#oliver is family oriented though so no one's being disowned or anything
plumbob-pudding · 7 months
Part 2/3
As they walked through the grand doors of the restaurant, Oliver and Cata marvelled at the marble floors and beautiful chandeliers- this place definitely felt out of their (and Sly’s) league. Oliver suddenly began to feel guilty about his anger towards his son. Sly had done all this for them while Oliver was too busy feeling angry.
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However, once Sly led them to their table which already had three people seated, all of Oliver’s guilt evaporated. The gentleman introduced himself as Mr. Langraab, as well as his wife and daughter, Patrice. He didn’t seem to recognise that Oliver had once worked at his factory.
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The two families sat down to dinner and Cata and Oliver continued to feel out of their depth. Sly seemed to fit right in, talking about profits and business and vacations abroad. He spun many tales about a life of privilege and wealth, a life that was not his.
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To close off the dinner, Sly stood up and bent on one knee. Looking into Patrice’s eyes, he asked her to be his wife. However, her answer couldn’t be heard over Cata’s sudden exclamation.
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goofatron · 3 years
OC Personality Sheet
Tagged by: @skullharvester​ and @coraptedata​  Tagging: Anyone really lol
Trelane Powers
Alias: Trey, Lanny, Powergirl,
Gender: Female
Race: Black-White Biracial
Nationality: American
Age: 19 (in AU); 46 (in 2021)
DOB: May 12th 1975
Species: Human
Zodiac: Taurus; Rabbit (Chinese)
Abilities/Talents: Speaks like a million languages, can jerry rig even the most hopeless machines into working again, in tune with nature (speaks for the trees and all that), excellent marksmanship with her rifle (gift from her late father)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: A free spirit (doesn't actually follow any religious code)
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, Spanish (mainly Mexican variant), French, Japanese, German, Chinese Mandarin, Italian, and Korean.
Family: Robert (Bob, Bobby) Powers (father; deceased); Olivia Jones (mother; left at birth); Louie and Joyce Mitchell (foster family after father was murdered)
Friends: Erick Rothstein; Donovan Ross
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other (cursed with heterochromia)
Skin: pale / fair (but tanned) / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5'5" / ~167cm
Weight: 120lbs. / ~54kg
Scars: One giant scar going down her back from left shoulder blade to right hip - a single swipe from a large grizzly bear she and her dad ran into on their property in Alaska. She still has the paw from the bear who nearly killed her and loves to brag about it.
Facial Features: Oval face, freckles all over, soft-Nubian nose, average-thick brows, big lips = big smiles :)
Tattoos: none (though Erick keeps pestering her about it)
Dogs or Cats? Dogs for all eternity. She has 2: a golden retriever named, Emily; a german shepard named, Vengeance. They’re the same age but she rescued them at different times.  
Birds or Nugs? birds cus she doesnt know wtf a nug even is???
Snakes or Spiders? snakes though she doesnt mind spiders as long as they stay in their spaces.
Coffee or Tea? bean water 
Ice Cream or Cake? ice cream. she likes to bite through it to freak out her friends.
Fruits or Vegetables? vegetables, as she grew up learning how to farm. Fruits can be too sugary for her if they’re from a Super Market. 
Sandwich or Soup? Soups, as they’re hearty and good for the soul <3
Magic or Melee? Why is ranged not a choice?? >:I
Sword or Bow? oh there it is! Bow if she had to choose, but if it ever were an option: Gun. Always Gun. Gunbow perhaps?
Summer or Winter? Evolved with the capabilities to survive Alaskan winters in shorts and a tank top in a cabin with no internal heating system.
Spring or Autumn? Spring brings out new life and that means new meat to hunt!
The Past or The Future? Preferably the future. She doesn't like to look back because for her, it’s more bad memories than good. 
Erick Rothstein 
Alias: just Erick. don't call him ‘Rick’. 
Gender: Male
Race: White
Nationality:  German-American immigrant
Age: 18 in AU; 45 in 2021
DOB: September 11th 1975
Species: Human
Zodiac: Virgo; Rabbit (Chinese)
Abilities/Talents: Beautiful singing voice; voice actor; bendable; double-jointed
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Agnostic if anything
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, German, Spanish (as far as high school Spanish goes)
Family: Conrad Rothstein (Father; Incarcerated); Fernanda Brandt (Mother; Incarcerated); Alvaro/Louie Rothstein Mitchell(Paternal Uncle; Disowned runaway); Joyce Mitchell (Aunt by marriage); Kimberly Mitchell (Cousin); Chad Mitchell (Cousin)
Friends: Trelane Powers; Donovan Ross
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other (ginger)
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5'10" / ~155cm
Weight: 155lbs. / ~70kg
Scars: Do mental scars count? He does have scars on his back and legs all from a leather strap used by his parents. A few scars where his left kidney used to be when he got stabbed in the 90s after exiting a gay bar.
Facial Features: Oval and firm face, still got baby fat in some areas even in his 30s (lol), traditional Germanic pointed nose™
Tattoos: none (but he does want to get matching ones w/ Trey)
Dogs or Cats? Cats 100% as he is deathly afraid of dogs as they were used to torment him as a child. He does make an exception for both of Trey’s dogs, Emily and Vengeance however. 
Birds or Nugs? tf is a nug?? Birds, he guesses.
Snakes or Spiders? Neither (same reason as dogs)
Coffee or Tea? coffee 80% of the time. He’ll save tea for when he’s sick and on really chilly nights.
Ice Cream or Cake? Cake. His teeth are far too sensitive for ice cream unless it’s in the form of ice cream bars.
Fruits or Vegetables? he’ll consume fruit for days. hates green vegetables, only likes the colorful ones.
Sandwich or Soup? both. likes small sandwiches to dip into hot soup. gooood shit.
Magic or Melee? if he can use magic to fashion himself a guitar out of existance, he’s sure to win the battle through sonnets.
Sword or Bow? Why the violence? :c Why cant we all sing together? (he’s a bard at heart if it wasn't clear enough)
Summer or Winter? Summer is nice and warm; winter is numb and cold :c
Spring or Autumn? Spring! Though he does love the color changes that Autumn brings. Not so much the beginning of chilled air though.
The Past or The Future? Past? what past? there is not passst hahaha only the future with friends and new family :’) 
Donovan Ross
Alias: Donny, Don, D-man, Ross (school faculty)
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Nationality:  American
Age: 21 in AU; 47 in 2021
DOB: August 1st 1973
Species: Human
Zodiac: Leo; Ox (Chinese)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Christianity 
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English
Family: James Ross (Father); Roberta Wilson (Mother); Trixie Ross (Sister)
Friends: Trelane Powers; Donovan Ross; Elaina Heckathorne (Girlfriend)
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other 
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair (but tanned) / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 6'2" / ~188cm
Weight: 164lbs. / ~74kg
Facial Features: baby fat all through childhood, then chiseled features with a square jaw in adult hood. Wide and slightly bulbous nose.
Tattoos: None
Dogs or Cats? Dogs, but only small or medium sized.
Birds or Nugs? uh, birds? the heck are nugs?
Snakes or Spiders? Neither!
Coffee or Tea? gotta be decafe, but either works
Ice Cream or Cake? why isnt pie an option? :c
Fruits or Vegetables? Veggies. He has to be careful w/ fruits cus he’s allergic to most citrus fruits and bananas.
Sandwich or Soup? A nice, big, fat sandwich to fill ‘er up B)
Magic or Melee? Magic. As big and athletic he seems, he’s more into using his brains than brawn.
Sword or Bow? Short sword if nothing else, maybe even a dagger as he can just pull it out quickly for some fast jabbing action.
Summer or Winter? despite being born in the dead of summer, he’s a wintery boy
Spring or Autumn? Autumn for the same reason as a lot of people. Loves the changes in both color and the air.
The Past or The Future? He always looks forward to a brighter future, but is fond of looking back on his past. He’s made some really good memories with the people he’s met. :) 
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fatummortem · 5 years
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FULL NAME.   He doesn’t have one, he chose to throw it away the moment he was disowned the first time. NICKNAME.  Aki, Daken GENDER. Male HEIGHT. 5′9″ AGE.  73 years (physically looks about 23) SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, Chinese, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, Kana, ASL
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.   Black EYE COLOR. Blue SKIN TONE.   Fair/Olive BODY TYPE.   Lean, Athletic, Muscular VOICE.   Daken’s a master manipulator so he can change the tone, sound & accent if he needss or wants to. His voice also softens when he’s speaking to his sister’s (& either slightly softens or is husky when around Alec or Rictor) DOMINANT HAND.   Ambidextrous POSTURE.   Refuses to hunch over, cause/relaxed/lazy in some instances. his posture can go from a predatory animal stalking his prey to a suave & smooth charmer. SCARS.  Daken only has scars when his healing factor isn’t working or is malfunctioning, once it’s in full working order they vanish. TATTOOS.  Daken has a tribal dragon tattoo that scales the length of his left arm, coils over half of his chest & back, & tucks beneath his waistband. (I don’t like the newer one, so I use the oriiginal) BIRTHMARKS.   None. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  He has a tattoo, which upon first glance seems odd considering his healing factor, but the reason tattoos stay in the first place is that the ink is too big for his body's natural healing processes to remove. (Tattoo removal is using lasers to break up the ink into process-able size.) The much more peculiar fact about his tattoo is that it somehow manages to heal when his skin is destroyed.
      Two retractable bone claws on the hand; one retractable bone claw on the undersides of his wrists, unliike the other’s in his family his claws are black. Black nail polish (or that’s just his nail colour. i always wonder bcuz his claws are black. so my daken’s nails are always black)
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Jasmine Falls, Japan HOMETOWN.   Unknown SIBLINGS.  Laura (half sister/clone of logan) & Gabby (half sister/clone of laura) Kinney, Kouen (half-brother),Bellona, X23_3PAR, Zelda, six unnamed clones (clones of laura/half-sisters, most of them are deceased), Erista, William Downing (aka Gunhawk), Saw Fist, Cannon Foot (half -brothers that are all dead), Shadowstalker, Fire Knives (dead half sisters), Amiko Kobayashi (foster sister), a brother from a different earth... (lesson: Logan needs to use condoms), there’s a new sister somewhere but i haven’t read it.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.   Crime Lord trying to stop, Self Discovery CURRENT RESIDENCE.   He drifts around all over the world but he’s been staying closer to his sisters of late CLOSE FRIENDS.  Y’know that’s a good question. Does siblings or peeps he’s dating in different universes count?? Johnny Storm would work i think... RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single/Dating FINANCIAL STATUS.   Comfortably Rich & continuing to get comfier. That boy knows how to con people outta money and invest said money for himself DRIVER’S LICENSE.   A few different ones & passports. CRIMINAL RECORD. He used to get other’s to take the fall for his crimes, those that he wasn’t locked up at Xavier’s school or y’know Logan killing him. do those count? VICES. Wine, Fashion, Manipulation, Lack of Impulse Control, Drugs, High stakes games, Self-destructing & making people hate/love him
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Bisexual or Polysexual, y’know I can’t really pick but he hates labels for himself so he’d probs just be however he wants to be PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.   submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch   LIBIDO. High (from other’s perfection), Low (isn’t truly interested unless there’s a lot of natural chemistry, then it goes back to high) TURN ON’S. To most other’s views: anything. Truly: Pain, giving pain, a good banter, fighting certain people, Fashion. What always works: Powerful People or People w/ a lot of Power in their own right TURN OFF’S.  Judgmental People, Purifiers, Perfect people... There a long list I’ll have to sit down the about it more. But the biggest turn off is: Being Compared to Logan or referred to as Logan in any way shape of form, certain people from his past, being made less than he is LOVE LANGUAGE.   Being a Master Manipulator, he can switch between any various language of love literally or metaphorically. It’s normally easier for him when he’s playing a long game.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  I only really know that 100% for his relationships that weren’t entirely real or were actually long games, as i don’t write those I’m not gunna list ‘em.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. Right now I’m feeling I feel like I’m Drawning by Two Feet. Mainly for his current inner struggle. Tho he probs wouldn’t show it. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Reading books, Learning languages, Fashion!, Getting fashion, convincing designers to make him fashion, not wearing a shirt(it’s a hobby shush), causing extra extra drama, Collecting Paintings- Modern & realistic, Collecting power: for himself or making friends with power LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Left PHOBIAS.  Failure, being alone, Romulus  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  daken normally seems to have a high self confidence, though in certain areas of life, where he doesn’t have much experience in the matter, he as fairly little of it. Though he only lets it show around certain people VULNERABILITIES.   Heat, his sisters (laura & gabby), those he’s in a relationship, Logan & Romulus probably have him freak out in similar fashion. Tho he’s one to manipulate the situation than fall prey to it... unless it’s logan or romulus apparently, emotional state. 
tagged by : Stolen from: @scouscr
tagging : @dementedspeedster, @deborahmorgna, @earthtrembled, @wereallmuseshere, @theredwonder, @cardshcrp & anyone else who wants ta.
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lazerbeamzlifeblog · 7 years
i have so many problems
ok i had so many things to spill but as soon as i logged onto here, it all seemed to disappear and i have a vague idea of what i was going to talk about but i’ll try my best. 
i am bi. there, i said it. i know, i live in a generation which is so much more accepting than it was before. but, my parents weren’t. and they aren’t easily moved to change, they take from what they learned from their parents. and i just feel so trapped. i’ve been grappling with my sexuality for so long and now it’s starting to eat me alive. i want to come out. but i can’t. i can come out to anyone but i feel like i’ll only be truly free is when i can tell my parents. my parents are super catholic and they are fine with anyone else being gay but their own family, i am 99% sure they would disown me and not talk to me anymore and/or even worse, feel disappointed in me and try to shame me to “change.” i can’t change obviously. so, i just slowly grew to hate myself, wishing i wasn’t gay and just straight and not think about boys in that way. it’s been two years since i discovered my orientation. and i did think about this ever since. i thought i would be okay, that i could deal with being in the closet until i die. but it’s starting to hurt me more often now. and i just watched the beautiful film “Call Me by Your Name” which just broke me. 
SPOILERS TO FOLLOW (I’ll say when it ends)
Elio fell in love with Oliver and it was so beautiful and it was so tragic in the end when Oliver told him he was engaged and Elio is just staring into the fire crying while the world around him moves on. And his dad was so supportive of him and Elio experienced heartbreak so fully.
Basically, if you avoided the spoilers, I’ll just draw some specific themes to explain my situation. I want to experience love like in the film. I want my heart to be broken like in the film. But I can’t if I can’t even live in the way that I truly am. I can’t date boys knowing I would have to hide him from my parents. And then eventually the boy would realize he couldn’t be with someone who couldn’t freely show his affection in front of his parents or not even show him to his parents and he would leave me. And I’ll always be alone. 
My best friend moved away. She moved away to Oregon because of her family. We’ve been friends for 10 years. We talked about how breaks between semesters we could try to fly one of us to whichever and spend time there. But now thinking it realistically, I doubt it would happen. Will we even still talk to each other by then? Will she forget me? I will never forget her but I don’t know if she will do the same for me. And it scares me and saddens me how “normal” it is to say goodbye to people you shared things you hardly share to anyone and then after some time, you can just forget them and find a new friend to replace them. Like people are disposable. That hurts so much to think about. 
I doubt I will find anyone like her. Cos you see, I have depression. Well, I think I do. I’ve never seen a therapist even though I really want to. I talked about this with her. Feeling sad when I have nothing to be sad about but also being sad due to so many problems I have like I explained before with not being completely true to who I am. I just feel so empty. I’ve been depressed since I was 15. I feel so sad over so many things that I can fix but I don’t because it requires me to get mercilessly murdered in the solution.  I also thought I could just deal with being depressed until I die also but it’s starting to eat me alive as well. I now just want to stop being depressed. I can’t take it anymore. That might be easier to confess to my parents. But, then I realize I can’t control myself in front of a therapist. I’ll divulge everything including my sexuality and then I’m going to ruin everything and destroy everyone and everything in my path. So, I stay quiet and silent and pretend that everything is fine. I do a good job of it. 
I’ve been thinking about killing myself for the past year. I would look up online about it and watch videos explaining suicide and testimonials of “survivors” or people who had to go through it for someone they loved who offed themselves. I would do it by taking a shitload of pills and just keep taking them until I go unconscious. But I can’t kill myself either. I don’t want to fuck up my parents for a lifetime. It breaks my heart just imagining what they would go through if I did. So, I just have to suffer. There is nothing I can do. I thought I could kill myself when they die but, how long will that be? 20, 30 more years? 30 more years I have to endure suffering? And even then, I think it’ll be too late to express myself truly. I’ll be 50. I’ll be old and ugly. Who finds love at 50? 
I tried to find ways to cope. I write. But it’s starting to not feel enough. I listen to music, it’s still not enough. I want to cut myself but I just feel queasy thinking about picking up a blade and the blood. I want to smoke. I bought cigarettes just to hold them since I can’t smoke them or I’ll be caught, I know I will. I am naive to this so I will make a mistake and get caught somehow. I want to drink. Can’t do that either, I’ll get caught also.
I feel so trapped by my parents. They love me so much but it’s a little too much at times. I want to transfer to UCF but it’s 2 hours away so I would have to live there and they want me to live at home so I applied for UNF which is much closer but not where I want to go to. I can’t do anything without telling them exactly where I am going, with who, and what time. And I can’t stay out late like everyone else. I would have to be back home at like 10PM. And I always have to pick up my brother and watch him while doing schoolwork and working at the same time. And there is so much to do and I don’t want to hold on anymore. 
I can’t even talk to anyone about this. No one cares enough, no one picks up the phone, I can’t talk to my parents about this. The only way I can have some form of relief from my thoughts is typing it out and even after this, I’m still going to be so fucking depressed. 
Sometimes I think I was just born to suffer. Now, I think that all the time. I have so many problems and I can’t solve any of them. I can solve any problem at college but I can’t solve the ones that truly matter. I can’t live as I truly am and I am dying. I just want to die already. I hope I’ll die soon. Since I can’t kill myself, I’ll just wait for death. 
25. December. 2017 LF
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