have this many high school couples end up together in long term relationships/ marriages, but I also don't want to make anyone break up. Still, I can see Sasha and Nico having some kind of separation for a few years. Maybe getting married and then divorced and then marrying each other again ten years later or some shit. Why? I don't know. They are clearly very much in love, but that doesn't always last. Still, out of everyone I can see Sashe remarrying her first husband, with maybe a second husband in between. Greedy.
Aruani. These two go on their little date after Armin graduates and then proceed to not get together for another four years. Like, they still talk all the time and probably hook up when they see each other but they're like, "Meh, let's not do long distance. Let's keep it casual and if we still want to be together after college, we'll move in together immediately." It works for them and they eventually have a little boy, but Eremika are absolutely scandalized because they could never be so hands off.
Eremika. As you know, they have four kids super close in age. Mikasa makes a living streaming (she's the breadwinner. She's got that Azumabito business sense and Ackerman gaming skill) and Eren does civil rights law. So they have a pretty comfortable life and they spend a lot of time with their families. Eren walks around shirtless a lot, which is very popular on Mikasa's streams and he likes to come up and read the chats while she plays. If anyone tries to hit on her or says something sexual, he immediately loses his shit and starts threatening to find them and kick their asses. Mikasa is very pleased when she finally makes enough money to be able offer to fund Armin's dreams of opening a comics and games shop.
Pokkopiku. I think they also are the type to be parents to an only child. I'm thinking a girl. Pieck is very busy with her journalism career and Porco is living the stay at home dad dream. Maybe he becomes an influencer. He definitely keeps taking photos at every opportunity and he's got a bit of an online following. I think he might manage to book some gallery shows. When their daughter gets older he might get back into doing photojournalism again, and eventually they become a journalistic team once more, kind of like when they were in high school except this time with globe-hopping. I could see Pieck deciding to homeschool their kid so the whole family could go on assignments with her. In single parents au, I gave Porco twins, though (he's only in a couple scenes and we never meet his family, but he mentions them), and so I also kind of like the idea of Clueless Teens Pokkopiku having boy/girl twins. The point is, Pieck is willing to delay her career advancement long enough for one pregnancy and no more than that, so if they're going to have more than one kid, it has to be a multiple birth.
Am I forgetting anyone? I feel like I'm leaving someone out. I don't know! It's getting late and I have a few more things I want to work on before I go to be, so let me know who- Jeanmarco.
8. I don't really know if I think Jean and Marco end up together. I don't think they ever admit they have any kind of romantic feelings for each other because Jean is not totally comfortable with admitting to being bi at this juncture in time. I think they stay friends but Marco eventually moves on with a nice guy and Jean meets a nice woman who didn't know what a skeeze he was in high school and settles down with her and then eventually comes out when he's older and it's less taboo. He also does not revert back to being a creep.
Okay, now I think that's everyone. But let me know if I left anyone important to you out!
(Read Clueless Teens here)
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usuibu · 8 months
more eren hcs pls! where his mom teases him ab the reader and he begged carla to stop bcs of his embarrassment
poor eren lol carla always teases him ab his ears turning red too
I literally am getting so lazy im not built strong enough to write one shots consistenly im so sorry (to whoever requested things before this one IM STILL WORKING ON THEM I SWEAR!!!) im so sorry for skipping the line and writing these hc instead😭😭😭
I love u aswell i love the dynamic of eren, carla and reader its so cute thankyou sm for requesting omg
Bf!eren headcanons
More headcanons/masterlist
Carla edition
- if carla arrives home after eren she’ll always ask why ur not over before even saying hi to him😭
- whenever eren is annoying to u (as always) she smacks him aggressively
- carlas always buying random things for u at the store which eren gets pissed about ‘she didnt even ask me if i wanted one she just said to give it to u’
- she likes to take facebook pictures promoting u and eren as a couple (shes ur biggest supporter frl💀) the pictures are always unfortunate angles tho but its the thought that counts😋
- while u guys were still getting to know each other,, eren 100% went to carla and armin for advice after jean i feel liek carla and armin are a cute little support duo for eren😭 he realises what bullshit jean gave him once he acc listens to them two tho
- ever since eren asked carla for advice tho she doesn’t let it drop and tugs at his ear to make fun of him when he denies things abt u
“Hows ur girlfriend?” His face and ears just heat up as he gets embarrassed “i said to stop calling her that shes not my gf yet”
- when u were meeting her for the first time she defo made it her mission to embarrass the fuck out of eren
- shes defo the type to embarrass him with personal medical stuff like start saying “eren did u remember your bowel medication?” “How is the ointment for your warts working?”
- u always leave eren half the time to help her make dinner and its ur main bonding time bc shes so cutie
- whenever u force eren to help with dinner she gets mad when he cant cut the vegetables properly or is forgetting to mix the pot or whatever she gets pissed smacking his head and gives up asking if you can do it instead
- shes always smacking him poor guy😭 everytime he does get smacked he gets overdramatic and start saying he thinks he just got a concussion or smt💀
- she makes it a point to tell u to make sure that eren doesnt bring down ur grades LMAO even if eren is smart academically she will still do so
- eren doesn’t mind being touchy w u even if his parents are around idk im too lazy now to think of more carla ones 😁🙌🙌
i cant stop thinking abt him tho help its so bad im going clinically insane
- as much as carla is a bit of a bully to eren she defo aggressively loves him,, like she aggressively pinches his cheek when he was a kid whenever he got some sort of achievement
-like the only reason eren is able to be sheepishly proud at stuff hes a bad at is bc carla was such a ‘OMG WELL DONE MY SWEET SWEET EREN😁😁😁😄’ mother when he got a singular gold star or smt😭😭
- as eren got older tho he started getting embarrassed abt how she was so proud of the smallest things (hes rude carlas lovely)
MY MIND IS BLANKING as much as i have eren brainrot i cant think of more😓😓
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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m-jelly · 3 months
Headcanons please, for Levi, Erwin, Mike, any boy from 104 if you feel like it. Everyone has had their bath and are relaxing one evening, when they come across Hanji, who smirks at them. She explains she had a fun chat with their s/o (whom they arent very physically intimate with yet). She then teases them by declaring "i got to see your sweetheart naked before you did!" How do they handle that?
AOT Headcanons: Reacting to Hange teasing.
Would stare at Hange for a bit, then click his tongue and ignore her.
Levi knows relationships take time and because of Levi's upbringing, the physical side of things in your relationship will take time.
Levi is happy to take time with you and doesn't care if people judge him for not being with you in the bedroom yet. Levi's business is his own business. He doesn't tell anyone how the progress of his relationship with you is going.
It doesn't bother him that people tease him. The only thing that would bother him if comments were made about you and your body. Levi protects you, but is happy to take shit from others.
He would ask Hange to be quiet and calm down a little bit and to not shout about his girl so loudly.
He would use logic and explain that it's normal because scouts share bathrooms, so she would see you in that way before him.
He would kindly ask her to not shout about things like this again because he likes to keep his relationships private. It's also because he doesn't want rumours being spread about you.
He'd ask Hange to sit down and then have a tea to whine down and relax.
Would not be phased by Hange's teasing. He's very tough-skinned and would try and beat her at her own game.
He would ask if she wanted a medal or something for seeing someone naked. He would also state he's seen many scouts naked and if he gets an award for that or if he should run around shouting about it.
Isn't bothered because you shouldn't rush physical things and he doesn't mind, like Erwin and Levi, how long it is until you both are physical. Mike loves and respects you.
Would remove himself from the room for somewhere quieter, likely going to see you.
Eren (grown up):
Grown-up Eren in canon is very mellow and rather depressed, so his reaction won't be as big as people expect.
He will think it's really weird that someone a lot older than him will be making these comments to him.
He would walk away and ignore her and just go on his way. He would likely try and avoid her after because the comment made him uncomfortable.
Eren is with you not because he wants to be physical with you, but because his head is a screaming mess and you cause it to go quiet. You are his comfort.
Jean (grown up):
Grown-up Jean in the Canon is very honest and a great motivator, but also very realistic. So, he would be honest in his reaction to Hange.
He understands Hange is his superior and would likely call her out on how inappropriate it was to make that comment and he's with you because he loves you, it's not about your body.
Jean would lose a bit of respect for Hange after this and feel weird about being around her. It's not great hearing someone superior than you make jokes like that.
He would walk away from the situation and probably mention to you to have a bath without her around next time.
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st4rb3rr13s · 8 months
Autumn Eren 🍂
Eren headcanons during fall!!
This has been written probably so many times but let’s act like I’m original 😍😍 also I’ve been having bad writers block so I apologize.(let’s see how long it takes me to write again!!)
No warnings
Eren LOVES autumn. It just brings him so much good vibes😭😭 like yes Summer is amazing. The cookouts, the beach, him being shirtless(showing off), ice cream, yes, he’s a summer boy but AUTUMN?? 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Eren would definitely light up pumpkin spice candles in his living room, maple candles in the kitchen, vanilla pumpkin waffle in his bathroom, and cinnamon spiced vanilla in his room. HE LOVESSS THE SCENTS!! Ever since he was a kid, mama Carla always made sure to light candles.
Mama Carla would make autumn such a homely feeling for Eren. She would always bake him sweets after school, but during autumn it would be pumpkin bread, pumpkin fritters, apple pie cookies, pies. He’d try to recreate it but it just left a disgusting dessert and a mess.
Eren as a child LOVED jumping in leaves, but as he got older he stopped doing it. Now he just crushes the leaves and he loves doing that. The crunch gives him such a happy feeling.
Eren would hate trees, BUT THE DIFFERENT COLORS OMG!! He would go crazy, taking so many pictures of the different leaves. His favorite is the red ones, red is just a pretty color to him. Would even plant a tree in front of his house to see what color it turns.
Eren would have different decor for different seasons, so you know his decor for fall would be so cute. Pumpkin pillows, leaf plates, ghost cup holders, ugh!!
Eren would actually like how cold it gets because he can wear bring out all the fuzzy stuff he has. DONT START AT THE FUZZY SOCKS AND BLANKETS! I know a lot of ppl don’t like socks for presents…but Eren would love them just for fall. He can wear fuzzy socks while doing chores while having a blanket wrapped around his arms. He loves being warm.
Eren loves going to the pumpkin patch. (If you couldnt tell he loves pumpkins) He’d try to get the biggest and smallest pumpkin. Different colors too, like green and white. He’d definitely carve pumpkins with you, getting frustrated it’s not looking how he wants.
Eren loves eating candy corn. It’s sometimes concerning how much candy corn he eats in one sitting…but it’s ok bc he shares SOME with you (fat ass.) If you let him, he’ll eat a whole bag in a day. (You have to hide it from him or he won’t eat dinner and wake you up to eat dinner at 2 am.)
Eren and Mama Carla will be talking shit with a pumpkin spice latte in their hands. Eren would tell her all the gossip on campus (let’s be real, Eren WOULD be the NOISEST MF(But not noiser than Connie.)) Pumpkin Spice Latte is just their thing, and no one can take that away from him.
Eren’s least thing about fall is Halloween tbh. Yes it’s fun, but also not rlly. (His dog got sick accidentally eating chocolate and Eren hasn’t been the same since.) but he will give kids candy. If you beg hard enough he’ll even dress up!!
Eren goes to Halloween parties tho, just doesn’t dress up. (Unless you beg him). He’s fine with standing out too, he honestly just came to have fun with his friends then he’s out.
Eren loves the extra candy cause then he can eat all of it while watching a horror movie. (He would scream and hold your arm ORRR have a straight face the whole movie(he’s also get a stomach ache so…))
Eren has a love/hate relationship with horror. He’d love horror attractions, movies, games, shows, whatever. But every horror attraction he goes to, somehow he gets agitated. He screams his head off until his friend called him a wuss. So now he looks unfazed and ignores the workers who try to scare him. (He’s just a big baby who gets scared too easily.)
Eren would be so excited about the fnaf movie. He played all the games ever since he was younger so now he’s be so hyped for the movie and force you to go.
Tags: @s3lfinvolvedh3athen
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seeingivy · 17 days
method acting asks + extra headcanons!!! (don't read if you haven't read the final chapter yet!!)
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marco and maya are twins and born on new year's day 💌
in the first met gala chapter, when y/n performs seven with marco, she calls marco her sunshine boy - which is actually what eren and y/n call baby marco too!!!!
maya is a little bit more shy and sensitive and eren calls her star girl, which he says is perfect because he then calls baby marco, maya, and y/n his little universe bc they're the sun, the moon, and the stars 🥹 (he's literally a sap)
eren is SUCHHHH a girl dad like he literally practices braiding hair on y/n before the baby comes just so he can be a pro at it (and gets really annoyed when her hair grows super slow)
teddy LOVESSSS marco and maya sm like those are literally his pseudo-baby siblings and he loves them just as much as lily
they let their kids decide if they want to do acting/singing - and they both end up doing it! marco ends up being an actor and maya ends up being a singer (kinda like their parents hehe)
levi CRIES over the names AND when he holds them the first time.
maya has a crush on connie the way teddy had a crush on y/n. eren HATES it btw.
jeankasa's second kid is born around the same time as them and when they get a little older, jean tells eren to keep his "cooties infested son" away from his second daughter
(jeankasa kids are all girls btw like I don't make the rules)
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THIS IS ONE OF THE SWEETEST, MOST CRAZY, MOST PERFECT ASKS I'VE EVER RECEIVED IN MY LIFE!!!! i'm so flattered that you said all of these sweet words, and truly being chronically online has somehow brought this insane piece of work to all of us, and honestly it makes me all the happier for it!!!!
like not to be a miss fan account girl, but I love celebrities I think they're so silly, I think celebrity drama is insane, and I am very cLEARLY obsessed with olivia rodrigo that this just kind of came out of that.
I wish there was a triple threat award I could give YOU for all the love you've given ME. while some of your asks did get eaten by how annoying tumblr is, the ones I did receive were always so like...well thought out and fully expressive about each little detail that i'd put into like....my 13k damn chapters...like it takes time and dedication to show love to writers - which mind you, most people don't and really makes it all the more special that you do!
I literally just do this for free, in my own time when I get a chance out of how busy I tend to be outside of this. i'm a walking stressball at most times bc I have like two jobs, a bunch of volunteering and EC's outside of that and getting sweet comments like this makes this feel all the more worth it and like im reaching peopel AGH
I love you so much!
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not to be a disappointer but:
she doesn't! she actually doesn't win any more awards from the institute for her albums, but wins TONS of other smaller award shows and breaks records all the time
she gets information about it after birds of a feather doesn't win anything or even get nominated, and while she's initially irritated, she just decides that she's not going to submit to have them bc nominated anymore if they're not going to get nominated since she's blacklisted anyways
eren writes a very threatening letter ofc
^^historia gets KIND OF annoyed about her not submitting anymoer, bc like I said, she's kind of meant to be a foil to y/n in the sense that she's y/n if y/n was still obsessed and cared about this stuff too much - and she thinks y/n is kind of being pretentious by not nominating herself
she actually doesn't care after some point bc she literally breaks records all the time and knows that it's just some type of thing that they're holding against her
(eren + marco + maya always tell her that she's a triple threat in their hearts)
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I literally had to put this in two screenshots bc @najaemism left me a literal ESSAY OF SWEET STUFF ABOUT THIS FIC and it kind of makes my heart hurt.
first of all, to my name twin - I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO SO MUCH WTF. first and foresmost, so glad that you've joined the dark side by watching aot bc lord it is literally one of the most painful shows i've watched and (clearly) I haven't stopped thinking about it since I finished it. i'm so flatted that some silly little words I wrote convinced you to watch four whole damn seasons of the show 😭 LIKE thats actually insane to me
THE TWEETS (while they're so time consuming to make) LITERALLYYYY ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS OF THIS FIC like I love to make the dumbest jokes on there for my fellow chronically online siblings bc its literally so fucking funny to me. connie truly meeting his soulmate on stan twitter - bc of course he would - and the most insane anime villian oikawa making an appearance, bc duh, of course he would
(he was never a big fan of y/ns music but his girlfriend was so he decided to give it a try and now he's obsessed with her.)
(side note ymir and sofia are literally taylor lautner and taylor lautner. like girl taylor being a fan of twilight and taylor swift when she was younger just to date the guy from twilight when she's older and be besties w y/n??? that's LITERALLY SOFIA bc sofia loved aot when she was a kid, and was in one of the old chapters - I think new year's day - and then grew up to literally date someone from aot like that's mrs. taylor lautner of method acting)
they literally rot my brain and take up like 50% of my cortex bc I think about them all the time to the point where it's ACTUALLLYYY unhealthy like
I'm so glad you're here!!! i've got some fun things planned hehe <3
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like I shit myself too I can't believe i've been writing this shit since july. like this is the definition of out of hand this was literally supposed to be a request for someone and 280k words later we're all here feeling all types of ways about it
AND AGH!!!! not the roommates fans like why are you guys kind of the ogs THANK YOU SM FOR BEING HERE!!
fun fact: eren and y/ns cat in the last chapter of method acting has the same name as the cat from roommates! <3
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y/n does in fact get her new ring with an emerald in it. eren is annoyed he didn't think of it earlier bc its actually perfect
eren, in general, gets really into jewelry after he custom designed the saturn necklace for her during the second met gala so he always gets her really unique pieces
they do have the kids! I gave marco and maya headcanons at the top of the post <3
I love you @tangerine-neonlight <3
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@feelya THANK YOU SO MUCH - BOTH FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS AND YOUR CURIOSITY <3 i'm so glad you enjoyed the silly little words I wrote about literally the best boy ever eren jaeger I love you sooooo soo much <3
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
(ɴᴇᴡ) 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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Ari's Stuff
In Search of New Beta Reader
Heads Up
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Oc Related Things
Meet Chike!
Yandere Content
Yanzuku Profile and Headcanons
Yankugou Profile and Headcanons
Non-Yan Content
Zuki Buki Headcanons
Bakagou Headcanons
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Basic Eren Yeager/In Your Erea Headcanons
Pregnancy and Eren Yeager
Pregnancy and Levi Ackerman
Pregnancy and Armin Arlert
AOT Character's Personalities
AOT Characters and High Metabolism S/O
AOT Guys and Their Weddings
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Dating Alucard
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𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕤
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere~ Key Visual/Collage
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𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕋𝕊 𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕤
Bless Me
Coming Soon: Bless Me
Bless Me: Excerpt
Bless Me: Prologue
Bless Me Chapters
The Kim Clan: Bless Me
Bless Me: Taehyung
Bless Me Visual (Hobi and Tae Tae)
Bless Me Visual (Older Brothers)
Bless Me Visual (Younger Brothers)
You All Belong to Me
You All Belong to Me
YABTM~ Introducing Hyun-Ki
YABTM~ Introducing Eun-Ji
YABTM~ Introducing Bong-Cha
The Scars We Share
The Scars We Share~ Summary
The Scars We Share~ Snippet
The Scars We Share~ Aesthetics
Rundown~ Summary
Rundown~ Diagnostic
Rundown~ Prologue
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Yandere Headcanons
Yandere Taehyung when you refuse him sex
Yandere Hoseok Breastfeeding Kink
What Type of Yandere: Kim Namjoon
What Type of Yandere: Kim Seokjin
Plus Size Body Type Preference; Most to Least
T or A: BTS Edition
Yandere!Jin As a Parent
Desire Has Philophobia
Soft!Yandere Reaction to Desire Being a Former Burlesque Dancer
Random Drabbles/Blurbs/Oneshots/Ideas
Bionic Bunny (Yandere!Bionic!Jungkook Idea)
Rounds (Yandere Hoseok oneshot)
For Everybody (Songfic; Yandere!Reader oneshot)
Happy (Re)Birthday (Yandere Jimin oneshot)
Teacher’s Pet (Songfic; Yandere!Jimin oneshot)
The Queen and Her Captors (Yandere!BTS x Original Character oneshot) (This may eventually become a series)
Tummy Time! (Father!Hoseok oneshot)
Soft!Yandere Jimin Collage
Hard!Yandere Jimin Collage
Non-Yan Headcanons
BTS with a Black!S/O
BTS “Sex”-canons- Rap Line
BTS “Sex”-canons- Vocal Line (minus Jin)
BTS “Sex”-canons- Kim Seokjin
BTS as gods
BTS Nicknames
Fun Facts
Taehyung, Jimin and Hobi Fun Fact
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𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨'𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
KnB Boy Archetypes
Aged Up!KnB Boys Sex-canons
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𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁
Good Boi 'Bedo Headcanons
Albedo Drabble
Zhongli Birthday Celebration
Genshin Guys as K-pop Songs
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲
Kadaj Headcanons
Yazoo Headcanons
Loz Headcanons
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ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ/ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ/ʙʟᴜʀʙꜱ/ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴛɪɴɢꜱ 🤪
To The Last Sip- Halloween Special
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𝖠𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇'𝗌 𝖢𝗋𝖾𝖾𝖽 3
Connor Kenway Mini-Masterlist
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Miguel O'Hara
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𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤
Tokyo Revengers Mini Masterlist
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