#oliva munn
pelinore · 25 days
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nutripathfinder · 6 months
"Cancer, Let's Beat It!!, How Your Daily Habits Can Ward Off the Global Cancer Epidemic!"
A Global Call to Action: Unveiling the Lifestyle Link in the Cancer Mystery In the shadow of the startling rise in cancer cases among those under 50, a conversation has sparked across continents. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about understanding the why and how we, as a global community, can fight back. Celebrities like Chadwick Boseman, Oliva Munn, and Sofia Vergara have brought…
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eva-knits12 · 1 year
Grocery shopping with Colin Shea
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Trigger warning: teething, sick toddler, shopping with a toddler, Colin trying to get the shopping done, fluff
Summary: Colin needs to do the grocery shopping while Eva has to go to her best friend's baby shower. This was inspired by Oliva Munn grocery shopping with her toddler.
It was a typical Saturday morning in the Shea household. Dickens was seated next to Harper's high chair while Colin and Harper were eating breakfast. Colin had prepared pancakes and bacon, and I had just gotten out of the shower.
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"That smells wonderful," I say as I sit down at the table, giving my husband a peck on his cheek.
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"Baby, don't worry. I made breakfast. I'll take care of the shopping, don't worry," said Colin, giving me a quick kiss.
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"Honey, thanks. I would hate to miss Jenny's baby shower. It's the only day that we could book the venue. Now, are you sure you're going to be okay taking Harper grocery shopping? She'll fuss if you try to put her in the cart," I say.
"Baby, I have it handled. You don't have to go through every single item in the diaper bag. I have enough diapers, I have her favorite sippy cup, I have her pacifier, I have some toys for her, it should be smooth sailing", Colin said, trying to ease my worry.
Harper had reached all of her milestones. She rolled over on time, sat up on her own on time, crawled on time, pulled herself up on time, walked with assistance on time, and then walked on her own on time. She even cut her first teeth on time, and today, she was teething. Colin and I were up half the night, trying to soothe and calm a teething toddler.
Harper was trying purposely to drop Cheerios from her high chair in order to feed the dog.
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Harper's fever had broken earlier. She often ran fevers when she was teething, and teething made her miserable. Colin and I slept until eight, because we were both tired. Colin and I both didn't want to oversleep, but we were dealing with a teething toddler who was also running a fever. Harper was also stuffy, and had a runny nose, so I also knew that she has a cold. Dealing with a sick toddler who was also teething was not how Colin and I wanted to start their Saturday morning.
Harper screams again, and I get her out of the high chair.
"I know, Harper. Mommy and Daddy will make everything better," I say, trying to soothe Harper who has now clung onto me, and refuses to let me put her down.
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Colin comes in with some more baby cold medicine, and gives some to Harper. She tries to spit it out.
"Harper, I know that medicine is yucky, but you need to take some medicine. You need to take medicine to get better," I say, while I had Harper on my hip. Harper covers her eyes, and tries to bury herself in my shoulder.
"I know, baby, but you need to take this to get better," I say sympathetically.
Colin pulls out some applesauce, and mixes some of the medicine in the applesauce. Harper loves applesauce, so he doesn't think anything of it. Colin feeds a few spoonfuls to Harper. She doesn't spit it out, and doesn't even realize that her applesauce has her icky medicine in it.
Later on, I make a grocery list for Colin. I organize the list and the coupons according to aisle and section, which makes the shopping easier, and it goes by quicker. I give the list and the coupons to Colin.
Saturday mornings is when Colin and I do the grocery shopping. Either Colin or I get the items, while one of us sits in the in-store Starbucks with Harper, playing with her, coloring with her, or reading to her.
I go back upstairs and get dressed for the baby shower, and put on my makeup.
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Colin gets Harper dressed. He puts a cute little sweatsuit on her, and does her hair in some cute pigtails. He even puts some cute tennis shoes on Harper.
"Are you ready for grocery shopping with Daddy?" asks Colin.
"Yah, gocey shop, Daddy. Gocey shop." Colin smiles, and calls me. I heard Harper. Did she just speak her first sentence?
"Honey, did she just speak her first sentence?" I ask, with a combination of pride and curiosity.
"She did! Great job, Harper!" Colin says, who couldn't be more prouder. His daughter smiles with pride, and says, "Yah, gocey shop, Mama. Gocey shop."
I was beaming pride, while Colin lifts up Harper. Colin and I both kiss Harper on both cheeks, and Colin and I couldn't have been more proud. Our daughter just spoken her very first sentence!
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I finish getting my makeup on, and get dressed. Colin is playing his guitar and singing to Harper who is nodding her head and dancing with the guitar. She squeals with the music. I finish getting ready, and when Harper nodded her head to Colin's guitar, she looks just like Colin when she does that.
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I kiss Harper and Colin goodbye and I get in my car, and head off to the venue for my best friends baby shower. I wanted to be there to help set up, and make sure Jenny was off her feet. Her mother, Nancy, was also there, placing the centerpieces on the tables, while I was busy making sure that the gift tables were nearby, and that the food and the cake was there, and could discuss with the head of food service and the party planner where the buffet table should be. Nancy and I would also discuss with the head of food service when the cake would be cut and served. Nancy, Jenny and I had mistakenly put down the buffet option instead of having people order off the menu, but that was fine. We all felt that the buffet option would give people a chance to mingle and talk for a bit.
Colin picks up Harper, and feels that her diaper is wet. Colin takes Harper to the changing table, and changes her diaper. He is tickling her and blowing raspberries on her tummy in order to make her laugh.
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Colin unlocks the Chevy Blazer with the key fob, and puts Harper in her car seat. Colin then puts on the toddler station on the satellite radio, and Harper kicks her legs and dances to the songs. Colin arrives at the grocery store, parks, and gets Harper out of her car seat.
Colin pulls out one of the carts. Somehow, he manages to pull one out, when you always pull out two, and try to separate them. It takes a strongman to actually do this, as you realize that these strongman contests should involve real life, every day tasks. Eva is envious because Colin somehow becomes Captain America when he does this.
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Colin tries to put Harper in the front seat of the cart, but she manages to put up a fuss.
"Okay, Harper, I'll let you walk, but you have to stay near Daddy at all times, and you need to hold onto the cart," said an exasperated Colin. Eva told Colin earlier that this would happen, but he never thought that it was huge, as Eva had somehow managed to get Harper into the cart by placing her favorite stuffed animal, Lamb Lamb, in the cart, and Harper would reach for it.
Harper looks for Lamb Lamb, and is momentarily confused. Colin digs through the diaper bag, only to realize that he forgot to pack Harper's favorite stuffed animal, Lamb Lamb.
Harper starts to cry and screams "LAMB LAMB! LAMB LAMB!" Colin picks up Harper and tries to soothe her, but she really wants Lamb Lamb. Colin gets an idea, and starts to tickle her, causing Harper to laugh.
This was going to be a LONG forty-five minutes.
Colin and Harper enter the store, with Harper holding on to the cart. What normally would have taken five minutes, already took three times longer. Colin didn't realize that he would have to diffuse a fussy toddler who was sick that was having a meltdown, have to be Captain America and pull the cart, and have to be a negotiator, all in a matter of a fifteen minutes.
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First, Colin goes to the produce section, and gets bananas, and the small bananas for Harper. You would like her to have at least a serving of fruit, and she loved applesauce and bananas. Colin crosses it off the list, then gets those little mandarin oranges for Harper, because she also likes those. Then, he gets some apples, and some veggies. He gets some tomatoes, some broccoli, some cauliflower, and some carrots. Harper takes one look at the broccoli, and shouts "UCK."
"Harper, do you want to grow to be big and strong, like Daddy?", asks Colin.
"UCK! UCK!" Harper keeps screaming while trying to grab for the broccoli.
"Harper, we'll go to Red Robin tonight. But you have to eat some broccoli at lunch, okay, baby girl?", negotiates Colin. How does Eva manage to get Harper to eat something as yucky as broccoli? Colin figured it must be mom magic.
Harper looks at Colin, and immediately switches. "UM! UM!"
Colin and Harper move on the next aisle, which is the bread aisle. Colin grabs a loaf of bread, and Harper immediately shouts "UM! UM!' Colin realized that he grabbed the small loaf of white bread, and he also puts in a loaf of whole wheat bread. Harper says "bwead. Bwead."
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Colin moves on to the jelly and the peanut butter, and puts some strawberry jelly in the cart. He also loads in some raspberry jelly that you both love, and he got it because it was on sale, two jars for four dollars. One jar is two dollars, so he got two jars, one to have in reserve.
Harper looks at the peanut butter, and grabs a plastic jar and gives it Colin. Colin puts it in the cart, and is ready to move on, but Harper grabbed another jar, and gave it Colin. Colin put it on a higher shelf, out of Harper's reach, and she gave Colin yet another jar. Colin repeats this, and Harper starts laughing, thinking that this is funny.
Colin moves into the next aisle, and gets some spices, and some cocoa powder, some flour, and some sugar, and some vanilla. Eva was going to bake tomorrow, and she was going to bake some brownies. He also gets her one of those disposable baking pans, which makes this task much easier.
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Next is the meat, and Colin gets a pack of hot dogs, and even puts in some turkey and some ham in the cart. He also grabs some of those slider sized burgers for Harper.
Next is the pasta aisle, and Colin grabs some of that bow tie pasta, along with some penne pasta, some spaghetti, and some rigatoni. He even picks up some pasta sauce. Tomorrow, you were going to make spaghetti and meatballs, and Colin loved that. Colin also grabbed some lasagna noodles, and you both could make lasagna one day. He had also grabbed some ground beef and some other veggies to make chili with one night, which he had planned for tonight, but he promised Harper Red Robin if she was a good girl and ate her broccoli.
Colin went to the bakery section to see if they had some tiramisu for dessert tomorrow, but they didn't have it. He would look in the frozen section, because the grocery store normally had one there, and he could just let it thaw out in the fridge.
Colin also got Harper some macaroni and cheese for lunch, and he found the some in the frozen section. He could just pop it in the oven, and he could make the broccoli, and prepare the hot dogs. He was better at getting the casing off than you were, and Harper loved Daddy's mac and cheese, while she turned her nose up at Eva's. Eva figured that was Daddy magic. He also got the tiramisu and some ice cream, vanilla and chocolate chip cookie dough.
Harper fell to the ground, and started to cry. She motioned her arms in an up motion, and screamed "UP! UP!" Colin picked her up, and put her in the cart, and Harper eventually calmed down. Colin pulled Harper out when she made a fuss in the cart again. While they were passing a display of action figures that had the Avengers to promote the new Avengers movie, Harper grabbed a box. The doll that was in the box was Captain America. Harper looked at the doll, then looked at Colin, then looked at the doll, and looked at Colin again. Harper was confused as to why there were two daddy's in the store. Colin realized that the Captain America doll looked exactly like him. That gave Colin an idea. He put the Captain America doll in the cart, and Harper started to reach for the box. He picked up Harper and put her in the cart. Why didn't the store put the display in the entrance, wondered Colin. He would have been able to improvise a lot sooner, and wouldn't have spent fifteen minutes trying to diffuse a toddlers meltdown. That's how Eva gets Harper into the cart, he just had to put Lamb Lamb in the cart, but he forgot to pack it in Harper's diaper bag.
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Colin looked at the price, and figured what the heck, it made his daughter happy. Colin and Harper head to the checkout line, and Colin check out. Harper screams when he takes the Captain America doll from her, but he explains that she will have it in a few minutes, he needs to scan it so they can pay for it.
Colin looked at the time, and realized it was well past Harper's lunch time. The shopping trip took twice as long with a toddler in tow, and Harper was hungry. When Colin had the groceries unpacked, he started to prepare the mac and cheese for Harper. He put in the oven, and then prepared the broccoli.
When the mac and cheese is done and the broccoli is prepared, he gets out one of Harper's spoons, and places the mac and cheese in front of her. He puts the broccoli in a small bowl, and the mac and cheese is also in a small bowl. Harper takes a bite of the mac and cheese, and then grabs the broccoli. Instead of screaming UCK and turning her head away, she says UM.
After lunch, Harper starts to yawn, and Colin tries to give her medicine, but fails miserably. She tries to spit it out again, so he sets her down, and mixes it with some applesauce. She takes the spoonful of applesauce, and never realized that Daddy has mixed icky medicine in her applesauce.
After that, Colin feels that Harper's diaper is heavy, and changes her dirty diaper. He also realizes that she had also peed, so he cleans her up really good.
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Colin is again blowing raspberries on her tummy and is tickling her, and Harper is laughing. Harper yawns again after Colin is done changing her diaper. Colin carries Harper back downstairs and lies down on the couch, with Harper on top of him. Harper has fallen asleep on the way down, and she's holding Lamb Lamb. She also has a pacifier in her mouth.
Colin falls asleep on the couch, with Harper sleeping on top of Colin. I come home to see the site.
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I cover them both with a blanket, and I smile. I sits there in an armchair, and work on my knitting. Colin wakes up after a while, and smiles lovingly at his amazing, beautiful wife. His wedding ring shines in the dim light of the living room.
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"How do you do it, sweetheart? I never thought that shopping with a toddler required so much energy," said Colin.
"Honey, it's easier when it's two of is, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. You forgot Lamb Lamb, didn't you?", I say.
"That's the key to getting her in the cart? I forgot to bring Lamb Lamb, but the silver lining is she got a new toy out of it," Colin says.
I look at Harper, who is happily sleeping with Lamb Lamb and her pacifier in her mouth, but I can't help but notice the new Captain America toy. I realize that it looks exactly like Colin.
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"How was the baby shower, Sweetheart?" asks Colin.
"It was great. Jenny made out like a bandit.", I said. I remember her my shower/birthday party where we announced that Colin and I were having a girl.
Harper wakes up, Colin takes her pacifier out of her mouth, and momentarily screams, and then realizes that Mama is finally home. She walks up to me, and screams "MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!"
"I missed you, too, baby. Mama missed you all day!" I scoop up Harper, and Colin tells to me to grab my coat, he was treating Harper to Red Robin, as he promised.
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"But you just went grocery shopping...", I say, confused,
"I know, but I promised to take Harper to Red Robin if she ate her broccoli at lunch. It worked. She didn't scream, or try to turn her head away," said Colin.
I grab my coat, and put Harper in hers first. Colin puts on his coat, and I put on yours. Colin, Harper, and I enjoy a nice dinner at Red Robin, and have milkshakes for dessert.
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Colin looks at me, with nothing but love. Having a wife and a family is what he wanted, even if it was crazy at times. I looked at Colin and felt the same way. Colin gives me a loving kiss, and then kisses my hand, right where my wedding and engagement rings sat.
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imageoscillite · 3 years
Justine Bateman's directorial debut, VIOLET, hits theaters on 10/29 and will be available on demand on 11/9.
It looks really good.
Justine was an occasional contributor to Image Oscililte in its early days, so we're extremely excited about this.
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dont-minchin-it · 3 years
This week in celebrity news that i care about for some reason
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manipzone · 4 years
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Michiel Huisman and Olivia Munn manip
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daylightbegins · 5 years
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ilovecelebrities · 5 years
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30th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Los Angeles - Inside
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femestella · 5 years
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Sorry, Olivia Munn, Fashion Critiques Are Not Equivalent to Perpetuating the Patriarchy
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starsdaily · 7 years
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I think women should start to embrace their age. What's the alternative to getting older? You die. I can't change the day I was born. But I can take care of my skin, my body, my mind, and try to live my life and be happy.
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nutripathfinder · 6 months
"Cancer, Let's Beat It!!, How Your Daily Habits Can Ward Off the Global Cancer Epidemic!"
A Global Call to Action: Unveiling the Lifestyle Link in the Cancer Mystery In the shadow of the startling rise in cancer cases among those under 50, a conversation has sparked across continents. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about understanding the why and how we, as a global community, can fight back. Celebrities like Chadwick Boseman, Oliva Munn, and Sofia Vergara have brought…
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fandemoniumnet · 7 years
TBS & TNT bring fan-first experiences to Comic-Con International 2017
TBS & TNT bring fan-first experiences to Comic-Con International 2017 #SDCC #SDCC2017
TBS & TNT bring fan-first experiences to Comic-Con International 2017   TBS & TNT Are Bringing Out-of-this-World, Fan-First Experiences, All-Star Panels, Sneak Peeks and More to Comic-Con International® Activations and Panels from Cable’s Top 2 Networks with Young Adults Include TBS’s People of Earth VR Abduction Experience and Wrecked Pop-Up Island, Sneak Peeks of TBS’s New Animated Series and…
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oh my god i thought i was the only one who confuses olivia wilde with olivia munn 😅
Definitely not just you!  Although it is simpler now I know who Oliva Wilde is.
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay so John Mulaney and Oliva Munn broke up apparently and I know that everything that has happened with John is a lot but some of you people are being absolute peices of shit about all this. I've seen people saying shit like John should die. I've seen people say that Oliva should never have gotten with him in the first bc he's a drug addict. Fuck. You.
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theocseason4 · 3 years
didnt oliva munn excuse her plastic surgery and instead said eating lots of japanese sweet potato changed her face lol
She did! Icon!
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petrosapian · 3 years
Do you not like John Mulaney?
Lol Im a big fan of his stand up seen like all his Netflix’s several times and I do find him charming. Im just saying in light of his divorce and all the gossip going around there it’s a little funny that he’s know as the “i love my wife” comedian. I don’t have a huge opinion on the current going inside in his personal life like I hope he and anna recovering from addiction is going well but the drama of Anna’s ig Oliva rodrigo posts and John reportedly dating Olivia munn... sorry but if that makes me a bad person but I do find it a bit entertaining. I make like John mulaney but I’m not gonna make excuses for him or anything like he has some off color jokes and what not.
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